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Programação e informações do rally de Rio Negrinho-SC
Sexta-feira– 13 de Setembro de 2024
08:30 – Início do reconhecimento das provas especiais
09:30 – Vistoria Técnica
17:00 – Encerramento do reconhecimento das provas especiais
17:45 – Briefing – Obrigatório e presencial em traje comum
19:00 – Saída dos carros do Parque de apoio (Em comboio)
19:30 – SSS01 Street Stage | AUTOPLUS RENAULT
Sábado – 14 de setembro de 2024
09:00 – Saída do primeiro carro do Parque de Apoio
09:23 – SS02 Pinherinho LEMANI | BOB
09:46 – SS03 Rio Antinha REDE POSTOS NORTE | TIMBER
10:39 – SS04 Pinherinho LEMANI | BOB
10:59 – Parque de Serviços A
12:32 – SS05 Rio Antinha REDE POSTOS NORTE | TIMBER
13:20 – SS06 Pinherinho LEMANI | BOB
13:48 – SS07 Rio Antinha REDE POSTOS NORTE | TIMBER
14:23 – Entrada do primeiro carro no Parque Fechado (Pavilhão dos Imigrantes)
15:30 – Show – Música Ao Vivo
Domingo – 15 de Setembro de 2024
09:00 – Saída do primeiro carro do Parque de Apoio
09:23 – SS08 Rio dos Bugres MAK | TUPER
09:56 – SS09 São Pedro GHIZZO | CERAFLAME
10:36 – Parque de Serviços B
11:34 – SS10 Rio dos Bugres MAK | TUPER
12:07 – SS11 São Pedro GHIZZO | CERAFLAME (Power Stage)
12:27 – Entrada do primeiro carro no Parque Fechado Final (Pavilhão dos Imigrantes)
14:30 – Premiação – Música Ao Vivo
A categoria Rally 5 Light , o regulamento é o mesmo da rally 5 em questão mecânica , carros 4x2 1.0 turbo ou 1.6 aspirado, o que muda mesmo a experiência dos pilotos e navegadores , um pouco parecido com o que acontece na categoria Sport da Posrche Cup ou a categoria challenge da Nascar Brasil.
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Le marché français des bornes de recharge est en pleine ébullition
Nos confrères de AutoPlus reviennent sur le marché des bornes de recharge en France - l'occasion de faire un tour d'horizon de Tesla, aux plus jeunes pousses du pays.
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Autoplus Maghreb Accessoires recrute plusieurs profils sur Casablanca et Tanger
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Πρόστιμα 140.000 ευρώ σε 13 επιχειρήσεις καυσίμων - ειδών αυτοκινήτου, για αθέμιτη κερδοφορία
Διοικητικά πρόστιμα συνολικού ύψους 138.725,44 ευρώ επιβάλλονται, με αποφάσεις του υπουργού Ανάπτυξης, Κώστα Σκρέκα, στην εταιρεία «AUTOPLUS ACCESSORIES AEEEΕ» και σε 12 πρατήρια υγρών καυσίμων, καθώς σε ελέγχους της Διϋπηρεσιακής Μονάδας Ελέγχου της Αγοράς (ΔΙΜΕΑ) διαπιστώθηκε ότι παραβίαζαν τις κείμενες διατάξεις περί αθέμιτης κερδοφορίας (Νόμος 4818/2021). Συγκεκριμένα, όπως αναφέρεται σε…

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Triple Threat feature 3 of 3
Tech&Tuner 2004 issue
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The "Swedish Cousin" - Volvo 122 S 1959 - IXO / Edition Hachette Thanks to my brother I am developing a gourmet passion for Nordic diecast specimens. This time this passion lead me to this wonderful Volvo 122 S. An exclusive French taste. I mean, exclusively released to the French diecast lovers but predictively aimed by fanatics of other countries as well. #volvo #volvomodelcars #volvomodel #volvomodels #volvodiecast #volvo122 #volvo122s #1959 #sweden #autoplus #ixomodels #ixo
MySaabDiecast Instagram
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#tourauto #peterauto @autoplusmag #bixentef #tourisme #automobile #caraddict #autoplus #germanymonday #bmw1800ti L'appellation BMW Neue Klasse (BMW « Nouvelle Classe ») fait référence à plusieurs familles de modèles du constructeur automobile allemand BMW, produites du début des années 1960 au début des années 1970. Elle concerne : les berlines de la série BMW 1500 (1962-1964) ; les berlines de la série BMW 1600 (1964-1966) ; les berlines de la série BMW 1800 (1963-1971) ; les berlines et coupés sportifs de la série BMW 2000 (1966-1972). En 1972, cette famille de routières est remplacée par la BMW Série 5. @wikipedia La BMW 1800 TI, version sportive de la 1800 sortie de 1964 à 1968 était attrayante pour les clients particulièrement sportifs et est venue près des voitures sportives à part entière avec un moteur de 110 ch et une très bonne performance de conduite. (à Musée de la Romanité - Nîmes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUCHVi-Io7O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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If you are finding the Car Repair in Box Hill North? then, you should visit once at AutoPlus Nunawading. Visit: https://is.gd/AutoPlus_Nunawading
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Rue de Rivoli déserte
(photo by AutoPlus)
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Coming soon 2018 #revolution #riverside #autostyle #autoplus #rajabansamarinda #dbm #dutabansurabaya #titanban #omorigarage #omori #sinarotomax #drivetechautogarage
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SN Diffusion élu meilleur distributeur automobile 2017
La bonne adresse pour acheter une voiture
Auto plus et Statista ont publié les résultats de l'enquête "Les meilleurs Distributeurs Automobiles 2017".
Cette enquête a été réalisée entre Septembre et Octobre 2016 pour élire les 1000 meilleurs distributeurs automobiles 2017 parmi plus de 25 000 distributeurs de voitures Neuves et d'Occasions.
SN Diffusion est le premier Mandataire automobile de la région Occitanie (Midi Pyrénées + Languedoc Roussillon)
Sur un panel de 6000 clients de moins de 3 ans et sur les questions portant sur :
Le conseil (Compétence, disponibilité)
L'offre (Possibilité de réaliser un essai, les services additionnels comme l'immatriculation, l'extension de garantie, ...)
Le Prix (le rapport qualité prix, la reprise)
La satisfaction Globale (la probabilité de revenir acheter un véhicule)
La recommandation de Distributeurs automobiles
La volonté des clients de recommander l'établissement
Depuis 27 ans et au travers nos 8 agences la satisfaction du client est le principal objectif des équipes de SN Diffusion.
Merci à vous
→ Sn Diffusion le plus grand choix au meilleur prix
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“Donne al volante pericolo costante” è forse un proverbio antico, sicuramente una disciminazione sessista nei confronti delle donne e in più non risponde a verità. Come riporta la rivista francese AutoPlus, sulla base dell’ultima indagine effettuata in Belgio dal Vias Institute, le donne sono un migliore affare per le compagnie di assicurazione – non solo perché – scrive l’Ansa – sono percentualmente meno coinvolte un incidenti ma anche per avere meno spesso torto – e quindi meriterebbero tariffe assicurative più vantaggiose. L’analisi di AutoPlus evidenzia che le donne sono meno colpite dagli uomini in caso d’incidente, prova della loro maggiore cautela. Rappresentano infatti il 44% di chi ha conseguenze lievi, il 23% di chi viene ferito gravi e il 34% di chi subisce danni gravi.
Dall’articolo "Le donne al volante sono meno pericolose degli uomini. Soprattutto tra i giovani" su Info Data
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MINI Countryman in AUTO PLUS
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U.A.E. E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket To Grow by 14.8% during 2020–2025
A number of factors, such as the increasing number of do-it-yourself (DIY) customers, growing customer convenience and awareness, surging vehicle sales, and rising number of road accidents, are projected to boost the growth of the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket at a CAGR of 14.8% in the forecast period (2020–2025). At this growth rate, the market size is expected to reach$634.4 million by 2025from $318.2 million in 2020. Moreover, the government initiatives to drive the e-commerce sector and rise in the digitization rate in the country propel the market growth.

The primary factor improving the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket growth prospects is the rising customer convenience and awareness. The availability of several products, easy transaction, timely delivery as per consumers’ need, and extensive offers and discounts on e-commerce portals result in a shift from buying parts from traditional stores to online parts purchasing. Thus, several sellers are now trading their automotive parts online, for better accessibility. Also, the portals offer wide-ranging product details to allow customers to understand the specifications and compare products of a similar kind.
Additionally, based on component, the product segment of the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket is classified into car parts, lubricant, battery, and tire. Among these, the tire category accounts for the largest share, and it is projected to lead the market in the coming years. This can be ascribed to the increasing demand for sport utility vehicles (SUVs) for off-roading activities and various leisure and transportation purposes, due to the rising number of tourists in the country. This drives the demand for tires, and in turn, propels the market growth in this category.
Key players in the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket have been involved in several strategic measures, like partnerships and acquisitions and launch of products, services, and websites, to improve their position and stay ahead in the market. For example, MasterCard Inc. and Amazon.ae announced their partnership to enhance the shopping experience of customers in the country and increase their online orders by offering different discounts on the products, in October 2020. Some other key players in the market include AKSA Trade LLC, Noon.com, AutoPlus Dubai, Ubuy.com, Carrefouruae.com, and Ebay.com.
#U.A.E E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket#U.A.E E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket Size#U.A.E E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket share#U.A.E E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket trends#U.A.E E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket outlook
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