#aurelia arccoil
kingkenzieofmold · 1 year
Would you be able to draw Aurelia and Florence with their parents? Or just by themselves hehe
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Baby fever seems to be going around! Anyway enjoy!<3
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bluetorchsky · 6 months
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"Hey guys!" Aidan shouted as he stepped inside the ArcCoil room. "Special delivery for some very special people!"
"Hello Aidan!" Violin called back, as he and Accordion walked out of their bedroom with their twins in their arms. He raised an eyebrow as the young Toppat set out a woven basket on a table in front of the family. The top of the basket was lined with crinkly pastel colored paper and covered in multi-colored paper confetti, hiding something underneath. "What's this all about?" He asked as he held his son, Florence, in his arms, rocking him gently as the baby made spitting noises and giggled.
"I don't think we were supposed to be receiving any packages from anyone." Accordion added as he shifted his daughter, Aurelia, in his arms. The little girl was playfully hitting her father's arm, laughing as she was moved from one side to the other. She and her twin brother still had their mitts on when they were woken from their afternoon nap, to prevent themselves from hurting their hands as they slept.
The young Irish Toppat chuckled and rubbed his hands together. "Then consider this a surprise delivery!" He said before he reached into the basket and pulled two items out, each of them resting in both of his hands. "Ta-da! Happy Easter!"
In his hands were two large eggs wrapped with a blue and red ribbon respectively. The one with the blue ribbon was painted red with different hues of blue decorating it in a polka dot style. The second egg that had the red ribbon was painted in blue and had different red hues wrapping around it in a stripes style.
Violin gasped and smiled. "Aidan, these are beautiful! Did you make these yourself?"
"Sure did! Had some help from Scottie and their new apprentice, Eden! Took a bit to find the right ones but–"
"Hm? Hold on, Aidan." Accordion interrupted as he looked down at Aurelia with a frown. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"
Both Aurelia and Florence were starting to squirm in each of their father's arms, trying to remove their mitts while reaching out towards the eggs in Aidan's hands. Accordion clicked his tongue and held his daughter closer to him.
"No, no, dears. You're both not yet strong enough to hold those eggs." Accordion with a small chuckle as he tried to make her comfortable in his grip. "Don't worry, we have your toys in the basket over there–"
The twins didn't listen and instead spat out their pacifiers, the plastic objects falling and bouncing on the carpeted floor as the twins once again reached out for the eggs and said–
The room fell silent only for a few seconds before the twins started blabbering in their own little language, smiles on their chubby cheeks as they repeated their first words, Da-da and Pa-pa.
Aidan's amber eyes literally sparkled, laughing along with the twins. "Wow, their first words! This is grand!" He said before looking up his mentors. "I mean they were both different but similar in a way–Are you both okay?"
Accordion and Violin hadn't paid attention to Aidan, as they had turned their children around to face them, tears already leaking down their eyes like a rapid river. They both didn't say anything, lips trembling into a smile.
"Their...Their first words were-were u-us..." Violin stuttered, trying to keep his composure as he pressed his wet cheek against Florence's head, sniffling. "O-Ollie...Ollie!"
Accordion was no better, at a loss for words as he stared at Aurelia with a proud look on his face as he wept "I-I kno-know, Tre-Tre..." He said with a slight tremble in his voice. "I-It's...amazing..."
The twins tilted their heads in confusion as they watched their dads cry, while Aidan shook his head and chuckled. "Aye, I can't blame them..." He said quietly before he noticed something between the twins.
Both Aurelia and Florence looked at each other before looking back up at their dads with smiles on their faces. They both reached up and patted their dads' wet cheeks with their mitts, remembering how their dads did this with each other when they were sad, and giggled.
This caused both Accordion and Violin to both cry loudly, their tears hitting the wooden table in a happy but wet sounding pattern. They held their children close, whimpering and crying joyfully while Aidan just crossed his arms with a soft smile, letting the dads have their moment with their children.
After a few minutes, Accordion and Violin were sitting on the couch, calling up Alex and Eric to tell them what happened excitement vibrating throughout their bodies. As they did, Aidan sat on a pink fluffy oval rug with the twins sitting in-between his legs. He smiled at them and held up each of the eggs in his hands once more.
"Okay, tell me again who they remind you of." Aidan said to them, showing the eggs to the twins before holding them higher so they wouldn't try to grab them. "Come on now!"
Both Aurelia and Florence laughed as they tried to grab the eggs while scooting on their butts. "Da-da! Pap-pa!" They both shouted, kicking their legs happily and laughing adorably.
Aidan laughed, letting the babies try and climb over his legs to move around some more. "Brilliant! Just brilliant you two."
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I didn't realize that Transgender Day of Visibility also fell on Easter, so this is a little something I added. Aidan is explaining to his two little siblings what the Transgender and Non-binary flag mean, since their Papa Violin is Transgender (FTM) and their sibling Zephyr is Non-binary, with she/they pronouns. I believe there is a specific date for the International Non-Binary Day of Visibility (July 14) but I needed another flag for the second egg so yeah.
At least I got this out in time Have a little something extra, just to show the dads' reaction to their babies' first words:
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(They about to smooch their kiddos cause they love them oh so damn much, haha. Aidan just hopes they don't go overboard like they usually do)
Mention of Scottie Anderson and Eden Orchard belong to @jaytoons7
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caruskie · 5 months
*slides in with a folded piece of paper and hands it to you* May I please request a familial doodle of the ArcCoil family? The husbands being Accordion and Violin, and their twin kids, Aurelia and Florence? Thank you in advance!
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Have I already told you? Man, I love men :D
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Sometimes it's fun to draw babies. I mean, they're small and puffy. It's like drawing small beans
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This is probably one of my shorter stories, but! Here we are! Malli being sympathetic and helping anyone he can. (Based off of link)
The ArcCoil fam belongs to @bluetorchsky
Danny Felizima belongs to @capturecharlesau
Malli Till is my boy
Giving a tap on the door to the one and only Accordion and Violin, Malli could only give a chuckle as he held up the much larger baby. Not that Malli was a particularly large male, but compared to the baby in his arms, he was small.
The baby babbling in his arms caught his attention, turning to look at the baby boy in his arms, giving a smile from behind his mask at the nonsense babbling. "Really now? And all of that happened?" He asked, only earning more, excited babbling from the baby. "And you're sure?" More nodding, Malli could only give a giggle. "Precious thing.."
The door finally opened, and Malli quickly straightened himself out while fixing the baby on his hip. "I.. Think this little guy got loose." He remarked, giving a nervous chuckle at the end. But, he was motioned inside the room, which confused Malli for a moment. He listened, walking in and setting the baby down on the bed, beside Accordion and Aurelia, which was met with overjoyed excitement and squealing. Malli couldn't help but smile at the father, turning around to Violin.
"Where did he run off to?" He asked, giving a small chuckle at the three now cozied together and hugging onto each other. "I found him in the hallway. Just lifted him up before he got too far." Malli replied, giving a smile from behind his mask, before pointing to the door. "I should be heading back now. Really only ran out- Oh, actually. Do you have any clue where Danny is?"
This made the couple's expressions sour a little. "Yeah.. Just head down a couple of doors, to the left, he'll be there." Violin spoke, motioning in a specific direction that made it clear which direction it was down. Malli gave his thanks, before he left the room and began his way down the hallway. He stopped in his tracks after passing a certain door, trekking backwards and spotting Danny-
This wasn't Malli's first rodeo by a long shot. He walked into the room and looked to Danny, giving a small frown as he saw how sickly the other look, even while asleep. "This won't do.." He muttered, before spotting where the rope was tied, on the ceiling, and being held.. Oh, what a time to be shorter.. And what a time to be an assassin.
Giving a hum, he unsheathed one of his hidden blades, before jumping up high enough to swing and hit only rope. Acting quickly, he wrapped his other arm around Danny, sheathing the blade back, and catching Danny with a quiet grunt. He stood up from his awkwardly crouched position, before bringing the asleep Danny to a nearby area that was a bit higher than everything else. He glanced around the room for a moment, before beginning to clean..
After about thirty minutes of cleaning, Malli's attention turned to some coughing from where Danny laid, a bucket nearby to catch whatever felt unsettled in his stomach. Thankfully, Malli was finished, tossing what paper towels he used away, and making sure the floor wasn't sticky where the mess was. He moved to where Danny was, settling down beside him and glancing toward the Toppst member. "Are you okay..?"
"Been better... Been worst too.." Danny replied, hunched over the bucket as a precaution for his unsettled stomach. Malli settled his hand on his shoulder blades gently rolling his thumb to help the other calm down. "How did I get down..?"
"I cut you down. Don't worry." Malli spoke, before grabbing something out of his pocket and handing it over. "Take this. It's a dose of liquid medicine for your stomach." He said, with Danny looking extremly confused at the odd contraption that held the medicine. He grabbed it, shifting to sit up, before twisting the cap off and swallowing down the stomach medicine, giving a small 'bleh' at the taste afterwards.
"I know, but it'll help." Malli spoke, before standing up and glancing to the rope that hung in the middle of the room, before jumping and grabbing it, climbing up like gravity wasn't a thing.
"You know.." Oh, the dreaded, shadowy voice.. It made Danny tense. "..What if that was poison he gave you? Hmm? It'd be easy to get revenge.. Shove him down once he falls.."
"Oh, shut up.." Danny muttered under his breath, sitting with his legs crisscrossed while watching Malli climb to the roof and untie the rope, once he was held on to the metal beam that had the rope on it. "It's not poison. If it was poison, my stomach would hurt more, not feel better."
"Then yank that mask off. C'mon, he can't hide behind it forever.."
Malli fell down to the ground, standing up after a rollout as to not hurt his legs more. He gave a hum, grabbed the rope and rolling it up on itself, all while humming a bit subconsciously. "Alright. Think you're well enough to move?"
"Yeah, I think so..?" Danny said, but it sounded more of a question, which brought an obvious worry to Malli's eyes. "Don't worry about me.."
"Kind of hard to do. In a worrier." Malli spoke, holding his hand out to Danny as an offering for him to stand up. In which Danny did, being a bit wobbly on his legs from actually standing. Thankfully, with Malli there, he was able to push on his hands for support. It wasn't until his stomach growled did he realize why he felt so weak, face flushing a red from embarrassment.
"I.. Uhm.."
"Let's get you to the kitchen. Can you walk?"
Danny did give it a try, but with the mix of not eating, medicine, and motion sickness beforehand, it wasn't working to well. "N.. No.. I don't think so.. Not with swaying and sitting and making it take twenty forev- EEP!"
It was all pretty quick, yet smooth, with Malli lifting him up bridle style and making sure he had a grip on Danny. He glanced down, giving a smile from behind his mask. "If it gets uncomfortable, or you start feeling sick, just tell me."
All Danny could do was stare blankly at Malli, mouth agape, and practically speechless. He allowed himself to be carried, just out of it while staring to the ceiling in nothing but confusion. "Thank you.. Mystery.. Person.."
"Purple. Call me Purple."
"Thank you, Purple.. Weirdass name."
"Better than the stereotypical name I have that barely fits me."
This got a chuckle out of both of them, with Danny only needing to stop once or twice to be grounded on their way to the kitchen, but it was soon they made it there, getting Danny something to eat. And Malli- Wait..
Danny glanced around from his meal, trying to spot the bright hair and purple mask, but.. He was gone? This brought Danny back into thought, but the smell of food broke it, allowing him to get back to eating with a smile.
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bluetorchsky · 1 month
Dont know if this has been asked before but what type of trainers would Accordion and Violin be and what would be their pokemon team?
I have talked about it in the past, but no one has asked before. The post I made is about a year old, right here, and lots of things have changed here and there.
The idea for Oliver and Trent (Accordion and Violin) is that they are current/former Double Champions in the Pokémon AU that the others have come up with. Right now, they have settled down with their family, and have their own Pokemon Sanctuary Ranch (Name still pending), where they take in injured Pokémon who refuse to be looked at by humans (similar to the Pokémon Sanctuary spot in Pokémon X & Y). It would be logical to have them be former doubles champions if they run their own ranch, but I think it would be funny if that when someone wants to challenge them, they still show up in a grand reveal or something, wheeze.
They’re both pretty well known for getting these pokémon better and releasing them back into the wild, but they also run a Poke Puff side business, where they sell their homemade treats (probably in collaboration with Aidan’s ranch, where he grows lots of different berries).
The thing that sets them apart from others is that on some rare occasions, some of the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon visit the ArcCoil’s Ranch to have some of their homemade treats. Some of these pokémon have history with the husbands, especially Oliver as he’s known as a sort of “Pokémon Legendary Whisperer”; he’s met some of these legendaries when he was a child, when his mother didn’t want him to do anything with Pokémon but they still found their way to him, both regular and legendary pokémon.
Their kiddos, Aurelia and Florence, help out around the ranch, mainly with feeding the pokémon and helping their dads in baking the treats to sell at a market in the town nearby. They have four pokémon each, but they’re still too young to train or battle with them. They’re sort of like a protection squad for the kids, hehe.
As for the type of trainers the husbands are, I don’t think I really went with a theme or type. I kind of just went with what I felt each pokemon represented for the husbands. I’ll have to sit down and go through the teams again, but I’ll show you what I have for them and the kids
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And I have an extra one for the pokémon that do work at ArcCoil ranch, as they only trust the family and no one else, the pokémon that stay at the sanctuary, and the legendaries that visit from time to time. I’m planning on reworking the Ranch Pokemon at a later time.
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I’m happy to answer any other questions anyone has about this AU, and what thoughts I have for it!
Edit: I will just say that @kingkenzieofmold is the one who really thought this up, and me and the others have been throwing ideas here and there. So go ask Kenzie for more of that lore for the AU!
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bluetorchsky · 1 year
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"Abyss, did you stay up to finish the baby sketch–"
Yes, yes I did. Look at the babies, they're in color now! *eyes twitches before falling over*
They babies are about six months old in this picture. No where near close to getting their powers, but give it a couple more months and they'll start showing something.
They are twin sister and brother, respectively, and they're both equally chonky, with Aurelia getting more chonky later on. They pretty much are inseparable and will cry when they can't see the other sibling. More stuff about them here.
Am I sort of jumping the gun with skipping the birth part? Probably, but uh, the lead up to that is kind of chaotic and hectic so I'm saving it for later on. Just know it was a bit crazy but the dads were overjoyed when they could hold their babies.
If you have any more questions, let me know!
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