#automatic spices processing plant
Revolutionize Your Production Process with a Spices Processing Plant
Can revolutionize your production process with our Spices Processing Plant. Shree Viratra Engineering is a leading Manufacturer of Spices Processing Plant in India. We provide a centralized and efficient facility for cleaning, processing, and packaging your spices. By investing in our Spices Processing Plant, you can improve the quality and consistency of your products, increase production capacity, reduce waste, labor costs, and less manpower required,  and expand your market reach.
The Automatic Spices Processing Plant can be customized to meet your specific needs and requirements, with a range of machinery available for sorting, grading, cleaning, and grinding your spices. Depending on the size and scope of your operation, you can choose from a variety of processing technologies, such as mechanical, optical, and electromagnetic sorting systems, and various types of grinders and mills for grinding and milling your spices. In addition to processing, the plant can also provide storage and packaging facilities for your spices, ensuring that they are stored in optimal conditions and packaged in a manner that preserves their freshness, flavor, and aroma. The packaging can be tailored to your specific needs, with options ranging from bulk bags and boxes to retail-ready packaging for consumer sales.
By investing in our spices processing plant, you can take advantage of economies of scale and reduce your production costs, while also improving the quality and consistency of your products. You can also benefit from the expertise and support of a team of professionals who can help you optimize your production process and ensure that your products meet the highest quality standards.
Overall, Our spices processing plant can be a game-changer for your business, enabling you to produce high-quality spices at scale and expand your market reach. If you're looking to take your production process to the next level, consider investing in a spices processing plant today.
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Just A Little Spice - Dean x Reader
“Just A Little Spice” - Dean x Reader
Rating Teen
Dean x Reader
Tags: Language, Dean Makes Bad Decisions, Dean in Mild Peril, Dean is Infuriating but We Still Love Him
Word Count: 1500
Dean likes to spice things up, but it would be nice if he didn’t have to put his life in danger in the process.
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "I would burn down the world for you." dialogue square.
A/N: Something Short and Kinda Cute. I ended up finding a way to tie this to my other Bingo Square “Ice Play.”
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Image created in Canva (photo used/found through Google Image Search)
You’d gotten back to the bunker a day later. Exhausted from the heat, satiated by the relief from the iceman. You’d found Sam organizing and labeling ingredients in his witchcraft cabinet. He was going to try a few new spells from Rowen’s bequeathed library. Realizing he needed some specialty items, he had to head up Nebraska way to meet with an herbalist who sourced supernatural spices.
Dean hovered near the cabinet, picking up jars, and mumbling pronunciations to himself. Sitting on a nearby stool beside a podium meant to support hefty grimoires for spellbook incantations, you chuckled at Sam’s constant swatting of Dean’s hands with each new inspection. You stared at Dean with your best telepathic “stop playing with your brother’s toys” look.
He frowned, relented, and placed a tincture back on a shelf. “That dude, Elijah?”
“Yep,” Sam huffed.
“What’s so important you gotta get right now?” Dean shrugged.
“Nothing important. I found a couple of spells that can change atmospheric pressure and manipulate temperature shifts. Was thinking those could come in handy in the greenhouse. Planning some experiments with out-of-season fruits and vegetables or plants that usually can’t grow in our area.”
You smiled. Sam had become quite the gardener the past year.
Sam eyed Dean in a way that cued me in on the fact that they had something private to discuss. Dean shot you a gentle “get the fuck out” request with raised brows and a head tilt.
“Alright, I’m gonna get unpacked.” You slapped your thighs and gave Sam a forearm squeeze as you passed. Dean tapped your ass on your way out.
You closed the door but lingered long enough to hear Sam, “I figured you were still planning something for-”
“Keep it movin’, sweetheart!” Dean bellowed.
You sighed and smiled to yourself. Dean had a surprise in mind for your anniversary.
You’d gone along with Dean’s ask for you to head out solo and grab beers and other supplies later that afternoon. Sam was well on his way to Nebraska by then. And, even if you didn’t play dumb well, you could give Dean time to do whatever it was he was doing for you.
Neither one of you was terribly romantic, but Dean could on occasion whip up the softest, cuddliest little moments.
So, two hours later, as Dean had nonchalantly yet specifically detailed for you to return, you stood outside the bunker door and readied for an anniversary celebration for the books.
Instead, after a hefty pull and the rattle and creak of the iron cell-like door, a plume of smoke released and assaulted your senses. Your eyes watered and you began to cough.
Beer and supplies dropped outside the threshold, you covered your mouth and nose with the collar of your T-shirt and darted inside. You crab walked down the stairs, below the cloud of smoke that hovered at the ceiling. Emergency flood lights flickered over the war room, washing it in an eerie red glow.
The bunker door slammed shut when your boots hit the ground floor, but that never happened. Some sort of automatic electrical protocol engaged for a lockdown scenario?
“Dean!” You tried your best shout to carry through the cavernous levels. He wasn’t in the library and the source of the smoke wasn’t anywhere near your current location. You dashed to the kitchen to what you assumed held the source.
You rounded the kitchen entrance. The contents of a heavy stock pot flicked with flames and churned out thick puffs of smoke on the stovetop. Your heart stopped, finding Dean splayed on the floor by the oven. Your eyes widened. Your coughing worsened at the acidic, burning taste filling your nose and mouth.
“Dean!” you called out again between wheezes. In the hazy film of smoke you spotted his head roll at your voice. You surveyed the area in seconds. You dropped to your knees and crawled over to him. You nestled by his side, grabbed his face by the jaw and jiggled. “Dean?”
“Are you alright?”
His lids flitted open. Upon a deep inhale, his coughing fit began.
You’d freak out and try to figure out what irritant or poison was in the smoke later. For the moment he was alive.
After shielding him from further smoke inhalation, you dragged him by his ankles out of the kitchen unceremoniously up and over a step. The back of his head cracked onto the granite with one of your sharp tugs. He cursed into a terry kitchen towel you’d wrapped around his mouth and nose. About 20 yards into the shit show of a rescue he had enough awareness to flip onto his stomach and urge you that he could manage.
You hopped up, lungs on fire, and ran back into the kitchen despite his yelling and a failed attempt to hook his hand around one of your shins. You grabbed the fire extinguisher in the kitchen corner, pointed the nozzle at the pot, and, from a safe distance, sprayed the flame retardant all over the stove.
The fire was finally out and with it the smoke production.
A familiar smell wafted through the heat now that the flames had dissipated. Roasted Pork? Barbecue?
Arms dropped to your side. They were heavy and searing from the exertion. Tears poured from your eyes. Through blurry blinks as the scene cleared, you spotted a tiny glass jar a few feet from where you’d found Dean.
The extinguisher clattered to the floor. You picked up the jar, examined it with a sigh, accompanied by many more coughs, and trudged your way back to Dean.
He was sat on the floor, back against one of the hall walls. He clutched the towel that had been wrapped around his face. He looked up at you with tear-streaked cheeks beneath the flashing red floodlights. “Thank Christ,” he wheezed out.
“You alright?” you asked and fell to your knees beside him. One hand steadied yourself on his thigh.
He nodded.
You waited a few agonizing minutes with him, gaze steady on each other. The air cleared as each second ticked by, enough for you to both begin to breathe with some regularity. The coughs subsided. His hand clutched yours and squeezed.
You pulled your phone out and dialed Sam.
“Hey, Sam.” You swallowed, throat dry. “Got a question for you,” you rasped.
“Yeah, sure. You okay?”
“Just peachy.”
You watched Dean’s face begin to redden for another reason.
“Curious, what’s this firecracker pepper do from your stash?”
Sam’s silence on the other end didn't bode well. “Why?”
“I’m guessing it’s not an herb you’d use for culinary experiments.”
After three more beats. “He didn’t?”
“Yep, he did.”
“Holy shit! That stuff is highly combustible! It’s meant to oxygenate a fire and sustain it for a prolonged period.”
“Gathered that. Anything we should worry about with substantial smoke inhalation?”
“Nothing more than the usual. I can be back in a few hours.”
“No, no, we’re good. He’ll clean up his own mess.”
Dean frowned.
“You sure?”
“Absolutely. You enjoy your time away from us.”
Sam sighed. “For fuck’s sake. Never a dull moment.”
“Not with your brother it isn’t. Talk soon.”
You ended the call and stared at Dean. Hard. “Dean?” you prodded.
“We were out of pepper!” His shoulders lifted and met his ears.
“I was out getting supplies!”
“If I’d asked you to get pepper you’d have known I was cooking!”
“I already knew you were cooking for our anniversary, Mr. Not Subtle!”
“I wanted to surprise you,” he murmured. “We missed celebrating the way I’d planned because of the hunt. I was making those spicy pulled pork sandwiches you love with all the extra chiles. I tossed some of the pepper in and this fucking flash bomb happened. I jumped back and lost my footing. Hit my head and that was all she wrote.”
You leaned in to feel the knot on the back of his head. “You probably have a concussion.”
He shrugged. “Nothing new there. I’ll be fine.”
You fumed, nostrils flared. “How can you be so, so-” you tossed your hands in his direction, “-this!”
He dared to toss you a cheeky grin.
“Dean, it’s not funny! You could have burned the bunker down and who knows what could’ve happened to-”
He grabbed your face with both hands. Quietly, he stated, “I would burn down the world for you.”
“Don’t do that.” You whispered. “You aren’t gonna get out of me being mad at you.”
He smiled. “Good. That means we can finally have angry make-up sex.”
You pursed your lips together and swallowed down a laugh.
His expression turned serious. “I made a mistake. It happens. I’ll clean up the mess in the kitchen.”
The thunder in your chest faded away. “You can be so careless sometimes.”
He nodded.
“You just act first, think later.”
He nodded.
“Well, you're right that you’re cleaning up all that mess and whatever the hell you did to the bunker.” You pointed down the hall to the kitchen and up at the lights.
He nodded. “Absolutely, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine! You can kiss me now!”
He repeated. “Absolutely, sweetheart.”
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jbt7493 · 2 months
the isekai thing where,
Hey this post is too long and i'm not fuckin editing down my stream of consciousness tumblr post because it's dumb anyway.
, because of weird inscrutable genre stuff, the protagonist often can't just be The Strongest Person In The World or like recruit all the strongest people into their party or learn magic or something, or use modern medicine to save lives or whatever, they need to also like. Be a business owner. and they can't just like- like, they always Invent Soap (Note: Soap existed already) or whatever, and to be fair, inventing the bessemer process is often a pretty good one.
but no they also need to be like, importing japanese cultural products (sometimes korean! when it's a korean one. duh.) to the fantasy world, which are universally beloved because obviously japanese cultural products are great and applicable everywhere. like, every medieval noble wants to wear a yukata. and like, they can never just have one business either, they have to do like 20 things and each member of their cast has their own subsidiary business (which lets you get rid of some of the cast members because theyre successfully doing their own thing, i guess). but like okay yknow. one of the ones they *always* want to do, because food is such a big thing for culture, is open a restaurant. and it's like, guys, the economics on this are insane.
(First off, this was prompted by the summer 'when a book is set in year A and written in year B and the author refers to X dollars, do they mean X dollars in year A or are they automatically translating to the equivalent year B monetary value' which presumably is talking about real life stuff)
but like dude, when these fuckin isekai protagonists open a fast food restaurant and they bill it as 'the genius idea is that we'll sell to the lower class and get a bigger market' like. first off, they had restaurants or similar equivalents back then. like, thats part of what the tavern was for. and the wealthy people could afford to just have chefs on retainer. but secondly, those peasants are not paying extra for your insanely expensive spices on your Japanese Ramen or Korean Fried Chicken In Medieval Europe. like the protagonist always has to find how some rare plant or monster part tastes exactly like the right ingredient they were missing and they're like, oh FINALLY i can eat some of the cuisine i've been missing. and then they open a restaurant.
and it's like no go back a second this shit was rare as hell you can't sell that to poor people. like dude that medieval milk soup (btw. Whats up with that. Max Miller made a video on one that was like, essentially the milk from your bowl of cereal where it was full of cinnamon and sugar. but he mentioned that there were actually savory milk soups with meat and vegetables in it, and he just isnt doing one of those. And that's like, obviously the more interesting one, and is the one you see in some of those isekai that makes you go What The Fuck Is That? Like for real what was in that. Whats up with the milk soup) was cheap as fuck. like the cows just make the milk. and like bread is bread. like the food isnt gonna be total dog shit, it's still fresh food, they have some herbs and spices just not *all* of the ones we have, the maillaird reaction still works the same. you got eggs, mushrooms, butter or animal fat. missing some veggies because you havent made contact with south america (although. i mean it's fantasy you can make it up. but they never make the thing they use to make the pseudo-japanese/korean food a super common ingredient because then it would already be in use and the protagonist wouldnt be like craving for a taste of home and then inventing a new cuisine and being super smart and innovative)
Anyway thats that but the other thing is it's insane when a story forgets to do the copper-silver-gold thing and peasants are spending like 20 gold pieces on some Fantasy Meat Skewers or w/e. like you find a treasure chest full of golden ingots and you're like holy shit we're rich but each ingot is only like a hundred sandwiches. (although admittedly i feel like copper still had to be like. pretty expensive back then right? like silver for sure, it seems insane for 10 copper coins to be worth a silver coin, but it also feels insane that you would buy a beer for multiple pieces of like metal that was taken out of the earth and refined from ore and melted into a coin. I guess they didnt have wiring so the value was probably lower)
the main thing though is why the hell are all the isekai protagonists opening like 7 small businesses. thats weird man. they should just be stabbing dragons or whatever why are they like opening a massage parlor. anyone can do that. the comparative advantage is horrible
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gottaloveanime12 · 2 years
Unexpected surprise
Crush x reader (you guys like each other, a lot)
Genre: fluff & spice. mostly spice
Warnings: suggestive
Key: B/B/F: Boy bestfriend
The bell rang as you quickly packed your bag and went to your locker. 
“Y/N.“ Your B/B/F said as he walked towards you and placed his bag in his locker.
“Hi, math was so hard today I am going to fail my test.“ You said, as you pulled your hoodie off and shoved it in your locker, then slamming the door shut. 
“Yeah, what are you gonna get for lunch?“
“Hmm, I’m not sure, I plan to go down for a walk first.“
B/B/F nodded and closed his locker door. “I’ll go and take a walk with you.”
“Really? Okay.“ 
You both walked down the halls and once you reached the staircase, you quickly turned, pulled your eye down and stuck out your tongue, “Race you down!!!”
B/B/F sighed and did not increase in his pace. 
You knew he wasn’t going to chase after you, but you still happily skipped down the stairs, and turned around the corner just to open the door-
You felt as something slammed in front of you, and before you knew it your back was up against the wall.
You opened your eyes to see C/N, with his left hand on the wall right next to your head, pinning you down. 
“C-C/N?“ Your face was red, not expecting to see your crush today, especially not with him this close to you.
His breath was tingling your skin as he panted, his dark pupils staring right into you, face pink.
“I can’t do this anymore,“ he muttered, and his lips planted on yours.
His rosy, soft lips were on yours, stealing your first kiss. After processing what happened you fluttered your eyes, and slowly, but surely kissed him back. You felt as his lips were pushed against yours, not once letting you go. 
His other hand slowly moved towards your hips, sliding from your shoulders, chest and finally to your waist, planting his firm grip on your side. Your hands automatically went to his hair, ruffling his fluffy dark locks. 
You felt his body pushing onto you, placing more force onto your body. His hand sneakily lifted your shirt up, his cold fingers leaving a touch you’ll never forget. Your mouth opened slightly, by surprise and his hot, wet tongue slithered into your mouth, exploring every inch. Your tongue happily swirled around his, both of you getting hotter and hotter by the second. 
You felt yourself sweating, due to the steaminess this situation has gotten. His hand moved from the wall to your face, gently cupping your cheek, your face heating up even more. His knee pushed in between your legs, while his hands explored further up your shirt, his whole hand squeezing your waist. 
“C-C/N. A-hh Mmm-“
You whimpered under him, who had full control over you. 
“I didn’t know you liked me this much Y/N~“ He panted, 
“I didn’t know you liked me at all.“ You whispered, pushing your head in his chest. 
“I love you.“
You looked up to him, your eyes getting wet.
“I love you too.“
“Damn.“ You hear someone say.
You and C/N quickly turned your heads towards the voice, and you see B/B/F holding his phone, recording the two of you. 
“That was cute.“ He commented.
“H- how long were you h- here?“ You panted, running out of breath.
“Since you two started touching each other. Let me show this to everyone- haha~“ 
Hoped you liked it!! It wasn’t a long one, but it’s pretty cute imo <3 It’s been a while hahahaa follow for more~
~ Lily
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creatureindustry4u · 3 months
Creature Industry: India’s Largest Food Machinery Suppliers
When it comes to food processing machinery in India, Creature Industry stands as a beacon of quality and innovation. As the largest supplier of food machinery in the country, Creature Industry offers a comprehensive range of equipment designed to meet the diverse needs of food processing businesses. From oil expellers to pulverizers, their products are known for their reliability, efficiency, and superior performance. Here’s a closer look at why Creature Industry is the leading name in food machinery supply and how they can help elevate your food processing operations.
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Extensive Range of Food Machinery
1. Oil Expeller Machines
Creature Industry specializes in various types of oil expellers, including:
4 Bolt Oil Expeller
6 Bolt Oil Expeller
9 Bolt Oil Expeller
Mini Oil Expeller
Multi Seed Oil Expeller
Mustard Oil Expeller Machine
These machines are designed for efficient oil extraction from a wide variety of seeds and nuts, ensuring high yield and quality.
2. Packaging Machines
Packaging is crucial in the food industry, and Creature Industry offers state-of-the-art solutions:
Automatic Pouch Packing Machine
Box Strapping Machine
Double Chamber Vacuum Packing Machine
Food Vacuum Sealer
These machines ensure that food products are safely and hygienically packaged, maintaining their freshness and extending shelf life.
3. Pulverizer Machines
For grinding and processing spices, grains, and other food items, Creature Industry provides:
2 In 1 Pulverizer
Blower Pulverizer
Dhaniya Pisne Ki Machine
Domestic Pulverizer
Double Chamber Pulverizer
Grain Destoner
Gravy Machine
Haldi Pisne Ki Machine
Impact Pulverizer
Masala Kandap Machine
Mirchi Pisne Ki Machine
Wet Grinder Machine
These machines are essential for achieving fine, consistent textures in a variety of food products.
4. Grain Processing Equipment
Creature Industry also excels in providing machinery for grain processing:
Fully Automatic Industrial Atta Chakki Plant
Domestic Atta Chakki
Grain Destoner
These machines ensure efficient and high-quality processing of grains, making them ideal for both small-scale and large-scale operations.
Commitment to Quality and Innovation
Creature Industry is dedicated to incorporating the latest technological advancements into their machinery. This commitment to innovation ensures that their equipment not only meets but exceeds industry standards. Each machine undergoes rigorous quality control tests to guarantee durability and performance.
Customer-Centric Approach
Creature Industry understands that each business has unique needs. Their team of experts works closely with clients to recommend the best machinery for their specific requirements. This personalized approach ensures maximum efficiency and satisfaction. Additionally, they offer comprehensive after-sales support, including installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting services.
Benefits of Choosing Creature Industry
Cost-Effective Solutions: Competitive pricing makes their machinery accessible to businesses of all sizes.
Scalability: Whether you are a small startup or a large-scale operation, Creature Industry provides scalable solutions.
Reliability: With a proven track record, Creature Industry is a trusted partner for food processing businesses across India.
Sustainability: Eco-friendly machinery options help reduce environmental impact.
Creature Industry has established itself as India’s largest supplier of food machinery by consistently delivering high-quality, innovative, and customer-focused solutions. Their extensive product range, commitment to quality, and exceptional customer service make them the ideal partner for any business in the food processing industry. By choosing Creature Industry, businesses can enhance their production capabilities, ensure quality, and achieve long-term success.
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psatalk · 4 months
Kolkata's AB Polypacks adds a new rotogravure press 
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AB Polypacks, a West Bengal-headquartered one-stop shop for a wide range of flexible packaging solutions, recently added a 9-color Solomark ELS 6450 rotogravure press from Pelican Rotoflex to its portfolio. The company had earlier added a turret slitter from Pelican.
With its manufacturing facility spread over 1.5 lakh square feet of land in Howrah near Kolkata, the company, which started its journey in 2006, provides a wide range of flexible packaging solutions, including collation shrink films, shrink labels, wrap-around labels, laminates, and all kinds of pouches, under one roof.
The Solomark 6450 has a maximum web width of up to 1300 mm, with a web tension range of 60 to 400N and a reel diameter of 1000 mm. Chinmay Kumar, co-founder of AB Polypacks, emphasized its high energy efficiency with lower power consumption and less waste. “It is user-friendly with better operational ease with better print quality and higher productivity,” he said.
According to Kumar, the machines present in the plant's arsenal for printing, lamination, blown films, shrink labels, and pouching are what set the company apart from its counterparts.
The printing unit, apart from the new Solomark 6450, is equipped with four more high-speed rotogravure printing presses. It has expertise in a diverse range of materials, ranging from polyester and PVC to PET-G, shrink film, BOPP film, foil, and paper.
The blown polyethylene film unit at the plant has a production capacity of 10,000 metric tonnes per annum. The company says it takes pride in manufacturing the best quality three-layer collation shrink film and poly films of a wide variety for lamination.
Speaking about the blown film unit, Kumar said, “Our W&H Optimex extruder provides excellent mechanical strength, and a completely automated machine provides precise operations. The thickness controller ensures easy downgauging and reduces micron variation with minimum wastage.” The major suppliers of plastic granules to the plant are HPL, IOCL, Dow Chemicals, and Borouge.
To provide high-quality packaging material, the manufacturing unit is equipped with fully automatic corona treatment machines such as Nordmeccanica. It is a combi line in which simultaneously solventless and base facility can be utilized.
The pouching unit manufactures various types such as three-sided sealed pouches, central seal pouches, stand-up pouches, pillow pouches, spout pouches, shaped pouches, and various customized pouches as per requirements.
With the entire gamut of flexible packaging solutions under one roof, the company offers its products to the food packaging, liquid packaging, healthcare, and agriculture sectors, the household and personal care sectors, and the spices industry as well.
“High barrier properties along with high aroma retention properties of our packaging material make us the supplier of choice to most of the spices brands in the country,” he said. Multinational brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsico, Hindustan Unilever, Britannia, Parle Agro, Haldiram’s, Pidilite Industries, etc., form part of the company's key client portfolio.
On the sustainability front, Kumar aims to make solar power the primary renewable source of energy for AB Polypacks by the year 2025. “Through the integration of new technology and machinery, we are wholeheartedly embracing sustainability.” According to Kumar, the company works to reduce waste and energy consumption in the manufacturing process, thereby doing its bit to produce more responsible packaging solutions.
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gulabsinghcompany · 6 months
Are You Looking for Namkeen Making Machine Manufacturers in India? Gulab Singh and Company
We are leading Namkeen Making Machine Manufacturers in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. We provide snacks like sev, chakli, and bhujia. It typically comprises a mixer, extruder, fryer, seasoning unit, and packaging component. Initially, ingredients like besan and spices are mixed to form dough, then extruded into various shapes, fried until crispy, seasoned for flavor, cooled, and finally packaged. These machines range from small-scale units for home businesses to industrial setups for commercial production. By streamlining processes, ensuring consistency, and offering easy maintenance, Namkeen Making Machines play a crucial role in efficiently meeting the demand for these popular snacks in the food industry.
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Product details
Air Pressure: 6 Kg
Machine Dimension: 110 X 164 X 175 Cm (L X W X H)
Oil Capacity: 60 to 100 Ltr
Weight: 350 kg, Approx
Power: 750 W
Voltage: 220 V
Power Source: Electric
Brand: Gulab Singh and Co.
Machine Type: Automatic
Type Of Namkeen: Nylon Sev/Ratlami Sev/Ompudi/Aloo Sev, etc.
Capacity: 50-100 Kg Per Hour.
Best Namkeen Processing Plant Manufacturers in India
Gulab Singh and Company stands as one of the premier Namkeen Processing Plant manufacturers in India. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we offer state-of-the-art processing plants designed to meet the diverse needs of the snack industry. Our plants are engineered with cutting-edge technology to ensure efficiency, reliability, and superior quality output. From raw material handling to packaging, our solutions streamline the entire production process, enabling clients to achieve optimal productivity and profitability. Trust Gulab Singh and Company for top-notch Namkeen Processing Plants that elevate your production capabilities and set new standards in the snack manufacturing industry.
Contact us right away, if you want to learn more about our wide range of namkeen making machine products. Call us at +91–9953108079 or send an email to [email protected], we are India’s largest namkeen making machine manufacturers and suppliers.
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drfroebindia · 9 months
Commercial Meat Mixer Machine in India
A meat mixer machine is a device used in the food industry for mixing and blending different types of meat together. It is commonly used in meat processing plants, butcher shops, and restaurants to efficiently combine different types of meat to create various products such as sausages, meatballs, and ground meat.
The machine consists of a large mixing chamber, typically made of stainless steel, where the meat is placed. The chamber is equipped with blades or paddles that rotate to mix the meat together. Some meat mixer machines also have adjustable speeds and timers to control the mixing process.
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To use the meat mixer machine, the operator first loads the desired types of meat into the chamber. The machine is then turned on, and the blades or paddles begin to rotate, mixing the meat together. The operator can adjust the speed and time of the mixing process depending on the desired consistency and texture of the meat.
Meat mixer machines come in different sizes and capacities, ranging from small countertop models to large industrial ones. They can also be manual or electric, with some models requiring manual cranking while others are powered by electricity.
In addition to mixing meat, some meat mixer machines also have the capability to mix in other ingredients such as spices, herbs, and seasonings to enhance the flavor of the final product. This makes the machine a versatile tool in the food industry, allowing for the creation of unique and customized meat blends.
Regular maintenance and cleaning of a meat mixer machine is essential to ensure its proper functioning and to prevent cross-contamination between different types of meat. The machine should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each use, and all removable parts should be washed separately.
In conclusion, a meat mixer machine is a valuable piece of equipment in the food industry, providing an efficient and effective way to mix different types of meat and create a variety of products. Its versatility and capability to mix in other ingredients make it a must-have for any meat processing company or restaurant.
Main construction features of meat mixer machine
Two full-metal, shafts with polished mixing paddles Grinded outer surface (not sandblasted) - less rough/easier to clean Grinded interior of the mixing bowl Smooth speed control (inverter) Clockwise and anticlockwise rotations Top lid and unlodaing flap opened/closed manually Manual or automatic (option) control of mixing, automatic unloading programm Kit of safety switches/sensors Heavy, solid contruction 100% stainless steel Total capacity: 300 L Max. filling capacity: 240 kg Power of engine: 4 kW Smooth speed control [r/min] 1-40, inverter Manually opened loading/unloading flaps Safety switches and trolley presence sensor Power supply: 3x400V/50Hz Weight: ~600 kg
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fitnessfacts00 · 9 months
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Easy plant based diet for weight loss will be your first choice if you adopt a vegan lifestyle. A single strategy sticks out for its simplicity and efficacy in a world full of diet fads and weight loss tricks, the plant-based diet.
This web post will describe the basics of a plant-based diet and how it can help you lose those extra pounds without all the difficulties.
In the end, you will find a best and an easy plant based diet for weight loss recipe.
At its core, a plant-based diet rotates around eating whole, unprocessed meals derived from plants. This includes of a colorful collection of fruits, veggies, entire grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Unlike restrictive diets that concentrate on what you can’t consume, a plant-based lifestyle is set embracing the abundance of nutrient-rich alternatives to be had in the plant kingdom.
1. Nutrient Density and Weight Management
Meals made of plants are low in calories but high in essential nutrients. This nutrient density is a key factor in helping your body’s capabilities without overloading it with excess energy. The result? A balanced diet that aids in weight control.
2. Fiber: Your Weight Loss Ally
Fiber, found in large quantities in plant foods, is a hero for weight loss. It not only effectively promotes a feeling of fullness but also regulates blood sugar levels, preventing sudden spikes that may lead to overeating.
3. Cutting Out Empty Calories
Many processed and animal-based meals are high in empty calories and offer little to no nutritional value. By embracing a plant-based weight loss plan, you automatically remove or significantly lessen these empty-calorie culprits, paving the way for a more fit weight.
1. Building Balanced Meals
Plant-based meals that combine macro and micronutrients are satisfying. A balanced plate has lots of veggies, whole grains, healthy fat, and a protein source (beans, lentils, or tofu).
2. Mindful Eating Practices
Mindful ingesting is a cornerstone of successful weight loss on a plant-based weight loss plan. Pay attention to starvation and fullness cues, get pleasure from the flavors of your meals, and avoid distractions whilst ingesting to foster a healthier relationship with your meals.
1. Breakfast Bliss: Smoothie Bowl Extravaganza
Blend your desired fruits, a handful of leafy vegetables, and a scoop of plant-based protein powder for a colorful and filling breakfast.
2. Lunchtime Delight: Chickpea and Avocado Wrap
Stuff a whole-grain wrap with chickpeas, fresh veggies, avocado slices, and a drizzle of tahini for a satisfying and nutrient-packed lunch.
3. Dinner Simplicity: Quinoa-Stuffed Bell Peppers
Combine cooked quinoa with black beans, corn, diced tomatoes, and spices. Stuff the mixture into bell peppers and bake for a delicious and healthful dinner.
Chipotle Black Bean Burgers
Embrace a plant-based method to weight management whilst tantalizing your taste buds with those Chipotle Black Bean Burgers.
Bursting with protein, fiber, and smoky chipotle flavors, they are noticeably easy to put together, making them best for busy weekdays or a fulfilling weekend grill. Ditch the greasy takeout and ignite your culinary prowess with these veggie-powered gems.
Ingredients (Yields four Burgers)
1 can (15 ounces) black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup finely diced red onion
1/4 cup finely diced red bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon chipotle chili paste (regulate based on desired spice level)
1 teaspoon floor cumin
1/2 of teaspoon smoked paprika
1/4 teaspoon great sea salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Optional toppings:
Fresh salsa, vegan mayonnaise, avocado and tomato slices, lettuce leaves, and whole-wheat hamburger buns.
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hermmachinery · 11 months
8-10 T/H Chicken Feed Pellet Line Project in Mexico
Mexico will continue to be a major importer of basic grains. Imports of basic grains are expected to continue growing modestly in 2019-20 to meet the growing demand for livestock feed.
A Mexican customer ordered an 8-10T/H chicken feed pellet machine production line from Herm Machinery, which is mainly used to produce 2-12mm animal feed pellets, such as poultry feed, cattle, sheep feed, pig feed, etc. The best-priced high-performance feed pellet machines from Herm Machinery are of good quality, long life, and low failure rate. Our animal feed production line has become a favorite of many farm users.
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With higher consumer incomes, spending on cereals and basic crops tends to decrease, while consumer spending on poultry, pork and beef, milk, and eggs increases. For feed consumption, corn kernels are fed to livestock and poultry in raw form alone or with supplements in compound feed. The animal feed industry is expected to grow slightly in 2020, and the poultry industry remains the main user of feed grains in Mexico, mainly corn.
How To Make Chicken Feed?
1. Raw Material Crushing Section:
The feed grinder can grind the raw material ingredients to the required size. The grind fitness is different for different grinders. We supply four types of feed grinders. The hammer mills are suitable for small-sized or medium-sized feed pelletizing plants. The wide chamber fine grinders and water drop hammer mills are usually used in large-sized and medium-sized feed pelletizing factories. The ultra-fine feed grinder is designed for grinding raw materials of special aquatic feed.
2. Feed Material Mixing Section:
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3. Feed Pelletizing Section:
The feed pellet mill is the main equipment of the whole production line. There are two common kinds of feed pellet mills: ring die feed pellet mills and flat die feed pellet mills. If you want to produce feed pellets in large quantities, the ring dies feed pellet mill is the ideal choice. If your demanded quantity is small, you can choose the flat die feed pellet mill. Also, we supply the aquatic feed pellet mill for pressing fish feed pellets and shrimp feed pellets, etc. If you have more questions about customized feed pellet production requirements, please feel free to leave a message or send an email for more support.
4. Feed Pellet Cooling Section:
The feed pellets pressed out by the feed pellet mill are hot and moist. They can't be crushed, screened, or packed immediately. A counterflow feed pellet cooler is designed to cool or dry the feed pellets. It can decrease the temperature and moisture of the feed pellets, preparing for the following sections.
5. Feed Pellet Crushing Section:
Different poultry, livestock, or aquatic feed pellets are of different sizes. Some big ones should be crushed into small ones. Roll-type feed pellet crumbler is just the equipment for feed pellet crushing. Double-roll feed pellet crumbler is suitable for crushing poultry feed, such as chicken feed, duck feed, goose feed, etc. Three-roll feed pellet crumbler is suitable to crush aquatic feed including fish feed and shrimp feed etc.
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6. Feed Pellet Screening And Grading Section:
The crushed feed pellets are of different sizes, and there may be some powder. The rotary grading sieve can be used to screen and grade the feed pellets. After processing, you can get the qualified feed pellets without fine powder.
7. Feed Pellet Packing Section:
The feed pellets should be packed for transporting, storing, or selling. Automatic weighing and packing machines can weigh and pack the pellets automatically with high accuracy.
8. Automatic PLC Control System:
With the automatic PLC control system, the production line is with high efficiency and convenient operation.
Raw Material
Cereals: con, wheat bran, soybean, rice bran, sorghum, millet, vinasse, etc.
Proteins and fat: fishmeal, bone meal, soybean meal, peanut cake, cottonseed cake, rapeseed cake, etc.
Additive: spices, sweeteners, molasses, fat, mineral elements.
Henan Herm Machinery Co., Ltd was established in 2010 and has been devoted to the research and development of Feed Mill Machinery ever since. With more than 10-year experience, Herm® has become a leading manufacturer and supplier of animal feed machines and complete animal feed production lines, cattle feed plants, poultry feed plants, animal feed pellet production lines, etc. It always endeavored to improve the quality of products and aims to meet the new requirements of the international market. 
If You Are Ready to Start a Feed Pellet Plant Business, please contact us for the feed mill machine. We Can Provide Professional Design and Comprehensive Guidance According to Your Needs. Get in touch with us now!
Welcome Contact Us!
Henan Herm Machinery Co., Ltd
Whatsapp: 0086 18037508651
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multifill456 · 2 years
Beer Liquid Bottle Filling Machine Household Manual
While initially constructed for filling gels, lotions, and creams, these fillers also accommodate water heavy and thin paste products. In March 2021, Scholle IPN, a US-based firm that manufactures bag-in-box packaging products, completed the acquisition of Bossar Packaging Pvt. This acquisition will leverage the combined manual food filling machines capabilities of both businesses to supply one-stop shopping for vertically built-in, sustainable options for the global filling machine market. Ltd. is a US-based firm that gives HFFS machines and filling machines for pre-made pouches.
Depending on the volume, electrical necessities, location on the road and machinery weight, some early planning is a significant dynamic of this procedure. There is an absolute multitude of issues when selecting packaging machinery and supplies are a few of the most essential things to consider. The equipment is loaded with a continuing flat plastic movie roll, which has had labeling and art work on the interior or exterior of the film. For other merchandise the movie might first be put by way of a sterilizing chemical wash and drying earlier than utilizing in the packaging system. "Machinery" and "tools" are used interchangeably when it comes to packaging. In this text when discussing varieties, "equipment" will refer to machines which do the actual packaging and "gear" will refer to machines or materials which are part of the packaging line.
Suited for decrease velocity production traces, pilot plant operations, analysis, and growth laboratories. The product is loaded into the top pan and manually fed into the filling tube by an operator. From Multi-Fill can deposit some foods at speeds as a lot as 120 containers per minute while sustaining product look and integrity? The machine speed varies by mannequin, structure manual food filling machines, product, and container type, but with our expertise, your buyer is eating their green olives sooner somewhat than later. GEA’s massive bag fillers are designed to pack a extensive variety of powdered merchandise into versatile luggage . We have three types of big bag fillers — BF-300, BBS-S and BBS-D — with numerous options for both ...
All of your business’s food processing needs – beyond simply filling and closing – are lined underneath our one roof. Pacific provides manual, semi-automatic, and automatic fillers for 50-gallon drums to 500-gallon totes. These machines provide all manual food filling machines the identical advantages as their new counterparts, however at a extra mild worth. Browse our currently out there used machines and save on value without compromising your machinery’s quality.
With the perfect packaging machines, a smaller labor force will be required therefore paying out very fewer wages. Indeed, packaging machines may include a large price tag, but when whole value of possession of a packaging line is taken and compared to manual laborers, then machinery is the most sensible option. Food– ready-to-eat food, grains & seeds, milk & liquids, spice, espresso, sugar, oil packaging machine, salt, tea, bakery, beverage, candy/confections, dairy, beverage, and bakery. Running eco-friendly materials can be a significant consideration.
Nylon with TPE inside sealing gland and CR/ NBR outer sealing gland. Use caps and plugs to guard crucial profiles from damage during handling and transportation. You can even get an expert finish by using high-temperature masking for holes and get in touch with factors with easy-to-fit caps and plugs. You can regulate the filling volume by loosing the screw A1 and A2 to regulate the output. But the screw A3 must be tightened to the half above, or the deal with may be caught.
The sizzling filling equipment is stuffed at 83℃-95℃ to kill the microorganisms on the bundle and the top cowl, which meets the industrial aseptic conditions and is used for the packaging of liquid food, and so forth. Microbial proliferation testing of liquid foods packaged in aseptic packaging, sizzling filling and ultra-clean filling tools. Let us bottle and promote your best-tasting creation to the world-wide market! For over 20 years we’ve been pioneering within the beverage trade as one of many main providers of beverage machinery for food producers across the globe.
The food-grade material is anti-corrosion and wear-resistances, simple to clean and preserve. The strong base retains sturdy, provides a stable working surroundings. Moreover, some gamers are a worldwide provider for these equipments and contribute to the expansion of the market for this region. All of our food filling methods are constructed from 316SS and other FDA, USDA and Dairy 3A approved supplies. The filling machine is designed for Clean-in-Place washing and may be mixed with our exterior cleansing system to supply high levels of repeatable cleanliness. Versatile and flexible, Pacific’s viscous fillers are customized to accommodate a variety of filling techniques.
Alternatively, it could perform as a double-sided sealing frame for 2 totally different kinds of packs. Free-flowing simply refers to powdered products that can't keep its shape even when further strain is added. In distinction, non-free-flowing merchandise, corresponding to powdered milk and brown sugar, can be compressed and maintain their form.
Also, some of them have nozzles for pre-cleaning the container with a nitrogen flush. These machines are a boon and the future of the pharmaceutical business. The digital liquid filling machine works on the precept of gear pump filling, so the fluid is displaced or moved by a fixed volume within gears. This machine comes with an attached silicone pipe and uses the syringe to fill the liquid.
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Shri Viratra Engineering is the most trusted Manufacturers & Exporters of Food Processing Plants Such As Fully Automatic Dal Mill Plant, Fully Automatic Wheat Flour Mill Plant, Fully Automatic Besan Plant, Automatic Seed/Grain Cleaning Plant, Sortex Cleaning Plant, Spices Processing Plant, Korma Roasted Plant And Guar Gum processing Plant since 2002.
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economodefood · 2 years
Top 10 Benefits of Investing in Quality Potato Chips Making Machine
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Creating quality potato chips and profitable potato chips simultaneously can be a challenging task for snack makers however with the use of advanced and good-quality potato chips making machines both objectives can be achieved at once.
A quality machine typically consists of several components, including a conveyor belt, slicing system, frying chamber, and seasoning system. Potato chip production lines in India come in various sizes and capacities, ranging from small-scale machines for home use to large industrial machines that can produce thousands of bags of potato chips per hour. These machines are commonly used in snack food factories, food processing plants, and large commercial kitchens. They can help to automate the production process, increase efficiency, and ensure consistent quality and taste of the potato chips.
How to analyse a quality potato chips making line?
Material: A quality machine is made of high-quality stainless steel or other durable materials that can withstand frequent use and resist corrosion.
Production capacity: The capacity of a quality fully automatic potato chips line in terms of the number of potato chips it can produce in a given time. You must choose a machine that suits your needs and production capacity.
Cutting technology: The cutting technology used in the machine is efficient and produces uniform potato slices. An advanced Potato Chips machine in Bangladesh is able to adjust the thickness of the potato slices.
Energy efficiency: A machine that is energy-efficient and does not consume too much power, which can save you money in the long run.
Easy to clean and maintain: A machine that is easy to clean and maintain, as this can save you time and effort.
After-sales service and support: A potato chips line manufacturer from whom you buy a machine offers good after-sales service and support, including training and technical assistance if a quality and advanced machine is provided to you.
Benefits of Investing in Quality potato chips production line
As the demand for potato chips continues to increase worldwide, investing in a quality potato chip-making machine can be a game-changer for any business. The potato chips line manufacturer offers quality machines in countries like India, Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and UAE.
Here are the top 10 benefits of investing in a quality potato chips making machine:
Consistent quality: 
Quality potato chips making lines can produce consistent and high-quality chips every time, which helps establish a good reputation for your brand. Being able to deliver your customers a consistent taste and quality is a crucial element for a successful potato chip business.
Increased efficiency:
Investing in a high-quality machine can increase production efficiency and reduce labor costs, resulting in higher profits. In comparison to other types of traditional and low-quality machines, you can get a greater output in less span of time and with less labour investment hence increasing overall profit.
Wide range of products: 
The market demands an extensive range of flavours and spices, and it becomes tough to produce a variety of flavoured chips by using low-quality machines. 
However, with the right equipment, you can produce a wide range of potato chip products, including flavoured and speciality chips, expanding your business potential.
Improved hygiene:   
High-grade fully automatic potato chips lines have advanced features that help maintain a clean and hygienic environment, ensuring the safety of the food produced.
Although the initial investment may seem high, investing in the right Potato Chips machine can reduce maintenance and repair costs in the long run, making it a cost-effective solution.
Lower waste: 
A good machine can significantly reduce waste, resulting in lower material costs and higher profits.
Energy-efficient:Many modern potato chips making machines are designed to be energy-efficient, which can help reduce electricity costs.
Easy to operate: 
A quality potato chips making line is designed to be easy to operate, even for inexperienced personnel, reducing training costs.
The right machine can handle various types of potatoes, cutting styles, and seasonings, allowing you to produce a diverse range of products.
Competitive edge: 
Investing in a quality machine can give your business a competitive edge over others, as it enables you to produce chips of consistent quality and a wide variety of flavours.
In conclusion, investing in a quality potato chips making machine can have a positive impact on your business by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing profits.
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jeanjauthor · 3 years
The ‘dreaded swimsuit season’ is coming up, and that means people are going to be obsessing about food and exercise and losing calories.  First of all, I’m not a medical professional nor a nutritionist nor a physical therapist etc, so definitely consult with the appropriate personnel...but I cannot stress strongly enough, you must consult with non-fatphobic medical personnel.
Fatphobia kills people of all bodyweights, and this blog does not support fatphobia, especially medical fatphobia.
Now, with that said...if you want to be healthy, there are plenty of non-fatphobic things you can do about it.  And the biggest things you need to know about how to go about it are: understanding your metabolism, understanding how muscles can affect your metabolism, and understanding how diet (foods, not fatphobia industry) can affect your metabolism.
Given all the fat-shaming bullshit thrown about in the so-called “Health Industry,” it sounds counterintuitive, but you actually need to eat more in order to lose weight.  You need to teach your body that it’s not in starvation mode anymore, that it has plenty of calories and nutrients...and just start moving more.  Not necessarily exercising more, but moving more.
2,000-2,500 calories a day is the range for a “normal” body-weight-and-size person.  However, the more exercise you do, the more muscles you have, or simply the bigger a person you are (the more cells you have), the more calories you need.  Unless you’re seriously short & skinny, a 1,500 calorie meal is a starvation meal, and that will put your body into “OMFG SAVE ALL THE CALORIES AS FAT!!” mode.
Literally, a toddler’s caloric needs are 1,100, and they range from 20-35 pounds.  You’re several times that much.  This doesn’t mean that if you weigh 175 pounds that  you need to eat at least 5 times as many calories, however!  In truth, you only need about double that, because a toddler’s metabolism is geared toward growing, whereas an adult’s metabolism is geared toward maintaining.
The best way to understand this is to realize your metabolism can be divided into 4 categories.
Your Resting Metabolic Rate is simply the amount of calories needed to keep you breathing, your blood pumping, your organs functioning.  That’s 60%-75% of your caloric intake. You have your Thermic Effect of Food, which is another 10%, literally the energy it takes to chew and swallow and digest food & drinks, and then to excrete the leftover bathroom waste. The remaining two types of calorie burning are Non-Exercise Activity Thermogensis, and Activity Thermogenesis.  Of those lattermost two, your body actually burns more of the Non-Exercise calories than the Active Exercise calories...and it is designed to burn more when simply moving.
Literally, just moving a bit more than you usually do in a typical day will burn calories effectively.  Move around the house on every commercial break, stand up and sit down more often, change your position more frequently, raise and lower your arms, gently swing or kick your legs...just move more.  When they say 30 minutes of (gentle) exercise a day, this is exactly what they are talking about.  You don’t need weights, you don’t need machinery, you don’t need a gym membership.  Just move.  It’ll be a gradual process, but so long as you’re eating foods with plenty of fiber as well as other food types, you’ll feel full and won’t feel starved.
Now, if you want to burn calories even faster through vigorous exercise, you can do that, too...but again you need to use your metabolism.  Make sure you’re not starving, because your body will go into a panic attack thinking you’re not only starving but are being chased by bears and will need plenty of fat to survive while you’re unable to gather food, etc because zomg you’re being chased by bears!!1!  (Truly, the metabolism is a primitive/primal minded thing based upon hundreds of thousands of years of hunter-gatherer lifestyles, and does not comprehend modern life at all.)
And then, what do you do to burn more calories?  You build muscles.  Muscles burn a lot of calories.  Not just through using said muscles in excercise, but muscles will burn through calories even while simply resting.  The more muscles you have, the more calories your body will burn.
How do you build muscles?  Well, there are two types of muscles, which while it sounds cannibalistic, we’ll call white meat and dark meat, because it’s the easiest mnemonic to remember.  White meat (think breast meat on a chicken) is designed for strong but brief actions...and men have more white meat muscles than females, though obviously they have both kinds.  That brief sprint towards a prey animal, the thrust of a spear into its body, aaaand done.
Dark meat muscles are meant for lower-strength repetitive actions.  Walking around reaching up or stooping down or digging while gathering plants, with no need to rush and plenty of opportunities to rest.  Chasing after young children.  Weaving baskets, scraping and tanning hides into furs and leathers, cooking...these are tasks that require little to moderate amounts of strength, but most important, repeated movements.  Women tend to have more dark meat muscles than men, though obviously they have both kinds.
(The reasons why wild ducks, partridges, grouse, etc, all have dark meat breast muscles is because they use those muscles to fly long distances. Chickens evolved from jungle-floor hunt-and-peck birds that mostly flew only short distances to get away from predators by flying up to the nearest tree branches, so they literally just needed a burst of strong energy over a short period of time, hence white meat muscles.)
Which type is better?  Both, ideally, because they are useful in a variety of different ways.  Which is better for burning calories?  Ideally both, but it doesn’t really matter.  All you need to do is build muscles.
As for how to do that...you know how you feel when you exercise until you are sore?  That’s what you need to do.  This is where weights and machines and treadmills do come in handy, but still aren’t necessary, since you can lift and lower objects around your home, and get exercise bands or surgical tubing for resistance training, and go for longer walks, etc.
The object is to (gently!) push your body to the point where your muscles are sore.  You can do this by lifting weights for a few repetitions near your limit (use a spotter & practice safe lifting skills!!), which is a white meat muscle activity, or you can use lesser weights or resistance machinery (surgical tubing counts), but just do it more, which is dark meat muscle activity.
You can also do the “step down” method of weight training or resistance training, by starting near your limit, going until your muscles burn, then resting a few minutes while gently shaking out, massaging, or relaxing the muscles in question to help move the lactic acid out of your muscle tissues, along with hydrating. Then you “step down” the amount of weight (say by 20%-30%) and doing another set of reps (repetition movements) until again it’s a struggle, then another few minutes of rest, hydration, etc, before stepping down again, doing some reps...and then again when it’s at the lightest you can for as long as you can, then rest that muscle group.
Regardless of which way you weight/resistance train, take a full 48 hours off.  Or as close to 48 as you manage--weight train 3 times a week, and then take up to 72 hours (three days) off so your body can fully recover.  You can still exercise, but do not use weights or resistance machinery/rubber bands, etc.
Let your muscles use that 48 hours to heal, and eat more protein sources to help your body build more muscle strength, along with a variety of nutrients to get the right kinds of micronutrients.  Again, I must emphasize: Do not starve your body.  It will go into fat-storage mode and will only barely repair your muscles, nevermind build them bigger.
The goal is to build more muscle tissue.  if you are hungrier than usual, eat more.  Your body will tell you what it needs if you listen, and there are plenty of charts out there with “if you are craving X,Y, or Z, then try eating healthier foods A,B,C, D, E, or F!” and they’re actually not inaccurate...but it is okay to have the “less healthy” foods in moderation, same as in everything you eat.
But seriously, up your protein intake, which is what your body needs to build bigger muscles.  The average (again, your needs may be more) person needs about 4 ounces (115 grams) of protein per meal, so you can shoot for more than that.  And get your proteins from a variety of sources.  Humans can manufacture a good number of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), but we cannot synthesize 9 of them, the “9 essential amino acids.”
These 9 essential amino acids are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.   Foods that contain all nine essential acids are called complete proteins. These include eggs, fish, beef, pork, poultry, and whole sources of soy (tofu, edamame, tempeh, and miso).
While plant proteins have lower essential amino acid contents when compared to animal proteins, they will also have different ratios of the various amio acids compared to most animal-based proteins.  This is something that vegetarians and vegans need to keep in mind.
Some plant-based foods can be combined together to complement and/or supplement.  “Rice & beans” is one such combination.  Basically, you combine a grain (in this case rice) with a pulse (legumes, like beans, or peas, etc).  Here in America, in Mexican restaurants, a serving of refried beans and Spanish rice (seasoned with tomatoes & spices) is often automatically included as a side for most dishes.  This provides a great deal of carbohydrates, but it also provides a more or less “complete protein” set of those essential amino acids.
Corn, beans, and squash plants do the same thing, providing a complete protein when combined together, as well as plenty of carbs.  These three plant types are the “Three Sisters” of indigenous North Americans.  They are best when planted together, the corn providing a trellis for the beans to grow upon, the squashes spreading out across the field to smother competing weeds, and together they feed people reasonably well.
However, they are still more carb-heavy than protein-heavy, which means vegetarians need to rely upon other sources such as nuts, plus eggs, dairy, and/or fish (if pisco-lacto-ovarian vegetarians).  Vegans in particular need to be extra careful.  Yes, peanuts have a lot of proteins compared to their carbs, same with almonds, etc, so definitely add nuts to your diets!  But just be aware that you’re going to need to be a lot more conscious of your protein types & sources--and make sure to get a variety of sources--if you’re trying to build muscles while on a vegetarian or especially on a vegan diet.  A purely plant-based diet will not have nearly as balanced a set of amino acids as what animal-inclusive diets can contain.
If you’re lacto-ovarian, this is made easier because milk, cheese, and eggs are wonderful foods with a lot of nutritional value.  If you eat fish as well, even better, full proteins in fish as well as in egg whites, etc...but that brings me to another caveat, because you should probably eat the egg yolks as well as the egg whites.
Do not skip out on fats.  Unless you have a genuine doctor-ordered medical reason, do not cut all fats out of your diet.  Your brain needs fats in order to function.  And just as with amino acids in various protein sources, there are different types of fats as well that our bodies need in different amounts for different reasons.  This isn’t to say you should chow down on the equivalent of a full stick of butter (1/2 cup, 65 grams) with each meal (unless you’re camping outdoors in winter in the far north or a mountain, because then you need fat in your diet for your body to literally burn to help keep you warm).
It’s just that you don’t want to go completely fat free...because if you do, your metabolism will go into panic mode in its primitive/primal-minded way, “ZOMG IT’S LATE WINTER/EARLY SPRING AND NOTHING HAS ANY FATS IN IT WE’RE ALL GONNA STAAAAAARRRVEEE!!” Your metabolism will start turning carbs and even proteins into fats in an effort to ensure your brain (along with other vital organs) will have enough fats to keep functioning.  So go ahead and put some butter on your toast.  Even better, put some nutbutter on your toast, since sunflower butter, peanut butter, almond butter, all those things have proteins and fats as well as carbs.
Also, your body actually does need cholesterol to function, but only in smaller amounts than you’d think.  HOWEVER, if it doesn’t get enough of the right types of cholesterol through diet, your body will make its own cholesterol, and will make more than you need, out of carbohydrates.  (Yeah, this one was a shocker to me when I learned about it, and the answer blew my mind.  Seriously, our body will make up to 10x as much cholesterol as we need if we don’t eat it, so it’s best if we do eat it.)
So how much does an average person need to consume of these critical cholesterols that it absolutely needs?  ...About 1-2 egg yolks a day (or comparable alternative sources; vegans, do some research on alternatives, or just accept that your body may try to overproduce certain cholesterols if it’s feeling nutrition-starved).  Seriously.  Just that much is enough. (Again, your needs may vary based on your body size, metabolic rate, and/or environment.)
So.  Put it all together, and you have:  1. Eat a variety of foods in sufficient quantities and qualities (fats and proteins included) to ensure your body stays healthy; 2. exercise just enough to push your muscles into feeling sore; 3. Rest 48 hours while eating a bit more protein to help your body repair and build bigger muscles; 4. Lather-rinse-repeat... and you’ll eventually get bigger muscles that burn more calories simply by existing, as well as whenever you use them to move just a bit more than you normally would.
Dark meat muscles burn more calories when at rest because they’re designed that way, because they’re small effort but frequent use with multiple short rests, lots of blood flowing through them, and thus are more metabolically “charged” than white meat muscles.  However, white meat muscles tend to be the largest muscles, and thus while not designed to burn calories as efficiently while at rest compared to dark meat muscles...they actually end up burning about the same through sheer volume.
Work on improving your muscles, move a bit more every day, eat more conscientously but not through the heavily warped fearmongering lens of the Diet Industry’s blather and/or tactics, and you will be healthy enough to go to the beach and enjoy it.  Not because you’ll have lost weight, but because you will be healthier.  (Fun fact: muscles are denser and heavier than fat, so you could literally lose inches while gaining pounds from your body burning the fat with its now increased muscle mass.)
And yes, you can weigh 260 pounds and still be healthier than someone who weighs 160.
In other words, if you have a body, and you go to the beach with it, you now have a beach body.
You’ll just be less likely to get out of breath while swimming or building sand castles or playing volleyball or whatever if you’ve upped your exercise levels between now and then.
Get one that matches your swimwear, or makes you feel silly & fun.  Even if everyone started wearing their masks (not going to happen, but one can dream), it will to take us all of 2021 to quell the pandemic...and because people won’t be wearing their masks, keep wearing that mask.  Yes, even if you have had all your shots.  Because people aren’t wearing masks, the virus is able to spread, and when it spreads, there’s always a chance it will mutate, and cause new strains of infections...which it already has.  So wear your damn mask.
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sr-engineering · 3 years
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Machinery Industry
Website - https://srspicesmachines.com/
We are one of the leading manufacturers of spices grinding machine and pulverizer we provide all types of spices machinery.
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#Hammer Mill
#Commercial Spices Grinder Machine
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#Spices Drying Machine
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#Masala Making Machine
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#Automatic Masala Plant
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drfroebindia · 1 year
Looking for Burger Patty Making Machine
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Looking for Burger Patty Making Machine if yes then you have chosen the best place to buy patty forming machine. it is fast, noiseless, safe and reliable, compact easy to clean. These patty forming models are the ideal equipment for butchers, super and hypermarkets, food processors, fast food, canteens, and catering centers. Fed with mince, they can automatically produce either patty or balls of the desired weight as it can be adjusted thanks to the forming cylinder. Various ingredients such as chicken, and fish can be processed in combination with grated bread, eggs, cheese, soy, and spices. Even biscuit dough can be easily shaped. The pre-established weight of patties and balls is constant throughout the whole working cycle; a very important issue for food processors, packaging plants,s and catering centers where product quantity per portion must be as accurate as possible; one of the most valuable aspects. Different shapes can be obtained just by changing the forming cylinder: square, oval, customized according to customer needs.
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