#auggh i miss them
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leggerefiore · 1 year ago
Pls,,,pls for the love of God let reader kiss the twins big ol foreheads, I keep seeing fanart of them having short hair and big foreheads and it's,,,s,o cu,,,te,,,,auggh
they took anon out before they could finish saying their piece rip
cw: fluff,
characters: ingo, emmet,
The Subway Boss sat on the couch after a particularly exhausting day. He did not even think to slip off his coat or cap as he treaded in. His gloved hand came up to grasp the brim. He head throbbed a bit from a building headache. The cap now sat in his lap as he instead focused on loosening his tie. The tiredness felt like it could seep out into the world around him with how terrible it had become.
You watched your poor boyfriend nearby, having popping your head out of the bedroom when you heard the door open. Ingo looked pathetic. His head laid on the back of the couch as he closed his eyes and let his mind drift. You knew that he struggled with overworking himself. It seemed this evening was an example of what happened when he did. Slipping out of the bedroom, you crept over to him, careful not to disturb him.
His face was charming, even in this condition. The way his light hair cupped his face alongside the careful styling he attentively worked on. His ever-present frown in his lips, making him always look stern – the way his nose sat on his face in compliment to the rest of it. There was a certain beauty to him that felt inexplicable, except that he was beautiful. His forehead laid exposed, cap gone, and a lack of bangs present. You leaned down to press a soft kiss to it.
This startled Ingo out of his stupor as his silver eyes shot open to stare at you. A giggle left you as you pulled away from him. Pink dusted across his cheeks as he almost unconsciously rose a hand to pull down a brim that was not on his head. “Ah, hello, dearest,” he spoke quietly and gazed down at the floor in embarrassment, “I'm home, clearly. I missed you, too.”
You gave him another kiss in reply. A strange squeaking sound escaped him.
His exhaustion seemed to vanish with your affection, in the end.
The younger twin's focus was intense as he locked his hands with his Eelektross's own. They were long in a small spar. It was both a bonding activity and training for the two. Emmet preferred to keep himself in shape for tasks around the station, and this helped him prepare for anything that may arise with pokemon. Eelektross enjoyed getting to do some more weird wrestling with its trainer. It kept on until the Subway Boss found himself on the floor, panting.
You peeked out from the kitchen, curious as to what Emmet was doing. Upon seeing him on the floor, you could only sigh. You checked to make sure the cake you had put in the oven would be okay before heading out of the kitchen. Emmet had strange hobbies, you knew. Nothing off-putting or distressing – just odd. His horde of spiders that he dearly cared for or sometimes physically fighting with his pokemon. You knew they would not hurt him, but he always seemed to exhaust himself out quickly. His eyes were closed as he regained his breath.
You leaned over him and gazed down at the twin. He was a bit sweaty, and his face was flustered from the exertion. His fringes clung to his face and had become disorderly. Lips were parted to breathe in precious air as his eyes were squeezed shut. Even thoroughly worn-out. You held back a laugh as you spotted his exposed forehead. Leaning down, you pecked a quick kiss to it.
Emmet's eyes opened in an instant. Before you could lean back up, he caught you and pulled you down for a kiss of his own. His lips met your cheek as he chuckled. He then pecked a few more before freeing you. You stood up straight, a bit dazed from the sudden affection. Emmet sat up in response and smiled at you. “Verrry cute,” he cooed, “Is the cake almost ready?” He then tilted his head.
You rolled your eyes in reply and told him there was still time. He pouted then.
Emmet then demanded more kisses to fill his urge for sugar.
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years ago
Y’all I’m fucking miserable because I was scrolling through my saves on tiktok, and I found this old *sniff* this old Citadel S-Secundus edit and-and-and I am really sad now and um *starts crying* now I-I really miss Secundus and I miss Secundus’s friends e-even though I’ve never *blows nose* never m-m-met them uh uh uh- AUGGH WHY WOULD RBA DO THIS TO ME!?
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psychosistr · 6 years ago
Interesting- Jotakak SerialKiller!AU Chapter 6
Summary: During the final days of his recovery, Kakyoin decides to surprise Jotaro by going to see him after school. What he sees while following the taller boy changes his life forever, but in the best ways possible.
Warning: Graphic depictions of death, blood, gore, and violence against background characters.
Edit: Here’s the uncensored version on AO3.
Jotaro calmed down a bit after Kakyoin’s first day in the hospital. Just like before, he still refused to leave Kakyoin’s side more than necessary, but he was also trying to make himself useful when he HAD to leave for things like school by bringing back Kakyoin’s homework (along with meals prepared by Holly) and helping him with it every evening.
Thankfully he didn’t have to stay cooped up as long this time and was released after only a week for home-recovery. While that part was refreshing, he still got bored easily with nothing to do all day. One afternoon, after he was pretty much finished healing and would be starting school again any day now, he decided to go meet up with Jotaro on his way home so the two of them could walk back together. The fresh air was a nice change of pace for Kakyoin and he missed walking home with his boyfriend like before.
Kakyoin arrived at the school a few minutes after the final bell. Students were already starting to file out of the building and go their separate ways. It felt a bit odd to be out of uniform around the school, having settled on his favorite emerald green tee-shirt and dark jeans today, but he decided to ignore it since it was more comfortable walking around like this, anyway.
Kakyoin stood across the street a few blocks to the right of the school, knowing this was the direction that he and Jotaro took to get home every day and figuring it would be a nice surprise for his boyfriend to see him waiting there. He eventually spotted the boy in question exiting the school, his Joestar-level height making him easy enough to pick out of a crowd of normal-sized Japanese high schoolers. Just as he was about to wave and call out Jotaro’s name, he was surprised to see the taller boy go the opposite direction.
“Huh?” Kakyoin blinked as he watched Jotaro go towards a road to the left of the school. “There’s nothing interesting that way..what are you up to, Jojo?” He mumbled quietly to himself before deciding to follow and see what was going on.
Kakyoin followed Jotaro for several blocks past the school, making sure to conceal his presence in the hopes that Jotaro wouldn’t notice. Jotaro seemed to be following a group of students that were going in the same direction, but they were too far away for Kakyoin to make out any details. After a while, the group began to slowly disperse as some of the students went off towards their homes and after-school destinations.
Jotaro ended up following one small section of the group for a few more blocks towards a convenience store. The group went inside and Jotaro followed. Still curious as to what was going on, Kakyoin waited outside and peeked in through one of the side windows. Inside of the building he quickly spotted Jotaro leaning against one of the drink cases with his hands in his pockets while side-eyeing the group he’d followed in.
Following his line of sight, Kakyoin gasped when he saw who exactly Jotaro was following: It was the group of boys from the stairwell, including the one that still sported the scar that Kakyoin himself had given him.
The boys didn’t seem aware of Jotaro’s presence at first, going around the store and grabbing their various snacks. They did, however, notice him when they finally reached the drinks and saw him staring right at them. They faltered for a moment, taken aback by Jotaro’s intimidating presence, but soon recovered. The boy with the scar approached him first with a scowl and the two engaged in a conversation that Kakyoin couldn’t hear.
Things between Jotaro and the group seemed tense for a little while, but it all escalated very quickly when Jotaro moved from his position against the case and reached inside. After grabbing out a can of cola, he gave it a quick shake…and then proceeded to point it towards the boy and his friends and crack it open, drenching them in the sticky beverage. Once the can was done spraying, Jotaro then tipped it over to spill the bit of remaining liquid on the scarred boy’s head and, to add insult to injury, placed the can on top of his hair.
Kakyoin was frozen in shock just as much as the boys inside were. He watched Jotaro go up to the front counter and place a few yen down, presumably for the soda, before turning back towards the still frozen pack of thugs with a smirk and saying something.
Whatever he said seemed to be the spark needed for them to move again, every single one of them looking murderous with fury as they ran towards Jotaro. Jotaro took off through the front doors and ran down the street, the boys following after him and swearing loudly.
“Get back here, fucker!”
“You’re fucking dead, bastard!”
“You’ll pay for that, gaijin!!”
Kakyoin gave chase after them as well, doing his best to keep up as Jotaro led them through the streets to less and less populated areas. He lost track of them for a couple of minutes, though, when they ran across a street right before the light changed.
“Damn it!” Kakyoin swore while hitting the cross-walk button urgently. He looked around for any gaps in the traffic or other areas to cross the street while noting the direction that Jotaro and the boys had run towards. As soon as the light changed, Kakyoin was sprinting across the street to catch up again. “Jojo, don’t you dare do anything stupid!” He grit out while going down the same alleyway the boy in question had not long ago.
What was Jotaro thinking?! Was he trying to get revenge for what happened to Kakyoin, despite telling him not to do anything himself? While the notion was sweet, he was terrified for Jotaro’s safety. Sure, Jotaro was a big guy with an above-average amount of muscle, but fighting six-to-one would be difficult for anyone! Kakyoin hoped that he could get there in time to offer some help and even the odds a little!
The end of the alleyway led him towards a decrepit old house with the door knocked off of its hinges. Unsure at first if this was the right place, his intuition was proven right when he heard a scream coming from within the house. It didn’t sound like Jotaro, but it at least confirmed that the fight had started.
Not wasting another second, Kakyoin entered the building and took his knife out of his pocket, making sure to flick it open in preparation for an attack. They didn’t have bats this time, so Kakyoin wasn’t worried about being knocked out again, but he was still cautious while walking through the creaky building. Each step filled him with tension and unease, not a fan at all of how easily the act of walking gave away his location.
Slowly rounding a corner, Kakyoin noticed something strange: A wire. To be more exact, it was a thin, almost invisible metallic wire that was set up a few feet above the ground to cut across the hallway. The only reasons that Kakyoin had noticed it were because he was going slow…and because there was blood dripping from the wire. Looking down, Kakyoin noticed a matching wire parallel to the other only a few inches above the ground that also had blood on it.
“Why would-?” Kakyoin’s questioning of such a thing was cut off by another scream from further down the hallway.
Following the sound, he heard more screams and cries the closer he got.
“No! Ren! Come on man, get up!”
“Aaaah! Oh god, please-!”
“No, please, I don’t wanna d-AUGGH!!”
Each scream was accompanied by a variety of sounds from the cracking of bones to the dripping of liquid.
Reaching the source of the noise, and passing more bloodied wire traps along the way, Kakyoin found himself at what looked like the stairway to a basement. Carefully walking down the steps, Kakyoin was greeted with the sight of an absolute massacre.
First, there was the body of one boy at the bottom of the stairs: His body was sliced up in various locations, with the worst and likely fatal cut being the large gash on his neck. His limbs and torso were tangled in the same steel wires that Kakyoin had seen throughout the house, the metal woven into a net at the base that not only caught him and likely killed him when he fell, but also served as a barrier to keep anyone from going back up the stairs without jumping or climbing due to the railing blocking the sides of the stair case.
Near the side of the stairs was the second body: This boy had a broken arm and several cuts along his limbs. His corpse still had one hand extended, as if he had been reaching for the stairs when he died. The cause of death was easy enough to see- his neck had been snapped and his head spun around a full 180 degrees so that it was staring up at the ceiling while the rest of his body was, what would have been, face down.
Kakyoin climbed down a little further so that he could actually see the rest of the basement. The floor and walls were all splattered with blood, a trail of which led to the third body: That one was in gruesome shape with every single one of its limbs broken at unnatural angles. To make matters worse, its head was just…gone. No other way to put it, really, its head was completely missing. It looked like it had been both cut and torn off, going by the smooth, clean lines on one side of the neck and the ripped flesh on the other.
In the middle of the room was another body. This one was lying face down with blood pooled under it and one arm twisted the wrong way, but other than that, Kakyoin couldn’t make out what other damage was done to it.
Eyes roving over the basement to further take in the carnage, Kakyoin spotted Jotaro on the other side of the room: He was missing his jacket and hat, standing in his white tank top, black pants and usual belts, and his uniform shoes. The normalcy of the sight was quickly put to an end thanks to the large splatters of blood across his body. Every inch from his head to his feet was covered in shiny red and he was currently getting more of it on himself.
Jotaro had one of the boys held up by his throat against the wall using one of his hands. In his other hand Kakyoin could see a blade- no, wait. Upon closer inspection it was actually TWO blades. When Jotaro pulled his fist back to slam it repeatedly into the captive boys guts, further covering himself in the glistening crimson liquid, Kakyoin could see that the base of these knives were actually the buckles from Jotaro’s belts- he had two fingers through each square and the push daggers on the end were expertly sharpened with serrated edges that caught and tore at the flesh every time he drove his strong fist forward.
The boy in Jotaro’s grasp was soon coughing up blood, choking on his own fluids until Jotaro changed the position of his fist and brought it down hard into the boy’s eyes. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!” The boy managed to scream out around the blood in his mouth. Jotaro then roughly dropped him to the ground after pulling the knives back out of his ruined eyes. He writhed and screamed upon the ground until Jotaro finally ended his suffering with a heavy stomp to the side of his head that resulted in a sickening crunching sound.
Jotaro turned his head to the side, looking towards the corner of the room opposite the staircase. “……”
There, cowering on the floor in the corner, was the boy with the scarred face. He was pale as a sheet with tears of pain, fear, or possibly both streaming down his face as he sobbed and whimpered in sheer terror. “No..no..please..stay away..! Don’t come any closer!” He tried dragging himself away with his arms and Kakyoin noticed how his legs were both facing the wrong way, clearly broken and of no use to him whatsoever. “NononononoNO! Oh god, please, I’m sorry!” He tried begging as Jotaro drew closer, walking at a slow, steady pace that only served to put the boy into an even worse panic. “I-I won’t go near either of you again! I’ll leave you alone! I’ll-I’ll change schools or leave the country or anything! Just..please..don’t kill me!!!”
Jotaro finally reached the boy and stepped on his already broken leg, both stopping him from moving further away and ringing a scream from his throat. After the screams died down into broken sobs and whimpers of pain, Jotaro finally spoke. “So..you don’t want me to kill you?” At a frantic nod from the boy, Jotaro gave a low hum like he was thinking something over. “Fine. I won’t kill you.”
The boy’s face lit up with anxious hope. “You-You won’t?!”
“Maybe.” Jotaro reached into his pocket. From deep within, he pulled out a small bottle of pills and threw them down near the boy’s hand. “You’re going to kill yourself.”
The boy stared at the bottle, the earlier look of hope now replaced with fear and confusion. “Wh..What…?”
“You heard me.” Jotaro said while gesturing to the bottle on the floor with the hand still holding his knives. “You’re going to kill yourself. Those are cyanide pills. Shove as many as you can fit into your mouth, bite them open, then swallow. If you do that, then you’ll get an easy death.” He held the knives up in warning. “Your other option is for me to cut you apart piece by piece until you bleed out.” He kneeled down and placed the pill bottle in the boys hand while keeping his knives held close to the boy’s throat. “Your choice. What’s it gonna be?”
The boy began to sob, shaking his head. “No..no, no, no..please..don’t..don’t make me do this..!” His voice cracked from the force of his crying.
“You’ve got five seconds to choose.” Jotaro said in warning while slowly moving the blades towards the boy’s other hand. “By my hand..or..by yours..?”
The boy cried desperately and continued begging until Jotaro began to press the knives into his flesh. “Th..The pills! The pills! I-I’ll ta-take the pills! Please!” He sobbed and brought the bottle up towards his mouth with a trembling hand. Jotaro allowed him to bring his other hand up so he could open the bottle. With one last desperate, pleading look at Jotaro that went unanswered, the boy brought the bottle to his mouth and began to pour the pills in. His hands shook so badly that many of the capsules ended up missing, but a fair amount still managed to land in his mouth. Once he had enough in his mouth, the boy began to chew and swallow the pills. After the first few crunches, though, his eyes suddenly widened. “Nh?!!” His mouth opened as a thick, white foam rapidly expanded and hardened in his screaming orifice. “Mhh! N-Mhhh?!!!” He dropped the bottle and attempted to pull it out, but it made him gag and wretch as the solid mass pressed against the back of his throat. He looked up at Jotaro, pleading for answers as to what was going on. “Nmhmh?! Mhhh?!!!”
Jotaro slowly removed the buckles from his fingers and wiped the blood off on his pants as he spoke. “I kept my word: Those pills have cyanide in them, it’s just a low amount. It won’t be quick or pleasant like you’ve seen in movies- it’ll be a long, painful death. You’re gonna have trouble breathing, feeling lightheaded and nauseous. Then, after a while, you’ll start to vomit and have seizures. Finally, your heart’s gonna stop and that’ll be it for you.” He pointed at the solid mass of foam currently sealing the boy’s mouth. “To make sure you didn’t throw all of it up, I mixed in some polyurethane capsules to seal your mouth and the top of your throat.” He finished cleaning his knives and began putting the buckles back into place on his belts. “The cyanide ones also have some pretty powerful stimulants to keep you from passing out, so don’t think you’ll get off that easy.” He stood up to his full height and looked down at the boy with a cruel, sadistic smirk on his usually stoic face. “Hey, don’t look so sad- people have survived cyanide poisoning before. All you have to do is hope you’re one of them..oh, and try not to choke to death on your own puke.” He smirked more, a low chuckle in his chest as he listened to the boy scream and cry around the white substance blocking his mouth.
Kakyoin stared at his boyfriend, completely transfixed by what he was witnessing. One part of him felt like he should be terrified- this was the most brutal, gruesome thing he’d ever seen in his entire life. The other part, though, was stuck dealing with a rapidly beating heart and weak knees. Jotaro just looked so damn HOT like that- sweating a bit from exertion, blood splattered across his skin, his muscular arms and torso on full display- it was impossible NOT to stare in that situation.
While he was trying to decide if the scene was more disturbing or arousing, though, he noticed movement on the floor. He looked towards one of the bodies- the one that had been lying face down with just a broken arm- and his eyes widened as he watched the boy get up, albeit with great difficulty. Kakyoin saw that he had a pretty deep gash on his stomach and a few cuts along his face and legs, but was still able to stand. On wobbly legs, the boy stood up and noticed Jotaro across the room. Then, as quietly as he could, the boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade knife and started to creep up behind Jotaro, his intentions clear.
Kakyoin’s blood ran cold.
Jotaro didn’t see the other boy.
Jotaro had already put his own knives away.
Jotaro was in danger!
Kakyoin could have just called out his boyfriend’s name to get his attention. Jotaro could have defended himself just fine…but something flared up inside of him that demanded he do MORE.
Gripping his own knife tightly in his hand, Kakyoin’s body seemed to have a mind of its own as he vaulted over the gap in the railing down to the basement floor. “JOJO!” He ran at the boy and grabbed him from behind, putting him in an arm-lock with his free hand. The boy struggled in his grip, clearly confused and surprised by Kakyoin’s presence. “Don’t you dare touch my boyfriend!!”
His body was on fire- it was like lava was flowing through his veins instead of blood, making him feel wild and powerful and so ALIVE. He also felt protective anger and righteous fury over this bastard attempting to actually HURT his boyfriend. How dare he?! The feeling was similar to the anger he’d experienced when carving “baka” into the other boy’s face, only ten times stronger.
And, similarly to the impulse he’d gotten in that situation, he wanted to see BLOOD.
He brought his knife up to the struggling boy’s throat and pressed the blade to the left side of his neck. Then, applying as much force as he could to cut through the flesh and muscle beneath, he dragged the knife across his throat and through his windpipe.
The body in his arms stiffened as blood sprayed out from the cut. Then it began to choke and sputter before finally going limp. Kakyoin released it and watched it fall to the ground with a dull “thud”.
Kakyoin took a moment to look down at his hands and the knife still held in his right hand. They were both covered in blood. They were stained red and he…he LIKED it. He LIKED what he had done! Sure, he’d gotten in fights and injured people and cut into them before, but this was the first time he’d actually taken someone’s life and he LIKED it! God, he must be sick to enjoy something like that, but it just felt so good that he-!
“Nori..?” The voice of the only other living person in the room (well, the only other one that could still TALK, that is) cut off his train of thought.
Kakyoin looked up from his hands to Jotaro. “Jojo…” Jotaro was staring at him with wide, surprised eyes. He took a step towards Kakyoin with a hand raised like he was reaching out for him, but the redhead was a little on edge from the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings going through his head and he took a step back on reflex. “..!!”
Jotaro paused and looked down with a slight frown. “……” He looked…nervous? Hurt? Sad..? Kakyoin didn’t like to see any of those expressions on that handsome face. “Are you gonna call the police?”
Kakyoin thought that question over. He knew that he SHOULD do that..but, glancing down at his bloodied hands, he wasn’t exactly innocent in all of this either. Besides, he had questions he needed answers to.
“That depends…” He looked back to his boyfriend across the room. “Answer a few questions for me and I’ll decide then. Okay?” At a nod from the dark haired teen, Kakyoin asked his first question. “First question: If I do decide to call the cops, will you kill me?”
“No.” Jotaro’s answer was straight-forward and immediate. “I’d never hurt you, even if it got me sent to prison or worse.” Kakyoin could tell he meant every word.
“Good to know..” He relaxed a little, trusting that Jotaro wouldn’t hurt him now. “Next question: The traps and location were too perfect for this to be a spur-of-the-moment decision..so..how long have you been planning this?”
“Since you woke up in the hospital.” Jotaro said while putting his hands in his pockets.
“Is that why you told me not to go after them? Because you wanted to do it yourself?” Kakyoin was caught somewhere between being touched that Jotaro wanted to avenge him and a bit frustrated that he wouldn’t let Kakyoin take part in it himself.
“..Yeah…” Jotaro looked away a little, unable to meet Kakyoin’s eyes as he answered him. “Didn’t want to risk you getting hurt again..or..scaring you off if you saw me like this…”
Ah, so that was it- Jotaro was scared of losing him. Kakyoin barely managed to stop a smile from slipping onto his face at how sweet that was. “Next question..” He decided to press on, instead, to distract himself. “You were..well-prepared for all of this..have you killed like this before?” He wanted to know how often he’d done something like this, but also if-
“Depends..” Jotaro shrugged a little. “You mean if I’ve killed like this in general or if I’ve killed for YOU before?” Damn, Jotaro could read him pretty well, too.
“Both, I suppose.” Kakyoin answered while eyeing his boyfriend expectantly.
“Yes to both, then.” Jotaro looked back towards him again.
Kakyoin thought that answer over for a moment. So…Jotaro went around killing people in his spare time. While that should probably terrify him, he could understand it given that rush he felt doing it himself a minute ago. But, wait, who else would Jotaro have killed for him-?
Kakyoin blinked as he finally got an answer to a question that had been bugging him for months now. “The drunk driver in Egypt..” Everything made sense now! The police had been looking for the man, but hadn’t found him, even though they knew exactly who did it. Kakyoin had just assumed that he’d skipped town to avoid the police or something- he never would have thought before that Jotaro had killed him. “Final question…” Kakyoin took a deep breath to calm himself, his heart starting to beat rapidly in his chest again because he had a feeling he knew what the answer to this would be.. “Why would you do that- do any of this, really- for me?”
Jotaro met his eyes and, without any hesitation at all, gave the answer that Kakyoin knew would come. “Because I love you.” Kakyoin’s heart almost stopped from the intensity with which Jotaro said those words. He knew how Jotaro felt for him, had read it in his body language enough times, but this was the first time he’d ever said those words out loud to him. “People in my family- the Joestar family- we get..” Jotaro seemed to be fishing for the right words to say. “Protective, and a bit possessive, over people we care about. We don’t let anyone insult them or hurt them. It’s even stronger when we have someone we love- we’ll kill to keep them safe, to keep others away from them, and to make ourselves feel better for protecting them.” He took his hands out of his pockets and held them out at his sides to leave himself open both physically and emotionally for Kakyoin. “I love you, Noriaki. I love you and I’ll kill for you as many times as I need to. If that makes you uncomfortable, then call the police right now because I’m never gonna stop. You’re mine and I’m yours- I won’t let you go as long as I’m alive.”
Kakyoin’s heart was pounding in his chest and he felt his cheeks blooming with warmth at Jotaro’s honest admission. The idea of Jotaro killing others for him- killing to keep him safe, killing to avenge him, killing so he could keep Kakyoin all to himself- it..it EXCITED him. He understood now why Jotaro got so excited when he saw Kakyoin attacking the boy in the stairwell before- it was the same way he felt now, knowing that Jotaro had killed these boys for harming him. He loved that idea more than he should and he couldn’t hold himself back any longer.
“Jojo..” His voice trembled slightly as he dropped his knife and ran at the darker haired teen. He ran right into Jotaro’s open, waiting arms and threw his own arms around Jotaro’s broad shoulders, pulling him down into a passionate, hungry kiss. “Mh!” Jotaro wrapped his strong arms around Kakyoin’s slender waist and held him flush against his body. They made out with a sense of desperation and passion that drove them to press and grind against each other- to feel every inch of each other’s bodies. “A-Ah..Jotaro..” Kakyoin panted against his lips when he broke the kiss to catch his breath. “I love you, too.” He found the words tumbling from his lips as he clung to Jotaro, blood smearing against both of their bodies and absolutely ruining Kakyoin’s clothes but he couldn’t be bothered to care about that at all in this moment. “I love you, Jotaro.”
It was the first time he’d said those words as well, and Kakyoin found that he meant them just as strongly as Jotaro had. Before, he was unsure if it was appropriate to call this feeling love- after all, they were young and he’d been told countless times that at their age it was hard to tell true love from a fleeting crush or physical attraction. Now, though, after hearing Jotaro’s declaration..after killing to defend Jotaro..after witnessing what Jotaro was willing to do for him, as well as knowing what he would do for him in the future..he was sure of it now, beyond a shadow of a doubt: He was in love with Jotaro Kujo.
“Nori..” Jotaro froze for a moment, staring down into Kakyoin’s violet eyes with his own blue-green orbs. Kakyoin saw something hungry awakening in his gaze, similar to the time Jotaro sucked him off on a teacher’s desk but so much more fearsome now. With a surprised yelp, Kakyoin suddenly found himself being lifted off the ground and pressed against a nearby wall. Jotaro had him pinned with his muscular torso, his hands holding onto Kakyoin’s hips. “Say it again, Noriaki..please..”
Kakyoin chuckled a bit, enjoying how eager Jotaro was. “Hmm..if it gets you to act like this, then I’ll say it as many times as you want.” He leaned to Jotaro’s ear and spoke softly. “I love you, Jotaro.”
“Noriiii…” Jotaro moaned low in his throat, his grip on Kakyoin’s hips tightening a bit. “I..I have to touch you..please..I don’t think I can stop myself..”
“Go ahead, Jojo.” Kakyoin said while working his fingers into Jotaro’s hair. “Show me what you’re REALLY like.” He stroked through the blood soaked tresses and gave Jotaro’s ear a gentle bite before whispering seductively into it. “Show me how much you NEED me. You’ve earned it, Jojo.”
When he woke up again, Kakyoin was lying on his side with something warm and firm under his head. He felt a familiar set of large fingers running through his hair (but knowing to stay out of his long bangs for fear of Kakyoin’s wrath should they get messed up). Three strong scents permeated the air: Blood, sweat, and cigarette smoke.
Opening his eyes, Kakyoin saw Jotaro’s long, pants-covered legs stretched out before him. When he attempted to sit up, he noticed something warm was covering his body. A glance revealed it to be Jotaro’s iconic jacket, which must have been left somewhere safe before as it was surprisingly free of blood. With a small smile, Kakyoin decided against sitting up and instead just rolled over to his other side (careful not to put any weight on his sore backside, of course) to look at his volunteer pillow.
He saw that Jotaro still had his tank top off, but had apparently gone to retrieve his hat from wherever he’d kept his jacket since it was also blood-free. He’d also retrieved his cigarettes and lighter, explaining the smell of smoke in the room, and was currently finishing a drag when he felt Kakyoin moving on his lap. He held the cigarette away from his mouth with one hand and moved the other, which had been stroking Kakyoin’s head, to look down at his tired lover appropriately.
“Hey.” He greeted simply with a very small quirk of his lip that barely counted as a smile.
“Hey, yourself.” Kakyoin replied while adjusting Jotaro’s jacket on his body. “Was I out long?”
“Not really.” Jotaro shrugged while putting out his cigarette on the ground beside them. Kakyoin noted two others by that one, but chose not to comment on it. “How are you feeling?” Jotaro asked while looking him over.
Kakyoin yawned and stretched his legs out. “Tired and sore, but otherwise fine.” He looked up at Jotaro with a wink to let him know that he really meant “more than fine” without saying it out loud.
Jotaro’s shoulders shifted slightly due to a repressed chuckle. “Hmh. Good.” They smiled calmly and sat in content silence for a while, simply enjoying each other’s company and the peaceful warmth that had settled between them. The peace was eventually shattered by the sound of, ironically, a death march playing. “Shit..hold on..” Jotaro reached into his jacket’s pocket, careful not to bump Kakyoin too much since he was still IN said jacket, and pulled out his phone. He answered it with an irritated sigh, though Kakyoin could tell it was just for show. “What do you want, Polnareff?” Kakyoin heard Polnareff’s voice, but couldn’t make out what was being said. Whatever it was made Jotaro scowl. “Damn…I got it, I got it…fine.” He hung up and leaned his head back against the wall behind him, looking annoyed. “Polnareff and Avdol’ll be here in a few minutes…”
Kakyoin quickly tried to sit up again. “What?!” He hissed when he leaned the wrong way and readjusted so that he was up on his knees. He spotted his clothes nearby and looked through them with a frown. “Damn..my underwear and socks will be fine, but my shirt and pants are covered in blood.” He eyed Jotaro, who was still leaning back against the wall. “As are yours..and both of our bodies..what are we going to do about that?”
Jotaro shrugged while watching Kakyoin slip back into his boxers. “They’ll probably bring something to clean up with. And a change of clothes for me.” He started to move away from the wall and got to his feet, offering Kakyoin a hand up. “You can borrow my jacket ‘til we get to my place- you’ve still got spare clothes there.”
Kakyoin took the offered hand and pulled himself to his feet, having to hold onto Jotaro’s arm since his legs were still weak. “I hope you don’t plan for me to walk like this.” He muttered while buttoning up the coat as high as possible. Though, with Jotaro being both taller and broader than him, the coat was still very loose on Kakyoin, making him feel a bit like a child wearing their parent’s clothes. “I look ridiculous.” He said with a weary chuckle after the coat was as closed as it could be with Jotaro’s chain taking up the holes for the collar buttons.
When he looked up at his boyfriend, he noticed that Jotaro was looking him over and actually seemed pleased…the bastard. “It looks good on you.” He pulled his hat down a little, but he didn’t have his jacket collar to hide his smug smirk from Kakyoin’s line of sight.
Kakyoin gave him a half-hearted glare and a light punch to the arm. “Why do I love you again?”
Jotaro shrugged. “Probably ‘cause you’re a sadist and a narcissist that likes having someone that’d literally kill for you and treat you like a god.”
Kakyoin couldn’t help but smile at that, knowing that every word of that was correct despite it being phrased as an insult. “Yeah. You’re right.” He reached up and pulled Jotaro’s head down, surprising the taller boy with a kiss. After kissing him for a solid minute, Kakyoin broke away and smirked at how flustered he’d managed to make his boyfriend with such a simple kiss. “Though I’m still trying to figure out why you chose me. Is it simply because you’re a masochist that likes being told what to do by someone smaller than you? Or do you just have a thing for red heads?” He asked teasingly with a wink.
After taking a minute to regain himself, Jotaro looked him over slowly. “Kind of…but, mostly, it’s because you’re..” He quietly searched his mind for the right word before picking it out and letting the corner of his mouth lift up into that barely-there smile that Kakyoin admired. “Interesting.”
Kakyoin’s heart skipped a beat.
Out of every word he could have possibly chosen, that was what Jotaro used to describe Kakyoin: Interesting.
That was the very same way that Kakyoin had used to described Jotaro when he’d first sought the other boy out under the pretense of eating lunch together, completely unaware that following up on his curiosity would lead him to the love of his life.
It made Kakyoin smile and wrap his arms around Jotaro’s neck, pulling him down into another, much longer, kiss.
The two made out for a while, so wrapped up in each other that they didn’t even hear anyone else enter the basement- didn’t hear anything at all until Polnareff’s voice hit them like a bucket of ice water.
“Oi, Jotaro! Would it kill you to take down those damn traps next time?! I almost cut myself like five ti-i-i, mon dieu! Kakyoin?!” They quickly sprung apart from each other and looked to the stair case to see Polnareff leaning over the railing, staring at them with wide eyes. The look of shock quickly morphed into a shit-eating grin. “Ha! Called it!” He looked back up the stairs. “Hey, Momo! Good news- we were right! Joseph totally owes us a shopping trip next time we’re in New York!”
They heard Avdol’s deep chuckle from further up the stairs, followed by one set of heavy footsteps and one set of tiny scratchy ones. “Ah, that is good news, indeed.” They soon saw Avdol joining his boyfriend near the railing and carrying a plastic bag as well as a large black duffel bag, Iggy walking down the stairs behind him before slipping under the railing with ease to jump down into the basement.
Kakyoin was completely mortified with embarrassment to be caught like this- suspicious fluids probably still visible down his legs, wearing nothing but Jotaro’s jacket, his hair a complete mess except for his bangs, etc.- by two of the only other people he considered friends. He groaned and covered his face with one hand, trying to look as small as possible while sliding behind Jotaro’s larger frame for coverage.
Jotaro seemed to be taking it much better than him, simply looking the two of them over with his usual annoyed-at-life expression. “What kind of bet did you make with the old man this time?”
Polnareff chuckled, the big grin still on his face, as he kicked one of the bottom railing-posts that was keeping the wire trap holding the first corpse in place. “Joseph bet that you were gonna wait ‘til you’d been with Kakyoin at least another year or two before letting him find out about your little ‘family tradition’.” The post broke after a few kicks and Polnareff was able to move it aside so he and Avdol could walk down the stairs rather than jump the railing like Kakyoin (and presumably Jotaro) had done to enter the basement earlier. “Avdol and I said there was no way you’d be that patient, and he’d probably find out before you two graduated!”
Avdol followed his boyfriend down into the basement, looking over the carnage with a calm expression. “The winning wager was a two hour all-expenses-paid shopping trip in New York City.” He smirked a little bit, but tried to look away and pretend that he wasn’t gloating over his victory. “It was rather foolish of him to try out-predicting a fortune teller…”
Polnareff laughed and clapped his boyfriend on the shoulder. “It sure was! Poor Caesar’s gonna kill him by the time we’re done wringing Joseph’s bank account dry!”
Jotaro gave an annoyed “Yare yare daze” and held out his hand towards Avdol. “You brought some clothes, right?”
Avdol nodded and handed the bag to Jotaro. “Along with water and paper towels.”
Jotaro took the bag from him. “Good.” He grabbed Kakyoin by the hand and headed for the stairs. “We’re gonna go clean up.”
He didn’t wait for an answer before leading Kakyoin back up the stairs to the main parts of the house. Being the one to plant the traps, Jotaro knew exactly where each one was and guided Kakyoin around and under them with ease until they reached a dirty (and obviously unused for quite some time) bathroom.
Kakyoin stepped over to the decrepit bathtub and took off Jotaro’s jacket as well as his boxers, setting everything on the back of the toilet for the time being. “I take it the water and paper towels are because the plumbing here no longer works?”
Jotaro nodded and handed Kakyoin a large bottle of water from the bag. “Yeah..been abandoned for at least a year now.”
“I see..” Kakyoin said while taking the offered bottle and opening it. He poured some into his cupped hand and began cleaning the dried blood (and cum) off of himself a little bit at a time. After a few minutes, he noted that Jotaro hadn’t moved in a while and glanced in his direction while rinsing out his hair. He caught the larger boy staring at him, apparently transfixed by the water dripping down his body. Kakyoin smirked and poured a little more water into his hair, tipping his head back so some of the water would drip down to his chest. “Really, Jojo?” He teased with a lick of his lips. “You just had me naked and moaning under you less than an hour ago and you’re frozen watching me pour water on myself?”
Jotaro’s ears turned a little red at being caught staring, the color more noticeable when he had to take off his hat and pants so he could join Kakyoin and get cleaned up. “I’m not apologizing for thinking you’re hot…” He tried to sound annoyed and a bit defiant, but the red color and the fact that he couldn’t look his boyfriend in the eyes just made him look adorable to Kakyoin.
“I never said you had to.” Kakyoin chuckled and turned just enough to give his flustered boyfriend a peck on the cheek.
The two got cleaned up in silence after that. It was peaceful and calm, like when they were lying together in the basement. Occasionally they would touch each other a little- a hug from behind here, a light kiss there, a brushing of hands briefly resulting in entwined fingers getting mixed in now and then- but there was nothing too provocative about it, despite the teasing looks that Kakyoin would cast Jotaro’s way now and then. No, it was simply a silent way for them to communicate their love for each other in that moment.
Once they were both properly cleaned (and had their fill of messing around), they stepped out and dried themselves off with some paper towels from the bag (the good, thick kind that were closer to cotton rather than tissue-paper). Kakyoin certainly felt better now that he was clean, though he did still wish he had something to change into other than his boxers and Jotaro’s jacket.
Jotaro, on the other hand, had a clean pair of pants that he easily threaded his belts through, one of his plain black tee-shirts, and even clean shoes and socks prepared for him. He caught Kakyoin’s envious gaze while tugging his shirt on and re-adjusted his cap before holding out his hand. “Didn’t know you were gonna be here. We’ll make sure to keep spares ready for you next time.”
Kakyoin took his boyfriend’s hand and smiled. “Already making plans that far ahead?”
Jotaro shrugged a little and led the redhead back towards the basement. “I don’t really have a schedule for this shit: Sometimes I can go months in between urges. Sometimes I get the itch within a week. It just…happens.”
Kakyoin felt the larger hand holding his own slender hand tense a little, showing that Jotaro was still a little uncomfortable on the subject. “Mhm..” Kakyoin gave his hand a reassuring squeeze to comfort the taller boy. “Well, do let me know whenever it does happen- I’d love to see the process from start to finish, rather than coming in on the last two again.”
Jotaro looked back at him with that barely-there smile, his tension leaving him. “You’ll be the first to know- right before Avdol and Polnareff.”
Kakyoin was about to follow up on that line of conversation- he was immensely curious as to why the two were there in the first place and why they seemed so calm about everything and-
He paused when they reached the bottom of the stairs. His mouth fell open slightly at the sight: Everything was good as new! Well, maybe not new-new, but it was like the earlier massacre had never even happened. If Kakyoin had not been there himself, he would never have believed several boys had met a gruesome end in that same location not even two hours ago. The wire-net was removed from the railings, the broken post that Polnareff kicked was fixed, there was no trace of blood (or other fluids) anywhere to be seen, and, what was even more amazing to Kakyoin, was the lack of bodies scattered around the basement. The only thing out of place was the pile of large zipped-up black bags in the center of the room.
He looked from Polnareff- who was spraying the wall where Jotaro stabbed the second-to-last victim with some sort of clear liquid before wiping it over with a cloth- to Avdol- who was zipping up one of those black bags before tossing it onto the pile with the others. He spotted Iggy lying down in the corner, apparently napping, while the other two worked.
“H..How..?” Was the only word that Kakyoin could form at the moment. Seriously, though- they weren’t upstairs for more than thirty minutes and it was like these guys hit the rewind button on the entire damn room!
Polnareff looked at him and Jotaro after wiping off the wall one last time. “Oh yeah, that’s right- you’ve never seen us work before.” He tossed the bottle of cleaner and cloth back towards the opened duffle bag in the corner of the room before doing an overly-dramatic bow. “Jean-Pierre Polnareff: Professional scene-artist.”
Avdol was less grandiose than his boyfriend, but he still bowed his head slightly. “Mohammed Avdol: Body disposal expert.”
Polnareff stretched his arms out above his head with a big grin. “Feels nice to finally have a proper introduction without all that cover-up crap.” He gestured towards Iggy, who was still dozing in the corner. “By the way, that lazy mutt’s our cadaver dog- he makes sure police dogs won’t be able to pick up anything. Which reminds me…” He whistled while looking at the dog in question. “Iggy! Get up and get to work so we can get out of here!” When the dog’s only response was to open one eye half-way, look at him, then close it again, Polnareff glared. “Stubborn dog..” He pulled a stick of gum out of his pocket. “If you get the work done within the next five minutes I’ll give you an extra piece of gum- deal?” That got a better reaction from Iggy, making him get up and start sniffing around the room after Polnareff gave him the gum. “That’s more like it.”
Kakyoin gave a confused blink as he looked between the three of them. After a moment, he found his voice again. “Okay..I can understand ‘body disposal expert’ and ‘cadaver dog’..but ‘scene artist’?”
Jotaro responded before Polnareff had the chance to go into a lengthy explanation. “Technically, he’s a site-cleaner, but he doesn’t like the way that sounds, so he started calling himself a ‘scene-artist’. Either way, it means he’s the one that cleans up the crime scenes.”
Polnareff huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Hey! ANY fool with a bottle of bleach and a rag can clean up- I am an artist that can completely erase the evidence and turn it back to normal!”
Avdol chuckled a bit at his boyfriend’s pouting and walked over to pat him on the shoulder. “He can be a bit sensitive about his title.” He then looked over to Kakyoin. “To put it simply, we are the ones that make sure Jotaro does not get caught by the police. That is the hidden purpose of the Speedwagon Foundation: To look after the Joestar family and make sure their secret does not get out. People like us have been assisting the Joestar’s since the company’s founder himself helped cover for Joseph’s grandfather.”
Kakyoin nodded as he listened with a thoughtful expression. “I see. That would explain what Caesar-san said the night we met…I just assumed he meant that we were all anti-social and thought about killing people too often, I didn’t think he meant that we ACTUALLY killed people.” He paused for a second as he remembered another part of that conversation and looked back up at Jotaro. “Wait..so..the rest of your family is…?”
“Yeah. They are, in different ways.” Jotaro explained. “My grandfathers have killed plenty of people, though they’ve slowed down a bit since they’re getting too old for it. Mom says she’s never had the urge, but she knows and helps out. Josuke’s too young to know if he gets it yet, but he still knows what the rest of us do and he’s fine with it.”
This was a lot of new information to process in one day. Not only was Jotaro a member of a serial killer family that spanned across generations, but for more than a century not a single one of them had ever been caught! That would be a record if it ever came out. It would surely be one for the history books, as well as the media.
“Your family is really something, Jojo..” Kakyoin mumbled, more to himself than to Jotaro. He was still processing everything. Today was certainly turning out to be more interesting than he’d planned…
“I guess…” Was all the taller boy said, but Kakyoin felt Jotaro’s thumb stroking along the back of his hand and he heard the unspoken sentiment behind it.
“You’re part of that family now.”
Kakyoin was momentarily surprised by the truth and sincerity in that silent statement, but, in a way, he felt like he’d already known it. The night he met Jotaro’s family, Caesar had said as much to him- had told him that he was already part of their family, regardless of what route he and Jotaro took in life.
The thought actually made Kakyoin smile. ‘So..they’re my family, too.’ He thought with a warm feeling blooming in his chest.
He loved his parents and grandparents, of course, but he’d never been able to relate to them on the same level that he had with Jotaro and his family. Joseph and Caesar already treated him like a second grandson. Holly always welcomed him into her home with open arms, no matter how last minute or late at night his visits were. Josuke, similar to how he viewed Jotaro, treated him like he was a cool older brother-figure. And of course he viewed Avdol and Polnareff as his own friends, too, rather than just “his boyfriend’s friends whom he hung out with occasionally”. Hell, he even liked Iggy, despite how obnoxious the dog could be!
Feeling emboldened by his happiness, Kakyoin got up on his toes and gave Jotaro a peck on the cheek. “Good to know I’ll be marrying into such an interesting family one day.”
“!!” Jotaro’s ears turned red and Kakyoin felt a strong swell of pride at having made the stoic teen look genuinely surprised for a moment before he pulled his cap down to cover his face, tilting his head a bit to hide his embarrassment further. “Y-Yare yare daze…”
The adorable reaction elicited a shared laugh at Jotaro’s expense from everyone else in the room. He of course flipped them off and told them to shut up with a scowl, but, for just a moment, Kakyoin caught a smile on the corner of Jotaro’s mouth.
Kakyoin could only smile further and think about how lucky, and how glad, he was to have found Jotaro. Before, he was alone in a way that even he didn’t realize, and so bored that he was simply going through the daily motions of life without expecting much from it. Now he had a loving boyfriend, a supportive family that understood him, and he was far from bored. He knew that, so long as he had Jotaro by his side, his life would always be interesting.
<-Previous Chapter
-From the Beginning-
2 notes · View notes
inklingleesquidly · 8 years ago
Lee Squidly has been called into  action. Callie has gone missing and according to Marie he’s her only hope in finding her. There is a lot more going on in Octo Canyon than Lee truly knows but Is he up to the task when he is uncertain of even his own feelings?
A new journey of discovery awaits our hero as he comes to realize what the true meaning of the relationship between the Squid Sisters is, and what they mean to others..
Featuring an unreasonable facsimile of another squid...
Word count: 2,461
Chapter 2 can be found here
Some familiar with Lee Squidly knew him as a negative influence, a magnet for trouble, a luckless somebody just unable to avoid getting into unfortunate situations. No time was that more apparent than now where he found himself in some kind of gladiator arena smack in the middle of Suction-Cup Lookout. His journey was impeded by a hulking brute of an Octarian known as the Octo Samurai.
This was someone Lee was actually familiar with. Back in Shee-Booyah he heard tales from immigrants of Octo Canyon of a man who was something of a local legend. Known for his movies, his wrestling career, and his fanaticism for motorcycles, he was a hero that many looked up to. There was always a lingering sentiment in Lee’s mind that it would be so exciting to meet him; the illustrious Octo Samurai –
“AHHH, AIYEE, WAAAAH,” Lee screamed, dodging walls of ink flung at him from the octopod’s mighty roller by skittering about on the ground like a frightened insect.
--He never thought he would meet him under circumstances like this.
Octo Samurai let out a roar, “Hold still, you lousy little squid.” The Octarian boss let out one more earth shaking battle cry before slamming his weapon down directly upon Lee. A massive wave of ink erupted from the ground. Once it cleared it was revealed the teenager had been knocked onto his backside at the edge of the ink.
“AUGGH,” Octo Samurai screamed, “That’s enough goofin’ around, now I’ve got you right where I want you.” He watched the Inkling slowly, fearfully try to scoot backward. It would just take one swing, one more swing and he would be rid of this little pest. Something stopped him; his roller, when he tried to swing it felt so off-balance.
The giant Octarian peered up to inspect what it was that threw off his equilibrium only to discover the little robot attached to the child’s back clinging onto the weapon. “What the,” he gasped, “Get off there you little hunk of junk!” He shook it in an attempt to get rid of Mooky and when that didn’t work he wildly flung it every which way.
Defiantly, Mooky yelled, “No I will not,” and he held onto the ink flicking weapon with everything his tiny blocky body had. “I will do everything to protect Master Lee,” he proclaimed, and then turned to order, “Run away Master Lee, I will distract him as long as I can!”
That was out of the question; Lee couldn’t and wouldn’t abandon Mooky. He wasn’t going anywhere without him but what could he do against someone like Octo Samurai? Without any plan, Lee’s first instinct was to ink a safe space for himself but upon raising and attempting to fire his .96 Gal Buster…
Click click click
He was out of ink!
What was worse Octo Samurai let out a gruff huff, “Fuhgeddit, Im gonna flatten you with this and your little robot! HURRAAH,” he swiftly raised the gargantuan roller high then brought it crashing down to the ground. With nowhere to run and nowhere to hide Lee could only vainly cover his head in preparation for the worst.
There was a massive metallic noise and somehow—nothing, he was okay. One eye peeked open to see a mysterious figure cloaked in a long form fitting coat that stopped Octo Samurai’s roller with a pair of rods. No, they weren’t rods, they were a unique weapon, tonfas.
With a mighty rumble, the unknown savior parried the attack, knocking away the roller and nearly throwing Octo Samurai off his unicycle. “Step off Octo Slob,” they snarled in a grave, gravelly voice. Lee knew who they were! Though they may have been shrouded in mystery, he was certain of who it was.
Steadying himself, Octo Samurai sneered, “Ohh great, another one of you rotten squids show up.”
Lee’s savior replied, “You got a lot of nerve picking on just one little kid, try picking a fight with someone your own size!” Shifting the bladed weapon in his hand, he challenged the Octarian boss in Lee’s stead.
Octo Samurai gripped his roller in both hands, unphased by the new challenger. “I’ll splatter a hundred of you squids before tea time,” he declared, racing toward Lee’s masked rescuer.
“I’ll give you 45 seconds Octo Slob,” he fired back, charging into the fray.
“WAIT, STOP!!!” Before they could clash, Lee’s voice rang all throughout the arena, stopping them dead in their tracks.
Lee stood up and stepped between them, his gaze transfixed on Octo Samurai as he said, “Mr. Octo Samurai, please, I don’t want anybody to fight!”
Both Octo Samurai and even Lee’s support gave a unified, “Huh” in confusion. The Octarian hero peered down at the boy with narrowed incredulous eyes, “What are you trying to pull,” he wondered, skillfully managing to maintain his balance on the unicycle as he bent down, locking eyes with Lee.
Lee shook his head, “Nothing, I swear, I’m just here looking for a friend who’s lost in Octo Canyon.”
“Probably another trouble making brat,” he scoffed scornfully, “And why should I trust anything you say, you’re a squid.”
His gaze was so frightening but Lee answered his skepticism, “I promise she isn’t—she’s lost somewhere and I—I—hii, I just want to find her!” His voice choked as he uttered those words. Desperate to end this fight and continue his search, Lee sunk down to his knees and clasped his hands together, pleading, “I’m begging you Sir, I promise I don’t want to hurt any Octarians, so please let me leave so I can find my friend!” He shook his hands then clutched them tight against his heart, imploring mercy from the Octarian hero.
Octo Samurai analyzed everything about that look the tiny green squid gave him. He peered between him and the other who just stood there watching the boy beg and plead. The way the small one’s lip trembled, the way his eyes watered, the way he panted as if he couldn’t get enough air to breathe—it was a pathetic sight for any creature, big or small.
Knowing he would regret this, he let out a long huff and decided, “All right, fine, you can leave.” Even though he had his orders, it would be a dishonor to bring harm to someone begging for their life, and who claimed such a noble undertaking.
Lee’s eyes lit up like the stars in the sky and he smiled from ear to ear, “Y-You mean it?!” He shot up to his feet, shaking his tightened fists in glee, “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, I swear Mr. Samurai, as soon as I find my friend I’ll leave right away.”
The boss mumbled, “Yeah, yeah, just make good on what you said, if I find out you lay a single tentacle on any Octarians I’m gonna smash you flat! Now get lost before I change my mind.”
“There’s just one more thing,” Lee timidly murmured.
Pointing up, Lee requested, “Umm, can I please have my robot back,” referring to Mooky still dangling from the octopod’s humongous weapon.
A low grumble escaped from Octo Samurai as he gently lowered Mooky, allowing him to slide off. “Fine, here ya go kid, just be thankful I didn’t decide to crush him into a hubcap for my bike.
As the metal butler secured himself onto his owner’s back, Lee replied with a glad, “Thank you very much Sir.” He ignored the comment about harming Mooky as he could tell the octopus before him was every bit the good and influential creature he knew him to be. The mercy he was willing to show to him was evident enough of that.
Leaving Octo Samurai’s arena, Lee & Mooky were tailed by their earlier rescuer who soon stopped them. With his arms crossed, he sternly chided the starry eyed youth’s actions, “Lee, I’m glad to see you haven’t stopped being you but not every opponent is going to show you mercy.  Don’t you remember what I taught you about standing on your own two feet and—“
He was stopped by the sudden, speedy movement of Lee who threw his arms around his waist, “Mr. Jonn, I can’t believe it! Thank you so much for helping me out of that jam, you’re the best!”
Mr. Jonn, or rather Jonn Inkra, Agent Binary, another founding member of the Justice Society of Inkopolis couldn’t help but smile and pat Lee’s shoulders. Feeling the embrace of the excitable, appreciative teen, the mystery man hooked a thumb underneath the face mask he wore and peeled it down. With that removed, his deep, menacing voice was replaced by something strangely soft, almost melodious as he said, "Who could stay mad at a kid like you? It’s been too long."
Along the way from Suction-Cup Lookout to Beaker’s Depot, Lee informed Jonn of his situation thus far. Hearing the story, the agent let out a heavy sigh, “So you’re the one she brought in for this search? Hmm—I thought it would be you but a part of me really wished it wasn’t.”
Though Lee was unsure of what he meant by that there was a much more pressing thought in his head. “Well now that I’m here, have you found anything about Callie?”
His hopeful smiled and tightened, shaking fists were met by an unfortunate shake of the head from Jonn. “I’ve been back and forth between these sectors for awhile now and I haven’t seen or heard a thing, I’m sorry.”
Lee loosened his fists and his arms dropped to his sides; two people he had to meet had nothing at all for him. His head tilted down, a downtrodden look upon his face that Mooky was quick to console. The little servant spun around and patted Lee’s shoulder with one hand, “There there Master Lee. We still have one more informant to meet and much more of Octo Canyon left to see, we must press onward.”                                                                                                            
“Right,” Lee muttered, “Yeah,” he said, lifting his head back up, his morose look not leaving . Ready to leave to find the next contact he turned to Jonn and said, “Well thank you for saving me Mr. Jonn but we’ve gotta get going.”
Just as he took his first step he was halted, “Hold on there, Lee, we’re not done talking yet,” Jonn called.
“I want to talk to you about Marie.”
Hearing that name made Lee let out a quiet sigh, he said, “With all due respect Mr. Jonn I already heard plenty from Mr. Bl— Blueshift. There’s no excuse for what she’s doing. Callie wouldn’t want this.”
Jonn was forthright in replying, “This is about Callie to. There’s some things you should know about the both of them.” Lee was unsure of what he was getting at but he listened as Jonn continued, “Listen, I’ve known these two longer than anyone so I can tell you they need each other.” There was a lot of that Lee couldn’t argue; he knew of his history with the Squid Sisters beyond their work as Agents and him as their personal bodyguard.
“I swear, ever since we were kids in Calimari County those two were inseparable. They did everything together, and I mean everything.” A small, nostalgic smile spread across Jonn’s lips as he looked off at the scenery of the canyon. “Every scraped knee, their first day of school, their first ride with training wheels, every lost baby tooth, every lost or broken toy—.” He started to regale Lee with a number of stories about their lives together.  Some of those tales were new to him but many he happened to have heard previously from Callie. Quite often during their time together he would hear these stories.
His train of thought was broken as Jonn revealed, “—And that’s why getting their big break was one of the happiest moments of their lives.” He breathed deep,  “It wasn’t the fame, the fans, or getting to sing and dance like they love, it was getting an excuse to finally have fun together all they want.”
Them making music together—their partnership as the Squid Sisters was a cornerstone in Lee’s very life.
Jonn’s tone then became glum, “Them being apart like this—they both just get so out of whack!” He waved his hands about as he spoke, as if trying to piece it all together himself, “Things were all ready pretty rocky between them after they started doing their own thing months ago, especially for Marie.” He sighed, holding his hand over his face after stroking his chin, “Whenever she was sad, Callie would always be there to make her smile better than anyone. Whenever she was frustrated, Callie could calm her down the best. Whenever she was at a loss, Callie could help her get back on track.”
Jonn paced about before he quietly mumbled; “Now all this happened and just-- Marie is just a wreck.” Lee thought back to his initial meeting with her what felt like hours ago. He thought of her hurried, muddled tone of voice, the way she fidgeted with her parasol. There was more he didn’t notice that stuck out in his mind now; particularly her inability to put her thoughts together.
Crossing his arms, Jonn was deeply serious as he said, “I’m not gonna force you to believe me but if it was Marie who was captured, Callie would be doing crazy things to get her back to.”
Lee couldn’t think of anything to say or even fathom a means of reply, especially when Jonn said, “Keep this in mind Lee, you’re not the only one who needs Callie in their life. That’s why we’re all here.”
He tried to talk but nothing came out. He could say anything, anything at all. By now he should be feeling sympathy for Marie and her plight like Blueshift and Jonn wanted him to-- but he couldn’t.
Mooky ended up speaking on his behalf, “That is a lot to take in Mr. Jonn, Master Lee will certainly keep in mind the importance of Miss Callie to others and her necessity in their life, right Master Lee.”
“Y-yeah,” Lee muttered unconvincingly under his breath.
Jonn could see right through him, there was no deceiving one of the Agency’s top operatives.”Think long and hard about that Lee, I’ll be in touch, if I find anything, you’ll be the first to know about it.”
With that, Lee & Mooky were back on their way. Conflicting feelings ran rampant in Lee’s head but in the end his resolve returned to one thought, I promise Callie—I’m doing this to help you, and not Marie.
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huge6s-blog · 7 years ago
What was the last movie your mun watched and did you like it?
It's Munday! (Albeit late.) Send a question about the mun and the muse will answer it! (Accepting!)
The last movie she'd have watched was likely months ago, and probably only because it was on someone else's TV and she was too lazy to leave the room! HER FAMILY IS PRONE TO THE VIOLENT SORTS THOUGH. SPY MOVIES, MOBSTERS, SPACE ACTIONY THINGS... TAKE YOUR PICK. IT'S ALL EQUALLY PLAUSIBLE, AND MAYBE EVEN SOME LEVEL OF TOLERABLE!
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kurosakiichigochouhonnnin · 8 years ago
I Ain't Missing You
Drabble I wrote bored over the weekend.
Transgender Ichigo.
I’m setting this to just before Ruriko is born because it’d frankly be lousy to leave your husband with a new baby and a three-year old, even if you are trying to make extra money for said new children.
Warning that it might be dysphoria inducing to some?
This is for the verse I have that's just for RP, but catch more of my stuff at bleachkazokuseirituhen.tumblr.com and fics for that verse at chairdesklamp on fanfiction.net
“I can lie to myself”-“I Ain’t Missing You,” Jon Waite, England, 1984
Ichigo turned to the clock on the nightstand on the opposite side of the bed–Grimmjow’s side.
One twenty-seven in the morning.
It wasn’t that he was gone for any personal reasons, but with Ichigo too pregnant–eight months–to safely work or even be seen in public, for he wasn’t entirely out, for both physical and mental safety reasons, and Issin being the sole proprietor of the clinic and the family therefore bearing the entire cost of running it, Grimmjow had decided to take odd jobs with Kisuke and save up while it would still mean that no one would be left with the care of a three-year-old and a newborn as well.
Regardless, it didn’t make sleeping alone any easier on Ichigo. Sure, he’d done it for eighteen years and some odd, but just the same, he’d had the man he loved beside him every night for another twelve.
It was…strange. In an unpleasant way. Much like adjusting to a friend’s couch while having the house fumigated, or adjusting to being too pregnant to roll over, as it were–temporary, it would pass, but all the same he could sleep hardly any better than if the circus was in the room.
“Are you okay, Daddy?”
Ichigo turned to see his son, Kazui, standing just past the hallway that the protruding closet created, Kon walking out from behind him, his steps squeaking as they’d done for many years.
“I told him to go back to sleep but–”
Ichigo waved a hand in front of his face and shook his head.
“It’s okay,” he sighed, “I’m still awake, as you see.”
Ichigo patted the space where Grimmjow would normally be, “Come on up, both of you.”
Unable to lean forward, Ichigo motioned for Kon to come to his other side.
Kon walked over Ichigo’s legs and stood atop the nightstand on Ichigo’s side of the bed.
“Kon, thanks for watching over him like this”
“Leave it to the amazing Kon!”
More seriously, Kon added, “You have too much baby in the way to react in case something happens, and he’s a three year old with scary new powers and one of his parents has been gone for a week to do something he can’t really understand. I’m a part of this family, so I’ll help out…even if it does mean I have to be soggy with nephew-drool and get washed… Please hand-wash me.”
Ichigo lowered his head to Kon’s level and, with a hand behind Kon, brought him in for a small hug, not being able to lean a head on his shoulder.
“I’ll hand-wash you in the morning. And thanks, man.”
“Don’t mention it,” Kon said with fake humility in a boastful tone.
“Why does Papa have to make money, anyway? Babies don’t buy stuff!” Kazui puffed out his cheeks and punched the mattress.
Ichigo paused to gather his thoughts waggling his pointer finger in the vague direction of the ceiling. On picking out what he wanted to say, his hand became firmer, though still raised.
“We have to buy a lot of stuff for the baby. Sure, we have your crib, your car seat, and clothes. But stuff like diapers you can’t keep and reuse, right?”
Ichigo smirked as Kazui shrivelled his face in disgust.
“That would be gross! Eww! Even grosser than when Aunt Yuzu dropped the MSG shaker in the soup!”
Ichigo laughed, “well, Uncle Pesche being hired in any job is a scary thought!”
“He’s gonna mop Granpa’s paitients!” Kazui laughed.
“That’s not…unthinkable, actually, for him,” Ichigo surrendered.
“You can’t leave the house until the baby’s outside of you, right?” Kazui patted Ichigo’s abdomen.
“Yeah,” Ichigo sighed, “it’s not safe for people to know you’re different. You’ll learn that soon enough.”
Wistfully and absent mindedly, Ichigo fell silent, staring past Kon and out the window.
He didn’t know how long had passed but he was brought back to reality by Kazui standing on the bed and hugging his head, which was both quite sweet and quite hard to not notice.
“Don’t be sad, Daddy. I’ll tell you all about outside every day!”
Difficult as it was–Ichigo and Grimmjow made very strong children–Ichigo turned slightly, and spoke with his nose squished by his son’s arm.
“Thagk you for dhe hug but I cag’t breade.”
Kazui flung his arms back and changed to patting Ichigo’s head, indelicately, but the feeling was appreciated, “I’m sorry, Daddy!”
Ichigo took Kazui’s hand, before it could cause him a headache, and kissed it, “It’s okay, I know you’re trying to help. It’s not so much I miss outside–I just miss Papa.”
Kazui sank down and stared at his folded legs, pouting, “I do, too! Why are babies so expensive, anyway?”
Ichigo chuckled, “Parents have been troubled by that for centuries. Go get a book and I’ll read you a story.”
“Can I get one of Aunt Rukia’s fancy ones she left here?” Kazui jumped down to the floor, excited.
Ichigo glanced at an upper corner of the wall–Rukia mostly read romance, and he filtered through his head for ones he knew were less explicit and easier to work with for a three year old’s understanding and taste before replying, “Bring one of the older looking books–We can work with Austen or Bronte.”
He would have to pause for history lessons–why couldn’t the heroine text the man she liked? Why couldn’t she bring a letter to the post office?–not that Ichigo Kurosaki–Ichigo Jagerjacues as per Japanese law since he was recorded as female but Grimmjow usually introduced himself as Grimmjow Kurosaki, since everything was in the Kurosaki name–particularly minded.
“Okay!” Kazui shouted before scampering through the hall and down the stairs to the bookcase far too loudly for midnight.
Kon, for his part, sat floppily, as stuffed animals tend to do, on the nightstand. He turned to Ichigo, “You sure reading romance is gonna be okay when you can’t sleep because your husband’s away?”
Ichigo turned his head on the pillow he was propped up on to meet the plastic eyes that were far more expressive than plastic eyes should really be, “I’m gonna miss him no matter what I read or think about. But he’s just gonna be gone for a while just to save up. If you two keep me company, I’ll be able to sleep at some point.”
Four forty-seven in the morning saw an exhausted Grimmjow pause at the door and smile–a soft, warm smile–at the sight of Ichigo with Kazui in one arm, asleep, a flopped open book having obviously fallen out of his hand and laying open to a random page at Kazui’s feet.
Kon woke up at the sound of the creaky door.
“They miss you these days,” he whispered.
Grimmjow set his face into a smirk when he saw Kon stir, but a frown at his words, “I know. It’s both ways.”
He entered the room, stripping to his underwear and climbing in the bed on Kazui’s unoccupied side.
“Thanks for keeping an eye on them.”
Kon cocked his head and smirked as best he could for the face of a stuffed cartoonish lion, “Well, I’m incr-auggh!”
He cut himself off with his own yawn, “incredibly sleepy…”
Grimmjow fixed him with a glare and smirk at once, “Well, so am I, so shut up and go to sleep.”
Kon caught the smile in Grimmjow’s words, and gave back the best raspberry he could before settling down in the drawer of the nightstand and pulling an undershirt over him as a blanket.
Ichigo cracked one eye open and Grimmjow leant over and kissed him before settling back down to sleep.
Issin glanced at the scene through the half-open door before he headed downstairs to open the shop.
Masaki would have loved to see it, he was sure.
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rayman-25 · 7 years ago
Podcast 2017 Episode 1 Shadows of the night (part 1)
I do not have the characters Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb, the Loud House, teenager mutant ninjas turtles, Tekken and youtubeur (Moketo, Squeezie and Kirbendoworld)? With the exception of John, Marc and Alice.
Chapter text 
Arc 1: Hero in a Fort-Shell! Episode 1
"shadows of the night (part 1)" 
I walk around Central Park It was dark I have a newspaper that I bought in the afternoon. I read the journal. There was written « Manhattan Monster Hunt Contest’, Which states that whoever can find monster sighting wins a $ 100,000 reward. » I was stunned. Monsters in New York? Like the demons of the Mishima. One day, while eating a hot dog, I saw a young girl running in the park. I finished my hot dog, and I follow it. Arriving near the girl, I saw four strange creatures that look like turtles. So, I hide and take pictures without him seeing me 
It was a typical Saturday lunch at the Loud's house. Some of the Loud sisters (Sans Lori, Leni, Luna and Luan) did their daily routine, the parents were in the kitchen preparing dinner, John Christivoiren read his manga and Lincoln and Clyde were playing their favorite video game Battle Moles, by beating against the enemies.
"Try to support me with your blue mole, Clyde!" warned Lincoln. 
"Do not worry buddy, I will not let you down!" Unfortunately, as he said a random enemy became critical and destroyed the blue mole. "Okay, eat that." 
"Boys, can you speak softly, your father and I are trying to prepare dinner!" 
"Saturday Succotash requires exceptional care and delicacy!" says Lynn Sr.
"Sorry, let's try!" shouted Lincoln back. He returned to his video game but then turned to the audience: "I know what you think of what happened to the attitude towards New York? Let's say things have worked pretty well since we've been here. The new school has been nice, making new friends in the area, including Clyde, Dipper, Mabel, Irving, Marc and the new house is much more spacious. "
"Lana, give me back my cart!" Lola threatened. 
"NEVER!" Lana shouted.
"Of course the more things change, the more they stay the same," says impassive Lincoln. The binoculars descend the stairs in a cloud of dust and the fighting can be heard. 
"Give it to me !" 
"No way, my reptiles need something sweet to sleep!"
"The children shut up!" shouted Lynn Sr. angrily.
The twins had ended their fight, "Sorry dad!"
" As I have said. But lately, odd things happened in the city: there were strange disappearances of stolen objects, then we saw monsters circulating in the city, then ... "Lincoln was interrupted by Lori, Squeezie, John’s friends and the rest of the girls entered the house through the front door.
Clyde just caught the eye when he saw his 'soul mate' come into the house. 
"L-Lo-Lori!" He quickly had a nosebleed and fainted as an anime character.
"Auggh, Lincoln's weird friend still has blood on the carpet!" Lori shouted.
Lincoln goes on: "So yeah my best friend Clyde has a weird behavior for my sister Lori, who gets pretty filthy to see ..."
"So it was shopping malls? Asked Dipper
"Yeah," Squeezie said, "we're going to a video game store ..." He stopped and he saw John reading a manga with Charles, Cliff, Walt, and Geo watching "you're still reading the dbz manga, you"
"Oh yes, I want to introduce the newcomers from Soos and Thomas. The girl who is on her phone is Tambry, the teenager who wears a shirt with a heart soaring, it's Robbie Luna's boyfriend and the teenager that John hates is Squeezie is a French youtubeur- »
It was interrupted again when April came through the next door. "Thanks for the trip to the malls, I really love this new notebook to use for my journalism class."
"No problem guy, I heard the teacher could be pretty rough," commented Luna.
"Yeah, because he only sees black and white ah ah ah!" Luan joked. She looked at John "Greet my valiant prince charming"
"Get out, Luan," said John, reading his manga. 
"On the other hand, Luan is in love with John. Which is amazing, as this one hates her, "says Lincoln
"Always makes the best student in the class." April said seeing Lincoln leave her and decided to give him a friendly wave and smile, "Hello Linky, what's up."
"Hi Angel, I mean APRIL!" said Lincoln with a sigh of lovers, his heart and his head in the clouds. The older sisters just rolled their eyes at Lincoln's love, and he thought Clyde's behavior was trustworthy.
April clumsily laughs, "You're so cute Lincoln." 
"I thank you." sighed Lincoln with embarrassment.
"Are you still having trouble, little brother?" Lynn teased Lincoln in the middle of the stairs holding Lily kissing.
"Well, you're lucky to have a boyfriend like April," Marc said as he exited the bathroom. 
"But it's ridiculous!" said a familiar voice.
The others had their attention on Lisa who saw that she was upset.
"I know, the red hair clip does not match Lori's hair, it's ridiculous, but she does not listen to me," Leni said absently.
"Hey !" Lori exclaimed hurt slightly to her fashion pride.
"No, no, it's an idiotic contest that a paper company is watching, look!" 
Everyone takes a look at the newspaper and the bed « Manhattan Monster Hunt Contest’, Which states that whoever can find monster sighting wins a $ 100,000 reward. »
Lincoln shouted, "A monster hunt ?!"
Clyde shouted, "At $ 100,000!" 
Leni shouted, "A sale of shoes!"
All the kids seemed excited to hear that, except April, who looked worried for some reason. "You do not really plan to participate in this monster contest, are you?" 
"Hum," said Marc, who turned around 
"You know John, if we find these monsters, we'll make money and win a house with Moketo, Alice, your brother Tambry Thompson and Lynn. We can win a pool, we can order pizzas. We can invite everyone from New York kids, teenagers, night club dancers and even Mr Lee and Mrs Johnson. "
"Fuck you, Squeezie! John shouted, closing his manga
"John! Your language! Albert shouted "There's Lily, Lisa Lola, Lana Lucy, Dipper, Mabel, Linky, Clyde and my brother who are hearing from you"
"Yeah, I could always use the money for my animals!" Lana shouted.
"We are not going to waste money on these dirty things, we should use it for more clothes!" Lola shouted.
"Guys, do you realize we could make another coin with that money, right ?!" suggested Lynn. 
"It's ridiculous, these obscure monsters are just rumors." says Lisa
"I do not agree," said impassive Lucy appearing beside the children of nowhere.
"Aaah!" The children (except Marc) jumped at the sudden appearance of the Goth girl.
"You will stop that!" yelled Lisa has her heart beating.
"I saw one of them wandering around the city in search of spirits," Lucy quantified.
"Seriously, no one wants to hear about your phantasmagoric vibrations," Luna said. 
"If I had to guess I would say it would be a Kappa." Lucy guessed. 
"Kappa?" Leni asked confused by the strange word.
"A former demon of Japanese water who used to scare children away from dangerous water." Said April surprisingly responded shockingly to everyone.
"Um, she's right," Lucy told everyone, she was so surprised that she forgot to add monotone to her voice.
"Well, April, you're telling the truth," John says astonishingly reading his manga
"But Lucy, why could a demon of Japanese water be in the middle of Manhattan?" Lincoln asked confusedly. 
"Easy, the sewers that run all the time there is enough water for them to fill up." She explained,.
Clyde had also remembered something "You know I've also heard rumors that these creatures were coming out most of the time during the night."
"Really, it must be nocturnal monsters," Lana said to no one, and she thoughtfully looked at her face. "So, what kind of plan someone?" 
"Here's my plan, we'll take Vanzilla tonight so we can wander the city in search of monsters, we'll carry a disposable camera every time we spot them, and Luan will use his video camera," Lori warned.
"We will also need bait, to try them in the cameras," says Lana. 
"Oh, it's a good plan, Lori," Squeezie said. 
Moketo Approved this idea "me, I am" 
Oh yeah "said John" How are you going to do, if we go to film the monsters, without the permission of your parent, grumpy princess
"John, you! I'm going to ... "Lori said.
"Sorry, I did not say anything," John said, picking up his page 140 from his manga 
But April looked rather nervous, "Hmm ... actually guys I ..."
Lynn interrupted, "Wait, I have an idea, April, why do not you invite your four brothers whom you talk to us about, I think it's time we met your family to help us in our research!"
Lincoln, her friends and sisters Loud begged April to invite her "brothers" to help them in their search.
"Hmmm, um sorry, they're with my dad for a martial arts tournament, they'll be gone for the better part of a month," April told the Loud family while breathing lightly. 
"Girl, it's been 3 months and we have not met them yet, what are they doing ?!" Said Luna with irritation.
"They just do not feel comfortable meeting new people or making new friends," she says.
"So, do you mean they are recluse?" Lincoln asked.
All right, but one of those days, April, you're going to have to introduce them to us, "said Lori with slight suspicion, April calming down a bit but still worried about what awaits them.
"You're not going to die anyway," says John, reading his manga
Miss in profile: John says to April "You're not going to die anyway," Tambry said, sending a text message. 
The sisters Lincoln approached John "So you pay us what you said April" said Lori
"I'm not talking about April, I'm talking about Goku," said John, "I'm going to see what time it is ... noon? Well it's not all that, guys we go back we will eat pizzas »
"You are so lucky! Shouted the sisters of Lincoln 
"And you, Luna, what are you going to eat with your brother and your sisters? Asked Robbie 
"Succotash," said Luna. 
Can I eat pizzas with you? April asked. 
"Of course, but you have to ask your father," says Moketo 
"He said yes," said April excitedly
In the first floor Albert discusses with Wendy
So uh ... I was wondering ... if you can go out in the garden tomorrow to talk about your family, Wendy? " 
"Yeah, why not," she says 
Albert jumped for joy and went down the stairs. But Dipper, down the stairs, had heard the conversations.
Later, that day, in the lair of the sewers, the turtles examine the painting which analyzes all the places where the strange disappearances of goods took place everywhere in the new ones. 
"So, there were robberies at a Mom and Pop store at a Palmart and all they took was electronic stuff?" Leo asked to the resident brain of their group. 
"Apparently, all the activity seems to be mostly activated around these areas," Donnie analyzed. 
"So, what are we going to do, we still have no idea where they are hiding!" shouted Raph for the moment that a group of punks had taken over. 
While Raph was raging, Mikey entered the kitchen lab with a pizza on his hands, "Who wants special jelly candies, insects and garlic pizza!"
All gave the pizza disgusted looks. "People who are crazy enough risk death," Raph leaned. 
Mikey had a very irritated look, "Very funny, so what are you doing?"
"We are looking at the sources for all stolen objects, which you should be part of!" Donnie said with irritation.
Raph intervenes, "Mikey is part of planning? Hilarious!"
"What about that old warehouse on 8th Street?" Mikey asked. 
"We've already looked at the warehouse," Donnie told Mikey. 
"So, how do we know that the purple dragons are not the ones who did that?"
"Because those shit piles were smart enough to pull something like this." retorted Raph. 
"Wait, that makes no sense, why did not I see that before?" Asked Leo
while his brothers look at him strangely. 
"Oh, great, he lost it," said Raph. 
"What are you talking about Leo?" Asked Donnie. 
"Thoughtfully, we and the cops checked all their hiding places, but someone steals technology." 
"so what ?" Raph asked, thinking that Leo had finally broken.
"And if they return to the hiding places after checking them!"
"What do you mean brothero? Mikey asked. 
"I say that after the research, they come back right away and we are not wiser because we have already checked them!" 
"Do you mean they use the same hiding places that have been searched by the authorities?" asked impassive Raph.
"It has a point if we have already searched them, we would not know they are using these hiding places because they seemed abandoned," Donnie said, supporting Leo's theory. 
"It's a possibility," said a voice from the boys, revealing to be Splinter.
Raph seemed rather confused, "Really Sensei, no disrespect, but how in the world would these purple thugs be so smart?" 
"We do not fully understand our enemies, some are like meerkats, who stay in their habitat and leave only for temperate reasons, others might look like hermit crabs, they leave to a new shell of time in time, "said Splinter wisely. 
"Ok," Mikey said, not really understanding what his father had said. 
"What I'm saying is that although Leonardo has a good theory, we should not be too sure if the purple dragons choose to stay in the same hiding place or if they are behind the disappearances." explained Splinter.
"Well, I could use all the reported crimes to determine more precisely where the stolen technology might be hiding," Donnie suggested to the group.
"Ok, while Donnie does that, Mikey and Raph can join me for a patrol in search of the hiding place." Leo planned for a strategy. 
Raph was on board with the plan and Mikey was all excited, "Great, I can not wait! COWABUNGA!" 
Everyone was looking at Mikey with their eyes. "Cowabunga? Really guy?" asked impassive Raph.
"What I need is something to be my slogan." 
Raph said sarcastically, "So you got it in the book Catchphrases for Dummies?"
Leo then had another suggestion, "Maybe we should also have April's Tag to work with the light?" 
Raph then gave a quick response in a rude tone, "No Tag, she's with her new friends who are doing all that crap drags!" 
The turtles gave Raph a smile on their face, "It looks like someone is a little jealous because his 'girlfriend' has human friends!" 
Raph cried irritably, "Shut up, it's not that, it's ..." 
"Hi guys." Right away, April entered the room with a worried look on her face.
"April?!" Says the turtles. 
"What's wrong with April? Why are not you with your friends?" Leo asked April. 
April sighed, "Guys, we have a problem." 
Mikey was quick to answer, "Do you need a new bra because of another growth spurt?" 
April blushed furiously as Raph slapped his head. "Oww, was it for fun?" 
"Did you say April?" Raph asked while watching Mikey. 
"It's really about my friends, ten girls, their brother and their neighbor," April asked. 
"Donnie's worst fear?" Raph taunted his geek brother. 
"Very funny !" Donnie said ironically. 
April then takes out a newspaper from her backpack and shows it to the turtles. 
"Oh my god," said Leo. 
"Shit." Said Raph shocked. 
"Well, it's bad." Donnie said worried. 
"Cool, there will be a new pizzeria!" Mikey excited. 
Each of the brothers rolled their eyes, but are concerned that there is now a $ 100,000 bonus on their heads and most New Yorkers will look for them. 
April continued, "And apparently, my friends are also participating in the contest."
"Well, that puts a damper on the plan." Raph supposed. 
"I think maybe you should stay down for a while until it all ends," suggested April. 
The Turtles considered that the options of choice were weak and waited for the heat to decrease. But if they do, more and more people will be stolen, or come out and risk being caught on camera or in a trap. 
"Sensei, what do you think should be a good approach?" Leo asked, hoping to ask his sensei for wisdom. 
"So basically, do the opposite of what Mikey does," Raph joked. 
"In rude terms yes." 
"Hey!" Mikey said offended. 
Leo thought of another idea: "And April, maybe you could get your friends away from where we are." 
"Okay, I'll try but most of them are determined to find you guys." 
Raph intervened, "Then give them false information about our locations, and if not, call us by T-Phone if they are in our area." 
"Great, now let's move the ninjas!" Leo ordered. 
The Turtles will gather their weapons and begin to leave until Master Splinter stops them. 
April asked, "Something is wrong sensei?" 
"Yes, I feel that your brothers can be seen but he can become an ally."
"Do not worry master, we will not be seen!" Mikey said without any worries. 
"All right, now let's go!" They cross one of the tunnels and start navigating on one of the hidden exits.
As night falls, John plays Rayman 3 where he is in The Bog of Murk . He wanted to show his friends if the Hoddlums Stumbleboom can go down alone.
"And then someone to a plan? Asked Wendy
" That's it ! I think I know what they eat it's a monster "says a brilliant idea from Moketo 
" Oh yeah ! Asked the others except John
"That's it I got it! John shouted. But when it was hovering in the air, Rayman got shot and died in the water "NOOOOOON! WHORE ! "
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. It was Albert and his brother. "Hey guys, what are you doing? Asked Albert
"We discover what they like to eat, it's a monster" says Tambry
In the girls' room, Mabel spoke with her little pig "Ok Waddle we are going to prepare the operation Monster city" Waddle does not understand but he soot
As for Moketo, he spoke with Tambry's snake, "that will be our walk. Do not worry, Amikuto. I promise to come back to play Mario Kart with you. I love you my friend
But the snake who read the third volume of Naruto, mounted his head
"Hey, you speak with Tambry's snake! Says Thompson, smiling
"No, shut your mouth! Moketo said angrily
" This is so cute ! Thompson continued
"You saw it your shit! Moketo runs behind Thompson to silence him.
"Ok I think everyone is here and where is Moketo and Thompson? Asked Albert
But Soos intervenes "friends, or are you going? "
"At the pizzeria to eat pizza" says Dipper
" Oh ok. Good luck, guys, "said Soos
Thompson tried to run in front of the exit, but Albert blocked his way. "Moketo and Thompson, stop fighting. Otherwise, you would stay at Moss and Kirb! It's clear ?! "
"Stop Albert, it's good they understood the massage" says Wendy
"Ok but not 10:30! Kirb shouted
Meanwhile at the Loud's house, the kids were preparing everything to chase the monsters while Lori was going down to talk to their parents.
"So, are you okay if we go every ten to Spunk E. Pigeons tonight with our neighbors?" Ment Lori.
"Of course, but why do you all want to go to a pizzeria?" Lynn Sr. asked her daughter.
"She's right, we usually need a lot of bribes to get everyone to the same place," Rita said suspiciously of her children's sudden agreement.
"We just need something to do this Saturday, we have nothing to do." Lori still.
"Okay, but not 10 hours later and you're all on time," Rita told her daughter in a strict voice and her face hard as steel.
"Okay, let's go!"
Very quickly, April and Lincoln and her sisters were out and went to Vanzilla.
"So where should we start first?" Lori asked April, his brother and sisters.
"Well, I'd like a slice of pepperoni with a stuffed crust and ..." Leni was trying to tell her big sister.
"We're not going to eat pizza, Leni," Lincoln said.
"I think we should start looking in 5th Avenue," says April.
"Very good." Lori said he drove the Vanzilla out of the alley and hoping to find one of the monsters.
Lola just shouted, "$ 100,000 is coming!"
While everyone was clapping, April had secretly her T-Phone on the speaker all the time.
"It's good guys, they're leaving," said Albert, "you have to follow them. But before, little music "he puts the radio to put a music to his friends" NEW YORK, NEW YORK by FRANK SINATRA 1977
All we moaned “seriously, Albert?” Asked John
"Ok I'm going to change my music," said Albert and he changed the music and he puts Digital Underground - The Humpty Dance 1990 and his friends love it
In another part of Manhattan, the turtles listened on the T-Phone.
"Ok, guys, you know what to do," Leo asked.
"Yeah," said Raph.
"Certainly," Donnie said.
"Of course not." Mikey confused.
"Ugh, go in the opposite direction of one and the Loud sisters and their neighbors and try to stay in the shadows."
"Can do!" Mikey exclaimed.
The four brothers leave from building to building, planning to catch the Loud behind the disappearances once and for all.
Meanwhile, in a nightclub, there were members of Purple Dragon in a discussion.
"All right boys, you all know why we are here, are not they ?!" said the group leader.
"yes because monsters hurt your ass?"
"Exactly, they always interfere with our plans and we did not even see them, it's like they're not even human!" he said bitterly in his tone.
"So, what are we going to do with this problem, boss?" asked one of the thugs.
"All the members of our faction are walking in the alleys, they like to appear in the dark and everything else, so they would probably be there!"
The thugs nodded and began to catch an assortment of weapons. "Do you expect if they come here?"
"In case you did not notice Nelson, there are other people here in this Club who are not Purple Dragons, they would not want to make a scene, right? Asked the chef.
"Good point but what about the warehouse?"
"They might suspect it if we use the warehouse."
"Yeah, but we leave him helpless, do not we?"
"Do not worry, any clues they find have already been removed."
"No matter what you say, Dragon-Face," said Nelson.
"Well, now to other things, do you remember those two trainees?"
"Do you mean the two juvenile delinquents of high school?"
"Yeah, bring them a minute."
"Ok, Dragon Face."
"Douglas, leave the beginners!" He told the guy who was guarding the door.
"Okay." He opened the doors and two people entered the club. One of them was a tall, dark-haired 16-year-old boy wearing a black t-shirt and a gray sweater.
The other was a 14-year-old girl who had a black spot and a purple lock on her hair. "Has anyone ever been drunk and died here?" questioned the girl.
"But why would an Angel have asked that?" Casey asked.
"My name is supposed to be ironic."
"Casey and Angel, I heard good words about you two." said Dragon Face.
"Yeah, what do you want?" asked Casey.
"Watch out what you say Jones!" said Nelson with irritation.
"It's ok, Nelson," said Nelson Face Nelson said. "Now both of you are about to become Purple Dragons in their own right."
The two teens really did not know what to say. But Casey seemed a little suspicious.
"You only have to do three more tests and you are officially members!"
"So, what are the three trials?" Angel asked.
"You will see, for now, just sit until later." He then takes out 2 pocket knives. "In the meantime, you won them."
"Are we supposed to bite our teeth with these things?" Angel asked.
"We have all of these, not going home and waiting for our orders the next time we see you."
"Very good." Both are out of the club.
Nelson did not seem to agree with them. "Boss, kid Casey seems a bit disrespectful."
"I know and I also know you do not like the kid, but the boss seems pretty close to him so try."
"Ugh, okay, but do not accidents happen around his hood part?"
Meanwhile, the turtles were outside the warehouse waiting for someone to enter the warehouse and Raph was losing patience, "Good glorious leader when are they showing up?"
"They'll show up," Leo was patient.
Raph and Donnie seem rather bored to death. Mikey, meanwhile, was gaffing on a pole: "Yo guys, look how boomy is this boom!"
"Mikey, I really do not do that," Donnie warns his brother. 
"Why ?"
"Because it breaks any moment and you can break your head, or make it more broken than it already is!" Now, get out of this damn thing! He asked as he went on the pole to catch Mikey and he threw it back to the roof, but the post made a crackling noise, "crump"
The post broke in two and Raph and he started to fall to the ground. The pole breaks and Raph falls into a garbage truck
"Sorry not to try to catch you Raph!" shouted Mikey, hoping his brother was crazy.
Before Raph could comment, the truck's engine started: "Are you kidding?" Raph asked angrily, and the truck left carrying Raph with him.
"Dude, today is not Raph's day." Mikey commented on the events that occurred.
"Come on, we have to go get him." Leo ordered Mikey and Donnie to jump after the truck.
The truck rolled at a very fast pace.
Meanwhile, April, the Louds and the others were near Central Park, having set everything up.
"Ok, did everyone install the cameras?" Lori asked the group.
"Yes, we all have our disposable cameras including Luan's video camera," says Lincoln. "These monsters are going to have a close-up today!"
"Psssh, forget the false ghost hunters, imagine a crowd of people who cheer us as we showed them the monsters!" Said Lola with green in her eyes.
"I still think it's pretty dangerous," Lisa says, ignoring rumors of monsters.
"Come on Lisa, with that money, we could finally have another room!" Lincoln said trying to excite his sisters.
Ok, guys as soon as we filmed it's creatures, we'll be able to win the $ 100,000! Albert shouted
"Yeah great idea Albert!” Jean shouted, "and how do you want the movies?"
"Miss in profile ..."
"And you stop sending SMS!” Squeezie shouted
Luna then looked to April "So April, what will you make money since you help us?"
"Oh, I'll probably put it in the bank, it'll help my family save for my college in the future." At that moment, April's phone vibrated in search of Leo's text. "Oh no." April gasped with surprise and concern.
Lincoln saw April's worried look: "What's April?"
April hesitated to answer: "Nothing, it's just ... I'll be right back!"
She runs away leaving Lincoln and Luna confused. Lincoln, however, saw that April had dropped his notebook, "Luna, April dropped her notebook!"
"I guess she dropped it when she took out her phone."
Lincoln thought of wanting to gracefully return the notepad to his crush: "So maybe I should go make it!"
Luna raised an eyebrow, "And I hope she'll kiss you, brother?"
Lincoln was nervous and had a broad smile on his face, "Pfft, of course not, I just want to do a selfless act, that's all!"
Luna did not buy it. She would be the only one with Lori, Leni and Luan, who would be most worried about her only brother. But she is content to play: "Do not bother little brother." Lincoln nodded and left to follow April
Dipper approached him: "Do you want me to go with you? "
"If you want, Dipper," said Lincoln, "you four, do you want to come?"
Marc returned to Lynn, then returned to Lincoln, Waddle, Irving, Mabel, and Dipper. "No go 'y guys," says Marc "I'm going to stay with my brother, Squeezie, Lynn and my brother's friends"
"Okay see you later, Marc," Lincoln said.
Lincoln and the kids ran to follow April
The other girls did not seem to notice because they seemed to be starting the plan again. But John had an idea "maybe I should ..." But he's bothered by the sound of the helicopter.
"Why is there a helicopter landing in the park? Asked Robbie.
"I do not know, but we must go see! Said Albert, "here is my plan. John, Wendy, Thompson and Tambry are going to hide in the tree while Marc ... "Then he saw that Marc disappeared" ok. While me, the sisters of Lincoln, Moketo, Squeezie and Alice are going to follow the helicopter "
All bowed their heads and ran
Soon, behind the big tree, John Wendy, Tambry and Thompson waited for Albert and the others to arrive in front of the big lake. But Wendy saw a creature with giant horns next to her head and three others upstairs. She had one eye, she was pink-white with a dark pink cape.
"But it's Pyronica! Yelled Wendy, "How did she get to New York City ?! "
"You mean, you know her. Thompson and Tambry remember her,” says Wendy
"Here is my plan. First, go around the lake, then we'll kill her. "Thompson and Tambry approved the idea except John.
Robbie, Albert, Alice, Moketo Squeezie and Lincoln's sisters were hidden behind the hot dog stand.
"I know that one," said Robbie, "this is one of the creatures that Dipper fought.
"Robbie," said Alice
Perido? Not Perido. Bayonetta...
Robbie. ROBBIE! Alice shouted
"What!” Robbie shouted
"Lu ... Luna and her sisters approach her"
When they saw the sisters Loud approached Pyronica and the four men with weapons. "Who are you?" Says the creature, seeing these girls
"Are you the creature trying to kill Robbie? What is your name? "Asked Lola
"My name is Pyronica and no, I did not kill your Robbie"
Robbie runs in front of the sisters of Lincoln "You are stupid! Why did you get out of your stamp ?! Robbie shouted.
But they saw something moving in the lake and someone jumped Pyronica. It was Wendy "PYRONICA! Wendy shouted
Pyronica used her power but too late. Wendy threw herself on her. She hit it ten times on the creature.
"DO NOT STAY PLACE THE IMBECILE, PULL! Pyronica ordered his men.
His men aimed at Wendy's head. But the latter began to shout "GO TO KILL ME! "
"Stop fighting both! John said running. Wendy, Albert and the others, saw that John is shirtless and even Thompson. As for Tambry, she wore the top of John and Thompson's clothes
" And you who are you ? Pyronica asked.
"My name is John, John Christivoirien and I see you have met Squeezie, Moketo and Alice"
Pyronica smiled a little. She tries to use her fireball, but are phone rang "two minutes" says Pyronica "yes! Four people ! Well, then shoot them! What? Four children and a little pig ?! Alright, let them pass I said ... let them go, finished "
"Four children? Albert said
"I think it's Dipper, Lincoln, Mabel, Waddle and Irving," says Moketo 
"All right, the pose is over. Ahhhhh! Jean shouted, running to three of Pyronica's men. The three men shot Jean, but he dodged the bullets and rushed towards them punched them.
"The pines? The little children of Stanford? Pyronica thought she called the solda sound: "Foolish are the grandchildren of Ford! Dipper and Mabel »
"PYRONICA! John shouted and ran in front of her to give him the neck of grace. But this one dodged sent him the ball of fire to John.
Meanwhile, Lincoln, Irving Dipper, Dandinou and Mabel ran to warn April to return his notebook. But he stopped and they saw a soldier wearing a gas mask and his eyes were red.
"Excuse me sir, we want to go!" Said Dipper
"Stop! The soldier shouted
"But what if ..." Irving said. But he stopped talking. He remembers this man "I remember you! You are one of those soldiers when you capture civilians in the basement of the subway! "
" You know him?” Asked Dipper
" Uh no "
"Listen to me sir, we're a little squeeze," says Lincoln
"Stop right there! The soldier shouted
"Okay," said Mabel, "we just want to shoot monsters in the park."
"I have four civilians in front of the playground entrance. Please advise," he said, calling someone with his walkie-talkie
But Irving released a weapon in his pocket
"Irving, what are you doing? You are crazy ! Dipper shouted
"Do not worry, I'm not going to kill him," Irving said with a smiley face
"Sir, there are four children and a little pig," said the soldier "but ... yes, sire"
then he turns off his walkie talkie "kids, you can move on. The children walked past him, but Irving tugged on the soldier's head and fell to the ground
"Irving, did you become sick or what ?! Mabel shouted
“Wait, guys. I did not kill him I just fall asleep with a non-lethal weapon: it means no kils »
"So what did he do with him? Mabel asked.
"We have to stay here for the watch, Lincoln, you're going to get April, then tell him what's going on here," Dipper said. 
"All right," says Lincoln
Soon, April arrived at the old playground, "Ok guys, I'm here!" Two of his brothers, Leo and Mikey, fell from the trees around the playground. "Donnie, you too! "
"Is it you April?" Donnie asked in a slightly shaky voice.
"Yes, Donnie no Loud girls did not follow me!" Leo replied.
Donnie came out of hiding and was relieved.
"Are you lost, Raph ?!" April seemed very concerned.
"Yeah, but it was not my fault!" Mikey said by instinct.
April had fumbled with disappointment, "What am I going to do with you guys?"
Mikey was about to give a literal answer, but Donnie stopped him, "DO NOT DO IT!"
April shook her head at the difficult situation of her brothers, all unaware that a certain guy was looking at them: "giant turtles ?! April found them ?! Lincoln thought and was panicked. He was ready to run to his sisters, then he accidentally stepped on a twig.
"And crump," said Lincoln
April and the turtles spotted Lincoln on the side of the building, "Lincoln ?!"
Lincoln tried to run away but a bola quickly closed that idea. Leo then came right in front of Lincoln, "You're just a kid!"
"AAAAHHHHH" Lincoln yelled back panicking about it until he fainted.
"Oh no," April said, worried that Lincoln spotted her turtles.
To be continued…
Notes from the author: So now Lincoln has spotted the turtles, how is he going to interact with them? Will Raph be safe? How will purple dragons capture their enemies? Stay tuned for Part 2. So, this is the first official chapter. Casey and Angel will make more appearances later.
0 notes