#avery's reviews
xo-zozo · 2 months
TGG REVEIW *spoilers*
[ “sometimes, in the games that matter most, the only to really play is to live.” ]
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i’m so happy that this book finally came out, i had been looking forward to it for the past year!! and as always, jlb did not disappoint. it was so fun to see all of the dynamics between the new characters and the old ones.
first and foremost, here were some of the bad things. i had no idea why grayson was playing in the game? like it made zero sense to me why he would need to, even if her didn’t participate in making the puzzles. he was an a lot better person in this book though so im thankful for that. i did enjoy reading this book but at the same time, i kinda wished that there was more things out of the escape room and moments with out the riddles because it felt REALLY jam packed with them.
but on the lighter side, i loved all of the new characters in this book and the little things that we got to see of the old ones. the riddles and puzzles were fun, and the setting was also really interesting to me. it is absolutely insane to me how jlb manages to connect things that happened in her other books with this one and somehow make it all make sense when it comes down to it.
i thought that romances in this book were actually pretty good. one of my favorites was savannah and rohan, but i’m also excited to see how gigi’s romantic life plays out. and as always, avery and jameson served as always and everytime they were mentioned, i got super duper excited because they’re cuties and i love them. and of course, lyra and grayson were pretty good but i was expecting a lot more than what we got.
lyra kane - so, on tumblr she was very hyped up and i have never really played into that because i didn’t have strong feelings about this character that we didn’t know. and now that i’ve read the book, i still have a lot of the same opinions on her and i mainly predicted how i would feel about her. although she was a good character and i did like her, she just didn’t feel like anything special to me? but that’s just a personal preference and i know that a lot of people d9 like her. A LOT.
grayson hawthorne - a lot of people know this as well, but i’m not a huge fan of grayson. and although a lot of the things i felt about him still stand, i did like him a lot more in this book than i did in the other ones. being with lyra must’ve just been really refreshing for him. he was just a lot more open than usual.
gigi grayson - as always i LOVE this girl. she’s so sweet and she genuinely reminds me of myself. (annoying in the best way possible) i’m so interested in where her story is going, especially because of all the new people in this book that she got to meet.
savannah grayson - oh. my. gosh. she’s literally my wife, but at the same time, the part at the end where she says that’s she’s gonna expose avery and the hawthornes for killing her dad was insane. i think she’s in the wrong for that but i’m excited to see where this is going.
rohan - all of the brothers hawthorne i HATED this man. the whole time i was like “who does this guy think he is” but i literally loved him this book, he was so flirty and sassy and it was great.
odette morales - she is my QUEEN she was more iconic than lyra could ever be… im being totally honest. her whole thing with tobias and alice was one of the most crazy things ever and im so excited to see where that goes too.
avery grambs - i have ALWAYS loved this woman, but she was serving even harder than in the other series in this book. the way that she was described was djejenhdehd. this made me even more excited for games untold in november.
jameson hawthorne - my man is always the best and he’s just the best. he’s always so sweet to avery in these books and it brings me joy.
knox - i don’t have any strong feelings about him… but yk excited to see what’s happening with him.
brady - same with knox… there’s a lot of things i’m interested in but i don’t have a lot to say about him.
[ “beside avery, jameson was looking at her like she was the sun and the moon and the stars and eternity, all rolled into one.” ] IM SAT.
[ “at sixteen, lyra had watched and rewatched that interview more times than she wanted to admit.” ] IM CRYING LAUGHING HELP
[ “my symptoms include a tightness in my jaw, increased heart rate, and a desire to use foul language in particularly creative combinations” ] ODETTE MY QUEEN 💋
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starrynightsxo · 5 months
jameson hawthorne, you have had 3 interactions with the main character, HOW ARE YOU ALREADY IN MY WALLS???
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First off, I want to say that I liked this more than I expected. I don't usually vibe with spin-offs, I just don't like it when I get attached to characters amd then they become side characters in the next book, but this book surprised me in a good way
Let's unpack the characters:
Lyra: Don't come for me, but I must admit that I expected more from Lyra's character. Don't get me wrong, I still like her, but it was a little disappointing. Maybe a reason for it is that her POV wasn't as packed with action as the other characters' POVs, but either way, she has potential, so I'm having hope for Glorious Rivals. I don't know if I want her to win the game, because on one hand, hse deserves it, but the other hand, I really want Rohan to win
Gigi: her character hit very close to home, but in a good way. I saw myself in her, specifically tye dedication and the way no matter what she does she's never the best, the way she thought she was too much, which is also a reason why I was just as hurt at the end of the book. I was very sad when she got eliminated from the game, she was the third person I was rooting for (the first being Rohan, the second Lyra) and I know she was using the game as a way to prove to herself and the others that she is good enough, and I know from experience the devastation that comes when you fail. I really hope we have her POV in the next book, too, because I NEED to know why they kidnapped specifically her and how she's going to escape
Rohan: I didn't like him in The Brothers Hawthorne, but I LOVE him here. He was flirty and sassy and clever and I really enjoyed reading his perspective. I'm kind of disappointed that we didn't see much about his past, his POV was mostly focused on the game, unlike Gigi and Lyra, who we got to see as teenagers with trauma, but we got some crumbs, so I hope we get to see more of it in the next book. I really want him to win the game, because as much as I dislike the concept of the Mercy, it's the only live he has, he doesn't even have a last name outside of it. I don't know if I want him to decide that such lifestyle isn't good for him and attempt to start over, or deal with it, because the Mercy is a part of him, so for now both options work for me
Grayson: I have to admit, out of the good characters in the other books, he was my least favourite. I believe that there are two kinds of relatable characters - 1) the type that makes you feel seen, so you love them and 2) the type that points out all of your flaws and insecurities, so you dislike them. For me, Grayson is the second kind. In this book, however, it's obvious that character development has been done and I actually liked him. I still don't get why they decided to make him a player, what are they planning with this? And isn't the point of the game to give money to someone who needs it, why would they give him the chance for it and lessen the chances for winning of the other players? I really hope they explain it in the next book
Brady: I felt something was off with him from the very beginning, but I still fell for his lies and everything. It was exactly what Gigi needed to hear, and if I'm being honest, what I needed to hear, so I didn't see the traps. I spent a huge part of the book fighting with myself about him, because some part of me wanted him to be Gigi's love interest, while another part said that he's too good to be true and that's exactly what it was. I felt Gigi's hurt at the end of the book, especially when he accepted to continue the game, even when most of the game was solved by Gigi (who I applaud for the choice to accept her loss, even though I think she should've accepted the extra chance). I figured out that he wasn't what we thought he was around the time of the power cut off, I felt that he was going to betray her, and even though he didn't exactly do that, I still think there's more to him than what we know now and I highly doubt it's good
Knox: I had complicated feelings about him the entire time, up until the end. Part of the negative feelings about him were cause by the comparison with Brady and, now that I know who Brady is, I think the positive feelings overruled. He was just cautious and I think Gigi grew on him at the end. I really hope we see more of him in the next book, there's still a lot of stuff about him left unanswered
Odette: I think she's the only player beside the POV characters and Grayson that I actually trusted and turned out to be right. She was kind of just there, though the whole thing with Tobias was a juicy secret. I'm still caught on the questions she didn't answer though
Savannah (help, it autocorrected it to Satan, I'm dying): She's on thin ice. She already wasn't one of my favourites, but the whole revenge thing isn't doing her good. I admit that I'm biased, Avery is my favourite character in the whole saga. I'm pretty sure that Eve told her (because where else could she find that information? We also know that Eve was planning to contact her in the epilogue of TBH), so she might not know the whole story, so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. She has chances to get on my good side in the next book, but for now I'm 50-50 about her
Avery and the rest of the Hawthornes were iconic as always
The relationships:
Lyra and Grayson: It's definitely a very cute ship and it's going somewhere, but I expected it to be more interesting. I loved the dinamic and banter in the beginning, but things got a little bit boring as the book progressed. Still, it has SO MUCH potential and I hope we see more of them in the next book. For some reason, they didn't feel like the main ship. I don't know why. Maybe because we got multiple POVs and all relationships are kind of main, but I felt like they aren't the main ship, just how Lyra didn't really feel like the protagonist (because, correct me if I'm wrong, the protagonist is one, the character who has the most page time, even if there are multiple main/lead characters). I didn't track how much page time each character/relationship got, but even if they did get them most, it doesn't really feel like it. Honestly, I was expecting them to be more angsty. Maybe part of my expectations for them was the fandom and predictions before it came out (which is still weird ,because I purposely distanced myself from lyrason posts to avoid disappointment but oh well). I'm still not giving up on them, though, I liked them a lot!
Savannah and Rohan: they were probably my favourite ship from this book. THE TENSION!!! I was squealing every time Rohan called her love. Honestly, I was squealing every time Rohan. Period. I was thinking "kiss, kiss, kiss, KISS MFs" the entire time. As of nicknames, I loved "love" and I find "British" cute (even though I've seen many people say they don't like it), but idk what to think about "Savvy". Because, it was fun while he used it to annoy her, but it's kinda cringe when it became an actual nickname. Either way, I LOVE how smitten Rohan was the entire time. Like, they're solving a riddle and he's like "Savannah is another riddle, wait, FOCUS, but Savannah, FOCUS" it was adorable. I really enjoyed watching him lose his shit internally every time they touched. The scene with him brushing her hair is officially my favourite from the whole book, it's embarrassing how much I'm obsessed with it
Gigi and Brady: I spent some time thinking that he was the love interest, but as I said, he was too good to be true. And even before the reveal, I was still doubting it, because Slate was already mentioned and he called her "sunshine", so obviously, I, being a sucker for nicknames, lost it. I spent most of this book rooting for Gigi and Brady, but now I think it's unfair to her. Even if what he said to her about his brain liking A lot and the other stuff, he admits that he still loves Calla (who btw, what is the whole thing with her??? We were teased about it the entire book and we got nothing!), so it's AveryGrayson all over again, but worse, because Brady did it all intentionally. Now, I'm really hoping that I'm correct about Slate being the actual love interest and I hope we see more of Gigi and Slate in the next book, because it sounds promising
The AveryJameson crumbs were SO CUTE
Now, some specific plot points:
What was the power cut about??? I'm still confused and concerned about what happened while the power was off
Wtf does Eve want???
The whole thing with Alice is kinda confusing, but so very interesting, I need to know more about it
What's the whole thing with Calla about???
All in all, I enjoyed this book a lot. I'm excited for the next book and I hope my questions get answered
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su4vz · 19 days
can somebody tag me if they find the fan art of lyra’s dress (I came across one here but quickly scrolled since I didn’t want spoilers)
Maybe Gigi’s and Savannah’s too
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wish-i-were-heather · 2 months
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gambit-blogs · 2 months
The Grandest Game
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8 more days
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ducktracy · 1 year
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if asked to think about a golden age cartoon featuring an onslaught of celebrity caricatures, no doubt Hollywood Steps Out is the one short that pops into the minds of most people. it boasts an endearing irony of having both suffered from obsolescence (which proved troublesome even for the 1948 reissue, cutting numerous scenes and cameos—more about that in the review) and standing the test of time for its memorability and impressive art direction. one of Tex Avery’s most visually impressive shorts to date, the cartoon offers a lot to explore even today, whether it be cut content or the simplicity of “who the heck is this?”
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andreai04 · 6 months
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It was starting to sink in that for the rest of my life, the people I met, the people I became close to—there would always be a chance that they saw me as a payout.
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riddles-n-games · 7 months
I don't know how my brain hasn't rotted yet but I had another thought on Rohan. Specifically him and Zella. At the end of the Game, when Jameson and his uncle returned from their little heart-to-heart, Rohan and Zella have a little bickering match. The duchess implies that she has been chosen by the Proprietor to run the Game the following year. Now, you can see that Rohan gets somewhat standoffish about that and Zella states that he isn't his boss's only choice. In this scene, I'm immediately taken back to The Inheritance Games when Grayson was butting heads with Avery after he found out she was his grandfather's heiress.
Throughout The Brothers Hawthorne, where Rohan is concerned, it's implied that he's the second in command, the Factotum, the unofficial heir apparent. However, the problem is, like Grayson, he was never actually named heir apparent officially and he was still being tested to prove his worth. Unlike Grayson, he did have competition to assert himself to that position and in fact, who knows if the Proprietor would have picked him as the sole heir anyways? His boss could have easily led him on, much like Tobias did to his own grandson.
Going back to Gray, let's be clear, I honestly don't think any of his brothers expressed a want for the inheritance money; Jameson was only riling him up, Nash said he wasn't after it, and Xander already had his millions worth in crypto. The only real people who would have any use of Gray inheriting would be his mother, mostly so she could rub it in Zara's face. The competition he faced as a child with his brothers were for different reasons and it was intended to make the boys be the best, but that doesn't automatically translate to the heir to the inheritance. It was more who was going to be known as the best Hawthorne which is what made the brothers so competition oriented. And let's be honest, Gray would have been a great leader but I think what Avery ended up doing with the money helped him view things differently.
Now, reverting to Rohan again, he kept acting as if he was in control of every situation (sound like someone we know?) and tried to appear as unaffected as possible. He also challenged when he felt in question of his position, much like Grayson interrogated Avery at every turn until she ultimately gained his respect. But, that's not what Rohan's going through and maybe Gray accepted where he was at and is slowly reconvening to a place where he can be in control of his future now that the original has been torn to shreds, however, the Factotum is still in a place of shifting power. He still holds a position and has the chance to get what he's working towards but still, that might not happen. This is what could be revealed as to how he gets into the Grandest Game.
As much as Rohan can be viewed as a mirror Jameson, he also shares a lot in common with Grayson and as you can see, their stories are very similar. I think that the reason we'll be getting him as a player in TGG is because he either set out to prove himself in a different way to the Proprietor or he set out to do this for himself because he knows his worth and can achieve more by winning this game. Maybe this is his moment to actually detach from the Devil's Mercy because he realized that it was never going to give him more even after all the time he spent there doing all he could to show he deserves the position. And isn't that something we can all relate to? It's scary letting go of what you've known for so long but knowing you've proved yourself even if others can't see that is sometimes enough to move on to something better, something more fulfilling.
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gorogues · 7 months
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Spoilers for Speed Force #4!
You can see some preview pages here.
It seems that Fiddler did indeed learn a fair bit of stuff from his online courses, so maybe it wasn't as much of a grift as I'd assumed. He worked hard, at least, alongside a mysterious "fellow Rogue" called "Mod" that I don't know if we're supposed to recognize. He might be a new character with a villainous backstory, or maybe he's an obscure established character with a makeover and perhaps a nickname. Either way, Mod has cozied up to Fiddler and seems like he might be subtly manipulating him for his own ends, so I wouldn't be surprised if Isaac gets betrayed and we learn he wasn't the true power behind Symphonee. And Music Meister seems to be in cahoots with Mod; I wonder if it's possible for Music Meister to control another music-based mind controller like Fiddler, or if they'd each be unable to affect the other?
Happy!Fiddler is weirdly adorable, and I can't help but root for him even though he's up to no good. And speaking of no good, it looks like Cadence also attended the Stagg online classes, so she's clearly got something planned and likely interned at TerrificTech in pursuit of that. Any aspiring villain would want to get their hands on that tech.
I have to wonder what this issue's got against Mark/Marco, because he just keeps getting name-dropped in negative ways :> Why does Music Meister hate him so much, is it his taste in music? I wouldn't mind seeing a minor gang war between the Rogues and some semi-related outsider villains like Music Meister over turf or personal conflicts, and then other semi-related outsider villains like Fiddler or Razer or whoever might have to choose sides. That could be a fun future story, especially if this series continues beyond the first storyline.
Anyway, it's a fun issue for the villains and gives us some insight into Avery's and Wallace's complicated personal feelings, so I thought it was pretty good. The story arc started kind of roughly, but has gotten a lot better over the past few issues, IMO.
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It's short wait for her at Harper's office, as always. The doctor is surprisingly accomodating whenever she stops by, and Avery isn't sure if it's the money talking or something else that makes her so cooperative. This makes all interactions with the good doctor so very uncomfortable.
"How have you been?" Harper asks, smiling pleasantly. She has one of those unsettlingly calm faces. It might be comforting for something else, but to Avery it's like a still lake. Probably swarming with bacteria and parasites, that is.
"Fine." Avery is always curt to her, albeit polite. "I just want my prescription. I have work today until later, and i'm all out of my medicine."
"On a sunday?" Harper's eyebrows shoot up. "My, that must be stressful."
"You're also working on a sunday." Avery points out, with a hint of a frown on her face.
"Yes, but i like my job." Harper gives her another one of those unnerving, placid smiles.
Avery doesn't like the implication of her words, but she keeps quiet. She needs to stay on the doctor's good side, at least until she gets another supplier.
"And you're in luck." Harper says, getting up to grab something in a cabinet behind her desk. "I've just gotten samples of your prescription, so you don't even need to go to the pharmacy."
She holds out two little bottles of pills, unlabeled, unlicensed opiates. Likely stronger than the stuff she could buy anywhere else. Avery can't help but get a bit excited to feel that high again, as her tolarance built up over the years.
"That's nice." Avery smiles carefully. "How much?"
"Because it's you... I guess £20000 will do." Harper decides. "A discount for a regular. So?"
"Hey, that's steep." Avery frowns, but Harper seems completely unfazed, as always.
"You can always just grab the usual." Harper shrugs, setting the bottles down on her desk, then getting in front of them as she leans back on her desk. "Ah, i hate to see you looking so sad. I can give you a prescription for the pharmacy for the same price as always, or..."
"Or?" Avery raises an eyebrow at the doctor. She doesn't like her tone, but if it's a good offer...
"You can help me with research, and i'll dock the price." Harper's smile widens a bit as she says it. "Answer some questions for me, and i can do it for around... £15000. What do you say?"
Avery has blinks a little. That big of a discount, just for answering some questions? It had to have a catch, but... The temptation of something that could give her a decent high was too strong.
"Okay, fine, but make it quick. I have work." Avery hurriedly replies, and Harper's claps once like a little kid.
"Okay, great! Let me just..." The doctor turns and grabs a clipboard and pen from her desk, scribbling something on the paper. "Whenever you're ready."
"Let's get this over with already." Impatient, Avery has to hold back from rolling her eyes at the pretense of profissionalism.
"Right, first question. What drugs do you usually take?" Harper asks, and as Avery shoots her a glare, she explains. "Drug is an umbrella term that describes medicines, too, as i'm sure you know. I'm not implying anything here, miss Avery, please don't be offended."
"You know that already, then." Avery huffs, but Harper just chuckles a little.
"For the purposes of research, i can't assume anything about the subjects. Now, if you'd be kind to tell me..." She insists.
"God, fine." Avery reluctantly lists them, by brand rather than name, to emphasize their legal status just in case that file falls in the wrong hands. Harper seems a bit amused by this, but doesn't comment on it.
"You smoke, correct?" Harper asks, and Avery takes a moment before nodding.
"Just occasionally." She adds, making Harper shoot her a look. Whatever, she didn't need to prove anything.
"What about alcohol?" Harper continues.
"...Socially." Avery replies, and Harper sets down the clipboard.
"Miss Avery, i know i said i shouldn't assume anything about the subjects, but i'd like it if you were truthful." Harper almost sounds like she's begging, and Avery hates that it could work if she didn't know better. "Don't worry, nobody else is going to see this, and your name won't be on it. It's... Personal research."
Avery lets out a loud sigh as she looks away from Harper's pleading eyes.
"Fine, yes, i do drink more than socially, but i'm not an alcoholic or something! Put that down exactly like that!" Avery half-growls, her impatience getting the best of her, and she hates even more that Harper seems pleased by that.
As Harper takes her time writing, Avery looks at the watch on her wrist. She'll run late if the good doctor doesn't pick up her pace.
"Are we done?" Avery asks, not bothering to hide her irritation anymore.
"Two more questions." Harper grins at her. "Do you often mix alcohol and your usual drugs?"
"...Sometimes, so what? You said it'd be fine if the dosing was on the low side." Avery grumbles.
"It's usually fine, don't worry." Harper shakes her head. "Last question, how do you usually feel when you do that?"
She stares at Avery intensely, making her feel even more reluctant to answer.
"I feel fine." Avery replies, but Harper doesn't even bother writing it down. She wants details, clearly. "I don't know, i feel relaxed, my head feels lighter for a moment. Is that what you want to know?"
"A little more, if you will." There's a glint of something in Harper's eyes that Avery can't quite discern, maybe just a sick curiosity, or maybe something more dangerous.
"I... I get drunk easier. I guess. I suppose it makes me more willing to get drunk." Avery says, hoping that will satisfy the doctor, but she keeps staring behind her pink-tinted glasses, expecting even more. "Sometimes when i fall sleep like that and wake up i don't remember much, but it feels like a really good night's sleep."
Harper nods and quickly scribbles something, as Avery starts to tap her foot on the floor unconsciously, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. When Harper looks at her again, there's an intensity in her gaze that wasn't there before.
"I have another offer to make." Harper says, her grin widening as she reached for the bottle behind her. "If you take one of those right now, i'll give you another £5000 discount."
Avery feels a chill run down her spine, something telling her that this would be a bad idea. The alarm on her phone goes off and warns her that lunch break is over, and she can't thank herself enough for setting it up earlier.
"No, i'm already late." She gets up, and Harper's smile fades a little. "I'll just pay for the samples, thank you."
Before she even finishes speaking, the money is already out of her wallet and being shoved in Harper's direction, but the doctor takes an awfully long time before reaching for the bank notes. There's an almost forlorn look on her face as she hands Avery the bottles.
"Next time i might make some ajustments." Harper says, sounding a bit defeated, though Avery knows it means it might get more expensive. Her smile is back shortly after, though. "Please tell me if it's any good."
"Yeah, yeah, i'll be in touch, thank you." Avery can't hide her relief to have ended that crazy negotiation.
The doctor's eyes fixate on her back as she leaves the office and closes the door maybe a bit too forcefully. It occurred to her, maybe a bit too late, that this might entice Harper's curiosity even more. With a shiver, she hoped that those little pills were enough to stop her from having nightmares about prodding, curious little needles and scalpels reaching for her forehead, trying to pick her head open like Harper always tried to do.
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montfortfreak · 8 months
My new favorite book dynamic is “ I hate you and we’re both miserable so let’s be miserable together”
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starrynightsxo · 5 months
(reblog if y'all wanna chat COS OMG ITS SO GOOD I CANT)
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abbyreadsalot · 2 months
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The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I absolutely LOVED this book. Everything about it was so well written and the characters all were so interesting. JLB really knew what she was doing with the riddles and complexities behind the Hawthorne family. I absolutely love our fmc Avery in this book as well as all of the brothers. Whatever I have said about not loving love triangles in the past is now a lie, that all changed for me in this book. This book had me gasping and “oh my god”-ing out loud so often. I didn’t ever want to put it down!
I recommend this book to literally everyone, my partner who isn’t a reader was super invested in this plot!
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Book Review
Entry 1
The Inheritance Games saga
Okay, I discovered this gem of a series in 2022-23, and honestly this series was one of the best I've ever read. It in cooperated all the aspects of a mystery, interest-catching, and intriguing plot. The book follows a teenager, Avery Grambs, who goes from rags to riches when out of the blue, a deceased billionaire leaves her his whole fortune of 46.2 billion. To acquire this fortune, all Avery has to do is spend a year in the Hawthorne house - which is home to people who might or might not have malicious intent of killing the young Heiress. And not to mention the dead billionaire's four very charming grandsons- and a love triangle.
Although, I loved the puzzles, the mysteries and riddles, along with its fast pacing, I would say the ending wasn't quite fulfilling. For me, it was amazing, but I still felt as though it wasn't sufficient- for all they went through in the earlier books.
Anyway, I was honestly hooked on this whole series. The plot twists and the cliffhangers were top-notch.
This is the type of book which I'd 100% recommend to my fellow mystery lovers.
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mystcldydrms · 11 months
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the inheritance games series - jennifer lynn barnes
the inheritance games 5 ⭐️ the hawthorne legacy 4.75 ⭐️ the final gambit 5⭐️
I absolutely loved this young adult series. a must-read if you're into solving mysteries and crazy plot twists. it was nerve-racking, exciting, happy, sad and so much more. I will definitely re-read it at some point.
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