mythlived · 4 years
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❛   @aulisdeer​​​​​​​ asked: Iphi is on her fifth mocha of the day now. With one slightly vibrating hand, she passes Patty another sticky note: "another mocha please." She dares him to say anything - it's her birthday, and she is seventeen, young and sweet, the dancing queen,  !  
     (  ♛  )  —  The grimace comes easily to his features as the shaking sticky note finds its way to him. Glancing at her, he can’t help but hope the two of them aren’t going to become the reason cafés can’t serve more than x amount of coffees to one person in a day. Even with the small, nagging worry in the back of his mind, he’d told her he’d make her as many mochas as she wanted for her birthday and he didn’t intend to go back on his word.  ❝  Give me a couple of minutes, I’ll have it ready.  ❞  If nothing else, he’s glad Iphi likes the mocha enough to want more than one. Even so, the fear of being the unwitting herald of her death is ever present as he puts together her sixth mocha of the day. He can’t remember how he was talked into this, but as long as she was alive and well, it would probably be fine. 
Pressing the lid onto the cup, he walks to the little table where she’s taken up residence for the last little bit and puts it down in front of her, smiling. ❝  Here you go. Happy birthday, Iphi  !  ❞  He had wished her a happy birthday with every mocha she ordered and would keep it up until she was finished ordering them. He might as well, he figured. That’s what they were for, after all. 
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❝  Please consume caffeine responsibly.  ❞  That was it. That was the only thing he was going to say about it. Otherwise, she could dance on, so to speak. 
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duskfloret · 6 years
Literally No One Asked, but it's New Year's Eve... and all is suspiciously quiet. Iphi's been holed up in her room, but there's no way she's not going to miss an opportunity to be Dramatic. Five minutes before the Times Square ball drop, she flounces into the living room and insists it be shown.... and at precisely midnight, glitter rains from the air. All over the apartment. Theon's apartment. Don't worry, she'll clean it up. Mostly.
「 @aulisdeer / ♡ 」
Pyrrha, for one, had no doubt that Iphi was planning something spectacular; instead of worrying about the younger’s disappearance for most of the day, she simply looked forward to the show as she put up some decorations and prepared midnight snacks and sparkling cider, whereas Theon sat on the couch, absentmindedly reading a book as he spoke with his mother on the phone.
And five minutes to midnight, when Iphi graced them with her presence, it became a real party.
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“Happy New Year!” Pyrrha threw her arms around Iphi and spun them both around as it rained glitter, delighted at the display. Theon mimicked the sentiment, albeit in a more exasperated tone. Nonetheless!
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therapcn · 6 years
"I gotta go home 'cause I forgot to... vacuum my room."( aulisdeer)
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     ⊰ | ♛ | ⊱ —  Pat didn’t mean to make the face that he did, truly, but he couldn’t say he was expecting that. Not because he thought Iphi didn’t clean her room. Rather he’d never heard her say she had to leave because she’d forgotten to. Not to mention she sounded… hesitant. Or– no– not quite hesitant. It was the little pause just before she came off with the household chore that had caught his attention, like she was scrabbling for an excuse that might sound believable. Then again, maybe Pat was just being ridiculous. She was a teenage girl that was under zero obligation to tell he or any of the others what she was actually doing. But then, the way she had said it also didn’t sit right with him. Maybe he was taking the “parent” role a little too seriously given he wasn’t that much older than Celia or Iphi and most certainly not an actual parent. And yet, he’d managed to make himself overtly paranoid over both of their well being.  ❝  You forgot to vacuum your room  ?  ❞  
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dawnscene-blog · 6 years
[SMS to Asher @ 9:39 AM] Do you want chocolate or red velvet? (aulisdeer)
「 @rcmcdium & @aulisdeer / ★ 」
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[text to: iphi] hm, tough choice.[text to: iphi] is there a third option? vanilla or something?[text to: iphi] not a huge fan of chocolate, to be honest.[text to: iphi] but if you want chocolate or red velvet, you should make those.
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mendbroke-blog · 6 years
[SMS to Gino @ 9:36 PM] Next time, maybe not be so reckless, huh? [SMS to Gino @ 9:37 PM] Do you need/want anything? I'm out now so I can drop by with Hello Kitty band-aids or something!! :) (from Iphi)
「 @rcmcdium & @aulisdeer / ♞ 」
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[text to: Glittery Kid] I’m an adult.[text to: Glittery Kid] Alice’s balloon got stuck in a tree. Was I not supposed to get it for her?[text to: Glittery Kid] If you wanna. Alice’ll help put ‘em on.
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desiderium-eden-a · 5 years
"Hey, would you help me out? I'm very gay, and I'd like a few dollars." - Iphigenia @ Chris
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“That’s an odd way of asking for your allowance, but more power to you, I guess? $40 good for you?”
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occultmisfortune · 6 years
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full name:  Yeong-gi Park. nickname: Gigi. age: 19. birthday: October 13. nationality: South Korean. place of birth: South Korea. current location: Freedom Land™. pronouns: He/Him/His. s-orientation: Homoromantic. r-orientation: Homosexual. occupation: International Student. Magic Store Clerk. religion: Catholic (non-practicing). languages: English, Korean, Latin, Italian.
eye color: Green. hair color: Dark brown. height: 6′0″. body build: Slender, Fit but not quite athletic. notable features: His plethora of ear piercings.
fears: Sawyer finding out about the far more dangerous magic he knows or her getting hurt with the mostly-harmless things he’s already taught her.
general impression: He holds himself at a bit of a distance when it comes to strangers, but when he finds himself easing into conversation, he’s soft-spoken, intelligent, even friendly. He’s very deliberate with words, he knows what kind of power they hold. With his cousins, he’s a little more open and even a little louder, more boisterous. 
moral alignment: Chaotic good.
likes: Writing, Charming things, Working in the store, Potion Making, Studying Abroad, Traveling, Fruit, the Italian Countryside.
dislikes: Total Silence, Hexes, Irritating other people, Overbearing situations.
tagged by: @duskfloret. (thank you bunches, Kool Whip!! <3) tagging: @rcmcdium / @aulisdeer / @pixxelhearted , @hiracith , and anyone else!!
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mythlived · 4 years
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❛  @aulisdeer​​​ asked: "You'll eat your choices." (Iphi) !  
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    (  ♛  )  —  He freezes at Iphi’s words, knowing good and well that they’re meant to be a joke. Really, he doesn’t take it any other way, but perhaps it’s the lack of sleep or the fact that he’s read this paragraph of his notes no less that four times and doesn’t understand it any more than he did the first time that lances ice down his spine. Closing his notebook very slowly and putting it down on the table, he’ll glances up at her and, voice leaden with abject horror, whispers,  ❝  Gods I hope not. ❞
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therapcn · 6 years
"Why should I play this game of pretend?" (Aulisdeer)
❛  Dear Evan Hansen !!
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     ⊰ | ♛ | ⊱ —  Pat glanced at Iphigenia from the corner of his eye. He wasn’t entirely sure what had been said to bring that up. Not that he minded, either way. It was a fair question, one that Pat mulled over for a moment before answering. He didn’t want to upset her with anything that he said, but then he wasn’t sure what kind of answer she was looking for, if she was looking for a specific one at all. He sighed lightly before shrugging a shoulder.  ❝  Maybe you shouldn’t.  ❞ With that, he turned his full attention on her.  ❝  Games of pretend usually end badly for the ones playing them, so to speak.  ❞  That, at least, is something he knows from experience. 
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dawnscene-blog · 6 years
@rcmcdium replied to your post “[SMS to Asher @ 9:39 A Do you want chocolate or red velvet?...”
[SMS to Asher] I can do vanilla... if you insist (^ω^)(aulisdeer)
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[text to: iphi] only if you want to, though! [text to: iphi] and thank you in advance!
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desiderium-eden-a · 5 years
"EAT YOUR WATER AND DRINK YOUR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES" - Iphigenia at 2 AM, running on sleep deprivation and willpower (aulisdeer)
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Chris . . . is just going to wrap her in a blanket and push her towards her room. Get Mia to help get her ready for bed.
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mythlived · 4 years
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❛  @aulisdeer​ asked: "I hope you'll excuse my cheap wit, but the hour is late and it's all I have left." !  
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   (  ♕  )  —    ❝  Funny  !  ❞  He says, voice saccharine in quality as he takes in Iphi’s words. And really, she should have known better than to say such a thing to him. Of course, his opinion most likely doesn’t matter to her, but so be it. Tone ticking upward at the same time his smile turns just this side of vicious, he finishes his thought, ❝  Whether the hour is late or not, your cheap wit is all you ever really had in the first place  !  ❞
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mythlived · 4 years
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❛  @aulisdeer​ asked: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise... But it also makes him lame af." - Iphi @ Pat or Paris !  
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    (  ♛  )  —  The laugh Patroclus lets out is probably little more than a scoff in the ears of others, but it’s certainly meant to be a laugh. He’s not entirely sure if Iphi means to insult him with that statement, but it seems like it could be taken that way, no matter what the truth of it is. He’s either unwise or lame. Not that he thinks she means anything bad by it. He does, however, find it funny.  ❝  You’ll be glad to hear that I am, in fact, none of those things.  ❞  He wasn’t lame, but at what cost  ?
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mythlived · 4 years
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❛  @aulisdeer​​ asked: "If being hot was a crime, you'd be a law abiding citizen." (Iphi to Emery) !  
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     (  ♚  )  ━  Em’s having a hard time deciding if Iphi had chosen the moment he’d finally started working on the outline for his most pressing deadline on purpose or not. Up to that point, everyone had been rather loud and boisterous—the usual—so Emery had taken advantage of the very second things had started to settle into more of a lull with everyone breaking into smaller conversations among themselves. Looking up at her it isn’t hard to notice the silence that had followed her comment. The club was well aware of Em’s... vanity. He could hear someone laughing, quiet as it was, and attributed that to Kyler. Slowly, Em grinned back at her, lips curling into something one would most certainly describe as shit-eating.  ❝  I’d say we’re in the same boat, but at least I have a record, my tiny protégé.   ❞  He returned his attention back to his work, grin ever-present as he thought over his next words carefully.  ❝  Talk to me when you can say you have better hair, you little shit.  ❞  
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mythlived · 4 years
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❛   @aulisdeer​​​​​​​​ asked: "Happy birthday to the better roommate!" -Iphi, pretending it's the 18th. Accompanying the words is a package; inside are a few Polaroid frames.  !  
April 18th. 
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      (  ☄  )  —  ❝  Aww, Iphi, thank you  !  ❞  She takes the package gently, opening it to reveal the frames Iphi had gotten for her. Smile brightening her features, she places the package on the table and goes to retrieve one of her cameras. When she returns, she holds it up in front of the girl.  ❝  How about we take a photo to put in one of those frames, hm  ?  ❞  She can quote Iphi on the bottom of it and display it so everyone would know that she is, in fact, the better roommate  !
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mythlived · 5 years
‘ i am fucking divine. ’ (Iphi @ everyone)
❛  I Don’t Actually Remember What’s From a Meme and What’s Not Anymore !
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      (  ♛  )  —   ❝  I never said you weren’t.  ❞
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     (  ☄  )  —   ❝  Hell yeah you are  !  ❞
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     (  ❀  )  —   ❝  Keep that confidence, Iphi. It fits you  !  ❞
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     (  ♤  )  —   ❝  You sure as fuck are and you better tell everybody  !  ❞
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     (  ♫  )  —   ❝  Eva, please.  ❞
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     (  ❧  )  —   ❝  A whole goddess.  ❞
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     (  ♞  )  —   ❝  No arguments here.  ❞
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     (  ♕  )  —   ❝  More divine than Aphrodite, anyway.  ❞
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     (  ➹  )  —   ❝  Oh. Good for you, Iphi.  ❞
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    (  ♬  )  —   ❝  As you should be  !  ❞
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   (  ♚  )  —   ❝  Wow. What a coincidence. So am I.  ❞
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   (  ☼  )  —   ❝  Please smite Emery.  ❞
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