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aureatewings · 1 year ago
hi, at what part of puberty do i get my divine glowing light? what's that you say? never? fascinating, thanks! *starts mauling people*
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kattenkvvaad · 5 months ago
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just a lil doodle of this wrinkly D&D cat being a lil smug :3 Character: Aureate Shimmer (she/her)
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your-local-femboy-bitch · 20 days ago
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Omfg Monegold is so hot.
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zal-g0 · 2 months ago
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Gave Aureate a Silver, hooray! His name is Axel ( ・ω・)
He's typically there for the newbies to give them a (poor) rundown of how the world works, the only reason he's alive is because of how much a jerk he is. (Aureate never acknowledged Silver's change in personality as the story went on, so it's burned into his mind that Silver is pretty much an asshole.) Did I explain that right?
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uuberwachen · 2 months ago
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@zal-g0 if aureate doesn't like souls who don't fit their character's role, rat is probably screwed if they ever meet.
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ther3alg0ld · 19 days ago
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" My Pichu so stupid . . :( "
// - OOC; OG IMG
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b1adie · 2 years ago
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..... i suppose that WOULD be a major medical mishap. what the fuck are you talking about
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daily-ynfg-worlds · 1 month ago
Aureate Clockworks
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worsesart · 5 months ago
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Forever a part of me, I'll carry you as that lump in my throat
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geraldofallon · 2 months ago
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Fallen London Species: Aureate Stag
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tardycat4 · 9 months ago
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she ponders the apple
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aureatewings · 1 year ago
thinking about angelkin4angelkin where they play with each other's hair because they don't have feathers, where they play instrumental music that reminds them of the heavens or home or where they used to roam, where they meditate together and imagine that they're flying together, maybe they pray together and make altars together, maybe they don't. but they're angels and they're happy
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kattenkvvaad · 3 months ago
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mischievous little cat-creature Character: Aureate (they/them)
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isshua · 1 year ago
Messianic Aureation
Chapter 14: Journey to the Southwest
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Summary: The Anemo gnosis has been acquired. Bid Monstadt farewell. Through the Stone Gate the Land of Geo unveils like a painting, with the power of rock rumbling beneath Cara's feet. The Archaic Lord awaits.
I'M BACK BABY YEEEAH!!!! Hope y’all enjoy the chapter and the official introduction to the Liyue Arc! :D
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Epona was waiting for her when she found her way back down to the woods that brushed the outer edges of the Thousand Winds Temple. The horse rumbled a soft greeting, leaning into her touch when Cara held her muzzle in her hands and smoothed out her disheveled forelock. She was still crying as she boosted herself up into the saddle, settling her feet into the stirrups and holding the reins with shaking hands. Epona didn’t move, giving her a moment to look back at where Venti was waiting to take the full brunt of the false Creator’s wrath. Guilt and sorrow tugged at her conscience. Everything was telling her to go back and beg him to come with her, even though she knew he was going to say no. This was a choice for the best. Monstadt would not fall. The Madness would fester, but she would return to dispel it. She swore on her own life she would.
  With a gentle squeeze and a slight turn of the reins, Cara led Epona down the path they took to the temple. The wind blew, whistling like a bird, and she felt it caress her. She could understand every word it said. Follow us.
   Most of the ruins outside of the temple that had been caught within Venti’s cyclone were now completely destroyed. Great stone pieces of days long past were reduced to piles of rubble. The air was still rather uneven here, and Cara could feel the Anemo energy like particles of dust sticking to her skin. Small groups of hilichurls were picking their way through the debris, nervously chittering amongst themselves, obviously uneasy with returning to the place where the massive elemental catastrophe had raged.
  The environment was in utter shambles. Most of the trees had been ripped up from the earth right down to their roots and were now laying in haphazard places. Some that were still standing were lacking their leaves and branches, sticking up like skeletal remains. Bushes and patches of flowers were either flattened or just entirely gone. Great slashes wounded the earth where the cyclone had touched down. It was a bleak, somber sight, and Cara knew it would take this area quite a long time to recover from the damage Venti caused.
  When they left the battle-scarred area, with Monstadt to the northwest and Windrise to the south, she spotted three figures standing beneath a thick fir tree with five skinnier firs cornering it against a rather tall rock hill. As Epona drew closer, she recognized them, and saw it was Kaeya, Bennett, and Razor, waiting for her like they said they would. Her heart leaped with joy and relief, and she felt unfathomable gratitude for them; they were here, her closest friends and allies in this world. She urged Epona to pick up a brisk trot. As she neared them, she saw their heads turn in her direction, and their faces lit up.
  She felt like she had finally reached the conclusion to this chapter of her journey when she halted Epona and hopped off. Bennett was the first to exclaim an excited greeting. “Your back!” he cried. He threw himself to her, holding her in a hug. “Your back! You're alive!”
  Razor followed, eagerly jumping up and down like an excited puppy dog. Both boys held onto her tightly, and she felt another surge of gratitude for them. “I’m alive,” she told them, happily, softly. “I’m here. I’m okay.”
  “Did you get the gnosis?” Bennett asked.
  “Did wind god hurt you badly?” Razor added.
  “Tell us everything!” Bennett continued. “How did you defeat him?”
  “You smell like the sky!”
  “Now, now,” Kaeya said when he joined them. His voice was calm, but the look on his face showed just how happy he was to see her safe and sound. “Let’s not bombard her with questions, alright? Cara just experienced what was most likely one of the most intense moments of her life. Let’s give her a moment to rest.”
  Bennett and Razor let her go, and Cara immediately sank down against the tree, exhaustion pulling at her limbs. “Thanks for waiting for me,” she told them. “Sorry I took so long.”
  “Why are you apologizing?” Bennett asked. “You could have taken 500 years if you wanted to! We would have waited for you either way.”
  “You won, right?” Razor questioned. “Where is gnosis?” He sniffed her and focused his gaze on the diamond over her chest. “Sky smell is strong!”
  “Well, I sort of…absorbed it?” Cara shrugged a little helplessly. “I don’t know exactly what happened. When Venti-I mean, Barbatos-gave it to me, it reacted the moment I touched it.” She placed a hand over her chest, feeling her pulse and imagining the gnosis residing in her heart.
  “He gave it to you?” Kaeya repeated. “But didn’t you fight him for it?”
  “Yes, I did,” she answered. “But then I freed him from the Madness, and he recognized me, and…well, to explain it all in full detail would probably take too long. To put it simply, I expelled the Madness out of him, and after I did that, he gave me his gnosis.”
  Bennett looked thrilled. “That’s great! That means he’s on our side now, right? Having an Archon to fight alongside us is a huge advantage!”
  Cara lowered her head and looked sadly down at her boots. She pressed her fingers to her lips, hiding her guilty grimace from them. “It’s a temporary fix. The false Creator will infect him with the Madness again. It’s an inevitable consequence to being in a position that keeps him in her immediate line of supervision. I…I had to leave him behind. I wanted him to come with us so I could protect him. But for that to happen would be impossible right now.”
  They were silent. She could feel their gazes on her, but she held no more words to say at the moment. Then, Razor crouched before her and put a hand on her knee. “Wind god…is good god,” he said with hushed softness. “Wind god is very old, very smart. Telling you to leave him behind…smart choice.”
  A wet snuffle left her before she could bite it back. Ever emotional, she could feel her eyes welling up with tears. When she blinked, they rippled down her cheeks like raindrops on a window. “He told me that too. He said this was the only way for us to get out of Monstadt safely. The false Creator’s focus will be entirely on him. He’s giving us a chance to escape.”
  “If he is doing that,” Kaeya said, “then he truly is a kind, benevolent god.” He held both hands to his chest and whispered out a quiet prayer in a language that sounded distinctly German to her. “If he is buying us time, then we must use this opportunity to our full advantage. Did he tell you where we’re supposed to go?”
  “He said to head for the Stone Gate. He’s made sure we’ll get through without detection, but once we’re in Liyue, we’ll be on our own.” Though, that wasn’t entirely true. The wind would always be with her now, even if it wasn’t Venti himself looking out for her. Teyvat would never abandon her, or her allies.
  “Right. Then we should move quickly.” Kaeya looked up at the sky. “We’ll travel under the cover of the night. The quicker we get to Liyue, the better.”
   Or the worse. Cara let her head fall against her knees. Liyue was a totally new nation with completely new characters that she didn’t know what to expect from. Gone was the feeble reassurance that her knowledge of Genshin Impact brought her. She was unaware of how the Liyuen Vision holders would react to her. Which ones would recognize her supposed divinity, and which ones would try to kill her? She wasn’t even sure she wanted to find out.
  “Cara?” Razor said, looking a little worried. She lifted her head and saw her friends looking down at her, and remembered that this was not the time to sit beneath a tree and worry. Right now, she had to act.
  “I’m okay.” She stood up and breathed out. “I’m fine.” She smiled, then crossed her arms. “So, onward to Liyue?”
  Kaeya nodded. “Onward to Liyue.” He looked back towards Monstadt City. “Farewell, Monstadt,” he said a little forlornly. “We will return someday.”
  Cara walked over to Epona and brought out her backpack. She took out the Holy Lyre der Himmel and turned it over in her hands, studying the intricacy of it, feeling the Anemo energy breathing small sighs against her skin. She could not keep this. It wouldn’t be right. This lyre belonged to Monstadt, and thus she had to return it. Even if her little heist in the Church of Favonius had meant nothing, even if this instrument hadn’t performed the purpose she intended for it at the Thousand Winds Temple, it was still her duty to safekeep it by giving it back to Monstadt’s people. And it hadn’t all been in vain. After all, stealing it had definitely captured Venti’s attention.
  She opened the small storage pack attached to Epona’s saddle and slipped the lyre inside. “Go to Monstadt City,” she whispered to the horse. “Bring the lyre to Barbara.”
  Epona nickered. Cara hugged her neck. “Thank you for everything. Thank you for saving us.” Deep down, she understood that this horse was a gift from Teyvat. A creature that displayed such perception had to be.
  Epona turned and broke into an immediate canter, taking off in the direction of Monstadt City, shrinking until she was nothing more than a little dot, and then she was gone. Cara looked long after she was out of view, saying a silent goodbye to the city of wind and freedom. She thought of every single character who had stood against her here, as well as those who had helped her. Their faces popped into her mind’s eye one by one. Albedo. Venti. Uncle Elias. Fischl. Noelle. Jean. Rosaria. Diluc.
  Her scarred eye itched. She traced the damaged skin, the texture of it slightly rough. She thought she could feel a faint emanation of heat against her fingertips. She shivered and quickly dropped her hand.
  Kaeya walked over to her and sighed. “She’s a good steed,” he said, then, after a moment of silence, added, “And they are good people. Whether or not they are infected with the Madness, Monstadt is filled with people who truly care for the goodwill of Teyvat.” He looked at her and smiled. “We’ll save them.”
  She smiled back. “Yeah. Yeah, we will.” I swear on my life, we will. I will. This wasn’t just about her getting home anymore. There was real suffering happening here that only she could stop, and she couldn’t continue on this quest for the seven gnoses to simply escape to her own world. People here were counting on her to save them. She didn’t truly believe she was capable of completing such a task…but at this point, leaving was no longer a choice. She had to stay. She had to fight. She had to win.
  “Do you guys really want to come with me?” she asked, looking at her friends. They were watching her, their expressions expectant and open to her words. “Because if you do, there’s no coming back. You’ll be recognized as traitors to Monstadt. You’ll be leaving your homeland.”
  “I think we were recognized as traitors a long time ago,” Kaeya said with a rueful smile.
  “And we leave Monstadt all the time!” Bennett added. “We’ve gone with you on so many adventures across Teyvat when we’re acting as you’re Vessels. Spending time away from Monstadt is nothing new for us.”
  “Yes, but this is different,” Cara said. “This won’t be for a few days or weeks. It will be months. Maybe even years. I don’t know when I’m coming back here. I don’t know if I can come back here. Not until I destroy the Madness for good.”
  “We’re okay with that,” Bennett said quietly. “We actually discussed this while you were fighting Barbatos.” He nodded to Razor and Kaeya. “We know coming with you will mean we won’t see our homes for a long time. It’s a big sacrifice for us to make.”
  “But for you, we are willing to make such a sacrifice,” Kaeya joined in. “Monstadt is home, but so are you. To leave you on your own, with the seven nations against you, would be far too cruel.”
  “We protect you,” Razor said. “Keep you safe. Fight with you. Understand?”
  “But…” Cara still couldn’t comprehend that this was something they would willingly do. “You're leaving everyone and everything behind! Kaeya, you’ll be giving up your position as cavalry captain! Razor and Bennett, your entire worlds are here in Monstadt! How can you possibly decide that abandoning all of that for me is the best idea?”
  The three of them looked at each other. It was Razor who stepped forward and held out his hand. She understood what he wanted, and took his hand without a second thought. The moment they touched, his hand lit up bright purple, the same way Kaeya’s hand had illuminated back in Albedo’s camp. She watched the deep violet pulse softly with a look of wonder.
  “See purple glow?” Razor asked. “Purple glow not just for anyone. Purple glow is for you and me.”
  “And me,” Bennett added.
  “And me,” Kaeya agreed.
  “Purple glow means connection. Not just physical. Here also.” Razor put his other hand over his heart. “You, me…Bennett, Kaeya…we are lupical. We meant to be together.” His face scrunched up slightly. Obviously, it was taking a lot for him to put his feelings into words. “We feel it. We know it. You know it too.”
  “Lupus. Rota. Ocellus. Three of the Nine have been found.”
  The wind whispered into her ear, its voice quiet. For the first time, Cara thought about how ancient the element of Anemo must be, to be present throughout every single period of Teyvat’s history. It knew things no one else, not even Venti, could know. She should trust it’s word.
  But still her guilt over pulling Kaeya, Bennett, and Razor away from their families and homes weighed her heart down.
  “No guilt,” Razor said. He squeezed her hand gently. “Please. No reason for guilt. We…want this.”
  Kaeya suddenly unsheathed his sword. He bent down on one knee and drove the weapon into the ground. Like a faithful knight swearing his allegiance to his queen, he spoke. “Your Grace, I humbly request your acceptance of this request. Would you, the Almother, allow me to accompany you through the nations of Teyvat, to remain by your side as your guardian, your protector, and your friend?”
  Bennett mimicked Kaeya, and Razor let her go and stepped back to do the same. Cara felt multiple emotions: shock, embarrassment, and utter bafflement that they were kneeling to her and really wanted to give up their lives in Monstadt to travel with her. “Guys…”
  “Please, Cara.” Bennett looked up at her with begging eyes. “Let us come with you.”
  “We don’t want to leave you.”
  “Want to stay with you. No lies.”
  Cara felt herself crumble. She let her shoulders drop, a signal of acceptance. “I guess…if you guys are really set on it…you can come with me.”
  It was like she had just told them she was throwing a wild celebration. Bennet and Razor cheered, throwing their hands up towards the sky and jumping up and down. Kaeya gave her a look of utter relief. “You won’t regret this,” he told her. “I promise you won’t.”
  “I know. I just feel incredibly guilty.”
  “Don’t. There is nothing to feel guilty for. We want this. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be here.”
  “Well then, it’s time to head off! Benny’s Adventure Team, assemble!” Bennett sheathed his sword and started to run off, then promptly tripped over a rock and fell flat on his face. Razor cried out and rushed to his side, helping him up. Bennett simply laughed and rubbed the back of his head, his cheeks red as he repeated “I’m fine, I’m fine!” while Razor worried over him. Kaeya chuckled and shook his head, then walked over to the two boys to offer assistance. Cara watched them, a soft smile on her face, her heart no longer heavy. She looked at the rolling hills, the high trees, with the tallest oak of them all towering in the distance and a grand backdrop of Dragonspine rising up to touch the darkening sky. The Statue of the Seven beneath that oak was but a faint glow, and when she focused on its radiance, she felt the soft breeze of the wind and what sounded like a bard’s faint laughter. She thought she could hear the tune of a lyre, and it filled her with reassurance.
  “Goodbye Monstadt,” she whispered, quietly enough for only the wind to hear. She turned and followed after her friends, the scent of cecilias and apples lingering in the air, while the church bells chimed and the windmills gently twirled.
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  With the temple behind them, they traveled into well-trodden territory, taking the dirt path down towards Windrise. With the wind guiding Cara, they slipped seamlessly through the night. They didn’t speak, only followed each other in complete silence. As they made their way through the wilds, they stuck to the cover of the darkness and the trees, avoiding anyone who might be traveling the main roads. Being that it was quite late, the strangers they saw weren’t many. But when they carefully sneaked past Monstadt City’s main bridge, there were constant patrols of knights to hide from. Their torches illuminated a violent orange glow, crackling and hissing with contempt. Some of the knights on horseback, the large animals snorting and stomping furiously with cracking hooves. Hound dogs snarled and barked at the sides of those on foot, straining against their leads, paws flailing at the air, tails erect as they begged their masters for freedom to hunt and maim their prey: her. The angry murmurs heard from the knight’s lips made Cara’s heart seize with anxiety. Razor mainly led the way through this obstacle, using his superior senses to choose the best paths to avoid the hunting parties. And the wind held true to Venti’s word; it blew away their scents, protecting them from the noses of the hounds. Soon, the light of the torches grew distant, and the knights were behind them. Cara breathed out a sigh of relief and pressed on.
  They passed by Cider Lake, silently going by Springvale. The lamp posts set up along this road helped light their path. There were some booths and vendors set up along the way. However, they were dark and empty, and no human contact leaped upon them as they pressed on.
  When they made it to the canyon, with its rough terrain and slight clouds of dust being kicked up by the hollow breeze, things got slightly unnerving. It was quiet here. The abandoned vendor booths and the occasional ruined cart added to the creepiness of this place. Four hilichurls camping out at one of these booths were asleep, their snores loud and deep-except for one. It was awake, keeping watch, observing them as they passed by. Cara eyed the club and wooden shield at its side, silently wondering if it was going to attack. A couple of hilichurls would be no issue dispatching, and it wasn’t like there were any people around to have their presence be alerted anyway. But that didn’t mean she wanted to fight. She just wanted to make it to the Stone Gate as quickly as possible.
  But the monster didn’t wake its slumbering brethren, and it didn’t attempt to attack them on its own. The hilichurl simply stared, its head turning to follow them as they walked by. Cara could feel its gaze burning into her back from behind its mask.
  They left the canyon and neared the Dawn Winery. Here, Cara grew nervous. Her injured eye ached and she found herself subconsciously itching at the part of her scar that partially ran down her cheek. Flames licked at her skin and Diluc’s angry screams echoed in her ears. She winced, even though there was no pain. She could not look at the winery anymore. Her pace quickened automatically.
  Bennett and Razor were ahead, and thus didn’t notice. But Kaeya was beside her, and he grabbed her hand. She looked at him inquisitively; he maneuvered himself to walk on her left, blocking the winery out of her peripheral vision. His hand was cold, chasing away the heat. She squeezed it once, silently giving thanks.
  They took a shortcut down a gradual slope shielded by some rocks to avoid walking too close to the winery. Then, back on the dirt road, they passed by a lake that, as far as Cara could remember, didn’t have an official name. Bennett took care of a pack of Cryo slimes mingling by the shore, and after that, they continued on the path hugging the body of water. Then, there they were. The scenery changed dramatically when they entered the Stone Gate. Gone were Monstadt’s hills and tall oak forests. Replacing them were imposing stone cliffs with grass and scarce vegetation growing on their slopes. Sandbearer trees grew along the sides, their trunks narrow and elegant, with autumn-colored leaves. A Millelith watchtower could be seen in the distance, one of the only sources of light besides the lamp posts in the dark of the night. The wind continued to lightly blow. “We will always be with you,” it breathed. “May the Anemo Archon bless your luck here. Until we speak again.” Then, its voice quietly faded away.
  There was a pulse of power that rose up from the ground. Cara trembled when she felt it, but not in a terrified manner. A small shock jittered up her body, starting at the soles of her feet and traveling all the way up to her head. That’s when she sensed it. A voice, disembodied and completely confined within her own mind, one she could feel. “Welcome, Primordial Creator,” the element of Geo rumbled deeply. “Welcome to the Nation of Contracts. Welcome to Liyue.”
  Her companion’s moods grew significantly lighter, now that they were out of Monstadt. Bennett and Razor started to whisper to each other, and those whispers grew into cheerful small talk. “Hey,” Bennett said, looking back at Cara and Kaeya. “Now that we’re a team, don’t you think we should give ourselves a cool team name?”
  “Team name?” Cara questioned.
  “Is that truly necessary?” Kaeya asked.
  “Why not?” Bennett grinned. “Adventure teams always have names!”
  “I wouldn’t say we’re an adventure team,” Cara said. “I think ‘internationally wanted criminals’ fits the bill a bit more.”
  “Oh, come on , don’t say that! No one in Liyue knows we’re here! We can relax for a little while!”
  “Yet,” Kaeya corrected. “No one in Liyue knows we’re here yet.”
  “You guys need to look at things a bit more positively. Listen, Razor and I came up with an awesome adventure team name!” Bennett lightly elbowed Razor. “Go on, tell them.”
  Razor lifted his chin and puffed out his chest while smiling importantly. “We call ourselves,” he said with added dramatism, “Team Save Teyvat.”
  Cara burst out laughing.
  “What?” Bennett threw up his hands. “What’s wrong with it?”
  “Team Save Teyvat? Seriously? ” Kaeya replied. “That’s the best you two could do?”
  “It’s a great name!” Bennett defended. “It fits us perfectly! We’re saving Teyvat, and we’re a team! Team Save Teyvat!”
  “Very simple, easy to remember,” Razor agreed. “I like it.”
  Cara, attempting to speak, failed terribly due to the fact that she was dying of laughter, and all that came out was a garbled mess of incomprehensible noise.
  “Look, you broke her.” Kaeya gestured to her. “You have literally broken Her Grace. Teyvat is doomed.”
  “Team Doom Teyvat!” Razor blurted out, followed by a series of delighted giggles.
  Bennett sighed and shook his head, but he was smiling. “You guys are being extremely difficult about this.”
  Cara recovered from her humorous affliction and let out a breath. “Okay. Okay. Let’s have a vote. Kaeya, you come up with a team name right now.”
  “Me?” Kaeya gave her an incredulous look. “Why?”
  “We need a competitor for Bennett and Razor’s ‘Team Save Teyvat,’ duh.”
  His brow furrowed. “I’m not the most creative when it comes to team names, but if you insist. Um…how about…Team Genshin?”
  Cara groaned and covered her face. “Nonono, please not that, that’s so generic.”
  “How is that generic? The word Genshin probably hasn’t been spoken this much in 1,000 years!”
  “Yeah, here it's not generic, but where I’m from it is. Come up with something better.”
  “How much better do you want me to do?”
  “Better than Team Genshin!”
  “This is funny to watch,” Bennett whispered to Razor.
  The wolf boy was smiling. “Kaeya and Cara are bonding. Good for lupical.”
  “Okay.” Kaeya dragged a hand over his face. “Alright. How about this? Team Urschöpfer.”
  “What does that mean?” Cara asked. “Is it German?”
  “German? I don’t quite know what that means. Is it a word commonly used in your celestial realm?” Kaeya asked.
  “Uh.” Shit, I forgot. Of course German wouldn’t be called German in Teyvat. This wasn’t Earth. “S-Sorta. It’s the name for a language for a country in my world.”
  “Ah. I see. Well, in the Monstadtian tongue, Urschöpfer means Primordial. Since you are the Primordial One, and being that Monstadt is the home of your rebirth, I believe Team Urschöpfer might be a fitting name for us.”
  Razor made a face. “Word…hard to say. Don’t speak Monstadtian well. Teacher never taught me.”
  “I can help you learn Monstadtian!” Bennett offered. “And I can help Cara learn it too! And then we could all speak Monstadtian to each other, and use it as a sort of secret language to exchange information!”
  “But what if there’s someone around who also speaks Monstadtian?” Cara asked.
  “Well…then…” Bennett paused. “Hm. That’s a problem.”
  All discussion about a team name forgotten, the four of them continued through the Stone Gate, speaking about Monstadtian dialect and how Bennett might teach them such a difficult language in a matter of 24 hours. Cara was too immersed in their conversation to care about any Millelith guards who might possibly be listening. It was only when Kaeya suddenly held out an arm and forced her to halt did she begin to observe their surroundings once again.
  “What’s wrong?” Cara asked him. “Why’d we stop?”
  Bennett and Razor fell silent, looking at Kaeya with mutual confusion. He pointed ahead, towards a group of people gathered at the end of the wooden bridge they were crossing over. Cara recognized the yellow overcoats with the gray and black armor. Millelith soldiers. Fifteen of them, all of them holding spears. She tensed, immediately summoning her mask and going to put it over her head.
  But then she saw who the soldiers were speaking to. A young woman with icy blue hair and dark red horns. A Cryo Vision resting on her hip.
  Cara sucked in a sharp breath. “Ganyu,” she whispered.
  “You know her?” Kaeya quietly asked her. She noticed he had drawn his sword.
  The half-Adeptus, though relatively far away, seemed to shiver. As if sensing Cara’s presence, she slowly turned to look in their direction. Cara went numb; she quickly shoved her mask over her face. But it was too late. They made eye contact.
  Ganyu’s eyes were a bright scarlet red.
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zal-g0 · 2 months ago
Gave Aureate a ref sheet, since he's the only one I don't mind having public lore abt (^_^)
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artwitherica · 1 year ago
Not me drawing more fanart for fanfictions in a McDonald’s 👀
Anyway I just spent three days of my free time bingeing these Gilded Feathers AU fics by Saturnidaes on AO3 oops
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