endlessdreaming · 11 months
I don’t get it 🤷‍♀️
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fil-jannah · 6 years
Most hype up about guidance and Imaan and race to spread khayr but when the topics that anger the kuffar come up, we see people getting cold feet and sweat as they choose to slowly scroll past it all and hope Allah makes the situation of the Ummah better. That is weakness. If we can't even lift our pens for this Ummah, we shouldn't miraculously expect to lift swords when the time comes. Aesthetics and eloquent quotes won't get us anywhere if we can't even stand by this deen and the truth.
Allahul Musta'an.
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somaligovernment · 2 years
Am going to go a photovid dump of this week I just don’t have the mental energy to upload them from my camera roll
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rk1kincorrect · 2 years
Tumblr media
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talentedtenth10 · 2 years
i’m real sad rn. coming to the realization i don’t have a wife or a baby and it eats me up wallahi. im over this single life. am i asking for too much? or my standards too high? authubillah
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jckxie · 6 years
I’ve been having uneasy creeping thoughts.
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bintnyc · 6 years
I just have to always say ‎ ‏الحمد لله for Islam, because the way these kafir men and women be moving is just scary Authubillah. May Allah protect all of us from Kufr.
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nabeelnajeeb8-blog · 6 years
It amazes me how people have so much audacity to do horrible stuff in front of people. I mean they may or may not be aware that Allāh is watching, but the people around them are watching and still??? How do they do it, authubillah.
May Allah guide them towards the right path.
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miheartsays · 4 years
february 7, 2021
somedays you just have to say authubillah and keep it moving
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somaligovernment · 3 years
The creepy old man at work having a crush on you industrial complex needs to be dismantled authubillah
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islam-for-girls · 7 years
Salamu Alaykum. so i have a crush on this boy, right? i'm aware of haram stuff and am good at staying away from it. but my heart wants to feel some love. i can't get married now bc i'm still in highschool. would it be a problem if i just text the boy? not anything dirty authubillah . just some attention from him ? i fear Allah but I can't stop thinking about him what should i do?
Wa Alaikum Salam, Sister ♥
Things do not start off with Zina but end up leading there.It can start off with a text, then a meeting, then him feeling aroused towards you and an indulgence in the haram, La Samah Allah.
This is a test from Allah to you to stay away from Haram, if you wish to marry him, you should speak to your parents or someone in your family or mosque about the situation.
Remember things do not start off with Zina, things lead up to Zina.
Maybe you would be able to withstand, but you do not know if he would be able to. Protect yourself and your Deen in shaa Allah ♥
Please read the following post for more information, in shaa Allah ♥http://islam-for-girls.tumblr.com/post/66362802074/is-it-wrong-to-like-someone
I hope this message reaches you in good health, happiness and Emaan, Ameen ♥
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abd-of-allah · 6 years
Bro guys got to stop following and liking girls pics on Instagram, when they think and when they know there pretty, it’s so toxic, authubillah, May Allah protect us amen
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nabeelnajeeb8-blog · 6 years
Growth and change go hand in hand, as is widely understood. Something that I've learnt the hard way is that, no one, absolutely no one, including your very own parents, almost never highlight the amount of sadness, the "I'll never make it anywhere in life" moments, the "I'm so done" days, that we must encounter.
They've been glorifying what's on the other side, of this huge mundane, herculean task of changing or growing for the better, and just because of that, we are destabilized at the first hurdle we stumble upon, and are faced with stern remarks when haven't achieved so and so.
Normalize exposing kids to their mistakes early on, let them try out things in the way they want to.
Parents these days almost never allow young teens to venture out , for fear of making grave mistakes, but if they had raised their children upon the Qur'an, they wouldn't have anything to worry about. When it's finally our turn to make it out in the world on our own, they expect us to be fully learnt and understand the reality of everything, but how??? They've created a paradoxical situation for their kids which is just detrimental for their character.
I can't wait to be a father so I can teach the many things I've learnt on my own, to my kids, give them what I couldn't get.
What I've written above is not because im against my parents or anything authubillah, in fact I can't begin to thank Allāh enough for them, brings tears to my eyes all that they've done for me.
Our culture (Indian), on the other hand, is what plays this role of imposing unnecessary stigmas in society. Rely upon Allāh, follow the sunnah, forget what people have to say, and be the best son/daughter/sibling/husband/wife/father/mother you can be in the eyes of Allāh.
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hakuna-mataataa · 6 years
All the animals make sujud when the monkey carries Simba on the mountain
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