#ava alpha
zishu-arts · 3 months
i gave him a haircut
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seraphinitegames · 7 months
Since A was around since the beginning of the Agency (or close enough), is there a reason they are Commanding Agent of Unit Bravo and not Alpha considering it's mentioned the units are ranked by Alphabet? Though to be fair Bravo does sound cooler then Alpha.
A has been around since the beginning of the Agency, but their team hasn't. The teams are usually made up of the same species to make it easier, so A sticks with Bravo rather than transferring to Alpha.
Unit Bravo went through some ups and downs and having a shift in team make-up with F joining and someone leaving, means they don't have quite the same level of 'successful' missions as Alpha.
Generally the top 3-5 teams are all on par anyway and the names are just a way to, you know, name them, lol! So Bravo is just as good as Alpha, it's just the werewolves reached that level first.
...Hope that makes some kind of sense! I didn't explain that the best!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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Practice is key🔥
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korgbelmont · 7 months
I was thinking last night about possibly doing another addition to the Immortal Desires: Harris saga. And in the process I thought about what I would do differently if I were to do it now, I would probably go with Werewolves from Alpha rather than Wolf Bride. I would also be inclined to put these two as a couple as I feel like they would work together
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readerramble · 3 months
I swear to god it feels like the darkverse books are laced with an overdose of something that was just lightly sprinkled in the twisted series.
Cherry on top? Each FMC is a force to be reckoned with!
What’s a poor girl and her sleep schedule to do!
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Reading through NatGeo, found an article on colossal gravitational waves, and immediately thought of you and the palmer station au.
But, scientists have have detected low-frequency gravitational waves with a wavelength so long it would takes years to decades for travel from crest to crest. They think it was caused by two supermassive black hole binaries.
i LOVE gravitational waves. i think Einstein predicted their existence back around the 1910s but it took until the 70s to develop instruments capable of truly measuring them. like black holes they’re quite harmless to us, but where supermassive black holes hoard everything about themselves from us - light not quick enough to escape to our eyes - gravitational waves are what they can’t help but give, despite their nature.
we talk about the beauty of small things a lot when we talk about the universe, but there’s beauty, too, in that which is incomprehensibly big, so much so that they, in turn, become like the smallest things. explosions that can touch us clear across the cosmos, but the remnants are a thousand billion times fainter than what caused them. yet still detectable.
i think beatrice would love that. explaining it to lilith by dropping a pebble into a cup of still water, so the ripples fan out to the sides and “okay, but imagine the cup has no sides. the ripples would travel in all directions, moving beyond our ability to perceive them but still there. imagine if i dropped a pebble into the ocean here and they felt it on mars.”
trying to explain it to ava who keeps interrupting her tongue into bea’s mouth
ava: so these binary neutron stars or supermassive black holes or whatever are locked together in like,.. an embrace?
ava: i get it, like an orgasm but REALLY big
and beatrice rolling her eyes like “ava i know you have a master’s degree in mathematics.”
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divnydoodles · 2 years
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🖤❤️💙 🦴Alpha Moodboard! 🫀💙❤️🖤 Quick apology for being behind on my posting. You guys have been so kind and supportive throughout my break! Disclaimer: I claim ownership of none of the images above.
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skarlette1 · 2 years
Argent v Alpha: Dawn of Lustice - Part One
Argent v Alpha: Dawn of Lustice – Part One
“No, Argent,” gloated Wizardess. “Sable doesn’t even realize you’re here. I have enthralled her mind so deeply that she only sees what I tell her she sees.” “You fiend!” shouted Argent. “You will pay for what you’ve done. I’m taking you in.” “If you do that, Sable will never see you, or anyone else, ever again,” Wizardess replied. “Without me, she will go catatonic. Only I can free her mind.…
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criquetthreads · 1 year
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sapphireginger · 1 year
As they walked away, Stiles heard Allison call out to them once more. “Add more of that preening in, Mr. Gajos. It’s adorable.”
Stiles grinned, his cheeks flushing bright red, and resolutely ignored his daughter’s smug face as they drove home.
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Allison was a second grade teacher and she loved teaching her second grade class. She was in her fifth year of teaching. This year, they were putting on a production of Little Red Riding Hood. One of her particularly sweet girls, who was also one of the brightest students in Allison’s class, got the lead. Rebekah, who preferred to be called Reba, would be playing Little Red but she kept saying she wasn’t scared enough of any of the other kids to make her fear believable. 
So, before leaving school on a Friday afternoon, she asked Miss Allison if her daddy could play the wolf. Reba glanced around to make sure everyone else was gone and then whispered, “He’s a at-ual wolf, Miss Allison.” 
Allison’s eyes widened in surprise. She too glanced around and then knelt down to be on the same level as Reba. “Do you mean a werewolf?” she whispered.
Reba’s eyes went wide, her lip trembling slightly. “Yes, ma’am.”
“That’s so cool. I think he’d be perfect to play our big bad wolf then, wouldn't he?”
Allison nodded. “Really. Do you think he’d want to be our big bad wolf?”
Reba nodded with a grin on her face, brushing away a couple stray tears. “Oh definitely.” She tilted her head, chewing her lip in thought and then softly said, “He’s not a bad man or a bad wolf, Miss Allison. He’s very good. He’s the best.”
With a soft and understanding smile, Allison offered her student a tissue. She waited until Reba was looking at her and gently squeezed the girl’s hand. “I understand. I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”
At those words, Reba hugged her teacher tightly and released all the tension in her body. “Thank you,” she whispered. She smiled when Allison hugged her back. Reba couldn't help but think to herself, ‘My daddy would really like you. I hope you really like my daddy.’
Allison of course decided to reach out to Mr. Gajos. She had him come to the school and revealed what Reba had told her. She watched him tense up at the information, but it was so subtle she almost missed it. However, when she made the same promise to him and gave him a reassuring smile, Stiles found himself relaxing. You could bever be too careful these days, but her heartbeat didn’t stutter when she made her promise. So, although he was surprised by her request, after a bit of convincing, he agreed. 
✶ 🎭 ✶
The rehearsals were a blast, but Allison spent a lot of time giving Stiles extra instructions. The kids watched the two adults, Reba alternating between giggling in amusement and crossing her arms in all the annoyance a seven year old could convey. Her daddy was so silly. 
After another growl left Stiles’s mouth, Allison held a hand up. “Nope! You don’t growl at that part.”
When he jumped out from behind the tree set piece and snarled, Allison sighed and came on stage. “Mr. Gajos! Stop with the ‘grrr’ face.”
Finally, when Reba teared up at his scary face, Allison marched up to him and cleared her throat. “Sir! Could you try to sound less scary?”
✶ 🎭 ✶
After rehearsal, Stiles snapped at her that he was the wolf, not Allison and he would growl if he damn well pleased. “Am I or am I not supposed to be a wolf?”
“You are but even your daughter was scared and–”
“No, I wasn’t, Miss Allison.” Reba peeks out from the tree set piece. “Daddy is just really good at being a wolf.” She giggled when Stiles’s chest puffed out in pride, preening. 
It made Allison smile as well and she threw her hands up in the air in defeat. “All right. We need a wolf and you’re passable.”
Stiles’s jaw dropped. “Passable?!” he exclaimed.
“Mhm. Keep coming to rehearsals and we’ll have you stage ready in no time.”
Still gaping, Stiles looked between his laughing daughter and the teasing smile on the teacher’s face. He crossed his arms and huffed. Before he could say anything, Reba had his hand and was urging him off stage. “Come on, Daddy. Time to go home.”
As they walked away, Stiles heard Allison call out to them once more. “Add more of that preening in, Mr. Gajos. It’s adorable.”
Stiles grinned, his cheeks flushing bright red, and resolutely ignored his daughter’s smug face as they drove home.
✶ 🎭 ✶
The banter between the two adults continued but became more playful after their discussion. The kids loved it and everyone looked forward to the performance coming up just before Thanksgiving break.
Allison showed up the night of the performance in a wine red button up long sleeve blouse, a knee length black skirt, and black stilettos. When Stiles caught sight of her, he had to remind himself to breathe normally. 
The play went off without a hitch and the audience cheered until Little Red, Reba Gajos, dragged Allison out and handed her daddy the flowers to give to her teacher. 
Stiles passed the bouquet to his daughter’s teacher and Allison buried her smile in the flowers, loving them and finding Stiles’s shyness adorable. All his shyness was worth it though to Stiles for the smile that Allison gave him. 
✶ 🎭 ✶
After everyone left, Ava took Reba home, both his sister and his daughter wishing Stiles good luck and snickering when they told him to break a leg. 
With a deep breath to steel himself and a thick swallow, Stiles went to find Allison. He found her tidying up in her classroom, looking at the flowers with a soft smile on her face. For a moment, he just leaned against the door jam, watching her with admiration. Her reaction to the flowers had hope blooming in his chest. 
As she retrieved her jacket, Stiles finally spoke up. “Miss Argent?” 
Allison perked up and glanced over at him with a shy smile as she tucked her hair behind her ear. “Oh hello, Mr. Gajos.” She glanced behind him and then met his amber eyed gaze once more. “Where’s our Little Red?” 
“She’s with my sister.” His stare was intense, his focus solely on her as he stepped further into the room. 
Allison tilted her head, confused about his purpose in being here without his daughter but then swallowed thickly with understanding when Stiles closed the door. For a minute, he leaned against the door and then started to walk across the classroom, coming to a stop right in front of her.
“Whatcha doing there, Mr. Gajos?” Allison asked in a breathy tone, her heart racing with anticipation. She had felt something building between them and wondered if they’d finally address it tonight. 
Stiles gave her a smile that was both sweet and downright sexy. When his smile became a wolfish grin, heat pooled in Allison’s stomach, desire bursting like water from a damn. She couldn’t hold back anymore but she waited for his reply. 
“Why, I’m catching my prey, Miss Argent.”
“P-Prey?” she breathed.
Stiles nodded and slowly cupped her cheek. “Mhm. You. Do you have any objections?”
Allison shook her head and when he leaned closer, her eyes fluttered closed. She felt him laugh softly against her lips as he whispered, “Good.” 
Then their lips met. Allison gasped softly, humming, pleased at the softness he started out with. This was her moment to be Little Red and she was so looking forward to being devoured by the big bad wolf.
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asexual-levia-tan · 2 months
jimmy mentioned that "those who awaken to second genders grow taller" but the only people mentioned (gakane, ava, the duke, and even jimmy himself) actually growing taller after presenting were all alphas. yuder himself mentioned he didn't grow an inch taller in his past life after he presented as an omega.
but the duke seemed convinced that yuder still had more growing to do. it would be so funny if he expected yuder to awaken as an alpha as well.
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Typical E-girls
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💘 EROS || Game OVER! 💘@1-800-cuupid
Thanks to all cc/pose creators!
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beastsovrevelation · 8 months
A Warrior Nun a/o/b AU could be interesting if Adriel was the omega and Ava was the alpha, and they bonded. The drama.
Mostly based on my own interpretations of the AU.
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urbantrendzandmore · 2 years
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it's not how many times you get knocked down that count, it's how many times you get back up
NEW from STRAY DOG. This is MALCOLM SKIN & HD EYE BROWS for EVOX available at the ALPHA Event in Tones 7, 8,9 and 10 From LEGAL INSANITY Is the DAMON Leather Jacket available at the TMD Event. 
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seraphinitegames · 2 months
Hey Mishka,
If what is happening to the Detective is as big as I think is, would the agency consider stationing another unit there to both help protect the Detective and contain the situation, permanently? If so which one?
And going off of a ask you just answered, if it is Unit Alpha, would you make them romance options? Personally, I believe it would be funny for the Detective to friend zone the Vampires and date one of the Werewolves instead, and seeing Adam/Ava's face when it's revealed would be hysterical! Also, Tamiko and Lesedi (I'm sorry if I misspelled their names), would be perfect ro's for my taste in personality.
Thank you for your time and keep up the great work!
The Agency is certainly calling in some of their 'heavy hitting' units to stick around the facility in Wayhaven during the events of Book Four, that's for sure, hehe! :D
They won't all permanently be stationed in the town, but it will be a good idea to have them on call…just in case.
I wouldn't make Unit Alpha romances during the main series—writing the extra villain romance is already adding quite the intensity and workload, hehe!
But hopefully one day in another series…Same with pretty much all new characters I introduce that I end up inevitably falling in love with, lol! :D
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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katsurinssims · 7 months
Nouk Lolita hair + Alpha edits in Afterglow
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When I did this mesh in Pooklet textures, I only did the original alpha, but there's a few alphas and variations out there, so I did a few more this time!
Nouk Lolita hair, all ages, 3604 polys Download
Nouk Lolita hair Zesta02 Zoen alpha Download
Nouk Lolita hair Zesta02 Short alpha Download
The original alpha + Zesta02's 'Zoen' alpha + Zesta02's short alpha (slightly edited the side bangs to be shorter for more variety). All have one binned natural family in one package, plus 8 unbinned afterglow customs. Then there's a couple of families of binned streaked customs: for the original alpha, I pinched @spell-bloom's idea of doing coloured side bangs modeled on @horusmenhosetix's Ava Cadavra retexture, but added more colours to make it a family (black x lavender, brown x dark red (pictured), blond x mint, red x pink). Then I borrowed @mrs-mquve-cc's streaked version, moved the scalp streaks to fit my texture, and made a family based on those (black x darkred (pictured), brown x mint, blond x teal, red x green). Fully compressorized, labelled, mesh is included in the zips.
Buy me a coffee? I have a Ko-Fi!
credits: Nouk for the mesh, Zesta02 for the additional alphas, Antoninko for the afterglow textures and actions! check @the-afterglow-archive for more Afterglow ₊˚⊹♡
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