#auf weidersehen
killa-trav · 2 years
japan winning 2-1 against spain with a 4% chance of winning, topping the group and germany didn’t make it past the 2022 world cup group stage
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gilbertfortnite · 11 months
nah canon is way better than nationverse
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feuerundbenzin · 1 year
I'm throwing in the all over rp towel for good. There is no energy, motivation, or a need for rp, along with I'm desperate for more work to make money to pay my bills. I'm unsure of a career that I want, and I want to focus on that instead. It's been ridiculous just being in a low end job where I can't move up in the work I like to do. I'm gonna work harder for what I want.
So with that, this account is officially abandoned. Thanks, I hope you all understand. So, Adieu, Goodbye, Auf Wiedersehen.
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
im sorry i never interact wif anybody ever on this webbed site its bc im always eating shit and i never check my notifications. i see shit on mai dash from people i followed when i was 11 and reblog the funnies and unfollow the lame posts and das it. robooty is not checkin the itager tag literally ever
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bates--boy · 1 year
@ mun what are your favorite fanfics?
// It's kinda hard for me to remember all of them, but from the top of my head
Fiore by Frances Desmarais. It's such a sweet slice of life and the characters just feel so human. Reading it feels like the tenants are family, and the reader is a part of that family. It's such a cozy read.
The Perks of Balconing by TheFreakZone. It starts off with Arthur drunk off his rocker and jumping off balconies. Hilarious.
Absurdity and Alcohol by frikadeller. I never thought about an adult Sealand x Turkey ship, so reading this fic was quite surprising and interesting (and honestly had me craving more, even though I'm more of a TRNSea shipper).
A Not-So-Classic Romance by Galythia. I'm no longer a USUK shipper, but man, this story was beautiful. Expansive worldbuilding, dramatic plot and twists, Victorian setting. It was so good! I was really depressed when the author had to stop writing it.
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galatariel · 4 months
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The White Buffalo Suite™️ in THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY — 3.07 (Auf Weidersehen)
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aeolianblues · 4 months
me: while we’re on the topic of nepotism and boring music, can I say that Matty Hea—
everyone: no!! That doesn’t count!!
Elis James, a few weeks ago on national radio: ‘he’s Tim Healy’s son, did you know.’
John: Who’s Tim Healy again?
Elis: ‘He was in Auf Weidersehen, Pet, you oaf!’ (<- tone implying this should be fairly obvious, as a show both Elis and John watched quite a lot of growing up in the 90s)
Also his mum was in Coronation Street; as someone who does a radio show on British music, I was asked last year to explain to a committee for a national award what made my show stand out, and I opened with ‘if you think British culture is all tea and biscuits and Corrie on telly, you’re wrong’, and they immediately knew what I meant by ‘Corrie’. This man’s parents are not obscure lol
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brellygifs · 2 years
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From the 5th-11th of September, Brellygifs hosted the first ever THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY APPRECIATION WEEK! We wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who participated in the event, there were so many incredible creations that showcased the amazing talent this fandom holds and it was a joy to get to be part of it all. Thank you from everyone here at Brellygifs for sharing your creativity, skill and celebrating this show with us. It is truly an honour to be sharing a fandom space with you all.
Below is a masterlist of all the creations from the week, just in case you missed any. Be sure to check them out and spread The Umbrella Academy love! We look forward to celebrating further events with you all.
DAY ONE:  favorite character(s) | favorite cast member(s)
Diego Hargreeves by @yenvengerberg Ritu Arya by @hargreevcs Blorbos from my shows by @hargreevcs Allison Hargreeves by @irisswest Diego Hargreeves by @capinejghafa Klaus Hargreeves by @sohoseance Five Hargreeves by @padmaemidala Viktor Hargreeves by @lesbianladysif Sparrow Ben Hargreeves by @immortalklaushargreeves Five Hargreeves by @number5theboy Klaus Hargreeves & Robert Sheehan by @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky Luther Hargreeves by @viktorhargreeves Klaus Hargreeves by @endiness Diego, Allison, Viktor, Lila & Five by @queenrojpag Klaus Hargreeves by @chrrispine Viktor Hargreeves by @viktorenthusiast Klaus Hargreeves by @seance Diego, Klaus & Five by @princessrhcenyra Hazel & Cha Cha by @dilfewan Lila Pitts by @lilapittss Klaus Hargreeves by @salvador-daley Lila Pitts by @agents-of-strange-umbrellas
DAY TWO:  favorite episode(s) | favorite season(s)
Season Two by @yenvengerberg Wedding at the End of the World by @hargreevcs Season Two by @achingly-shy Number Five by @sohoseance Season 2 by @capinejghafa Number Five, Valhalla and Auf Weidersehen by @immortalklaushargreeves Wedding at the End of the World by @viktorhargreeves 743 by @viktorhargreeves Season 1 by @fivehargreve Season One by @number5theboy Season One by @viktorenthusiast Number Five by @seance Man on the Moon by @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals by @princessrhcenyra The White Violin by @princessrhcenyra Season 3 by @princessrhcenyra Right Back Where We Started From by @princessrhcenyra Season One by @queenrojpag Season Two by @lesbianladysif Season 2 by @agents-of-strange-umbrellas A Light Supper by @lilapittss
DAY THREE:  favorite dynamic(s) | favorite trope(s)
The Hargreeves Dynamics by @yenvengerberg Diego and Lila by @hargreevcs Diego and... by @capinejghafa Klaus and his siblings by @sohoseance The End of the World As We Know It  by @viktorhargreeves Luther and Five by @viktorhargreeves Klaus Season 3 Dynamics by @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky Klaus Hargreeves Tropes by @dilfewan Viktor and Five by @antlerqueer Favourite Tropes by @antlerqueer Five and Lila by @antlerqueer Klaus and Five by @seance The Hargreeves Family by @queenrojpag Favourite Dynamics by @lesbianladysif Favourite Dynamics by @padmaemidala Klaus and Ben by @endiness Diego and Lila by @agents-of-strange-umbrellas Favourite Dynamics and colours by @number5theboy Lila and The Hargreeves by @lilapittss Allison & Klaus Tropes by @immortalklaushargreeves
DAY FOUR:  favorite superpower(s) | color(s)
A Superpower Guide by @yenvengerberg Sloane in Pink by @hargreevcs Five’s Powers by @capinejghafa Allison’s Rumor by @lesbianladysif Viktor in the Trans Flag by @viktorhargreeves Allison and Five by @seance Klaus’ Powers by @queenrojpag Rainbow by @endiness Klaus’ Powers by @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky Sloane’s Gravity Manipulation by @viktorhargreeves Favourite Dynamics and colours by @number5theboy White by @agents-of-strange-umbrellas Favourite Powers by @lilapittss Rainbow by @immortalklaushargreeves
DAY FIVE:  favorite outfit(s) | comedic moment(s)
Klaus Hargreeves’ Fashion Guide by @yenvengerberg Favourite Season 3 Looks by @hargreevcs Lila, Diego, Sloane and Klaus by @capinejghafa One Klaus Outfit Per Season by @sohoseance Diego’s Comedic Moments by @queenrojpag Favourite Outfits by @viktorhargreeves A Family Sitcom by @viktorhargreeves The Handler by @lesbianladysif Kindest Cut by @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky Raymond Chestnut by @number5theboy Lila Pitts by @agents-of-strange-umbrellas Sloane Hargreeves by @charmedslayer Instagram Stories by @seance Klaus Hargreeves by @endiness The Handler Edition by @lilapittss
DAY SIX:  song lyric(s) | favorite quote(s)
Favourite comedic quotes by @yenvengerberg Allison + Trouble’s Coming by @sohoseance Five + Hazy Shade of Winter by @lesbianladysif Five + Haunted House by @catoptrific The End of Something by @viktorhargreeves Luther and Viktor by @viktorhargreeves Klaus + My Silver Lining by @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by @number5theboy A Family by @queenrojpag Diego and Lila by @capinejghafa Is There Somewhere by @agents-of-strange-umbrellas Favourite Quote by @lilapittss My Silver Lining by @seance Klaus + Me Against the World by @antlerqueer Viktor + World’s Smallest Violin by @immortalklaushargreeves
DAY SEVEN: free choice
The Hargreeves throughout the seasons by @yenvengerberg Viktor & Sissy by @viktorhargreeves The Hargreeves + My Synesthesia by @catoptrific The Hargreeves Dancing by @queenrojpag Klaus + losing everyone, everything & more by @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky Number 5 + mythological figures by @number5theboy Favourite Characters Outside the Umbrella Academy by @viktorhargreeves Luther, Diego, Ben & Klaus by @lesbianladysif Incorrect Quote by @capinejghafa Allison Hargreeves by @padmaemidala Favorite Songs Used by @agents-of-strange-umbrellas
If you made something to celebrate the week but it does not appear on this list, please do let us know! It may be that we did not see it in the tags and we would love to fix that.
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alicewhimzy · 8 months
Tumblr live is officially gone.
I didn't really use this feature. At all. I thought it was too invasive for me. But tonight I dropped by and checked out a few streams to say goodbye to it and watch some of the creators there give it a good send off. I wrote a few comments, had a nice time, and now I'm writing this as a little way of giving condolences, I guess. It just felt right. Here's hoping that any new features that Tumblr might get work out better. And to all the talented creators that made live work for them, I wish you well in your future endeavors.
Tumblr live, so long, farewell, auf weidersehen, goodbye. 🫡
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adlamu · 1 year
Thoughts on this photo
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first of all: slay sLAYYYYYYYY second of all: the docks i think i recognise from auf weidersehen, pet (old tv show about builders who went to germany for work in the early 80s) but i could be wrong i haven't watched it in ages (will 100% rewatch knowing me now i've said that) third of all: it has an aura about it that i find palpable but inexplicable kdjgkjdd
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bootytron · 1 year
23 and 30
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
Mummy Dust by Ghost, literal speeding down the highway kind of pumped up (And then I have to Stop Myself LOL)
2. Professional Killer by KMFDM (BAD BITCH ANTHEM)
3. Auf Weidersehen Boy by Zeromancer (SLAPS) (Bonus, especially if you like heavy music: Gotterdammerung by Zeal & Ardor) 30. three songs you really want your followers to know 1. Nile's Edge by VAST, It's just so eerie and beautiful, I've loved it for years. 2. The Searcher by Nuovo Testamento (if you love 80s music, you will ADORE Nuovo Testamento. They're amazing in person too!) 3. Griftwood by Ghost, just so goooooooooooood
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butchboromir · 1 year
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rikigo · 7 months
Listen/purchase: Auf Weidersehen by Richard Grosser
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missouri-and-woe · 9 months
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glennreeve21 · 10 months
Auf Weidersehen
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the-heaminator · 1 year
Bed, Wed, Behead: Gutters, Danish Slaughterhouse, and Auf Weidersehen, Sweetheart
Augh my heart.
Why would you do this to a man huh?
Behead gutters, no fucking questions asked. It was good I just lost a bit of faith in humanity
Wed: Auf widershin sweetheart, I printed this out and made a legit physical copy for a friend I love it so much so bittersweet mmm.
Bed: Gutters, solely bc it's the only one left I'm sorry.
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