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nightly-ruse · 3 years ago
For the FireSand kits, 1-3 should be fine though I do enjoy the headcanon of kittypets having big litters (like 6 or more) so maybe that could factor in.
For names, Skykit, Antkit (I swear the Erin’s said if they had a third kit it’d be this name), Sunsetkit, Emberkit, Singekit, Flarekit, Auburnkit, Rosekit, Rustkit, Nutkit are some suggestions.
As for Sandstorm, maybe Sandtail after Redtail? Or Sandwind?
Sandsnap, Sandpounce, Sandwhisker, Sandbite could work
Oooo ur names are amazing omg!
I really like Skykit Singekit and Sunsetkit. Three kits is a lot for add ons but I kinda like it. Also all S names which I think is cute. Skykit is 100% a nod to the unknown clan, Singekit after Fire himself, and Sunsetkit maybe after Sand which i like a lot. Tho all names are up to change!
Sandwhisker I enjoy. Also other suggestions I just thought of maybe Sandswoop and Sandscratch? I want her to be more important and more of a character in the au. She’s much more fiesty but a huge rule follower, stuck up, smart, and a quick learner. She’d be very quick on her paws as well which I think makes sense for Sandswoop and Sandwhisker as they relate to hunting, Swoop as in quick to strike and whisker in her ability to sense and snatch up prey fast. She’s the main hunter and the best with Craneleaf, Runningwind, and Rook as her main hunting buddies
EDIT: I JUST REALIZED RUSTKIT IS AFTER IS OG NAME I LOVE THAT. Also enjoy rather uncommon names or odder names from outsider and kitty pets. Auburnkit, Rustkit, Skykit, and Singekit are so good
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nightly-ruse · 3 years ago
The name Craneleaf is adorable and I do agree with the honor thing, something Firestar would do.
Create confusion the three with the FireSand kit. Let us guess who is the three and not have it be spoon fed to us.
The Cloudkit idea is tempting, however how would it work with the plot and would Cloud still have a bond with Fireheart?
I am pretty set on Craneleaf so it’s now approved! And I quite like Finch for Leaf, it does fit pretty well with Fire.
I definitely think Cloud and Fire will grow a close bond through them both not only being outsiders but also the fact that Cloud is given to Fireheart as his apprentice to prove he’s able to handle such a rambunctious, wildly cat. Maybe by Tigerclaw just to try and throw off Fire as he’s now forced to spend more time training the apprentice then overthrow him.
If Fire and Sand have another litter how many kits do u guys think they should have? Any names anyone has in mind for them? I have no ideas for their second litter besides the fact I think one should be named after Blue possibly. Also Squirrel is named after Redtail while Finch is named after Crane!
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nightly-ruse · 3 years ago
Idea I want to see how people react to it bc I’m debating about it a lot: Renaming Leafpool
Instead of Leaf being named that she’s named Finchkit beside Squirrelkit as a ode to Fireheart’s other parental figure; Cranetuft or Featherkit as they were none being the only living kit of Dappletail and Stormtail’s litter.
Cranetuft(suffix pending) is a albino deaf cat, later parent of Ravenkit and Rookkit(Dustkit), and pretty big inspiration in Firepaw’s life when he joins the clans. Cranetuft often trains and gives advice to Fire, defends him when trying to get out Tigerclaw, and a huge reminder to all the cats that any cat can be a great warrior no matter their past or disability’s. This is a particular point out to Bluestar’s treatment of disabled characters. As well as a pusher for the code to change bc they believe it isn’t fair at all.
This inspires Firepaw’s rebellious side and want to do good, change the way of the clans to be better. I adore Crane a lot if u couldn’t tell. I originally was going to have Fire have a second litter and name the kit Finch but I don’t really want another Fire kit.
Soooo how does everyone feel about renaming Leaf? Is there another path that’s better? Second litter or no second litter for FireSand?
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nightly-ruse · 3 years ago
I do like the idea of Craneleaf since if you go with Finchleaf then that would be Forestar honoring them even more. Also, I like FireSand having more kits but not at the same time. I don't know. On one hand, it's more FireSand kits and on the other it might mess with the whole Power of Three thing. If they have more kits then there might be more confusion about who the three are. Here I go, rambling. Anyway, love the idea of Leaf being renamed to Finch.
Hmmm. Thanks for the input it really helps! I also enjoy Craneleaf a lot as they really like weaving things together, this is where Rook(Dustpelt) gets it from. I really like the name Finch for Leaf bc it’s like a goldeny soft bird with a pretty song which I think fits her the most than any other bird, and it’s letter are like Fire going back to her being his and Sand’s kit.
The second litter thing is a big debate for me bc I love Fire just spoiling his only daughters a lot but he also seems to be a cat who’d have another one later on? Tho I think it’d be a one kit litter just to keep his genes low, we don’t need a big boom in the au. But it creating confusion for PO3 is almost good? I always disliked how we the readers found out immediately who the third cat was.
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