notjeffthompson · 4 months
Like most people in the ballroom he'd seen the scene transpire between Emma Vanity and Aurora Sinistra. While he hadn't been close enough to hear what had been said, he saw Emma throw a drink at the other woman's dress which caused her to rush away in a hurry. It seemed that empathy wasn't a trait those Slytherin purebloods inherited even if they weren't death eaters. Acting by instinct he stepped into her way, offering her a handkerchief, his manners getting the better of him. He couldn't just stand by and not do anything. If his fellow death eaters commented on it he'd find an excuse, but for now he would help a woman in need when he could. "Are you alright?" Concern shone through in his tone. "Here, take this, dry those tears. She's not worth it."
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faedusted · 1 year
WHEN: during the ball WHO: @highfaeborn
the evening wasn't that much different from any other he'd experienced since the start of the summit. many of the high lords and ladies too busy masking their true intentions and feelings, however, there were others who felt less inclined to do so. some who'd support hybern and still actively called for the traitors to be punished. but he didn't see how the people who refused to give up what was rightfully theirs could be such things. they were the traitors, the ones who'd turn their back on their homeland. but that was exactly the type asril needed to align his own court with—his family with, now.
asril approached the table the high lady of the spring court was seated at, she was alone, but that didn't come as a surprise to the lord. she seemed to prefer things that way, something he could understand. everything was easier that way for him, but he was no the only person he was needed to think about.
he sat down, not waiting for an invitation or wasting time with unnecessary small talk. ❝ do ever worry about the future of your family, your house? ❞ the lord asked, leaning forward in his seat and resting his arm on the table. there had been rumors, mumbles really, but all it took was one person talking a little too much for matters to escalate. and escalate they had. he could remember the high lady centuries ago, before she'd been overtaken by the grief and misery of her loss. but she hadn't been the only one to lose something so dear and if they didn't begin to act, she would be far from the last. he needed that high lady now, not this one.
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samrosemodblog · 2 months
Title: After the war, family is born Length: 3k Commissioned by: Aurora01 With the war against Utopia over it's time for a relaxing vacation. However, some minor tensions still remain... Like will Aurora and Lucifer finally, truly, become the family she wants them to become?
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georgia-jereau · 4 years
Georgia had given herself a fully unplugged holiday. She’d made arrangements with the necessary people, taken the necessary precautions and of course, the right people had the number of the hotel she’d stayed at. Still, she’d gone to Hawaii and treated herself to a phone free vacation to celebrate Christmas this year. Spending time alone was not new or awkward anymore, she filled the hours with bars and restaurants, spa treatments and sleeping in late. Now that she was back in Olympus things should have felt relaxed. Instead, she found herself slamming on her breaks as she passed by the MC, tires squealing as she pulled her car to a halt outside the barrier of police tape. It was dark and nothing was well lit, but she could damn well see that the MC wasn’t fucking there anymore. Her heart beat faster in her chest and she stared for a moment. Georgia had few loyalties to any one person in particular, but the institution such as it was kept Mal safe in prison. It was one of the few emergency lines she had. A move like this was strong and deliberate. Swallowing her fear she climbed back in her car and drove to the Dive. She parked quickly and stalked inside. It was loud, and she knew her black slacks and pale linen blouse looked more at home in a board meeting that this bar, but this is was her first stop. She stalked in, her heels clicking as she looked for a place to sit. She jerked her head at the bartender. “Tanqueray and tonic, double, with extra lime.”
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wildfire-queen · 4 years
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“You can let her through,” Sylvia demanded as she saw the queensguard barring entry from one of her ladies, Lady Aurora. “Oh, honestly? I’ve known her my whole life, she’s no threat,” she told them as they started to protest. They had sequestered her in a small room off the throne room after the body had been found, and while Sylvia knew it was for her protection, she was not happy that she didn’t know much about what was happening. They let Aurora in and Sylvia waved her over to her. “What’s happened? Have they identified the body, how did he die? This is a disaster, an unmitigated disaster!” @aurora-windsor​
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serebompicosita · 4 years
ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ장작불
ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤWood fire
#clm_iridium #aurora01
Había tenido muchas amistades unas buenas otras no tantas, pero un día sin buscar nada apareció ella. Haciendo con su luz, su carisma que siempre quise encontrar en alguien que me entendiera y no me juzgará por cómo soy.
Ella paso conmigo en un momento muy difícil en mi vida, conoció mis tristezas más profundas que nadie vio o qué simplemente nadie creyo que tenía en ese instante.
— beba, porque me pasa esto a mi? Algún día realmente volveré a sonreír como antes lo hacía? Realmente me merecía esto? Siento que no podré volver a sentirme viva, si no fuera por Leah o por ti realmente no se que sería de mi... —
Murmuró bajo con un nudo en la garganta dejando ver sus ojos cristalinos sintiéndose lo más débil en ese instante.
—Hay beba.... No te merecías nada de eso y se que en un momento llegara alguien que te de todo lo que mereces como la reina que eres, ese idiota no vale tú tristezas —
Tenía razón, no las merecía pero una parte de mi se había roto porque había perdido un amigo él había sido mi amigo por mucho tiempo.
Los días pasaban y ella con su alegría y compañía me iban haciendo salir de esa oscuridad que había quedado logrando hacer que me encontrara conmigo misma y me amara cada día que pasaba, realmente no sé que sería sin ella, mi beba, mi Kathy es lo más valioso que tengo en mi vida junto con mi Leah
La amo y siempre la amaré.
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worldsofzzt · 7 years
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AuroraMag #1 by AuroraSoft (2000) [Aurora01.zzt] - Surface:Colony Download / Explore aurora1.zip on the Museum of ZZT Play on Archive.org
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