#auro university
aurounivesity-blog · 2 years
Pursue this degree to be a leader in the law profession!
Besides engineering and medical degrees, law is one of the country's most pursued and prestigious degrees. An experienced lawyer gets immense respect and good pay in society. Additionally, people seek lawyers' help in everything since they are legal experts. Considering these perks, many students decide to make the law their profession. 
Being a lawyer is a challenging task. First, you must be aligned with current law trends and learn all traditionally filed rules. Hence, finding the right mentor is crucial. Now, there are five-year or three-year courses selected by students based on their preferences, demands, and learning capacity. 
With an ever-growing number of students pursuing a law degree, law colleges in the country are also increasing. However, it won't take time for a student to enrol and suddenly find themselves in some shady and unreliable college. Hence, students should find the right college who wish to excel in law.    
Though various colleges are spread across the country, Gujarat is densely populated with multiple institutes offering law degrees. Apart from its cultural heritage, Gujarat is home to some of the best private law colleges. A few renowned law colleges in Gujarat are situated in the cities of Surat, Ahmedabad, Baroda, etc. 
Here's a list of a few best private law colleges in Gujarat that can transform a student from an amateur to a law expert: 
AURO University: 
AURO University, situated in Surat, offers three-year undergraduate and two-year postgraduate degrees in law. The college also has a five-year integrated course with ten semesters. Though it seems arduous and time-consuming, this course has a perfect blend of international and Indian laws that converts a student into the best corporate lawyer. This has helped AURO to be on the list of the best law colleges in Surat. 
Nirma University: 
Founded in 2003, Nirma University is situated in Ahmedabad. Operating under the Nirma Education and Research Foundation (NERF), Nirma is a UGC-accredited law college. The college also has accreditation from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). 
Apart from a law degree, the university is known for programs like pharmacy, commerce, design, management, computer applications, and IT. Additionally, the 125-acre-wide campus has various extracurricular perks for students.  
Navrachana University, Vadodara
Navrachana university is among the renowned LLB colleges in Gujarat. Situated in Vadodara city, the university offers an integrated law as well as business administration degree. The course is specifically designed to prepare students for two fields, i.e. law and management. Besides the prestigious law degrees, Navrachana University is also at the forefront of offering other best-in-class courses.  
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All I had - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Requested: No well I lowkey did
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Summary: After his girlfriend y/n is killed, Mattheo has to deal not only with pain and sorrow, but also cruel accusations (complete original prompt here)
Word count: long as hell 2.4K
Warnings: mentions of death, lost, and grief
A/N: When I had this idea a few weeks ago I didn't think it would actually be so hard to write and I hate it lol :) I can't remember for the life of me if people in universe know Voldemort wants to be immortal, so for this one be an angel and pretend they do :) Might write a part two with a certain someone if many people ask 👀. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
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Hogwarts, 1997.
The two Aurors were walking right behind him, firmly holding his arms to prevent him from running. Run where? he thought. Not that he had somewhere to go. Snape, who had always looked at Mattheo and his brother with an annoying suspicion, was walking ahead of them, his robes floating behind him. Mattheo didn’t know where they were going, or why. Not that he actually cared. Even though the Auros were leading his movements, his legs still seemed to be carrying him on their own, and if he didn’t try to resist, protest or at least ask questions to the silent Aurors, it was only because he didn’t have any energy or will to do so. Everything, including his body, felt numb and his mind was clouded, not functioning properly at all, barely noticing or hearing what was happening around him, instead full of the events of the night, as if it was trying to look for a reason. The only thing he could feel was the grip of the Aurors on his upper arms, the painful dryness of his blurry eyes, his throat sore from crying, his still wet cheeks, and this feeling of unbearable pain, anguish and confusion inside his chest.
After walking through countless corridors, they finally arrived in a smaller corridor, where Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were apparently expecting them. It often came as a surprise to those who didn’t know, but Mattheo actually held great respect for the old headmaster. How could he not? He was the only person his father had ever feared. Dumbledore was still the same as usual, looking calm and serene, while McGonagall looked at Mattheo with what seemed to be sadness. As they came closer, Mattheo saw a simple gray door on the right, which suddenly opened. 
“Mr. Riddle,” Dumbledore said with a calm, almost kind voice, and Mattheo only raised his eyes towards him for a quarter of a second before looking at the ground again, “I will have to ask you to sleep here tonight. If you are in need of anything, please feel free to ring the bell. But I assure you, everything will be alright.”
‘Alright’? Mattheo would have laughed if he could. Behind him, the Auror snigged. Mattheo didn’t speak a word, and when he turned to pass the door, he saw Snape give him a more suspicious look than before. He managed to enter the room, which was a rudimentary bedroom with a bed, two chairs around a small rounded table with a small golden bell on it, and a sink. No window whatsoever, only a few candles floating in the air and drawing shadows on the walls. 
“If you wish to turn the candles off, just ask them to sleep,” Dumbledore told him.
“We will be back in the morning,” one of the Aurors told the Headmaster, and then the door closed abruptly, leaving Mattheo completely alone with his thoughts and the cold silence of a cold room. 
After a long, boring day of classes, he had spent the evening in y/n’s dorm, talking and cuddling, enjoying the comfort and peace only her could make him feel. Then Theo texted him, asking him if he fancied a smoke. Mattheo initially wanted to refuse, not wanting to leave y/n’s embrace, but she told him to go, that she didn’t want to keep him away from his friends. And so Mattheo went, going to one of the darkest corners of the castle where he and Theo knew they wouldn’t be caught by any professors and especially Filch. But the smoke break lasted much longer than usual, and when Mattheo went back to y/n’s dorm, planning on continuing their night together and eventually falling asleep with her in his arms, he walked by the castle’s courtyard and, in the dark of the night, saw something strange on the courtyard’s ground. Frowning, he had hesitated before slowly walking towards it, curiosity leading his mind. The closer he got, the more the strange “thing” on the ground, the clearer the mass on the ground got, and soon it appeared to be a body. Despite the fear that it might be someone he knew, Mattheo had quickened his pace, and barely a few meters later, he recognized whose body it was.
Oh, God. No, no, please, no. Not this. Anything but this.
At the second he recognized y/n’s body, he ran towards it and fell beside her, immediately holding her to his chest, gently shaking her despite his panic which grew every quarter of a second. 
“y/n?! y/n, can you hear me? Baby?” 
But he didn’t get any answer, and when he checked her pulse, he had almost felt his heart break from the pain. 
“No, no, no, y/n, please! Fuck!”
Tears had started to feel, and he was now screaming. He didn’t know how long he spent here, holding her body as tight as he could, crying like he never thought he ever would and begging her to come back, to not leave him alone, but at one point, someone had seen him, had a loud gasp, and had ran to tell someone. Soon, Professor McGonnagall and two Aurors were here, and they tried to take her from him. He screamed and protested, not wanting to let her go, but they managed to separate them, and Mattheo was then led there, his entire being shattered in pieces and his mind unable to work knowing she was gone. 
Not caring to take off his shoes, Mattheo laid on the bed, and tears started to run down his cheeks. She’s gone, she’s gone, his mind kept screaming, and yet, it refused to accept it.
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This is just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. I’m gonna wake up soon. 
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink or eat, Mr Riddle? Professor Dumbledore insisted.” 
Mattheo barely looked at the Auror sitting on the other side of the metallic table, and kept silent. He could hardly keep his eyes open, too tired from not sleeping at all the night before - and yet not feeling sleepy at all. 
“Well,” the Auror continued, putting a long, thin black bow on the table. “I guess we can start, then. Mr Riddle, do you know why you’re here?” 
Mattheo shook his head. 
“Really?” the other Auror asked, sitting next to his colleague. “No clue? At all?” 
This time, Mattheo raised his eyes towards the two men for a few seconds, and tried not to find weird the way they were looking at him - with disdain, coldness, and something he couldn’t quite get yet - as, after all, a lot of people looked at the son of the Dark Lord with suspicious - Snape included - or even fear, and he got used to it. Why would their eyes matter, when y/n’s eyes looked at him with nothing but love?
And now I won’t ever see them again. Mattheo felt his eyes becoming watery, and tried to fight tears as much as he could. 
“Because y/n is gone,” he said, looking at the table. 
“You’re right,” the Auror on the left said. “But allow me to be more precise, Mr Riddle. Miss y/l/n is gone… because you killed her.”
Mattheo’s mind, still as cloudy as the night before, suddenly cleared up like and working like a machine being turned on. He looked at the two men, and suddenly understood the reason they had been looking at him like that ever since they came into the room a few minutes earlier. They think I’m guilty. 
This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare. This isn’t real. I’ll wake up any moment and see her sleeping next to me. 
Shock, anger, and a bit of panic and confusion came into him like a gigantic wave. “What? I didn’t kill her! Why the hell would I kill her?” 
This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare.
“Oh, you would be surprised at all the reasons why a man could kill his girlfriend. She caught him cheating, he caught her cheating, she saw something she shouldn’t have seen…” the Auror stopped, and looked at Mattheo with malice. “Or maybe he wants to prove himself to his father.”
If he could, Mattheo would have laughed. Here it is. The “son of the Dark Lord” bullshit. He ran his hand through his hair, and sighed.
“You think I killed y/n because my father asked me?” he asked, trying his absolute best to remain calm. “Why would I have accepted?” 
“Well, you’re the second son. The spare. Your father likely planned for your brother Tom to be his second in command, and, if he were to die, his heir, didn’t he? And then, what do you have left, Mr Riddle? At best, you remain the spare and then your brother’s second in command your whole life, and in the worst case… Nothing.” 
y/n. I would have y/n. 
“Dumbledore told us your father tried to contact you last summer,” the second Auror spoke. 
Mattheo felt annoyance growing inside of him, “and did he also tell you that I refused, and hid from him the whole time?” 
“Yes,” the first Auror admitted. “He did say you told him that. But how can we be sure you didn’t lie?” 
Mattheo closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. 
“So, you guys think I’m a murderer just because my father is? For no other reason than that?”
“Actually, Mr. Riddle, the main reason we do believe that, is because…of that.”
The Auror took the long, thin black bow he had put earlier on the table, and opened it before showing the inside to Mattheo, whose eyes opened in surprise. 
“My wand?” 
“Yes, Mr Riddle, we-”
“I lost it,” Mattheo interrupted with a louder voice, feeling his heart beat faster, “I lost it yesterday sometime after class. Where did you find it?!”
“You lost it?” the Auror asked while crossing his arms, sounding amused, “Well, did you tell anyone? Any teachers?”
“I went to tell Professor Snape,” Mattheo answered, “but he wasn’t in his office. I waited for him for almost an hour but he never came back. My friend Lorenzo saw me, I asked him if he knew where Snape was.”
The Auror shared a look that told Mattheo they already knew Lorenzo had seen him - and yet didn’t believe him.
“Now,” Mattheo continued, more annoyed by the second, “where did you find my wand?” 
“Why, near you, Mr Riddle. When we found you near your victim’s corpse,” the second Auror said as if it was obvious.
The dark-haired boy stared at them in disbelief. “What? No, you’re…You’re lying.”
“And when we used Prior Incantato, we saw that the last spell your wand used was the killing curse.”
“That’s why he brought you here, Mr Riddle”, the second Auror continued immediately. “If we didn’t find your wand near you, our theory wouldn’t be based on anything. We might even have believed you when you’re telling us you didn’t kill miss y/l/n.” 
“I did not kill her!” Mattheo screamed. 
The Auror sighed, “Mr Riddle, please. Out of respect for miss y/l/n and her family, do tell us the truth. They deserve justice.”
“You’re lucky, you know?” the second Auror went on, “If it wasn’t for Professor Dumbledore, you’d be in Azkaban, awaiting your trial.” 
“I’m innocent!” Mattheo yelled, feeling himself going mad. “I told you the truth!”
“Alright,” the Auror said with a loud voice, putting a clenched fist on the table. “If you didn’t do it, then who did?” 
“How would I know?” Mattheo snapped. “I found her body in the courtyard, and I didn’t see anybody else.”
“See? You can’t give us a second option. Our talks with teachers and students told us Miss y/l/n had no enemies, was loved by both classmates and teachers alike, and her parents are good people. No one had a reason to kill her, except for you.”
“We don’t need to know the reasons on why you did it, Mr Riddle,” the first Auror said in an almost kinder, more patient tone. “Even though we have some ideas about the ‘why’. Just admit you did it.”
“Admit you did it because either your father asked you to do it, or because, despite your best efforts to make people believe you’re different from him, the truth is, you’re just like him.”
“I didn’t do it!” Mattheo screamed. “How many do I have to tell you?! I didn’t kill y/n! Someone must have taken my wand and killed her! How can you not see that?!” 
The first Auror sighed, meanwhile the second clenched his jaw. 
“Mr Riddle, y/n-”
“DO NOT USE HER NAME!” Mattheo shrieked. 
But the Auror ignored him, closing his eyes for a second, “y/n had a family, friends, people who loved her, and a whole life with a bright future ahead of her.”
Yes. And all I had was her.
“You took enough from her. Do you take away from her grieving parents the satisfaction that their daughter’s killer is not in prison, paying for his crime.”
Mattheo put his face in his hands, feeling tears burn his eyes. 
“I want to see my brother.” 
“Your brother?” the first Auror asked, and this time he sounded genuinely surprised.   
“Well,” Mattheo spat, raising back his head to stare at the two men, “someone should find y/n’s killer if I’m going to be in Azkaban soon, don’t you think?”
“So you admit it? You killed her?”
“No! For fuck’s sake, no I didn’t kill fucking kill her!” 
They didn’t understand, Mattheo thought with desperation and frustration, putting his head back in his hands. Mattheo couldn’t even remember how life was before he fell in love with y/n during their third year. All he remembered is that two years ago, in their fifth year here, he finally gathered the courage to let her know how he felt, and, by some miracle, this beautiful, sweet witch with a heart of gold felt the same way about him. Ever since, all that was inside his mind was y/n, how his heart, life and soul belonged to her and her only, how she was the only one to not see him as Voldemort’s son but how he really was instead, how she was always there for him, especially when he started feeling anxious when his father came back after the Triwizard Tournament, and how their kisses, their hugs and cuddles and sleeping with her in his arms were the most important things to him. And now, he had lost it all. 
The two Aurors suddenly rose from their chairs, and left the room, leaving Mattheo alone with his broken heart and nonfunctioning mind. 
This is a nightmare, this is a nightmare.
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saturniasxenos · 29 days
Eternaunivian & Cosmos ID/NPT Pack
Ee - Tur - Nuh - Yoo - Nuh - Vee - Ihn
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Eternaunivian is ETERIN and a subterm of the Eternalgender System. Those who identify as eternaunivian may feel as if their gender, or even their whole identity, has a deep, never-ending connection to the universe and anything apart of it (including but not limited to: Dark Matter, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes). This can be used as an umbrella term for any space-related eternic genders. You could be a star and eternal, an eternal quasar, an eternalized planet, an eternal that likes the cosmos, a constellation eternal, and similar.
This gender may be constantly fluctuating and fluid between any space-related and eternic genders. This gender would be considered under the agender umbrella, but can be used by anyone regardless of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Created and Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
Keep reading for Etymology & Cosmos ID Pack (Titles, Names, & Pronoun suggestions)
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Etymology: Eternal, Universe, -ian (suffix),
Pronoun Suggestions:
Title Suggestions :
(X) Who Watches The Stars
The Guardian of The Quasar
Emperor of The Moon
(X) Who Dances Amongst The Galaxy
The Child of Andromeda
(X) Who is Made of Stardust
The Lover of The Cosmos
The Will of Luna
The Eternalized Constellation
Song of Neptune
Melody of Jupiter
Love of Venus
The Flame of The Sun
(X) Who is Infinite
The Eternal Galaxy
(X) Who Was Born From Black Matter
Name Suggestions:
Some names may not be fem or masc, I just organized what I thought sounded the most masc, neu, or fem!! Many names originate from named stars in the galaxy! See this site for more named stars.
Fem: Ankaa, Aniara, Alasia, Aurora, Ayla, Astrid, Astra, Astraia, Ariel, Andromeda, Arista, Bellatrix, Danica, Dawn, Calypso, Celeste, Celestia, Cordelia, Cressida, Electra, Eris, Estrella, Gaia, Helene, Irena, Itonda, Luna, Lunar, Lyra, Maia, Merope, Mimosa, Mira, Nova, Nervia, Pleione, Phoenicia, Phoebe, Pandora, Seren, Selene, Stella, Starla, Solana, Star, Sunniva, Shaula, Thea, Umbriel, Venus, Vega, Veritas,
Masc: Alpheratz Archer, Apollo, Aries, Atlas, Ash, Altair, Altais, Antares, Arcturus, Taurus, Cyrus, Cosmo, Castor, Cepheus, Celestio, Draco, Eros, Fafnir, Felis, Galileo, Hunter, Jericho, Kiran, Kepler, Leo, Luca, Mars, Nox, Neptune, Oberon, Phoenix, Perseus, Pollux, Sterling, Sirius, Sol, Stellan, Titan, Theo, Zenith, Veritate,
Neu: Ancha, Aiolos, Artemis, Aster, Acrab, Algieba, Acrux, Atria, Achrid, Axólotl, Borea, Borealis, Cetus, Chertan, Comet, Cassiopeia, Crescent, Eden, Europa, Eclipse, Fulu, Funi, Galaxy, Graffias, Haedus, Io, Libra, Lynx, Lesath, Libertas, Moriah, Musica, Orbit, Orion, Polaris, Polis, Pisces, Phobos, Regulus, Rasalas, Denebola, Saturn, Solstice, Seraph, Scorpius, Scorpii, Soleil, Sargas, Spica, Sceptrum, Solaris, Tevel, Virgo, Vesper, Zephyr, Zosma
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hydrxnessa · 6 months
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ✧・゚: *✧・゚-- !! OC (Startex) Masterpost !! --✧・゚: *✧・゚ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
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◤> What is Startex ? ━━━━━━━━◥ The general name of my entire OC universe + the name of the Galaxy where its storylines mainly take place in! There are four main storylines to Startex: > Singularity, Shifting Stars, Scales' Descent and Wings' Ascent! At some points they overlap each other often but they tell the story of the galaxy through the eyes of different characters :) !!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
╰┈➤ Startex: Singularity (tag) (all OC art is tagged under this tag)
The main storyline. Follows the Starborn deity Nebula who left their allegiance to the Stars following the clash of the other three Starborns, the destruction of the First galaxy and the exile of her former partner and mentor Lunar. Their main purpose was to create and destroy celestial bodies; maintain the balance of life and death. And above all, create a galaxy for life to flourish. How hard can that be?
She wanders the galaxy of Startex, seeing their creation through a new perspective of how it feels to live among the Lights. Except the Stars keep seeking her out and it's hard to escape their gazes. And with the introduction of an unfamiliar new deity, something feels wrong within the balance of the celestials.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ > OCs -- [ Nebula, Lunar, Stardust, Vortex, Solar ]
╰┈➤ Shifting Stars (tag)
Follows the story of a former human who found themselves within unfamiliar territory and odd new faces. Novura is a child who shares the body and soul with one who strangely looks just like them, going by the name Voraelis; a restless divine yet weakened soul. The two struggle to learn what it takes to live within an unknown society that treats them alien (ironically), and pick up the missing pieces to their puzzling origin story and why they are the way they became. Even if it is a hard story to hear.
Hardly are the two ever in sync. Novura is an idealistic child while Voraelis tends to be more pragmatic. But once they learn to cooperate, they become one of Startex's most powerful Lights. A little unfair however, considering one is quite literally a god.
Oh, and the heir to the royal throne of Astraeterum falls in love with them; despite it going against his family's wishes.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ > OCs -- [ Novura, Voraelis, Noctru, Cassi, Illuminu ]
╰┈➤ Scales' Descent (tag)
Within the outer bounds of Startex lies an isolated shrouded planet, and within it, a large facility embedded into the desolate wasteland. Once a renowned scientist and engineer, Trojan was a name praised by the Lights of Akr'byx for his many scientific breakthroughs and technological advances that shaped and shook the region itself before his mysterious disappearance alongside his father and sister.
Two unfortunate humans were taken and given to the scientist as a gift from the Forsaken deity, and with them he experimented on creating the perfect weapon via hybridism. He held an unwavering grudge against the Stars, and he sought to perfect the flaws that they had left behind. The two were his most perfect creations, and they weren't even Startexian.
Their main mission was to destroy their creation. Their only purpose was to serve as a weapon, no questions asked. So why was it so difficult to live beyond that?
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ > OCs -- [ Hydra, Lyura, Trojan, H4YW1RE/Rayzar, Hazel ]
╰┈➤ Wing's Ascent (tag)
A hidden force lurks within the shadows of Startex - the cult of the Dark Star was a feared name that shook many Lights to their core. They were slowly making their presence known to the galaxy, claiming that the Forsaken deity they worship would return and make all wrongs right once again, and that She would bring about the 'Singularity' to perfect their world, as it once was.
Two Lightborns, Luminous and Auros, were able to escape from the confines of Trojan's facility and his cruel experimentations and crashed their escape pod into a planet with unforgiving climates. They scramble for resources, trying to survive in these harsh conditions .. and begin to unravel the mystery of the cult that they just so happened to crash not too far from their stronghold. They were just unfortunate enough to catch the harsh gaze of their leader, High Priest Intoxicate. And he wanted to silent them before their true intentions were revealed to the galaxy.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ > OCs -- [ Luminous, Auros, Intoxicate, Tohka, Amaera ]
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ・・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
╰┈➤ Others // Misc.:
Epsilon Aberration: A band of three brothers known to take the role of vigilantes as they hopped from region to region. They caught wind of the location of missing scientist Trojan and his operations, and planned to take him and his project down; and liberate his unfortunate specimens and subjects. ✧・゚: > OCs -- [ Comet, Blister, Blaze, Lavender, Nori, Hydraulic ]
Regions: (lore post) Startex is split into around five regions; four of which are 'ruled' by their respective Starborn. Vul'kana is ruled by the Zephyr; Akr'byx is ruled by the Maelstrom; Sonae'ra is ruled by the Elysian; Nyr'vanu is ruled by the Empyrean; and the Hollowed is ruled by no Star.
Startex's power hierarchy: (lore post soon) Starborns are at the top of the hierarchy - they are the deities that created the galaxy of Startex, and maintain the balance of creation and destruction. Only six are known to exist within this universe. Stargazers are just below, birthed by the Starborns themselves. They are demigods, and their power is focused and concentrated on a certain element (i.e. Cassi's is the focus of nature) Primal Lights are the ancient creatures that were there to witness the First Lights of the galaxy. It is unknown where they are now, and are believed to have died out. Lightgazers are lesser powerful than Stargazers but are also born with a focus (albeit weaker). They are born by chance, with a higher chance if the bloodline contains a Lightgazer. Lightborns are the general term for all creatures/denizens of Startex. Any creature born within the galaxy is considered a Lightborn. Impures are creatures of unethical and unnatural amalgamations/hybrids. Not obvious to the naked eye, but according to Gazers their souls are very unstable. Has a shorter lifespan than most Lights.
*Intoxicate is the only known case of a Lightgazer converting into a Stargazer
And for fun .. Cybertoxin is the ship name for Trojan and Intoxicate :3 (all art of the two is tagged with this !!)
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moonandris · 1 year
Do you like the name ‘Auramancer’ as a term to call my mages? Does it sound interesting? 🤔
They’re essentially mages and are capable of performing magic in my universe. If you’ve been following any of my posts lately you’ll see that I’ve been obsessively working out the magic system for one of my WIPs. It’s been a super fun but somewhat frustrating journey! This WIP has honestly changed from a fantasy story set in modern times but has evolved into a science fantasy (which I LOVE reading and writing about. I call it Scifantasy or SciFantasy, hehe).
Anyways, I went from calling my mages ‘mages’ to calling them espers, then auramancers (my favorite term), and now that there’s a huge technology aspect with my magic I’m thinking I can conjure up other name ideas that flow with the theme/setting/overall aesthetic of the story. Magic in this universe is formally called aurana, and the only people who can interact and manipulate aurana are, of course, auramancers.
I love the Auramancers idea and it sounds SO COOL but realistically, I gotta call a spade a spade when I see it. Regardless of what they’re called, they function as the mages in my universe and the name I call them is purely a stylistic choice.
Here are the name ideas, can you please tell me which one you like best? :)
Auramancer (gender neutral)
Auron (male) & Auroness OR Aurora (female)
Aion (male) & Aioness (female)
Aurather (male) & Aurathess (female)
Archon (male) & Archoness (female)
Tbh they all sound pretty cool and flow with the setting of my story. This is also just the term for my WIP’s version of a mage. I have SO many sub-classifications for them depending on what kind of magic they can perform and how they perform it. Do they summon? Heal? Cast illusions? Shift into animals? I’ve been studiously working on it and I can’t wait to share more of my magic system and the magic technology bc I’ve really had such a blast working on it. 💕💕💕
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
HEHE just remembered all aus in one universe au so I think we might need a recap, chorological(?) order SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR THE LONG ASK, IM NOT EVEN FINISHED WITH BRAINROT YET
Koichi's dead and still hanging out in Italy
Requiem is still there doing time shenanigans, he's doing his best with vento auro. I don't know if how he's gonna deal with supernova joots tho :grimace:
Gio is vampiric and dead???? Zombie vampire time I guess.
Oh yea, he's a dead vampire SNAKE
While he's in that situation, he and the Bucci gang are still trapped in the time loop, good for them
Koichi is also the younger brother to Horse and uh.....can't wait for la squadra Horse to find this little funkin little gremlin in Italy
ANASUI WEATHER AND EMPORIO SHENANIGANS. This could really help the Dadtaro protect squad for Jolyne who is still in prison and has daddy issues(?) even with Joots needs a break????
Jona is alive but, he is also haunting Jotaro as Splat???? Also "Dead" snake vampire Gio shenanigans
Oh and, Joots get's kidnapped. oohhh trauma for future vampiric joots
Speaking of Vampiric joots, so he is in italy as well, and DEAD, with la squadra and Horse, does he know Joots is there???
Echoes act 1,2,3 and 4oichi is there trying his best while dead, I DO NOT KNOW IF HE SEES HOL OR JOOTS
Oh yea, since they're a gamer now, Koichi, Josuke and Mista gaming fight
Trish's adoptive brother is now a snake....and dead....
This was
a TRIP to read
Jotaro is just every single Not Human thing that could possibly exist.
Koichi exists as a fragmented entity in 4+ bodies and all of them run a successful gaming channel together.
Trish is Suffering because she had to experience her brother dying, coming back to life, and then disappear because he's been turned into a snake.
Hol Horse is having a breakdown and ready to kill someone because For Fucks Sake Let His Brother Be Safe For Once In His Life pLEASE-
Jolyne has no idea what the hell her dad is and at this point she's honestly too afraid to ask so she's just opted to kick the ass of anyone who gives him shit for it
Silver Chariot Requiem doesn't know what the fuck is going on and is just trying his best
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michaeljpatrick · 10 months
TTRPG Brainstorming
I'm thinking about making a TTRPG campaign that takes place in an alien realm called "The Pleroma". It is a collection of realms that float in the Empyreal Cosm. The Cosm was constructed aeons ago out of the remains of a dying universe. The beings who created it are referred to as the Empyreals, but they are long gone and largely unknown. There are nine major realms and countless smaller ones that float one their own or together around sources of light and heat called "Auros". These artificial suns give life to the realms that orbit them. In the distant past some of the Auros have died, causing the realms around them to perish as well. These so-called "Dead Worlds" are the realms of nightmares and sources of great treasure. The realms aren't necessarily planets, though some of them resemble planets. They can take on a variety of shapes and be made of various materials.
I'm going to make some polls to help me figure out a few aspects of the game world.
EDIT- I thought I could add polls to reblogs, but apparently no?
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auroratris · 1 year
Ay, de esas Almas que se acercan sin saber que hay un muro de carga conteniendo la cerradura de una entrada. Con su magia desliza la alegría, cual llave universal. Y es que, si alguien te abre puertas, déjale pasar por ellas para volver a sentir.
© Auro
🎨Christian Schloe
Tumblr media
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bbarican · 11 months
november 14, 2023; 9:05 pm - sniff sniff
hi tumblr! how are you guys? yesterday and the rest of the weekend was kind of a lot kaya hindi na ulit ako naka post here
the only good things about the wedding we went to nung saturday was the food, the drinks, and the giveaway na auro chocolate na calamansi cheesecake flavor like if wala lang akong sakit right now i would eat a whole bar by myself; thats how much i fucking love calamansi pie
yesterday at the office was really fun, its always a great time pag nandoon kaming lahat magbebestie although i do miss jamee a lot pero magkikita naman kami sa friday so thats great!
i think we're getting out 13th month pay tomorrow and im really excited to save but also splurge a bit for my parents for christmas
which brings me to my dilemma - figuring out what to get them kasi they are the type na they have everything na
plus syempre ayoko naman maubos pera ko over christmas gifts lang so yeah im looking up some stuff im considering but overall im just really excited to buy everyone gifts
sad, the original digicam i wanted to use again for our taiwan trip this coming end of the month ended up being broken unless its the sd card i bought yung sira
so i dug up the other digicam i have and im charging that one na din to see baka naman gumana siya (manifesting na oo para naman cute and para syempre hindi puro phone gamit ko)
my throat is feeling that weird feeling na biglaang nagkaroon ng plema and i hate it so im sticking to water and tea for the rest of the month kasi for sure id hate to be sick pag aalis na kami pa-taiwan
also, i just wanna end this update list by saying a big big big thank you to God and to the universe kasi ang daming blessings; last Friday was weird and confusing but im glad na may magandang nangyari at the end of it all and im just super duper happy and thankful
i hope youre evenings are going really well! lets all stay hydrated kasi ayoko talagang nagkakasakit hayup na yan
im soooooo excited for friday
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angeliana2023 · 2 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! In this chapter, the group will go to the universe of The Muppets and find out about the plot of Tex Richman. They'll compete in singing competitions with the Nightdreamers. I've also decided to make chapters longer. So, enjoy!
Characters introduced (or mentioned) (Most from The Muppets)
Tex Richman
Bobo the Bear 
The rest of The Muppets
80s Robot
Dire (Jojo's bizarre adventure)
Chapter 17: The Muppets
Early September 2012
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
The night before going to Muppet Studios, Lily was lost in a beautiful dream. She was in the Mansion of Lucidity, but it was filled with glistening water. Lily was slowly riding in a small boat through the house.
This is like a Disney ride! Lily thought as she rode through the house.
The staircase area started sparkling, and an angelic harp sound came from that area.
I wonder if I should go there... Lily thought, not knowing where she was headed.
Lily controlled the boat with her mind, and it went up the stairs. A door at the end of the hallway started sparkling next, and the same harp sound played.
Now I know I'm following something... Lily thought, eager to explore.
She floated through the door and heard a voice. Come see me at the Mountain of Beginnings and Endings... I'll be waiting... The female voice said.
Lily tried to ask who she was but felt herself being pulled from the dream...
Lily woke to her alarm blaring in her ears. Well, I guess it's time to get up and prepare for the mission. That was a great dream... Lily thought as she dragged herself out of bed.
She got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was there, scrambling to get ready.
"Good morning!" Lily said as she got her breakfast. She got scrambled eggs, bacon, and a piece of toast.
"Morning..." Corrin groggily said.
"Did you stay up too late?" Lily asked.
"Yeah, a few others and I stayed up thinking up a plan to protect Lilith and Walter. We let you sleep, because you're the youngest, and need more rest than us." Corrin said.
"I understand. I hope the plans work." Lily said as she took her plate to the table.
"Where's Cadenza? She's not down here yet." Aisha said.
Little did they know, she was upstairs having another prophetic dream, this time directly about Lilith.
Take it from her... We need her power, too! We must protect her from them... The Nightdreamers must not find out about this power... I don't want to reveal this to you yet... PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM! NOOOOOOOOOO!
Cadenza woke up in a cold sweat. She ran downstairs to warn the others.
"There you are, Dennie! We were beginning to think your blankets ate you, or something! Lily said.
"Guys, I think you need to hear this..." Cadenza said. I had another dream, this time, it wasn't just words. It was real." One thing flashed through everyone's mind...
"So Walter must've..." Lilith said.
"I didn't see anything happen to him, but I heard you scream at the end, Lilith before I woke up. I heard someone saying, 'take it from her,' and, 'we need her power, too." Cadenza said.
"Could the Nightdreamers be after something of Lilith's?" Corrin asked.
"There's more. The dream directly mentioned the Nightdreamers. I heard, 'we must protect her from them,' and, 'The Nightdreamers must not find out about this power." Cadenza said.
Lilith knew what the dream was referencing. "My gem. It allows me to transform into my Astral Dragon form, use my powers, and travel to the astral plane. It is also my life force, and taking it would kill me." Lilith said, touching the red, diamond-shaped gem on her forehead.
"The Nightdreamers must want it from you!" Lily said. She turned to Cadenza. "What else happened in the dream?"
"Lilith's voice said, 'I don't want to reveal this to you yet.'" Cadenza said.
"That part's a little vaguer... Maybe there's a secret involved." Aurora said.
"The last part was the worst. Lilith screamed, 'Please don't kill him!' She screamed Nooooo, and I woke up." Cadenza said.
"That's a very troubling dream... We need to guard Lilith the best we can on this mission..." Aurora said.
Meanwhile, the villains were discussing the heroes...
"I have detected another anomaly. Cadenza had yet another prophetic dream." Morgana said.
"Another one? That's the second in two nights!" Waternoose said.
"What was this one about?" Dio asked.
"It was about Lilith. She is the Princess of the Astral Dragons and has a gem on her forehead that, if taken, will give us access to immense power. It will kill her if taken, but it is a necessary sacrifice to make. The main character of our mission, named Walter, will sacrifice himself to save Lilith." Morgana said.
"So, the dream basically said, 'take the gem, get the power, and crush anyone who gets in our way..." Dio said, grinning evilly.
"Exactly. If we want more essence, that gem will be an advantage..." Morgana said. How evil... Harming innocent Lilith just to have an advantage over the heroes...
Meanwhile, the heroes were getting ready to leave...
"Ok, so, Alice, Corrin, Cadenza, Lily, Lilith, and The Winx will be going on this mission," Aurora said, trying to keep count.
"I'm sorry, Aurora, but there's been a change of plans. Alfea College for Faries has been attacked by Nightdreamers, so we have to go back and fight." Aisha said.
"And I was called back home to my realm, also!" Alice said.
"Oh, dear, that'll make us seven members short! I'll bet those Nightdreamers attacked those two realms so Lily's group would have fewer members!" Aurora said.
"Well, I guess I could see if Coletta would want to go..." Cadenza said. She knocked on Coletta's door.
"What is it?" Coletta said, rather shortly.
"Well, we're going on a mission to the world of The Muppets, and the Nightdreamers drew 7 of our members away in a diversion, so since you're probably stronger than all six Winx combined..." Cadenza was cut off.
"No," Coletta said.
"Listen, Lily needs you!" Cadenza said. She heard the door unlock. Coletta walked out.
"Let's move," Coletta said.
Meanwhile, Aurora was trying to calm some characters down. "Hey, hey HEY! Alright, I know we're short on a few members, and this'll be Lily's first live-action movie mission, but we're trying to get Coletta to help us!" I just hope she's willing to help us... Aurora thought.
"Did someone call for me?" Coletta said, posing on the staircase.
"Yes, we did, and we need you to be serious on this mission like you were on the last one!" Aurora said.
"Ok, is everyone just gonna stand around, or are we gonna do this mission?" Lily asked.
"Alright, everyone, gather around and let me set up the portal. The Hotel in Haventown gave me a few 'pocket portals' just in case we had missions away from home!" Aurora said. She threw the portal generator on the ground, and it expanded into a giant portal.
"Ok, everyone, go quickly, these generators are newer, so they could be unstable," Aurora said, as Alice, Lilith, and the others went through the portal.
just as Lily was about to cross, Dubois stopped her. "Wait! I'm sorry for treating you and your friends so harshly in the beginning. I only wanted to keep you guys safe, so it'll be easier on you in the future. You may call me Chantel." She had only wanted to protect them.
"I forgive you, Chantel..." Lily said as she went through the portal.
Everyone came out on the other side, expecting magic, wonder, and cool characters, but were met with a run-down, old building instead.
"This is Muppet Studios? I thought it would be cooler!" Cadenza said.
"Me too, but I remember this from the movie. We have to help save the studio from being shut down!" Lily said.
"What does the plan say to do next?" Lilith asked.
"We need to meet the main characters, Walter, Gary, and Mary," Lily said.
Lily started looking around for the three characters, and found them in line, getting ready to go in. The group joined them.
That was when Lily looked at the signs and realized how in trouble this studio was. Every attraction was shut down.
This is so sad... Lily thought.
Cadenza went to greet the main characters. "Hello, my name is Cadenza! You may be wondering who I am, but let me introduce you!" Cadenza said.
Before she could continue, Walter widened his eyes, and said, "Wait, you're Princess Cadenza! From the Monsters Inc and Winx Club missions! I'm Walter! It's nice to meet you!" Walter and Cadenza shook hands.
"That's me!" Cadenza said.
"Wow, I thought I was going crazy when Aurora Borealis told me you'd be arriving here!" Gary, Walter's brother said, shaking Lily and Cadenza's hands.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Mary, Gary's girlfriend said, shaking Lily's hand.
"Wow, this place is really in trouble..." Walter said.
"That's why we're here!" Corrin said.
"Well, I guess we could still go on the tour..." Gary said.
A man in a uniform unenthusiastically greeted the group.
"Uh, I guess you're it for today... Welcome to the original Muppet Studios, where dreams can come true!" He threw a handful of glitter.
When we're done here, this place will be restored to its former glory! Lily thought as the tour started.
They stopped at Kermit's office, and the guide started talking about it. "This is Kermit the Frog's old office. It's really the height of the tour, you should see it sometime!" This wasn't the tour Walter thought it would be...
This had better be a joke. Coletta thought, with her arms folded.
"This next building is where they kept the rope and the medium-gauge wires for the productions." This tour guide wasn't very good, but everyone kept moving on, except for two...
Walter decided to sneak into the office, but he wanted someone to see it with him. "Lilith, c'mon, let's see it!" Walter whispered.
Lilith hesitated because she knew Walter could die if the Nightdreamers decided to attack. "I'd rather go with them," Lilith said, nervously.
She walked away from Walter when a thought stopped her in her tracks. What if this is the sacrifice? What if the Nightdreamers attack the office with him in it, and he dies in that office because I'm not there for the Nightdreamers to find? Lilith thought. She decided to follow Walter.
"Wait, I would like to see it, too!" Lilith whispered.
They snuck through the door and felt like they were in a different era...
"Wow..." Walter whispered, looking around at all of the old pictures, and memories of The Muppets.
"This is amazing," Lilith said, looking at all of the old newspaper clippings, and Kermit's banjos.
Lilith heard a doorknob turning, and pulled Walter to safety.
The Nightdreamers are here! Lilith thought.
"Now this here is Kermit the Frog's old office!" Statler said.
"Or so we've been 'toad'! OHOHOHOH!" Waldorf said. They both laughed.
"Now, as you boys know, I've loved The Muppets since I was a little boy. What better way to honor The Muppets than to make this beautiful studio a Muppet Museum!" Tex Richman, the main villain said.
Walter gasped from his hiding place.
"I think I'll call this room, 'The Kermit the Frog's Old Office Room!'" Tex said.
If you're gonna make a Muppet museum, at least give the exhibits better names! Lilith thought.
The group crowded around an old, yellowed scroll of paper, and Waldorf said, "This here's the standard 'rich and famous' contract Kermit signed 30 years ago, which contains..."
"The deed to this property," Tex said.
"Exactly! Now, this contract is 100% percent iron-clad, with one minor exception. If the Muppets can raise the 10 million dollars it would take to buy the building, before the contract expires, they will get their studio back!" Waldorf said.
Walter and Lilith listened intently to the rest of the conversation. Lilith thought the idea of a 'Muppet Museum' was cool, but Tex Richman said something else that revealed the true evil to his plan.
"Gentlemen, there's oil under this studio. I can smell it." He sniffed the air. What's he up to? Lilith thought.
"In two weeks, we tear this place to the ground and start drilling!" Lilith and Walter gasped. "Yeah, those Muppets think they're so funny, but the joke's about to be on them! Maniacal laugh!" Everyone started laughing. "Maniacal laugh!" Lilith couldn't believe this.
Little did she know, it was about to get worse. There was a knock at the door.
"Who is that? Why are they here?" Tex whispered to Deadly.
"If you two would let us in, we would like to make you an offer..." It was Dio Brando. This is it... This could be the end. Lilith thought.
"Alright, come in..."What's the worse that could go wrong? Tex thought.
He let Dio in. "Who are you, and what offer do you have?" Tex asked.
"Well, before I give you the offer, I have to tell you who you truly are," Dio said.
"What do you mean by that? And what's with the outfit?" Tex wasn't having it...
"Let me ask you a simple question. How can The Muppets in this universe move around seemingly without puppeteers?" Dio asked, grinning.
"Uh, well... Why is that even important?" Tex asked.
"Well, don't you think it's strange? They shouldn't be able to walk around having full conversations, with no strings..." Dio said.
"Well, I do suppose that's a little strange..." Statler said.
"Yeah so are you!" Waldorf said to Statler. They both laughed their signature laugh.
"Yea, it is weird... And what do you mean about 'in this universe?'" Tex was getting suspicious.
"Well, allow me to explain. My name is Dio Brando, and I am a fictional character, just like you!" Dio said.
"Ok, I'm a lot of things, but now you're telling me I'm fake? That I'm a phony? A fraud?" Tex said. He didn't know what Dio meant by 'fictional character."
"What if I told you, there was a universe beyond imagination out there, called the Multiverse?" Dio said.
"Ok, now you're just crazy. What are you gonna tell me next, we come from this, Multiverse?" Tex asked
"That was exactly what I was going to tell you."
"Oh, come on! We've got business to do, and you're wasting our time!" Tex said.
"I'm getting to the point, and it's simple," Dio explained about the Multiverse, Lily, Morgana, Alessia, and everything else.
But Tex still didn't believe. "Prove it." And so Dio did.
"Princess Lily and her group travel through the Multiverse using a special hotel. Since we villains aren't allowed in, we use a stolen mirror called the Mirror of Truth to go from place to place." Dio pulled out the mirror, which was the same one he showed to Cadenza!
Tex looked at the mirror, interested, but his face changed. "That cheap metal mirror's probably from the grocery store or something!"
"Listen up. I'll leave you alone, and you'll never see me again if you look in the mirror." Dio said.
Tex turned to Deadly and the others. "He's just not gonna stop."
Expecting to just see his own reflection, he looked in the mirror, but he saw something else. He saw the doorways through the Multiverse and Morgana on her throne.
"Alright, I was wrong. It's not from the grocery store, it's from the Halloween store! It's almost October, so it's probably one of those battery-powered mirrors that shows you things on a screen." Tex just wouldn't believe it.
"Then what if I proved it to you?" Dio said. He pushed the mirror towards Tex, and he fell in, screaming.
Meanwhile, the hero group was still on the tour and was wondering where Walter and Lilith went.
"You don't think Walter wanted to stay behind and look at Kermit's office?" Lily asked.
"I hope they're ok..." Cadenza said, thinking of her dreams.
"Well, I'm sure they're ok." Mary didn't know how much danger Walter was in.
The tour ended, and the group left in the car...
Meanwhile, Tex was spinning through the Multiverse. He saw just about everything there was to see, before coming back to the real world.
"Well, did you enjoy your trip?" Dio asked.
A"Wait... what did you do to me? One minute I was here, and..." Tex said.
"Now you know what you truly are. A fictional character who is predestined to be defeated by the heroes. But we Nightdreamers will make short work of them..." Dio said, grinning evilly.
Tex was still pretty dazed. "What was that offer you were talking about?"
"Easy. You tear the studio down and drill for oil, and when you're done, we rebuild it as a dark concert hall, and sing songs to control people's minds!" Dio said.
So this is their true plan!" Lilith thought.
"One more thing... If you see a maiden with red and blue hair and a red, diamond-shaped gem on her forehead, bring her to Megan and me, so we can take her gem, and her Astral Dragon powers!" Dio said.
"Uh, I see someone who fits your description right under that table!" Bobo said, pointing right at Lilith and Walter's hiding spot!
Dio fired a blast of Nightdreamer energy at the two of them. Lilith, reacting quickly, dodged quickly, pulling Walter out of the way. The blast destroyed the table, which they were sitting under just a moment before.
Lilith fired another blast of energy at Dio. He dodged and fired back. Lilith and Walter ran out of the office.
Meanwhile, the heroes were driving down the road, to go back to the hotel.
"Cadenza, I want to go find Lilith and Walter," Coletta said. She was worried.
"Girls, is everything ok back there?" Mary said, keeping her eyes on the road. Coletta and Cadenza just looked at each other, not wanting to alarm Gary or Mary with the prophecy.
Just then, Lily spotted Walter and Lilith running on the sidewalk. "HELP!" Lilith said.
Corrin rolled down his window. "What's happening?"
"Nightdreamers!" Lilith yelled.
"Mary, stop the car! They're in danger!" Lily said. Mary stopped, and let the two in the car.
"What happened?" Gary said as he looked at Lilith and Walter from the back seat.
Lilith was shaken up. "Nightdreamers. Tex Richman, the villain of this movie is one of them, and he wants to tear down the studio to drill for oil, but that's not the worst part!"
"Wait a minute, what's going on? Who are the 'Nightdreamers', and why were they attacking you and Walter?" Mary asked.
So Lilith explained everything, about her gem, the Nightdreamers' plan, and Cadenza's dreams. Of course, Mary and Gary were terrified for Walter but were also hopeful, because they had been given their blue light powers by Aurora when they were first created, back in 2011.
"I don't know what we should do. Walter should stay away from Lilith so he's not able to sacrifice himself for her, but if she's left alone, the Nightdreamers will get her!" Mary didn't know what to do, but Coletta did.
"Alright, I said I work alone, but since we're on a team mission, I'll protect her until we get home. I'll talk to Aurora about getting her a guard, so at least she'll be protected until Dio is defeated, and the Nightdreamers are weakened.
"But I don't need anyone to protect me... I already have my Astral Dragon powers..." Lilith wanted to prove she could take care of herself...
"By the time Dio's defeated, you'll be more powerful, because you need to train your powers," Coletta said.
Lilith liked that idea better. "Well, I'll train and get better at using my powers..." Lilith said.
"Wait a minute, guys! How are we gonna make TEN MILLION DOLLARS in such a short time?" Lily asked.
"We need to find Kermit, he'll know what to do!" Walter said.
The group spent some time looking for Kermit, but couldn't find him.
"We've been looking for a long time. I think we should go back to the hotel." Alice said.
"Gary, could we please search for just a little bit longer?" Lily asked.
"Guys, maybe he lives there!" Mary said, pointing to a gate. It was pretty obvious because the gate had Kermit and Ms. Piggy on it.
The car stopped, and everyone got out.
"I don't see a doorbell, and the house looks empty," Gary said.
"Gary throw me over," Walter said. This won't be good... Corrin thought.
"What?" Gary said.
"Just do it, it'll be ok!" Walter said.
So Gary Picked Walter up.
"Ok, here we go," Walter said.
They both counted together. "One, two, THREE!" Gary threw Walter, and he flew through the air, right into the electric fence!
"WAAHHHHHH!" Walter fell, but Gary and Mary were able to catch him.
"Oh my gosh, Walter, buddy, can you hear me?" Gary asked an unconscious Walter.
"Throw me again," Walter whispered.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Gary said.
"Guys, I think someone's coming," Mary said.
"Excuse me, are you ok?" It was Kermit the Frog!
Kermit helped Gary and Mary take Walter into his house.
When Walter came to, he introduced himself.
"Walter, are you ok?" Gary asked.
"Wait, where am I?" Walter asked.
"Well, we're in Kermit's house!" Gary said.
Walter began to faint again.
"No, buddy, are you ok?" Gary asked.
Anything I can do to help you guys?" Kermit asked. Walter, looked at him, in awe.
Lily and the group introduced themselves and got down to business.
"So, there's this evil oil baron named Tex Richman, who wants to tear down your studio to drill!" Walter said.
He explained everything else.
"Wait, how are we gonna raise 10 million dollars in that short of time?" Cadenza asked.
"Well, the only way would be to put on a show..." Kermit said.
"Well, I think we could do it!" Lily said.
"I just don't think we could do it," Kermit said.
"But you guys are amazing!" Walter didn't want to give up.
"Well, we can try..." Kermit said.
"But, what about the other Muppets?" Lilith asked.
"Well, we should get going. We've got a lot of people to find." Kermit said.
"How do we find em'?" Walter asked,
"Didn't you see our first movie? We drive." Kermit said.
So the group went on a road trip to find The Muppets.
First, they picked up Fozzie, who was singing with a group called 'The Moopets,' (?) then they got Gonzo, who owned a rich plumbing company. That was normal, compared to what happened with Animal...
"Is this the place?" Gonzo said.
"Yeah, I think it is." Kermit got out of the car.
Animal was sitting in the grass, at an anger management meeting.
"Hey, Animal? We would like to get the Muppets back together. We need you to drum for us." Cadenza asked.
At the word 'drums,' Animal started going crazy. "DRUMS! DRUMS! DRUMS!"
"Ok, can someone calm him down?" Coletta asked.
So they calmed Animal down, and kept moving on!
They picked up the rest of the Muppets. Lily was astonished because each of them had a different personality. They found Dr. Teeth, Bunsen, Sam the Eagle, Scooter, and everyone else.
Everyone was there, but there was still one missing.
"What about Ms. Piggy?" Walter asked.
"Ok, you're right, we have to go get Ms. Piggy. 80s Robot, can you locate her?" Kermit was still in love with her.
"My intel tells some she's in France." 80s Robot said.
"Ok, then, we'll drive to France!" Walter said.
"We can't drive to France, Walter," Mary said.
Gary followed. "Yeah, it's way too far." Nothing was too far for the Muppets!
"Then maybe we should travel by map!" Fozzie said.
Kermit pressed the button labeled 'travel by map,' and they were off!
They arrived in France.
"Wow, this place is beautiful!" Lily said, looking at the scenery.
When they arrived at the fashion agency Ms. Piggy worked at, they tried to get in to see her, but the receptionist wouldn't let it happen.
"I'm sorry, she's busy right now, but you may make an appointment. The next opening is in early September.
"But, that's too long!" Walter said.
"Excuse me, but we need to see her pronto. We have an emergency!" Lily said.
The receptionist gasped when she saw Lily. Aurora had told her about the mission, so she asked the secret question. "If you're really Lily, how did the two sisters come into existence?" This was a legend only the royalty of Etheria knew.
Lily whispered into the receptionist's ear. "The mother was dreaming one night, about having two beautiful daughters. When she awoke the next morning, she was holding two bundles in her arms." Lily said. That was the truth about the origins of Alessia and Morgana.
The receptionist asked one more question. "When the parents took the two gems to the best royal gem keeper in the land, what did he say?" This was the big one. This was no famous quote that everyone knew, it was a sacred Etherian secret. The receptionist only knew because Aurora told her.
Lily knew the answer by heart. "Pink for love, the emotion to bring comfort to the darkest hearts, and purple for villainy, the darkest, yet most mysterious, intriguing, and mystical emotion."
The receptionist's face softened. "It is you. Come on in." The group walked into the office.
Ms. Piggy was at her desk, devouring doughnuts. "Excuse me, but do you have an appoint- KERMIT!" She ran to Kermit and started kissing his face and hugging him.
She came to her senses almost immediately. "NO! I promised myself I would never go back!" This was gonna be harder than it looked...
Walter chimed in. "The Muppet Studios are in danger!"
This caught Ms. Piggy's attention. "Our studios are in danger?"
"Yes, and we need to put on one more show!" Kermit said.
She was almost convinced. "Before I decide anything, I need to talk with you, frog, Moi et Toi. alone." Ms. Piggy said. Alright, she's gonna talk to Kermit, so that's a good sign. Lily thought.
Kermit and Piggy left to have their talk.
"Speaking of talking with someone alone, I need to steal Cadenza for a little bit," Coletta said. The two of them walked outside of the room. Coletta spoke quietly, trying not to draw much attention to themselves.
"What do we do if this fails?" Coletta didn't have much hope, unlike plucky Lily.
"Well, at least we have hope..." Cadenza was trying to stay hopeful, too.
"If Piggy doesn't rejoin The Muppets, there won't be a show. Even if she does rejoin, it might not even be a success." Even though Coletta wanted to be realistic, she needed to leave some things to fate. "Tell me, Cadenza, what do we do if they win? Have you thought of that?"
Cadenza hadn't thought of that. "Well, I suppose we try to confront them like we always do with villains..."
"But what if they've already sung their mind-controlling songs?" Coletta asked.
"Well, I- Coletta, why are you acting like this? You don't know if we will or won't win. If we do, we'll go on to the next mission, but if we don't, we'll just have to face the music! It's not the end of the world if we lose once!" Cadenza said.
"You're treating this entire situation as if it's some kind of sports game!" Coletta stretched her arms out. "But it's not, Cadenza! It may not be the end of the world, but it can and will lead to it! There's no prize at the end of this, like a gold trophy, or blue ribbon. The thing at stake is Paragon Essence! If we don't get enough of it now, it may be all over for us!" Even though Coletta was harsh, there was some truth to her words.
"You're right, we should start being more serious. The missions are getting harder, and the stakes are rising. Cadenza said. Both of them were right because you must have hope no matter how dire the odds are, but you still need to treat those kinds of situations like your life depended on it.
A few minutes later, Kermit came back. Alone.
"Guys, Piggy's not coming," Kermit said, hanging his head. Lily looked at him and felt really bad.
"But we can't put on a show without her!" Walter said.
"I'll try to come up with something else..." Kermit said.
Kermit didn't come back home for a while that evening, and Coletta started getting worried when there was a knock at the door.
Coletta answered, and it was Kermit. "There you are! I thought something happened to yo- who is this?" Coletta said.
"Well, this is Miss Poogy, and she'll be replacing Piggy as the main singing act," Kermit said.
"Miss 'Poogy,' could you please step inside for a little bit?" Coletta asked, trying to be as kind as possible...
"Yeah, whatever." Miss Poogy said.
Coletta Pulled Kermit outside. "Ok, I don't want to sound rude, but where exactly did you find her?"
"Well, she wasn't from anywhere nice, but she's all we have," Kermit said.
"Kermit, on these types of missions, there will be people who try to trick us. And she looks like a villain!" Coletta said.
"Well, I just don't know what else to do..." Kermit said.
"I know a Nightdreamer when I see one. Let her perform, but I'll be keeping an eye on any suspicious behavior." Coletta said.
Kermit, Coletta, and Ms. Poogy called it a night.
The next day, The Muppets tried to find a network to pitch their telethon, but to no avail. Everyone said no.
"Look I love you guys! I remember you guys from when I was a kid. I'm gonna give it to you straight. You're just not famous anymore." Veronica said. "Here's a show that's popular right now, called Punch Teacher." Really? 'Punch Teacher?" Lily thought.
The announcer on the show shouted, "It's time to PUNCH TEACHER!" The kids on the show began punching the teacher in the face!
Kermit expressed his opinion. "Listen, I think children are smarter and better than all of this stuff."
Then a miracle happened. A guy ran into the room, and said, "Bad news, Punch Teacher stopped production."
Lily gave a silent sigh of relief.
Veronica was worried. "What are we su120-minute with the 120-minute black hole in the schedule in two days?" She turned to Kermit. "Alright, Muppets. You've got a show."
The mood was almost electric. Everyone started cheering and hugging each other. The only one who was silent was Coletta. We shouldn't celebrate yet. The hardest part is still yet to come. She thought.
The group went to the original Muppet Theater, to get it ready for the show.
"Welcome back, everyone. I know the old place isn't at its best right now, but don't worry. We'll be fine.
"But Kermit, we can't rehearse in a place like this!" Fozzie said.
"Then let's clean up!" Walter said.
~Cue cool music montage~
Everyone helped clean the theater. Even Coletta, who was usually aloof, helped clean with the others. When they were done, the theater looked as good as new!
"None of this would be possible without you!" Kermit said to Walter.
Every hero went to sleep, to get ready for the big telethon the next day...
The next day...
"Alright, does anybody have kerosene? I wanna take these old dresses outside and burn em'." Ms. Poogy said.
"Hold it right there!" It was Ms. Piggy! The REAL her!
"What are you doing here?" Ms. Poogy wasn't happy...
"You've been replaced! Permanently!" Ms piggy showed that Moopet who was boss!
"Great, now what do I tell Mr. Richman?" So she was a Nightdreamer!
Coletta brandished a wooden broomstick at the double. "I just KNEW it! Go on, get out of here!" She chased her out of the theater with the broom.
"I'll be back!" Poogy yelled.
"You came back?" Kermit said.
"I'm not here for you, I'm here to save The Muppets! When the show's over, I'm going back to Paris!" Ms. Piggy said.
Meanwhile, the villains were pretty angry...
"What should we do now? Everything's going wrong! First, they get their telethon, and now Poogy's been found out!" Tex said, with his head in his hands. "Any ideas?" He asked Dio.
"Well, how about we sabotage their show! Let's cut their power, and let Megan sing a Villian song to the audience!" Dio said, grinning.
Tex looked up. "That does sound like a good plan. What'll Megan sing?" He asked.
"Since Etherians are born with magic voices, she won't sing a particular song, she'll just sing different notes.
"Well, with that said, tomorrow we'll set our evil plan in motion! Maniacal laugh!" Everyone started laughing evilly...
After the altercation with Poogy, the Muppets did a stage rehearsal.
"Let's take it from the top!" Kermit said.
The rehearsal was horrible! The actors missed their cues, there was no rethink, and Fozzie's jokes were at their worst! The performers started singing, but something was off about the music.
"Cut! What's the matter?" Kermit asked.
"We can't keep time without the drums!" Floyd said. This set Animal off. Oh, sorry, Animal.
"NO DRUMS! NO DRUMS! NO DRUMS!" Animal was out of control.
"Calm down, animal, heel!" Floyd said.
While Floyd tried to control Animal, Lily and Walter talked.
"Well, since the show's not going very well," Lily said, as she watched Sweetums knock something on the stage over. "I thought maybe you could tell me what you have planned!" Lily said.
"Well, the truth is, I don't know, I don't really have a talent," Walter said.
"But you still should try! You don't know what you could do!" Lily said.
"Well, I'll try..." Walter said.
Meanwhile, Kermit was trying to talk to Ms. Piggy.
"Ms. Piggy, we're all practicing our acts. Everyone wants us to do a duet." Kermit said.
"I'm afraid I can't. I'm practicing my duet with my NEW dance partner!"
"It's time for us to rehearse!" Pepe said.
"Now, let's try that lift again!" Ms. Piggy said, before shutting the door.
This will be a disaster. Coletta thought.
It was finally time for the show to begin. At first, Coletta was prepared for a loss, because there was no one in the audience! But, as the show progressed, more people started calling in, and the money started racking up!
Lily couldn't start laughing at the show, which was on an old tv backstage. Things were going great until the lights went out.
"Wait, what?" Lily said. She was usually calm during power outages. She liked them, even, but this one was different.
"This isn't good..." Cadenza thought. She wanted to say it out loud, but she didn't want anyone to be more worried than they already were.
Meanwhile, Lilith couldn't see where she was going, so she decided to activate the light of her gem, to use as a flashlight.
This has Nightdreamers written all over it! Lilith thought, trying to get back to the Muppets.
She was almost safe when she heard someone approaching!
It was Dio! "Hello, young dragon! It appears you have something we need!"
Lilith tried to run, but ran into Tex!
"I believe you're surrounded!" Tex said.
"You'll never get away with this! The Muppets will fix what you broke, and get their telethon back on!" Little did she know, their plan was already working.
A haunting voice was heard from the stage. It was dark, yet beautiful. Megan had started singing her dark song. Lilith began to feel the effects immediately.
"What you are experiencing are the effects of the singing voice of a Nightdreamer. Tex and I aren't affected, of course, because we're Nightdreamers, also!" Dio said.
Lilith was terrified, not just for her own safety, but for the safety of her friends. "W-what exactly do you plan on doing to the people in the audience?" She asked.
"Lilith will control them with her song, which will render them unable to leave when she steals their Paragon Essence!" Dio said. "She will then use her purple staff to turn them all into Nightdreamers! Once she's done, the evil audience will surround The Muppets, Lily, and the others, and turn them dark also! Then no one will stop us from invading the rest of the worlds of the Multiverse!" Dio was willing to turn so many people to the dark side...
Of course, Lilith was shocked but decided to point out the flaw in Dio's, and every other villain's, plan. She scoffed and said. "You villains are all the same. Getting so ahead of yourselves, and broadcasting your plans to the heroes! If I were a villain, I wouldn't be that dumb!" Lilith said.
"Well, things are looking pretty good for us because the Muppets can't do anything about our plan! If anyone other than us try to approach Megan to stop her, they'll fall under the effects of the song! Even Lily can't withstand her voice, because she's not powerful enough yet!" Dio put emphasis on yet because he was planning on taking Lily to Morgana after Megan turned her evil to start her villain training. "And, since you can't survive your gem being taken, you won't be able to warn them!" Dio reached out to take the gem from Lilith's forehead when he was punched. Right in the face. HARD.
Dio was knocked out cold by the blow.
The man who punched him was a very muscular, blonde-headed knight, wearing armor.
Tex backed up and hit the wall. The mysterious knight grabbed him by the front of his shirt and lifted him up. "If you try anything like that ever again, that will be you." He pointed to Dio, who was on the floor, unconscious, before dropping Tex on the floor. He ran away frantically.
After the villains were taken care of, the knight turned to Lilith. "Lady Lilith, are you alright?" He asked.
Who is he? Lilith thought. "Y-yes, I'm alright, but who are you?" Lilith asked.
"There is no time to explain. Your friends Gary and Mary are trying to fix the lights outside, so we must meet them.
The two ran away from the scene. While they were trying to get outside. The knight introduced himself. "My name is Dire. I was a friend of the late William Zeppeli, and a user of a power called the Ripple. It is usually called Hamon." Dire said.
"Thank you for saving me. How did you know I would be in danger?" Lilith asked
"Because Coletta called me. She wanted to assign me as your protector when you got home, but she decided to call me here as soon as she found out about Ms. Poogy being a Nightdreamer. She knew more would be after you, and she was right." Dire said.
Lilith thought about what would've happened if Dire hadn't been called, or if he was late. "I would be dead right now, and my powers would be in the hands of the Nighdreamers if it wasn't for you," Lilith said.
"That's why I am here." Dire stopped running and turned to Lilith. "Coletta told me you didn't want a protector, because you wanted to fight for yourself. Her original plan was for me to follow you everywhere outside of the Mansion, but we came up with a better idea." Dire pulled out a necklace with a blue emerald pendant. "You may fight alone, but if the battle ever gets too hopeless, press the gem, and I will save you in your darkest hour." He gave Lilith the necklace, and she fastened it around her neck.
"Thank you. I'll be able to fight for myself, now, but I won't have to worry about a thing." Lilith said.
"There's no time to waste," Dire said. He and Lilith continued running and ran outside to join Gary and Mary.
"Lilith, is everything ok?" Mary asked. Lilith explained everything that had happened.
"Ok, I'll go get Walter!" Gary said. Mary had never seen him run that fast.
He ran to find Walter still in his Dressing Room. "What are you doing down there? They need one more act!" Gary said.
Coletta ran in next. "Don't send him out yet! I'm the only one who can counteract Megan's song, so just let me out first, so I can heal the audience!" Coletta said.
Gary let Coletta go onstage. "Well, look who it is! Robo girl trying to save her friends!" Megan said.
The entire audience was out of it. They were in a trance, and Coletta was determined to bring them out of it! "Stand down, Megan!" Coletta demanded.
"You're too late!" Megan said. She outstretched her arms towards the audience and sung one more note. All of their Essencencecwas being sucked out!"
"I have no other choice!" Coletta said. She started singing with the same type of voice as Megan. Her notes purified the Paragon Essence and brought it towards Lily, who was backstage. The audience was broken from their trance.
Lily was astounded. How can she handle Paragon Essence, 
Did Alessia create her, too? Is she an Etherian, like me? Lily thought.
"NO! How could this happen?" Megan said. "I'll be back to deal with you later!" She teleported away in a poof of dark magic.
The audience was just waking up from their trance. "Woah, what happened?" One woman said. A man said, "The Muppets must've put us under some sort of mind control spell, so we'll watch them forever!" He pointed at Coletta, who was still on stage. "Those two girls who were on the stage are probably sorceresses! Did you see the one in the purple clothes just vanish like that? poof!" Great, what do we do now? Lily thought, who was watching from out of sight.
Coletta spoke up. "Ladies and gentlemen, what you just saw was an accident. That girl who just vanished was evil. We're not from around here, but you have nothing to fear. I used my power to defeat that girl and save you from her trance.
The audience was still scared, until one said, Who knows what that other girl was trying to do to us! The girl who saves us is a hero!" The audience started cheering for Coletta. She gave a nod and walked off of the stage.
"Guys, you've all got the next act," Coletta said.
The Muppets took the stage to sing Rainbow Connection. The show was met with massive applause, but it wasn't enough yet...
"Well, I guess the day is saved!" Lily said. But she remembered. The money! "Oh, no, we don't have enough money to save the studio!" Lily said.
"If we think of one more act, We'll have enough money," Kermit said.
The group tried to think of just one more act but had done everything already. "Cmon, we go on in one minute!" Kermit said. We are on in 3... 2... 1... The 'on air' sign glowed. "Oh, no!" Kermit groaned. They were too late. It was
Just as all hope had been lost, it was won again. From the stage, they heard a beautiful whistling sound. It was Walter! He saved the day! He whistled to an entire orchestra piece!
After his act was done, he went offstage.
"You were amazing!" Lily said, hugging Walter.
"I think we're gonna get the studio back!" Cadenza said.
All was well until Deadly, Bobo, Statler, and Waldorf came running to the group.
"Nightdreamers... This might go bad." Coletta said.
"We don't want to hurt anyone!" Deadly said. "I was about to do something horrible, but I decided, I don't want to be what my name tells me to be. Tex was trying to cut the bolts to the power on the roof so I wrenched the bolt cutters from his grasp, and sent him plummeting!" His name may have been 'Deadly,' but he was trying to prove he wasn't a villain anymore!
Coletta was reluctant, but since her, Dire, Lilith, and Cadenza were pretty powerful, Deadly or the others couldn't do much. "Alright, but you'd better not try anything," Coletta said.
"Wait where is Tex, anyway? The last time we saw him, he was running away from Dire." As soon as Lilith said that, everyone started complaining about their phone being dead.
What has he done? Coletta thought.
A beaten-up-looking Tex Richman staggered towards the group. "You lost! I won, so I have the studio! Since I have it, what Megan just did will happen more and more!" Tex had completely lost it!
"But we were so close! Fozzie said, bumping his head on the money counter. It glitched, revealing they had only earned 10 thousand, instead of 9 million dollars!
Everyone went back to the lobby. "Listen, guys, we may have lost now, but we tried. And, if Lily, Walter, and the other new guys weren't here, we wouldn't've made it this far! So, let's just work out ways back up to the top. Let's go out there with our heads held high." Kermit said.
Everyone agreed and stepped outside. They were immediately blinded with hundreds of camera flashes. Thousands of people were lined up with signs, cheering. "MUPPETS! MUPPETS! MUPPETS!" The crowd loved them!
"It seems everyone still loves you guys!" Lily said.
"Lily, I don't like the way you say 'you guys.' You're talking like you're not Muppets, and we are. Even if you aren't a puppet, you're now a part of our family!" Kermit said, with a smile.
"Thank you," Lily said.
Gary had something he needed to ask. "There's just one more thing I want to ask. Mary, will you marry me?"
"Mah na Mah na," Mary said. Everyone started singing the final song.
After the song was over, Lilith pulled Lily aside. "You still need to purify Tex!" Lilith said.
"Ok, where is he?" Lily asked. Lily followed Lilith to an area backstage, where Tex was being watched like a hawk by Dire.
"Please don't hurt me," Tex said. Lily found it funny how big, bad Tex Richman was scared of Dire.
"No one here will hurt you. I just want to turn you good again!" Lily summoned her staff and pointed it at Tex. The evil version of him was sealed forever in his realm, and the good version would come back to the mansion.
"Wait, what? Tex asked.
Lily explained the staff to Tex.
Just then Gonzo entered the room, still swinging the same bowling ball from his act. "Hey, I still need help getting this bowling-" The ball soared towards Tex, and hit him square in the head! It knocked him out.
"Lily, Lilith, and Gonzo ran to him. "What should we do?" Lilith asked.
Tex was taken to the hospital. He recovered, and decided to give the Muppet Studios back!
The night before the group was supposed to go home, Lily and Cadenza had a conversation.
"Do you think Tex signed the studio back because of my staff, or because the bowling ball messed up his head?" Lily asked.
"I don't know. The world may never know. At least we were able to tell the news the bowling ball gave him the change of heart because live-action humans like this wouldn't be able to handle the concept of Etherians, and purification, and Nightdreamers, and the Multiverse. Coletta already caused a stir when she defeated Megan." Cadenza said. "One more thing. You discovered something even more special than purification today." Cadenza was right.
"What was that?" Lily asked.
"It's very special for a villain to turn good of his own will, with no magic helping them." Cadenza said.
"I'll work on finding more villains I don't have to use my staff on!" Lily said. There was still one more thing bothering her. "Why didn't your prophecy come true? I mean, I'm released nothing happened to Walter, but why was your dream wrong?" Lily asked.
"Lily, I may have had seen a false prophecy. I've just started seeing them, so that could be possible. It could come true in the future, so we'll have to look out, but until then, we should relax..." Cadenza said.
All was well. This had been Lily's biggest mission yet, and she was ready to see what the Multiverse had in store for her next...
Author's note: That was LONG! I've decided to make chapters longer, to make the story flow a little faster. I also introduced Dire, who will play a big role in the rest of this book. This chapter was what I call the mid-book finale, so things will get more exciting from here on out. I won't be taking a break, there will just be better things for the future. In the next chapter, I will reveal the missions for October, November, and December, so things will get progressively more exciting, so I'll see you all in the next chapter. Stay lucid!
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aurounivesity-blog · 2 years
Bachelor of Arts: Pursue this degree to be an all-rounder!
Whenever students pass their secondary schooling, they need clarification about choosing a stream for graduation. Most students select engineering, medical, or other professional courses since these are some of the respected and prestigious careers. Moreover, pursuing a bachelor's degree in arts has its perks. However, if you're an Indian, an arts degree in India means you're not good at studies.  
However, India already has numerous doctors and engineers. To balance this equation, there should be a certain number of poets, media employees, and journalists in the country. Our country desperately needs proactively thinking individuals. Pursuing an arts degree doesn't necessarily mean that you reach that point; however, you are at least directed towards the right side.  
Mentioned below are five advantages of pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree:
Learning beyond academic syllabus - Pursuing an Arts degree involves viewing, inculcation, processing, as well as understanding and getting an in-depth analysis of a subject. Education is vast, including human minds, languages, and everything else. 
2.Dedicated personal learning - Professors who impart education in B.A. always try to come up with ideas out of the box to elevate the interest of students. Professors go the extra mile to make teaching all-inclusive for students. Since the acquaintance and interaction with a professor is massive, it is a delight to pursue a B.A. degree.  
3.A B.A. degree opens diversified career options - As the bachelor's in arts degree has a dynamic syllabus involving various fields, it opens more opportunities for students. Moreover, a B.A. in liberal arts, psychology, philosophy, and languages are among the few options. 
4.The intellectual challenge for students - This degree compels students to challenge their perceptions and beliefs. Thoughts, points of view, and concepts in any arts degree have their negatives and positives. A B.A. can rewire your thought process and help you understand and accept diverse psychologies.
5. Studying Arts is not all books: The gut-wrenching satisfaction you get after applying a concept in real life seizes the day. Moreover, a B.A. in any specialization helps you stand out in the group of doctors and engineers. Finally, a B.A. degree can transform you into an all-rounder who opens up to the world's ideas rather than being a narrow-minded thinker. 
Now that you know the importance of a B.A. degree let's talk about colleges. Looking for the best colleges in the country is draining and lengthy. AURO University is your go-to college if you wish to pursue a degree from Gujarat. AURO University is one of the best B.A. colleges in Gujarat. The comprehensive learning experience and the best-in-class faculty at AURO puts it at the forefront of the best B.A. colleges in India.     
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 6 months
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kornstreifs-storys · 11 months
BoaG, Arc 2, The Decision
Disclaimer: The new char Zero in this chapter uses all pronouns, so I went ahead and used all pronouns to refere to them, so if your confused it's because of that.
As Anima got back to her own Universe, she flew down to earth and headed straight for her favorit spot. A cliffside near the top of mount Coronet in Hisui.
Once there she mentally reached out to Zero, her first Reaper. She had subconsciously created them while still trapped in her egg, as a means to stop the corrution of her domain.
Apparendly he had heared her, because just minutes later a Meowscarada with the colours of dead leafes landed on the ledge behind her. It was wielding a big scythe and smiled at her. Well, well, the Pokémon said, it's rare for you to reach out to me first, it must've been something like 20 years since ya did that. She seemed to think for a second, then continued to say, Pretty sure you had just about hatched and were confused that you could sence an auro similar to your own.
Anima, smiled at the Mewoscarad and transformed into her human form to be on eye level with them. Zero, she said, It's nice to see you as well. Zeros expression got serious, Say ya didn't call me to take back your power have ya, because I told you before that wont be necessary. I ... Anima stoped him from speaking further.
No, no I didn't call you to do that, she assured her, quiet the opposite actually. She paused. You know how I went to this other Universe to aske the spirit God there for adivce right? Well she adviced me to get more allies, on top of other things.
Well, Zero replied, that is pretty much what I always said, isn't it? Anima sighed, she knew they were right, that was exactly what he had been saying. I know, she acknowledged, that's why I called you. Will you help me create more reapers? Since you recieved a part of my true power you should be able to do that. Zero smiled. Well, course I will. It'll be good to have more help.
Anima looked relieved. Glad to hear that. I also have an other plan, that I wanted to talk to you about. But that can wait till later.
Zero suddenly part Anima. Say have you Invited those people here? she gestured behind Anima. Anmia turned around. Well, no I didn't. Though they might have followed me here from the event I was at.
Anima lookes at you. Well, what can I do for you?
Anima and Zero are now open for asks. Zeros profile has been unlocked.
Ask hints (Under the cut):
Maybe ask her about the reapers
Ask about her other plans
Ask about her corruption
She has the power to reincarnate people with their memory intact, so if you want that for a Charakter maybe ask her about it.
Ask about how he stands to Anima
Ask them about other Gods
Ask her how she feels about the role of a reaper
Ask him if their condition bothers them.
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aurouniversity7 · 1 year
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Top mba colleges in Gujarat
Discover the excellence of Auro University, one of the top MBA colleges in Gujarat. Elevate your career with our renowned MBA programs, industry connections, and world-class faculty. Join us for a transformative educational journey.
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hydrxnessa · 1 year
>> OCs masterpost !! because i need to organise for myself
-- disclaimer, not all toyhouse profiles are finished nor finalised. it's a gamble whether or not i even touched their profiles, so a few might be empty ;3 but most of them have images and maybe lore !!
Startex: Singularity >> the universe where all OCs reside. also the main storyline. a clash of the four deities who created the galaxy of Startex. their main purpose was to create and destroy celestial bodies, and their only directive was to create a galaxy. so how hard could that possibly be?
main mission: consume all of imperfect existence within the Singularity. stop the Singularity. keep the light of the Startexians alive. hold the balance of creation and destruction.
OCs >> [ Nebula, Lunar, Stardust, Vortex, Solar ]
tag: ; startex: singularity
Shifting Stars >> a child of the Stars, with a divine yet forgotten deity embedded within her body. a weakened state and barely any common ground, Novura tries to adjust to having another being imbued within her; a restless, constant voice in the back of her mind. scattered pieces of Voraelis' past leads them to the outer bounds of Startex, where they meet a few unfamiliar creatures .. or a whole civilisation, for that matter.
main mission: make them remember. stop the Singularity. reunite the deities. seek the forgotten past.
OCs >> [ Novura, Voraelis, Noctru, Illuminu, Cassi ]
tag: ; shifting stars
Scales' Descent >> a large-scale research project led by the exiled scientist, Trojan. creatures turned into amalgamated weapons to be used against the Stars themselves as an army, for vengeance and for power. two humans unwillingly kidnapped and sent into the facility for experimentation, and came out to be one of Trojan's greatest weapons. they have a known directive: annihilate the Stars .. but why do they hate the Stars so much?
main mission: annihilate the Stars. lay waste to their imperfect creation. find purpose. leave behind the unforgiving past.
OCs >> [ Hydra, Lyura, Trojan ]
tag: ; scales' descent
Wings' Ascent >> begins just before Scales' Descent. two Startexians managed to escape Trojan's research facility, crashing onto a planet in the sector known to have the harshest and unforgiving climates in the galaxy. they scramble for resources to escape the ruthless planet, seeking answers for the ancient, forgotten past of the Cosmos .. while escaping from the grasp of Intoxicate, the acolyte of the forsaken deity.
main mission: bring the Singularity. escape the forsaken deity's watchful eyes. stop her acolyte.
OCs >> [ Luminous, Auros, Intoxicate ]
tag: ; wings' ascent
--- there's also terraByte and Bleed's Bite but those stories are pretty much left in the dust. no ideas for their direction either. they just exist lol. maybe i'll come back to them some other time
also have this nebula art from last year ;3
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sdpsindore · 1 year
Where Can You Find the Best Fashion Designing Colleges in Indore
There are some reputable best fashion designing colleges in Indore that you might consider for pursuing your education in fashion design. Please note that the ranking and availability of programs can change over time, so it’s important to conduct your own research and verify the information before making a decision.
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SDPS College Indore, Indore:
SDPS Indore is a well-known institute offering fashion design courses. They provide a range of programs in fashion and interior design.
Pearl Academy, Indore:
Pearl Academy is a reputed fashion and design institution with campuses in various cities, including Indore. They offer a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in fashion design and related fields.
Indore Professional Studies Academy (IPSA):
IPSA offers a Bachelor of Design (B.Des.) program with a specialization in Fashion Design. It’s a recognized university in Indore that provides education in various disciplines.
Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology, Indore:
Vogue Institute has a branch in Indore and is known for its fashion design courses. They offer undergraduate and postgraduate programs in fashion design and other creative fields.
JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Indore:
JD Institute is a well-established institution with multiple branches across India. They offer programs in fashion design, interior design, and more.
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Textile Technology (SVITT):
SVITT offers a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Textile Technology, which covers various aspects of textiles and fashion.
Amity University, Gwalior (Near Indore):
Although not in Indore itself, Amity University’s Gwalior campus is relatively close and offers fashion design programs. Gwalior is within reasonable travel distance from Indore.
Auro University, Indore:
Auro University offers a Bachelor of Design (B.Des.) program with a focus on fashion design.
It’s essential to research each fashion college in indore, their course offerings, faculty, facilities, placement opportunities, and reviews before making a decision. Visiting the campuses if possible and talking to current students or alumni can also provide valuable insights. Keep in mind that new institutes might have emerged or changes might have occurred since my last update, so I recommend checking the latest information from reliable sources and official websites of the institutions.
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