astralarias · 3 months
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Wanted to do something inspired by that one LW4 Bug in the System trailer!! Color splatters made by me, black and white background splatters are from GW2's official asset kit!
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
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Another set of four headshots done for the art party!
The characters this time:
Lani Pathmaker - @the-blazing-light Vorias Iron - @dion-iron Atlaki - @astralarias Regulus Gutrend - @shroomlet
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loonalockley · 6 days
okay but imagine a fic situated on the first xmen movie; when logan goes to atlaki lake (or whatever that is called) to find some answers about his past, he also finds reader who’s a mutant but they left her behind because they considered useless, rotten, weak; he brings her to the mansion only for her to immediately fall in love with him just like he did when he first met jean at the lab
so now we have a full love square where jean and scott are dating, logan have the hots for jean, and reader is in love with logan BUT he completely ignores her to the point that she starts to think she doesn’t deserve to be a mutant at all (cut to the third movie where they kinda have a better relationship but logan is still in love with jean AND cheats reader??? maybe who knows)
idk what im writing i just started watching the third movie and this just popped into my mind okay bye~
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el-is-away · 4 months
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@charico's human!Atlaki. love him so much
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sleidog · 1 year
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some art party buddies! @astralarias 's atlaki @the-blazing-light 's Lani! @dion-iron 's vorias!
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commanderfloppy · 2 years
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So I finally managed to finish my EU batch of Art Party drawings.
I realize now that I got a little TOO excited and took a lot of screens so uhh next time I'll have to limit myself.
The colors in some of the screens were weird so I adjusted for lighting (hopefully I got it right)
Below are some close ups on everyone (and the bonus asura sleep pile sketch) also I'll try to tag everyone I know is in this
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Astrid - @commander-gloryforge
Emberthroat - @red-catmander
Phlish - @bluebudgie
Atlaki - @astralarias
Pouchong & Mozzerella @little-leaf-man
Maelgwynne - @awerzo
Delicon - @el-is-away
Rudiamhair - @sleidog
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heyitsmejona · 3 years
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Heyyyy @astralarias​ ...
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likemesomesalads · 5 years
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art trade with @astralarias​ for the amazing edits of Enfy and Nura. 
Atlaki eating a well-deserved cake.
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A sketch I did of my tiny firebrand with Atlaki (A very pretty boy belonging to @astralarias )
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astralarias · 23 days
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he fits so well with the sky here <3
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sunshinemage · 5 years
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Atlaki for @astralarias
because he is baby u_u
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duskroots · 4 years
For the game: Aikarico, Lady Midday, Atlaki
Oooh thank you! <3
Slow Burn: Aika! The slowest of burns, I wouldn’t wanna scare her away by moving too fast as i slowly chip away at her walls with all my love. uwu
Fake Date: Atlaki, probably for a mission (whatever kind of mission that would be that required someone to fake date the Commander), and after all goes well the Commander can return home to his sweetheart cuz I wouldn’t wanna make Cass sad.
Enemies to Lovers: Lady Midday. I guess that would be your typical “No I mustn’t fall for her she’s so evil and bad.” scenario but the heart wants what the heart wants :’D
Put 3 characters in my inbox and I’ll tell you who I’d slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers with!
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el-is-away · 2 years
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Atlaki for @astralarias!
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 3 years
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I got the opportunity to work on a commission for @astralarias of zir wonderful sylvari and Commander Atlaki! Ze requested a tongue-in-cheek old style recruitment pinup which was really really fun to work on!
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promisegrraveyard · 3 years
Öyle bir zamanda düşeyimki aklına içinde fırtınalar kopsun. çok mutlu hissettiğini sandığın anda geleyim aklına. gecenin bir vakti banyoda soğuk fayansın üstünde otur ve ağla bana yaşattıklarını hatırla, hatırla ve kendinden nefret et ben nasıl bir insanım diye sorgula kendini. seni çok seven bir insanı nasıl kaybettini düşün. çaresizliğini kabul et kafana vura vura o çaresizliği kendine kabul ettir başka bir imkanın olmadığını bil. Ve kapıma gel yalvar yakar ama ben olmayayım nerde olayım biliyor musun? kara toprağın altında öyle bir halde ol ki çaresizliğinin dermanı tek ben olayım ölmek için her gün Allah’a yalvar ama ölme çünkü ben çok yalvarmıştım sana ve her yalvarışımda bir kere değilde bin kere ölmüştüm. sende öyle ol yaşarken ölmek neymiş tat. seni terk eden ruhunu kendi ellerinle toprağa vermek neymiş yaşa diri diri toprağa yatırıp üstüne toprak atmanın ne olduğunu anla. beni ittiğin o uçurumdan aşağıya atla atlaki nasıl yıkıldığımı sende gör sende yıkıl. Hayat bunu sana kafana vura vura öğretmiş olacak.
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littlefoxgw2 · 2 years
For the tarot, Atlaki would like to ask how he can find a purpose now that all the Elder Dragons are gone? ( — @astralarias ) (also that deck is so pretty)
Xyxxy shuffles the deck and pulls out two cards. A third leaps unceremoniously out of her hand to the floor. She shrugs and spreads all three out.
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"It seems like your life up till now has been about one goal, one purpose driving you forward, and that's very noble, but now that you've achieved that goal, your focus on the future is... not in focus. You want another goal to focus on and propel yourself towards, but have you considered..." She pauses. "There's a phrase I've been hearing a lot, lately. 'Life's not about the destination, but about the journey.' Perhaps thinking through every step, every movement, every minuscule motivation is holding you back from enjoying the moments as they come. Perhaps...” She pauses, tapping her chin with a sharp fingernail. "What have you been putting off or letting go of to focus on your goal? What have you cast aside along the road to achieving your purpose? Perhaps it's time to revisit old thoughts and desires, and pick up a new hobby along the way. Going back to the Knight and King for a second, perhaps there is already something, or someone, close to your heart that could be your gateway forward. You'll find what you're good at or find someone to support, and before you know it, you’ll be loving every moment. Or at the very least, you won’t be bored."
Xyxxy shrugs, and picks up the cards. "I am still new at this though, so take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I hope at the very least, tonight has been entertaining for you." And she flashes you a brilliant smile.
(Also - thank you! The deck is the purple and gold tarot deck by Solis Divinity Tarot on Etsy.)
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