#audi a5 2013
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automotivepartssupplies · 11 days ago
I.Reference OE/OEM Part Number: 4H0498625A, 4H0498625B 4H0498625D, 4H0498625E 4H0498625F, 4H0498625 4D0505445, WHT000237A 8K0598625, 8E0407643A, 8K0407613B Reference Number 513301, BR930817 II.Fit For the Following: FRONT SIDE (ONLY) 2009-2015 A4 2010-2014 A5 2012-2015 A6 2013-2015 RS5 2014-2015 RS7 FRONT & REAR SIDE 2009-2015 Q5 2014-2015 SQ5 2010-2015 S4 2008-2015 S5 2013-2015 S6 2013-2015 S7 2013-2015 S8 2009-2015 […] The post 513301 Wheel Hub and Bearing Assembly Replacement for 2009-2015 Audi A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Quattro AWD, Q5 SQ5 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 Part# BR930817 appeared first on Automotive Parts.
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eobdtooluk-blog · 3 months ago
Lonsdor K518 Pro AUDI Auto IMMO Software Update
Lonsdor Tech released a new AUDI Auto IMMO software upgrade for Lonsdor K518 Pro and K518 key programmers on November 18th, 2024. Check the upgrade info below and update you device soon.
Support Models:
AUDI\Select from vehicle\A1\2011-2019\IMMO\Dalu CAN instrument(NEC+24C64 2014) AUDI\Select from vehicle\A1\2011-2019\IMMO\Dalu CAN instrument(NEC+24C64 Audi A1) AUDI\Select from vehicle\A1\2011-2019\IMMO\Auto detect AUDI\Select from vehicle\A3\1997-2003\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\A3\1997-2003\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\A3\1997-2003\IMMO\Learn key AUDI\Select from vehicle\A3\2004-2013/05\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\A3\2004-2013/05\Dalu CAN instrument(CDC32XX+24C32 A3TTR8) AUDI\Select from vehicle\A3\2004-2013/05\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\A4\2001-2006\Bosch K line-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A4\2001-2006\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\A4\2001-2006\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\A4\2004-2008\Bosch K line-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A4\2004-2008\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\A4\2004-2008\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\A4\2008-2016\5th gen. BCM2-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A5\2008-2016\5th gen. BCM2-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A6\1998-2006\Bosch K line-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A6\1998-2006\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\A6\1998-2006\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\A6\2004-2011\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\A6\2004-2011\4th gen. EZS-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A6\2011-2019\5th gen. BCM2-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A7\2007-2016\4th gen. EZS-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A7\2011-2019\5th gen. BCM2-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\A8\1997-2003\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\A8\1997-2003\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\A8\1997-2003\IMMO\Learn key AUDI\Select from vehicle\A8\2003-2010\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\A8\2010-2017\5th gen. BCM2-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\Q3\2012-2019\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\Q3\2012-2019\IMMO\Dalu CAN instrument(NEC+24C64 2014) AUDI\Select from vehicle\Q3\2012-2019\IMMO\Dalu CAN instrument(NEC+24C64 Audi Q3) AUDI\Select from vehicle\Q3\2012-2019\IMMO\Auto detect AUDI\Select from vehicle\Q5\2009-2017\5th gen. BCM2-IMMO AUDI\Select from vehicle\R8\2006-2016\Dalu CAN instrument(CDC32XX+24C32 A3TTR8) AUDI\Select from vehicle\R8\2006-2016\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\TT\1999-2007\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\TT\1999-2007\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\TT\1999-2007\IMMO\Learn key AUDI\Select from vehicle\TT\2007-2015\Engine\Bosch(ME7.1/7.5/7.8)-Engine AUDI\Select from vehicle\TT\2007-2015\Dalu CAN instrument(CDC32XX+24C32 A3TTR8) AUDI\Select from vehicle\TT\2007-2015\Remote AUDI\Select from vehicle\A1\2011-2019\Remote
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pazaryerigundem · 3 months ago
Sıfır Clio fiyatına, ikinci el 2019 BMW 118i!
Sıfır Clio fiyatına, ikinci el 2019 BMW 118i!
Ülkemiz otomotiv sektörünün gelişimine katkılar sağlayan LenaCars, tüketicileri ilgilendiren dikkat çekici tespitlerde bulundu.
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – Sadece iki yıl önce düşük faiz politikası ve sıfır araçta yaşanan tedarik problemleri nedeniyle ikinci el araç fiyatlar��, sıfır kilometre araç fiyatlarını geçerken, bugün marka-modele bağlı olarak sıfır araca “plaka takılınca” fiyatları gerileyerek yüzde 15-20 seviyesinde değer kaybı yaşanır hale geldi. Son 1 yılda tedarik probleminin aşılması, GSR2 paketinin getirdiği ek maliyet ve yüksek vergi yükü nedeniyle sıfır araçlarda fiyatlar sınırları zorlarken, ikinci elle aradaki makas günden güne açılıyor. Diğer taraftan ikinci el fiyatlarında yaşanan düşüş dolayısıyla artık sıfır kilometre araç fiyatına, ikinci elde lüks araç almak mümkün hale geldi. Örneğin sıfır kilometre Renault Clio 1.0 TCe X-Tronic fiyatına 2019 model BMW 118i, Fiat Egea 1.6 MultiJetFiyatına 2018 model Mercedes CLA 180d, Hyundai Bayon fiyatına 2013 model Range Rover Evoquesatın alınabiliyor. Son yılların en popüler SUV’uCheryTiggo 8 Pro Maxikinci elde yüzde 15 değer kaybı yaşarken,doğuştan elektrikli Tesla, Togg gibi otomobillerde değer kaybı ortalama yüzde 8-10 ile düşük seyrediyor.
Opel Corsa-e, Peugeot 308-e, Opel Astra-e gibi içten yanmalı alternatifi olan elektriklilerde ise değer kaybı yüzde 20 gibi yüksek seviyelere ulaşıyor.Sıfır km elektrikli araçlardaki düşük ÖTV avantajı ise en dikkat çekici biçimde Mercedes EQS-Mercedes S Serisi arasında 10 milyon TL’ye yakın farkla kendini belli ediyor.
Sıfır kilometre araç pazarı bu yıl da rekora koşarken, her geçen gün yükselen fiyatlarına karşın stabil seyreden ikinci el araç fiyatları, uygun ve ilgi çekici alternatifler sunmaya başladı. Aradaki fiyat makasının açılmasındaki temel nedene ışık tutanLenaCars Genel Müdürü Selçuk Nazik, düşük faiz politikası döneminde oluşan “Talep enflasyonuyla ihtiyacı olmayanlar dahi 2020-2023 yılları arasında otomobil satın aldı, çip, tedarik krizleri, stokçuluk derken ikinci eli sıfırdan pahalı otomobiller gördük, sıkı para politikasına geçilmesi ile birlikte faizler artınca da oluşan bu “balon patladı”.GSR2 regülasyonu doğrultusunda oluşan ek maliyetler ile sıfır araçların fiyatları; donanım, teknoloji maliyeti, üstüne döviz ve ÖTV yükü de eklenince çok yüksek seviyelere geldi. Bugün geldiğimiz noktada Hyundai Bayon fiyatına Range Rover Evoque ya da Clio fiyatına BMW 118i, Egea fiyatına Mercedes CLA, Toyota Corolla fiyatına Audi A5 satın alınabiliyor.” açıklamasında bulundu.
  *Sıfır Kilometre araçlar resmî web sitelerinden alınmış kampanyalı liste satış fiyatlarıdır. *İkinci el araçlar 80.000 kilometre ve maksimum 1- 2 parça boyalı olarak analize dahil edilmiştir.  
DEĞER KAYBINI BELİRLEYEN İLK UNSUR VERGİ DİLİMİ Nazik devamında “Günümüzün çok satılan otomobillerinde değer kaybına baktığımızda, Tesla Model Y’de ve Togg’da, yani doğuştan elektriklilerde değer kaybı yüzde 8-10 civarında seyrediyor. İçten yanmalı alternatifi olan elektrikli otomobillerde ise değer kaybı yüzde 20’ye kadar yükseliyor. Burada değer kaybını asıl belirleyen unsur aslında vergi dilimi ve fiyat. Düşük vergi diliminde yer alan aracın sıfır kilometre fiyatı daha uygun olduğu için ikinci el olarak satarken çok fazla değer kaybetmiyor ve bu araçlara doğal olarak talep daha yüksek oluyor. Yani biz otomobili ikinci el satarken, sıfır alırken ödediğimiz vergiyle satmış oluyoruz, vergi yükselip fiyat arttıkça talep düşüyor, sıfır ve ikinci el arasındaki fiyat farkı açılıyor. İçten yanmalı alternatifi olmayan, yüzde yüz elektrikliler, düşük vergi diliminde satın alındığından, yine düşük değer kaybına uğruyor.
Örneğin, yüzde 10’luk dilime giren Tesla Model Y Standart Rangeikinci elde değer kaybı yaşamamış aksine yüzde 3 değer kazanmış.Yüzde 50’lik ÖTV dilimindeolan Tesla Model Y LongRange ise yüzde 14 değer kaybetmiş.
  Genel olarak baktığımızda parası olan tüketici için ikinci elde ciddi alım fırsatları bulunuyor. İkinci El fiyatları en düşük seviyesine indiği için bundan sonra fiyat artışları olacaktır ve son 1 ayda yüzde 3’e yakın artış olmuştur. Tabi bu artışlar enflasyonist dönemdeki kadar olmayacaktır.  Sıfır kilometre araç elbette tercih sebebi ancak artık daha konforlu ve kaliteli ikinci el alternatifleri var. Bu analizimiz aslında sıfır kilometre araç fiyatlarının ne denli yükseldiğini ortaya koyuyor.” dedi. İkinci elde fiyat düşüşü durdu, agresif sıfır kampanyaları beklemiyoruz İkinci el otomobil fiyatlarının 1,5 yıl içinde ortalama yüzde 20 düştüğünü ve artık dengelendiğini ifade eden Nazik, düşüşün durduğunu ve faizlerdeki düşüşle küçük yükselişler yaşanabileceğini söyledi. Sıfır kilometre araç tarafındaysan GSR’ye geçişte stok eritildiği içinagresif aralık ayı kampanyaları beklemediklerini ve maliyetlere bağlı fiyat artışlarının görülebileceğini aktardı.
BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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juanmecanico · 1 year ago
GDB1765 TRW JUEG.PASTILL.D.FRENO,FREN.DISC Audi A4, Audi A4 Quattro, Audi A5, Audi A5 Quattro, AudiGDB1765 TRW es la marca líder a nivel mundial en diseño y producción de partes automotrices, siendo proveedor de las más prestigiosas armadoras automotrices. TRW ha estudiado las necesidades del Parque Vehicular Mexicano y le ofrece la Solución Perfecta para cada vehículo que cumple y excede las especificaciones de Equipo Original. Con TRW usted puede confiar en que está instalando las pastillas más adecuadas para cada vehículo de entre todas las opciones disponibles en el mercado. Las Pastillas de Freno TRW se fabrican para asegurar el más alto nivel de rendimiento, la comodidad del conductor y su seguridad. TRW es uno de los 10 principales proveedores de seguridad para automóviles en el mundo, como pioneroen el diseño, desarrollo y fabricación de sistemas completos de frenado, módulos de freno y sistemas decontrol avanzados para vehículos. Audi A4: 2010 2011 2012 2016, Audi A4 Quattro: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi A5: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi A5 Quattro: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017, Audi allroad: 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi Q5: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017, Audi S4: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi S5: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017, Audi SQ5: 2014 2015 2016 2017 Audi A4: 2010 - 2016, Audi A4 Quattro: 2009 - 2016, Audi A5: 2008 - 2016, Audi A5 Quattro: 2008 - 2017, Audi allroad: 2013 - 2016, Audi Q5: 2009 - 2017, Audi S4: 2010 - 2016, Audi S5: 2008 - 2017, Audi SQ5: 2014 - 2017 Audi A4, Audi A4 Quattro, Audi A5, Audi A5 Quattro, Audi allroad, Audi Q5, Audi S4, Audi S5, Audi SQ5 https://zf.tecalliance-solutions.com.mx/articles/detail/GDB1765 Mirar GDB1765 TRW JUEG.PASTILL.D.FRENO,FREN.DISC Audi A4, Audi A4 Quattro, Audi A5, Audi A5 Quattro, Audi
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obd2gatecom · 1 year ago
Audi A3 2016 MQB Mileage Adjustment with OBDSTAR X300M Guide
Learn how to adjust odometer of Audi A3 2016 MQB using OBDSTAR X300M mileage correction tool, please follow these step-by-step instructions.
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Open OBDSTAR X300M tool and select “Vehicles” option.
Choose “Mileage adjustment.”
Choose “Audi,” followed by “Audi V31.55”, wait for loading, initialization, and authorization processes to complete.
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Choose “A3” model.
Select “MQB 2014.06 -” and note the message that indicates support for MQB dashboards of mainland and VDO.
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Switch on the ignition of Audi A3>>proceed with the mileage adjustment process.
Confirm the current mileage value and input the new value you want to adjust.
Wait for communication and logging the system.
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Dashboard Response: You will hear a ticking sound, and the dashboard lights will illuminate.
The tool will proceed with writing the new mileage data.
Mileage correction successful
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By following these steps, you can effectively change the mileage of your Audi A3 2016 MQB using OBDSTAR X300M mileage correction tool.
OBDSTAR X300M mileage correction test on other Audi vehicles:
Audi q5 2011 ok
2004 Audi A4 ok
Audi A4 2013 ok
Audi Q5 2010 obd ok
Audi A5 2008 obd ok
Audi A4 2007 ok
04 Audi a4 rb4 ok
Audi A4 RB4 2004 ok
04 Audi a4 rb4 ok
Audi A4 2007 RB8 ok
2013 Audi s5 obd ok
2012 A1 Audi 1.4tfsi ok via obd
Audi s4 2008 is ok
Audi a4 2003 ok
Audi A8L 2009 reading and saving data by obd ok
Adjusting mileage by obd ok
Audi TT 2008 mileage ok
2010 Audi a3 works perfect
1 note · View note
obd2gate-com · 1 year ago
Audi A3 2016 MQB Mileage Adjustment with OBDSTAR X300M Guide
Learn how to adjust odometer of Audi A3 2016 MQB using OBDSTAR X300M mileage correction tool, please follow these step-by-step instructions.
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Open OBDSTAR X300M tool and select “Vehicles” option.
Choose “Mileage adjustment.”
Choose “Audi,” followed by “Audi V31.55”, wait for loading, initialization, and authorization processes to complete.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Choose “A3” model.
Select “MQB 2014.06 -” and note the message that indicates support for MQB dashboards of mainland and VDO.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Switch on the ignition of Audi A3>>proceed with the mileage adjustment process.
Confirm the current mileage value and input the new value you want to adjust.
Wait for communication and logging the system.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dashboard Response: You will hear a ticking sound, and the dashboard lights will illuminate.
The tool will proceed with writing the new mileage data.
Mileage correction successful
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By following these steps, you can effectively change the mileage of your Audi A3 2016 MQB using OBDSTAR X300M mileage correction tool.
OBDSTAR X300M mileage correction test on other Audi vehicles:
Audi q5 2011 ok
2004 Audi A4 ok
Audi A4 2013 ok
Audi Q5 2010 obd ok
Audi A5 2008 obd ok
Audi A4 2007 ok
04 Audi a4 rb4 ok
Audi A4 RB4 2004 ok
04 Audi a4 rb4 ok
Audi A4 2007 RB8 ok
2013 Audi s5 obd ok
2012 A1 Audi 1.4tfsi ok via obd
Audi s4 2008 is ok
Audi a4 2003 ok
Audi A8L 2009 reading and saving data by obd ok
Adjusting mileage by obd ok
Audi TT 2008 mileage ok
2010 Audi a3 works perfect
0 notes
secretcycle · 5 years ago
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Audi A5
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gothgirlc · 5 years ago
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vaysan · 3 years ago
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🚗 Audi A5 ✅ Preț: 16,999€ ❎ Prima rată: 1,999€ ❇️ Rata lunară: 369€ 🔻Fabricaţie > 2013 🔻Cilindree > 2000 cm3 🔻Combustibil > benzină 🔻Caroserie > Cabriolet 🔻Putere > 211 CP 🔻Culoare > maro 🔻Cutie > automată 🔻Tracțiune > integrală 🔻Numărul de locuri > 4 🔻Parcurs > 111,918 km ☎️ +373-68-14-35-35 ✉️ [email protected] 📲 https://www.interauto.md/ro/Audi-A5-A42778 #cars #car #carsofinstagram #carsforsale #auto #supercar #supercars #carlove #carswithoutlimits #drive #exoticcars #racing #instacars #sportscar #carlifestyle #instagram #luxurylifestyle #luxurycars #instagood #wheels #carshow #engine #like #moldovacars #follow #photooftheday #bestoftheday #audi #audia5 https://www.instagram.com/p/CS_Tu1XMhO_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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larryfanficwriter98 · 4 years ago
Chapter Eight
Harry woke up the next morning drowsy and exhausted, but he grinned when he saw Louis still fast asleep beside him. Yesterday Louis and his friends had been in the pit at the show and after the show, they had hung out in the park then went back to Harry's and hung out. They got to know each other in person without a phone screen in the way. Around 10 they had all retired and not wanting to get made fun of or teased he took up big spoon rope since he was bigger than Louis. He was broader and taller so it meant Harry was the big spoon. Just like he had been with his ex a few years back. Harry looked at Louis, studied his sleeping features, and couldn't believe someone so cute and small had such a big personality. He also could remember his softer more childish features from years ago when they were teenagers.
He could still remember the way his whole body stopped working when he saw Louis. He had been 14, almost 15, and had just come out to his family a few days prior. Then there he was kissing and snogging for the first time with Louis in a closed-off hall after obviously flirting and staring on both sides. It was a perfect kiss too just like yesterday’s, well except it was a lot more awkward since Harry was 14 and never kissed anyone. No wonder Harry felt an instant connection to Louis, they felt an instant connection to each other. They had met so many times prior that Harry would believe in soulmates at this point.
Harry climbed out of bed after kissing Louis' cheek then walked into his closet. He grabbed some clothes for the day then headed to the bathroom to start his morning routine. Afterward, he headed downstairs and started on breakfast hoping he had his heart-shaped waffle iron here and didn't take it somewhere else. Finding it under his many many skillets he plugged it in then got to work on the waffle mix. Minutes later he was flipping the waffle iron to start the cooking when he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind and he grinned.
"Good morning Lou." Louis hummed as Harry turned in his arms and wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulders.
"I feel exhausted even though we slept for like...10 hours."
"That's the jet leg hitting you. You just need a bit of breakfast, some fresh air, and something to do to distract yourself from it. It'll go away in a few hours. Probably around 12."
"Damn and here I thought we missed the jet leg when we took a flight that would let us sleep to get adjusted to the time zone change."
"You beat the worst of it. That's always the best way to travel so you're able to sleep and wake up to the city's morning. I'm surprised you guys thought of it."
"Liam, Niall, and Zayn planned it." Louis told him as he sat on the countertop as Harry went to go get the bacon from the fridge.
"So what do you want to do today? There's Universal, Disney, a zoo, an aquarium, museums, there are a few beaches not far from Orlando. Or we can just stay here, I have an indoor and outdoor pool, a game room, tons of movies with a movie room in the basement. Tampa is only an hour and a half drive as well. How do you want to spend our first Valentine's day together?"
"How about we just explore the town and see what we find to do. You can take me to the places you go to when you're here."
"I actually don't stay in Orlando that much unless I have shows here. I  bought the house when I was 19 and was dating my ex. We went to Universal a lot together so much so that he convinced me it was a good idea to buy a house here. Of course, now I know it was because he needed somewhere to cheat on me that wasn't my LA home. For obvious reasons. If I wasn't in Manchester then I was in LA and he lived in LA so I stayed there a lot. Whenever he came to visit family or cheat I went home to visit my family."
"He made you buy a home in Orlando so he could cheat on you?" Louis asked
"Well, his reasoning was because we went to Universal so much because he liked it but yeah it was also to cheat."
"Did he tell you he cheated when you broke up?"
"No, actually I found out when I came to Orlando and walked inside my room to see him fucking a girl in my bed. I knew he was bisexual, but his reasoning was because I wasn't having sex with him even though we had been together for quite a long time actually. Also since it wasn't a guy he wasn't technically cheating."
"Please tell me you dumped him after that."
"Actually no. I stayed with him for another six months and in those six months I had been guilt tripped each time he was hard into giving him a hand or blow job. I broke up with him when he tried to talk me into having sex with him before I was ready. He had been pushing it for a month and this particular time he just wasn't taking no for an answer. I realized what he was doing. I told him to grab his stuff and leave." Harry told Louis who stared at him
"Who stayed with someone who cheated on you then was manipulated and talked into performing sexual acts because he didn't want to wank in a shower? What a dick head. I am- if someone has ever done that to one of my sisters I'd have murdered him. If he still alive because your sister is scary."
"She doesn't know what happened. Well, she knows it was because I wouldn't have sex with him, but not everything." Louis wrapped his arms and legs around Harry and pulled him in close to his body, Harry's hands falling to his hips smiling at him.
"Well just know that he was an asshole and a selfish prick and I never want you to feel obligated to do anything you don't want to. Because trust me I get hard pretty easily, but that doesn't mean I am going to pressure you in any way. I forced myself my first time, I wanted to get over with and I regretted it minutes later. I wasn't ready but I was 18 and I had convinced myself and forced myself to go through with it when I was drunk at the pub. It was in a dirty dingy bathroom with spit, water, and precum as lube, and never again will I trust a guy who said 'Relax I got this' with his hands down my pants. My dick and ass were sore for days because of the dryness. So trust me when I say if you ever feel ready with me I will be sure to make it very very special and memorable and you will be the most comfortable person ever. No matter what position we take."
"First..ew...that just sounds gross and horrible. If you ever spit on me I will sue you. I don't care what the reason is if you dare spit on me I will sue you. Do you understand." Louis laughed as he nodded, "Good. Secondly, I trust you and am comfortable with you more than I have been with anyone. I, unfortunately, came into fame as a virgin, and also my first boyfriend was a manipulative verbally abusive ass. So it's harder to trust anyone, believe me, there have been times when I've wanted to just get it over with too, but you don't know who to trust anymore. The media offers people money for a story, even if it's not true. I trust you though. I've always felt you to be trustworthy and honest. I'm not worried about you going off to any media outlet that offers you money, which is why I refused to make you sign an NDA when my lawyer and label wanted you to when we started face timing."
"I can sign an NDA-"
"No. I trust you. Besides if you were going to say anything you'd have done it by now. You have enough information to make a few million."
"Really? I don't have that much that isn't exactly common knowledge." Louis said
"You have enough." Harry said with a shrug as he moved to out a skillet on the stove to start the bacon as the waffle maker timer went off.
"Want my help?"
"Please tell him no. We would like it to be edible." Liam said as he and Zayn walked into the room with Niall following only moments later
"I got it. Go sit with your friends then after breakfast we'll leave for town. We'll explore together."
"Sounds good." Louis said, leaning over to press a kiss to Harry's cheek before  jumping down and sitting on a stool, "So what are you lads doing today?" Louis asked his mates
"Us three have a taxi coming in an hour so it can take us to a car rental since it was closed yesterday when we landed." Zayn said
"I have three cars in the garage you can drive. A 2013 Audi S8, a 2011 Mercedes SLK, and a 2011 range rover. Then my car that I'll be taking today is a 2015 Audi A5. My newer car that I bought for my 21st birthday."
"Are you sure you want them to drive? They're not the best-"
"Excuse you. Who has an accident here and who doesn't?" Liam said looking st Louis
"An accident that wasn't my fault. He hit me when I was parked."
"Still an accident." Liam said
"I'll put you guys on my insurance for the week, it's not that big of a deal. If anything happens it's not like I can't afford it. I hardly drive them anyway. I drive my new Audi and my new Range Rover all the time. I've sold most of my other ones and I've been meaning to sell these three. I just keep forgetting about them. The keys are up on the key hanger in the front entrance." Harry said with a shrug
"Are you sure?" Niall asked
"I'm positive. Rental cars are a pain in the ass don't even bother. They require so much and for international travelers like you guys it could take hours before you're approved. So just take one of mine."
After a wonderful breakfast of heart-shaped waffles and bacon for everyone Louis took a shower and got dressed in black skinnies and one of his graphic tees the boys gave him over the years. It has a graphic of a vanilla cone and on the shirt, it read "vanilla is for ice cream". Louis loved this shirt and didn't think much of it as he pulled it on then headed downstairs. The front door was opened and when Louis stepped outside he saw the garage was opened. He headed inside and saw all four shiny cars well taken care of and all of his mates in one of the three cars mentioned while Harry leaned against an Audi.
"Niall is going out on his own so he isn't third-wheeling anyone so I'm letting him pick the car first much to Zayn's disappointment."
"Niall can come with us."
"I offered, but I think he just wants to explore on his own. Is he ever away from you three?"
"Not really. Zayn and Liam have monthly date nights and they've been busy planning their wedding. So it's been very coupley at the house."
"The wedding is what..three months away now?"
"Yeah. May 14 to be exact. You're invited by the way, as my plus one if you want to come."
"They told me I was invited, they actually asked if I would sing their first dance song for them then I told them I can ask Ed himself to do it and they got excited. So remind me to call Ed in a few hours, I want to get him before he goes to sleep as it's only 5 in London."
"Sure so about 3?"
"Yeah, about 3 or 4. Around the time we end our exploration and go to the shops to get groceries for our romantic dinner tonight."
"Sounds good."
"Well, are we ready to go? The lad knows to lock up before they leave, they have the codes for the security box outside, and they have a house key. Also, they each have mine and my security team's number should they need anything. As well as copies of insurance cards."
"Paper temporary ones. You have one too in my glove box but figured since I'll be driving for now you won't need it right away."
"Then yeah I'm if you're ready." Harry pushed off from the car and opened the passenger side door letting Louis into the car before closing it once Louis was settled in the seat.
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nastywheelscom · 4 years ago
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4pcs Audi 135mm Set Alloy Wheel Center Cap Hub 4F0601165N (A4 A5 A6 A7 A8) Black
4 x Audi 135mm Alloy Wheel Center Cap
Brand new, high Quality
Diameter : 135mm  
Inner diameter : 55mm Bottom Clip, 60mm Centre Clip
Material ABS
Color As picture
Applicable car models below 
Fitment: A3/S3 2013-2015
A4/S4 2008-2015
A4 Allroad 2010-2015
A5/S5 2008-2015
A6/S6 2005-2015
A6 Allroad 2007-2015
A7 2011-2015
A8/S8 2008-2015
Q5 2009-2015
TT 2007-2015
R8 2007-2015
In package 4Pcs 135mm Wheel Cap
Please check your size before ordering
Please contact us if you have any inquiries, including application, shipping or any technical questions and we will respond within 24 hours!
Parts sold and shipped as imaged!
It is your responsibility to confirm compatibility by comparing part numbers and/or by confirming with your local dealer, as we do not cover return costs for shipments that were ordered with the incorrect application.
Shipping information :
-Items are shipped out to the address linked to your Ebay account. Please make sure the address is up to date and correct, including any apartment or suite numbers.
-We are located in Canada. All international customers are responsible for any and all customs, duties, taxes and brokerage fees that may be required in order to clear the package. 
Returns must be send back in the same condition sent in, including any additional parts possibly included or as photographed and we ship what we picture.
Manufacturer Part Number: 4F0601165N Placement on Vehicle: Left,Right,Front,Rear Brand: Unbranded Warranty: No Warranty http://nemb.it/p/AdsKxOCFe/tumblr
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sundiallocksmith · 5 years ago
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2013 Audi A5 - All keys lost.
1. Force ignition on.
2. Preparing dealer key.
3. Adding a key to BCM 2 via OBD2.
4. All done with 🎯Abrites.
Have you lost your car key? Are you looking to get a duplicate key made? Get back on your way with minimal hassle, call 🌵Sundial Locksmith today at: 480.525.7778! We have the right knowledge and specialty tools to any automotive locking issue you may have.
✅ All Car Keys Available in Stock.
✅ Replacement Car Key or Remote.
✅ Replace Broken Car Key 
✅ Ignition Replacement.
✅ We Program, Duplicate & Cut Car Keys.
✅ replacement key by VIN number.
✅ Same Day Service!
✅ No Need for Towing, We Can Help.
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eobdtooluk-blog · 6 months ago
VW MQB RH850 Read IMMO Data and Add Key: Autel or Launch?
I need a tool to read IMMO data and add key to my VW MQB RH850 cluster, does Autel and Launch support? Which tool is recommended?
Here is the suggestion of EOBDTOOL.co.uk engineer:
Autel IM608 Pro/ IM608 PRO II (IM608 II) and IM508/ IM508S with Autel XP400 PRO and Launch X431 tablet with X-Prog3 support RH850. But Launch tool only can read and write Renesas encrypted RH850 MCUs for Renault, Ford, Nissan, etc, MQB RH850 is not supported currently.
Autel APB131 Adapter is required for Autel MaxiIM key programmer.
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Launch RH850 Adapter is required for X431 X-Prog3 key programmer.
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Both don’t need to cut wire or lift pin.
But Autel needs soldering. Some clusters need to remove resistors.
Autel IM508IM608+ XP400 Pro+ APB131 Adapter:
Add Key for VW MQB NEC35XX
Add Key for MQB-V850/RH850 Series
Read IMMO data FROM MQB-V850/RH850 dashboard
APB131 replaces the APB130 adapter
Supported vehicles:
VW (Add Keys):
Arteon 2017-2021, Golf  2013-2021, Passat 2015-2021, Polo 2015-2021, Tiguan 2018-2021, Touran 2016-2022, Jetta 2018-2021, T-Roc 2018-2021, Touareg 2010-2018
Audi (Add Keys):
A1 2019-2021, A3 2021-2021, A4 2008-2016, A5 2008-2016, A6 2011-2019, A7 2011-2019, A8 2010-2017, Q2 2017-2021, Q3 2019-2021, Q5 2009-2017
Skoda (Add Keys):
Octavia 2013-2021, Fabia 2015-2021, Superb 2015-2021, Kodiaq 2017-2021, Kamiq 2020-2021 , Rapid 2013-2021
Seat (Add Keys):
Arona 2018-2021, Ateca 2017-2021, Ibiza 2018-2021, Leon 2013-2021, Tarraco 2019-2021, Toledo 2013-2019
Nissan (Add Keys & All Keys Lost):
Sylphy/Sentra (B18) 2022-, X-TRAIL/Rogue (T33) 2021-, QASHQAI (J12) 2024- , Juke (F16) 2012-, Note e-POWER (HE13) 2020-, Sylphy (B18) 2019-2021, Juke (F16) 2019-2021, Pathfinder (R53) 2022-2023
Renault/Dacia (Add Keys & All Keys Lost):
2019- Clio V/Captur II, 2020- Megane IV PH2/Arkana/Trafic III/New Zoe, 2023- Austral
Ford (Add Keys & All Keys Lost):
Ford: 2021- F-150, Bronco, Mustang Mach-E, Focus, Mondeo
Linclon: 2021- Nautilus 2022- Navigator, 2023- Corsair
Supported chip type list:
D70F3524, D70F3525, D70F3526, D70F3529, D70F3532, D70F3535, D70F3537, D70F3426, D70F3381, D70F3382, D70F3634, D70F3635
R7F701401, R7F701402, R7F701407, R7F701025, R7F701019, R7F701025, R7F701019, R7F701056
Supported Chip Models for VW and Audi:
D70F3524, D70F3525, D70F3526, D70F3529, D70F3532, D70F3535, D70F3537, D70F3426, D70F3381, D70F3382, D70F3634, D70F3635, R7F701401, R7F701402
Supported Chip Models for Nissan:
R7F701025, R7F701019
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Launch X431 Tool+X-Prog3 key programmer+ RH850 Adapter:
Read and write Renesas encrypted RH850 MCUs
Make sure the Launch IMMO software updates to V10.95
Supported Chip List:
Supports 48-PIN, 80-PIN, 100-PIN, 144-PIN, 176-PIN MCUs
R7F701002  R7F701003  R7F701006  R7F701007
R7F701008  R7F701009  R7F701010  R7F701011
R7F701012  R7F701013  R7F701014  R7F701015
R7F701016  R7F701017  R7F701018  R7F701019
R7F701020  R7F701021  R7F701022  R7F701023
R7F701024  R7F701025  R7F701026  R7F701027
R7F701028  R7F70I029  R7F701030  R7F70I032
R7F701033  R7F701034  R7F701040  R7F701041
R7F701042  R7F701043  R7F701044  R7F701045
R7F701046  R7F701047  R7F701048  R7F701049
R7F701050  R7F701051  R7F701052  R7F701053
R7F701054  R7F701055  R7F701056  R7F701057
Connection method:
Connect Launch X431 RH850 Adapter to MCU and MCU harness according to the Pinout below.RH850 AdapterMCUMCU harnessVOUTISOVCL×GNDISOVSS×VCC×3IN×5
Connection diagram:
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Besides, YanhuaACDP with Module 34 supports VW MQB RH850 5A (IMMO & mileage) and 5C (mileage), Xhorse Multi Prog+ VVDI2+ Xhorse XDMPR8G MQB-RH850/V850 Adapter, VVDI Key Tool Plus+ XHORSE XDNPR8GL MQB-RH850/V850 Adapter support RH850/V850 5A cluster IMMO, and CG100X with D1 Adapter supports MQB RH850/V850 5A cluster mileage repair.
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itstania86-blog · 6 years ago
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amyautoparts · 3 years ago
Frame black Mesh black virginmaterial ABS Material for RS5 LOOK GRILL B8.5 2013-2015 for AUDI A5 RS5
Frame black Mesh black virginmaterial ABS Material for RS5 LOOK GRILL B8.5 2013-2015 for AUDI A5 RS5
0 notes
juanmecanico · 1 year ago
GDB1768 TRW JUEG.PASTILL.D.FRENO,FREN.DISC Audi A4, Audi A4 Quattro, Audi A5, Audi A5 Quattro, AudiGDB1768 TRW es la marca líder a nivel mundial en diseño y producción de partes automotrices, siendo proveedor de las más prestigiosas armadoras automotrices. TRW ha estudiado las necesidades del Parque Vehicular Mexicano y le ofrece la Solución Perfecta para cada vehículo que cumple y excede las especificaciones de Equipo Original. Con TRW usted puede confiar en que está instalando las pastillas más adecuadas para cada vehículo de entre todas las opciones disponibles en el mercado. Las Pastillas de Freno TRW se fabrican para asegurar el más alto nivel de rendimiento, la comodidad del conductor y su seguridad. TRW es uno de los 10 principales proveedores de seguridad para automóviles en el mundo, como pioneroen el diseño, desarrollo y fabricación de sistemas completos de frenado, módulos de freno y sistemas decontrol avanzados para vehículos. Audi A4: 2010 2011 2012 2016, Audi A4 Quattro: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi A5: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi A5 Quattro: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017, Audi A6: 2012 2013 2014, Audi A6 Quattro: 2018 2019, Audi A7 Quattro: 2014 2015, Audi allroad: 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi Q5: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi S4: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016, Audi S5: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Audi A4: 2010 - 2016, Audi A4 Quattro: 2009 - 2016, Audi A5: 2008 - 2016, Audi A5 Quattro: 2008 - 2017, Audi A6: 2012 - 2014, Audi A6 Quattro: 2018 - 2019, Audi A7 Quattro: 2014 - 2015, Audi allroad: 2013 - 2016, Audi Q5: 2009 - 2016, Audi S4: 2010 - 2016, Audi S5: 2008 - 2017 Audi A4, Audi A4 Quattro, Audi A5, Audi A5 Quattro, Audi A6, Audi A6 Quattro, Audi A7 Quattro, Audi allroad, Audi Q5, Audi S4, Audi S5 https://zf.tecalliance-solutions.com.mx/articles/detail/GDB1768 Mirar GDB1768 TRW JUEG.PASTILL.D.FRENO,FREN.DISC Audi A4, Audi A4 Quattro, Audi A5, Audi A5 Quattro, Audi
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