#aurora thank u for the prompt i hope u enjoy <3
nicoise · 4 months
El <3
"a tentative, exploratory kiss between friends" sounds very interesting and I would love to read something written by you!
The afternoon after Blaine took his last exam, they went to the beach.
Kurt was waiting for him outside the exam hall. It was blindingly sunny. Blaine felt the warmth envelope him and remembered he was alive.
Kurt was smiling behind his enormous sunglasses. “How was it?”
“I honestly don’t care how I did for once,” Blaine said, following Kurt to the car. “I’m just happy I’m done.”
The drive took twenty minutes. The thing about letting Kurt drive was that he kept glancing toward Blaine in the passenger seat, not actually at him, but to look at the road. Even this nominal attention flustered him. He looked out the window on his side to hide it.
It was a weekday and the beach was relatively empty. There were maybe three families and a handful of people walking their dogs.
The glossy rocks created vague tide pools. Kurt sat on a rock as Blaine waded into the water, which glittered when the sun passed over it.
“Look,” said Blaine. “Tiny fish.” There were in fact pale minnows swimming around his ankles.
Kurt leaned down to look. Blaine flicked water at him. Kurt emitted an impressively high pitched noise. 
Blaine laughed so hard he tripped over something. The water was freezing. When he resurfaced Kurt was looking smug. “Avenged without even having to do anything."
Blaine was soaked and his hair was done for. He shook his head and saw Kurt duck from the flinging water drops. “Wow, it’s like you’re the wicked witch of the west.”
“I’m not afraid of water,” Kurt said, “I would just like to not get wet.”
“Did you know fear of water was historically associated with rabies? They used to call rabies hydrophobia or something.”
“How relevant.”
“It’s not really,” Blaine started to say, then realized Kurt was being sarcastic. “Oh. I think exams made my brain melt into a confusing pool of trivia.”
Blaine was doing premed to satisfy his parents. If he failed to get into medical school he’d be free to pursue something else. It made studying really psychologically difficult.
Kurt didn’t say anything about it even though he had in the past. He just said, “I miss your voice. Sing something for me?”
Blaine did. Kurt had perfect pitch and gave him the starting note. He was able to laugh at himself when his voice cracked because it was Kurt, who was the only one who ever really heard him sing. 
Pressed up to the rock that Kurt was sitting on, his face by Kurt’s knee, it was easy to allow the romance of the moment bleed into his voice. It was the part of the afternoon when the clouds would cover and uncover the sun so that the sky would dim and brighten over and over. He was watching the water glitter intermittently and thinking about how every song sounded like it was about Kurt.
Later they were walking up the shore. It was still sunny but windy and Blaine was shivering.
“Just ditch your wet shirt,” Kurt suggested. “You can have this one. Advantage of so many layers.” He undid his button-down shirt and tossed it at Blaine, who caught it neatly. Underneath Kurt was wearing a black tank top, which fit him really well.
Blaine shucked off his wet shirt as Kurt stared into the not-quite sunset. Kurt’s shirt had a fancy black and white pattern. Blaine had seen him wear it often without expecting to ever be holding it in his hands. 
He put it on. The material felt expensive and it smelled like Kurt, like his sweat and his sunscreen. Blaine wasn’t expecting it. For a brief moment it was hard to breathe. 
Kurt turned. He looked approving. “You should let me buy you clothes sometime.”
“I would never survive shopping with you,” Blaine said, glad his voice came out normal. “What is this, Prada?”
“Dolce and Gabbana. Vivienne Westwood. Burberry.”
“No luck.”
Blaine gave up when he’d listed every designer and retailer he thought Kurt would deign to shop at. It was Forever21. Apparently Kurt was full of surprises.
On the way back they stopped at 7Eleven where Blaine bought a raspberry slushie. They sat on a park bench outside near the pigeons.
Blaine offered Kurt the cup. “Do you want some?”
Kurt hesitated. He was weird about sharing straws. Blaine began to pry off the lid of the cup so Kurt could drink directly from it. 
Something happened. Kurt began to laugh. “Oh my god.”
The lid had spat bits of slushie on Blaine’s face. A wet chunk of ice slid down his cheek. “Oh, come on.”
Kurt didn’t stop laughing but did produce a handkerchief for him. Trust Kurt to carry around handkerchiefs. 
Blaine took it and wiped his face. “Just be glad I didn’t mess up your shirt.”
That shut Kurt up. “You’re right. Red40 is impossible to get out of blended textiles.” He looked Blaine over, possibly for signs of slushie damage, seemingly finding none. “The shirt looks good on you,” he said.
“Thanks. I - “ He lost his train of thought. Kurt was staring at him still.
“You have a…” Kurt motioned at his own face.
It took Blaine a while to get it. Then he pressed his fingers to the corner of his mouth.
“Other side.”
He switched sides.
“No - like, near the middle but not - “ Kurt sighed. “Don’t give me that face, it’s distracting.”
What face? Blaine looked at him in confusion, hand dropping to his side.
Kurt’s irritated expression softened. The light of the setting sun was doing something to his face - it made his skin almost luminous, revealing a faint dusting of freckles Blaine had never noticed before. Blaine was so entranced by it that when Kurt kissed him he didn’t react until it was over.
It was a little off center. There was a fleeting impression of a touch to his bottom lip like a caress. Blaine put a hand to his mouth. Oh. Kurt had kissed the slushie off him.
Blaine was smiling. He couldn’t help it. He was thinking about how Kurt had always been unwilling to share a straw, about every imagined glance that might not have been imagined, and the song from earlier was ringing in his head but there was no hopelessness to it anymore.
Kurt looked away like he was embarrassed. “It’s gone,” he said, apparently over it, but his voice was pitchy.
Blaine was okay with letting him pretend. “Okay,” he said. “Thank you.”
Kurt looked up, eyebrow on the rise, but whatever he saw on Blaine’s face made it stop.
It was hard to tell who leaned in first; they met in the middle and then it was the real thing. Kurt tasted faintly of raspberry. His top lip was spare but his lower lip was full, and he made a pleased sound when Blaine bit it gently. He was cupping Blaine’s face in his hands and Blaine felt like he was submerging in a wash of joy that was the opposite of terrifying, like a tide that returns forever.
“Wow,” Blaine said, when they separated. He said it again.
Kurt was watching him sort of anxiously. “So does this mean - ? If you tell me that was friendly I will combust.”
Blaine tried not to laugh. “Uh, what exactly do you think I do with my friends?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“Look. Kurt. They’re all sick to death of hearing about my massive crush on you which I apparently haven’t shut up about all year - “
Kurt cut him off with another kiss, quick, full of intent. Blaine was starting to think he’d never get used to it. It was like stepping out of the exam room and into the sun all over again: exhilarating.
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
You really do deserve the 100 followers! the best when u write for Brienne or Lucifer, I was wondering, may you do a prompt?
Pleasee, please may you do ❛ the last thing i want is to hurt you. ❜ for Brienne or Lucifer, any you think fit the best. I am soo excited for this lmao thanks so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Sorry im anon, Im rlly paranoid about safety 💀
Hi anon!! Thank you for the kind words :) I love this prompt because you can do so much!! I really hope you enjoy it <3 there is nothing wrong with being an anon!! I love all my anons :)
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lucifer x gender neutral! reader
pretty much the ask!! also this is for the 100 follower event
word count: 375 words reading time: about 3 minutes warnings: none prompt: ❛ the last thing i want is to hurt you. ❜
Lucifer was the ruler of the underworld, fear was something they commanded. Without it they would quickly lose their position as ruler, the other demons praying on their weakness. You understood the need for them to be harsh at times. But it had never been directed to you, Lucifer was also kind and soft.
Until now, Lucifer's anger and harsh nature slipping into your conversation. Their biting tone, their potent words, their angered expression. They had the ability to make you feel like a speck of dust, something so insignificant. You look up to them, trying to grasp if their anger was true or not. It seemed to only increase their anger, their voice raising as they move to get into your personal space. To suffocate you with their aurora to the point you felt you have no escape.
"Lucifer, stop it. You are scaring me." Your voice is soft compared to Lucifer's you were surprised they heard you. But their eyes darken and their lips tighten, signalling they heard you loud and clear. Their voice moved to be only mere centimetres away from your own. You could feel their breath on your face. "Scaring you? Am I scaring you? Let me show you how scary I can be."
Standing to their full height, their eyes pierced yours before their wings expanded. Lucifer's height was beyond intimidating, especially with their wings out. The sudden moment frightened you, causing you to flinch. Though you knew Lucifer would not hurt you, you still feared the possibility. As you knew what horrors they could commit when mad.
Their face dropped, the angered expression morphing into one of regert. The last thing they ever wanted to do was scare you, to make you fear them. They loved you, viewed you as an equal, you were their lover. Their wings lowered once more, resting behind them comfortably.
"The last thing I want is to hurt you." Their voice was much softer than before hands reaching out to grab yours. Softly they grab them, running their thumbs over your hands. The both of you are silent for a moment, coming down from your fear and their anger. As there was nothing to say, just simply reading each others energy.
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SIMM!MASTER x READER: “Do you believe in love?”
prompt #11 — requested
pairing: simm!master x reader
description: visiting a famed romantic hotspot (to cause trouble, obviously) with the master leads to you pondering one major question: does he even believe in love?
warnings: angst, as ever with me writing the master !
words: 1,535
You leaned forward to rest your palms on your knees and catch your breath again as the Master, a few paces ahead of you, turned to laugh at your exasperated expression.
“Would you stop laughing at me?” you grumbled, standing up again and following him back into his TARDIS with a scowl on your face, “If you weren’t so intent on pissing off every species in the universe, I wouldn’t have to run so much and end up so bloody tired!”
He smirked, pausing at the TARDIS doors while you caught up to him, “You should be used to it now then, love.”
You followed him inside, your expression still irritated as you folded your arms over your chest dramatically.There he goes again, you thought with a sigh, calling you love whilst mocking you just as he always did. 
It bothered you more today than usual, and you knew exactly why.
You’d been visiting the Four Moons of Tirus, famously frequented by couples for romantic getaways and often either weddings or honeymoons. Of course, travelling with the Master you knew that this hadn’t been a romance-fuelled trip -- instead, he wanted to cause chaos as ever and so dragged you along with him. 
At first it had been fun, stealing food from buffet tables and skipping through fancy venues. But he’d torn you from a conversation with a Commander of a fleet attending a wedding on one of the Four Moons, and from then on the day had been miserable.
You’d hoped he was jealous -- you couldn’t deny Commander Fluxx II’s flirtation towards you -- but his behaviour crumpled your hopes swiftly.
Watching him flirt with taken women of every species weighed heavy on your chest for multiple reasons: One, you were admittedly jealous. Your feelings for the Master were becoming increasingly potent, and his teasing was becoming increasingly infuriating. And two, it felt shit to see him so blatantly disregard the notion of love and relationships.
Above all else, though, you were devastated by his reaction to being told you made a cute couple. Once he’d pulled you away from the commander, an elderly alien woman had winked and complimented you both, telling you that you were perfectly suited to eachother. 
He’d scoffed, told the creature that you were ‘merely a companion, more like his pet’ and stormed away as though he’d never heard such a disgusting accusation in all of his existence.
You’d hoped maybe there’d been some small romantic undercurrent to him bringing you to the Four Moons, perhaps even if very subtle. Maybe he’d kiss you under the nightly Tirusian aurora, or buy you a bouquet of their native flowers. 
But of course, he was just here to wreak havoc with you at his command.
You’d finally composed yourself now, no more jagged breaths as you stood at his side, hand on your hips, “Don’t you get bored of just messing with people’s feelings, Master?”
You were directly referring to his previous actions, but your words were laced with dismay at his disregard for your evident feelings, too. 
“Whatever do you mean, Y/N?” he smirked, bringing his hand to his face in a falsely inquisitive manner.
“Well, that woman was literally stood next to her husband and you were blatantly disrespectful and embarrassingly flirtatious... the look on his face was terrifying, you’re lucky we got away or he’d have torn you to shreds. Did you see his claws?” you rambled, shuddering at the thought of the alien who’d chased you all the way back to the TARDIS.
“He would never have gotten to us, Y/N.” the Master too crossed his arms now, brows furrowed, “I don’t see what’s gotten you so riled up.” You could see in his face that he was lying. He knew. Of course he knew.
You grunted, shaking your head, “You spend all of your time treating people like they’re beneath you, like they’re expendable. You tease people, you flirt with people. Hell, you flirt with me. Then you go and act like I’m nothing but shit on the bottom of your shoes. You’re pathetic, frankly. Shameless, and pathetic.”
“Ah, so that’s what it’s about, us?”
You scoffed, “There isn’t an us, Master. Don’t you dare stand there so smug and talk like you even care about me. This isn’t about that. It’s about the fact that you’re selfish and self-important and you act like nothing matters to you. It’s ridiculous!”
Your chest was heaving as you spat these words at him, fury coursing through your every vein. You knew that it was obvious why you were predominantly angry, and that maybe you needed to calm down, but you were furious and upset and heartbroken all at once and this tornado of emotion couldn’t be stopped easily.
The room fell silent, the Master’s face no longer painted with a smirk but instead simply blank. You didn’t know what more to say for a moment, gathering your thoughts and trying to steady your erratic breathing.
You remained in silence for a good few minutes, both deep in thought and refusing to make eye contact with each other. 
You let out a deep breath then, leaning forwards and resting your chin in your palm, “Do you believe in love?” you whispered, still avoiding his gaze and speaking so quietly he wasn’t sure he even heard you right.
He swallowed thickly, straightening his stance and relaxing his arms.
“I didn’t.”
“I didn’t before. Believe in love, that is.”
“Before what?”
“You, Y/N.”
Your face twisted in confusion, eyes narrowing as they snapped up to meet his all of a sudden. 
How on earth could he stand there and say that, especially seeming so serious, after all that had just happened? Did he really respect you so little that he believed providing you with such lies would give you enough false hope to stop being so angry with him?
“Please don’t say things like that. It’s not fair, and you know it isn’t.” you frowned, shaking your head again and biting your lip.
“I know it’s hard to believe, Y/N, but it’s true,” he shrugged, stepping towards you, “And that was why I brought you to the Four Moons of Tirus. At least initially.”
You cocked your head to the side, “Why were you acting like such an arsehole then?”
He raised his hand to rub over your upper arm for just a moment before returning it to his side, “Because when that disgusting Commander was shamelessly all over you I questioned the point of being in love, anyway.”
You were confused, and so said nothing, allowing him to continue.
“You called me pathetic, but you didn’t see his wife watch him touch you and run off crying,” he sighed, “So many species disregard love even when they claim to feel it. Why bother? I’ve spent long enough on my own, I needn’t fool myself into relying on someone when there’s every risk of ending up alone again anyway.”
You scoffed even more abruptly now, baffled by his words.
“So you got jealous and decided to be petty and hurt me anyway?” you questioned, venom dripping in your tone, “I’ve been waiting for some inkling that you cared about me, and now you finally tell me you love me and still somehow manage to invalidate that and make me feel worthless! I can’t keep playing your games, Master. I’m tired.”
He took your hands in his delicately, “I’ve spent so long alone, Y/N, you have to understand that. I never meant to fall in love with you, and a relationship with me would be about as dysfunctional as you could get. I don’t want to risk hurting you, or getting hurt myself.”
“Flirting with everyone under the sun and making me feel like I don’t matter won’t make feelings go away, Master,” you clenched your fingers around his, somewhat in an effort to reassure him whilst you were being honest, “You’re stuck with me, and I hate to break it to you but love doesn’t just dissipate overnight, even if you claim it’s ‘pointless’ anyway.”
“I’m sorry Y/N. And I’m sorry for ruining what could’ve been a chance to make things up to you.” he pouted, and you felt your stomach swarm with butterflies.
“Look, I’m not going to tell you I forgive you, but I’ll give you the chance to prove that this is more than just some twisted game of yours, because I’m that stupid human whose gone and fallen in love with you, eh,” you half-joked, bringing your entwined hands up to kiss the back of his, “I overheard one of the Commander’s fleet talking about the Perpetual Sunsets of Parboon. It’s like... always sunset and sounds incredible. Take me there?”
He nodded, kissing your temple and swiveling towards the TARDIS console with a newly returned smile. Your heart warmed; It wasn’t his usual arrogant smirk now, but instead a smile of genuine happiness.
“Parboon it is,” he grinned, pulling you closer to his side, “But if any silly alien soldiers make a pass at you again, I won’t be so kind to them this time.”
“Sure, spaceman,” you rolled your eyes teasingly, “Whatever you say.”
hello !! thank u for the request & i hope you enjoyed this, not sure how i feel about the ending but i wasn’t sure how to wrap it up, i hope this was alright though !!
feel free to keep requesting as ever, here is my prompt list if you’re short of ideas, and here’s my masterlist for you to read for the time being! thanks again for reading & supporting my writing, i really appreciate it <3
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transhoverfish · 4 years
I made this a long time ago and I thought it was worth showing
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It's definitely not accurate because everyone imagines the characters differently - like Bart is no longer 19 y.o. boy, Ryley never shows any emotion in the game (except pain when attacked, but that's all) and Avery was most likely just annoyed that they had to look for the Aurora instead of continuing in the Sunbeam's travel.
They have almost no background/backstory so it kinda gives people the freedom to create their own stories to the characters (not just these three, but all the others from Subnautica and BZ)
(This was made in August, I think, and my own views on their personalities changed a bit)
But I always wonder about what others think they are like so some HC is welcomed with open arms.
-honestly ive never rlly thought of pet names they'd have? there's only a few i care for and i can't rlly imagine any of them calling another person like. baby or honey.
-on the OTHER HAND. nicknames is absolutely my favorite way to show affection. i like to think that marg CONSTANTLY using nicknames (like she never calls bart or paul or robin by their names ever??) rubbed off on bart so now he also uses nicknames way too much (do i actually write this in?? i don't remember. i make up new ideas constantly. pretend i did.)
-ryley probably also uses nicknames sometimes, but avery tends to just use first names. he's fancy like that. (but also sometimes u just gotta call ryley ry. thems the rules)
-anytime any arguments or anything like the Jeffrey Situtation comes up, the three of them have pretty different reactions. ryley is Big of Heart, Dumb of Ass, and forgives basically any treatment or misgivings almost instantly. very attached and rarely gets into arguments in the first place bc he is so easy to compromise with and also super open?
-bart is. the opposite. although he also doesn't usually get into arguments, this is not due to being open. it is because he bottles up Every Negative Feeling and refuses to bring things up (this is a paul trait, thanks for the terrible coping mechanisms paul) if you DO manage to get him upset enough (a man has been murdered in lego city, oh god my dad's still alive but he doesn't seem to like me after all) then he lets out a lot of festered bitterness and maybe has a panic attack. often tries to act tough or completely ok in scenarios, but then one tiny set back makes him break down. will try to physically fight someone for causing pain to someone he knows completely fine, and then starts crying for an hour because like, roman said something that MIGHT have been a little harsh if you really really read into it (im projecting 😳)
-and avery is somewhere the middle to rein those two back in from Forgiving the Actual Murderer and Pretending to Not Be Sad over Daddy Issues. the most willing to genuinely talk about something, but also doesn't stand for anything genuinely harmful to anyone. he's like that one john mulaney bit about his wife dealing with conflict for him.
-all three of them are also incredibly affectionate. like beyond affectionate. bart will talk/listen to ppl for HOURS without getting bored, ryley is super physically affectionate (cuddle him and he'll give his life for you), and avery adjusts depending on how the other person shows affection. like super well. he can instantly go from Ryley Cuddle Feast to just a nice friend to sit quietly 3 feet apart from and watch the sunrise. he's just a dad friend through n through.
-ryley would DEFINITELY be the one to confess first. he blurts out things constantly and is also incredibly open and honest anyways. bart is too afraid of admiting to emotions to say anything about anything unless heavily prompted. (he has lost a lot, ya know? he's terrified of losing even more.)
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moon-antics · 5 years
` song prompts ´
hello my dudes! i have a new list for prompts you could send in! so basically, i went through my playlist and wrote down a few songs i listen to a lot while writing / that make my imagination run wild while listening.
your request could look like this : “poe dameron x reader ; prompt song : lovely by billie eilish” + a few details if you have anything in mind
( i write for star wars a lot atm, and take requests for like every character, but i do also take them for the avengers! )
then i will listen to the song while writing (and highly encourage you to listen to it while reading) and try to catch the vibe of the song with my writing.
does that sound good? i hope so! so pretty pleaaase leave some requests with these songs (or others if you have wishes) and enjoy the pieces that will come out of it (hopefully)! i personally find this idea really nice because i always listen to music anyways, so I hope you feel the same way 😊
if you request from this list, please either type the number like this [11], or tell me its from the song prompts otherwise i’ll get confused with my other one ( which is here ) or you could combine prompts from both if you'd like !
happy requesting !
 [1] all i want - kodaline
[2] all the good girls go to hell - billie eilish
[3] angel with a shotgun - the cab
[4] animals - maroon 5
[5] the a team - ed sheeran
[6] attention - charlie puth                              
[7] bad blood - taylor swift
[8] bad romance - lady gaga
[9] believer - imagine dragons
[10] blame game - mxmtoon
[11] bloom - troye sivan
[12] boom clap - charli xcx
[13] can’t get you out of my head - kylie minogue
[14] centuries - fall out boy
[15] dancing on my own - calum scott
[16] dancing queen - abba
[17] dancing with a stranger - sam smith
[18] dangerous woman - ariana grande
[19] death of me - pvris
[20] demons - imagine dragons
[21] earned it - the weeknd
[22] everything i wanted - billie eilish
[23] eyelids - pvris
[24] falling - harry styles
[25] firework - katy perry
[26] give me love - ed sheeran
[27] grenade - bruno mars
[28] hallucinations - pvris
[29] happier - ed sheeran
[30] hate u love u - olivia o’brien
[31] how do you sleep? - sam smith
[32] how to safe a life - the fray
[33] idontwannabeyouanymore - billie eilish
[34] ilomilo - billie eilish
[35] i’m not the only one - sam smith
[36] into the unknown - panic! at the disco
[37] into you - ariana grande
[38] just give me a reason - pink
[39] just the way you are - bruno mars
[40] kiwi - harry styles
[41] last christmas - wham!
[42] listen before i go - billie eilish
[43] locked out of heaven - bruno mars
[44] look what you made me do - taylor swift
[45] lovely - billie eilish ft.
[46] love me like you do - ellie goulding
[47] maniac - conan grey
[48] marry you - bruno mars
[49] material girl - madonna
[50] natural - imagine dragons
[51] not about angels - birdy
[52] obstacles - syd matters
[53] ocean eyes - billie eilish
[54] old wounds - pvris
[55] perfect - ed sheeran
[56] rewrite the stars - zac efron + zendaya
[57] runaway baby - bruno mars
[58] she used to be mine - sara bareilles
[59] sign of the times - harry styles
[60] skinny love - birdy
[61] someone like you - adele
[62] stay with me - sam smith
[63] suffice - mxmtoon
[64] talking to the moon - bruno mars
[65] thinking out loud - ed sheeran
[66] treasure - bruno mars
[67] under stars - aurora
[68] when the party’s over - billie eilish
[69] womanizer - britney spears               
( pls dont judge my taste in music thank u )                                                        
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