#autumn rants like crazy
risetherivermoon · 7 months
smth that kills me everytime, with both how sad it is and how hilarious it is when presented, is the fact that post-methbay glenn is running on the pure intention/motivation of just murdering his dad,
like he doesn't even want to go back home to earth, he admits he's only really going along with the plan so he can find and kill bill, and hes confused when the others say that isn't their intentions as well
even tho he doesn't end up doing it, and bill gets away, at the end of s1 after everyone has their heart felt moments with the mommies, glenn just turns around and is like "OKAY TIME TO KILL MY DAD NOW!" EVEN AFTER the talk with bill during the battle- but bill had already ran away
my thought here is that, like- if that was all he was running off of, and the only reason he got out of prison (tho nick was the only reason he got through prison, which is a different thing entirely) what if he found out bill was already dead when he got out? maybe an au where willy, angered with bill's resistance in the fight before glenns final sentencing, killed him then and there. how would he have reacted? what would he have done? would he just give up entirely and stop functioning?
glenn is incredibly good at hiding and stuffing down his emotions, to a degree that half of the audience of this podcast doesn't even realize he had a character arc, but if you pay attention enough its pretty clear that glenn is hanging on by a single thread and that thread is the pure want for revenge, which makes so much sense with his character in general, and with how erratic and more chaotic he gets post-prison
i just had some thoughts about this...we never really see him snap, because once he's figured out he cant kill bill because hes gone, he has nicky there to kinda nudge him over to go meet morgan, and he already had that talk with the other dads where he talks about wanting to be in nickys life, but what if that slow lead up was taken away?
i adore glenn as a character and his arc is incredibly interesting to me, but i also love thinking of different ways things could have happened, and one of those is post-prison, honestly i might have to write smth with this idea, the thoughts are bouncing around in my brain
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rosenecklaces · 8 months
Still soooo insane to me that we have no Autumn Court women mentions in the books besides LOA who is literally captive in her own palace and their citizens aparentally don't even blink and eye like...
I can shit on Velaris still prevalent misogyny but AC genuinely makes me wonder if s*m just couldn't bother to write about any women around there even for background or something be happening to the ladies there I should worry about 💀😭
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hoes4lino · 9 months
A Love Letter I wish It Didn’t Exist 💌
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A/N: I been doubting to post this, since this story is an adaptation on a real letter I made about my first love. Hope you guys enjoy! (This is also written in first person)
Genre: Romantic, First love, Angst, Suggestive
Word count: 5k
Reading Time: Approx 18 min
Pairing: Reader x Minho
Warnings: Mentions of substance, Reader can’t express emotions, some suggestive content nothing too explicit, happy ending? is as happy as real life can get.
Do you ever wish to fall in love? Hold someone’s hand in the cold breeze of autumn as the leaves fall. Be someone’s lover as the flowers bloom in spring. Be someone’s warmth during the freezing temperatures of winter? Be someone’s shadow on the strong sun rays of summer?
Yeah, well this doesn’t work for me.
Why you may ask, Ever since I was a child I was spoiled with love from my family and friends, growing up I wondered what I did in my past life to deserve such love.
As I went through my teens I started to despise such attention, why? I wish I knew. Growing up I didn’t have any crushes at all, just people I admired. I would often hear my friends babble about boys, fantasies I wished I never heard, and rant about their love life.
Though I never understood why, why couldn’t I be like them? Feel such a desire to love someone and have that feeling reciprocated.
Faking crushes became part of my life during middle school and high school, I felt like an outcast whenever my friends spoke about love, they were all experienced, yet I barely knew how to love myself.
I started dating a boy, not because I was in love but because I felt I had to, everyone I knew was experienced, yet I kept turning down boys.
I craved to get that tingly feeling my friends always talked about. I wanted to know what was the big deal about, and why people found it so addictive.
What is wrong with me?
This is the phrase that would haunt my mind every time I stared at couples walking on the cold breeze of autumn. ———
My high school years felt like something experimental, I went to parties, drank alcohol, did some weed, and hooked up… not because I was into those things but because I wanted to feel. I wanted to care about something. Yet I never felt anything but regret.
Why can’t I express my emotions? I know they are there. It’s as if they are locked up in a box inside of me.
On the first day of college, I was in a room filled with strangers, not a single familiar face, I felt like an outcast. Everyone is sitting next to someone but me.
As I sat at the back of the class next to a window, my eyes followed the leaves that fell from the trees announcing the beginning of fall.
My mind drifted into a peaceful scenario, everyone’s voices being muted by my brain as I took in such a beautiful scene. My chest felt heavy with emptiness, I would usually have a friend to share this moment with, yet here I sat alone.
I must have been too distracted cause I didn’t notice when he sat next to me, my body slightly jumping at the sudden appearance of the boy who sat next to me.
He was rather handsome, sharp nose, cat-like eyes, dark brown hair, and plump lips. He didn’t say a word though I know he must have felt my eyes on him, maybe he was trying to not embarrass me or maybe he was waiting for me to say something, yet I didn’t.
Once I was done staring I went back to stare at my window, noticing him shifting to look at it too, I couldn’t help but feel some warmth.
Why did I feel like that? He is just a stranger looking at the window… but why out of all these strangers he somehow make me feel at ease?
Freshmen year of college passed by, and I didn’t talk to this man, god knows what’s his name, but for some reason, he felt familiar, as if we had some type of bond. Maybe I’m crazy.
Our interactions that year went from walking to class together to sharing a couple of words when needed during class, it wasn’t until the last marking period that I realized I spent most of my time with him yet we were never close enough.
I felt weird. It felt weird.
Like imagine spending 70% of your day with the same guy for an entire school year and yet you don’t know his name or talk to him at all.
What’s crazier to me is that I feel like I got to know him through that silence… is this feeling what my friends call delusional? Is this real at all? Is it all my head? Can he feel it too?
Summer depression hit me like a truck, I’m not a sad person why do I feel this way? Empty… it’s like my body is craving something yet I don’t know what. I started getting frustrated, I thought spending time with friends and family would fix it, yet it didn’t… I’m missing a part… something.
During summer I went to a bunch of places, all of them filled with hundreds of people, yet my mind seemed to look for one each time… is it… him? ———
Sophomore year of college… I was too excited for my liking, I am usually terrified of new school years, afraid for what awaits me, but today my heart seems to beat faster than usual and it's not because I am nervous, it feels as if I'm waiting for something and I can’t wait to see it.
My day went by pretty fast, I went to my first two classes my heart filling with disappointment each time I scanned the room. At that moment I didn’t exactly know what I was looking for, I never really felt that way before.
The cold breeze was hitting my face as I sat in my business class, my mind focused on whatever I was working on.
“Is this seat taken?”
His voice sent shivers down my body, and my ears immediately recognized his soothing voice.
I look up to glare at him, the breeze coming from the window slightly moving his hair. I could feel my heart beating fast, my tummy doing backflips in excitement… I felt happy… but why?
“No, you can have it” I could feel my voice trembling as I spoke. As soon as he sat down I could only think of one thing.
Should I talk to him? What if I annoy him?
These thoughts consumed my head until the slight shift of his gaze moved toward me, my head immediately snapped to look at him.
“It's been a while,” He said softly with a thin smile on his face, I am not quite sure how I looked at that moment but I felt so self-conscious as I could see his eyes looking at me.
I nodded in response not quite sure what to say to that, I had a million thoughts running through my head, why do I feel this way around him?
“Minho” He continued, it must have been the way my eyes blinked in confusion as he slightly laughed “I figured you didn’t know my name, since we never really introduced ourselves last year” He explained. I wish the earth could eat me whole at this moment, I’m being too awkward. Say something y/n. SAY SOMETHING.
“uh oh,” I chuckled nervously, jesus christ why do I feel like imma puke right here “I’m y/n” I smiled, my gaze moving back to my computer. I was not too fond of the way I was feeling, It felt unknown and that scared me a lot.
Like why am I craving his attention but at the same time I wished he could disappear and leave me alone?
From that day on we became good friends, We would often greet each other and have casual conversations during class.
How much I loved your attention Lee Minho, yet you were clueless about it. If I had to name something I loved about him, I would stay and talk for hours.
“Y/n you are clearly in love” Those words repeated over and over in my head as my friend's voice muffled in the background. Love? “Y/n?” Is this how love feels like? “Y/N!”
I turn to look at my friend as she nudged my shoulder “All you talk about recently is about that damn boy, maybe you are finally catching feelings”
That night I stared at my ceiling, my eyes feeling heavy. Even when I was half asleep I would think of him. It wasn’t until I was almost asleep that I realized I was smiling hard at the thought of seeing him tomorrow.
I quickly sat on my bed, the darkness of my room surrounding me. Is this what love feels like? On one side I felt warm, but on the other side, I felt cold and afraid… what if he doesn’t like me? what if he does? Am I confused? Do I like him? Why him out of everyone? Why now and not before?
The next day I was so excited to see him, waking up a little earlier than usual to look good for him. I made my way through the lengthy hallways of our college when I spotted him. I felt nervous as I walked up to him, my heart falling to my stomach as I spotted him next to this beautiful girl.
She had long black straight hair, she was short and had a fit body, her curves were out of this world… and her face… don’t get me started.
I turned around with heavy feet, immediately searching for a bathroom.
I locked myself into a stall, it was 8:36 am.
Rule #3 don’t cry. Ever since I was a child I learned that crying doesn’t solve anything and that crying makes things worse, therefore I always hold my tears no matter how big the urge to cry.
In all my years of living, I never felt such an urge to cry as I did at that moment. I sat on the toilet concentrating on my breathing. The number of thoughts filling my mind was suffocating, I needed fresh air. Why do I feel like this? Why does my heart feel so heavy?
I left the stall to go to my business class, seeing him that day felt different, I was mad at him for some reason. Why? Is it because of the girl? He can have friends, is not like we are something, I remind myself.
That day I rushed to get home, the intrigue to know who this girl was, eating me alive.
I should have stayed curious.
Jasmine Kim, president of the architecture club, Asian student union, business manager of the robotics club, Academic weapon, and athletic.
How come have I never seen her before?
“ouuuu seems someone is jealous” My friend teased me through the phone, making me even more mad. I called her seeking help not to be made fun of. Ever since I did an FBI-type research on this girl I can’t help but compare myself to her. I never knew how to love myself, and this… this brought me to my lowest.
I hate feeling this way. I wouldn't say I like it. But no matter how mad I was, I couldn’t hate him.
Sophomore year went flying by, Minho seemed to grow close to Jasmine, and as much I wish I could say that didn’t affect me… it did. I decided to distance myself, after all, it was all a one-sided thing and it was for my well-being… right?
He had no clue about my feelings, so it wouldn’t matter if I suddenly disappeared from his life.
I felt selfish during this time, selfish of the way I treated him, I would ignore him during class or even his texts and he wouldn’t know why. He didn’t deserve this treatment, he didn’t deserve to be affected by my own emotions. ———
It’s the last summer days of 2023. Junior year started and it feels like it’s about to end. This year I haven’t seen Minho at all, my heart dies to see him but we have no classes together and my tight schedule keeps me busy from thinking of him.
“Remember Minho, The guy you had a crush on” My friend spoke on the the phone as I was too concentrated doing homework “What about him” I asked as I felt a knot forming in my stomach. I hated the way his name could get under my skin.
“He just joined my division in the robotics club and let me tell you that man is a complete dickhead” For some reason I felt the urge to fight back, defend him, and ask for an explanation; but I was too embarrassed for feeling this way I ignored her words “He is a man after all” Is all I managed to say, the curiosity eating me alive as I tried to not seem interested on what he could do to upset my friend.
After I found out about him being on the robotics club, I found myself going to the club often, I wasn’t part of it but I would make excuses to go and get glimpses of him.
The way he looked with his goggles on and thin layers of sweat on his skin. That man was dreamy no matter what he did.
No matter what I did to forget him, he would always be on my mind. In every room with hundreds of people, he would be the one I would look for.
“Excuse me” I raised my gaze to be met with a blond guy, he was the opposite of Minho, blond hair, a soft innocent face, freckles, and light brown eyes.
He was indeed pretty, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in knowing who this man was “I’m Felix” He said cheerfully.
I couldn’t help but compare him with Minho, unlike Minho he was friendly and straightforward “I’ve seen you around and I would like to get to know you”
To this day I feel so selfish for what I did. I thought that having someone's attention would make me forget you, yet you would still live rent-free on my head 24/7. I would often catch myself thinking about you. How was your day? Why do you look tired? Did you eat anything?
How much I wished I could get you out of my mind Lee Minho.
Putting him to the side, I and Felix spent a lot of time together, we had an art history class together, so we often met at the library to finish our projects.
“Would you like to go out for some beers with me and my friends?”
How much I wish I would of said no that day, maybe, just maybe that would have changed the track of things now. ———
I showed up, wearing my favorite cargo pants and a cute lace top, I had my favorite jewelry on and I went for a half-up hairstyle. I didn’t wanna go full-on dress up but I wanted to look classy and comfy at the same time.
How much I wish I would have worn something else.
I could feel my heart dropping to my stomach as the first person I spotted was him.
There are at least 100 people in this bar, yet there he is, sitting under the dim neon lights of the bar, he is wearing a full-on black outfit, his shirt unbuttoned showing a bit of his chest.
Talk about a man whore.
I jolt as I feel the warmth of a hand on my waist, turning around to be met with Felix. To this day I remember all this crystal clear, detail to detail.
I could tell he already had a couple of shots by the way he would slur his words.
“This is my homie Minho” He patted his back as he introduced me to him “We have known each other since high school, he can be our best man at our wedding”
I tried my best to not scoff at his words, wedding? We not even dating. I can tell Minho didn’t like this comment either by the way his posture became stiff and sat properly.
“Damn Felix, already feeling drunk,” He said in a tone that I can’t decipher to this day. It sounded annoyed but at the same time playful.
Minho stood from his chair and let Felix take it, he ordered him another drink and took me to another table.
“So you and Felix huh?” He sounded annoyed. At that moment I felt like I had to give him an explanation “We are not dating” I said briefly, why did I say that? That’s not his business.
“I see,” he said shortly. I remember the way my heart would pound, my hands were sweaty and I could feel my stomach doing backflips. I have never been so nervous around him till this day.
Maybe it was because it was our first time alone outside of school hours… or the shot of tequila I had was hitting.
As we both sat at a table away from our friends I could feel the way his eyes would travel around my body, I felt self-conscious.
The way his eyes would burn my skin is a feeling I miss with my whole heart. The chokehold you have on me Lee Minho.
“I love your necklace” He leaned to take a better look, his hand hesitating to grab the little Swarovski swan that hung on my neck.
His breath tickled my neck and I could feel myself shiver. I'm not sure if he was doing this on purpose but he was driving me crazy.
“Thank you, It’s my first ever expensive necklace,” I said as I tried to ignore the warmth of his breath on my neck “I bought it for myself on my birthday” I smiled as his gaze moved to look at my eyes.
“You gifted it to yourself?” I nodded “It’s expensive, I didn’t expect someone else to get it for me” I’m not sure if I was tripping but by the look on his face I could tell he wasn’t pleased with my answer.
His eyes looked at me with a million expressions written in them, the soft neon lights of the bar shone like a galaxy in them.
“I would treat you like a princess if you were mine”
I hate you.
How can you say that to me and then leave Lee Minho?
To this day I can hear your voice saying those words to me at night. It’s like if you engraved it on my brain so that every time I'm about to go to sleep I can hear it.
After he told me those words, I felt him getting closer, his hand on my hand as his eyes begged me for permission.
“May I?” His voice was as soft as the singing of an angel. Next thing I remember his plump lips were against mine. It was a sincere kiss.
There was no way he liked me back… I mean… I saw the way he treated Jasmine. This had to be a sick joke. I gently pushed him away, his face pouting as my lips left his.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped” He backed away, as he was getting ready to leave. I panicked. I didn’t want him to leave.
I grabbed his wrist out of instinct “What’s your relationship with Jasmine?” My impulsive thoughts got the best of me. He looked at me with a puzzled look “Jasmine?” He chuckled.
“Answer me,” I said coldly, no expression on my face. I was trying to not crack in front of him. I wanted to hear the answer I craved for months.
“She is a mutual childhood friend, she is captain of my robotics subdivision, so we keep in contact” His words lingered in the air as I tried to fit the pieces together in my brain.
Does that mean he likes me? Why he kissed me?
“Is that why you pulled away?” He asked softly as if he was trying not to scare me away. On the other hand, I was embarrassed, I didn’t have the guts to say yes so I simply nodded.
He chuckled one more time.
If he only knew how much I adored his laugh, the way it would fill my heart with joy. His laugh was like listening to my favorite song for the first time. How much I miss it.
He sat down again and leaned closer, his hand cupping my cheek as he stared at me with soft eyes. How much I wanted to kill him in that moment, why would he ever look at me with such a gaze?
“That was my first kiss” My world stopped. What? No way… he was playing games with me.
Before I could even talk he stood up from his chair and offered me a hand.
“Would you dance with me?”
That night we danced under the neon lights of the bar, without a single worry of the world. I was shy but with him, I felt like the most confident person in the room.
This was the beginning of an intoxicating relationship. ———
Maybe our story didn’t last long but the time we spent together is something I will treasure my whole life.
Dating Minho was like walking by the shore late at night. It was peaceful, too good to be true. I was too drunk on his love I wished it would never fade away.
I'm grateful for the amazing experience he gave me those years we dated. I learned to love, but most importantly I learned to love myself.
“You look beautiful” I opened my eyes to see him laying next to me, eyes in awe as he moved my hair away from my face. “Ur lying” I giggled trying to cover myself from his gaze. It was 8am, this man was definitely blind in love if he thought I looked beautiful in the morning.
That day something felt off, he was not the type to speak his mind, he talked through gestures not words. Yet today he was too talkative. Complimented me every chance he got.
It was around 7pm, he was in the kitchen cooking dinner while I was in our bed scrolling through TikTok mindlessly. I heard a notification coming off from his phone. Im not the type to check my boyfriend’s phone but the notifications weren’t stopping.
I stood up to pick it up from his desk and go leave it to him, whoever was texting definitely had something to say; however as I saw who was texting him, I couldn’t help myself but take a peek.
‘Minho you need to tell her now’
‘Don’t make this harder for yourself’
‘Think about her happiness’
I was puzzled as I read the texts, it was Jasmine who was sending them… what she meant by that… I was startle when he called me name “y/n dinner is ready”
I placed his phone down. Anxiety consuming me, tears threatening to fall, thoughts suffocating my mind.
As I sat in the dining table I contemplated whether I should confront him or not, he looked happy. What was he hiding.
“If someone ever asked me what I love the most about you” His words brought me back from my thoughts. I looked at him, my face had no expression, I didn’t know how to feel. “I would say your eyes” I could see the way his face lit as he spoke about me, his cheeks flushing as he giggled like a teenage girl in love.
I couldn’t help but smile, this was something I loved about him, he always knew how to make me smile. “What is this compliment for?” I knew he had something to say, I looked directly into his eyes, trying to make him crack. Reveal his secret.
“Nothing special, I have always loved your eyes but I was too shy to say it” He said vaguely while he ate his pasta “And why say it now?” I never took my eyes off him, I saw the way his eyes looked at me nervously, he was definitely hiding something.
He didn’t answer my question, he just smiled “Would you love me even if we were kilometers far away?” His tone was serious, I felt shivers running down my spine as I felt the coldness from the question.
“Of course I would silly, why?” I said trying to kill the tension that suddenly sparked in the room. He remained quiet but then he shook it off and offered me a smile, though there was something off about it.
We were preparing to go to bed, I was already changed into my nightgown while I brushed my teeth. Minho was taking a quick shower before bed, although he was taking longer than usual, so I decided to wait for him in bed.
About an hour had passed my eyes felt heavy, debating whether I should check on him or try to sleep, His behavior today kept worrying me, he was acting weird and he wasn’t getting off the shower. I didn’t like the tension that has been lingering since dinner.
I entered the bathroom, the shower was still on, the hot water causing the mirror to fog “Honey?” I said softly, the water turning off at the sound of my voice. He took his towel and dry himself vaguely, wrapping it around his waist.
He stood in front of me, hair wet, eyes glossy and lips parted. Im not quite sure if it was steam trapped in the bathroom or his breath taking appearance that made it hard to breathe.
Without notice he kissed my lips, his body pushing me towards the counter, I gasped as he picked me up so I would sat on the counter, he kept kissing me, so desperate so passionate. Something was off.
Minho was the type to take things slow yet today he was kissing me like it was his last time. That’s when my stomach dropped, the texts flashed in my head, his glossy eyes, the long shower, his question during dinner.
He was leaving me.
I placed my hands on his shoulder, gently pushing him, my heart shattering into pieces as I saw his tears rolling down his cheeks. I was quiet. Should I say something? Should I let him talk first?
He just stood in front of me, his gaze on my chest. I took a deep breath, a breath that held back my emotions, I know Minho and the last thing he would want to see is me crying for him.
I gently placed a hand on his cheek, ever so lightly like I was touching his fragile soul, and slowly I leaned to kiss his lips.
“I love you” I muttered in his lips, his hands moving to wrap me into a tight hug. This was the first time in three years of our relationship I ever said ‘I love you’ ———
The next morning I was cradled in his arms, my fingertips gently rubbing the scratch marks I left from last night.
I looked up to see him in a peaceful slumber. I looked at his plump lips I was busy kissing last night, I heard his stable heartbeat that brought peace to my mind, and I felt his warm skin touching mine. I wish I could capture all this in time. In all our years of knowing each other, that day felt like we truly got to know each other.
“I’m leaving to study abroad” My heart stopped. His words repeated in my head, tears threatening to fall “I’ll go wherever you go” My body betrayed me as tears rolled down my cheeks.
“Y/N” He hugged me as I tried to push him away “Your life is here, you can’t just abandon everything for me” He started crying as he hugged me tighter. I kept fighting back I wanted to push him away and look him in the eyes.
“You are my everything Minho” I screamed into his chest, my words being muffled. I could hear his heart-stopping, and that’s when I realized he was equally heartbroken as me.
I stopped fighting to hug him back, breaking into an inconsolable crying, he cried with me, our bodies dropping to the floor as we never separated from each other.
I had to let go. ———
A year passed after our break up, our memories playing vividly every time I walked by our favorite restaurant or the park he took me on our first date.
It was a cold day in the fall of 2023, I was making my way into the subway. I was listening to our shared playlist. I always listen to it when I have a bad day, it brings me comfort, and our memories warm my heart.
That’s when I saw him. My eyes must have been playing with my heart, I didn’t have time to process it when I found myself running towards him.
“Minho..” I said shyly, I hadn’t seen him in a year and now he dared to appear. His expression when he saw me copied mine. We were both equally stunned to see each other.
He hugged me without saying a single word, though I’m not surprised he spoke through actions, not words.
However, this is not a Disney fairytale where everything has a happy ending. We caught up with each other’s life, we had a great time together, and our connection didn’t fade away although we spent a year with no communication; however, it was time to say goodbye again.
It’s up to fate if our future is meant to be together, but something we both left clear is that we will always love each other.
So in conclusion. Lee Minho I hate you for stealing my heart but at the same time the love I profound you is a light in my heart that will never turn off no matter what the Universe has planned for us.
A love letter I wish it didn’t exist.
The end
A/N: The amount of tears I shed writing this is astonishing- anyway hope y’all liked it, the timeline in this is very inaccurate and my brain kept messing up, so if something looks off please tell me. Thank you <3
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ashonheavenscloud · 5 months
i fall || b. chan
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⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ contents: bang chan x fem!reader, angst of a hopeless love, autumnal wistfulness and nostalgia :(
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ word count: 4.8k
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ warnings: none
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ a/n: i love love love using seasons as a motif oh my goshhhhh. enjoy! (even if it’s heartbreaking)
now playing - 21 - gracie abrams
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Chan should have known from your first whirlwind of a meeting that he’d fallen into something hopeless.
Felix had been the one to introduce the two of you; you’d appeared out of the blue, on a particularly cool autumn afternoon. Chan had been minding his business, listening to Felix rant about his day while the older boy cleaned the coffee shop tables and counters. The place had been empty- courtesy of small town living- and the sound of a bell had alerted the two of them instantly of a new arrival.
His first glimpse of you had been you running, grinning as you all but jumped into Felix’s arms with exclamations and laughter. “Lix! Oh my god, you’re actually still here!”
“And you’re back!” Felix replied, holding you out at arms distance. Chan observed from the sidelines, a little confused but more curious. Your smile was bright and captivating, and he found himself instantly liking you. He didn’t know why, he just had a good feeling about you from the beginning.
“Ah!” Felix exclaimed, seeming to remember Chan’s presence. “Y/n, I’d like you to meet Chan. He’s a good friend.”
You exchanged hellos as Felix babbled, “Chan, Y/n used to live just in the next town. Although she’s been slacking on her visits.”
“Hey, I never promised anything.” You argued, lightheartedly before turning back to Chan.
He wasn’t entirely sure what he expected when meeting you, but he was surprised when conversation flowed so easily that Felix teased you must have met before and hidden it from him. You were just so engaging and exciting- and it didn’t take long for Chan to consider you close to his heart.
It was odd, considering how different the two of you really were. Chan could never understand your passion for travelling- it came in part with your job, but mostly because- as you confessed- you didn’t like to stay put for long, preferring a more scattered existence. Chan himself found comfort in the stability of the city he’d always loved, it’s steady rhythm that remained a constant in his life. He could never seem to leave it for long- it’s borders were his home, and the people inside his family.
“We, my friend, are clearly very different.” You’d chuckled, shaking your head.
“Can’t be that different.” Chan insisted, ducking behind the cafe counter with a shrug. “How do you feel about blueberry muffins?”
You smiled at him- and looking back, he’d been a lost cause even this early on. He hadn’t been able to help it when your smile was somehow brighter than fireworks and took his breath away just as easily.
Chan wondered for a long time if your meeting was fate. You popped back into his life with every change of the seasons, threw him for a loop and then disappeared again for weeks at a time. Where he figured it should have driven him crazy, he only felt more anticipation for the next whirlwind you brought him- and you never failed to come back no matter how long since your last connection. You returned like autumn; and Chan couldn’t help but fall harder for you every time.
And now your latest visit was just beginning- Felix and Chan had picked you up from the train station the day before, and you’d informed them you planned on staying for longer than your usual couple days. That small piece of news was enough to make Chan both excited and anxious. While he had more time with you, he knew it would speed past like always. He figured he should plan the days, work out his free time and whatnot. However, as always, you seemed to sneak up on him and throw all his meticulous strategizing out the window- and this time was no different.
It was a particularly cool day- only a few nights since your arrival- when he found you standing in a faint drizzle, huddled in a forest green raincoat by the bus stop. Your boots absentmindedly scuffed at the colourful leaves that littered the ground in soaked piles. Their earthy smell was one of your favourite scents, Chan knew; it was something you never failed to remind him of.
You glanced up at him just before he reached you, and a bright smile lit your face. He felt his heart stammer, the damned thing a reminder of your affect on him.
“I always liked the rain.” You raised your face to the sky, smiling at the tiny droplets that coated your face and dampened your hair. The peace in your expression was something Chan envied. Content always seemed to come so easily to you. “It makes me feel alive.”
“I suppose it does.” Chan replied softly, holding his free hand out to let the rain douse his palm. After a minute of silence, he bobbed his umbrella in your vague direction. “Does that mean you wouldn’t like to share this?”
You mumbled something that seemed suspiciously sarcastic before shuffling to join Chan under the umbrella. His nerves tingled at your sudden closeness, the warmth of your body pressed against his side. His heart was beating frantically, and he couldn’t help but grin.
“Thank you.” You peered at him, and nudged him. “What’s with the smile?”
“Nothing.” Chan replied quickly; your smile grew and he felt compelled to add an excuse. “It’s just that you’re right. The rain, it’s… refreshing in a way.”
“Of course I’m right.” You tossed your hair dramatically. “I’m always right.”
Chan laughed, and you flicked water at him.
“It’s nice to see you.” 
His eyes swiveled to meet your own, caught off guard by the sudden confession. You were rarely, if ever, forthright with your affection.
“Out of nowhere?” He had to question with a flustered chuckle.
You shrugged, staring out at the grey sky.  “I don’t know. It actually seemed overdue.”
And your bus pulled up then, leaving Chan to puzzle over your words as he was left alone in the rain.
He wondered late into the night what exactly you’d meant, his heart becoming a little too excited at the prospect of you staying for a while… whatever a while meant. He knew he shouldn’t hope, but in the early am’s he couldn't help it. He couldn’t help but imagine what it might be like to have you here. Here, with him, close enough to touch and hold. 
But he was getting carried away, he knew, shaking his head to try and clear it of the ridiculous idea. It didn’t matter what happened in the next two weeks. At the end of it all, you would be gone again. He shouldn’t expect anything.
Yet he hoped- and he hoped more strongly than he’d intended. Perhaps, in hindsight, it hadn’t been entirely his fault. You’d been consistent in meeting him somewhere along his bus route, and the ride through town had been so much lighter with you there to talk with. He asked you so many questions, and you never seemed to grow bored of answering them. How do you take your coffee? Straight black, but on occasion you’d add sugar. Do you like thunderstorms? The only form of rain you didn’t approve of. And even though you travel so much, where do you think your heart calls home? For that one, you’d laughed half heartedly, “I shouldn’t-”
“Tell me.” Chan was far too curious. 
You paused to play with the straps of your bag, staring out at the rain and the rainbow of trees. He almost wondered if you might not answer, or say something vague, or reply with ‘I don’t know.’ But then you looked at him with the echo of a smile.
“I suppose it’s always been here.”
He shouldn’t hope. He knew it would bring himself nothing but heartache.
But god, he couldn’t help it with you.
As he’d expected, the days flew by. He spent as much time as he could with you- at least, when he could find you. Felix joined you occasionally, but he was often busy with papers to complete and tests to study for. His first year of university was already proving to be difficult. Chan couldn’t complain in this instance- although he felt for the boy, he was also more than happy to spend his time with you, just the two of you. All the while though, he had to remind himself that you weren’t staying- like always, he would watch you leave again.
A couple days before you left, Chan convinced you to meet him at his tiny house. It had been a while since you’d been there, and Chan knew there was a particular something- or someone- you’d like to see.
“Berry!” You exclaimed, the fluffy spaniel immediately racing over at the sound of the door opening. You crouched to pet the puppy, tail wagging enthusiastically, and for a few minutes Chan just watched you with a smile. 
“She missed you.”
It was meant to say more than that, and maybe you picked up on that- because you turned your face away with a small grin. “Seems like it.”
Berry decided petting wasn’t enough and ran to find a toy to bring back. In the meantime, Chan urged you further into the house, a small one story that still sometimes felt too big to Chan. It was nice to have someone- even if momentarily- fill it again.
“Nothing’s changed…” you murmured, falling onto the nearby sofa with a sigh. “I don’t even think that pile of clothes in the corner have moved-”
“Hey, of course they have.” Chan laughed, cheeks flaming as he scooped up the various items and stuffing them hastily into his room close by. “Felix dropped these off- he didn’t want them and offered them to me.”
“If you say so.”
Chan threw a pillow at you, which you caught with a laugh and hugged tightly- oddly endearing to him. “Want something to eat? Drink?”
He smiled to himself when he heard your feet hit the floor and patter after him into the kitchen. “Is that even a question?”
He laughed, swinging open the fridge. “Soda?”
“You know me so well.”
He couldn’t help but grin as he pulled out a grape soda for you and a ginger ale for himself. After collecting a small plate of mini donuts to go along, you both settled on the sofa again, with Berry curled up between you.
“You know, I bet it doesn’t taste half bad together.” You insisted, imitating dipping a donut into Chan’s drink.
“No way!”
“It’s not that different from milk and cookies! Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“It’s not about adventure, it’s about-”
“If it’s disgusting, at least you’ll have tried.” 
“I’ll stick to what I know, thanks.” Chan laughed, taking a sip of his soda.
You shrugged, grinning.
It was moments like these that filled Chan’s heart the most- and simultaneously made it sink. Because it wouldn’t last. Because soon enough, this house would be painfully empty again. Of course, Felix would come occasionally- when he had time- and Berry was good company. But… it wasn’t the same as you. 
“You said nothing’s different.” Chan murmured, setting down his drink. 
You blinked at him. “Is there?”
Chan nodded, standing and motioning for you to follow him. He felt strangely nervous as you both entered his bedroom, and Chan stopped just inside.
You paused in the doorway, following where he pointed before your hand flew to cover the gasp from your mouth. “Chan! You got it!”
Chan looked down shyly, fingers lightly brushing the head of the sand coloured guitar sitting beside his bed. “Yeah, I took your advice.”
The last time you’d been here, Chan had confessed to wanting to learn to play the guitar. But he’d been unsure- the cost of the instrument alone had been deterring- but you’d encouraged him to go for it.
“Worst thing that happens is you don’t end up loving it.” You’d told him. “But… you could. You really could.”
Now, you raced over to gently touch the instrument, fingertips tracing the edges. “Oh my god, Chan. And?”
“And… I really like it.” He admitted with a small laugh- for some reason he felt nervous as he lifted the instrument and plopped onto the bed. “I’m sure I’m not that good yet, but-”
“Play for me!” You insisted- ah, right. That’s why he was nervous. Of course you’d ask for him to play.
“I’m still learning, really-”
“I don’t care, I just want to hear you.” You pleaded, sitting beside him on the bed. Your knees brushed his, sending a jolt through Chan’s body at your proximity. Your eyes were shining as he looked back at you, already knowing he was defeated. 
He could never help it with you.
“Alright.” Chan blew out a breath. “Don't hope for much though.”
You just waited, chin propped on your hands- and so Chan counted to three in his head, before strumming the first chord.
It was a familiar song to you both- a favourite you both shared, a sentimental love song you knew every word to. And although Chan was slow at remembering the chords, and you weren’t the best singer, a soft melody filled the room as you hummed to his strumming. Chan filled in with harmonies, closing his eyes to listen as peace took over his heart. Your voice, the song- he could live in this moment forever. And he didn’t even notice the way you were watching him, until the song ended and he opened his eyes to find your sparkling gaze and happy smile focused on him.
The last chord faded and was replaced with an almost tangible silence as Chan’s grip on the guitar loosened, and he let it gently slide to the floor. His eyes could not leave yours as he held his breath, fingertips tingling. He wanted to reach out to you, he wanted to take your hand that sat so temptingly close to his on the blankets. Just the thought made his stomach jolt nervously. He was frozen- and then the moment was over.
You blinked and looked away, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You’re not half bad.”
“Thanks.” Chan replied, because he didn’t know what the hell else to say. His mind was a mess of questions paired with screaming disappointment that he’d let his chance pass.
His chance?
This was what he contemplated long after you’d said goodbye and parted ways. He couldn’t deny the tension that had hovered in the air when your eyes had locked and he hadn’t seemed to be able to turn away. Even more rattling, though, was the heavy feeling of his heart when he thought about that moment. Because… 
Gosh, it had never been this hard to imagine you not being here.
Why was it so difficult this time? He’d thought the miles between you would be bearable as long as he knew that you’d turn up again- he’d been fairly content with it for a time- but for some reason, the idea of watching you walk away even once more had him pacing in his room at nearly 4 am two days before your departure. He’d known damn well not to dabble in optimism for this particular situation, but he hadn’t been able to help it. He loved you. He could admit it now, a silent confession to the stars that would listen. He loved you desperately, feverently, hopelessly. And now, he didn’t know if he could say goodbye this time around.
It was either insanity or the product of a panicking, blinded heart- which is, by all accounts, very nearly the same thing- when he asked you to meet him at the cafe you’d first met at those many years ago. It was a cloudy but pleasant evening, the sky barely darkening as a light sprinkling of cold rain dampened the streets. You were already waiting for him when he arrived, and Chan wasn’t sure if the feeling in his chest was warmth or dread when he noticed you’d remembered his coffee order- and it sat across from you, steam curling steadily into the air.
Chan felt anything but steady at this moment. Because he didn’t even know what he was going to say; he just knew he had to do something.
“Hi.” Chan greeted you with a small smile, ducking into the empty seat as you responded with your own hello. Silence settled over the cafe- interrupted only by a shuffling employee’s feet and the whir of machinery- before you cleared your throat.
“You were quite mysterious over the phone.” You stirred the tea in your mug, swirling the tea bag around and around before turning a teasing smile his way. “Well?”
Chan laughed, a short and nervous laugh, before shrugging. “Well,” he blew at his drink to cool it- and to buy himself a bit of time to mull over his words- before saying, “I suppose this is just a last little… something before you-”
His shrug felt heavy, like his very body loathed any reference to you leaving. You merely smiled, as Chan distracted himself with a sip of his cappuccino. Yes. Just the way he liked it…
“Everything comes to an end at some point.” You answered simply with a smile. How could you smile? Chan felt like he was being pulled in two directions, and getting ready to snap. “I mean, even life ends- we all die, don’t we? Ah, gosh-” you laughed, sipping your own drink. “I didn’t mean for it to sound so dark and final.”
He didn’t know what to say. He felt like a thread fraying, piece by piece, and he was sitting here pretending like the thought of you leaving tomorrow didn’t make him bat crazy. He remained silent, gripping his mug a little too tightly.
Either you didn’t notice or didn’t want to say anything, because you just kept talking. “It was wonderful to come. To see you, to see Felix. I’ve always loved this place… especially in autumn.”
Snap. Snap. Each tiny bit of his thread.
“It is beautiful.” He made himself say, a desperate attempt to keep himself together. 
You smiled at him, and said, “Thank you for making me feel so welcomed when I’m here, Chan. I… don’t know how to tell you how much that means to me.”
He couldn’t do this.
“Ah, I almost forgot-” you dug into your bag, and pulled out something small. Chan watched as you cradled a small box in your hands. “I meant to give it to you all week but… well, honestly, I didn’t know how to do it.”
You handed it to Chan, who surveyed the creamy white container, simple and plain. And when he opened the box…
It was a picture, framed simply in black. What took Chan’s breath away was the photo- he knew exactly where it was from. Last year, you’d visited for New Years and joined him and Felix and a few other people on the roof of the cafe for a celebration. You’d counted down until the New Year, and in the spur of the moment you’d pecked his cheek- after all, tradition right? you’d said while laughing, while Chan had tried desperately not to appear as flustered as he’d been. You hadn’t made a big deal out of it, so neither had Chan; he hadn’t said anything about it since, and neither had you- but here you were, frozen together in the picture. You’d kept that? Chan barely had time to take it in before you were speaking again, words coming a mile a minute.
“… I found it, so I printed it out and all that- and I don’t know, I thought you might want it. I mean,” you laughed, and it sounded uncharacteristically nervous. “I wanted you to have it. This is kind of my… confession.”
His mind was spinning, but it was still able to latch onto that word- and suddenly he couldn’t breathe.
“Because I’m leaving again, and Chan… I just had to tell you. Isn’t that selfish? But you deserve to know that I care about you more than you might think.”
No. No, why like this? 
In every scenario he’d imagined today would go, this hadn't even crossed his mind. You… and him… but you were…
He was trying to grasp words to say, anything at all but they escaped him. He was completely thrown off guard, and his heart felt like it was coming up his throat. His hands dropped to the table, too heavy now to lift. His eyes drifted from the picture frame clutched between his fingers and your hand sitting inches away.
You were still speaking, “I kept putting off giving it to you for some reason. But it will be so busy at the train station, and I didn’t want to-”
“You could stay, you know.”
The thread had snapped, the words bursting from him before he’d even registered them- and coming out more choked than he’d intended. You met Chan’s gaze, and he could see the warring of your mind before you slowly shook your head. 
“I can’t.”
“Why not?” 
“I don’t know, Chan. I feel crowded if I stay here too long. Like I can’t breathe right, like… like I’m trapped.”
He didn’t understand. He knew you cared for him, knew you might even share a fraction of the adoration he had for you. Why wouldn’t you even try?
“I’m not like you, Chan.” You added softly, tracing your index finger absentmindedly against your mug. Maybe to avoid looking at him. “I could never be content with a simple life. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with one, just… I would hate it. I would grow to despise this place, and I’m afraid I might begin to despise you with it.”
“I don’t believe that.” Chan whispered- mostly because he didn’t want to.
You smiled a bit at that, and looked up at him with sad, soulful eyes. “Would you be happy, then, to leave? To come along with me instead?”
He hated the way his eyes burned with the beginnings of tears. And he really hated that you both knew the answer.
“I know.” You whispered, turning away to gaze at the vibrant trees outside. Raindrops slipped from the colourful leaves and splashed into tiny puddles forming along the sidewalk. “That’s why I won’t ask it of you.” After a pause, you said. “It’s a dream, Chan, nothing more.”
“Then why do you keep coming back?”
He caught the smallest tug of your teeth on your bottom lip, before you turned back to him. “Because I liked this dream. Maybe even loved it.”
He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t bear this anymore. The distance had used to excite him in a way, as it kept him on his toes waiting for you- but now it just hurt. He wanted you close and then closer- and then some.
“Just… think about it.” He pleaded, unable to stop himself from reaching out to take your hand. The coolness of your skin sent a rush through his body.
Surprisingly, you didn’t pull away; instead you squeezed his hand, pausing before letting it fall. “See you tomorrow.”
You stood and left the shop; Chan gripped the framed photo long after you’d disappeared from view.
The train came too soon.
The packed station made it difficult for Chan and Felix to push their way through. In the meantime, Chan had plenty to think about. To fret about. He played with the sleeves of his jacket. His head was spinning, and he stumbled over the feet of a few passersby.
“Chan?” Felix was watching, confusion arching his brows. “Are you alright?” 
Chan shook his head in response. “Come on, we need to hurry.”
It was ten minutes until the train left when, at last, Felix spotted you over the crowd. Chan hung back, a murky gray cloud of dread hanging over his head as Felix said his goodbyes, insisting you call him and visit. Your smile, for some reason, seemed sadder today- especially when it was directed at Chan. He took a deep breath while Felix waited a distance away, and approached you.
It only took your eyes finding his own for the lump to swell in his throat and his eyes to burn as he tried to figure out what to say. Gosh, it had never been this difficult to say farewell. 
“Chan-” You gently lifted Chan’s face with your left palm, making him face you. He saw you smile through the blurriness of sudden tears, biting his lip as he desperately tried to halt them. But all he could think about was how unfair this was, and how much he’d missed you. Because he always did, and it hurt more each time he said goodbye.
“Hmm?” He managed, swallowing roughly. “Y/n?”
You hesitated for a moment, before taking his hand with your free one. “I’m sorry.” You whispered. “I am. I don’t know, I just… I mean, you’re just perfect…”
“Just not for you, huh?” Chan murmured, clutching your hand like a tight grip could prevent your inevitable departure. Like your grip on his heart could somehow keep you together.
This time you bowed your head, and Chan thought he saw a tiny splinter- a crack in your gaze- before you looked back at him again. “Yeah. I guess so.”
Why not?
He hugged you tightly, afraid of letting go. You had the sense to do so first.
No tearful goodbye; it never was that way with you. Just a forlorn smile and a wave of your hand through the window before you were gone.
But you would come back, Chan assured himself, because you always did. Like the cycle of the seasons, you would return to him soon enough.
But you didn’t this time. You didn’t come back.
Weeks dissolved into months, and months turned into a year. His hope slowly faded into worry and distress at your disappearance, and then a solemn acceptance. That goodbye had been your last; even more he knew it in his heart that you didn’t intend to return.
In hindsight, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it coming. And he blamed himself for it, despite Felix’s assurance that it wasn’t his fault. After all, if he hadn’t pressured you to stay, maybe you’d continue to come and go as you always had. It had been his careless advances that had chased you away, and he’d been foolish to wish for you to remain within arms reach. It would have hurt for you to never find content in staying with him- but he swore it hurt a thousand times more to think that he might never see you again.
He wondered, though, if he could have borne it. Seeing you for brief pockets of time, all while knowing you would leave him again eventually. He tried to imagine it; find a scenario where both of you could be happy and be together. But… how?
Maybe it was for the best, then. If he couldn’t make you happy, it was selfish for him to expect anything from you.
Still… he missed you.
God, he missed you.
It was over two years before he heard anything from you. A mutual friend, Jisung, had run into you in Orlando. The meetup had been quickly relayed to Chan, who jumped at any information of your well-being. And as it turned out, you were doing well. Free and tied down to nothing, you were doing what you loved- exploring the world, finding your next adventure in the great unknown.
And Chan knew that it was the right path for you- even if it hurt to admit. And even if it was hard to be happy for you when he couldn’t seem to let you go himself.
Because everywhere he went, he saw you. Saw what you were, and what you might have been. You lived in his head now that you weren’t here, and he wondered if you would always stay there as his biggest what if? Even more, he wondered if you ever thought about him too.
Chan thought of you for the umpteenth time that week as he stood in a heavy drizzle, an umbrella keeping his body dry as he waited for his bus. Evening was approaching quickly, the sky darkening at an alarming rate. Brightly coloured leaves were tossed in the wind, skittering over the wet pavement. Chan stood perfectly still, listening to the steady rhythm of the rain. Pitter patter. Pitter patter.
Eventually he let his umbrella fall back; his eyes turned to the sky before closing as the first droplets of rain fell onto his face. He inhaled deeply, the rich smell of the damp leaves making him smile- even if a little wistfully.
The rain felt a little colder this year, didn't it?
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
stray kids masterlist
62 notes · View notes
teen-antisocial · 11 months
Man After Midnight - Matpat x reader
TW: Collen Balinger, mention of death
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The air was still. No breeze. No wind. No rain. No warmth. It was haunting. The group of youtubers had been at Everlock for about 3 hours, making it half past 12. Y/N Davidson had been constantly on edge. She had won about 2 challenges out of the 4 that have happened. She had just witnessed her best friend, and crush, die. He lost a challenge to Manny, and it was heartbreaking to see. She looked at him before it happened, he couldn't move which triggered her to do the same.
She hoped all this was a nightmare and she would wake up and watch the late show in her flat all alone. Normally she would hate to spend the evening on her own, but right now. She would take it. Y/N couldn't bring herself to watch another friend die. She was currently fighting survivors guilt.
Currently, she is sitting next to Joey, listening to him rant on about something to do with the league of evil he's with. She just wanted him to shut up. That league is the reason Mat was dead. Nothing could convince her otherwise. Autumn winds started blowing outside the window, possibly a sign the curse was wearing off maybe? Probably not!
It made her so depressed to look around the room and see the gloom. However she didn't blame anyone, the best player had just died. Who wouldn't give up? By this point all the players had. Y/N found herself praying to herself. Praying for someone to come and save them. 'is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayer?' she wondered, looking around the room.
Suddenly, Nikita placed a bottle in front of her. "Drink up sunshine, you can't give up now!" She stated "Mat would want you to fight for your survival, to live your life, not to give up!" All Y/N could do is nod and take a swig of her drink. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight" she thought to herself as she took the sip. "Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away"
All Y/N wanted to do was go home and give her brother the biggest hug ever. Tell him she's sorry for everything she had ever done to him. This mission really made her realize that tomorrow isn't always promised. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight" she repeated hoping something would happen. "To lead me through the darkness to the break of the day"
This seems like something a movie star would film for a horror film. It's crazy to think she was living it. Looking around, she realized the next task was being read out loud. She needed to stop day dreaming and get her head into focus. She needed to survive. For George (her brother) , for her family. She couldn't let them down by giving up and dying.
"Find the end of the rainbow, with a fortune to win! It's so different from the world you're living in" Calliope states, great another riddle. After a while of thinking, Y/N finally says something.
"It must be about children, they live in the same world yet it's so different to the world we live in. They have an imagination, and see the world in bright colourful rainbows."
"True, but why would there be a task involving children?" Manny asks, raising an eyebrow
"Well this entire carnival is messed up, it wouldn't surprise me if there were children involved"
"Wait! Y/N/N you're onto something there! Think about it! Maybe there are not fully children. Maybe they are dolls. They are so common at these things, aren't they? Think about it! It makes so much sense!" Colleen agrees
"So you mean to tell me that we might have to fight killer children!" Rossana comments
"Doll children but basically" Joey says
Y/N found herself hoping again that all this was a nightmare, she was going to stop day dreaming and then be in her living room. She would be tired of the TV and she opens a window and she gazes into a night but there's nothing to see, no one in sight.
Y/N doesn't know when, she had been silent and following the others, but they had found themselves in a room with a maiden of madness. God help whoever had to be put in there. It's gonna hurt. She hoped it wasn't her. The tarret cards were put at the front and Calliope brought Colleen up to do the first vote.
She looked around the room, at all the people who were there. Somehow she wondered who would most likely go after her. Y/N! It clicked! Y/N would want revenge about what happened to Mat. Of course she would vote for Colleen. She debated on whether to tell or not. In the end she decided to.
"I'm voting for Y/N" she said emotionless "she wants me dead, and I am planning on surviving!"
"Is there a man out there, someone to hear my prayers!" Y/N screamed internally, hoping if she prayed hard enough she wouldn't be put in the box.
Before Colleen could step back from placing a vote, Safiya said something "why would Y/N want you dead. In every challenge she has voted for herself of Joey!"
"I voted for Matt Safiya! She's going to want me dead!"
Y/N's heart broke. She had defended Colleen to Mat almost a dozen times and yet this is how she repaid her. "You voted for Mat?" She whispered
Colleen didn't know what to say, she assumed Y/N knew, and had voted her into a death trap. No one said a word, until Joey went up, "look I'm sorry Colleen but, I'm going to vote you in, you can't just vote someone in for a reason like that!"
"Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight! Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away!" Y/N said internally as she stepped up, she looked at all the names. She didn't want to start drama, and so she subtly put Colleens card forward, making her vote hidden!
Quite a lot of people voted for Colleen, there were a few random votes here and there due to lack of cards in Colleen's pile. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, take me through the darkness, to the break of the day!" Y/N internally prayed again, nerves twisting in her stomach, her heart beat quickening by the second. She feared that she was going to be the one to go in.
The cards were shuffled, and a card was chosen. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight won't somebody help me chase the shadows away" another silent prayer. Calliope took a card and looked at it, "gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight take me through the darkness through the break of the day!"
"The disco dancer" Calliope announced showing the card to the rest of the group. Colleen shook her head, as Joey and Safiya grabbed her. Y/N stood at the back of the room with Rosanna as the rest of the group put Colleen in the box, despite her screams and pleas for mercy. None were listened to. As the doors shut, Colleen let out a scream as powerful as banshee, causing the group to cover their ears.
A tear gently fell down Rosanna's face, this felt immoral to her. Slowly, the group headed back to their safe space, making sure they had the artifact. Through investigation, the group found out that they could revive one person. Y/N was laid on a sofa as Safiya and Joey discussed who to bring back. Manny and Nikita sat on another sofa, while Rossana sat on her own playing with Matt's badge.
Y/N found herself drifting to sleep, she needed the sleep, she couldn't sleep though. She needed it though. Before she could properly drift off, the two came over and announced they had chosen someone. The group sat and looked around, wondering where the said person was. Wondering, if it even worked.
"Is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayers?" Y/N internally prayed again. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, won't somebody help me chase the shadows away" there was still no sign of life. Just as the group were about to give up, a crash was made, followed by a yellow flash. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, take me through the shadows, through the break of the day"
She exhaled slightly, and sat up a little and repeated the thoughts in her head. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight, won't somebody help me chase the shadows away, gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight take me through the shadows to the break of the day"
Suddenly, a confused figure walked into the room, Y/N couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Mat walk through the door. Carefully, she rubbed her eyes and watched Rossana walk over and hug Mat, giving him back his badge.
Mat proceeded to hug everyone in the group, how her he saw no sign of Colleen, or his crush Y/N which made a sort of anxiety rise inside of him. Mainly directed at Y/N. Once he hugged the others, he looked over at the sofa and saw a tired, unmotivated and emotional Y/N looking at him. He ran over and gave her the biggest hug he could possibly give. He was thankful to be alive. And he was reunited with Y/N.
"I'm sorry for leaving you" he muttered, looking at her, admiring the twinkle in her eyes. He quickly looked down at her lips and then back at her own, realizing she had done the same. He thought nothing of it.
However, once it was all over, and the five survivors (Joey, Matt, Nikita, Y/N and Rossana) walked out, Mat carefully pulled Y/N aside. "Y/N, please, we've been friends for months now, and I always feel this feeling around you. Like there's butterflies in my stomach. And it took dying for me to realize this, but I like you! Not in a friend way, or a platonic way, as In I want a relationship with you" he confessed.
Y/N didn't even answer, she just crashed her lips onto his, that gave him his answer. The answer is that they were official. "I like you too!"
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hadassah4ever · 1 year
the three times they wished they kissed you, and the time you finally did (igby slocumb, greg hirsch)
warnings: alcohol use, sex mentions (no actual sex), reader being decently obvious, nothing too crazy, mild mild hurt/comfort
authors note: mother bird has come to feed you some regurgitated worms. i was going to add roman or tom in here, but i was already taking so long to finish the igby part, and i’m scared of making them ooc. enjoy tho. <3 (it’s 3 am and im barely awake. 💀)
word count: 3k
playlist (if you’d like): romanticizing my delusionship— https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6rLX5L9fLuEWueJz6lVaem?si=6gPlbG7LRLKd6aq_eNfp1g
igby slocumb
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number one
Settling in was harder than Igby thought. He really didn’t think about how moving across the country with no roots in that area, or really anywhere, would affect him emotionally, but at least he was in California. A benign concept to his still frazzled brain, but he tried his hardest to block out any negative emotion, he got what he wanted, and that’s really all that mattered to him.
He found himself getting attached to strangers he thought were interesting due to the scenarios he made up in his head, and you weren’t safe from that. He first saw you studying in a cafe he frequented. Deducing the fact that you were probably only in there due to the fact that it was a particularly hot and humid day, and you were clearly studying for something considering the textbook sprawled in front of you, and by the fact that you were going over old notes.
His eyes grazed your facial features, but certainly for too long, as you moved your eyes from your notes to the young guy staring at you from across the cafe, he casually glanced away, but it was obvious he was just doing it just to avoid a staring contest with a random girl about 25 feet away from him. You quietly chuckled and playfully rolled your eyes at the fact that he didn’t even try to hide his staring problem, eventually he got sucked back into making eye contact with you, your eyes darting down to the empty chair in front of you, then back to him. Beckoning him with just your eyes.
It’s not every day he was asked to sit down with cute people at cafés, so maybe he’d seize this opportunity to get to know you.
number two
Neither of you were truly used to such mild autumn temperatures, being from different parts of the country. The fact that you moved from the more northeastern part of the states made him cling onto you even harder, you knew what it was like to pack up and leave everything behind, and he respected you even more for that.
“So, how’s college going?” He asked, not really knowing what else to talk about as you walked beside each other.
“Ew, small talk? Seriously, Igby, I thought you were better than that.” You spoke, playfully. “But, yeah, pretty boring. Can’t complain, though, considering I literally signed myself up for it.” You added. The dry, crunching leaves serving as white noise.
“I don’t really know what else to talk about. I’m not going to rant to you about… fucking… Kafka, like your little college boyfriends.” He replied, playing up his annoyance for laughs. “No, my college boyfriends talk about Dostoyevsky.” You joked back.
The way you two clicked was different, and also something he wasn’t used to, unlike anyone else who came before you, your chemistry was different, it was better. It was effortless.
“Have you made any new friends?” You asked. “Why do you care?” He retorted, not used to actually being cared about. “Because I can’t be your only friend. Sometimes I’m concerned for your social well-being.” You shrugged. “Although from your reaction, it’s safe to say no.” You glanced over to him and saw as he playfully rolled his eyes in defeat.
You really got him there. You really were his only friend, even though he truly wished you were more.
number three
As college picked up, you couldn’t help but wonder if there’s a life outside of California that would be worth pursuing. After you graduated, of course. It was still probably a mistake to bring it up so casually, you invited him over to have a relaxing night with a good friend. Instead you watched as his eyes slightly widened and his lips slightly curled into a frown.
“What? I— Where do you even wanna go?” Igby asked, clearly getting defensive, if you truly put two and two together, maybe you’d know truly how much he liked you. “Texas, maybe. Possibly Arizona.” You replied, pretending to think about it in the moment, but truthfully it was consuming your mind most of the time. “Who do you think you are? You wanna make out with a cowboy or something? What’s even over there? Tumbleweeds?” He bombarded you with questions, making it sound like he made California.
You inhaled slowly, to keep yourself from getting too angry at him. “I just really don’t know if California is my forever state. God forbid I try something new.” His simple offended demeanour swapped for a somewhat agitated one, “It’s not about that, it’s the fact that you’re so willing to leave me behind, you know you’re my only friend.”.
“Number one, I’d only leave after I graduate, and number two, whose fault is that? I’ve spoken endlessly about how you need to get some more friends and guess who didn’t follow my advice?” You ranted, irritation taking over your voice. Igby was left speechless, words escaping him aside from: “I’m leaving.”
He would be lying if he said you didn’t look hot while angry, but maybe that didn’t matter much anymore.
number four
You didn’t know if you wanted to be able to completely forget about Igby or have the lack of stubbornness to be able to go and apologise yourself. In reality, you had neither. Which is why you ran to pick up your phone when it began to ring, and how you ended up at his apartment door at 2AM with your tail between your legs.
When he heard you knock, he immediately opened the door, he was clearly standing right behind it, waiting for you. His gaze was fixed on the floor, it was odd to see the boy who was so snide and cynical look like a kicked puppy all of a sudden.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten angry.” He spoke in a voice that made you sure he’d been crying. “You know I can’t stay mad at you either. But I really shouldn’t have said some of that stuff, either.” You slowly began to move towards him, asking him if you could hug him without verbalising it, eventually you ended up with your arms wrapped around him. “You’re very likeable, and I don’t know how people don’t cling to your side and beg to be your friend.”
He stayed silent for a few seconds, just taking in the warmth of your arms and basically basking in it. He used his socked foot to close the door behind you, in preparation for what he was about to admit to.
“I— you probably know why I said that stuff though.” He basically muttered, you didn’t answer in embarrassment, feeling like you should know. “Fuck, I… think I love you.” He spoke, a bit nervous to actually speak the three words he was essentially waiting to drop on you.
You didn’t even hesitate on pressing your lips to his, the kiss was magical, like how they described in the romance novels that made middle aged women swoon, it was abstract. Like warm hospital blankets, like rain in the evening, it was domestic and comfortable.
He attempted to slide his hand up your shirt, knowing what he was trying to do, you redirected it to your waist, the rejection not embarrassing Igby too much. He almost respected you for it more, you could be intimate without sex, and that’s truly what he needed at that moment.
Tender and warm, you two were utterly entranced with the kind of young love that elderly ladies comment about, and maybe Texas didn’t matter to you much anymore.
greg hirsch
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number one
You found yourself sitting outside of the venue for the latest Waystar party, right on the last step of one of the staircases outside, the air was wet which signalled the fact that it was most likely going to rain soon. You heard the small taps of dress shoes behind you, getting closer.
“Uh— are you o-okay?” Greg spoke, you didn’t even turn around. Greg was a mere work acquaintance, someone you swore you would try and talk to more, but never really ended up doing so. He seemed kind enough from the brief interactions you had, though, so you really didn’t mind him speaking to you while you were trying to escape the party atmosphere, at least for a few minutes.
“Yeah. Just needed some space.” You replied. A small, awkward silence fell between you as the chatter from the party continued behind you two. “W-Would it be… Could I join you?” He asked, trying to sound confident.
You glanced up at him, a soft look in your eyes, but the rest of your face didn’t portray much. “Yeah.” You answered, voice getting slightly higher in an attempt to sound as non aggressive as possible. He awkwardly smiled and nodded, moving down to sit beside you. His long legs were almost against his chest, in an attempt to copy how you sat, you watched in silent amusement as he tried to move around and get comfortable, before inevitably just letting his legs just rest in front of himself, completely straight like toothpicks.
“Sorry if I’m intruding or anything.” He said, more so out of muscle memory politeness than actually apologising. “Out of all the people who could’ve possibly come and sat down next to me, I think you’re the one I hate the least. Don’t apologise.” You told him in a slightly monotone and tired, yet genuine tone.
He felt a light blush overtake his cheeks and his brain stopped functioning for a second, he was searching for any possible words he could string together to charm you like you just unintentionally did to him, but nothing came, he just stared at you like a scared puppy and let out a “Thank you.” that bordered on being muttered.
You didn’t really speak much on the steps, but there was a mutual sense that you didn’t really have to.
number two
“Er— y/n?” You heard Greg say behind you, you softly swung your desk chair around to look at him. “Do you wanna like… Come over after work? I’ve got a uh— bottle of wine and yeah.” The end of his sentence didn’t really sound like the end, sounding more like he just ran out of words. You nodded and gently smiled. “I’d love to, Greg.”
You knew that as soon as he uncorked the bottle it was never going to just be one glass. That was kinda just how wine worked, and at this point, you were tipsy enough to have no filter, but not enough to be full blown drunk, which meant you were both opening up about every little thing in your life like it was the end of the world. After a particularly deep question, you didn’t really know if there was much else to talk about.
Greg spoke up, trying to keep the conversation going anyway. “So… what do you think of like, ATN and st—“ “Could we save that kind of talk for the office? Not to be rude or anything.” You interrupted, Greg completely stopped and nodded. “I— yeah, yeah.” His voice got higher to show his non-confrontational-ness. “Sorry. I just swear I get a migraine when I remember what the company I work for actually stands for.” You joked, trying to cut the tension. “No, no. I understand.” He replied through an awkward chuckle.
There was a silence that was reminiscent of the night on the stairs but much more awkward. Greg took another chance to speak with you, “Have you, y’know… been in any relationships recently?” He asked, a realisation set in for you, the tone in his voice wasn’t casual enough. He liked you.
“Mmm…” You pressed your lips together and looked up in thought. “Nothing too recent, clearly. Dating in New York is weird.” You answered and looked at him to signal his response. “Yeah. Same. At least not lik—L-long term.” He rushed out, trying to lean back slightly on his sofa and look confident and suave, clearly you saw through it, though. The stutter not helping his case.
“Not gonna lie, that’s a bit odd to me. In my mind you seem like the kind of guy to either have a pretty decent girlfriend.” You stopped yourself from saying the last bit, but it ended up flowing out anyway. “Or fuck Tom. But either way you seem… Dateable. Compared to some of the people I’ve met here, at least.” You shrugged, feeling some of your own awkwardness come out of hiding.
He didn’t really know how to reply to that, he glanced down from your eyes to your lips then back at your eyes. He was feeling kind of lightheaded, your lips just looked too kissable, a thought which he knew wasn’t sparked from the alcohol, it was lingering on his brain for a while, fantasies about taking you out on a date and kissing you afterwards like a proper gentleman ran through his mind for most of the day, which was embarrassing to admit.
“Yeah cool, uh— you too!” He chuckled nervously, getting slightly sobered up by his own adrenaline. You just smiled and softly nodded, Greg felt something impending which never came to fruition. Your smile was like the whooshing of a guillotine through the air to him, he assumed it was you preparing to lean over and press your lips to his.
He was wrong about that.
number three
It was raining and you’d completely forgotten your umbrella like the idiot you are. It wasn’t just a tolerable drizzle, it was essentially pouring, Greg saw this as his opportunity to be in his own cheesy rom-com and offer to walk you home. Much to his surprise, you accepted. He really thought you’d just get a ride from one of your friends or get an Uber, but his heart definitely skipped a beat when you accepted.
His heart continued to skip beats when your shoulder would brush against his arm, he felt weird. He felt creepy feeling this way, but he really couldn’t change it. It was mostly silent aside from the occasional comment on how hard it was raining. You two knew how much you wanted to kiss each other, it was almost like if you tried to hold a normal conversation, you’d black out and wake up married to him with 2 kids in a typical suburban life.
His rom-com idea was cut short with you arriving at the front of your apartment. He didn’t even know if he could say goodbye without feeling a small ache in every inch of his body, but he did anyway. He stood looking into the glass of the front doors as you walked away, maybe you didn’t really like him in that sense. The only time you really showed clear interest in him was after 4 glasses of wine.
number four
You didn’t really know what you did to fuck up. Yeah, you two didn’t make out on the front steps to the entrance of your apartment, but you didn’t really know if that was grounds to stop talking to you. Honestly, you didn’t really know what to feel, so you defaulted to feeling pissed off at him.
Did you have a reason? Yeah. Kind of. Sorta. A little. Maybe.
In reality, Greg didn’t know what to say about that night. Was he supposed to apologise? Were you supposed to apologise? Did either of you have to? He had no idea. The need to kiss you was overwhelming at this point, if he saw a genie and only had one wish, kissing you would be the wish that rolled off his tongue in milliseconds. On the other hand, you were confused. Not really putting in any thought to thinking about what you actually wanted, you decided on closure.
The idea of your apartments being on the path to each other felt like divine intervention, but dear god was it hard to keep up with that lanky ass man.
“Greg.” You projected. Not necessarily a shout, but loud enough where he could hear you, you had very few people around so that was a plus too. His body completely took over and he immediately stopped and turned around to see you borderline running to catch up with him.
He didn’t know if he should’ve turned back around or stayed, but it felt like he was being weighed down, his feet completely anchored to the sidewalk and he watched you with a sympathetic and anxious look as you finally reached him.
“Fuck. I really didn’t plan what I was going to say. What did I do to you? You’ve been avoiding me like I fucking— killed your mom or something!” The frustration that came out shocked you, but you still spoke at a reasonable volume. “I— honestly, I don’t know.” He answered, realising he didn’t know why he stopped talking to you, cold turkey.
“I think that’s the worst part… I— do you even like me?” His voice had both an anger and sadness oozing out of it. “Of course I like you—.” You replied. “No, you know in what capacity I’m talking about. You don’t know how much you fucking affect me, y/n, just…” He trailed off, his typical anxious stutter gone.
You held the signature somewhat awkward pause that always graced your conversations and nodded. “You’re right. I know what you mean. And if you don’t fucking kiss me right now I’m going to go insa—“ He didn’t even wait for you to finish before he dove down and pushed his lips against yours in a very new display of confidence. His kisses weren’t very skilled, but fulfilling nonetheless.
He pulled back and looked down at you, your lips slightly rosier and held a look of ‘did I just fuck up?’ in his eyes. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He spoke, his breathing heavy and quick, slowing down when he remembered you asked him to kiss you, and when he saw your extremely happy smile.
“Don’t you dare apologise, Greg. Kiss me again.” You chuckled, cheeks slightly pink and your voice filled with a lightness that eased him. You didn’t have to ask him twice and he bent over, much more gently, and kissed you again.
Jesus, he could do that all day.
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uriwoos2 · 2 months
admiring from afar.. ☄︎. *. ⋆ (jyj)
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𐙚·. I'm feeling very soft for yujun today, so here is my love for him in the form of a tiny (probably messy) drabble. idk, I was thinking about stars and yujun and how similar he is to the sparkling little specks in the sky,, ໒꒰  ♡◞ ˕ ก ꒱১ so here is the aftermath of my sleepy self hurting over sweet lovely baby yujun. I hope you enjoy ₊˚ <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ pairing: bf!yujun x gn!reader. overview: yujun listens to you rant abt space and is very much in love w you. genre: fluff. word count: 875. warnings: none. likes & reblogs are super appreciated <3 — with love, cream. ♡
♪₊˚ song: we fell in love in october – girl in red.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the cool autumn night brought along the fuzzy feeling of sleep-laced conversations and silent laughter. the dim glow of the moon, as it shone through the window, illuminated just enough of the room, so you could decipher the person in front of you, as you and yujun sat on the bed, still wide awake at this hour.
"...so, yes. planets can have multiple, and possibly, even hundreds of moons. you know, Jupiter and Saturn, for example, have just about a hundred of them! isn't it fascinating??" you were going on a tangent, jumping from one topic to another, after yujun had asked you a simple question. but you found yourself unable to stop, even after you'd explained it to him, since you were just so interested in the subject.
your sweet boyfriend, who was laid on his stomach right beside where you were sitting, with his head resting on his palms and a beautiful smile adorning his bright features, didn't even think to interrupt you, choosing to let you rant to your heart's desire.
yujun found your passion for the subject quite adorable, even if he couldn't really understand much of what you spoke about most of the time, he always listened as attentively as he could. but oftentimes, he tends to get distracted and just can't seem to ignore the sheer excitement in your delicate voice, the smile evident in your words and the spark in your eyes. all of it having such an immense effect on him, making him feel all gooey and warm inside.
and even now, especially now. as you spoke in hushed sentences, clad in your cute, comfy star-littered pajamas, with your legs pulled up to your chest, arms hugging them tight as your head rests on your knees, looking at him with twinkling eyes and rosy cheeks..
yujun couldn't help but stare. that's all he wanted to do.. just to keep looking at you. watch you get enthusiastic over your favorite things, even if his heart kept speeding up at the simplest of your movements, like you tucking a strand of hair behind your ears, or when you smiled prettily with your teeth, when you spoke emotionally with your hands. even if his palms got clammy and a swarm of butterflies invaded his stomach...
he found himself secretly wishing he could freeze time, and stay in this serene, moonlit moment, just so he can look at you, listen to you, keep smiling at you. he thinks it's silly, really, how smitten he is, that his mind feeds him such outrageous ideas, knowing it's beyond irrational.
but he can't help it. his gaze unmoving, admiring. much like how the stars sit beside the moon, up in the sky, and let her have her spotlight, as they admire her from far far away.. yujun thought of you as a star, gleaming, as he orbited you like a loyal, loving planet basking in your light, feeding off of your shine. grateful. mesmerized. in love.
his eyes caught the shift in your position, as you adjusted the blanket to cover your socked feet, feeling just a tad bit chilly. "no but, imagine how crazy it is.. some of their moons are so so big that you can see them from here with like, a couple of binoculars! I think that's just super cool.." he couldn't hold back beaming at you in adoration, his smile brightening, if even possible. the urge to express his fondness too overbearing, inching to escape through his words.
"hey, baby?" his heart seems to ache in this moment, eager to quickly call out to you.
your boyfriend's soft words effectively bring you back to earth, focusing your attention back to his face, "what is it?" he just chuckles adorably at that, tucking his head into his arms, making your heart tighten at the sight. so endearing.
he lifts his head back up, the loving grin never leaving his face, "nothing, I just– I love you." his face disappears into the pillow once again, but you can still hear his muffled giggles.
you gently coo at your beautiful love, patting his head, as fingers thread through his soft hair, "I love you even more." your hand finds his cheek, bringing his eyes into your view once more.
you get closer to his face to place a gentle peck on one of his blushing cheeks, voice barely audible "I love you so much." holding his face with both of your hands now. "thank you for listening to me." your thumb strokes the space right below his eye, his gaze full with awe, making your heart overflow with affection. little does he know, he shines just as bright in your eyes, it's almost blinding.
yujun doesn't think there's anything left to be said, or more accurately, he thinks he must've lost his voice, because he just can't get the words out. with his heart drumming loudly in his ears, he gives up on trying to force it.
so he simply beams at you. tender eyes gazing into yours, his own love-filled look reflected in them. you, the only thing on his mind, and in his heart. you, the only one who can reach him. you, like the moon, to his stars.
. ⊹ ₊ ⋆ . ˚ ୨୧⋆ . ˚ ₊ ⊹ . ༘ ˚ʚ ∿⌓ᗢ ₊ ˚⑅ ゚ . ⊹ ₊ ˚ . ⋆୨୧ ˚ . ⋆ ₊ ⊹ .
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jedijesi · 11 months
Caught in the Cat's Web Chapter 5
Miguel O'Hara x Felicia Hardy! Reader
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Previous Chapter 🕸️ Series Masterlist
Warnings: Unwanted kiss, Angst, Fluff, Sexual Tension, enemies to lovers, slowish burn, she/her pronouns
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: Angry with Miguel for ruining her date, Felicia gives him the silent treatment. Now that training is over Felicia does field work, bumping into an old foe causing everything to go wrong.
Co-Author: @stclairesplace
A/N: We hit 900 followers! Thank you all so much! My inbox is open for requests to celebrate!
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Nueva York, Earth 838
Felicia’s been able to successfully avoid Miguel for the past week, too angry and humiliated to even look at him. If he's in the cafeteria, she’ll skip lunch, if he's talking to Jessica, she'll be hiding until he leaves. Even worse, Web-Slinger has been avoiding her like the plague. Felicia really was attracted to Web-Slinger and enjoyed his company, so she was hoping they'd at least be friends, but since that traumatizing night, he’s been doing the same thing to her as Felicia has been doing to Miguel. 
All of this meant she had to shadow Jessica for the week, and as much as she loved Felicia, she was gonna go crazy if she had to endure another rant about how huge of a douchebag Miguel is. Luckily, she was able to survive the week and move on from this disaster of a month. 
“We are all so proud of each and every one of you,” Jessica said in front of the recruits. “As of today, you are all part of the Spider-Society.” The sounds of cheers and clapping echo through the gym as the heroes celebrate. “When you can, please talk with LYLA to get your missions and schedule your placements.” 
“Congratulations, recruits,” Miguel speaks up, standing behind Jessica. 
While everyone celebrates, Felicia walks out without a word. Miguel can't help but notice the change in behavior since he caught her and Web-Slinger together. In a weird way, he missed bickering with the hot-headed woman. She was loud, obnoxious, stubborn, but brought so much life to a room. Since then, he hasn’t heard a word come out of her or seen that signature smirk on her face. 
Miguel frowns under his mask before deciding to push through the crowd of celebrating graduates. Once he steps out of the gym, he sees Felicia down the hall walking as she talks to LYLA. Miguel speeds up in an attempt to catch up with her. 
“Sir! Wanna get drinks with us?” A few recruits follow Miguel out of the gym. Unfortunately, this catches Felicia’s attention, prompting her to turn around to see Miguel 10 yards from her, making quick strides. 
Miguel curses to himself as she immediately turns her attention to her watch, pressing buttons, opening a portal, and running through, leaving Miguel a universe away. 
New York, Earth-192
The cool breeze of the autumn night embraces Felicia as she lays on the rooftop of the building. When she was the Black Cat, she would come to this rooftop almost every night to listen to the jazz music from the club below. It was her safe place as she would normally bring a bottle of wine and play with her new jewels from the Tiffiny’s she robbed a few blocks down. Tonight, she was just here to unwind, to go back in time. 
Felicia sings along to the song as she plays with her hair. “So if you really love me, say yes, but if you don't, dear, confess, and please don't tell me, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps-” 
“I’ll always love listening to you on this rooftop,” a voice caused Felicia to jump, her heart pounding as she released her talons and swiftly aimed her webshooters in the direction from which the voice came.
Felicia's stomach churned at the sight of the Spider-Suit. “Why are you here, Peter?”
Peter chuckled, trying to diffuse the tension. “You've got the Spider-Man pose down perfectly.” He nodded to her stance, though Felicia's grip on her webshooters remained firm.
“Answer the question, Peter,” Felicia said through clenched teeth, her readiness to strike undiminished.
Peter raised his hands in a gesture of peace. “Woah, easy, cat! I’ve— I've been watching you. I hope that doesn't sound creepy.”
Felicia's eyes narrowed. “That's ridiculously creepy, Peter. I don't want anything to do with you.”
Before Peter could offer further explanation, the cacophonous sound of a car crash reverberated nearby, grabbing their attention. Without a second thought, Felicia executed a graceful backflip off the rooftop, swinging down to the accident site, with Peter following closely behind.
A semi-truck had run a red light, hitting several cars in the process. Three large men hop out of the truck and sprint down the street. While Spider-Man checks on the victims, Night-Spider books it down the street. As she got closer, she shot webs all over them to slow the men down before landing on the first man, digging her claws into his back, causing him to let out a screech.  
Once the man falls to the floor in agony, she quickly webs his limbs to the dirty sidewalk before attacking her next victim. This time, instead of running, the two decide to fight. The first one swings his fist at Night-Spider but her agility allows her to gracefully dodge it, landing a few jabs to the man's gut until he grabs her, flinging her into the street. 
Night-Spider groans before hastily jumping up. “Surrender now, and I'll go easy on you.” 
The two men chuckle before the second charges her. Night-Spider grabs his wrist, redirecting his punch into the taxi’s hood. As the man groans, Felicia uses her claws to slice into his biceps before getting tackled to the ground by the other criminal. 
The man sits on her stomach, punching her face until he sees blood. Night-Spider cried out, doing her best to web him and scratch him, but it was no use. She could feel her sturdy mask over her eyes beginning to break, as he landed punch after punch. 
Before it could break, the man was thrown off of Night-Spider. She could barely comprehend what was happening as she attempted to regain her breath. What she could hear were a series of punches and thwips before being picked up and whisked away. 
“Are you okay?” These were the only words she was able to make out through the ringing in her ears. 
A gloved hand caresses Night-Spider’s bloody face as she tries to focus on her senses.  “Miguel?” was all that she was able to grunt out. “Tha- thank you.” She coughs out, leaning into his gloved palm. 
The cracks in Night-Spider’s goggles made it difficult to see properly, causing the world to appear like a kaleidoscope. After a moment she was ultimately able to make out the figure holding her. 
“P-Peter?! Let me go!” Felicia shouts, pushing him away. 
Peter throws his hands up defensively as he takes a few steps backward. “Fine but we gotta go back and make sure the injured are okay.”
Felicia’s vision still blurred and head spinning, nodded in a daze, feeling a disorienting wave wash over her as she struggled to regain her footing.
“You okay?” Peter asked, concern etching his voice as he reached out for her, but the world still felt like it was tilting around her.
Felicia, her breath ragged, mustered the last of her strength, her anger flaring as she smacked his hand away. “Don’t touch me,” she hissed with a mixture of pain and fury before she vaulted off the building, her figure disappearing into the night as she descended to attend to the injured victims below.
As Night-Spider inspected everyone, a flood of flashing lights from cameras and reporters arrived at the scene, bombarding Night-Spider with questions, which she ignored to care for the victims. 
Night Spider rolled her eyes as Spider-Man posed for pictures and answered their question. She never remembered Spider-Man being so vain. Sure, Peter Parker could be at times but since they broke up, he’s changed. The reporters continued to press, with questions that ranged from intrusive to ludicrous:
“Are you two a couple?”
“How did you get your powers?” 
“When can we expect Spider-Babies?”
“Kiss for us!” 
Reporters shouted, irking Night-Spider. The swirling blue and red lights from the arriving police cars added to the chaotic atmosphere. The blinding flashes of cameras and microphones thrust toward her felt like an assault on her senses. Suddenly, She feels an arm wrap around her waist. In a split second, Spider-Man had dipped her, moving his mask up to kiss her. Felicia could barely comprehend everything that was happening and lights flashed rapidly and her shock froze her. 
Once Spider-Man breaks the kiss, Night-Spider immediately backs away, thwips a web to the nearest building, and rushes away from the scene.
"Sorry, she's shy," Spider-Man shrugged with an apologetic grin before swiftly departing in search of Felicia.
After a few minutes of searching, Peter found her on a quiet rooftop by the river. Silently, he landed beside her, gently placing his hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t touch me!” Felicia shouted, a surge of anger and fear coursing through her as she reacted by delivering a punch to Peter's face.
Peter rubbed his jaw, wincing. "Woah! Ouch! Your powers are definitely getting stronger," he observed.
“Why did you do that?” Felicia cried, her voice a mix of anger and vulnerability.
Peter took off his mask, revealing his earnest expression as he looked at Felicia through her shattered lenses. “I want to work things out between us.”
Felicia scoffs, turning away from him to look at the water below. “No, Peter. This isn’t like the last several times where we break up, you fuck MJ, get back together, and then you run right back to her!” 
“NO! Have you slept with MJ since we broke up?” The silence between the two became deafening, leaving the only thing to be heard was the sound of her pounding heart. “Fuck you,” Felicia says before turning to her watch and opening a portal. 
Nueva York, Earth-838
It was late at night in Nueva York, which meant if anyone was up, they were at the bars upstairs, asleep, or on missions. Although, it was one of Miguel’s favorite moments of the night. Things were finally quiet, peaceful even which was a rarity in his line of work. Therefore Miguel would indulge himself by going to the cafe and making himself a drink, maybe grabbing himself a late-night snack before going back to his room to mope about life. 
However, this time it was different, as Miguel walked through the main hall to the living quarters, he heard the hum of a portal open, followed by a series of screams. Intrigued, he walks closer to inspect the situation. That’s when he found Felicia. 
“Ahhhh!” She screamed, throwing her destroyed mask and watch on the ground, and watching it shatter into a thousand pieces before letting out a scream of agony. Her body glitched and contorted forcing her hair to fall from its style. “You, son of a bitch!” She shouted, punching a hole into the column next to her.
As Miguel got closer, she turned just enough to see blood dripping from her face and onto her suit. Hastily, Miguel throws his items onto the table beside him, running to her aide. 
“Felicia!” Miguel jumps back as Felicia swings her fist at him, screaming. “Woah! Easy there, I’m not gonna hurt you.” 
Felicia looks through her bloody lashes, up at the startled man. Panting, she falls forward into his arms. “Miguel.” All she's able to muster. 
“What happened? Who did this to you?” He asks, using the sleeve of his navy sweater to wipe the blood from her face. 
“They're dealt with.” She gritted through her teeth. 
“What happened?” Miguel says sternly. 
“I had it handled, but then one caught me off guard and- and” Felicia uses everything in her to keep her emotions in check, but it's useless as the pain and heartbreak overtake her. “I couldn’t save myself. And then he- he- he kissed me, used me, broke my heart-”
Miguel shushes the hysterical woman, trying to ease her mind. “You’re safe. Want me to bring you home?”
Felicia jumps at Miguel’s words. “N-no! I can’t- I won't go back!” She lets out another scream as she glitches again, more painful than the time before.
“Okay, okay.” Miguel panics needing to get her a visitor’s band to replace the watch. “I have a spare room in my penthouse, are you okay with staying there? Otherwise, I can try to see if there's another available-”
“The spare room is fine,” Felicia says, her voice shaking with adrenaline. 
Miguel’s chest aches at the broken woman in his arms. “Okay. I'll take care of you.” 
Miguel picks Felicia up, taking her to his penthouse on the other side of the building. Once he arrives, the doors automatically slide open, revealing the nearly empty, bland living room. He takes Felicia up the steps to the room next to his. Miguel carefully lowers Felicia down onto the large bed before leaving the room.
“Miguel!” Felicia shouts, prompting him to peek back into the room. 
“I don't wanna be alone right now.” She reluctantly says, feeling vulnerable. 
Miguel frowns, “I know, I’m just gonna get a band, a towel to clean you up, and something for you to change into. Is that okay?”
Felicia hesitantly nods, waiting patiently for Miguel to return. 
“Here’s an old shirt and some boxers.” He hands her before sitting next to her on the bed, placing the band on her wrist before bringing the damp towel up to her face.
“Ouch!” Felicia winced and then scowled, pushing past the pain. “You trynna hurt me, asshole?” she grumbled.
The city's ambient light from the window revealed Miguel's subtle smile in the dark room. “Someone’s feeling better,” he chuckled as he applied a special healing paste, his touch gentle as he worked on the cuts and gashes on her face. “Alright, time to change,” he said after placing the last bandage over Felicia's chin.
Miguel began to stand to give Felicia some privacy, but before he could move too far, her hand tugged at his arm, pulling him back. “You never seen a woman before or somethin'?”
Miguel rolled his eyes with a hint of amusement. “Yeah, you're healed.”
Felicia couldn't help but break into a small, appreciative grin, even though wincing at the pain from her cuts. She pressed the spider emblem on her chest, causing her suit to loosen. Miguel averted his eyes, politely studying the plain walls of the room. Felicia then unclasped her bra before draping the comically large shirt over herself. She removed the rest of her clothing, donning Miguel's boxers that became concealed by the shirt.
“You can look.” She teases. 
“Anything else I can get you?” He asks as he fluffs the pillow on the bed. 
“You've done plenty. T-thank you.” She says, looking away to hide herself. 
Miguel’s head turns to look at the Spider-Woman. “I didn’t realize you had manners.” 
“I’m the one who almost died, remember?” She snaps, throwing a pillow at his face. 
Miguel gives in, letting her win this time. “You're welcome.” He replies. “Goodnight, Felicia.”
Felicia watched as Miguel walked to the door, and just before he could close it, she softly whispered, “Goodnight, Miguel.” Miguel turned back, giving Felicia a small, warm smile before closing the door and returning to his room.
That night, in the dimly lit penthouse, the two of them stayed up for well over an hour. Their rooms stood side by side as they both gazed out of the wall-length windows at the glittering lights of the city’s skyline. They didn't move, didn't utter a sound; they simply allowed the stillness to envelop them, lost in their own thoughts and the unspoken something that lingered in the air.
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Chapter 6
A/N: I can’t wait to hear what you think!!!
Taglist: @leahnicole1219 @oscarissac2099
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stubblesandwich · 11 months
MORE of your house of colour ted talk please, that was really interesting to read!!
Oh my gosh, I'm so happy you enjoyed my mini TED Talk/crazy person rant in your tags. 
For those who don't know what the HECK I'm talking about, I reblogged this fantastic little gif set and went off in the tags about how lucky we all are that Colin O'Donoghue happens to be a winter. 
So for those unfamiliar, everyone fits into a color palette or season, according to House of Color, which came about in the eighties and is based on color theory. The idea is that based on your skin's undertone, hair color, and eye color, you fit into a "season" of color. You're a spring, autumn, summer, or winter. Spring and autumn are on the warm end of the color palettes, and summer and winter are the cooler seasons. Think warm oranges in fall and bright, sunny greens in spring. Bright blues and berry pinks for summer, harsher whites, blacks, blues for winter. Makes sense, doesn't it? (Honestly, it took me a long time to understand it all, but once I did, it kind of broke my brain and I can't unsee these things. 🙃)
Well, I make the case that sir Colin O'Donoghue, our dear Captain, is a winter. And we are so damn lucky that he is. Do you know why? Because winters are the only season who can truly pull off black. 😎 And true red, actually! Because of the high contrast between their features and their cool undertones, winters look amazing in high contrast, vibrant cool colors. Those colors don't wash them out like they would other seasons.
Let's get down to the photo evidence, shall we?
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Here we see Colin in all his smirky glory.
Now, we all know what this man looks like, but let me point out the obvious. Dark hair, light eyes. The contrast between the two is high, allowing him to pull off a more high contrast color, such as black, white, and that vibrant blue at his collar. His skin has a cool undertone (which is a whole other thing but just trust me there for now). You can see a more pink look to his skin, instead of a warmer yellow undertone. It's easier to see on people with lighter skin, but you can also determine undertone on folks with darker skin. So, there you have all the makings of a true winter.
What does that mean, in terms of clothing and picking out colors that will complement your features? Let's look at some pictures of Colin NOT wearing colors in his winter palette and maybe you'll see what I'm talking about.
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Now, you'll never see me on this website saying this man looks bad in these photos. Obviously you'd be hard pressed to make Colin look unhandsome in anything you put him in. But just take a look at him wearing this muted wine colored shirt. His features don't pop at all, like they normally do. It's doing nothing for him. He'd actually be better off just wearing that white undershirt, in terms of making his features pop. And then the photo with the beige on the right is just... I mean, we can all see that's not good, right? We can all see those colors are doing nothing for him? Winters and beige don't mix. Beige is on a winter's no-no list.
It was actually difficult to find photos of Colin not wearing colors in his season. He actually does pretty well for himself, in that regard. He generally wears cooler colors and a lot of black. Here's another photo example though of him in a warm, olive green. Does he look ugly? Absolutely not. Would this sweater look better on him in black, or almost any shade of cool blue? Absolutely.
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The olive color washes him out, actually. Let's compare this to Colin in a bright white and dark blue, below.
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See how his eyes pop, and his skin doesn't look so washed out? The olive green sweater seen above is a warm green, which would look fantastic on someone in the autumn season. On a winter, though, it just doesn't work as well. And because I love Colin in blue, here are some more examples of him wearing his colors well.
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Now, you might be saying to yourself, "Tori, you silly goose. You're forgetting about the magic of lighting benefits, and also the magic of facial hair, which is basically makeup for men." Sure, I'll give you that. Most men look better with stubble or a light beard, and lighting helps. I take you now to my next example of Colin not in his best colors.
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The white undershirt and the blue tie are great for Colin! The rust brown suit, however, makes me feel yucky inside. I keep using this phrase, but you can see how this color is just not doing the man any favors. It doesn't help bring any vibrancy to his features in any way. Let's compare these now to (the moment we've all been waiting for) Colin wearing black and see if we can tell a difference.
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Do you see how his eyes look brighter, and his skin tone doesn't look so muted and washed out? The skin beneath his eyes isn't as shadowed, either. People generally look healthier when wearing the colors that suit them best. Now, add in Hook's eyeliner to make those blue eyes pop, and you've got some real magic.
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Winters also look great in red. (Think of Monica Gellar, also a winter, in her signature red from Friends.) Let us not forget Killian's fan favorite "red vest of sex", as seen below. Someone in the costume department really knew what they were doing with Colin, it must be said.
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It's also important that they had him wear silver jewelry, instead of gold, as silver goes better with cool undertones. And how fortunate are we that they cast a man who naturally looks so good in black? The whole "little black dress" as a closet staple for women simply doesn't work for so many of us who just don't look good in black. The only season that truly shines in black is the true winter. ✊🏻 More power to them.
TL;DR Colin looks fantastic in black, and there's a scientific reason for it. Emma didn't stand a chance against not falling for Killian Jones, and neither did we.
Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
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taegularities · 3 months
rid, my lovie !! my sweets !!
🚨 : ( rant incoming )
some of these recent asks have been making me want to start throwing gang signs or sum 💀 i know there are always gonna be some of these asks given the vast audience you have, and that they are just drowning in anticipation.
however, the undertone? 😭 do these people realize that you are a prolific writer, churning out quality contents faster than locusts can reproduce and infest? 🤨 RELATIVELY SPOKEN !!
good contents take time to plan, produce and publish !!
REMEMBER THE TRIPLE P. for an author who doesn't even ask you to pay, and responds with kindness only.
so, let's learn and practice more kindness and respectfulness here. thank you. ( sorry, if i sound like a teacher's pet, but rid is just too good to us )
anyway, we are nonetheless excited for your next releases, and 'entertainer' even after all this time.
( rant end )
꒰ ❛ ❜ personal lil message ꒱ ‎
rid, am so sorry for not getting back to your last 'ruined' response. i thought you hadn't answered it yet !! and are you kidding me? a!oc is my babiest baby !! of course, i adore her a lot. i remember somebody saying she is like a 'sunny weekend after a wet weather' or something, but bit more condescending— made me wanna throw some gang signs again, tafaq 😫 had to overcompensate with my repeated 'ruin you' asks, but i promise i equally read and enjoy your other stories. even sent asks about them before ( just not in my 🎀🖇🩵 style, haha ) and i'm thankful for each of the sweet responses from you : every. single. time!!
oh, by the way, i came across this pin today : https://pin.it/2rY2xnZtj
kinda ruined!tae on wedding night coded? 'i missed this' x 'it's only been two days' x 'and? i miss you all the damn time' ❤️‍🔥 can i please just ask what's the duo's moodboard like? ik they are a v monetesque, pastoral, serene and the whole artists garden at giverny + the water lily pond + beach at saint adresse!based couple.
but if possible i still wanna see them more from your artistic mind, my love. thank you. xo.
last but not least, must i mention how proud i am of you bc of the whole gaza take and activism on this platform? 🍉 it might be a bare minimum for a reality so cruel, but it matters. thank you for using your resources, and for saying how you listen to certain artists less bc of their lack of voice on this issue. every act matters. let's stay strong and
—take care. 🎀🖇🩵
gang signs omg lol 😭 honestly, i'm so thankful for the audience and the excitement everybody brings! the tone was a little off, but as i said, i'm pretty sure they didn't mean it that way, so i'm like, not mad or anything hehe. i hope they enjoyed entertainer!! it's true, though, that i've been a bit slow this year, but we try our best in this corner of our world. but thank you so much for saying that 😭 i'm flattered you appreciate my existence here and are so kind <3
it's okay, love, no reason to apologise. a!oc was everyone's baby, like she's still one of my favourite ocs i've written!! it's beyond crazy that people still remember her and this story overall. lmao yeah someone said she feels like a wet weekend after a sunny vacation or something idk it was way out of line, but what can we do.. i laughed 🤣 THANK YOUUUU for dropping by, whether with your signed asks or in any other way ily ily!!!
plsss on their wedding night?
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more like always 😂 but so true. their mood boarddd hmmm, wait i'll go and make one rq brb *5 minutes later* i'd say that's them 🥺 def some monet, rain and autumn vibes
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and ofc!! i think i could do even more and share even more. every thought counts. i can't even remember saying i listen to artists less, but it's 100% true, and i also try to avoid big chains such as starbucks, which i think we all should. take care as well, love 🤍
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cafffeineconnoisseur · 3 months
(hi, remember that if you guys have any ideas for questions I can use, you all can feel free to drop them in my box! not running out of inspiration yet, but its cool to have a wide variety of questions that I might not think of otherwise!)
~season edition~
what season are you living in right now?
what do you like most about it?
what do you like least about it?
what is your favorite season and why? (if it isn't the one you're already living in now lol)
what is your least favorite season and why? (if it isn't the one you're already living in now lol)
if there was one thing you could add/take away/change about 1 season of the year, what would it be and why?
and finally, what are some of your favorite local plants that go with each season? (example: spring-daffodils, summer-roses, fall-sunflowers, winter-evergreen) (can be any plants too, not just flowers)
I am so glad you're asking this so I can rant about the weather haha
what season are you living in right now? Summer or may I say ✨intense✨ summer with a side of random weather thanks to climate change lol
what do you like most about it? Mangoes, watermelons, lychees, icecreams, swimming and random holidays cuz of the heatwave lol
what do you like least about it? The crazy temperatures which almost touch 50°C. The constant dehydration, heat strokes, sun burns, fainting etc.
what is your favorite season and why? Winters sjskskks cuz it's very festive haha and my birthday is in winter. Also you get these array of fresh veggies, warm blankets and beverages and just comfort.
what is your least favorite season and why? Summers cuz of the intense heat and all the reasons I listed above lol.
if there was one thing you could add/take away/change about 1 season of the year, what would it be and why? I would actually enjoy summer if it wasn't soooo hot lol or winter if it wasn't exam season 💀
and finally, what are some of your favorite local plants that go with each season? This reminds me of my childhood home where my grandpa had made this huge beautiful garden with so many different kinda of plants and flowers omg I miss it.
Summers - I love Jasmine (mogra) during this season, we had lots of bushes of them. They are white really small flowers and smell really good. Often they are woven into a garland and worn in the hair during festivals. It is called gajra and I love it omg. Here's the gajra I had worn few weeks ago sjsksks
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Autumn/ spring - definately roses. I remember as a kid having roses of all the colours in our garden and often giving a rose to my teachers or my friends. They are just so pretty.
Random- appreciation for the money plant on my desk, it grows so well and looks so pretty and aesthetic lol
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I'm open for name suggestions for this plant baby sjskskks
Thanks a lot for the ask, I had a great time answering this~~~
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risetherivermoon · 5 months
fkin crazy ppl would rather make an already complicated web series even more complicated by shutting down the possibility of a character being transgender
"its not realistic!" bro...u just said care and paul are the same person from alternate fkin dimensions- trans people are real
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sinners-if · 1 year
I’m super into fashion and all this talk is super exciting n thought provoking. Considering Grey’s personality, wealth, and the setting… I’d imagine they’d wear something formal or semi formal most days. Blends in w the city better and shows class and their wealth
Probably nothing designer, loud pieces and flashy logos draw too much attention and can be tacky. Maybe old money. Dress shirts and pants you could never guess were made by hand in some foreign European country. Rings with few jewels but impactful in a fist fight. Maybe a necklace or antique watch that while minimal, an expert might be able to recognize a gem or two from some stolen artifact that’s still missing…
If they’re going casual maybe a flowy, loose shirt tucked into waist high pants- swap it out for a fitted turtleneck and necklace in the autumn or winter. Maybe a parka and slimmer pants if it snows or rains.
Everything would most likely be tailored- some trusted source Grey has to both fix their clothing but also dry clean it in case of any messes.
Color wise I think Grey would go for neutrals, white, grey, black, light and dark browns, beige as well. Maybe a pop of color here and there for emphasis but patterns and textures kept to a minimal so they don’t clash. Most color use outside of emphasis are less saturated and more natural so it’d go well w beiges and white.
Depending on the warm/coolness of their skin tone, they might go for white gold or gold for warmer tones and maybe silver and platinum for cooler tones.
Maybe they’d even wear thin metal framed glasses 🤔 … there’s no real thought behind tbh- I just like glasses
(Sorry for the long rant I’m just very enthused😔)
No, don't apologize I really loved the details. You're absolutely correct, they can't get too crazy with fashion purely for the sake of blending in and mobility, but academia makes perfect sense for default!Grey.
RINGS. AESTHETIC. Thats it. That's all I have to say.
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honeybeefae · 1 year
At first I didn’t really care for Eris because of the whole deal with what happened with Mor, but now he’s kinda growing on me. I’m not fully there yet, but we’re getting there lol. The main reason for me why it’s taking me this long to LOVE Eris is because no one is telling the truth about what happened between him and Mor. It’s very open right now if that makes sense.
Both him and Mor are hiding shit about what happened that day between them. I’m not putting the blame on one more than the other. I don’t think either of them are to blame for what happened but it could’ve been handled better in my opinion.
And sometimes trauma, can make your memory fuzzy and blurry. When I was SA’d, over time that memory became blurry and started to blend together. Adrenaline and shock are crazy ass drugs that can affect many things in your body including you mind. Meaning that, with what happened with Mor, her adrenaline and shock from that situation could’ve cause her memory to blend together or caused her to black out and not remember certain things happening.
Like I said, neither Mor or Eris is not at fault. The ones people should be really pissed at is Beron and Keir. They are the ones who practically sold Eris and Mor to be together. The ones who put those nails in Mor’s stomach were people from the Court of Nightmares.
If I remember correctly most of Mor’s trauma and SA from that incident sounds like it came from the Court of Nightmares, before Eris found her in the Autumn woods. I understand why Eris left her there because if he had touched her, they would be stuck together, but there could’ve been another way to go about that whole situation.
Sorry for my rant lol. And once again, I like Eris and he’s growing on me but it’s taking time. He’s definitely an interesting character that I can’t wait to learn more about. And Mor is wonderful, I connect with her because I am also a victim of SA. And I know it’s a fictional story but I hate it when people lack basic reading comprehension.
Have a great day🩷🩷
I totally, totally understand this! I think SJM has left the situation open for later books and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, the truth finally comes out. But yes it is truly aggravating not to know yet what all happened.
The situation definitely could have been better handled but I think that is what makes Eris such a morally gray character. Idk if other people seen him like Rhys in terms of character development but that’s exactly what it reminds me of! Some choices Eris makes are awful, some are out of his control, and some are good. It’s what makes characters more human and more complex in my opinion!
And yes you’re absolutely right about Keir and Beron! My theory, which again is my own, is that Eris didn’t touch her because Beron would’ve done so much worse to her. And Keir and her family torturing and SA in the court of nightmares is obviously 100000 different shades of fucked up but they are very much to blame for everything.
I’m so sorry you have been through that. Is truly something that changes you as a person and I hope you’re healing. It’s a constant uphill battle but know that you are loved and it does not defy you. I’m so glad Mor is a character you can deeply connect with as I truly believe stories like these help us in many ways!
I know everyone has different opinions about the characters of ACOTAR, I know about the antis and the shippers, I just wish people were kinder to each other. ❤️ Thank you anon for reaching out and I hope you have a great day as well! 🥰
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astroyongie · 1 year
Last time I came here it was purple, ur profile is giving fall, is making me want to wrap a scarf around my neck and walk on dry leaves. Love it
Hope you are doing amazing, I forgot this side of tumblr for a hot minute but I’m glad I found it again
I went to the blackpink concert in LA with my friend, and I was so disappointed. I used to be a blink now I listen to their music but I don’t follow their news so closely. Im a Jennie and Jisoo stan, those are my girls. But I was so disappointed, I feel like they don’t even want to be on stage anymore. The dancing was uncoordinated, they looked bored sometimes, its just like I paid a lot of money to see them but I got more energy from the buskers at KCON. It was just disappointing. I was rooting for my girls and I cant even defend them because I went to see Beyoncé and it’s night and day the shows from them. I feel bad saying this but I feel like I wasted my money, but I’m still rooting for them. I saw them in Coachella and the show was amazing! I wish they could have that same energy on every show.
Anyways, just needed to rant lol. I hope u r doing amazing. Its crazy how before all the questions were about Jaehyun and NCT, and now it’s all this new groups. Love to see the change!!
Take care yongi🖤
awwww I am glad that I am bringing the autumn vibes and the cozy moments <3
Also I don't think you should feel ashamed or bad because you didn't like a concert, even if they were a group that you liked. You felt it that way and your feelings are totally valid. So feel free to rant about it and also remember that you paid money so of course you probably also expected something based on that and it's okay to be disappointed when it doesn't meet our standards and expectations <3
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gracegrove · 1 year
Tag Game: Top 5 Harringrove songs of the week
ahhhhh yis 😎😎😎
Cherry Wine - Hozier
Her eyes and words are so icy/Oh but she burns/Like rum on the fire/Hot and fast and angry as she can be/I walk my days on a wire/It looks ugly, but it's clean/Oh momma, don't fuss over me/The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine/Open hand or closed fist would be fine/The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
High Enough - Damn Yankees
I don't want to hear about it anymore/It's a shame I've got to live without you anymore/There's a fire in my heart/A pounding in my brain/It's driving me crazy/We don't need to talk about it anymore/Yesterday's just a memory/Can we close the door?/I just made one mistake/I didn't know what to say/When you called me "baby"
We May Never Pass This Way (Again) - Seals and Crofts
Life/So they say/Is but a game and they'd let it slip away/Love/Like the autumn sun/Should be dyin'/But it's only just begun/Like the twilight in the road up ahead/They don't see just where we're goin'/And all the secrets in the universe/Whisper in our ears/All the years will come and go/Take us up/Always up
Halo - Beyoncé
Remember those walls I built?/Well, baby, they're tumbling down/And they didn't even put up a fight/They didn't even make a sound/I found a way to let you in/But I never really had a doubt/Standin' in the light of your halo/I got my angel now
Guilty - Barbara Streisand (feat. Barry Gibb)
Shadows falling baby we stand alone/Out on the street anybody you meet/Got a heartache of their own/(It oughta be illegal)/Make it a crime to be lonely or sad/(It oughta be illegal)/You got a reason for livin'/You battle on with the love you're livin' on/You gotta be mine we take it away/It's gotta be night and day just a matter of time
I'm gonna tag mmmm @stranger-rants @thediktatortot @shieldofiron @intothedysphoria
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