#atlanta attraction pictures
lotte22324 · 2 months
A Night Out
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Summary: This is inspired by Episode 4x9 "Pick-Up“. You guys know what I'm talking about, the one where they are trying to catch a pick-up artist who murders his victims and where that iconic bar scene happens with Spencer and the bartender, with the magic and all :) You are a part of the BAU and are assigned to the same club as Morgan and Reid, to find out if anyone knows the unsub. But Reid‘s miserable attempts at making conversation make you everything but focused on the task at hand. Leading to a confession and also a lil kiss (yk I am a sucker for a first kiss scenario!).
This is just basically fluffy all through, a bit of hurt/comfort :) This is for all the girlies who have kind of low self-esteem cause lets be honest, we all doubt ourselves once in a while. Also, this is most definitely not how in-ear monitoring works, honest to god, this just worked for the plot. So bare with me for potential technical inaccuracies :) TW.: Y/N is self-deprecating
You had flown into Atlanta two days ago, now you were sitting in the precinct with your team in front of a very poorly looking suspect picture.
„No one's gonna recognize this guy,“ you said helplessly.
„If you know him, then you’ll recognize him“ Rossi reassured you but you were still not very convinced.
„No matter, Morgan, Reid and y/l/n, go to Club 'Aqua‘ as normal agents, ask around, if anyone has seen anything important and warn people!“ said Hotch. "Emily, you already know what you have to do, as Morgen already so graciously pointed out earlier, the Pick-Up Artist is attracted to you“.
You felt a little sting after that comment. Even though you didn’t want to be found attractive by that arrogant narcissist, you still felt bad about not being seen the same way as Emily. Ohhh, this was so stupid, why did you care about that? Well, you were still living in a man‘s world where the opinion of men was apparently worth more than of others. It made you feel shame and guilt to think like that but you couldn’t help yourself, you wanted to get noticed by men as well, mostly just one man…but that didn’t matter right now. You glanced over to the man that had been haunting your nights and caught him staring back at you. He offered you an awkward smile but let his head fall as soon as you returned the smile. So that you both didn't notice the blush creeping up both your cheeks.
Later that evening, you were all at the club, Emily and Jordan looking pretty at their table, while you, Morgan and Reid were questioning and warning visitors. Everyone was wearing a mic and earplugs. You were connected with one another over the in-ear monitoring radio, so you heard what the others were saying as long as you stayed on their frequency. It was kinda distracting but in a dangerous situation, it could save lives. 
Having set the in-ear device on Emilys mic, you heard her and Jordan make fun of the pick-up artist you encountered earlier today. The female club-goers (and also a few male attendees) were eyeing him up and down. You were not convinced how the learned “charme skills” would work on anyone. Who would find a man attractive that belittled you so much? The weird trick with the "the camera really adds 10 pounds, doesn't it?“ just seemed douchey and would be an instant turn-off for you. You liked a gentleman, one that didn’t make you feel worth less than him, one with intelligence and maybe a bit of awkwardness. Who doesn’t like an awkward genius, you know? 
Switching through the channels on your in-ear monitoring radio (totally not looking for Spencer's voice), you finally heard his rambling. Your favorite awkward genius was in the middle of explaining the situation to a group of women. After describing the man to them and showing a picture, he started rambling on about the dangers of night clubs: "When you think about the nature of serial crimes, it's amazing that there aren’t more predators in Night Clubs! I mean the excessive amounts of alcohol, countless opportunities for date rape drugs, not to mention surprisingly risky behaviour being persued. Alright, so who wants a flyer?“
Subtle, Spencer. Based on his confused look that you caught on his face, after looking for him in the crowd, nobody wanted one. Someone should have really taught him some social skills before letting him out to a club. You stifled a laugh after that interaction you just witnessed and continued on your path, asking around if anyone knew the unsub. After a few fruitless conversations, you found your way to Morgan and Reid to find out if they had gotten anything useful. 
"So, how’s it going?“ asked Morgan, looking at you and Reid. But before you could give an answer, Spencer already started talking: "not good, I gave the profile to one woman, she asked if I was the unsub. How are you guys doing?“
Your brain stopped for a second, so did your feet. What did Spencer just say? You busted out laughing after his comment, just to get some weird side glances from other people around you.
"Why are you laughing?“ Spencer asked. 
"I don’t know, maybe because your attempts at speaking with pretty women are hilarious?“ you pushed out while holding your belly from laughing too hard. That right there was comedy gold and Spencer didn’t even realize it. Instead, he turned red as a tomato, with a hint of hurt in his eyes and turned away from you, just to meet Morgan's amused look. 
"So, how many phone numbers did you get?“ Spencer asked him.
"None, I'm working a case!“ Both you and Spencer raised your eyebrows in knowing suspicion, not believing a single word that left his lips. 
"Fine, I’ve got four numbers offered but I didn’t take none!“ Morgan defended himself. You start laughing again. This time Morgan shot you a scolding look and you caught yourself again.
"Alright, lemme school you real quick. What you have to do with these ladies, just take control over the conversation. When you’re talking, what makes you feel like an expert?“ 
„Uhh, statistics!“ 
You couldn’t believe his answer. Statistics? For real? Spencer knew so little about striking up a conversation and you were still falling for him, head over heels. Well, he didn’t know that, but still, how did you fall for this man again? At the thought of him talking with an attractive woman in a club about statistics, out of all the topics he could have picked, you lost it again. You started laughing loudly and excused yourself as soon as you saw Morgan's annoyed look. Holding your laugh in, you stepped outside the club as fast as you could. As soon as you were outside, you laughed even more.
"You are aware that we can all hear you, y/n?“ said Emily, suddenly standing next to you outside and you slowly stopped. 
You turned off your mic in response and took out your ear piece, not feeling the need to listen to more of Derek's “flirting lessons” for Spencer.
"I‘m sorry, it was just so fucking funny what Reid said“ you smirked, Emily smirking back. 
"I know, I could barely keep my laughs to myself“ she confessed.
"He really doesn’t understand how normal conversations work, not to mention flirting“ you replied instantly.
"And he’s still got you wrapped around his finger“ she answered dryly, looking at you with an amused look.
"No, he doesn’t!“
"Suuureee, you do understand that even though I promised not to profile you all, I still subconsciously do. I see you stumbling over your words when he asks specifically you a question, I see your flustered face when he looks up from his desk just to look at you, I see your little reaching for his hand whenever something horrible happens. And that all concludes to just one outcome: you, my love, have a big fat crush on our Doctor.“ Emily deduced with a satisfying look on her face. She deduced it completely correctly, obviously, but you were still trying to deny it all. 
"Yeeeahhh, sureee, you got me all figured out, Spencer isn’t even my type, Em!“ you answered a little too quickly, with not enough confidence to fool anyone, especially not a fellow profiler.
Emily's skeptical look, followed by an even more skeptical sound, made you look away from her and fumble with your bag. 
Wait. You looked over to Prentiss' ear, her hair tucked behind it. You saw the wire entangled in her hair, she was still wearing her hidden mic and ear device. Oh no, no, no. Everybody who was on her in-ear monitoring radio just heard her little speech about your peculiar behavior around Reid. Hotchner definitely heard it since he was monitoring us. Reid might have heard that you had a crush on him. Not just a little, but a big, fat crush! Emily saw your panicked look and realized her own mistake too late. 
"Fuck, I didn’t mean to-" she took her ear piece out.
Hurt and panicky, you cut her off, not allowing her to finish her probably half-assed apology: "you just told Hotchner that I like Spencer; you might have even told him. How am I supposed to look at them ever again?“ you asked frantically, turning red, holding your head in your hands the second that you do so. 
"Guys! We might not have gotten any new leads but Spencer got a girls number, he actually flirted with a real woman!“ Morgan bursted out the club's door, smiling brightly and padding Reid proudly on his shoulder. Jordan was following them, clutching her arms, not knowing how cold it would be outside. Spencer walked behind Morgan, looking a little more accomplished than usual. Maybe they didn’t hear Emily's profile? Maybe they were too hyped up about Spencer's flirting abilities.
"Yeah, I,I used magic! And she actually liked it.“ Spencer added coyly, a blush emblazoned on his cheeks. You felt a sting in your heart. Of course, she liked the magic, Spencer was extremely charming when he was talking about the things he liked or did the things he was good at. He had shown you multiple magic tricks already which always made your heart flutter. But now, thinking of magic, your stomach turned. You weren’t the only one being charmed by magic Spencer. Of course you weren’t. You flashed him a smile but couldn't mask the hurt that was shining through your eyes.Him being so excited about another person made you sad. You felt Emily's sorry-look on you and shivered due to the low temperature. Nonetheless, you could not drive in a car with Spencer now. To be honest, you wanted to be as far away as possible from him.
"Uhm, I think, i‘m gonna walk to the hotel, I need to clear my head a little“ you said hastily, starting to walk in the right direction. Everyone looked confused but no one dared to question your choice. It was gonna be a nice 30 minute walk where you could get yourself together before having to face the others again. You might catch a cold but it was worth it. 
"I’ll come with! You shouldn’t be walking the streets alone at night and I also, uhm, still need to get my steps in!“ Spencer hustled over to your side and started to walk with you. Great, amazing, this was exactly what you needed. You slumped your shoulders and pulled your lips into a thin line. 
"Fine“ you answered, quickening your pace, not caring if Reid could keep up. He was the one that you wanted to get away from and now he was walking right beside you. For the next 30 minutes. You could curl up and die at the thought of that.
After walking a few minutes in silence, you started to slow down, admitting defeat that you wouldn’t get rid of him. His breathing slowed down, looking grateful, he never was the sportiest out of all of you. 
"Sooo, what’s her name?“ you asked, uninterested.
"Whose name?“ Spencer seemed confused.
"The girl whose number you got?“ 
"Well, technically, I don’t have her number but she has mine and I told her that she could call me…. I don’t know her name either.“ Spencer answered honestly.
"It doesn’t matter, I am not interested in her anyways, I just wanted to know if Morgan‘s theory of controlling the conversation would be true. And, I guess, he was right. I was in my comfort zone, doing something I liked and she instantly felt attracted to that confidence“ he confessed.
You didn’t answer him, what should you say to that?  Yeaaahhh, I like your confidence too! Whenever you do magic, I also find that super attractive. Oh and by the way, do you wanna go out with me instead of her? And also, when she calls, do you wanna casually give me the phone to tell her that he’s in a happy relationship and that she should back the fuck off? No. You would never say that and also, the other woman has done nothing wrong. Why are you so angry with her? He flirted with her, she simply flirted back, as one does. Being mad at her is senseless, it's better to be mad at Spencer and yourself. I mean, who were you kidding? Spencer Reid would never fall for you, you are so deep in the friendzone, he probably does not even see you as a real woman.
"Did you get any numbers offered to you in the club?“ Spencer asked, pulling you out of your self-pitying thoughts.
"No, I don’t usually get numbers just handed out to me“ you answered sarcastically but truthfully.
"Why not?“ Spencer furrowed his eyebrows.
"Cause, I don’t usually get hit on, you know. People need to get to know me before asking me out, my looks alone simply don’t cut it.“ you admitted, shrugging your shoulders. You turned around the next street corner, blinded by the suddenly very bright street lamps but kept on walking. Spencer grabbed your wrist and made you stop in an instant. 
You turned your head irritated: "What is it?“
"That can’t be true.“
"What can’t be true?“ you asked, still irritated by his grip around your arm but not taking any action against it.
"That people don’t ask you out all the time just when they see you. You’re, You’re beautiful.“
Your face turned a crimson red color and you looked down onto the pavement. 
"Well thank you, Doctor Reid, but you might be the only one who thinks so…“ you said out loud, without thinking about it first. You shook off his hand and kept on walking, wanting to leave this conversation behind you.
"Come on, we do wanna get back at some point, ay?“ you asked him, a smile playing on your lips. Spencer's shocked look turns into a smile as soon as he sees yours. 
"Okay, but just for the record, I am very sure that everyone thinks that you are beautiful, inside and out!“ Spencer reassured his view but you didn't believe him, as always when someone complimented you. 
Walking side by side, you finally decided to change the topic and asked about the last book he read. Instantly, his eyes shined bright and he started rambling on about this book that you’ve never heard about. Although his mouth and his right hand were moving enthusiastically, his hand closest to you stayed on his side. In the next ten minutes, he inched closer and closer to you., at least it seemed like it. With every millimeter that he won, you didn't back away. You wanted him to get closer, god, if you had the choice, he would be as close as humanly possible at all times to you. You let your hands fall out of your coat pockets, dangerously close to his. They graze lightly. He kept on talking about the main character and his complicated love interest. Your hands graze again. You tried to keep calm, listen to his explanation of the story. They touch again, this time longer. You instinctively held out your pinky, your body yearning for his touch. It touched the back of his hand, slowly making its way down. Spencer mirrored your movement, your pinkies finally interlocking. You held your breath, fearing that any change would destroy this fragile image. Both of you kept on walking, he kept on talking.
"Y/n? Are you even listening?“ Spencer asked hesitantly, his voice a little shakier than usual.
"Yeah, sure I am! You were talking about Flavio and his little girlfriend, uhm, Adriana?“ you answered him, completely aware that you were, in fact, not listening to him.
"Arianne. It almost seems like you just wanted to get me talking, so you wouldn’t have to,“ his jawline tensed up but he didn't let go of your pinky.
"I-I, that might have been my plan.“ you defeatedly answered him. But before he could answer you back, you were standing in front of the hotel. 
"There you guys are, finally, I was already afraid that you got lost!“ Morgan said, pushing himself off of the car he was leaning on. You let go in an instant of Spencer's pinky and took a step to the side, not realizing how close you were standing.
"Yeah no, our doctor over here is just not the fastest, even though he has such long legs!“ you laughed, Morgan flashing you a signature smile. 
"Come on, let's get some sleep, tomorrow will probably be a long day again.“ Morgan yawned and started walking towards the entrance of the hotel. Both, you and Reid, followed him and started to walk up to your rooms. Stepping into the elevator, Morgan had to get to the third floor, you and Reid to the fifth. As soon as the elevator dinged on the third, Morgan waved tiredly and wished you both a good night. The ride up was quiet but the tension between you two seemed to thicken. You stepped out of the elevator awkwardly, Spencer following you sheepishly.
"I have to go to the right,“ he said, looking down onto his hands.
"Oh, I have to go left“ you answered, the disappointment in your voice clear, you never were the best at keeping your emotions hidden. 
Spencer looked up at you, opening and closing his mouth, as if he wanted to say something but didn’t know how. You gave him a smile: "alright, good night then.“ 
You turned around and started walking towards your room when a sentence dropped from Spencer's lips that made you stop in your tracks.
"Was Emily right?“
You turned around to find him walking towards you, in the opposite direction of his room. You gulped. Your eyes shifted panicky, trying to find the right answer to that question. You could simply lie, say that she was wrong, profilers do get things wrong sometimes. 
But you felt yourself opening your mouth: "yes, Spencer, she was right.“ you looked down onto the floor, your stomach full with knots. 
"But that doesn’t have to change anything between us, you know, I know you don’t like me like that and I will get over this, easily!“ you blabbered. Yeeeeahhhh, sureee, that is gonna be super easy. You don’t believe your own words, knowing the feelings that you have for this man. It’s like nothing you ever felt before, it feels like whenever he looks at you, the world stops for a second. But he doesn’t need to know that, as far as he is concerned, it's just a little work crush.
"What if I don’t want you to get over it?“
The world actually stopped or at least it felt like it again. You drew your eyes up and met his gaze. He looked completely serious, he was not fucking with you right now?
"What do you mean, Spencer?“ you asked hesitantly.
"Well, y/n, as Emily put it so nicely: I have a big, fat crush on you too.“ Spencer timidly smiled at you, ears turning red, stepping closer.
"Or why would you think that I was trying to hold your hand the whole damn way here?“ he confessed, holding his hand out to yours. You followed his movement and took his hand, this time with more clear intention, and interlocked your fingers together. You couldn't fight the smile creeping up your face, neither could he. His other hand moved up and hesitantly touched your cheek. Your eyes shifted up and down, from his brown eyes to his pink lips. He fully stared at your mouth, not concealing his clear want at all, making you chuckle slightly.
"What’s so funny?“ he asked, his voice quiet and distracted.
"You can’t stop staring, can you?“ you blushed, surprised by the boldness of your claim.
And that’s all it took for you to lean over and place your lips on his. For Spencer, it felt like the world was stopping. It was a shy kiss but you both slowly found a rhythm. Your hands found their way to his neck, his hands fell down and started pulling you closer by your hips. After a few moments, you had to stop, trying to catch your breath. The stupid smiles that painted both of your faces made both of you laugh. 
"You know, y/n, I can never stop staring. Whenever I ask you a question, whenever you look up from your desk and especially whenever you hold my hand.“ Spencer confessed, his smile and his words making you blush, for the 100th time tonight. Instead of answering, you simply pulled him into a tight embrace that he happily reciprocated. You sighed heavily, the tension of today falling off, feeling safe in his arms.
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Fairy Tale mansion for the wealthy witches & fairies. It was built in 1935 in Atlanta, GA, has 4bds, 4ba, $4.75M. But, it's magical. Take a look around. Look at the niche to the left of the front door.
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First, we stop at this little stone she shed for gardening tools, etc. Can you imagine decorating this as a sanctuary?
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Look at the skylights and the potting table.
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And, now we move on to the main house. Spacious, yet cozy living room has a big stone fireplace and fancy beams.
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Next to the living room, there's a home office/den. Note the doorway arches with wood and stone.
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From there, enter the spacious sun room. Wouldn't this be magical if it had a bright tropical decor? Up-lighting around the ceiling, a sky light, and big windows for plenty of sunlight.
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Very formal dining room. This home could be stunning with some color. If I had the millions to buy it, I would work with a professional designer.
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The kitchen has an interestingly shaped island. The white counters create a contrast against the darker wood of the cabinets. That gray wall has to go.
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You have to picture your own decorating style in this sitting room. I don't care for this look, and it's a flex space.
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The primary suite. The bedroom is too formal, too boring, but I would definitely keep the bath.
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This secondary is nice and roomy with stone walls.
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And, here's one of the other 4 baths.
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Step down to cozy family room. Could be a cool room.
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Rocky little room with a wine rack.
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Outside there's a courtyard with a lovely patio.
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The little stone grill has a gas grill inside.
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Here's the garage. The stone walls are amazing.
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There's so much to see, strolling the grounds.
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The gardens are magical.
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Sooo pretty.
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With the right decor this home could be stunning.
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This is like a Wonderland.
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Koi pond.
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Like a botanical garden attraction.
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Then, back around to the house.
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seeingivy · 1 year
HI RONNIE!!!! HOPE ALL IS WELL POOKIE!! i just have a suggestion for your gojo fics + ts songs if you haven’t done it already bc i havent rlly checked but gorgeous from reputation 😋😋😋
satoru gojo x f!reader
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
content: nothing much, just some good old thirsting for our favorite sorcerer
an: HELLO MY BELOVED BABIE POOKIE SWEETIE PIE FACE!!! of course I can do gorgeous (which this is actually the fourth time it's been requested for taylor as gojo so I had to do it as fast as I could) fun fact: this was one of my surprise songs when my older sister flew me out to see the eras tour in atlanta!!!!
The rosé is sweet as it trickles down your throat, immediately filling you with a warm, fuzzy feeling in the center of your chest. 
“We’ve only been here for twenty minutes.” Nanami says, reaching to take the bottle from you. 
“And I’ve had the longest week of my life. Please mind your own business, Kento.” you respond, reaching for the bottle back from him. 
A measly tradition from when you were masters students together is now the only reason you’re making it to the end of the week. After a load of corporate bullshit for Nanami, insane work hours for Shoko, and the most disorganized elementary school in the metropolitan area for you, the three of you come together to bitch and get drunk. 
Let loose. And let loose really means let loose, because the bartender hates you so much that he has a picture of the three of you printed on the front door with a very menacing Do Not Enter sign next to it. 
“Hi Toji.” 
“I’m going to permanently ban you from this bar one day. And I’ll feel no remorse when I kick you out on your ass either.” 
“Toji, stop flirting with me or I’m going to fall in love with you.” 
Toji wrinkles his nose in disgust, looking borderline offended that you would even say such a thing, as he places three beers on the table. You shoot him a wink and he flips you off in response as he walks back to his spot behind the bar. 
“So what is that asshat doing?” Nanami asks. 
You turn your head to find Hiro, the stupid pathologist you’ve been dating for the past eight months, doing some type of…interpretive dance in the middle of the bar with a blonde girl. Interpretive dance is a nice word for twerking on each other. 
Shoko and Nanami nearly burst out laughing before pushing their bottles towards you, which you happily accept. 
“You win. What an absolute idiot.” 
You all laugh as you watch Hiro go on, matching disgusted faces plastered on the three of your faces as his arms become more uncoordinated with each changing beat. You turn your head to the side, swallowing down your disgust with Nanami’s beer and silently thanking the Ancient Sumerians for creating the aforementioned beer for you to drown your pity in.  
The door of the bar swings open behind you and Nanami and Shoko lift their hands up, giving a polite wave, before sinking back down into their chairs. You turn around to look at who they were waving at and feel your breath get tangled in your throat. 
Are you drunk? Yes. Are you a little bit delusional? Probably. Is this probably a result of the idiot you’ve been dating doing some type of weird, inappropriate bird mating call on the dance floor that’s more embarrassing for you than it is for him? For sure. 
But the human personification of beauty just walked into the smelly bar and you think you’ve fallen in love. In lust. In whatever you can have with this man, because he’s literally the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. 
He’s tall, his defined arms peeking out through the white, buttoned collared shirt he’s wearing. His sleeves are pulled just past his forearms, because he’s a whore, putting the tiniest of veins on display and honestly, making you foam at the mouth. Not only is he built, not only is he fit but he literally has the face of a fucking angel. 
You’ve never understood that entire thing. Attraction at first sight. You need to sit down, get to know someone, before you can truly like them. And tonight, you stand corrected because there’s something magnetic about him. You can’t help but notice, can’t help but pay attention to him walking around the bar. 
You think it’s illegal. Because who the fuck walks into this dinky ass bar looking like that? Sparkly blue eyes, peeking from behind a pair of sunglasses, and perfectly tousled, snow white hair. Looks that could kill. Like literally kill, because your heart is beating so fast it’s going to explode.  
He walks past the door and takes a seat at the bar, leaning against the table to order his drink. And you’re sure your inhibitions are not present because of the bottle of wine and now four beers that you’ve downed, but you’re full on ogling him. 
Because your day, your week, your life can suck ass but you’ve grown enough to know that you should let yourself enjoy the little things in life. Which includes flagrantly gawking at this beautiful, beautiful stranger. 
“You’re staring.” 
You turn around to face Shoko and Nanami again, nearly twitching in your seat. 
“Who the fuck is that?” 
“Satoru Gojo. He’s a medical malpractice lawyer, he helped out a co-worker of mine a few months ago.” responds Shoko, placing a fresh cigarette in between her teeth. 
“His firm is right across from my office. I see him on the train sometimes on the way to work.” says Nanami, leaning over to light Shoko’s stick. 
“Do you know the things I would do to that man?” 
“I need that man. Horrendously. Biblically. Like we’re Adam and Eve, creating something new. Who the fuck looks like that? Who the fuck walks into Toji’s disgusting ass bar looking like a Greek god? Like an angel descended from the heavens?” 
“Are we talking about the same guy?” Shoko asks, blowing the smoke out of her mouth. 
“Shut up. Don’t act like you don’t go goo goo ga ga over Utahime every time you see her at one of my work functions. This guy is my Utahime.”
“Y/N. Stop.” 
“Shut up Kento. One night with Satoru Gojo and I’d literally lose my fucking mind. Like freak shit - on the table, in the bathroom, on the kitchen counter. Like you know that mind-blowing person you still think about when you’re a smelly, old senile person reliving your glory days when your husband cheats on you? That man under me would be MY glory days. He’s fucking gorgeous.” 
You feel a hand slide around your shoulder and the aforementioned gorgeous man is now sitting right next to you, his other hand resting on your knee. He’s smiling, his eyes even more dazzling when they’re filled with the sincerity of a smile. 
“Gorgeous, huh?” he says, reaching forward to pinch your cheek. 
You stick your face in your hands as you move away from his burning touch.. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. He leans forward to shake hands with Shoko and Nanami, exchanging pleasantries with them. The traitors. 
“Were you planning on telling me he was standing right behind me listening while I listed all the ways I would do him, Kento?” 
“What do you think ‘Y/N stop it’ means?” he responds. 
“No need to be ashamed, sweetheart. I think it’s really cute.” 
You roll your eyes as you scoot closer to the other edge of the bench, drowning in your embarrassment as Kento and Shoko break into conversation with Gojo. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
“Hey babe. Are you ready to leave?” 
Hiro’s now standing at the side of the table, sweat dripping down the side of his face, as he gestures for you to stand up. And now it’s even more embarrassing, because Gojo looks way too excited to be meeting Hiro right now. 
“I’m not sure we’ve met. I’m Satoru Gojo.” 
“Hiro. I’m dating Y/N.” 
Satoru looks over, smirking at you, before he leans back - and sends your head into a tizzy in the process because who the hell looks attractive smirking like that. 
“Congratulations. You must be really happy together. Life changing.” he says. 
You can feel your cheeks burning. He’s teasing you. You just admitted all the things you would do to him out loud, about how one night with him would change your life, and not only did he hear but now he’s sticking it to your boyfriend too. 
You push past him in the booth, give Shoko and Nanami a halfhearted smile, before you drag Hiro out of the bar with you. 
You sit against the pavement, bumping knees with Itadori, as you both eye the empty parking lot in front of you. 
“I’m really sorry. My grandpa should actually be here any minute.” 
You look over at him, his pink hair tousled messily and the way he’s nervously fidgeting with the strings of his yellow hoodie. You give him a smile, knowing all too well the embarrassment of being the last kid picked up from school. Patiently waiting for someone to remember to pick you up. 
“Are you enjoying the third grade, Itadori?” 
“Yeah. I made a few friends recently which is nice.” 
“That’s always fun, kid. I’m glad you’re situating okay. Do you like the area?” 
“I kind of miss my old house. But it’s nice to spend time with my grandpa.” 
You feel your heart ache as you remember the little file they sent over, the written note from your principal pressed on top. That his parents passed away just before the start of the school year and his grandfather, one of his only living family members, wasn’t doing too well either. 
“Do you like your teacher?” 
He looks over, a shy smile on his face. 
“She’s okay.” 
You smile, reaching forward to mess with her hair. 
“Just okay? I think I’m pretty cool.” 
You reach into your pocket for the lollipop you swiped from your stash and hold it out in front of him. You watch his face light up, his excited little hands ripping the paper off. 
“Am I cool yet, Itadori?” 
You smile, giving his shoulder a squeeze as a black car pulls up, stopping right in front of you. And out comes Satoru Gojo, in all his beauty, and one of your other students, Megumi Fushiguro. 
Megumi runs straight up to Itadori, holding out his hand, as he starts dragging him to the car. You stand up, awkwardly brushing your palms against your pencil skirt as Satoru walks up to you, a smirk on his face. 
And what the fuck is he doing here?
“Hello. Are you here to pick up Itadori?” 
“Sure am, pretty girl. Have a note from his grandpa, he’s not really feeling well.” 
You nod, ignoring the tingle in your hands as he brushes his fingers against yours to hand you the note. You pretend to read the note as you try to calm your breaths and look back up at him. 
Ocean blue eyes, staring into yours. 
“Perfect. Well, you’re good to go.” 
Satoru gives you a look before bending down to Itadori and Megumi’s heights, giving them the keys to the car and full access to playing with his stereo system. They both excitedly run into the car, leaving you and Satoru outside the school. 
“Are you not leaving?” 
“I thought we could chat for a bit.” 
You clench your fists as he takes Itadori’s seat on the pavement and gestures for you to sit next to him. You both eye Megumi and Itadori in the car, the two of them now sticking their faces too close to the air conditioning vents and manically laughing at how poofed up their hair is getting. 
“How are you?” 
“Satoru Gojo. Are you really making me sit here on the pavement to ask me how I am?” 
“Well. I already know a lot about you. Your name, your occupation, how you feel about me. I feel like we skipped a few steps so we should backtrack. I didn’t even know you were my kids' teacher till about three seconds ago.” he says, smirking over at you. 
“Excuse me. How I feel about you?” 
“Oh, you know. On the table, in the bathroom, on the kitchen counter.” he responds, his voice all sing-songy. 
“Isn’t your wife waiting for you at home?” 
You can feel the jealousy seething in you already, because you know his answer. Because there is no universe where this man does not have a girlfriend already. The best ones are already taken. He leans closer, pinching your cheek in response. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” 
“I think the whole my kid’s elementary school teacher cheating affair is cliche, Satoru. Dare I say, even more cliche than the nanny.” 
“But not as cliche as the secretary.” 
“Oh, of course not. That’s the holy grail of cliche cheating affairs.” 
He laughs, leaning back on his forearms as you both fall into the silence. Stupid, fucking gorgeous funny charismatic looking-
“No wife for me fortunately. Or girlfriend either.” 
That’s somehow worse. Because if he had a girlfriend, you could be jealous of her. Put her face on a cardboard box and kick it off a cliff. But he’s single. And now he’s just something you want but can’t have. Entirely attainable but not in your reach. 
Also known as, frustrating as hell. 
“Shame. I’m sure girls are lining up at the door to experience the joys of dating you.” 
“And you’re first in line, sweetheart.” 
You feel your cheeks burn as he stands up, the tension so unbearable you can feel it eating at you alive. He holds his hand out, that little tingle running through you again, as he helps you up, now dragging Megumi and Itadori out of the front seats. You give the three of them a smile, your blood burning, as they drive away. 
He sends you a gift the next day. A donation of classroom supplies you had been egregiously emailing all the parents about and a handwritten note. 
the start of a cliche <3 - satoru 
You try to wipe the smile off your face. The fluttering in your chest. The presence of him in your dreams and in your mind at all times. 
Suddenly, you’re seventeen again and you remember the biggest woes of your teenage life. 
The ups and downs of having a crush on someone. 
You clench the bowl of pudding in your hands as you ring the doorbell, which sprouts a large amount of commotion and noise behind the door. You give your hair one last pat down, after fretting over it for six hours in the mirror, as the door swings open. 
You’re met with Satoru Gojo and a pink apron hanging around his neck. 
“Nice outfit, Gojo. Can I try it on sometime?” 
“I’ll take it off and give you a show right now, sweetheart.” 
You feel your cheeks blazing as he drags you in, his warm hands taking the bowl from yours. You can hear thumping upstairs, which you’re sure is Megumi, Itadori, and Kugisaki making a mess of Gojo’s apartment. 
You follow him to the kitchen, taking a quick moment to totally check him out, before you make it to his mess of a birthday cake.
“There’s no way you’re going to actually give them that, are you?” 
“What’s wrong with it? It’s homemade. It has that Satoru charm.” 
“More like a stinky charm. What is that smell?” 
“The dishes. I need to do them because they’re kind of sticking to the pans. From this downright radioactive cake I just made.” 
You shoo him away, taking on the duty of properly making something out of the ruins of the "cake" Satoru had spread on his counter. From your vantage point, he has his back turned to you, which gives you full permission to ogle him once again. 
You realize that this is creepy. That no part of this is romantic and that he only invited you to Itadori’s little birthday party because you’re one of five people he actually knows in this city. But god is your heart beaming at the fact that the two of you are like this, together and alone. 
You’re mixing the frosting, a perfect light pink to match Itadori’s hair, and all you can think about is how good Satoru looks in a kitchen. In that run down t-shirt and sweatpants. Being all domestic. 
The way his arms look when he’s washing the dishes, how he looks when he puts things back into the fridge - his arm flexed against the handle. How reaching for the top cupboards makes the end of his shirt lift a little and you can see that muscled skin on his back. 
“I’m sure that the frosting is mixed by now. You’ve been going really hard at it.” 
You feel your face burn as you fill the piping bag, entirely embarrassed that he caught you staring. He makes his way over as you fill up the bags, the two of you frosting the entire sides of the cake together. At the end, you and Satoru take turns frosting the letters - the happy birthday in Satoru’s messy block printing and the itadori in your swirly cursive. 
He gives you a smile and it makes your heart all lopsided as he walks away. He goes toward the stairs, gesturing for all three of them to come down. 
You hear three pounding footsteps and then are bombarded with all three of them hugging you, pleasantly surprised at your arrival. 
“Are you here for my birthday?” 
“I sure am, birthday boy. I even brought you a gift, Itadori.” you respond, pinching his little cheek. 
He leans into your touch, giving you a hard hug before he lets go to run towards the kitchen. Gojo’s too busy strapping little birthday hats onto Nobara and Megumi's head as the two of you walk in, Satoru you a gleaming smile as he carries the last two hats over to you. 
“Purple or blue? Your pick, milady.” 
You point at the blue party hat which Gojo smiles at, before he lifts his hands to your face and secures the hat around your head. Some part of your hair gets tangled with the string, which Gojo fixes with the swiftness of his hands, immediately securing your hair back behind your ear. 
You could die happy then and there. 
He gives you a smile before turning back to Itadori - tickling him and screaming singing happy birthday into his ears, making the kid laugh so hard he’s crying out of his eyes. 
And you hate Satoru for inviting you. Surely he must know that something like this would only make you like him more. 
You turn your neck, just at the slightest angle, to get sight of him in your periphery. Keeping an eye on him is the only way to keep him at arm's length. And you’ve successfully avoided him three times now. 
More dressed down than the past few times you’ve seen him, Satoru is wearing a run down t-shirt and five inch inseam shorts - and he’s very excitedly chatting up Utahime and Nanami. You may be seeing things, but you swear he inches closer every time you move, the majority of his frame always turned to whichever direction you're standing in. 
Shoko starts poking your cheek aggressively to catch your attention, her face a few feet away from yours. 
“You know if you look from the side, it’s still considered staring.” she says. 
“Shut up. You’re acting like you weren’t staring either, Shoko.” 
“Staring at who?” 
You turn around to find the person attached to the voice and immediately walk away. Of course it was fucking Gojo. 
Even the sound of his voice is enough to make your heart race, like you're a six year old girl meeting your crush on the swings. You immediately race to Shoko’s bedroom, for a few seconds to calm yourself down. Sober up before you say something embarrassing again. 
When you make it to her room, you haphazardly shut the door behind you and fall face first into Shoko’s bed. You can still smell the laundry on her sheets, perfectly starched and fitted to perfection. You yank your phone out from your back pocket, quickly sliding through emails and making mental notes for your to-do list tomorrow to distract yourself. 
You hear the door open and close behind you, the tiny lock clicking against the frame. You turn around to find Satoru standing before you, his hands crossed against his chest. 
“Why do you hate me?” 
You frown, taken aback by his question. 
“Why do you hate me, Y/N? I’ve made every effort to be your friend, to be your anything and you keep ignoring me.” 
“When the hell did I ignore you?” 
“I’ve been trying to talk to you all night. Every time I walk up to a group you’re standing in, you walk away.” 
“That’s not intentional, I-” 
“I sent you everything on your wishlist for your classroom. For your students, because you wanted it really badly.” 
“And I appreciate that, I really do and-” 
“You didn’t even stop by to thank me. I’ve been picking up Megumi everyday waiting for you to come out.” 
“Thank you. Really, it’s made such a big difference and I’ve-” 
“Why don't you want to be friends with me?” 
You can feel the anger, the tension, the goddamn jumbled mess of feelings this idiot makes you feel bubbling out of your mouth as you start screaming at him, at the goddamn idiocy falling out of his mouth right now. 
“That's just the fucking problem. I don't want to be friends with you because I want to be more. You should take it as a compliment that I went out of my way to talk to everyone here but you. That I like you so much that I can’t stand to even be near you without telling you.” 
You can see the shock spread across his face as you keep rambling, the words stringing out of your mouth. 
“I don’t not talk to you on purpose. But every time I look at you, I can’t say anything to your face. You-you’re just-” 
“Just what?” 
“You make me so happy it’s ridiculous. You could smile at me and I’d be on the floor, giggling in my bed like I’m a twelve year old. You’re- your banter leaves me blushing, your smile makes my heart beat so fast, and you make me so happy that it makes me sad I can’t have you. I’ve embarrassed myself in front of you for the literal second time now so can I please just leave before you humiliate me some more?"  
You can feel your chest heaving, a very wide eyed Gojo staring back at you with a smile on his face. You make your move to run past him, to literally avoid this guy for the rest of your life, but he grabs onto your wrist, pulling you back so you’re leaning into his chest. 
"Leave me alone. I'll probably just go die alone at home with my cats now."
“It's my turn to talk now.” he says, his voice low.
“It's my turn to talk. You’ve gotten to ramble about how you feel twice and you have yet to let me do it even once.” he deadpans, cupping your face in the side of his hand. 
You nod, your cheek searing from his warm hand on your skin. 
“You think I’m gorgeous. But I think you’re irresistible.” 
“You. are. irresistible. Every time I see you, every time I even hear about you, it makes my heart bloom in my chest. Remember that smiley face you put in the email about Megumi’s grades? I literally had to bite down on my hand to avoid fucking screaming about the entire thing. That one time you smiled at me from across the hall when I went to pick Tsumiki up from her class? I was on the fucking floor.” 
He brings his other hand up, securing it around your neck to angle your face up. His eyes are burning with something you can’t place and it’s making your stomach swarm with an array of butterflies. 
“And the first night I met you. Your little grumpy face with your hands curled around two bottles of beer. Giggling with Shoko and Nanami, laughing so hard you were crying. You are so, so goddamn cute, so fucking beautiful that I just had to walk over. To have your eyes looking in mine, even if it was just once.” 
He leans down, pressing his lips against yours, as you nearly melt into his arms, losing the agency you had over your footing. He must sense it because he immediately brings his hands down, lifting you up from your waist so you’re even closer to his mouth, his lips deepening the kiss. He breaks apart, whispering against your mouth.
“I’d like to meet your cats.” 
“What cats?” 
“You literally just said you were going to do die at home alone with your cats."
"Oh. Right. I live alone, that was kind of just an expression."
"S'okay. You've always had a flair for the dramatics."
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
taglist: @porridgesblog  @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @luna0713hunter @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @squirrelspoetry
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bengals-barnesbabe · 4 months
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Pairing: Joe Burrow x Singer!FemReader
Summary: When the secret relationship between a famous singer and a popular quarterback is revealed no one could be happier. But when lyrics to an unreleased song are released, the strength of their relationship is questioned and tested when fans, reporters and exes start coming into the mix. Will you get your happy ending or is this the beginning of the end?
Chapter 13: 'i love you, goodnight' tour
#Track9 Masterlist
Warnings: 18+, mentions of sex, foul language.
Part One🖤
Word Count: 1.2k
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Anxiety courses through your veins like hot lava as you wait for your name to be announced. You haven't done a live appearance like this since before you and Joe went public with your relationship, not one with an audience that is. During rehearsals Jimmy reassured you that it would be more fun than stressful, but that does not include the buildup to it. Usually you’d be texting or talking to Joey right now but he’s knee deep in meetings across the country so thats not an option. So its just you and your nerves.
“For tonight’s musical guest, we have the incredibly talented and beautiful Venus, she will be singing her latest single off of her new album ‘Tell Me You Love Me,’ everyone allow me to introduce Venus to the stage.”
 I guess that’s my cue.
Walking out to the lively applause and the smiling host helps you shed some of the nervousness that plagued you earlier. You and Jimmy share a quick hug before turning towards the audience and smiling and waving back.
“Venus, everyone. Wow, they might love you more than me.” He jokes as you both take your seats.
“Well, I love everyone here equally.” You wink at the audience causing a wave of laughter. “Thank you so much for having me, Jimmy.”
“The pleasure is all mine, the last time you were here you had just won your first grammy’s and there was someone else with you backstage that we’re missing today.” He lightly smirked. Fantastic start right.
“Its crazy that it was only a little over a year ago when my life completely changed. Then even more so in the last few weeks, everything is absolutely insane and I wouldn't wish for it any other way.” You widely grinned, dusting off the last part of his question.
“Thats great,” he says then pulls up a photo of you at the SuperBowl. “You surprised everyone when you joined Usher at this year’s SuperBowl, tell us how this came about.”
Your eyes crinkled up as the memory flooded your brain. “Of course, so for those who don’t know Usher is one of the big industry people that discovered me way back when, so he’s been like my mentor ever since. He called me in about November and told me that he was going to
headlining it and I was ecstatic for him. It was about time we had an Atlanta centered show, and then he asked me if I wanted to join him. I immediately said yes, like Usher just asked me to perform with him, I don't care what stage we’re on or even the fact that I know him personally. The man is an absolute legend and it was an honor to share the stage with him. Being apart of his surprise guests was so exciting and I was starstruck the entire time.” 
“Thats incredible, you were amazing up there and I hope we see you headlining it someday.” He winked.
“Who knows what the future holds.” You chuckled.
Then a picture of you and a certain someone shows up on the screen behind you cause the audience to start hollering and your face to heat up a bit. “Oh what do we have here, I have no idea how that got up there.” You smiled then shook your head.
“I’m just going to ask the question and see how far you want to go. How did this happen, where did this romance come from?” He says hiding his face behind his cards.
“God, I’d like to say that I don’t know, but that’s not true. You can thank LSU for that, we met at the beginning of our senior year and became really fast friends. There was always some kind of attraction on both ends, but we didn’t do anything about that until two years later. And we’ve been together ever since.”
“That’s cute, you guys look great together. So were together during your first appearance?”
“Yea, he was backstage with me trying to stop me from freaking out about performing for y'all.” Everyone cracked up at that one.
“I don’t know how you could be nervous about this, you are absolutely killing it. Now lets talk about the album, this track 9 controversy, what happened?”
“My lack of media training happened,” you huffed. “Im joking, but not really. I was really excited to put out this project and even more ready to actually show the world who I dedicated it to. I worked on this album for a really long time, it was like journaling an adventure and the hardest part was finding a way to condense 5 years into one album. In the end, we were all satisfied with what we made then what I thought was going to be a fun little peak at track 9 turned into absolute chaos.”
“For a few weeks, it seemed like every media outlet could not stop talking about this song and really giving Joe a bad rep in the process.”
“One that wasn’t deserved at all. Joe was such a good sport through the whole thing because he’s such a laid back guy. While I was basically preparing for war, he was the one calming me down about it. Everything was so fresh to the outside world that people just took it to an extreme that it was no where near. When artists release a body of work, I think fans skip past the time element. That particular song was written before I was even signed, I was still working my regular 9 to 5 in Louisiana and using songwriting as a way to cope with my feelings. And its extremely dramatized. For something to be entertaining that might be banal to most, you amp it up and Track 9 was taken from a 4 to a 10 in one session. By the time we were putting together this album, Leon Thomas III, absolutely incredible musician and producer, heard it and decided to rework it. When he was finished, everyone in the room was in love with it, we almost made it a single.”
“Its funny how things like that happen. Before we let you go and hit that stage, give us a little about the song you will be performing in a bit.”
“Absolutely, earlier this week I released ‘Prayer for the Broken’ as a single because I wanted to be able to give to communities that are struggling right now. This song is about how love is the only thing that can fix our broken world so all the proceeds that it brings in will be donated to multiple charities around the world, to help people and communities in horrid conditions. These charities are on my website so if anyone wants to donate straight to them, please do. This song means a lot to me and I hope everyone loves hearing it live.”
“Tonight only?”
“Live tonight AND this summer when I go on my ‘i love you, goodnight’ tour. I hope to see you all there and maybe I’ll bring some friends along too.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen give it up once again for Venus!”
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atlurbanist · 3 months
Major urban projects in Atlanta shouldn't be a surprise
by Darin Givens, June 12, 2024
Atlantans found out that Five Points Station would be closed to pedestrian entry for four years, starting next month, only a couple of weeks ago, at a Council committee meeting.
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We've known for a while about the proposal to replace the canopy over the station, pictured above, but the closure to pedestrians and the major disruptions for disabled users (who'll have to transfer at different stations and use shuttles due to elevator closure) were a surprise.
No one outside of MARTA staff appears to have known beforehand. Since then, the mayor has opposed it, Central Atlanta Progress has opposed it, a coalition of many nonprofits has spoken out against it, but MARTA isn't budging, despite the fact that the access issues were a surprise that was delivered soon before the closure begins.
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It reminds me of the recent announcement of four infill MARTA stations by the mayor. It's a good idea (with zero funding identified, which makes it look suspiciously like an empty gesture), but no one outside the Mayor's office appears to have known that the proposal was coming.
This isn't how planning should work. Major projects shouldn't pop out at us like a jack in the box with no warning.
Meanwhile, a transit project that's been carefully planned over 20 years worth of public meetings -- Beltline rail -- seems to be not happening anymore. How does Atlanta expect to attract good planning leaders in this environment?
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
You’ve Got Me Hooked - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Riley McKenzie)
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Sex work, Stripper, OnlyFans, Strip Club, Lap dance, Alcohol, F Masturbation, Angst
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @marytudorbrandon @enchantedbytomandhenry @foxyjwls007 @peaches1958 @identity2212 @summersong69 @liecastillo @islacharlotte @evansabove1981
A/N: If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know!​
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​
Riley (5 hours earlier)
I spent the last several days working on my proposal for Don. This is more than just an advertising project. Don seems to think he will need a significant investment in order to really make a lasting effect on his business and keep the place afloat and I’m pained to say that I have to agree with him.
Yesterday I called around and got quotes from various contractors in Atlanta and the neighboring towns to run a proper analysis and I think we can make this work if we take it one step at a time.
Don and I agreed on the top three most important improvements to make on the garage and then made a list of the "nice to haves". I don't want Don taking out a personal loan any bigger than it has to be and I'm hoping the extra income from the urgent improvements will allow him to eventually tackle the rest of the project list.
I've done the math three times now and it always turns out the same. If they keep going like they are, Don will have to close up by the end of the year. He asked me to keep that little detail between the two of us though since Sy apparently doesn't know how dire the situation is.
I prepare the folder with all my notes, designs and the various contractor quotes and pack it in my bag by the door.
I have a few hours before Sy gets home and before I have to leave for work. I hadn’t really planned to film today but I guess I could get ready at home and film something before heading off to the club.
I do all my makeup and change into an outfit that, with any luck, will attract attention without getting my videos blocked on Tiktok. I’ve just gotten my account back up and running after the last time I was reported.
I film enough to splice together a few posts then change my makeup and my outfit to something a little more bold and repeat the whole process. Hopefully, no one will notice that everything was filmed the same day.
The big problem is that I don’t have a video to post to OnlyFans tonight because I worked double shifts at the diner all week on top of the work for the garage. Not posting might make me lose over a hundred dollars of tips and subscriptions which I really can’t afford.
With a sigh, I pull out my good camera and set up the tripod in its usual spot. I dig through the box of toys I keep hidden in my closet and decide on a small bullet vibrator and a pink realistic-shaped dildo. It’s nice and veiny like I picture Sy’s cock would be. God that makes me sound like a creepy stalker, doesn’t it?
I feel like those girls in high school who have a crush on a male teacher. When we talked about his ex-girlfriend, I could tell how much he longed for a different life, one where he could have a house with a white picket fence, a wife to kiss when comes home and a couple of mini Syversons running around and raising hell. He deserves to have everything he dreams of.
Sy’s already had an entire career in the army and now he has his new job at the garage. I’m a failed marketing assistant with mountains of debt and the only relationship I’ve ever been in lasted all of two months back in college.
I know I can’t be with Sy. I’ve done my best in the weeks since he’s moved in to keep him out of my head but seeing him with his shirt off the other day? That left me all hot and bothered in the kitchen. Just thinking about it now has my stomach fluttering with interest. Why does he have to be handsome, kind and caring?
I start my recording and stand in front of the camera so my body is visible from my lips to my mid thigh. I squeeze my breasts for the camera as I welcome the audience with a dirty introduction. I dart my tongue out, wetting my lips before blowing a kiss to the lens, then walk backwards toward the bed.
I get on my knees, facing the camera while wearing nothing but lacy black underwear. I grab the bullet and run it slowly over my breasts. When I reach my nipple, the sudden intense sensation makes me hiss. I close my eyes and imagine it’s Sy’s tongue teasing me rather than a little piece of battery-powered plastic.
In my fantasies he’d wait until I was soaked and begging before even getting anywhere near my pussy. I wonder how his beard would feel on my skin or between my thighs. I bet it would be rough but that the scratching would only add to the sensation.
I switch positions getting on my back and reach for the dildo. With my knees pulled up and my legs spread wide, I tease the tip through my folds. I beg out loud, telling the viewer behind the camera how much I need their cock even though there is only one man in the world that I truly want in my bed.
The dildo I’m using is the biggest I have but it’s by no means enormous. It’s a modest seven inches and no more than an inch and a half thick. I push the tip into my cunt and moan at the intrusion. I picture Sy’s wide body above mine, whispering his dirty desires in my ear and praising how well I’m taking him. After I get used to the girth, I turn the bullet back on and hold it against my clit.
My eyes are still closed and my thighs quiver violently when I pump the dildo, relentlessly against my G-spot. Sometimes I make it last, pulling back every time I’m close to my peak and denying myself until I can’t hold it anymore. Right now, I’m too pent up to stop when I start teetering over the edge.
Sy’s deep southern drawl echoes in my head. “Takin’ my cock so well. Be a good girl and come for me.” The imaginary words are my undoing. I fall apart and I almost call out Sy’s name but manage to turn it into a moan before it’s too late.
Fuck, that was so intense that I feel droplets of sweat running down between my breasts and the evidence of my release dripping on the bedsheets below me. Shit. I’m going to have to shower before I get to the club.
I look at the clock by my side and my eyes go wide when I realize that I’m absolutely going to be late by the time I make my post. I don’t technically have to be at the club before opening, I just choose to get there that early to get opening credit. Getting there later tonight will mean paying an extra sixty for house but it’s better than if I hadn’t had anything to post tonight.
I jump out of bed, turning off the camera and dropping my toys in the sink to deal with later. I rip off my wig and carefully pack it in my bag. Hopefully the curls will be fine and I won’t have to redo them at the club.
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I just recently started working at this club but I’m lucky because my online reputation precedes me. They contacted me on social media, inviting me to come work with them without the usual audition process. What they really want is the free advertising that I can provide if I post about their club on my page.
Nevertheless, I tried it out. The girls were welcoming and the house rules were similar to what I am used to so it was an easy match. The fact that it’s in Atlanta also means we get clients with deeper pockets. I have yet to post about it publicly but if I choose to make it a permanent part of my work week, I will definitely be inviting my followers over.
I’m especially happy about the special performances they hold for birthdays. The birthday package doesn’t actually require it to be the person’s real birthday. As long as someone shells out the cash, the owners don’t much care who is on stage. It’s expensive enough that it doesn’t happen every night which helps keep the appeal alive for the regulars. One of the clubs I performed at in Vegas used to make the lucky guest strip down to their underwear in front of everyone so the version of the show that we perform is actually tame compared to some I’ve been a part of in the past.
Tonight, I am intent on making the performance memorable because I haven’t worked the room beforehand. I got here just in time for the floor manager to put me on stage. There are a lot of girls working on weekend nights and the competition makes it harder to earn good money. Most of them already have regulars in this club which is an added level of difficulty for me.
The outfit I brought with me for the evening just so happened to scream ���I make men like you bow and lick my boots” which is perfect for the situation. Sugar is playing the role for the first time and her inexperience shows in the tentativeness of her strikes. I tell her to really go for it but even then, the spank is more of a gentle tap so I offer to show her how it’s done. The man at our feet flinches and groans but he doesn’t use the safeword we gave him. He takes his ten strikes and earns his reward.
With the bright stage lights, I don’t notice Sy sitting in the audience until it’s too late. The look on his face when we lock eyes perplexes me. He looks… guilty, maybe even ashamed but he doesn’t seem surprised.
I don’t miss the way Kira is perched on his lap or the kiss she gives him as she leaves. I am very much ignoring the wave of possessive jealousy the kiss instills in me when in the blink of an eye, the man behind Sy pushes him to his feet and practically drags him out while a younger man runs after them.
I don’t have time to wonder what’s wrong, not with four hungry looking men waving bills in my face. I’m busy dancing for the birthday boy when the younger man comes back to the booth. Alone.
The birthday boy’s friends aren’t subtle about following me online or subscribing to my OnlyFans. I do my best to keep in character until it’s time to move on to other customers but as uncomfortable as the extra attention makes me, it ends up being a blessing. After other patrons hear me being called a “pornstar”, I get asked for more bed dances than I’ve done in all my months as a stripper combined.
I take my time removing my wig and makeup after the club closes. I’m the last to leave and I can tell the bouncer is annoyed at having to wait for me before he can finally call it a night. When I tell him I’m ready, he locks the backdoor behind us and walks me to my piece of shit car. Once I’m safely on the road home, the weight of this evening’s event comes crashing down on me. When I make it up the stairs to my front door, I feel like I’m about to burst into tears.
I freeze on the fourth floor landing, clutching my keys in my hand with the other wrapped tightly around the strap of my duffle bag. I know Sy is home, his truck was parked in his spot. It’s well past 4 am and logically, I know he is most likely asleep but some part of me is worried that he might have stayed up. Worse, some part of me wishes that he’s stayed up thinking about me.
“Fuck, I can’t do this.”
I turn around and run down the stairs. I get back in the car and scroll through the names in my contact list. I select a number for another waitress from the diner who does the opening shift and lift the phone to my ear.
“Riley? What are you doing up at this time on your day off?” 
“I just got off at my other job and I… I must have dropped my house keys in the breakroom without noticing. I can pick them up when I go in for my shift later but for now, do you think I can come sleep at yours?”
I hate lying to Kathy but I’m not ready to talk about what happened nor am I willing to tell her about my secret night job.
“Oh honey, sure. It might be a little noisy once the kids wake up though.”
“That’s fine. You’re doing me a big favor, I promise to cover for you the next time you have a family emergency.”
She laughs on the other end of the line. “I won’t say no to that. Come on over, I’ll leave the side door unlocked if you don’t make it before I leave.”
I thank her again then hang up and put my car in drive. I pull up in front of her house just as she walks down the front lawn.
“Guest bed is ready for you. Upstairs, last one on the left.”
“Thank you, have a good shift.”
She waves as she drives off and I climb the stairs as quietly as I possibly can. Once I’m safely behind closed doors, I fall face first into the mattress, muffling my sobs in the fluffy pillow until I eventually pass out from exhaustion.
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I wake up dazed and confused by my surroundings until I remember that I crashed at Kathy’s for the day. I dig through my bag for my phone only to find that the battery has died when it refuses to turn on. I use the black screen as a mirror to check my appearance and once I’m convinced my bedhead won’t terrify Kathy’s boyfriend, I leave the room in search of a charger.
As it turns out, I was asleep much longer than I thought because I bump into Kathy in the kitchen.
“Hey sleeping beauty, you want some dinner?”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to stay so late.”
She waves off my apology. “We’re having spaghetti. You can sit next to Kade.”
I want to refuse but my stomach answers for me with an embarrassingly loud growl. I was so busy yesterday that I completely forgot to feed myself. Kathy gets me a charger and we sit down for dinner with her family. It’s nice, her toddler is hilarious and her older daughter can’t stop saying fun facts about animals. Apparently, elephants can’t jump. I have no idea if it's true but it doesn’t matter because it makes me smile.
By the time I leave, it’s too late to stop at home before going to my regular Saturday night club. I quickly look at my phone after pulling into the parking lot and see that I have five missed calls from Sy and two voicemails eight hours apart.
I play the first one which was left at five o’clock this morning.
“Um, hey Riley. I was just callin’ to make sure you’re alright. Ya didn’t come home last night and…” There’s a pause and for a second, I think he might have hung up. “Could ya just send me a text so I know you’re safe? Please?”
The annoying voicemail beep pierces my ears before the next message plays.
“It’s me again.” Sy’s voice in the last message sounded concerned. Now, however, he just sounds pissed. “Just lettin’ ya know that I’ll be back for my things as soon as I get a new place. Keep whatever food’s in the fridge.”
What? I stare at my phone, completely dumbfounded before playing the message again, then again for a third time as if it will magically change the words.
Sy is gone. Sy is gone and it’s all my fault.
Chapter 8
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millerflintstone · 2 years
I found out someone who was a friend a very long time ago died suddenly last July. He was 49. That's doing my head in. I've rarely blogged about him. About Eric. But we were inseparable for a while.
He was a manager at the movie theater along with Unfriendly, though they only worked together for about a year or maybe less. Eric also ended up at that theater due to a general manager move, like Unfriendly. And Eric was one of that manager's assistants. He was 19 at the time in 1992, and I think the youngest assistant manager for the then small FL theater chain. He had braces! I was 18.
We ended up becoming really close for a couple of years. He was gay but not fully out. I had a friend from high school, also gay, who would visit me at the theater and he developed the biggest crush on him. Eric was gorgeous.
We did go out clubbing a lot and just hung out quite a bit. We were best friends for a time. Everyone at the theater assumed we were dating. We weren't, obviously. The term "beard" wasn't popular then, but that's what I was. And since he was attractive and approachable, women were just drawn to him. I would get such the stink eye from this one model gal who would also visit him at work and flirt with him. And now that I'm thinking back, he got the equivalent from dudes who were interested in me.
I was such a good friend that he wanted me to meet his mom. She loved me. She told Eric he should marry me at one point (!), which he told me about. I can't remember when he came out to her but it wasn't when we worked together. She even had me over for Thanksgiving when she found out I had never had a traditional turkey dinner.
Ultimately, he was not a good friend. By the time I went to UNC in 1996 to finish college, we weren't talking anymore. I reconnected with him a couple of years after graduation. His mom was excited about that.
We were supposed to get together when Unfriendly and I were visiting his family in FL for the holidays that year. 2000. Eric was flying in from CA and was fully out by then. I vaguely remember talking to his mom on the phone when he was late because I was worried and he wasn't answering his cell phone. But he stood me up. I did leave him an angry voice mail, but I never heard back. Never got an email or anything.
But we did have such a blast hanging out for a couple of years. He loved Depeche Mode. He gave me all of his old DM cassettes when he got everything on CD. We saw them for their 1993 Songs of Faith and Devotion tour. I've been on a DM kick lately. I got to thinking about him yesterday while listening to DM and decided to go searching. That's how I found the obituary.
I'm in shock. Sad that we couldn't be friends and that he never explained why he never showed up to catch up but that's minor. Really feeling my mortality, mostly. He was very fit and the obituary doesn't say how he passed. His partner has a lot of public Facebook posts but no one made a comment about what the cause of the sudden death was. Just that his partner was at his bedside in the hospital. They lived in Atlanta. I knew that his mom and stepdad moved to GA when we're emailing / talking on the phone in 2000, so that wasn't a surprise.
I'm happy he found a good partner. They had been together for 12 years. And Eric was well liked and successful. People shared so many pictures in the memories section. One was a picture from 1993 at his mom and stepdad's wedding. That made me smile. I remember that version of him.
Sadly, she passed as well. The last time I went looking for him it was her obituary I found. I think if he had predeceased her, I'd reach out to his mom. I feel way too weird about things to leave a memory on the obituary page or anything like that. Though I did see a familiar name of a guy that was a friend to him that I met and hung out with. That guy commented that they had grown apart as well in his condolence post.
I could look through my journals and pictures and maybe I will eventually. But not today.
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84reedsy · 6 months
The Mentorship, Part 8
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The Mentorship
Characters: Curt Hennig/FemOC , Scott Hall/FemOC
Part 8 of ? (Parts not chapters, parts length varies)
Word Count: 3421
-----Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7----
Warnings/Considerations: Smut, Age Gap, Power Dynamics, Dirty Talk, swearing
Brinkley enjoyed the promo tours they did around Chicago. She was mostly recognized by association, but she wasn't occasionally mobbed like a few of the others.  She watched them with their fans and they were all so kind and patient. Even Kevin brought out a benevolent side she wasn't sure his cockiness would allow. But then again he was a preening peacock with all the attention, specifically from females.
She noticed Scott and Curt paid a little extra attention to the kids. She found it sweet,  but then wondered if it might have had something to do with missing their own. 
She remembered what Curt was like in his home element and she felt a little bad for the first time. She probably should have felt this much sooner, but just as he'd said, life on the road tended to insulate you from reality.
Any thoughts of guilt were quickly squashed when she pictured Curt's face pressed between her thighs this morning. 
Brinkley was again invited to a party, this being held at Lex's place that he still had in Chicago. His main house was in Atlanta, but when it came to a free place to party, no one was very picky. 
Beer was a lot cheaper when bought in bulk versus a bar. The same went for hard liquor. Brinkley offered to go as a designated driver, the hangover from this morning still fresh in her memory.
She tried to mill around, but stayed near someone that traveled with them at all times. Everyone was feeling very friendly and touchy tonight.  She tried not to make a scene anytime someone got too frisky, but so far someone had stepped in. It didn't take much to redirect them to another party guest that was all too happy to be felt up.
She fared better in the back room off the kitchen where poker was being played in a room full of cigar smoke. She pulled up a chair to watch, Bret letting her look over his shoulder at his cards. 
“What do you think?” He asked, scooting his chair over a bit for her to sit next to him. 
She looked at his two cards and then at the flop cards on the table. He held a Heart flush draw with a King high.
“Wow. How is this even real,” she giggled a little as she whispered to him, “I'd call to see what everyone else does,”
He followed her advice and no one else raised.
The ace of hearts came next,  completing the flush and all but guaranteed Bret's win.
“Limp in,” she mumbled as he leaned back, he placed a small bet and it was immediately raised twice. He raised again and was called when Steve went all in.  
Bret's large chip stack was partially her doing and he slipped her a tip for her help . They tried to convince her to join the game, but she felt restless and walked back to the more rambunctious room. 
Voices rose from the din and clearly they were heated. The herd of people moved in the direction of the fighting. Why the Nasty Boys were here she didn't know,  but they were and they clearly had beef with the Outsiders. She'd heard this story enough to know that relations were tense.
She struggled past everyone. A few were trying to get between them and keep the peace for the sake of the party. It was clear Scott and Kevin had already had plenty to drink. Scott didn't resist getting in their face and pointing, his face scrunched as he laid out his best insults.
She reached for Scott’s balled up fist to try and keep it at bay while Page tried to talk sense to both men. Jerry's arm got in the way and he yanked his arm away from her, barely missing grazing her cheek.
“Get the fuck off of me, BITCH,” he nearly spat in her face. After that moment all hell broke loose. Page pushed her back out of the way as very real punches were being thrown. It shouldn’t have been attractive,  but seeing both Scott and Kevin fighting was very intriguing. 
It was odd to see real fighting after all this time of learning protective show fighting. This felt so raw and primal.
It didn't take long for Lex to show up and enough people to get between the four brawling men to put a stop to it. Both Jerry and Brian were booted from the house.  Kevin and Scott were still obviously energized by the provocation; still flexed and zero'd in. 
Drinks were offered as a distraction. Brinkley noticed a reddening spot on Scott’s cheek and touched his arm to get his attention. He jerked at first, adrenaline still dictating his reactions. Once he saw who it was, he softened a little.
She slipped her other hand around his taut forearm and pulled him gently to follow her
He did after being given a beer that he began drinking swiftly. On the way to the back deck, she grabbed ice and folded it in a towel.
Once alone on the deck, she sat him down in a lounge chair and sat on one of his knees, his legs splayed wide. She held his cheek running her thumb over the slightly bruising and puffed lump. He winced.
“That's what I thought,” she placed the ice pack gently against the welt before pressing down on it.  He hissed at the pressure but did not pull away.
“Not gonna let some prick talk to you like that,” he defended his actions.
“Hey, I'm not saying he didn't deserve what he got. But you don't want to ruin this pretty face, do you?” She could smell a heavy intoxication on him. His lazy gaze corroborated it.
“This ugly mug? Eh,” he took another drink.
“Nah, you're pretty,” she teased, “That's why you're their golden boy.” 
“I am not,” he wasn't too drunk to know he liked this kind of attention from her, “They just love me for my body,”
Brinkley liked him better sober, but there was definitely a playfulness to him at times when he was buzzed. She couldn’t help but giggle at his forced shy tone.
“Well, it's a pretty great body,” She moved the ice a bit to see if the swelling had stopped. It seemed to be helping a little, “Can’t blame them for that,”
“You really think I’m pretty?” His hand moved to her thigh, rubbing it gently. 
“You know I do,” She side eyed him knowingly, pressing the ice back to his cheekbone, “You know I’m wrapped around your little finger,” She narrowed her eyes at him playfully.
“Darlin’, I think you have that backwards,” His hand squeezed lightly, “You could have any guy here. And here you are out here dickin’ around with me,”
“Yeah,” She looked back towards the party, “But you keep things interesting,” She shrugged, “and when you aren’t being a royal dick to me, you’re a pretty good guy,” She tapped the end of his nose with her free hand. He stared up at her, his eyes a little more focused now and she saw there was no question that he wanted to kiss her again. 
“Too bad we’re not back at the hotel,” He murmured, “I still have your room key, you know,” His hand slid further up her thigh.
“That’s right, I guess you do,” She bit her lip as she was transfixed by his stare, “Why would you want to go back to the hotel with this rager of a party going on,” she asked coyly. 
“Because then I’d get to fuck you until you forgot any other man existed but me,” That softly thunderous tone immediately triggered her sexual core. It made her wonder if Lex had any bedrooms open upstairs. 
“Well…I wish we would have stayed there,” She knew she was speaking, but it was nearly out of body as Scott’s words painted sordid pictures in her mind. 
“There he is!” The door to the house opened and a group of large sized men nearly spilled out of it onto the deck, “Man, we thought you went after Saggs,” Kevin had ditched the small glasses and now clutched the neck of a bottle of whiskey in his large fist. 
“What’s going on out here, playing doctor?” Rick was barely coherent, but found his own joke hilarious. 
Brinkley let out a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes before looking back at Scott. 
“You know, your friends are a buzzkill,” she smiled though, shaking her head, “Hold this on here,” She replaced her hand on the ice pack with his, “Come find me when you’re ready to go,” She was not interested in hearing herself be the butt of about the next 50 sex-laced jokes. Curt leaned in the doorway, still pacing himself with slow drags of beer. 
“Looking pretty cozy out there,” He nudged her as she walked by.
“The guy stood up for me, the least I could do was make sure his face didn’t get all busted up. We do kind of need him tomorrow,” She looked back as more of the party spilled to the outside. 
“What??” Curt snapped his head back to look at her, wondering how she knew about his plan.
“Our match?” She looked at him quizzically, “You know…the one we trained for today?”
“Oh…yeah, the match,” He shook the shocked expression from his face and took another drink.
“Maybe we oughta get back, both of you are acting goofy tonight,” She laid her hand on his shoulder before walking away.
A couple more hours passed and poker was the only thing that kept her boredom at bay. She was more than ready to go when the crowd started clearing out. She found both Curt and Scott on the back deck still, sitting now for the fact that standing was too precarious.
It took an army to load them into the car. Curt sprawled in the backseat, while Scott slouched in the front. She listened to instructions on how to get back to the hotel from someone she hoped was sober enough to know.
As she drove, Scott slumped over more until he lay out across the front bench seat, his head on her leg. 
“You boys, who’s the one babysitting now?” She joked to herself. 
If Kevin was back in the room, he didn’t answer the door. There was no other option but to take Scott back to their room. Curt took off his shoes and shirt, not managing any more before collapsing on the bed. 
“I guess I get to sleep with you tonight, after all,” Scott slurred,”Might take me a minute to get going,”
“Easy tiger,” She slipped his shirt off, more for selfish gratification than anything. She ran her hands along his hairy chest, “I want you at your best. I want everything you’ve got.” She slid her hands back down, one sliding across the front of his jeans. 
“If you’re trying to calm me down, it ain’t working,” He swayed a little now. 
“Let’s get you to bed,” she tried not to laugh at his state and helped him to the same bed Curt was in. He didn’t lay down for a moment before he was out. Chuckling to herself, she went to the other side and rolled Curt over partially, laying his arm over Scott’s chest. It wasn’t the best prank of all time, but she thought it would be funny to see them wake up like this. 
It couldn’t have worked out better. By the morning, they were nearly cuddling. Brinkley wished she had a camera, but the next best thing was to see if anyone else did. She scrambled out in the hallway knocking on doors, explaining why she needed one. Only Paul had one, but everyone wanted to see what it was she felt so compelled to document. 
As Curt and Scott woke up, feeling the effects of a hangover, they realized they were nearly on top of each other. They yanked themselves apart to raucous laughter and clapping. The flash of a polaroid went off and as their eyes adjusted back to normal, they both saw Brinkley standing there fanning the photo to make it develop faster. 
“Well good morning, boys!” She cooed, surrounded by her amused colleagues. 
“C’mon, you CAN’T still be butthurt about this morning,” Brinkley said as she got the silent treatment in the back of the car, “Curt you once set a dude’s car ON FIRE,” She couldn’t believe he was so sour after a very basic rib.
“Ha, that’s right, I did, didn’t I,” Curt recalled one of his more infamous ribs. 
“Ok, great for him, but what the hell did I do to you,” Scott slung his arm over the seat, slapping her knee. She feigned thinking before responding.
“Well, come to think of it, you haven’t done anything to me…yet,” she flirted back with him.
Curt scrunched his face at the obvious flirting, but did not comment on it. They must’ve been getting close on their own if they were openly bantering like this.
“Don’t count your chickens,” Scott warned playfully, “It’s another 30 minutes to the arena. I’ve crawled back there before to put you in your place,”
She didn’t, in fact, have to worry about him invading her space on the drive as in only 10 minutes they were at the arena. Brinkley was more excited than normal, tagging along with Curt, Scott, and Kevin as they went to discuss match details with the bosses. They had to sell pretty hard, but eventually were given a creative green light. 
There wasn’t much that these three would be told ‘no’ for. 
“I need a new outfit,” She pouted as she pulled out the four pieces she’d be cycling through, “But I don’t know what to order next,”
“Dump Hennig and come hang out with the Outsiders, get you a hot little number to match mine.” Scott teased, walking over to her. He pointed at the zippered top and the long tights, “Those. I like those the best.”
“Not the one from the other night?” She pulled the corset top string.
“Nah, too much work. The zipper is easier,” He mimicked yanking it down.
Curt glanced in their direction as he laced up his boots. He knew that his plan wouldn’t be as mortifying for her now, but he couldn’t complain. If she was more into it and comfortable with Scott, the less inhibitions she may have. He could think of a couple new things one or both of them could show her. 
As they stood in the staging area, Curt had to remind her to calm down and maintain their signature smug looks. He knew she was excited about getting more involved. When no one was looking, he laid a sharp smack on her ass, which got her attention. 
“Ow!” She bit her lip, still smiling, “Ok, ok!” she quit bouncing up and down. 
“That’s Daddy’s good girl” he leaned in to murmur in her ear. He could see her visibly shiver and it did the job, though now she definitely looked at him with fuck me eyes. The crowd would eat it up. Scott definitely would. 
Brinkley focused on the work, scowling at both Scott and Kevin as they made their way down, playing up the crowd. She stood in the ring, hands on her hips slightly behind Curt. Looking at Scott was difficult to do while remaining smug and snarky. His trunks seemed like so much less than usual. 
The match started with a typical lockup into an arm hold. Brinkley paced slowly on her side of the ring, occasionally slapping the apron. Kevin kept pacing a little closer to her, but would back off when she’d catch him. He looked mischievous and she kept her eye on him as much as possible. 
She slipped into the ring when her moment came and she executed a perfect drop toe hold on Scott while the referee was admonishing Kevin for appearing to try to interfere. Curt went over to aide in the argument as Scott stood, staring her down. She tried to slip back out, but he caught her by the ankle as practiced, dragging her around the ring a bit. After placing the kick and trying to scramble out again, he caught her by the wrist and slung her into the ropes. He caught her in the front carry and after playing to the crowd for a moment who booed him, he launched her over his head. 
She sold it well, looking dazed and rolling to her side to ‘recover’. Curt moved back into the match. Just as she was about to finish rolling out, Brinkley was pulled by her ankle away from the ring. She barely landed on her feet just as Kevin’s large frame bared down on her and planted a deep, heavy kiss on her. It was far more real than Page’s’ and much more invasive. He used his strength against her, pinning her to the ring apron. 
She managed to wriggle away laying a very real smack across his face. He looked a little stunned by it, but it did not wipe away his shit-eating grin. She didn’t have to fake the cross expression she shot at him. Curt leaned through the ropes and pointed at Kevin, improvising lines. Scott rolled him up for a two count, but set him up also for a fall away slam and the Outsider’s edge. 
Brinkley was livid as she kneeled next to Curt in the ring, Scott and Kevin celebrating. 
Once in the back, her face did not change. 
“Nice job, rook,” Kevin slapped her shoulder. 
“Don’t fucking touch me,” She shot him a look.
“What the fuck is your problem,” He looked amused at her anger, “Gotcha all worked up, did I?”
“We never agreed on that,” She still stared daggers at him,”In fact the whole reason we made up the rest of it was so that wouldn’t happen,”
“Oh calm down,” he brushed her off. It did not , in fact, calm her down.
“Fuck you, you cocky bitch,” She threw a bottle of water at him, hitting his shoulder. 
“Curt, you better get your kid in line,” Kevin said to him, but looked warningly at Brinkley. 
“Brinkley, chill,” Curt said, but turned back to Kevin, “But that was fucked up, Kev, you knew why we went downtown was to make her more legit,” 
Kevin rolled his eyes and waved them off and headed for the showers. 
“Did you know?” She shot at Scott, who looked surprised by it. 
“Me? No, he didn’t say anything to me about it,” He defended, “I just did what I knew we’d talked about,”
“Sure, you two are like this,” She held up her crossed fingers, “I’m so sure you didn’t fucking know,” 
“Why the fuck are you mad at me??” Scott pointed to his chest, bewildered by her attitude.
“You could have warned me!” She snapped at him. Scott and Curt exchanged quick, surprised looks. 
“I didn’t know? You expect me to fucking read his mind?” Scott wished she’d just calm down about it. What Kevin did was shitty, but he’d rather continue their banter from earlier, not gird his loins from a potential attack. 
“Yeah, right,” She zipped her bag shut aggressively, “I’ll be in the car,” She stomped out of the locker room. 
“What the fuck just happened??” Scott said, looking around as if he’d been blindsided. 
“I mean…I understand. She’s trying to be legit. Making every appearance a kissing angle isn’t going to do her any favors.” Curt watched the doorway where she left, “But I didn’t expect her to blow up like that.”
“Shit,” Scott rested his arms on his knees, remembering what was supposed to happen tonight, “Well that just fucks everything right up,”
“Nah, don’t worry about it. She’s got a couple hours to cool off,” Curt tried to smooth it over. 
“She pretty much just tried to bite my nuts off, I don’t think her mouth should be anywhere around this,” He motioned toward his pelvic area. 
“I still need to get her back,” Curt reminded him that this was retaliation, “Plus I have a sneaking suspicion that if you show up, she’ll come around pretty quick.” 
Scott looked toward the door, letting out a sigh as he unlaced his boots, “If you say so, Hennig, if you say so.”
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grusik · 11 months
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Old Car City USA (See links). Old Car City USA - .com Old Car City USA - Atlas Obscura Old Car City USA - Facebook Old Car City USA - Roadside America Old Car City USA - Sometimes Interesting Tourist attraction in Bartow County, Georgia. Old Car City in White, Georgia contains the worlds largest known classic car junkyard & is a unique landscape of metal and moss. Visitors enjoy the beautiful vegetation of the deep south that is intertwined with the hundreds of cars that reside in Old Car City. Old Car City started as a small general store in 1931 during the Great Depression, Old Car City gradually evolved into a very big, very old automobile junkyard. But it wasn't until 2009 that owner Dean Lewis -- who grew up on the property -- realized he could turn it into a tourist attraction because a lot of people shared his love of decomposing automotive carcasses. It is still family owned and operated. 34 acres of forest and fields filled with 4,000 old cars (1972 and older) weathered and deteriorating old American cars. It has more than 6.5 miles of trails on 34 acres. Located about 45 minutes north of Atlanta in White, Georgia, is a cross between a junkyard and an outdoor car museum. Come enjoy the Old South environment, folk art, ghosts of beautiful classic cars, and much more! With over 34 acres and over 4000 American-made cars from the early 20th Century, these cars, trucks, vans, and even a couple school buses are placed in such a way as to be ideally suited for photos, videos and custom camera shoots. Over the 8 decades since first started, thousands of photographers, videographers, ad agencies and media companies have visited Old Car City USA. Popular news magazine and newspaper companies, like CBS Sunday Morning, the New York Times, the BBC and Georgia Public Television, have made press releases and/or video segments and transmitted it worldwide. Who knew that Old Car City USA, a place where junk cars go to live out the rest of their existence, would be such a fascinating stop. Mayor of Old Car City USA, Dean Lewis, welcomes all who come out to visit his varied collection of automobile art with a little help from Mother Nature. You can come and just stroll along with winding paths for a nominal fee or, for a few dollars more, bring a camera and take pictures and/or videos and share them with friends. Among the many cars at Old Car City USA, there is the last car Elvis Presley ever bought back in 1977 just a couple months before he died. Also, a movie starring Andy Griffith and Johnny Cash used one of the cars that now call this place "home." The honorary mayor of the "City," Dean Lewis, is also an artist in his own rite with some of the most unique canvas . . . the styrofoam cup. In his upstairs loft, Lewis has hundreds of styrofoam canvases featuring his artistic talents on display along with some paintings he will proudly show off. 3098 US-Hwy 411. White, GA. 041223. by Sleepless Aquarius
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pamet-u-glavuuu · 2 years
That aquarium visit was their first time together in Atlanta. There's a video of that day and you can hear Tom speaking with Z talking about a beluga whale. Them they went to Waffle House and they were also sitting together. Or that snap Z posted when they were watching scary movies at Tom's house and Z was also seated next to Tom. Or the video Zs music producer friend Carmen posted for one of her bdays of Z playing around along with music from her unreleased 2nd album in her Atlanta apartment during HOCO. Only Carmen, Haz and Tom were present and Z was sitting next to Tom. It's still funny how Tom just posted a pic with Z next to him in his pool and didn't include the pics of anyone else in the cast. They were just deeply attracted to each other. I like how Jacob finally admitted that he was their wingman, how Z described in that video from her app that she was terrible at flirting and accidentally friendzones people she likes and had to find the courage to straight up tell the person that she liked them and wanted something with them
I find it fascinating that they always sat next to each other. Every picture where they are in the frame, they were sitting next to each other. I don't know what year it is from, but remember the picture where they were sitting next to each other on the couch (it was maybe thanksgiving). There was no space between them. Why sit so close when you have a big ass sofa.
Jacob as wingman. I would like to see how he helped them. I think he was direct and told them: "Guys you should start dating. You two look pretty good together."
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haitilegends · 2 years
"If you haven’t watched Inside Man yet what are you doing "
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Atkins Estimond
"Atkins Estimond is quickly making a name for himself in the entertainment industry by playing an array of characters from a doctor to a hacker, from a laidback optimist to a gangster who follows a code of ethics. He currently stars in Jerry Bruckheimer's critically acclaimed drama series, "Hightown" (STARZ) alongside Monica Raymund and James Badge Dale. Set in Provincetown, Massachusetts, the series follows a hard-partying National Marine Fisheries Service agent, Jackie Quiñones (Raymund), whose life is thrown into disarray when she discovers a body on the beach - another casualty of the opioid epidemic. She is convinced it is up to her to solve the murder, putting her at odds with Cape Cod Interagency Narcotics Unit sergeant, Ray Abruzzo (Dale). Estimond shines as Osito, a hardened gangster, who is of Haitian and Dominican decent, and is connected to the investigation. Critics have praised Estimond's performance: "the standouts include...Estimond as a killer with a philosophical cast of mind" (The New York Times) and "With every episode, Estimond adds new fascinating layers to his character" (RogerEbert.com) to name a few. Season two of "Hightown" premiered on October 17, 2021.
Estimond is also set to appear in BBC One and Netflix's four-part thriller series, "Inside Man" opposite Stanley Tucci (premiere date TBA). The series follows a prisoner on death row in the US, a Vicar in a quiet English town, and a maths teacher trapped in a cellar, as they cross paths in the most unexpected way. He is also known for his role as the eternal optimist, Gerson, in AMC's and Paul Giamatti's critically acclaimed dramedy series, "Lodge 49" alongside Wyatt Russell.
Additional television credits include recurring roles in FOX's "The Resident," Crackle's "StartUp" alongside Adam Brody, and Playstation Network's "Powers" with Sharlto Copley, as well as guest starring roles in ABC's "How to Get Away with Murder," YouTube Premium's "Step Up: High Water," truTV's "Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits & Monsters," OWN's "Love Is_" and SundanceTV's "Hap and Leonard."
On the film side, his credits include Roadside Attractions' "Trial by Fire," Samuel Goldwyn Films' "Lila & Eve" with Jennifer Lopez and Viola Davis, Gravitas Ventures' "Folk Hero & Funny Guy" and "An Actor Prepares," Columbia Pictures' "SuperFly," Universal Pictures' "Get On Up" and his film debut in "Dumb and Dumber To" opposite Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.
Born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and raised in Atlanta to Haitian immigrant parents, Estimond started acting in high school productions his freshman year. His love of acting began from watching movies as a child and seeing his older brother perform in plays at the local Boys & Girls Club. After graduation, he pursued a career in music, playing guitar in a band. Then, he went on to pursue acting, booking roles in "Dumb and Dumber To" and Lifetime's hit series' "Devious Maids." Additionally, Estimond enrolled at University of North Georgia, to hone in on his craft, majoring in Theatre, while continuing to book roles in film and television. He eventually decided to pursue acting full time and has been working ever since. He hopes that by increasing his visibility that he can inspire more Haitians to pursue a career in the entertainment industry and ultimately be able to tell stories about Haiti and its rich culture.
Estimond currently resides in Atlanta with his wife, Kristen, and their two daughters. When he's not on set, he enjoys spending time with family, playing music and traveling."
#InsideMan #BBCiPlayer #iPlayer #netflix
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom Fic 22/23
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After what happened at Atlanta, lol, I just needed to post something BellDom ^^
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treats it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Let's let the cat out of the bag! Chapter XXI: You don't know that...
"So don't' think, not even for a moment, that you can take flight again and elope who knows where, you, lovey-dovey couple. I promised that tonight you're gonna stay, so you gotta stay!" Chris summons his friends, as they are taking a more than deserved break from the sound-check of the afternoon.
"I promise, no more flings." Matt assures, with his best angelic attitude.
Chris is about to say something, but, almost as if the topic was too delicate to face it, he desists, but he's always wavering about it. The others two notice that.
"Wassup, Chris?" Matthew asks him.
"Err... could you let me see them?"
"See what?" Dominic narrows his eyes.
"Well, you know... your compromising tattoos." Chris clarifies, a little bit embarrassed. "It's just that I'm curious... " he adds, as if he wanted to justify himself.
Matt stares at him stunned, just like Dom does.
"No bloody way, buddy!" the first states.
"Chris, what's this sudden, worrying, but mostly insane desire to see our asses?" the second asks him.
"Ah! So, now it's me the one with sick desires! Do I have to remind you what you did last night, you, Mr. 1.000-ways-to-use-whipped-cream?" Chris addresses to the blonde.
Dominic turns pale instantly.
"But... but, how do you..."
"You should know better than me, Matt is such a chatterbox!" Chris comments as Matt is ready to clear off.
"Don't you dare to run!" Dom summons him, stepping in the way and closing the door of the rehearsal room. "Damn you and your damn mouth!" he curses, immediately after.
"Well, yesterday you didn't have to complain much about my mouth, especially when it took off the cream from your body and..." Matt justifies, with a silky voice in the last part.
"Please, guys, stop it! You're crossing the bounds of how much I'm disposed to hear about this kind of topics!" Chris warns them, cooling down their ardour and, for good measure, it's just Chris who incites his friends to resume playing.
Twenty minutes after they're done with the last song on their set-list, but although the others have already put their instruments into their cases, Dom is still bent on the drums, but not for playing.
"Dom, what the hell are you doing?" Chris asks him when he sees him all engrossed staring at a cymbal.
"It looks obvious to me. I'm looking at myself!" the blond replies with a shrug, as he keeps examining his face, very accurately.
"Even in a cymbal?" Chris asks him in disbelief.
"I don't think that there's a surface Dom wouldn't manage to look at himself in!" Matt replies for the drummer.
"Dammit! This black-eye doesn't seem to get any better. People will see it in the spotlight!" Dominic complains.
"So, what's the problem? You dress up like Spiderman every now and then, so you can dress up like a panda. It would draw lots of attention, plus that would justify the black-eye." Chris suggests.
"No way, a panda is too goofy, it doesn't suit me!" he grumbles, insulted, as he crosses his arms on his chest.
"So, you could use a bandage.... You could be a pirate, like Captain Hook!" Chris strikes back.
"Uhmm...nope, I don't picture myself as Captain Hook, but I would be just perfect as Peter Pan, I already have my acid green pants, a green t-shirt, a green beret and I would be ready!" the blond already plans everything, daydreaming, as he has totally forgotten that the dressing up is supposed to help him hide his beaten eye.
"Yeeesss! If you play Peter Pan, I could play... Tinker Bell!" Matt exclaims, overexcited.
"Tinker Bell?!" his friends question him, astonished and puzzled.
"Oh, please, don't stare at me like that! A pair of fake wings and a magic wand shaped microphone would suit me so impeccably. Plus, I'm * Bells*, so there could never be someone more perfect than me to play Tinker *Bell*!" he insists.
"Well, don't worry, Bells, it's not that Dom is contending with me for that role, you can keep it!" Chris warns him, as Dom jumps to an important conclusion.
"So, buddy, you'll just have to play Captain Hook!" the blond decides.
"Why just Captain Hook?" Chris narrows his eyes.
"No offence intended, dude, but I just can't picture you as a Lost Boy of NeverLand!" Matt makes fun of him.
"But... how am I supposed to play with a hook?" the bassist made them notice.
"We'll use a symbolic hook, maybe a sticker on one of your basses!" Matt explains.
"Firstly, I don't think that there are stickers like that. Secondly, no... I don't think that Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha would like it if I put stickers on them..." the bassist grumbles.
"What? Did I hear it right? Did you really give your basses women's names?" Matt questions him.
"This is not correct: Chris, did you really name your basses like the four protagonists of 'Sex and the City'?" Dom points out.
As Matt and Dom burst out laughing madly, Chris wishes he had kept silent.
<Lucky for me I didn't tell them that I named my other basses like the main characters of 'Desperate Housewives' and 'The bold and the beautiful'!> he ponders.
Anyway, he knows very well how to make them shut up.
"You shouldn't even talk about that! You, Matt, named your trolley, for God's sake! And you, Dom, you're the worst, since you named even your own reflection!" he strikes back, pungent.
The way Matt is looking at Dominic doesn't need any questions to be asked.
"No, that's not true, I have never named Jamie... oh, shit!" Dom betrayals himself.
"Jamie?!" the frontman repeats, very amused.
"Hey! We were talking about my black-eye, weren't we?" the drummer tries to change topic.
"Right. By the way, forget about the concert in disguise, we'll never do such a silly thing!" Chris disenchants them.
"Dommy, I guess the only solution is to rely on a good concealer, a lot of it!" Matt suggests to his boyfriend, as he leans closer to reach his ear. "Can't wait to have another wild meeting in our bed with you... and Jamie!" he winks at him, before leaving the rehearsal room, as Chris follow him.
The concert was great, just like the short meeting with the fans, to take some pictures together, sign stuff and chat a little bit.
It seems that Matthew and Dominic kept their word.
Although they have nothing to do on the day after, except from the flight to take on early evening, Matt and Dom's rest is interrupted by a sudden phone call, at early morning.
Dominic is still trying to convince his body to get up from the bed, as Matthew has already made this effort, so it takes him only five rings, before he realizes which the source of that unbearable noise is and makes it end.
"'llo?" he slurs.
"Guys, come in my room. Tom called, he will be here in a few minutes!" Chris warns them, trying his best not to slur, due to the numbness that still overwhelms him.
This is enough to wake the two lovers up properly and they get ready as fast as they can, in order to face their manager.
Tom makes his entrance, carrying his trolley with him and showing such a tan that he could make a surfer envious.
"Hello guys, how are you?" he cheers, leaving his trolley on the floor and approaching to his friends.
"We are happy to see you and everything, but... what the hell are you doing here?" Dominic asks him, puzzled, as he sits on the bed, next to Matt.
"Well, a proper manager has to verify how his band is going with the shows and stuff like that."
"We tried our best in every single show we performed, the crowd seems to appreciate us a lot, so I guess we are being successful." Chris informs him as he stands in front of the window, taking a glimpse of the view outside, absently.
"What about the collaboration with My Chemical Romance? Did things improve between you and them?" Tom wonders.
"I haven't killed them yet, that's all you need to know about that!" Matt snorts, bored.
Tom is about to say something, but then he changes his mind, hearing a ring from the mobile inside the pocket of his trolley.
"Hey, Tom, look, your mobile is ringing." Chris warns him at the second ring.
"Uh? Are you sure? Uh! That's right, it's ringing." the manager replies with fake nonchalance, in a cold sweat, as he hopes that whoever is calling him will quit it, but at the fifth ring he begins to think he won't be that lucky.
"Wassup? Why don't you answer to the call?" Dom exhorts him, when the rings become seven.
"Well, it's not that important. Whoever it is, he/she will recall. Now I'm talking with you and..." he justifies, more and more agitated, realizing too late that Matthew has already opened the pocket of his trolley, taking possession of his mobile.
"No, Matt, what the hell are you doing?" Tom asks him, turning scarily pale, no matters how tanned he is.
"If you don't wanna answer, I'm gonna do it for you." the frontman decides, as he presses the key to answer, before the tenth ring.
"Hallo? It's... "
"I don't give a fuck to who the hell it is! All I know is that you have a mobile that doesn't belong to you, dammit, you, fucking, ugly, bastard, twat, asshole, stupid, moron, son of a ..." someone who Matthew already recognized roars from the other side, before Matthew moves the mobile away, as the speaker keeps cursing.
Matt looks at Tom in awe.
"Tom, just a little inquiry of mine, could you explain to me why *Brian Molko* is barking at me?" he asks him, as Chris did the wisest thing ever, i.e. he presses the key to end that call and, for good measures, he also turns the mobile off.
"Well, because I happen to have his manager's mobile." Tom explains, very innocently.
"And why the hell do you have her mob..." Dominic wonders, before Chris, Matt and he jump to the right conclusions.
"A girl with your same job..." Chris ponders loudly.
"The two bands who'd better never ever find the truth..." Matt recalls.
"That's who you were with: Placebo's manager!" Dom figures out.
"It's just outrageous! You're such an awful betrayer!" Matthew accuses him, with the most hurt expression he can show to him, but it's nothing compared to the hurt expression on Chris' face.
"I can't believe it... you didn't confess that to me! You always tell me everything." the bassist grumbles, deeply disappointed.
"You're right, Chris, but truth is that Gossip is your second name! You wouldn't be able to keep that secret, not even for one hour!" Tom strikes back.
"That's not true, when I try really hard there are secrets that I can keep very well." the other justifies, as he exchange an understanding look with Matt and Dom who confine themselves just to nod.
"Anyway, am I the only one to find that a very beautiful thing? I mean... this is soooo romantic! It reminds me to that little fairytale of 'Romeo and Juliet'. Who knows? Maybe with their forbidden love they will bring peace between the two factions, making them get along with each other." the blonde sighs with a daydreaming attitude, but it takes his soulmate less than half a second to disenchant him.
"Firstly, gee, Dommie, you're really obsessed over 'Romeo and Juliet' . Secondly, I'm sorry for disappointing you, but no-fucking-one will bring peace any-fucking-where, we'll keep merrily hating each other, cause things are perfect the way they are!" the singer swears. "And, thirdly, Dom, I don't think that Mr. Shakespeare would be happy to hear someone call one of his most famous and majestic tragedies ... fairytale!" he concludes, with a hint of reproach in his tone.
"Oh, c'mon! A boy and a girl flirt, hidden from everyone, in order to make a fool of their parents. A bunch of rhymes, some fights here and there and... ok, there's not a happy ending, but it's a nice fairytale, anyway!" Dom insists.
"Yeah, sure. So, let me see if I got it right: you probably think that Hamlet is only a guy who suffers from a big indecision and holds a skull in his hand, just because he thinks it's cool?" Chris asks him, sarcastically.
"Why, is it not so?" the blonde shrugs, looking kinda bored.
"Oh, God! Dom, you really need a good revision of Shakespearian literature." Matt rolls his eyes.
"Well, if you offer to be my private teacher, *very private*, I'll take the lessons more than willingly." Dominic replies mischievously, winking at Matthew.
Tom looks at them kind of dumbfounded, but lets it fly.
Matt takes a glimpse of Tom's look and that brings him back to the main reason why they start discussing.
"Don't think that I forgot it, you, shameful, abominable traitor!" he accuses him, once again.
"Actually, guys, we didn't even give him the time to explain. " Chris makes them notice and then he points at Tom. "Maybe it's not what we think, maybe it's just one of his shrewd plans to beguile their manager, getting precious information and then stealing her mobile, in order to prevent her from being in contact with her band." Chris presumes, knowing very well that 'conspiracy' is the keyword to be in tune with Matthew.
"Tom, did you really do such a thing?" the frontman asks him, as his eyes sparkle with hope.
"No, no, fucking no! We just decided to buy two identical mobiles, because we thought it would be something nice, but less binding than a ring. Anyway, I don't care, you just have to accept that, because I care about her, she cares about me and we are more than intentioned to turn this story into something serious." Tom warns them.
"So, you're not a simple traitor, you're a persistent traitor!" Matt snaps.
"Just quit it, Bells! It's not about you, it's not even about Placebo, it's just something between Alex and I" Tom states, intransigent. "Plus, you keep calling me a traitor, but you don't know what Chris did once..." he goes on, as the bassist glares at him with a 'Don't you dare!' look, dreading that he already knows what he's about to say.
"What do you mean?" Matt frowns.
"Do you remember your so beloved golden hat? Well, truth is that you didn't lost it, but it was Chris who stole it from you and got rid of it."
"You what?!" Matt exclaims, astonished, looking at Chris like he had stabbed him in the back.
"Damn you, Chris! Why did you do that? Do you have the slightest idea of how many stores I went to, before finding its perfect twin?" Dom intervenes.
"Oh, c'mon, Bells! Firstly, that hat was horrible. Secondly, just like Dom said, you have another one, now, so why should you complain?" Chris justifies.
"I just know that I' m gonna keep it in a strongbox, like a jewel, far away from you and your bloody clutches!" Matt perjures.
Chris looks at Tom with a hurt expression, once again.
"How could you blurt that to him? And to think that I even tried to help you, before..."
"Well, you gave me such a great help, after all!" Tom strikes back, sarcastically. "Anyway, Chris, nothing personal, really, but it's such a hard struggle for survival." he justifies.
"Okay, if it's so... well, Matt, you don't know that... Dom is a very big fan of My Chemical Romance!" Chris reveals.
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Oh, God, I'm surrounded by traitors!" the frontman gets alarmed.
"Honey, please, try to understand, those guys are not so bad, after all, they have powerful guitars, a proper drummer and... damn, Matt, as catastrophic as you are, I just don't understand why you haven't fallen in love with the lyrics of their songs, yet!" Dom strikes back, as Tom can't help noticing that 'honey' the blond addressed to Matt with.
"Anyway, even if I don't agree, I'll let you free to sabotage them as much as you please!" the drummer adds, making his partner smile again.
Anyway, Dominic is too engrossed glaring at Chris, to notice that.
"Chris, I didn't mean to come to saying that, but you just deserve it, so ... Tom, Matt, maybe you don't know that... he likes crocheting!" Dom strikes, unmercifully.
His listeners immediately burst out laughing madly.
"But... no... Dom, what the hell are you blathering about?" Chris replies, panic-stricken.
"I saw you once, so don't you dare deny that!"
"But, no... it's just that I was using it as a weapon!" he tries to justify, unsuccessfully.
"Yeah, sure! And what did you exactly plan to do with it? To knit a sweater to your potential attacker?" Matt makes fun of him.
"Okay, guys, you just asked for that. Tom, you don't know that... Matt and Dom are together!" Chris reveals.
Everyone shuts up, but after some seconds it's Tom who breaks the silence.
"Together like the fact that you are one next to the other... right?" Tom asks them, wavering.
"Well, mostly one upon the other, or one behind the other... and vice versa!" the blond removes all doubt.
"Damn you, Dom!" Matt reproaches him.
"What? What did I do so wrong? After all, we'll have to tell him, sooner or later, so let's do it now! And we must thank Chris for that." Dominic explains.
"So, now I guess that you need explanations, right?" Matt wonders, turning to Tom.
"Explanation ... and a very alcoholic drink!" he replies.
"And that's how we came to this." Matthew concludes, as, taking turns, they all have informed Tom about the vicissitudes of the latest months.
"Oh." is all Tom manages to say, probably still too shocked to speak.
"So, you will keep being our manager, won't you?" Dominic asks him, with a hint of uncertainty.
"Of course, I will, you are and you'll always be my friends, independently of your... errr... sexual preferences!" Tom reassures them, a little bit embarrassed.
"Anyway, we're not going to spread the word about this. Chris and you, Tom, are the only ones who know... well, except from Gaia and Jessica, but I don't think they care about spreading this news." Matthew comments.
"But if somehow the truth came out, on the musical level it wouldn't change anything, we're still the Muse and if some of our fans won't accept that, well, they're not real fans, so we'd better lose them." Dominic goes on.
"Guys, don't cross your bridges before coming to them. If it doesn't happen it's better, but if it should happen, we'll know how to face everything." their manager heartens them. "So, now can we talk about something that it's not my sentimental situation, Chris' hobbies or your mutual love?" he exhorts them.
"Sure! We have such a big, epic event to face. I already have lots of ideas for it. You know, I was thinking about an advertising campaign with reverse psychology system." Matthew suggests, very excited.
"Such as?" Tom looks at him, in disbelief.
"You know, something like 'Hey, people, don't come to see our show at Wembley, it's nothing special, after all, it's not such a nice place, there won't be any cool bands, even our playlist will be kind of insignificant, and...'" he attempts to explain, before Chris and Dom promptly silence him up, wrapping their hand around his mouth.
"Damn you, Bells, didn't you cause enough damage with your fucking, bloody, sodding reverse psychology?" Dom snaps.
"Please, Tom, don't mind what Matt said." Chris advises him, as his listener rolls his eyes, exasperated.
"Don't worry, Chris, I've quit doing that a long time ago!"
So, are you ready for the (100% BellDom) epilogue?
Just a little note: in 'Try Something New' I started writing about Tom and Alex (the Placebo's manager) getting along, a lot... so I ended up falling in love with this pairing and I keep using it whenever I got the chance... hope you won't mind.
The most funny thing is that I've never seen Alex, but I like picturing her like a petite blonde, very pushy! ^^
Hope you'll still like it and have fun with this story, pleeeease let me know! ;P
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kgrundy · 2 years
Photography of London/ Week 1
This week our class visited the Chris Killip exhibition located in the Photographer's Gallery. Killip has a raw approach to photography, capturing people in poorer communities living out their day to day lives. His realism takes this form by naturally capturing his subjects; not posing his subjects coupled with the attention to detail, such as the dirt underneath the fingernails of some of the working people leaves the audience feeling drawn to learn more about this community. The way he photographs people and places feels genuine and more "human" in a way.
Threshing, Grenaby, Rushen, 1972
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In the photo we see men working together on a farm of some sort, moving hay. Every part of the image is in focus and every detail is noticeable, including the man and the trees in the background of the photo. This is perhaps to shed light on the fact that each of these people are dedicated, hard workers. If parts of the photo were out of focus it might diminish the overall theme of the collection. The photos in the entire collection were taken in black and white, perhaps to attribute to the fact that these poorer communities that Killip was photographing are seen as a more dull way of living. Killip most likely did not arrange the men seen working in the photo, this type of composition was captured naturally in order to provide a sense of authenticity and to make note that the people being photographed make a living with manual labour. I believe the message in this photo is showing that the people in this community survive with more manual labour focused jobs. This style of photo reminds me of documentary film, as documentary is very raw and realistic.
Butcher's Shop, Baker, Tyneside, 1975
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In the photo, I see a dilapidated butchers shop. It has writing in spray paint on its front wall, markings in the window to notify customers of its products, and writing on the door. There is a women and child that seem to be walking out of the shop. Everything in the photo seems to be in focus except for the fact that I cannot make out anything inside. It is hard to tell if this is an abandoned shop due to the fact that it has been graffitied and I cannot see people or product inside. I do believe the photographer waiting for subjects to appear in frame before taking the photo allows for some life to be brought back to the building in some way. I believe the message of this photo is that the community that Killip is photographing is quite poor. The butcher who owns this shop has probably owned it for decades, and sees no reason to fix up the shop or move locations. This style of photo reminds me of graffiti that I will usually see around the city in New York, Atlanta, and London.
Personal Photos:
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I took this photo this past weekend when I went to visit Big Ben. I needed to fulfil my tourist persona while in London, so I decided to photograph this popular attraction. To make my photo feel even more true to London I waited until a Red Bus got into frame. The bus destination happened to be Marylebone, which is where I am living while I am studying abroad. I took the photo from a 45 degree angle to the front of Big Ben. There was a street light that I was trying to avoid framing in the photo, so this was the angle that worked with that. I’m a good distance away from Big Ben, not too close where it is hard to capture its entirety in frame and not too far where it is only a speck. In focus is Big Ben, whilst the Red bus in the centre of the photograph is slightly blurred. That was due to the movement of the bus. My main subject Big Ben is still while the Red Bus, my second point of interest, is clearly moving. Light in this photo is coming from the street light that is out of frame and the clock of Big Ben. The only thing in the picture that shouldn’t be there is the person in the corner.
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This is a photo of my friend in a market in London. One of my favourite things about London so far during my free time has been exploring markets and parks in the area as I don’t live in a walkable city back home in the USA. I captured this image to show not only where I was but how many people and their families were also enjoying the market. The photo is taken from a straight on angle, but my subject has her back turned away from the camera, and is instead facing the market. I am right behind the subject in the photo when I took this image. My subject is mostly in focus, although the area surrounding her is clearly distinguishable. My subject is in movement, she is walking through the marketplace. The light in this photo seems to mostly come from the right side where a vendor has lights on. Everything in the picture is meant to be there as I wanted something more candid and realistic.
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This is a photo I took this past weekend while exploring London. I captured this image of Westminster Abbey for my personal memories. I decided to take the photo from a low angle to show the vastness of the building. I am close to the subject in this image. I was right underneath Westminster Abbey when I took this photo. In focus in this image is one of the sides of Westminster Abbey. All of the intricate detailing in this building is distinguishable and easy to see. There is also a street lamp in this photo that I didn’t particularly want in the image, but I didn’t think it took away from the overall photograph. My subject in the photo is still. Light is coming from the street lamp, and the city lights reflecting off the building. I wish I had backed up a bit to get the left side of the building in the image as it is slightly cropped out.
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superseamlessgutter · 2 months
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platinumluxuryfleet · 2 months
For best wedding car or birthday transport call limo service Atlanta
If you are about to wed you are better advised to think about what kind of wedding transport you will have to go for. A wedding is a grand affair conducted using a large budget so why not go for something more than a luxury sedan or SUV? Stretch limo is in trend for weddings and you can go the same way by hiring one from wedding limo service in Atlanta and it will be cheaper! Wedding limo not only provides a fantastic interior that is fitted with modern entertainment gadgets and luxury.
To boot it the limo will be managed by an experienced chauffeur who will turn out in the best livery and take the role of personal valet for the wedding couple. You can hire wedding limo service in Atlanta as less as $70 per hour or as high as $250-$275 per hour. The price of the rent will be decided by the type of transport you hire from the limo provider.  Riding in a luxury limo to wedding venue will be the attraction of the evening and you will hog all the limelight and make a great picture in the wedding video or photographs.
Make it special for your kid with a birthday limo
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The focus has now shifted to other special occasions like kids’ birthday party, prom parties, bachelor or hen party etc and limousines of different styles and capacity are now available on rent. You can hire one such transport from birthday party limo service and it is going to be a special gift to your loved ones.
The limos with a capacity of more than a dozen will allow your kid to celebrate birthday in great style and in absolute privacy. The birthday party limo will provide all that are needed for celebrating kid’s birthday with pomp and show.  The interior of a birthday limo can be custom decorated for the occasion and your kid will have a memorable birthday experience that is not easily forgettable.  
Avail Boston coach service around the globe
If you are a frequent flier or traveler and need to undertake trips abroad as well as in the US you will be better with the exclusive travel transports of Boston coach service.
This is a time tested travel available in most metros of the world and as a global traveler you will be benefitted more. you can book a luxury car or limo for any airport in the world just by dialing the number 770-954-6761 or sending a request to [email protected].
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selfiemuseumcharlotte · 3 months
Selfie Museum Charlotte Unforgettable Interactive Photography Fun
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Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios is an interactive studio space for creators and families.
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Why You Should Visit Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios
Are you looking for a unique experience that’s perfect for social media, photography, or just plain family fun? Look no further than Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios!
Immersive Experiences for Creators
Selfie museums across the United States, like the Museum of Ice Cream in San Francisco and the Color Factory in New York, offer immersive and visually stunning backdrops. Selfie Museum Charlotte follows in these footsteps with meticulously designed sets that spark creativity. Imagine capturing that perfect shot against a vibrant, one-of-a-kind backdrop you won't find anywhere else.
A Photographer's Dream
Like the popular Candytopia in Atlanta, Selfie Museum Charlotte provides a playground for photographers. The lighting, props, and themed rooms are designed to make every shot Instagram-worthy. Whether you're a professional or simply love taking photos, you’ll leave with content that's bound to impress your followers.
Family-Friendly Fun
Families flock to places like Happy Place in Chicago because they offer fun for all ages. At Selfie Museum Charlotte, kids and adults alike will find joy in exploring and posing within various interactive exhibits. It's a great way to spend quality time together while creating memorable photos
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Perfect for Influencers
Influencers are always on the lookout for unique, captivating locations to take their content to the next level. Selfie Museum Charlotte is designed to be the ultimate backdrop for bloggers, Instagrammers, and TikTok creators. Each corner of the museum is an opportunity for a new post, reel, or story that will make your followers double-tap in awe.
Special Events and Celebrations
Planning a birthday party, bachelorette bash, or team-building event? The museum provides an exclusive space that will make any occasion unforgettable. Customizable packages and private bookings let you tailor the experience to fit your needs, ensuring every moment is picture-perfect.
Affordable and Accessible
Unlike many attractions that can be costly, Selfie Museum Charlotte offers various pricing options that fit any budget. With easy online booking, a trip to this photo paradise is just a few clicks away. So gather your friends, family, or creative team and make this your next must-visit destination.
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Unmatched Creativity at Selfie Museum Charlotte
Perfect for Influencers
Influencers are always on the lookout for unique, captivating locations to take their content to the next level. Selfie Museum Charlotte is designed to be the ultimate backdrop for bloggers, Instagrammers, and TikTok creators. Each corner of the museum is an opportunity for a new post, reel, or story that will make your followers double-tap in awe.
Special Events and Celebrations
Planning a birthday party, bachelorette bash, or team-building event? The museum provides an exclusive space that will make any occasion unforgettable. Customizable packages and private bookings let you tailor the experience to fit your needs, ensuring every moment is picture-perfect.
Affordable and Accessible
Unlike many attractions that can be costly, Selfie Museum Charlotte offers various pricing options that fit any budget. With easy online booking, a trip to this photo paradise is just a few clicks away. So gather your friends, family, or creative team and make this your next must-visit destination.
Visit Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios
Explore more about our interactive studio and book your visit today at [Selfie Museum Charlotte](https://selfiemuseumcharlotte
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