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airsLLide No. 4288: I-DIKP, McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32, Alitalia, Marseille-Marignane, February 17, 1990.
The classic DC-9-30 was Alitalia's workhorse on domestic and Eurpean routes for almost 30 years, with the first units starting their career in 1967, and the last units leaving the fleet around 1995. Up to 47 units of the model flew with the carrier and its domestic subsidiary ATI Aero Trasporti Italiani, wearing the iconic 1970s design with the wide green line - or blue, when with ATI - and the stylized A in the tail for most of their career.
From the mid 1980s onwards, the classic Niners got supported by no less than 90 MD-80s joining the combined fleet, allowing for growth and replacement of the carrier's Boeing 727s.
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Boeing 767-300BDSF Amazon Air operated by Air Transport International
Registration: N379AZ Type: 767-323ER BDSF Engines: 2 × GE CF6-80C2B6 Serial Number: 25200 First flight: May 21, 1992
Air Transport International, Inc. is an airline based in Wilmington, Ohio, United States. It operates worldwide cargo charters and combi charters for the express package industry and freight forwarders, as well as for the United States Department of Defense. It is part of the Air Transport Services Group. In 2016 Amazon.com started using ATI to provide transport services for the Amazon Prime network. Amazon Air is a cargo airline operating exclusively to transport Amazon packages. In 2017, it changed its name from Amazon Prime Air to Amazon Air to differentiate themselves from their eponymous drone delivery service. However, the Prime Air logo remains on the aircraft.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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A Ascensão da Nvidia: Do Vale do Silício à Potencial Gigante da Tecnologia

Durante os anos 60, o mundo presenciou o surgimento de um grupo de empresas que trabalhariam em inovações, que moldariam por completo o século 21. Situadas, em sua maioria, no Vale do Silício, elas ditaram as regras de um jogo que até então sequer existia. Nessa época, empresas como a IBM e a Apple lançavam seus primeiros computadores – como o IBM PC e o Macintosh – enquanto empresas como a Intel e a Microsoft alimentavam a crescente indústria com processadores cada vez mais potentes e softwares cada vez mais sofisticados. A Trajetória da Nvidia Empresas como essas marcaram território e se estabeleceram como as famosas gigantes da tecnologia. Embora muitas outras empresas do mesmo setor tenham surgido desde então, nenhuma prosperou tanto quanto elas. Mas nos últimos anos, uma empresa tem dado o que falar. Inicialmente focada na produção de placas de vídeo, a Nvidia tem participado do desenvolvimento de outras tecnologias relevantes, como a que tornou possível o surgimento de aplicações como o chatGPT, por exemplo. Em 2023, ela registrou um aumento em suas ações maior do que o valor de mercado de empresas como a Netflix, a Boeing e a Nike. De acordo com a Forbes, se o preço de suas ações subirem mais, é possível que ela ultrapasse a Amazon e se torne a 4ª empresa mais valiosa do mundo. A Indústria de Jogos A indústria de jogos é uma das mais lucrativas do mundo e uma das que mais cresce, exibindo resultados cada vez melhores ano após ano. A expectativa �� que até 2026, o setor movimente mais de 300 bilhões de dólares, o que representaria mais de 10% dos gastos globais em entretenimento. À frente dessa corrida estão Estados Unidos e China, mas segundo o relatório da agência inglesa PwC, até mesmo países em desenvolvimento, como a Turquia e o Paquistão, querem entrar na corrida também. Origens e Fundação da Nvidia Direta ou indiretamente, a indústria de jogos acaba influenciando o mercado de hardware e peças de computador em geral. Cada vez mais se busca experiências vívidas e realistas, sendo que pra isso é necessário investir em peças de alta qualidade pra rodar, inclusive, os jogos mais pesados – e é exatamente nesse segmento que empresas como a Nvidia entram. Fundada na Califórnia em 1993, seus idealizadores – Jensen Huang, Curtis Priem e Chris Malachowsky – eram 3 cientistas da computação que trabalhavam pra LSI Logic Corporation, uma empresa do Vale do Silício. Eles vislumbravam um futuro onde os videogames sairiam dos consoles e passariam a ser experimentados no computador, e logo perceberam o avanço da computação gráfica e dos jogos, que estavam lentamente migrando pro Windows. A Revolução da GPU Naquela época, o processamento dos computadores era totalmente baseado na CPU, a unidade central de processamento. Conforme a tecnologia dos jogos avançava, surgia a necessidade de um novo componente, algo que pudesse melhorar a execução da parte gráfica. É o que atualmente chamamos de GPU, a unidade de processamento gráfico — também conhecida como placa de vídeo. A GPU permite que atividades Gráficas como jogos, softwares de edição de vídeo e modelagem rodem de forma mais eficiente, sem interferir no funcionamento do processador geral. Investimentos e Conquistas Os videogames se tornaram o foco da Nvidia e foi em torno deles que sua estratégia foi montada. Com apenas 40 mil dólares, a Nvidia foi fundada. Mais tarde, a Sequoia Capital – uma das principais empresas de investimento em capital de risco dos Estados Unidos – investiria 20 milhões de dólares na empresa. O cenário no final dos anos 90 era muito competitivo e várias empresas como a ATI, Matrox e 3Dfx estavam tentando lançar suas tecnologias no mercado, mas a Nvidia saiu na frente com o lançamento da GeForce 256 em 1999, comercializada como a “primeira GPU do mundo”. Ainda que tenha recebido esse nome, a verdade é que já existiam outras GPUs no mercado quando a GeForce 256 foi lançada. Mas elas exigiam uma placa acessória pra aceleração 3D – uma peça auxiliar, necessária ao funcionamento da GPU. A Nvidia juntou os dois componentes em um só. Além dos Jogos Além disso, a GeForce se destacava por apresentar técnicas de iluminação e gráficos 3D mais Avançadas que as de seus concorrentes, o que permitia aos jogadores ter o melhor desempenho dos jogos que eram lançados na época. Isso sem contar nos benefícios que todo esse avanço referente ao processamento gráfico representou em termos de imagem e vídeo, para além dos jogos. Um vídeo como esse que você tá assistindo agora, por exemplo, foi possível – dentre outras coisas – graças a uma placa de vídeo extremamente robusta, como a GeForce. A Era da Inteligência Artificial Desde então, a Nvidia se manteve como a líder do setor, inovando e expandindo seu catálogo. Ela adquiriu, estrategicamente, pequenas empresas e até investiu em uma linguagem própria de programação chamada CUDA, sigla pra Compute Unified Device Architecture, que permite que os programadores criem programas diretamente na GPU. A companhia também firmou parcerias com universidades para que sua linguagem de programação fosse ensinada em cursos, que podem ser encontrados em mais de 200 instituições espalhadas pelo mundo inteiro — o que ajuda a consolidar programas e soluções inteligentes pra empresa. Mas a Nvidia tem planos mais ambiciosos pro futuro: ao que tudo indica, o crescente uso da Inteligência Artificial irá remodelar o mercado global de tecnologia e a empresa – que já é uma das mais valiosas do mundo – pretende fazer parte disso. A Jornada para o Trilhão A Nvidia está prestes a fazer parte de um grupo muito seleto: o de empresas que valem mais de 1 trilhão de dólares. Apple, Microsoft e Amazon são algumas companhias que representam esse time muito bem, mas são poucas as empresas que conseguem chegar a essa marca. Atualmente, a Nvidia vem ganhando destaque no mercado graças a uma série de acontecimentos, entre eles, a mineração de criptomoedas, algo que surgiu de forma paralela pra empresa, mas que acabou representando outra possibilidade de geração de lucro. As criptomoedas, ou moedas digitais, ganharam muito espaço nos últimos anos – a exemplo do bitcoin. A Corrida das Criptomoedas A mineração dessas criptomoedas demanda computadores superpotentes, com uma GPU robusta que dê conta do trabalho pesado. Mineradores começaram a comprar lotes inteiros de GPUs pra gerar moedas digitais, o que aumentou a demanda e, consequentemente, elevou os preços. A Nvidia, uma das maiores fabricantes de GPUs do mundo, se beneficiou dessa “corrida do ouro” tecnológica, embora nunca tenha abraçado de vez o mercado das criptomoedas. Desafios e Oportunidades Mesmo assim, a companhia exibiu resultados impressionantes, nunca vistos antes, com receitas que ultrapassaram os 2 bilhões e meio de dólares — o que representou um aumento de mais de 30% no lucro. O crescente aumento na demanda por placas de vídeo pra mineração de criptomoedas fez com que o comércio comum de uso doméstico sofresse com a escassez da peça, que chegou a valores exorbitantes, com alguns modelos custando mais de 10 mil reais – azar pra uns, sorte pra outros. A Revolução da Saúde e IA Em 2022 vimos a inteligência artificial se tornar uma realidade. Com isso, empresas como a Nvidia resolveram apostar nela – e o mercado de ações respondeu positivamente aos primeiros anúncios feitos pelo CEO da empresa, Jensen Huang. Além do desenvolvimento de Inteligência Artificial aplicada a jogos, a companhia também visa o Metaverso e a indústria da saúde, que pode ser completamente revista nos próximos anos. Um dos serviços voltados pra saúde anunciados pela Nvidia é chamado de BioNemo, que utiliza um sistema de Inteligência Artificial generativa que pode auxiliar na produção de novos remédios e na criação de proteínas sint��ticas. O Futuro da Nvidia Nesse sentido, a inteligência artificial desenvolvida pela empresa também pode auxiliar no sequenciamento de DNA – algo que hoje demora semanas pra ser concluído, mas que pode passar a ser realizado em poucas horas – de tal forma que a Nvidia entrou pro Guinness por conseguir a técnica de sequenciação de DNA mais rápida até então. A expectativa é que os chips gráficos voltados pra tecnologia de Inteligência Artificial diversifiquem ainda mais o catálogo da empresa, que já foi quase que exclusivamente dependente do mercado de jogos, mas que hoje vê múltiplas possibilidades pra seus produtos. Conclusão De uma forma ou de outra, o fato é que a Nvidia tem demonstrado um potencial incrível e tem conseguido ajustar o seu modelo de negócios às tendências que vão surgindo. Foi ela que forneceu o primeiro supercomputador pra OpenAI – a empresa responsável pelo chatGPT – muito antes do chatGPT existir. Sua versatilidade e visão a longo prazo é o que mais chama atenção e é o que coloca essa empresa no centro de uma nova revolução que certamente vai transformar totalmente a nossa vida hoje – assim como os computadores fizeram algumas décadas atrás – e, quem sabe, fazer dela a próxima gigante da tecnologia. E aí, você acha que a NVIDIA vai se tornar uma gigante da tecnologia como Apple, Microsoft e outras? Leia: A Ascensão da Rolls-Royce: A Jornada Inspiradora de Henri Royce Read the full article
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Classic Boeings with a combined age of close to 70 years. These Air Transport International (ATI) B767-200(F) and B757-200(C) are still going strong clocking lots of mileage on US military contracts. Guess which is the older of the two. #AviationGeek #MilitaryEnthusiast #MilitaryAviation #aviation4u #excellentaviation #PlaneSpotter #AirTransportInternational #ATI #Boeing #B757 #B757200 #B757Combi #B767 #B767200 #Singapore #USA #Nikon #NikonD500 #Nikonsg #PlanesPatchesPeople (at Singapore / Singapura / 新加坡 / சிங்கப்பூர்) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clj_LwPBxp7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Boeing-Sikorsky DEFIANT is taken for presentation to U.S. Army aviators
Lockheed Martin Sikorsky-Boeing added new companies to the DEFIANT team
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 04/02/2022 - 16:00 in Helicopters
Sikorsky and Boeing built 90% of the current U.S. Army military helicopter and represent the U.S. Army's aviation industrial base.
Sikorsky and Boeing built 90% of the current U.S. Army military helicopter and represent the U.S. Army's aviation industrial base.
The Lockheed Martin Sikorsky-Boeing SB>1 DEFIANT helicopter arrived in Nashville to give U.S. Army aviators a first-hand view of this impressive aircraft at the annual summit of the Army Aviation Association of America.
Army aviators at the summit will be able to see how the DEFIANT Team is revolutionizing the Future Vertical Lift (FVL), one of the U.S. Army's top modernization priorities, focusing on capacity transformation, production and support of the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) program, resulting in shorter cycle life costs. The result is DEFIANT X, a complete weapons system that is based on the qualities and handling capabilities proven by the team's technology demonstrator, SB>1 DEFIANT.
Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company and Boeing also announced six new members of the DEFIANT team. These supplier teammates will join the team to support the DEFIANT X, the advanced helicopter for the U.S. Army's Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) competition.
They are now part of the team:
ATI Forged Products, from Cudahy, Wisconsin: forgings for gearboxes
Collins Aerospace, Windsor Locks, Connecticut: Flight control and vehicle management computer Perigon; and Colorado Springs, Colorado: aircraft seats
Elbit Systems of America, from Fort Worth, Texas: mission system computer
Parker Aerospace, Irvine, California: flight controls; and Kalamazoo, Michigan: hydraulic pumps and modules
Magnaghi Aeronautica, from Medford, New York: landing gear
Marotta Controls, from Boonton, New Jersey: components of the electric power system
"The DEFIANT team is building a strong supply chain throughout the country to provide the Army with a transformative aircraft," said Paul Lemmo, president of Sikorsky. “This team and its proven experience will ensure that the DEFIANT X is a low-risk, reliable and survivability aircraft for our soldiers and the Army's long-range assault mission.”

"The DEFIANT X is the right aircraft, made by the right team, for the Army's FLRAA mission," said Mark Cherry, vice president and general manager of Boeing Vertical Lift. “Taking advantage of many relationships with existing suppliers, we have brought together the best team in the industry to provide a low-risk and economical next-generation aircraft that can operate in various theaters in the future.”
These companies were selected based on exceptional performance and experience in supporting the venerable ?? Black Hawks, Apaches and Chinooks of the U.S. Army. The exceptional performance of the team will continue to ensure efficiency and accessibility throughout the life cycle of DEFIANT X, adopting the requirements of the Army's Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) and continuing to adopt advanced manufacturing techniques already used to design and manufacture the Army's current fleet.
The team previously announced that Honeywell will supply its new HTS7500 turboshaft engine to power the DEFIANT X.
The concession of the contract for the future long-range assault aircraft of the U.S. Army is expected for this year.
Tags: Boeing/SikorskyFLRAAFVL - Future Vertical LiftHelicoptersSB1 DefiantUS Army - U.S. Army
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
Cavok Brasil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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ATI Boeing Accelerator - https://ift.tt/341hy4C
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Beautiful Amazon Prime Air Boeing 767-36N(ER)(BDSF) Arriving in Minneapolis after its flight from Baltimore, MD, (8C3494), Operated By Air Transport International (ATI), [N1049A] [Thursday November 3rd 2022, 11/3/22] (at Wenonah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkoIaequiOI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Global Titanium Alloys Market 2021 Segmentation, Demand, Growth, Trend, Opportunity and Forecast to 2027
Titanium alloys Market Segmentation:
The global titanium alloys market has been segmented by microstructure, end-use industry, and region.
On the basis of microstructure, the market has been segmented into alpha alloys, near alpha alloy, alpha beta alloy, and beta alloy. The alpha alloy segment accounted for the largest share of the market in 2017 and is expected to grow at a considerable rate during the review period. Titanium Alpha alloys Market possess the highest strength and oxidation resistance at elevated temperature and better weldability, among other titanium alloys. The most popular alpha alloy is Ti-5Al-2.5Sn, which is well known for creep strength and fracture toughness. It finds numerous applications in aerospace structures and engine components.
By end-use industry, the market has been segmented into aerospace, automotive, power and desalination, chemical, marine, and others. The aerospace segment accounted for the largest market share in 2017 owing to the growing demand for titanium alloys in the aerospace industry. Titanium alloys finds wide range applications in the fan blades of jet engines and as a bulkhead in Lockheed/Boeing F22 military aircraft. This is attributed to its excellent corrosion resistance and lightweight properties.
Titanium alloys Market Competitive Analysis:
Some of the key players in the global titanium alloys are Arcam (UK), ATI (US), Daido Steel Co., Ltd (Japan), United Titanium, Inc. (US), TOHO TITANIUM CO., LTD (Japan), Haynes International (US), Metalysis (UK), TLS Technik (Germany), Global Titanium Inc. (US), OSAKA Titanium Technologies Co., Ltd (Japan), and ADMA Products, Inc. (US).
Get More Professional and Technical Industry Insights @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/titanium-alloys-market-6727
Regional Analysis
Based on region, the titanium alloys market has been segregated into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Asia-Pacific accounted for largest market share in 2017, owing to the healthy growth of the chemical industry. Due to superior beneficial properties of titanium alloys they are used in manufacture of numerous chemical equipment’s s such as reactor, distillation tower and heat exchanger components which sustain longer. Growing end-use industries, specifically in China and India, coupled with government support for small, micro, and medium enterprises, is expected to fuel the demand for titanium alloys.
North America is another prominent region for titanium alloys due to the growing aerospace, medical, and consumer goods industries in the region. The demand for titanium alloys is expected to rise during the forecast period due to the increasing use of titanium, owing to its superior properties such as biocompatibility, increased fatigue strength, and increased lubricity. The European market is expected to grow on account of increasing demand from industrial manufacturing and automotive sectors. In Europe, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are expected to show huge potential for titanium alloys market during the forecast period. The markets in Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are expected to display considerable growth during the review period due to growing end-use industries in the regions.
@Get a Sample Report on Titanium Alloys Industry Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/6727
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Titanium Alloys Market Analysis, Segment, Global Overview and Forecast to 2027
Titanium alloys Market Segmentation:
The global titanium alloys market has been segmented by microstructure, end-use industry, and region.
On the basis of microstructure, the market has been segmented into alpha alloys, near alpha alloy, alpha beta alloy, and beta alloy. The alpha alloy segment accounted for the largest share of the market in 2017 and is expected to grow at a considerable rate during the review period. Titanium Alpha alloys Marketpossess the highest strength and oxidation resistance at elevated temperature and better weldability, among other titanium alloys. The most popular alpha alloy is Ti-5Al-2.5Sn, which is well known for creep strength and fracture toughness. It finds numerous applications in aerospace structures and engine components.
By end-use industry, the market has been segmented into aerospace, automotive, power and desalination, chemical, marine, and others. The aerospace segment accounted for the largest market share in 2017 owing to the growing demand for titanium alloys in the aerospace industry. Titanium alloys finds wide range applications in the fan blades of jet engines and as a bulkhead in Lockheed/Boeing F22 military aircraft. This is attributed to its excellent corrosion resistance and lightweight properties.
Titanium alloys Market Competitive Analysis:
Some of the key players in the global titanium alloys are Arcam (UK), ATI (US), Daido Steel Co., Ltd (Japan), United Titanium, Inc. (US), TOHO TITANIUM CO., LTD (Japan), Haynes International (US), Metalysis (UK), TLS Technik (Germany), Global Titanium Inc. (US), OSAKA Titanium Technologies Co., Ltd (Japan), and ADMA Products, Inc. (US).
Get More Professional and Technical Industry Insights @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/titanium-alloys-market-6727
Regional Analysis
Based on region, the titanium alloys market has been segregated into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Asia-Pacific accounted for largest market share in 2017, owing to the healthy growth of the chemical industry. Due to superior beneficial properties of titanium alloys they are used in manufacture of numerous chemical equipment’s s such as reactor, distillation tower and heat exchanger components which sustain longer. Growing end-use industries, specifically in China and India, coupled with government support for small, micro, and medium enterprises, is expected to fuel the demand for titanium alloys.
North America is another prominent region for titanium alloys due to the growing aerospace, medical, and consumer goods industries in the region. The demand for titanium alloys is expected to rise during the forecast period due to the increasing use of titanium, owing to its superior properties such as biocompatibility, increased fatigue strength, and increased lubricity. The European market is expected to grow on account of increasing demand from industrial manufacturing and automotive sectors. In Europe, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are expected to show huge potential for titanium alloys market during the forecast period. The markets in Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are expected to display considerable growth during the review period due to growing end-use industries in the regions.
@Get a Sample Report on Titanium Alloys Industry Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/6727
NOTE: Our Team of Researchers is Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
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“Prime Time” - AN ATI 767 arriving into JFK from Fort Worth, TX. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ➡️ Airline: Amazon Prime Air (Air Transport International) ➡️ Aircraft: Boeing 767-323(ER)(BDSF) ➡️ Reg: N499AZ ➡️ Serial #: 29432 ➡️ Location: KJFK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 📸 Camera: Nikon D7500 📸 Lens: Tamron 150-600 mm G2 . . ❗️❗️❗️ Head to my page 👉 @skiesnbeyond 👈 and follow for daily content❗️❗️❗️ . . #️⃣ #planespottinghd #planespotterpro #aircraftspotting #aircraftphoto #avgeekphoto #avgeekspotting #avgeekspotter #aviationphotos #aviationlovers #dailyaviation #aviationdailyphoto #ig_aviation #instagramaviation #instagramaviationphotography #planesofinstagram #planephotography #boeing767300er #boeing767bdsf #767300f #boeinglover #jfkairport #cargoaircraft #cargoaircraftday #primeair #primeair767 #airtransportinternational #airtransport #nikonphotography (at John F. Kennedy International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRWPF-AMMzG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Global Aerospace Materials Market is Expected to Reach USD 20,974.8 Million by 2027
A study, recently conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm, BlueWeave Consulting, revealed that in 2020, the global aerospace materials market was valued at USD 15,769.3 million, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.45% during the forecast period (2021-2027). The market is predicted to reach a valuation of USD 20,974.8 million by 2027. The market's growth is fueled by factors such as the rising demand for lighter and more efficient aircraft, as well as the growing demand for civil aircraft. Reduced defense spending in developing economies, as well as a restricted range of material alternatives due to complex requirements are some of the barriers faced by the market. Besides, the industry is anticipated to benefit shortly from the high demand for aircraft.
The global aerospace materials market is divided into two categories: material type and aircraft type. By material type, the market can be bifurcated into a composite, steel, titanium, aluminum, and others, whereas by aircraft type, the market can be segregated as civil aircraft, military aircraft, and others.
Driver: Increasing Use of Composite Materials & Super Alloys
Composite materials are a combination of two or more materials of different physical and chemicals properties. Composite materials have been an essential part of the aerospace industry since the 1950s. The Boeing 707 passenger jet was built in the 1950s using a composite material known as fiberglass. In the 1960s, Rolls-Royce developed the compressor blades of the RB211 jet engine using carbon fiber, another composite material. Boeing, a global giant in the aerospace industry, uses composite materials in aircraft production with Boeing 787 Dreamliner having a 50% fraction of composite materials. In the aerospace industry, advanced composite materials with a combination of high-strength stiff fibers embedded in a common matrix material are being increasingly used. A major advantage of composite material is that it significantly reduces the weight of aircraft, which eventually results in better performance and less fuel consumption. Apart from weight loss and better fuel consumption efficiency, composite materials have higher strength at a lower weight, high impact resistance, high thermal stability, high fatigue/corrosion resistance, and ease of assembling.
Superalloys are a group of nickel, cobalt, and iron-nickel alloys used in jet engines. Superalloys have superior heat-resistant properties than the traditional alloys of aluminum and titanium. These materials can retain their stiffness, strength, toughness, and dimensional stability at much-elevated temperatures than normal metal alloys. Apart from these, superalloys possess high resistance to corrosion & oxidation, even at high temperatures. Nickel-based superalloys are the most common types of superalloys used in the aerospace industry owing to their excellent performance for a long duration even at 800-10000C. Superalloys are generally used for engine components such as high-pressure turbine blades, discs, combustion chambers, afterburners, and thrust reversers in both aircraft and spacecraft. All these factors are contributing to the increasing use of composite materials & superalloys in structural applications and components of spacecraft & aircraft. The same factors are expected to drive the growth of the global aerospace materials market during the forecast period.
Report URL: https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/global-aerospace-materials-market-bwc19352
Challenge: Growing Environmental Concerns Related to the Use of Large Aircrafts
Large aircraft require high quality and quantity of fuel, and with the increase in the weight of the aircraft, the fuel consumption-ability of an aircraft goes down. For example, an Airbus A321neo, which has a capacity of 32,940 liters of fuel, burns 0.683 liter per second, which turns out to be almost 2,500 liters per hour. Boeing 787 Dreamliner consumes 18 liters per passenger per hour and it carries 300 passengers. Per hour fuel consumption of Boeing 787 Dreamliner stands at about 5,400 liters. With such high fuel consumption, aircraft release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and contribute towards global warming with about 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions coming from traveling. Air travel consists ofaround 1 gigaton of CO2 to the Earth’s atmosphere each year. Flights produced 915 million tons of CO2 in 2019 with aviation being responsible for around 12% of total CO2 produced by all transportation sources and the international civil aviation organization has set a target to reduce aviation emissions by 50% by 2050.
The high fuel consumption of aircraft is majorly due to the heavyweight of the aircraft. A 20% weight loss for a Boeing 787 Dreamliner can increase the fuel efficiency of aircraft by 10-12%. Aluminum, steel, and titanium are heavy metals that are used extensively in aircraft manufacturing. The use of these materials significantly increases the weight of the aircraft which leads to reduced fuel performance by the aircraft. Apart from adding weight, titanium's inherent behavior is unstable, making it delicate and prone to damage. Titanium, which is known for its high strength-to-weight ratios and innate corrosion resistance characteristics can become as fragile as glass if a minimum of three oxygen atoms is merged in with its 1,000 natural atoms. As companies look to reduce the carbon emission of their aircraft, weight loss is one of the ways out for them, but the high weight of metals like aluminum, titanium, and steel, along with the unstable innate behavior of titanium presents a big challenge for the global aerospace material industry.
Civil Aircraft segment is the largest in the Aircraft Type
The civil aircraft segment accounted for the largest market share of 58.27% in 2020, with a market value of USD 9,189.0 million. It is expected to have a CAGR of 4.16% during the forecast period. Factors such as rising air passenger numbers, low airfares, and increased acceptance of the airway as a mode of transportation have boosted aircraft manufacturing investments, propelling the aircraft market to grow over the forecast period. The military aircraft segment is expected to develop significantly during the forecast era, owing to rising military and defense expenditure in countries such as China, India, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia.
Global Aerospace MaterialsMarket: Regional Insights
Based on region, the global aerospace materials market has been segmented into- North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America and Europe dominate the aerospace materials industry. North America and Europe have the highest business demand and general aviation fleets, while Asia-Pacific and Latin America are projected to remain more or less stagnant over the forecast period. The United States is the world's largest consumer of Aerospace materials. The region is expected to grow as a result of a large number of mergers, as well as acquisitions and expansions by some major players. North America accounted for the largest market share of 38.11% in 2020, with a market value of USD 6,008.9 million. It is expected to register a CAGR of 3.87% during the forecast period.
Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak
COVID-19 triggered a domino effect for the global aerospace materials market, starting with lockdowns and ending with the collapse of the aerospace materials industry and a severely disrupted supply chain for the global aerospace materials market. Global aircraft manufacturing giants, Airbus and Boeing delivered 42% fewer jet deliveries in 2020 compared to 2019 owing to the effects of COVID-19 across the supply chain. As a result, aerospace materials' availability was severely affected. Additionally, China, a major producer of aluminum, titanium, and graphite, went under lockdown, which resulted in smelters being shut down or operating at reduced capacity. As a result, prices were expected to soar to new heights but the demand for materials took a massive hit as well, and the prices of all materials were affected differently.
Key Market Players: Some of the leading market players include: Toray Industries, AMG N.V., Solvay S.A., CONSTELLIUM SE, DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Alcoa Corporation,Teijin Limited, Hindalco Industries Limited, Kobe Steel Limited, ATI METALS, Hexcel Corporation, and other prominent players.
Don't miss the business opportunity of the aerospace materials market. Consult our analysts to gain crucial insights and facilitate your business growth.
The in-depth analysis of the report provides information about growth potential, upcoming trends, and statistics of global aerospace materials market size & forecast. The report promises to provide recent technology trends of the global aerospace materials market and industry insights to help decision-makers make sound strategic decisions. Furthermore, the report also analyses the growth drivers, challenges, and competitive dynamics of the market.
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Air Transport International (ATI) B767-200 and B757-200 Combi putting in long shifts recently with stopovers in Singapore. The B757-200 Combi is a unique aircraft with both cargo and passenger compartments allowing it to carry a mixed load for each trip. #AviationGeek #MilitaryEnthusiast #MilitaryAviation #aviation4u #excellentaviation #PlaneSpotter #AirTransportInternational #ATI #Boeing #B757 #B757200 #B757Combi #B767 #B767200 #Singapore #USA #Nikon #NikonD500 #Nikonsg #PlanesPatchesPeople (at Singapore / Singapura / 新加坡 / சிங்கப்பூர்) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_z7MMBdiC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Cockpit confidential: text me Our ACARS (Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System) allows text-based messages to be sent between aircraft and other stations, such as ATC, our airline dispatch or maintenance departments. It's a bit like having email in the flight deck. How is it used? And why do you need it? Technically we don't Need ACARS as it's not yet a legal requirement for all flights. However, there is a lot of important information that is easily received via ACARS and for that reason it is a tool that pilots prefer having onboard. 🛫Preflight During our preflight we can request the ATIS (the weather and other pertinent information about the airport) via our ACARS, with this information we plan the expected departure procedure and calculate take-off performance. With the latest ATIS, we then send a Pre Departure Clearance (PDC) request to ATC with our aircraft type, the ATIS and our gate number. In this photo, you can see I've received my clearance via ACARS. 🛫In Flight Throughout the flight, various automated messages (such as our out and off time, automated reports to maintenance control etc.) will be sent to our airline’s operations department. We send requests for enroute and destination weather. Some ACARS send automated updates of our position and our ETA to dispatch, and keep maintenance informed about any warnings or cautions we’ve received. If it is an Oceanic flight, upon approaching the crossing point we’ll send our OCX (Oceanic Clearance Request) with our requested cruising flight level. Approaching our destination we send any updates to dispatch and request our expected parking position, and also sending any information about passenger assistance requirements. 🛬Post Flight And, lastly, at the gate, on the way out the door we’ll record the flight times (on, off, out, in). Normally when a message is received on the flight deck it's printed out using the printer on the center console. Pilots can use the FMS (Boeing) or MCDU (Airbus) to type a reply or request further information. And yes! There's a printer in the cockpit! Did you know we could send and receive text messages? What else do you want to know? — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/32b73fI
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Titanium Alloys Market Share Size, Segment | Value Share, Leading Players and Forecast to 2027
Titanium Alloys Market Share Segmentation:
The global Titanium Alloys Market Share has been segmented by microstructure, end-use industry, and region.
On the basis of microstructure, the market has been segmented into alpha alloys, near alpha alloy, alpha beta alloy, and beta alloy. The alpha alloy segment accounted for the largest share of the market in 2017 and is expected to grow at a considerable rate during the review period. Titanium Alloys Market Sharepossess the highest strength and oxidation resistance at elevated temperature and better weldability, among other titanium alloys. The most popular alpha alloy is Ti-5Al-2.5Sn, which is well known for creep strength and fracture toughness. It finds numerous applications in aerospace structures and engine components.
By end-use industry, the market has been segmented into aerospace, automotive, power and desalination, chemical, marine, and others. The aerospace segment accounted for the largest market share in 2017 owing to the growing demand for titanium alloys in the aerospace industry. Titanium alloys finds wide range applications in the fan blades of jet engines and as a bulkhead in Lockheed/Boeing F22 military aircraft. This is attributed to its excellent corrosion resistance and lightweight properties.
Titanium Alloys Market Share Competitive Analysis:
Some of the key players in the global titanium alloys are Arcam (UK), ATI (US), Daido Steel Co., Ltd (Japan), United Titanium, Inc. (US), TOHO TITANIUM CO., LTD (Japan), Haynes International (US), Metalysis (UK), TLS Technik (Germany), Global Titanium Inc. (US), OSAKA Titanium Technologies Co., Ltd (Japan), and ADMA Products, Inc. (US).
Get More Professional and Technical Industry Insights @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/titanium-alloys-market-6727
Regional Analysis
Based on region, the Titanium Alloys Market Share has been segregated into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Asia-Pacific accounted for largest market share in 2017, owing to the healthy growth of the chemical industry. Due to superior beneficial properties of titanium alloys they are used in manufacture of numerous chemical equipment’s s such as reactor, distillation tower and heat exchanger components which sustain longer. Growing end-use industries, specifically in China and India, coupled with government support for small, micro, and medium enterprises, is expected to fuel the demand for titanium alloys.
North America is another prominent region for titanium alloys due to the growing aerospace, medical, and consumer goods industries in the region. The demand for titanium alloys is expected to rise during the forecast period due to the increasing use of titanium, owing to its superior properties such as biocompatibility, increased fatigue strength, and increased lubricity. The European market is expected to grow on account of increasing demand from industrial manufacturing and automotive sectors. In Europe, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are expected to show huge potential for Titanium Alloys Market Share during the forecast period. The markets in Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are expected to display considerable growth during the review period due to growing end-use industries in the regions.
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NOTE: Our Team of Researchers is Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
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