officialpenisenvy · 3 months
yeah im in AA. autoandrophiliacs anonymous
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m0rbm3w · 7 months
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my name is mau🩸
21 |🇻🇳| on t currently, pre op) minors DNI 🔞| aro ace gnc autoandrophiliac vers (bottom leaning)
new to NSFT spaces
i only post for the queers,
queers of color please interact! (i’m tired of seeing white people being the “standard”)
sometimes i think i’m god & i need to be destroyed 🥴
(refer to me with masculine terms)
messages/asks are open!
-body possession
-power exchange
-force masc
-primal play
-armpit licking
-don’t call me a twink/sissy/femboy or infantilization in any way
-don’t send me gore
anyone who displays bigoted behavior and chasers i will castrate you so gtfo
thanks for reading!
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eribent · 1 year
not to be an autoandrophiliac or whatever but i swear to fucking god i always get so horny after my shot - i think it's just the gender affirmation and the literal hormones but man. my gf walked into the living room in her bra and underwear as i was leaving for work and the woman i love has the hottest girlbulge in the world and i will be horny about it on main
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myragewillendworlds · 2 years
do you think it could be possible for a ftm to be autogynephilic or an mtf to be autoandrophilic?
I think those two concepts inherently exclude one another, as (to me) autoandrophilia/autogynephilia implies a sexual fantasy only, lacking sex dysphoria. I've addressed this in more detail here.
Unless I'm reading your question wrong, and you do actually mean for a transgender man to fantasize about being a woman, and a transgender woman to fantasize about being a man. I think for a pre-transition person that would be pretty odd, to say the least, and in that context makes me question how strong their sex dysphoria is. On the other hand, and therefore particularly for a long-time transitioned person, if you can separate this fantasy of being the opposite sex completely from yourself and your (past) sex dysphoria, I suppose it's no different from anyone else fantasizing about that kind of thing. We can only know what it feels like to (want to) be our own gender, and it'll always be intriguing to wonder what the opposite gender must feel.
It's when you should put that fantasy to action, e.g. crossdressing and sexual acts, that I'd start wondering what that says about your sex dysphoria. But that's a highly context-specific matter, and I assume this is more of a fun thought experiment. In which case, I don't think fantasizing about what it's like to be the opposite gender automatically makes one a autoandrophiliac/autogynephiliac in the first place.
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crossdreamers · 5 years
“Autoandrophilia” Defined
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Autoandrophilia is not really a thing
If you are someone assigned female who have sexual fantasies about being a man, there are a few things you should know about the concept of "autoandrophilia".
The short version: 
You are not alone. You are part of the natural diversity of sexual desire and gender identity. You maybe trans. You may be cis. You know best.
“Autoandrophilia” is a pseudo-scientific term made up by a researcher who does not believe you exist. (Really!)
More about women who fantasize about being men here.
Photo: oneinchpunch
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sbnkalny · 6 years
this is so sad. can we reform the ottoman empire?
Im so sad kalny.. I dont want to be Evil like you.. Can we go thrift shopping
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lokwinske · 3 years
I'm a Christian pothead with homosexual tendencies and prone to repress autoandrophiliac tendencies
I have a lot of trauma dealing with the males. I think males are difficult to deal with!
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commoner64 · 6 years
TERFs say that gay transmen are just gay because they jerked off to yaoi in middle school. Yeah, yaoi is a terrible representation of how gay relationships work and is fetishisizing. But it also made me question my entire sexuality. I’ve had gender dysphoria since preschool, and something just clicked with me. I outgrew yaoi when I got out of middle school when I realized how problematic and inaccurate it was. I learned that heteronormativity was silly. I got older, I started to figure things out. I tickled some buttholes, I slapped some willies. I finally realized that I felt so much better as a man. I was liberated at long last. I’m not an autoandrophiliac, you sick fucks. I’m just better in bed when I’m actually comfortable with who I am. 
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lesbitchka · 7 years
MH: Straight > Autoandrophiliac (Basically, fetishizing gay men as a sexuality for cishets) > Pan > Ace/Genderfluid (Phase with a lot of confusion wherein I thought topping meant male) > Bi (I would say that I'm a lesbian, but I am attracted to men, who look like women). So, nearly a complete 180. My mom now says, "Go back to pan. Bi sounds dirty," despite claiming that she would "love me, if I came out." She's said basically everything bi/homophobic. Ha. I've stuck to my guns though. Proud.
it doesn’t matter what guys look like, they’re still men and therefore you’re not a lesbian
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Indefinite Hiatus (part 1)
Yesterday (as of the penning of the original draft; 28th July Juche 106), I announced the voluntary surrender of my computer for independent investigation by a psychiatrist, one of whom’s main hobbies is computer-spergery and in particular, from recollection, programming (he tends to use a lot of programming metaphors in our appointments I still recognize having done a little bit at school), but, with an emphasis here on an independent party not connected to an inherently corrupt state “forensic investigation” apparatus to absolve me of accusations of child pornographic collection -- formerly litigious or otherwise from the vexatious complaint of troll, backed by the threat to escalate it to the former no less -- no matter how long it took (I don’t care if I don’t get that back for months): surely he would know how to uncover hidden directory trees, recover whether corrupted in part or preserved in full previously deleted files whether that was a 1-wipe, 5-wipe or a 7, and I don’t use 5-wipes, let alone 7-wipes; I don’t consider my ideological writings anything to hide, only the British state does, which is why it had punished my “racially offensive remarks” in 2012.
I’m not Stephen Gandy, who tried to introduce me to the software over a decade ago. I had no idea he was legitimately using it to hide his paedophilic proclivities, but it makes so much sense now.
With a heavy heart, I must announce some parting remarks:
Comrades, esteemed dignitaries, “friends”, and enemies to Aspergianism,
For myself, the future bode most bleakly as we enter this, my final Untergang, for the future prognostications are so beginning to untangle; LGBT flag in full furl, the transsexualists’ of their dual gender-coloured band sigil of demonism in fuller furl, held aloft by Kelly Anderson’s oversized hand and a look of intimidation sneeringly demanding the capitulation of the Aspergian as he attempts to cavort with former Cde. Chac amongst others, for, although he has returned to us, he has yet to earn the trust of the movement he was excommunicated from, yet with recent unsourced attributions potentially disparaging the ASMG authorship which had lauded him just a day prior. ASMG remains in full a swing as ourselves can with or without him, Kelly Anderson the co-conspiratorial autism charities under Rona MacKinnon’s domineering fist, Melanie Barker, James Gordon, Angela Haselgrove/Hasselgrove, the failed aspirant-bourgeois transsexual-convertees in theft of the author’s chaju (spiritual independence), Fionbarr Lennihan and countless other dignitaries to both the counterreactionaries and the counterrevolutionaries whom threaten Aspergia’s unique gender-theoretical, ideological, and political systems, “realisms above others.” Only from an Aspergian intellectual uncommitted to the treachery of neurodiversity can emerge the truth; whom is whichever homosexual-transsexual who claimed “[author] has been a loser all of [her] life whose reason for [her] failure is that [she] has no real talents or hobbies and so had no real groups who would accept [her]”, to paraphrase?
Whether this is the guise of LagoonaBlue’s real self finally revealing itself in full swing, a former primary, secondary, or disgruntled college acquaintance, or similarly beleaguered-with-overcompensatory-inadequacy trolling, ideological or ‘tard wrangling leech, whose respective sources of prestige are energetic vampiricism, plagiarism, and state contracts, none should be captive to the interrogation of their inferiority, whether heterosexual chivalry-slave, transsexual or homosexual lecher, asexual wizard plant, or some bizarre combination of all three -- of which the author potentially knows at least two?
(Only one has ever been ruled out for certain thus far,)
Their superfluous “talents” and timewasting, banal, laughably hedonistic and self-indulgent “hobbies” are of no consequence to a revolutionary of my caliber, hence, do they so dare to write such invectives about me, I can’t have exactly accepted them to have been anything other than freaks and losers, could I? They are alien to the 8-strong-and-regrowing Aspergian family of cadres, such foreigners only worthy of the fate to be dipped into a boiling pot of excrement for their meaninglessly ill-gotten accomplishments awarded by a hilariously yet saddeningly broken society.
Whatever personality maladies the author admittedly bares, some of those qualities brilliantly place them for potential leadership -- autism or not, as Hitler and Kim Il-Sung themselves had shown.
Disclosure barring (unless I postactively have it revealed to me when lurking and posting briefly on the farms today), they are imbeciles for failing to temper themselves before the wrath of a Borderline-Narcissist. If there are only 3 new groups I would include to “neo-Aspergianism”, it is the Sociopath, the Narcissist, and the BPD, and only provided pre-existing autism diagnoses not post-actively granted as a light alternative to full psychopathy post-SRS ala LagoonaBlue, as it has been to so many of my secondary school contemporaries. We need more Walter Dempseys, more Autphags, more Sapphires, and, if tempered, more David Chacs (provided those remarks to Cuntster were even his, were they not, it may well be forgivable). Shameful had the conduct been to the sole group of intellectuals remaining to champion his ideas if it was him, however; disproof it wasn’t just some secondary-school-sissy-faggot-acquaintance-turned-transsexual or otherwise-neugrotypical sleasebag forthcoming. (Prove it here, David.)
The handwritten version of this’ lines are in downward slope, graphologically representing doom, misfortune and potential pessimism, and I shall proceed to explain.
The meeting whose dual-doppel chukjibop venue location was retroactively changed to Harvey Nichol’s after imparting to the leader;’s sagacious eideticism that it was number one adjacent the Balmoral, convening, amongst others, allegedly “then-on-holiday” Fionnbar Lennihan, Hasselgrove, indignitaries of corrupt LGBT-youth scum now beplauging the alumnus of JYHS to the inclusion of Darren Morgan whom were invited, Fareal aka Melanie Barker, Kelly Anderson aka Cuntster, and other “around the clock” conspirators, whose bourgeois opulence and GCHQ connections allow so much as to verisimilitudinously co-incide bus and train hourneys with the author’s own in order to talk about her in open quarters with frightening passive-aggression laden with confusing-if-condescending praise (”bright for an autist” being the new “bright for a nigger” of yesterday), went according to the plan of the closure of the pre-edited venue’s intentionally conveyed metaphor: “we aberrantly-sexual and identitarian-disturbed lechers are in control.” This is when the only thing they deserve to be in control of is the trajectory of their GRIDS in an upwards direction, killing all of them off with Mallima speed; as praiseworthy as the Generallisimo Kim Jong-il and forgiving he was, patience little had he for the GRID-spreading transsexual imperialist sociopaths for how it is they manifoldly intend to desecrate such a figure of calibre as Cde. Sophie, defender of Occidental imperium.
- Firstly, LagoonaBlue/Darren Morgan/Amber Morgan’s planned role as a sickening and in any case reluctantly-approached but always-known/suspected-to-be and unwanted trans”gal”pal was to betray the author in short duration of real-world acquaintanceship regardless if met with or not, for the faux-German, who would then reveal themselves to be the subhuman Pict with a transgender-with-a-faux-autism-Dx niche-fetish James Gordon, thereby humiliating author.
- Secondly, regardless of this or not, easily achieved by retroactively backdating using unreliably begrudged alibis such as those convening at Harvey’s, in a L&O:SVU-episode-gone-wrong style fashion, Fareal and Cuntster had planned to use their Procurator Fiscal connections with Vitriol in conjunction wuth the defence of the QC friend of the foremost instance who had wished to sexually rendezvous with Darren Morgan to, in exchange for the “favour”, implicate me falsely in retroactive sexual crimes so as to provide impetus for faux-paedophilic daemonization of author via. implantation of her devices such materials. A new turn on the phrase “I’ll give it to you to suck” of Francis E. Dec fame (Fareal’s feminized cock or, if post-SRS, Darren’s), “finish ‘him’!”. May GRIDS have ensured for their attempted misdeeds to pervert the course of justice.
- Thirdly, in further corroboration of an unduly earnt paedophilia diagnosis, my kindle has been clandestinely stolen and yet-recovered, presumably with the intent to plant Child Pornography on it, in which case I don’t want it returned as these were not my activities but those of the perpetual Pizzagaters (see this, and resources here) of the Scottish transsexual community,  whose diagnoses are typically somatoform conversions of paedophilia with the rare somato-trans infantilist 1 but otherwise, as Milo aptly points, "hardly any... real" cases exist.
1 Admittedly, myself. Kelly/Cuntster’s an autoandrophiliac gay man whose too lazy to live through their own penis, falling strictly into neither category, facetious paedo accusations aside, that is my genuine functional hypothesis regarding him as opposed to the other Celtonegroid transsexuals whose r-selection makes it infeasible to have deep emotions.
Ask yourself - How would mostly r-select Celts ever develop the emotionality for such a predicament? My marginal Slav genes sensitize me enough, BARELY, for me to be excused. Kelly can be a bitch about paternal genetic investment, ignoring the fact my mental characteristics more closely coincide with my mother’s side, all she wants -- I seem to have inherited mostly affective maladies from my dad’s side of the family, but in his case personally, brain damage, being unorganic, and a supremely negligent mother, makes a poor inherent case for the ToM and a stronger one for environmentally-induced emotional retardation, such as is speculated to be the cause for the virtually non-existent-in-my-case-bar-a-few-isolated-instances paedophilia. My surrendered equipment will hopefully absolve myself of all and any such accusations.
- Fourthly, in an autoandrophilicization-as-punishment (I’ve trillions of fucked up fetishes as my closest confidantes know) fantasy .gone both way too far, wrong, but on the bright side, a tad comical at the time from a certain perspective (if your humour is so disturbingly dark), I’ve now ingrained in my head the “future prognostication” that Angela Haselgrove may very well pursue megadose-IVs/IM vials of irreversible anti-aromatazes (read: “estrogen blocker”) such as exemestane, superpotent antipsychotics such as haloperidol at their highest effective doses, penis extension and viagra (I’m giggling as I’m writing this -- because I was literally getting off to trolling myself at the time -- but it’s no joke as the predicted time-frame has yet to pass, approx ~Sep-Dec ‘17 or so), and emela cream applied phalically to “deal with the inappropriately adopted sexual characteristic* of genital hypersensitivity.”
*A term I borrowed a lot, littering this everywhere in fetishistically-induced sarcasm, or “literal sargasm” as otherwise known; in each fantasy has there been my own angrily sarcastic touch. Passive-aggressive sardonicness disguised as friendliness in manipulative females is a bit of a turn on for me, I won’t lie; it’s partly why i can’t take female medical professionals seriously anymore, and always see the worst discompassion in them, basically dominatrix cuck-artists.
It’s the verbal and meta-ironic equivalent to getting stilettoed in the balls, after all.
These fantasies were a bit more facetiously benevolent at first as the nurses were priorly briefed on how the paedophilia diagnosis was entirely faceitious as to exaggerate manliness in a piss-taking fashion. (I was working under the logic, “if I’m an autoandrophiliac, I therefore can’t be an autogynephiliac and therefore become even more genuine!”, it admittedly backfired, it just made me come to the LagoonaBlue epiphany of “everything’s a fetish” on an internal level and fucked me up completely for a few months.) It was supposed to be a joke at my own expense, but escalated badly, I won’t detail how exactly, but it’s no laughing matter to literally envisage yourself as deserving the predicament of being tarred a Micheal-tier rapist.
To condense all this as briefly as I can -- being-Micheal-as-a-fetish, psychodynamically speaking, was intended as a microaggression against him (I irrevocably hate the bastard), so I find it bizarre that Kelly/Cuntster extends this logic to my view of transgenders, whose sexual and stylistic proclivities bother and offend me much less than their politics (where the main misunderstanding is between myself and Cuntster; aberrosexualist exhibitionism should be unacceptable trans or cis, straight or gay -- “do your own business”). Meanwhile both the political and sexual wiles of the paedophile are inexcusable to me. But equally as inexcusable is one position of the transgender in particular, the one position that gets my furor, is their autistopathy. It’s for that betrayal for which I seek their destruction -- at least paedos can be humiliated and correctly so should it be so, as is a genuine fear will be used against me at some point in the future, whilst transsexuals have both correct and debaucherous reasons for their existences both existentially and politically, often hiding the latter behind the former; their acceptance comes at the cost of the infiltration of individuals like Sarah Nyberg (a transsexual paedophile, for those not in the know; literally) of Salon and the like into wider Western aberrosexual politics. Increasingly, more often than not, newly “ascended” trans are the latter - the parafetishists of infantilism are somewhat-forgivable (”I want to be re-raised from age [single-digit number here]” makes some sense given missing development in the correct gender), compared to the parafetishists of themselves, and those who parafetishize children in any other (read: externalized) context, with the exception for autopaedophiliac EPII types, in my view loosely connected with the foremost phenomenon. 
Hence, the “transsexual paedophile” conspiracy was born.
I’m only genuinely sympathetic towards remorseful pre-paedos who have had a crisis morally, ethically, or emotionally speaking about it in some point of their lives; myself from about 4 years ago internally when I had my first panic about it, to now, where I’ve had such the largest panic I’ve literally been driven to several different neuroses over it, amongst other stressors. Those whose predicaments authentically trouble and distress them at the deepest level to that of immediate remorse. It shows, albeit how brokenly at times, some conscience; even Bundy was eventually regretful of his crimes independent of the incarceratory context -- as he was facing death, there’s no reason to believe it was feigned for favourable parole conditions.
Neither David nor I committed any crimes relating to children, whether that be of physical, verbal or sexual assault; neither of us have looked at child pornography, neither of us have pursued children to any massive degree, only David really looked to start a family, I would have the pipe-dream of one now and again with the full realization my resources would just be bringing more unfortunacy upon the world. Most paedoes tend to relentlessly pursue reproductive opportunities to gain new victims for their crimes. Yet I can still barely live with myself, and that’s before Cuntster shouted ‘PAEDO’; frankly, the fear of it was greater, but perhaps treatment has just made me number to taunting, who knows?
I do deserve not to have to live in fear for something I knowingly understand and are fully cognizantly aware to be inherently wrong. These are the kinds of complexes that just self-fulfil prophecies and create these criminals out of spite. I’m personally one for antiandrogenization of paedophiles, potential paedophiles, and even infantilists if androgens give them age-dysphoric distress** (I wonder if someone has given Clement Saggers the idea to become AB;DL yet; he has the personality type); it’s commonly done in mainland Europe but for some reason, only precious trannies ever get ANYTHING other than shit-tier, Indian-imported psychopharma drugs on the NHS.
**I even said in my diagram, the three -- infantilistic regressionism, infantilistic fetishism, and latent paedophilia, usually never acted upon and latent due to a high capacity to relate to a more childish ToM, can very rarely overlap in unison. Typically, it requires the individual to be on the very borderline between autism and neurotypicality (a kind of mid-stage in ToM disability and intellectual compensation for that ToM deficit; gifted children usually socialize in more ‘cerebral’ ways, true is it also for mediocre Asperger’s; when regressionist tendencies are strong due to high sensitivity to stress, there’s deliberate over-investment in the preservation of an infantile mindset for nurturance’s sake, and that, unlike the individual subtypes, is regardless of gender), and have generalized personality disorders over all three axes, but most strongly in borderline, followed by narcissism, then sociopathy and/or histrionicnness jointly. The paedophile-antipaedophile’s is a very distressing and potentially suicidal predicament when not dealt with. This is a mixed vulnerable-predatory personality type which switches upon external socio-pressurization and stressor conditions; you’ll remember on my old WordPress blog, where I said I only ever get angry to hide latent fear in rise to a challenge.
-This is a conscience I’m unsure whom I’ve dubbed as “Harvey’s local Pizzagate collective” really have, given their desire to forcibly hyperandrogenize and paedophilize all autistics -- starting with myself experimentally -- as some warped, spiteful, reputational and sexual humiliation tactic, to be followed, in the instance returning to my one fantasy (turned-nightmare, really), with a crypto-transsexual, pre-operative “support worker” whose sole careplan -- whilst I’m pacifier-gagged -- is to such a denied-dysphoriac’s then-engorged dick upon discharge.
I can believe, now, that rape victims cope with their experiences by enjoying the experience temporaneously to deprive their rapist of the power ascribed to them; I essentially raped myself in a bout of hyperprogesteronism-induced hypersexuality for approx. 36 hours worth of deranged, near-uncontrollable fantasies, almost like badly epiphanous visions, cumulatively. I also fear giving a spiteful, vengeance-seeking Haselgrove ideas, but I couldn’t care, enough conspiracy theorists exist on the internet that, even if retarded Scottish normalfags are duped by Vic Rodrick’s retarded lines, virtually nobody else other than the KiwiFarms would be.
I would still advocate the stuff for nootropic purposes, but at CONTROLLED DOSES. I never had a problem with megadoses in the past, but then, I never had a predisposition to psychotic thinking of the bona-fide form until my mid-20s, or late last year, when the time-travelling transsexual visions and Biblical reference delusions started happening. Never had that experience before in my life. My dopamine receptors could take grams upon grams of progesterone before. Not now, whatever’s genetically predisposed me to an increase in D2-sensitization (post-edit: retrospectively it might’ve been a conspiracy, see the ‘tard wrangler letter), it’s happened, and I can’t get away with it anymore; I take dosing a lot more responsibly in that I’ve given up buying the stuff, I now only take antiandros and I’ll be stopping even those as soon as I get a certain script. My, and yes get this, 10,000-mg-at-a-time (basically a box of 50 200mg microgest pills) progesterone consumption was intended as a form of myelinitic preservation, because I had a vision about the future in which everyone was given progestigenic antidepressants except autistics, who weren’t even allowed seretonergic ones, and forced to regress in segregation disguised as a “neurodiversitarian campaign”, in a hyperfeminist dictatorship. By no means is it not going to happen; that was the basis for my writing the autistic-transsexual conflict theory, which I’ve still been meaning to transcribe from my prison pennings. Instead, it became a mental health crisis of monumental proportions, the guilt of believing I was a Micheal-tier superpaedo overbearing my shoulders so greatly one time that my entire family had to console me as I broke into tears. If the system does attempt to destroy me, there will at least be a handful of people who will never believe the official narrative. Despite how neglected and frustrated I’ve felt at what seemed like emotional abandonment, when they are present for me, it’s refreshingly reassuring.
I’ve confided these thoughts to my sister and my mother, expecting permanent shunning and disownment because I believed I deserved it for reasons besides at the time (existing, basically). I had explained the nuances per my hypothesis paedophilia-to-infantilism continuum. It is just a theory, mind you. They thought it to make some sense “save for the fact most adult babies are guys” (their quote: my response was, “they’re suppressed trannies!”) -- they know of infantilism from a few fucked up acquaintances and television; they knew I was a very early adopter since 2003 though since my eldest sister confessed to spying on my connection, although I kept hush about the TG stuff until ‘09 -- to which I additionally pointed out “well, actually, LGDD is beplauging the movement as a BDSM-inspired inroads.” (Attribution to LagoonaBlue for the observation -- that has been a palpable subcultural trend from the early ‘00s to the mid-’10s; that is, female cultural appropriation).
CID retards like DC Black are ultimately response for the conflation of infantilism with paedophilia -- having overhead the phonecall between him and a duty psychiatrist in July ‘14 with my oversensitive hearing at times mostly self-induced (underesensitive at others; usually with not paying attention, possible unrecognized ADD?) -- which has created this guilt-ridden mess such that the deeker-activism which I’d rather keep a separate part of my life HAS to be an occasional part of my other work for syncretic theoretical reinforcement. I propose it as a viable redirection in redeemable paedophiles such that I see this successful reformation having overcome my genetics regardless of what Cuntster pontificates on the matter, maternal/patern genetic investment differentials in-particular. Strictly adhering to Freud, however, and since partially backed by neural and IQ-testing battery studies, biological males TEND to adhere inheritable to the intellectual and socio-emotional characteristics of the MATERNAL side anyway, explaining why I’m males ahead of my immediate sister down* (and roughly equivalent in ability to my eldest sister).
*Save for a lack of recognition of thyroid disorder; even then, whilst elevation caught at the right time would be inarguable, I still think the heirarchy would be maintained.
What’s more, wider variability in biological males end up in a bit more pot-luck despite the massive gamble to stupidity -- I converge to populational means, but I’m well above SES-normed averages (mean=90 for my parent’s place on the income distribution, so too does it truly hold for myself).
This ridiculous notion that I could be false equivocated to some brain-damaged child molester with zilch going on in the imaginative and intelligence department EVEN BY HIS IMMEDIATE FAMILY’S STANDARDS (there is trailing average, then outright exceptional), with only spite driving motivationally any minimization iof my mother’s genetic contributions is IDIOTIC to say the least, and OFFENSIVE (although that Cuntster seeks to be, well beyond “light ribbing”) needless to say!
Part 2 shall be transcribed tomorrow. I’m too tired, not to mention a little kid next to me was causing sensory disruption with the clacking of his keyboard.
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crossdreamers · 5 years
The real gender perversions
EOGT: Early Onset Gender Transphobia
Paraphiliphiliac: Sexologist who gets aroused by classifying sexual variation as perversions.
Pro-binary: Obsessive need to sort the complexity of life into boxes painted pink and blue
Autoandrophiliac: Man who gets turned on by the fact that he is a  white cis male.
Peak Transphobia: Feminist who believed she was a decent human being, fighting for the rights of marginalized people, but who has now understood that what she really wants is to treat even more vulnerable people in the way misogynistic men have treated her.
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