#author azureagn3l's art
Obligatory Sonadow cuddles drawing but with ABOB!Sonic and ABOB!Shadow before I pass out woooo
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OK so the last WIP was terrible so here's the improved version- I missed so many details and messed up so many others asdhfaskgh help Mari and her daddos >:DD
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HERE SHE ISSSSS MY BABBYYY GOOORRLLLL This is Marianne The Hedgehog, Sonic and Shadow's adopted daughter! Before I continue, no, this is NOT Maria reincarnated, this is a completely different person lol, but she is inspire by Maria and that's an important detail for the story of ABOB >:DD I decided to jump onto the Sonadow fankid train because I just kept seeing SO many awesome designs and stories and a few weeks ago I woke up at 4 AM and just had one hell of an epiphany and an awesome idea so I jumped out of bed and wrote everything down and now here we are! I noticed that most Sonadow fankids are lab grown with Shadow and Sonic's DNA, so I decided to try something a little different Marianne is 19 years old (except for at the start of the story, she's 9) Her birthday is December 16th, 2005. She's Pansexual and 4'5 feet tall with her prosthetics on. She goes by She/Her pronouns. She's a desaturated blonde bare-bellied Mobian hedgehog with bright blue eyes, pale skin, scars (Surgery scar on her right hip, a large scar spread from her neck down to her torso, and a huge gash in her left cheek) and silver, black, and blue prosthetic legs with built-in silver, black, and blue Air Shoes. She has two quills that act as bangs, and the rest of her quills are long and curved towards her body. She wears a dark cerulean dress with similar-colored bows tied to her quills and her waist. Underneath her dress is blackish–blue safety shorts. She also wears white gloves similar to her papa’s with dark cerulean ribbons tied around her wrists. She also wears pale, desaturated brown socks underneath her prosthetics to keep the rubber and metal from irritating her skin. She's a quieter, sweet, rather socially inept little hedgehog who suffered severe injures as a hoglet due to a Robotnik invasion of her village. She lost both of her parents and pretty much everything she had, but was saved by Sonic and Shadow at 9 years old, trapped under a huge pile of stone rubble. The rubble had crushed her legs to the point they had to be amputated, and she suffered great trauma to her head and some of her vital organs. Because of the intensity of her injuries, Shadow used the Chaos Emerald he had on hand (The blue one) to heal her. Being afflicted with the Chaos Emerald, Marianne adopted similar powers to Shadow, however much weaker ones. Most everybody figured she wouldn’t survive the night, but with the help of Tails and Shadow’s Chaos Emerald, she survived, long enough to grow into the beautiful young woman she is today.
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GASP A FINISHED ART PIECE? FROM MOI??? HELL HATH FROZEN OVER I finished the WIP thumbnail of the lovely bbg Marianne!! You will soon find her on my Artfight account >:DDD I love her sm look at how cute she is, such a bean
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Ignore the hands please I know they're rough lmao
(accidentally posted this to the wrong account so REPOST WOO)
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Everyone's favorite angsty black and red hedgehog, Shadow The Hedgehog, ABOB AU-ified!
Shadow is 25 years old (Physically and mentally, was created in 1926 then was frozen in cryo-sleep stasis for 50 years), birthday is October 23rd, 1926. He's gay as all hell exactly 5 feet tall. He goes by He/Him pronouns. Dark-furred northern white-breasted Mobian hedgehog with red stripes, dark tan skin, prominent white chest fluff, and ruby eyes. His quills are star-shaped, except for the two in the middle that arch back. He’s also missing a bit of his right ear and has a cut scar across his right cheek. He wears his signature ruby, black, gold, and white gloves and shoes, a black and yellow jacket with a red star symbol, white socks, a wedding band on his left ring finger, black jeans, and a black belt. He also wears black and gold piercings on both ears. A trained GUN angst-ridden agent with a dark, complicated backstory, but a cheerier personality nowadays to combat it. When he was younger he was cynical, angry, crude, stubborn, and benevolent, and he still has some traits and behaviors that could come off as standoffish, but his daughter and husband brought him out of his shell a little. He’s kinder, more patient, and even a bit romantic, but at heart he’ll always be the edgy hedgie he was destined to be.
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Everyone's favorite navy blue hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog, ABOB AU-ified! Sonic is 25 years old, birthday is June 23rd, 1999. He is Bisexual and exactly 5 feet tall. He goes by He/Him pronouns. He's a bright blue bare-bellied Mobian hedgehog with emerald green eyes and tan skin. His quills stick out and curve inward towards his back. He wears a bright red crop-top that has a high collar, a black and yellow varsity jacket, white socks, black and white sports pants, white gloves, his wedding ring on his left ring finger, and his signature red, white, gray, and gold shoes. He also wears blue, black, and gold piercings on both ears. A well-beloved, cheery hero with an eccentric and cocky personality. He’s matured over the years, but he is and always will be a bright, stubborn, energetic, and optimistic at heart, just like when he was a kid. After the events of Sonic Prime, losing everyone and everything he loves, he learned the hard way multiple times that it’s better to stop and listen then get caught in the moment and use his legs before using his head. At times he can still be a bit stubborn and selfish, but usually Shadow helps keep him in line.
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Amy ABOB-ified time!! Everyone's favorite hammer-wielding pink hedgehog >:DD Amy is 22 years old, birthday is September 22nd, 2002. She is bisexual, leans towards men. She goes by She/Her pronouns. She is a bright baby pink bare-bellied Mobian hedgehog with bright green eyes and porcelain skin, as well as curly bob-shaped quills. She wears a red headband with pale pink roses, white gloves, gold inhibitor rings, a red and white dress with pale pink roses, white knee-high stockings, red safety shorts under her dress, and red heels with gold braces. A passionate, cheerful girly with a positive, optimistic attitude and outgoing personality. Despite her boundless energy and love, she has quite the temper and can switch from sweetheart to killing machine in seconds flat. Nevertheless, she has a pure heart and won’t let anything or anyone get in her way. She possesses out-of-this-world strength, especially for a young female Mobian. She can wield her hammer as if it was as light as a feather and swing it harder then a 16-wheeler can crash into a wall. Despite her strength and tomboy-attitude, she loves traditionally feminine activities such as shopping and fashion.
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Have a doodle of Marianne and her dads! First drawing of all three of them together, and they're fvckin adorable
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It's everyone's favorite silver telekinetic hedgehog time, welcome to the stage, Silver The Hedgehog ABOB-ified!
Silver is 24 years old, birthday is November 4th, 2176. They are heterosexual and exactly 5 feet tall. He goes by He/They pronouns. He has yellow eyes and bright white chest fur. On his hands and feet he has the teal O symbol with a stripe around his wrist and ankles. (Symbol replaces palm bean.) They have five quills brushed up and out in a star-esque shape, as well as two large quills sticking out to his sides.  Wears a white jacket with gold buttons and a dark azure collar. The jacket also has a teal ribbon wrapped around the upper left arm and middle of the jacket with a bright ruby button connecting the ribbon, with the rest of the fabric hanging off the sides of the jacket. They also wear white and gold gradient shorts with the O and stripe symbol, with a dark azure waistband. Underneath the shorts are black and teal leggings. He also wears his signature white, teal, and gold gloves, and his gold, teal, white, azure, dark navy blue, and bright red shoes. A kind-hearted, well-meaning hedgehog with a strong sense of justice. He stood up and brought justice for Blaze when no one else did, which made them fast friends. He lives and strives for world peace and prosperity. He’s quite optimistic and determined as well. However, he suffers from anxiety and paranoia. He used to be rather skittish, socially inept, and socially awkward, but was helped out of his shell by Blaze. His ability to communicate improved with age, but sometimes a stutter or mumble slips its way out. He harnesses telekinetic abilities and the ability to manipulate the environment around him with a simple twist of the wrist. He is quite strong, despite his meekness, and even held up in a fight against Sonic and Shadow.
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Last character (maybe lol I might add more) Everyone welcome the lovely princess Blaze The Cat, ABOB-ified!! Blaze is 24 years old, birthday is January 8th, 2000. She's heterosexual, and 4'11 feet tall. She goes by She/Her pronouns. Pale purple-furred singapura Mobian cat with a red gem on her forehead, yellow eyes, tan skin, and dark purple faded fur. She also wears her hair/fur up in a ponytail, ALWAYS. Wears a deep purple pantsuit with gold buttons, and black and gold heels, as well as a gold wedding ring around her left ring finger. Bloodborne royalty, a princess of the Sol dimension. She is a very calm, stoic, elegant, and collected person, rarely ever flustered. She has the pyrokinetic ability to harness and control fire at will, even natural fire that doesn’t come from her body. At times she can be cold and blunt and seemingly apathetic, since she was forced to make hard decisions as a princess, but she’s gotten better at it with time, and truth be told, she loves her family and her friends very dearly.
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I know most Sonic fans kinda gloss over this character but she's my personal favorite, everyone welcome Sticks The Badger, ABOB-ified!
Sticks is 26 years old, birthday is November 3rd, 1998. She's bisexual, leans towards women. They are 4'7 feet tall, and go by She/They pronouns. She's an orange and dark brown-furred American Mobian badger with desaturated blue eyes and a little black button nose. She wears her “hair” in two large pigtails split down the middle. They wear a variety of interesting piercings including black bands, a paper clip, and a small red dot. She has a metal snake-like band around her left wrist, dark brown ribbons in her hair, and a large gold band around their right upper-arm. She also wears pastel brown socks and a tube top, as well as dark brown and gray shoes, and dark brown torn overalls. An eccentric conspiracy theorist, you can count on Sticks to come up with the craziest ideas and ideologies. She sticks (heh, get it) to her beliefs and would fight tooth and nail to prove how dedicated she is to them and to prove that she’s right. Despite her wild personality, she’s quite emotional and cares quite a bit about the people she loves. She would, quote, “fight the government, the aliens, and the gods to protect her family and friends.” She’s dedicated and loyal as hell, and you can always rely on her aid. Common sense seems to be alien to her free-spirit forest-dwelling person. Due to her rather isolated childhood, she’s rather nutty, mental, and obtuse. However, this did not deter Sonic and the gang from befriending the strange badger. Despite her kookiness, in her right element, she is rather intelligent and even extremely skilled. She matured as time went on and she hung out with the others, but she always stuck close to her wild side. She still lives deep in the forest near Hedgehog Village, and Chaos forbid someone tries to cut her forest down.
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Miles 'Tails' Prower ABOB-ified time!! Tails is one of my personal favorites, and I know for a fact that Tails is everyone's favorite two-tailed fox >:DDD Tails is 18 years old, birthday is October 16th, 2006. He is heterosexual and 4'5 feet tall. He goes by he/him pronouns. Amber two-tailed red Mobian fox with sky blue eyes, white patches of fur on his chest and face, and two large bushy tails.  Wears a white collared undershirt with a bright red long-sleeved vest over top, white gloves, white socks, and his signature red, gray, and white shoes. A bright, energetic, courageous, and curious little fella who is Sonic’s #1 best friend. Before he met Sonic, Tails was rather timid and lacked confidence in himself. But after he met Sonic, he grew up to be more outgoing, brave, and independent. He is now considered a standalone hero himself, especially with how much he’s grown over the years. But staying true to who he is, he’s still the sweet, gentle, kind, and loyal friend he’s always been. He is always willing to help others with no return of any kind. Tails looks up to Sonic as his idol, and aspires to be like him, even to this day. Unlike Sonic however, Tails is a lot more calm and controlled with a passion for technology and research.
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Little WIP of a thumbnail for my bbg Marianne! I recently created an Artfight account and i'm doodling some stuff for Mari's character profile You can find my Artfight account here!
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Lil Update
What's up my dudes, it's ya girl Azure! Wanted to drop by and say hi and give an update and all that good stuff College has started back up for me, and this semester I'm going to be a full-time student, on top of work and right now I'm sick and pretty drained mentally and physically, so I won't be posting much at all, but don't worry, I am still working on this little passion project! My motivaton and hyperfixation of it hasn't died out just yet, the Sonic brainrot still be running strong lmao I did finish a few drawings and even wrote a little sonadow snippet that's set near the beginning of ABOB!Shadow and ABOB!Sonic's relationship which I will share soon once I've actually proofread it and all that good stuff, but for now let me show you probably the most adorable besties you'll ever see, Aril and Marianne!! (Second drawing is my piece of an art trade with my friend, we made a playlist album cover together >:DDD) (Aril belongs to my awesome friend @ashbutnotashketchum go check them out!!) Alrighty I'm gonna go sleep all day, y'all have a good one 👌
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Almost forgot to post this drawing! A bit ago I drew Marianne and her bf, Grayson, and LOOK AT THEM THEY'RE SO CUTE (Grayson belongs to the lovely @starsdrawnpastel
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