deduction-substitute · 2 months
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Midsummer Misty Mountains au where August and Censer remember each loop and hide it from Bai Ze and Master Yin Yang
Censer tried to help him once during a loop. As you can see.
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deduction-substitute · 2 months
I think about the hc that Paranormal Investigator being Paranormal Researcher's chairman, but then I also remember that this implies that Midsummer Misty Mountains happens in the Truth and Inference universe
After the events of Voyage of Oceanus, the Photojournalist, Alice, approaches Mr. Inference regarding the disappearance of one of her childhood friends- August
Inference eventually finds out that this August was a part of the Paranormal Investigator's "Ghost Club," but mysteriously disappeared during an outing. Luca seems uncomfortable about the subject, and is even a bit hostile towards Alice, but eventually opens up to the idea of trying to find August again
Maybe they do get to enter the mountains and meet August, but he doesnt remember them. Bai Ze and Master Yin Yang are put off by the new outsiders, but figures out that they could possibly change the loop into their favor. When Bai Ze learns of their intention to bring August back with them, she's a bit heartbroken knowing that she'll truly never see August again, but decides that its better to let him go
Bai Ze gets Alice on her side, while Luca is on Master Yin Yang's due to his manipulations, and based on which side Mr. Inference favors, theres a different ending. But both end with one side winning and Mr. Inference's group being kicked out, WITHOUT August.
But the true ending lies in interacting with Censer. Censer, whose memories are retained due to the cycle breaking, sticks to August and tries to push the others away from him. It could be because of fear of forgetting again, or maybe learning of the possibility that August could leave the mountains now that Inference, Luca, and Alice are here...
Whatever reason it is, he's the reason why August isnt able to leave the mountains. Now that he's aware of Master Yin Yang's lies, he's not fond of either side. Behind the scenes he works on building up a good relationship with August to get back at the two, only for it to backfire because FUCKKKKKK i care for him now.
Mr. Inference has to beat Censer to it, getting closer to August and learning to care for him as well through Luca's stories and Alice's photos.
Can you guys tell ive been brainrotting about this
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deduction-substitute · 3 months
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I gave up trying to draw
Augcenser is love, augcenser is life ❤️
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Midsummer Misty Mountains but the mirror demon succeeds in impersonating August and August gets stuck in the mirror...except Bai Ze stops the mirror demon before it gets out, destroying it once and for all- and August's body with it
August is stuck as a shadow in the mirror, the others watching over him to see if he turns into a mirror demon as well. But all they hear from him is his sobs and cries, haunting Bai Ze when she tries to sleep
Master Yin Yang attempts to break in, only to be shown the shadow of his other half by August, which shocks him so bad that he ends up hiding away for a bit
The boshan censer, which was tossed into the river, was picked up by Paddle and returned to the surface. For some reason, the moment it broke through the surface of the water, Censer was hit with the sound of August's screams
Its actually the reason why Bai Ze finds out about the mirror demon earlier, because Censer accuses "August" of not being real.
Censer can't bear to look at anything that can show him his reflection, afraid that he'll find August's staring right back at him
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deduction-substitute · 2 months
I bring gifts
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deduction-substitute · 2 months
Truth and Inference event titled "Beyond the Fog" where Mr. Inference, Paranormal Investigator and the Photojournalist go to the mountains that the Ghost/Paranormal Research Club visited, only to disband after the disappearance of one of its members
But before they truly get trapped inside the fog, the deeper they go, the more they encounter strange happenings. Luca sees a doppelganger of August who he chases after, only to lose him when he reaches a riverbank. Alice swears that the shadows move on their own, taking the form of August, but when she blinks all is back to normal.
Mr. Inference has the "blessing" of dreams. He speaks with August sometimes, and depending on what he chooses to say, he gets closer to him. This will help him differentiate August from "August," the mirror demon, later on. If he doesn't progress his relationship with August however, the choices are basically a guessing game
Hhhh...Im still hung over the "Censer being the reason August cant leave thing." He keeps a close eye on him the whole time Mr. Inference's group is there, and feeds false info to Luca to keep up his act as Master Yin Yang's pawn and push him away from August at the same time
He antagonizes Bai Ze in front of Alice, using the same tactic that he used on August not long ago to sow doubt into her. But for Inference, he's already aware of Censer's plans, making it harder for him to keep the detective away from August
If he cant push Inference away, he'll make August do it for him instead. He tells him of how theyre outsiders that are only here to ruin the peace of the mountain, but of course, August would want to join them so he could leave, right? Basically guilt-trip him into staying away from the group
But August can't deny the sense of familiarity he has with Alice, or the deep adoration (and slight annoyance/lh) for Luca. Then there's Mr. Inference, who gives him a feeling of safety and ease, and even if Censer says that theyre not to be trusted...August just has this gut feeling, you know?
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deduction-substitute · 4 months
This is horrible i have so many ideas for each of the chinese academy of arts crossover designs of lucky.
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Guys trust me when i say that this Lucky design kisses Censer
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deduction-substitute · 3 months
"Win WHAT" anything goes defend yourself!!
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hehe ur post got me thinking.. Edgar being possessive in the way that he loves Lucky: he’s his muse and nobody else should get in the way of that because they just don’t understand him like he does! vs Censer who’s in denial about his feelings: he thinks August should love him and nobody else but that’s just cause he’s a stupid human faced by a great spirit.. it’d be stupid if he didn’t.. not cause censer WANTS him
Anon.....im in love w u/p....i never thought of it this way.........
Everyone can clearly tell that Edgar takes Lucky being his muse very seriously...believes that he's the only one who can truly portray Lucky's beauty properly and doesnt trust anyone else to do it
Joseph tried to do a photoshoot with Lucky once (he wasnt even the only model) and Edgar barged in demanding that Lucky wear this, pose like that, angle should be this, props should be that, SCREW IT I'm painting you instead Lucky come with me
He doesnt think that theyll do his muse justice...not the way the painter does, because he's the one who understands Lucky best after all (he's crazy!!! Crazy ass!!!)
AND CENSER BASICALLY THINKING "heh...he's just playing hard to get...he'll turn around eventually 😼" 😭😭😭 not realizing that HE'S the one who fell and soon became obsessed with August, trying to list a bunch of reasons as to why the researcher SHOULD love him
Because why WOULDNT he? August is just too stupid to realize to see whats in front of him...he'll be begging for a scrap of Censer's attention sooner or later... (CRAZY ASS!!! YOU WANT HIM SO BAD!!!)
Anon.....thank yku for this ask....youve sustained me for a whole mknth.....
Any other edlucky-ers out there....heh....send asks if you fw us...
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deduction-substitute · 2 months
i was cooking lowkey with censer and august remembering each loop but hiding it from bai ze and master yin yang
Its just a crack au of midsummer misty mountains with augcenser shenanigans...censer tried to rescue august from drowning in the river once only for both of them to die 💀
Bai Ze's slowly catching on because August and Censer are more...civil?? Friendly??? Censer still betrays August in some loops, but its become a rare occurrence at this point (Its to keep up appearances)
But the closer they get to actually figuring out a way to break the loops AND get August out, the more Censer becomes uncooperative. He doesnt know why hearing of August talk about the outside, about his friends and family, leaves something painful in his chest
What he does know is that he doesn't want August to leave...yet. Maybe. Would he be okay with staying forever?
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deduction-substitute · 4 months
Midsummer Misty Mountains except August does end up dying.
Bai Ze waits for the loop to restart, as well as Master Yin Yang, because theres been some loops where August perished much much earlier due to not following Master Yin Yang's instructions or refusing to stay at Bai Ze's house
But this is the first time August has died when he's so close to finishing the loop and starting a new one
To their surprise, the sun rises. A new day has begun. There is no visitor who appears from the fog.
Everyone's memories from the very start of the loop leading to August's death are still intact, and the fog around the mountain still remains. The mirror demon is gone without a trace. Bai Ze doesn't know if she should be relieved or worried.
It actually takes a while for Bai Ze and Master Yin Yang to come to terms with the fact that August is dead, always expecting him to come out of the fog. Even if he's been in the mountain for "9 days," theyve known him for a lifetime.
Censer doesn't know why he mourns for the outsider that sided with someone he hates. Doesn't even know why he's affected in the first place. But he grows wary of Bai Ze and Master Yin Yang, who both spend most of their time staring out into the fog, one of them with a look that's more longing.
They both know something- are keeping something from the remaining residents of the mountain. Censer isn't sure if he wants to know what that something is.
Life continues in the mountain, with Bai Ze and Master Yin Yang in this weird "tentative truce thats not really a truce but both of us arent doing anything to break whatevers going on" due to the cycle breaking out of nowhere and throwing both of them off
Crane and Paddle take care of August's grave, even if they have no body to bury. Cierge continues to have dreams of the outsider, but she keeps most of it to herself. The last time she shared her dreams, Bai Ze started hounding her for questions. Censer made Bai Ze back off, only for him to start doing the same to Cierge not long after.
The "peace" only breaks once Paddle starts talking about a "new playmate," who's really skilled at climbing up and down trees. They dismissed it at first, thinking it was some animal, until he starts talking about his playmate's golden tail and the "weird dots on his face like Ms. Aug!"
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deduction-substitute · 2 months
I just saw the most delicious delectable absolutely SAVORY augcenser AND augdrew fanart on twt i feel like. I feel like im going to faint. I feel lightheaded. Ohhhh ohhh OHHHH AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST IML LKRVE YOU AUGUSY IMSISR YOU SO MUCJ AUAGUAT AUSGUST AUGUST
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