pjsk-headcanons · 19 days
*VERY DEEP INHALE* nIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHTTCORDDDDDD i am so excited im gonna be yapping so hard. prepare yourself aaaAaaAAAAAA
n25-> kanade (unit leader), tsukasa, shiho, akito (great lineup am i right)
n25 -> midnight dream|space
-cue kanade backstory as usual. sorry i think mds is not gonna have any of a better time than canon niigo. oops hehe (drops a ton of angst on them sorry they are my favourites)
-while uploading a melody to some anonymous website, she notices people talking about a different artist in her old uploads. she checks the artist out, listens to a few songs. follows the artist, named SUTA. (all of the nicknames have meaning ;) however, something seems. off.
-this happens again with an artist called nasake. kanade doesnt think much of it.
-a week or two pass when she gets a message in nightcord from SUTA. they want to pair up. kanade agrees reluctantly to call with them to discuss the partnership. during the call, kanade says she wants more people in the group (namely nasake because of the "weird feeling" and because oh my god this guy is kinda loud. its midnight and he so loud my ears)
-yknow what happens. nasake joins the partnership out of curiousity and recommends another artist that they should invite because the music sounds similar.
-kanade listens to their songs. gets the same weird feeling. agrees.
-said artist (called aimai) happily agrees to the partnership and they join a few calls, never talking. they make some demo songs.
-after everyone else logs off, kanade works for a little longer. miku heyyy oh miku wh
-enters sekai. its called house SEKAI. keyword house not home ;)
-insert "i need to save them" stuff i cant think of dialogue
-next day, kanade asks them to meet up because she "needs to get more cup noodles" (actually trying to observe their irl behaviour)
-meetup happens
-kanade resolves to save them. the rest are oblivious to what theyve gotten themselves into
kanade = K
tsukasa = SUTA
shiho = nasake
akito = aimai
all of these have meaning. also i think its funny that akitos nickname is similar to his VAs
okay i did some quick changes to make this work (and because i love bullying my favs)
-okay. remember akitos "good boy" persona? *cranks it up to max* oops so basically its his entire personality because i feel like it doesnt have enough exploration in canon. basically like more than canon mafuyus "good girl" persona.
-also. never went to rad weekend and continued soccer. still does soccer.
-shinonomes and hinomoris live in a very cough tense situation. shiho is like 10x more distrustful than in canon because of the childhood friends thing. also shizuku and ena...uh we dont talk about them
-tsUKASA TENMA. probably a little less loud than in canon and is a lot more serious. still aiming to be a star. is overbearing and worries over saki a lot (much to her dismay)
-tsukasa does the editing and occasionally the composing, shiho does the art(cause akito dont wanna you loser)and sometimes recreates the instrumental, akito does the lyrics (they all need equal amounts of saving this is not gonna be a mafuyu-akito focus)
kanade - tsukasa -> "so loud...so serious?", "hospital encounter" (yk 💀), "prioritizing your health over mine" (please take care of yourself tsucaca and kanade)
shiho - akito -> "distant feelings", "i dont have any siblings" (lying), "dreams long extinguished" (auououuuauu)
tsukasa - shiho -> "my sisters old friend?", "not knowing you felt this way", "aiming for rekindled friendships"
akito - kanade -> "inside, outside", "heat haze rescue!" (reference to my imagined event of when kanade gets heatstroke and the rest of mds has to take care of her), "to relive past memories"
kanade - shiho -> "instrument pros", "family predicament", "burning resolve" (anon try not to bully kanade challenge impossible)
tsukasa - akito -> "orange hair 'buddies'", "troublemaking senior", "the real me?" (koughsghshhgggh)
dONE WITH THE LORE WOOHOO. SEKAIPOSTING NEXT AND PLAYLISTS AFTER...MAYBE SOME MORE CROSS-UNIT TRUST RANKS...also to anyone who reblogs in the tags i see them and you guys are literally the best
have a great day mod 👍 see you next time!!
🌐 anon
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possuminnit · 1 year
anyone remember the hcs or like. theories i guess, where people were like "what if otommy is the reason owilbur died"
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rig-a-rendal · 2 days
remember when michael nesmith's mother died and his ass was like auckgh oh no.......... ough this sucks............. but to be honest this emotional turmoil is so artistically fulfilling for me.
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scholar-thief · 4 years
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[ RP LOG ]
Momori threatens Gwannes. Then they enjoy some...five hour energy.
Momori is seemingly asleep in the tall grass. She’s surrounded by several books, some open, some not. One is currently being used as a makeshift pillow. However, on closer examination, you would notice that her breath is shallow. Dehydration, perhaps? Sun exhaustion? Or maybe that’s just how she sleeps.
Gwannes | There's a grunt, a man's, that originates from somewhere near Momori. It's sudden, disrupting relatively peaceful sounds of distant fauna and rushing wind. "Nn-- Auckgh-- Nn--!" There's a scraping sound, like steel against flat stone that repeats a few times, then goes silent again.
(Momori) gwannes flying /below/ the islands like a proper suspicious fellow (Gwannes) phasing through the floor like a real shady fella (Momori) ????? is he ok?????? omg hahah (Momori) clipping into an object and taking damage from physics engine going haywire (Gwannes) source engine collision noise
Momori wakes up immediately, and assumes a defensive stance, daggers drawn. Her book pillow momentarily sticks to her face, and peels off slowly. “Who’s there?!” She looks around, trying to pinpoint the source of the strange sound.
Gwannes | There's more grunts, then more silence, and this on-off pattern alternates for another short moment before there's actual movement near Momori. More specifically, an arm shoots up from beneath the edge of the floating island, a hand clawing its fingers into a depression in the rock. Attached to the arm was... a hyur, whom pulled himself up by said arm, quickly joining it with another then pulling himself up onto the ground in his entirety, rolling onto his back. "Ggh--"
Momori - With each iteration of grunts and silence, she grows increasingly cautious. By the time an arm appears from the edge of the island, she’s ready. To kill. Thankfully, her throwing knife goes whizzing over the thing that's crawling onto land like some beached seal. Face blank, she watches.
Momori: “.........................excuse me? Excuse me.”
Momori checks for pulse.
Gwannes seems winded to the point that he doesn't even register Momori's throwing knife, let alone her presence. The man halfway looks like a corpse already: From his arms to his neck to his face, the man's hide is positively covered in scars and blemishes, only capped off when he raises his head, turning to face Momori, a single eye darting to look at her. "...Uh." The man sat up, at that, blinking. "..."
Momori gets a good look at the ‘corpse.’ Bald head. Eyepatch. Though scruffy beyond belief, there’s no denying it. This thing is called ‘Gwannes.’ She narrows her eyes as the man looks to her. Suspicious.
Momori: “Care to explain yourself?”
Gwannes blinked, staring at Momori for a moment. "..." The man glanced around past Momori, then back over his shoulder at the edge of the island. "Explain what?"
Momori: “Why you were crawling up the edge of the island.” She crosses her arms.
Gwannes stares at Momori.
Gwannes looks back over his shoulder at the edge.
Gwannes looks back to Momori.
Gwannes: I had to get up.
Momori: “........................”
Momori uncrosses her arms. Twists her fingers together and stretches them, outwards. She grabs Gwanne’s right heel and menacingly pulls the man with surprising strength towards the edge once more.
Momori: “You shall tell me or you shall have a good trip in the lifestream.” She’s straining somewhat at the effort of dragging Gwannes along.
Gwannes offers... not much resistance to this, laying back and letting Momori drag him closer to the edge with little more than a token wriggling and a faint "C'mon, man..."
Gwannes closes his eye, sighing. "I hate the fucking lifesteam."
Gwannes idly swings his head backwards, gently hitting the back of his skull against the ground.
(Momori) its like when you drag a rake behind you (Momori) and it's bouncing around hitting every stray rock + pebble (Gwannes) yes
Momori: “I hear it isn’t so bad during the winter moons,” she says, as she lets go of the man’s ankle. With his body positioned close to the edge, she places her heel on his shoulder. A strong push could roll the man straight back into freefall.
Momori: “Last chance, Baldy.”
Gwannes tenses his shoulders for a moment, then places a palm against the ground and quickly rises back to a sitting position. He slips out from under Momori's heel with all the elusiveness of an earthworm. In spite of getting out from under her, he only does so to move /closer/ to the edge, scooting forward and draping the both of his legs off of the edge. "I'm tired."
Momori makes a sour face, but lets Gwannes do as he wishes. Killing a follower was a one way ticket to being kicked out of the whole expedition, and she couldn’t have that. At least, not yet. But by the gods, she was curious about why the man was ‘rock climbing’, and she hated to have the possibility of answers dangled in front of her face.
Momori: “If you’re tired, go take a nap. Or take one of these.” She pulls a small packet from her sleeve. It’s semi-transparent, and contains some red goo inside of it.
(Momori) eorzean five hour energy. gel form. (Gwannes) Momoris ultimate plan to give gwannes oskwell a pair of cement shoes
Gwannes stared down at Momori's hand. "Candy?"
Momori: “Haha. Sure!” She doesn’t say anymore. Places the questionable packet in Gwanne’s hand.
Gwannes looks to be completely willing to immediately consume someone who was threatening to murder him less than 120 seconds ago. He places the packet in his mouth and bites down on it, then swallows the entire deal.
(Momori) momori will remember this (Momori) gwannes dont take candy from suspicious lalafell!!! (Gwannes) i want Momori to grant my greatest wish and poison me to death
Momori - It all happens so fast that she doesn’t have time to tell him, no, you don’t eat the packaging. She grimaces slightly as Gwannes downs it all....but that doesn’t stop her from offering him another. “You look like you enjoyed that. Have one more.”
Gwannes blinked. "Oh, I-- I shouldn't. I don't know how strong they are."
Momori: “As long as your will is stronger, you are safe.” She covertly plants the offered energy gel into anything that resembles a pocket on Gwanne’s person. “Still tired?”
(Momori) haha wait since this is eorzea (Momori) it'd be five bell energy (Gwannes) drink drink five hour energy its not a drink more like a drink
Gwannes glanced back at Momori, at that. "Oh, well, my will isn't stronger than anything, really. We'll see, I guess." His legs, hanging out over the abyss, swung back and forth idly. "So do you normally threaten to push people off of cliffs while you're not working?"
Momori: “Well, do you normally begin a conversational encounter by pulling yourself up from the edge of a sheer drop?” She raises a brow slightly as she leans against the stalk of one of the dandelion trees.
Gwannes: I didn't know anyone was out this far.
Gwannes: Most people are sticking closer to the camp.
Momori: “For good reason. Though these places are good for a little peace and quiet.” She pauses. “And for studying the Zundu.”
Momori: “The rotund birdmen here are. Acceptably friendly. For birds.”
Gwannes presses his thumb against the backs of his knuckles, stretching his fingers. "You say that like there's a reasonable expectation. A-- Bunch of people from half a continent away come in their airship and start incessantly probing into your territory, how'd you react? There's certainly folk out here that would take a whole lot less kindly to our presence. Like the Vundu."
Gwannes paused. "Well, your presence, maybe. They know me. At least a little."
Momori holds her tongue. In Ul’dah, beastmen were, generally speaking, treated with contempt. A side note to be swept aside. Add to the fact that she simply hates birds of any form, and well...She wants to say that they don’t owe the Vanu Vanu anything, courtesy included. But she doesn’t say that.
Momori: “I. Suppose they are being reasonable, given the situation.”
Gwannes clears his throat. "Yeah, they are." His heels knock against the rock face behind them. "There are far worse places to be, as far as beastman territory. You should see some of the things that go on with the caravans that are unfortunate enough to have to cross through the Xephatoli borderlands."
Momori: “I have only heard stories.” She sits down, back against the base of the dandelion stalk. “Banditry. Vengeance. Greed. Violence. Blind belief. Such qualities are not limited to the beastfolk.”
Momori‘s gaze hardens as she lets her thoughts stew in her mind. She lets out a quiet huff, and shakes her head. “So, Gwannes. Why are /you/ with the expedition?”
Gwannes cleared his throat. "I'm not with the expedition. I'm just here temporarily."
Gwannes: I was already caught up with the Rovers before I came across anyone from this whole... group.
Momori: “Oh. You have your own beef with the Rovers then.” She shrugs. “Welcome to the club.”
Gwannes: Not like that, but--...
Gwannes: ...I wanted just to talk to Nate and then get out of here with my wife, seeing as he owes me a favor, but-- now he's indisposed, I've been told.
Momori: “He’s not exactly in the mood to talk nowadays.” She gets up and gives Gwannes and odd look. “But why not just leave with your wife then? He won’t stop you.”
Gwannes: 'Cause he owes me something.
Gwannes: It's by my own choice that I'm-- I'm stayin', not his.
Gwannes: That, and I'd like to be there when the Rovers--
Gwannes: Well, you know.
Momori figures that whatever Gwannes is asking for is immaterial. A favor that only the Father can provide. Something that cannot simply be taken.
Momori: “Yeah. When the Rovers bite the dust.” She pats herself off. “Well, see you around Gwannes. Good luck in whatever it is you’re trying to get out of Nate.”
Gwannes stands, at that. "Heading out, then--?" He nods to Momori. "Alright. See you around, yeah? Just be careful out this far. Vundu still send out patrols, sometimes. Wayward search parties, that sort of thing..." He pauses. "Anyway, I'll see you around." At that, he immediately... turns on his heel, then takes a step forward off of the edge of the cliff. He's gone.
Momori just. Accepts what is happening in front of her. So many strange folks, so little time. She has a feeling she'll see him again, crawling up from some ledge like a monster of the deep. Farewell...for now.
(Momori) wauw (Momori) what an exit (Gwannes) distant cartoon splat noise (Momori) splort (Momori) does he like. live under the islands like a bat?? so many questions
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