archesa · 2 years
secrets ask game! :D have four of them: lucius and 4, elianora and 5, galaed and 6, and anwen and 1? @kerra-and-company
Some secrets for my kiddos!! These took longer to figure out than I though but I hope they are worth the wait 😉
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4 - a secret exactly one person knows anything about, for Lucius :
He's confided Elianora that, as frustrated as he was, he was also incredibly relieved not to be the one to kill Joko.
With the Lich dead, his family’s crusade is accomplished and the Primeval kings and queens can rest in peace but if he was willing to carry their legacy and see their vengeance to completion, he was not sure he was willing to shoulder the mantle of Hero of Elona.
5 - a secret no one knows about but they sort of want to come out/to tell someone for Elianora:
She's never told anyone where and why she disappeared, after Wintersday. Kas and Jory may have suspected how devastated she was after Maguuma, but even they couldn’t fathom how deep she was sinking in her own grief and how her pilgrimage to restore Caladbolg healed her as much as the sword. She never told anyone — not even Ridhais who guided her on that path — what she saw in her visions that saved her from drowning.
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6 - a secret no one knows and they desperately don't want anyone to know about for Galaëd :
The reason why Caladbolg withers and blossoms, seemingly at its own volition, sometimes forcing him to use it as a sword or even a dagger rather than a greatsword. The reason is a newborn fernhound quietly walking Tyria beside an old friend.
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1 - an open secret for Anwen :
That her first and foremost loyalty is to her loved ones, Trahearne, Meryw, Aurene, Dragon's Watch, the protectors of Tyria.
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