#attack on t.itan
dangantums · 6 months
haaaiiiii :3
this fic contains: mpreg
ship: e.ruri ( l.evi X e.rwin -- AOT ) -- h.ange z.oe, e.ren j.aegar, a.rmin a.rlet, j.ean k.irsten mention
TLDR: l.evi is heavily pregnant with him and e.rwin's baby. other members of the squad react to the size of l.evi's belly compared to his small stature.
The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden hue over the training grounds where the Survey Corps members were diligently honing their skills with the ODM gear. Among them stood Levi Ackerman, squad captain, who was monitoring their training sessions with a watchful eye. He stood, watching the scouts rush through the air with one hand gently cradling his swollen belly. Levi was 9 months pregnant with Erwin and his child, and despite being heavily pregnant with Erwin's child, Levi refused to let his condition hinder his duties. At least monitoring training sessions isn’t too strenuous on his body. With a steely determination, he oversaw the training, his sharp eyes missing nothing. As he watched the trainees maneuver through the air with their ODM gear, a familiar voice broke through his concentration.
"Levi, sir?"
Turning slightly, Levi saw Eren Jaeger, one of the Corps' most promising members, approaching him with a curious expression.
"What is it, Jaeger?" Levi replied, his tone clipped.
“I was just wondering, um,” Eren hesitated for a moment before asking, “You’re the squad captain and all, but… you’re not going to be coming with us on duty, right? I mean, it’s not safe – you’re pregnant, and isn't it difficult for you to move around with that belly? It looks heavy, and you’re so short, would you even be able to… get around?”
Levi's eyebrows furrowed, a flash of irritation crossing his features. He was used to the stares, the whispers, the questions about his pregnancy, but coming from someone like Eren, it annoyed him.
"It's none of your business," Levi snapped, his voice sharp.
Eren's expression softened, realizing he might have overstepped. "I-I didn't mean to offend you, sir. I was just curious – "
"Yeah, well, curiosity killed the cat, Jaeger. Mind your own damn business."
With that, Levi turned his attention back to the training session, effectively dismissing Eren. But as he watched the recruits darting through the air, his mind couldn't help but wander back to Eren's question.
Levi navigated the bustling dining hall of the Survey Corps headquarters, his swollen belly drawing occasional glances from his men. He approached the line, one hand gently rubbing the side of his protruding stomach, attempting to ease the restlessness of his baby. As he let out a long, drawn-out sigh, he reached for a plate of food to put on his tray. However, he sensed someone approaching him. Turning his head, he found Armin Arlert standing behind him with a gentle smile.
"Hi, sir," Armin greeted softly. “We’ve got quite the dinner tonight, hm? Something other than pieces of bread and meat for once!”
“I suppose so,” Levi responded flatly.
Armin grinned, his blue eyes filled with genuine curiosity and care. "How's the pregnancy treating you?”
Levi paused. "It's... going," Levi replied tersely, his gaze flickering to his swollen belly for a moment before returning to Armin.
Armin nodded understandingly. "I can only imagine how difficult it must be, but you seem to be handling it well.” Armin’s own gaze flickered to Levi's protruding belly before returning to meet his eyes. "You're carrying quite a burden, both figuratively and literally."
Levi shrugged, trying to dismiss Armin.
But Armin wasn't so easily deterred. "Is it difficult for you, carrying the baby with your... uh, small frame?"
As Levi filled his plate with food, Levi's jaw tightened, a flicker of annoyance flashing in his eyes. He was tired of people commenting on his size, as if his stature defined his capability as a parent.
"It's not exactly a walk in the park," Levi growled.
Armin nodded quickly, his expression sympathetic. "Oh, okay – Well, if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know, sir.” And with that, the blonde quickly rushed away, plate in hand.
In the heart of the Survey Corps headquarters, Levi and Hange Zoë huddled over a table covered in maps and strategic diagrams. They were deep in discussion, their minds focused on the task at hand—planning the next operation against the Titans. As they debated tactics and contingencies, Hange couldn't help but stare at the large bulge beneath Levi's uniform. Despite the urgency of their mission, curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist bringing it up.
"Hey, Levi, can I ask you something?"
Levi raised an eyebrow, accustomed to Hange's tendency to veer off-topic. "Make it quick. We don't have all day."
Hange grinned, undeterred by Levi's curt response. "How's the pregnancy going? Is the little one kicking up a storm in there?"
Another question about his pregnancy. Levi wanted to slam his head into the table, but he resisted. Although, another look of annoyance riddled his face as he glared at Hange. “It’s fine.”
Hange's eyes sparkled with curiosity, their scientific mind clearly intrigued by Levi's condition. "Fascinating! Have you experienced any complications? Any unusual symptoms? It’s just that, I’ve never seen a man pregnant before!”
Levi shook his head, the annoyance now creeping into his voice. "None of your business. Now, can we focus on the task at hand?"
“It must be doubly challenging for someone as... vertically challenged as yourself,” Hange giggled, ignoring Levi’s question.
Levi blinked at their choice of words, the scowl crossing his features deepened. He was used to people poking fun at his height, but coming from Hange, it felt particularly grating.
"Watch it, Hange," Levi warned, his tone laced with annoyance. "I may be short, but I can still kick your ass from here to Wall Maria."
Hange giggled again, undeterred by Levi's threats. "I wouldn't doubt it for a second!”
The crisp night air enveloped Levi Ackerman as he stepped outside the walls of the Survey Corps headquarters. The sky was dark, and he was just about to return back to his bunk with Erwin. His thin hands cradled his large stomach as he walked, desperate to lay down. His heavily pregnant belly strained against his uniform. 
However, his moment of tranquility was interrupted by the stumbling figure of Jean Kirstein, clearly inebriated and wearing a foolish grin.
"Levi!" Jean slurred, his words slurred as he approached. "What are you doing out here?"
“Kirstein. Shouldn't you be in bed?" Levi tsked.
Jean ignored Levi's retort, his gaze fixated on Levi's protruding abdomen, a lopsided grin etching his features. "What's with the beach ball you're carrying around?"
Levi's expression hardened as he regarded Jean, irritation simmering beneath the surface. He was in no mood for the drunken antics of his fellow soldier, especially when it came to his pregnancy. He wanted nothing more than to put Jean in his place, to remind him of the respect owed to a superior officer, pregnant or not. But he knew that losing his temper wouldn't solve anything. And so, ignoring Jean's taunts, Levi attempted to walk away, but Jean persisted, blocking his path with an unsteady stance. 
“When are you due, huh?” Jean asked.
Levi continued to ignore him.
"Come on, Levi, don't be like that," Jean slurred, his laughter grating on Levi's nerves. "I'm just curious. How does it feel to carry that thing around all day?”
"Listen here, Kirstein,” Levi growled. “I may be pregnant, but I'm still your superior officer. Show some respect, or I'll have you cleaning latrines for the next month."
Jean stumbled backward, his drunken bravado faltering in the face of Levi's authoritative presence. "S-Sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. Just... curious, that's all."
Levi watched as Jean turned and stumbled away, spotting Connie in the distance. Jean called out to him, rushing toward him with an unbalanced gait. Levi couldn't help but feel a sense of exhaustion wash over him—the physical toll of his pregnancy compounded by the emotional strain of dealing with insensitive remarks.
"Levi, how are you feeling?"
"Levi, when's the due date?"
"Levi, are you sure you should be working in your condition?"
The questions grated Levi’s nerves, each one a reminder of the undeniable truth that he was heavily pregnant with his boyfriend Erwin's baby. That night, Levi eventually made it back to his and Erwin’s bunk. Shutting the door with a loud slam, Levi waddled over to and fell onto the couch. Though he heaved a sigh of relief, sinking onto the couch with a weary groan. He rubbed his aching back, feeling the weight of the baby pressing against his ribs. He shifted uncomfortably, his swollen and heavily pregnant belly protruding noticeably beneath his shirt. 
Erwin entered the room from the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist and wearing a white t-shirt. His expression softened at the sight of Levi's exhaustion. "Hey, love. Rough day?"
Levi grunted in response, but then followed up, "I’m bloated, huge, achy, uncomfortable… And I can’t take two steps without someone bombarding me with questions about this damn belly, asking me if it’s heavy. Damn it, it is heavy. I feel like a beached whale.”
Erwin made a noise, approaching Levi. The blonde leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Levi's forehead before kneeling, letting his lips trail down to his belly. He pressed another kiss there, his touch gentle and reverent, and let his large calloused hand rest on the surface of Levi’s large belly. His thumb traced soothing circles on Levi's abdomen. Levi’s belly swelled outwards, a rounded curve that stretched the fabric of his shirt snugly against his skin. Erwin then gently lifted the hem of his shirt. The skin over his abdomen was smooth, though marked with faint red lines. Beneath the surface, the baby stirred, causing ripples across the surface of Levi's belly. 
"You're glowing, though,” Erwin murmured. “Pregnancy suits you."
“This is obviously your kid, he’s about the same size as you,” Levi snorted, and rolled his eyes. “I need to shower. I don’t know why I sat down, I’ll never be able to get back up on my own.”
Erwin stood and reached a gentle hand out, helping Levi up from the couch. Levi grunted as his hands quickly maneuvered to hold the sides of his giant belly, rubbing it absentmindedly. Erwin shifted closer, his arms encircling Levi as he leaned in to press a tender kiss against his temple. 
"Let me help you," the commander murmured. “It must be heavy.”
As soon as Levi was about to snap at Erwin, Erwin positioned himself behind Levi, his strong arms wrapping around Levi's waist to support the weight of his burgeoning belly. The raven-haired man paused, then sighed in relief as the pressure eased, leaning back into Erwin's embrace, melting into his arms. 
“That feels good, Smith,” Levi whispered, his voice barely above a breath.
Erwin chuckled softly, fingers massaging and tracing soothing circles over Levi's swollen abdomen. The pair stood in comfortable silence for a while, basking in each other’s presence.
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rxng · 1 year
accepting new gods is an increasingly smaller sized person trying to attack on t.itan a thing as big as all existence
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interdiit · 8 years
hello, sophie! i hesitated to message you on direct message because i was nervous. i wanted to talk to you, nothing serious just talk! i admire how you roleplay and the character to put into lafayette. hopefully, i will stop being nervous and message you. have a good day!
❨ anonymous ❩
hey there friendo! im always here for ooc conversation! thank you so much lmao and theres nothing to be nervous of seriously. if you want knowledge on why noT to be nervous of me here’s a lil story as to what happened at my srat house tonight: i was wearing both my ham shirt and my ham hat (bc im a dork thats why) and one of our houseboys goes – ‘i can tell by your attire that you like ham.ilton’ and im like ‘yeah i like ha.milton’ and he’s like ‘you wanna start hating me’ and i was like ‘sure’ and he showed me a picture of him and lIN FUCKING M.IRANDA and then a video of him and chris fucKING j.ackson singing the intro to ben.ny’s dispatch and i was like “you come into my house and you attack me in such a way” i literALLY said that to a person. i am a dork. a dork who wears a ham hat and a ham shirt on the same day. i was singing my heart will go on from t.itanic for like 20 minutes. im a dork. dont be afraid of me. dork level 20000. come @ me seriously im a Dork™
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dangantums · 4 months
where are the a.ttack on t.itan fans who just so happen to like mpreg/stuffing stuff i need to write more a.ot content but i don’t want to write to the void
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