kalahosa · 5 years
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My entry for the DTIYS challenge by @muwzmi_ on Instagram, check out their art!
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irishthings · 5 years
Dia Dhuit! It’s good to see you back on here
Dia is Muire dhuit! Thank u roundy Australia, it’s good to be back!
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rjalker · 2 years
Free transphobe blocklist from the replies of this post. I haven't even gone through the reblogs yet.
This list includes people being purposefully transphobic, and cis people crying about how "cis" is an insult and the trans people are being so mean to them by...calling them cis and saying "hey here's some easy things you can do to not be transphobic".
purplecherryfizz bananazen mirandadragonhunter hes-vangogh garyd12 greendayglory86 quixe bundthead rykiz aussieball legendaryluminaryglitter s-lyvester phantomsmooch infernhoe kickedoxygen shadowking600 jollyinternetballoon wolfiewooz maginism jeff147 luolanortti-blog and-souls-dont-die super-shar spaded420srh algxbraic
Some examples of the shit these transphobes are saying under a cut because it's ridiculous.
This fucking idiot thinks transphobia doesn't actually exist while admitting to being a transphobe.
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[ID: A reply by s-lyvester that reads, "This is stupid. No ones going around killing and oppressing trans people but also no ones going to bother asking which pronouns someone use. Stop wasting your time and go do something productive with your lives. If you want people to stop makng such a big deal of trans people just stop trying to change mundane". End ID.]
The rest of these transphobes are whining and crying about the word "cis" being used in this post, acting like it's an insult or a slur -.-
algxbraic said:
I know that this is to remind people of hurtful things they say, but I'm cis and I find it hurtful this is addressed to 'cis people', because I'm very careful about my words. A genderfluid, agender, or trans person could also mistakenly say any one of these things, and I find it slightly offensive it was addressed to 'cis people'; this is a generalisation and I honestly just don't appreciate it. If it had been addressed to anyone, as in 'Dear people,' it would be appropriate; this is just rude.
This particular transphobe is also being racist.
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[ID: A reply by quixe that reads, "Because calling out and labeling other people based on their behavior and actions despite the fact it makes them uncomfortable as long as it's another group that does it. That's how this gender/race politics stuff works, right? Whatever happened to people just being people?". End ID.]
And this person's doing the classic "I like gay people as long as they don't make it their whole personality" bullshit. Because for some reason they're talking about sexual orientation when the post is about trans people.
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[ID: A reply by bananazen that reads, "Just as an observation, I noticed that often times LGBT individuals will cling onto they're sexual orientation or gender orientation because it's the only form of identity they have. And then they set a double standard when cishet individuals address them as such. I completely understand and agree with this post, but please don't set double standards and make all cishet individuals out to be inconsiderate assholes. Most of us don't really care who people sleep with.". End ID.]
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[ID: A reply by rykiz that reads, "I'm just going to point out that asking not to be treated as a different while labeling others as a different group by using 'cis' is quite hypocritical and undermines your intent. Next time just say Dear People. Because that's the only grouping that matters when you want everyone treating all as equals.". End ID.]
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