#australian women’s cricket team
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ginerva-mollyweasley · 1 year ago
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sunshine-theseus · 1 year ago
Bia | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
Words: 2.8k Summary: you create your own boots and meet the most beautiful girl  - sorry I also used this to info dump about the necessity for boots designed specifically for women to lower injury risks Warnings: none i think. lemme know if there are any requested by - @hottiedogs375 i hope you enjoy, it's probably not my best :( definitely not as good as pequeña i think
My family was more of a cricket family than a football one. I wasn’t really fond of either, the shouting was always too much, and the food was somehow sloppy yet rock hard at the same time. Even when we watched at home. The living room would be full of sweaty angry men, sometimes my mum and sister would join if our team was actually doing well. Meanwhile you’d find me in my room at the very back corner of the attic, my room, with headphones on to block out the noise, usually designing something.
Despite the cricket background, I found myself intrigued by the design of women’s football kits. In my design and technology class in year 13, I fell down a research rabbit hole on football boots for women. It was then I discovered the lack of adaptation for the shoe. Women often just wear smaller sizes of boots designed for men, which has been one of the factors in the increase in injuries in the women’s game and I’d decided I wanted to fix that.
That’s how I found myself in front of a crowd, made up of possible brand ambassadors and sponsors, as well as a range of women’s athletes from across the world, pitching my idea.
“And that’s why brands like Bia are important to the growth of women’s football. The shape of the boot, the length of studs, the sole support, they’re all contributing factors to how players perform. When women footballers use the men’s boots, which is basically the only option, they aren’t going to grow used to the details designed for male anatomy. It’s causing stress on not only their feet but every ligament, every bone, every piece of them is suffering because they have to try and adapt to things they can’t possibly adapt to.” I felt like the closing of my speech was rather strong, especially as I watched players and possible sponsors stand to clap. The noise echoes throughout the auditorium and a happiness bubbles within me.
“Thank you for providing me this opportunity. Please, if anyone has any questions.” I gesture to the stand-up microphone in the middle aisle, and people rush to line up.
“What made you intent on creating a boot specifically for women, risking money and time on something people have tried to do before? Something you knew wasn’t guaranteed to work?”
“I know it’s funny, but my family was not a football one, so I didn’t grow up knowing much about the game. But in my a-levels design and technology class, we had to research an issue prevalent in an existing design, and I for some reason was just drawn to the idea that women don’t even get the choice of having a boot made for them. I found it unfair and uncaring. Everyone expects women to play at the same level as men yet won’t provide them with the necessary equipment to do so without them having to risk, quite possibly their career. And I couldn’t just move on after the class, I knew that I had to do something about it. So I’ve spent the past 3 years perfecting the design and building the brand, to be here in front of you all today.” Another round of applause is heard throughout the room before the next person steps up.
She’s a footballer, that I know. Young, no older than 21, my age. And very very pretty.
“This question probably isn’t quite as important as that one but, what made you pick the name Bia? It just seems like an interesting name.” people chuckle at the question, and the (newly discovered) Australian shyly looks around.
“No, I love this question. Bia is the Greek goddess of force and raw energy. She’s actually Nike’s sister, the goddess of victory and very obviously the brand. I think Bia resembles a lot of things within female athletes. They have this driving force and unbelieve power that they bring, and it just felt so right.”
“That’s sick. Can I also quickly ask, sorry, are these boots made for every female athlete? Like can someone in track and field use these or are they just for footballers?” the girl smiles brightly after her question, and I have to remember not to lose focus.
“While the primary focus is obviously footballers, I have researched the compatibility of boots between sports and yes, a professional sprinter like Sharika Jackson can use them just as well as you or Alexia Putellas could. And of course as the brand grows we’ll be able to develop even further and broaden our research further in creating boots fit for anyone.”
Questions carry on for a while, then I disappear behind the curtain that’s suspended behind me, rushing to remove my microphone. Eventually I slide out the side door and reach the separate room booked for ‘mingling’ after the panel.
Between talking to rich people desperate to make it seem like they care about others, and athletes who are very eager to know everything they can about the shoe, I try to keep an eye out for the nameless Australian. Every time I think I’ve spotted her; it seems she disappears. Bodies keep moving and she seems to be one of them.
Then I bump into someone. We both go stumbling but she catches me just before I head for the floor.
“I am so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” And there she was, the girl I’d been looking for.
“No, no need to apologise. I’m Y/n.” I give her a hand to shake.
“Kyra.” There’s a pause before she continues.
“I’m a big fan of your boot. It’s truly incredible.” It’s hard not to blush and sputter out random sounds at her praise.
“Thank you. I’m really hoping this function works out.”
“Well I was thinking, when it does, if you need ‘a face of Bia’…”
“Oh my god yes that would be amazing. Seriously you have no idea how cool that would be.”
We talk for quite some time, and she sticks by my side when someone else comes to talk and ask question. When it’s time to go home we exchange numbers and that’s the first and last time I see her for a while.
5 months later is the next time I see Kyra in person. We’d both been travelling a lot, me for sponsors, ambassadors, and athletes, her for work. I’d expected to meet with her a few more times before we kick started the ‘face of Bia’ photoshoots, but as the fates had it, we found ourselves in a large warehouse, photo equipment, and many boxes of my shoes filling the space.
It suddenly all started to feel very real, and that made me nervous. So I packed myself into a small room in the corner as I tried to calm down, hoping the isolation and quiet would help me feel better.
Not even 2 minutes in, someone is following and taking a seat next to me.
“You right?” the voice is familiar and smooth.
“Yeah, yeah of course I am. It’s not like the biggest thing I’ve ever worked for in my life is basically in its final stage of release in the next room and I’m freaking out about it. What if they aren’t actually good? What if th-”
“I’m going to stop you right there. You sent me a pair 2 months ago, and I told you I would test them before saying anything, and I did just that. I took them to training. Ran on the pitch, walked, kicked the ball, passed, made risky moves. And what did I tell you after that?”
“‘These are the best fucking shoes ever.’ But what if they aren’t?”
“Listen Y/n, how many other athletes, not just me or footballers, did you send a pair to for testing?”
“Like 43. Basically every one that came to the panel plus some more.”
“How many told you they were good?”
“Exactly. So we’re going to go out there together, you’re gonna tell the photographer what you want to see, every opinion, every change, anything, and we’re going to finalise your fucking dream.” Kyra picks me up without me even agreeing, and basically carries me out to the set up.
Ali Kreiger, despite her recent retirement, was currently being photographed. She’d been the one to reach out to me when she heard from, someone, and wanted to be an ambassador. I probably screamed so loud my neighbours thought I was getting murdered that day.
“They’re going to want a couple photos of you too probably. Either with the shoes or with one or all of us. Okay?” Kyra rubs a hand up and down my back as I take it all in.
I nod vigorously and try to shake my hands to get rid of the remaining nerves, eventually taking a seat next to the photographer, Eve. She asks for my input on every shot and manages to carry out my vision without fail every single time. As players filter in and out, I begin to truly relax and allow myself to take in the moment.
Zimmorlei Farquharson and Poppy Boltz, two AFLW players for the Brisbane Lions, were being photographed together when Kyra slid into the spare chair next to me. She didn’t say anything but when I looked over, I had to quickly look away again. Her outfit wasn’t something out of the ordinary, a loose cropped top and bike shorts, plus the sage green boots she was promoting. But the strip of skin that was exposed between her shirt and shorts was enticing and it was hard not to stare at the way her muscles contracted every time she moved in the seat.
I’m certain she caught me staring.
As she stands to take over the Australian Football players, Kyra leans over and whispers in my ear. It takes me a moment to process her words and by then she’s already under the lights.
“Good thing we’re taking some pictures. They’ll last longer.” To say I was stumped was a rather big understatement. Was she flirting with me?
I don’t get to think about it too much, Kyra looking my way every time she changed position or began to play around with the ball provided.
Not long after, I’m asked to join all the girls in front of the camera for a few shots. I knew it was coming but my heart still dropped into my stomach, and I choked on my breath. As expected, it’s Kyra who grabs my hand and instructs me to breathe slowly. Her thumb runs over the back of my hand and the motion begins to sooth me.
I take a place in front of the camera and the group of athletes. I’m not quite sure how to stand, but Kyra takes the space behind me, resting an arm over my shoulder and the other around my waist. It forces me to lean back naturally and as the girls around us take a stance, Eve continues to shoot.
“You and Kyra have a lot of chemistry by the looks of it, and she’s who you’re most comfortable with. Use that. Make it natural. The girls around you will adapt.” I expect the comment from Eve, but it’s Ali who puts a hand on my shoulder and reassures me.
With that instruction, and a nod from Eve, Kyra jumps on my back. It’s a pose that helps with showing off the boot and making me laugh. She then jumps off and takes my hands, turning me to face her as she dips. I rush to catch her as she falls, our faces a hair width apart.
Before I can think, I close the gap. My lips press hard against her’s as the camera shutter repeatedly goes off, but I don’t think anything of it. Until I pull away.
I almost drop her once my thoughts catch up to me.
“I am so sorry. What the fuck did I just do?” the rest of the girls had already walked away, so it was just us.
“Nothing you should regret or feel bad for.” Kyra stands right in front of me, our lips basically touching again.
“And maybe you should do it again.” I pause for a moment before leaning back down, kissing her again.
It takes three more weeks for the official brand release. After years of designing, making, spending every cent I had on these boots, Bia was officially the first woman specific sports boot.
Kyra’s first Arsenal game wearing them was the day of the release. She ended up talking about them in post-match interview after being asked “how were you excelling so well in the midfield today?” Not only was Bia’s sale numbers skyrocketing and the media account blowing up, so was my own.
I’d of course attended the match, excited to see them as an officially released boot. Someone had spotted me in the crowd and tweeted about it, talking about ‘the creator of that new boot brand is watching Kyra rep them for the first time live’. Someone else had caught me hugging Kyra on the pitch after the game and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
The rumours could only be expected. They also couldn’t be denied. Not without lying.
“I’m so proud of you.” The smooth Australian accent almost lulls me to sleep as we rest in Kyra’s bed, the sheets hiding our bare skin.
Her fingers trace shapes on my hip as she holds me, and I kiss along her collar bones and neck.
“And also very, very grateful for your genius brain creating those boots. Not only for helping my game play, but for bringing you to me.”
“I’m also grateful for my genius brain bringing us together.” I tease before softly kissing her.
It’d been impossible to escape her charm after our kiss at the photoshoot, so naturally we went on a date. And another, before she asked me to be her girlfriend. Eve sent me those photos just in case we wanted them in the brand release post. They currently sat in my hard drive, but it was very tempting to post a couple.
Kyra wanted a moment of privacy before the world knew, but I knew it didn’t matter whether it was out or a secret, as long as I had her.
A new power couple is on the rise in the world of Women’s Football. Creator of new women’s sports boots brand Bia, Y/n L/n, spotted with girlfriend, Arsenal and Matildas midfielder Kyra Cooney-Cross at a café in North London this morning before the London Derby. The couple confirmed their relationship mere days ago with photos of the lovebirds kissing from L/n’s brand shoot.
I laugh at the article as Kyra pulls into the Emirates parking, hand in mine. I’d become rather acquainted with her teammates and they begged me to come to the London Derby on the weekend. I couldn’t refuse when my girlfriend pulled out the puppy dog eyes and promised to ban me from any sort of affection, specifically kisses, for the week.
“You better win. I have a bet going with Niamh that you’ll beat her and I cannot lose a bet against her again.” Kyra chuckles and leaves with a kiss, sending me into the friends and family section of the stands.
It was nerve wracking going alone, but it was for Kyra and that was all I cared about. Supporting her like she supported me.
Kyra doesn’t start, which had been expected. Despite it, the girls were playing well and were up 3-1 at half-time. No yellow cards for either team had most people shocked though. The derby was known to be rough and physical, yet it seemed things were rather calm for the situation at hand.
There’s a substitute at half-time that puts Kyra back on the pitch. I blow a kiss when she looks my way as she jogs out and she pretends to catch it and place it on her cheek. Both of us are unaware of the interaction being caught on the big screen while people wait for the countdown.
It’s when extra time is announced that everyone in the stadium knows Arsenal have won the game. The Chelsea players look tired and defeated and the Arsenal girls don’t look much different, apart from the massive smiles that grace each one of their faces. The final whistle blows, and the crowd erupts in deafening cheers for the gunners, and I can’t help joining in.
After congratulating the blues on their performance and huddling with her own teammates, Kyra comes running for me. The guard on the other side of the barrier grows wary when I stand, clearly about to jump it, but Kyra gives him the okay and grabs me by the waist, helping me join her on the pitch.
“I’m so fucking proud of you.” I whisper as she stands on her tippy toes.
Her arms wrap tightly around my neck and mine go around her waist as she pulls me in for a kiss. It’s deep and passionate and the crowd around us cheers, some of the girls joining in.
“We’re both kinda killing it aren’t we?” I let out a laugh as she hops on my back, pointing me in the direction of her Matilda’s teammates, even Sam, who are grouped in the middle of the field.
She sprinkles kisses around my face as they talk between each other and I’ve never felt more content.
Fuck cricket, football is the sport for me.
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scrapesaladofficial · 8 months ago
Ten big moments of the 2024 Olympics
End of the road: Cuba's Mijain Lopez removes his shoes as a signal that he is retiring from wrestling (Punit PARANJPE) From a colorful, sometimes controversial opening ceremony to boxers caught up in a gender row to respectful bows on the gymnastics podium, the 2024 Olympics served up many memorable moments. AFP Sport looks at 10 of the best: Rain on opening ceremony parade -- Organizers promised a spectacular opening ceremony and the rain-soaked boat parade on the River Seine ended up making global headlines, but not for the expected reasons. Church leaders, conservatives and even US presidential candidate Donald Trump were left outraged by a scene involving drag queens and lesbian DJ Barbara Butch that appeared to parody Jesus's Last Supper. Artistic director Thomas Jolly denied any such intention. He and others involved ended up facing vicious online harassment that led to police complaints. Djokovic's roar of approval -- Novak Djokovic stunned Carlos Alcaraz in a memorable men's final to clinch tennis gold and become only the fifth player to complete the Golden Slam of all four majors plus Olympic gold. The 37-year-old celebrated with a roar which echoed around Roland Garros before the tearful Serb clambered into the player's box to embrace his wife Jelena and two children. "There is no greater inspiration than representing your country," said the 24-time Grand Slam title winner. Alcaraz was also in tears, claiming he "had let Spain down". Biles bows to 'queen' Andrade -- Simone Biles may have been the star of the show but she was widely praised for bowing to her arch-rival Rebeca Andrade on the podium. Biles said it was "just the right thing to do" after she and team-mate Jordan Chiles finished in silver and bronze medal position respectively behind the Brazilian in the floor final. "Rebeca's so amazing, she's queen," said Biles. Romanian Ana Barbosu was later awarded the bronze medal after the Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled that Chiles should not have been upgraded from her initial fifth-place finish. Lyles just in time -- World champion Noah Lyles roared to victory in 9.79sec to claim gold in a dramatic men's Olympic 100m final in the closest finish in modern history -- just five thousandths of a second separated him from Jamaica's Kishane Thompson. "I'm the man amongst all of them. I'm the wolf amongst wolves," said Lyles whose victory was only confirmed after a photo-finish. Not cricket as Pakistan top India at javelin -- Pakistan's Arshad Nadeem won the men's javelin title, his country's first individual gold at an Olympics, with a Games record of 92.97m. In second place was India's defending champion Neeraj Chopra. "Rivalry is there when it comes to cricket matches, other sports, the two countries have a rivalry, but it's a good thing for the young people in both countries to watch our sport and follow us. It's a positive thing for both countries," said Nadeem. North-South Korea podium selfie goes viral -- Images of Olympic table tennis players from North Korea and South Korea taking a selfie together on the medal podium went viral in South Korea, hailed as a rare show of cross-border unity. After South Korea won bronze and North Korea silver in the mixed doubles behind China, South Korea's Lim Jong-hoon took a group photo after the medal ceremony. North Korea's Ri Jong Sik and Kim Kum Yong, the South's Shin Yu-bin and the victorious Chinese team Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha all beamed into Lim's phone, a South Korean-made Samsung. "A selfie with both Koreas' national flags and a Samsung phone," said the widely read daily JongAng Ilbo. Dreams come Trew -- Australian skateboarding sensation Arisa Trew, just 14, won the women's park event to become her country's youngest ever gold medallist. Trew nailed a high-risk and high-speed final round in her trademark pink helmet, bringing the crowd to their feet at a sun-drenched Place de la Concorde. The event also featured 11-year-old Zheng Haohao, the youngest athlete ever to represent China at the Olympics. "Skateboarding in the Olympic Games isn't much different from skateboarding in my neighbourhood. It's just more spectators," she told reporters. Gender-row boxer beats 'bullying' -- On a raucous night at Roland Garros, the storied home of the French Open, Algerian gender-row boxer Imane Khelif claimed gold and used her platform to hit back at "attacks" and "bullying" before defiantly declaring "I am a woman like any other." Together with Taiwan's Lin Yu-ting, who also fought in Paris, Khelif was disqualified from last year's world championships after they failed gender eligibility tests. However they were cleared to compete in Paris, setting the stage for one of the biggest controversies of the Games. "I am fully qualified to take part, I am a woman like any other. I was born a woman, lived a woman and competed as a woman," said the 25-year-old. High five for Cuban wrestler -- Cuban wrestler Mijain Lopez made Olympic history when he became the first athlete to win five consecutive individual golds in the same event, bettering the records of Games icons such as Carl Lewis and Michael Phelps. The soon-to-be 42-year-old then placed his shoes in the centre of the mat to signify his intention to retire. "Wrestling has been the love of my life, for all of my life," he said. Cool hand Yusuf -- Turkish Olympic shooting silver medallist Yusuf Dikec became an overnight sensation for his casual style during competition. His eye-catching posture saw the marksman wearing standard glasses, a team T-shirt and with his left hand casually tucked in his pocket. Other than his pistol, he notably had none of the specialised equipment used by athletes in the hyper-precise event, like headphones, special lenses or a hat. "The name's Dikec. Yusuf Dikec," said a social media post in reference to cinema icon James Bond. Read the full article
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kammartinez · 2 years ago
By Natasha Frost
Fans celebrated in central Melbourne this week after a national triumph: The Matildas, the Australian women’s soccer team, had defeated Canada, the reigning Olympic champion, 4-0.
It was a glorious victory after a dismal start to the Women’s World Cup for one of the two host teams. In Federation Square, Australians held up gold and green scarves and bellowed, “Up the Matildas!”
Two years earlier, the same city had seen a similar outpouring of support for the Australian women’s cricket team. Inside Melbourne Cricket Ground, more than 86,000 people had gathered to watch the final of the Women’s T20 World Cup, while 1.2 million people tuned in from elsewhere in Australia.
For Ellyse Perry, an Australian sporting legend who has represented the country in both the cricket and soccer World Cups, the 2020 match — the largest crowd ever to watch a women’s cricket match — was a milestone for women’s sports in Australia.
“It’s really now starting to become embedded in general society, and it’s commonplace,” she said. “We don’t think differently about it. It’s not an oddity any more.”
For as long as there have been sports in Australia, women have clamored to play and participate. What is believed to be the world’s first cycling race for women took place in Sydney in 1888; the country’s first golf championship, in 1894, was women only; and at the 1912 Olympics, Australian women won silver and gold in the first women’s Olympic freestyle race.
Yet even though Australian women’s sports have an extensive and proud history, only recently have they received significant mainstream support. A strong run in the World Cup — Australia will face Denmark in the round of 16 on Monday — was seen as an opportunity to change that, to cement the place of women’s sports in the country’s daily rhythms and conversation.
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Australia’s win over Canada saved it from an early elimination, and sent it to a game against Denmark on Monday.Credit...Cameron Spencer/Getty Images
Sam Kerr, the Matildas star who is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world, said the impact of the tournament on women’s soccer was all but unimaginable.
“For years to come, this will be talked about — hopefully, decades to come,” she told reporters last month, citing an uptick in young boys and girls coming to women’s soccer games.
A longer view on the history of women’s sports in Australia involves many moments of triumph, but also times when able and enthusiastic sportswomen were simply shut out.
“There are peaks and troughs all the way through,” Marion Stell, a historian at the University of Queensland, said of women’s sports in Australia. “Women make advances — but then it goes away again. It’s never a smooth upward curve.”
Only in the past couple of decades had female athletes been able to make consistent strides on pay, opportunities and representation, she added. Today, half of all Australian girls play sports at least once a week, according to the Australian Sports Commission, compared with about 30 percent of girls in the United States.
“I don’t think anyone would have dreamed that it would happen so quickly,” Dr. Stell said. “On one hand, it’s been very slow. But on the other hand, when it happened, the floodgates just opened.”
Yet despite their enthusiasm, and their prodigious talent for bringing home Olympic medals, female athletes in Australia have, like their international peers, historically been sidelined, blocked or simply not taken seriously.
In 1980, women’s sports made up about 2 percent of print sports coverage in Australia. By 2009, women’s sports made up about 9 percent of television news coverage, according to a report from the Australian Sports Commission. But the balance appears to be shifting: A poll last year found that nearly 70 percent of Australians had watched more women’s sports since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Fans watching the Australia-Ireland match in Melbourne on the World Cup’s opening night.Credit...Hannah Mckay/Reuters“A lot of it has been in line with the way that social perception has changed more broadly, in terms of how we perceive women’s role in society, and particularly the workplace,” said Perry, the sports star.
Dr. Stell, the historian, pointed further back. She saw the 1976 Montreal Olympics, where Australia failed to win a single gold medal, as a turning point. The country’s lackluster performance spurred a significant backlash in the Australian news media, which described the results as a “crisis for the government” and called for action for Australia to “regain its lost athletic potency.”
Women had historically been something of a golden goose for Australia at the Olympics, making up a minority of the country’s total athletes but often winning the majority of its medals. At the 1972 Games in Munich, for instance, 10 out of 17 Australian medals were won by women, even as they made up only about 17 percent of the team.
And so in 1981, Australia established the Australian Institute of Sport, a high-performance sports training center for both men and women that, for the first time, gave women the financial support to concentrate on their sports full-time — beginning with Australian rules football, basketball, gymnastics, netball, swimming, tennis, track and field and weight lifting.
That was followed a few years later by the Sex Discrimination Act, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender or sexuality.
“Those two things together might be some kind of watershed,” Dr. Stell said. “But not, I guess, in the public imagination — more in sporting women’s lives.”
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The Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra, established in 1981.Credit...David James Bartho/Fairfax Media, via Getty Images
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The facility offered dedicated training space to women in a variety of sports.Credit...Andrew Rankin/Fairfax Media, via Getty Images
Even after that, female athletes in most other sports often had no alternative but to play in a semiprofessional capacity. In the mid-1990s, as male Australian cricket players were on the cusp of striking over what they felt was inadequate remuneration, female players in the sport barely had their expenses covered, and often had to pay their own way to compete. Most juggled jobs and other commitments alongside their sports careers.
“How did it make me feel? I just wanted to play as much cricket as I possibly could,” said Belinda Clark, who was the captain of Australia’s World Cup-winning women’s cricket teams in 1997 and 2005.
She added: “We all structured our lives — our working lives and our personal lives — around being able to do that. That comes at a financial cost. We all accepted that.”
In recent decades, cricket has led the charge on fair pay for female athletes in Australia. While male cricketers still significantly out-earn their female counterparts, the majority of female players earn at least 100,000 Australian dollars, or $66,000. By comparison, female players of Australian rules football, rugby league, netball and professional soccer have a minimum salary of less than half of that — a source of ongoing tension since it is far below the country’s living wage.
Across all sports, perhaps the most important factor for female athletes was having women in positions of responsibility across journalism, management, coaching, umpiring and administration, Dr. Stell said.
In the early 1980s, Australian universities began to offer the country’s first sports management degrees. “That kind of allowed women to get a kind of professional qualification so that they could take the administration of sports off the kitchen table and make it more professional,” she said.
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Belinda Clark next to statue of herself, with Quentin Bryce, the former governor general of Australia, at left.Credit...Brett Hemmings/Cricket Australia via Getty Images
Women are gradually becoming more visible as sports people in Australia. But it was not until earlier this year that a female cricket player was celebrated in statue form for the first time, though the country claims more than 70 statues of male players.
A bronze statue of Clark was unveiled at Sydney Cricket Ground in January; it is the first public statue of any female cricket player anywhere in the world. Representation of that kind sends a powerful message, especially to younger players, Clark said.
“What are the photos in the club? Who’s on the honor boards? What are we saying to the people that walk in this door?” she asked. “Are you part of this, or are you a guest or a visitor?
“It symbolizes that you’re actually part of it. You’re no longer coming, cap in hand, to beg for an opportunity.”
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dynamicdiariess · 7 days ago
Georgia Wareham: Biography, Age, Height, Net Worth, Family, Stats, And More
Georgia Wareham is a talented Australian cricketer known for her excellent leg-spin bowling. Born on May 26, 1999, she made her debut for the Australian women's team in 2018. Wareham has been a key player in Australia’s victories, especially in T20 World Cups. She is known for her accuracy, sharp turn, and ability to take crucial wickets. Despite facing injuries, she has made strong comebacks, proving her resilience. Wareham also contributes with the bat, making her a valuable all-rounder. Fans admire her fighting spirit and game-changing performances. She continues to be a rising star in women’s cricket.
Read More- https://cricketmach.com/georgia-wareham-stats-wiki-agebio-net-worth/
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news365timesindia · 11 days ago
[ad_1] Parimatch has released the results of its comprehensive “Cricket Fans' Choice Survey. Women’s Edition,” which highlights fans' favorite WPL cricketers as voted by over 3,000 participants, asked by Parimatch. Findings from the survey include:   Fans’ favorite WPL-lever active Player The 2024 Orange Cap winner Ellyse Perry was the biggest reason behind Royal Challengers Bengaluru winning the WPL title and the Australian all-rounder’s efforts on the pitch have been rewarded as she was voted fans’ favorite WPL-level active player.   Parimatch Releases Survey Results Revealing Top WPL-level Indian Cricketers   Perry was chosen by 60% of the voters while Harmanpreet Kaur is in second place with exactly half of those voters as the Indian skipper garnered an approval from 30% of the voters with Ashleigh Gardner, Deepti Sharma, and Shafali Varma getting 29%, 25%, and 23% respectively.   Rising Stars The Women’s Premier League has been a hotbed for upcoming rising stars to prove their credentials and nail a spot in the Indian national team.   For WPL 2025, Richa Ghosh was named as the Rising Star of the season with 35% of the fans choosing the RCB wicket-keeper batter who justified the coveted award by scoring 232 runs in 8 innings at a strike rate of 173.13.   Richa defeated the likes of U-19 World Cup winning captain Niki Prasad (18.1%), Kashvee Gautam (17.1%), and Kranti Goud (16%) to bag the title of Rising Star for WPL 2025.   Best Captains Another RCB player to win award on this list in the Royal Challengers skipper Smriti Mandhana with 53% of the voters favoring the Indian opening batter who led her side to the title in WPL 2024, but a huge lot of injuries weakened their squad in WPL 2025, as RCB crashed out of the competition.   Harmanpreet led Mumbai Indians to the WPL title in the inaugural season and has a chance of lifting the title once again in WPL 2025, finishing second on the list with 41% of the voters selecting her as one of the many options.   Ashleigh Gardner took over Gujarat Giants and changed their fortunes immediately, helping the Giants qualify for the WPL playoffs for the first time in the league’s history, which helped her finish third on the list with 23% votes while Meg Lanning was only selected by 17% of the voters despite captaining Delhi Capitals in the final of all three seasons.   Most Interesting Player to Watch: Off the Pitch Perry has also been voted as the top off-the-pitch voice as the Australian with 2.7M followers defeated the likes of Harmanpreet and Smriti Mandhana, the latter has more than 12M followers.   While Perry won the trust of 33% voters for her off the pitch activities, Harmanpreet, Gardner, Beth Mooney, and Alyssa Healy were the next most voted WPL-level active cricketers on the list with 24%, 17%, 16%, and 15% respectively.   Underrated Players 23% of the fans believe that Chamari Athapaththu has never been given the recognition she deserves and hailed her as the unsung hero of WPL. The Sri Lankan was ignored at the WPL 2023 Auctions but was picked up by UP Warriorz in WPL 2024 where she wasn’t given a rope long enough to prove her credentials.   Mumbai Indians’ latest acquisition G Kamilini is second on the list with 18% votes while Alyysa Healy (15%), Kiran Navgire (13%), and the evergreen Hayley Matthews (12%) compile the Top 5 list of underrated players in WPL.   Best On-Field Partnerships RCB skipper Mandhana and Perry have been voted as the best on-field partnership with 39% of the voters opting for the duo as the top-order batters have been consistent throughout WPL history stitching multiple partnerships that helped RCB cross the line.   Mandhana and Sophie Devine finish in second place with 26% of the voters backing them while Delhi Capitals’ opening pair of Shafali Varma and skipper Meg Lanning finish in joint-second place with 26% votes.   Mumbai Indians skipper
Harmanpreet and Nat Sciver Brunt take the fourth position with 25% of the voters favoring the MI duo while Perry once again features in the list, but for her bowling, as her bowling partnership with Renuka Singh has been voted as the fifth-best on-field partnership in WPL history with 19% votes.   Role Model for Next Generation Despite playing two sports for an elongated period of time, Perry was able to nail down a successful career in cricket and has also co-authored a children’s book bringing her closer to her fans as 47% of the voters backed her as the ideal role model.   The Indian trio of Harmanpreet (35%), Mandhana (23%), and Deepti Sharma (22%) have inspired millions of girls to take up the sport over the last decade and they take up second, third, and fourth positions on the list with Gardner (19%) finishing fifth.   Best Players Under High-Pressure Situations Whether it is bowling death overs, finishing matches in death overs, or rebuilding the innings after a couple of early wickets, Perry is the master of all high-pressure situations and tops yet another list with 44% of the voters backing her.   Harmanpreet has won several matches for India and Mumbai Indians with her flashy batting strokes and finishes second in this category with 29% votes. Gardner (22%) and Beth Mooney (20%) finish third and fourth while Deepti (17%) takes fifth place on the list.   Methodology The data was collected by the Parimatch Asia research team between February 1st, 2025 and March 5th, 2025. The online survey was distributed via email and online platforms, with 3,045 qualified respondents from India. The users were allowed to vote for multiple athletes within the same category.   About Parimatch Parimatch is the #1 global gaming platform. Since 1994, Parimatch has grown to be enjoyed by 3,000,000 active users worldwide. It is trusted by the world's top athletes and celebrities: Trinidadian cricket stars Nicholas Pooran and Sunil Narine and Indian rap icon Divine are among their brand ambassadors. Parimatch is the Regional Sponsor of the Argentine Football Association and the Title Sponsor of the Sunrisers Eastern Cape, a South African professional Twenty20 cricket franchise team. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 11 days ago
[ad_1] Parimatch has released the results of its comprehensive “Cricket Fans' Choice Survey. Women’s Edition,” which highlights fans' favorite WPL cricketers as voted by over 3,000 participants, asked by Parimatch. Findings from the survey include:   Fans’ favorite WPL-lever active Player The 2024 Orange Cap winner Ellyse Perry was the biggest reason behind Royal Challengers Bengaluru winning the WPL title and the Australian all-rounder’s efforts on the pitch have been rewarded as she was voted fans’ favorite WPL-level active player.   Parimatch Releases Survey Results Revealing Top WPL-level Indian Cricketers   Perry was chosen by 60% of the voters while Harmanpreet Kaur is in second place with exactly half of those voters as the Indian skipper garnered an approval from 30% of the voters with Ashleigh Gardner, Deepti Sharma, and Shafali Varma getting 29%, 25%, and 23% respectively.   Rising Stars The Women’s Premier League has been a hotbed for upcoming rising stars to prove their credentials and nail a spot in the Indian national team.   For WPL 2025, Richa Ghosh was named as the Rising Star of the season with 35% of the fans choosing the RCB wicket-keeper batter who justified the coveted award by scoring 232 runs in 8 innings at a strike rate of 173.13.   Richa defeated the likes of U-19 World Cup winning captain Niki Prasad (18.1%), Kashvee Gautam (17.1%), and Kranti Goud (16%) to bag the title of Rising Star for WPL 2025.   Best Captains Another RCB player to win award on this list in the Royal Challengers skipper Smriti Mandhana with 53% of the voters favoring the Indian opening batter who led her side to the title in WPL 2024, but a huge lot of injuries weakened their squad in WPL 2025, as RCB crashed out of the competition.   Harmanpreet led Mumbai Indians to the WPL title in the inaugural season and has a chance of lifting the title once again in WPL 2025, finishing second on the list with 41% of the voters selecting her as one of the many options.   Ashleigh Gardner took over Gujarat Giants and changed their fortunes immediately, helping the Giants qualify for the WPL playoffs for the first time in the league’s history, which helped her finish third on the list with 23% votes while Meg Lanning was only selected by 17% of the voters despite captaining Delhi Capitals in the final of all three seasons.   Most Interesting Player to Watch: Off the Pitch Perry has also been voted as the top off-the-pitch voice as the Australian with 2.7M followers defeated the likes of Harmanpreet and Smriti Mandhana, the latter has more than 12M followers.   While Perry won the trust of 33% voters for her off the pitch activities, Harmanpreet, Gardner, Beth Mooney, and Alyssa Healy were the next most voted WPL-level active cricketers on the list with 24%, 17%, 16%, and 15% respectively.   Underrated Players 23% of the fans believe that Chamari Athapaththu has never been given the recognition she deserves and hailed her as the unsung hero of WPL. The Sri Lankan was ignored at the WPL 2023 Auctions but was picked up by UP Warriorz in WPL 2024 where she wasn’t given a rope long enough to prove her credentials.   Mumbai Indians’ latest acquisition G Kamilini is second on the list with 18% votes while Alyysa Healy (15%), Kiran Navgire (13%), and the evergreen Hayley Matthews (12%) compile the Top 5 list of underrated players in WPL.   Best On-Field Partnerships RCB skipper Mandhana and Perry have been voted as the best on-field partnership with 39% of the voters opting for the duo as the top-order batters have been consistent throughout WPL history stitching multiple partnerships that helped RCB cross the line.   Mandhana and Sophie Devine finish in second place with 26% of the voters backing them while Delhi Capitals’ opening pair of Shafali Varma and skipper Meg Lanning finish in joint-second place with 26% votes.   Mumbai Indians skipper
Harmanpreet and Nat Sciver Brunt take the fourth position with 25% of the voters favoring the MI duo while Perry once again features in the list, but for her bowling, as her bowling partnership with Renuka Singh has been voted as the fifth-best on-field partnership in WPL history with 19% votes.   Role Model for Next Generation Despite playing two sports for an elongated period of time, Perry was able to nail down a successful career in cricket and has also co-authored a children’s book bringing her closer to her fans as 47% of the voters backed her as the ideal role model.   The Indian trio of Harmanpreet (35%), Mandhana (23%), and Deepti Sharma (22%) have inspired millions of girls to take up the sport over the last decade and they take up second, third, and fourth positions on the list with Gardner (19%) finishing fifth.   Best Players Under High-Pressure Situations Whether it is bowling death overs, finishing matches in death overs, or rebuilding the innings after a couple of early wickets, Perry is the master of all high-pressure situations and tops yet another list with 44% of the voters backing her.   Harmanpreet has won several matches for India and Mumbai Indians with her flashy batting strokes and finishes second in this category with 29% votes. Gardner (22%) and Beth Mooney (20%) finish third and fourth while Deepti (17%) takes fifth place on the list.   Methodology The data was collected by the Parimatch Asia research team between February 1st, 2025 and March 5th, 2025. The online survey was distributed via email and online platforms, with 3,045 qualified respondents from India. The users were allowed to vote for multiple athletes within the same category.   About Parimatch Parimatch is the #1 global gaming platform. Since 1994, Parimatch has grown to be enjoyed by 3,000,000 active users worldwide. It is trusted by the world's top athletes and celebrities: Trinidadian cricket stars Nicholas Pooran and Sunil Narine and Indian rap icon Divine are among their brand ambassadors. Parimatch is the Regional Sponsor of the Argentine Football Association and the Title Sponsor of the Sunrisers Eastern Cape, a South African professional Twenty20 cricket franchise team. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '311356416665414'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); [ad_2] Source link
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marvelstan1092 · 12 days ago
Hidden in the Hoodie
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A/N: Hey guys, the first story here. Thought I would start with my favourite cricketer. Please leave a heart and a comment to make my day.
Summary: Your fitness freak girlfriend wanted to go for a jog with you you are adamant about not going because you are wearing her hoodie which is so soft and you don't want to move from the bed.
Everyone knew who Ellyse Perry was. She was cricket extraordinaire, the GOAT of women's cricket and she was the face of Australian Cricket. What most people didn't know she had a girlfriend and that girlfriend was Mikaela Ann Thompson. You were also a part of the Australian Cricket Team. You were 15 when you joined and Ellyse was 18.
You were 13 when you came out to your siblings, a year after you lot cut ties with your parents. In 2020, after she and her ex-husband got divorced, you both started going out as friends. After Victoria was cleared, you both shared your first kiss and then, as they say, the rest is history.
It was too early in the morning when your girlfriend pulled the curtains open in your hotel room. You glanced at your phone and it was 6:12 AM. You knew your girlfriend wanted to take you on a jog but this was too early for you. In fact, you were cosy in her hoodie which you stole the night before.
"Mik, wake up," Ellyse said putting her shoes on
"Eli, you're up too early for my liking. Plus, I'm really comfy in your hoodie," You replied sleepily
"Darlin', you promised we'd go for a jog today," Ellyse said with her Sydney accent slipping in
"Yeah, but that was before you gave me your hoodie. Now, I don't want to leave the bed. You have a problem, Eli?" You asked sarcastically
Your girlfriend shook her head fondly before removing the blankets from your body and letting the cold air hit your sleep-ridden body
"AH! Eli! What is wrong with you?" You asked getting up from the bed
"Oh, you're awake?" Ellyse asked with a sly smirk on her face
"You're rude. I'm mad at you," you grumble under your breath as you get ready for your jog with your girlfriend
You come out, wearing her hoodie and a pair of black shorts. You grab your phone, your earbuds, and your fitness tracking ring. You sit next to her on the bed while wearing your Nike track shoes.
"Why are you still wearing my hoodie? I thought you wore this last night," Ellyse asked curiously
"This is another one of yours. Your hoodies are so much better than mine. Anyway, ready to go for a jog?" You asked lacing your shoes up
"What am I going to do with you, menace?" She asked fondly while unlocking the door to your hotel room
"Nothing, you love me too much to do anything," you replied sweetly while kissing her on the lips
Both of you head out for a jog and the banter keeps going between the two of you.
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01worldwideblogs · 1 month ago
International Sports Updates: Key Matches, Scores, and Highlights
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In today’s fast-paced world of sports, staying updated with international sports news is essential for fans around the globe. International sports updates bring exciting results from football, basketball, tennis, cricket, and other major sports. Whether it’s a crucial World Cup qualifier, an intense Grand Slam match, or a thrilling basketball game, sports enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the latest scores, match highlights, and key moments. In this article, we dive into the top international sports events and their significant outcomes from recent weeks, offering a glimpse into the world of global competition.
International Football Matches: A Rollercoaster of Emotions
Football is one of the most widely followed sports, and international fixtures often deliver high drama and fierce competition. Over the past few weeks, several international football matches have made headlines. One of the biggest highlights was the UEFA Euro 2024 qualification matches, where top European teams battled it out for a spot in the prestigious tournament.
In one of the most exciting games, France secured a dramatic 3-2 victory over the Netherlands in an electrifying match. The game saw France’s Kylian Mbappé score a brace, showing why he's regarded as one of the best forwards in the world. Despite the Netherlands fighting back with a goal from Memphis Depay and a penalty by Steven Bergwijn, France held on to maintain their position at the top of the qualifying group. Meanwhile, Germany faced a tough challenge from Turkey, with the Germans edging out a 2-1 win, solidifying their chances of qualifying for Euro 2024.
Elsewhere, in South American football, Argentina and Brazil continued their dominance in World Cup qualification. Argentina, led by Lionel Messi, took a commanding 4-0 win against Bolivia, with Messi scoring a brace. The victory further cemented Argentina’s top spot in the South American qualification group. Brazil also had a successful campaign with a 3-1 victory over Chile, with Neymar continuing to impress, contributing two assists in the match.
Tennis Grand Slam Action: A Thrilling Season of Success
The tennis season continues to deliver breathtaking action on the international stage. The 2024 Australian Open was one of the most anticipated events, with Novak Djokovic making history once again. The Serbian tennis legend clinched his 23rd Grand Slam singles title, defeating Greek star Stefanos Tsitsipas in a thrilling final. Djokovic won in straight sets, 6-3, 7-6, 7-5, cementing his status as one of the greatest to ever play the game. Tsitsipas fought valiantly, but Djokovic’s consistency and mental fortitude proved too much.
On the women’s side, Aryna Sabalenka claimed her first Grand Slam title by defeating Elena Rybakina in a thrilling final. Sabalenka's powerful serve and aggressive baseline play were key to her success, as she triumphed 6-4, 3-6, 6-4. The win marked a breakthrough for the Belarusian, who had long been considered a top contender but had struggled to capture a major title until now.
Following the Australian Open, the tennis world turned its attention to the French Open in Paris. The 2024 clay-court season promises even more thrilling matches as Rafael Nadal, the King of Clay, prepares for another dominant run, while Iga Świątek looks to defend her title in the women’s draw.
Basketball: International Leagues and Key Performances
Basketball fans were treated to some intense international action in both club and national team competitions. The NBA’s regular season is well underway, with several international players continuing to shine. Notably, Giannis Antetokounmpo of Greece has been putting up MVP-worthy performances, helping lead the Milwaukee Bucks to the top of the Eastern Conference. His versatile play, which includes scoring, rebounding, and playmaking, has made him one of the most dominant players in the league today.
Over in Europe, the EuroLeague has been producing high-quality basketball. The recently concluded EuroLeague Round 16 saw some exciting matchups. Defending champions Anadolu Efes Istanbul secured a narrow 91-89 win against Real Madrid, while FC Barcelona's impressive 95-85 win over Milan helped them stay on course for the playoffs. These results keep the tournament’s playoff race tight, with multiple teams vying for the coveted top spots.
On the national front, the 2024 FIBA Basketball World Cup qualifiers have also seen significant action. The United States has remained dominant in their group, with standout performances from players like Kevin Durant and Jayson Tatum. Meanwhile, the Dominican Republic surprised many by securing a major win against Argentina, thanks to a dominant performance by NBA star Karl-Anthony Towns.
Cricket: International Battles and Record-Breaking Moments
In the world of cricket, international updates have been equally thrilling, especially with ongoing Test series and limited-overs competitions. The 2024 ICC World Test Championship is nearing its final stages, and the race for the top spots has intensified. India’s dominant series win over Australia in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy was one of the key highlights. India’s bowlers, led by Ravichandran Ashwin and Jasprit Bumrah, put on a clinical performance to secure a 3-1 series win, pushing them closer to the WTC final.
In limited-overs cricket, the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup qualifiers have been taking place, with several smaller nations aiming to secure a spot in the main event. Ireland pulled off an unexpected victory over the Netherlands, with their captain Andy Balbirnie scoring a match-winning half-century. This result has given Ireland a significant chance to qualify for the T20 World Cup later in the year.
Meanwhile, the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 season continues to be a major attraction, with top international players joining Indian stars in one of the most lucrative and competitive leagues in the world. With explosive batting performances and nail-biting finishes, the IPL continues to provide entertainment to millions of cricket fans globally.
Conclusion: Staying Updated with International Sports
With so many thrilling matches and exciting results across a variety of sports, it is crucial for fans to stay updated on international sports events. Whether it’s the latest score from a key football match, a Grand Slam result, or the highlight of an NBA game, international sports updates keep fans engaged and connected to the global sports community. With big tournaments like the UEFA Euro 2024, the FIBA Basketball World Cup, and the ICC World Test Championship just around the corner, there’s no shortage of action on the international stage.
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icecricnews247 · 1 month ago
Will Ellyse Perry Grace WPL 2025
The Women's Premier League (WPL) has quickly become a global phenomenon, captivating cricket fans worldwide with its thrilling matches and showcasing the incredible talent of women cricketers. As anticipation builds for WPL 2025, one question looms large in the minds of many: Will Ellyse Perry play? This blog post delves into the factors surrounding Perry's potential participation, exploring her recent form, her commitments, and what her presence (or absence) could mean for the league.
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Ellyse Perry: A Legend in Her Own Right
Ellyse Perry is more than just a cricketer; she's an icon. Her contributions to the game, both on and off the field, have cemented her status as one of the greatest female cricketers of all time. From her explosive batting to her disciplined bowling, Perry has consistently delivered exceptional performances throughout her career. Her presence in any tournament, especially the WPL, adds a touch of star power and elevates the competition.
Perry's all-round abilities make her a highly sought-after player in T20 leagues around the world. Her experience, her leadership qualities, and her sheer cricketing prowess are invaluable assets to any team. It's no surprise that fans eagerly await news about her participation in upcoming tournaments, including the WPL 2025.
Also Read:- WPL GG-W vs UPW-W Dream11 Prediction
Decoding the Possibilities: Will She or Won't She
The question of Ellyse Perry's participation in WPL 2025 is complex, with several factors influencing her decision. While there's no official confirmation yet, we can analyze some key aspects that might shed light on the situation:
Age and Fitness: Perry, while a legend, is also a veteran of the game. Managing workload and maintaining peak fitness becomes increasingly important as players progress in their careers. She will likely be carefully assessing her physical condition and determining whether she can handle the demands of another WPL season.  
International Commitments: Perry is a key player for the Australian national team. International cricket takes precedence, and her schedule will heavily depend on Australia's upcoming tours and tournaments. Clashes between international commitments and the WPL schedule could be a deciding factor.  
Franchise Cricket Landscape: The landscape of women's franchise cricket is constantly evolving. Perry might have other commitments to different leagues or might be considering offers from other teams. The allure of playing in other leagues could influence her decision regarding the WPL 2025.
Personal Goals and Priorities: At this stage of her career, Perry might have specific personal goals and priorities. She might be focusing on certain formats of the game, or she might be looking to balance her cricketing career with other interests. These personal factors could play a significant role in her decision.
Previous WPL Experience: Perry has been a part of the WPL and has experienced its intensity and excitement. This previous experience could be a positive factor, drawing her back to the league. However, it could also be a factor in deciding to explore other opportunities.  
What Perry's Presence (or Absence) Means for the WPL
Ellyse Perry's presence in WPL 2025 would be a major boost for the league. Her star power attracts fans, her skills elevate the competition, and her experience provides valuable mentorship to younger players. Her participation would undoubtedly make the tournament even more exciting and competitive.
However, even if Perry decides not to participate, the WPL will continue to thrive. The league has already established itself as a premier platform for women's cricket, and it boasts a wealth of talented players from around the world. While Perry's absence would be felt, it would also create opportunities for other players to step up and shine.
The Impact on Her Team
The team that secures Ellyse Perry will gain a massive advantage. Her all-round abilities, her leadership qualities, and her experience make her a valuable asset. She can contribute with both bat and ball, and she can also play a mentoring role for younger players in the squad.
However, even if a team misses out on signing Perry, they will still have other options. The WPL auctions provide teams with the opportunity to acquire other talented players, and there are many rising stars waiting for their chance to make their mark.
The Fans' Perspective: Fingers Crossed
Cricket fans around the world, especially those who follow the WPL, are eagerly awaiting news about Ellyse Perry's participation. They would love to see her back in action, showcasing her skills and entertaining them with her performances. The hashtag #EllysePerryWPL2025 is likely already trending among fans.
However, fans also understand that players have personal decisions to make, and they will respect Perry's choice, whatever it may be. Regardless of whether she plays or not, they will continue to support her and celebrate her contributions to the game.
The Waiting Game: What to Expect
For now, all we can do is wait for official announcements regarding Ellyse Perry's participation in WPL 2025. The suspense is sure to build as the tournament draws closer. Whether she graces the field or not, the WPL promises to be another exciting and memorable event. Perry's decision will undoubtedly add another layer of intrigue to the tournament, and fans will be eagerly awaiting to see what unfolds.
Beyond WPL 2025: Perry's Legacy
Regardless of her decision regarding WPL 2025, Ellyse Perry's legacy is secure. She has already achieved so much in her career, inspiring countless young cricketers around the world. Her impact on the game extends beyond her on-field performances. She has been a role model, a leader, and an ambassador for women's cricket. Her contributions to the sport will continue to be celebrated for generations to come.
Also Read:- WPL MI vs DC Dream11 Prediction
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cryptoto · 1 month ago
WV Raman suggests Australian legend as India’s mentor for Women’s ODI World Cup 2025
As the world's land of the army of ICC Women Old Cup In World Cup 2025to be appointed to be done Indianwho were an Old Crickets of Indian and women's training WV Raman recommended to reduce the access of Indian team in India to sell their first name. Raman reported the establishment of the Crikend Crikend Crikend if a women's women's adviser, calling a unmited experience and conditions of…
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hamsdd · 1 month ago
WV Raman suggests Australian legend as India’s mentor for Women’s ODI World Cup 2025
As the world's land of the army of ICC Women Old Cup In World Cup 2025to be appointed to be done Indianwho were an Old Crickets of Indian and women's training WV Raman recommended to reduce the access of Indian team in India to sell their first name. Raman reported the establishment of the Crikend Crikend Crikend if a women's women's adviser, calling a unmited experience and conditions of…
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newsmatik · 1 month ago
Eplay Perry playing no injured concerns? All men go down the big story
Bengarauri’s challenges (RCB) challenges of Person Perry have been sent in front of the first game of women. 2025 a few matches. Before Prime Minister’s Groups (WPL) 2025, Benguru is a great challenge in the serious injury of injury. The Australian Criminal Criminarian’s Criminal Criminarian has always been injured during the Ashes Strike for the British National Cricket team. Ellsse Perry was…
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perfectlineup1 · 1 month ago
WPL 2025 Opener: Gujarat Giants Take on Defending Champions RCB in a Thrilling Clash!
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The Women’s Premier League (WPL) 2025 is all set to begin with an electrifying opener as Gujarat Giants lock horns with the defending champions, Royal Challengers Bengaluru. The match, scheduled at the newly built BCA Stadium in Baroda, promises to set the tone for an action-packed season filled with cricketing brilliance, fierce rivalries, and top-tier performances. The Stage is Set for WPL 2025
WPL 2025 is expected to be bigger and better than ever, with top international and domestic stars gracing the tournament. The opening game between Gujarat Giants and RCB will not only be a battle of skills but also a strategic contest that could define the early momentum of the competition.
Both teams have bolstered their squads with fresh talent and experienced campaigners, making this a thrilling matchup for cricket fans. With the inclusion of some exciting names and a revamped approach, Gujarat Giants will be aiming to dethrone the reigning champions, while RCB will look to start their title defense on a strong note.
Gujarat Giants: Aiming for a Winning Start
Gujarat Giants have assembled a well-balanced squad for WPL 2025. With power hitters, skilled all-rounders, and a solid bowling attack, they are one of the teams to watch this season.
Some of the key players to look out for include:
Beth Mooney: The Australian batter will be the backbone of the Giants’ batting lineup.
Ashleigh Gardner: The all-rounder brings experience and match-winning capabilities with both bat and ball.
Harleen Deol: A dynamic Indian talent capable of changing the course of the game.
Sneh Rana: Her spin bowling and leadership skills add depth to the team.
With a strong combination of international stars and young Indian talent, Gujarat Giants will be looking to dominate from the very first match.
Royal Challengers Bengaluru: Ready to Defend the Crown
RCB, the defending champions, will not be an easy opponent. They have a squad filled with match-winners who know how to perform under pressure.
Key players to watch for RCB:
Smriti Mandhana (C): The Indian opener and captain will be crucial at the top of the order.
Ellyse Perry: The Australian all-rounder brings experience and versatility to the squad.
Richa Ghosh: A hard-hitting wicketkeeper-batter who can accelerate at the right time.
Sophie Devine: Another seasoned all-rounder with immense T20 experience.
RCB’s strength lies in their aggressive approach and depth in both batting and bowling. With the winning mentality from the previous season, they will be eager to start WPL 2025 on a high.
Dream11 Prediction for Gujarat Giants vs RCB
Fantasy cricket fans are eagerly waiting to create their Dream11 teams for the WPL 2025 opener. Here are some top picks for today match prediction:
Best Batters:
Smriti Mandhana (RCB)
Beth Mooney (GG)
Richa Ghosh (RCB)
Top All-Rounders:
Ellyse Perry (RCB)
Ashleigh Gardner (GG)
Sophie Devine (RCB)
Best Bowlers:
Sneh Rana (GG)
Renuka Singh (RCB)
Georgia Wareham (GG)
Fantasy players should aim for a mix of top-order batters, quality all-rounders, and wicket-taking bowlers to maximize points. Given the match conditions and pitch report, spinners might play a crucial role in determining the outcome.
Match Prediction: Who Will Win the Opener?
Predicting the winner of the first match of WPL 2025 is challenging, as both teams have formidable lineups. However, based on squad strength and recent form, RCB enters the game as slight favorites due to their experience and ability to handle pressure.
That said, Gujarat Giants have the potential to cause an upset with their aggressive batting approach and quality bowling attack. If they can get early wickets and put pressure on RCB’s middle order, they have a strong chance of winning.
Final Verdict:
If RCB bats first and posts a total above 160, they will likely have the edge.
If Gujarat Giants chase, their success will depend on how well they handle RCB’s bowling attack.
The opening clash of WPL 2025 between Gujarat Giants and RCB is set to be a high-octane encounter that will kickstart the tournament in grand style. With star players on both sides, passionate fan support, and intense rivalries, cricket lovers are in for a treat.
Stay tuned for more WPL 2025 updates, match analysis, and today’s match predictions. Whether you're a fantasy cricket enthusiast or a die-hard fan, this season promises endless excitement and unforgettable moments!
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itsicn · 2 months ago
WPL Winning Teams List: Past Champions & Final Results
The Women’s Premier League (WPL) has quickly become one of the most exciting and prestigious leagues in the world of women’s cricket. Since its inception, it has brought together the best female cricketers from around the globe to showcase their skills and fight for the ultimate prize. With thrilling matches, fierce rivalries, and unforgettable moments, the WPL has been a showcase of the future of women’s cricket.
In this blog, we’ll take a look at the WPL winning teams, highlight their championship victories, and revisit some of the most exciting final results from the league’s history. Whether you're a die-hard fan or new to the world of WPL, this breakdown will give you an insightful look into the league’s early years and the dominant teams that have made their mark.
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1. WPL 2023: Mumbai Indians – The Inaugural Champions
The first season of WPL 2023 was historic in more ways than one. Not only did it mark the beginning of an exciting new era for women’s cricket, but it also gave us the first-ever champion of the league. Mumbai Indians (MI), led by the experienced Harmanpreet Kaur, dominated the competition and emerged as the inaugural WPL champions.
Final Match Results:
Mumbai Indians (MI): 131/3 (20 overs)
Delhi Capitals (DC): 130/9 (20 overs)
Match Highlights:
Mumbai Indians defeated Delhi Capitals by 7 wickets in a nail-biting final.
Nat Sciver-Brunt played a crucial role with both bat and ball, helping MI control the game.
The final was marked by a tight bowling performance, with Issy Wong and Alana King proving to be key figures in Mumbai’s attack.
MI’s victory in WPL 2023 marked a perfect start to the league, and the franchise demonstrated why they are one of the most successful teams in women’s cricket.
2. WPL 2023: Runner-Up – Delhi Capitals
While Delhi Capitals (DC) fell short in the inaugural WPL final, they had an impressive run in the league, making it all the way to the final. Led by Australian star Meg Lanning, DC was one of the most consistent teams in the tournament.
Final Match Results:
Delhi Capitals (DC): 130/9 (20 overs)
Mumbai Indians (MI): 131/3 (20 overs)
Season Highlights:
Meg Lanning’s leadership and Shafali Verma’s aggressive batting were key factors in DC’s successful campaign.
DC posted a competitive score in the final but ultimately fell short due to MI’s strong bowling attack.
Jemimah Rodrigues also impressed with her composed performances throughout the season.
Although they didn’t win the title, Delhi Capitals’ performance in WPL 2023 proved that they were one of the strongest teams and a contender for future seasons.
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3. WPL 2024: What to Expect?
As we look ahead to WPL 2024, the anticipation around the league is growing. With teams strengthening their squads and more international stars set to participate, the competition is expected to be even fiercer. Fans will be eager to see if Mumbai Indians can defend their title or if a new champion will emerge in the next season.
Key Teams to Watch in WPL 2024:
Mumbai Indians (MI): As the defending champions, MI will be looking to continue their dominant run in the league.
Delhi Capitals (DC): With their close loss in the final, DC will be aiming for revenge and the chance to take home the trophy.
Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB): With a star-studded squad, RCB will be one of the teams to watch.
The next season of WPL is shaping up to be a blockbuster, with many teams vying for the coveted title. It will be interesting to see which team comes out on top and whether a new champion will rise.
4. WPL Championship Records and Key Stats
Let’s dive into some interesting statistics and records from the WPL finals so far. From the highest run-scorer to the best bowling figures, the records from the first season are already setting a high bar for future performances.
WPL 2023 Key Stats:
Highest Team Score in Final: 131/3 by Mumbai Indians (MI)
Highest Individual Score in Final: Harmanpreet Kaur (Mumbai Indians) with 37 runs off 39 balls in the final.
Best Bowling Performance in Final: Issy Wong (Mumbai Indians) with 3 wickets for 22 runs in 4 overs, helping MI restrict DC to a manageable total.
As the league progresses, new records are likely to be set, and fans can look forward to more exciting performances in future finals.
5. Looking Ahead: The Future of WPL Champions
While WPL 2023 crowned Mumbai Indians as the first-ever champions, the future of the league promises even more thrilling moments. Teams are investing heavily in their squads, and more international players are expected to join the league. The competition is expected to intensify in the coming seasons, making it one of the most exciting women’s cricket leagues in the world.
As the league grows, we can expect more dramatic finals, new rivalries, and fresh faces lifting the WPL trophy. The WPL winning teams list will continue to evolve, with more franchises gunning for the title and adding to the rich history of the league.
Conclusion: Celebrating the WPL Champions
The WPL winning teams have set the stage for an incredible future for women’s cricket. From Mumbai Indians’ dominant performance in the first season to the fierce competition between teams, the league has quickly established itself as a major force in women’s sports.
As we look forward to future seasons, the excitement and anticipation surrounding the WPL final will only continue to grow. Whether you’re a fan of Mumbai Indians, Delhi Capitals, or another team, there’s no denying that the WPL is shaping the future of women’s cricket in ways never seen before.
Which team do you think will dominate the WPL in the upcoming seasons? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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news365timesindia · 2 months ago
[ad_1] Australia winning the Women’s Ashes Test at the MCG against England (PC: MCG/X) The humiliation is completed! Done, and dusted! Australia completed a crushing victory over England, winning the one-off pink-ball Test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) by an innings and 122 runs. With this win, the hosts have sealed a historic 16-0 clean sweep over England in the multi-format Ashes series. This is the first time a team has failed to earn a single point since the Women’s Ashes points system was introduced in 2013. Annabel Sutherland was named Player of the Match for her outstanding 163, while Alana King took home the Player of the Series award after claiming 23 wickets and scoring 37 runs across the series. Day three started with Beth Mooney unbeaten on 98, and England’s Sophie Ecclestone immediately applied pressure. After a nervy start, Mooney held her nerve and reached her maiden Test century with a couple of runs. She became the first Australian woman and the fourth overall to score a hundred in all three formats. However, Ecclestone soon found her reward, dismissing Tahlia McGrath for 44. Lauren Filer then struck in the next over to send Kim Garth back, and Ecclestone continued her fine form by removing Alana King for just three. The biggest surprise came when Ellyse Perry walked in at number ten to warm applause, despite struggling with a hip injury. However, England wrapped up the innings quickly, with Filer and Ecclestone taking the last two wickets as Australia were bowled out for 440. Mooney’s 106 had helped the hosts gain a commanding 270-run lead, though they lost their last five wickets for just nine runs. For the Latest Sports News: Click Here Alana King at the MCG during Australia vs England, Women’s Ashes Test (PC: Cricket Australia/X) In response, England lost Maia Bouchier early for one, bowled by a superb Darcie Brown delivery. England managed to survive the remainder of the session with just one wicket down, but there was controversy when Australian captain Alyssa Healy was informed that ball-tracking and UltraEdge were unavailable due to a technical glitch, preventing a review for LBW. After the break, Alana King and Ashleigh Gardner spun England into deep trouble, sharing six wickets between them. Gardner struck first, breaking a 71-run stand by dismissing England captain Heather Knight for 32. That triggered a collapse, with England losing five wickets for just 38 runs. King produced a stunning delivery reminiscent of Shane Warne to dismiss Sophia Dunkley, leaving England in disarray. In the final session, both King and Gardner raced to complete their five-wicket hauls. Ultimately, it was King who got there first, taking her fifth wicket by dismissing Filer, sealing England’s innings at 148 in 68.4 overs. Brief score: England-W 170/10 & 148/10 lost to Australia-W 440/10 by an innings and 122 runs (Annabel Sutherland 163, Alana King 9/98) Also Read: Sutherland and Mooney Shine put Aussies on top in Women’s Ashes Test The post Humiliation for England, Australia clean sweep Women’s Ashes 16-0 appeared first on Sports News Portal | Latest Sports Articles | Revsports. [ad_2] Source link
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