#avaa story
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a-very-anxious-artist · 10 months ago
jesus fucking christ if i had just met you before they had gotten to you and turned you into some werid horny man because i think i i would have liked you more. Theres a universe out there somewhere wheren we met early in life and i was your first and your last and you wouldn't need me like this youd need me not my body and you say you dont but that has always been on your goddamn mind even from the very beeginning you act like you were born like this but i guarantee that you weren't and that you became like this because of that goddamn eighth grader on that goddamn bus all those years ago corrupting A SMALL KID BECAUSE HE THOUGHT THAT TALKING ABOUT THAT IN PUBLIC WAS OKAY and there will alwaays. always. be a part of me that hates you and who you are and how you use me though you dont know you do and will forever deny that you did
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yearningaces · 6 months ago
... So uh
I understand my current want story wise and it's nothing sexual as always, but idk if it's wholesome either ...
But how many stories have the villain, the monster offer a hand out to the heroine, the hero? 'Join me, leave them, we can rule together!'
Is no one else tempted by that? No? Just me?
What if I say the villain is a creature of eldritch domain? That when they extend their palm to the sky, eyes open across the cosmos, that they are the ancient evil held at bay by sticks and twine and are freed by you.
Because you're the underdog of your team of heroes. You, the one that everyone feels they have to look after. You're still helping people, if anything more ernest than those you work with.
But in your frustration over being overlooked, you leave into the twisted forest that always seems to welcome you with overcast skies and curving shadows.
Your team is scared of this place. They say it feels unwelcoming.
You, however, have not once, not twice, but over a dozen times fell asleep out there. No bugs to crawl over you, no birds to swoop over, no animals at all really. Yes, it's strange, but in a way it feels safe, and the very ground seems to soften under you each time you sit back against a tree that feels more like a bed than hard dead bark.
Only today while exploring, you find a cavern opening. And something draws you down, the alarm bells in your head soothed by something unknown as if silenced.
The cavern leads into a chamber, massive and dark. Ancient depictions of something looming over the lands with a face in the clouds.
And in the center of this ornate chamber, is a pedestal. On top of it, a wooden, obsidian, and silver box. There's multiple languages carved into it.
'Öppnas Ej, لا تفتح, Не відчиняти, No Abrir, Älä avaa, Neotvírat, Mawungavuli, 请勿打开. Do Not Open.'
At the severe warning, you attempt to step back, until-
'Such a precious jewel you are. Have you finally found me?'
The words ride the breeze that flows through the chambers. Just reaching your ears, tingling your brain as you're frozen.
'Quite a pretty box, no? It would be a shame to leave it unadmired.'
You can't stop your hands from reaching out, as if something guides your motions.
The box is heavy, and warm.
'So lovely you are, and you listen so very well. Aren't you a treasure to be found?'
Does anyone even give you a second glance? Or do they only look at your team and brush you off. Don't you want these soft words, even for just a moment or two? It can't hurt you ... It's just words.
'I was like you, beloved one. The forgotten.'
The chamber shakes as the voice twist from soft to a harsh rumble.
'I made it so they could never forget myself again.'
And instantly, everything stops, and the haze over your mind softens even further, warming you, settling into your very bones.
'I would never forget you, I would care, I would hear you. Would you allow it?'
"... How?"
The voice croons sweetly in your ears, the box pulsing in your hands as if you hold a beating heart. 'My darling, I would craft you a throne of jewels to be placed beside my own of bone. I would forever be beside you as we ensure our names are no longer forgotten, together.'
And with just a hint of 'i don't believe you', you respond. "What if I want a bone throne too?"
The voice rumbles a deep laugh, shaking the chamber once more. 'Then I will drag a skull and jaw of the largest beast that has walked these lands up from its earthly grave and fasten it as your throne. Would this please you my sweet?'
"It would." You state after a moment because fuck yeah you deserve a metal throne too.
'Then open the box. And I will do all of this, and more.' The voice responds, stronger now but just as sweet.
Your hand nearly automatically grabs the lid, and before you can think-
"STOP!" Your team is behind you, hands out, enraged faces and expressions as if they're about to step forward and lash out at you.
But the chamber seems to tear itself apart, ceiling crashing down around your team, trapping them away from you as the voice so sweetly rumbles in your ears.
'Open the box, precious one. Open it and you will be safe, and adored. You will rule beside me as we ensure we are never forgotten again. Open it open it open it-'
"If you open that, we'll have to take you down as well!"
'Listen to your so called 'team', they threaten you, they belittle and mock you, and they believe that they could stop me-' the voice breaks into laughter as if amused while it continues. 'They do not care for you as I do. I have seen you in my domains, have I not welcomed you? Granted you safe passage and rest? Have I not cared for you before you even know my name? I will care, they never will so much as pretend.'
"Don't open it, it's lying to you, it's just going to kill you along with everyone else here! You can't trust that thing!"
'Can they be trusted then?'
With so many voices growing in volume, crowding the once silent room it's too loud, you can't think, you want to leave, but you have to do something and any chance for a better life is worth it and-
"You did it." The voice rumbles in approval. "My precious little human. You made the correct choice."
You can hear the suddenly real and tangible voice murmur in low tone before the now opened box erupts with darkness and living shadows bursting from it. Like Pandora's box, everything contained is freed now.
The room swirls with a dark storm, blowing your teammates out of the chamber, bursting the rot and root and soil aside as a figure tall enough to reach the clouds forms, letting out a loud bellowing roar as it forms. Darkness swarms from it, the sun concealed in shadow.
You start to fumble back as it easily swats aside those it deems too close.
And then it looks down.
It looks at you.
Instantly a hand of darkness forms under you, bringing you up until you're before these eyes that glow with colors that make your mind fuzzy because you shouldn't be able to see this, these aren't colors you can describe or understand but you're seeing them somehow and your brain tingles, your eyes water at the sight. The eyes ripple, and the booming voice of the sky dwelling face speaks. It's mouth opening as a world of fuzzy, glowing hues seeps from the cracks in its maw.
"You have done well, my dearest."
You feel your bones tremble.
The world shifting and churning from the influence of this ... Thing.
"As promised, your reward, a lifetime of everything you deserve, and more."
This is it. This is where you're tossed into some pit for listening and betraying your own, just like in the movies and in the books. The thing waves it's hand and you're eyes flicker to see what sort of eternity of anguish you'll have and-
... It's a temple. Marble and quartz colums holding up high arching walls that stretch so far up you can't see the end. Dark colored draperies line the walls, and an expansive table of every food known to man is perfectly prepared, steaming hot to ice cold, stagnating in that perfect time, waiting to be eaten. The hand holding you gingerly places you down into a chair as the being condenses itself as best it can into a figure that's three times your size but far more manageable.
It looms over the back of your chair, lowering to press a soft kiss to the top of your head, taking your wrist into its hand to guide your hand to your plate.
"Feast now, beloved. We may not lay ruin to this world when you have not eaten yet this sun cycle. A nap afterwards, as we must be at our best before I bring you to your throne. Now, why don't you tell me all about what you adore in this universe so I might spare it in the name of my savior and darling."
Well, you're not going to complain, are you?
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luxnebula · 5 months ago
I was super busy last week because I was volunteering at a conference. As such, I didn't have time to listen to music (I'll write a separate post about it later). But here it is, the latest Sara album as of August 2024, Pimeys (2022).
I have to admit that from the first few times I listened to this album, it was... kind of a miss for me. The only song that really stood out for me was Sileä tie, and I had to listen to it a few times to find other songs to add to my Sara faves playlist. Let's see if I've changed my mind since then.
The first song, Mun ihminen, is... an interesting start for the album. It's slow and atmospheric, melancholic and low-key. It's reminiscent of early years Sara (even down to the slurred vocals!), but with a much, much less heavy touch. It's surprisingly light for a Sara song.
And the next song, Taivas, slams in with a completely different mood. It's big, it's melodic, it has heavy guitars and a dramatic feel that reminds me of Avaa se ovi from SUMMA. Taivas also has something I haven't heard from Sara before: screamed vocals!
This brings us to one of the most beautiful Sara songs and the best song on the album: Sileä tie. The song starts with a larger than life sound that grips you in immediately. The meaning behind this song also makes it special. According to Korhonen, this song is a leftover from He kutsuivat luokseen, so it's also a song about Korhonen's dead friend. More specifically, it's about a conversation Korhonen had with the friend when they were on heavy pain medication and not quite lucid. They were seeing things and said some things that stuck with Korhonen all these years, some of which were used in the lyrics of this song. It's an amazing song, from its sound to its story.
The closing song, Syklit, is another low-key and slow song, bookending the album in an interesting way. It's a seven minute odyssey that builds slowly and has huge choruses. It's a very interesting sound that reminds me of Tool.
Earlier, I said that this album was a miss for me. I have to say that that opinion has not changed, but I appreciate this album in a different way now. Just beacuse it wasn't to my tastes doesn't make it a failed album, it means that it's just different. I still wouldn't spend money on it, though, even if it does have Sileä tie.
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digitiella-blog · 6 years ago
Uudet sisältömuodot - Finnair
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Tätä Uuden Kehittäjä-moduulin digitaalisen liiketoiminnan blogia kirjoittaessa on moni aihe ollut kovin faktapitoinen ja uusia käsitteitä on tullut tutkittua ja googlailtua melkoisesti. Tällä kertaa olikin hauskaa päästä hieman luovemman tehtävän pariin, kun aiheena on sisällöntuotanto ja uudet sisältömuodot yritykselle. Yllä olevasta kuvasta löytyy eri sisältömuotoja, joiden pohjalta aloitin ideoinnin. Lähdin ideoimaan sisältöä eri näkökulmista kotimaiselle lentoyhtiö Finnairille, sillä lentoala on kiinnostavan muutospaineen alla, kun ilmastokeskustelu käy kuumana ja lentämistä ei enää nähdäkään lainkaan ylellisenä tapana matkustaa. Tämä muutos tarkoittaa näin myös uutta näkökulmaa sisällöntuotantoon. Mietiskelin ideoita pitkän tovin ja tässä muutamia ideoitani eri kanaviin:
Viihdyttävää sisältöä
Finnairin lennoilla asiakkaiden käytössä oleviin viihdekeskuksiin sisällytetään myös Finnairin oma kanava ja sovellus, jonka sisältö liittyy tavalla tai toisella Finnairiin yrityksenä, yrityksen historiaan, Suomeen ja ylipäätään lentomatkailuun. Sovellus on käytettävissä useammalla kielellä (esim. suomi, englanti, saksa, ranska, venäjä, espanja, kiina, japani...) ja sen sisältö on suunnattu myös vahvasti kansainvälisille matkailijoille ja hyödyntää myös Finnairin yhteistyökumppaneita (esim. Finnair Holidays ja Visit Finland). Sovelluksesta löytyy mm. lapsille suunnattu lentopeli, jossa matkaillaan Finnairin siivin ympäri maailman ja opetetaan samalla faktaa maailman eri kohteista, aikuisille suunnattu haastavampi tietovisa, jossa parhaiten pärjäävät voivat saada 5€-50€ arvoisia etuseteleitä FinnairShopiin, joka myös löytyy sovelluksesta. Sovellus voisi kantaa nimeä MyFinnair ja siihen rekisteröitymällä voi kiinnostavaa sisältöä tallentaa ja tunnusten avulla sisältö on käytettävissä kaikilla Finnairin lennoilla. Paluumatkalla voit siis vaikka rikkoa ennätyksesi lentopelissä tai tutkia jo seuraavaa matkakohdetta.
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Hyödyllistä sisältöä
Lehdistötiedote, jossa Finnair avaa ilmastorasitustaan ja kertoo myös keinoista, joilla Finnair yrityksenä on pyrkinyt vähentämään ilmastopäästöjä. Tiedotteessa huomioidaan myös Finnairin lentokentillä tapahtuva toimitan, henkilöstön liikkuminen, ruokatarjonta lennoilla - kaikki, missä ilmastopäästöihin voidaan vastuullisilla valinnoilla vaikuttaa. Näin ollen saadaan nostettua Finnairin mainetta vastuullisena toimijana alallaan, joka haluaa tehokkaasti vähentää ilmastopäästöjä ja viestiä niistä avoimesti. Uskon itse, että mikäli Finnair esimerkiksi alkaisi tarjoilla lennoillaan suuremmissa määrin kasvisruokaa ja vegaanivaihtoehtona, olisi se kiinnostava arvovalinta, joka kiinnostaisi myös mediaa. Tällaisten muutosten viestinnässä lehdistötiedote olisi yksi tapa viestiä radikaaleista muutoksista virallisesti.
Inspiroivaa sisältöä
Finnairin henkilökunta nostetaan esiin yrityksen somekanavissa isommin ja tarinoiden muodossa. Miten he päätyivät Finnairille? Mikä on parasta heidän työssään? Mikä on paras lentomuisto tai matkakohde? Mukaan otetaan myös jo Finnairilta eläköityneitä henkilöitä kertomaan oman tarinansa. Samalla seuraajat päästetään kurkistamaan henkilökunnan arkeen ja mitä kaikkea esimerkiksi matkustamohenkilökunnan arkeen kuuluu. Henkilöesittelyistä tuotetaan 1-5 min videot, joita jaetaan eri kanavissa ja sisältöä ja valittuja kasvoja hyödynnetään Finnairin kampanjassa myös printtijulkaisuissa. Koko kampanjan nimi voisi olla esimerkiksi Flying Stories. Tämä sisältö vahvistaisi varmasti myös Finnairin houkuttelevuutta työnantajana ja tekisi muutenkin Finnairin yrityskuvasta entistä lämminhenkisemmän. Näen jo mielessäni miten tämä toimisi täydellisesti Finnairin joulukampanjassa, kun henkilökunta kertoo parhaista joulumuistoistaan ja matkoistaan joulun viettoon. 
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Vakuuttavaa sisältöä
Finnairin matkavarausta kehitetään niin, että matkavarauksen yhteydessä asiakas näkee myös lennosta aiheutuvat arvioidut hiilidioksidipäästöt ja määrä on myös suhteutettu siten, että eri symboleiden muodossa asiakas näkee, millä päästöt voi kompensoida? Monta vuorokautta/viikkoa kasvis/vegaaniruokavaliolla? Montako puuta pitäisi istuttaa? Tarkoitus on havainnollistaa kuluttajille, että lentämisen päästöt voi kompensoida muilla kulutustottumuksilla. Hiilidioksidilaskurista voi tehdä myös laajemman niin, että asiakas voi vertailla, millä kulutusvalinnoilla voi vähentää päästöjä matkan aikana ja matkakohteessa - tai jopa hotellivarauksen osalta. Tarkoitus ei ole syyllistää liikaa kuluttajaa, niin että se sotii Finnairia vastaan, vaan tehdä toteutuksesta kuitenkin sopivan “viihteellinen”.
Mikä ideoista on mielestäsi toteutuskelpoisin? Vai toimisivatko nämä lainkaan Finnairilla? Olisi mukava kuulla myös teidän ajatuksia, millaista sisältö Finnairin kannattaisi julkaista.
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win-free-iphone8 · 2 years ago
In Bremen Crossing, a new company is opening
In Bremen Crossing, a new company is opening
In Bremen Crossing, a new company is opening #Bremen #Crossing #company #opening Welcome to Alaska Green Light Blog, here is the new story we have for you today: You Can Click Here To Watch Restricted Video of this Article Regionally owned Avaas Spa and Tan is expanding to Bremen near Bealls Outlet, and a fourth facility will soon be announced. The other two locations are near Mirror Lake in…
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myriikka-blog · 8 years ago
Digi 3.1. Somemarkkinoinnin trendit asiakasyrityksen käyttöön
Kurion toimittamassa Somemarkkinoinnin trendit 2017-julkaisussa 26 suomalaista asiantuntijaa kertoo oman näkemyksensä siitä, mitkä tekijät tulevat olemaan tärkeimpiä somemarkkinoinnin kannalta kuluvana vuonna. Ei ole yllättävää, että kolmena suurimpana tekijänä pidetään Facebookia, videoita ja tekoälyä.
Asiakasyritykselle osalta näkisin tärkeimmiksi kolmeksi tekijäksi videomarkkinoinnin (myös live-striimaus), pikaviestipalvelut ja somedatan valjastamisen. Vapa Median Natalia Tolmatsova kuvaa raportissa, että ”jatkossa Youtubessa voitaisiin nähdä livekuvaa ja Snapchatin ja Instagramin kaltaisra, helposti toteutettavaa Stories-sisältöä.” Mikko Vieri VR:ltä toteaa samassa yhteydessä, että vaikka live-striimaus on ollut trendinä, tänä vuonna varmasti jyvät erottuvat akanoista, kun vain mielenkiintoisimpia sisällöntuottajia seurataan. (Kurio, s. 3.) Kitty´s Milkshake Bar on sinänsä uuden ääressä, mitä tulee videoiden tuottamiseen. Uskoisin, että yritys ja sen tuotteet sopivat videojulkaisuihin. Tuotteiden valmistusta voisi videoida ja erilaisia uusia tuotteita voisi mainostaa videoiden avulla.
Pikaviestipalvelut, kuten Whatsapp, Messenger ja WeChat tulevat olemaan keskeisiä keskustelun välineitä. Niin sanotut suorachat-palvuluiden e-commerce-mahdollisuudet luovat yrityksille uusia mahdollisuuksia. (Kurio, s. 8) Ehkä Kitty´s Milkshake Barin pitäisi myös siirtyä lähiaikoina kommunikoimaan asiakkaidensa kanssa näihin pikaviestipalveluihin. Voisiko tilauksia esim. tehdä pikaviestipalvelun kautta tai tiedustella tuotteista tarkempia tietoja Whatsappin kautta?
Somedatan valjastaminen verkkomarkkinoinnissa avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia. Samalla kohdentaminen parantuu ja kaiken järjen mukaan asiakkaan pitäisi saada parempaa palvelua. R/GA Singaporen Riku Vassinen on karun realistinen toteamalla, että tulevaisuus somessa on algoritmeilla, tekoälyllä, big datalla ja automaaliolla pelailemisessa. (Kurio, s. 8) Ikitrendinä on muutenkin tiedon analysointi. Nykyään on muutenkin valtava määrä yrityksiä, jotka tarjoavat toisille yrityksille datan visualisointia, koontia ja analysointia. (Kurio, s. 12) On miten on, some-markkinointi on muuttumassa isommaksi osaksi koko markkinoinnin valikoimaa, eikä sitä pitäisi nähdä enää yksittäisenä erillisenä saarekkeena, kuten DNA:n Kati Sulin toteaa. (Kurio, s. 13) Kitty´s Milkshake Bar käyttää somea jo aktiivisesti ja pitää sitä pääasiallisena markkinointikanavanaan. Tämä on hyvä, mutta samalla on selvästi kehityttävä koko ajan ja tarkkailla sitä, mitä some-markkinointi voi antaa yritykselle noin yleisesti ottaen. Pystyisikö se analysoimaan asiakaskuntaansa ja siten kohdentamaan markkinointiaan paremmin. Tähän voi käyttää myös ulkopuolista yritystä, jos omat resurssit eivät siihen riitä.
Kurio. Somemarkkinoinnin trendit 2017. Luettavissa: http://kurio.fi/kurio/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Raportti-Somemarkkinoinnin-trendit-2017-Kurio.pdf. Luettu: 15.7.2017.
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fanaposts · 6 years ago
Ilmiöt näkyvät sosiaalisessa mediassa aiemmin kuin kaupan kassalla
Sosiaalisen median seuranta, lisääntynyt käyttö ja suosio on herättänyt päättäjien, tutkijoiden ja johdon mielenkiinnon. Mediassa käyty keskustelu tulee henkilöiltä, jotka tyhjentävät kauppojen hyllyt.
Viestimäärien muutokset keskustelufoorumeilla ennakoivat tulevia muutoksia myyntivolyymissa kahden viikon viiveellä, ilmenee Helsingin yliopiston Kuluttajatutkimuskeskuksen tutkimuksesta. Tutkimustulos perustuu kasvimaitotuotteiden myyntiin. Nyttemmin kasvua syntyi vuoden ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä 71 prosenttia edelliseen vuoteen verrattuna. 
Miten somessa luetut viestit vaikuttavat kuluttaja käyttäytymiseen? Ne kertovat nousevasta kuluttajien kiinnostuksesta, joka ohjautuu ostopäätöksiin. Viestit ovat aina todellisten käyttäjien palautetta. Sosiaalisen median aineistoa on aiemmin hyödynnetty ennustemalleissa. Esimerkiksi vaalitulosten, työttömyysasteen, osakekurssien ja kysynnän ennakoinnissa. Keskittyminen laajaan kulutusilmiöön on kuitenkin uutta. 
Vegaaninen elämäntapa on kasvanut länsimaissa 2010-luvulla. Veganismi eli eläinkunnan tuotteiden välttäminen ruokavaliossa on suosittu aihe sosiaalisessa mediassa. Se on tunnistettavissa selkeillä hakusanoilla ja kyseiseen aiheeseen voidaan liittää useita tuotteita jotka eivät ole perinteinen osa suomalaista keittiötä.
Merkkejä ilmiön kasvamisesta on havaittu ruokablogeissa, ravintoloiden tarjonnassa ja vegaanisten tuotteiden saamassa medianäkyvyydessä. Keskusteluja ovat vauhdittaneet kasviruokatapahtumat ja ruokavaliohaasteet. Keskusteluihin on helppo tuoda erilaisten tutkimuksien tuloksia ja kokemusperäisiä mielipiteitä. Osalle veganismi on terveydellinen toimenpide mutta monelle nuorelle se on vielä ideologinen ja arvomaailmaa korostava toimenpide.
Ruokatapahtumissa ja some postauksissa ollaan suorassa kontaktissa kuluttajaan. Yhdellä postauksella voidaan tavoittaa tuhansia ihmisiä. Some kanavista voi syntyä myös helposti harhakuva. 
Tämä tutkimus avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia sosiaalisen median aineistojen avulla. Keskusteludata mahdollistaa ilmiöiden reaaliaikaisen seuraamisen ja tulevaisuudessa ehkäpä luotettavan ennakoinnin. 
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socceron12314-blog · 4 years ago
LiVe::Suomi Irlanti Elää
https://medium.com/@KentuckyDerby2k.20/soccer-live-finland-vs-ireland-livestream-ireland-vs-finland-soccer-live-2020-aeeb019c5e90 https://medium.com/@Nilaamrjibon/kansainliitto-liiga-irlanti-suomi-jalkapallo-suoratoisto-6-9-2020-69bb8a2055e5 https://medium.com/@Nilaamrjibon/katso-irlanti-suomi-klo-19-00-ilmaiseksi-tv-st%C3%A4-avaa-ilmainen-live-stream-a541c1fa9afd https://onmogul.com/stories/kaikki-tulevat-tv-ottelut-ja-suoratoisto http://world-surf.com/forum/worldsurf-talk/178813/soccelive/ https://www.wattpad.com/949085274-soccerlivetv-lue-ilmainen-perusteltu-uefa-nations https://www.tunwalai.com/story/475545/lue-ilmainen-perusteltu-uefa-nations-league-vihje-06092020 https://c.mi.com/thread-3314116-1-1.html https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthread.php/2267183-Irlanti-vastaan-Suomi-on-kahden?p=15142915#post15142915
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benrleeusa · 6 years ago
"The New Amy, Vicky, and Andy Act: A Positive Step Towards Full Restitution for Child Pornography Victims"
The title of this post is the title of this new article authored by Paul Cassell and James Marsh, which is forthcoming in the February 2019 issue of the Federal Sentencing Reporter.  Here is its abstract:
Providing restitution to victims of child pornography crimes has proven to be a challenge for courts across the country.  Child pornography is often widely disseminated to countless thousands of criminals who have a prurient interest in such materials. While the victims of child pornography crimes often have significant financial losses from the crimes (such as the need for long term psychological counseling), allocating a victim’s losses to any particular criminal defendant is problematic.
Five years ago, the Supreme Court gave its answer on how to resolve this issue with its ruling in Paroline v. United States.  Interpreting a restitution statute enacted by Congress, the Court concluded that in a child pornography prosecution, a restitution award from a particular defendant is only appropriate to the extent that it reflects “the defendant’s relative role in the causal process that underlies the victim’s general losses.”
In the ensuing years, lower courts have struggled to implement this holding.  Just recently, Congress stepped in to ensure that victims will receive appropriate restitution. In November 2018, the Senate and House resolved their differences in how to handle the issue, passing the Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act of 2018 (or “AVAA” for short).  President Trump signed the legislation into law on December 7, 2018.
In this article, we describe the impact of this important new legislation. We set the stage by describing the need for restitution for child pornography victims, using the story of the lead victim in the Act (“Amy”) as an illustration of why restitution is needed.  We then turn to the problematic legal regime that was created by the Supreme Court’s Paroline decision, noting some of the confusion in the lower courts following the ruling.  Against this backdrop, we then discuss the AVAA, explaining how it will be a useful step forward for victims of these crimes.  One even more important possibility is that the Act could set a precedent for expanding restitution for victims in the future.
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a-very-anxious-artist · 1 year ago
My Cat
My cat is clingy but not cuddly. The most she’ll do is lay behind my legs when I sleep or lay on my chest as soon as I get home from work or school, but that’s it. When I first got her, she’d lay on her cat tree until I fell asleep and then she’d move to sleep on the bed with me, almost as if she didn’t want me to know that she wanted to sleep in bed with me. But now she does it as soon as she sees me winding down. My favorite think about her is when I wake up multiple times during the night (insomnia) and it’s cold and dark and I don’t know what time or year it is, I reach blindly into the depths of my covers and there she is, soft, warm, and welcoming. She “prrrbt”-s me as soon as I skim her fur, and then immediately rolls over to expose her tummy! I can feel her moving around, that’s how I know. She is such a gentle soul, and I’m so glad that I have her she’s so sweet to me.
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douglasacogan · 6 years ago
"The New Amy, Vicky, and Andy Act: A Positive Step Towards Full Restitution for Child Pornography Victims"
The title of this post is the title of this new article authored by Paul Cassell and James Marsh, which is forthcoming in the February 2019 issue of the Federal Sentencing Reporter.  Here is its abstract:
Providing restitution to victims of child pornography crimes has proven to be a challenge for courts across the country.  Child pornography is often widely disseminated to countless thousands of criminals who have a prurient interest in such materials. While the victims of child pornography crimes often have significant financial losses from the crimes (such as the need for long term psychological counseling), allocating a victim’s losses to any particular criminal defendant is problematic.
Five years ago, the Supreme Court gave its answer on how to resolve this issue with its ruling in Paroline v. United States.  Interpreting a restitution statute enacted by Congress, the Court concluded that in a child pornography prosecution, a restitution award from a particular defendant is only appropriate to the extent that it reflects “the defendant’s relative role in the causal process that underlies the victim’s general losses.”
In the ensuing years, lower courts have struggled to implement this holding.  Just recently, Congress stepped in to ensure that victims will receive appropriate restitution. In November 2018, the Senate and House resolved their differences in how to handle the issue, passing the Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act of 2018 (or “AVAA” for short).  President Trump signed the legislation into law on December 7, 2018.
In this article, we describe the impact of this important new legislation. We set the stage by describing the need for restitution for child pornography victims, using the story of the lead victim in the Act (“Amy”) as an illustration of why restitution is needed.  We then turn to the problematic legal regime that was created by the Supreme Court’s Paroline decision, noting some of the confusion in the lower courts following the ruling.  Against this backdrop, we then discuss the AVAA, explaining how it will be a useful step forward for victims of these crimes.  One even more important possibility is that the Act could set a precedent for expanding restitution for victims in the future.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247011 https://sentencing.typepad.com/sentencing_law_and_policy/2019/02/the-new-amy-vicky-and-andy-act-a-positive-step-towards-full-restitution-for-child-pornography-victim.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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duaneodavila · 6 years ago
Cassell & Marsh on Restitution for Child Porn Victims
Monday, January 28, 2019
  Providing restitution to victims of child pornography crimes has proven to be a challenge for courts across the country. Child pornography is often widely disseminated to countless thousands of criminals who have a prurient interest in such materials. While the victims of child pornography crimes often have significant financial losses from the crimes (such as the need for long term psychological counseling), allocating a victim’s losses to any particular criminal defendant is problematic. Five years ago, the Supreme Court gave its answer on how to resolve this issue with its ruling in Paroline v. United States. Interpreting a restitution statute enacted by Congress, the Court concluded that in a child pornography prosecution, a restitution award from a particular defendant is only appropriate to the extent that it reflects “the defendant’s relative role in the causal process that underlies the victim’s general losses.”
In the ensuing years, lower courts have struggled to implement this holding. Just recently, Congress stepped in to ensure that victims will receive appropriate restitution. In November 2018, the Senate and House resolved their differences in how to handle the issue, passing the Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act of 2018 (or “AVAA” for short). President Trump signed the legislation into law on December 7, 2018.
In this article, we describe the impact of this important new legislation. We set the stage by describing the need for restitution for child pornography victims, using the story of the lead victim in the Act (“Amy”) as an illustration of why restitution is needed. We then turn to the problematic legal regime that was created by the Supreme Court’s Paroline decision, noting some of the confusion in the lower courts following the ruling. Against this backdrop, we then discuss the AVAA, explaining how it will be a useful step forward for victims of these crimes. One even more important possibility is that the Act could set a precedent for expanding restitution for victims in the future.
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Cassell & Marsh on Restitution for Child Porn Victims republished via CrimProf Blog
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audiobookers · 8 years ago
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New Audiobook has been published on http://www.audiobook.pw/audiobook/27-truths-avaa%c2%80%c2%99s-story-truth-about-love-series-book-1/
27 Truths: Ava’s Story: Truth About Love Series, Book 1
Once upon a time, Luke Lane loved a little, stubborn, delusional girl, and that little girl was me. My fairy tale happy ever after always included my black-haired, blue-eyed, knight in shining armor, and that knight was Luke Lane. Then I grew up and convinced myself that it wasn’t a fairy tale after all. It was Fate.
I twisted Fate to make her story come to life, but Fate fought back, and now I am looking at a man I still love, but he doesn’t feel the same. I have to walk away. Not just for me, but for him. And not for the version of him who broke my heart, but for the version who was truly a knight in shining armor to the little girl I was, so many fairy tales ago. Contains mature themes.
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win-free-iphone8 · 2 years ago
In Bremen Crossing, a new company is opening
In Bremen Crossing, a new company is opening
In Bremen Crossing, a new company is opening #Bremen #Crossing #company #opening Welcome to Americanah Blog, here is the new story we have for you today: You Can Click Here To View Restricted Videos/Images in this Article Regionally owned Avaas Spa and Tan is expanding to Bremen near Bealls Outlet, and a fourth facility will soon be announced. The other two locations are near Mirror Lake in…
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a-very-anxious-artist · 4 years ago
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a-very-anxious-artist · 5 years ago
Upsetti Spaghetti
Some of my swimming friends/regular friends were not at school today and I'm very upset about it. I was very lonely today.
(Yes, I'm talking about you.)
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