sillymickel · 1 month
To Find Your Destiny … Who To Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis by Michael Adzema is free, August 12th thru 16th
What does one do in a postmodern, complex, multicultural world in which the options are so numerous and enticing as to paralyze one’s actions? How does one live a good life, a fulfilling life? What actions, commitments, careers, causes, service are most likely to return happiness?
These are questions we all need to address in our youth, yet throughout our lives as well. They come out again…
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dadabhagwan · 2 years
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Only after realizing the Self can One come into the true nature as the Self (Atmadharma).
To know more visit here: https://www.dadabhagwan.org/self-realization/
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radiounidadsai · 3 years
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OM Sri Sai Ram
A medida que los siglos ruedan uno tras otro sobre la tierra, nuevos problemas aparecen, nuevas circunstancias y aprietos nos confrontan; luego, las leyes y los límites del pasado deben ser modificados por aquí y por allá. De hecho, tales ajustes son parte del diseño. Se debe mostrar a la gente el camino hacia el progreso espiritual bajo las nuevas circunstancias, de modo que el código de la ley, ajustado a la nueva era, se declare obligatorio. Sin embargo, debe tenerse en mente lo que sigue. El Atma-dharma (el dharma divino) enunciado en el Vedanta es eterno e inmutable. No se puede diluirlo ni acomodarlo a las necesidades del momento. La enseñanza perenne es esta: la fe en el Atma como el núcleo, la realidad y la meta, es válida para todos los tiempos. Las verdades del Atma-dharma están basadas en dos fundamentos eternos: el núcleo de la persona y la naturaleza (prakriti), siendo esta última la proyección de la voluntad divina. Por lo tanto, están más allá del alcance de los cambios. Son tan relevantes y tan válidas hoy como lo eran hace miles de años.
Sathya Sai Vahini. C.12. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
OM Sri Sai Ram
When centuries roll over the land one after another, new problems arise and new situations and predicaments confront one, so the laws and limits of the past have to be altered here and there. Indeed, such adjustments are a part of the design. People have to be shown the path to spiritual progress under the altered circumstances, so that the code of law that suits the new era is declared as binding. Nevertheless, the following has to be borne in mind. The Atmadharma (divine dharma) enunciated in the Vedanta is eternal and unchangeable. It can never be watered down or “adjusted to the needs of the times”. The lasting teaching is: Faith in the Atma as the core, the reality, and the goal is true for all time. The truths of Atma-dharma are based on the eternal foundations of the core of a person and nature (prakriti), which is the projection of the divine will. So, they are beyond the reach of change. They are as relevant and as valid today as they were thousands of years ago.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 12. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
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sillymickel · 1 month
Our Global Multiculturalism Forces Us to the Roots of Our Beings to Answer Life’s Fundamental Question, “Who to Be?” …
August 12th - 16th, Who To Be by Michael Adzema is free
We have unique duties and potentials, and it's important to express those positively and creatively. The book "Who to Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis" offers insights on how to make fulfilling and authentic life choices in this postmodern era
It explores the relationship between identity, authenticity, and crisis, and it delves into the existential challenges of our modern era, providing guidance for making wise and fulfilling life decisions.
Addressing the challenges posed by a monolithic worldwide culture and the abundance of choices, Adzema explores the intricate relationship between one's identity, spiritual duty (atmadharma), and the cosmic soup of potential experiences.
Embracing our true selves and seeking authentic paths amidst the cultural mosaic of today's world becomes essential for navigating youth and the mid-life crisis, but no less so for finding our genuine place in the Universe.
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sillymickel · 1 month
Discovering Your Intended Place in the Universe … *Who To Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis* by Michael Adzema is free, August 12th thru 16th
What does one do in a postmodern, complex, multicultural world in which the options are so numerous and enticing as to paralyze one’s actions? How does one live a good life, a fulfilling life? What actions, commitments, careers, causes, service are most likely to return happiness?
These are questions we all need to address in our youth, yet throughout our lives as well. They come out…
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sillymickel · 1 month
The Crisis of Identity: Embracing Authenticity in a Worldwide Cultural Evolution  … August 12th thru 16th, 2024, *Who To Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis* by Michael Adzema is free
What does one do in a postmodern, complex, multicultural world in which the options are so numerous and enticing as to paralyze one’s actions? How does one live a good life, a fulfilling life? What actions, commitments, careers, causes, service are most likely to return happiness? These are questions we all need to address in our youth, yet throughout our lives as well. They come out…
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sillymickel · 1 month
Identity, Adolescence, & Neurosis in Patriarchal Societies & the New Hero's Cycle ...
August 12th thru August 16th, 2024, *Who To Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis* by Michael Adzema is free
What does one do in a postmodern, complex, multicultural world in which the options are so numerous and enticing as to paralyze one’s actions? How does one live a good life, a fulfilling life? What actions, commitments, careers, causes, service are most likely to return happiness? These are questions we all need to address in our youth, yet throughout our lives as well. They come out…
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sillymickel · 2 months
Who To Be: Embracing Authenticity and Fulfillment in a Postmodern World ... August 12th thru 16th, 2024, *Who To Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis* by Michael Adzema is free
What does one do in a postmodern, complex, multicultural world in which the options are so numerous and enticing as to paralyze one’s actions? How does one live a good life, a fulfilling life? What actions, commitments, careers, causes, service are most likely to return happiness? These are questions we all need to address in our youth, yet throughout our lives as well. They come out again…
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sillymickel · 2 months
In our Postmodern World, with its Unprecedented Cultural Collage, How Does One Know Who to Be … Aug 12th thru Aug 16th, 2024, Who To Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis by Michael Adzema is free
The book, Who to BE: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis by Michael Adzema poses fundamental questions about living a fulfilling life in a complex, multicultural world.
It contemplates the challenges of choosing one's path, the impact of culture on identity, & the importance of authenticity.
Drawing on spiritual & psychological insights, it emphasizes the significance of fulfilling one's unique potential & duty in life.
The work examines the influence of postmodern culture, the crisis of humanity, & the necessity of making wise choices to avoid a life of "quiet desperation."
Michael Adzema's book offers guidance for navigating life's journey & finding one's authentic self.
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dadabhagwan · 4 years
Only after realizing the Self can One come into the true nature as the Self (Atmadharma).
To know more visit here: https://www.dadabhagwan.org/self-realization/
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dadabhagwan · 5 years
Eating, drinking, arising, awaking are all dharma (functions) of the body. One has not come within atmadharma (religion of the Soul) even for a second. Had he done so, he would have never moved away from 'God'.
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To know more visit :  https://www.dadabhagwan.org/path-to-happiness/spiritual-science/know-bhagavad-gita-as-it-is/svadharma-pardharma/
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dadabhagwan · 6 years
Eating, drinking, arising, awaking are all dharma (functions) of the body. One has not come within atmadharma (religion of the Soul) even for a second. Had he done so, he would have never moved away from 'God'. To know more visit : http://www.dadabhagwan.org/path-to-happiness/spiritual-science/know-bhagavad-gita-as-it-is/svadharma-pardharma/
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