zhunihaoyun · 7 years
attrocitea replied to your post: on that note which france wants to convince 17th...
i would make a france if only to write this with u but that feels extra so i hope someone else comes along. i’ll be waiting for this thread
HDHDHDJFJGH that’s okay if you make your russia we’ll be busy enough
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eyesofanirishman · 7 years
@attrocitea (O)
[text: Arthur]: Yes, I am fine.
[text: Arthur]: What would give you the impression I am not fine?
[text: Arthur]: Better than ever really. But why?
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vigliacco · 7 years
  A sneak attack. 
  Expected as it was, he still managed to only catch a hint of green before he was knocked unconscious. He couldn’t criticize his attacker or anything, not in the slightest; after all, he had managed to escape situations with a clean hit before too. 
  That didn’t make the iron taste in his mouth any weaker.
  With a grunt, Feliciano shifted. There was an attempt to sit himself up, though with his hands tied and the pain radiating from his ribs, he figured it was futile.
  When the door opened, he couldn’t even bring himself to look up, simply keeping his attention on Arthur’s boots. A small smile came onto his face as if to push his own fear back, a strategy that failed as soon as fear crept into his tone.
  “ … I feel like I’ve been in this situation before. What are you going to do with me this time? ”
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ofromance-blog · 7 years
attrocitea a réagi à votre billet : ⁇ ( from the text meme! )
[ text: Francis ] Well, were you ever? You tell me. [ text: Francis ] Don’t come home if you’re going to bring all this melodrama with you.
[text: Arthur] i dontt know
[text: Arthur] you never answered m e
[text: Arthur] i wanted to see you b tuf i guess i jus wont
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coeurepuise · 7 years
‘ hope you’re happy, asshole. ’ ( AU fun? 👀 )
pick-a-fight meme
A curl of his lips, he exposes his teeth in a bit of a sneer, glancing off to the side, “What have I done to upset you this time?” He practically spat, clearly tired of this already. Carefully, the blonde puts the last of the dishes up, wiping his hands off and turning to face the man he, at one point of his life affectionately, called his husband.
“I am sure it was something terrible. As usual.” He clearly wasn’t going to really listen to Arthur. All the other did was complain anymore, anyway. His hands rest on his hips, “Out with it.”
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amantebravo · 7 years
‘ admit it. i was right. ’
pick-a-fight meme
“No! Absolutely not never no way. Fuck you.” He crosses his arms, looks away, and makes the grumpiest face of all time.
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kiwioverlord · 7 years
@attrocitea asked for a starter!
It hadn’t technically been on their to-do list, but sometimes, you’ve got to pay a visit to the Pom of Poms. They were in the area on business, might as well try and make some fun out of it in the meantime, right? Right-o. Caelan hadn’t spent much of their time as a colony at England’s place, but the cobblestone streets and tiny sardine packed homes still managed to conjure up old memories that could be placed as neither good nor terribly bad, just, memories. It’s odd how a place such as this could be so timeless.
Enough if the sentimental nonsense! Who’s got time for that when there’s an old Brit to bother?
“Of course I’m eatin’ biscuits in your bed. If I ate them in my own space, there’d be crumbs everywhere!” There’s a list somewhere of the many advantages of being the favorite colony– a questionable statement in and of itself– and Caelan is going to spend their entire visit bleeding that list (and Arthur) dry.
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damnprussia · 7 years
[ text: Gilbert ] Maybe there really is an end to everything, after all. Both the good & the bad.
[text] wtf r u smoking ?
[text] do u want a legit answer or not. ur not going anywhere old man
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konigsberggg · 7 years
@attrocitea | starter He sat at the bar counter, his left eye swollen, his scalp sweaty, his nose still red from where it had bled. Gilbert had won his fight again, and the first thing he did with his hard earned money from said fight was head to the nearest bar and get himself a drink. He deserved it, Gilbert thought to himself, as he sat revelling in the glory of his fight- it had been a good one. Suddenly, the door of the bar opened and a group of men walked in, some Gilbert recognized and some he didn't. They noticed him and made their way over, where immediately they began to praise him for his well fought fight, and many offered to buy Gilbert a drink. He grinned, showing off several missing teeth, and then spotted a younger looking one standing behind the men Gilbert knew, and then beckoned the man forward. "Who's your friend, hmm?" Gilbert asked the men, all gamblers who had bet on him.
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overthefjords · 3 years
@attrociteas || United Nations Special Assembly, New York City, USA. 
Aleksander would rather be anywhere else in the world than here. He’d take dying in a frozen tundra over having to do his climate change and oil industry talk before his colleagues, to be quite frank. He’d tried his damndest to push it back, but there was no wiggle room in the schedule. It wasn’t but a few months since the last time he’d set foot outside of Scandinavia, since... Well. Since he’d summarily had his ties cut with the English rep. At least standing behind a lectern and presenting things he knows like the back of his hand is not too terrible. He keeps the discussions on topic, the cold glare and icy tone keeping everyone in line for once. People tend to listen to the big, scary Norwegian when he speaks. Plus, with his only ever attending UN conferences, none of them really get a chance to get used to him. Once his slides were done and all questions were answered, the session was dismissed and Aleks begins to tidy his papers and laptop, focused on sorting things into his laptop backpack without much regard for the goings on around him. He was expecting to just go back to his hotel and sleep until his flight later that night, not intending to go out and galavant around the Big Apple like so many of his colleagues liked to do. No, he was a responsible man who had better things to do than get drunk and fuck off.
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zhunihaoyun · 7 years
attrocitea replied to your post: attrocitea replied to your post: ...
me, looking at the tags on this: wow. suddenly i can’t read
hey buddy i don’t make the rules this is just how min’s relationships operate
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eyesofanirishman · 7 years
Rian sat in his cell, knees pulled to his chest with his eyes closed. Oddly, he was at peace. The teenager knew he had finally done something right... Even if it ended so wrong. However, he’d finally stood for something he believed in and that filled him with a small sense of pride. All he had to do was try to not think about everyone he’d fought alongside and what they would face. That would mean risking one of his guards seeing him cry.
At the sound of footsteps, Rian opened his eyes and stared to the other side of the bars. He’d been told they were retrieving someone who would know best what to do with him, and the Irishman expected his “guardian” but instead, his eyes met Arthur’s and his face went pale.
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vigliacco · 7 years
@attrocitea from here!
Tumblr media
  “ Two reasons! One: I’m a romance nation! I have a sixth sense for these types of things, I think. Two: I have eyes! ” 
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ofromance-blog · 7 years
⁇ ( from the text meme! )
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[text] a re you happy?
[text] i cant tell if ia m anymore
[text] was i ever?
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bacieciambelline · 7 years
ღ !
SEND A SYMBOL FOR A CORRESPONDING PROMPT/STARTER.[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up. 
The pair had conversed for a while, switching from topic to topic with every whim. A few outlandish comments were made every now and then at the other’s expense. Though, by the time Feliciano settled on drinking from the mug clutched to his chest, he noticed a horribly concealed expression of pain and... what he thought to be pure melancholy on his face. Of course he grew alarmed, and his first idea was to fire questions at him; to ask if he was okay. What he was thinking about to make him so suddenly sad. 
But if there was anything he’d come to learn about Arthur that, much like himself, deflection and avoidance became his strong suit after all this time, and- unless he tackled the Englishman down and forced him to come clean -he would get absolutely nothing but white lies out of him. Staring at his companion in an uncomfortable extended silence, the brunette set his mug down and inched his way closer, his lips pressed together tightly. What should I do... Maybe making him laugh might-- might do something. I dunno if this would be funny to him but uhm... 
“Did I ever tell you about how I got someone else arrested in place of me on New Year’s back in the 90s?” he asked suddenly, deliberately, peeking up to gauge Arthur’s reaction. “...It’s kind of a crazy story but like... I was at a bar in Milano, near the shopping district, and this guy pulls up in a white car. I think it was a Lancia. Pretty sure. Yeah-- so he goes into the bar and he’s hitting on everything that’s breathing and no one is taking too kindly to him. Unrelated, but I got into a fist fight with some other guy who poured his drink all over me and- I’d just bought this outfit not even two days ago. So we take it outside. What this guy doesn’t know is that he parked right next to my car, a white Lancia, and I had a baseball bat and about hmm... let’s say about three cans of spray paint in my trunk. We’re done fighting-- it ended in a draw ‘cause he got my nose but then this loser slips on ice and pops his knee. So as he’s going back inside I wait outside in the cold for a good 20 minutes and then like... I trash his car. Bashed out the wheels, the front and rear view mirrors, spray painted dicks all over the body. I was about to put the bat and the spray paint back in my car but then I notice the white Lancia next to this asshole’s car, so I break into his car, put the shit in the driver seat, hop into my own vehicle, and speed home. Apparently-- apparently I see something in the papers a day later about some fool in a Lancia getting arrested for vandalism at a bar in Milano, and I’m sitting there thinking “but I didn’t get arrested?” I didn’t find out this other innocent guy got plugged until later that day.” He sighs loudly, clasping his hands together.
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avecelegance-blog1 · 7 years
“actually… i just miss you.”
five word sentence starters; accepting
Centuries could go by, and still Francis never quite knew how to react to Arthur when he delivered him anything other than biting remarks or insults. By now, he simply had a way of replying back coyly. “But of course you do! My company is priceless, after all. It is about time you finally admit it!” Francis teased with a laugh, cradling his chin in his hand and smiling knowingly at the other. He waited for some sort of punchline or qualifier to the comment, something that would make the meaning behind it that much less than it could’ve been - but it never came. 
Francis frowned, before looking down. He sighed, before clearing his throat. “I wish you’d just be honest with me, rather than waiting until the absolute last possible moment. I’m not a mind reader, Arthur. How am I to help you if you are not telling me what’s going on?”
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