#attach your taxi
taxi-yatri-india · 1 year
Attach Your Commercial Vehicle with a TaxiYatri to Earn Money
Do you want to know why only we should deal with the attachment to your car? In comparison to the rival companies, we offer exclusive services. Advantages include easy booking, no need to negotiate fares, and a wide range of services (including local and out-of-town cab rental services, online cab, taxi, and Vehicle attachment in tours and vacations). You can trust that you will receive the highest quality care while saving much money with these services. Take your seldom-driven car out of storage and hit the open road with us. TaxiYatri is a car- ‘attach your taxi’ service within a larger tour and excursions business, allowing you to earn money while you rest easy.
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You might be wondering why you should trust us with your car
What sets us apart from the competition in the car rental industry is our unique amenities. Local taxi attachment service, out-of-town cab rental services, online cab, taxi, and vehicle attachment services, flexible working hours, same-day cash payment services, and an app-based, seamless platform are just a few of the features. Thanks to these services, you may count on receiving first-rate care and making unfathomable sums of money. Go out of the garage and join us on the road today in that old, underused car. You may earn money from your car or taxi while relaxing at home by attaching it to the TaxiYatri automobile attachment service, which attracts consumers from all around India.
Installing TaxiYatri on your Taxi or Tempo Traveller
Partner in Business, please accept my sincere gratitude for considering participation in the TaxiYatri Vendor Driver Network. Our company is a vendor in the DCO Vendor Network.
Driver-cum owner, single-cab owner, or fleet operator—we have a place for you here (more than one cab with multiple drivers). Any taxi (Compact, Sedan, SUV, Innova Crysta, Tempo Traveler) with a business license plate can be attached. Please provide the following information about your taxi, driver, and owner so we can complete your registration. Provide details about yourself, your vehicle, and any drivers representing your business.
The greatest way to generate money from a parked automobile is to sign it over to a firm that will treat its customers well and pay its owners well. Attach your car to TaxiYatri, which offers cab attachment service across India to make quick and good money. If you have any questions, please contact us through our website.
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ttsukiimi · 5 months
───〃★ WE F⍣CK OFF & ON, OFF & ON .ᐟ
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〃★ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⎯ As the campus’s well known f⍣ckboy, Satoru Gojo wasn’t known to stick around for more than one night in one bed. Well, that unspoken rule just didn’t apply when the bed was yours.
〃★ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 ⎯ gojo x fem!reader, uni au, smut (mdni), protected s⍣x, f⍣ckboy!gojo, hair pulling, p⍣ssywhipped!gojo, mentions of alc⍣hol & bein’ drunk, dirty talk, slight dumbification.
〃★ 𝐚/𝐧 ⎯ Thank you so freaking much for 1.5K!!! 🥹
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Absolutely unbearable.
If there was any way to describe the campus fuckboy, it’d be that.
He was known—infamous for his unique way of fucking women and somehow leaving them attached, yearning for him once more after just one night, while he only left unscathed with his balls empty.
Satoru Gojo was insatiable. And you hated him.
You failed to see what everyone saw in him—he was a total idiot for fucks sake! Granted, he had a pretty face and could be quite charming, and you really couldn’t say for yourself if he was that good in bed, but good things about him paled in comparison to his horrid personality. He knew how attractive he was, and used that any chance he got.
How did he manage to talk his way into and out of anything? You simply didn’t know. But you hated him.
That was…until you yourself finally had a taste of Satoru Gojo.
Drunk at a party and so utterly wasted, you’d failed to acknowledge who was hitting on you, who you got into the taxi with to drive back to who knows where. His hands all over you—so rough yet inviting, even after the alcohol in your system had gone you still found yourself pulled into a trance.
A trance that seemingly pushed you to his bed and under him. Seemingly had you moaning his name all night and for more to come.
And seemingly, now, opening the door to your apartment so he could come in. So he could come in and fuck you like he’s been doing for the past months. Well, that’s just what he thought would happen anyway.
“Satoru,” you huffed, watching as the tall freak plopped himself onto your couch, momentarily jerking his head back before he responded with a hum.
“Can you stop acting like a fool and try not to break anything for once?” You chastised, pointing to a hand of his already playing with the flowers in your prized vase—he hadn’t given you those and had no right to taint them.
The white haired man groaned, rolling his eyes and following you down the narrow hallway to your bedroom. Your steps halted at the doorway and so did his, a low snicker leaving his lips as his hands slid to your waist.
“So,” he sighed in your ear, brushing his soft lips past the skin of your neck, big hands squeezing the flesh of your ass as he snaked them down. “Y’just gonna keep on being grumpy or you gonna let me fuck?”
“Satoru,” you exasperated for what seemed like the umpteenth time, though you didn’t dare take his hands off your body, already surrendering to the feeling. “Just because we’ve been fucking doesn’t mean that I only invite you here because of that.”
You turned around to face him. “We have a project to do, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll start after I start.”
And what was Satoru’s definition of that?
It was pushing your head further down into your pillows as he absolutely ravished your cunt, simultaneously holding both your hands back with just one of his.
His thrusts were deep and calculated—to the point where it felt like he knew where every pleasurable spot inside you was. Perhaps he did.
“Dick’s got you all quiet now, hm?” he smirks, sliding his free hand up your back and to your head, pulling your hair back as he speaks. By then you were a drooling mess and as much as you’d hate to admit it—you’re practically dumb on his cock, moaning incoherent little babbles of his name and how big he feels.
Satoru grins behind you, smug because he’s got you, the most prim and proper girl on campus choking on her own saliva. It all felt so surreal, you felt surreal—your soft hips, the succulent ripple of your ass as his hips connected to it, your moans—fuck everything you did was driving him crazy. Even though it was supposed to be the other way around.
He was the one who was supposed to be ingrained in your brain—but here he was, inches deep inside your wet, reeling pussy after he swore the last time he was in your apartment would be the last.
But there’s always a reoccurring cycle with you. He just can’t stop.
“Hah—mph—slow down, S’toru!” you mewl, fat tears swelling in your waterline, your ears perking up at the rhythmic plap! plap! plap! of your sweaty bodies colliding. “If ‘m too loud my neighbors might hear,”
“Yeah? Let them hear how good I’m makin’ you feel then,” he breathes, shallow and unsteady, his toned chest moving in tandem with his inhales. The deep tremble of his voice seems to move throughout your body, vibrating through you in such a maddening way that you’re almost cumming from the feeling alone.
What was even more provoking was the way he pulsed against your gummy walls, thumping and pulsing inside you loud enough that it seemed you could hear it.
And—god was Satoru close, so close he could feel the static of his high zap though his fingers. He groaned, head thrown back in bliss as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he did so deliciously.
Your head was spinning from the mind-dizzying pleasure, eyes rolling back in what Satoru can only admit is the most remarkable expression he’s gotten out of anyone he’s fucked.
His hair was sticking to his forehead now, sweaty from how fast he was working to thrust into you at his abnormal pace. “Can I—“
A defeated sigh and a pained grunt as he pulled out just as he was about to teeter off the edge of pleasure, taking himself in his hands and finishing the job. Satoru jerked himself as he watched you shake and convulse in euphoria, your body unwinding as you let your limbs go limp.
Cum seeped from your pussy, dripping down to your clit and sheets—and that sight was all he needed before his hot seed was spurting all over your back, the sensation causing a broken cry to leave your lips.
“Fuck,” Satoru mouthed, breathing hard as he gave your ass little smacks of approval. “That was—shit—so good.”
You nodded, head turning to the side as you watched him take off his cum-filled condom, and dump it in the trash. Satoru plopped back on your bed once he was done.
A smirk graced his lips and you rolled your eyes in annoyance, knowing nothing good could come out of that look.
“When do you think we could do it raw, hm?”
“When you get tested for every type of STD.”
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rynwritesreid · 6 months
I like the way you kiss me| Spencer Reid
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A/N: So, I haven’t written smut in a good while, but I hope this okay. It’s defo romantic, but I promise soon there will be some good angst.
Summary: Spencer is nervous about being in a relationship with you, because of what his friends would think and the age gap you two had. But when it comes down to it, all that matters to him, is you.
Content: Smut 18+. Fluff. Fem!reader. Use of nicknames (just princess). oral(R!receiving). PinV.
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Spencer Reid knew dating you was playing with fire. You were younger, and you had never been in a serious relationship. Spencer knew if his friends found out about the two of you, he would never hear the end of it. But when he was with you, he didn’t care, all he could think about was you. 
He couldn't resist the way your eyes lit up when you talked about anything you loved, or how your pupils dilated when you were looking at him, or how you laughed when he told any joke.  He was infatuated with you, although he knew he should never have got attached to you.
But despite the risks, Spencer couldn't deny the pull he felt towards you. As he watched you across the table, he couldn't help but smile at the way you crinkled your nose when you were deep in thought. Your passion for life was infectious, and he found himself getting lost in the sparkle of your eyes.
Maybe he loved you, or maybe he loved the idea of you, but he didn’t care. He enjoyed been around someone who saw life as colourful and bright, rather than how he saw it and how the majority of everyone he knew saw it. 
But if Spencer was to ever admit what he truly liked about you, he enjoyed the way you kissed him. How every kiss you gave him was memorable. He could tell with every kiss you missed him when he wasn’t around, you cared about him and that he was the last person you thought about as you drifted asleep.
As the night grew late and the restaurant began to empty, Spencer realised he couldn't keep pretending that what they had was just a casual fling. He needed to admit to himself that he was falling for you, hard and fast. The way your hand felt in his, the sound of your laughter filling his ears, it was all too much to ignore.
"I can't keep pretending that you don't mean everything to me," Spencer whispered, his voice barely above a breath. “You make life worth living. Whenever I see your name flash across my screen, or every time I remember your face, I want to kiss you.”
“Spencer Reid as romantic, who could have imagined.” You chuckled, you felt the same way, but you could never put it into such words. “I feel the same way. I want to be yours.” 
“You’ll always be mine. You are perfect for me, and I am, well perfect for you.” Spencer pressed a soft kiss to your lips, feeling the weight of his confession lifting off his shoulders. In that moment, surrounded by the fading chatter of the restaurant and the gentle glow of the streetlights outside, Spencer knew that he had found something rare and precious with you. As your fingers intertwined with his, he couldn't help but smile, a genuine, unguarded expression of happiness spreading across his face.
Spencer flagged down a taxi, he couldn’t wait to get you home. The taxi pulled up to the curb, and Spencer held the door open for you, a small smile playing on his lips. The city lights glimmered in your eyes as you settled into the backseat, his hand finding yours instinctively. The ride home was filled with comfortable silence, the air crackling with unspoken words and promises.
Once the taxi had arrived outside his apartment, he leaped out and open the door for you. “A real gentleman you’ve got there.” The taxi driver smiled, giving you a knowing look as you stepped out onto the sidewalk. Spencer chuckled softly, a hint of colour rising to his cheeks at the driver's comment. Escorting you up to his apartment, he couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that settled over him like a warm blanket.
Once you were in the comfort of his apartment, he grabbed your face and pulled it closer to his. He gazed into your eyes, seeing a reflection of his own desires and emotions staring back at him. Without uttering a single word, he closed the distance between your lips, kissing you with a fervour that spoke volumes about the depth of his feelings for you. In that moment, nothing else in the world mattered to Spencer except for the connection he shared with you.
As the kiss deepened, a wave of passion and longing swept over the both of you, enveloping you in a cocoon of warmth and desire. Spencer's hands moved gently to cup your face, his thumb stroking your cheek tenderly as if to reassure himself that you were real and not just a figment of his imagination.
Maybe it was out of instinct, but Spencer moved his hands down the back of your dress and felt the smooth fabric beneath his fingertips. His fingers found the top of the zipper and he slowly started pulling down, while his mouth found its way to your neck.
Your breath caught in your throat as his lips brushed against your skin, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. “You are beyond beautiful.” Spencer gently whispered against your skin; his breath warm against your neck.
Spencer's fingers traced a delicate path along your spine as he slowly lowered the zipper of your dress, his touch felt like feathers dancing along your skin. Every nerve in your body felt alive and electrified under his gentle caress, and you couldn't suppress the soft gasp that escaped your lips.
His lips found yours once more, the kiss deep and hungry, filled with a raw intensity that threatened to consume you both. Lost in the heady rush of desire, you tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as if trying to fuse your very souls together.
Spencer was never the kind of man to hurry into get you naked, he liked taking it slowly, savouring every moment and committing it to memory. His hands moved with purpose, but also with a tenderness that spoke volumes about the depth of his feelings for you. As the dress slipped off your shoulders and pooled at your feet, Spencer's eyes roamed over your exposed skin, drinking in every curve and contour as if committing them to memory.
“I don’t how I ever got so lucky.” His voice was barely above a whisper, his eyes filled with a mixture of adoration and desire. Spencer guided you towards the bed, his eyes never leaving yours. In the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains, tonight felt more romantic, more intimate.
Spencer gently laid you on his bed, his gaze never wavering from yours. The room was imbued with a sense of intimacy and affection, as if every object bore witness to the love shared between you and Spencer. His fingers traced delicate patterns across your skin.
Though Spencer was still fully clothed, you didn’t feel vulnerable, you felt loved and adored. You felt as if Spencer was your biggest fan. But Spencer, been the gentleman he is, wasn’t going to allow you to be the only one naked. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly, revealing the expanse of his chest as he shed the fabric, every movement deliberate and filled with a silent promise.
As his shirt fell to the floor, Spencer lowered himself onto the bed beside you, his body radiating heat and a quiet intensity. His mouth left a trail of kissed down your body, igniting a trail of fire along your skin as he worshipped every inch of you with his lips and tongue. Each touch was a testament to his adoration, a silent vow of devotion that echoed through the room.
His lips started moving down your body, his lips finding your nipples and gently sucking them, his tongue flicking over them. But they weren’t the centre of his focus, because if Spencer was one thing, he was giving. He loved hearing you moan for him, how you complete surrendered yourself to him. He enjoyed knowing he had ruined anyone else for you, because he knew you the best, he knew what made you squirm. He wasn’t usually the type of man who wanted to ‘own’ something, but you were different. He had always wanted you for himself, even if at the start he was nervous.
His hands moved lower, caressing your hips, your thighs, his fingers dipping into you, the warmth of your body accepting him wholeheartedly. He felt you tremble under his touch, your body responding to his every move, and he felt a surge of power and desire within him.
Your breathing quickened, every gasp and moan a testament to the pleasure that was building within you. Spencer's eyes met yours, the fire in your eyes mirrored in his own. He knew then that this was more than just a physical connection, it was a soul-deep bond that took his breath away.
He paused, the tip of his finger hovering over your sensitive spot, teasing you. You knew what you wanted, and you could tell that Spencer knew it too. He smiled, a warm and genuine smile that made your heart flutter.
"Please," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Please, what princess?” Spencer teasingly asked, stroking your inner thigh with his fingers.
You swallowed hard; your desperation clear in your eyes.
“Use your words.” He insisted, his gaze never leaving yours.
“I need you,” you whispered hoarsely, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
His lips were soon on your clit, his tongue plunging inside you, tasting you, exploring you. Your body arched beneath him, a silent plea for him to keep going, to never stop. And he obliged, his tongue darting in and out of you, his fingers working in perfect rhythm, driving you higher and higher until you finally shattered apart underneath him. You came with a cry, your body convulsing beneath his, and he felt the wave of your release wash over him, taking him to a place of pure ecstasy.
As your body relaxed, he pulled away, his eyes never leaving yours, his face a picture of pure satisfaction. He moved up beside you, his hands steadily exploring your body, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of your neck.
But Spencer was far from done. He knew exactly what you needed; he could read your body like an open book.
Spencer slowly slid inside you, feeling the walls of your body cling to him like a force of nature. He moved slowly at first, savouring every moment of the connection that flowed between them. Your body arched towards him, eager to feel him deep inside, seeking the completion of a desire that had been building for so long.
As he thrust deeper, Spencer's eyes locked onto yours, the intensity of the moment making your heart race and your breath quicken. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer, your body craving the warmth and connection.
He picked up the pace, each stroke more fervent than the last, the sounds of your breath and his groans filling the room. The air was thick with desire and the scent of your arousal, heightening the passion between you.
Your hips met his with each thrust, matching his rhythm and pulling him deeper into you. Every movement felt more intense, every touch more electric. In that moment, you and Spencer became one, moving as one, feeling as one.
Your fingers dug into his back, pulling him closer, every sensation heightening, every touch becoming more intense. Spencer's breathing was ragged, mirroring yours. The room was alive with the sound of your bodies moving in a primal dance, lost in each other's eyes.
Your breathing became higher pitched, signalling your orgasm was coming. You arched your back, your head falling back as you screamed his name. Spencer felt the walls of your pussy clenching tighter around him, and he knew that he was going to cum too.
He thrust harder, feeling the heat of your body engulfing him, taking him over the edge. His orgasm was explosive, shooting wave after wave of pleasure through his body. He held you close, his lips pressed against your neck, his breath still ragged with desire.
Spencer collapsed beside you, his chest heaving, his face flushed with exertion and desire. You lay there, breathing heavily, your bodies still connected. Spencer gently stroked your hair, his expression filled with love and affection. "You are my everything," he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion. “And I can’t wait to tell the world about you.”
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hotchner-edu · 3 months
Candied Hearts | Aaron Hotchner
Synopsis: You and Aaron have a no-strings-attached relationship, but things change after Aaron suffers an injury while on a case.
Pairing: BAU!Aaron Hotchner x Younger (Of Age) F!Reader
Warnings: sugar baby arrangement kinda, allusions to smut (heh), fluff, jack doesn't exist in this universe (sorry)
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"Aaron?" Your voice comes out thick with sleep, eyes still closed as you slowly rouse. The man in question stands frozen at the foot of his bed, having accidentally dropped a binder on the floor just moments before.
"Yeah, sorry for waking you." He says softly and walks over to rub your back as you roll to lay on your stomach.
"What time is it?" You practically slur out as you sink back against his pillows.
Aaron smiles fondly, one that you can't see, and smooths down your hair. "Too early for you to be up."
"Going to work?" You crack an eye open to peer up at him as he stands by the bed, hand trailing down to your spine. Shivering at the touch, your mind flashes back to the events of the night prior.
He hums and nods, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "I'll be away for a couple of days. Are you sore?"
"I'm all good, agent." You tease quietly and smile tiredly. "Go save some lives."
He chuckles and nods. "Alright. Get some more sleep." He whispers to you before standing straight again and getting ready to leave. When you hear the front door shut, a vibration from your phone causes you to sit up slowly and grab it from the nightstand.
Glaring back up at you is an email from your university with a receipt thanking you for your tuition payment. Huffing softly in disbelief, you shoot a quick text to Aaron, knowing he was the culprit.
'I thought we agreed that it wasn't necessary?'
He doesn't reply until twenty minutes later when you've managed to lug yourself out of his warm bed to brush your teeth.
Of course, even without any context to your message, Aaron knows exactly what you're talking about.
'I wanted to'
You raise an eyebrow, unimpressed, and shake your head, typing back quickly as you swipe your toothbrush from the medicine cabinet.
'Thank you, be safe <3'
'Always. Have a good day.'
You suppress a smile as you place your phone down on the sink, beginning to brush your teeth. As you stare at your reflection, you attempt to ignore the way the moment feels all too domestic, a faint whiff of his signature cologne dancing around the bathroom.
In hindsight, you wishing him good luck was probably a jinx.
Or at least, that's all you were thinking when you had gotten the phone call that Aaron was in the hospital for a pretty bad head injury, getting banged up in the process of chasing their suspect.
It had been two days since you last saw Aaron, and only a few hours since he last called you to send you money for lunch despite your protests. So you hadn't bargained on hearing that he was involved in an accident serious enough to leave him hospitalized.
You had initially been sent into a blind panic as the man on the other side of the phone asked if it were possible for you to fly out since Aaron kept asking for you.
That's how you knew it must have been bad.
Aaron was the type to suffer in silence as to not burden others, so if he was asking for you enough that someone had to call you— it must have been really bad.
The moment you land, you're rushing to the hospital without even dropping off your bags. Your taxi driver had wordlessly slammed on the gas when he saw your pallid face, only asking for directions when you were already halfway out of the airport drop-off.
You practically fly through the hospital once you get there, weaving around nurses and patients as you make your way to the front desk.
"For Aaron Hotchner." You say breathlessly, ignoring the incredulous looks you were getting.
The nurse receptionist quickly types on her computer, not batting an eye at your disheveled appearance. "ID, please?"
You quickly grab your wallet and slide your ID for her to check and note down.
"Aaron Hotchner is on the second floor, room 206. Here's a visitor badge, please keep it on the entire time you're here." The woman says politely, handing you back your ID and a visitor badge sticker.
"Thank you." You rush out before quickly making your way to the elevator, a fog of dust practically erupting behind you from how quickly you race away.
When you manage to locate Aaron's room, you see a couple of people already hovering by the door, peering inside. Suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious, you pat down your clothes a little before stepping forward.
"Sorry... is this Aaron Hotchner's room?" Your voice comes out a bit meek as the three unfamiliar faces suddenly turn to you. Their eyes flicker around your face and stature almost imperceptibly, a brief pause occupies the air between you all as they assess you.
"Yes, it is. I'm Derek Morgan. We spoke on the phone I believe." The man is quick to introduce himself, extending a hand forward for you to shake.
"Oh, yes, hi. I'm glad you called." You shake his hand and smile a bit nervously. "I'm Y/N."
"Thank you for coming so quickly. Are you a friend of Hotch's?" One of the women speak up, eyes gleaming in curiosity. You gaze at her dark hair and sharp features and you couldn't help but notice how attractive Aaron's work friends were.
Perhaps it made dealing with suspects easier?
"Oh, yes. I'm a friend." You reply softly, knowing it must be a strange picture for them to digest since you were a bit younger and looked completely unfamiliar to them. "Is Aaron okay?"
"He'll make a full recovery, he just got a pretty bad concussion and whiplash from the crash." The blonde woman explains, stepping aside so you could make your way into the room.
Your brows furrow in worry. "Oh... thank you."
As you step in, your eyes immediately find Aaron's figure on the hospital bed, sitting up but looking a bit dazed. There's another blonde woman doting on him, hovering by his bedside and holding some balloons.
"You cannot do that again, sir! Do you know how terrifying it is that the one time I come with you guys, you nearly get flung through your windshield?" The woman says in exasperation, shaking her head as if trying to escape the mental images her words conjured.
You just stand there for a moment, not wanting to interrupt the moment, but Aaron glances toward the doorway and sees you.
"Honey..." his voice is barely audible, and you can see the relief in his eyes.
The woman spins around with an expression of utter shock (and delight?) before grinning brightly, a complete switch from her worry while fretting over Aaron just moments prior. "Hi! You must be Hotch's friend! I'm Penelope."
You go in for a hand shake but she opens her arms and you wordlessly oblige, charmed by her already. "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you. Is he doing alright? I heard he was asking for me."
Before she can answer, Aaron speaks up again. "Sweetheart, come here."
Penelope catches on to her boss' fond tone and a smile tugs at her lips. "I'll leave you both to it then!"
She's hurries out of the room without another word, closing the door to give you both privacy.
"Aaron, are you okay?" You immediately ask, walking toward his bedside and reaching to gently cup his cheek.
His hands moves up to rest on yours and he nods. "I'm okay... just needed you here."
You can tell he's a bit high on pain medication at the moment and you chuckle. "Yeah, I was surprised when Derek called me. They really did not hold back with the pain meds, huh? I suppose that's good, otherwise you'd probably have a hard time even talking to me right now."
"I'm fine." He grumbles, clumsily reaching for your other hand.
Watching him grasp your hand gently, your face softens a bit and you sit on the edge of his bed. "How long have you been up? You should get some sleep, Aaron. Your body needs to heal." You say gently, leaving no room for argument.
He stares at you with a small frown, probably not even realizing how tired he really was. "You just got here though..."
"And I'll still be here when you wake up. You need to listen to your body."
He glances down at the bed and starts scooting over to one side. "You should rest too, then."
"What if I accidentally smack you in the neck while I'm asleep?" You ask with a raised brow, only being half serious.
"It's fine." Aaron mumbles and lifts up the blanket, his hospital gown and semi-delirious gaze making him look less and less like the collected man you were used to seeing.
Sliding into the vacant spot next to him, you have to caution him again about his own injuries when he tries to turn over to spoon you. "Goodness, Aaron. How high are you right now?" You stifle a laugh as he gives you an indignant glare.
"Okay, fine, fine. We can cuddle."
While Aaron is able to snooze after you both settle in, the cramped hospital bed and Aaron's light snores wake you up after an hour.
Instead of laying beside him as your right leg felt fuzzy from restricted blood flow, you slip out and decide to go grab a few things from the vending machine.
The floor you were on was quiet, your trek going undisturbed as you fish out what few bills are left in your wallet.
When you get back to his room, you nearly jump out of your skin when you see that Aaron is awake and sitting up, staring at you owlishly. "Oh my goodness!" You gasp out and hold a hand to your heart.
Aaron says your name softly, voice tinged in confusion. "You're here?"
"Yes?" Your tone matches his. "You don't remember me getting here? You were pretty high from the meds, so that's fair." You joke softly and close the door behind you.
"I remember bits and pieces... but I thought it was a dream." He says, slowly leaning back as he watches you walk toward him with a variety of snacks.
"Oh? Do you remember whining and begging me to spoon with you?" You tease and smile, opening up a cold water bottle for him to drink.
He rolls his eyes with a small smile and drinks some of the water. "I'm sorry you had to fly out here."
"Oh, don't worry about it. I didn't miss any classes or anything, but I had to cancel a date I had." You joke and shrug.
Aaron immediately frowns at this and his eyes avert to look out the window. "I'm sorry." He says softly.
"Huh?" You tilt your head and sit by his bedside again. "I was just kidding, Aaron. Who would I be going out on dates with? No one can pay for my tuition and my takeout like you can." Your teasing words draw a grunt out of him as his lip twitches, a smile threatening to appear on his face.
"Brat." His hand reaches to draw you closer.
"Old man." You retort and scoot closer to him. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Better now that you're here." He says quietly, wrapping his arm around your waist. Your nose scrunches at that and you smile in disbelief, spurring him to continue. "I'm being serious, y'know..."
As you gaze at him, his hand comes up to cup your cheek. "When they took me into the ambulance, I kept going in and out of consciousness. But I kept thinking about you... the night before I had to leave for this case, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"About what?"
Aaron draws in a deep breath and his thumb mindlessly sweeps across your cheek. "I think we should end our arrangement."
Your heart drops at his words and you laugh softly to hide your hurt. "You thought you were going to die and your last thoughts were that you should have broken it off with me first?"
His mouth parts a little in surprise before he shakes his head quickly and sputters a bit. "No, that's not, uh, that's not what I meant. It's just that for me, this—" he gently gestures between the both of you, "has turned into something deeper... and I wanted to end it so that we could start a real, closed relationship together."
"I mean, our relationship has never really been open." You say with a humored smile. While it was true that the arrangement wasn't exclusive, neither of you had ventured to start any connections with other people.
Aaron chuckles a little and nods, his hand dropping down to take ahold of yours. "I suppose you're right. I also wanted to talk to you about this because I know that having a romantic relationship together wasn't on the table for either of us when we started this... but I want you to know that I am in no way trying to steer you toward something that may be uncomfortable for you."
Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you shrug a little and smile at him shyly. "I'm not uncomfortable... I think I want to give us a try too." You respond quietly.
"Really?" He breathes out. From the way his eyes flicker around your face, you can tell that there are a plethora of thoughts consuming him right now. "I... It's selfish of me to want you so wholly, sweetheart. With my work and my age, you deserve better."
"Aaron, if I wanted someone else do you think I would have stuck around this long? I mean I sure as hell wouldn't have gotten on the first flight here in a blind panic hoping you weren't dead." You retort, squeezing his hand as you try to mollify his insecurities. "Besides, who said being old doesn't look sexy on you?"
That elicits are an amused huff from him as he shakes his head. "You're probably the only person who thinks gray hairs and aching joints look good on me."
"Well that's just wrong, but even if that were true, my opinion is the only one that matters in this case." You smile cheekily and kiss him.
He kisses you back, slowly and meaningfully as your words sink in. Pulling back a little from your lips, he whisper softly. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Positive." You whisper back. "Now be quiet and let me make out with you."
Aaron's chuckle is deep and smooth as he smiles. "Yes, ma'am."
On the other side of the door to Aaron's room, his team are huddled together to try and peek into the door's little window.
"What are you people doing?" Rossi's voice suddenly rings out, painted in amusement at how ridiculous they looked. They all look back at the older man, eyes comically wide and resembling guilty children caught red-handed
"Trying to figure out who Hotch's mystery friend is." Derek answers, coolly stepping back as he plays off how his face was practically pressed against the glass.
"Oh? See anything of intrigue?" Dave asks with a small grin, tucking his hands in his pockets and pretending like he had no clue about you and Aaron.
Derek is about to answer, but he's interrupted before he can utter a single syllable.
"Uhh, guys, they're..." JJ says softly, drawing everyone's attention back to the glass. They see you both inside and they suddenly straighten up and step back.
Emily is the first to speak after a long pause. "Dinner, anyone?"
Penelope looks dazed and shakes her head. "Yes, and some new eyeballs please."
Rossi chuckles and begins walking toward the elevator, deciding to let Aaron fill them in later about his experience as a sugar daddy. He was just pleased that he was no longer going to be alone in the team's inescapable teasing about old men and their love lives.
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cottonlemonade · 22 days
First Kiss
word count: 2292 || avg. reading time: 10 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Ushijima x chubby manager!Reader (feat. Jackals and Adlers)
genre: fluff with spice
warnings: lots of spoilers, mdni
request: medium papaya lemonade with a slice of starfruit for Ushijima || fluffy-spicy first kiss with Ushijima, as manager
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Ushijima knew he was in trouble when Hinata proudly sent him a message with a picture attached, bragging about MSBY’s new manager. In the team photo, you were hard to overlook, being much much shorter than most of the players (even Hinata) and flanked by a beaming Bokuto and a smugly grinning Atsumu, both having a hand slung over your shoulder. The official Black Jackals jacket was half-zipped on your rounded hips, and with an excited smile on your face, you held up a glossy team banner announcing a new social media hashtag. Mindlessly typing, Ushijima somehow landed on the team’s page and scrolled through the posts. The jackals certainly looked like worthy opponents - and unserious goofballs - but his snooping stopped at a short clip with the new assistant manager. He pressed play.
You were introducing yourself in charmingly accented Japanese, laughing whenever Bokuto, who was obviously the one filming, gave you a thumbs up after every sentence. With a little difficulty, you told the invisible audience to look forward to the next game. At the end of the video, the camera turned and Bokuto‘s grin filled the screen, calling in that booming voice of his how great their team was especially with their new addition. Ushijima couldn‘t disagree. The concept of falling at first sight, especially for someone he had never met before was absurd, but he couldn‘t stop staring at you. He played the clip a few more times, completely enamored by your voice and laughter. Rolling over in his bed so he lay on his stomach, Ushijima opened the chat with his old rival back up.
Hinata Shouyou, I have a proposition.
“Just like old times, hey?!“, Bokuto slapped Kageyama hard on the shoulder. The setter rolled his neck but nodded politely. It had taken little to no persuasion to invite the MSBY team to a long weekend of friendly training matches in Tokyo. Ushijima bowed when he saw Hinata jump out of the large taxi, shoulders significantly broadened, freckle-faced from his time in Brazil playing for hours in the sun, and just as excited as ever.
“Ushijima-san.“, he grinned and bowed deeply, “I look forward to winning against you - again.“
The former captain graced him with a small smile and was about to launch into a short speech he prepared when you wiggled out of your seat and stepped onto the asphalt. He had a clear view over Hinata‘s head and didn‘t hide his blatant staring in the slightest. The camera didn‘t do you justice, he thought. You were even lovelier in person.
You called the team to order and they all assembled into a neat row Ushijima wouldn‘t have expected them to be capable of. The coaches both went to greet each other like old friends and you stepped forward with a large box in hand that looked heavy. You held it out with a smile, thanking them for the invitation and Ushijima cut into Hirugami‘s way to accept the gift.
His captain eyed him for a moment, then smirked knowingly and welcomed you before leading everyone inside.
“That‘s an awful lot of staring you‘re doing.“, Hoshiumi plopped down on the bench next to him, taking a few deep gulps from his water bottle.
“Yeah, why don‘t you go talk to her?“, Hirugami joined him on his other side, retying his shoes.
“We‘re in the middle of a game.“, Ushijima noted and Hoshiumi shared a look with the captain. Obviously, neither of them had expected that he would so readily admit to his crush.
Apart from that one time when Ushijima was too busy watching you take notes for analysis and let Bokuto serve an ace right next to him, the match went off without further incidents.
Afterward, the teams went out for dinner and he listened to a long discussion between you and Hinata about your favorite movies. Ushijima was grateful when the wing spiker invited him into the conversation. He kept talking to you long after the majority of the others became sleepy from good food and drink. As you excused yourself to the bathroom, Atsumu took your spot across from him, leaned over the table with long steepled fingers, and said conspiratorially, “Little birdie told me, yer crushin‘ hard on our new manager.“
“Are you referring to Hoshiumi this way because his old school‘s mascot is a seagull?“, Ushijima asked genuinely.
Atsumu shook his head, taken aback by this unforeseen display of logic.
“I- no… no! Yer not being very sleek about it.“, the opposing setter‘s cockiness returned, “It was real easy to figure out.“
“After Hinata told you.“, Bokuto added, turning a neighboring chair 180 degrees and resting his arms on the back.
“Bokkun! I was havin‘ a moment here.“
“Sorry. - So, are you gonna ask her out? She isn‘t seeing anyone. I asked.“
Ushijima blinked.
When they met for the next day’s training, Ushijima should have known the others were up to something when they kept dragging you over to him for no apparent reason other than to brag about his accomplishments.
“Did you know he is one of the top 5 aces in the country?”
“He’s left-handed. Diddya notice? Makes him extra dangerous.”
“Do you remember the allrounder setter we told you about? The one who was so good he went to play for Argentina right out of high school? Yeah. He never managed to beat Ushijima.”
“He is so tall, he is like 1.90m! Y/n, look!”
You frowned as Hinata did a little jump to show their height difference.
Despite having gotten used to your team’s antics very quickly, this was a new peak of weirdness. You wished desperately for them to simmer down. At this rate, they’d make it too obvious how much you were crushing on their stoic opponent. Ever since you’d seen him play for the first time in his debut game for the Adlers you couldn’t help but admire his calm determination and ferocity on the court while his clumsy non-existent eloquence during interviews had you squealing with cute aggression into any nearby pillow. You had hoped you were playing it cool enough that the others didn’t catch on, but judging by their parading him in front of you like a juicy socially awkward apple waiting for your first bite, you weren’t too sure.
“How about we make some bets!”, Bokuto suggested, “Whichever team wins the most sets gets treated to dinner tonight.”
“Oh, I like that. How about, whichever spiker makes the most points gets to order extra dessert.”, Hoshiumi said confidently with his arms crossed.
“Oooh!”, Atsumu called, “How about if Omi-omi-“
“Leave me out of it.”, Sakusa grumbled from behind him.
“Fine then.”, the setter looked around, locked eyes with you and Ushijima and a grin that suggested pure evil intent grew on his face, “If Ushijima-san gets five spikes past our defenses, Y/n-kun’s gonna give him a little smooch riiiight on the cheek.”
“Now hold on a moment…”, you began nervously.
“Deal.”, Ushijima said and turned on his heel to join his team in the warmups. You only looked after him, crumpling from embarrassment.
“Oh no!”, Atsumu called dramatically, “That was the fourth spike he got past us.”
Bokuto joined him, laying the back of his hand across his forehead in his best rendition of any over-acted theater play ever, “Whatever shall we do, Tsum-Tsum?”
“How about you play the freaking game?”, Sakusa pressed out through gritted teeth. He couldn’t believe that these idiots seriously tackled him aside whenever he went to block one of Ushijima’s monster spikes.
“Don’t be such a spoilsport.”, Bokuto went to pat him on the back but Sakusa turned away like a pouty germaphobic child, “As soon as the five spikes are through you, Meian and Tomas can block him as much as you want, hm?”
Sakusa raised an unamused brow and turned to the team’s middle blockers who nodded and gave him two thumbs-up each. He scoffed and focused back on the game.
“That makes five.”, Hinata sighed.
Your face was hot enough to fry an egg. If they’d at least pretended to block the spikes any better! Ushijima probably thought you were some chubby dork too inept to get her own lovers.
And now, even worse, you were forced to sit on the sidelines, taking valuable notes with the knowledge that once the game ended, you would have to pay up.
The teams thanked each other for the first match and separated to their respective coaches for water and a game summary. But Bokuto didn‘t let Coach Foster get very far before grabbing your wrist and together with Atsumu and Hinata shepherded you across the court like some kind of offering.
Ushijima lowered his water bottle and looked at you, matching your blush with his own.
“Here.“, Kageyama held up a clean towel to his friend.
When the spiker looked at him imploringly, Kageyama added, “To wipe the sweat off your face first.“
The whole thing was made so much worse with everyone just smirking and staring at you two. You were very grateful when Hirugami pushed his teammate into a bow so you could reach him more easily. Gathering your scattered pieces of courage you stepped forward and gave him a quick featherlike kiss on the cheek. Your lips began to burn and the rest of your face threatened to melt.
Ushijima held your gaze and said, “Thank you.“, watching as you walked back to your bench under the hollering of the chaotic trio.
To cool off while the teams dug into their lunch orders, you offered to fill up all the water bottles. That would keep you busy and out of mischief range for a little while.
You absently filled bottle after bottle, feeling your lips tingle at the memory of how surprisingly soft his skin had been. As the water steadily reached the brim your eyes wandered over the many brochures on the long table next to you. They offered classes for children and seniors, even training camps with the Adlers themselves. You smiled at the thought of Ushijima trying to explain to a grandfather how to spike. And it wasn‘t difficult to imagine a flock of grandmothers swarming around him, all talking up their granddaughters as excellent marriage candidates.
“Y/n-san.“ You almost dropped your current bottle when you spun around.
“Oh hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn‘t you eat with the others?“
Ushijima shook his head, pulled a small plastic box from his jacket and held it out to you. It was a slice of strawberry roll cake. You looked from the cake to him in confusion.
“They accidentally sent an extra dessert with our order. I saved it before the others could get to it.“ He stretched his long arm if possible even further towards you.
“Thank you. That‘s very sweet of you.“ And there you went again, blushing like an idiot. You took the cake and waited in the hopes he would continue the conversation. When he didn‘t, you said, “I‘m sorry about earlier.“
“What do you mean?“
“The-the kiss.“
“Why would you be sorry? I should be the one apologizing. I didn‘t mean to make you uncomfortable.“
“You didn‘t!“, you said quickly, “I mean, who would be uncomfortable being kissed by someone as handsome as you.“
“But I didn‘t kiss you.“, he observed with a frown.
“Oh, right…“ You resisted the ever growing urge to facepalm and instead went to hide your cringing face by turning off the water and screwing shut the last bottle.
When you turned back to him, he still stood there, seemingly trying to think of something to say. Your heart sputtered when he asked, “May I?“
“May you…?“
“May I kiss you?“
“I… you… yes. Please.“
He stepped forward and took the cake from you to place it on the corner of the water fountain, then lay both large hands on your hips and with a surprised gasp from you, lifted you easily onto the table. You saw the appeal, you thought with a silly inner chuckle, not much backbending on his end involved now. His dark eyes searched yours for any protest before he leaned in. The first kiss was gentle, lips curiously brushing each other. He broke away, again waiting for a moment for any sign from you that he should stop but when none came he got bolder. One hand on the table next to your temptingly plush thigh, the other pressed against the wall behind you to steady himself, Ushijima‘s kiss became open mouthed. You grabbed the collar of his jacket and slipped your tongue between his lips. He pushed closer when he felt your legs part and let his hand wander from the table to your waist, to pull you into him. His strong arm wrapped around you, the kiss was needy and urgent, like if you were to end it, the world would stop spinning. You felt him throb against your thigh when your hand went up to grab his sweat soaked hair. Greedy fingers slid under his shirt, tracing his toned stomach and teased the edge of his waistband.
“Y/n-san…“, he groaned against your lips and tightened the grip on your hip, never having known this desperate need for someone‘s touch. You kissed your way down to his neck and God, if you weren‘t doing this in a corridor-
“Do you- hah… do you want to go on a date with me?“
You came back up for air, leaving a faint pink spot on his skin behind. It was safe to assume that he was serious in his question so instead of laughing at the absurdity of even considering a different answer, you simply replied, “Yes, I‘d love to.“
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a/n: this officially marks the end of my summer lemonade stand. I am so sorry that this took two months to finish! The next event I have had lurking since May but I won’t take as many requests that time because otherwise we’ll be here til Christmas xD
Thank you so much to the anon who requested this prompt, I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time 🌟
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subbmissivesuccubus · 9 months
Bully Part 3
A/n: Happy new year/ New year's eve everyone! As promised, here is part 3. Thank you all for following and supporting me these last few months. Here's to a great year of smut ahead <3 <3 <3 I hope you enjoy your favorite pervy menaces <3
Disclaimer: Gojo X Geto X Fem!Reader. DUB-CON WARNING. READER ENJOYS WHAT’S HAPPENING TO HER BUT IT’S MESSY!!! Blackmail!!! Humiliation. Degradation. Free-use dynamics. Spankings. Public sex. Filming. Gojo gives a stranger permission to touch reader!!!
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"Who knew the three of them were...well...like that." Utahime said, immediately gossiping once the taxi started to move. "I can't say I'm surprised though." Shoko said, "They're practically attached at the hip."
The girls and Nanami were sharing a cab to get back to their dorms, gossiping about what had happened during dinner. It was a fun night of drinks and banter, ended with their friend being kissed by Gojo and Geto. When asked about the nature of their relationship, the two men responded by saying they were…fuck buddies.
"She could do better." Utahime said, "I don't get why she's settling for those assholes."
Nanami looked out the window as he allowed the chatter to wash over him, not really paying attention. His mind couldn't help but go back to a week ago when he and Gojo were in class together, the only ones there and he noticed his lock screen...
"Gojo, what the fuck?" Nanami snarled as he looked at Gojo's phone, his screen flashing up as he received a message. There was a naked woman's photo set up as his lock screen, her face out of frame to accommodate her breasts and her spread legs and Nanami didn't want to even think about what was dripping out of them.
"Oh, my bad." Gojo said casually as he picked up his phone, "But she's hot right? She's my new fuck buddy~"
"Not interested." Nanami said, clicking his tongue in annoyance, "Just keep that shit to yourself. Why do you have that as your phone background?"
Before he got an answer, Geto and you walked into the room, asking them what they were talking about and when Gojo showed them the screen, Nanami noted your reaction. He didn't too much of it at the time, assuming your flustered and angered expression was over how vulgar Gojo was but now he wondered...
No. There's no way that was you, right?
"What the fuck was that?!" you screeched once Gojo closed the door of the taxi, smacking them both across the shoulders, "Why would you say shit like that?! Telling everyone we're fuck buddies- what will they think of me!?"
"It's the truth, right? Stop your bitching." Geto snarled on your left.
"Exactly. I'd rather you use your mouth for something else." Gojo said on your right, his fingers moving to tug at his pants, starting to undo his belt.
"Wh-What the fuck are you-" you sputtered, your eyes flickering over to the taxi driver who seemed to be paying you no mind but-
"Oh, don't worry about him. He works for my family." Gojo said, pulling his hard cock out of his pants before he tapped on the driver’s seat, "Hey, you don't mind if this whore sucks my cock back here, do you?"
You yelped at Gojo's words, face a bright red as you heard the taxi driver chuckle. "Enjoy yourself, boss." he said, not even looking back as he put up the divider, giving the three of them some privacy.
"There we go. Happy?" Gojo asked as he leaned back against the leather seat, his arm reaching up to grab you by the back of your head. You gasped as he gripped onto a handful of your hair and tugged harshly, his hold on your unrelenting as he started to pull your head down to his lap.
"Get to sucking."
Oh God.
Oh God.
You ran your hands through your hair, eyes wide as you went over what happened last night. You had hoped it was a dream but...it wasn't. You got fingered in the restaurant, got kissed in front of everybody by your bullies before said bullies announced that you were all fuck buddies.
They got you back to one of Gojo's penthouses, (the bastard so rich he had multiple houses he could just use whenever he wanted) and once you reached it, having sucked them both off in the taxi, they cleaned you up the best they could before the three of you passed out on the bed. You fell asleep the second your head hit the pillow, too drunk and loopy to do anything else.
Which is how you found yourself in between them, the two men still sleeping as you contemplated moving country and changing your identity.
To your right, Gojo groaned, his eyes pressing tightly as he fought away the need to wake up, moving from his back to his side and throwing an arm around you. You froze as he pressed himself close to you, nuzzling his nose against your neck. "Fuuuuck..." he cursed, frowning, "My head is killing me..."
"Don't make it our problem." Geto groaned, woken up by his own hangover and Gojo's whining. He looked over at you, taking your appearance in, looking quite delectable in Gojo's oversized t-shirt.
"Mmph- gimme those tits..." Geto said as he fisted the hem of your t-shirt before he pulled it up harshly, bunching it all underneath your chin. You gasped as he immediately leaned forward and took a nipple into his mouth, his tongue lapping at it a few times before he sealed his lips around it. A groan on content left his throat as he started suckling on you gently, truly using your boobs as stress relief for his hangover, the pressure at which he sucked your nipple increasing and decreasing at a slow pace.
"I-I hate you two." you said even as a hand came up to thread through Geto's hair, watching as he closed his eyes and suckled on you. It was honestly a bit soothing, feeling him suckle on you gently and not maul on your nipple the way they usually did. Gojo grunted as he too moved down your body and took your other breast into his mouth, sloppier than Geto but still suckling on you hard enough to make your toes curl.
"Oh God...people are going to think I’m a whore..." you lamented, tossing your head back and accepting your fate, fingers threading through their hair as they used your body. "It's accurate." Geto teased, giving your nipple a few kitten licks before going back to sucking. "Exactly. And who cares what they think." Gojo said, running his tongue over the plush of your breast, making your whole boob wet with his saliva, "You're our whore and that's all you'll be."
"Whatever." you said, not even having the energy to argue. You simply lied down, almost going back to sleep from the sensation of them gently nursing on you. But within five minutes, Gojo was bored.
"Come on, let's go take a shower." Gojo said, pushing himself up with a groan as he got off the bed, but not before grabbing your wrist. Geto growled as Gojo pulled at you, not appreciating being interrupted as he wrapped his arms around you and glared at his friend even as he continued to suckle.
"Don't look at me like that." Gojo said, sticking out his tongue, "You can take her after I play with her."
'Play with her' meant him taking you to the shower and running his hands all over your body like a pervert, squeezing your flesh and washing every nook and cranny as he ordered you to stay still. Sometimes he'd fuck you- other time's he'd simply jerk off and cum on you- always something new with Gojo.
Geto growled, making you shiver at the sensation around your sensitive bud before he pulled away with a pop, a hickey already forming on the fat of your breast.
"Let's all shower together." he said, sitting up as well, "We have a mission today and the principal will kill us if we're late."
Oh right. You were assigned a mission with these two menaces. And if it wasn't tough enough dealing with them before they started fucking you, you can only imagine the shit you're going to have to put up with now. You sighed as the two men grabbed you and lifted you off of the bed, taking the t-shirt off of you and smacking your ass before pushing you towards the bathroom for a very...thorough bath.
"What's with the face?" Geto asked, tapping his finger on his arm as he waited for Gojo to finish getting dressed, "Doesn't it fit?"
"This- I can't wear this! It’s too short!" you protested, tugging at the skirt...if you could even call it that. You were wearing the school uniform but instead of your usual pants, the boys had demanded you wear something else. A mini skirt. The skirt only reached your thighs, even the slightest movements threatening to flash your whole ass.
"Might as well give the curses something to ogle at before they die." Geto teased, looking you up and down, nodding his head in satisfaction.
"Fuck you! I'm not wearing this!" you said, pressing your legs together as you reached for your discarded pants. But before you could even touch the fabric, you felt a sharp pain on your behind, a slap so loud and hard that it made you yelp, the force pushing you face first onto the bed. You whipped your head around, face hot as Geto stood above you, pushing up the skirt a bit to marvel at the red handprint he left behind.
"You don't have to wear it if you don't want to." he said as he pulled his phone out, pointing the camera at you and you couldn't stop him from taking a picture, "But it would be a shame if I accidentally sent this to the schools group chat~"
"...I'll wear it."
"Smart girl." Geto said with a laugh, the sound making your ears heat up in embarrassment. It made you shiver, thinking about all the material they had on you. Pictures, videos, text messages... they continued to torment you and it didn't seem like they'd get bored anytime soon.
And neither would you.
"Get on your knees and keep your face down." Geto ordered, still pointing his phone at you while he used the other hand to push the skirt up entirely, bunching it at your waist and exposing your panties, "Shake your hips. Grind that ass on me."
You gasped as you felt him move forward and press his crotch against your ass, his hardening cock obvious even through the fabric. He started to gently dry hump you, a somewhat bored expression on his face, like it was a chore to use your body to get off. He landed another sharp spank on your butt, reminding you that he was waiting for you to follow orders.
You bit your lower lip, fisting the bed-sheet tightly as you did as he asked, wiggling your hips and shaking your butt against Geto, gasping as you felt him grow harder against you. As you continued to shake, the door opened and Gojo walked in, dressed in his uniform as well.
He whistled as he watched the two of you, noting the redness of your ass cheeks. "Was she being naughty?" he asked, taking Geto's phone from him and continuing to film, giving his friend free reign to humiliate you easier.  "She tried to be." Geto said, reeling his hand back and spanking a cheek one more time before he grabbed your hips tightly, "But you know how she is. It's easy to put her in her place."
You yelped as Geto started to thrust against you, pushing his clothed erection against your clothed cunt as he dry humped you, the flesh of your butt rippling against him as he fake fucked you. Somehow, this felt more embarrassing than if he actually stuffed his cock inside you- it was like he couldn't be bothered to put in the effort but still wanted some pleasure.
He humped you a few times before he called it, pushing your hips away from him and making you collapse on the bed, your knees giving out as you panted against the bedsheet, face red hot with shame. You barely processed Gojo coming behind you, sliding his hand up your waist before he whisked your panties off, tugging them off of your legs before throwing them to the side. You were about to spread your legs, assuming the man was either going to eat you out or fuck you but he simply gave your butt a pat before saying:
"Get up. We gotta go."
"Wh-huh?" you babbled, watching as Gojo grabbed your skirt and pulled it down over your butt, the fabric barely covering you. You pushed yourself off of the bed and stood up, ears flushed as you once again were made aware of just how short the miniskirt was. All it took was for one small movement for anyone to see your privates. "Th-then why did you-"
"You thought being spanked was your punishment?" Gojo asked, a smirk on his face as he leaned in to kiss your cheek, "Nah. You don't get to wear panties."
"No- You can't!" you protested, pressing your hand between your legs, trying to pretend like your cunt wasn't gushing.
"Principal is asking if we've left yet." Geto said, interrupting the conversation, "I could send him a picture of you over Gojo's knee, getting your ass spanked and explain exactly why we're running late. Shall we do that?"
"...Let's go."
Gojo’s driver from last night was picking the three of you up and to your horror but not surprise, Gojo ordered you to sit in the passenger’s seat. You could feel the driver’s eyes on you as you tried to get into the car without flashing him, all decency thrown out the window as you practically covered your bare pussy with your hand as you sat down beside the stranger.
"Did you see her pussy?" Gojo asked once he settled down in the back, Geto beside him.
"I'm afraid not, Sir. She was covering herself." The driver confessed, quite expressionless.
"How rude. Hey," Gojo said, getting your attention as he tugged at your ear, "Spread your legs. Let him see your cunt."
You jumped, your ears ringing at his command, jaw dropping to the floor at the shameful demand. You pussy was already wet- "I- that's- I can't do that!"
"Either you spread your legs or I rip that skirt off and toss you out of the car. Your choice."
With a gulp, you took a deep, shaky breath, your heart hammering in your ears before you slowly started spreading your legs. You heard the driver’s breath hitch as your skirt bunched up, completely exposing your puffy pussy to him. He even leaned forward a bit to get a good look at you, making you close your eyes shut so you wouldn't have to see it.
You pressed your mouth close tightly so they wouldn't hear you moan.
"What do you think? Good pussy, right?" you heard Gojo ask, the other two men also leaning forward to look at you like they weren't more than familiar with your body.
"She's beautiful," the driver responded, "so puffy and cute~"
"Why don't you touch her a bit?"
You gasped, back arching off the seat as you immediately felt a hand on your pussy. Your eyes snapped open, watching as the driver had indeed slid his hand between your legs and was touching you. A total stranger was rubbing your cunt!
"She's so wet~" the man teased, a smile on his face as his fingers glided between your folds, the slick sound of your wetness echoing through the car, "Oh, she feels amazing."
"Doesn't she? She's a perfect little fuck toy~" Gojo said, biting his lower lip as he watched you get touched by the driver, a twinge of possessiveness popping up as he eventually ordered him to stop. The man immediately listened, pulling his hand away from your pussy before licking his fingers off your juices, the action making you moan in embarrassment.
"You know where to take us, right?"
"Yes Sir."
"Good. Get to it. And you," Gojo said, kicking your seat and getting your attention, "Keep your legs spread, got it? Give him something to look at while he drives."
After the long and awkward car ride where you kept your legs spread the whole time, the three of you were dropped off at your location (but not before the driver got to cop another feel). It was an abandoned location, decrepit and having a strong vibe of curses. The cursed energy was so strong it made your skin crawl and your teeth chatter. But you knew you had nothing to worry about. Not only were you strong, but you also had the two idiots with you who were labelled the strongest sorcerers.
It was strange that the curses were not the things that were making you nervous. You tried not to think about how you were used as a toy. As a plaything. As something they can give other people permission to use as they pleased. You couldn’t believe that just seconds ago- a random stranger had their hands on your most private part.
You tried not to think about how much you loved it. "Lead the way." Geto said, giving your butt a pat before you started walking. You didn't need to look behind you to know that they were taking pictures of you, Gojo one time practically putting the camera between your legs and taking an upward shot.
"Stop- I'm trying to focus!" you complained, pulling down the skirt as best as you could which you knew barely did anything.
"You'll only focus once you stop worrying about your outfit. It's just us here, after all." Geto said, "So flash that pussy and find the curse."
"I don't see you two doing any work." you said, cheeks red as you glared at them, "Find the curses, why don't you."
"Nah." Gojo said, idly scrolling through his phone, his glasses reflecting the photos he just took of you.
"The fuck you mean, nah?"
"It's your job to find and defeat the curses today." Geto explained, giving you a sly smile, "Do a good job and we might put in a good word with Yaga. Our recommendation means something, you know."
"...you guys are never that nice." you said, smelling a scheme, "what do you want?"
"We don't want anything." Gojo said, "And as long as you do as you're told, of course. Now push that skirt up and show me your ass."
You huffed, quickly realizing what this mission was going to be.
But hey, if you get a promotion through this...then perhaps you can stick it out.
You gripped your skirt and pulled it up, not having to do much as your peach butt got exposed. The two men laughed and whistled, getting enjoyment and more blackmail material: many pictures of you, in uniform, at a location of curses, flashing your butt. And this was only the beginning.
As you started tracking down the curse, your senses were on high alert and you gradually forgot about the skirt, the shiver you felt as you got in contact with the thick cursed energy making you decide that you needed to focus on the task as hand. You blocked out the two of them following behind you and you blocked out the sensation of your skirt riding up enough for your lower half to be almost bare. When you sprinted up the stairs, feeling a curse nearby, your skirt rode up completely and you only pulled it down once you reached the top.
In front of you was a curse, not a special grade but not weak either. It was a large, disgusting looking thing, oozing power but you knew it was not as strong as you.
"I'm guessing the two of you aren't going to help?" you asked, getting ready as the curse spotted you. "Nope." they responded, Gojo's phone out and pointing at you, taking a video, "all yours."
You didn't have time to respond as the curse suddenly lunged at you, dragging its disgusting body with surprising speed as it gained to attack. You sprinted around it, your body swift and deadly, understanding the way the curse worked in a matter of seconds. You countered every move with your own, slowly weakening it before you exorcised it, the curse dissipating in the wind.
"That was pretty decent, even for you." Geto said once Gojo stopped recording, "you didn't even let the fact that your whole pussy is out stop you from doing the job. Well done."
You looked down and sure enough, from all the running and the dodging and the fighting, your skirt had ridden up once more and your cunt was totally out in the open. You blushed and you quickly pulled the skirt back down, your ears turning red from the embarrassment.
"Fuck. I'm horny now." Gojo muttered as he pocketed his phone, "Hey, hands on the wall- I'm gonna fuck you."
"Wh-" you sputtered, blushing heavily, "But we're busy!"
"Geto can deal with it. My balls come first. Pun intended."
The black haired man rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face as he said: "Fine. But I'm fucking her once I’m back so you better finish by then."
"No promises~"
Not caring about your response, Gojo walked upto you, gripping you by the back of your neck before he pushed you gently against the nearest wall, his other hand pulling your skirt up. Geto walked past the two of you, following the curse as he left you behind to get a pounding.
"Oh, you're so wet, you nasty bitch." Gojo snarked, grinning as he felt you up, his fingers sliding between your folds, "You loved walking around in this slutty little mini skirt, huh? Yeah, I know you loved it. Probably wanted us to fuck you this whole time."
"D-Don't flatter yourself!" you retorted, wincing as he pinched the plush of your butt before he changed your position a bit. "Mhmm. You're real fucking convincing. Now spread your legs. I want to fuck this nasty pussy."
 Grabbing you by the hips, he made you bend forward, your palms against the wall and your ass presented to him. He continued to play with your pussy, two fingers easily sliding inside of you while his other hand got to work on his pants. He simply slid them down enough for his cock to pop out, hard, throbbing and leaking pre-cum from the red tip. He tapped it against your ass, staining your skin with his fluid before he took his finger out and pressed the tip against your cunt.
He didn't care for foreplay and he didn't care if you felt good. He was here to fuck and that's what he was going to do. And you were going to take it.
"Oh yeah, that's a good pussy~" he groaned as he started pushing inside of you, his cockhead popping into you easily from how wet and dripping you were. You hated to admit it but running and around and flashing your privates had gotten you hot and bothered, even if you were just exposing yourself to the two men who were more than familiar with your body.
You gasped as he continued to bully his cock inside you, eventually bottoming out and spreading your cunt so deliciously wide. His groans were audible through the empty hallways, both his hands now grasping your hips greedily. With a lick of his lips and no warning, the man started to thrust, starting off a bit slow. Your moans jumped with each thrust, your ass rippling against his hips each time he fucked his cock deep, deep inside you.
Despite the many times you've gotten thoroughly pounded by Gojo, you simply can't seem to get used to his size. His cock was deliciously long and thick and each thrust in had his leaking cockhead pressed up against your womb. You slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your noises on instinct, slick dripping down your legs and staining the floor.
"Fuuuuck- I'm addicted to this free use pussy!" Gojo growled as he not so gently smacked your ass, laughing at your squeal, "Bend you over and fuck you anytime- claim you as my personal whore. I fucking love it!"
“Shut the fuck u-u-upppp!” you squealed, his cock curving just right and bumping against your special spot, a rush of pleasure sparking through your spine. Gojo simply spanked you again before he used that hand to grab your hair, pulling at it roughly. You gasped as your head was pulled back, the pain of your hair being tugged at addicting.
“I felt your pussy tighten, bitch~” Gojo snarled with a smirk, “You love being bullied by us so much- it’s so pathetic and I love it.”
“You’re pathe- ohhh right there- right there!”
“Yeah? Here? Little bitch likes it when my cocks hits her right here?”
Gojo angled his hips so he hit your g-spot with every thrust forward, the clap of his hips against your butt practically echoing through the hallway. You couldn’t hold back your moans, little ‘uh-uh-uh’s leaving you as he pounded your cunt like a toy. You didn’t know how long the two of you were there for, fucking in the open, in the middle of the abandoned building. You were so focused on the pleasure that you didn’t notice the pressure of the curses suddenly disappear.
“Are you done yet? It’s my turn to cream her cunt.”
You groaned as Geto walked over to the two of you, wiping his mouth.
“I still got the taste of a curse on my tongue. I’d like to wash it down with her pussy.”
“Fuck- wait for a bit.” Gojo said, panting heavily, sweat marring his brow, “I’m almost done.”
“Nope. I’m not waiting.” Geto said, punching Gojo in the shoulder and ruining his rhythm, “Plus, there’s another curse that needs killing and I’m pretty sure it’s your turn.”
“You want- fuck-“ Gojo cursed, stilling inside you to give Geto a look, “You want me to fight a curse with a hardon?”
“Well, she fought one with her pussy out so I’m sure you can manage.”
Gojo sighed, rolling his eyes before he conceded, “Fine, fine. But you owe me one.”
“I do not. Now get going.”   Gojo pulled out of you, the slick sound of it making your body shiver as his erect cock stood tall, covered in your juices. He tucked himself back in his pants the best he could, his dick still straining against his pants as he quickly walked away, a determined look in his eyes. He wanted to finish off this final curse as soon as he could so he could get back to destroying your pussy.
Before you could even blink, a bit dazed from the lack of pleasure, Geto was on his knees behind you, his hands gripping your asscheeks before he pulled them apart and surged forward. Blood rushed upto your cheeks so fast you felt dizzy as Geto stuffed his face between your cheeks. He groaned as he rubbed his face on you for a bit, enjoying the feeling of your soft flesh against him like a pervert before he stuck his tongue out and got to licking. He took a long, greedy lick from your clit all the way upto your asshole, teasing your rim before slightly sticking his tongue inside.
Your body shivered, little gasps leaving your mouth at his shameless actions, the man starting to eat you out like a messy meal. He clearly didn't care if you felt good, his movements sloppier than usual, and obviously just wanted a taste. But that didn't stop your body from responding to him, your hips subconsciously pushing out in a silent plea for more, your pussy dripping. He lapped up your juices, drinking you down with a groan as his hands continued to squeeze and pinch at your cheeks.
“Fucking- perfect.” He moaned against you, his words vibrating your clit and making your knees shake, “Just what I needed.”
With a final, toe-curling suck to your clit, he stood up, ordering you to turn around and face him as he started undoing his pants. Your back was pressed against the wall, Geto standing close enough for your chests to almost touch. “Take your top off. Get naked for me.” He groaned as he fished his dick out, giving it a few tugs as he eyed you down like you were a piece of meat. You gulped, heart beating fast in your chest as you hurriedly started to unbutton your blouse, trying to pretend like you weren’t eager.
If they knew just how needy you felt…
Geto suddenly grabbed you by the waist once your buttons were undone before he lifted you up like you weighed nothing. You yelped as he slammed you tightly against the wall, feeling his cock throb against your eager cunt as your legs wrapped around his waist. He grabbed onto the cup of your bra before pulling the right one down, exposing that nipple. He bent down and took it into his mouth, the man clearly having an obsession with your tits as he started suckling.
His eyelashes tickled your skin as he ran his tongue over your sensitive bud, giving it a few flicks with the tip before sealing his lips around it and giving it a toe-curling suck. As he suckled, his other hand slid down and grabbed his cock, tapping it a few times against your pussy before he slid in, the glide easy thanks to Gojo’s previous pounding.
“Ah- fuck-yes-“ you gasped out, unable to hold yourself back, briefly registering that all traces of curses had disappeared in an instant, Gojo having finished the job. It was only a matter of time before he rushes to the two of you, demanding to be back inside you.
This was what you were expected to do for them. Be a pair of spread legs for them to use whenever they want- to be fucked silly- to be bred- to be truly and utterly degraded. Maybe Gojo would make you suck his cock. Maybe the two of them would swap places. Or maybe they’d finally fuck your ass.
From the corner of your eye, your vision blurry thanks to the tears from how harshly Geto was pounding into you, you could see someone hurriedly walk towards you, unbuttoning his pants along the way and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh among your moans.
Today was going to be a long day.
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thelostconsultant · 2 months
Little bows
pairing: Lando Norris x reader
summary: Lando is obsessed with his teammate, and one night he has the chance to show her how good he would be for her.
warnings: No smut (I didn't feel like writing it, maybe later), but there are parts that are heavily sexual, I guess. MDNI. Also, dark!Lando, something is definitely wrong in his head.
note: based on this song.
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Lando fucking loved that pair of underwear you were wearing tonight, that's why he bought them for you in Tokyo when he stopped there after the Japanese GP earlier this year. Lacy black piece of fabric with cute little bows attached to it, straight from that place you had once mentioned to your personal trainer before you traveled to Japan.
He wondered if you knew it was a gift from him. He didn't give it to you in person, he didn't even leave a note, he just left it in your driver's room and hoped you wouldn't throw it away. After all, who was he to buy you underwear? He was your teammate, nothing more.
But he saw it peek out as you sat down tonight in the restaurant where you were celebrating with the team, and god, wasn't it the best thing that happened to him since winning in Miami! All he could think about was taking your panties between his teeth and pulling them down your leg, then later stuffing them into your mouth to muffle your loud moans while he worked on pulling several orgasms out of you.
“Lando, what's your vote? You've been suspiciously silent,” you spoke up, your sweet voice making him grin like a maniac. But when he remained silent thanks to having no idea what you were talking about, you put a hand on his arm and laughed. “If you can't even focus on a conversation, I guess you don't want to visit that club with us after this.”
Oh, to miss the chance to get you drunk? No way in hell. “I'm always down for a party, you should know that by now.”
Three hours later he was sitting in the club with you in his lap, his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you in place. Your arm was wrapped around his shoulder, and you were nursing your fifth drink that left you drunk already. No one seemed to mind since he was looking out for you, so he kept listening to your drunken speech, smiling at the way you struggled to remember details of the story you were telling him.
If he stopped you now, you wouldn't get blackout drunk, but at least you would be probably a little more willing to play a game with him. He tightened his fingers on your hip to get your attention, and he expected you to give him a warm smile with a questioning look in your eyes.
But that's not what happened. You handed your drink to someone who was standing nearby then leaned closer to capture his lips in a kiss, one you deepened quickly. Lando took it as an invitation and let his other hand roam your thighs, strictly moving above your dress when he reached it. Those panties were for his eyes only, there was no need to show everyone what you wore under your dress.
“Wanna sleep in my hotel room?” you whispered in his ear before gently biting his earlobe. “I can feel how much you want me.”
You moved your hips to tease him, making him suck in a deep breath between his teeth. “You know I'm gonna ruin you the moment I have the chance, right?” he asked as he kissed your jawline.
You giggled, then suddenly decided to get out of his hold. He didn't want to let go at first, but then you told him you couldn't wait to be thoroughly fucked by him, and who was he to say no to you? You wanted this, and he'd been waiting for a chance with you for so long now.
As the two of you were sitting in the back of a taxi, he tried to keep his hands to himself, and whenever you moved closer to kiss him, he warned you to wait until you were somewhere private. It was killing him, if he wasn't someone so many people knew, he would have done indecent things with you on the way to the hotel, but he couldn't risk ending up on gossip sites.
After the doors of your hotel room closed, he slowly got you out of your dress, then stopped to admire the sight in front of him. That lingerie set looked phenomenal on you, but no matter how much he loved it, it had to go in the end. He needed to live out his dirtiest fantasies, which needed you to be soaking wet by the time he dragged his panties off you.
And dear god, you were so ready for him that it took a lot of effort not to just pull the fabric aside and bury himself into your tight cunt. He reminded himself that he could take his time with you. He wanted to take his time with you. If he played the game right, you would be begging him to fuck you again, because you would definitely remember this night even when you were sober.
Then you'd beg again.
And again.
And again.
And he would be generous enough to give you what you wanted.
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beenbaanbuun · 9 months
soft cuddles with ateez
park seonghwa
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he’s sitting on the floor, very intensely reaching the instructions to his new lego set that you bought him
there’s no reaction when you sit next to him to watch as his pretty fingers attach the pieces to one another
it takes about 5 minutes for you to lean your head on his shoulder and snuggle your cheek into his shoulder
he chuckles lightly, but just carries on with his lego, not giving you the attention you so clearly crave
it takes another 5 minutes for you to get bored and try to move away but seonghwa won’t let you
he finally takes his attention away from his lego set when you lift your head and begin to stand up
with a discontented hum, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you straight into his lap
“and where do you think you’re going, hm?” he pressed a kiss to your cheek, “stay with me while i make this, yeah?”
you agree and rest your head on him once more, except this time, comforted by his warm cuddles
kim hongjoong
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you get a text from seonghwa at around midnight asking you to go and rescue your boyfriend from the studio
you agree, feelings of excitement and annoyance bubbling up within you simultaneously
excitement because you get to see your boyfriend but annoyance because he was overworking himself… again
it takes 10 minutes to walk to his studio and by the time you get there, you just want some warmth
you walk straight up to his studio, bypassing the receptionist who knows you well at this point, and knock on the door
“the doors open!” he calls out, presumably not wanting to leave his desk for even a second, “oh, hey baby!” he smiles the moment he sees you
you don’t answer him simply ambling over to him and dropping onto his lap
he chuckles and holds you close before going back to his work, idly chit-chatting with you every so often
“your skin is cold, baby. did you walk here?” you nod in response, “you should’ve got a taxi! i’ll finish soon and then we can go home and get warm, okay?”
you fall asleep on his lap before he gets chance to take you home, and the two of you end up sleeping on the sofa in his studio
jeong yunho
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he’s been gaming for what seems like hours and you miss him
yes, you might literally be on your bed, 2 metres away from his desk, but you miss him so bad!
and no matter how many times you call him over and beg him to pay attention to you, you just get the same response
“just one more game and then i’m all yours, honey!”
it was either a really long game, or it was all lies…
you eventually get tired of waiting and scramble out of bed on your tired legs
he doesn’t even flinch when you crawl onto his lap and wrap your limbs around him in a koala-esque fashion
in fact, the most reaction you get is a deep chuckle in your ear and a kiss to your cheek before he goes back to his game
it doesn’t take long for him to finish and say goodbye to whoever it was on the other side of his headset
he just wraps his long arms around your waist and the two of you sit in a comfortable silence on his gaming chair for a while…
kang yeosang
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you’ve had a bad day at work and all you want to do is get home and sit on the couch with your boyfriend
you have so much to complain about and yeosang is such a good listener and feeling his arms around you as you complain would be the best right now
but you get home and yeosang is nowhere to be seen
in fact, the lights are turned off and the living room is completely silent
you sigh, realising your boyfriend must not be home yet, and kick your shoes off before carrying yourself to your bedroom
except when you get to your bedroom, you can’t help but notice a mop of bleached hair splayed across one of your pillows and a yeosang shaped lump under the quilt
you smile, but you don’t say a word as you crawl into bed beside him
he wakes up just enough to wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest
he mumbles something that sounds kind of like, “how was your day?” but you can’t tell
“better now i’m with you,” you reply anyway
choi san
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you’re only just awake by the time san comes back from the gym
you open your eyes to him in front of the mirror, checking his own progress as the sweat covering his skin glistens in the soft morning light
“pretty,” you mutter as you watch his muscles flex
he jumps in surprise and spins around to face you with a look of shock
“babe, i didn’t even know you were awake,” he smiles and you can’t help but get all giggly as his dimples show, “just give me a minute to shower and then i’ll come give you your morning cuddles, okay?”
normally you’d agree, but for some reason you’re feeling extra clingy
“come cuddle me now, sannie,” you say as you hold your arms out to him
“i’m sweaty, babe,” he chuckles, “i’ll get the sheets dirty
he gives in when you pout and look at him like you’re about to burst into tears if he doesn’t cuddle you
“sheets can be changed,” you say as he lays with half of his body on top of you, “this is more important right now…”
song mingi
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it’s your day off and yet you’ve spent all of it bored inside of your apartment waiting for your boyfriend to get home from work
first it was supposed to be 1pm, then you get a text letting you know it’d probably be closer to 2pm, and then 3pm
its 6pm now, and you’re staring at the front door as if that’s going to make your boyfriend walk through it any quicker
as sad as it makes you that he’s not with you, you know it’s hardly his fault that works been busy recently
you finally turn away from the door with a sigh and lie down on the sofa
seconds later, you hear the lock click open and a tired sounding mingi announce himself
“i’m home, sweetheart,” he grunts as he kicks his shoes off and slams the door behind him, “sorry i’m l-”
he gets cut off with a grunt when you leap at him and attach your body to his in a tight hug
your thighs are tightly wrapped around his waist and your arms hold onto his neck for dear life
“hi, baby,” he chuckles into your hair, “missed me, did you?”
jung wooyoung
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he’s sick and whilst you’re trying not to get sick yourself, there’s only so much whining you can put up with before it gets insufferable
it starts with him whining about the soup not being warm enough, so you give him a tight lipped grin before replacing it
then suddenly he’s cold and begging for more blankets so of course, you oblige before the sound of his aegyo drives you insane
after you bring back the blankets, he wants tucking in
you give him a look before doing as he asks all while he smirks at you
“somethings still missing, baby,” he pouts and points to his lips, “a kiss?”
“absolutely not,” you shake your head, “i’m not catching the black death just because you’re being whiny!”
“fine, but can you come and check my temperature?”
again, you oblige, but before you can even touch his forehead, he has a hand around your wrist and you’re toppling down onto the bed beside him
his vice-like grip suddenly finds its way around you and you suppose you just have to accept your fate and cuddle him back…
choi jongho
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you haven’t felt great for a while but after an argument with a sibling and just an overall bad day, you decide to retreat to your bedroom with your boyfriends hoodie and a pint of icecream
he promised he’s be there once he finished eating with the rest of the guys, but you don’t know if you can wait that long so you send him a text
you don’t want to be a burden and make him think it’s too urgent, but you still want to make sure he knows you’re not feeling great, so it’s just something short and to the point
you don’t expect him too soon, but within 15 minutes you can hear the tell-tale sound of his spare key sliding into your front door
“i’m here, baby,” he calls as he shuts the door, “where are you?”
you don’t need to respond for him to know you’re in bed, and before you can get a word out he’s already poking his head around the door frame
he gives you a sympathetic pout as he sees your red-ringed eyes and quickly sheds himself of his more sophisticated clothing as he can be comfy as he crawls in beside you
his bare arms wrap around your waist and he brings you as close as humanly possible to his chest
“you don’t have to tell me what’s wrong,” he whispers as he pets the back of your head, “but just know that i’m here to listen if you ever want to.”
perhaps tomorrow, you decide as you nuzzle into his neck and let his strong form swaddle you
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leclerc-hs · 1 year
a blind date?? - cl16
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Pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader Summary: You have a blind date and let’s just say your best friend Charles does not approve of it… Warnings: some french words (from a non-french speaker lmao), angst??, slight smut (im not good writing it). P.S. I am not a writer but I felt the need to write this. It’s just for fun!!!!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
IN THE HEART of the bustling city, the neon lights of the current nightclub you stood in was bathed in vivid colors. Stood was maybe the wrong way to describe it. More like slouched. You were at the point of being one drink away from being more than tipsy. Just one more drink and you would’ve been incoherent. A thumping bassline filled the air as friends and strangers, drunk off overpriced alcohol, danced all around with and near one another.
“Drink this Ma Belle,” A drink was placed in your hand as a heavy arm was placed over your shoulders. You glanced down at the drink in your hand. A water. A smile spread across your lips as you looked up at a grinning Charles.
Ma Belle. Your heart squeezed momentarily. Throughout all the girlfriends, that name was reserved for you. And you only. 
You and Charles have been the best of friends since he first stole the last red ice pop from you in grade school. He just had to have the red one. Although it wasn’t the best of introductions, he made it up to you by bringing you an ice pop the next day. Since then, it was an unbreakable bond. 
“What would I do without you,” you exclaimed with a small laugh before bringing the water to your lips and taking a big gulp with a sigh of relief. 
He squeezed your shoulder softly before removing his arm and returning it to his side. You felt the heat of his body leave yours. “Are you ready to go?”
It wasn’t an abnormal question. You and Charles usually left the club together. Being attached at the hip and all that. With a small nod, you said your goodbyes to everyone before heading out of the nightclub and getting a taxi to Charles place.
It wasn’t long until you stood at the sink in Charles bathroom brushing your teeth in one of his t-shirts. You could hear Charles had turned the TV on, quickly selecting to re-watch episodes of La Casa de Papel. 
“Maman wanted me to ask if you are coming for dinner tomorrow,” He squeezed into the bathroom beside you, leaning over to grab his toothbrush. Without a shirt, as per usual. It was a sight for sore eyes indeed and although you were more than used to it, your eyes couldn’t help but linger on his toned body. 
Spitting the toothpaste into the sink with the running water, “I actually can’t make it.” You slightly hesitated in your response. It’s not that you didn’t want to. You loved nothing more than seeing Pascale. She was like a second mother to you.
He was in the process of wetting the toothbrush before placing it in his mouth when you slipped out the words.
 “I actually have a date tomorrow night.” 
It had been a while since you’ve been on a date. Never finding the time between work and tagging along with Charles to many of his Grand Prix. You never quite found dating important enough or worth the time. 
Charles was amidst placing the toothbrush in his mouth when he froze at the words. Literally froze. His eyebrows slightly furrowed as he brought the toothbrush back down to the countertop at the sink.
“A date?” His tone was sharp. You noticed his eye color seeming a bit darker than the usual bright green. “I was not aware that you were trying to date.” He added. 
You didn’t know if your mind was making it up or not. His attitude seemed to change for the worst at the mere mention of a date. Though, there was a slight tug on your heart at the idea of him being jealous. Because let’s be real for a second, the concept of you and Charles dating has crossed your mind once or twice. Okay, more than once or twice. But it was a boundary you weren’t sure you wanted to cross.
You nodded before bending over the sink again to rinse your mouth one last time and placing your toothbrush back on the counter. You tried to be nonchalant.
Charles picked up his toothbrush again and began brushing in silence. It seemed as if he was brushing his teeth rather harsher than normal as you explained yourself further. 
“Kika, she set me up on a blind date. His name is Alex.” 
“So, you’ve never met him?” He finished brushing his teeth and finally stood tall to look you in the eyes.
“No,” you laughed. “Are you even listening? It’s called a blind date for a reason.”
Although you were laughing, Charles was a stark contrast to your laughter and smiles. “I don’t like the idea of this.” He pressed further. “He’s a stranger. It’s too dangerous.”
You rolled your eyes at his over protection. “Cha, I will be okay. He’s a mutual of Kika’s. Not a stranger.” You placed your hand on his shoulder and squeezed it softly with a smile. “Besides, I haven’t been on a date in forever.”
“Ma Belle, you’re not going on a date with this boy.” His voice was stern as he cornered you between him and the bathroom countertop. “Cancel it.”
“I don’t remember asking for your permission dad,” you poked his ribs trying to make a joke of his brooding self.
“Putain! Are you not listening to me?” He groaned in annoyance. Literally groaned. He ran his hands through his hair, messing it up more than it already was. He dropped both of his hands onto your waist. “How are you this blind Ma Belle? Don’t you see it? You’re mine.” 
You felt your cheeks turn red at the phrase. “Cha, it would be too messy. I don’t think-”
“No.” He cut you off. “No more excuses. I am sick of this pretending we do.” 
He starts shaking his head, "Talking about a date with another boy. While you stand in my bathroom. In my clothes." His fingers gripped your waist tighter.
Boy. He said it with disgust. He was angry to say the least. Angry that you would even consider dating somebody else. Angry that you refuse to acknowledge your true feelings. Angry that it has taken you guys this long for the truth to finally come out.
Your breath hitched slightly as you stared into his eyes. You understood. You considered Charles yours too. 
It was only a matter of seconds before your lips properly crashed into one another. It was all teeth and tongue clashing. Messy but so hot. He’s smiling into the kiss. You’re grasping onto any part of him that you can touch.
He pushes you up against the counter and pulls away from the kiss momentarily. Just to slip his fingers in your mouth which you gladly wrap your tongue around. His hands almost instantly sliding into the waistband of the boxers that you borrowed and slipped on earlier before sinking a finger into your heated core.
“See Ma Belle?” You’re shaking and aching for more. Show me, he’s saying. I’m the only one who can make you feel like this, he’s saying.  Mine, he’s saying. He places wet, hot kisses across your jaw and down to your neck. You’re desperate. Whimpering his name over and over before you crack and release all over his hand.
You’re both breathing loudly. His head his burrowed into the swell between your neck and shoulder. Both of your chests rising and falling in sync.
You and Charles. Always in sync with each other.
He stands a little straighter to look you in the eyes with a smile on his face. His eyes are crinkled from how hard he’s smiling. You can’t help but mirror his smile. You feel warm and bubbly inside.
He places a kiss to your forehead, “Cancel the date.”
You only respond by grabbing the back of his neck to bring his lips back to yours. Consider the date cancelled. 
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Deadpool with a teenager protege plsss, thank youuu!
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Wade will always claim that he never wanted a side kick.
‘Protege’ you’d correct him on the fly.
‘That’s a way too big of a word to be in your vocabulary so suddenly little featus.’ He’d quickly say in response before going in to boop you on the noose, only for you to swat his hand away.
Wade as a mentor was so unserious it hurt.
He tried to shoo you away as though you were a stray fucking cat trying to follow him home or something!
There was no point in searching for any deep wisdom from him when anything he said was rude and rather crude for some people, you’re better off finding wisdom in a brick wall then wade, but still you were stuck with the human personification of intrusive thoughts.
He was the devil on your shoulder telling you to dropkick the elderly down a flight of stairs or send them floating down a river in a box (not blind Al tho) and or to kill/kidnap and torture the enemy in your love life.
Wade acts like he hates having you follow him like a lost puppy but the moment he losses sight of you he runs amok, claiming that his ‘mother’s adrenaline’ was kicking in and he had to find you while causing death and destruction in his path.
He wasn’t the ideal person you should be following in the footsteps of and he knew it too, but by this point he had grown an attachment to you and he knew in that moment he was fucked, royally, up the ass with no lube nor warning beforehand.
(He likes a pre-warning countdown before he gets royally fucked in the ass)
You bicker more often then not about how to handle things and it ends with the enemy often getting away, which then becomes even more unnecessary bickering!
‘He got away! Again!’ You’d cry.
‘I’m not the one who wanted to talk all peace and love with the guy in hopes it would change him, this isn’t booktok little fetus!’ Wade would shout back.
‘You were going to kill him without finding out where the rest of them were based at!’ You screamed incredulously, waving your hands towards the twin guns in his gloved hands as though it wasn’t obvious enough.
‘You’re in time out.’ Wade said. ‘Go and sit in the taxi with Dopinder and think about what you’ve done!’
‘Fuck you, you ain’t my dad!’ - you
‘That’s it! No Mac and cheese when we get home!’ -Wade, crossing his arms.
‘I hate you wrinkle dick!’ - you shouting over your shoulder as you walked towards the taxi.
To anyone else It looked more like siblings fighting rather than a mentor and protege going at one another for the second fuck up that day.
While it may look like Wade doesn’t take anything seriously, if you were to get seriously hurt however, it was a different side of him entirely. He’s doing things that you have never seen him do before and just how terrifying he could be with how effortlessly he moved through the goons as though they weren’t shit before making it to your side.
Whether you can heal like him is up to you, but regardless Wade will make sure that your wounds weren’t too deep or too serious for him to handle. He didn’t want to see his protege hurt, not on his watch, you had very much became his child over the course of your time as mentor and protege, so much that he was finally allowing himself to sit with the feeling he had been having for a long while.
He cared. He really cared and it kinda scared him as how was he suppose to look after someone else when he couldn’t even look after himself? He didn’t want you to end up like him as he knew you could be greater but was too selfish to let you wander too far away from him, not without feeling that tug within his chest that told him to keep an eye out.
You never knew what you were getting with deadpool/Wade Wilson, he was unpredictable and chaotic but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
If you were to do anything that was too ‘Wade’ he would pretend to wipe a tear as you looked back at him with a smile as though you didn’t have blood on your face, and fake a sniffle.
‘That’s my little featus, I birthed them from my womb and now they just began to run with their tinny, stumpy baby legs.’
Wolverine next to him like: 🤨what the fuck are you on about-
Wade: shhhh, I’m being proud of my tiny creation, don’t ruin this for me with your toxic macho man brooding.
Needless to say you need to be a little bit mental to have someone like Wade as your mentor.
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taxi-yatri-india · 1 year
TaxiYatri is a car rental company, so attach your taxi with us, so you can be comfortable becoming our business partner. Attach your car with us, we provide a cab attachment service all over India to make quick and good money. Our local taxi attachment service is best for connecting you with us and earning money. If you have any questions, please contact us through our webpage.
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landosjpg · 7 months
cowboy like me | ln
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the one where you unexpectedly fall in love with someone just like you, but it doesn’t turn out as you expected.
lando norris x fem!reader
word count: ~1.8k
warnings: strangers to lovers to strangers again (lando is a player lol), smut (MINORS DNI), slight choking, spit, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex (don't do this), a little of praise, the tiniest bif of fluff, angst in the end
please tell me if i'm forgetting anything!
note: hi, hello, i'm back! this took me way longer than i had intended but i went through a little writer's block and found myself staring at my screen for hours without writing a single word. this being said, not my proudest work but at least we're getting somewhere. this is the last part of this series i started a few weeks ago, it's not proofread but hope you enjoy it!
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very much against your will, your dad had dragged you with him to the annual christmas dinner that he and some old friends of his had been planning for weeks. he had promised you would leave early, but of course it was only a white lie so you would put up with it without much complaint.
that's how you found yourself sitting all alone in a small bench in the corner of the crowded bar, trying your best to ignore everything that was going around you, a little overwhelmed. you barely knew your dad's friends, and since he was busy entertaining some of them, you had decided to just get away from all of it for as long as possible.
"mind if i sit there?" a masculine voice took you back to reality, making you look up from where you were scrolling on your phone.
you quickly recognized him: lando norris, the son of one of your dad's old classmates. your dad had mentioned him once or twice, but you didn't really know much about him.
uninterested, you shrugged and scooped a little to the side to leave some room for him to sit. he did so, sighing as you went back to your phone when silence fell hard between you two, his back resting against the bench and his eyes scanning the crowd.
"want to dance?" lando broke the silence after a few minutes, and you felt his eyes on you. you cocked an eyebrow at him, surprised with his question. your eyes went back to the crowd when you noticed that the music was louder than before; everyone had a drink in their hands and while some people engaged in conversation, others swinged to the rhythm of the music.
"you don't actually want to dance," you finally answered with a roll of your eyes and a low chuckle.
"come on, don't be boring!" he insisted, standing up and offering you his hand with a smirk. you considered turning him down again, but ended up accepting his offer with a sigh, if you were gonna be forced to attend that stupid dinner, you might as well enjoy yourself for a while.
you took his hand in yours and he pulled you up before quickly guiding you to the crowd.
only about an hour later, you found yourself in the elevator to his apartment, your body pressed to the mirror as his hands rested on your lower back and your arms wrapped around his neck while you exchanged hungry, desperate kisses.
after a few dances and some small talk, his lips had found the spot right under your ear as he whispered how gorgeous you looked in that dress. he was quick to suggest calling a taxi, and you nodded in agreement without even having time to think about it.
just one night, no strings attached. you both wanted the same thing.
he guided you through the corridor to his apartment the second the elevator's doors opened, his hands holding your hips as you walked backwards. he pressed you against the door, lips still locked as he looked for his keys in the pockets of his jeans.
as he opened the door, his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you against him. he ushered you inside, quickly trapping your body once again between him and the wall of his entryway. his hands traveled down from your waist to your ass as he attacked your lips again, making you whimper when he gave you a gentle squeeze.
his fingers slipped down to the back of your thighs, where he softly patted your skin over your dress, instructing you to jump. you immediately complied, legs wrapping around his waist while his hands cupped your ass, pulling your dress up so he could feel the warmth of your skin.
lando softly groaned against your lips when your fingers found their way to his hair and tugged on it softly. he pressed his body closer to yours, leaving no space between you two and making you feel his hardness against your thigh now that your dress was pooling at your hips.
"fuck," you mumbled, clenching around nothing.
"can't wait to be inside you," he whispered in between kisses, making you whimper as you felt one of his hands sliding between your legs, fingers pulling your underwear to the side.
he pulled away ever so slightly, just enough to look at your eyes as he coated two of his digits in your arousal before sliding them inside your pussy. your eyes fluttered close almost immediately, another sigh leaving your lips as your walls enveloped him perfectly.
"eyes on me, baby. wanna see those pretty eyes," his voice was low, his breath against your lips making you try to grind down on his palm.
you obeyed once again, looking at him through half-lidded eyes as he slowly pumped his fingers into you, teasingly. one of your hands cupped his cheek as you admired his features, your eyes finally locking into his green orbs, the intensity on his gaze making you clench around his digits.
"feels so good," you panted, trying to keep your eyes open as you held yourself on his neck. "need more," you added, biting your lower lip to hold back a louder moan as you felt him curl his fingers inside of you.
"impatient, are we, baby?" he asked with a chuckle.
"please, lando," you panted, your voice sounding weaker than you intended. at your plea, you felt him withdrawing his fingers from your core and bringing them to your mouth.
he gently tapped on your bottom lip, prying you to open your mouth for him. your lips parted slowly and he didn't waste any time to slide his fingers inside, making you taste yourself on him. you softly hummed and felt your eyelids finally giving up as you sucked on his fingers eagerly.
"good girl," he murmured, pulling his digits out againt and slowly moving to undo his jeans.
as he still held you against the wall, his pants and underwear pooling at his feet, he spat on his hand before stroking his cock a couple of times, his eyes on your face as you looked down at him. he tapped on your chin so you would look at him as he positioned himself at your entrance, the pink flush on your cheeks bringing a smile to his face as he started pushing inside of you slowly, both of you moaning in unison as you enveloped his whole length.
he pushed you further into the wall for added support, one of his hands on your hip and the other resting on the wall. lando found the spot between your jaw and your collarbone and hid his face as he bottomed out, a muffled grunt leaving his lips as he felt you clenching around him already.
he let you adjust to his size for a few seconds before starting to roll his hips into yours slowly, starting to pick up the pace as he left small, wet kisses on your neck and up to your jaw.
"fuck, baby, taking me so well," he panted when his lips reached yours, swallowing a moan from your throat as he licked into your mouth.
one of his hands slid between your legs, fingertips finding your clit and lazily starting to play with it as he fucked you. the added stimulation had you rolling your eyes back, your fists holding his shirt as he pushed you against the wall again and again, his lips muffling the filthy sounds coming out of your mouth.
"oh my god," you whined, feeling his thrust become harder and his cock reaching even deeper inside you, your hands finding their way under his shirt so your nails could dig on his lower back, urging him closer.
you felt his hand creeping up from your pussy to your neck, fingers circling around your throat and applying a slight pressure on the sides of your neck, making you throw your head back against the wall with a loud mewl.
"'m close," you managed to choke out in between pants, feeling the knot in your stomach about to snap when his grip on you became tighter, fingers bruising your delicate skin.
his thrusts became sloppier, breath heaview as his low, raspy moans sent you over the edge. your body tensed up and your pussy clenched around him as you cried out.
the tight grip on his cock was enough for lando to spill inside you only a few seconds later, thrusts lazy as he rode both of your orgasms out. he finally let go of your throat as you panted into each other's mouths, his hands now holding your shaking legs around his hips.
he slowly let go of you, placing you back on your feet tenderly. he helped you get out of your dress, and walked you to his bathroom to get you cleaned. the nice gestures took you by surprise, you had never had a guy seem to care like that.
not that you had really wanted it either, but when he guided you to his bed, covered both your bodies with a blanket and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, you couldn't help a smile from creeping up to your lips.
and it wasn't what you had promised before leaving the bar during the christmas dinner, but you found your way back to his bed only a few days later. and inevitably, you did again the very next week. it felt different this time, falling for someone. he cared, he made sure to make you feel loved every single day for a little over two months.
but when he had to leave again for pre-season testing, you felt everything crumbling when you caught yourself checking your phone for the tenth time that minute, in hopes that his name would pop on your screen again.
you looked at the last text you sent him, asking if he had landed already. only for it to not get delivered.
you knew he had. you had seen pictures of him at the airport posted by fans on social media hours ago. you sighed as you realized that he had, most likely, blocked your number, not wanting to do anything with you anymore.
and you should've expected it, you had heard stories about his ways of playing around. but for a few months, you had believed he could be the one for you.
you felt stupid, heart-broken even. you had fallen head over heels for him, and now all you knew is you would never be able to love anyone like you had loved him again.
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eddiesxangel · 8 months
Let Me Be Your Goodnight | Rockstar!Eddie x Reader
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CW: angst, rough sex, possessive Eddie, female fingering, p in v (protected and unprotected) , creampie, biting, light choking, pet names, Eddie and Reader are fuck buddies, but Reader isn't necessarily a groupie? Mutual pining but Eddie is a fuckboi, heavily inspired by Temporary Fix by 1D lol. Not a happy ending?
WC: 4K
For my 1D babes this is for you 😏
His eyes were transfixed on you. There you were, front and centre, first row, directly in Eddie’s line of sight. Perfect. You were perfect. He wanted you the second he laid his eyes on you. Your cherry red lips are perfectly in sync with the lyrics falling off his lips. He knew he needed to have you.
He tried to find you after the show, but you were gone before security could reach you. You had slipped through his fingers.
Eddie couldn’t believe his luck when he saw you hours later during the after-party. There you were, across the bar, standing with somebody, but it was clear he didn’t know what you liked, but Eddie knew; he read you like a book. Your body language was not inviting, and the eye roll you gave when the guy leaned in and whispered something in your ear. He knew you didn’t want to talk to this guy any longer.
Remembering how your eyes trailed his sweaty muscles as he performed for the crowd. How you were making his leather pants tighter than when they put them earlier that night.
You watched as Eddie sauntered over to you, pushing the countless bodies, including the guy who was trying to take you home, to get to you.
“Hey gorgeous, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” He leans on the bar, so close you’re almost touching.
“I’m sorry? who are you?” You twirl the straw in your cocktail.
“Feeling bratty tonight, aren’t we?”
You turn your back on him, flipping your hair over your shoulder, Eddie gets a whiff of your sultry perfume as you do. His eyes scanned your back, stopping at the hem of the tight, shiny black mini-skirt.
You feel Eddie walk up closer behind you, his breath cascading down your collarbone, his body heat radiating off of him like a furnace. You couldn’t help but react as his deep, raspy voice whispered in your ear.
“You know what I think, baby? I think you’re getting real tired of running that mouth of yours… maybe I can show you another way to use it.”
“Excuse you?” You snap.
“You know I saw you looking at me first.” He smirked.
“Who do-”
“And when I was on that stage, all I could think about was you waking up in nothing but my shirt, in my bed.” His hand trailed up the side of your leg and around to the hem of your skirt.
A small gasp leaves your lips as you let Eddie’s hand travel further towards your inner thighs that were clenched.
“You don’t have to tell me anything; I don’t have to read your mind… You’re soaked for me, and you have been since you saw me on stage; why else would you be front and centre, hmmm?”
The cocky prick knew your weakness, and your weakness was him.
“Eddie,” your body relaxes into him, and he removes his hand so it’s in a less compromising position.
“Oh, so the Princess does know who I am?”
“Shut up.” You were not very convincing; you were transfixed by him.
“If you're not hooked on anything right now, I can be your vice.” his plush lips grazed that spot on your neck he knew all too well.
Now, this was not the first time you let Eddie touch you. Any time he was in town, you ended up being pulled together like two magnets. You couldn’t help yourselves; you were addicted. But every time you say it’s the last, that it won’t happen again. That’s why you turned your back to him; if you saw those eyes, you knew you would, in fact, be waking up in his t-shirt.
A moan leaves your ruby-red lips as you feel his hand interlace with your own. Before you know it, you’re willingly being pulled by Eddie, and your lips are attached to his neck as he pulls you out of the club, trying to call a taxi.
A million lights flash as you exit the club, and paps and car headlights flash as he surprisingly doesn't cover your face like he usually would. You’ve seen him paps with dozens of other women; he’s always covering their faces, not wanting to show them off… but not you. Not tonight.
Lipstick is tattooed on Eddie’s throat, claiming him as your own. You couldn’t help it; there was something about Eddie that made you act like an animal. It wasn't the fame or the glitz or the glam or even the money, for that matter. It was Eddie, how he commanded the stage, how he carried himself, how he knew exactly what made you tic.
Eddie could hardly get into the car before he felt your body climb on top of him. Your skirt hiked up, and you straddled him in the back seat. Your hips ground into Eddie’s already hardening cock, and Eddie's hands shot up to your ass to keep you from moving.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Need you.”
“Did my baby miss me?”
You didn’t reply, how could you? Truthfully, Eddie was everything you wanted, but he wasn’t cut out for settling down. You knew there was another version of you in each city, and you couldn’t take the heartbreak.
Your lips latched on his neck once again, only this time you sucked the skin until it was black and blue. That could be his problem for his next girl tomorrow, but for right now, he will be yours tonight.
The ride to the hotel in NYC took as long as expected at two in the morning. The paps tried to follow you, but the taxi driver surprisingly lost their tail. Eddie let out a sigh of relief as he pulled you into the hallways off the elevator. Finally, he was back in the hotel room. He wanted you so bad, even if it was temporary; he was desperate for you. You were his favourite; you could actually be someone to him if he would let you, but Eddie was stubborn. Love didn’t exist for Eddie; he knew that.
“Tell me what you want, gorgeous.”
“I need you.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” he ruts his hips into you, pressing you further into the hotel room wall. His lips found your neck, and his hips ground onto you.
You needed Eddie’s hands; his talented fingers were pinning your hands down, but you wanted him to touch you; you needed him to touch you. You squirm under Eddie’s grasp, and he has you right where he wants you. Needy.
“Eddie, touch me already.” You were done with these games; you both were here for one reason. There is no need to beat around the bush or be timid or embarrassed about getting what you want. You wanted him to make you cum, and you were going to get it.
“There’s my girl, knows what she wants”
“Not your girl,” you moan as his fingers trail up your inner thigh.
“No?” Eddie cocks his head because in his mind, you were his favourite.
“Please, I know you, Eds.” You locked eyes. “Tell me to my face I’m the only girl you want... like you were balls deep in someone else yesterday.”
You were right; he couldn’t give you the answer he wanted, but he didn’t want it to be true.
“That’s what I thou-”
“You can own me,” Eddie quickly cut you off, “and we'll call this what you like.” His hands slipped under your panties and across your wet slit finding your swollen clit.
“Eddie!” You moan as your head falls back.
“Good girl, scream my name.” his thick, tattooed, ringed fingers slip past your folds and sink into your walls.
He watched your pretty red lips part as he worked his fingers up inside you, finding that spot deep inside you with ease. He knew your body, studied it, and now he was going to own it, even if it was just tonight.
You trembled below Eddie as his fingers pleasured you like no others could. This is why you keep coming back to Eddie. He knew how to work you, how to please you; he owned you; there was no denying.
“I’m coming!” You gripped his shoulders to brace yourself. It had been a while since Eddie, and you last got together, and he always could get you there quickly.
You needed to wipe that smug look off his face, so you kissed him so you didn’t have to look at him any longer. You push yourself off the wall and walk you and Eddie over to the bed.
Eddie fell back as you climbed on top of him. You needed to feel him under you, you wanted control, you wanted to be the one to give him the most mind-blowing sex of his life that any time he’s inside another girl, you’re the one he’s thinking of. No more temporary.
Grinding your hips down in Eddie's hard cock he lets out a whimper. The squeak of his leather pants against your core, heavy sighs and moans were the only sounds filling the room.
“You want me, Eddie?” You never used pet names with Eddie; it made things too real, and you couldn’t play into the fantasy that he was yours.
“Always, baby.” his chest rose and fell as he lay, and your fingers trailed down his stomach to the waistband of his pants.
“I don’t believe you.” You play with the happy trail leading toward what you want most.
“I’d say otherwise” Eddie cupped his hard cock, gesturing to how much he did in fact need you. You were the one, always.
You take his waistband between your fingers and yank his pants down. Unsurprisingly, he isn’t wearing underwear. His cock sprang free of the tight confines of his pants, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It looked painfully hard, and he looked desperate, needy, and beautiful.
“Tell me what you want, Eddie.”
“Already told you babygirl”
“Tell me again.”
“I want your sweet mouth on my cock; I want you to call me when you’re lonely when you can’t sleep,” he smirked, “You control me, baby, even if it’s just tonight.”
“Shut up” You gripped his hard cock in your hand and rolled your tongue over the tip before taking him as far as you could go. You didn’t let up, you didn’t slow down, you went for it, all in.
You knew he was full of shit, and you wanted to prove to him that he truly was missing out on the best thing that could happen to him.
“Shit, shit, shit, just like that, fuck, that mouth of yours is too good” he gripped your soft hair in his hands.
You worked him to his breaking point, his cock twitched, and you pulled off immediately,
“What the” Eddie stopped mid-sentence as he watched you slowly strip in front of him. His chocolate doe eyes widen as he watches your clothing come off piece by piece. Your exposed skin was calling him; he needed to feel your soft thighs warming his ears, your perfect tits cupped in his hands.
Your last article of clothing fell to the floor, and Eddie's eyes burned into you. He watched as you bent down to pick up his pants. He watched as you found his wallet, pulled it out, and opened it up to find the sealed golden foil he kept inside for times such as these.
You toss his wallet to the side and slowly crawl back to him.
Teasingly, you slowly unwrap the condom, watching Eddie drool as you do. You smirk, knowing you’re making him wait and squirm beneath you.
“Hurry up, baby girl.” He wants to grab the condom from your hand and do it himself so he can throw you around how he likes, but he also wants you to do it; he likes not having to be in control the whole time.
Unlike the others, you knew how Eddie wanted you and how he needed you.
“Patients Ed’s,” you cooed in his ear as your swollen lips trailed down his neck before you sat up to roll the condom on finally. His cock was leaking precum, so you dipped your head down one last time so you could lick it up. Once it was cleaned and clear, you swiftly rolled it down onto his throbbing member and positioned yourself over it so you could sink down.
Riding Eddie was always your favourite pastime; the way he filled you and brushed up against your walls, nothing could compare to that feeling he gave you.
You both let out a moan as you fully enveloped him. Eddie reaches up to grasp your hips to help you move with him. Sure, he loved you on top, in control, but he's only a man; he can't help but fulfill the need to thrust up into you.
Your thighs were burning, but you didn't care. The way Eddie was making you feel was all-consuming. His long hard cock hit that perfect spot every time you bounced down onto him. Skin slapping skin, your breasts bouncing in his face, your pretty mouth left agape in pleasure.
"That's it, bunny. Do you like being my little bunny, bouncing in my cock? This is the only cock that can make you feel this good isn't it?"
You didn't reply; you were too focused on the burning in your thighs and the pleasure building in your core.
Your hand slinked down between you and Eddie so you could rub your clit, giving you enough so your second orgasm of the night could build and build until Edie swatted your hand away.
"Answer me, Bunny," Eddie gritted through his teeth.
"Not your bunny, not yours." You didn't slow down; you only picked up speed.
"Wrong answer," Eddie was annoyed you never played into his little games like the others do.
You felt Eddie steady your waist, stopping you from bouncing, and flip you backwards so you were flat on your back, head almost falling off the foot of the bed.
You let out a startled yelp as Eddie yanks you by your ankles so you are closer to him.
He waists not another second to thrust back into your wet cunt.
"Fuck Eddie!" you cried as he roughly fucks into you. He had your legs pinned by your ears; you didn't even know you were that flexible.
"What was that gorgeous? You're not mine? I think you are, even if it's just tonight." he sneered.
A chain of curses left your mouth as Eddie pounded into you over and over and over again. His large hand travelled up to your chest, surprisingly not resting on your swollen breast but where your heart was.
You were slipping; you were feeling the weakness of your judgment unfold as your impending orgasm grew.
"You're so tight, baby girl; you're so tight for me; I can feel how close you are. You're gripping my cock so good." Eddie spoke as he stroked your hair out of your face. His actions were such a contradiction to how he was abusing your cunt.
"More, Eddie!" you pant.
"No, you know my cock is good enough to make you cum. You've been naughty. This is all you're getting unless you tell me you're mine." His hand slid up from where it was resting on your chest up to your throat, squeezing it hard enough that you still could breathe, but his fingers dug into you so hard there might be a mark left tomorrow.
Fuck him.
"No!" you spit.
"Then this is all you get. He leaned back, releasing your throat from his hands and replaced it with each of your ankles. He steadied himself before jackhammering into your cunt.
You let out a cry, and Eddie's hips slapped hard into you, his heavy balls hitting your ass with each thrust. The tip of his tick-long cock grazing your spot.
Eddie was right; his cock was all that you needed because you were coming in seconds, and he wasn't too far behind. Your body felt like it was dripping fire as your orgasm took over your mind and body.
Eddie fucking loved the way your cunt squeezed down on him every time he made you cum with his cock alone. He knew it was a rarity; he was so proud of himself each time.
He fell on top of you after that marathon of sex you both participated in. He pulled out, discarded the condom, and then went to crawl back into bed with you, but you were already up and halfway dressed.
"Where do you think you are going?" he blocks the door with his lean, naked frame.
"Home to sleep, it's three thirty. I'm tired."
"You think I'm letting you go out by yourself in the middle of the night? Looking like that?" He raises his brow.
Suddenly, the euphoria of the sex you just had completely drains out of you.
"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?"
"It means I'm not letting you, the most beautiful woman I've ever met, go out onto the streets where who knows what is out there so you can get snatched up. No way, you're spending the night; I'll sleep on the floor for all I care. It's not safe right now."
What the fuck was happening? Eddie always threw you out once you were done? And did he call you beautiful? Maybe you did, in fact, fuck his brains out?
"Uh, are you feeling okay?" You hold the back of your hand up to feel if he has a fever because what?
"I'm fine but won't be if you leave." He took your wrist off his head and looked you in the eyes.
"Fine, but you promised me a t-shirt." You decided to cave based on your better judgment. "And you don't have to sleep on the floor. I think we are way past that." You turned to walk back to the bed, slowly stripping for Eddie once more.
Eddie made his way over to the closet and pulled out his favourite shirt to give to you.
"Thanks." You caught it when he tossed it to you. You slip over your head before you turn to the bathroom to get unready the best you can.
Thankfully, the hotel came with a fresh toothbrush, and Eddie had cleanser and moisturizer you could borrow. You didn't bother brushing your hair. You just fixed it with your fingers and then exited the bathroom.
Eddie had just come in from the balcony after having a cigarette when you walked back out.
He drank you in; his shirt hugged you in all the right places. Your face was bare and fresh, but the hickeys he had left on your neck were raw; to him, you had never been more beautiful.
You watched him take you in, then hesitated before getting into the bed.
"Uh, what side do you want me to take?" suddenly nervous about sleeping in the same bed as him.
"I usually sleep on the right,"
"Good, I'm more of a left girl myself." God, that was lame.
"Meant to be," Eddie smirked before turning down the bed.
You tried not to read too much into that comment as you crawled in, lying down and facing away from him. You were stiff and didn't understand what had changed between now and all the other one-night stands.
"If you wanted to be the little spoon, all you had to do was ask baby." His strong arm wrapped around your middle and pulled your back flush to his chest.
Was Eddie Munson cuddling you? What kind of twilight zone have you entered?
"Um, Eddie?"
"Yeah, gorgeous?" He spoke as he nuzzled his face into your hair. You could feel his cock hardening against your ass, and there goes your train of thought. All semblance of a sentence was gone from your lips because Eddie's dick was pressed up against your backside.
You can't help it when your pussy floods itself all over again. You can't help it when your ass starts to grind into him.
"Greedy girl, you wanna go again?"
"You started it," You point out.
"Can't get enough of ol'Eddie, can ya, babygril?"
You let out a whine of frustration. You were supposed to be on your way home, but instead, here you are, begging for Eddie's cock once again because you're weak when it comes to him.
"I'll take that as a yes."
You don't let Eddie speak anymore before you take his cock and align it when your dripping entrance.
"Wait, are you sure?" Eddie asked; you never fucked without a condom before.
You didn't give him a verbal response; you only dragged his tip through your wet folds, confirming that this was what you wanted.
You opened your legs a bit wider to let Eddie glide in easily. Another wave of wetness pulsed out of your pussy as the velvety skin of Eddi's cock brushed up inside of you.
You feel Eddie's teeth sink into your shoulder as his hips slowly thrust into you. Your ass pressing into his bush with each thrust.
"Oh, Eddie!" You cried at the pain of his teeth marking you but also the euphoria that his bare cock was giving you. Eddie pulled you in closer, his hand wrapped around your middle, tweaking your hardened nipple under the sift you were wearing.
"Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, " Eddie spoke with each thrust.
"Yours, yours, yours yours," You agreed, fianllly you gave in.
He then gave in and finally played with your clit as he trusted in you again and again. It was slow and sloppy; he fell out a few times, but it was sex like you hadn't had with Eddie before.
Before, it was always rough and hard, a temporary fix to get off and go. But this was different. This was like he was fucking you as if he cared for you as a person. Not just another one in his little black book
Your mouth hung open as silent screams tried to come out of your lungs. You were speechless.
Eddie didn't say much either, which wasn't normal for him, but it didn't feel right at the moment. He wanted to endure the way your body wrapped around him. The way your cunt tightened when the pad of his finger grazed your swollen clit.
Before you knew it, you were coming undone all over Eddie once again. Your cum flooded over Eddie in a warm wet embrace, and that had him trying to pull out, but he wasn't fast enough. His cum was spurting up into you as his cock spasmed inside of you.
"Holly shit," He panted. Never had Eddie had such intimate sex before, and he didn't want to go back.
"Wow," you said when you started coming back to reality. You could feel Eddie's seed leaking out of you, and you needed to go get cleaned up, but you didn't think you could move.
Eddie peppered soft kisses along your neck and over your cheek before falling back exhausted.
"Good night, gorgeous." He wrapped his arms around you and fell asleep instantly.
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The next afternoon, Eddie woke up to find he was alone. A pang of disappointment filled his chest before he spotted the note on your pillow.
"We need to talk."
That was all it said, followed by your phone number.
Eddie's stomach dropped while reading it, and he wasn't sure why, so he chose to ignore it and move on with his day...
You hadn't heard from Eddie for about a month, and it was killing you. Had he not seen the note?
You refused to be the one to reach out; you would not be that girl. So it surprised you when Eddie called five weeks later when he was back in New York.
"Hey gorgeous"
"Eddie, we need to talk."
"Don't think we will be doing much talking with your lips wrapped around my dick" You could practically see the smirk on his face. In any other instance, that probably would have made you roll your eyes and give in, but this was too important to skim over.
"Eddie, I'm pregnant."
Eddie doesn't respond, and you hear the disconnected tone on the other end of the line.
Tagging those who seemed interested:
@stretchedoutonthegrass @starksbabie @ghost-proofbaby @goosterroose @thewayitalknj @hellfirehottie420 @cherrycolas-things @yeah-seems-legit @angelina16torres-blog @stevenyeunslvr @peachysink @tastefullyferal @lofaewrites @catherinnn @dirtyhellfireclub @hereforshmut@lovinnscarletknight @basicanti-socialb-tch @hsllfirescoops @fudgingcas @douxiesaurus @splendiferous-bitch @florabelll @thorfemmes @dirtyhellfireclub @remuslupingf@babyela9 @mouthfullofmunson @xxhellfirebunnyxx@cyberskeleton @oneforthemunny @fallenxcherub @silversprings-mp3 @ashhole0- @ames1stuff @excelentboiledpotatoes @dreamliners @catherinnn @lolzskye @bamquinn @seductiveplumber-blog @yourlittleangel7777 @curtbiddick @corrodedcorpses @cuddle-calum-luke @munsonology @hairieknuckles @lizzylynch1 @american-idiot-jpg @asimpforthe80s @take-everything-you-can @gravedigginbbydoll @purplehazed-h @corrodedcorpses @chrrymunson @penguinsandpotterheads @urhoneycombwitch @allthingsjoeq
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rainybubbles · 7 months
141 coming back to you after a eight months mission
Plus size reader :) !
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC)
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-Eight long months, every fiber of his being yearned for a hot shower, his eyes struggled to stay open.
- Yet, it wasn't his shabby apartment that the taxi drove to.
-Simon, buried beneath the Ghost's mask, still held a glimmer of humanity within him, a breath hidden beneath Ghost's blood, death, and violence.
-But on that evening, what he ardently desired was them: their gentleness, their scent, their warmth.
-Like a wild animal slowly tamed by food, he returned to them whenever possible.
-Under the pouring rain, he advanced, hastily thanking the driver, the heavy bags weighing on his shoulders.
-He stepped into the still slumbering pastry shop, and the bell rang.
-And there they appeared.
- Covered in flour, with a pastry cap and apron, they were surprised to find someone there at five in the morning.
-"Simon," they murmured.
-The sound of his name was so sweet, so soothing.
- But he wanted more.
-He wanted them to whisper his name over and over again, filled with desire, until they could only utter it, clouded with pleasure.
-His bags fell to the ground, and his arms enveloped them in an instinctive movement.
- Their hair smelled of sugar and butter, the flour staining their black sweater. Simon wanted more.
-" I missed you," they whispered.
-He couldn't bring himself to respond, to admit this longing, but they could sense it.
-His arms didn't let them go.
-"Scone?" they asked.
-"No. "
- "No."
-" Croissant?"
- "You," he finally said.
A silence stretched between them.
-"I have to finish my batch, I open in an hour. Do you think you can wait?"
-No, he couldn't. But reason prevailed, and he nodded.
-"I'll help you," he murmured.
-"You barely know how to fold a dough."
-"I can follow orders."
-"Sorry, soldier."
-Their laughter echoed, and a sense of relief washed over him.
- He wanted to hear that sound again and again.
- In silence, they worked. Simon followed every move, ignoring the pain, stretching each muscle. He was ready for anything.
-When the last batch was ready and the saleswoman arrived, Simon breathed a sigh of relief.
-Y/n gave their final instructions and left.
-Alone on the street, they walked together.
-Like a starving beast, Simon jumped at every crumb of affection, grabbing their hand, his fingers brushing theirs through gloves.
-"We need to talk, don't we?" they finally admitted.
-"Yes," he replied.
- "About what happened before your deployment…"
-The kiss. A hurried kiss, without thought.
- Lips so soft, erasing the bad news of his deployment and eight long months of silence.
-"I… "
-'Don't say you regret it," he finally said.
-"No, I don't. I mean it. But I don't want it to destroy us."
-"It won't."
-"I know you avoid people, Simon. Attachment."
-But not them, he thought
- Since the moment his feet led him to that pastry shop. Simon knew he was doomed.
- A stupid cake for Soap's nephew, and he found himself charmed by a baker making incredible scones.
-Simon had become a regular there, a man of habit enjoying the good things, he told himself.
- It was close, he said.
-Close to his shabby apartment, to his gym.
-Just a daily stop for coffee and scones, he reasoned.
- But every morning, his eager eyes searched for their silhouette.
-Their rolls, their belly, their thighs, that smile.
- Every crumb he could get, he took.
-They eventually noticed him.
-A mountain of muscles, hidden by a mask, softened by scones, it wasn't the most discreet.
-They greeted him.
-Always the first customer at dawn.
-In reality, Simon came so early out of military habit but also to avoid the saleswoman.
-Simon desired the baker, not the small, slim saleswoman.
-Slowly, they spoke to him, and everything fell into place.
- They had become his anchor, an anchor in reality.
- A tough mission, and he came to them silently, without needing to place an order, without having to face the crowd, slipping to the back and watching them work.
-No questions, just comfort.
-The smell of sugar, flour, and eggs permeated his clothes in the most exquisite way.
-And now he dreamed of a life where this scent would be constant.
-"I don't want us to drift apart," they said.
-"We won't," he assured them.
-"So, what do we do, Simon?"
-"Kiss me."
-It was a prayer, a barely audible order, a cry for help.
-Slowly his mask fell.
- Their eyes met, hesitant but filled with desire.
-And they kissed him.
- In that dark street, under the pouring rain.
-"Again," he murmured.
-"We have to go back," they said.
- "I don't care about going back," he replied.
- "Simon, you don't want to spend your leave sick."
-"If I stay with you, I do."
- "For you."
-Their laughter burst out, and Simon kissed them again to capture it.
-Slowly, they finally arrived at their place.
-Their dog welcomed them, barking happily at Simon. And after eight long months, Simon could finally breathe.
-"I'm home," he murmured.
- "We were waiting for you," they replied.
-Nothing surpassed this feeling, he thought as he kissed them again.
-Simon was a man, and like any man, he had finally found his long-desired home in their arms.
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-In an emotionally charged atmosphere, Price let the water flow slowly, carrying away the remnants of blood under his nails.
-After eight long months, he felt like a ship drifting without a course, without a real destination.
-At least that's what he claimed to anyone who would listen, but the ring hanging under his uniform whispered different truths to him.
-Staring at his own reflection, Price read the inscription inside the ring, a name he hadn't uttered in years.
- Like enchanted by a spell whose charm he feared, he hesitated to whisper it again.
-Yet, his heart demanded it.
-He knew it was the longing that drove him.
-Without those eight months, he wouldn't be here, longing desperately to have them back in his arms.
-(It was false; since the divorce was signed, he dreamt of them.)
-Since the day their marriage ended, he had wanted to throw himself at their feet and beg them to come back.
- He desired their warmth, their ridiculous work stories, their cooking, their scent, their fingers, their kisses.
-They were the oasis in the desert of his life, and through negligence, he had let them evaporate.
- It all dated back to before his promotion to captain.
- Back then, he was just a young lieutenant full of ambition, willing to sacrifice anything to obtain that coveted title.
-But the long hours at the office had gradually poisoned his time with them, an absence they had signaled to him, one he had ignored, one he had maintained until everything exploded like a grenade.
-Now, he stood there, on the minefield of his emotional life with a ring they had probably forgotten, longing to hear them say yes once again.
-As he dried himself off, Price settled into his office.
-He told himself it was just simple nostalgia, but the bitter taste of tobacco wasn't enough to distract him, remembering how much they hated that smell. He extinguished his cigar.
-To take his mind off things, he decided to go to the nearest bookstore. A good book would be welcome, he thought.
-That voice, which had haunted him for three years and eight long months of divorce.
-It had been so long.
-Too long, he thought, seeing them so different.
- He admired their new haircut, their new clothes. What a lucky man he had been.
-"Yes. Still teaching?"
-"Yes. And you, did you manage to become a captain?"
-The silence stretched, their eyes avoiding his.
-"But it wasn't worth it," he admitted.
-"Too much work?"
-"Not enough of you"
-"John," they interrupted.
-"I'm not trying to get us back together, far from it. I know it won't happen, but I wanted to be honest with you. I think this divorce has been the biggest failure of my life, and you deserved better than me."
-Hesitantly, they opened their mouth, a mouth he had kissed so many times, one that had shared all their troubles, all their doubts.
-"Thank you, John. But I'm also to blame. I should have told you everything that was going on in my head, everything that wasn't right."
-"You couldn't, when all I listened to were orders."
-"Good person, wrong time, it seems."
-"Nothing prevents us from correcting the timing, right?"
-John raised an eyebrow.
-"It doesn't mean we have to start all over, but… you've been a pillar in my life, John. I missed you. Whether as friends or more, it doesn't matter."
-"Thank you, love," John murmured.
-They approached him, and during this long absence, John could finally feel human warmth again.
-To just be John again, not Captain Price.
-Their hands wrapped around each other.
-They both knew it wouldn't be purely platonic, but like a suspended promise, for now, they would stick to it, hoping that one day the rings would find their respective places again.
-Theirs from their drawer to their finger, and his from his neck to his hand.
-"I missed you."
-"You too. Tell me what I've missed."
-And John could only smile.
-If these eight months of hell, these three years of desert led him back to them, then it was worth it, he decided.
- So when he packed for his next return, the soldiers watched him curiously because for once the captain had a home where he really wanted to be.
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-Immersed in an ocean of turmoil, Soap returned after eight months of absence, longing to celebrate his return with his family.
-His thoughts, drowned in alcohol and his mother's reprimands, were rocked by the cheery laughter of his nephews and nieces.
-Between the urge to scream and the desire to simply savor their presence, he oscillated.
-When the festivities finally came to an end, he could finally breathe.
-Eight months.
- Alone in his flat, memories flooded in, evoking strategies, bombs, deafening tumult, and lingering smells.
-Everything was an attempt at distraction; the television, the rain, a run, a cup of tea, messages on his mobile.
-He longed for something, even if he didn't know exactly what.
-But it was missing, creeping under his skin little by little, scratching at the door of his mind.
-"Again, really?'
-His eyes fell on his neighbour.
-The same one who had endured his screams at three in the morning, his hurried departures on missions, his heavy suitcases dragged at seven in the morning.
- And now, at four o'clock, they stood before him, a mischievous gleam in their eyes, the result of an incident involving dumbbells in his hands.
-"Sorry.", he apologized.
-"I'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose."
-"On purpose…? "He raised an eyebrow.
-"So that we see each other. You know, like in those cliché romances where the noisy neighbour ends up seducin' the complainin' neighbour."
-Incredulous, he couldn't help but laugh.
-"Ye wouldn't need that."
-A teasing smile stretched across his neighbour's lips.
-"I know. But you seem to need it. Not an adventure, but a distraction."
-They referred to the dumbbells.
-"I make cookies." they said.
-"At 4 a.m.?"
-"I know how to keep myself busy in silence."
-"Interested?" they asked.
-The latent feeling under Soap's skin resurfaced.
-He nodded and followed them. And then he realized.
-The warm atmosphere, the decor, the unstacked dishes, the soft carpets.
-That's what he had missed, a heaven of peace.
-"They won't be the best cookies in the world, but they'll do."
-"Ah'm good at it." he said.
-"Pastry chef?"
-"Hm, that explains a lot. "They gave him a complicit look.
-"Like what?" Soap asked.
-"This horrible haircut."
Laughter erupted in the kitchen.
-"Ma haircut is incredible."
-"For a 6-year-old."
-"Ah look handsome with it."
-"Even without it."they said.
-"Good at flirtin'?"he asked.
-"With the right person, yes."
-Soap smiled.
-"Ye would be bonnie with a mohawk."
-"No thanks. But, well, I understand the muscles and the irregular movements now."
-"Aye, Ah don't choose my hours."
-Too bad, you'd think criminals can't be punctual, huh? "they joked.
-He smiled.
-Hands in the dough, Soap couldn't help but let his gaze drift over his neighbour's curves.
-He admitted that sometimes his door slammed a little louder in the hope of catching a glimpse of them, like a good luck charm before a mission.
-Curves he longed to explore, letting the eight long months fade from his memory to be replaced by love for them.
-"Ah should hae made more noise if it means havin' cookies."
-His neighbour smiled.
-"Maybe. I was worried about this silence, you know."
Soap felt touched by their concern.
-"Ah'm sorry."
-"Don't apologize, you didn't decide on that. It's just… maybe I could give you my number? If you ever have plants or stuff like that, I'll take care of them."
-"Okay." he acquiesced.
-He took the paper feverishly, keeping it as a precious treasure, and continued cooking.
-At the end of that day, returning home, Soap could finally close his eyes.
-The creeping feeling had come to an end.
-That longing, that emptiness, it was them, the sound of a life together.
-He brushed the paper, a smile on his lips.
-Getting up, he decided to drop a dumbbell loudly.
- A noise at his door rang out, and he smiled. Nothing was worth his neighbour.
-So slowly he opened the door, and dinner followed to apologize.
-Then another to repay.
-And slowly, they erased from his mind the eight long months that had haunted him.
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-After eight long months of absence, Gaz finally found a moment of respite in his humble accommodation on the base.
-The deafening noises of the base's incessant activity, the hurried faces, the soldiers' rushed departures, everything seemed to dissolve into a chaos filling his ears.
-Everything seemed to fade away as soon as he could cross the threshold of his room.
-Here, in this haven of tranquility, he could finally silence the external turmoil.
-His pulse slightly quickened as he reached for his phone, his fingers instinctively finding his favorite contact: them.
- He felt this visceral need to reassure them, to feel their presence through the voice that was so dear to him.
-In this suspended moment, he longed to hear nothing but their soothing breath, to lose himself in their tender words.
-His ears buzzed, every beep deafening his eardrums and…
-"Y/N," he murmured, relieved and tender.
-The echo of their voice provided him with a welcome comfort, a balm for his weary soul.
-"Kyle. Back among us?"
-"Yes, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you."
-"No, I'm on break. I have a shift tonight."
-A silence stretched.
-"Is everything alright?"
-Kyle hesitated before speaking.
-Is everything alright? The blood, the bruises, the cries, the deaths… Everything seemed to still be on his skin, vivid in his mind.
-"I don't know," he admitted.
-"You didn't break an arm, did you?"
-Kyle smiled at the memory.
-After a rough mission he had rushed to his flat ignoring the pain in his arm and the medics.
-Yet he ended up to E.R days later with a blue arm and broken bone.
-Y/n was one of the nurse who was in charge of him and his cast, they kept contact.
-"No, I don't know how I managed to cope without hearing from you."
-"Charming," they laughed at his attempt at flirting.
-"More seriously?"
-"Tired," he admitted.
-"I would tell you to sleep, but I imagine you don't want to."
-"I can't."
-Not when he knew the nightmares awaiting him.
-"…I finish at 1am, if ever. I'm not implying anything, I know your base is super far, but I know that company can help."
-"Hmm, I don't know, will there be food?"
-"My company isn't enough for you, Kyle?" they joked.
-"I fear not."
-"Damn," they exclaimed, laughing.
-Ah, there it was.
-A tender smile stretched across Gaz's lips.
- In this exchange, he found comfort, a precious connection.
-His body relaxed slightly.
-"I missed you," they confessed.
-"You too."
-"You know, I bought those awful biscuits you talked about so much, hoping you'd come eat them at my place."
-"I'll take it as a declaration at this rate."
-"Shut up, I know you'd never buy them because 'no time'."
-"I like speed."
-"Even in bed?"
-A mischievous smile formed on his lips.
-"That's for you to find out."
-"You always say that."
-"I mean it."
-"I know, after eight months of absence, it might just be the longing speaking, but… the only thing I wanted was you. Coming back to you, holding you in my arms, making you laugh one last time. And… staying friends… it's worse."
-"Worse than eight months without me?" -"Yes."
-"You're horrible for doing this."
-"I know."
-"At a distance, over the phone. I can't… I can't guess anything."
-"I guess I'm a coward."
-"Shut up, I… I swear I'm going to hit you and then kiss you."
-"Kiss me?"
-"Of course, do you really think I answer all your calls at any time out of friendship?"
-"Last time there was an eight-hour time difference."
-"You told me…"
-"That there were only two, yes, because… I didn't want you to worry. You're a stubborn idiot always thinking of others, so I wanted to be selfish for once that you are."
-"I am. I want you, Y/n."
-"Then come get me."
-Kyle smiled and hung up.
- In his car, stress, fear, adrenaline surged. But for once, the enemy wasn't to be fought.
-Once in front of the hospital, hours of driving later, he stood at the entrance and saw them come out.
-Their name spoken from their lips, and he embraced them.
-"Never again," they whispered.
-"I can't promise anything, but I'll try."
-"I swear I'll kick Price's ass if he does that again."
-"I'll help you."
-And he kissed them.
-Suddenly the eight long months evaporated on Y/n's couch, his fingers sliding through their hair, and his lips on theirs.
-The silence returned and Kyle could finally breathe.
If you want more : my masterlist
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kimsmuse · 1 year
yandere rich kid !!
not really a kid, just a spoiled brat.
gender neutral!reader, obsessive behaviour, blackmailing, mentions of drunk driving, implications of sex but no real smut TT. if you want to talk about yanderes my inbox is always open <33
i was thinking about mingi of ateez when i wrote it so you can imagine him as the faceclaim (v v optional)
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very rough idea but !! yandere nepo kid who is The Wild Kid, he’s his parents' and siblings' worst nightmare, partying like its his last night, hooking up right and left.
just imagine like early 2010s justin bieber but, um, no hate to him, but better.
this guy isn't evil or cruel or anything, he's just numb, and he's doing every possible thing that comes his way to just feel something, anything he can.
drugs? nothing. alcohol? nothing. nothing makes him feel like the people he sees in the movies, he tries talking to so many people, sleeps with them, but he can't feel it.
and it becomes increasingly uncomfortable for him inside his own body, he's aware of the things that are happening, his parents being disappointed, threatening to write him off their will but he can't seem to stop himself.
club after club, every bouncer knows him, the bartenders know his order, accurate down to the T because they know what's going to happen if they don't.
and enter you. okay, okay, this seems wattpad-ish but its not like love at first sight or anything. because when you and your friends sneak in to the vip section, the least of your worries is the nepo guy.
your friends seem to have an instant attraction to him, thanks to his entertainment news headlines. "famous business tycoon's son gone wild!" and what not. who doesn't want their name attached to a guy like that? everybody who doesn't have an ounce of rationality in their brain!
but he had other plans for tonight, he was spiralling, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to sit here normally and pretend his insides weren't burning. why was there no comfort for him?
he dreaded going home and waking up, looking at the clear disappointed looks of his family. he wishes he was different too, he wants to say to them.
the dance floor clears as the night deepens and soon enough your friends have abandoned their idea of getting laid by him, their patience running out as they grab some other people to take home.
you’re trying to get yourself a cab when he brushes past you, looking back briefly to apologise but when he is a bit ahead, he turns back again and offers you a ride, which you politely refuse, “thanks for asking but i’ll get a cab soon enough,”
okay, then he’ll wait with you! he doesn’t have anything better to do and he’d be going against the way his parents raised him (as if he hasn’t done that enough) if he left you out here alone so late.
after about 20 minutes of standing, looking through various taxi apps, you give up and take him up on his offer, and all the while our rich, spoiled yandere is figuring out what he’s feeling, it was out of basic courtesy that he offered you a lift but now that you’re sitting beside him in his car, he feels like he’s breathing in a new kind of air.
and you swear you didn’t mean to, but maybe its your hormones and the disappointment that all your friends got someone they went home with but you didn’t.. so as soon as you’re in the car, you give him The Look. and while normally the guy would just take it to his backseat, something in him stops him. instead he says, “my place isn’t far,” you nod.
when you regain your senses, it’s too late. it’s the next morning. but thankfully, he was the last person to ask you about what you both were after last night, and the last person to want to “see you again,” so you try your best to get dressed as his sleeping form just lies there peacefully. he’s cute, you admit that.
a few days pass by and you’re thankful that this wasn’t like the other times where his photos and the people he was with would be all over social media, so you went on with your life normally, attending classes, studying and all the jazz.
when once out of thr blue, when you’re working the counter at your part-time, he’s there. he gives you a small smile as you become increasingly uncomfortable. “hey,” you greet him awkwardly.
“i wanted to talk to you… about that night,”
and believe it or not but that’s when your entire life changes. the guy who didn’t even know your name was suddenly there asking you for a bit if your time and the manager obviously obliges, is even eager for it, the publicity that it would get the cafè ….
but yeah, as i was saying, he’s going to come up with a “will you date me?” it doesn’t, matter if he doesn’t know your name, he’ll learn, he’ll learn everything about you, he was willing to, didn’t that count? “please, give me a chance, you won’t regret it, i swear.” and you gulp, okay…
and after that, he’s driving you home from work, home from dates he’s taking you out to, and home from even your college which isn’t even a 5 minute walk from your apartment, and although it’s supposed to feel like “dating” you can’t help but feel a little awkward around him, the fact that he was doting on you like no one ever had in your life and seemed to be perfectly fine with whatever you wanted was just a little off putting.
for the yandere, it’s as if he’s been reborn, it’s as if he found a new purpose at life, he’s so overjoyed at the fact that he was looking for a sign and god actually gave it to him. it was you! he felt everything then, he felt heart beating in his chest, he felt the rain on his face, it was everything h ever wanted.
“this is NOT the guy from the headlines, y/n, this is his twin or something,” your friends were collectively shocked.
even the media was. they wrote articles and articles on if this was just a new stunt or has the resident playboy actually settled down? and they were snooping around your life too, and when the guy went to his parents to help stop that, his parents were delighted to hear that their son wasn’t asking for a new car but instead to help protect a person’s privacy?? who was he??
but they helped, obviously. not without a catch though, they hired a private investigatior to spy on you, were you blackmailing their son? who are you? they weren’t opposed to him finding love, they just wanted to make sure he was safe and not being taken advantage of. when you turn up clean and the investigatior lets them know that you aren’t even in a bit of love with him as much he is, his father is scared.
so he hires the same investigator again, it’s safe to say that money the private investigator made on these two tasks was enough to suffice him for the rest of his years.
and his father decides to pay you a visit, “please, this is the first month since he started middle school that i haven’t been spending on people to keep their mouths shut and to not file cases aainst him, you’ve truly changed him,”
you’re a little uncomfortable again, being this person wasn’t someone you wanted to be, jsut be reduced to beng someone who fixed him, he was nice, yes, but you did not want a relationship right now, let alone a serious-committed one.
then the father takes out his trump card, “…i did not want to do this but,”
he knows where your parents live, your siblings’ workplace.
“so, play along, okay?”
and the worst thing is that, you can't even call the police on one of the richest men in your country.
and as if this problem wasn’t enough, it isn’t even been 3 months and your friends have entirely stopped talking to you. why? well, because, you can’t even have a sleepover without that guy calling you every hour, asking if you ate well, are drinking enough water. and you don't blame them, you wouldn't have liekd it if you were in their position as well.
when you try, (keyword, try) to talk to him about it, he gets super sulky… what do you mean you're bothered by being left alone by your friends? you had him… wasn't that enough?
even at your part-time, it was getting uncomfortable, the times he would just sit in the cafè, working (yes, he even agreed to take over his father's company fot you) and while he obviously paid for his drinks, it was just concerning to the people you knew that he was fliterally following you around, that wasn't healthy.
you have an intuition it won't work, but you decide to give it a try anyway. "hey, we need to talk," you text him. and there’s a response in not even seconds, “what’s wrong?”
“just come over,”
you best believe he’s there in not even 10-15 minutes, and he’s panting too. couldn’t even wait for the lift, his precious darling needed him.
“listen.. i,”
“i don’t think this is….working out,”
“don’t freeak out-“
“freak out? are you kidding? i.. love you, how isn’t this working out?”
“you’re way too controlling,”
“i’m what? do you know how many peole would kill to be in your place, and people who would want their boyfriends to be like me? nd you say i’m ‘too controlling’?”
“you have no idea how grateful you should be to me,” you’d never seen him so… angry and it was like you could see the comments being true. “he’s so rude, acts so entitled,” being true.
“don’t look at me like that, i tried my best to appeal to you in a way you should have liked,” he hangs his head down.
“now we do things my way,”
kiss your freedom, part-time, college and apartment bye bye, because you won’t need it anyway, you’ll be his spouse, and there’s no bigger qualification than that. you desperately want to work? be his assistant, he’s getting ready to take over the company soon enough. his parents do see it, the things he’s doing but they can’t interefere, at least he’s staying out of the headlines, that’s all that matters.
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anthonys237thfreckle · 2 months
‘Promise’ - Javier ‘Javi’ x Kate Carter & F! reader (angst!)
someone asked for a part two and I realized how good of an idea that was lmao. I need indirect ways to incorporate my past experiences into my fics anyway.
part one
prompt: you made a promise to distance yourself from Javi and Kate
TW: mentions of smoking, some detailed mention of self harm, suicidal thoughts, mentions of nausea, disordered eating, breakdowns, smoking, angst :(
Do NOT proceed if the triggers mentioned above upset you greatly. You have been warned.
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I made a promise
To distance myself
Once Tyler dropped you off to the train station, you smiled and waved until you couldn’t see his truck anymore. You wanted to hang onto any last string of familiarity for as long as you could.
Especially since your life would change completely - for better or worse.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment, trying to calm down your trembling body.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
5 things you see - the train station, the crumbling yellow bricks, the jolly red-white-blue american flag, your luggage, and the people. Lots of people.
4 things you hear - the people, obviously, the cicadas crying, the heavy bell ringing inside, the honking of cars for you to get out of their way.
3 things you smell - the heat - somehow, the smell of smoke from cars, and the thick air.
2 things you feel - terrified. hurt.
1 thing you taste - bitterness.
Shaking your head, you take another deep breath. Eyes dead set on the mission in front of you, you marched into the train station, bought a ticket to Oklahoma City, and settled down inside.
But now was the hardest part; waiting. What made it harder was you didn’t want to think about anything that happened yesterday. So, putting your headphones on, you made a playlist with none of the songs that reminded you of Javi or any of the ones he recommended to you. Essentially, you just listened to 3 songs in total, over and over again, but the knowledge you knew what was coming next was comforting, something you couldn’t apply to your current situation.
Took a flight, through aurora skies
Honestly, I didn't think about
How we didn't say goodbye
Just see you very soon
You woke up when the train jolted to a stop - you had fallen asleep, waking up to hear the opening notes of some song you were listening to earlier. Looking out the window, you reached Oklahoma City. With a sigh of relief and trepidation, you got your bags and headed out of the station, hailed a taxi to the airport. Booking a last minute flight back home to LA, you made your way to the gate. Setting your bag down, you sat in a char near the huge windows. Deciding it wasn’t close enough, you sat on the little raised platform attached to the window and leaned your head against it like you saw so many children do.
The boarding call was announced, and everyone sat up groggily. It all went by pretty quickly. Standing in line, getting your boarding pass stamped and your passport checked, finding you seat, putting your bag away and sitting down. Taxi and take off was a blur; luckily you got a window seat, and stared out at the pink clouds, tinted by the setting sun, a peach tone.
Peachy, just like your favourite pie.
You groaned, covering your eyes and rubbing them as your mind started to think about Oklahoma. About Javi, and the last time he saw you. And the last thing he said to you. It wasn’t even a proper goodbye, but you couldn’t blame him because he didn’t know it was goodbye.
And honestly, neither did you.
But you made yourself a promise - to distance yourself.
Those last words of his echoed in your mind.
“I- Okay, alright. Take care, (Y/N)”
It hurts to be something
It's worse to be nothing with you
You half expected a text from Javi - it had been around 24 hours since you last saw him. Since you told him you had a ‘family emergency’ to take care of. Who wouldn’t expect a little ‘you doing okay?’ or ‘safe travels’ when someone saw you break down in the middle of a field, distressed as hell? Sure, you and Javi weren’t dating, sure you both drifted apart ever since Kate got closer with him instead, but were you two not even friends anymore?
Did you mean nothing to him?
This wasn’t the first time he ghosted you - after the EF5 tornado, he didn’t say a word to you. But it was understandable why - everyone was hurting, and maybe he couldn’t bring himself to talk to you. In Oklahoma, the only times he’d talk to you is when you started a conversation, otherwise you could sit silently and he’d happily talk with Kate, leaving you be. It was never him starting anything.
And Kate. Did she figure out you liked Javi? Is that why she didn’t text you? Did she feel guilty? Part of you wanted her to feel guilty, but the other part of you didn’t want to be pitied. Part of you wanted to go back, but this - this was best for you right now. Nobody could tell you otherwise.
Instead, you got a text from Tyler.
‘hey there cowgirl - how you getting along?’
You chuckled - ‘cowgirl’ was probably the worst way to describe yourself. Instead, you typed down a response, your heart a little less heavy.
‘hey, Tyler. thanks for asking. means a lot’
He was typing, the three dots appearing on screen
‘of course. lemme know if you need anything at all okay? stay safe out there’
You sent him an affirmative text, thankful to actually have a friend who cared enough to check in on you, helping you out without questioning anything, having only known you for a week.
So I didn't call you
For sixteen long days
You found comfort in some form of familiarity in your life; back home in LA, everything looked duller, more still. Like the whole world knew about your heartbreak and was mourning, or mocking you. You tried to plunge into work, distracting yourself but sometimes, you’d just stare at your work, screen or paper, and just zone out. Your was brain still trying to process everything, and you were losing a lot over it - sleep, peace, overall joy, your will to wake up, and more.
It felt like after the EF5 tornado but worse because you knew somewhere in Oklahoma, Kate was with Javi, both of them happier than ever. It felt worse because you could never have him anymore. He was gone. And someone got to see him every day, sometimes wake up next to him, sometimes stay up all night with him. You felt like you were gonna be sick.
For a fortnight, all you could eat was cheese, bread, and grapes. It was the only thing you could keep down.
It was so hard not to text Javi. After you had just left, it’s like you were isolated for 5 years, given a taste of him, then forcing yourself to stay away. It was something you chose to do, not something you were forced to live with.
But you won’t call him. No matter how long the days felt they were dragging by.
And I should get a cigarette
For so much restraint
Walking by a drugstore to entertain yourself, you entered the establishment with an electronic ding notifying your presence. Strolling through the ailes, you picked up Sourhead Extremes (so in case you wanted to call Javi, you’d have to go through a gustatory agony first) and some nail polish, just to look pretty. Walking to the cashier, you mindlessly threw in a pack of cigarettes onto the counter, before putting them back in a jerky motion.
“What the hell…” you murmured to yourself, ashamed of what you were about to do. Buy cigarettes - to smoke.
Walking out of the store briskly, you speed-walked home; chiding yourself for almost ‘rewarding’ your no contact mission by smoking, you realized how truly pathetic you were.
“God, what is wrong with me…” you muttered, keeping your head down, watching the wet streets reflect the light of the sun and your dark sorrow.
No matter how long I resist temptation
I will always lose,
Eventually you did buy the cigarettes. You went home, lounging in your bed, a pretty china plate acting like an ashtray for you. Legs up in the air, swinging occasionally, eyes half lidded from the light high, you felt the chalky smoke fill your lungs, watching it come out in little clouds of grey air.
You felt in control for the first time since leaving Oklahoma - the cigarette sitting pretty between your red tinted fingers and lips. You smiled softly, satisfied by finally scoring a small win. You didn’t tell Tyler that you smoked. He’d say it’s a horrible habit you should give up.
Obviously it was more of a lose - giving into an impulse, and now you were at risk of falling deeper into addiction. You weren’t in control, you never really were.
But why would you make yourself feel worse when you were on the literal brink of crumbling?
Although, you didn’t get addicted. After the high wore off, you felt disgusted, throwing out the pack of almost full cigarettes. You wouldn’t tell Tyler, of course.
It hurts to be something
It’s worse to be nothing with you
Two weeks went by, and though you pretended everything was okay, it really wasn’t. You didn’t know if you missed Javi or not, but you really didn’t want to.
You don’t know if you want to see the face you loved so much, the face that lights up when he sees Kate, the face that Kate holds, kisses, caresses.. the face that she admires alongside you.
You wanted to get over him, you really did, but you cared so much about him. You didn’t want to stop caring about him, when loving him felt so… lovely.
But it hurt so much.
You barely got any sleep this past fortnight. Having a reverie about the man who daydreamed about another woman. The things you wished he did to you, he did to Kate. He was hers. So assured, so confident. No doubt in that.
For a fortnight, there you were, stripped of any text backs from him.
You were starting to think you just wanted his attention, which you dont know if you wanted anymore, knowing his attention belonged to Kate. Why would you care so much about him texting you?
But then again, weren’t you two friends?
I’ve done the math
There’s no solution
We’ll never last
Why can’t I let go of this?
Right now, you, broken, needed comfort. May it be fake hope again. Nobody was there to stop you anyway, so in your free time, you started to think of the ways Kate and Javi would have problems with each other.
‘She’s too arrogant sometimes, and he’s really down to earth’
‘She can’t communicate her feelings!’
‘Kate’s one to settle, Javi isn’t’
Of course, you knew it was wrong. Of course it was a bitchy thing to think. But who were you to care right now?
You were hurt, and you needed to feel better to even try and start to get a grip on reality. you didn’t want to rip of the band aid yet.
Not yet.
Even worse, your mind started thinking of ways you and Javi could get together; Kate could leave him in the dark again, she could get into a fight with him…
But nothing made sense - she wouldn’t leave when she looked at him that way… and any fights would be cleared quickly with Javi’s forgiving nature.
He would do anything for her.
All in all, you realized how shitty you were being, and texted Tyler, saying you couldn’t hide from Javi - couldn’t hide from the pain that haunted you. The bright lights of LA looked dull. The sun felt like a false light.
Your world was falling apart, how could the sun be shining when your world was falling apart?
‘Just walk around. Wear something that makes you feel good. Grab some good lunch downtown. Spoil yourself. Act like a damn tourist, I don’t care. Just do anything that reminds you that there’s more to life than Javi’ he wrote.
So I broke my promise
I called you last night
I shouldn’t have, I wouldn’t have
If it weren’t for the sight of a boy who
Looked just like you standing out on Melrose Avenue…
It hurts to be something
It’s worse to be nothing, with you.
Three days later, you sat on the roof of a building. The sun was setting, you looked at the streets below. People were walking - their dogs, their toddlers, and whatnot.
You were so disappointed with yourself. Closing your eyes, you thought back to everything that happened yesterday.
Following Tyler’s advice, you woke up ready to face the day.
Waking up bright and early, you went for a run, saw some pretty things on the way. You found it insane how easy it was to overlook the small things in life.
Coming home, you made breakfast; oatmeal with bananas, almond butter and chocolate chips. You savoured every bite with a smile.
You hopped into the shower, using your favourite body wash. Putting on an outfit, doing your hair and makeup, slipping on your shoes, you left the house, ready to explore the city…
All was going well until sunset.
You were walking along the streets of LA, acting like you’d never seen anything like it before. A coffee in hand, you walked confidently down the path, turning a corner to browse a bookstore on Melrose Avenue, when someone caught your eye.
A boy, waiting for the light signal to turn green, who looked exactly like Javi.
You froze.
Suddenly, you didn’t want coffee any more. You didn’t want anything right now but to go home.
You rushed home, trying so hard to control your breathing, then stumbling desperately to your room. As soon as your face crashed against the pillows, the soft, gentle fabric a perfect medium to absorb the tears now flowing down your face. You sobbed, curled into a still-bedazzled ball on your bed, hugging yourself, contracting into a fibonacci.
Reaching for your purse, you pulled out your phone, scrolling through your contacts. Through the wet and blurry lens of your tears, you scrolled into the alphabet until you reached the ‘J’ section. The first name was Javi.
Pressing on his name, then the ‘call’ button, you held it to your ear, taking shuddering breaths as you tried calming yourself down. The your phone cooed like a pigeon, signalling his phone, somewhere in Oklahoma, was ringing.
You were clean. Clean for a little over 2 weeks. Clean from his voice ringing in your ears, new words exchanged and whatnot.
But as you held your phone in your hand, crying, watching it reach Javi’s phone, waiting for him to answer, it all felt like a relapse.
Like the feeling of the cool blade on your skin, slicing through, leaving an angry red river in its wake.
The sick, high feeling you get from it - the ecstasy, watching you destroy yourself, finding beauty in the rubble.
Some part of you, the logical part of you was screaming to press the red button. To leave Javi alone. It wasn’t fair for you to reach out first, right? Why would you make a fool out of yourself by calling him? You’re not that desperate for him, are you?
But the hurt, emotional, desperate part of you didn’t, daring him to answer. Just to remind him of your existence. Just this once.
Still fighting the internal battle, you delved deeper into why he didn’t call you yet.
Did Kate tell him everything? Did she finally find out? Did she realize at all about how hurt you were?
The anger only just started to hit you, claiming your brain as a new population to be corrupted, a new host for the parasite, a new fruit to rot.
You were mad. You didn’t know at who. But you decided you were mad at Kate. For dating him. You knew it was wrong to be mad, because you had no claim over Javi, but you were too deep into your anger to actually think of a better way to cope. Suddenly, you were so mad at Kate. So, so mad. Part of you wanted to tear your house down, scream like a mad woman, but you didn’t. Your dwindling self control kept you in check.
Then came the sadness. You were so mad at Kate, but she was so happy right now. She didn’t care or know how your felt right now. how hurt you felt right now. She had Javi. Her Javi. And they were both happy - oh so happy, oh so blissfully unaware of how you felt right now.
They were happy - they were perfectly fine without you. Because they didn’t need you as a friend, not like they did in college - maybe they didn’t back then either, because they had each other. That’s all they needed. Each other was all they needed.
You were so deep into the crevices of your mind, drowning in both pain and relief, you almost didn’t hear your name drenched in Javi’s voice coming from the speaker.
follow + stay tuned for part three!!
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