luckyspren · 4 months
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Kelsier: I am the well guardian. Guardian of the well
Leras: Ruin quivers before him!
Kelsier, at ati: FUCK OFF
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just-cosmere-fan · 6 months
Something something Ati being as much of Ruin's puppet as Marsh was Ati's something something Harmony manipulating Wax just as Ruin(and Preservation) manipulated him something something the cycle of abuse
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rotheninth · 1 month
wdym hoid called ati “kind and generous”… need dragonsteel in my hand rn to find up what is up with all these shards
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lamaery · 1 year
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Shard Roller Disco: Sel and Scadrial These two duos had something similar going on, so I decided to let them pose together. Intensely. Music to this? 「あの娘は誰?」とか言わせたい by KIRINJI
More Shard Roller Disco AU: Roshar Nalthis Scadrial 2 First of the Sun and Taldain Threnody Roshar 2 (row spoilers) Roshar 3 Bonus Dawnshard (spoilers)
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spookiest-semic · 6 months
tragic gay people who started out loving each other but over time magical intent, neither of which was good, drove them apart until they were only shadows of their former selves and one dies trying to stop the other
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kandra-chameleon · 1 year
Myers Briggs and Enneagram are out. The only true personality test is which shard of Adonalsium do you identify with most
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marvelousmagicalaura · 5 months
Making one last post about this before I move onto The Lost Metal, Warbreaker and Stormlight.
So after reading about Kelsier's precognitive plan for Marsh to remove Vin's earring, I speculated on a factor of Preservation vs. Ruin futuresight. I think the Vessels of Preservation see future possibilities that Ati:
saw as unlikely possibilities but Ati acted upon - the frail possibility of Vin defeating Ruin.
saw as unlikely possibilities and Ati dismissed - Elend sacrificing himself to drive Vin to murder-suicide.
future possibilities Ati didn't see at all - the true meaning of the Terris Prophecies.
I don't know which category applies to "the few lines of light" that could save Urteau or get the Shard to Vin, or Marsh taking out Vin's earring because of Spook's message.
I think the Vessels of Preservation saw these unlikely possibilities or possibilities not in Ati's futuresight web, liked them best or felt they were necessary, and did whatever they could to thread towards the gambled possibilities in hopes they could come true. Some gambled possibilities of which are unlikely, fragile, frail to the Vessels of Preservation themselves - the true meaning of the Terris Prophecies, atium Mistings burning all of Ruin's body, Vin defeating Ruin. Also, a member of the Ire implied coincidences are caused by someone drawing upon Fortune. So I think Fortune + more possibilities in Preservation's futuresight web = better plans from its Vessels.
I also think Leras' futuresight had a number of important touchstones:
The Well cycle is on a fixed schedule which could be assumed as a given when he started designing his plans.
He has invested more of himself into the Scadrians than Ruin had.
Leras listens to the hearts of men. He hears the thoughts of all Scadrians, and not just those of the mad or spiked. This telepathic ability is so all-encompassing that Kelsier "knew" Goradel because of the power of Preservation, despite never knowing him. 
Ruin is trapped and can only influence texts, the unstable or spiked. Leras is comparatively free to influence the world.
A significant portion of Ruin's investiture is separated and placed in the Pits.
The Mists cover the world daily and are capable of obeying Leras' instructions like mass Snapping and empowering Vin against the LR.
An interesting thing I noticed was that Kelsier realized only when Sazed took the Shards that he's the Hero of Ages. This could be a hint that Leras knew his true desire for the Terris Prophecies and that the Hero of Ages might appear in the distant future. But he didn't know who the Hero of Ages would be, possibly not even in Sazed's lifetime. But he did whatever he could to thread towards it. This would be consistent with the fact foreseeing a mortal's cause of death isn't infallible in Preservation's futuresight web, so I can only imagine how cloudy it was for Leras to predict Vessel succession would happen after the deaths of himself, Vin and Ati.
I wonder if a big part of this has to do with how the Shards "remember" their Vessels' personalities. Fuzz at least remembers what seems to be Leras' desire to protect the planet. To say that the Shard doesn't "remember" Ati is an understatement. I wonder if Ati's Ruin was once more much more dangerous and precognitively able.
I hope The Lost Metal shows how good Harmony is at seeing the future.
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jazzy-kandra · 2 years
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A Ruinous Puppet has arrived. Marsh for day 1 of cosmere inktober day 1, I guess he's first, this year, @spiky-ironeyes lol
Hi, I'm late! I won't be able (physically) to do the whole set of prompts, but I'm determined to do some. So, expect some posts from me this month
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thestormlightnetwork · 6 months
Kelsier: Mr. Ati...
Kelsier: Mr. Leras...
Kelsier: The Lord Ruler... What is this?
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il3x · 2 months
cosmere character most likely to be a simurgh bomb if they were in parahumans go
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mistninja · 11 months
Brandon sanderson talking about one piece after watching 2 eps of the live action: the morality is too black and white lol
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sazed-s-faith-crisis · 2 months
I'm confident that the reason Brandon RAFOs questions about hemalurgic spike placement is because ruin was a kinky bastard and atium only can be placed as genital piercings
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perilegs · 4 months
google show me mahariel/merrill t4t sex
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rashenditrash · 2 years
okay - apologies to my few followers for the ati/leras feral fugue state I just entered. I feel stable now.
But maybe not totally stable.
Maybe a little bit like DISCORD…
I’m not sorry.
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foxoftamriel · 5 months
Mistborn AU where Ruin is the protagonist and Preservation is the antagonist
Ati was able to control Ruin a little bit more, channeling its Intent to destroy things that harmed humanity. But Preservation still did not like this destruction. He would rather humanity be harmed, but not destroyed, so long as everything in the universe stays stable with all its processes working smoothly. In his mind, Ruin is messing with the natural order of things, so he locks Ruin up. Preservation in this AU is more stable, so he continues to affect things around Scadrial to keep everything The Same. But Ruin was still trying to get out. Alendi and all that stuff happens, but Preservation uses Rashek killing Alendi for his own goals, manipulating him to create an empire without change. It doesn’t matter if people suffer, so long as everything is The Same.
Flash forward to the books, and Ruin manages to get enough of his power into the world to infuse Kelsier with some of it (fun morally good destruction guy, Ruin loves him). Kelsier notices he has some weird powers that he shouldn’t have, and it excites him, but it also freaks him it since he has no idea where it comes from. Eventually, an Inquisitor “accidentally” spikes him so Ruin can speak to him, explaining his plans. Kelsier is excited because a god trying to kill The Lord Ruler? Awesome! So he works with Ruin to kill Rashek. He still dies in this AU but becomes a Cognitive Shadow with Ruin’s Investiture, not Preservation’s.
Ruin figures out that in order to stop Preservation, they *both* need to be destroyed, so most from here on out goes similar to canon, with Harmony/Discord being created. Vin still has to take the power of Preservation to defeat Ruin, which really pisses Kel off.
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