#autistic alvin olinsky
kamryn1963 · 8 days
I can't believe I've never made a post about my favorite Alvin Olinsky headcanon before. Smh. Well here it is.
Autistic Alvin Olinsky. I'm not sure exactly when this headcanon came to mind (probably around the time I started the process of getting my own autism diagnosis, lol) but it's my favorite one now.
I just searched through months of messages with one of my friends, to find this short list I made of canon autistic traits I've seen in Al while watching PD because I'm too lazy to remake it:
• Quietness/lack of talking
• Repetitive movements seen as pacing or picking his nails (example 2x11 and 3x22)
• Trouble with eye contact (example 3x13) one I saw a lot
• Social awkwardness
Traits that are more headcanon/inferred:
• Trouble making friends. Through the course of the series we see only one person Al was friends with outside of the job (or people that regularly go to Molly's) and we can assume from that that friends probably didn't come that easy for him. Especially considering how far Al would go to defend/save the friends he did have (cough cough Hank cough cough)
• Trouble understanding body language/boundaries. That scene from 1x3 (I'm pretty sure it was) as an example, when Al went to the shopkeeper he knew to intimidate him. The way Al walks in touching everything, than patting the guy on the cheek despite the shopkeeper clearly being uncomfortable? That only him moving away clued Al onto him being uncomfortable? Everytime I watch my headcanon is solidified more and more. That's an autistic man right there.
• Intense interests. Al's special interest being horror, specifically horror movies, is something you can pry from my cold dead hands.
Obviously people change throughout the years and Al is on the show for 5 years, and I definitely see more autistic traits and stuff in season 1 Al. Being autistic is one thing but I know it'd be much harder as a cop. I can see Al masking for years and his traits being more prominent in season 1 (his first year in Intelligence. Or at least the first year Hank was running Intelligence) because he already knew and trusted Hank.
So his guard was down at first and he was more of his true self. Than the walls came back up again and Al began masking again.
Just a headcanon obviously, but it's my favorite and I was surprised I hadn't shared it properly yet.
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kamryn1963 · 2 months
Not a lot, just forever (Al/Hank fanfic)
Summary: Hank didn't know just how much Al liked the horror genre until they moved in together.
“Al? Can I ask if these are all DVDs?” Hank asked one afternoon as he pointed to the two boxes that they had brought from Al’s apartment to their new house.
“Yes”. Al said as he grabbed the last box of his things from the car and set it on the ground and turned to face his boyfriend.
“Those are my horror DVDs”. Al added as he looked at Hank like he was waiting for a reaction.
“I didn’t know they made that many horror movies”. Hank joked as he went to grab one of the DVDs out of the first box.
“Don’t touch that, please”. Al said suddenly as he grabbed Hank’s hand before he could take the DVD out. “They're all organized in a specific way and I just cleaned them all”.
“Sorry, darling”. Hank apologized as he moved his hand away.
Sure he knew Al liked the horror genre. God knows that’s what they watched every movie night because Hank couldn’t say no to his boyfriend especially with how happy it would make Al.
He just didn’t know Al’s interest went so deep.
“It’s my special interest, I think it’s called”. Al explained and Hank nodded.
“Interesting”. Hank replied as he just looked at the DVDs not attempting to reach for them again. The last thing he wanted to do is agitate Al. There were rows and rows of them.
“I have some posters too and books. Probably more books than DVDs”. Al responded as he pointed to a couple more boxes.
“How much of your stuff is actually clothes and essentials?” Hank asked with a raised eyebrow as he wrapped his arms around Al’s waist.
“Two boxes”. Al said sheepishly.
“Well I guess I will have to make room for everything. I have a couple shelves but those are all at least fifteen years old”. Hank replied, mostly thinking out loud.
He knew from all the time he had spent with Al in his old apartment, that he had one shelf where he displayed some DVDs and books, but everything else was in storage. Hank wanted to display as much as possible if that’s what Al wanted. This was something clearly important to him and Hank didn’t want it and Al’s happiness hidden.
“Are you sure?” Al replied looking surprised as he pulled away a bit to look Hank in the eyes.
“Of course. This is important to you, Al and it should be displayed and talked about. I want to know your favorite DVDs and books”. Hank responded and Al leaned back against him.
“I’m not sure you know what you're signing up for, Hank”.
Hank chuckled as he looked around at the collection he knew Al had been building since he was young.
“I do and I want to know more. I want to know everything about horror that one can know”. Hank responded honestly and Al just smiled in his boyfriend’s embrace.
“I love you, Hal”. Al whispered.
“I love you too, Al”.
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kamryn1963 · 17 days
Little rant about my writing that I'm going to share here since this is my blog ;)
I just wrote/posted my 50th fanfic. I started posting just over a year ago (June 1st, 2023 was when I posted my first fic)
Since than I have:
• Wrote 207, 314 words (of posted stuff)
• Wrote 45 Chicago PD fics
• 5 FBI fics
• And 1 Harry Potter fic (a crossover with one of my PD ones)
• Met some great people through writing/fandoms that makes me grateful I stuck with writing
Most written characters:
• Alvin Olinsky (42 fics)
• Hank Voight (40 fics)
• Trudy Platt (28 fics)
• Michelle Sovana (12 fics)
•Antonio Dawson (11 fics)
Favorite Ships:
• Alvin Olinsky/Hank Voight (33 fics written)
• Jubal Valentine/Isobel Castille (4 fics written)
Favorite fics:
I didn't know where else to go (Al/Hank) https://archiveofourown.org/works/53003194
But I love you so (Al/Hank) https://archiveofourown.org/works/53452423
Can you hear me screaming? Please don't leave me (Al/Hank)
I laugh like me again (Al/Hank. Flufftober spring edition prompts) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54401797
Dead Man (Al/Hank) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55401649
Neck Of The Woods (Al/Hank. 1st Autistic Alvin Olinsky fic) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55709563
I Remember Everything (Al&Kim) https://archiveofourown.org/works/57695629
Tales From the Waiting Room (Al, Hank & Trudy) https://archiveofourown.org/works/58704355
So Long, London (Al centered fic. 19/30 chapters) https://archiveofourown.org/works/57182827
If I Died Last Night (FBI fic. Jubal/Isobel) https://archiveofourown.org/works/57928621
Mr. Perfectly Fine (FBI fic. Jubal/Isobel) https://archiveofourown.org/works/58187560
Special Mention:
My first fanfiction; You're not okay (Al, Hank & Trudy) https://archiveofourown.org/works/47568775
Prompt Challenges I've Participated In:
• Whumptober 2023
• Sicktember 2023
• Comfortember 2023
• Whumpcember 2023 (full month)
• Febuwhump 2024
• Flufftober Spring Addition 2024
• June of Doom 2024 (full month)
• Sicktember 2024
I'm not quite certain what the point of this post is, but I guess I just wanted to share a bit more of my writing (as not all my fics are cross posted here) and my accomplishments, I guess.
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