#atlas matthews
veryberryjelly · 2 months
did i finally watch now you see me & now you see me 2 and fall in love with another magic obsessed nerd
i absolutely did
spencer reid & daniel atlas 4 life <3
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terapsina · 2 years
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banhchok · 4 months
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some of my favorite splatposts i’ve made this year!! newest to oldest
context of the pentagon one was the day splatoon 1 online servers were shut down btw
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gardenlollipop · 4 months
Here's some things I couldn't stand about Aang from avatar (but it's not a hate post)
First let's start with the series. Aang was spoiled as a child and had someone like Monk Gyatso who saw him as a son. In return, Aang abandoned all his airbesties because he couldn't get what he wanted. This is a display of how selfish he is. Another scene that makes me iffy about Aang is how he never apologized to Toph when he blamed her for Appa, or how he blamed her at all. I don't have much to say about that directly, but I think it says a lot about how he would be as an adult.
Second, Aang is extremely manipulative. I don't know why nobody ever points out the clear evidence that Aangs arrows are fake and that he's not even the avatar???? Not to mention how the rest of team avatar helped him get away with this so they would all be worshipped, but this isn't about them. Also he's a murderer. There are multiple scenes or comic strips where aang forgot to apply his arrows, and it's canon that the only reason he actually left the air temple was after he was cast out for faking his air bending mastery.
Now I'll go more into adult Aang, specifically how he treated his family. He never focussed on his children except for Tenzin, and even then he left most of the actual raising up to Katara. It's also implied that he was physically abusive because of that flashback in tlok where he punched Bumi in the face when he was baybee. Additionally, how he simply hated Kya for being a girl because a misogynist, and refused to speak to her after she came out as a lesbian.
And don't even get me started on his MARRIAGE, and how he never even apologized for forcing Katara to marry him and then raise their children alone. It's also implied that he cheated on her with every member from team avatar (including Suki!), Ozai, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Xin Fu, Bataar Sr., On Ji, Iroh, Haru, Jet, Ursa, Hama, Smellerbee, Longshot, Teo, Matthew Cuthbert, and Appa. And momo. And then how he tried to turn her own brother against her and how he's also Lin, Su, AND Izumi's father, and a deadbeat.
And the most infuriating part to me is how he treated Ozai, but that would need its own post.
Here's a few more negatives about him that I don't feel like writing more paragraphs for:
-he was never actually stuck in an ice burg, but instead spent his time killing any actual avatar alive within those 100 years
-he's transphobic towards all of tenzin's children
-he killed appa and kya (katara and sokka's mom and one of the real avatars) and mai and sokka and all of the kyoshi warriors
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I've been thinking about rdr2 atla au and just mkay hear me out:
John: The fucking Avatar, left the temple when he realised, walked the land, when he realised war was about to start he wanted to fly back to the air temple, the storm caught him on his way. Very mad that he is the avatar but also really wants to kick firelords ass, just doesn't know if he is capable enough.
Arthur: The adoptive son of the southern water tribe chief, a firebender but keeps it a secret bcs FUCK FIRE NATION. Knows the ways of the water tribe and is pretty mad the chief left him and Charles here. At the beginning of the series he only knows basic firebending- his technique is very much akin to waterbending (WHICH ALSO MEANS eventually mf will have no problem with lightning bending wink wink) Finds John with Charles while fishing.
Charles: Biological son of the southern water tribe chief and will soon be the new one, with Arthur they are true brothers ALSO he knows Arthur is a firebender. Takes him out to fish regularly to calm both their minds, is also frustrated their father didn't take them with but also understands someone has to protect their tribe. Waterbender, knows basic healing. (The idea is that their father had Charles quite young therefore while he is old, that man is STRONG AF like yes grey hair but also just an incredible water bender, he took in Arthur as a young child/toddler).
Dutch: Zuko and Azula in one. A firebender and a firenation ex-general, kicked out because he spoke out of line. His punishment is looking for the avatar because the firelord knows it's a goose chase. At this point he wants to find an avatar AND overthrow the firelord. (Don't worry Hosea I have a plan).
Hosea: You know he is the uncle Iroh, firebender ofc. Dutchs bestfriend, goes to look for avatar with him, because of that he is no longer a general. Did attack Ba Sing Se, failed and his wife died during. Conflicted on the war, connected with spirit world, taught Dutch his techniques, protective over his and Dutchs soldiers.
Mary Linton: Princess of the northern water tribe, TURNS INTO THE MOON, poor Arthur.
Sadie Adler: Firenation killed her husband, earthbender and is the one to teach John earthbending.
Javier Esquella and Bill Williamson: Send after avatar by firelord, their tactic is to befriend John, end up being conflicted if they want to turn him in or let him kill the firelord
Micah: the firelord- no, I'm kidding, but the guy that got appointed into Dutchs place. When the word spreads that avatar is back and the firelord realises Javier and Bill aren't as efficient as he thought, he hires Micah to find and catch the avatar. At some point teams up with Dutch.
THE ROUGH STORY (i choose to age down the rdr2 characters and subsequently age up their character forms in atla)
Young John is raised at the temple by the air nomads. He is pretty fiesty and overall not a great student, but the monks know he is the avatar. When John finds out, he is very conflicted and unsure of himself. He gets intense airbending training, but because he is not a very well mannered student, they decide to send him away to continue his training (they know war is in the air). John, overwhelmed, runs away and walks the land for few years, somehow managing to never be found. As a young adult, he realises how bad everything is and goes back. He finds his sky bison still waiting, surviving in a cave. Guilt sets in and he flies off, but gets caught in a storm AND FROZEN.
100 years later, Arthur and Charles are the only two men who didn't go with the others to war. They go out fishing and because Arthur is frustrated (they didn't get a message from their father for a long time), Charles suggest him trying some firebending to "blow out steam". It gets out of hand and their ship burns, melting some of the ice. And so they see John and get him and his bison out of the ice. The explosion alerts nearby Dutch and Hosea. But worry not, John kicks their asses.
John, Charles and Arthur start their way to the northern water tribe. Arthur tags along because he thinks that when John finds a firebending master, he could finally learn something new. In the north, Arthur has a romance with Mary, but who turns into the moon while saving the moon spirit. Dutch and Hosea do catch John for a while, but he gets saved by the others. In the end, he and Charles learn new waterbending from the waterbending master.
In a village near Omashu they find Sadie, a strong earthbender and a widow whose husband was killed by the firenation. She agrees to teach John earthbending. They also find the kyoshi island, where Susan, Karen, Tilly and Mary-Beth promise to help if the avatar ever needs it.
During their time they have Dutch and Hosea on their tails but also Javier and Bill. Their tactic on befriending them ends up causing Javier (because he is a way stronger firebender than Bill) to teach John firebending. But the learning is not finished when a huge fight happens between them all AND Micah, who starts it. Javier and Bill show their true colours, so it's Dutch, Micah, Bill and Javier againts Arthur, Charles, John and Sadie. Hosea (at that point againts firelord), gets killed by John when he is in the avatr state. It ends with John being hurt while in avatar state.
Now on the run, John, Charles, Arthur and Sadie end up on a small island in the sea around the north. There he gets healed by a waterbender aka Abigail.
Sozins commet is close and so the final fight comes. John againts the firelord, Arthur and Charles againts Dutch (agni kai, Arthur is able to send back Dutchs lightning), Sadie and Charles againts Micah (they find out Javier and Bill never came back to the firenation, instead they deserted).
In the end John comes back to the island and finds out Abigail is pregnant (cough cough they had a one night stand) and so he spends most of his time there. ALSO PLOT TWIST WHY WAS ARTHUR SUCH A POWERFUL FIREBENDER WELL HE IS RELATED TO THE ROYAL FAMILY and so by some paperwork lies he becomes the new king (during their travels they find more firebenders who helo him with ruling + his father helps). Sadie stays with Arthur mainly just to look for excuses to kill- I mean be mean to ex-firenation soldiers. Charles is now the chief of the southern water tribe and when he and John have time, they look for any airbenders that could leave the temples and survive in hiding.
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ehmahlee26 · 7 months
Percy & Annabeth || Counting Paths
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spacehero-23 · 2 years
"I love this blonde, depressed, self-loathing, alcoholic bastard."
I am talking about matthew fairchild or callum nova? who knows...
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tootiecakes234 · 2 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms
Oooooh so exited for this😇 thanks for tagging me @chatteringfox
These aren’t in any order.
1. Qimir (this is new but LOOK at the MATERIAL!)
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2. Bree Matthews (I need a live adaptation for this TOMORROW!)
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3. SpongeBob SquarePants
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4. Arya Stark (I’m gonna ride for her til my last breath)
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5. Monkey D. Luffy (he’s my favorite MC of all time)
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6. Stiles Stilinski (I love him in all capacities but VOID STILES!!)
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7. Christina Yang (I haven’t watched Grey’s since she left🤷🏾‍♀️)
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8. Raven Baxter is MY Roman Empire!)
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9. Aang (if he has no fans, IM DEAD!)
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10. Katsuki Bakugou (I put this last cuz I know people are tired of me, but this man has me in a CHOKEHOLD!)
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No pressure tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @i-literally-cant-with-this @citrustsuki-2 @queenpiranhadon @yoyolovesdaiki @mintsbubbletea
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transformers0 · 5 months
A potential hot take, personally speaking, but I feel that Toph's lie-detecting ability is too much of an overpowered ability to the point that it feels convenient when it works and makes things easy for herself or the team, or if it fails at the worst possible time (and it feels like the writers have to mandate it).
Girl probably shouldn't have had that ability in the first place. She's already too stacked.
Also, personally speaking again, Toph does not have enough character growth or mastery over her behaviour to justify being so powerful at such a young age.
It's overpowered crap like this that makes me SO glad that other prodigy characters such as Po from the Kung Fu Panda movies can still get his ass kicked by villains or allies (in spite of his good heart and strong will).
And in the case of Anakin Skywalker, Toph's ridiculous memetic fandom that hails her as a nigh-unstoppable badass and worships the very ground she walks on makes me appreciate that Anakin on the other hand was NOT granted the rank of master, because, in the words of Obi-Wan from the Revenge of the Sith novel, "How can you be a Jedi Master when you have not mastered yourself?"
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 7 months
Okay, short post but I've seen a lot of people over the years get confused about Daredevil's Radar Sense, including myself. Especially due to the Netflix series and it's... interesting depiction, there've been a lot of people who assume he can actually see or other crazy stuff. So here's my lil explanation.
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For anyone not in the know, this is the Radar Sense. This represents what Matt "sees" in the comics to give an example as to how he experiences the world. He does not actually see this. He is actually blind, no matter how many times the Netflix series has him state "I nEvEr SaId I wAs BlInD".
Think of it like Spidey-Sense. In universe, nobody, not even the Spideys themselves, see those rays. That's not an actual visual thing that happens. It is simply to represent to us what he is experiencing, and give a universally understood visual cue so we recognize when it happens. Same thing here. And for a better example, another blind superpower with a similar visual depiction.
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This is the Seismic Sense, invented for ATLA. Anybody who's aware of the series knows that Toph is blind. Not semi-blind, not mostly blind, not technically-but-not-really-blind, just blind.
The Seismic Sense is an ability she has using her Earth bending, which allows her to gauge movements, depth, and even heartbeats by sensing the vibrations through the rocks. This is not something she actually sees, just as when Aang uses it he also doesn't see this. It is just a visual cue so that viewers 1: have something to look at, and 2: know what we're looking at.
(I should also specify that that is an image of Toph's daughter Lin using the ability, not Toph herself)
I think it would be much better to bring on actual blind people to help with depictions like this. I feel like most of the confusion comes from poor communication on behalf of the comics/series, wherein it's usually only able-bodied folks leading the representation. If someone who, y'know, actually lives with blindness gets to be apart of the discussion, the discussion would be better suited towards "Oh, Daredevil has super-senses and this is what is used to represent that" and not "blind people have superpowers??!!!!?11!"
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slothxio · 4 months
Hello World!!
I originally made this account in like 2018/2019 but I only ever used it to browse but now I’m gonna try to be active on here since Twitter is officially kaput and I’d like somewhere to actually talk about things that I like and interact with people, though I really don’t know what I’m doing on here so bare with me lol (my carrd is in my bio, more info about me there!!)
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💕 Charlie Cox 💕
Behind the scenes on Pale Sun Rose (2014) 
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rhiannons-bird · 2 years
Callum is in his chaotic era and I love it
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mysticalsadgirl · 1 year
Lottie: my first girlfriend tried to fly a plane and exploded
Crystal: that's rough, buddy
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affo-gatto-gateau · 3 months
🌀 Hey! I'm not sure if your au also includes the other hatchetfield shows but if it does, do you have any headcanons for Paul? 🥰
Oh! Yeah, I do have some ideas for other people in Hatchetfield!
Paul is... Well, he's a waterbender, technically. Albeit a pretty shit one.
I think watching Paul waterbend is like watching a giraffe try to rollerskate. It's strange, ungainly, a little sad, and no one quite knows how it happened in the first place. Really, it's the fault of 2 things.
1 - Paul is not a very graceful man. He is not coordinated. He doesn't know what to do with his hands.
2 - Paul grew up with an older sister who was a firebender. He thought that he was going to firebender too. Turns out, he's not, and instead he's stuck with muscle memory of basic firebending katas. So his bending's a weird mixture of firebending and waterbending techniques that doesn't quite mesh. It was useful when it came to helping Richie.
So, his bending is a bit off, but he can definitely do a lot of instinctual things, like catching a drink mid-air before it spills, or just messing with something close by depending on his emotions.
Just don't go to him for healing. Richie has learned this lesson well. There's a reason why Pete is their walking first-aid kit.
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
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who would win: my emotional stability or the songs on my blumendrei playlist?
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