#author: crowleysmistress
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spnrareshipbang · 5 months ago
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“Ganymede” - Monday, November 11
Author: crowleysmistress (Crowleysmistress)
Artist: @atlas-assbutt
Beta(s): l nightbreaker
Rating: Explicit
Featured characters: Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Dean, Castiel, Garth
Featured relationships: Sam Winchester/Lucifer
Length: 23302 words
Tags: past rape, trauma from the cage, sex under the influence, dub-con, vessel ownership versus free will, past torture, restraints, obsessive Lucifer, Sam winchester love potion, sam saves dean again, death eats tamales, sam loves lucifer, public dating, samifer, dean has the mark of cain, hurt sam winchester
Warnings: Rape/Non-con
Summary:  Alternate ending to Season 10 where Dean accepts Death’s offer to have himself exiled to outer space to prevent further harm from the Mark of Cain. Of course, Sam can’t let his brother go, much less when they are so close to finding the cure for the Mark of Cain. However, the only being he knows that can reach and return his brother is Lucifer. And yet, the Devil won’t offer aid for nothing in return. Though Sam thinks he has nothing left to offer that Lucifer hasn’t already taken, the Devil proves him wrong with a simple demand: he wants a public, happy dating relationship with Sam. Of course, Sam can’t give him what he wants—not after everything Lucifer’s done. However, willing to do whatever it takes for his brother, Sam decides to love potion himself in hopes of satisfying this relationship. Lucifer quickly notices but decides to try and provide experiences as only he can to finally win over his true vessel’s heart.
Before Cas can update him on his findings the heavy bunker doors swing open again. They both turn to look, they are warded so the visitor who has managed to open the doors should be an expected and welcome guest. Castiel is therefore surprised when on the landing Lucifer shows up. He immediately stands in front of Sam. Opens his stance and orders Sam “Get behind me Sam.”
“Honey, I’m home!” Lucifer yells from midway down the stairs. “Always, wanted to say that. Not that I would want to live in this underground shithole. I have had enough of those for a few lifetimes.”
Behind him Castiel can feel Sam shaking his head. He draws out his angel blade.
“Woah buddy, take it easy with the heavy artillery. I come bearing gifts.” Lucifer is almost at the table.
Castiel puts his angel blade up against his jaw. “Lucifer, stop right there.”
“Sammy, call off your pet.” Lucifer’s tone is not as light any longer.
Sam pushes his chair back, it scrapes against the floor, he heaves himself up. Walks over to Castiel and puts his hand over the sword. Pushing it down. Then he takes a step towards Lucifer and asks, “What gifts?”
Lucifer grins, holds up a paper bag with the logo of the local gym. “Acai bowl, with extra almond butter.” Sam holds out his hand and Lucifer hands it over. Sam walks back to his chair. “Umm, sassy.” Lucifer laughs as he bites his lip.
Cas looks confusedly between them both. He can see Sam is not terrorized as he normally is when dealing with Lucifer. He can see the trauma is still there but shrouded and put away, and something else is taking precedence.
“Brother, what are you doing here?” he finally asks.
“Well, Sam summoned me.” Lucifer states simply.
Castiel glances over at Sam who is eating his Acai bowl while he looks at Lucifer with intensity. It makes Castiel uncomfortable. Something is wrong but he can’t articulate what.
“Lucifer is going to get Dean back,” Sam says in an almost conspiratorial tone.
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spnrareshipbang · 4 months ago
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The Crystal Wielder
Author: AvalonSilver (@avalonsilver)
Artist: sidewinder (@hawkland)
Beta(s): Crowleysmistress
Rating: Teen & Up
Featured Relationship(s): Jack Kline/Claire Novak
Featured Characters: Jack Kline, Claire Novak
Length: 9324
Warnings: None
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Magic, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning
Summary: Claire has never met Jack before; but that changes when one night, he ends up collapsing outside her front door.
Alarmed, Claire takes him in and treats his wound. She is eager for an explanation as to how Jack, who's the all-powerful new god now, was left so wounded. Jack's health and well-being is still at risk despite Claire taking care of his injury.
To save Jack, Claire needs a special crystal– the Queen Crystal. The leftover grace from Castiel during her brief possession by him is required as well.
The crystal can extract the angelic grace and transform it into the cosmic power Jack requires to be back at full strength.
To retrieve the crystal, Claire has to return to the warehouse where– years ago– she saw her father consent to angelic possession for the final time and she lost him. Not a place or memory she wants to revisit ever.
But Jack tells her he will die soon if Claire refuses to help him with the crystal.
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spnrareshipbang · 4 months ago
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Author: crowleysmistress (Crowleysmistress)
Artist: @atlas-assbutt
Beta(s): nightbreaker
Rating: Explicit
Featured relationships: Sam Winchester/Lucifer
Featured characters: Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Dean, Castiel, Garth
Length: 24186 words
Warnings: Rape/Non-con
Tags: Sam Winchester Saves Dean, Post Season 10, Dean bears the Mark of Cain, Self-Exile, Dean is Protective of Sam, Hurt Sam Winchester, Trauma from Lucifer's Cage, Love Potion/Spell, Past Tortured Reference, Sexual Coercion, Showers, Didn't know they were dating, Pretend relationship, date rape drug, physical abuse, restraints, sexual harassament, anal, oral, team free will
Summary:  After Dean accepts Death's offer to be exiled to Ganymede to prevent harming anyone else with the Mark of Cain, it's up to Sam to find a way to bring him back and find a cure for his curse. However, the only being he knows that can reach and return his brother is Lucifer. And the Devil won't offer his aid for nothing in return. Sam thinks he has nothing left to offer that Lucifer hasn't already taken, but is proven wrong when Lucifer demands a simple public dating relationship. Sam finds he can't give Lucifer what he wants, at least not easily. However, he is willing to do whatever it takes for his brother so Sam decides to Love Potion himself in order to satisfy Lucifer's demands. As the potion runs out, he finds that his feelings don't necessarily.
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