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I think a lot of people mistake autobiography as absolute fact and that's not what an autobiography is necessarily. Should it have fact? Yes. But an autobiography is going to be skewed and misconstrued because it's a single person's view on themself, others, and the world they perceive.
No one is ever going to be so objective that they can truly look at themselves and their past and their memories and get it completely correct. The whole point of autobiogrophy is that it's their point of view.
If you want something factual with more absolution than look for biographies. A person's life written by someone else.
If you truly want to get into the head space and pov of a specific individual, then read their autobiography written by themselves.
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Bark Watney is an extremely cute name for a dog and Jim would do that
Mark Watney is one of Jim’s heros, by the time he entered the academy ‘The Martian; The Autobiogrophy of the First Resident of Mars, written by M Watney’ was basically falling apart from being read so much
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The F4L Icon Sean Jazz Stevens
So what is it to be F4L? How did i Become an Icon? what have I done, and what am i going to do in Life? These are all very real Questions and in Time for those who lived under a rock, will Have these answers and more just stick around. it’s not about how much, you post but what you post. Your mind and your Words are more powerful then one might think. when Others say no, It’s up to you to Decided to listen or not. it’s your life. live it your way. follow your heart, put the work in, and you too can do as i have for 41 years thus far, Define yourself. beat your own drum. and Follow your Dreams Regardless of how others look at what you are doing, or how you do it. To be F4L One Lives their Lives Different then most, we Live our lives with Love, Caring, Compassion, Understanding, and Respect for each others Differences. and those who lives this way, Breath this Way, will Die it and Are like me, Damn Proud to be it...F4L! we are Family of our own design and we are World Wide. and Yes I Might be Seen as it’s Leader and as the founder but believe me, there was others who helped format this, and together we did this, and together The Original messages of what we the Original F4L laid out, continues to be Followed by People Around the world. Often we are often misunderstood or taken as weak, but let it be known, to be F4L you fight to Protect what is important to us. you know you are not alone and that your F4L’s are not far behind you. you know that, it’s all for one and one for all. that does not make us weak. that gives us strength we need to Live our lives the F4L way. to be fair if you see how we live, when you have our foundations down. When live your lives everyday With Love, Caring Compassion, understanding, and respect for each others differences and for being themselves. then yes the World would be a Better place and there would NO war, or Conflict. So why am I the F4L Icon Sean Jazz Stevens???? because every strong family has a Stronger Leader. one who has it harder then others. one who gives more then he gets, and never asks for anything in return. one who inspires others to follow their own path. not to listen to negative people regardless of who they are to you. I Walked away from My Blood family because they do not Live the F4L way. they are not capable of Doing so. MY Wife and My Kids are F4L, and I have my F4L Family, So I am Not alone. I am Me, i don’t think im the best, and i don’t view myself to be some kind of hero. i am just me,I am Sean Jazz Stevens, I’m a Brother, a Husband, a Father But non of this would be possible if i looked at life like my Blood does. I don’t know if i believe in god, nor heaven or hell but one thing i do know is, I was Born it, I will Breath it..i Will Die it, and I am Damn Proud ot be it... F4L!
what does that mean? stick around and though my works, and other hopefully you too can find your way to going from hell and back. life is not always easy, but it’s okay because it’s how we choose to deal with those that makes us the people we are. if you get thrown off the horse do you get up and walk away? or do you get up, dust yourself off and get on again. it’s that simple. the people who Do without thinking, acting instead of running. fighting instead of flying. for 41 years I made he choices to Fight, and Run into the Fires of the world. if and when i saw something i didn’t like i didn’t walkaway i run in to help. or i did something about it. how often have you been told you can pick your friends but you cant pick your family? This is one of the first Things i Changed and Proved to be a Hoax. YOU are responsible for you. and your choices in life. You never let someone else tell you what you can do in life, or what you cant. of course you obay the law. but remember, that the Law is not always In Agreement with it’s own laws it is supposed to uphold. its up to You to hold yourself to your own Model, and keep being you. I came from a Hellish childhood but would not let that define who i was. I Graduated from High School with Honors, when they said i was to dumb, I left home to Be way from my Blood, i became a parent at 9ish but then became a legal adult when i was 16. and soon after that I began the F4L and finally had a Real Family. Despite being Homeless i worked all day, and Became a Pro Wrestler by night. I got my Frist apartment when i was 18-years old. i go their not alone but with my F4L’s. who was their for all of that. and still are with me, regardless if they living or dead. that is what being a true F4L is and that is who i am. i have 2 collage degrees, one is in Film Production and the other is in human Services. because i couldn't decided what i wanted to do more. help others or make Films, so since i had time and the Scholarships' to do so so i did both at the same time. It was the Other F4L’s who gave me the name Jazz and to this day i am always Jazz. but Sean is my Given name Stevens is my last. but i am nothing like the others whom i am related too. so I earned my Name and I live by it. and i changed it because I can. it was who i was in Pro Wrestling, it was the name of one of the main characters in my Award winning short story Series “Friendar”, that i have been writing since given the name Jazz when I was 13. I have met many people throughout my journey, and everyday and everyone has lead me into a learning lesson. i have met many of my heroes and was humble enough to thank them for giving me hope, and a vision to achieve. I have Been an Proud Member of the Anitbully Movement. as if there is one thing I have no time for it’s bullies. no one should ever treat others badly for any reason. but you can always know that if i am around, and you make the mistake an bully anyone regardless if i know the, or you, i will be there to humble the bully real quick i am the original bully buster. and i still am to this day. i just choose to deal with them more positively then I did when i was younger. but make no mistake i act when i must.. i have played many sports in my time and still remain active. i am a Fully Licensed Marital artist having competed in Freestyle tourneys (that would turn into MMA) when i was a young kid until i got my Blackbelts in Chun Kuk Do Karate, Kenpo Karate, Judo, Maui Thai Kickboxing, boxing and grappling. Grandmastership and then entered Pro Wrestling. I have made many great films some of them myown, then, wrote bunch of lyrics for songs, and award winning short stories. I am Happily Married and have two of the Greatest Kids in the World. i am Proud of all i have done. i did it all with my own work, and the support of my F4L’s World Wide. i am presently writing my autobiogrophy and it’s taken a bit, but one day it wll be done , and that’s okay because I Still have much more to do...SO Stay tuned-till then May All Your Dreams Come True- The F4L Icon Sean Jazz Stevens
#F4L Lifestyle#The F4L#Pro Wrestling#inspirtation#family#creative#arts#writing#film productions#intro#antibullying#social media#song writing#music#celebrity#pop culture#school#real life#hope#tv#f4liconseanjazzstevens
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either hug me or kill me or fuck me: an autobiogrophy by Me
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Story snippet
I’m writing a story that’s more like an autobiography, I changed the names to protect everyone involved (obviously) but for this snippet they will only be referred to as he or she. Also, please don’t take any of this and pass it as your own, this is actually something personal to me.
She gave him a grin, a grin so evil, so manic even the grinch(?) could not surpass it. She had finally cracked. She walked towards the mirror and fixed her hair and make up before walking back into the room where he resided, she leaned against the doorframe looking in as he lay on the couch. “How do I look?” She asked him. He looked over eyeing her up. “You look fine” he said without once breaking his gaze. “Good,” she said standing up straighter, “I guess I can scope out potential new boyfriends today.” She swiftly turned around and left the room, moving towards the exit at the end of the hallway and once again grinning. “No!” Was all she heard and before she had the time to turn around she was being dragged back into the room by her hair. What did she go and do?
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women in full
women in full by sockmonkeychel featuring a book holder
Pinetti book holder, $305
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Writing challenge Day 1- Write an autobiography If i were to say something about me what should i say? What i like or what i don't? My tastes? What does it mean to know yourself? How can a mirror describe itself as the only thing it sees is the others around? Can i judge myself after my friends? Then i could say th at i'm a person who doesn't obey rules (only if they're logical) and that i'm opened minded to anything (but now don't think that i do all the nonsense others do ) . Also, in my opinion, you can find out almost anything about a person just by listening to his/hers favorite movies and music. (Or, the best way is to follow her tumblr page or in some cases their facebook) Favorite movies? Where should i start from? Let's begin with my favorite, sci-fi/fantasy ones, here we can say: Star wars, Star Trek (i prefer the one with Picard even though the one with Kirk and Spoke is also very good, and we mustn't forget about the 2 new movies, one of them is about to appear and i just look forward to see Benedict Cumberbatch), Battle Star Galactica the movie, x files (i simply adore this one), Iron man, x-men, sherlock homes, Prometheus, alien vs predator, doctor who, another earth and there are some more but shame on me i forgot their names :(( Romance ones? I can say "the last of the Mohicans" and i think it's the only one, ah, oh, also "pretty woman" i know it's very old but the story it's irreplaceable. Others like "the last samurai", "haciko" and the ones with Jackie-chan and Jet Lee And what would my life be without my love for Japan? Starting with a simple coincidence that my batteries went off when changing the channel i had to watch a bloody, terrifying scene witch i didn't like at all. But destiny, and yes i believe in it: God, karma call it whatever you want, made me watch it further and so I became interested in that show:-) . To be more accurate, it was the fight scene between Kurama and Karasu (yu yu hakusho). For non-otakus, this is anime, a sort of cartoon but it's japanese. And this is how my obsession for anime, manga and other Japanese stuff began Favorite anime: yu yu hakusho, kaleido star, full metal alchemist, chrno crusade, blood+, full metal panic Jdramas: hana yori dango, koizora, bambino, i give my first love to you, hatoru no hikari Others: japanese food addict, arashian Well, let's see...what should i say more? hopes, dreams, fears? I like computer science, web design, animations. I'd like to work for a movie/cartoon production, like Pixar, this would be a dream come true. I want to travel and see the whole world, have a house on a beach or river, lake, near a forest(like in Australia or Canada),have a parrot and cat but i think, if you want to find out more about me you should check out my BID list Any questions? Feel brave enough to ask. See you next time, on my day 2 writing challenge :-)
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My name is Judith, middle name being Natalie. I grew up in a small town, but moved to a big city when I was eleven. I've always been an outgoing person, I'm never shy. I like to meet new people and try new things. I'm short but I love my height, I have green eyes and brown hair. I'm pretty athletic, I play basketball and go to the gym about four or five times a week. My family, friends & boyfriend mean absolutely everything to me and there are absolutely no limits on how far I would go for them. I drink, I love to party and I love to have a good time. I try and steer clear of drama but being a teenage girl and in highschool makes that quite difficult. Trusting people is a very difficult task for me. My dad left when I was little, and I've been hurt a lot in the past. I'm working on overcoming these fears and having my boyfriend stick by me for eight and a half months has made it much easier. The word promise means everything to me, and if you break a promise there's a good chance I'll never trust you the way I did ever again. I'm always there for my friends and family whenver they need me. I have a sister and a brother, both older but I'd be completely lost without both of them. I have two beautiful neices, they're my whole world. I'd give my life for those girls. Music is my therapy, and you can easily tell what kind of mood I'm in by the music I'm listening to. Eminem is my absolute idol, I'd give anything to meet him and tell him that. After I graduate highschool I'm going to university to pursue a career with the RCMP. Criminal minds is my favorite show, I can't wait to do stuff like that for a living. I also enjoy one tree hill, jersey shore and breakout kings. My favorite colors are baby blue, yellow & pink. Pretty much any happy colors. My favorite season is summer, and I dispise winter. If you want to know anything more, or have any questions, feel free to ask. If you're going to be anonymous and post hateful comments, you're wasting your time. I'm proud of who I am, I'm pleased with how I look and nobody's words will ever tear me down. I simply just don't give a fuck what you think. :)
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