#atlanta drabbles
||Wild danger rescue||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here with a request drabble for my friend. I Hope you like it but lets see what we got here or for this new adventure.
||Drabble summary||
It seems after a bit, both Atlanta and Theresa finds out that Archie and Jay got kidnapped!! The two were trying to figure out where they were taken to see and find the location. With that being said, the two went to rescue them. How will this go? Read to find out.
~Fighting and I mean a lot
~Knock out but possible blood
||Guests in drabble||
Atlanta and Theresa are guests but they belong to Class of The titans
Archie belongs to me but I rp him as a muse. Jay belongs to @within-the-resort since he's rped by them. Both belong to Class of the titans as well. Everyone is older and in collage so just a heads up.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"You won't get away with this!" A angry Jay shouted at his and Archie's kidnapper who was having the two chained up against the wall. Their wrists were red from the chains but it could be due to the fighting. The one that kidnapped them smiled but he didn't seem to care.
"Oh come now, I just wanted to bring you here to test a few things. No worries....if I get bored I'll let you both go....but I don't get bored that easily." He laughed seeing Archie trying to get free but no luck.
"Now, why don't you two just pipe down and relax? I still have so many new ideas to try with you. So give up. No one is going to help you." He smiled to pet the two heads of his prisoners. It did seem like this was going to be the end until....
A explosion was heard in the front of this place making the kidnapper look around feeling the place shake. "What the-what was that!?" he asked looking but checks the cameras. He saw his guards fighting but something being fired at them. Some sort of purple arrows?!
"What is this! Who is-" He then heard something or someone hitting the few guards away as they crash land in a pile. Another was there while hearing the fighting. Archie and Jay blinks to see but knew what it was and who.
"Seems they found us!" Archie smiled but the kidnapper glares.
"Who are these two!? Do you know who they are!?" he asked but Jay looks to him.
"Lets just say you did a dick move...seems our friends didn't like the fact of someone kidnapping us." Jay explains himself but heard another explosion knowing both Atlanta and Theresa was not pleased. He saw some guys get hit by Nunchucks in the face while more arrows from a wrist lazer crossbow. Both the girls looked pissed before running into the guys hideout trying to find them.
"Any luck!?" Atlanta said knocking a guy out with a kick to see Theresa shaking her head, this area was down with no more guards but the two kept running down the hallway in order to try and find the boys. However, they would make sure the other suffers for what they did.
While running down the hallway, a screen turns on showing the kidnapper who was seeing this. "Huh?"
"You have got to be kidding!? Two little girls are destroying my base!? Ha! This is just a joke I hope." he crosses his arms but Atlanta and Theresa was glaring.
"Were you the one that kidnapped our friends!?" she demands seeing the man laugh.
"And what if I was? You'll never find them or me!" He laughed before disappearing that only made the two more angry. Knowing this, they keep running through taking out who was near. Even with that, he still thinking while two guards hurry to get Archie and Jay from the wall to another room.
"Hey, where are you taking us!?" Archie said as the two got taken down from the wall but they were forced against the wall by gun point. They tense but couldn't move due to their wrists being handcuffed.
"If I have to deal with your girlfriends here then I'll just have to get rid of you. I'll just find more to test on later on-" As he was saying this, the wall breaks down showing smoke as he coughs. He looks seeing two people standing there. Jay and Archie sees it was Atlanta and Theresa!
"Guys!" Jay and Archie was happy to see them but the kidnapper got angry turning to face them while seeing more guards showing up.
"Ughhh fucking kill these bitches! I don't have time for this!" he said seeing the guards surrounding the two. Even if they did, both the girls were determined to save the boys. With that command, they tried ambushing them and seeing the two fighting back. The kidnapper sees the guards attacking only to get hit with punches, kicks, and maybe other things.
He saw Theresa kicking and slamming her nunchucks on the other while seeing a few crash in a pile. She did flips over them while deflecting some bullets ready to fight and get them. A few got pushed away by her telekenisis as well that gotten stronger over the years.
Atlanta was zipping through the guards knocking them out and firing lazer arrows as some got hit or was knocked out. She was going faster and faster fighting off the guards too. The kidnapper was shocked seeing two women fighting off his most strongest guards!
"What are you idiots doing!? Stop them!" he orders even if some got hit through the wall with Jay and Archie looking shocked. Yeah, they were angry. In that moment, both of them stops the guards and yet now walking to glare at the kidnapper. He looks at them about to attack but they beat him to it, knocking him down hard to the ground ready to take him out.
"W..wait wait!" he said but Atlanta and Theresa looks with one holding a hand out for a key. "...."
"Key. Hand it over." she orders seeing him reach to give the key that was taken as Atlanta goes to free the boys while they rub their wrists when free. The two hurries along to get over to Theresa who was keeping him down but they quickly leave the now destroyed hideout leaving a speechless kidnapper.
"..What the hell just happened???"
"Thanks Atlanta and Theresa. But how did you-"
"We got some help in looking for you you but we are happy to have found you before it got worse." Theresa smiled to Jay with Atlanta doing the same with Archie.
"Well, we owe you two for helping us..." he said.
"It's fine. As long as you two are safe it's all good. Now lets get out of here."
With a nod, the four leaves the burning tower but they were heading back thanks to a helicopter that was waiting thanks to Odie. Seems a mission was completed with Jay and Archie safe from harm.
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deansapplepie · 3 months
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Whatcha lookin’ at? (Drabble)
Warnings: none.
A/N: maybe ooc Daryl, I can’t say certainly.
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The Quarry, Atlanta
It was a scorching hot morning at the quarry. 1 month after the outbreak or maybe a little more. The community that started small at the quarry, now had a lot of people and everyone had their own function. The function division was a little sexist, but you wouldn’t complain unless someone made some harm against you, or your dad. Not that you were dangerous or anything.
You were squatting near the water washing clothes with the other women, not your favorite chore you should say. You never thought you’d miss a washing machine so much in your life, but the task was bearable, the other ladies were nice and… having him some meters away fishing and being able to steal some glances made it all better.
Your legs were paining from squatting for a long time, so you decided to stand up for a little and you couldn’t just control your eyes as they wandered to where they’ve been wandering for the last month… to the charming grumpy handsome redneck. Daryl Dixon. He wasn’t one to speak much, but when he did you could expect 2 things a pretty smart remark that no one would expect from someone like him or a sassy remark that would annoy most of people, but made you all tingly and bothered.
“You’re staring, darling. Again.” Jacqui said by your side.
“I’m not.” You answered, cheeks instantly blushing.
It was well known among the women about your crush on the redneck, they saw how you looked at him, most of them disapproved it, not that they had any saying in it, but they new a Dixon wasn’t the kind of men Dale would ever want for you. Just a few of them didn’t judge you, Carol was too busy with her problems to care about anything else, Jacqui wasn’t one to judge anyone and Amy… she was a sweetheart, young and a little rebellious, so she always thought ‘why not?’.
While you were lost in your thoughts looking at Daryl, the way his muscles tensed while fishing, the sweat running on his tanned skin burnt by the sun…
He looked back at you.
He started walking in your direction.
“Fuck.” You squatted instantly again and put your attention back to the clothes. “He saw it, please pretend I wasn’t looking at him.”
“There’s no way of pretending, both of you are always on a staring contest.” Amy frankly spoke.
“What?” You asked, nope you were always the only one staring.
You got no answer because as soon as the blonde opened her mouth to answer you, a certain redneck approached you.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” He asked his feet planted by your side.
You didn’t answer. Maybe if you pretended it wasn’t with you he would just ignore and leave.
“Horvath, I’m talking to ya.” He squatted, SQUATTED, by your side. “Why d’ya keep staring? Have ya never seen a dirty redneck?”
Shit. He wasn’t going to give up, you pissed him.
You couldn’t dare saying anything, but before he could open his mouth and pressure you one more time, the words simply left your mouth.
“You’re handsome.” You looked at him and you almost fell with your ass on the ground just by looking at his eyes deep as an ocean, but his reflexes were faster than gravity and he got a hold of your arm supporting you.
That was his turn to have no words. Were you joking?
“I like looking at pretty things.” His hand got a tight grip on your arm, it didn’t hurt, but instead sent tingles all over you.
He didn’t know if he felt flattered or offended. First of all he didn’t think he was handsome and secondly no men would like to be called pretty, but he couldn’t feel mad when it was coming out of your sweet pretty lips.
“And what does your daddy think about this?” He didn’t know what to say, so the first thing left his mouth was an intent of telling you that your father wouldn’t approve it.
In an act of boldness you said “I don’t know, I never asked him if he thinks you’re cute too.”
You thought you had screwed things bad and if he didn’t hate you before, he’d now for sure, but your worries dissipated as soon as a smirk appeared at his lips, almost a smile, his pointed canine showing slightly at the side. “Ya’re fun.”
“Sometimes I am.” You answered.
He grunted, when what he wanted to say was from now on you would probably need to bear with his staring too, not that he didn’t before, there was just one thing about you that made it impossible for him to not take glances at you constantly. He wanted to dislike you, like everyone else, but even if Merle was disgusting to you, you still treated him nice, even if his brother was a jerk.
He got up and before living you go be tortured by the other women he said one last thing.
“I’ll see ya ‘round sunshine.”
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325 @hayley1998 @shadowcitrine @vaniniweenie @cupidelocke
MDNI banner by @anitalenia
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ghettogirly · 3 months
Hi, I hope you are doing well. I was thinking Armando x Reader. Where Reader and Armando are with Mike and Marcus driving on the road and Reader decided to do a prank where she places a fart bag that releases the stinch under Marcus seat. Reader is pranking everyone and it pops open and Mike was going crazy, Marcus was making faces and Armando was turning red and saying curse words in Spanish and English and is holding his nose. Reader was dying laughing and at the end told them it was a prank. Marcus and Mike look stunned while Armando was devastated.
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-> synopsis: where aaliyah decides to prank the team with a little fart spray… not a great idea.
-> format: drabble.
-> theme: comedy.
-> warning: mature language, use of the n word.
-> authors note: thank you for requesting this, it was so fun to write!!
The cool summer breeze of Miami flowed through the crack of the window that was open in the front , as the car drove along the highway. Marcus and Mike was in the front talking, while Armando and Aaliyah was in the back.
Moving around in her seat, she looked out the window. The palm trees that were decorated down the highway danced to the slow blow of the wind, waving the team goodbye as they headed down to Atlanta, Georgia for a team getaway. Armando had his head back with his eyes closed, trying to get some rest in before having to greet the rest of the team. His tan skin glistened as the sun illuminated on him, giving him more of a caramel complexion.
Analysing him even more, he had a freshly trimmed cut and his beard was noticeably groomed. His physique was outlined by the tight white shirt he had on accompanied by some washed blue jeans. The two grandads in the front were arguing about the radio, Marcus wanting it on, Mike wanting it off.
The subtle contrast of the tranquility and chaos made Aaliyah’s heart warm. This was her family.
Glancing over at the navigation system in front of her, she wondered how long they have left. 20 minutes. Rummaging through her bag, she looked for something to keep her accompanied during the last quarter of the journey. Her eyes landed on something.
Fart spray??
A smirk creeped up on the girls face as she subtly looked around the car. Armando was still resting, Mike and Marcus had finally stopped arguing. This was her perfect chance.
Shaking up the little container, she pushed her slim hands down the corner of Marcus’s seat that was right in front of her, pressing down on the little pump.
An aroma of a foul stench quickly filled up the car, first being noticed by Mike who shot daggers into Marcus’s soul. “Now i know, you did NOT just shit yourself in my brand new car Marcus!!”
“Nigga, fuck you and your motherfucking car! I didn’t do shit!!”
“So what is that smell?!”
Psh. Psh. Another pump.
Quickly hiding the spray back into her bag that was on top of her lap, Aaliyah sat back into her seat. Moving her 3c curls out her face, she quickly covered her nose with her baby blue top that she had on. “What the fuck is that smell?!”
Looking back at Aaliyah with a pained expression on his face, Marcus whispered, “Mike shat in his diaper..” Which resulted in a slap of Mike who heard the smaller guy. “It’s your fault that the car is smelling this!!”
The three started shouting backwards and forwards, trying to figure out the root of where the stench is coming from. Awaking from his slumber, the latino male sits up. “¡¿Quién coño huele así?!” Armando swore before quickly covering his nose with his hands.
“It was probably Armando farting in his sleep, Mike control your son!!!!” Marcus shouted, turning around and pointing at Armando while shaking his head. In disbelief to the accusations, Armando points his fingers back and starts pleading his case. “¿De qué coño me acusas? Apuesto a que fuiste tú.”
“Talk English Spanish boy!!!! We aren’t in viva la Mexico!” Marcus shouted back.
“He has a point though, maybe you’re accusing everyone because you know you did it!!” Mike shouted back.
“Oh so now you motherfuckers ganging up on me? Father/son attack?”
The arguing continued, unbeknownst to Aaliyah, Armando, Mike and Marcus, they pulled up to the little cabin where the getaway was held. Too involved in their argument of who done it, they didn’t realise they had an audience who was watching the chaos unfold. Marcus was shouting at both Mike and Armando, who were shouting back at him. The brown skinned girl was sitting there, her shirt still covering her nose as she pleaded for someone to open a window, falling on deaf ears. “Maldita sea, ni siquiera puedo descansar en paz cerca de ustedes.”
“We haven’t done shit!”
Looking around, Aaliyah noticed that they arrived at the location. “Guys, we are here!!”
“Gracias Dios, necesito salir de este coche.”
Everyone quickly opened the car doors, gasping for air as they all stared at each other. “Why you looking at me like that for?” Marcus exclaimed, mugging Mike. “This was YOUR fault motherfucker, why else??”
And then… the arguing continued.
Aaliyah now sick of the constant bickering between the two grandads pulled her bag out the car. “Guys, it was a prank! See?” Waving the small component of the spray which contained the foul stench, smiling at the two.
“I know this girl is not smiling in my face thinking shit is funny..?” The taller male spoke looking towards Marcus. “I think she is.”
“Tienes diez segundos para correr, mamá.” The latin male whispered, staring straight through the woman’s soul. His chocolate coloured eyes, now slowly turning into black orbs.
Oh shit.
Running into the house, Aaliyah pushed past the couple who stood infront of the door. Swiftly after, Armando, Mike and Marcus ran after her.
“You’re done for!!” The three all shout in unison.
“¡¿Quién coño huele así?!” : Who the fuck is smelling like that?
“¿De qué coño me acusas? Apuesto a que fuiste tú” : Why the fuck are you accusing me for? I bet it was you.
“ Maldita sea, ni siquiera puedo descansar en paz cerca de ustedes. “ Fucking hell, i can’t even rest peacefully around you guys.
“Gracias Dios, necesito salir de este coche.”: Thank you God, i need to get out of this car.
“Tienes diez segundos para correr, mamá.” : You got ten seconds to run, mama.
[🌸] 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @dyttomori @shurisgf @milliumizoomi @tyneshaaa @armandosbabymama @wizewhispers @amplifiedmoan @thedarkworldofhananerea @deadpool15 @5tarlan7 @sarcasticbitchsblog @believeinthefireflies95 @yeahnohoneybye
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pinkbowsforhim · 1 month
Pretty Girl | D.D Drabble
Warnings: Suggestive. No mentions of y/n or y/ns Gender | 17+ Timeline: Around season 5-6
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It was late, you and Daryl were cuddled up on the bed, the oh-so-soft bed you had come to love. After the Atlanta incident, and after days out on the road, the group had been welcomed to a community, Alexandria. It took a bit of time to adjust to everything, after so long trying to survive the weeks you've all spent without a stable shelter…
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Well, thankfully you've now had a quiet place to sleep in, relax... and maybe do other things...
Once Daryl and you had gotten your own place, you neither had time to be intimate. Just playful touching and such; After all, you both never had enough time to finish what had started, so this undoubtedly left you both feeling very needy.
You were needy, and it showed, but you knew that Daryl didn't have time to take care of your needs as much, so you took advantage of this wholesome moment between the two of you. Slowly caressing his face, brushing your fingertips against his stubble; gently pushing back the hair that had seemed to bother his eyes.
"Whatcha doing'?" his voice came out hoarse, low and deep. It caught you off guard, yet you only smiled. "Nothing', what? I can't touch my boyfriend's face now? " You batted your eyelashes, while you still had your hand on that strand of Daryl's hair.
Daryl's face went red once you spoke up; it was rare to see him blush, but once you got a glimpse of his cute reactions, you couldn't help but cherish them and get giddy, smiling like a child.
"I didn't say that, I'm just askin' what ya doing' to ma hair.. task..." "Just relax Daryl, I won't do nothin'," well that was a bit of a lie. You wanted to do everything, you wanted to make him. You liked him in ways that you'd never think of before. Even though right now, you just wanted a small touch.
"Daryl.. Can you touch me? " You let out, this seemed to get Daryl's undivided gaze. Looking into your now hazy eyes, "Please Daryl.." you were never one to plead, so this, to Daryl was cute... concerning? Or maybe just out of character for you.
You trailed your hand down his shoulder, to his arms, to his rough calloused hands; now bring them to your lips, parting them and bringing them into your warm wet cavern. As you continued to hold onto Daryl's hand, slowly you wrapped your glossy plush lips around his thumb. The taste of saltiness and the roughness of his skin only made you want more.
"Nah-uh, pretty girl," before you could start sucking, he pulled away; bringing you closer to him with the same hand, his right hand, bringing in your chest against his much broader one.
"Ah!" you yelped. This made you flush, out of embarrassment. As he kept his hand at the lower base do your back, you felt that familiar warmth in the pit of your stomach.
As your chest was pressed against Daryl's, you could feel your body shivers, the hairs springing up, and the shivers slowly rising in your chest. And soon to your nipples. Your already sensitive buds, getting hard, and just with the smallest bit of friction, you feel the pleasure ring throughout your body.
"Daryl... I need it.." you were practically crying in front of him. Begging for the world to stop, and for him to give to the rest of what you need.
"Shh—shh, be quiet for me... just let me savor ya being this needy for me.. then I'll give you what ya need."
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credits to @anitalenia for the dividers!
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redroomreflections · 3 months
Our Little Family - The Loud House Drabble
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: a direct response to Thread of A Promise. Natasha and R reflect on how far they've come a few years into the future.
The Loud House can be read on a03
note: a friend requested this so y'all can thank them for that.
tw: mention of child loss
Sometimes, you try not to think about it too much. You try to push that morning to the back of your mind. It's been years—three to be exact. You’d woken up to your worst nightmare and the deepest heartache you’d ever experienced. These days, it's a bit easier to bear.
With the loss of your child, you gained clarity. You knew what was important, who was important. You poured all your energy into volunteering, spending more time working with children in any capacity you could. You and Natasha became foster parents. Children have come and gone from your home, and you’ve loved and cared for them all the same.
Now, you have Cara. She’s the light of your life and the sassiest little preteen you could have ever asked for. Her adoption went through just a few months ago when you got another call for respite care. With Willow back in Atlanta, the sound and pitter-patter of little feet is missed. Of course, you jumped at the chance.
James and Charlotte are like breaths of fresh air. They fit right in. Charlotte is three and spunky. James at barely fifteen months old is still developing his little personality. 
 Mostly, he enjoys clinging to you and Natasha. He still has so much time to explore the world. Getting the kids into a routine is a feat. It's only been a few weeks since they've been home and their future is uncertain. Which causes a touch of anxiety for the ever-perceptive Charlotte.
Tonight, she'd thrown her first epic temper tantrum, kicking and screaming for what seemed to be no reason at all. Of course, you could probably pinpoint a few things. You'd had a work meeting that ran over a little too long. Natasha was stuck in traffic after training and therefore came home a little late after dinner.
You tried your best. You read her a bedtime story and gave her a little more warm milk. Still, she threw the bottle across the room. That in turn startled James who had been feeling a bit insecure on his own. Natasha had stepped in to see the tail end of things. She didn't ask questions. She rolled up her sleeves and got down to business. She carried Charlie into the bathroom to get started on a bath. Charlie mostly clung to Natasha as she watched the bubbles form in the water.
Meanwhile, you got James undressed too hoping that a bit of skin-to-skin would calm him down. He was all red-faced and teary-eyed as you walked toward the bathroom. Your frustration dwindled when you saw Natasha and Charlie standing beside the tub, both dipping their hands in and trying out the bubbles. Charlie still had a few tears streaming down her face along with hiccups but even she couldn't help but laugh at Natasha's antics.
She blew a few bubbles, then tried to pop a few of them, and she had a look of pure concentration on her face. It's so adorable, you can't help but watch.
"Can you tell me why you were sad, Charlie?" Natasha asked as she stood next to the little girl.
"Um, I wanted you," Charlie stuttered."I wanted you to come home." She swiped a hand across her cheeks. "To be with me."
Natasha nodded, then looked to you."Why didn't you use your words and tell Momm-y/n?" Natasha corrects herself. It's habit she's so used to talking to Cara. She doesn't want to force it on Charlie. The little girl could use whatever title she saw appropriate. "We've been practicing."
Charlie shrugged."'Cause...I don't know."
"Because you were afraid or sad?"
Charlie's bottom lip jutted out and she nodded."Yeah."
"I'm here now. And y/n did her very best," Natasha said softly, her eyes flickering to yours for a moment. You're standing with James tucked against your chest. "I'm sorry you were feeling bad. I know how you like our routine just as it is."
"And baby brother was crying too and it was so loud," Charlie pointed out. Even though she was partly to blame for his crying. You would never tell her that.
"He gets upset when his schedule is thrown off," You said."We should've made sure to keep it together. We'll do better next time, right Nat?"
"Yes, we will," Natasha promised. She helped Charlie step into the bathtub. Meanwhile, James refused to be put down. He whimpered when you tried to set him onto his feet.
"Okay, okay," You sighed."I guess you're staying with me, little man." You bounced him on your hip and pressed a kiss to his temple. He settled after that. You watched Natasha bathe Charlie. Eventually, he calmed enough for you to include him in the bedtime ritual. Tonight though you knew the kids needed a little more loving.
With them all dressed and moisturized, you turned on their favorite lullaby music. The nursery housed the crib and Charlie's bed. After a lot of trial and error, you realized they slept better being in the same room. Charlie was protective of her brother and often wanted to be with him. This was the compromise. Eventually, during this little routine, you and Natasha switched children. The heavier weight of Charlie was comforting as she rested her head on your shoulders. She sucked her thumb into her mouth, her eyes fluttering closed only briefly as she fought her sleep. Natasha was having a good time beside you as she rubbed James' bare body soothingly. He's barely fifteen months and still so tiny and cuddly. This moment felt like heaven.
"Mmm," James babbled to himself. Just like his sister, he was fighting his sleep.
"It's funny how life turned out isn't it?" Natasha spoke softly.
"Hmm?" You questioned as you moved your gaze from Charlie's sleeping form to Natasha's loving gaze.
"I was just thinking," She breathed. "About him," Natasha said and you instantly knew what she was talking about.
"I think about him sometimes too," You avoided her gaze. Your unborn baby was always on your mind. It's funny that even after all this time you both were insistent on being a boy. You'd lost him before you could ever find out.
"I think about how I was scared out of my mind."
You frowned and looked at her. "Of what?"
"I was terrified to become a mother," Natasha confessed."I was terrified I wouldn't be a good mother."
"Well, I can say for sure that I was right," You smiled. "You are one badass boy Mama."
Natasha chuckled and shook her head."Thank you. But you were so confident and ready."
"Not really," You disagreed. "I was scared too."
"But you were so excited and open to the idea." Natasha began. "I was too but I don't know. I knew would have this. What we have here."
"Our own little James," You dared to say. He's not even yours yet. Not truly. He still belongs to the state. Both of them do. But you hope and pray that they get to stay.
"Is it hard for you? The fact that he has the same name?"
"At first it was..." You trailed off. "I was afraid of the memories and the pain but now...now it's the sweetest memory."
"That's how I feel," Natasha agreed.
"I don't want to let my thoughts slip and believe in reincarnation or something freaky," You shake your head. "The ages kind of align."
"I've noticed," Natasha hummed. She planted a sweet kiss atop James's head. He gave her a soft coo in return.
"I don't want to treat him as if he is ours in that way," You shook your head. "As if he's just here to fill some void and that he has the same name. It's just... have you ever felt like you're right where you're supposed to be."
"More than you know," Natasha's lips spread into a smile."I never thought I would have any of this. Now I do and it feels amazing."
"I never thought I'd love someone the way I love you."
"And I love you more than anything in this world," Natasha promised."You have the biggest and the most beautiful heart. I love the family we have created."
"Me too," You sighed happily.
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justagalwhowrites · 4 months
Hi Kit 💜 Im most of the way through a Lavender re-read. They're on the road and Joel’s feelings for Ellie are surfacing. It got me thinking… how would he have reacted arriving to the QZ to find out he had a 5 year old? 💔
Hi Bestie!!
AHHHH A REREAD? OF MY LIL FIC??? Dying 😭 That anyone read it at all let alone wants to re-read it just blows my freaking mind.
I'd intended to write a lil fic of this at some point but the more I thought about it the more involved it got and, honestly, I don't want to dedicate that much time to that particular AU. But, because I've thought on it so much, here's some of what I see playing out. It's tucked below the cut (including a Drabble) because it's just so long and there's a scene as well as some bullet points for how I see things going for a while.
I hope you like it!
The Best of Us - Lavender AU
A/N: No real warnings, this is a Drabble. Lil baby Joel and Doc snack for you.
October 6, 2008
You couldn’t put it off any longer. 
You’d shown Joel and Tommy around the whole of the QZ and you’d tried to give Joel space while you did it. You weren’t sure where you really stood with him, what he would want from you. But he’d kept your fingers clutched tight in his grip the whole day, so often pulling you closer so your bodies were aligned and you could feel him beside you, still tall and broad and strong. He was still so substantial, still so… Joel. Still the man you loved more than almost anything else, still the man you’d planned to spend your life with once, still the man who had left you when you begged him to stay. Still the father of your child, something you were still afraid to tell him. 
He was still Joel and, while it felt like he was desperately keeping you close all day, you couldn’t be sure what that meant. It seemed like Joel and Tommy had been on their own for a while. You’d clung to Andrew, too, because he felt safe. You weren’t sure that Joel would want anything to do with you once he got settled in here. He hadn’t wanted anything to do with you before. 
And all that was before the Evie of it all. You hadn’t mentioned your daughter to him. He’d had no idea you were pregnant when the world ended and you had no idea how to bring it up now. Not that you hadn’t thought about it over the years but, for some reason, you’d thought you’d have some notice. You didn’t expect them to just turn up in Boston. You’d expected them to show up in Dallas or Atlanta and you’d hear about it on the radio, coordinate a time to talk to them and see how they were and if they’d even be willing to come to Boston at all. If they weren’t, you weren’t sure you’d even tell Joel about Evie. It seemed like an unnecessary risk because you knew - knew - as soon as you told Joel she existed, he would do everything he could to reach her. She was a child he didn’t plan for, one he didn’t want with you, but one he would do anything for all the same. You would see if they wanted to come to Boston and, if they did, plan to meet them and talk to her in advance so she knew what was going on. 
This had been so sudden. You’d told Evie precious little about her father. She’d asked about him, of course, when she learned that fathers were something children had but she didn’t. You explained that he was far away and that she may never get to meet him but that you knew he loved her very, very much. Because you knew that, if Joel was aware of her, he’d love her with everything he had. That’s who he was. You’d told her how much you loved her father and her big sister, that her father loved to play music and you found some of his favorite CDs at the black market so she could know his favorite songs, that her father used to build things. She didn’t know that he was here. You didn’t know how she would handle that and you didn’t have time to get her ready. 
All you could do now was hope that it went OK for both their sakes. 
“So,” you smiled a little, stopping in front of the apartment you’d helped secure for Joel and Tommy. “This is your place. I’m happy to help you get settled but there should be furniture and some of the basics inside, just whatever was left from people who were there before. FEDRA does a pretty good job of keeping the looting to a minimum in places they’re looking to house people and they check things over before someone moves in.” 
Joel’s grip on you tightened and you took a deep breath, stomach in knots. 
“I was hoping, though, that I might be able to steal Joel for a bit?” You looked between the two men. “Not that it hasn’t been great to see you, Tommy, and I’m so happy you’re here but…” 
“Nah, Kid, I get it,” he gave you one of his signature crooked smiles before clapping Joel on the shoulder. “You two have fun.” 
He got the key out of his pocket and headed up the stairs to his building, and you watched until he went inside. You turned to face Joel and found that he was staring at you, his deep brown eyes tracing over your face again and again. 
“If it’s OK with you,” you said, looking at him. “I’d like to take you to my place? It’s not far and there’s… there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” 
“Sure, yeah,” he said, lifting the hand that wasn’t holding yours but then seemingly thinking better of what he was going to do with it. “Whatever you want, that… We can do whatever you want.” 
You smiled tightly and led the way, clinging to his hand. Who knows if he’d want to keep holding it once he found out about Evie so you were going to touch him while you still could. 
“I’m up there,” you said, stopping at the base of the stairs up to your floor. “You… you should know that I don’t expect anything from you.” He looked confused but you pressed on. “It’s whatever you want to do, OK?” 
“Alright,” he said, brows knitted together. “Don’t much know what you’re talkin’ about but…” 
“It’ll make sense in a minute,” you said. “Just… Know that you don’t have to do anything.” 
You led the way up the stairs and dropped his hand before taking a deep breath and unlocking your front door. 
“…that’s against the rules though,” Andrew was saying as you came inside. He was sitting on the floor by your coffee table, a cracked version of Hungry Hungry Hippos sitting on the gouged wood and your daughter kneeling on a pillow across from him, her back to the door. Her dark curls hung to her hips and Andrew must have tied a ribbon in her half ponytail that morning that was now was hanging on for dear life. “You can’t just pick up the marbles, kiddo, that’s cheating.” 
“But they weren’t coming to my side!” She whined. “It’s not fair!” 
“Too bad for you,” he said, meeting your eyes and smiling a little before nodding in your direction. “Look who’s home!” 
She turned so fast that her hair twirled behind her, her eyes - warm and brown and deep, so like her father’s - wide and excited. 
“Mama!” She shot up from the table and rocketed for you and you caught her out of the air, picking her up and popping her on your hip. Her arms went around your neck and she buried herself in your shoulder for a moment before pulling back to look at you, a stern look on her small face. “Mama, you didn’t take me to school today, I missed you!” 
“I missed you too, baby girl,” you said, tugging her closer so you could kiss her cheek. “But I had something very important to do this morning and you like when Uncle Andrew walks you to school.” 
“I like when Uncle Andrew walks me AND you to school,” she corrected you. “It’s best when it’s both.” 
“I agree, it is best when it’s both,” you smiled a little and nuzzled into her, breathing in the sweet smell of her hair and skin. “But there’s someone I want you to meet. Evie, this is… this is my friend, his name is Joel. Joel, this… this is Evie. Short for Evelyn.” 
You looked away from your daughter, still holding her on your hip as you turned to fully face Joel. He was staring at her, his mouth slightly open, his eyes wet.
“Evelyn?” He asked softly, still watching her. 
“Evelyn,” you said, taking a deep breath. “Evelyn Miller.” 
“Hi!” She said brightly, starting to squirm in your hold. You set her down and she went to Joel, tilting her head all the way back to look up at him. “My mom doesn’t usually bring friends home, why haven’t I met you before?” 
“He just got here,” you said, coming up behind her and resting your hands on her small shoulders, watching as Joel took her in. His eyes lingered on her eyes and lips and hair. You knew he was finding all the parts of him that existed in her - she had so much of him in her - and that he was coming to grips with it all. “He was outside for a long time.” 
“Outside?” Her nose crinkled and she looked over to you. “But you said it’s dangerous out there.” 
“It is,” you said. “That’s why he came here. I knew him a long time ago, before you were born.” 
“Oh,” she said, turning back to Joel. “So did you come here to find my mom? Where did you come here from? Why didn’t you get here sooner? What…” 
“Why don’t we give Joel a minute,” Andrew said, coming over and taking her little hand. “It’s almost bedtime, yeah? Think there’s a little girl here who needs to start thinking about pajamas…” 
“Just getting changed,” he said. “Then you can say hi to Mommy’s friend again and you can drive him crazy with all the questions instead of just me, c’mon.” 
He scooped her up and mouthed ‘you OK?’ once she couldn’t see. You just nodded and he carried her back to her room. You watched them go before turning to Joel who was just staring at the hall they’d disappeared down. 
“I have a fire escape, out the kitchen window,” you said, nodding to it. “It’s pretty private. We can go there and talk.” 
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, OK.” 
You opened the window and clambered out of it, Joel following behind you. You took a deep breath, looking up at the moon, giving Joel a second to process everything. 
After a moment of silence, he spoke. 
“You have a daughter,” he said it so quietly. 
You nodded slowly. 
“I do,” you said. “She’s four and a half today, she’s very excited about the half. Apparently those six months are vital at this age…” 
“She…” he leaned on the creaking metal of the fire escape, his fingers clenched tight on the railing. “She was born… April then?” 
“April 6th,” you nodded. 
“Which…” he was fumbling for the words. 
You helped him out. 
“We made her my last trip to Texas,” you said quietly. You leaned back against the railing so you were looking at Joel instead of out to the other side of your apartment complex. 
“Jesus,” he breathed, looking back over his shoulder toward your apartment for a moment. 
“I know this is…” you took a deep breath. “It’s a lot. She doesn’t know that you’re her father and she doesn’t need to know. I know this wasn’t the plan before let alone now, especially not since…” You couldn’t bring yourself to say Sarah’s name. Especially not when you’d told Evie so much about her big sister through the years. “I don’t expect anything from you, Joel. You don’t need to be anything for either of us and I promise you I will take care of her. She’s my whole world, I’ll do everything I can to take care of her and she’s doing OK. Great, under the circumstances. There’s a preschool that some of the moms set up, she hangs out at the clinic with me in the evenings, Andrew does so much for her… I think she might like him better than me some days. I’ve taken care of her without you her whole life and I can just… I can keep doing that, it’s OK. You don’t need to do anything but I… I don’t know. I wanted you to know that she existed. That she has your hair and your eyes and sometimes she frowns like you which is so funny to me since she didn’t learn that, she couldn’t have, she just knows it…” 
“You were pregnant,” he said softly. “During the outbreak, when everything… you were pregnant?” 
You nodded, watching him. 
“And you… you were alone,” he said. “You did all that… you made it here alone, when you were pregnant.” 
“Not alone,” you said. “I found Andrew a few days in…” 
“And he was, what, 12?” He asked, voice sharp. You flinched a little. 
“He was 18 then,” you said. “But we took care of each other…” You watched Joel, his grip on the railing tightening. “What are you thinking?” 
“That I fuckin’ left you to do this on your own,” he snapped. “That I’ve been out there while you were here with our fuckin’ kid! I should have been here this whole time, I should have been there, with you then instead of…” 
“Joel,” you said gently, resting your hand in the middle of his back. He was so large next to you, the span of his shoulders so broad. “It’s OK. You didn’t know, it wouldn’t have been any different and she and I… we’re OK. We made it here, she’s got a roof over her head and food to eat and she’s loved, she’s so loved. She’s doing good.” 
He was quiet for a moment but he didn’t pull away from you. 
“Tell me about her,” he said, his voice pained. “What is she like?” 
“She’s very smart,” you smiled. “She reads very well, she started reading on her own about a year ago. She loves games and she’s very invested in things being fair. She loves animals, we look at old National Geographics all the time, she’s obsessed with giraffes at the moment but she’s also completely blown away by the fact that people had pets before. She desperately wishes she could have a dog in the QZ.” 
You looked at Joel, until his eyes met yours. 
“She’s really the very best of us,” you said quietly. “She’s smart and she’s strong and she’s driven and she cares so deeply. When she loves something she just hangs on so tight, she’s so… She’s doing well and it’s OK if you can’t do this. I know it’s not what you wanted and it’s OK if you can’t or just don’t want to, I don’t expect…” 
“I want to be there,” he cut you off. “She’s… she’s my… I need to be there for her. For her and… and for you. If you’ll let me, I don’t want to blow your lives up, baby, but let me be there for you and her, please.” 
There was a knot in your throat that you couldn’t speak around so you just nodded quickly, feeling Joel’s eyes on you. His large hand found your face, cupping your cheek as his other arm wrapped around you, his fingers spreading wide over your lower back to cradle you to him. 
“Please,” he said again, his eyes searching yours.
You put your arms around his neck and kissed him then, the feel of his lips on yours familiar and comforting, even after so many years. He held you close and tight and, for the first time since before the outbreak, you felt the heat of want flare in your stomach, the drive to feel him as close as possible strong. 
“Let’s go find Mama!” Andrew said loudly from inside and you pulled back from Joel, his hands still on you. 
“I don’t want to tell her who you are just yet,” you said quietly. “I want to ease her into it without it being too confusing but… want to come inside? Get to know your daughter?” 
“Yeah,” he said. “I do.” 
You smiled and took his hand, leading him back into your life. 
Other moments that stand out to me in this AU
It takes Joel and Doc longer to fully get back together, she's very cautious because Evie is involved. She doesn't want to send her mixed signals or confuse her.
Doc and Andrew lived together for the first two years of Evie's life. Joel very much resents that she had her early childhood years with another man and not him as her father figure.
Andrew was there when Doc gave birth. He held her through it and was one of the first people to ever hold Evie. It was love at first sight for him, she basically became his whole baby in that moment.
Joel and Andrew's relationship is even more tense in this version. Andrew is SO protective of Evie and Joel wants to be the man Evie looks to but that takes time. There is far more direct competition here.
Joel and Doc still split when he finds out the details of the pregnancy (namely that she knew about it well before the outbreak and just didn't tell him.) He still blows up at her and blames her for Sarah's death.
They can't stay apart nearly as long, though, as Joel might leave Doc, he cannot leave his daughter. They have to see each other regularly to play pass the kiddo. This leads to a lot more sex and off/on periods between the two of them over the years.
Doc and Tommy's love affair either a) never happens or b) is VERY short-lived. She's the mother of his niece, the relationship is different even though his feelings are the same.
Tommy is far harder on Joel about Doc in this universe because that's the mother of his whole kid right there. Tommy never had much patience for Joel treating doc poorly to begin with but that patience is even more limited in this reality.
Doc stays fully on the hook for Joel more in this fic because they never really have distance. She never dates Derek because she can't ever move enough past Joel to be with anyone else.
I THINK they'd get back together in this version a lot sooner (I'm thinking post McCarthy? They'd sleep together after and Joel would, at that point, I think understand that this isn't going anywhere in a way he doesn't in the OG version) but it's not easy. Joel is still trauma brain Joel in a state of constant retraumatization. They'd fight a lot. He'd still subconsciously try to distance himself from her. It'd be rough.
He's SO protective of Evie. So so SO protective of her. She pushes back against him a ton in her teens because she desperately wants some for of independence and Joel will not let her have it. She sneaks out a lot. Given what happened to Ellie, it's low key a miracle she's not bitten in the QZ.
I'm not sure Joel would take Ellie in this reality. Since he has someone to live for besides Tommy I don't think he'd be as desperate to go on a suicide mission searching for him. But let's say he does, it would mean either a) also bringing Evie along or b) leaving Evie with Andrew and Jess. It would be ROUGH.
I think they would still have Sylvie in Jackson. I think Doc would have always wanted another baby but neither of them wanted to bring a child into the QZ. Jackson - and the person Joel becomes on the way there - makes that possible. This might be the only version of the story that has both Evie and Sylvie in it.
So yeah! I hope that's some insight into this version of the story.
Thank you for asking, Bestie! Love you!!
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Will Trent Masterlist
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Colour - Will's life changes when he meets you.
Touch - Will's always been touch starved.
Home - Will realises that home isn't a place.
First Day of My Life - Will realises he's in love with you when he hears a certain song.
Trust - You realise that Will's been keeping a secret from you.
Mixtape - You make Will a mixed tape.
Deserving (NSFW) - Will's the only one who can give you exactly what you need.
Miss You - Will misses you while you're away.
Sunrise (NSFW) - Will loves you until the sunrises.
Orange Blossoms - Will enjoys having you around.
A Few More Minutes - Will loves listening to you read.
A Hell of A Day - Will loves coming home to you after a tough day.
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First Time!Series:
Scars - Will's never met a woman like you.
Good Morning - Will wakes up alone the morning after.
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Sins of the Father! Series:
Father - Will makes a discovery about your heritage.
Sugar Cookie - You and Will discuss the revelation about your father.
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TheDeal! Series:
Sunshine - You're attacked in your apartment.
Here (Drabble) - Will turns up at a crime scene to find you're the victim.
After Care - Will takes care of you in the aftermath of your attack.
It Doesn't Work Like That - Will comforts you in the aftermath of your father's death.
She's Gone - Will wakes up to find out you've left Atlanta.
Different - Will compares the differences between you and Angie.
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Part One: Notions - Seeing you with a baby opens Will up to a future he never contemplated.
Part Two: Trying - You and Will struggle to give each other what you really want, causing friction in the relationship.
Part Three: Thirty Days - Your plans to start a family with Will are put on hold when he goes undercover as Bill Black.
Part Four: Two Months - Will comes home to a surprise after two months undercover.
Letting Go - Will finally decides to let go of Angie.
Troublemaker - A forgotten birthday leads Will to make the realisation he's moving on.
NSFW Alphabet:
Yes Master
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httpknjoon · 2 years
masters of handling break ups | ksj
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plot | After the tabloids released news of you and Jin ending your unconfirmed relationship, the world watches how you two will handle it.
words | 1210
genres | humor/crack, barely fluff, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
warning | language
disclaimer | usernames used in the fic are all fictional.
note | i was inspired to finish this after jin's the astronaut. it's wonderful. y'all better stream 🤨 this scenario is inspired by a real-life Hollywood couple haha have fun reading!
main masterlist | drabble series
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Sometime in 2018, a year after the release of your first film with Jin, another rumor went around. It was a hundred percent different than the usual news about you two. It was a split-up rumor. Of course, it caused a disastrous stir both in the media and on the Internet. 
@/y/nfan: what do you mean YN-JIN broke up????????
@/Y/NJINUpdates: [closed]
replying to @/YNJINUPDATES
– @/Y/NJINUpdates: No, I’m kidding. I’m not closing this account since neither Y/N nor Jin shared any statement about this issue.
@/itsworldwidejin: y’all didn’t believe me when i told u that relationship is just pr 🤣
replying to @/itsworldwidejin
– @/y/nism: please 😭😭 neither of them needed pr
@/glossylips: My mom is wondering why my sister is crying in her room for hours now. How am I going to explain this to her????
replying to @/glossylips
– @/Andrei101: Just tell ur mom two celebrities broke up.
— @/glossylips: No, can’t do. I’m crying too 😭💔
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“Oh my god. She was a mess.”
A source shared with some news outlets. Tabloids and magazines had your pictures on their front page. The images were all unflattering, honestly. It was taken during your regular routine when you don’t have work. You were seen getting coffee with a messy hairdo with dark sunglasses on. 
“She always wears those to hide her tired eyes. She has been crying all the time since Jin broke up with her due to her extreme jealousy. There was a time she was even sobbing while ordering her usual cup.”
Almost four weeks after that news, all eyes were still on both of you. You flew to Atlanta for the production of your new Apple+ movie. Still, the paparazzi are taking every chance they can to have snaps of you in your worst times. One of them is you walking to your trailer while tearing up. There was even a video of you being hugged by Florence Pugh, one of your co-stars, while you sobbed.
“It was heard that she and Jin tried to fix everything. But it was useless. Their busy schedules didn’t help. Her co-stars were all kind and considerate of her when she ask for a quick break.”
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Jin was seen in the same somber mood too. Although the media didn’t get many shots of him like yours, who’s always teary,  they still got many contents to feast on. Especially since Jin is doing promo and interviews for his film with a friend, Hoyeon Jung.
During press junket, everyone always pointed out how quiet Jin is. He didn’t really talk much unless needed. He wore a plain expression on his face, looking more serious than those times he was doing press with you. Yes, he would laugh with Hoyeon but he doesn’t joke much. His fans defended him, saying that the actor is probably tired. 
“Jin is totally heartbroken by the split up. He is a loner type. He would separate himself from his castmates after promos. After the premiere of Stardust in New York, Jin didn’t attend the afterparty and flew home to California instead. He and Hoyeon are just friends. It was Y/N’s jealousy and later, their limited time, that pushed them to break up.
They are also reports where a source shared that Jin was heard talking to someone through a phone call. They suspected it was you as the actor can be heard being “soft” with his choice of words and tone.
Fans and the media waited for any statement from you or Jin. But you two remained quiet on social media, only posting ads for your sponsors. Jin, who is a very private person, always has his manager look out for any possible intimate questions that the newspeople will ask. Donny was even asked about you two during his Instagram Live but he simply dodged it. Your manager, Hailey, was the one who handled your phone since you rarely used it during production.
It was safe to say that both of your and Jin’s separate fanbases were in a drought.
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Almost eight weeks after the news circulated the world, Jin was the first one who broke the social media silence between you two. He uploaded a two-minute-long clip. It was an instant viral video as you were also in it. 
“So…I have some news to break to you, Y/N.”
It seems like you two were just out for your usual tennis game. You wore a white v-neck tennis dress with a matching Nike visor. A couple of tennis rackets can be seen in the backseat of the car. You looked absolutely better than the anguish paparazzi photos of you going around for the last two months. 
“Wait.” you took a sip from your water bottle. “Okay, what’s the news, Jinnie?”
“They said, we broke up because of jealousy… “ Jin reads the magazine in his hand.
You gasped dramatically, “We did?!”
Jin bit his lower lip, trying not to laugh at your exaggerated reaction. But you continued, “I bet it’s because of Francheskat.”
He nodded, “Yeah if there’s a fire right now, I’m taking Francheskat with me.” 
“Brave of you to assume that. Of course, my lovely daughter and I already got out of the fire by the time you went in.” you rolled your eyes. Your eyes landed on the magazine he was holding. You took it and read it yourself. “Oh, wait. It’s not because of Francheskat. This one says, Y/N is jealous of Jin spending more time with his co-actor, Hoyeon Jung. Please, Hoyeon likes me more than this old man right here.”
“That’s–” Jin was about to object but he paused. “That’s true– not the old guy part– but Hoyeon does like Y/N more.”
“That’s why I’m asking her to marry me next time I see her,” you added. Then, you turned to Jin with a wide-eyed expression. “Wait, are we even dating?”
Jin mirrored your expression, gaping, “Oh my god. Are we?”
The video ended in that scene. Jin simply captioned it with four exclamation marks. Everyone found it hilarious. Hoyeon even commented:
@/hoooooyeony: @/urfavecatlady darling, i’m waiting for the ring 😪
Other celebrities commented too, laughing at how you two reacted to such news from a gossip magazine. At the same time, your fans were all jumping to Twitter. Rejoicing like rain finally came to stop the drought.
@/seokiejinnie0613: 그들은 정말 짜증나 ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ  (Translated: They are so annoying hahahaha)
@/YNJINUpdates: Finally, it’s official! This account remains open! Kala niyo mapapabagsak niyo ko, mga tanga HAHAHA (Translated: You thought you can drag me down, idiots! HAHAHA)
@/missy/n: y/n looks so good in that video
@/alpacaarejins: YNJIN remains strong. Love is still alive, people!
@/sunnyy/njin: the fact that we cannot tell if they are really together or what 😭 i’m confused af
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On Florence Pugh’s birthday, you posted the same paparazzi photos that were taken earlier. The one where you were crying in her arms. You captioned it: 
@/urfavecatlady: Happy birthday to my beloved, @/florencepugh. Thank you for giving me the warmest hugs during my worst times (FUCKING MENSTRUAL CRAMPS 🤬😤😡). Know that I love you so much. Sending you love from LA. 🤍
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taglist rules
@seolaquotes @fatimaaaaa129 @bangtannieshope @jub-jub @yoontaethings @kissme-ornot @sleepy-daydreams @veronawrites @cuteipat @ratherbefangirling @babystarcandy-gcf @akirawhore @alpacaparkaseok @rjsmochii @prlan @lovesickbangtan @zealouslightcookiebasketball @rapmonie2047 @potate-oh
@dunixxd​ @cixrosie​ @moonchild1 ​ @jksjx​ @embrace-themagic ​ @buttvi​  @starbtslove​  @missseoulite @vanntaesworld @barbiekatz
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topazy · 7 months
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A different tomorrow
I will be posting drabbles of alternative scenarios (characters who died being alive, etc.) and other POVs (mainly Daryl) in tomorrow’s promise universe (not all posts aren’t uploaded yet)
Daryl’s pov (S1 Atlanta)
Daryl’s pov/Lily & Daryl accidentally kiss (S2 farm era)
Jealous Shane (S2 farm)
Shane pov (s2 farm era)
Daryl’s pov (S2 farm era)
Daryl’s pov (S2 farm era)
Mid S2/S3 (Life on the road after the farm burns down)
Daryl’s pov (S3 prison era)
Daryl/Rick (S3 prison era)
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ezrawritesthings · 4 months
Touring with your father in 2024.
A few little drabbles about what it would be like to tour with each Stone being your father!
A/N: Femme perspective, she/her pronouns, extremely fluffy.
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"She'll go for a run in the morning, I'm sure." Being a Jagger comes with a lot of expectations. Mostly being the most high-energy person in the room. Though your father is pushing 81, you're constantly trying to compete with him to be the most energetic person. In the crowd, you're dancing and filling up with pride the whole time, you can't believe your father still moves and performs the way he does! And when it comes time to retire to the tour busses, it's a game of which one of you can doze off first. Most of the time, though, your dad lets you win. Only because he knows how tiring it must be for you to follow the band around, and he truly loves and appreciates it.
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"Wild, just like her ol'man." Being the youngest daughter means you didn't get to grow up with the rowdy version of Keith Richards. Yet, that seems not to hinder you in the slightest. You tend to stay backstage until the last second before disappearing into the crowd and then it all becomes a bit of a blur. You're not sure when the show actually started, just like you aren't sure when it ended and when you ended up at an afterparty with fans of your father and pseudo-fathers. It takes so many calls and texts to get you to the right hotel, and when you arrive covered in scents your father recognizes from his past, all he can do is smile.
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"Out of tune?! Out of your mind!" You were the first person backstage to notice that somehow, your father's guitar was out of tune! Aside from him, of course. But Ronnie Wood would never admit it, and when that was the first thing you said to him after the show in Atlanta, he brushed you off and acted offended before pulling you into a hug, kissing the top of your head. After all was said and done and the lot of you were off to the next town, your father admitted he was out of tune and gave you a wink. Maybe he'll let you tune his guitar next time. Maybe.
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"Hmm. How about that?" You wonder if your father has always been this mellow. Or if he's secretly doing some downers when no one is looking. While you tend to stay backstage and catch up on television shows you're missing out on, you do really enjoy the music that floods your ears at every show. So, it was a shock to Charlie Watts when he eyed you in the crowd in Las Vegas. You tried to keep your eyes on the other members instead of your father, but, he grinned at you every time you caught his eye. He always knew you would be a good crowd member.
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saucy-sassy-sparkly · 2 years
Moments: Eight
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Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Word Count: ~ 6.4k
Author's Note: the final full-length part 🥹 I have some drabbles to keep these babes going a little longer, so they'll be back! Thanks for the support on this story! I can't wait to share my next one! ❤️
Moments Masterlist
2014: Sudbury
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1 day after Minka-gate broke, Y/N and Chris flew home from their vacation early, feeling very tense and exhausted. They’d returned to the hotel immediately and Y/N was back in sweatpants within 5 minutes of crossing the threshold. Chris sat on the edge of the bed in his suit, his tie undone and his top button loosened, holding Y/N on his lap while she cried; his tears leaked into her hair. This was not how tonight should’ve been. She’d stayed tucked on his lap and they’d fallen into an uncomfortable sleep for several hours before Chris gently moved her to change for bed and returned to bed to find her awake and ready to crawl back into his arms.
3 days after Minka-gate broke, Chris begrudgingly went back to Atlanta to finish his last 5 weeks of filming. Y/N had driven him to the airport and they’d kissed goodbye in the drop-off lane, but with nowhere near the passion they normally parted. The three days between the phone call on the rooftop and this moment were filled with tears and stressed phone calls to all the members of Chris’s team. They all assured him with full certainty that this would not be interesting for long, to lay low, and not engage.
8 days after Minka-gate broke, Chris and Y/N got into a huge fight during one of their nightly phone calls. All their calls had been tense of late but they’d both continued to try. The anxiety and frustration hung in the background of all their interactions came to a head after Chris continued to repeat, “I never meant for this to happen,” to which Y/N snapped and said, “I know you didn’t, but what are you going to fucking do about it!” before Chris returned with his own ire.
10 days after Minka-gate broke, Y/N took a day off of work to lean into her feelings, stay home and sob watching Titanic and take a long, luxurious, wine-soaked bath in the middle of the day on a Tuesday. Now it wasn’t just the tabloids but all the online gossip blogs and even a few credible media outlets had picked up the story, claiming to talk to “sources close to the couple” who knew that Minka and Chris had rekindled their romance months ago and were finally ready to settle down. Instead of passing, it was picking up intensity.
14 days after Minka-gate broke, Chris’s team was still advising him that the best course of action was to ignore the press until it goes away. Minka’s team was, according to Chris’s team, not responding. She’d even been seen leaving a grocery store with a ring on her finger. Chris had thrown and shattered his coffee mug when his assistant had to tell him and then immediately called Y/N to be sure he heard it from her. Around the same time, the media outlets had started to drag out old pictures of Y/N and Chris: grocery stores, sporting events, the dog park, fan sightings… anything for another chance to manipulate the story with new headlines: What about Chris Evans’s mystery Boston girlfriend? Does she know about his engagement to Minka? Is he planning to keep his side piece? Will he have an LA wife and a Boston piece of ass?
17 days after Minka-gate broke, Chris called his mother, who told him she didn’t understand the Hollywood ways, but she thought this was taking an awfully long time to die down. She gently, quietly wondered– in a way only a mother could– why he didn’t just make a statement to protect his real relationship. In another fit of frustration, Chris snipped at his mother, “I pay these people to take care of it, so they’re taking care of it.” Lisa sighed and responded, “but are they?”
19 days after Minka-gate broke, Y/N was sitting in her office, updating client charts, when her office phone rang.
“Hello, this is Y/N.”
“Hi, Y/N, we’ve never spoken, but I’m calling about your situation with Chris.” The voice on the other end was a clipped female and there was a long pause during which Y/N expected her to continue and perhaps introduce herself. When she didn’t, Y/N rolled her already tense shoulders and sighed.
“Who’s calling?”
“Oh right, this is Megan.” Y/N obviously knew who she was but as she was mostly connected to Chris via phone, email, or when he was in LA life; they’d never met or truly spoken other than a quick wave on a FaceTime call. Obviously in the last weeks since the photo dropped, Y/N had been in the background of calls or seen emails that Chris forwarded her about the latest updates and plans, but they’d never had a one-on-one conversation.
Her phone buzzed on her desk with Chris’s caller ID, which was odd as he was supposed to be on a super secret closed set all day- no phones allowed. She ignored the call.
“Hi Megan,” she said tentatively, “you said you were calling about our… situation?”
“Correct. I’m reaching out on Chris’s behalf to move forward on our next phase of sidestepping this issue.”
Y/N’s whole body stilled at these words and her phone started to ring again. She ignored it again and a text immediately came through.
Chris: Do not answer a call from Megan. Call me, please.
Megan continued, “I know I called your work phone so I won’t keep you long, I’ll get right to it. I’ve been talking with Chris and the next best course of action is to announce your engagement. I think an exclusive with People with a shot of the ring and perhaps a few candids of you should do it. So we’d like to do that within the next week; can you get down to Atlanta by Thursday?”
Her phone was ringing again. She hit ignore again. And yet, she didn’t know why she stayed on with Megan; she had a sick feeling in her stomach from the second Megan had announced herself, but she couldn’t get herself to hang up.
She finally spoke to stall for time to process, “help me understand, why is this the best plan?”
“If we can put your real engagement out there with a wedding date attached, we can pull focus and put this mess to bed. I already have Chris booked for several appearances and interviews after where he’ll be asked…” Y/N stopped listening and switched the call to speakerphone. She set the headset back in the cradle and put her head down on her desk, her mind immediately wandering to that snowy rooftop…
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Y/N’s whole body was shaking with rage when she handed the phone to Chris. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She didn’t know what, exactly, was happening, but how she’d ended up here on this rooftop while a picture of her boyfriend on one knee in front of another woman was circling the internet. How had she gone from an independent, strong, capable woman living on her own in DC to being entangled in a relationship with one of Hollywood’s up-and-coming heartthrobs who everyone wanted a piece of? She knew this wasn’t real but she just couldn’t understand how the stars had possibly aligned to set up such a suspicious picture.
She looked up to watch him look at the picture and, in slow motion, she watched his face drained of color entirely, his head dropped into his hands and she saw his shoulders immediately start to shake.
He was crying. He was squeezing her phone in his hand so hard that his knuckles were white and his body was trembling with sobs.
After watching him for a moment, unsure what to do, she reached out tentatively and took the phone from him, setting the table in front of her, and then moved closer to him. She put her hand on his leg and used her index finger and thumb to tip his chin up to look at him.
All of the initial anger she’d felt when seeing the photo melted away immediately. Y/N had seen Chris’s actor cry– this wasn’t it. This was pure devastation. He was already snotty and his eyes were swollen. His lip trembled as he looked at her, trying to keep it together. He fought against the hand that held his chin, trying to dip back down to avoid her eyes.
Without a shadow of a doubt, Y/N knew that she’d jumped to conclusions. He’d been as blindsided as she was. She knew nothing was going on with Minka; she knew what they had and he’d been upfront from the second he knew Minka was in Atlanta. This was the press going rogue and trying to get some money however they could. She’d process her emotions later– she had a lot to think about– but right now, she could see in his face how terrified he was that Y/N might be doubting him… them.
“I love you,” she told him quietly, still holding his chin. “I love you, and I know this wasn’t your fault.”
He lunged at her, wrapping her in his arms and pulling her tightly against him. She felt his tears on her cheek as they were pressed so tightly together. “I’m so sorry, baby, I’m so sorry. I’ll make this go away, you don’t deserve this. I love you so much.”
They stayed tangled up on the patio for another 15 minutes before they both calmed down enough and realized they’d lost their appetites. Back at the lodge, Y/N tried to keep herself together. She knew from the few whispered words between tears that Chris was distraught. Their relationship had already had so many bumps, he was so worried that they couldn’t survive another one… that she’d go for good.
And he hadn’t acknowledged it, but he’d been planning to propose tonight. She saw the hints now that she looked back- the surprise trip, his jumpy nature, his extra focus on using the word ‘forever’ in all of their conversations, the beautiful restaurant, the sexy suit, and the insistence she be equally done up.
Instead, this night had been ruined by a misunderstanding with a bunch of money-hungry strangers looking to stir the pot. They didn’t care about the real people involved or what hurt they inflicted.
So, once she’d donned sweats and washed her face, she took a deep, shaky breath to calm her nerves and walked back out towards the bed.
He sat on the edge, staring at his hands. No, not his hands, but something in his hands…
She unwillingly gasped when she realized he held the open ring box with tears running down his face. Her gasp alerted him to her presence and he snapped it shut, swiping at his eyes and spinning to look at her.
Y/N’s resolve crumbled and she let out the sob she’d been holding. He held his arms out and she crawled across the bed and into his waiting embrace.
Quietly he asked, “did you know?”
She shook her head and leaned back in his grasp to look at him, “I had no idea.”
He laughed bitterly, “another part of this ruined: the element of surprise.”
“It’ll be a surprise whenever you do it,” Y/N smiled softly and Chris’s lips crashed into her, swallowing her startled noise.
When he pulled back, he said, “you still want to marry me?”
Y/N nodded, “I won’t accept a proposal until this whole mess is settled, but of course I do. I love you.” He kissed her fiercely with both of their tears mixing, muttering ‘I love yous’ against her lips every time they came up for air.
A soft knock on the door and then Stacey stuck her head in. Before she could speak she saw Y/N slumped on her desk and caught Megan saying “… and I’m also hoping you and I might be able to talk Chris into giving wedding photo rights to People Magazine…”
Stacey physically pulled Y/N to stand, caught a glimpse of her tear-stained face, and whispered, “Chris is on the phone in my office. Go. I’ll get rid of this,” she gestured to the phone where Megan was still rattling off her long-winded 18-month plan. Y/N nodded and accepted Stacey’s quick but tight hug before leaving the room.
She kept her head down as she moved through the hall and past the open lounge and slipped into Stacey’s office. Y/N saw the hold light flashing on the desk phone and took a steadying breath before rounding the desk and taking the call.
“Oh Bunny, thank god,” she could hear his relief.
“What is happening Chris, why does Megan have the rest of our lives planned out?”
“It’s her job to manage my image,” she heard his sarcasm on the word image, “but this is not how I wanted any of this to go down. We need to be on the same page first. I tried to stop it but it’s just been–” he cut himself off and she knew that he was running his fingers through his hair. “She has been relentless. She pitched this plan to me yesterday, and I told her it was awful and that she needed a new one. She’s been pushing this idea for almost 24 hours and I didn’t realize she’d called you until I got a break. I came back to my phone and she’d blown it up telling me she was calling you to tell you ‘our plan’. It’s not my plan, Y/N, I didn’t back this idea.” Y/N could hear his frustration, his disappointment, and his confusion, but was feeling all of her own emotions.
“She wants to announce our engagement and then give our wedding photos to People,” anger was boiling in Y/N’s stomach even as her tears kept falling. “We aren’t even engaged, Chris! I don’t want People magazine at our wedding! What’s next? Let People Magazine have the first photos of our baby? Do they get the exclusive rights to be in the delivery room with me? What the fuck, Chris, you said you’d make this go away. And I’m all alone in our stupid house trying to wait this out by myself. All my close friends are in DC, and I have no one to talk to here, every day it seems to get worse and I wake up with more texts with screenshots from people… and I hate every second of this. I can’t do this anymore, Chris.” Y/N’s voice continued to rise with every sentence.
Chris was silent and then she heard movement- the rustle of fabric, a door opening, and closing, a zipper being pulled, “I’m coming home.”
“No, don’t do that. You can’t just come home from this project, you remind me of that frequently.”
“I’m coming home,” he repeated more sternly.
“Don’t bother, Chris. I’ll be fine. I don’t want you to come home just so we can discuss our 5-year plan with your team,” she spat the last word.
“I’m not coming home to discuss our plans or anything else with my team. I’m coming home to be with you.” She heard him pull the phone away to speak with someone. There was a back and forth and she couldn't hear all the words, but she heard Chris’s forceful tone to whomever he was speaking to. Then after a few more minutes of rustling, there was a car door shut and the dinging of a seatbelt reminder. “I’m headed to the airfield; should I schedule a car or can you pick me up around 6?”
Before Y/N could answer, there was more muffled conversation and then she heard Chris mutter, “fuck,” before coming back on the line, “can you pick me up?”
“What’s wrong now?”
“I’m still in costume. I have to change and then I’m going to the airfield… as much as I know you like me as Cap.”
Y/N couldn’t help herself when she snorted a quick laugh; that was her Chris, dropping a suggestive line amid a heated conversation. He’d be smirking if she could see him, trying to gauge if it broke some of the tension. “Are you sure you can come home?”
“There is nothing more important than getting this figured out. They’ll manage without me.”
“Chris,” guilt started to course through Y/N’s body as her frustration level lowered, knowing that once he’d decided to come home, he would be back with her soon, “this doesn't seem like a good idea.”
“I’ve been thinking about it for a few days anyway, and have an email already drafted to suggest how we can adjust my filming to not mess everyone else up. I won’t be able to stay longer, but I’m not coming back until this is behind us. But stop worrying about this, Y/N. You’re right, you’ve been dealing with this alone and that isn’t fair to you. I’m coming home and we’ll manage it together.”
“Don’t you dare propose to me. Don’t use this opportunity to try to re-do, it is not the right moment.”
He laughed lightly, “wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Dodge and I will be there.”
“I love you, we’ll get through this.”
“Hey Chris,” Y/N’s lower lip was wobbling; relief was already flooding her body knowing that Chris would be here soon to weather this storm with her.
“Yes, Bunny?”
“Thank you,” she twisted a piece of hair around her finger and bit her lip, waiting for him to respond.
He heaved a heavy sigh, “always, sweeth’art,” he croaked before a quick goodbye.
Stacey was waiting in Y/N’s office when she returned and looked up, “that woman has a lot of nerve.”
“Tell me about it,” Y/N started to gather her belongings, ready to leave for the day with no more patients and too many emotions.
“She would not shut up. She just kept running her mouth like I was your publicist or something, all the ways I could try to convince you that her idiotic plan was in Chris’s best interest and therefore in your best interest. When you two do get married, do not invite her. I will punch her in the face for all of this.”
Y/N laughed for the first time in what felt like ages, “you’ll have to get in line, Stac. Thanks for getting rid of her; I’ve never had to deal with her and this has all just been…” she trailed off while she reached for her phone and smiled to see a picture Chris had sent in costume with a message:
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Chris: Had to leave the Farmer Cap costume, but see you soon, beautiful
Her bag packed and jacket on, she realized Stacey was still watching her and then tentatively began to speak, “I’ve been afraid to pry, but are you– how are you doing?”
Y/N shrugged while she pulled on her jacket, “I’ve been better.”
“Did he really…” Stacey trailed off, biting her lip and staring at Y/N.
“God, no. I mean, he dated Minka years ago, but no. He’s not cheating, he’s not living a double life. The photographers will go to major lengths to get some clicks on an article.”
Stacey nodded but continued, “and you’re positive? No doubt he’s just acting?” Y/N stilled in her preparations to leave and turned to look at her colleague… her friend… more carefully. Stacey continued, “I’m just saying, it’s his profession to fake things, would you even know?”
“I don’t want to have this conversation again, Stace, and I love you, so I’m trying to avoid snapping at you,” she sighed and slung her bag over her shoulder, “but I know Chris, I trust Chris, and I love Chris. He isn’t acting.”
Stacey threw her hands up in front of her, “I’m sorry, I just felt like I had to ask.”
“And you did, but please don’t ever question him again. We’ve been through so much already, I need my friends to have my back.”
“Won’t happen again,” she stepped towards Y/N offering a tentative hug that Y/N quickly accepted.
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Y/N sat in her warm car on the tarmac waiting for Chris’s plane to land. Music played quietly but she wasn’t listening. She’d left her phone in the back seat so she wouldn’t be tempted to scroll while she waited; instead, she was aimlessly petting Dodger with one hand and playing with the edge of her scarf with the other.
She saw the lights of the plane and watched it take its time landing and taxiing towards the hangers on either side of her waiting SUV. Her car was the only one on the tarmac, although there were a few parked in the lot at the entrance, which made sense: Chris was likely the only passenger. For once, she’d been quite grateful for his privilege and situation to be able to get on a flight and come straight to her.
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The door to the plane popped open with the stairs dropping down and displaying Chris’s silhouette as he reached the top of the stairs. He had a duffle bag in his hand and his backpack slung on one shoulder while he descended; Y/N felt her anxiety melt away seeing him. As he got closer, she pushed the door open and started towards him over the snowy pavement. Chris dropped his bags when they met and lifted her into his arms, his face tucked into the crook of her neck and burrowing through the fluffy scarf to kiss her neck, her jaw, her cheek, and her lips while pulling her legs around his waist. He took three huge strides and she felt her ass meet the hood of her car.
Chris set her on it carefully and continued to kiss her, to rub his hands on her, while she clung to him– it was freezing in the March air but she didn’t care, all she wanted was to be close to him. She didn’t realize she was crying until he swiped at her tears. A loud bark forced them apart when they noticed Dodge jumping around beside them and then untangled long enough for him to lean down and properly greet Dodger, then retrieve his bags. The drive home was quick and quiet while they listened to music and held hands on the center console. They ate dinner on the living room sofa with Y/N’s legs draped over Chris’s lap and Chris indulging in pizza, mozzarella sticks, and beer– definitely not part of his Cap diet– and didn’t bother to turn on the tv. Being back in each other’s company, Chris telling set stories, Y/N telling stories about her adventures with Dodger.
The doorbell rang and surprised both of them while Chris untangled himself and pulled the door open with a surprised, “Ma!”
“Chris?” Lisa sounded equally surprised as she crossed the threshold. “I thought you couldn’t leave set in this super secret last stretch of filming? What are you doing here? Where is Y/N?”
Y/N round the corner and greeted Lisa with a warm hug, accepting the tote bag she offered (full of homemade cookies) before gesturing Lisa into the house and pouring her a glass of wine. “I came home to be with Y/N. She’s been here all alone.”
“I’m well aware, Christopher, I’m glad you came to your senses too.”
Y/N shoved a whole cookie in her mouth instead of laughing loudly at Lisa’s directness with her oldest son. Chris shot Y/N a look and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, “I know, I know, it took me long enough.” Taking pity on him, Y/N rounded the kitchen island and put an arm around his waist, accepting the kiss he planted in her hair.
“I heard about Megan’s plan,” Lisa took a sip of wine and her eyes bounced between the two of them.
“It’s idiotic, I know, we’re not doing it,” Chris answered immediately, his grip on Y/N’s waist tightening when she leaned into him.
“Thank God. Are you firing her too?”
Chris glanced at Y/N and then shrugged, “We have to manage this first, then we’ll talk,” he looked back at Y/N.
“You’re my team. Everyone else is just people who work for me.” If she wasn’t already in love with him, that line would’ve brought her to her knees. Y/N was immediately overwhelmed by emotions (again) and tried not to cry. She tucked her head into Chris’s shoulder and wrapped her other arm around him, “I’m sorry I didn’t acknowledge that sooner.”
She nodded against him, not taking a chance to pull away and look at him, and Lisa broke the silence that followed, “so what are you going to do?”
“I have no idea. If I post something on Twitter, especially at this point, it’ll seem fake. If we coordinate with a press outlet, it’ll be forced and that puts Y/N too far in the spotlight.”
Lisa was quiet for a few minutes and then she looked between the two of them, “I might have an idea. How long are you home?”
Two nights later, Chris’s hand fell to the small of Y/N’s back as he guided her through the door of the Concord Youth Theater. The House was open and it was mere minutes before curtain: all exactly as planned. They stepped through the nearly empty lobby and were greeted by ushers who started to ask about their seat numbers but quickly panicked when they processed Chris’s presence.
After a quick autograph on a spare Playbill, Chris and Y/N continued down the aisle towards the front where Lisa was, as planned, craning her neck to spot them. She stood up when she spotted them coming towards her and waved them into her row, offering huge (genuine) hugs as they took their seats. The production– Once Upon a Mattress, performed by the Young Adult Company– was heartwarming and well done, and when it was over, Chris was swarmed by all the teenage fans and siblings who had come to see people they knew in the show. Chris’s photo was taken, he signed autographs, and he talked to fans, all while he kept some kind of physical contact with Y/N, introducing her whenever it felt natural. Y/N, with her natural ability to connect with teenagers thanks to years of counseling them, jumped into conversations easily.
They even went backstage with Lisa to greet the cast and take more photos– many of that were quickly uploaded to various social media accounts. Afterward, Lisa took them to dinner at a local restaurant, which was packed on a Thursday evening, where Chris greeted more people and made sure to have Y/N beside him at all times.
By the time they were back at home, Chris was scrolling Twitter in the backyard while Dodger romped around and a slow smile broke on his face. He’d done something he didn’t normally do: he’d typed his name into the search bar. And there he was tonight: candid with fans in the theater holding Y/N’s hand, posed with a whole group, including Y/N, at the restaurant, blurry and distorted but definitely identifiable from someone’s creepy picture across the street as they left the restaurant.
When he came back in with Dodger, Y/N held out her phone for Chris to see a screenshot Lisa had sent: her Facebook page with a photo of them from tonight where Lisa had been tagged that included Lisa, Y/N, and Chris talking candidly behind the scenes. It had been posted by a parent of one of the performers, extolling the surprise visit from the sweet and engaging Chris Evans and his girlfriend, Y/N. Lisa had sent a picture of the comments; six different people– both performers and family members they’d talked with tonight– commenting on the couple and how exciting it was to meet them.
He leaned in to kiss her, and when he pulled back he asked, “are you up for a few more outings before I fly back?”
In the final 48 hours of Chris’s stay– one that he’d extended from two days to four after talking with the directors– they made sure to be seen around town as much as possible. They went to his niece’s basketball game, they stopped for Dunkin’ and groceries and ice cream, they went to the dog park with Dodger and Y/N went along with Lisa for her afternoon constitutional around her neighborhood. They’d been caught and posted– truly candidly, although by their design and not Megan’s– at least ten different times before it was time for Chris to head back to Atlanta.
With each post, comments continued to flow in from neighbors, from fans, on their interactions with Chris. And the more things were reposted and dragged into the fan accounts and boards, the more comments shifted to commentary on their relationship. Not all of it was positive and supportive, but much of it was and before his return flight had landed, Chris noted that the buzz about Minka was all but disappeared. The gossip blogs weren’t getting much traction on it at this point, but the next thing they’d expected happened: the media started to reach out to Chris and his people looking for Y/N’s name and comments from her or Chris.
Megan. Was. Furious.
To her credit, her plan had been one that she would mostly be able to control and Chris and Y/N’s rogue version was anything but controllable. But Chris didn’t care. He’d found a way to make Y/N more comfortable, to make it clear how he felt (he’d always been comfortable with PDA, and he made sure to lay it on even thicker), and to get traction moving forward from this awful misunderstanding.
In addition to his nightly call with Y/N, he now had a nightly call with someone trying to stay one step ahead. If it was Megan, it usually started with him being scolded for not listening to her… often a variation of ‘this is why you pay me, Chris’ and then she’d try to push a new narrative. Then he’d hang up with her and call Y/N to pass along any valuable information and hear her daily updates. They spent the final few weeks of his Avengers filming this way until it was finally time for him to pack up from Atlanta and return home.
April 1st arrived and with it, Y/N’s excitement: Chris would be back home tomorrow and it was her birthday. His plane got in around dinner time, so she would pick him up and go to Lisa’s, who had volunteered to host a joint birthday/welcome home dinner before they finally had some time alone. She tucked into bed with Dodger curled next to her and fell asleep quickly, only to be jolted awake hours later by Dodger pawing at the bedroom door.
“Dodge,” Y/N whispered in the dark, patting the edge of the bed, “c’mon, bud.”
Instead of a whine, as he’d normally do if he needed to go out, a low growl emitted from the normally friendly dog. It made Y/N’s hair stand on end. She groped for her phone, realizing she’d left it charging on the kitchen counter instead of on her bedside like normal. She’d left it there while she cleaned up from cooking dinner and chatted with Chris on FaceTime, and by the time she’d taken Dodger out, locked up, gotten ready for bed, and snuggled down in the covers, she realized where it was and decided she was too tired to go get it.
Dodger growled again and pawed frantically at the door. “What is it, dude?”
In response, he barked loudly and increased his scratching. She groped her way in the darkness to the small desk in the corner of the room, stopping to pull a sweatshirt on, and found the cordless phone that she was now so grateful Chris had insisted on keeping– “you should always have a landline!” he’d told her a million times when she moved in and laughed at it. Her fingers fumbled on the buttons while she tried to remember Chris’s cell phone number as Dodger barked again.
She finally dialed– hopefully correctly– and moved across the room to lock the door. “Hello? Y/N?” Chris’s croak came through the line and she looked at the clock on the bedside table: 2:37 am.
“Baby, Dodger is freaking out,” as if on cue, Dodger barked again and continued to scratch the door. She knew that there would be gouges in the wood tomorrow morning. “What do I do?”
“Is the security system on?” His voice was more alert and she heard him shuffling on the other end.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Can you hear anything? Does it sound like someone got inside?”
Y/N’s heart was thundering in her chest and Dodger was getting more and more frantic, “I don’t think so. Chris, what do I do?”
“I’m going to call the security company and see if the alarm was triggered, I’ll call you back.”
“NO! No, don’t hang up!” She yelped, sinking to the floor in the dark corner, trying to urge Dodger to come to her. “My phone is in the kitchen, and I’m scared.”
Chris sighed, “I don’t have another way to call and check, Bunny. I promise I’ll call you right back.”
“What if someone did get inside, Chris? If you call the house phone it’ll ring and they’ll know!”
“Y/N, I promise you are safe in our house. Let me just call the security company to be sure. Just stay where you are. If you don’t want me to call back, give me 5 minutes and then call me.”
“Okay,” she whispered; her whole body was shaking.
“I love you, babe, it’s going to be fine.”
“I love you too,” she muttered as she hung up and held the phone to her chest. “Dodger,” she moved towards the dog and grabbed his collar gently, deciding to take him into the bathroom with her while she waited to call Chris back. He threw his head away from her, jerking wildly and barking. Y/N started to cry while she tried to pull Dodger away from the door, begging him to come with her.
The phone in her hand rang loudly, startling her, and she yelped despite herself before scurrying across the room to answer in a whisper, “Chris?”
“The call is coming from inside the house,” came his reply in his creepiest voice.
Y/N froze.
Banging came from the other side of their bedroom door before he yelled his best “hereeeeee’s Johnny!” impression.
“FUCK. CHRISTOPHER!” She swiped at the tears on her face and moved to unlock the door, letting Dodger tumble out and greet Chris.
Chris collapsed to the ground while Dodger greeted him; he was laughing his boisterous, contagious laugh and Y/N wanted to be mad at him. The adrenaline coursing through him was going to take forever to settle down, “you’re an asshole.”
Between laughs and kisses from Dodger, he said, “I thought I could get in without you guys noticing. This guy isn’t typically so protective.”
“Yeah, well, he likes me better than you so he wants to keep me safe.”
“Seems that’s correct,” Chris gave Dodger one last rub before getting to his feet and reaching for Y/N, “I’m sorry I scared you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me it was you when I called?”
He shrugged, “sometimes I can’t resist the urge to be a 12-year-old. But I’m happy to see you.”
She sighed and uncrossed her arms, deciding not to be mad at him and accepting the hug he wrapped her in. “I’m happy you’re home, you absolute jackass.”
“Take me to your bed, gorgeous girl,” he pressed kisses to her cheeks and neck while he walked her back towards the bed.
“If you think I’m even spooning with you after that mean trick, you’ve got another thing coming, sir.” Y/N laughed up at him, kissing him once solidly before crawling back into the bed and watching him strip off his clothes. Once he’d dumped his clothes in the hamper and brushed his teeth, he stumbled into the bed beside her and pulled her to his chest.
“Please spoon me, I missed you too much not to have you touching me tonight.” She started to wiggle away but stilled when his bulging biceps were caging her in and his hard pecs were pressed against the thin fabric of her shirt. She sighed into his grasp, enjoying the smell of him wrapping around her.
“Only because your Cap muscles are so good I can’t resist them,” Y/N turned in his arms and snaked an arm around his waist while she looked up to kiss him.
“Happy birthday, Bun,” he whispered against her lips before he pressed another long kiss onto her lips and pulled his arm away from her, reaching her hand and interlacing their fingers. She leaned into his kiss, luxuriating in each feeling– each comfort of having him home– when she felt him press his palm into hers, and something cut into the palm of her hand.
Y/N pulled back and started to pull her hand away from his, only to have him wrap his huge palm around the item and pull away from the kiss. He pushed himself up onto his elbow and looked down at her carefully, not breaking eye contact.
“I love you, Y/N, and I want to spend my whole life with you. I never want another minute where the world doesn’t know we’re together.” He kissed her tenderly, his fingers once again playing with her hand, but this time, rather than their fingers intertwining, he held just her left ring finger and slid a cool metal circle down it until he reached the base. The movement was loving and sensual as he traced his fingers back up her hand, then her forearm, then the back of her arms, and around to cup her neck, deepening the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth and swallowing both of their moans. He finally pulled back and looked at Y/N again, “marry me?” he whispered against her lips, his eyes dancing between hers while he waited for a response.
She nodded frantically, pulling him to her for another long, deep kiss, when they finally pulled apart, her eyes were glazed with tears but she was grinning, “yes.”
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Taglist: @bellaireland1981 @before-we-get-started @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @elrw24 @maylaysia109 @royalwritersoftheuniverses @behindmygreyeyes
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deansapplepie · 8 months
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Period .
Summary: The one time you were glad you had your period, and the one time you weren’t.
Warnings: young Daryl (just in the first part), mentions of pregnancy, period, blood, sexual themes, mentions of creampie, mentions of impregnating, little angsty in the end. Minors do not Interact, 18+.
A/N: it was supposed to be a small drabble, but it turned out longer than I imagined. 🤭 Period is something important in the story, but the main focus is really about pregnancy.
Also, there’s no smut just little thoughts of Daryl.
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The Quarry, Atlanta
You were fucked you knew you were, but so was Daryl and that was the problem. You had been dating for only a few months before the outbreak and even though your relationship was new, you knew his temper pretty well being neighbors for many years.
Your period was late, it already was when the world ended, but just a few days, so you didn’t worry about it. Now, it had been almost a month and you were worried as fuck. You tried to fake normalcy, pretend there wasn’t anything wrong. But your constant lip biting and unquiet legs denounced to the hunter how nervous you were. “Spill it.” He said.
“What?” He took you by surprise, you were so into in your mind that you didn’t even know he had been observing for the last half hour.
“There’s somethin’ worrying ya. Just say it.” He didn’t take his eyes from you as he waited for you ti say something.
“My period. It’s late. I’m worried.” You threw averting his eyes.
In his mind a million of thoughts were running, but mainly 1. why did you have to feel so amazing wrapped around him that sometimes he couldn’t just control himself and just finish inside of you? 2. why did he still used no condoms? 3. he couldn’t be a father, he didn’t have this ability.
“Just that?” He asked nonchalantly pretending it didn’t affect him. “Want me to go to town and pick a pregnancy test?”
You looked at him amused. How could he be so calm when you were panicking? Part of you were glad he wasn’t fuming in rage like you imagined he would be, but the other part was frustrated with him acting like it was nothing. “Seriously?” You gave him an incredulous look. “Don’t need to. Let’s wait a little more.” You got up and left to the lake, frustrated, fuming and just needing to calm yourself down.
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Days passed and nothing happened. Until the day Daryl woke up tired of not knowing if he would have to raise a child in this fucked up world or not. When you woke up he was already brewing something on the fire, Merle with him. “I’m going to town. Want something?” He asked.
“What are you going to do in town?” You didn’t understand, you had everything. Food and hygiene supplies, what else could you need?
“I’m gonna get the thing. We already waited too much.” He seemed nervous, finally one small demonstration of feelings.
“Are ya two gonna talk in codes now?” Merle complained feeling left out.
You ignored him and replied Daryl. “Ok. Just let me go the bathroom, gonna think if we need anything else.” You left in the direction of the RV, not everyone used it, but most of you. Especially the women and the kids, Daryl and Merle preferred to go into the woods as to not get the dirty looks everyone gave them, but you were different, you were polite and would smile sometimes. Also, you got along well with Dale and the women in the camp.
You distributed ‘good mornings’ along the way and when you got to the RV you encountered Dale, Ami and Andrea having breakfast. You greeted them and excused yourself to the bathroom, and there it was… your answer. No test needed. A pool of blood on your panties. You felt wet earlier, but the last weeks you felt it many times and it was always nothing, so you didn’t mind. You were relieved. The world was pure chaos and you couldn’t imagine raising a child in it. Yet, there was an uneasy feeling inside of you.
You went back to your tent and the small fire the brothers had done. “You don’t need to go.” It was as the only thing you said.
“Ugh?” He grunted confused.
“I’m on my period.” You said, and fuck if Merle was listening.
“Were ya talking in codes because ya thought you were pregnant?” Merle almost yelled. “And you were hiding it from me? The uncle?”
“Shut up Merle, nobody needs to know, and stop complaining about an inexistent baby.” You answered mood swinging immediately. There it was, you had seen the signals, you just didn’t want to read them.
Daryl stayed silent while you went inside the tent to take clean panties, pads or tampons to change. When you came out Daryl was the same way he was before, millions of thoughts inside his head.
“Are you going to say something or are you going to pretend there wasn’t anything going on just like when I told you my worries?” You snapped, the last days you had thought over and over again about his non reaction the day you told him, and that’s not that you wanted him to have fought or screamed at you, you didn’t, but you wanted him to share his worries with you and to be able to share yours with him.
“What do ya want me to say?” He asked, dryly. “Thank God? ‘Cause I don’t believe in one. Or do you want me to say I feel really sorry ‘cause we’re not putting a child in this fucked up world?” He had snapped. You were angry at him, but at least it was a reaction of some sort.
“You’re an asshole.” You threw at him and left, he thought about retorting you with a sassy answer, but he bit his tongue.
“Ya messed bad, lil bro… ya know nothing about women. How was ya able to catch a girl like her?” Merle couldn’t contain his mouth and spoke.
“Shut up, Merle! Mind your own business!” He replied, taking his things and living grumpily.
Later that day he returned with chocolate and painkillers, which he left on your side of the sleeping bed without saying anything.
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Alexandria, Virginia
You were out in the woods, close to Alexandria. You had been hunting with Daryl, your husband. Yes, your husband. So many things have changed along the years, that some times you couldn’t believe how things were different. But one thing hadn’t change, you were still reckless about sex, not that you had options to prevent a pregnancy in the end of the world.
And that was the reason you were distracted while you hunted, also the reason you were not being silent like he taught you to be and were cracking every and all stick on the way. “Wha’s the problem, sweetheart?” He stopped and turned to you.
Distracted, you continued to walk and bumped into him. “Sorry.” You looked up at him and saw concern in his eyes.
“What’s troubling ya?” He asked his hands resting on your shoulders. “And don’t try to lie, I know ya.”
You sighed. “I’m late.” You’ve been late many times during the time you and Daryl have been together, but most of the times your worries would be taken away as soon as they started to build. But that time at the quarry and now, it had been a long time.
Now he already knew what you meant, and it didn’t worry him this much anymore. To be honest, he even thought about impregnating you during the last years. It all started when his Lil Ass Kicker was born, and then how he saw you taking care of her and interacting with kids. So… he considered having kids with you many times.
“Just that?” He threw the same question back at that day in the quarry. Anger started bubbling in you and then he just stroke you with his words. “Ya shouldn’t worry. If it happens, we’ll take responsibility and do our best. It’s our baby we’re talking about.”
“Daryl… aren’t you mad? Or worried?” You looked at him disarmed now that you realized he wasn’t going to be a dick.
“If ya’re expecting, I helped making this baby and I dun think it would be so terrible the idea of having a baby made of us.” Yeah, you had all changed a lot. You didn’t know one day you could desire him even more, but just the thought of him thinking it wouldn’t be bad to have babies with you… made you want to jump on him.
“Should we grab a pregnancy test with Denise or something?” You suggested grabbing one of his hands.
“Let’s wait a little more and I take them.” He started to walk and intertwined your fingers. “Now, let’s hunt dinner.”
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Daryl had finally gone on a run to find some pregnancy tests, Denise unfortunately had none. When he arrived he hoped to see you in the kitchen with Carol, but his friend was alone. She saw his confused face and she knew he was looking for you. “She’s at the bedroom. She arrived and a little while after… she didn’t look well. I think you should see her.” Carol advised him. She knew there was something upsetting you and she was almost sure of what it was, but you had said nothing to her, so she decided it was better to not push.
“Thanks, ‘m gonna check on her.” He said before he left to your shared bedroom.
After he descended the stairs to your room in the basement, he found you on bed laying on your side. He kicked his shoes off before joining you in bed. “Hey babe”
“Hey” you replied and didn’t turn to look at him.
He laid on his side, spooning you and sneaking his arm around you. He rested his hand on your lower stomach, an habit he had developed recently. He’d do it when you got your period and felt cramps, but in the last days he had done it for another reason. “Can you take your hand from there?” You asked.
“Why? Don’t ya wanna me to touch ya?” He wanted to understand what was troubling your mind.
“There’s nothing there. Just my uterus. My stupid bleeding uterus.” Here it was. He wouldn’t deny he was a little upset, he had some hope on you being pregnant. He was even excited.
“Ok. Look at me.” He turned you so you’d be facing him. You had teary eyes and a small pout on your lips. “You wanted this baby, didn’t ya?”
“Is it this obvious?” Yes, it was. It was visible on your face.
“I wanted it too.” He confessed, his fingers running on your hair.
“I’ve been wanting for a long time already… since Jude was born and I saw her in your arms. When I have Jude in my arms or little Hershel, I wish I had a baby.” While you spoke, your eyes welled with tears and they started falling.
He gently wiped your tears, he could understand your feelings in his own way, because he felt them too. “Me too. When I see you with the kids, I wish we had one.” ‘And to put a baby inside of you’, completed in his mind. “Do ya want me to give you a baby?”
Your eyes sparkled at his words, and it wasn’t just because of the tears threatening to fall again. “Would you?” You looked in his eyes and he felt like you could see his soul. But, yes… you could. You could always see him, even when he couldn’t.
“As many as ya want.” He said and the tears you were holding just bursted from your eyes. “Stop crying, I didn’t say it so you’d cry. If you continue to cry, I’m not giving ya babies…”
“Don’t you dare Daryl Dixon! I’m crying because I’m happy, ok?” You cupped his face with your hands, making a pout appear on his face.
“Ok.” He spoke the best he could with your hands cupping his face and restraining his lips from moving. You kissed his lips and released his face.
He brought you closer and hugged you, your face hiding on his chest. He was happy. You weren’t feeling like shit anymore, you were feeling like the luckiest woman in the damn end of the world.
You were trying for babies as soon as possible. That was what he thought, a smile on his face while he held you in his arms.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325
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praxcrown5 · 8 months
Cars Headcanon Drabbles: Doc Hudson
What follows is a summary of Doc's pre-racing life for a fanfiction I'm working on. I tried my best to work in existing canon where applicable. Enjoy!
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Samuel James "Hudson" Longhauler Jr. (factory designation HH19512C308CU11211938: Cycle 9, Rotation 152, Batch 1A)--known as "Doc" Hudson to the denizens of Radiator Springs, or just "Hud" to his friends and loved ones--is a three-time, Piston Cup champion whom raced under the moniker "the Fabulous Hudson Hornet" between 1951 and 1954. He was sired by Diesel O'Twill and Annette Elizabeth Longhauler nee Glenrunner, despite the latter being married to Samuel Joseph Longhauler at the time. He was manufactured at the Hudson Motor Car Company Factory in Detroit, Michigan on 11/21/1938, and is modeled in the likeness of an Old World 1951 Hudson Hornet club coupe.
Hud grew up in Dawsonville, Georgia (a small-town northeast of Atlanta). His mother began teaching him internal combustion at four as he had a natural talent for engines, and a keen eye for catching ailments before they became big problems. His grandfather and his uncles also taught him how to make moonshine, something that he'd take advantage of when he was older.
Hud was highly intelligent…probably one of the smartest kids in town…but restless.  He would quickly master any topic that he felt was relevant to him…and then check out.  As a student, he skipped classes that didn’t interest him, and he was constantly being sent to the principal’s office for arguing with his teachers.  He loved mechanical engineering, and could spend hours tearing apart various types of engines and cadaver parts to figure out how they worked…but the chaotic environment of the garage was too overwhelming, so he began to spend more and more time causing trouble with his friends, and exploring the woods around Dawsonville. 
During Hud’s seventh-year growth spurt his adolescent two-cylinder engine grew into an in-line four capable of putting out 120 horsepower. He was in a league of his own, and he began to sneak out at night, racing the logging roads, and wreaking havoc around town.  By the time he was nine, Hud had served hundreds of hours of community service as reparations for various offenses including, but not limited to, reckless driving, petty theft, ethanol possession with intent to sell, disturbing the peace, vandalism, and trespassing.  His family tried to talk sense into him, but the only person who could seemingly get through was his mother, and even then, she could barely keep him in line.
In October of '47, he stumbled across a group of whiskey trippers hiding out in the woods north of Dawsonville. The trippers mistook Hud for a cop…and almost killed him…but he managed to convince their leader, an Oldsmobile named "Ghost," that he was just a curious kid.  They apologized, and invited him to rest at their camp…but unbeknownst to everyone, the local police and the ATF had both been tipped off about the gang's whereabouts…and were closing in. Fortunately for the trippers, Hud knew the farm and logging roads better than he knew his own family, and with his guidance, he and the the gang managed to evade the police, pausing to catch their breath well south of town.  Hud knew if he returned to Dawsonville, he’d have to explain himself to the town sheriff--who had been a part of the chase--and his family…and he couldn’t guarantee that his family’s reputation would keep him out of jail…so he decided to follow Ghost to Thomasville where he became a full member of the Still Chasers under the employ of a mechanic, and AARC team owner, named Smokey.
In May of '50, Smokey found himself in a bind when his primary driver was injured before an important race.  With all of his alts out for various reasons, Smokey was desperate, going so far as to offer a rare favor if Ghost could help him out.  Ghost volunteered Hud.  Initially, the twelve-year-old coupe was un-enthused, but Ghost persuaded him to race. Despite finishing fifth, Hud impressed Smokey so much that he offered him a spot on his team, and Hud would leave the Still Chasers so that he could spend the rest of the year training.  In 1951, Hud would go on to claim thirteen wins AND the championship title.  He would win additional champion titles in 52’ and 53’, and amass an unprecedented 65 victories through the 54’ season…though that one would be cut short by a near fatal wreck during the Fireball Beach 350.  It took a full year for Hud to get put back together, and he went back to Thomasville expecting a big welcome…but was shocked to discover that the new team owners (Smokey sold the team in 53’) had replaced Hud with a younger, faster car.
Hud’s world shattered.  He felt betrayed by Smokey, thinking that, as team 51's crew chief, he would have been part of the decision to have Hud replaced. In truth, Smokey had never been consulted and would ultimately resign from the team in protest.
Hud tried reaching out to Ghost...but it was like his friend had vanished off the face of the Earth.  He assumed that Ghost had written him off after his accident, when in reality, the tripper had been killed by the ATF in 54'.
He called the garage, hoping to talk to his mother…but ended up getting his uncle James…who told him about how the ATF locked down Dawsonville the night he disappeared, tearing apart his home and the family garage trying to find him. But instead of finding him, they found his grandfather's still. His grandfather and his uncles were arrested, and Hud's mother worked herself near to death trying to keep the business afloat with only Sam to help her...and her health never recovered.  James angrily blamed Hud for everything, told him to not bother coming home, and hung up on him.  What Hud didn’t know was that his grandfather had heard the last part of the conversation and tried to call him back…but Hud was already on his way out of town, heartbroken.
Not knowing what to do or where to go, he drove to Detroit, hoping to either disappear into obscurity, or start over.  Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t able to do either.  No matter where he went, people kept asking for autographs, or challenging him to races… and even hiding behind a contemporary paint job couldn’t save him the pain of having to think about what he lost in Thomasville.  He would eventually leave Detroit and head west, taking in the sights of Route 66. He helped out a stranded car in Carburetor County, Arizona, and in so doing stumbled upon a series of oddly ironic billboards.  Curious, he followed them to the Mechanical School of Carburetor County and, with no other options available, enrolled in classes to become a Doctor of Internal Combustion.  He finished at the top of his class, and with a newfound sense of purpose swelling in is engine, used the money that he'd made racing to open a clinic in the nearby town of Radiator Springs. 
Additional factoids: 
He resented his father, Sam, for being away from the house so much, and part of his acting out as a kid was in the hopes that it would encourage Sam to take a more active role in raising him.
He never knew that Ghost was his sire until after he mended bridges with Smokey.
He had a half-sister (Sandra Carlton) whom was sired by Ghost and Cassie Carlton (the scout for the Still Chasers). He never met her, nor was he ever made aware of her existence.
Was gay, and was quite the playboy in his early adult years.
When the Still Chasers were in town for some R&R, Hud would don an opulent paint job--usually some shade of blue--with expensive, white-wall tires...and then head on over to the nearest bar to drink and socialize.
He gave himself the nickname "The Fabulous Hudson Hornet" after getting separated from the rest of the Still Chasers outside of Jacksonville, FL and somehow managing to evade an entire ATF task force and police from three, separate counties.
He had a best-friends-with-benefits-esque relationship with Sheriff until his passing in '09.
He had degrees in Clinical Aerodynamics and Internal Hydraulics in addition to his Doctorate in Internal Combustion.
With Lightning's support, he would eventually find, and make amends with, his surviving family members (his grandfather and his uncle James).
Loved 1960’s rock and roll.
Young Hud's theme song:
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
NSFW headcanons
Hogwarts AU! headcanons
What they wear to prom
Assorted headcanons
As a parent
What he does after saving the world
NSFW headcanons
With a short s/o
His s/o has been kidnapped by Cronus
NSFW headcanons
Hogwarts AU! headcanons
Stupidest thing she's ever done
What they wear to prom
Assorted headcanons
As a parent
What she does after saving the world
Assorted headcanons
Assorted headcanons
General, NSFW, and relationship headcanons
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Being comforted by his s/o scenario
Assorted headcanons
Goodbye kiss scenario
NSFW headcanons
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Favourite holiday dish
NSFW headcanons
With a s/o who likes to bake and sew
Hogwarts AU! headcanons
Bringing his s/o on their period takeout drabble
What they wear to prom
Assorted headcanons
As a parent
Romantic & NSFW headcanons
NSFW scenario
With a short s/o
His s/o has been kidnapped by Cronus
NSFW headcanons
Hogwarts AU! headcanons
What they wear to prom
Assorted headcanons
As a parent
What he does after saving the world
With a short s/o
His s/o has been kidnapped by Cronus
NSFW headcanons
Hogwarts AU! headcanons
Pros and cons to having sex with him
Would he be open to one night stands or friends with benefits?
What they wear to prom
Assorted headcanons
As a parent
Assorted & NSFW headcanons
Assorted headcanons
With a short s/o
His s/o has been kidnapped by Cronus
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Hogwarts AU! headcanons
What they wear to prom
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Assorted headcanons
As a parent
Reaction to finding out his s/o is pregnant
Assorted headcanons
Romantic & NSFW headcanons
Fashion headcanons
His s/o proposing to him scenario
NSFW scenario
With a short s/o
His s/o has been kidnapped by Cronus
7 Minutes in Heaven scenario
NSFW headcanons
Hogwarts AU! headcanons
What they wear to prom
Assorted headcanons
As a parent
What she does after saving the world
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sadienita · 2 years
Extras Masterlist
I no longer write for or take requests for these groups.
One Shots
2k Song Blurb Masterlist
BTS Married Life Drabbles Day to day life married to BTS
House Hunters (Seokjin) Sunny Side Up (Yoongi) Have You Met My Wife? (Hoseok) Babysitting Duty (Namjoon) A Dog Is A Practice Baby (Jimin) DIY (Taehyung) Grocery Day (Jeongguk)
Song Drabbles BTS Fluff
Stay Stay Stay (Seokjin) You Got Me (Yoongi) If I Could Fly (Hoseok) Moonlight in Atlanta (Namjoon) Animal (Jimin) Absolutely Smitten (Taehyung) YOUTH (Jeongguk)
The Four Seasons Season themed drabbles
Let It Snow (Namjoon)
Deck the Halls (Hoseok)
Sleigh Ride (Yoongi)
April Showers (Jimin)
To Market, To Market (Seokjin)
How To Beat The Heat (Jeongguk)
Apple Crumble (Taehyung)
Miscellaneous One Shots Should Have Deleted That (Hoseok)
BTS Babies Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
Boyfriend BTS Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
BTS Cuddles Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
GOT7 Cuddles Mark / Jaebum / Jackson / Jinyoung / Youngjae / Bambam / Yugyeom
Mamamoo Cuddles Yongsun / Byulyi / Wheein / Hyejin
Pentagon Cuddles Jinho / Hoetaek / Hongseok / Shinwon / Changgu / Yanan / Yuto / Hyunggu / Wooseok
Twice Cuddles Nayeon / Jeongyeon / Momo / Sana / Jihyo / Mina / Dahyun / Chaeyoung / Tzuyu
BTS on a Road Trip
My Friends as an Idol Group
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lavenoon · 2 years
Sending this because I think you'd find it entertaining!
Currently writing a drabble prompt for more New Horizons, and I came across a part where I was gonna have Eclipse mention his brothers... Then I realized, I have no clue if they live in the same city or not. Using some information from the angst I gathered that he A.) Could not walk there due to battery charge B.) Could get a car, but it would be uncomfortable due to size and C.) Took a train as the next best option. So I posed the question to friends I was currently in a discord call with. One brought up the fact a human (this is including resting) could walk roughly 32km a day, so that meant without resting an Animatronic could easily walk 64km a day. So if his brothers were living far enough that a walk wasn't possible with 64km a day (assuming his charge lasts 3 whole days before it's completely out.) Then there was a possibility it wasn't the same city. HOWEVER! Then we thought up sister cities/districts/counties and etc. Sometimes those cities become HUGE and driving through them can take all day/hours at a time, and typically also had train systems to move about them. Some cities like Atlanta are about 147km wide.
So for New Horizons now we've all agreed that Sun and Moon by technicality live in the same city, but it's only because they're connected via Sister Cities and are on opposite ends of them.
Hi I just woke up and need to cope with the realization of object permanence and that you talk about AU with other people like hi yes my ideas exist where I am not there to immediately observe them AND it's important enough to talk about in a discord call? just casually? idk if sleepy brain is making a big deal out of something mundane but it feels big to me gfhdjsk
I absolutely love this analysis bc it means you guys thought about it more than I did - whole ass math over here FGHDJSK
I'm a rural ass kid, live in a town that everyone sees and goes "that's not a town, that's a village". Biggest I ever lived in was 10K citizens which is still much too small as a stage for AU. So I'm going to be fully honest and say sister cities was not even in my awareness before this ask because it's SO out of what I need to know usually fhdjs
I love that idea though! For AU canon, I've imagined them in different cities, not connected at all, but I also know that our train system here for long distance train rides is different (biggest complaint "haha they're never on time" vs uhhh I never hear any American talk about trains, actually. AU vaguely set in a sorta fictional big English speaking country because I know American action movies best FGDHSJ) so honestly, sister cities is a neat way to handle it!
I am also now terrified of Atlanta.
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