#attacks/movesets like kohga has.
darkdragon768 · 1 month
Me: *watches a video about the lore of zelda bosses - botw edition*
Guy in the video: "Now that's in botws DLC (...)"
Me: "Just say totk. ... Wait, botw had real DLCs. Fuck I forgot about that."
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c-jay321 · 4 years
Okay so I’m nearing the end of age of calamity, and I kinda just wanna make a list of pro’s and cons of the game.
If you want to get into this game 100% blind or if you haven’t played the demo, do not read this!!!
This is basically a “what you should know before you buy the game” review?
Anyway here are the pros:
Playable Zelda, and playable champions. Though everyone already knew that lol.
We see more of the said champions and Zelda in this story.
You actually see Zelda... a lot more than Link for the first time. Which is pretty interesting.
Link is a bit more expressive in this and we even see a bit of a goofy side of him.
Each character has a unique moveset, none of it is repeated with any other character. You can tell the devs put a lot of care into making each of them fight uniquely.
The game kinda creates a new lore which is kinda questionable, but cool.
The combat’s fun, like really crazy stupid fun.
Divine beast gameplay is good.
Impa, Robbie, and Purah.
Master Kohga.
The SOUNDTRACK. A lot of it are remixes from botw’s but they’re still good.
The overall colors of the characters are better too if that makes any sense. I can’t really put it into words but in botw both Link and Zelda have this bright looking brown hue to them in the cutscenes that can be really jarring to look at sometimes. In age of calamity the colors look more natural and warmer.
The cutscenes are well rendered and the voice acting is good. There are a lot of cutscenes too.
You get to watch the cutscenes and listen to the game’s ost anytime.
The CONS (most of these are just general gameplay issues for me):
This game was pretty much falsely advertised. The story completely branches off from breath of the wild’s. It only connects in a few areas.
Rather than Nintendo simply just saying “a story of what could’ve happened if things went differently 100 years ago” this game was marketed as a “this is what happened 100 years ago!!!” Nintendo sucks for that.
Despite one of the game’s selling points being “a hyrule you know, a story you don’t”, there really isn’t much of this “hyrule” to see at all. Outside from cutscenes we’re just plopped off in a battlefield at random locations on the map, so there isn’t much to look at.
Yes it’s the same map as breath of the wild but for a game taken place 100 years ago, everywhere pretty much looks the damn same. The only place that looked different was hyrule castle. (Which makes sense)
The familiar areas we fight in aren’t even all that good looking either, especially since there’s a gajillion enemies on screen at once and they’re surrounded by ugly enemy camps.
Speaking of ugly, that’s kinda what the missions look like sometimes. There’s so much going on at once in the levels because the game just continuously spawns hordes of enemies over and over and over again.
Because there are so many enemies on screen, it makes the actual missions a janky mess at times.
The camera fucks up a lot, if you end up getting backed against an object like a rock or wall. The camera stutters and sometimes your special attacks won’t even connect because of the bad angle.
Speaking of camera angles, they’re especially shitty when you fight bosses, especially Hinoxes. The camera tries to get everything in all at once and your character ends up looking small enough to get lost in the chaos that is the battfield, it’s annoying.
More on camera angles and boss fights, even when you lock on the boss, if you end up getting backed up against a wall and the camera isn’t where it’s supposed to be... again, your special attacks will not connect.
Lastly for camera angles, they’re especially bad when you’re inside buildings, and absolutely atrocious when you’re in a hallway.
I get that it’s a Warriors game but, for a game that was supposedly represented as breath of the wild with hyrule warriors elements, outside of the main menu, level select, and runes... it lacks a lot of what botw felt like.
The missions are usually the same thing; just fighting or “capturing an outpost”, there are only a few that you actually have different objectives like the first chapter where you have to activate guardians.
The fact that we can hardly explore and there’s no other gameplay style aside from button mashing and destroying hordes of enemies is a bit disappointing. Honestly the fact that they’re invisible walls in places you should easily be able to jump down from SUCKS.
No mini games, no playable sidequests, no puzzles... nothing.
The koroks are also lackluster too. Like when you get them there’s no jingle and there’s just this awkward 2 second pause you get after they’re spotted.
The frame rate is still bad, not as bad as the first level but it’s not that great, especially in handheld. You’re better off playing this game with your switch docked. I’m not usually a “video game graphics should be 60fps or something unless it’s unplayable” person, but this game does not look too great a lot of the time. Which is weird because the og Hyrule warriors looks really good!
You’d think a game that mostly took elements from breath of the wild of all games would look stunning but here we are lol.
So yeah, the cons obviously outweigh the pros for me. Does that mean I hate the game? Not at all!
It’s totally charming in so many areas. I’m just a pretty disappointed with the overall experience.
That’s all for me for now. I’ll make another post about the story later.
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