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divulgatoriseriali · 1 year ago
Il potere del sano narcisismo: Coltivare una relazione positiva con se stessi
Il concetto di narcisismo spesso evoca immagini di eccessiva vanità e egoismo. Tuttavia, c’è una forma di narcisismo che può essere estremamente benefica: il “sano narcisismo”. Questo termine si riferisce a un’autostima e una consapevolezza di sé equilibrata, che ci permette di sviluppare una relazione positiva con noi stessi e di coltivare un senso di fiducia e benessere interiore. Continue…
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f1xmeinfortyfive · 3 months ago
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fromdevcom · 2 months ago
Cloud-based solutions. Virtual enterprise systems. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) assets. Nodes that connect, disconnect, and reconnect themselves over and over. All of those things are becoming increasingly common in a lot of companies across many industries, bringing new challenges to asset management. The median asset base is becoming more and more complex, making the job of monitoring all the IT items much more difficult.With the increase in the number of devices connected to the main IT network, the need to account for all the points susceptible to cyberattacks is multiplied. Each and every one of these assets represents a potential vulnerability that might be exploited. That justifies the need to improve the visibility of all existing assets within a network, something that autodiscovery can handle extremely well.What’s Autodiscovery?As its name implies, it’s a feature that automatically scans the system to detect any device that has been installed as well as identify any IP-enabled device that shares data inside the corporate network. Autodiscovery doesn’t need devices to be connected to the network for a certain amount of time since it can identify any of them as soon as they are connected.What’s more - sophisticated autodiscovery features allow us to assess the inherent vulnerabilities of any given asset as well as its base configuration. This expands the control and monitoring capabilities the business has over its IT infrastructure. The discovery process aggregates all of the scanned information into a central record that can inform all kinds of decisions when it comes to asset management.Uses and ApplicationsIn today’s world, virtually all areas in any given company will use at least one IT asset. That means that managing the IT environment is crucial to ensure the proper functioning of daily operations and the business as a whole. That’s why autodiscovery poses itself as a great ally for all kinds of companies, especially the ones with complex IT systems: because it can save effort and time while streamlining routine activities. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. Autodiscovery can help out with other functions regarding asset management, including:Inventory Management: since all assets are automatically scanned and added to a central record, it’s possible to learn the stock and status of any given item easily. Additionally, there’s the possibility to set up alerts that warn when a specific item’s stock is running low.Asset Allocation: the record can also contain the information about an asset’s location and future schedule, including downtimes for maintenance. Thus, the IT staff can always know where their assets are and find them more easily when needed.License and Warranty Management: among the details included in the record, autodiscovery can be configured to warn about upcoming expiration dates of licenses and warranties for all of the network’s items.Why Use AutodiscoveryThe different asset management possibilities of an autodiscovery-enabled system should be enough to justify its deployment in a corporate setting. However, there are other reasons that can help build a stronger case for it, including:Robust Insights: autodiscovery doesn’t just automate asset identification, it also provides substantial details about all the items ever connected to an IT network. This provides a better understanding of the performance of the assets and helps improve their allocation.Investment Tracking: since all IT assets represent an investment, comprehending the relationship between costs and performance is key to assess each item’s ROI. Autodiscovery monitors each asset closely and offers aid when deciding which investments are worth it.Improved Data Security: continuous improvement and upgrading of assets can lead to improper data backup and subsequent data loss. Autodiscovery allows for cloud integration to automate backups remotely, thus improving the corporate information security and offering a safety net in case errors occur within the system.
Regulatory Compliance: IT assets in different industries need to comply with diverse regulations. With autodiscovery, any company can learn everything it needs to know about needed upgrades and renewals that allow it to be up-to-date to prevent lawsuits over expired licenses. Autodiscovery Reshapes IT Asset ManagementCorporate tech infrastructures are becoming absurdly complex, which puts a lot of pressure on IT teams in charge of overseeing the overall network’s performance. Thanks to autodiscovery, that job becomes far easier, as many of the most crucial aspects are automated. This greatly improves the operational efficiency of asset management and provides a cost-effective solution for companies of all sizes across diverse industries.Of course, this can only be brought by seasoned development services that can take the autodiscovery feature and build it into any company’s system. Thus, businesses that want to leverage these automation practices need to rely on experienced .NET developers to come up with custom-made applications that make sense in their own IT environments. When done right, those applications can help in creating a more robust IT network that’s more protected against attacks, thanks to a deeper knowledge of its own vulnerabilities. This comprehensive view of all things hardware and software are what most modern businesses need to keep their infrastructure secure and running at its maximum capacity.In short, autodiscovery is an approach that can redefine asset management as it’s known today, thanks to a more efficient take on the job and the help of cutting-edge technologies that can bring discipline to a whole new level.
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"Riscopri la Calma Interiore: Una Guida all'Ipnosi 🌿🌌
La frenesia della vita quotidiana può renderci estranei alla tranquillità che risiede dentro di noi. E se ti dicessi che l'ipnosi può essere una bussola per riconnettersi con quella calma interiore?
**1. Accogli il Silenzio Interiore**
L'ipnosi offre un passaggio verso il silenzio interiore, creando uno spazio di pace e serenità. Inizia con la consapevolezza del tuo respiro, permettendoti di immergerti in un oceano di quiete. Con il supporto dell'ipnosi, puoi approfondire questo stato di rilassamento, aprendo la porta alla calma che risiede in te.
**2. Libera la Mente da Pensieri Agitati**
Spesso siamo prigionieri di pensieri incessanti che ci disturbano. L'ipnosi può aiutarti a distanziarti da questa frenesia mentale, permettendoti di osservare i tuoi pensieri senza esserne sopraffatto. Attraverso suggerimenti positivi, l'ipnosi può contribuire a liberare la tua mente da ansie e preoccupazioni, creando uno spazio per la calma e la chiarezza mentale.
**3. Riscopri il Potere del Rilassamento Profondo**
L'ipnosi facilita un rilassamento profondo, consentendo al corpo e alla mente di sciogliersi dalle tensioni accumulate. Questo stato di rilassamento può diventare una fonte di energia rigenerante, contribuendo a ristabilire l'equilibrio interno e a ritrovare la calma.
Ricorda, l'ipnosi non è magia; è una pratica guidata che ti aiuta a esplorare e utilizzare le risorse interne per il tuo benessere. Se cerchi la calma interiore, considera l'ipnosi come uno strumento prezioso nel tuo arsenale di autodiscovery e autotrascendimento.
Scopri la bellezza di un respiro consapevole, lasciati andare al flusso della calma, e sperimenta la potenza ristoratrice dell'ipnosi. 🌬️💆‍♀️ #CalmareLaMente #RitrovareLaCalma #IpnosiPerIlBenessere"
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techvandaag · 1 year ago
Microsoft test Windows 11 beveiligde DNS-server-autodiscovery
Microsoft is bezig met het testen van ondersteuning voor de Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR) internetstandaard. Deze standaard maakt het mogelijk dat automatisch de juiste beveiligde dns-server wordt gevonden op het lokale netwerk. Ter herinnering, DNS, ofwel Domain Name Server, zorgt ervoor dat je url wordt vertaald naar het bijbehorende IP-adres, waardoor je computer weet naar welk IP-adres hij moet gaan. Zonder dnr moet een gebruiker handmatig de informatie van de beveiligde... http://dlvr.it/Sy0J1F
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hackernewsrobot · 2 years ago
RSS Autodiscovery (2006)
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b2bcybersecurity · 2 years ago
Digitale Exzellenz in den Behörden
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Digital, fortschrittlich, flexibel, bürgernah: Die Verwaltung in Bund, Land und den Kommunen soll „digitaler“ werden, ist dabei häufig überfordert und nur im Schneckentempo unterwegs. Gerade die IT-Landschaft ist zerklüftet: viele Systeme sind alt und häufig nicht Cloud-fähig. Jetzt gilt es, mit der passenden Lösung die digitale Infrastruktur zu vereinheitlichen und für zukünftige Erweiterungen fit zu machen. Öffentliche Verwaltungen sind technisch gesehen oft mindestens so komplex wie große Unternehmen. So kommen schnell zehntausende Räume, mehrere tausend Server-Racks sowie einige Millionen Software-Installationen zusammen. Hinzu kommt, dass die Betreuung oft dezentralisiert organisiert ist und es viele lokale Verantwortliche gibt. Die Herausforderungen sind enorm: Behörden haben oft hohe Sicherheitsvorgaben, weil sie sensible Informationen und personenbezogene Daten verwalten. Sie haben einen äußerst hohen Digitalisierungsbedarf, weil viele Prozesse und Abläufe noch papierbasiert abgewickelt werden oder Systeme keine Daten untereinander austauschen dürfen oder können. Damit fehlt oft auch die Gesamtübersicht über die IT-Infrastrukturen und die Möglichkeit, Systeme optimal auszulasten und unnötige Beschaffungen zu vermeiden. Wer nicht weiß, was er wo hat, kann Projekte erst nach einer zeitraubenden Bestandsaufnahme starten. IT-Infrastrukturmanagement als Schlüssel zum Erfolg Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung erfordert, dass auch die IT der öffentlichen Hand kontinuierlich weiter ausgebaut und optimiert wird. Wichtige Elemente hierbei sind flexible, verlässliche Lösungen, die das Management dieser Infrastrukturen sinnvoll unterstützen und gleichzeitig die Effizienz und Sicherheit erhöhen. Nur so kann mit den vorhandenen Ressourcen und knappen Budgets das Ziel der Digitalisierung erreicht werden.Öffentliche IT-Abteilungen setzen deshalb zunehmend auf zentrale Tools für Dokumentation und Management der gesamten Infrastruktur. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Han. Zentrale Tools für Dokumentation und Management - Gesamtübersicht über vorhandene Systeme, Energiebedarf, Kapazitäten, Software-Stände, Bandbreiten, etc. mit einem Klick - Übersicht über Abhängigkeiten und Verbindungen der verschiedenen IT- und TK-Systeme und Cloud-Dienste sowie Redundanzen und Backup-Pfade - Planungstool für geplante Veränderungen/Erweiterungen der IT-Infrastrukturen mit Übernahme des Soll- als Ist-Zustand nach erfolgter Maßnahme - Projekt- und Prozess-Management für alle klassischen Move-, Add-, und Change-Aufgaben sowie sonstige Umbaumaßnahmen inklusive Dienstleister-Steuerung - Effektive Unterstützung bei der Fehlersuche bei Ausfällen sowie der vorausschauenden Wartung (Predictive Maintenance) - Zusammenführung von Daten aus unterschiedlichen Systemen und Konsolidierung in einem Tool als ��Single Point of Truth“ - Möglichkeit der Anbindung von Autodiscovery- und ERP-Systemen (wie SAP ECC) sowie sonstiger kritischer Systeme - Aufwandsgerechte bzw. nutzungsabhängige Ab- und Verrechnung für verschiedene Behörden und Abteilungen - Technisches Request-Handling, Bestellauslösung, Wareneingang und Lagerverwaltung für IT-Equipment Städtische Verwaltung Die Stadtverwaltung einer deutschen Großstadt hatte die Anforderung, die klassische Nebenstellentechnologie im laufenden Betrieb auf Voice-over-IP umzustellen. Dazu musste auch die komplette LAN‒Netzwerk-Infrastruktur erfasst, aus- und umgebaut werden. Das war kein kleines Vorhaben: Betroffen waren 50.000 Räume mit 200.000 Datendosen, 700.000 Kabel und mehr als 1.000 Server. Eine zentrale Anforderung für den Umbau war außerdem, ein zentrales Ticket- und Billing-System zu implementieren, um die ITK-Infrastruktur effizient zu managen. Mit FNT Command als zentraler CMDB konnten nicht nur die genannten Vorgaben erfüllt, sondern auch ein intelligentes Autorouting eingeführt werden, das möglichst wenige Hops und kurze Patch-Verbindungen berechnet (um Verzögerungen beim Telefonieren per VoIP zu minimieren). Diese berücksichtigt auch Anforderungen, die aufgrund fehlender Portkapazitäten ad hoc keine optimalen Verbindungen zulässt und führt selbstständig ein Autorouting durch, wenn sich die Netzwerk-Topologie ändert. Nach der Digitalisierung der Telefonie-Technologie und den guten Erfahrungen bei der Umstellung hat die Stadt die Planung ihrer LAN-Infrastruktur komplett mit FNT Command vorgenommen. Für die IT-Service-Manager hat das zusätzlich den Vorteil, dass IT und TK über ein zentrales Tool gemanagt werden kann. Polizei und Justiz Eine Landesbehörde nutzt FNT Command zur Verwaltung aller IT-Assets der Sicherheitsorgane. Dazu gehören nicht nur Server, Clients, Drucker und Smartphones, sondern auch Einsatzfahrzeuge, SIM-Karten und Bodycams, Computerbestandteile wie SSDs und CPUs sowie das Betriebssystem und installierte Anwendungen. Hierbei sind die Ansprüche an das Zugangsmanagement besonders hoch, weil nur berechtigte Personen zugreifen dürfen, um keine Einsätze und Personen zu gefährden. Fazit Bundes-, Landes- und kommunale Behörden haben oft ein komplexes System aus verschiedenen IT- und TK-Systemen im Einsatz, die häufig stark fragmentiert und nicht selten auch veraltet sind. Ein modernes ITK-Infrastrukturmanagement liefert nicht nur die nötige Übersicht, um effizienter modernisieren und digitalisieren zu können, sondern auch die Flexibilität und Planungsmöglichkeiten, um Abläufe gezielt optimieren zu können. Mit FNT Command gelingt dies auch ohne Unterbrechungen bei der täglichen Arbeit.   Über FNT Leistungsfähige, störungsfreie und flexible Infrastrukturen sind die Basis für alle digitalen Geschäftsprozesse und Anwendungen, seien es Smart Cities, Industrie 4.0 oder auch 5G. Mit den cloudbasierten Softwarelösungen der FNT GmbH erfassen, dokumentieren und managen Unternehmen und Behörden ihre komplexen und hybriden IT-, Telekommunikations- und Rechenzentrumsinfrastrukturen – von der physikalischen Ebene bis zum Business Service herstellerunabhängig und nach einem einheitlichen Datenmodell.   Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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stlpiner · 2 years ago
Intermapper platforms
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#Intermapper platforms update
#Intermapper platforms pro
#Intermapper platforms windows
However, WhatsUp Gold lacks the ability to take corrective actions. Setting up an e-mail alert telling us of unavailable devices and showing the last several lines of the NT event logs took just a few minutes to configure. WhatsUp Gold can notify administrators of problems through e-mail, text-capable pager or beeper.
#Intermapper platforms windows
The product doesn't monitor server processes on Windows NT or any other platform. It also includes ping, port scanning and throughput utilities. Its quick and accurate discovery process and its informative status and availability charts are WhatsUp Gold's strong suits. WhatsUp Gold tracks SMTP, HTTP, DNS, FTP, Post Office Protocol 3, IMAP, telnet and other common services. Rather, it performs a simple poll of the network via SNMP to capture device status information. WhatsUp Gold doesn't offer graphical point-and-click drilling down into MIBs, nor does it give you usage baselines for devices. The supplied SNMP Manage-ment Information Base (MIB) browser is almost rudimentary. CONS: No server-level monitoring can only read documentation while connected to Dartware's Web site. PROS: Excellent awareness of Apple-based network devices. CONS: No server-level monitoring no corrective actions.ĬOMPANY: Dartware(603) 643-2268 - COST: Starts at $295 for 10-node network. PROS: Accurate discovery of devices useful status charts. The network mapping process used SmartScan's hierarchical connectivity data to create separate mapss for each subnet instead of drawing a single map containing all devices.ĬOMPANY: Ipswitch(781) 676-5700 - COST: $695 per server. We were especially keen on WhatsUp Gold's autodiscovery function, called SmartScan, which used router tables to identify our network segments during the monitoring process. Like InterMapper - and unlike the other products we reviewed - WhatsUp Gold monitors the network rather than a particular operating system. WhatsUp Gold has come a long way from its simple beginnings as a freeware download, but it retains its simple and uncluttered nature. You'll need an Internet connection and browser whenever you want to refer to it. Unfortunately, the all-too-brief documentation is entirely online at Dartware's Web site. Each customizable Web page is essentially a server-side script containing HTML statements and variables whose values you can set. By creating templates for the Web pages InterMapper displays, we were able to tailor its appearance to our liking. It presents a typical Macintosh interface that's easy to navigate, and it also offers a Web-based interface with customizable Web pages. InterMapper can also log the data for later export into a database program (such as FileMaker Pro) for further analysis. The overlaid image is termed a "strip chart," and it appears as a floating window linked to the map on which the network device exists. In addition to producing an SNMP-based map of the network, InterMapper can overlay the map with the history of one or more variables, such as switch or router availability.
#Intermapper platforms update
InterMapper can't restart programs, launch repair utilities or update relational databases with SQL.
#Intermapper platforms pro
For corrective action, it can cycle power through a PowerKey Pro unit (a remote-control type of power strip) to rather forcefully reboot a Macintosh server. InterMapper can notify administrators of problems through e-mail, pager, AppleEvent or SNMP alert. Based on the hierarchical order in which the devices are discovered, InterMapper creates a map showing their connections. The SNMP requests InterMapper sends out include DNS server, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Listener, Real Time Streaming Protocol, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, RADIUS, KeyServer, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, APC Uninterruptible Power Supply, Network Time Protocol (NTP), HTTP Proxy, HTTP Post, 4D Server and FileMaker Pro. Starting at a particular DNS name or IP address, InterMapper uses a combination of SNMP polls, IP pings, AppleTalk echo packets and Domain Name System (DNS) and Name Binding Protocol (NBP) queries to discover network devices. It's appropriate for AppleTalk-based networks consisting entirely or almost entirely of Macintosh computers. If you don't use Windows NT or you're really only interested in network monitoring rather than operating system monitoring, Dartware's InterMapper 3.0 or Ipswitch's WhatsUp Gold 5.0 might be just the ticket.ĭartware's InterMapper is a Macintosh-based tool that monitors a network for device status and availability.
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jetjust · 2 years ago
Network scanner
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Network scanner Patch#
Acunetix A network security scanner that can detect over 50,000 vulnerabilities and misconfigurations with a dashboard, reports, and more.
Intruder Cloud-based vulnerability scanner with automatic scanning, automated exposure analysis, Slack and Jira integrations, an API, and more.
Paessler PRTG Network Monitor (FREE TRIAL) Network monitoring software with automated network discovery, custom dashboards, notifications, reports, maps, and more.
Network scanner Patch#
Syxsense Secure (FREE TRIAL) A package of security measures that includes a vulnerability scanner, a patch manager, and endpoint protection.ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus (FREE TRIAL) A package of security tools that is centered on a vulnerability scanner and includes system protection measures, such as a patch manager.Site24x7 Network Monitoring (FREE TRIAL) A collection of network monitoring tools including regular system scans to identified connected devices and records their attributes and statuses.Network Performance Monitor is easy to configure with an autodiscovery feature that can map your network, customizable dashboards, alerts, and more. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor EDITOR’S CHOICE Our top pick for network scanning and monitoring.Here’s our list of the ten best network scanners, network analysis & management tools: We’ve also prioritized tools with features like notifications and reporting that enhance the overall monitoring process. Network scanners make it possible to discover UDP/TCP services running on the devices, identify the OS systems, and recognize filtering systems between your device and targeted hosts, and more.Īs part of our comparison, we’ve looked out for tools with automated scanning including tools that can take network inventories and vulnerability scanners that can discover vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. To monitor your network you need to be able to regularly scan new devices.
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justvalues · 2 years ago
Microsoft lync logos
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To access the Recording Manager, click Tools on the main Lync window, and then click Recording Manager. You can also rename or delete your recordings. Use the Lync Recording Manager to play your recordings, browse to the location you saved them, or publish with selected options for others to view. If problem persists, notify your organization’s support team with the event details.Lync 2013 for Office 365 Lync 2013 for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet Lync 2013 More. Validate Lync to Exchange Autodiscovery configuration by following the trouble shooting guide. Check that proxy setting is properly configured and reachable. Check autodiscovery Uri is properly configured and reachable. > : The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.Īt ()Īt .()Īt .AutodiscoverRequest.InternalExecute()Īt .AutodiscoverService.InternalGetUserSettings(List`1 smtpAddresses, List`1 settings, Nullable`1 requestedVersion, Uri& autodiscoverUrl)Īt .AutodiscoverService.GetSettings(List`1 identities, List`1 settings, Nullable`1 requestedVersion, GetSettingsMethod`2 getSettingsMethod, Func`1 getDomainMethod)Īt .AutodiscoverService.GetUserSettings(List`1 smtpAddresses, List`1 settings)Īt .AutodiscoverService.InternalGetSoapUserSettings(String smtpAddress, List`1 requestedSettings)Īt .AutodiscoverService.GetUserSettings(String userSmtpAddress, UserSettingName userSettingNames)Īt .(StoreContext ctx, String smtpAddress)Īt .(StoreContext ctx, String smtpAddress, CacheMode cacheMode)Ĭause: Autodiscovery Uri was not correctly configured or unreachable, that there is a problem with the Proxy, or other errors.Ĭheck event details. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. UnsupportedStoreException: code=ErrorIncorrectExchangeServerVersion, reason=GetUserSettings failed, Autodiscover Uri=, Autodiscover WebProxy= -> .ServiceRequestException: The request failed. Storage Service had an EWS Autodiscovery failure. If the problem persists contact product support. Please look through the exception details for more information. (0x8007203A): The server is not operational.Īt .ThrowSoapFault(Exception e)Īt .QueryADGetDistributionListInfo(String mail, DirectorySearcher dSearcher)Īt .ProcessADRequest(Guid userTenantId, Guid userGroupingId, String key, DlxGroup& result)Īt .ExpandDistributionList(String groupMailAddress)Īt SyncInvokeExpandDistributionList(Object, Object, Object )Īt .Invoke(Object instance, Object inputs, Object& outputs)Īt .InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc)Īt .ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc& rpc)Īt .ProcessMessage31(MessageRpc& rpc)Īt .Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)Ĭause: Application error. So the issue was that IIS was unable to process the requests it was getting from clients that needed to relay information from exchange through the front end.īelow are the specific logs: (Client specific information removed)Īn unhandled exception was encountered in Service service.Įxception Details. I restarted IIS on the Lync Front End Server, and immediately the issue was resolved for all users. Since the URI is a webpage, I started moving toward IIS being the issue. Since I could connect with no problems to OWA on the exchange server, and auto discover testing came back fine with Exchange, the problem must be within the Front End server. Looking at the “Cause” of the issue was telling me this is an application error (4096) and its something to do with the URI within autodiscovery (32054). In the event viewer > Applications and Services Logs > Lync Server the event ID 404 was all over. Next I moved over to the Front End server for Lync. Now you know what server to start looking into. The first 2 lines will tell you where the Distribution Group URL is at for both internal and external. In the system tray, Right click on the Skype for Business client while holding down the Ctrl key, click configuration information. Now what to do about it? Next are the steps that I took to eventually find the root issue and correct it.įirst things first, we need to know what the client is connecting to. There was no rhyme or reason if it did or did not work. Eventually throughout the day it may finally populate or may not. Recently I had a client that had several users unable to expand a Distribution Group in Microsoft Lync 2013.
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computingpostcom · 2 years ago
We recently covered the installation of FreeIPA Server on Ubuntu server. In this guide, I’ll show you how you can install and configure FreeIPA Client on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04/16.04 & CentOS 7 Linux system. FreeIPA is an open source Identity management system sponsored by Red Hat. It aims to provide an easily managed Identity, Policy, and Audit. For Vanilla LDAP, use: How to configure LDAP Client on Ubuntu Setup Prerequisite Install FreeIPA Server Installed and updated Ubuntu 20.04/18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 server / CentOS 7 Root access If you don’t have FreeIPA server ready, check: How to Install FreeIPA Server on Ubuntu How to install FreeIPA Server on CentOS 7 Once the installation of FreeIPA Server is complete, setup FreeIPA Client using steps covered here. Step 1: Update system We always start server configurations by doing an update of system packages: Ubuntu: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade CentOS: Update CentOS with the following commands: sudo yum -y update If you get kernel updates, consider rebooting the server for changes to take place. Configure valid client hostname (FQDN) : sudo hostnamectl set-hostname node-01.computingpost.com Step 2: Install FreeIPA Client FreeIPA client is available on repositories for Ubuntu / CentOS Linux. Install it using the command: Ubuntu: Below are the commands you’ll use to install FreeIPA Client on Ubuntu system. sudo apt-get install freeipa-client CentOS 7: Install FreeIPA Client on CentOS 7 with the command below. sudo yum -y install ipa-client When prompted to provide a Kerberos realm for the server, just skip by pressing  key. Install FreeIPA Client on CentOS 7 Run the command below to install FreeIPA Client on CentOS 7. sudo yum install ipa-client This will be configured in the next step: Step 3: Configure FreeIPA Client on Ubuntu 20.04|18.04 / CentOS 7 Once the installation of client package is complete. Add hostname and IP address of your IPA Server to /etc/hosts file: $ sudo vim /etc/hosts # Add FreeIPA Server IP and hostname ipa.computingpost.com ipa Replace: IP address of your FreeIPA replica or master server. ipa.computingpost.com with its hostname: Then configure IPA client on this server so that users can start authenticating against it: root@node-01:~# ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` \ --mkhomedir \ --server=ipa.computingpost.com \ --domain computingpost.com \ --realm computingpost.com Autodiscovery of servers for failover cannot work with this configuration. If you proceed with the installation, services will be configured to always access the discovered server for all operations and will not fail over to other servers in case of failure. Proceed with fixed values and no DNS discovery? [no]: yes Client hostname: node-01.computingpost.com Realm: computingpost.com DNS Domain: computingpost.com IPA Server: ipa.computingpost.com BaseDN: dc=computingpost,dc=com This will start configuring FreeIPA Client on your server: Synchronizing time No SRV records of NTP servers found and no NTP server or pool address was provided. Using default chrony configuration. Attempting to sync time with chronyc. Time synchronization was successful. User authorized to enroll computers: admin Password for [email protected]: Successfully retrieved CA cert Subject: CN=Certificate Authority,O=computingpost.com Issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=computingpost.com Valid From: 2018-06-30 08:27:06 Valid Until: 2038-06-30 08:27:06 Enrolled in IPA realm computingpost.com Created /etc/ipa/default.conf New SSSD config will be created Configured sudoers in /etc/nsswitch.conf Configured /etc/sssd/sssd.conf Configured /etc/krb5.conf for IPA realm computingpost.com trying https://ipa.computingpost.com/ipa/json ....................... If everything went as expected, you should get a successful message like below: The ipa-client-install command was successful
Step 4:  Enable mkhomedir ( For Ubuntu only) By default, sssd service will not create a home directory for the user on the first login, we need to enable this feature by modifying PAM configuration file. sudo bash -c "cat > /usr/share/pam-configs/mkhomedir"
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karonbill · 2 years ago
Fortinet NSE7_EFW-7.0 Practice Test Questions
You can get the latest NSE7_EFW-7.0 Practice Test Questions to pass your Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 7.0 exam. PassQuestion provides you the best NSE7_EFW-7.0 Practice Test Questions which can help you to prepare Fortinet NSE7_EFW-7.0 Exam smoothly and efficiently. You can use the latest and up-to-date NSE7_EFW-7.0 real questions and answers for the Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 7.0 Exam. If you want to have an understanding of different topics, then you need to use the best available NSE7_EFW-7.0 Practice Test Questions and this can help you pass the Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 7.0 NSE7_EFW-7.0 Exam with ease.
NSE7_EFW-7.0 Exam Overview - Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 7.0
The Fortinet NSE 7—Enterprise Firewall 7.0 exam is part of the NSE 7 Network Security Architect program, and recognizes the successful candidate's knowledge and expertise with Fortinet solutions in enterprise security infrastructure environments. The exam tests applied knowledge of the integration, administration, troubleshooting, and central management of an enterprise firewall solution composed of FortiOS 7.0.1, FortiManager 7.0.1, and FortiAnalyzer 7.0.1.
The Fortinet NSE 7—Enterprise Firewall 7.0 exam is intended for network and security professionals who are responsible for the design, administration, and support of an enterprise security infrastructure composed of many FortiGate devices.
Exam Information
Exam name Fortinet NSE 7—Enterprise Firewall 7.0 Exam series NSE7_EFW-7.0 Time allowed 60 minutes Exam questions 35 multiple-choice questions Scoring Pass or fail, a score report is available from your Pearson VUE account Language English and Japanese Product version FortiOS 7.0.1, FortiManager 7.0.1, FortiAnalyzer 7.0.1
Exam Objectives
Successful candidates have applied knowledge and skills in the following areas and tasks:
System and session troubleshooting
Implement the Fortinet Security Fabric
Diagnose and troubleshoot resource problems using built-in tools
Diagnose and troubleshoot connectivity problems using built-in tools
Troubleshoot different operation modes for a FGCP HA cluster
Central management
Troubleshoot central management issues
Content inspection
Troubleshoot FortiGuard issues
Troubleshoot web filtering issues
Troubleshoot the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Troubleshoot routing packets using static routes
Troubleshoot Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing for enterprise traffic
Troubleshoot OSPF routing for enterprise traffic
Implement a meshed or partially redundant IPsec VPN
Troubleshoot Autodiscovery VPN (ADVPN) to enable on-demand VPN tunnels between sites
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wowpolaris · 3 years ago
Defender emulator mac
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Defender emulator mac how to#
Defender emulator mac install#
How to configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac
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To learn more, see Deploy updates for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac. To update Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac, a program named Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) is used. Microsoft regularly publishes software updates to improve performance, security, and to deliver new features. How to update Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac Once Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is installed, connectivity can be validated by running the following command in Terminal: mdatp connectivity test SIP is a built-in macOS security feature that prevents low-level tampering with the OS, and is enabled by default. We recommend that you keep System Integrity Protection (SIP) enabled on client devices. If a proxy or firewall is blocking anonymous traffic, make sure that anonymous traffic is permitted in the previously listed URLs. Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD).Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can discover a proxy server by using the following discovery methods:
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Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS.ĭownload the spreadsheet here: mdatp-urls.xlsx. You should ensure that there are no firewall or network filtering rules that would deny access to these URLs, or you may need to create an allow rule specifically for them. The following downloadable spreadsheet lists the services and their associated URLs that your network must be able to connect to. When adding exclusions to Microsoft Defender, you should be mindful of Common Exclusion Mistakes for Microsoft Defender Antivirus Network connections When purchased via a CSP, it does not require Microsoft Volume Licensing offers listed. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is also available for purchase from a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP). The three most recent major releases of macOS are supported.Įligible licensed users may use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on up to five concurrent devices.
Defender emulator mac install#
There are several methods and deployment tools that you can use to install and configure Defender for Endpoint on Mac.
Administrative privileges on the device (in case of manual deployment).
Beginner-level experience in macOS and BASH scripting.
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A Defender for Endpoint subscription and access to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
How to install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac Prerequisites To get the latest features, including preview capabilities (such as endpoint detection and response for your Mac devices), configure your macOS device running Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to be an "Insider" device. If you have any feedback that you would like to share, submit it by opening Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac on your device and navigating to Help > Send feedback.
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g33kxinc · 3 years ago
Cloudflare Autodiscovery for Office 365 not working
Cloudflare Autodiscovery for Office 365 not working
So I am testing out using cloudflare for domain dns but am having trouble with autodiscovery not working correctly for office 365 after adding the domain and trying to connect an outlook client. Any ideas? So I am testing out using cloudflare for domain dns but am having trouble with autodiscovery not working correctly for office 365 after adding the domain and trying to connect an outlook…
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cvereport · 4 years ago
A path traversal vulnerability exists in Nagios XI below version 5.8.5 AutoDiscovery component and could lead to post authenticated RCE under security context of the user running Nagios. source https://cve.report/CVE-2021-37343
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