#autoheaven wreckers
goatgot5566 · 3 years
Mafia Au, here are some killers!
Log 10 - Trapper
Name, Evan - MacMillan Age, 32 Height, 6'5 BloodType, AB Job, CEO of a Mining Corp. Degrees, High School Lives, MacMillan Estate City, Trolis, America America, mom gone/dead, father sick
Even working as the CEO of a mining corp, Evan somehow is able to keep up his criminal ways. It's not that he minds, but being leeshed by the Entity, threathening his father in the process, isn't fun. So the Trapper, a name given to him by the Entity, must work out his dept. One time, he faced the Entity, the only out of all the others to see the Entity, but came back ruined, scarred...
Log 11 - Wraith
Name, Philip - Ojomo Age, 28 Height, 6'7 BloodType, O Job, mechanic, Autoheaven Wreckers Degrees, Home schooled Lives, Scarp Yard shed near Autoheaven Wreckers City, Trolis, America Nigerian, parents in Africa
Philip was having the best time working at his job. Good money and no problems. Yeah, he may live in a scarp yard, but at least it's quiet (Since it's outside of the city). Just when it was great, he discovered his boss's evil deeds and killing people. After killing his boss, Philip didn't know what to do, scared to go to prison, but this night the Entity makes a deal with him. So now, he works whenever called, mostily during night and no one will know that he killed his boss. (So he's boss now, running the car shop on his own)
Log 12 - Hillbilly
Name, Max - Thompson Jr. Age, 19 Height, 6'1 BloodType, A Job, none Degrees, none Lives, Anywhere but mostly Thompson's Farm City, Trolis, America American, killed parents
After killing his parents, Hillbilly is lost. He has nothing to do but kill, knowing only killing. The Entity sees this as a chance to approach the deranged child man, having him work under them. So now, Hillbilly kills and kills at the Entity's orders.
Log 13 - legion #1
Name, Frank - Morrison Age, 19 height, 5’8 bloodtype, AB, job, none degrees, drop out, lives, with adopted father/ormond lodge city, Calgary(child), ormond, adopted
Frank Morrison was nineteen and had little to show for it. He stopped attending school after being kicked off of basketball due to unsportsmanlike conduct. Morrison as a child shifted through multiple foster homes due to tantrums and bad behavior. His last foster parent, a man by the name of Clive andrews, took the long drive from ormond to pick him up. Growing up, he wanted so desperately to move to a new town. That was until he met a beautiful popular girl at his school named julie. Through julie he was introduced to her best friend Susie, a shy naive girl, and Joey, a loud and overconfident, funny boy. They would hang out at an abandoned lodge in ormond. However frank lined up nights trouble and debauchery, with small Petty heists and robberies. One night they planned to rob a convenient store that recently fired Joey. However it went south when the janitor had caught them, causing a struggle. The 4 butchered and gutted the man, resulting in their unbreaking loyalty to eachother known as the legion. They buried the body and tried to avoid law enforcement. It wasn’t until a shady invitation was sent by a mysterious boss called the entity. Now they serve this entity in promise of protection from incarceration.
Log 14 - legion #2
Name, Joey - Last name unknown Age, 18 height, 5’9 blood type, B job, convenient store (formally), none degrees, Senior in high school lives, with parents (presumably)/ormond lodge City, ormond
Not much is known about joey before meeting frank Morrison. A overconfident show off, Joey attended high school. He went to multiple parties thrown by his good friend, Julie kostenko, a popular girl at his school. Through these parties he met frank Morrison who was julie’s boyfriend. He would hang out with the two as well as Susie, julie’s best friend. They mostly hang out in the lodge, and through Frank’s ideas of fun, planned robberies and heists. One day they robbed a convenient store, his old place of work. However it went wrong after a struggle with the store janitor who grabbed Julie and held her with his knife. Eventually they overwhelmed him and murdered him. Together at that moment the 4 formed an unbreaking bond known as the legion. Now workin For the entity to cover their tracks, the 4 teens were never heard from again.
My friend did the last 2
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petitelepus · 5 years
Oooh matchups are open! In that case (if I haven’t yet), I’d like a matchup for DBD killer and survivor please! [1/4] I’m female, Filipino-American with a hint of Spanish and Chinese, Scorpio, 5’0” medium straight dark brown hair, tannish skin, petite figure, ISFJ, and hetero. I make horrible puns and have a soft spot for horror literature whenever the mood fits.
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I match you with Philip Ojomo aka Wraith!
You’re a beautiful woman, that goes without asking and any killer would be interested in defiling you to their sicker minds. Wraith isn’t like the rest. He looks out for your good.
Philip first fell for you while stalking you during a trial. You had led him straight to Feng Min who was working on the generator and you made an absolutely terrible pun and the Killer had snorted, letting you guys know he was there and sending you guys running. It became a thing for him to stalk you and listen you make stupid puns that would reveal him immediately because the man can’t help his laughter.
The relationship must have started when all your friends had been sacrificed and Philip had you cornered. Instead of killing you he asked your name. That was the start and you started to meet outside the trials.
Philip likes to hear your take on Halloween, horror literature and he shares some things about other killers to you. Like how Clown snores like he is dying while choking on a fat rat. You don’t know what you do with that information so you heckle at Clown during your next trial with him. Philip might end up in trouble for sharing information with you, but if it helps you it’s worth it.
Back then when he was still a simple worker at Autohaven Wreckers he used to scribble down some drawings on blank paper. He does his best to get you some drawing equipment from Freddy’s realm but he doesn’t know if he can get clay or video game from anywhere. This saddens him that he isn’t able to bring you things that would make you happy, but you're happy you can just be with him.
Philip loves animals also and always preferred them over other people. Back at Autoheaven, there was a Pitbull called Lady who guarded the area. Nasty dog, but sweetheart for the young man.
One day you tell Philip about cosplay and he is taken by what kind of amazing things he missed alive. You two usually talk about anything way late night and neither of you gets to sleep before one of you is dragged to trial.
Philip doesn’t know the bands you keep talking about so he trusts you to sing for him their songs. You can’t get away with it either, you started talking about music and now you got to show him it.
Sometimes you two just sit and daydream what life could have been for you two if not for Entity. You tell Philip about all your stuffed animals you owned and he would tell you about the very few and rare happy moments he had living. As you’re an emphatic, you can understand his pain and offer him the comfort he needs. Philip appreciates it and comes to you whenever he needs someone to tell his nightmares about. In exchange, whenever you need someone to snuggle with, Philip is your first go to. He will always have his arms open for you.
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menouthis · 6 years
Dead by Daylight: Kate's Lucky Escape
From time to time, I remember why I really enjoy this game. It's usually when I don't go down in 10 seconds after being chased by the killer. Kate ended up in this rather intense chase one after another in this particular trial and I have to admit all of the adrenalin from the sequences really made the experience fun. It really feels like experiencing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in person.
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