#austin walker is a god-tier GM
AUSTIN: You know that feeling when there is a word on the tip of your tongue, Nick? And then, it slips away and you’re struggling to get it? In that moment, the word that you’re looking for is actually on someone else’s tongue. It's on the tongue of a Word Eater ... at that moment there, they’re licking it.
... Now and then, a person has a thought so strong. They think so desperately, and gutterally, that a word can slip loose and be carried away. [pause]. Hadrian, you’re saying your goodnight prayers. ... Say them for me?
ART: Uh, shit. I don’t know them.
AUSTIN: Just say them.
ART (as Hadrian): ... Thank you, Lord Samothes for— 
AUSTIN: Nope! You say “Thank you, Lord” and you’ve lost his name.
Friends at the Table, Autumn In Hieron ep. 8
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