#ati: vibria
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asktheisle · 3 months ago
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[Everything happened so quickly-even moreso for Nat. All of his senses were murky and blurry, voices and bodies around him nothing more than a fog. He didn't realize he was being restrained nor did he take notice to the agitation that exploded amongst the dragons in response to what he did.]
[...What did he do, actually?]
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[The first sense to come back was the ability to feel. He felt the liquid on him that started to trickle down his face, soon registering the scent of iron that sneaked in. The yelling of those daring to get involved followed by the sounds of agitation from dragons on both sides soon came.]
[Before anything else could be accounted for, he felt more. There was a deep pit that was soon recognized as shame, maybe even embarrassment. Fear was soon to follow in the confusion of it all before it gave way to submission as he let himself be physically pulled away from the moment. He didn't even realize he was putting up a fight against it in the first place, only starting to acknowledge how he felt himself jerk back from overcompensating his movements.]
[Nat still wasn't entirely in the moment, sitting against the grass in silence and looking off to nothing in particular. Somehow the dragons were calmed down and sent into their pokeballs-he didn't remember doing so. It could've been someone else entirely for all he knew, but in the moment it was the last thing on his mind. If anything was, truthfully.]
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(( previous )) ((cameos under the cut))
@pmd-waveringfate @asktoastythearcanine @askthewhiterocket @crewel-intentions @askstormscall @pokege-ne-project
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asktheisle · 5 months ago
Battle: Start!
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asktheisle · 3 months ago
A Little Later...
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[It was meant to be a quick battle-ones that were seen as traditional to settle scores in the past. Nat's team had time to rest at least, and the members with grievances were more than fired up to make up for any shortcomings in regards to energy.]
[It was unspoken knowledge that Alaka'i and Spirios had the most issues with each other, considering they both started the escalations. Carefully monitored by a neutral party the two dragons started to exchange blows, aggression increasing with each swing and slam.]
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[Nat had seen the Dragonite's horn break in the past, but nothing like this. Wine-dark blood trickled from the base of where the horn was ripped off-direct payment for the multitude of scales that were yanked off before they were ready to shed in the past. The rage expressed by the usually calm Kommo-o froze Nat in place for a few seconds before he immediately recalled the dragon back into his pokeball, it was more than enough by that point.]
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[The aerial skirmish that took place afterwards ended as swiftly as it started. Vibria tended to take to the sun and use the light as a distraction-but she had to learn that from someone after all. A Perish Song for security before a Dragon Claw from the heavens, and the bat came crashing down into the dirt with a loud thud.]
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[It was the deciding match. Leader against leader, a father and his daughter. A father and the son he wouldn't acknowledge. And hopefully, it would be the last time there was such a confrontation.]
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asktheisle · 4 months ago
Later That Day...
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I'm a bit to blame on that too, I didn't exactly prep you guys with some decent counters...
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A lot of people and a lot of pokemon got us here. It'd be a disservice to them to just throw in the towel right now.
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asktheisle · 11 months ago
(@askstormscall) Susano @ Nate and Crew: Watching the dragons battle, the old Legend felt an itch. It had been a long time since the Lugia had the urge to fight. There was a look towards the Rayquaza, Queztal overhead. They had no intentions of battling full out, this island wouldn't be able to handle it. Maybe just a taste of it. There was a slight smile as the Lugia spoke addressing the human. "I wish to battle. I will not go overboard but perhaps they would not mind testing their mettle against the likes of me." A grin, a show of teeth as the Lugia spread their wings.
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[Before Nat could form much of a response, a clamor of heavy footfalls drew closer and passed him by.]
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(( @askstormscall ))
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asktheisle · 11 months ago
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I'll put the details under the cut but it's cameo time!!
I'll try to get as many in as possible but I'm one person who works during the day, so if I miss someone don't take it personally! There's gonna be more chances for cameos soon ;)c
Real simple call!! The basics would be, in an ask:
- your blog
- a character (and their trainer if there is one they battle with)
- their moveset (if there are rotating moves, just 4 is fine)
- which dragon they want to spar with
You're also welcome to send in a fully-fledged ask, but I will be VERY selective on which ones I do responses for.
See y'all out there c:
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asktheisle · 1 year ago
(@ask-sarah-and-co) sarah @ nat
Nat is greeted by an excited gasp from the younger trainer, “You like dragon types too?!” She glances around, “Do you have any? Do they live around here? Can you tell me what they’re like?” She gasps excitedly, “I can tell you about mine too, in return!” She pauses, realizing she’s been rambling, and grins sheepishly. “Only I f you want to, of course.”
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[In their excitement, Nat launches himself over the rocks he was balancing on and into the grass below. The fibers cushion his fall as they look up to Sarah as if nothing happened.]
Yeah! My dragons are staying here for the time being. We've been training for a while now, and the warm weather does wonders on 'em.
[He sits up quickly, pointing to different areas of the cave.]
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They all enjoy each other's company, which makes things easier in terms of training together and getting ready for matches. This is actually the first time they all get to battle as a unit, before it was just Draco, Vibria, Thyrus, and Okeanos back in the day.
Oh!!! But tell me about your dragons! Do you have them with you? You're more than welcome to bring them around here in the future if you want!
(( @ask-sarah-and-co ))
[Nat's dragons have been added to the roster.]
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asktheisle · 1 year ago
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[It looks like training is going according to plan... sort of.]
[The askbox is open.]
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asktheisle · 11 months ago
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(( @aro-pokeverse ))
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asktheisle · 11 months ago
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I get you're all excited, but hold on a moment!
You've all been training with each other a lot, it would do some good to have some friendly matches yeah?
(( cameo call incoming!))
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asktheisle · 1 year ago
The Next Day...
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asktheisle · 1 year ago
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Rimi @ Nat: "Oh, hi!" she smiles. "Honestly, I rarely see any humans, so it's good to see you.
A title trial? What it looks like? And how did ya managed to do this?"
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These trials were made difficult in order to prove devotion and trust. Each family differs in how they go about it, but fasting is involved across the board.
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Thankfully it was made known that I could have a lookout in case things went very wrong, and they almost did-I got scuffed pretty bad against a rock while going against the current.
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Despite everything beforehand, I think this was the most difficult part. To sit under that sun after spending at least a few hours trying to fight currents, hardly any energy left due to not eating or drinking for a full day? It's rough. There's no shade, the rocks are uncomfortable, you're completely sapped of energy and have to fight to stay awake.
It's definitely an exercise of will, but you couldn't pay me to do it again!
[They laughed at the thought of it.]
But eventually the sun set, I could feel my skin get cooler as the wind and water picked up again. I was only told that I'd know when the trial would be over and didn't have anything to go with beyond that. I just had to trust that I could hold out until I saw it through.
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I wasn't dreaming, but I wasn't entirely awake I'm sure. I could've been hallucinating-which wouldn't have surprised me with all the factors piling on me. I don't remember opening my eyes, but I saw this...leviathan of a Lugia. It was giant, with coral all over it. They swam or flew through the dark and circled a few times before disappearing, and then I "woke up" for lack of better words.
I learned after the fact that it was Guaban, one of the island titans.
I know in the future that I want to make this a little easier for whoever is next. We can do that, as long as the four families are in agreement to do so. Who knows, maybe it was even harder before the last leaders decided to make this their new trial.
(( @ask-the-shiny-pokemons ))
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asktheisle · 2 years ago
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???: Oh, and watch out above, I’m getting some hostility off of you?
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[Once outside of the cave for the final stretch, the duo slowed down as asked-the other participants passing them in no time.]
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Cameos for this set:
@ask-dawnanddusk @houseofhemingway @askthewhiterocket @pokespacegang @neverlandfaerai @ask-a-staravia​ 
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asktheisle · 2 years ago
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asktheisle · 2 years ago
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asktheisle · 3 years ago
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Gabe had to have brought you yeah? 
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