#augh my arm hurts..
skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
yyh textposts pt 6 WE ARE SO BACK ft another minor character special (pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9)
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listen. i do not ever want anything bad to happen to lena kelley. however i do want her to, at some point, be in so much distress that someone has to comfort her. do you understand.
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leaf-green-spring · 27 days
I hate how I can just be sitting around and suddenly my thoughts go "you're getting fat, you shouldn't eat" or "your scars are puny, you should need to get stitches" like hello?? Who are you??
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absolutelyzoned · 3 months
i thunk im gonna die out here
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strawberryaeris · 4 months
I seriously need to go easier on my arms oh my god
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coderiderr · 5 months
Tried doing a cartwheel for the first time in over a year without stretching and immediately ate shit for it
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cantankerouscatfish · 5 months
you would think I would stop seeing this skin speck on the back of my hand as a piece of dirt after however many years it's been there, but you'd be WRONG
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seagullcharmer · 7 months
soooo sleepy. haven't gotten anything done. desperately missing wheat products. i feel icky and gross and sleepy and my hip still hurts. hate it here
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balladetto · 10 months
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directly referring to this / @gloryseized
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     There's a part of Kane that's been preparing for this, he thinks.
     Because without it, he's not sure he'd be entirely upright. Entirely conscious. He's not sure he'd be here: heart thudding a dull rhythm in his ears, hand outstretched and grasping at nothing, forehead tingling from the last touch it knows and will know from his brother. He blinks — blinks again, and keeps blinking like something is wrong with his vision, like if he just opens and shuts his eyes enough times, Shion will be there again. Shion will be there, sword poised high, and Kane will have the time and wherewithal to stop him from severing the one thing tying them together.
     Kane only has time now.
     He will only ever have time now.
     His chest collapses in on itself, bones shattering and piercing through flesh with all the force of a terrible, terrible grief. He chokes on the blood that bubbles up, chokes on the petrified tears that've turned his voice into screaming silence — and isn't that funny? That they are petrified. That they aren't sobs that hollow him out, that scrape out all the insides of his veins to fill them with a poison seeping to the core, but rather sobs that are still holding out for something.
     I will be safe, Shion had said. Had sworn, as if that promise hasn't been broken a hundred times over since they woke up to a fairy who belonged to no one. Kane drops to his knees, a hand pushed against his lips and the awful sounds coming from them, because there's a thread in all that he is — pained and undone — that's blisteringly furious. It tunnels into: what about him? Demands: what about me?
     But it's never been about him. It's never been about him. There is no room for it to be about him when his brother is the Hero of Time, when his brother's the one who saved everyone, when his brother's the one who had to sacrifice everything. Kane remembers clasping him in his arms, a quivering hero that needed to not be a hero for a breath's respite — and Kane remembers his tunic ripping out from his grasp, a hero that no longer knows how to be anything else.
     He almost expects the world to rupture. To really end. Shion has been the linchpin to it for his whole life that it feels — now that he's gone and faded into a column of light, more than merely absent — an inevitable outcome. Kane cannot hold his breath against the gasps rippling through his body, but he looks at the fucking Master Sword and dares it to suddenly fall to pieces like smashed glass.
     The sword does not break. The world does not rupture. Because the world has never only just been Shion; Shion's only just been Kane's world.
     His fingers touch the Master Sword's hilt for the first time. Nobody but Shion has been allowed this cursed honour. They wrap around it tight, desperate, pleading as he braces his weight against the plinth and tries to stand. He can't. He can't. He can barely lift his head because he's ten again, his world upended as the Door of Time slid shut behind him — he's ten again, small hands still soft from unpracticed combat pounding on the stone with a reckless ferocity, begging for his brother back. Begging, and begging, and begging.
     The dead must find solace in the noise torn from the remains of his throat, because there are several answering ghastly wails. Or that's just the Temple of Time's marble walls, reflecting his anguish back at him: that's just him, echoing so intensely he half-hopes it'll reverberate across timelines to reach his brother.
     There is a Kane out there who will have his wish granted. There is a Kane out there he should be deliriously happy for.
     There is a Kane out there he loathes with the kind of teeth-sinking resentment he wants the ground to swallow him whole for.
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fischiee · 10 months
y’all I am drunk as fuck but i am fed the fuck up. i am like hopelessly into this guy in our friend group bc he is so kind and wonderful and attractive and unfortunately he has decided that i am the one person to trust abt his love life and so i must apparently sit through him explaining his struggles with another girl while i am SUFFERING
like he is just so sweet and kind and YES it is a crush and yes i am putting him on a pedestal but he is nothing but kind and sweet to me and it definitely seems like he is flirting with me sometimes but i definitely cannot tell and he does talk abt this girl that he is very into OFTEN (she is for sure not me) and it’s driving me crazy i am so heart broken
#ignore this#ignore me#anyway yeah im fucking wasted so sorry pals you get me being emo abt a boy who simply doesn’t care about me#and who i am telling all my friends that i don’t care about#but he sits next to me!!!#and draws doodles on my papers!!!!!#and smiles and looks at me and tilts his body towards me and like ajdbfb#all night he let me loop my arm in him and helped guide me but then he literally told me abt the girl he’s in love with#and he was giving me a ride and being. so kind so I gave him advice about how to like date/get w/ her but it simply hurt my heart so bad#im literally bawling my eyes out AUGH#sorry team this is what happens when you follow a theatre manor who has t even graduated#you get someone so horrendously dramatic and emo#AUGH#i can’t even make up my mind abt him but i do know i want him so bad#we were enemies now we just need to get to the lovers part#it’s just so sad that he had decided that he can tell no one else abt his love life and his secret crush except for me#bc like.. girl i want you to fail (just kidding he’s so wonderful and i want him to be happy)#but it does definitely hurt but also bring me such joy for him to be like “oh i only trust /you/ with this. im attracted to someone else.#he literally let me loop his arm in him and let me touch him all night#but the second he was drawing home he asked abt a situation which her and her inviting friends to a hang out with him#and it just brown my hearT#i just#agony#sorry team im feeling emo
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
debating making a comic using the ending of Hansel by Sodikken. i just have the deep desire to make one. might tag y'all when i'm done
- 💙🐏
do it if you want to!!!!
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
Having a high pain tolerance is so weird. My arm doesn't hurt so much as feel uncomfortablely Wrong and I don't know how to explain that
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when you're going to the market. and you think oh i dont need to bring my silly old people groceries cart i only need to buy a couple things anyway! do NOT listen thats the devil speaking
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picory · 2 years
the tables here are always so high i feel like a baby
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
GOD, but the slow dawning horror azure must’ve had as he realized he couldn’t escape his family, his legacy. he ran off with chrysi to study the problem and own three cats and be, ultimately, two normal ppl (or as normal as you can get when your girlfriend can still see and communicate with ghosts long past the age when her abilities should’ve faded, but… hey, he still got to meet the family and meet her four adoptive brothers and try to impress them! normal ppl things!!).
then thoughts that weren’t his own began to press into his head. he’d be watching chrysi make him tea and then he’d feel the urge to take her hand and press it into the hot stove until it gave her permanent scarring. and, god, he was so scared—of himself, and for chrysi—until he realized that they weren’t his thoughts, and then got even more scared.
nothing he did helped, after that. mordecai’s smart—he’d give azure ring scares like that, then lull him into a sense of security by allowing azure total calm for weeks. sometimes months at a time. but he’d always come back with a horrible thought or impulse or dream, to keep azure on edge. keep him sleepless. weaken his defenses so he could take control over him.
it was the end of azure lafaye as azure lafaye the night that he woke up with his hands around chrysi’s neck. they were hovering, really, but azure woke up and knew that if he’d been just a moment too late, he would’ve killed the only person that mattered to him. in fact, he knew that mordecai had woken him up on purpose. it was a warning—return to the fold, else he’ll kill chrysi by azure’s own hands.
so azure returns. he could never run away. he was trapped from the start. there was no escape. his father allowed all his rebellions, and he decided when they would stop. and now his father would take his place for him.
#memorie.txt#s.chryzure#p.ghosthood#tangentially. anyway this makes me scream into my pillow… the tragedy that is penelope fittes but projects that onto azure#and chrysi’s pov of her boyfriend becoming more and more reclusive and hollow#then disappearing without a word#only for her to read the newspapers and realize that azure’s still alive… he’s the new head of his father’s company.#he never contacted her. he’s alive. he’s well. HE NEVER CONTACTED HER.#and when she tries to contact him (begging crying pleading w her azure but she doesn’t realize that it’s NOT her azure) he ignores her#mordecai deliberately has to keep himself away frm chrysi because he knows that her presence would be enough for azure to break free#AUGH… and yet even under the control of mordecai azure finds ways to rebel—to send out an SOS#hiring george’s agency. sending an invite to a high end ball to chrysi. going to the parade knowing both george and chrysi will be there#he can do so very little but he makes it count!!#then chrysi figures out what’s going on first—mordecai manhandles her out and she cries out ‘azure you’re hurting me!’#and the way he drops her arm with such an anguished look on his face tells her everything#oh god. it’s not azure. he’s still there but it’s not azure. he’s trapped. she can’t do anything abt it-—not yet#and then after that mordecai keeps her as far away from him as possible#she’s battling her way back to azure but it’s taking too long! that’s her bunny! he’s in pain! PLEASE BRING HIM BACK TO HER#george’s agency ends up saving the day w chrysi but it took much too long for her liking#after that she and azure are impossible to pry away from each other for almost an entire month#they are never letting go of each other again!!!
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anothermonikan · 2 months
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how it's been lately :thumbsup:
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