#ateez slow burn
mia-tiny · 2 years
Coming Home | K. Hongjoong
⇒ pairing: k. hongjoong x fem!reader
⇒ smut, estranged friends to lovers, small town nostalgia, slow-ish burn?, unprotected sex (big no no), oral & fingering (fem receiving), tame dirty talk, reader called “baby,” mutual pining, car sex, some light drinking
⇒ word count: 14.4k
⇒ summary: After six years spent in the city, coming back to your rural home for the holidays has you confronting your feelings not only about your old life, but also about your estranged best friend who you left behind.
💕 view my masterlist here
🖤 view my Kinktober ‘22 masterlist here
⇒ author’s note: my first shot at a longer, more slow burn style fic. thinking of mixing it up between longer pieces like this and my usual oneshot style fics going forward.
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Six years.
That is how long it has been since you’ve returned to your humble hometown deep in the middle of nowhere, but somehow the dilapidated city limit sign on the side of the road looks exactly the same as it did years ago, with chips of paint peeling off at the corners and a faded graffiti tag covering half the town’s name. It welcomes you back into a world you left long ago in search of neon lights rather than the glow of bonfires and bustling streets instead of gravel paths.
It’s not that you hate this town, in fact growing up here was filled with joy and freedom, but you had always wanted to see what else the world has to offer. Ever since you can remember, you’ve imagined yourself living the glamorous city life that you always saw on TV, and everyone here knew you had plans to leave the rural ways behind. You’ve always wanted to open a cute little cafe on a busy backstreet with the best coffee and pastries in town, maybe even expanding the business to become a chain once you’re making enough money. This dream is why you ended up moving away for college and never coming back. Well, at least until now.
Coming home for the holidays hadn’t entirely been your decision, though. For many years, your family has traveled to you instead since it meant a fun vacation away from home, but your mother’s recent surgery took that option off the table this year while she is still recovering. Your choices for Christmas were therefore to either sit at home alone in your pajamas or to make the long drive back to this quaint town that you haven’t really thought about twice since departing.
In many ways, returning feels almost like breathing with how natural and ingrained it is in your nature, but in some ways it is also oddly terrifying. Just feeling the familiar breeze and warmth of the rural sun on your skin has you unsettled, as if you are being pushed to confront the life you left behind in comparison to the one you’ve been living. You’re not entirely unaware of the fact that city living isn’t as perfect as you’d imagined it to be, but you’ve never allowed yourself to dwell on that thought long enough for it to take root.
If you’re being honest, you must admit that it has definitely been difficult to keep up with such high living expenses, working multiple jobs, and adjusting to the hustle and bustle of the fast-paced urban landscape. Making friends and finding a community has also been much harder since most everyone is so closed off or caught up in their own self-centered drama. Still, even if it isn’t as glamorous as you imagined, it is something you’ve always wanted, so surely it’s right.
As you cruise along, you notice that the antiquated shops and homes littered along the main stretch of road look as though they have been on pause since you left, even every pebble and every leaf at their feet having waited patiently in their spot for your return. The recognizable scene breeds a sense of comfort steeped in the thought that no matter how far you stray, this little town is a constant. Are you perhaps the only thing that has changed?
As you pull down a few back streets and onto the humble paths with houses spaced much more generously than in the city, your parents’ little cabin-esque home soon comes into view, and you can already spot your dad waiting for you on the porch. A smile immediately brightens his face as he notices you, and you stick your arm out of the open window to return his giddy wave. By the time you’ve made it down the driveway, your entire family has spilled outdoors to greet you, even including your grandparents and some uncles and aunts who have come over to welcome you back home.
Through the enthusiastic hugs and mandatory cheek squeezes, you can already smell the sweet scent of your mom’s cooking wafting through the house. Even though she is still recovering from her surgery, you can’t imagine she has made anything less than a feast to celebrate your presence. You soon come to find, however, that she has truly outdone herself by inviting half the town over for a party in the evening. This wasn’t quite the greeting you were expecting after such a long and tiring drive, but it shouldn’t really be surprising to once again be showered with the overwhelming love that has always been available to you here. In a town this small, everyone just feels like extended family with how well you know and look after each other. Consequently, they all want to be present for your homecoming, and you’ve got only an hour to prepare yourself for the extreme degree of affection about to come your way.
With family greetings set aside for the moment, you lug your packed suitcase up the squeaky hardwood stairs and into your childhood bedroom. Your parents have left it virtually untouched despite you having been gone for so long. The walls are still a faded baby blue and your twin bed sits in the corner, covered by a tacky floral comforter that you had thought, at age thirteen, was the pinnacle of home decor. Bookcases filled with cheesy teen romance novels and small plastic trophies sit alongside your worn wooden desk, which you take a seat at with a heavy exhale that gives away how tired you already are. Seven hours in the car is perhaps a few too many.
Your eyes glance over the old pictures stuck to the wall just over your desk and you smile at the nostalgic images. The one on the end catches your attention with its bright pop of orange and you lean forward to peel it off for a closer look. Sure enough, it is a photo of you and Hongjoong from your high school graduation in which you are laughing obnoxiously at something he must’ve said. Or you were perhaps laughing at his hair, which he had to dye orange for the event upon losing a bet with you over whether or not he would cry from watching Titanic. He did, of course, and his loss is now forever recorded in all your graduation pictures.
A small chuckle escapes you as you recall the fond memory, but part of you also saddens as you gaze at the image. Like everything else in this town, Hongjoong was something you ended up inadvertently leaving behind despite your long history with one another. He had been your neighbor from the time you were both born just days apart, meaning you naturally became best friends as you spent your childhood together playing outdoors or making mischief. You both grew into your adolescence as partners in crime and many things changed, but he was always constant. Until you left.
It wasn’t that you wanted to abandon him, but you suddenly had a life where he wasn’t constantly by your side, something neither of you really knew how to manage when it came to maintaining your friendship. As time went on, and life got busy, you both just ended up slipping further apart. Now it has been years since you spoke last and every time you think of him, you can’t deny the pang of guilt that eats away at your heart.
He won’t be here tonight, will he?
A moment of panic washes through you as you imagine having to face him once again after all this time, but you quickly relax as you realize he probably left this town as well. He has always had many artistic passions and talents, so surely he has found his way to bigger and better things. He was always meant for greatness, after all.
Thoughts of Hongjoong set aside, you diligently prepare yourself for the amount of energy you’re about to expend rehashing the last six years of your life to every single person you’re about to see. There is no doubt in your mind that they will all want to know every last detail, but only after spending time gushing about how much you’ve grown. It will likely get to be a tiring process, but they’re all people you love who are simply excited to see you, so you choose to see it as endearing rather than irritating.
The first hour of the party goes by smoothly with family friends and neighbors pouring into your home and spilling out into the backyard where your father has started a bonfire. The amount of hugs you’ve received in your lifetime has likely doubled from tonight alone, but it feels amazing to be so warmly welcomed back. Falling back into the natural rhythm of the small-town life comes easier and easier with each guest that arrives even though your level of exhaustion keeps slowly increasing. One cup of coffee on the way here was definitely not enough.
Still, it is great to see everyone and hear what they’ve been up to. Your neighbor, Amanda, who runs the liquor store in town, is especially quick to catch you up on all the local drama you’ve missed. Apparently Peter and Larissa have gotten a divorce and are in the middle of a nasty custody battle, John’s son got a full college scholarship for football, and there is thought to be a new ghost haunting the local library (because the lights flickering sometimes must mean a ghost). These are only the first three things she tells you and there is so much more that you can’t even keep track of, but just hearing about it has you feeling connected to the town again in a way that you missed.
In the middle of letting Amanda retell the entire timeline of her last relationship that you hadn’t been privy to, the front door creaks open once again and you glance in its direction to see who else has arrived, only for your heart to immediately hit the floor. Even from across the crowded room you can tell exactly who it is stepping in timidly with their beaming parents in tow. And much to your dismay, his eyes glaze over the swarm of people until they lock on yours while you continue to openly gawk at him in shock.
Kim Hongjoong. The one and only person you were afraid of running into tonight.
He looks both the same and completely different at the same time. The skinny, clumsy boy that you once knew has been replaced by a mature, handsome man who bears resemblance, but has clearly grown into himself over time. His hair is no longer the faded orange you last saw him with when you left for college, but is instead an ashy light brown that makes his complexion glow. The raggedy old band t-shirts he used to live in have now been replaced with a crisp white button up paired with an oversized brown cardigan, leading him to look both dressed up and dressed down at the same time. He has even accessorized with some wire glasses and multiple new piercings, some of which are connected by flashy silver chains.
Since when has he known how to dress this well?
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. He’s coming this way. Pick your jaw up off the fucking floor and compose yourself before you end up looking like an even bigger moron!
“Y/N!” Hongjoong’s mother sing-songs as she pushes past her son to reach you with outstretched arms.
“Mrs. Kim!” you call back with a forced amount of enthusiasm as she envelops you in a crushing embrace. She was always like a second mother to you, so you would be elated to see her if it weren’t for her son’s presence making your brain glitch in an absolute panic.
“Oh, darling, I’ve missed you so much!” She swings you from side to side in her excitement, almost tipping you over before her husband prompts her to let you go, also saying hello in the process. She settles for resting her hands on your shoulders as she takes in your appearance with total glee. “I can’t believe you’re finally back! How is the city treating you? Is it just like you thought it would be? What about the jobs there? I’m sure you must’ve met so many incredible people! Oh goodness, Joongie, come say hi!”
Despite asking so many questions, her hysteria doesn’t even allow you to get a word in before she is pulling her son out from behind her so that he can face you. Your expression surely pales in that instant and you can feel your palms moisten with sweat. You both just stare at each other for a moment, his expression unreadable as the rest of the commotion in the room is completely droned out of your mind.
“Oh, baby, don’t be shy! You used to be best friends! She’s still the same girl you grew up with,” his mother prompts, entirely unaware of the strange tension thickening the air.
“Hey, Y/N,” Hongjoong finally utters, sticking out his hand for you to shake. You look at it, frozen in place by the distance in his action.
“Joongie, don’t be silly. Give her a hug, it’s been forever!” Mrs. Kim once again chimes in with a motivating nudge on his shoulder.
He glances at her in a manner that clearly reveals his discomfort, but quickly suppresses the feeling and avoids eye contact as he steps forward to embrace you loosely, your torsos not even touching as you awkwardly lift your hands up to pat his back. Even if he has changed so much, one thing is for sure: he still wears the same cologne you had gifted him at age 16 when you cordially asked him to cover his “man odor.”
When he pulls away, neither of you can look at each other. Your heart is beating out of your chest and you want nothing more than for the floor to open you up and suck you down into hell. As if seeing him again isn’t uncomfortable enough, his mother being this clueless has made the interaction one thousand times worse. You need to escape this situation right now.
“It’s so great to see you all, thank you for coming!” you start off graciously with the most hospitable voice you can muster. “I’m actually going to head to the restroom, but please make yourselves at home. There is dinner in the kitchen if you’re hungry and seats out back as well. I’ll be around.”
You begin slowly walking away while speaking so that by the time you finish, they are unable to suck you back into a conversation. Your feet carry you to the bathroom in a mad rush, though you try not to let the other guests see just how panicked you are. As soon as you make it there, you slam the door shut and lock it, your back then resting against the wall as you take deep breaths.
In the weeks leading up to this trip home, you hadn’t really considered the possibility of seeing Hongjoong again. Whether that was because you truly forgot about him or because you convinced yourself that he would’ve vanished into thin air, you aren’t entirely sure. Since you stopped talking to him, any reminder of his existence and what you had let go was always a painful assault on your psyche. Instead of recalling all of the great memories together, your heart has been plagued with guilt and shame over the ending of your friendship. Seeing him in person again, especially combined with his distant attitude, has your negative emotions festering at ten times the usual intensity.
You sink down to sit on the floor as you try to grapple with the other major issue occupying your brain. As soon as he walked through the door, beyond the guilt you felt, all of the suppressed feelings you’ve always harbored for Hongjoong rapidly came rising to the surface.
The chemistry that the two of you have shared throughout your lives has always been deeper and more meaningful than how either of you connect with other friends. The spark between you has always been sort of an unspoken acknowledgement in your relationship, something too delicate for either of you to address lest it open up doors you are both too afraid to enter.
You could always feel it, though. When you would play hooky together to go see the latest superhero film, the nights under the stars that you’d spend getting high by the lake, the way he would obnoxiously call your name across the hallway at school, his words of comfort and encouragement after your every break up. In all these moments and more, you could tell just how deeply connected you are in a manner that transcends friendship, and you could tell that Hongjoong felt it too.
At the same time, however, you knew that the second you gave in to these feelings, you may have never been able to let go. You were terrified of falling so deeply into Hongjoong that you’d never escape. It always felt as if just one wrong move–
You jump in surprise as a loud rasping on the door abruptly wakes you from your thoughts.
“Oh, uh, just a moment!” you call in a hurried response, pulling yourself from the floor and taking one last deep breath to steel yourself before facing the party again.
You open the door and leave your temporary sanctuary so that your uncle can enter, the laughter from the next room practically teasing your anxious state as your moment of solitude ends. You just have to get through this party.
For the next couple hours you work diligently in avoiding Hongjoong at all costs, trying your best to make it look natural as you keep your distance. Every few minutes you scan the crowd to make sure he is still on the opposite side of the room and try not to stare long enough that he will feel your gaze burning a hole into the back of his head. Honestly, you can’t even focus on half of the conversations you have because you are so actively wrapped up in this game of cat and mouse that Hongjoong doesn’t even know he’s participating in. Your methods ultimately work out, however, since you are able to avoid him late into the night.
By the time things start slowing down and most of the guests are relaxing out by the fire, your head is pounding with how exhausted you are, your energy having been sucked out by both the taxing journey to get home and the anxiety-fueled nightmare that has been this party. Needing some time to just decompress and not be the center of attention, you wait until the living room is empty to snatch a bottle of expensive red wine and tiptoe up the stairs to your room, praying nobody sees you escaping your own celebration.
As you have done many times before, you yank open your dormer window that overlooks the front yard and slip out onto the roof with your drink in hand. Long ago, you spent many wistful nights in this exact spot, staring up at the stars when you needed to just be alone and think. Something about sitting here under the vast night sky always made your problems seem much smaller as you paled in comparison to the infinity of space before you, but that same sense of comfort doesn’t come as easily tonight.
You lean back against the rough shingles of the rooftop and take a few heavy gulps out of the wine bottle, hissing at the taste since you’ve never really been a fan of reds. It’ll do the trick, though, and you’re not really in the mood to be picky. A heavy exhale escapes you and you close your eyes, the sound of chatter spilling out into the night air from the guests mingling on the other side of the house. Your thoughts immediately drift where you wish they wouldn’t as Hongjoong’s appearance permeates your mind.
As if right on cue, the sound of light knocking against your window sill causes you to gasp and look over in surprise.
“Hey,” Hongjoong casually calls with his body stuck halfway out the window already. “Figured I’d find you up here. Mind if I join?”
You hope that your nervousness doesn’t show on your face and he can’t hear your heart as it now thumps dangerously against your chest. Still, you scooch over to make room for him.
“Sure.” He climbs onto the rooftop and takes a seat next to you, the proximity of his body making you hyper aware of your every movement. “Want some?”
You offer him the bottle of wine, to which he chuckles but graciously accepts, taking a prolonged drink before frowning at the taste just like you did. You can’t help but laugh lightly at his reaction, some of the nerves dissipating just marginally.
“I guess we’re still not quite proper adults just yet, huh? When wine still tastes this bad,” he jokes as he hands the drink back over.
“If that’s what defines adulthood, then I guess not.”
The moment of jest fades away as you both gaze up at the sky and a thick silence settles between you. This must be the first time you’re next to Hongjoong and yet you can’t find anything to say, but, thankfully, he breaks the deafening sound of six years spent apart.
“Sorry about my mom back there. She’s, you know… her,” he apologizes stiffly without bringing himself to look over at you.
“It’s okay. I wouldn’t have expected anything else from her. It’s actually kind of comforting to come back and find that almost everyone is still the same as before.” You pray he doesn’t ask you to elaborate on the ‘almost’ since it exclusively applies to him.
“Yeah, things around here don’t change as quickly as in the city, I suppose.” He lets out a steady breath and you gulp down some more of the wine. “How is it out there? Everything you ever dreamed of?”
You can’t exactly tell the emotion behind his words and you consider just how honest you should be. Is he just asking out of pleasantries? Are you still close enough that you can start airing your grievances about city life? Even if you are, do you really want to put those thoughts out into the world in such a way that makes them significantly more real than when they just live in your mind?
“It’s fine. You know, different,” you answer vaguely, shrugging off his inquiry. He finally turns to face you.
“It’s fine?” he questions. “What does that actually mean? Because it doesn’t mean fine.”
Goddamn this man and how well he can read you even after so long. His tone and demeanor, though, feel so familiar and warm that you can’t resist wanting to open up to him as if no time has passed at all. Sitting together like this, he somehow still feels like your safe space even though tonight has been painfully awkward up to this point. Nonetheless, you feel a little strange to immediately start unloading onto him and decide against it.
“It is fine, though,” you answer, but it even sounds like a lie to you this time. “I mean, it’s not the perfect life I imagined, but nothing is perfect.”
He seems to think about your answer momentarily before giving a small nod. “That’s true, I guess. Have you opened up your own cafe yet?”
You bite the inside of your cheek in embarrassment. “No, not yet. Living expenses are really high there so I haven’t been able to save up yet…”
“Oh,” he mumbles at your feeble response. “What do you do for work, then?”
You can tell he is asking out of genuine curiosity, but your face burns in shame. “I work as a barista and a bartender, both part-time. It’s a lot of work, but I haven’t really been able to start a career just yet…”
You take another swig from the bottle before passing it over to him, pulling your knees closer to your chest as he also drinks. After spending your entire life boasting about how you’ll thrive in the city, admitting all of your unexpected struggles to him has you feeling increasingly disappointed in the outcome of your six years away.
“You do like it there, though, right?” Hongjoong asks earnestly, his gaze shifting to study your face as you contemplate the answer.
Yes. Of course you should say yes… Why are you not saying yes?
As you look into his eyes, the word ‘yes’ doesn’t come as easily as it usually does when you’re asked this question. Just as you felt when you first drove into the city’s limits, you feel like, for the first time in six years, you are truly being forced to consider the reality of your urban life compared to the life you had here. The doubts you’ve had about your move, which you have always so diligently repressed, are finally at the forefront of your mind as you are faced with everything you left behind. And that fact that Hongjoong’s caring eyes continue to bear down heavy on you doesn’t help your effort to ignore the aching in your chest.
You rip your gaze away from him and look back up at night sky, afraid of what spiral you would start heading towards if you shared that moment with him any longer.
“You know, I was really surprised to see you tonight,” you state in an attempt to change the topic.
“Yeah? Why is that?” You are thankful that he also directs his attention back to the constellations as if giving you permission to avoid his earlier question.
“I just assumed you would also end up leaving this place. Move on to bigger and better things. Maybe become a new age artist or something.” He chuckles at your terminology.
“A new age artist, huh? I mean, I guess I could’ve done that, but I never really needed much more outside of what I have here. As long as I have the things that are important to me, I’m perfectly happy.”
You spare a side glance at him to see the beauty of his smile under the pale moonlight. You can’t help the slight jealousy that arises at his simple attitude towards contentment, as if it is almost too easy for him to be pleased with life.
“So you’re just doing perfect then? All sunshine and rainbows?” The slight edge in your voice gives away your saltiness, but he doesn’t bother commenting on it.
“Well, no. There are still things I want and regrets I have, but it’s like you said: nothing is perfect.”
What regrets could he possibly have, though? Hongjoong has always been the type to live exactly as he pleases without worrying about the reactions or judgments of others, so you can’t help but be curious about his statement.
“Regrets? Of all people, I wouldn’t expect that from you.”
He sighs as if thinking deeply over the subject and smiles minutely, though the supposed happiness doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Doesn’t everyone have regrets, though? Things they would do differently if they had the chance?”
He gazes at you once again and, for a moment, his expression almost betrays the intentions behind his cryptic statement. Your heart is suddenly beating at twice its normal rate from the strange tension that thickens the evening’s cool breeze, and you wonder if he can feel it too. The look in his eyes has you falling deeper into his stare until an episode of roaring laughter from the party down below wakes you both from the prolonged moment.
Hongjoong clumsily clears his throat as his eyes flicker here and there, eventually bringing the wine bottle to his lips to take another gulp. Needing something else to focus on besides your body’s heated reaction to the man beside you, you act swiftly to change the subject yet again.
“You know, I told you about myself, but I still don’t know what you’ve been up to. Surely you’re not still working under Barry, are you?”
Hongjoong laughs boisterously from being reminded of his chaotic part time job in high school. Looking for extra cash to spend, he had taken up a few shifts at Barry’s restaurant supposedly just to wash dishes, but he ended up being the cook, server, manager, host, and personal assistant all in one. Every day he would come over after work with a new story about the day’s adventures that got wilder as time went on, but at least he got paid pretty well.
“No, definitely not. I would’ve been worked into an early grave by this point if that were true,” he chuckles, the mood lifting instantly with the sound of his laughter. “If you’re really curious about what I’ve been doing, I could take you tomorrow to show you.”
Your cheeks burn at his offer, but a small “sure” escapes you before you can stop it. He smiles at you in earnest and you match his expression despite the nervousness growing in your chest over what you’ve just agreed to.
“Hongjoong!” you hear his mother call in the distance. “Joongie!”
He exhales begrudgingly and hands you the bottle of red. “I guess that’s my cue. Note to self: next time, don’t carpool with your parents.”
You snicker at his comment, knowing full well that, despite his words, he will likely do it again if they ask him to because he cares about them so much, even if it means being on their schedule.
Hongjoong carefully stands and shuffles his way closer to the open window, stopping when half his body is already inside to peek out and see you once again. “I’ll pick you up around one.”
“I’ll be ready.”
He seems to hesitate before speaking. “I’m really glad I got to see you tonight. I missed you.”
Before you can reply, he has already escaped indoors, off to find his parents so he can escort them home. You let out a deep sigh you weren’t aware you’d been holding, your breath turning instantly to fog that dissipates into the chilly night. Your heart is a hurricane of unclear emotions just from this one conversation. Some of Hongjoong’s words even echo mercilessly in your mind.
Doesn’t everyone have regrets, though? Things they would do differently if they had the chance?
You try your hardest to not imagine exactly what he is referring to or think of the things that you are suddenly feeling regretful over. Having to ponder either has your chest constricting with anxiety and doubt, so you simply lay back against the cold shingles of the rooftop once more and search for images in the bright rural stars that can finally shine freely without the overwhelming light pollution of the city.
In considering your plans with Hongjoong, you think that tomorrow can’t come soon enough, but you also hope it never comes. It is a strange contradiction that leaves you feeling torn between both hope and fear. You aren’t even sure what exactly you are wishing to happen tomorrow, but for now you at least decide to go to bed so the chaos in your mind will cease.
By the time one o’clock rolls around, you’ve spent the entire morning frantically obsessing over what to wear, how to style your hair, and how much makeup to put on. It’s not like there is much fashion guidance for meeting up with your estranged childhood best friend with whom you have an inexplicable deep-seated connection that you’ve always been afraid to approach. Your family simply observed in confusion as you tried on every piece of clothing you brought in your suitcase, had a mini mental breakdown because you should’ve packed something better, and ultimately ended up in the very first outfit you tried on. By the concerned way they’ve been looking at you, they surely believe that the city must have turned you into an absolute nut. Honestly, they might not be wrong.
From where you sit anxiously bouncing your leg on the living room sofa, you can hear Hongjoong’s car crunching down the gravel driveway and force yourself to take a steadying breath before you stand.
“Be cool. It’s just Hongjoong. You got this,” you murmur to yourself in assurance despite your dad being seated just a few feet away.
“You do got this, sweetie,” he teases as you shoot him a playful glare, to which he chuckles amusedly. You’re just thankful he doesn’t ask why you’re freaking out so much about meeting the person you spent your entire youth with. That level of nosiness really is more your mom’s speed, but even she has refrained from questioning your odd behavior today.
Hongjoong is already climbing the few stairs to your front porch when you step outside. He stops and stares for just a split moment, his eyes raking instinctively over your figure in a manner that has you trying to ignore the burning heat in your cheeks.
“Hey. You look nice,” he compliments while flashing his perfect smile in your direction.
“Thanks, you do too.”
It may just sound like pleasantries, but he really does look good in the oversized navy sweater and light denim jeans he is wearing. Him wearing nice clothing is something you aren’t quite used to yet, but you definitely aren’t complaining, even if it does cause butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
“Ready to go?” he asks as you join his side.
“Ready if you are.”
He leads you to the same SUV he’s been driving since high school and kindly opens the passenger door for you, waiting until you are settled to close it gently. You can’t even remember how many nights you spent hanging out in this car just talking or getting high on some relaxed weekends, the two of you often finding a secluded place to park and just chill together. It isn’t a luxury vehicle by any means but Hongjoong had specifically upgraded the sound system long ago just so you could bump the new music you were always playing for him. Even if he wasn’t into the music itself, he adored seeing how excited you’d get when sharing something you love, so the AUX cord effectively came under your ownership despite the fact that he was always the one driving.
“And we’re off,” Hongjoong hums to himself, having climbed in the driver’s seat and started the car during your nostalgic flashbacks.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?”
“You know where we’re going,” he jokes merrily. “I’m going to show you what I’ve been up to.”
You roll your eyes with a dramatic scoff, knowing he’s pressing your buttons just for fun. “You know what I mean. Do I only get to find out once we get there?”
“Bingo,” he sing-songs. “No spoilers.”
“Oh god, you aren’t going to take me to some murder den, are you?”
He slaps his thigh dramatically as he bursts into laughter, the sound like music to your ears as you settle back into a comfortable rhythm rather quickly.
“Definitely not, but if I were taking you to one, I wouldn’t tell you anyways.”
“Fair point, but be warned. I took two taekwondo lessons in college and can be lethal when I want to,” you mock with a playful chop of the air for emphasis.
“Ah, I will watch out for your amazing white belt skills, then,” he snickers. “You really haven’t changed at all, have you?”
“You don’t think I have?”
Honestly, you had been thinking that you were the only thing to have changed (besides his appearance), but his words do make you think that you have been settling more and more into yourself as you spend time with him. 
“No, you’re definitely the same weirdo you’ve always been.”
You lightly slap his arm in retaliation for the name calling, to which he responds in a comically dramatic fashion. As you both continue to joke around, though, his words still linger in the back of your mind. Are you really the same person you were then?
It takes all of five minutes before he is pulling up to the curb near one of the old brick buildings towards the end of main street. It almost looks like a townhome with how it’s sandwiched on both sides by other buildings, a quaint style signature of small towns. Of course you recognize the place, but you’ve only ever been in the storefront at its base, a cute little candle and soap shop run by the couple who lives three doors down from you.
“Ah, so you’re a chandler now?” you ask in confusion as you both exit the car and step onto the uneven stone sidewalk.
Hongjoong laughs under his breath in reply and envelops your hand in his as he leads you to an unmarked entrance. It is positioned to the left of the shop’s windows where one building almost becomes the next, and you likely wouldn’t have paid it any mind if he weren’t pulling you inside of it.
Rather than focusing much on the door, however, your mind is busy trying to comprehend his casual attitude towards holding your hand, as if he wasn’t trying to give you a handshake instead of a hug less than 24 hours ago. But because he treats it normally, you don’t mention it or pull away either, especially not remarking on the fluttering feeling it gives you even as he takes you up a set of creaky and uneven stairs. The dim lighting here also makes you think maybe you were right about the murder den…
As you reach the second floor, Hongjoong lets go of your hand to fish his keys from his pocket, using the only golden one to unlock the first door on your right. Once you both step inside, you are relieved to find that the walls and floors are not covered in plastic and blood. Instead, you find a quaint photography studio equipped with fancy lights, multiple tripods, a plush couch, backdrops ready to be rolled down, and a messy desk in the corner.
“Wow, Joong! This is amazing,” you coo, the nickname naturally slipping out as your eyes continue to wander around the room.
“It’s nothing special. I’ve been renting this space out for a couple years after saving up enough so now I actually have a place for shoots,” he explains humbly. “I also do nature photography that I license out since there are so many pretty landscapes around here.”
“So this is all yours?”
“Yeah. It’s not much, but it makes me happy.”
You glance over at him to see his contented expression as he talks about his work, making you pleased that he has found something meaningful and satisfying to do. At the same time, you can’t help the tinge of jealousy at seeing how much he loves what he does. Every time you even think about having to go to work, you’re instantly put in a bad mood and dreading the moment you have to clock in.
As Hongjoong feels the weight of your stare and his eyes meet yours, you immediately whip your head elsewhere to continue looking around, ignoring the rush of embarrassment flowing through you from being caught. You do your best to pretend you don’t hear his under-the-breath chuckle.
As you scan over his work space, you notice the wall of framed photos and stroll over to admire his work. You recognize all the smiling faces inside the portraits and a grin creeps onto your face at the sight.
“Are these–”
“Everyone in town, yeah. Well, not everyone is up on the wall, but the rest are in my portfolio. When they found out I wanted to pursue photography as a career, they all decided to come get their portraits taken to support me and get me started financially. Sweet, huh?” he remembers fondly as you continue to admire the heart-warming joy on the faces of everyone you know.
“Really sweet.”
Looking at their happy expressions, you feel a mixture of fondness and melancholy pang in your heart. All of these people who have loved and looked after you at some point in your life, facing you now with such elation…
Though you can’t quite explain why, it makes you sad to think of them all continuing to live happily without you while you were gone. It’s not that you want them to have spent the time miserable or anything, but you can’t help feeling like you’ve missed out on a happiness that you had always been a part of.
You think back on the photos that have been taken of you over the last six years and can’t imagine a single one where you are smiling as genuinely as any of the people here. You’ve had to force a smile on your face for long enough that it felt normal, but seeing these portraits puts your thoughts into a different perspective, especially considering their backstory.
“They really did all that for you?” you ask not because you don’t believe it, but because it is difficult to comprehend such a beautiful act of kindness that shows just how much the people of this town care for each other.
“Yeah. The perks of small town living, everyone is basically one giant family.”
“Right. You definitely wouldn’t see something like this in the city…” You wonder if Hongjoong can pick up on the sadness behind your words or the way your face has fallen. He steps up right next to you and looks down in concern, signifying he must have noticed.
“You haven’t made any friends there? I’m sure they would do a similar thing for you,” he coos in an attempt to comfort you, but you just sigh as a frown continues to decorate your face.
“I have a few, but that’s not what I mean. This kind of community. This kind of connection…” You pause as you try to think of what it is you mean to say. “When I’m there, it feels as though I could disappear into thin air and no one would notice. No one would care. I have no place there. Not like you all have a place here.”
The impact of your honest words only hits you as you hear them escape your own mouth. You never fully realized the degree of dissatisfaction you have been living with until this moment in which the truth that you’ve been ignoring has begun clawing its way out of the depths of your mind and into fruition. Somehow speaking these grievances out loud immediately makes them feel exponentially more real.
It doesn’t help that, right above the sofa, there are a few smaller, blurrier pictures hanging that catch your attention. As you step in front of them to get a better look, your heart practically cracks in half at what you find.
“Oh, those are just… some old pictures,” Hongjoong mumbles awkwardly, unsure of how to address this entire situation. 
In each of the small frames sits an image of you two, the timing ranging all the way from childhood up until the day you left for college. In each of them, by his side, you look truly happy… and so does he.
You carefully remove one from the wall and sit down on the couch to stare at it. Behind the layer of glass is the same image of you two at graduation that you had been admiring just last night, your face painted in joy as you laugh at Hongjoong. The very same man, though now grown up, takes a seat directly next to you and peeks at the picture as well.
Despite the embarrassment he is feeling from you discovering his little montage of fond memories, his heart is starting to ache at how quickly your mood has sunk since entering the room. He can tell just how much sadness you are carrying, and he can’t help but feel it as if it’s his own. After all, you two have always been so intensely connected that you share each other’s pain just as much as you share your happiness.
Seeing you move to the city, despite always knowing that day would come, was one of the darkest times of his life. But, being the supportive and caring friend (or whatever it is that you two are) that he is, he never once let you know just how badly he wished you would stay. He has always made it a priority to put your happiness and your dreams first because, even though he has never said anything, it has always been you.
Everything in his life has forever centered around you, including his heart– no, especially his heart. He has known that he loves you since before he can ever remember. As kids, he knew that he loved being with you and being friends, but it was only once he got older that he fully realized the depth of his feelings and what “being in love” truly meant. Even as a young teen, he was sure that this was the only word that could describe his affection for you, and he has always been pretty damn sure that you feel the same way too. 
At the same time, however, you had already been dreaming of an urban lifestyle for a long while, taking any opportunity you could get to gush about your future endeavors. The question of whether or not to approach your shared feelings plagued him for years, but he knew that crossing that line would possibly keep you from pursuing the new life you’ve always wanted. Hongjoong, sometimes far too mature for his age, refused to be the one thing holding you back from happiness. If you wanted to move to the city and live that glamorous life, then that is what he wanted for you too. 
As a result, he resolved to never push the boundaries of your relationship unless you were the one to initiate it. He would only allow himself the pleasure of being with you if that is what you decided that you wanted. That doesn’t mean it didn’t kill him every day to hold back, though.
Seeing you like this, he wants nothing more than to scoop you up in a giant hug, kiss your forehead, and tell you anything and everything that will make you smile again, but maybe that is pushing a bit too far. Instead, he chooses to address your notion of having no place, the idea of you truly believing no one cares upsetting him immensely.
“You know, you have a place here too. Not just ‘us,’” he calmly assuages you, though it just makes your heart ache more.
“Not anymore. I left.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t come back.”
“After spending my whole life talking about how I’m going to make it big in the city? I may not be succeeding in life right now, but to become that big of a failure…”
“It’s not failure,” he interjects with authority, causing you to finally look up at him. “Changing your mind and choosing what makes you happy doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you really brave, actually.”
When you fail to respond, he worries that he may have been too forward and quickly back pedals.
“I’m not saying you have to come back. What you want to do with your life is up to you. It’s just that you don’t seem… happy.”
His words hit you like a truck, as well as the realization that follows.
You don’t seem happy?
No, you aren’t happy.
You aren’t happy that you chose to move to the city. You aren’t happy that you so easily let Hongjoong leave your life. You aren’t happy that you’ve settled for dissatisfaction for the past six years. You aren’t happy that you are now here next to the person who makes you happiest, in the place that makes you happiest, only now realizing that you aren’t fucking happy.
And in this moment, you’re curious as to whether he isn’t happy about it either.
Although he doesn’t show it, his heart beats at a mile per minute in anticipation of what could possibly be going on in your mind. Even though he can usually read you like a book, there are times when your formidable silence causes anxiety to course through his veins and occupy his every thought in trying to decipher your emotions.
“When you said you have regrets– things you would do differently… what exactly were you talking about?”
Here it is. The moment you’ve always dreaded would come in which one of you finally addresses the unspoken depths of your relationship– finally makes it known that you’ve both been skirting around this delicate subject all along. You never thought you’d be the one to do it, and yet here you are.
Hongjoong’s mind is a flurry of chaos as he registers exactly what you are alluding to, trying to decide whether or not he should admit the truth that you’ve both left ignored. His mind flashes back to the moment he spotted you yesterday and the rush of emotions that instantly flowed through his body. It was as if the past six years he spent trying to let you go meant nothing as you reappeared in his life like flowers once again blooming after a long, hard winter. Even through his awkwardness and anxiety during that first interaction, he could feel the same familiar comfort that only you could provide, a comfort that makes him feel safe and loved.
Now, sitting here as you watch him expectantly, he can’t bear the thought of letting you go again. Just imagining it has him feeling like someone has reached into his chest and ripped out his beating heart. If you hate the city as much as you appear to, would it really be so bad if he finally allowed you both to explore this thing between you? Would he really be keeping you from anything if it’s a life you’ve already explored and, supposedly, don’t like? Even if you haven’t directly said that you want him, surely you wouldn’t bring this matter up if you didn’t want to hear his honest answer.
Hongjoong looks like a deer in headlights at your question as he contemplates his reply, and you are about to take it all back.
Fuck it, he ultimately thinks to himself, speaking before you can retract your query.
“You,” he states simply, a more confident expression appearing on his face as he has collected himself and realized it is now or never. Your eye contact never breaks and you can hear the sound of your heart pumping against your chest. His hand even rises to cup your blushed cheek, his touch sending sparks of electricity through your body.
“The one thing I would do differently… I would go back and be selfish. Let you know that you leaving tore me apart inside. Let you know how I really feel about you– how I’ve always felt about you. I would do everything possible to stay in contact with you, no matter how much it hurt.”
“I wouldn’t wait until I’ve already lost you to realize just how badly I need you.”
His thumb gently rubs back and forth against your cheek as he speaks more eloquently and sincerely than you’ve ever heard him before. Tears burn at the corners of your eyes, but you refuse to let them spill.
“Joong, you haven’t lost me,” you murmur softly.
His eyes search yours for a split second before he is leaning in–oh god he is leaning in. Your limbs are instantly frozen as your brain struggles to process the dramatic turn of events in the past few minutes, your mind in an absolute state of confusion and chaos as he gets closer. For the first time ever, he presses his lips gently against yours, and it is enough to shock your system awake.
A split second later, you are shooting up from your position on the couch. Hongjoong follows your lead in a panic, his face flushed from the kiss.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have–”
“No– It’s not– I just– I just… need to think,” you stammer with difficulty while trying to look at anything but him.
In your moment of fight or flight, you quickly set down the frame you were holding and rush out the door towards the exit. You can hear Hongjoong following you outside and onto the sidewalk. When you continue past his car, and in the direction of your house, he calls after you.
“Y/N! Just let me drive you home!”
“No, it’s okay. I’m going to walk… and think. I need to just think.”
You feel awful leaving him with such an anxious expression on his face, but you turn and keep walking anyway, driven solely by autopilot like some kind of robot programmed to escape emotionally turbulent situations. Of all the things you imagined happening today, this was not something you foresaw: the weight of the world crashing down upon your shoulders as you realize how much you hate the life you’ve made for yourself, only to finally dive headfirst into the feelings you’ve always harbored for Hongjoong just moments after.
It is overwhelming to say the very least.
A few hours later, as the sun is just beginning to set, you pull up to the secluded spot by the lake where Hongjoong’s car is already parked. You two used to hide away here all the time as teenagers, where no one was ever able to find you. Together, you’d discovered the little opening long ago and made it a point to keep it a strict secret, a place where it would only ever be the two of you. Hongjoong has also regularly used the space as a little getaway where he does all his thinking, much like how you stargaze from your rooftop. That is exactly why you knew you would find him here.
After running off earlier in the day, you spent a few hours just trying to process everything you are feeling and what it all means. Your poor parents were once again mystified at your odd behavior as you locked yourself away to think, but you’ve ultimately come to many realizations and conclusions that you should’ve acknowledged years ago. With your thoughts in order, your next priority is to visit your best friend and sort out the whole situation that you’ve created. You’re sure he must be feeling just as unsettled as you were after the events of this afternoon.
As you park next to his SUV, you see Hongjoong’s silhouette seated by the edge of the water. He doesn’t need to turn around and look to know it is you, so he just waits as you approach him, the only sounds being the crunching leaves under your feet and the crickets singing in the distance. You sit to his left where there is room on the small blanket he uses to keep his pants from getting dirty. A cold breeze rustles the trees and you pull your jacket even tighter around your body. The warm hues of the sunset cast his features in subtle hints of pinks and oranges, causing you to momentarily admire his beauty even though the tense air has your chest feeling tight.
“Figured I’d find you here. Mind if I join?” you ask, echoing his words from last night in an attempt to lighten the mood. He glances over and offers you a small smile, but you can clearly see the anxiety still resting in his face.
“Technically, you’ve already joined,” he replies in jest, bumping his shoulder against yours lightly to show that he doesn’t actually mind. You turn your gaze back to the water so it’s easier for you to speak. If you could still see every minute change in his expression, you aren’t sure you’d be able to say what you’ve been pondering for the last few hours.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” your murmur as your fingers fiddle with the hem of your shirt. “I’m sorry I freaked out on you.”
He sighs. “I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn’t have said anything and especially shouldn’t have done anything without your permission–”
“No, Joong, it’s not that.” You can feel his stare burning holes into your skin, but you still can’t bring yourself to look over. His silence prompts you to continue. “It was just a lot for me, all at once. About the city stuff, I just started acknowledging a lot of things that I’d ignored for so long, and it was obviously overwhelming to suddenly realize that you hate the life you’ve chosen. I mean, I’ve spent my whole life working towards and dreaming of the glamor of the city so it kind of feels–and I don’t even know if this makes sense–but it feels like part of my identity. I’ve placed myself on this path and deviating from it felt almost like a betrayal… or a failure.”
“You already know what I think about that,” he mumbles in response to your last statement.
“I know, I know. Objectively I can see that it doesn’t necessarily make me a failure, but it’s hard to not feel that way.” Hongjoong hums in understanding, staying mostly quiet to let you say what you need to. Nonetheless, half of his mind continues to worry about when you’ll address his confession.
“I realized I’ve spent my whole life thinking I would be someone that, in reality, I’m just not. As much as I’d love to be that person who thrives in the fast-paced, achievement-oriented world, that isn’t what actually made me happy. I spent so much time dreaming about a new life that I didn’t even stop to realize that I was already happy here, where people know and care about me.”
You smile up at the glowing pink clouds in the distance, surprisingly at peace with your realizations after spending hours thinking them through (and perhaps freaking out for a number of those hours, but that is beside the point).
“I guess, subconsciously, that’s why I never came back to visit until I was forced to. Maybe some part of me knew I would remember how life used to be filled with so much joy and love, so I just pushed everything away that reminded me of this town. Including you. Which wasn’t fair.”
“Does that mean you’re moving back?” Hongjoong tries not to get his hopes up too much as he asks the question, but he can’t hide the excitement in his voice. You spent a long time considering this question once you came to terms with all your feelings about the last six years, but the answer seems both incredibly simple and incredibly complicated at the same time.
“I think I want to, but what would I do here? I can’t just come back and mooch off my parents.”
Even if your parents would be fine with it, your pride won’t allow you to take that big of a step back after living on your own for so long. Although you are pretty damn sure by now that you want to come home, there are a lot of logistics that you need to take into account.
“You could do the same thing you’ve always dreamed of: open up a little cafe with the best coffee in town. Just do it here instead of there.” Joong forces himself to keep from blabbering on about how he knows the perfect spot just a couple buildings down from his studio, the people you could contact to get it remodeled, where to find some good discounted furniture, and more. No matter how desperately he wants you to come back, he refuses to pressure you into anything.
Opening up shop here isn’t something you’d even thought about since you’d always been so stuck on your vision of a busy backstreet cafe, but starting a business here would actually make a lot of sense. Of course, it would take a lot of work and monetary investment, but considering how the community helped Hongjoong in his photography career, you are sure that they wouldn’t let you fail either. Having that sense of support as a foundation makes the idea seem all the more appealing.
“Do you think I’d be able to do it?” you ask for the last boost of confidence you need to make up your mind.
“As cliche as it sounds, I think you can do anything you set your mind to.” You chuckle at just how cheesy he is. “It wouldn’t be easy, for sure, but you already know that everyone here would do anything they can to help you. And I may not know a ton about business, but I can offer my services as well. I’d do whatever it is you need to make you happy.”
Your cheeks burn at his suave words. Even if he didn’t mean to sound so romantic, his statement has you melting. How could you have ever let him leave your life?
From the fluttering of your heart, you remember that there is one other unresolved issue that you two have yet to discuss.
The sound of your voice immediately suggests where this conversation is going. Hongjoong feels as though his heart has stopped beating and his breath silently catches in his throat. He had almost forgotten the main reason he was so anxious to talk to you in the first place, but now he can tell what is coming next. The tension in his chest only gets worse once you turn to look at him with earnest eyes.
“What you said earlier…” you start, a blush coming to your face from saying this out loud. “Did you really mean it?”
“Would I joke about something like that?” You know he wouldn’t, but you want to hear him confirm it.
“That’s a cop out. Yes or no,” you push.
“Yes, of course I meant it. Every word.” Hongjoong’s racing heart thumps wildly against his chest despite the cool attitude he is attempting to display.
“Why didn’t you bring it up back then? Before I left?”
“I never wanted to be the person who held you back from your dreams,” he admits, surprising you slightly. You thought maybe he was just too afraid or didn’t want to risk your friendship, but this…
“What do you mean?” He exhales and finally turns his face away from yours, the eye contact becoming too intense for him to maintain while also discussing this topic.
“I was afraid that by bringing up… us, you might not try living the life you’ve always wanted. Telling you how I felt, knowing it would make it hard for you to leave, just felt like a selfish thing to do,” he admits in all honesty. He rubs his hands against his jeans as he continues, too antsy to hold still. “When you asked me that question earlier, I just couldn’t imagine letting you go a second time. I didn’t want to make the same mistake again.”
You can feel your eyes welling with tears from hearing just how much he truly cares for you, enough to put his own happiness aside and whole-heartedly support your dreams even when they didn’t include him.
“So you’ve felt it too?” you ask timidly as you both gaze at each other once again. You’ve always known the answer to this question, but hearing him say it out loud is something entirely different, a tipping point that neither of you will be able to turn back from. You don’t even need to clarify what you’re asking because Hongjoong just knows.
“How could I not?” he scoffs, the answer seeming obvious to him. “But I’ll never pursue anything that you don’t want.”
“Who said I don’t want it?” You aren’t sure where your sudden brazenness comes from. Perhaps you are just surprised he hasn’t stopped to consider just how much you care for him too, even if you made some mistakes along the way.
Hongjoong blinks a few times in confusion. “But earlier, you ran off when I…”
“Joong, it really was just because it was a lot to process all at once. It isn’t because I don’t feel the same way about you.”
Hongjoong feels like his heart has swollen to ten times its normal size as his anxiety over the earlier interaction is quelled. And now to hear you finally confirm your own feelings for him, he thinks he must be on cloud nine.
You gently reach over and take his hand in yours, the sensation familiar except for the (now overtly) romantic context. His warm skin heats your frozen fingertips that have continued to get chillier as the sun has tucked itself away beyond the horizon.
“It has always been you,” you explain softly. “I always knew you were my person– my soulmate– but I was afraid to acknowledge that it was love for a long time. The answer seemed so obvious, but also so uncertain and scary.”
“Do I scare you?” he jokes, flashing his blinding smile in your direction as you laugh and roll your eyes. It is relieving to have the serious tension washed away.
“As if you could scare anyone,” you scoff. “I was afraid of– I don’t know– ruining our friendship, I guess. You never approached it, so I just ignored it too.”
You gaze at your intertwined hands as your thumb strokes his skin softly. “Earlier today, when I was questioning everything I’ve ever wanted, the only thing I never questioned was wanting you.”
You give him a timid nod. Hongjoong seems to get even more nervous as he clears his throat and plays with your fingers restlessly. “Now that we both know, what are we going to do about it?”
Compared to earlier, when he boldly laid his heart out in front of you and made the first move, he is now much more shy. You can tell his stomach is erupting with butterflies, just like yours is, and it is honestly adorable. Your eyes flit back up to his face and you see his blushing cheeks under the fading light. He looks so perfect like this and there is only one thing you want to do.
Before you can overthink it, you boldly reach around to the back of his neck and pull him closer to connect his soft lips with yours. After a moment of surprise, he returns the kiss whole-heartedly, his hands resting on the sides of your face as he holds you near. You melt into each other’s embrace, the kiss entirely different from earlier. Instead of being shrouded in uncertainty and confusion, it now feels like you have finally found something that has always been missing. It just feels right. 
From the way your lips move in perfect time to the warmth that fills your heart, Hongjoong feels like home in every way possible. All of the worries you’ve dealt with in the past 24 hours, perhaps even the past six years, fade away at the comfort of having him in your arms, where he plans to stay forever.
As you get lost in the sensation, your kisses get more desperate and heated. Hongjoong has no problem matching your pace, though, when he has already waited over 24 long years for this moment. Your hands get a little excited in roaming his body, feeling down the expanse of his broad shoulders and toned chest. You never allowed yourself to fantasize about being this physical with him, but now it’s as if the floodgates have opened and you want nothing more than to be all over him.
When your hand just barely slips under the hem of his sweater and makes contact with his skin, he gasps at the chill of your fingertips and separates your lips. His hands are still pressed against your cheeks as he caresses your skin. You simply peer into each other’s eyes, a hungry look enough for you both to understand what’s going to happen.
With a playful giggle, you shoot up from your spot on the ground and start jogging towards his car. Halfway there, you glance back to find him still seated.
“Are you coming or not, slow poke?” you call out, breaking him of his daze. It takes only seconds for him to bolt up and over to you, grabbing your hand and tugging you along the rest of the way with a giddy smile on his face.
“Hold on,” he commands as he jets from one side of the car to the other, rapidly folding down the backseats of his SUV to create one big, flat area in the back of his car. Your body tingles with excitement at the sight. He has already climbed inside when he reaches his hand out to you. “Are you coming or not, slow poke?”
You roll your eyes at his cheekiness and follow his lead, albeit a bit ungracefully. Within moments, you two are all over each other once again, hands roaming freely as he guides you to lay back against the floor of the vehicle. It is by no means comfortable, but you can’t bring yourself to be bothered by the stiff surface, not when all of your senses are being entirely consumed by Hongjoong and the heat radiating from his body.
He hovers over your form, one hand keeping his weight from crushing you while the other follows the curve of your torso down to your waist, where his fingers dig into your flesh needily. Feeling desperate, he grinds his hips against yours, eliciting a moan from both your mouths at the pleasurable friction. Only when your hands grip at the hem of his sweater and start to pull it off does he break the kiss and grab your wrist to keep you still for a moment. He gazes down at you softly and you wonder why he stopped.
“Are you sure you want to move this fast? You don’t usually sleep with guys so quickly, or at least you didn’t before. And it’s me, so I don’t know if that changes things…” he babbles somewhat awkwardly, wanting to make sure you have thought this through.
You grin at his concern and press a quick peck to his cheek. “Joong, it’s because it’s you that I want to move this fast.”
He blushes beet red as the corners of his lips perk up.
“Are you okay with this?” you ask, not wanting to pressure him into anything.
He simply scoffs. “Is that even a question?”
With that, he is sitting up and pulling his top off in one fluid motion. You’ve seen him shirtless plenty of times in your life, but this is different. Not only has his body become more toned and mature, just the thought of this sight being all yours from now on has your pussy aching for attention. You can’t help but reach out to run your fingers down his abdomen, admiring the goosebumps that raise on his skin from your featherlike touch. Your hand settles on his belt buckle and you give it a good tug, pulling him back down to press your lips against his.
“Fuck, that was hot,” he pants through hungry kisses.
His nimble hands make quick work of your jacket and shirt, only breaking away from you when he has to. As he goes to unclasp your bra, you fumble with his belt buckle, reaching into his pants to palm him over his boxers as soon as you get it open. He groans at the sensation, his cock already hard in its confines.
“Excited?” you tease as he removes your bra entirely, leaving your top bare. He smirks haughtily as he tweaks your pebbled nipples and evokes a small gasp from you.
“You act as if I won’t find you already soaking wet for me when I slip these jeans off,” he purrs before bringing his lips down to suck on one of your breasts.
Hearing such filthy words coming from his mouth for the first time has you reeling and a moan unknowingly escapes you. He glances up with a look that clearly reads “that’s what I thought.”
God you never knew he could look this hot. From the lecherous glint in his eyes to the controlled dominance in his tone, everything about this man is driving you absolutely crazy. Still, his challenging statement has you wanting to provoke him just a bit more. 
“You think I’m that easy, Joong?”
He chuckles at your instigation while he now focuses on swiftly stripping your bottom half. 
“Not easy,” he coos as you lift your hips so he can remove your jeans and underwear. “Just horny.”
Your heart races as he gently spreads your legs apart and gazes down at your needy sex. He bites his lip at the sight and curses under his breath. A mixture of excitement and embarrassment settles in your gut from being so exposed. Here you are, laid out bare for your best friend–now more– to feast his eyes upon. It is almost too much to handle, your heart fluttering wildly at the scene playing out before you.
Hongjoong wastes no time in lowering himself onto his stomach so that his face hovers just inches from where you crave him most.
“You’re even prettier than I imagined.”
He wants nothing more than to dive right into you and never again be separated from your perfect pussy. Needing to prove a point, however, he runs his middle finger up the length of your slit, smirking as he sees it glisten in the dim moonlight.
“Who’s the excited one now?” he taunts, usurping the upper hand in this battle of wills.
Before you can quip back at him, he is licking a flat stripe along your cunt, his tongue stopping as it meets your clit to suck it past his soft lips. You moan erotically from the sensation and your back arches, only to be pushed back down by Hongjoong’s firm hands. He begins lapping at your sensitive bud, causing you to reach down and grip at his locks. The sting in his scalp only spurs him on.
“So good,” you whimper pathetically, all thoughts of denying just how badly you want him now gone out the window. When his tongue flicks against you just right, you gasp. “Fuck, why are you so good at this?”
He just smirks against you and glances up to meet your eyes with a puppy dog look that would scream pure innocence if it weren’t for the fact that half his face is obscured by your needy pussy, which he devours like a man starved for a thousand years. Your praise, combined with the euphoria painted on your face, has him dying to please you even more, so he brings his hand down to your hole and easily slips his middle finger inside. He curls it up to rub along that certain spot inside you and your toes instantly curl in pleasure.
Small droplets of water run down the car’s windows from how foggy it has become, neither of you having to worry about the cold outside since you’ve practically turned Hongjoong’s vehicle into a sauna through your body heat. In fact, it is almost too warm for comfort, beads of sweat forming at your brow, but neither of you pay it any mind.
“More, please,” you mewl feebly.
Like the gentleman he is, Hongjoong obliges by adding another finger along with his first and dragging them languidly against your walls. His tongue never lets up its movement, switching between sucking and lapping at your clit as you grip his hair hard enough to keep from floating off to heaven. As you moan his name, his fingers pick up their pace and you can feel the knot in your core tightening. Your soaking pussy makes a lewd squelching sound as he continues and you immediately feel embarrassed, but the way that Hongjoong groans so obscenely in response to the noise clues you in to how much he likes it, thus washing away your trepidation. The pleasure is overwhelming, and you can’t help but buck your hips against his face, especially when you notice him grinding against the floor of the car in an attempt to alleviate some of his own neediness. 
“Gonna cum for me, baby?” he slurs as he hears your shameless whimpers and feels you clenching harder around his digits.
As tempting as it is, you don’t want to cum just yet, so you use your hold on his hair to pull him off of your sex. His fingers automatically stop as well as he looks up at you in confusion.
“You okay?” The worry is palpable in his voice and you can tell he thinks he’s done something wrong. 
“I’m fine, Joong. I just want to cum with you in me,” you explain, your brain fogging at the vulgar sight of his glistening lips and chin.
“Fuck you’re killing me.” Your filthy request, and your obvious desperation for his body, has him melting like putty in your hands.
He pulls his fingers from your hole and makes a show of licking them clean, his eyes never leaving yours as you watch with bated breath. As he releases his digits with a pop, you can’t take it anymore. You spring up from the floor, kissing him passionately as you guide him to lay down on his back. Your diligent hands take no time in removing the rest of his clothing, his cock springing free as you slip off his bottoms.
“Holy shit,” you curse emphatically as you take in his impressive size. “You’ve been walking around with that thing between your legs this whole time?”
“Well it’s not like I got it installed last week,” he chuckles as he strokes his length casually. You don’t even bother acknowledging his joke. You are simply too desperate to have him inside you to waste any more time on fun and games.
You swing your leg over to straddle Joong, grabbing the base of his dick to help position it at your hole. As you look down at him, he nods minutely, as if approving of this final line that you two are crossing. In response, you start to slowly sink down on his cock, your pussy wet enough to make the process easier despite his overwhelming size.
“Oh my god,” you gasp with your mouth agape as you fit him entirely inside. You’ve never felt more full, and you can tell Hongjoong feels just as good by the elongated moan that he lets out. “You’re so fucking big.”
“And you’re so fucking tight.”
He lets you take a minute to adjust as you feel your walls flutter spastically to accommodate him. His hands rest on your hips, rubbing small circles into your skin as he bites his lip and waits for you to take the lead. Only when you start to move on your own does he assist you in grinding down on his length. A stuttered groan escapes him and your head falls back as you bask in the feeling of his dick pressing into all the right places.
“You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this,” he purrs as the car rocks with your movement.
The thought of him having fantasized of this scene before has your core clenching. You wonder how many nights he stayed up imagining you underneath him, filling you up perfectly and pleasing you just as you deserve. Your (previously) seemingly innocent best friend must have touched himself a thousand times to the thought of your desperate moans begging for more as he stretches out your tight cunt, only to then face you each day as if he didn’t spend each evening with you running around his mind while his hand was down his pants.
“Did your dreams feel as good as this?”
“Nothing feels as good as this.”
He playfully smacks your ass and, in an effort to satisfy him even more, you switch to bouncing on his thick cock. The car squeaks in protest with each meeting of your hips, but the breathtaking pleasure is immediate. Joong, who consistently lets out unabashed moans, intertwines your fingers with his so that he can support your movements. Using your held hands as leverage, you increase your speed and intensity.
Hongjoong watches you with his bottom lip between his teeth as you get lost in the pleasure and pathetic whines fall from your mouth. He becomes transfixed by the way your tits bounce so pornographically in time with how you fuck yourself on his dick, your soft flesh looking so deliciously pliant from this angle. As his hands move back to your hips to urge you on, he even admires the small divots in your skin created by his fingers. Everything about you just seems so incomprehensibly perfect at this moment.
Eventually, your pace starts to falter as your thighs burn with exhaustion and Hongjoong takes that as his cue. You yelp in surprise as he uses his strength to swing you to the side and onto your back, once again positioning himself above you. Your hands rest on his shoulders as he pauses for a moment to just marvel at your beauty.
“I can’t believe this is finally happening,” he admits shyly despite the fact that his cock is still plunged deep in your pussy.
“How can I make you believe it?” You peck along his jawline before meeting his lips for a much slower, more romantic kiss.
“Cum for me.”
He once again begins lazily pumping his dick in and out of your cunt, your nails digging into his shoulders from the feeling.
“Harder, please,” you fuss impatiently.
Hongjoong smiles to himself at how adorable he finds you when you pout, but quickly submits to your request by beginning to pound roughly into you. Even though you asked for it, the force behind the snapping of his hips takes you by surprise, causing you to let out a gasp that turns into a high-pitched moan. He sucks a hickey into the sensitive spot on your neck as you wrap your legs around his waist and listen to the sound of his pleased groans.
The knot in your core is again tightening from his unrelenting assault on your pussy and Joong can feel you clenching desperately around his cock. He sits back on his knees and uses his hands to push your legs up against your chest, effectively folding you in half, before continuing his absolutely brutal pace. From this angle, he perfectly hits your g-spot with every thrust. Spots dance in your vision from the mind-boggling pleasure and you can tell that your climax is just moments away.
“Hold your legs, baby,” Hongjoong commands as he also senses your impending orgasm.
Though your limbs feel like jelly, you somehow manage to grip the backs of your knees, keeping yourself in place as Joong lets one hand go to rub furious circles against your clit. Your toes curl as your muscles tense instinctively, your body sent into overdrive by his expertise.
“Holy– fuck– Joong–” you pant through forceful thrusts.
“Let go, baby,” he purrs. “Cum.”
His indecent demand is the last straw that sends you over the edge, your legs shaking as your high washes over your body. Your mind goes completely blank and his name falls from your lips like a mantra as the euphoria seems to last for hours.
Hongjoong can barely keep pumping into you with how tightly you constrict around him. His own orgasm isn’t far off, and after a few more thrusts into your fluttering hole, he is pulling out and spilling his seed over your stomach with a moan.
As you both start to come down from the bliss of your climaxes, you slowly let your aching legs back down and Joong lays down next to you. Both of you fight to catch your breath and slow your racing hearts. Eventually, Hongjoong grabs one of his socks from where it was strewn earlier and uses it to clean his cum off your skin. You giggle at sight and rest your head against his chest the moment he is done.
“That was–”
“Amazing,” he finishes, to which you agree.
“And to think that 24 hours ago you were trying to shake my hand when we met again like some kind of diplomat.” He chuckles at the memory and his cheeks redden even more than they already have.
“Leave me alone,” he gripes childishly, though his tone clearly indicates that he isn’t genuinely upset about it. “I didn’t know what to do and I panicked.”
You laugh at his embarrassment, the joy of teasing him truly never getting old. “I just can’t believe how fast this happened.”
He scoffs in disbelief. “How fast? Baby, this didn’t take 24 hours to happen, this took 24 years.”
He has a point, but a different part of his statement occupies your attention.
“Call me that again.”
“What? Baby?”
“Mm hmm.”
He grins mischievously to himself. “You like that, baby?”
You nod and timidly burrow further into his chest as he snickers and pets your hair lovingly. You wish you could just stay like this forever, frozen in time with his arms around you and your skin pressed flush against his.
“You know we’re going to be the talk of the town now, right?” he sighs.
“I don’t know. We might be beat out by the possible library haunting. Sounded pretty serious if you ask me.” His chest vibrates as he laughs, the sound like music to your ears.
A comfortable silence settles between you, a stark contrast to the awkward tension that clouded your interaction just yesterday. Although it technically took 24 years in total to get together, the process of falling back into Hongjoong after being away was undoubtedly rapid and passionate. It seems wild how much your life has changed for the better and how much happier you already are after spending so little time here. And, even though things in your life are more unsettled and unsure than ever before, you somehow feel the most at peace and comforted that you ever have, but apparently that is what coming home will do to you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Taglist: @minkysmilk @annaflwrs @han8ul @whatudowhennooneseesyou @aishidaishi
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sweetinsaniiity · 4 months
In The Light Of Our Demise
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► 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 - photographer!wooyoung x fem!reader!Y/N x OT8Teez! (𝒶𝓈 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈) ◄ ► 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜/𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎 - fluff, friendship, unrequited love, slice of life, angst, plot twist, slow burn, friends to-strangers to-friends , moving on , happy ending (or is it?) ◄ ► 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 - depression, anxiety ◄ ► 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 23.4K ◄ ► 𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜 - someone who was afraid of getting out of their comfort zone and someone who was afraid of committing to anything and anyone is never a good combination. Would Wooyoung remain in your life if you confessed? If he left, what would you do? ◄
► 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜 - Hello! This is my first fanfic, at least here on Tumblr! Cut me some slack I suppose lmao and let me know if I should continue. If so, let me know if you want to be added to my future taglist! Title from Motionless In White. ◄
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I'm not God, but they're trying to kill me. This all-knowing desperation I've been feeling for quite sometime now, I mean.
I don't remember the last time I've felt this lonely. There were times where my emotions felt a little too much to handle, but not to the point that rendered me unable to want to feel alive. Today, the sadness drained through me rather than lingering outside my skin, traveling through every nerve, but to my surprise, it rather electrified me to want to do something.
That's good, right? And so I did.
"I'll be back at noon," I told my kind mother, passing through her to try and get to the door before I changed my mind.
"I'm glad you've been going out lately, honey. Let me know when you need anything, okay?" she beamed, quite pleased that I was trying to do something with my life rather than mope around in my room all day.
Oh, how clueless she was. The truth was, I didn't want to let her know about the consuming melancholy that my heart had been feeling. 
Ever since I had decided to quit my job, nothing but bad luck has been coming my way. I know it was stupid, to just up and go just because I was unsatisfied with what I was doing, but truth be told, I was not happy anymore. I could never go on doing something I truly wasn't happy with.
But I was bored out of my mind, and most of all, I felt utterly useless and hopeless. It was dangerous - the path my thoughts were taking me. It's the road that led to my burnout, and the impatience this world had always given me.
"No point in trying to convince myself that things would be different," I mumbled to myself, sitting on the park bench nearby.
Click, click
I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice that my feet took me to the park I always went to when I just wanted to be alone in my thoughts and think of my next move. I suppose I was always so discontented with my life that my body had subconsciously learned what to do on its own.
Click, click
No matter, I thought, I was the master of pushing it through. My path had been very foggy lately, anyway. I just have to be patient if the world can't do it for me so I can wait for it to clear up and show me the next adventure that lay ahead of me. 
Click, click
I frowned, what in the hell is that clicking sound I keep hearing?
I pulled my cardigan close, as if doing so would stop the exposure I suddenly felt from being out in the open. I looked around, but there was nothing. There were parents with their children, dogs with their owners, coaches with their students, and ducks with their ponds.
"Miss? You dropped this---"
"Oh my God!" I squealed like cattle about to be slaughtered as I turned around to find the source of the sudden voice. I had always been jittery, you see.
I turned around, and the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life was behind me holding what seems to be my phone. I didn't even realize that I'd dropped it while I was busy spacing out in my thoughts.
His eyes were widened, directed at me. I guess I'm not the only jittery one here. 
He had average length hair that swayed with the oncoming wind, but what set it apart was its bright red tone that was as vivid as the flowers that surrounded both of us. His lips were plump and raised into a charming smile and his steps had a bounce to them.
Oh God, be still, my beating heart. I blushed, the red tinge on my cheeks vibrant in contrast to my pale skin. I hope he can't hear how loud my heart is beating.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you," I was meeker than I usually was.
He saw the surprise register on my face before I could hide it. His smile becomes wider, I guess he gets this a lot, and the heat on my face gets warmer. If he wasn't good-looking before, he definitely was now.
"Don't worry about it, I didn't mean to scare you," he laughed, handing me my phone. I slowly took it, praying that my hands didn't shake too much.
I swallowed. Even his voice was pretty. It reminded me of soft marshmallows, so pillowy and comforting, so sweet and yet so rich at the same time. I mentally slap myself, I haven't gone out in days and the first thing I do is openly check out a guy who was nice enough to give me my phone back instead of running away with it?
My voluntary isolation sure did its number on me.
But then I saw it. There was something slinging across his shoulder - a bag. It donned a big camera that I knew for a fact was quite expensive. So that was the clicking sound I heard earlier, he was a photographer.
"Ah," he began, scratching the back of his head. "I was snapping pictures of you earlier with this." He gently pats the bag. "Would you like to see?" 
"S-Sure," I agreed, hesitant.
"I'm not a creep, I promise," he panicked, animatedly defending himself by making a point to wave his hands in front of me. I giggled a little. He was cute. "I do this for a living, street photography I mean."
"I see. I, uh, sorry to disappoint you, Mr..?"
"Oh. I'm Wooyoung. And why are you sorry? I'm the one who took photos of you randomly," he tilted his head in confusion.
"It's not that," I paused, biting my lip, not knowing how to proceed. I don't miss the way his eyes follow the movement. "I haven't been myself lately, so I probably look unfit for your photography concept..."
I wasn't trying to fish for any sort of compliment. It was true, I did look and feel like shit, to put it simply. I haven't been taking care of myself lately - my clothes were wrinkly, my hair was a bird's nest, my eyes had no life in them, and my face has been splotchy with my dark circles and zit marks.
Unlike him. He was casual, but there was coordination with his outfits, and they looked impeccably new.
"On the contrary, Miss...?"
I laughed a bit. He was cute, and very playful at the same time. What a dangerous combination. His mouth curls into a good-natured smirk. "Y/N. Drop the 'miss', it makes me feel old." 
It was his turn to laugh a bit. "On the contrary, Y/N, yours was the best photo I have taken this week."
My blush deepens immensely, more than I thought I was able to. I matched it with a small, shy smile as my eyes shone in a way that only genuine happiness and appreciation can bring.
I've always been like that. I wish I didn't get so flustered easily. In a flash, my cheeks are rosy and anyone can peek inside my emotions as I had pried my insides open so they watch for themselves.
"Somehow I don't believe that," I chuckled, mentally rolling my eyes.
"No, I'm serious, here," Wooyoung zips his bag open, brings out the expensive looking camera, and presses a button that brings it back to life. "I'll show you."
Wooyoung scoots closer to me, bringing the equipment near my face so I can see the screen. I was so embarrassed at how much I had the urge to sniff him.
He smelled so good - very musky, leathery but very clean at the same time. It gives me the image of a pure sophistication behind a light curtain that envelops you in warmth.
I let out a light gasp, complete surprise taking over the shyness I felt earlier.
There I was, staring out nowhere in particular at the bench I was brooding my bad mood off on. But it wasn't me that stole both of our attention, there was a beautiful wisteria tree I hadn't noticed before behind me.
It was beautiful. The way they cascaded into this marvelous tendrils of purple beauty blended with how forlorn my expression was; the longing, regret, and despondence clearly evident, like the slow descent of its lilac petals, way down they go.
To the naked eye, it looked like a depressed girl with a pretty tree in the background, but to me and Wooyoung, it was so much deeper than that. The photo held so much depth, because at the same time, there was relief in my features. The sadness was exquisite.
"You," I paused, swallowing to force the words out of my mouth. "You made me look human."
"What makes you think I didn't capture you because you were the most human looking in here?"
His smile was the prettiest thing I've seen in a while, prettier than the wisteria, and I can tell it was genuine. I could have melted in a puddle right there. His eyes sparkle like the night sky as he browses at each photo he had taken. He had the passion I lacked.
"Do you want copies of it?" Wooyoung inquired.
Did I want copies of it? Did I want to stare at myself and get reminded every time about how lonely my life currently was? I don't know, I wasn't the sentimental type. He senses my hesitation and frowns a bit. 
He grabs a small piece of card and hands it to me. "Here's my card," he points at it. "That's the address, come swing by whenever you have the chance and I will give it to you, okay?"
I bit my lip apprehensively with a nod, pocketing the card in my cardigan. "Alright, I will think about it."
"I hope you do," he clicks his tongue, swiping it across his bottom lip. I stopped breathing for a second. "I wouldn't want to waste such a pretty photo."
I swallowed. "A-Ah, do I have to pay for it?"
"I guess you're going to have to find out, hmm?" he smirked, gently tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "There, much better."
I froze, not really knowing what to do. I sighed softly, I have been so deprived of touch because I poured all of my time on work. Well, at least what used to be my work. 
Wooyoung juts his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. I grabbed his hand halfheartedly. "I hope we see each other again," he said.
After we said our goodbyes - him being bubbly to the very end as he walked away and me just nodding as I watched him go - I treaded my way home.
I took out the card he gave me earlier, which turned out to be a business card, I realized, and not just a personal card. Of course, Y/N, he just met you, why would he give you his personal details? As I inspected the card further, it brought me slight joy to know that his work place wasn't far from my house, just a couple of blocks away.
I was hesitant, truth be told, it was probably a one time encounter, most likely a business tactic to get someone to go into their studio and do business with them. I felt bad because Wooyoung seemed like a genuine person, but there was no way I was adding any sort of change in my current life right now, my mind was a mess as is.
With that, I crumpled up the card and threw it in the nearest bin.
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I paused at the doorway, hesitating before anyone - Wooyoung - knew I was here. I knew I had to go in, and by God, I was nervous as hell. I just needed a few minutes to compose myself.
The curiosity had been eating away at me. It had been 2 weeks before deciding I would stop prancing around at it and just get it over with.
To hell with it, I thought, hastily putting on the most mediocre outfit I can get away with today. It wasn't meant to impress, a simple white tee paired with jeans and sneakers was enough to look decent and be comfortable at the same time.
Deep inside, maybe I just wanted to see the striking photographer again and hear his voice; to see his sparkling eyes that quickly held me in like a moth to a flame.
I stepped in and was immediately greeted by a myriad of photographs that were just placed where they were, the closest thing we get to a time capsule. I was immediately amazed by how versatile the photos were - all of them had their own stories to tell.
A photograph of an old, vintage clock caught my attention. I'm not very knowledgeable, but it was an antique, I was sure of it. It was made out of wood that probably looked sleek during its era. 
Unconsciously, I touched the frame, like it would come back to life if I did. Then, I saw something at the bottom right of the frame. Taking a closer look, it was a series of small letters stamped on it.
J. WY/Budapest, Hungary/2023/Paradigm
I traced the embossed letters lightly with my fingertips. It was obvious that this one was Wooyoung's piece. He had a very particular style in his art, he tended to focus on the subjects and the corresponding backgrounds were something to compliment the subject, and not to supply added detail. It was very interesting.
"I can hear the gears in your head turning from where I am."
I was a deer in headlights once more with him. "You got a thing for sneaking up on me?" I teased.
There he was in his handsome glory leaning by the door with his arms crossed. "Maybe," he smirked coyly.
My heart went up to my throat when I realized that today, his hair slicked back today. I was able to see his face clearly, his beauty was insane. Heaven knows I would look like a wet chicken. He walks steadily towards me and stares fondly at the vintage watch photo.
"I went to Budapest with all of my friends, we all work in this studio together, for a vacation," he chuckled, reminiscing. "But I couldn't resist not taking the scenery for work. God, that place was beautiful..."
Just like you.
I cringed internally, turning my head a bit away from him so he couldn't see the grimace on my face. It wasn't a lie, he was beautiful, but I wasn't going to admit that to him, or anybody for that matter.
"I like them," I thoughtfully mumbled.
Wooyoung turns to look at me, and I tried very hard not to look at him back by pretending that I was inspecting the photo furthermore. There was not a lick of knowledge in my head about photography, I hope he doesn't notice that. 
He stares for what seemed like forever, not blinking nor breathing, the effect was a slow burn waiting to incinerate the thin thread that bound us both. Although I wasn't looking straight at him, it was his lips that gave away that he knew that I knew what he was doing; he wasn't smiling, there was just a slight tilt on one corner.
"Do you, now?" he wondered, now full-on smirking.
"Yes," I affirmed. Was that rhetoric? Was I supposed to say no?
He audibly sighed, and I frowned. I know that sound, it was the sound of negative memories suddenly surging our minds, crashing in like a tidal wave, and my, once you start? They become very addicting, slowly consuming your thoughts until they become no more.
"You know, I never used to look at the photos I snap after I take 'em?" Wooyoung's smile was tinged with hurt, but more so of reminisce. "I just snap, snap, and then keep snapping and hope for the best outcome when San develops them in the back for me."
"Is that what you did when you stole those moments of mine a couple of weeks back?" I swallowed nervously, my body was already anxious and my brain is trying to catch up on it any moment now.
"No," he firmly articulated, so firmly my heart leapt to my throat and tightened it further. 
Wooyoung gently grabs my chin, turning it towards himself so I can make eye contact with him. "Because I knew you wouldn't come back to me until a few days after. I saw it in your eyes."
To him? This was the second time he stole something from me. Instead of a photo, now it was the breath from my lungs. I am on fire, my skin was burning from his touch. 
"Frankly, I wasn't expecting two weeks, that was longer than I anticipated," he chuckled lowly, his thumb caressing my cheek tenderly, and I let him. I was too frozen to protest.
"You knew all that even before you approached me that day? From that far?" I raised a brow. I was hesitant, but I was willing to play his game even though I knew he was probably bullshitting me.
"I'm a photographer, Y/N. It's my job to look through the windows of people's souls---"
"What do you want from me?"
Wooyoung lets go of my face, hands now in his pockets. He doesn't look a bit surprised, just a little concerned. "What do you mean?" he frowned, tilting his head to the side in wonder.
The paranoia in me had always been borderline terrified of not only trying new things, but also meeting new people in association. The underlying fear of deception from years and years of let down between family and friends has rendered me closed off of opening allowances to let myself experience new things and let people in.
"You act like we're friends, and we are not," I bit my lip, exasperated. "I don't like that."
"Are you saying that there are certain prerequisites to being friends with other people?" Wooyoung tuts, frowning deeper. "Everyone has to start from somewhere, no?"
He was right, I can admit that. I began to see how my self-deprecating thoughts had kept me all alone, and frankly, I was none the wiser on what it's like on the side.
"I'll tell you what, Y/N, how about I give you your photo and you can tell me what you're thinking over coffee, perhaps? I make a mean cup of coffee," Wooyoung suggested kindly, his eyes shining in anticipation for my response.
I frowned, shuffling my feet in anxiety. "What if people come inside your studio? And your friends?"
"Don't worry about that," he smiled, already taking a step towards the other room where he came from. "We actually don't open on the weekends. I just always came in because I was worried you would come looking for me when I wasn't here."
It was such a simple gesture, but it blew both my heart and my mind. My heart is so full right it could burst in any minute.
Wooyoung flashes me his million dollar smile, the one that made me want to see him again, and holds his hand out for me to grab. "Why are you hesitating?"
"I hesitate because I need to be sure because for the first time in a while, there are things that I do want, and the consequences of my errors would forever haunt me," I blurted uncontrollably, babbling before I could stop my mouth from speaking.
My mind began to work overload with anxiety but before I could act out on them, Wooyoung laughed out loud. His eyes crinkle upwards into the cutest crescents, and his beautiful lips stretched out with mirth. 
His laughter reminded me of a fox, loud and boisterous, and I couldn't help but join in with him as he warmed my soul and made my day. "You're fine, come on," he urged me in between laughter.
More photos, albeit with unfinished frames, greeted me when I followed Wooyoung into what I can only assume was the kitchen. It was small, but it was nice and actually very functional. I sat into one of the sleek, modern stools and leaned towards the small kitchen island while Wooyoung went to town and made both of us coffee.
"Sugar?" he absentmindedly asked.
"H-Huh?" I was a deer in sudden headlights.
Wooyoung seemed to be confused too as we both looked at each other in bewilderment. Without warning, his face contorts into a laughing mess again, making me blush.
"I was asking if you wanted sugar in your coffee," he chuckled. "Although if you want me to call you sugar, that could be arranged too."
I blushed even deeper, awkwardly covering my face in embarrassment. I felt the tips of my ears heat up and I must have looked so stupid in front of him. "Stop," I groaned, my voice muffled by my hands.
And being the gentleman he was, he did actually stop teasing me.
But it was mainly because he had two steaming mugs of coffee carefully balanced with his two hands as he walked towards me. I mumbled a 'thanks' when I received mine. 
"Now we can talk about why you're very sad," Wooyoung took a sip from his mug without breaking eye contact with me. I gulped.
My brows shot upwards in surprise and my eyes widened in apprehension at the same time. "How did you know I was sad?" I inquired, not sure on how to react.
Wooyoung smiled mischievously. "I just do," he winked.
Having no choice, and frankly having no one to talk to in general, I told him everything. I told him how I had quit my previous job because I was beginning to feel very unhappy with the toxicity that surrounded me and how suffocating it was to stay in a place where you weren't even wanted.
I told him how I was trying to look for another job, but the fear of trying a new one and not being sure if it was a good suit for me was a little daunting, so to speak.
He listened attentively to each word I said, not once interjecting to put his two cents in before I was done finishing, and only asking me some small questions for the sake of clarification. 
It almost makes me want to cry at how attentive he was to me, even though this was only the second time we're meeting. The way his eyes bore into me while I poured my heart out, the way he would nod and acknowledge the things I would say, he was such a good listener.
I can't say I've had too many good friends in my life, though there have been a few close ones, they were not enough for me to say that they were good to me. Wooyoung seemed to be a rare gem, one that I would love to keep for myself.
"What if I told you I know a place where you can start working?"
"You do?" I was hopeful.
Wooyoung nodded. "But are you sure you're going to be okay going to work so soon again?"
My chest warms up with his words. "I have to do it," I sighed deeply. "Y-You were right, if I don't start now, then I won't start at all."
He smiles broadly. "That's a good outlook, I like that..."
He proceeded to tell me about the boutique down the street a couple of blocks away from his studio and they were looking for someone to keep tabs of sale and returned products. As it turned out, the owner was Wooyoung's very close friend and the boutique was where they get their clothes and props whenever they had a photoshoot going on.
"He's a nice guy and I'm positive he'll like you, just let me call him so I can pitch in a word for you, hmm?" Wooyoung pulled his phone out and was about to dial the number, but I interjected before he could do it.
"W-Wait, don't do it," I squeaked, holding my hands out to him to stop him from doing so.
"What's the matter?" Wooyoung's eyes softened at my panicked state and I almost felt bad. I barely knew this man and he probably thinks I'm so pathetic already. It was disheartening.
"You've helped me so much already, I'd feel bad if you did this for me," I admitted.
"And what exactly have I done for you?"  
"Listening to me rant was a big thing for me, and you do make a mean coffee," I giggled, he smiles shyly. "And you gave me justice on the photo you took of me."
"Speaking of that," Wooyoung stood up from his stool. "Wait here."
He left to go back to the front entrance of the studio, and he came back immediately. "Here."
He nudged a square-shaped packaging in front of me. I took it and from touch, I knew it was a picture frame that he had wrapped so carefully and perfectly, there were no creases on the wrap. My heart was beating so fast and my fingers were shaking ever so slightly.
"Open it when you get home," he instructed. "And I'm going to call him, my friend I mean. If I'm helping you anyway, I might as well go all out on it." 
"It's not a big deal," Wooyoung continued when I didn't respond, playfully flicking my forehead. "What are friends for?"
An explosive sensation boomed its way into my head all the way down to my chest, leaving a searing type of numbness in its trail. "Okay," I mumbled.
Unfortunately, I had to say goodbye to him because I told my mother I was only picking the picture frame up, I was not expecting to stay this long, so she was probably worried. Fortunately, Wooyoung understood and walked me out. We couldn't properly converse afterwards anyway because a client of his suddenly called out of the blue after he had dropped the call with his boutique owner friend.
We said our goodbyes and I speed walk all the way to my house with the carefully wrapped picture frame in my hands. There was an explosion in my brain - the good kind - and a surge of excitement that electrified my whole being. I could feel it in my bones.
This is the very time I have ever been excited with a mystery. I hated surprises growing up because I was scared I wouldn't like the surprise.
With no time to waste, I quickly locked myself in my room, taking all of my clothes off in a haste and replacing them with something more comfortable and nap worthy. I unwrapped the gift like an animal tearing its prey apart to find their treasure inside.
Tears found their way in my eyes. I had no words, the photo itself was beautiful, I had seen it before, but Wooyoung had left a small note taped on the frame for me to read when I opened it.
You're worth more than you think. Wanna hang out tomorrow, beautiful? I also make mean brownies ;)
I completely broke down, hysterically crying not from sadness, but from the joy of the events that have been happening to me. Maybe being his friend wasn't so bad after all.
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"So you must be Y/N, correct?"
Having a direct connection like Wooyoung did wonders from my interview process and I was called exactly a week after he made the call. 
"Y-Yes, I am," I did a deep 90 degree bow immediately, but not before the man's eyes widened a bit. "L/N Y/N, Sir. I'm very h-honoured to be chosen for this role."
Needless to say, I am a nervous wreck. Wooyoung conveniently forgot to tell me that this was no ordinary boutique. It's a very well known fashion brand that had the catchy 'started from the bottom, now we're here' origin story.
I opened my eyes, I didn't notice they were tightly shut before, when I felt hands nudging me to stand up straight. "It's okay," he laughed. "I don't bite, please stand up..."
This one was handsome as well. He had an edgier style to him that was unique to him and him only. Think bold, defiant, and unconventional. His blue hair added to that grunge aesthetic.
He cleared his throat before speaking. "Kim Hongjoong, owner, and your future boss," he grinned.
My face pales a bit. The Kim Hongjoong? The great mind behind the boutique NO1LIKEME? The one Wooyoung had casually called and got me in? What has my life become in a month?
"Scaring the new girl already, Joong?"
I turned around, and a taller man with dark hair and almond shaped eyes smiled lightly at me with his thick lips. I almost rolled my eyes, either I'm losing my mind, or Wooyoung, himself, and all of his friends are all damn attractive.
"Oh, this is her?" he pointed at me, to which Hongjoong nodded. "I see. Song Mingi, thank you for considering us."
Thank me? I scoffed internally, the co-founder of NO1LIKEME is thanking me for working with them? I suppose that was why they were successful.
Mingi excused himself to man the business while Hongjoong had toured me around the shop. It was a lot bigger on the inside than I had initially thought.
I couldn't help but become very excited as Hongjoong showed me how he personally designs most of their pieces without trying to mass produce the majority of their products, which was very respectable on his end because mass producing can downgrade their quality.
The brand that I only reached in my dreams is now my workplace. I have to thank Wooyoung personally when I see him again.
They needed someone to do inventory checks and match them with the accountancy department. Hongjoong has a big project coming soon to collaborate with an international brand and Mingi has to take over for now while he's abroad. Fair enough.
As we were about to go into his office to sit down and discuss further, I stopped in my tracks. The most gorgeous black, flared dress was hanging in one of the posts. It's very simple, but very versatile, not too long as it stopped above the knee, and the sheer bodice elevated it.
"You like it?" Hongjoong asked before I had the chance to feel the fabric.
"I love it, actually. I've never seen anything like it," I admitted.
He chuckled, plucking the dress from its hanger and handed it to me gently after he folded it in half. "Make sure it's well-loved, then, because it's yours now."
"W-What?" I spluttered, eyes wide open. "No, I was just admiring it, I can't possibly take it. C-Can I pay for it, at least?"
"Think of it as your first day perk," he shrugged. "And no offense, giving away one dress isn't going to make a dent in my business."
I blushed, embarrassed to the highest degree. I was just about to thank him profusely when Mingi suddenly popped his head by the door.
"They're here," was all he said before Hongjoong and I walked back into the main part of the shop.
And there he was - Wooyoung. He was in an engrossed conversation with Mingi along with another - surprise, surprise - handsome man. He had a manlier aura to him compared to the other three, which was an interesting mix to his feline features.
Wooyoung, as if sensing I was present, turned to my direction and the look in his eyes made my insides churn in excitement. His friends were all pretty, but none of them had an effect on him like he did.
"Hey Joong," Wooyoung greeted after approaching me and Hongjoong from across the boutique. He smiled even brighter as he ruffled my hair lightheartedly. "Are you taking care of my Y/N?"
I blushed beet red, lowering my gaze with a nervous laugh to avoid any sort of eye contact. He can't just say these things and not expect me to react! The cat-looking man Wooyoung was with smirks at me, clearly amused.
But maybe, it was just me putting more to it than I should. Wooyoung has been nothing but kind to me and I can't reciprocate that with anything other than gratefulness.
"Get the hell out of here," Hongjoong chided, rolling his eyes, but teasingly because his eyes were full of the same mischief, but they were gone when he turned to me. "My assistant, Jongho, will call you sometime this week so you can get started officially."
I stopped the urge to bow deeply again at him as he turned around to go back behind the shop and instead repeated multiple 'thank yous' at him to express my gratitude. 
"Y/N, this is San, my long time friend and co-worker in the studio," Wooyoung introduced me to the other guy he was with when there were just the three of us left.
San smiles and his deep dimples pop out along with it. He nods in acknowledgement. "Very nice to meet you, Y/N, I personally loved that one photo of yours that Wooyoung took."
"He is a good taker," I shyly replied, blushing at the compliment, although I knew it wasn't directly referenced to me.
San snorted. "Yeah, that's the only thing he's good at."
Wooyoung playfully swatted San's bulky arms in defense. We all had a small laugh before they both noticed the bag I was holding with the dress inside of it. I simply told both of them that Hongjoong had just given it to me after I admired it.
Behind the strict demeanor of being a boss, was the very generous and giving nature of Hongjoong, apparently. He had meant to give me something anyway simply because I was now friends with them, and also because Wooyoung spoke highly of me. I slightly felt bad because really, I would have been fine without it.
I should have thanked him more before he left.
"I would love to stay with you both and hang out," San glances at his phone to check the time. "But I have business to attend to. Where's Mingi?"
I pointed at some random door where I saw the latter enter earlier. I was about to leave since technically today wasn't my first day, just an introduction to the shop, and was about to basically run back to my house, when Wooyoung follows me out the door and slings his arms across my shoulders.
"Oh, you're leaving San?" I halted on my tracks, blushing profusely like some hormonal teenager that's never been touched by the opposite sex before.
"He was never meant to come," he chuckled. "I was about to fetch you and he decided he was going to come with me since he has to pick up some props from this gig we have next week."
My heart was pounding against my chest like a bird wanting to be out of its cage. He was so close to me, so close I could smell his breath, his body heat seeping into my subliminal thoughts.
This was an invasion, an unwanted intimacy. How have I lived without it for so long?
"Are you tired?" Wooyoung suddenly asked, breaking my thoughts apart and scattering them with the wind.
"N-No, not really. Why?"
He pulls me closer, my body plush against his. I wanted to melt. "Good," he grinned. "Let's go."
He starts to walk, but I plant my feet firmly on the ground. "Woah, wait, where are we going?"
"Would you say yes if I said I already reserved a spot to this brunch spot?"
I blinked owlishly at him. "No, I can't, I already ate before I called Mingi..."
The truth was, I was slightly ashamed to go. The last thing I wanted was to be treated like some sort of charity case. 
Also the reason being, no matter how hard I try, I will think of this as a date.
Wooyoung pouts, his hold on me loosening a bit. "Pretty please? What, are you sick of me already because we hang out everyday now?"
My breath hitched, and I was this close to giving in, but I must prevail and resist those big, beautiful eyes that were holding me captive like a tight vice.
"Maybe next time---" I sheepishly began to say, but a prominent growl made both me and Wooyoung freeze.
I cursed under my breath in shame. My stomach had growled, begging to be fed, and had basically called me out on my lie.
"Yeah, you ate alright," Wooyoung sarcastically remarked.
The next thing I knew, Wooyoung had pretty much dragged me to this retro looking place. It was the opposite of intimate and warm, rather, it was very bright and lively, filled with colorful tables, a snack bar, and the entire wall was made to be a canvas for purposeful graffiti.
Immediately, we sat at the very end of all of the available tables and no time was wasted when we ordered something quick, yet filling for the both of us; a clubhouse sandwich for me and a cheeseburger for Wooyoung.
"This place is so nice, where'd you find it?" I was still mesmerized by the whole setup.
"Picked it out with you in mind," he smirked.
Instead of blushing like I usually do, I let out a genuine laugh. "Seriously," I shook my head playfully.
"I am serious," he expressed with a slight frown.
"Are you like this with all the people you meet?" I mused, curious on what he has to say.
"Like what?"
"You know, you are a very touchy-feely person, certainly very outgoing as well. Do you usually hang out with everyone like this?"
He paused, staring at me with a blank expression. I swallowed, my mouth suddenly drying up, my breath slowing down.
"Yes, I am," he articulated after a while. "I was born this way I suppose, I swear I don't purposely flirt with everybody I meet."
"Oh," I murmured.
My heart sank, it felt like concrete weighing it down. The high of being out with Wooyoung in one moment was cut down the next. Is this what heartbreak felt like?
A hand on top of mine fully enveloped it with warmth. "But you," Wooyoung's thumbs caressed my knuckles with a small smile. "You're different. I can't explain it, Y/N, I've been trying to reason with myself."
"What do you mean?" It was my turn to ask.
His hand squeezed mine, but I felt like my heart got squeezed instead. "Meeting you was unexpected, but I'm so sure it was written. You're very easy to talk to, and I feel like I'm someone and more. It's either you or I'm alone, do you understand what I'm getting at?"
Of course I do. There has not been a day where we haven't seen each other ever since I stepped foot in that studio.
"I do," I nodded my head, smiling purely at him. "I felt good with you in a way I haven't before with other people, Woo. Thank you for approaching me that day, I'm glad to be your...friend."
His eyes widen a bit and he freezes. "What?" I nervously asked. He giggled like a child with no worry, he was just happy. 
"You called me 'Woo', I like it." 
I nervously laughed, mumbling a little yeah. I didn't even notice.
Luckily for me, our food came in and swooped me out of an incoming awkward conversation, at least on my end.
I couldn't help but let out an endearing smile as I watched Wooyoung thank the waiter kindly and then drool at his cheeseburger. Everything about him was so captivating; he felt like a warm, cozy home.
For now, the glue keeping my heart together is strong. He deserved a good friend, and I will be that for him. 
Wooyoung opened his mouth midair when he caught me staring at him. "Dig in, your food will get cold," he mused with concern.
I nod my head at him with a smile. I think he and I are going to be fine.
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Approximately seven months have passed by since that fateful day. Passing each time with Wooyoung, in the most obscure of situations, made my heart yonder and sing in tunes I never knew were so melodious.
"You know what I've been thinking lately?" Wooyoung mumbled all of a sudden.
He was currently laying on my lap while I played with his hair with one hand and held a book near to my face with the other. "What were you thinking, Woo?"
Safe to say, we've gotten so close with each other, soaking into moments enveloped in warmth, and the happiness was the contentment I never knew I'd ever feel in this lifetime.
Chasing time next to him was my salvation; my heaven on earth.
"Do you have a goal in this life?"
I raised a brow at the sudden question, peeking at him from where I was. He was already staring at me from below, and my blushing cheeks never really got better.
"Too deep of a question this morning," I chuckled. "But what do you mean? Everyone has a goal in life, whether they know it or not."
"True, but what I meant to say is, have you ever had a list of things you wanted to do? Regardless of how weird they are or how unattainable, do you know what I'm trying to say?" Wooyoung, and he did, he was always so dramatic about it.
I gave him a hum before responding. "Are you having an existential crisis?"
"Maybe," he laughed in that contagious, fox-like laugh of his. "So do you?"
"I-I have this small bucket list from when I was like 10," I admitted, lifting my book to hide my face.
Suddenly, it was yanked from me and thrown across the room. My mouth hung in shock. "Wooyoung!"
"Pay attention to me," he pouted.
"What the hell are you? A baby?" I rolled my eyes so far back up my head I was surprised they didn't get stuck behind my head.
"Only if it's yours--ow!" I yanked his hair in warning before I exploded from all the constant flirting. Some things never change.
"Anyway," I paused a bit to think, but decided to just say what was on my mind in the end. "I want to go to Mars."
I held my breath, expecting to hear an obnoxious cackle from Wooyoung, but there was nothing. When I glanced down, there he was - waiting expectantly for me to continue.
"I've always wanted to see a rainbow at nighttime, and no, the Aurora Borealis doesn't count."
"Interesting," he whispered. "Keep going."
The way Wooyoung was looking at me with a soft expression, and I must have looked dumb - my eyes were dilated a bit, dazed, like my brain was having a short circuit.
"Last, I gulped. "I want to hold my breath for a minute straight."
He raised his brows in amusement. "I'm not good at doing it," I defended myself, slightly embarrassed. "The most I've done was 15 seconds."
Wooyoung didn't say anything, he just stared at me intently in the eye as if he was counting all the eyelashes I had attached. He sighed deeply, closing his eyes. I frowned.
"What about you?" I softly asked. "Anything you'd like to do?"
It takes a solid minute for him to reply. "No, nothing in particular," he mumbled, his voice strained. "I don't like committing to something for a long time, you know that."
Indeed, I do. Once again, the shattering reality of how temporary all this was for the both of us was tearing me in two.
"There's just so much out there, you know?" Wooyoung continued. "So much to see, so much to feel, how can I just stay in one place?"
Wooyoung loved photography above anything else and was willing to spread his wings and venture out to find the perfect piece. He disliked committing his all in one place in case he had to leave one day. 
I remember the exact night we talked about it, a rainy day in July where we got too sentimental. I felt like choking, but there was nothing I could do, for this man was not mine to begin with.
"You know I will support you in whatever you want to do," I forced a smile on my face even though my mouth was on fire and my tongue hurt from the lies.
Wooyoung, again, stared at me intently. I blushed deep red, it looked like he was gazing through my skin and peeking through the darkest, deepest parts of my soul. The heat from his hooded eyelids emanated conflicted emotions, and then I saw it die as quick as it came.
"I know."
His sudden playful smirk painting his beautiful face throws me for a whiplash. Whatever that was, never happened.
He whips his phone out and starts tinkering with it with a concentration that looks too good on him - his stupidly attractive arms get veinier when he's concentrating and his brows furrowed together.
"Mars, huh?" he muttered, smirking, still not looking up from his phone.
"Yes? Don't make fun of me," I frowned.
"I'm not," he retorted. I looked at him in disdain. "I'm really not, I swear!"
I chose not to reply. Typical Woyooung, but that's what makes him so damn loveable; he was just being himself.
A couple of minutes later, Wooyoung pockets his phone, stands up dramatically, and hovers over me. "Get dressed," he said. "We're going somewhere."
I blinked repeatedly at him, and some more. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"What's wrong with my outfit right now?" I gestured to my oversized shirt and leggings.
He snorted comically. "Trust me, you're gonna need more than that."
Wooyoung saw the hesitation in my eyes. He hated committing as much as I hated trying new things. He extends his hand in front of me. 
"I've never led you astray, you know that," he whispered.
I nodded, taking his hand in mine. Even before he had asked, I was doomed anyway. How could I ever say no to him?
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Turns out he was right - I did need the extra layers.
It was, indeed, very cold right now. Wooyoung and I were currently in line, a line so long that it reached the outside of the establishment, and it was where we currently were.
"Woo, are you sure about this?" I asked through gritted teeth. "It's too windy, I think my fingers will fall off soon."
As if on cue, he pulls me closer to him. "It shouldn't take too long," he mumbled. "You okay?"
I nodded, humming a reply back at him. As long as I'm with you, everything will be alright...
"I must say," I began. "I didn't take you to be the museum type of guy."
Yes, we were currently in line to get inside this museum I have never ever seen before even though I've lived in this city my whole life. Wooyoung got both of us last minute tickets. The place was currently jam packed, the line was endless from behind us.
"I'm not," he shrugged. "I want to show you something."
My mind went into overdrive when Wooyoung quickly glanced at me before he looked back at the pamphlet he was holding. It was only a split second, but it was enough for me to infer the anticipation he had for this.
It was contagious and the dread I felt ebbed away.
"History and geology are both at the far right, art is by your left, cartography is unfortunately out of service indefinitely, and science is just straight ahead..."
The monotonous, robotic voice from the speaker all over when we got inside could have instructed better, but it was definitely better than getting lost. This place was massive.
"Let's go," Wooyoung enthusiastically grabbed my hand as we explored all the things we passed by.
"Oh Woo, look at that!" I giggled uncontrollably and hastily pointed out what I saw.
It was a life sized wood carving of a wisteria tree - the most beautiful thing I have ever seen as of late. Wooyoung squeezed my hand as we both approached it, reveling at the detail of whoever was its creator.
"Reminds you of something, doesn't it?" he smirked.
"How can I forget how we met?" I playfully rolled my eyes.
He laughed out loud, causing some people to look our way, but we couldn't care less. "As much as I want to stay, there's somewhere else we have to be," he winked.
He led me to the direction he, then, wanted to go. The way he pulled me with him made my heart swell. At the very moment, I blocked all the sounds, the chatter, from the background and I could only see him. 
Just when I felt like leading my heart somewhere else, he pulled it back towards him; a magnet I had no choice but to get attached to.
My eyes widened in disbelief when we stopped at something in particular. "I-Is this w-what I think it is?" I stuttered uncontrollably, gripping his hand tighter and tighter until he put his other hand on top of mine to stop me from shaking.
"Relax," he cooed. "And yes, it most certainly is."
Wooyoung had led me to the science section of the museum where there was a small room we could go inside - a planetarium. Today they just so happened to be exhibiting the planet Mars.
Wooyoung took me to Mars.
"Shall we go in?" Wooyoung gently guided me inside. My legs were weighted with lead, I couldn't do this on my own.
My breath came out in short intervals, my feelings overwhelming my sense of excitement muddled into a plate full of shock, confusion, and joy as I looked around the place with Wooyoung still holding my hand in his as if he knew I'd fall without him.
The whole room had a blue haze to it, the ceiling itself was a cool shade of midnight blue with little specks of white dots that were presumably the stars in the night sky. 
They covered the whole blue like snowflakes, and they would twinkle, or rather, blink at us, watching what we would do next.
I turned to look at Wooyoung, and my tears started to fall on their own. There was panic in his eyes, but he pulled me into a quick hug, and I hugged him back just as tight.
We didn't say a word, just basking in our body heat together with the stars as our witness.
He kissed my forehead tenderly before pointing out to a distance. "Look."
I gasped rather dramatically - it was Mars itself!
Or at least, a really big ball that was probably made out of styrofoam and dyed into the shade of rust red that mimicked the real deal.
"Before we go there, wipe your tears, jelly bean. I want you to be happy today..."
But he wiped my own tears for me anyway. Oh Wooyoung, I thought with dread. How do you expect me to not selfishly wish for you to stay instead of finding your own dreams?
Instead of a repeating robot telling everybody Mars' information, luckily it was an actual person making a presentation, like that of a tour guide but this one instead explained the planet with so much depth and detail.
Wooyoung makes an exaggerated "ah!" sound when the lecturer explains that the reason why Mars was red was because of the oxidation happening in regolith, the soil on the said planet, and thus making it appear red.
"Does anybody know how many moons the planet Mars has?" the lecturer had questioned with a pleasant smile.
"Two!" a teenager from the crowd had answered.
"Correct! Does anybody know what they're called?"
The crowd made confused noises and everyone seemed to be stumped for answers. I looked around and nobody seemed to know what they were, and even Wooyoung mutters something about not knowing that even moons had names. I sighed, mentally preparing myself so I don't get nervous.
"Phobos and Deimos," I had managed to answer without stuttering.
The lecturer looked surprised, but happy nonetheless that at least someone in the crowd knew. "That is correct!"
"Nerd," Wooyoung snickered. I elbowed him, too happy to let his jokes get to me.
When it got too crowded, we both decided to leave the museum as a whole. One thing we both had in common was that after a while, the air got stuffy when there was too much going on in one place.
The bus ride home was silent, but comfortable, and in reality, we were both too tired to talk anyway. With an adrenaline of short-lived bravery, I leaned my head against Wooyoung's shoulder. I sighed in relief when he didn't push me away.
"Did you have fun?" he asked with genuine curiosity when we both reached my front door.
"Did you?" I asked back with an equal amount of curiosity.
He nodded enthusiastically. "Of course I did, why wouldn't I?"
"You really didn't have to do this---"
He put his finger against my lip, effectively shutting me up and shutting my brain off as well. "Why can't you just enjoy the things I do for you?"
Because I am slowly getting more and more delusional with every single second I spend more with you and I keep imagining of what we would be like a few months from now- am I going to be alone again or will you remain in my life---
I shook my head to rid myself of the nastiest thoughts that keep coming through my psyche, but along with those was another burst of blood rushing to my brain that makes me do the unthinkable.
"Woah, woah," Wooyoung voice out, amused that I was initiating skin contact first. 
"Just shut up and let me hug you," I voiced out, but it came out muffled because my face was currently buried in his chest. "Thank you, Wooyoung, thank you very much, you have no idea what this means to me."
Wooyoung rocked me back and forth, healing my inner child. "I think I do," he whispered so softly I almost didn't hear him. "Just let it out..."
It was the first time he ever saw me cry willingly. The hands that patted my back provided me the solace I currently needed. They were gentle, soothing even. He had always been so patient with me, and those hands... 
Of all the things my hands have held, the best by far was his.
I felt selfish, so damn selfish, for feeling this way. But it's okay, none of it matters at this moment.
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Hey, ladybug. I don't think I'm able to make it in time today, or at all. Client is being finicky and all, I'm about to charge them extra for this. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you soon, hmm?
                         - J. WY
I heaved a loud, disappointed sigh as I locked my phone before pocketing it. My frown deepens and my brows knit in today's unexpected turn of events.
"That Wooyoung?"
"Yeah, says he can't make it today. Something about a shitty client," I shrugged.
I had invited Wooyoung last week to my family's dinner reunion. My whole family had taken a liking to Wooyoung - who wouldn't? - and my brother had suggested I invite him. This year, we were at our Uncle Yeonjun's place.
"It's not the end of the world," my brother teased.
I snorted loudly. "That obvious, Yeo? You look more crestfallen than I do."
Yeosang laughs heartily, taking a sip at whatever concoction our mother made. "I mean, I've only known him longer than you," he joked. 
It turned out that Woyooung was part of my brother's friend group, talk about coincidence. "Besides, you gotta cheer up before anyone notices," he added.
"Because you look like a lovesick puppy that got abandoned by its owner," he clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "No offense to our cousins, but they can be do damn nosy, especially Soobin and Kai."
I knew that Yeosang was just trying to distract me from whatever I was feeling. As per his advice, I faked a smile just so nobody questions why I'm feeling so down.
Wooyoung was currently out of town and had been so busy with his job so we haven't really seen each other for a couple of days now, however we do call each other every night.
My train of thoughts were squashed when Yeosang elbows me gently. "Hey," he said with a soft smile. "You want to get us food so I take you home?"
If I were to write on a piece of paper of how much my older brother has done for me, the trees would cease to exist from all the paper and wood for all the pencils.
The night wasn't all that bad, Yeosang did everything in his power to distract me and even brought our cousins into it, not that they knew what was up. We took the party to the backyard, just singing, dancing, and fooling around like the young adults we were.
The little reunion was family, music, and food. It was simple, memorable, and destined to make me forget for a little.
The night had to end, and that meant I had to go home alone to my thoughts. My parents will stay overnight and Yeosang did not live with us anymore.
The jingle of the front door's keys only solidified the loneliness that awaited for me from behind it.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I can just drive early in the morning," Yeosang suggested as we both walked in the house and closed the door behind him.
"Yeo, I'm not a child anymore," I chuckled. "I appreciate it, but you should go, you have work tomorrow, yes?"
"Well, yes, but---"
"Then get your ass out of here."
Yeosang rolled his eyes at my teasing tone, but ended up laughing anyway. He pulled me in for a quick hug and pecked cheek. "Call me if you need anything."
He was gone within a minute, and once again, I was left alone with my despair. And what better way to shower these thoughts out?
But that made it worse. The involuntary shower thoughts were poison to my already weak mind.
I've conquered the art of being alone, and now that I had Wooyoung with me, it never really made things easier. My endless days filled with cold fire were quickly replaced with warm companionship...
I felt like an empty box without him. It was ridiculous, really, I knew this was wrong; a mistake I knew I wasn't supposed to feel.
I missed him.
Ding, ding, ding
I had just finished dressing up when I heard the doorbell ring. Confused, I slowly treaded my way downstairs. My parents weren't supposed to be home and Yeosang would have called beforehand if he forgot something.
The doorbell rings again, more hurriedly the second time. Screw it, I thought apprehensively. Yeosang is in charge of my obituary if I unfortunately pass away tonight...
With a deep breath, I swung the door open, my eyes tightly shut. Yeah, I know, serial killers would love me.
Silence. I knew somebody was in front of me, but they weren't saying anything. My mind caught up with the stupidity of my actions and I froze. Is this how I die?
"A-Are you okay?"
That squeaky voice, that sounds so familiar. I wanted to smack my head, I missed him so much, I was hearing him.
"Nice tits, Y/N."
My eyes shot open so fast that the light came in a bit faster than I expected to and I became a little dizzy. My brain buffers while my thoughts try to catch up. After I realized what I just heard, I took a closer look in front of me.
I let out a little gasp. "W-Woo?" I whimpered pathetically.
There he was, standing at my doorway, 9 o'clock in the evening. My heart lurched at the sight of him - so ethereal.
There was nothing specific to him that made him so stunning to me, maybe it was his iconic red hair, or maybe the way he looked at me right now would be close. They were intense, yet gentle. Polite, but not noble. 
I blushed, wanting to cover up, but his eyes held me hostage. They trailed from my face, slowly down my neck, to my exposed cleavage, before bringing them back up again to look at me, the unmistakable hunger in those orbs very much present.
"Y/N," Wooyoung drawled out without breaking eye contact, sticking his tongue out to lick his bottom lip excruciatingly slow for my sanity. "Let me in."
A sudden wave of nausea hits me, rendering me weak in his mercy as I finally feel my brain melt in my head. What the hell.
His kissable lips pulled up slowly to a smirk, mischievous, and we were both released from that little cage of sin we almost trapped ourselves in. 
Woooyoung laughs out loud. "You should have seen your face," he wiped an imaginary tear from his eye.
My face reddens both in embarrassment and mild anger. Against my better judgment, I move to slam the door to his face. "You!" I hissed menacingly.
"Wait, wait!" he panicked, quickly stopping the door from completely closing by putting his boots in between. "I'm sorry! You just looked so far away, I couldn't help but tease you--"
"Not helping your case, Woo--"
"I traveled here in two hours from a place that would have taken three," he whined, grabbing my hand from the outside. "Please?"
I let out a very loud exaggerated sigh before I let go of the door. Besides, he might not look like it, but Wooyoung was built. He could have pushed the door forcefully if he really wanted to.
"Sorry," he giggled, hugging me from behind with his head resting on top of my head. "Turn around for me?"
I'm so ashamed of how weak I had become with him, but what can I say? 
I buried my head on his chest, inhaling the scent that I missed so much - warm and clean - and everything hit me all at once.
He really was here with me. I was so happy that I almost felt sick and anxious. It comes off as a raging storm in my heart that was almost painful. The unbelievable sorrow I've gone through the last few days melted away in Wooyoung's blissful embrace.
"Did you drink tonight? How'd you get home?" he inquired after we pulled away.
"I did, and Yeosang took me home."
"Oh? Is he here? I didn't see his car outside."
I explained that Yeosang had to go back to his apartment because he had to work in the morning. He nodded intently, humming to himself.
"I have a surprise for you," he smiled, lifting the duffel bag he had bought with him. "How about you nap a bit while I prepare this?"
The next thing I knew, Wooyoung was already building a makeshift bed out of the couches we had in the living room so I could lay on them real quick.
The light pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the windows were the ones that woke me up. They have been falling steadily without fail before I opened my eyes. 
I would have been content staying in the warmth of the blankets, to grab a mug of tea and feel the soothing coldness of the breeze hit my nose as I inhaled deeply.
But I had to find Wooyoung. It wouldn't be too difficult, I knew exactly where he was. He loved the rain, you see.
A tender smile creeped up on his face when he noticed me sitting beside him on one of the stools on our roofed backyard. "You're awake," was all he said.
"How long was I out?" I groggily asked, swallowing the aspirin tablets he handed out. "Thanks."
"Not too long," he handed me a tall glass of water. "Close to an hour and a half, maybe."
"You were working while I was napping?" I gestured to the setup he had in front of us. Various strips of undeveloped films were strewn all over along with a camera I did not recognize, and...a glass pyramid?
"Nice paperweight," I pointed at it, a little hurt that even though he came for me, his focus was still on his work.
Wooyoung chuckled lightly. "No work, not necessarily," he shook his head. "That's not a paperweight. Why don't you be a doll and pick it up for me?"
I could feel the tips of my ears warm up but I picked up the pyramid anyway. It was a lot lighter than I initially thought it would be.
I looked at Wooyoung in confusion when he suddenly pointed out to the moon. "See the small beam of light coming down?" 
I nodded. Indeed, the moon seemed brighter today. It looked more beautiful than the stars that surrounded it. "That," he gestured to the triangular glass I was holding. "That is a prism, and I want you to put it where the moonlight is."
I frowned. "What?"
"If you're worried about the rain, you don't have to put it directly under it, just a small light would do," he bargained, chuckling at my confused face.
I did what he said, apprehensively stretching my hand out to put the so-called prism under the moonlight. I smiled a bit, I will admit, the combination of the rain and light hitting its surface made it look extremely breathtaking.
I tilted it slightly to catch the different angles since I realized each angle made it glow in different shades of lights. One flick of my wrist shone a colourful beam of light that landed on the ground. 
"Wow," I breathed out. "That's beautiful, Wooyoung."
He smiled back. "Keep tilting."
Suddenly, an arc formed from the prism to the ground beneath me. I was in awe, this one had different colours to it. From red to yellow to purple, it shone clearly against the rain. I giggled, it reminded me of rainbows. If only it was daytime...
I gasped, dropping the prism on the ground with a loud clunk. My face was drained of blood as I turned sharply to Wooyoung with wide eyes. But he wasn't worried about my pale state. His smile shone brighter than any prism out there. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to take a photo of his charming smile.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" he grinned, picking up the prism and tilting it himself against the rain and the light.
I've always wanted to see a rainbow at nighttime, and no, the Aurora Borealis doesn't count."
"Interesting," he whispered. "Keep going."
"You remembered, oh my God, you remembered..." I sniffled, burying my face in my hands.
"Why wouldn't I?" he smiled, pulling me in for a hug.
Wooyoung kissed my forehead delicately with great care and the look he gave me was something I will never forget.
We spent the next hour or so playing with different shapes of prisms that Wooyoung bought from where he went. The client he had earlier owned a glass manufacturing company and Wooyoung requested for these to be made as a form of payment.
This rainy day soaked all the memories we had made for both of us, providing us the soundtrack we deserved, and it was unlike any other. I laughed like I never laughed before at this crazy little daydream, wishing it would last forever.
And soon, I learned to love the rain like Wooyoung. There will never be a rainy day where I never not think of him ever again.
"You better make me look good or I won't give you pictures," he threatened playfully.
When the rain had stopped, we opted to take pictures as proof of this core memory. The unfamiliar camera I saw earlier turned out to be a self-developing one, the modern cameras that instantly printed out tiny polaroid pictures in less than fifteen seconds.
"You literally took the shittiest photos of me, you hypocrite," I rolled my eyes at him, trying my best to cover my eyes with the camera so he wouldn't see the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes.
"They're mine to keep," Wooyoung stuck his tongue out at me. What a brat.
But he was my brat. The tears that were once the symbol of the everlasting happiness that Wooyoung had been willingly giving me, were now drowning me in the bottomless sorrow that embraced me in a sea of ice cold water.
I loved him.
If I ever cross my heart, if I ever lie or deny the heart that beated for him, then I'd hope to die.
I loved him when we both stared at that park's wisteria, I loved him when he laid in my arms until he fell asleep, I loved him when he told me he'd always be there for me, I loved him then, and I love him now.
"Do you want me to put the movie on?" I asked after we've both settled down, shivering a bit. I never realized how cold it was outside until both me and Wooyoung came back inside.
Wooyoung mumbled a soft hum of affirmation while he was busy in the kitchen reheating some food I had bought with Yeosang earlier. He wasn't even doing anything groundbreaking but he was still so devastatingly loveable in my eyes.
The movie was boring, or rather, my attention just wasn't geared towards it. All I could focus on was the intense, burning passion I had for my best friend. I shut my eyes closely, as if doing so will get rid of the plaguing thoughts.
I let out a small gasp when Wooyoung pulled me to him, his arms wrapped around my waist. "What's going on in that pretty little head?" he sluggishly asked, nudging his head in the crook of my neck.
I am about to explode. He has always been the cuddly kind, but now that I have finally admitted to myself how much I truly loved him, his touch burned me on the inside, electrifying every cell in my body in response to his tender touch. 
"Nothing," I shrugged nonchalantly.
He chuckled, gripping my jaw lightly and turning my head towards his. I stopped breathing when I realized that he was closer than I thought. If I lean even an centimeter more, our lips would touch.
Wooyoung searches my face intently. "Don't lie to me."
I stare at him in the eye, not really knowing what to say. His hand was still on my jaw, but that was the last of my worries right now. I really want to tell him, I want to shout how much I loved him; how much he made me feel like I was everything when in reality I was nothing.
My mouth opens to say something, but immediately closes. In a moment of realization, Wooyoung's eyes widened a bit before his hand dropped from my jaw. There was a storm brewing in those beautiful eyes, and at this moment, I knew I was about to lose him.
"W-Wooyoung," I blurted out, full on panicking at this point.
"Don't look at me like that," he whispered, his voice breaking in the middle.
"What do you mean?" I sniffled, wanting to reach out and touch him, but stopped myself.
"You know what I mean."
A bitter sensation rose like bile up my throat. My heart isn't just broken, it was now a shadow of what it once was that was slowly fading away little by little.
He knows. Him knowing me like the back of his hand was a curse to a blessing, and not that blessing was a curse. He knows that I am in love with him, the last thing I ever wanted him to know.
"Let's finish the movie," I giggled, though it probably sounded fake.
I frowned when Wooyoung shut the TV off as a whole. "Y/N," he sounded stern. I stayed silent, not even looking him in the eye. 
He sighed deeply. "I can give you anything, but not that," he stated, his arms still around my waist tightening a bit. "You're my best friend, I cannot lose you. Not like this."
My fear of loss was proof of my love for him. I loved him so much, I was willing to let him go.
I rolled my eyes playfully, forcing myself to look at him and grin widely, even though my tongue burned. "What are you saying? We'll be friends until the end of time," I laughed, lightheartedly elbowing him.
There was a passing look of hurt in his features, but it left as soon as it came. "Are you sure you're fine with this?" he squinted his eyes suspiciously at me.
"Of course," I snorted. "Maybe I'm just confused, but you know me Youngie, I'm tough."
He was still suspicious, but he laughed along with me anyway. "I know you are," he chortled, pinching my cheek really, really hard.
"Ow! You imp!" I grab his cheek to pinch it back just as hard, playing along with him.
We decided not to finish the movie and just rest for the night. As I lay back down on the makeshift bed Wooyoung made for me earlier, with him cuddling me from behind and pretty much spooning me, I let it all out.
Silent tears flowed down from my eyes and I had to put my knuckles in my mouth to prevent myself from making any sound. I can feel Woyooung's chest rising up and down against my back and that's how I knew he was sleeping, but I didn't want to risk waking him up.
My heart hurt so much, because I knew my love will never be reciprocated. Wooyoung loved his dreams too much to choose us, I knew that. I tried so damn hard to stop my growing feelings but to no avail. The voice that came out from me so naturally to tell him that I was fine, that what I felt for him was just a silly little crush, sounded so far away; it didn't even sound like me.
The attraction between us became an intangible broken thread and there was no way to reattach the fragments, though I know that I was the only one scattered and lost.
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I knew we weren't going to last forever, but I wasn't expecting the beginning of the end to happen so soon.
A knock from my left snaps me out of my thoughts. It was Mingi tapping on my desk, his brow raised.
"Sorry," I sheepishly mumbled, trying to focus on the task at hand. Hongjoong already left for New York so it was just me and Mingi in the shop.
I couldn't concentrate, I kept glancing at my phone hoping Wooyoung would reply to my messages. Something was wrong, and I was very close to having a mental breakdown.
Woo? Are you busy? Wanna hang out at the new place later after work?
I kept telling myself that it was fine, he's busy, he's been in-demand lately because he truly was a talented photographer with a particular set of skills that were a rarity in such a condensed industry, but I couldn't help but feel like he's been very distant lately.
Wooyoung has been avoiding me and I don't know what to do.
To keep my insecurities in check, I've been going in the deepest pits of my mind to tolerate my thoughts and letting these negative feelings pass - so I can react appropriately and not go crazy over the things I had no control over.
Wooyoung? Is everything okay? You aren't responding...
Truth be told, I felt pathetic. I got so attached to Wooyoung that I forgot how I was before I met him - alone. It wasn't his fault, he doesn't owe me anything, it was me who let my heart chase a person who never even wanted to be found in the first place.
Another knock made me jump from my thoughts.
"Y/N," Mingi sighed, taking his glasses off and setting them down on his own desk. "Can I talk to you really quick?"
I bit my lip, nodding. Mingi had always been the type of boss that drew a line with everyone, except Hongjoong. He was strict, very intimidating, but it suited him, so I'm a bit nervous that he was calling me out. 
"I'll be straight with you, yeah? Is it Wooyoung?" he asked out of genuine curiosity, his sharp eyes piercing through me.
I didn't respond, I couldn't, so I kept my head low. I heard Mingi sigh again. "Hey," he says softly. "This is off the record, okay? I won't tell Hongjoong, although I suspect he already knows anyway."
I looked up, frowning. "What do you mean?" 
Mingi crossed his arms, leaning back against his chair a bit more relaxed. "I can't speak for him, but for me personally? I know Wooyoung more than you think I do. You just haven't seen us together because I've been so busy lately."
He was right. Mingi continued. "Look, it's a shame to see you like this. We really like you, you're hardworking, critical, smart, and whatnot..."
"T-Thank you, Mr. Song," I blurted out.
"Just Mingi," he brushed off. "What I'm trying to say is, save yourself for a man that isn't him. He won't choose you."
I already knew that, but hearing it didn't make it hurt less. Tears started to pool in the corners of my eyes. Mingi curses under his breath.
"Go home," he gestured out the door. "Take the day off."
"B-But we still have work left," I stuttered.
He gives me a small smile. "I'll manage. Go before I change my mind."
I suppose I was thankful about being sent home, it did help my nerves a bit. I've gotten home, showered, ate dinner, and did the most mundane things I could ever do, but Wooyoung never replied.
I woke up the next day, clutching my phone, muttering a little prayer in my head as if I would miraculously see his name pop up in my notifications, telling me good morning like he used to every single day.
The tears I've been holding off since yesterday ran down like waterfalls from my eyes. I missed him so much, and I've got nobody to blame but myself. I wished I kept it in, how much I loved him I mean. Maybe we would have been hanging out by now, laughing obnoxiously at nothing in particular.
Before I could stop myself, I dialed Wooyoung's number. The beating of my heart pounded along with the ringing tone against my ear. I was about to hang up, when I heard the familiar click of answer.
I covered my mouth with my hand to prevent me from choking up. Oh, how I missed this voice.
"H-Hey, Woo, how are you doing?" I apprehensively asked.
I can't really talk right now, little dove, what do you want?
I was confused, my frown getting deeper. There was tension on the line, a tension so brittle it could snap in a moment, and if it doesn't, I might. He sounds like his normal self, but he sounds so rigid, his voice clipped.
"Nothing, I-I just wanted to hear your voice," I was so anxious at this point, especially when Wooyoung didn't say anything back for a moment.
I can feel the fear spreading throughout my chest. I let out a slow, controlled breath and attempted to loosen my body.
What? You called me for that? I have my own things to do, Y/N, you can't just call me for something so stupid.
I felt my heart bleed, twisting, turning, and rendering my insides tight. I don't respond, wide eyed, my heart in my throat. I needed him to tell me everything was going to be alright, to soothe me but instead he continued.
I'll call you when I have time, okay?
"B-But you said I can call you whenever I needed you," I whispered in the smallest voice I could muster.
I know what I said.
The tone of his voice, so cold and so upset, brought shivers down my spine. "I'm sorry," I whimpered. "I'm so lonely, I miss you. C-Can you come for a bit? O-Or I'll come if you cannot..."
I'll see.
And then he hung up, not bothering to wait for my response. Hot tears, ones he will never witness, were falling even faster than before and soaking my pillows. I felt the wetness of my skin and each drop killed my soul little by little.
What is happening? That wasn't the man I know, that wasn't the Wooyoung I have come to love over the past year.
Sharp knives dig into my heart even deeper, bringing more pain, making me cry out in the most desperate of as it keeps slicing over and over again. I was so lost at the torment my mind was putting me through.
When I was at my lowest, when others took what I could not afford to give, Wooyoung saved my life. The voice that once kept me alive was now the one that was slowly sucking every little bit of hope in my soul.
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The first day was fine, I was able to rationalize with myself and not think of Wooyoung every second of the day.
The first week was a bit difficult, but I was still able to manage and get by day by day even though I can feel myself slowly slipping away.
The first month, I couldn't take it anymore. My parents noticed that I wasn't being myself lately, but they chose not to comment anything out of respect, but when I completely stopped eating and going out was when they began to worry significantly.
I understand that my best friend might never be able to give back all the love I have from him, but there is something much, much worse than hate or ignorance.
It was indifference. The night I had unintentionally confessed to him was the night everything between us started to blur.. He was cold, I wasn't expecting him to love me back, but abandoning me and acting like I don't exist or matter at all was turning all my loneliness into desperation.
Screw it. If he's not going to see me, then I'll go see him.
It wasn't too difficult to borrow the family car with the pretense of going out to enjoy myself. They didn't know Wooyoung was the source of my melancholy. I haven't had the heart to tell them because they really liked him.
"Woo?" I knocked on his apartment door, the door that used to excite me, now terrified me.
No response. I knew for a fact that he was inside and was ignoring the hell out of me because his lights were on - he always turned them off whenever he was going somewhere all the time. I was getting extremely annoyed at this point, and my anger had nowhere to dissipate.
"Jung Wooyoung, I know you're in there," I knocked frantically. "Open the freaking door."
When I still got no reply, I had no choice but to get the spare key he hid under his doormat. I could've done it earlier, I wasn't in the mood to be disrespected right now.
The moment I swung his door open, I saw him. He was just there, sitting on a chair with his arms crossed, staring me directly in the eye. I stood by his doorway, frozen, staring back at him. 
"Close the damn door and sit down," he sighed exasperatedly. The cold indifference in his eyes was killing me.
The atmosphere was completely tense, I didn't even know where to start. I used to love being in his apartment, but now I was itching to get out.
Then I saw it - the same duffle bag he bought the glass prism to give me a lunar rainbow now filled with all of his clothes.
"What the hell is this?" I gritted, not being able to hold back the anger I was feeling at the moment.
"What does it look like?" he glared, his jaw taut and clenched tight.
"Is this why you weren't talking to me?" I asked, my voice full of hurt. "How can you do this, Wooyoung? How could you do this to us?"
He scoffed. "There is no us, my princess," he mocked. It stung, I didn't know this Wooyoung, or was this his true nature all along?
"Then why am I still your princess, then?"
There was a second where his eyes morphed back into the man I loved, but before it even lasted, it went to this hostile stranger than got off on the hurt he was giving me. He avoided eye contact, opting to look down and stare at the floor tiles. 
"Say something," I begged.
"I heard you," he snapped, as if I meant absolutely nothing to him. 
Clearly, he wasn't expecting me to even confront him at all, and intended to push me far, far away as long as he possibly could.
That refusal to smile, to show me any warmth was his way of being antagonistic towards me.
His eyes stopped at mine, and the moment it laid on me, I knew that there was nothing left for me to salvage. This is really the end.
Tears flowed nonstop from my eyes and before I knew it, I was in front of him, aggressively hitting his chest using my fist with all my might, hoping he could feel all the pain he gave me.
"Stop it, Y/N," he hissed, trying to avoid my hits. But I didn't. All the anger and sadness were so intertwined that I didn't know which one prevailed.
"I said stop it!", he shouted. He grabbed my wrists painfully and held them against his chest. "You better stop, or so God help me, I will make you stop, and trust me, you do not want that."
Something akin to fear crept into my chest. I have never, ever heard him raise his voice before.
"Had I known that you were going to be the bane of my existence, I would have ignored you at the park back then!" I screeched at him, trying very hard to get my hands back by thrashing around.
"Had I known you were going to be like this, I wouldn't have taken a photo of you!" Wooyoung's grip got so tight that I literally felt no blood circulating towards my hand.
"You good for nothing ass, you're hurting me! Let me go!" I growled, but it came out as a whine.
"Not until you calm down!"
We went back and forth like that, arguing like little children. The fight between us was a destruction in the making, tearing us instead of bounding us together.
I swallowed the anger that threatened to spill out of me, and it grew in my chest as the person I loved did absolutely nothing to wipe the tears from my eyes. At least he was a bit surprised when I screamed a scream from deep within, and it terrified the both of us because it didn't even sound like me.
"How am I supposed to look at anyone else?" I cried, my head leaning on his chest out of exhaustion. "I don't want anyone else anymore because I will be afraid to trust."
"I'm sorry," was all he said. He didn't even want to wrap his arms around me and just let me hang in there.
"No, you're not," I cried even harder. 
"Y/N, please, you're making this difficult for me," his voice breaks in the middle. I feel the intensity in his voice, a massive amount of emotion behind every word he spoke.
"And how do you think I feel, Wooyoung?"
"I understand, but--"
"This is how you are, full of excuses, full of shit!"
"Let me talk--"
"Why are you leaving me? Why are you--"
"Because I love you!"
I must've looked so shocked, so devastated, and so scared that Wooyoung, himself, started breaking down. We held each other as if it was our last, and at that moment, it was just the two of us against everything in this world.
Wooyoung held my face with his shaking hands, tears flowing down from his own eyes as he leaned his forehead against mine. That somehow made me cry harder. "I love you so much, goddamn it," he choked.
"But you're not going to stay," I whimpered against his criminal hold. 
Though he felt so warm right now, I knew it wasn't going to last. I could get lost in his eyes right now because they felt like home as we both cried in each other's arms. After all the countless nights I wished he felt the same, this felt foreign. 
He was an oasis in a barren desert and the best thing I could do was stare.
"You appearing in my life was never planned," he whispered. "I never expected to fall as deeply as I did with you, Y/N."
"If you feel the same, then why can't you stay with me?" I asked pitifully.
"I can't, baby, this wasn't supposed to happen," he took a deep breath. "I can't love you."
"You can't, or you won't?"
He didn't respond. That got him. I sighed.
"Woo, look at me?" I tilted his chin up very gently until he did. "Don't do this to us," I pleaded. "You're looking at me with clouded eyes right now, you know I see through your lies..."
Wooyoung doesn't reply, choosing to walk away from me to pace across the room in a fret. I watched him collect his mind apprehensively.
"If I can't have me, then no one can," he finally said.
I stared at him as my heart started slowly breaking once again. This incomprehensible pain was consuming me bit by bit, my heart was bleeding.
"I would regret it for the rest of my life if I don't chase the longest dream I've ever had," his eyes were laced in pain. "The photography world is waiting for me..."
"Is this why you didn't want anything or anyone tying you down to this place, Woo? You didn't want to commit because you might never want to leave?"
That was it. The way he looked at me told me everything I needed to know. I had lost him before I even had him, and I can only weep and let myself come to terms with the one that got away. So I cried, I cried as Wooyoung held me in his arms, rocking me back and forth like he used to when we spent time together.
"Hush now," he started crying with me. "I hate that it seems you were never enough." He hugged me tighter. "Because you are, you were more than enough."
"But I'm the one that should mean something! So help me understand," I sobbed harder in his arms, afraid to let him go because he might disappear if I do.
He wipes my tears away with his thumbs. "If one day we see each other again," he croaked. "However long that will take, we will try again for each other, okay?"
I shook my head like a crazed maniac, muttering no, no, no repeatedly. "Wooyoung," I wailed, holding onto his arms tightly. "P-Please don't leave me..."
I begged him over and over again like my life depended on it, and to be fair, I felt like I was going to die if he left me entirely. At this point I didn't care if I was going to be his second choice as long as he stayed.
"Y/N, please don't make this harder than it is," Wooyoung denied. "Go home, please I'm begging you. You're going to make me do something we'll both regret, please."
He was about to leave, but I held him back from behind, holding onto him as tight as I possibly could. "Stop it," he pleaded, trying to pry my arms off of him, but I held tighter, wailing harder.
"P-Please, please don't go," I bawled. "I'll do anything, I'll--"
"Stop it!"
His booming voice made me gasp, or maybe that was the sudden hold he had on my shoulders. The way his eyes darkened wasn't something I missed as his nails dug into my shoulders.
"Do not say that," he hissed, his dark eyes boring into me. "We are both in my room, alone. You know what that means, right?"
"So take me, Wooyoung."
Something changed in the air, and between the two of us right at this moment. Wooyoung's eyes widened a bit, his hold on my shoulders tightening , before he grimaced. "You don't know what you're saying," he laughed dryly.
I knew it was wrong, but right now I wanted nothing but to feel all of him. I will throw all the dignity I have right now, I don't care. The moment I begged him to stay, I'd lost it all, anyway.
"The notion of sin has never sat too well with me," Wooyoung gulped, his voice thick with lust.
"And leaving me does?" I blurted, my own eyes hazy with want.
Wooyoung shook his head fervently and sweat was beginning to form at his hairline. "Y/N, I am only a man, please don't make me do it..."
He buried his head in the crook of my neck, his breathing was so laboured and every time he took a breath, I felt everything on my skin. I mewled when I felt him pause, then lick the most sensitive part of my neck.
"Fuck, you smell and taste so good," Wooyoung growled.
Everything happened so fast. In a split second, his touch electrified every nerve in my body, the intoxication was instantaneous. He hurriedly grabbed my face and immediately put his lips on mine, like I was his air and he needed me to live.
His arms wrap around my back, and in one motion, our bodies collide. His hand was pulling and tugging my hair, muttering how soft they were in between kisses. I kiss him back with equal fervent, quickly opening my mouth so his tongue can explore. Our bodies fit together like we were made to do this.
He pulls away and we lock eyes for a moment, just enough to see that we were far too gone to stop, before we were back at it again, this time on his bed. The kiss we shared was of raw intensity, the groans he made behind his throat made every hair on my body stand up in attention.
"Baby," he groaned, his voice muffled because he was back to attacking my neck. 
"Hmm?" was I could reply with, especially with how rough he was kneading my breasts from under my shirt. 
"You held your breath for a minute straight while my tongue was in your throat."
I blushed deep. We were almost about to have sex and he still remembered that? I never thought his mouth would be this dirty.
We caressed each other's skin through the night, not getting enough of each other as we became one. His touches were exhilarating, whenever he laid his fingers on my skin tingles. Both of us move in sync, not taking our eyes off of each other.
There were no thoughts, and no focus - only lust and desire.
My back arches in anticipation from his light hands as he watches my reaction, feeling how my hands shook, watching my body tremble every time he used his fingers.
Whatever Wooyoung was doing, there was no stopping. Just his scent from above me was enough to incapacitate me. Every thrust he did was enough for me to fall deeper, and deeper for him and he never stopped until we were warm and snuggled after we were finished.
But nothing lasts forever - even guilty pleasures. 
"Wooyoung?" I asked nobody in particular the moment I woke up, my voice sore from all the screaming the night prior.
I sat up, covering my body with the blanket that smelled so much like him, looking around to see if he was somewhere since he wasn't lying down beside me on his own bed, but no. 
I didn't think much of it, maybe he just went to the bathroom to freshen up, but deep down my heart, I knew he had left.
There was something on the spot where Wooyoung was supposed to be - a piece of paper. I hesitantly picked up, realized it was a letter addressed to me, and opened its contents. Little dots of wetness dropped down the paper from every tear as I read on.
'To the one I'm letting go,
I'm sorry, Y/N. I am so, so sorry for everything I will put you through starting now. By the time you're reading this, I would have been long gone.
You will always be the most important person of my life, whether you believe it or not. You have absolutely no idea how wonderful and colourful you have made my life into for the past year and I always smile knowing that you'd be there to share my achievements with.
I knew I would develop feelings for you the moment I saw you in that park. God, you looked so beautiful. The fates were funny like that, because I wasn't even supposed to be at the park that day. My usual spot was unavailable that day.
Please be happy, do not forget your meals, study well so you can go into that college you've always wanted to, don't eat too many sweets because they make you hyper, be mindful of nuts in every food since you are allergic to them since I can't be there to check them for you anymore.
The gift of friendship as great as yours is something I will forever cherish in my heart, Y/N. Our little moments where we laughed and cried together still makes me happy to this day. You may have come into my life unexpectedly for what felt like a minute, but the mark you left will last us forever.
You're going to have to move on for me, and I will do the same, even if it hurts both of us, okay? I have to leave, it's either you or my dreams, and I know you have dreams of your own. This love will always hold us back.
However, if I see you again one day, I cannot guarantee that I will hold back because I am going to take you whether you like it or not and make you mine.
But for now? I cannot hate you, but I cannot love you either.
Yours, J. WY'
I hyperventilated, my hands shaking violently as I held the letter that might as well have been my death certificate.
I knew one way or another, this was going to happen and I was prepared for it so I wouldn't get hurt in the near future, but it hasn't fully hit me until now. 
Long ago, I had forgotten how to scream because they were either ignored or criticized with cruelty, but the way I screamed my soul out broke my own heart. My grief came in waves, ebbing gradually at the ocean that needed to bleed from my eyes.
"Oh, Wooyoung," I cried his name out pitifully, holding the letter close to my heart. I knew I loved him, but the loss of him really solidified how strong it was. How was I supposed to survive the feeling of something so dear that got forcefully ripped away from me?
I must've wallowed in my despair and self-pity a little too much, that I forgot that there were clutters and footsteps outside of the room. They were the reason I woke up. Could it be..?
I half heartedly rubbed my tear-stained face with my hands to make the swelling go away before I dressed up decent enough to step out.
The footsteps stopped when I apprehensively opened the door, the creak of it echoing across the otherwise barren room. 
My eyes widened and landed on two men who were both staring at me also wide-eyed the moment I opened my door, as if they were listening in on me suffering.
"Who the hell are you?!" I had meant for that to be threatening, but it came out as a pathetic squeak.
They both stepped back, surprised at the spunk I had even though it was clearly very early in the morning.
"We mean no harm, we promise," one of them said calmly. He reminded me of a bear, and the relaxed fit of his jeans that tucked his black tee made his form even bigger. "I'm Jongho, your brother and the two workaholics sent me..."
I raised my brow, he must be Hongjoong's assistant, the other workaholic was Mingi. Yeosang did also mention a best friend in passing. I raised a brow on the other one expecting him to talk.
He was tall, definitely taller than Mingi, and they kind of looked like each other, though this one reminded me of an overgrown puppy. He was very good-looking as well. He was lean, though there's definitely some bulk on him too.
He waves a set of keys in front of him. "I'm Yunho, San gave me the keys," he worriedly explained. "I was hoping you could explain. I made breakfast..."
The food was very good, but I didn't have the heart to tell Yunho that Wooyoung's cooking was the one I craved for. I gave them the letter Wooyoung had written for me as I filled them in on some details about what happened. They were Wooyoung's really close friends, so I didn't have to fill in too much details since they pretty much knew the majority of it.
"He never told you it was love at first sight," Yunho shook his head as he passed the letter for Jongho to read. "That bastard, I told him to stay away from you if he was just going to leave."
"We tried very hard to change his mind, believe me," Jongho sighed, taking a sip of the coffee I made him earlier. Both of his eyes shot up as he stared at me. "Though I suppose this is one of the reasons why he couldn't stay away."
That one struck a nerve. Wooyoung was the one who taught me how to make good coffee. 
Yunho cleared his throat. "San doesn't know Wooyoung has left yet. If he found out, he would beat the shit out of him. San liked you a lot, he convinced Wooyoung the most to stay."
"And Hongjoong?"
"Hongjoong is, well, he is who he is. He just knows everything. He probably told Yeosang because he didn't have the heart to tell you." 
Yunho's phone started ringing, it gave me a slight migraine because that thing was loud as hell. Yunho mutters a sheepish apology. "Hello?"
"Alright, which one of you soul-sucking bastards stole my keys?! What the hell is even happening?!"
That actually made me giggle. Now I know why these two were sent to check up on me - Yunho was very easy to get along with and Jongho was the rational one to balance things.
"Who is that?"
Yunho and Jongho took turns to fill San in on everything that went down, and I felt bad for him because that also meant that San lost a friend. His heartbroken questions were making tears in my eyes.
"Sannie," Jongho sighed. "This is why we took the keys, we didn't want you to find out this way."
"Where is he, then?" San's voice was tight.
"You don't know either?" Yunho asked in surprise.
"N-No, Y/N? Is she okay?"
That completely broke me. It was ironic that Wooyoung's friends, people I wasn't even that familiar with in the first place, were the ones more concerned about me. I bitterly let my tears out, with Jongho patting my back to comfort me.
I cried, and cried, and cried, and cried until I felt my voice grow weary with excessive use, not caring that these two strangers and a man on the phone heard me break down pitifully.
Forget about me, Wooyoung had also left the people who loved him as well - his friends. In that regard, he was extremely selfish because he knew that hurt he would give to everyone, but he chose to do what he did anyway.
And just like that, he was gone.
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I lost track of time, I don't even remember the last time I actually cared to check.
Depression is a silly thing, something that I used to think never ended, but it does actually; you're going to feel it when you hit rock bottom.
"Have a good day everyone," I waved from the doorway of Mingi's office.
The whole gang was here, except for my brother because he lived far away. Still, Yeosang has made it his life's mission to be there for me whenever I gave him a hint that I needed him the most. I felt bad, but I had nobody to turn to.
"Y/N, wait."
I was about to leave, to ignore that call, but I couldn't. Yes?"
Hongjoong stared at me for a full minute without saying anything, before sighing. "Take care of yourself."
I forced a smile on my face. I was happy that everyone was looking out for me even though I just can't outwardly express it. I actually appreciate that none of them were treating me like a wounded puppy.
Hongjoong might not look like he cared too much, but I notice his sharp eyes watching me when he thinks I wasn't looking. Wooyoung was the opposite.
Yunho was very sweet, he would often bake me pastries since I mentioned in passing that I loved them and they brought me joy. Wooyoung used to do that a lot.
Mingi was another nonchalant one. He would often offer me a vacation alone somewhere with all expenses paid. I denied. Being alone will make me think of Wooyoung more.
San was the one that accompanied me the most when I didn't want to move at all. He would bring me food at least four times a week to make sure I was eating. Wooyoung used to feed me, himself, if I wasn't in the mood.
Jongho, being the mature one, made me realize that there were more reasons to live this life. Perhaps it was my parents, maybe my pet dog, or maybe just to find out what happens tomorrow. Wooyoung had a very similar outlook in life. 
I was aimlessly walking around and I didn't even notice that I ended up on the bench I sat on, the same bench that had that beautiful wisteria tree. Only this time, there was no Wooyoung to take a candid photo of me.
"I guess I'm not the only one falling apart," I sighed, lightly touching the wilting petals of the once purple tree, now it was just a faded whitish lilac colour.
It was difficult to find happiness in the things that I used to like. I missed the way he hugged me, the sound of his voice, the tenderness in his actions. I missed the way he would whisper the corniest jokes against my ear and make me laugh, but most of all, I missed the way we used to be.
He was my first thought of the day, the light at the end of my tunnel. How must I separate these fantasies from reality? Would things be different if I didn't confess? Would he still be here?
The reality was that he has not had these fantasies, we did not build our dream together, so I have to let it go.
Even though he had left after the momentarily love we shared for one night, I can tell myself that at least I knew that he genuinely loved me at one point. My mind will be at peace because I wouldn't have to go manic wondering for the rest of my life if it was only me - I know now that we did truly mean something to each other. 
We're so distracted by how things end, we usually forget how beautiful the beginning was. 
It was a quote I heard somewhere. My love was a myth, but Wooyoung never believed in myths, and so that was both the start and end of our story. Some things are only real if you believe that they are. 
A lone tear slipped away as I remembered how beautiful the wisteria was when we had first met. His absence will be the best part of me, I decided, so hopefully for the last time after a while, I weep again. 
I will wait for him, no matter how long it took.
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I sat in front of the vanity table in my hotel room, staring at myself from the big mirror wearing my white satin robe, it made my complexion pop into a champagne rose hue. 
I made eye contact with the person looming behind me through the mirror. "Would you like me to tell them to adjust the makeup and your hair?" he asked me tenderly, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I figured you'd love a natural look so I made it happen."
"No, it's perfect, you always know what's best for me," I smiled widely, putting my hand on top of his gently. It was the truth, it managed to bring out me feminine side, and therefore, my self-confidence as well.
I was the happiest I've ever been today, especially because I was finally with the love of my life. He frowned a bit when I pulled him a bit closer to fix his slightly rumpled collar and hair.
"I like the blonde, my love," I ran my hand on it in a trickling motion so I wouldn't mess it up.
He smirks, grabbing my hand to kiss it. "Yeah? That's good, I was feeling tired of the red, plus I don't think it would be appropriate for today."
I chuckled a bit. I have always loved his style, it was so masculine but also so chic and sophisticated at the same time. He was already wearing the suit and tie I had chosen for him today.
I will miss the red hair though, I still remember feeling uneasy when I saw his red hair for the first time, but I have come to love it over time. This blonde was making me feel some type of way.
I took a glance at my wedding dress that was placed at the far corner of the room. The lace upon lace design was very cozy and snug against my curves and it made me feel like the most beautiful bride in the entire world.
"So what's the schedule, darling? Your photography session here alone or with your bridesmaids for now?" he glanced at his wristwatch.
"Alone for now," I hummed. "I want Joongie, Sannie, and Yeo in here right now. You should go check with Yuyu and Mangi if you need alterations, and oh, check with Jongbear if he's all set with the wedding songs later?"
Over the years, I have gotten so close with the gang and they've all become my bestest of friends. The journey wasn't easy, but at least I've gained seven other lifetime friends.
He chuckled, clicking his tongue in amusement. "Alright, but calm down," he plants a quick kiss on my lips. "As much as I love when you're in your thinking mode, I want you to relax for today."
"I can't help it, Seonghwa, I've never done this before," I pouted.
Seonghwa squeezed my hand lovingly. "I know, me neither, but I'll be with you through everything, okay? And don't worry about those three knuckleheads, they're on their way."
"I love you, Hwa."
"I love you more, darling."
As if on cue, there was a knock on the door and indeed, the three people I was expecting made their merry way towards me and Seonghwa. 
"Well, well, well," Yeosang strutted towards me. "If it isn't my favourite sister."
"I'm your only sister," I rolled my eyes, making everybody laugh. 
"Oh, Y/N, oh my goodness," Yeosang hugged me tightly. "Goddamn it, I shouldn't have gone here, you're going to make me cry."
"Shut up, Yeo, you're going to make me cry too," I choked, holding my tears back so I don't ruin my makeup. "I could barely hold myself when I saw Mom and Dad bawl their eyes out earlier."
It was like we were back in our childhood again where we supported each other whenever we got an achievement. We don't see each other much but our closeness never got less.
"I'm proud of you, you deserve this happiness," Yeosang smiled. "I'll see you out there, my back is hurting from Seonghwa glaring at my back for taking your time."
"I was not!"
"Some brother-in-law you are, Park Seonghwa!" Yeosang retorted.
We all laughed again, there's nothing better than having friends to celebrate your day with you. Yeosang left shortly and now I was with San and Hongjoong to check up on some things.
"The guests are coming in gradually," San lowered his glasses while he tapped away on his tablet. San was the one who arranged the beautiful venue of the outdoor garden where me and Seonghwa will marry as well as the food and invitations. 
San moved away from photography a couple of years ago and started a business on coordinating events. "I reckon they'll all be here within two hours," he continued, but paused hesitantly. "There might be one seat vacant, I'm not sure he'll come..."
The air was a bit tense. I knew who he was talking about. "It's okay, Sannie, we have back up photographers in case he doesn't want to do it..."
Hongjoong cleared his throat loudly. "Congratulations," he grinned from the other side of the room.
"Thanks, Joongie, you're the best," I grinned back, thanking him for more than what I was referring to.
Hongjoong was the one who designed my wedding dress from scratch, and Mingi designed Seonghwa's. It was their first wedding haute couture and definitely not their last.
"Any adjustments you want me to make? I would ask you to try it on, but that's bad luck. " he joked. I shook my head no. "Alright. But I'm sure you'll look good. We're very happy for you, Y/N, we really are."
It felt great to hear it in general, especially on my wedding day, but it meant a lot coming from Hongjoong. All of them were brothers to me, but he was the eldest one.
"Seonghwa, if you think of hurting her," San cracked his knuckles. "You know what will happen."
"Yeah, yeah, sure San, you're scared shitless of killing bugs, let alone beat me up," Seonghwa rolled his eyes, making us all laugh our heads off because it was so true.
Mingi, Yunho, and Jongho also popped in after a while to say their congratulations. Yunho was in charge of hosting the reception, which came naturally for him since he has such an engaging personality.
"I'm so nervous, what if I stutter?" Yunho groaned. "Though I'm sure Jongho here is more nervous."
"A little," Jongho admitted. We were all surprised, he usually does very well on literally everything.
"Jjong, you're literally the best singer I've ever heard," I cheered him on.
"It's not that, this is different. This is your wedding we're talking about."
"That's true and all," Mingi chided in. "But I'm pretty sure Seonghwa is the most nervous out of everybody. Y/N, you gotta tell his ass to calm down, I couldn't even properly adjust his suit, for God's sake!"
We all turned our heads when the sound of another knock resounded through the room. We all looked at each other in confusion, Yeosang was the only one not in here and he would never knock before entering.
Yunho took the initiative to open the door, although apprehensively. He opened the door in an angle where we couldn't see who was outside, but he did, and when he did, he gasped loudly.
"What the fuck!" he shut the door loudly and leaned against it, pale white.
The room was silent, Yunho wasn't the type to curse in general. We all looked at him with very wide eyes and he stared back with his mouth agape.
"Yun, what the hell was that?" Mingi broke the silence, as calm as the ocean.
"I-I, uhm, I-I don't th-think," he stuttered.
"Oh, what the hell," Jongho rolled his eyes, walking towards Yunho and pushing him out rather roughly so he could open the door himself.
Jongho muttered a curse under his breath, before closing the door a bit gently this time, but he also had the same shocked expression on his face. This time I was freaking out, wedding jitters and all.
"Yah!" someone on the other side shouted, banging on the door.
"Open the damn door!" Seonghwa seethed, but quickly muttered a 'sorry' when I glared at him.
Both Yunho and Jongho opened the double doors at the same time, and the person entered. My mind had a small explosion, my heart beating twice the speed it should have, and the hairs all over my body stood up in the collective gasps we all had when we saw him.
He was someone I never thought I'd ever see again, someone I dearly missed even though we ended on a sour note, someone I couldn't wait for anymore even though I told myself I would.
"Wooyoung," I whispered, a bit teary eyed.
"Wooyoung," Seonghwa confirmed, but I could see how nervous he became.
"Wooyoung?" Mingi asked in surprise.
"Wooyoung!" Hongjoong laughed in disbelief. "Wooyoung," San growled, gritting his teeth.
"Oh hello there, Wooyoung," Yeosang suddenly entered the room. I can tell he was upset, especially because he patted Wooyoung's back in a "friendly" manner.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Wooyoung screamed his signature loud screech, but it was too late.
His squawks get louder as everyone, except me and Seonghwa, swarmed him aggressively, like a mob that threatened to end his existence. There were laughter mixed with complaints but overall, everybody seemed happy.
"You crazy son of a bitch, you have us worried, you never even called or texted!"
"Wow, you're uglier than before---ow!"
"Don't ever think of leaving again!"
"Come here, you monkey!"
I felt Seonghwa tense from behind me. I patted his arm, causing him to look at me. I frowned a bit, his eyes held anxiety and inferiority. I understood, the man I used to love was here.
"Alright, alright! Get off me, you airheaded buffoons!" Wooyoung shouted, trying to push everyone off, but ended up laughing hysterically with Mingi and Jongho.
Hongjoong only shook his head and rolled his eyes but I can tell he was happy. San grabbed his collar harshly and for a moment, we thought he was angry, but he ended up pulling Wooyoung into a bone crushing hug and Yunho had to pull him away to give him a hug of his own.
Yunho had always carried the burden of guilt for the past year, he kept saying that he could have stopped Wooyoung back then. Yeosang ruffled Wooyoung's hair roughly, something he did when he's overwhelmed on how to express his feelings.
"Have you guys seen, uhm--oh," Wooyoung began, but faltered when his eyes met mine., his smile dropping in slow motion. He didn't know I'd be here.
The air became tense all of a sudden. A sudden heartache filled my mind with dread, flashbacks of what happened years ago reminding me of the bond we made only for it to break. But even though it hurt, I was genuinely happy he was here, so I put a smile on my face.
He was shocked, his eyes going back to the same twinkle he had back then, but it quickly disappeared when Seonghwa cleared his throat, then I saw it disappear permanently.
"We, uh, we should leave you guys to talk," Seonghwa murmured.
"A-Are you sure, Hwa?" I hesitated, holding onto his arm to stop him from moving. 
I wasn't the only one surprised when Seonghwa nodded lightheartedly. "Mhhm," he hummed. "Plus," he glanced at Wooyoung. "This is a long overdue conversation."
With that, everyone left the room, but not before Seonghwa shook Wooyoung's hand. My heart was filled with pride. "Nice to see you again, old friend," Seonghwa patted Wooyoung's shoulder gently. This is why I loved him, he trusted me wholeheartedly.
Seonghwa knew everything, from how Wooyoung met me, to how grateful I was for everything he's done for me, all the way to him leaving me. Seonghwa and Wooyoung and pretty much everyone used to be good friends but he had to move away when they were younger because of his parents' work. He cried for me, he cried for everything I've been through, and cried for how far I've become.
Wooyoung stood awkwardly from where he was after Seonghwa had left, and I didn't even know what to do either. I wasn't even sure if he was the same person he was before he left, three years was a long time. We were strangers to each other at this point because I definitely have changed.
"S-Sit, Wooyoung, please," I blurted, not looking him in the eye as I pointed at the sofa across from where I was.
I stared at him as he awkwardly did as he was told. The years have been bittersweet to him - he had become unbelievably handsome, but his eyes had lost that youth and spark to it. 
He had more muscle to him, and his face had matured into this angular and chiseled appearance - his brows were more prominent, his cheekbones higher, and his jaws stronger. His hair was longer too, instead of the bright red I knew him for, he had this black and blonde layered on top of each other like an Oreo cookie.
"How are you doing, Y/N?" he softly asked. Even his voice got deeper, more booming, but it was still as calming as I remembered it to be.
"I'm good, I feel really happy," I genuinely replied. "I'm glad you're able to come despite your schedule."
"Of course," he sighed. "I'm surprised you still invited me."
"Why wouldn't I?" I whispered, all the hurt threatening to spill out from me. "B-But how have you been? Did you get what you wanted?"
I knew the answer to that question. Of course he did, Wooyoung was now a well-known photographer who was in-demand all over South Korea. He was basically a celebrity, but I still wanted to hear it come from his mouth.
Wooyoung smiled tightly. "Yes and no," he said cryptically.
Wooyoung stared at me for a minute, his eyes not giving away what he was feeling. My heart almost burst out of my ribcage. He tried so hard, but he was fiddling with his pants, a sign he was nervous.
We might be two different people now, but I still knew him like the back of my hand. 
"So," he cleared his throat, finally looking away. "Seonghwa, huh?"
I hummed, letting him get away with the fact that he was changing the topic. "Yeah, we just clicked," I smiled shyly. "A couple of months after you left, Joong introduced us together..."
He nodded, choosing not to reply. It got awkward again after that, the silence filling the room in an uncomfortable manner. He was only a couple of feet away from me, but he felt like miles back. My heart cracked a little, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
"I-I'm happy for you, Y/N, I really am," his voice cracked towards the end. "Congratulations on y-your...wedding."
I swallowed a huge lump on my throat when I saw Wooyoung look down, his hands on either side of his head, cradling it as I heard him sniffle. It felt like thunder to my ears, but I chose not to comment on it so as to not embarrass him.
"It was nice the first year, I felt like I was on top of the world with nothing tying or holding me back," he laughed bitterly. "But afterwards, I felt like shit. I had no family, no friends, no you. Letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life."
I stayed silent, afraid that if I opened my mouth, I would cry too. "I'm afraid now, little dove, I'm so afraid of doing things now because that one, single mistake cost me my whole life..."
I bit my lip hard, my heart breaking a little bit more for him. Oh, how the tables have turned, I used to be the one that always got scared of trying something, and it took me a while to fully commit to Seonghwa.
"I am so, so sorry, Y/N..."
I let Wooyoung pour his heart out, letting him sob silently on the sofa. I gripped my robe tightly, wanting to go to him like the old times, but I couldn't, not because I didn't want to, but because Wooyoung needed his moment. He wasn't only crying for the both of us, but for the suffering, the loneliness of being alone, and everything he went through to get the success he longed to have.
"I'm proud of you, Wooyoung, you did well. You did what you had to do back then, I can't fault you for that," I told him. "Yes, I was mad at you, I'm not going to deny that, but I forgave you a long time ago."
I finally let out all the things I've always wanted to tell him. "One day you were just gone, you couldn't even explain why. We were best friends, soulmates, or so I thought."
"What killed me the most was I felt like our journey together had just begun, and you had left too soon," my breath hitched. "You came, then you left, and you took parts of me I didn't know existed, as well as yours because I never had the chance to explore you."
He stayed silent, listening to me like he once did years ago. "To this day I still ask myself what happened, Wooyoung, what would life have been if you had stayed? What would it be like if we did things differently? For the longest time, I blamed you for leaving, and then myself for letting you go so willingly."
Wooyoung shook his head. "It's not your fault," he gulped. "I blamed myself for your cries that I pretended not to hear, for the anger that consumed me, I blame myself for not holding your hand tighter, for the tears I did not wipe away, and I blame myself for the loss of you."
He stares at me with his tear-stained eyes, not bothering to cover all the emotions he tried to hide earlier. He grinned bitterly at me, I knew how much it meant for anyone to tell him how proud they were of him.
He puts his palm over his chest, eyes closed. "If only you can feel how hard this heart beats for you," he whispered. "It's all for you, but would you be mad if I told you it's not as strong as it once was?"
I wanted to hold his hand once more like we used to do when we were still together, not as lovers, but as good friends, but I was frozen on my chair.
"Why would I be?" I tilted my head curiously, tutting at him lightheartedly to lift the mood in the room. "You underestimate me."
Finally, he smiled genuinely. "I can't help it," he chuckled. "The intensity is less, I can't repair all the hurt I gave you."
He paused, hesitating if he should say what he wanted to say, but he opened his mouth anyway. "You were my dream after all," he whispered begrudgingly. "I was blind not to see it."
That did it. The dread and burden I've been feeling was finally lifted off of me and I finally feel lighter than a feather.
The wounds he gave me were still there and they will heal slowly, but I can't deny my own heart right at this moment.
"Woo?" I smiled tightly. He looked at me expectantly, and it made my insides mushy. "My heart that beated for you will never stop either, so don't beat yourself up. I can never get rid of it."
He stared at me like I held the stars from the sky and offered it to him. In hindsight, I might as well have done it. He scoffed lightly. The insinuation was there, but that's all there is - that I still held him in my heart but it stops here.
"Don't be afraid to try new things, weren't you the one who always told me that? You miss the shots you don't take. If you don't want to make the same mistakes as you did with me, grab them while they're still there," I shrugged.
It was like nothing happened, as if we weren't separated for so long because of our circumstances. We finally caught up, laughed, giggled, gossiped like we used to before things got bad between us. I missed him so much, the way he would laugh like a dying fox, the way his eyes crinkled up, all of it.
We talked, we cried, the whole nine yards. The missing piece I didn't know was missing until now finally completed me. How have I lived that long without him?
"You got your wish now," Wooyoung jokes. "You finally have Mars once you marry Seonghwa."
Ah yes, Seonghwa helped me all throughout my journey. If it wasn't for him, I would have been a goner.
I scoffed, the nostalgia hitting me like a ton of bricks. "I can't believe you still remember that," I laughed. "I do have Hwa now, yes, but the planetarium will always be my first Mars."
Wooyoung smirked playfully. "It had better be. I hated it."
"What?" I threw a pillow at him jokingly. "Why did you take me then?"
"I guess you're going to have to find out, hmm?" he snickered.
He was about to throw a pillow at me too, but when he saw my solemn expression, he stopped. 
This time the nostalgia hit us both. That was exactly what he said when I asked if I had to pay for the very first photo he took of me.
Instead of being sad, one look at each other and we burst out laughing, giggling, and guffawing like hyenas in the wild, not caring if anybody heard us and thought we were crazy.
"Y/N?" Wooyoung uttered endearingly. I hummed in response. "Can I hold your hand for the last time?"
I held my hands for him, and he grabbed it so gently I wanted to cry. They were warm, and he held on yet simultaneously set me free.
He brought my hands to his chest, looking like he wanted to kiss them, but he held back out of respect for Seonghwa. Instead of his lips, tears fell onto them.
"If there is another life," he whispered. "I hope I can meet you again and if not, I will find you until I cease to breathe."
His heartbeat was so steady, and I felt my body shake, and once more, my eyes filled with unshed tears and I cried for the both of us this time. He releases one of my hands and wipes my tears delicately.
"Please don't cry, not for me again," he croaked, trying his very best to stop his own tears. "I don't want you to ruin your makeup."
"It's okay, Seonghwa and his team did my makeup anyway," I sniffled. "I hope in the next life you're not going to hate that you need me."
"Never," he objected. "Even if we don't remember, my heart will know."
I swatted his arm playfully. I never meant to giggle a little at that, he had always been so poetic and so cheesy. I guess some things never change.
"Stay for the wedding and reception, please?" I fretted. "I want my best friend there. Mingi tailored a suit for you in case you came."
I was nervous, afraid that he would reject my plea because he might feel out of place. I sighed a breath of relief when I saw him beam.
"I'll be there," Wooyoung mused. "I owe you this at least, Y/N, and I am going to give you and Seonghwa the best photos you both will ever see."
I cheered internally, but my excitement tipped over the top and I couldn't help but outwardly show it. Wooyoung laughed and we finally pulled ourselves in a hug to seal the deal. It was enough to make up for all the years we spent apart because one touch entwined our souls.
I realized that the electric spark that once tickled my skin whenever Wooyoung touched me was still there, and it was as strong as I knew it to be, but they no longer burned.
More tears made their way on Wooyoung's shirt when I recognized that I had healed a long time ago. I had mourned my loss and woke up anew, and the passing time did wonders too.
"Did you feel that?" Wooyoung mumbled, and I knew he referred to that spark.
"Yes," I squeaked. "Yes, I did. But why did you lie?"
Wooyoung paused from rubbing soothing circles on my back. "What do you mean?"
"I can feel your heart. The intensity never lessened, Wooyoung, you lied."
He pulled away from me, his lips pursed as he held my face with his hands. "I have to," he admitted. "I can't ruin the happiness you have found for yourself."
There were no words that needed to be spoken. We had finally found the closure we both needed.
The rest of Ateez entered the room one by one and gave both of us a knowing look. Wooyoung and I both grinned at them and gave them a thumbs up, to which they cheered loudly.
"You good, darling?" Seonghwa kissed my forehead as the others whisked Wooyoung away with teasing tones so he could change his outfit.
"Thank you, Hwa, thank you so much," I gushed, melting at his solemn embrace.
Seonghwa had always been there for me, he was so loving and patient towards me, and most of all, Seonghwa had chosen me, and I chose him.
He had his work too, he was a makeup artist, and that required traveling a lot, but instead of leaving me like Wooyoung did, Seonghwa did everything in his power to take me with him so we could be together. He didn't give up on the love we shared.
Wooyoung and I still loved each other dearly, but we had chosen our paths a long, long time ago - he chose to leave, and I chose to move on with my life. Seonghwa had made me realize that if you really loved somebody, nothing will stop you. 
I kissed my future husband tenderly on the lips, to which he returned with urgency. The love I felt for him was different from the love I had for Wooyoung, but it burned just as brighter, if not stronger.
It was the true love I had longed to have.
Seonghwa and I finally tied the knot. Our wedding was a celebration of our love and those who came to celebrate it with us. It was simple, pure and all I ever wanted.
"I, Park Seonghwa, promise to love you, L/N Y/N, and cherish you until my last breath, and even then, you have to make sure I'm dead because I will always come back to you," he vowed, making a couple of people laugh. "You came in at the right time of my life, and I promise that for as long as I am here, I will make you the happiest woman on Earth. I love you so, so much, my darling."
I couldn't even get the words out, tearing up profusely especially with how Seonghwa looked at me with such love. At this point I wasn't the only one sniffling.
"I, L/N Y/N, promise to love you, Park Seonghwa, and cherish you until--- wait, if you go, then I'll be lonely, so please don't go," I giggled along with our friends and family. "You are the reason I'm alive, and I cannot believe I am marrying the love of my life. I will be yours as you want me to, Hwa."
The moment the priest announced that Seonghwa can kiss the bride, everybody whooped and cheered loudly and I couldn't help but laugh in between my now husband's kiss. I could've sworn I saw Hongjoong shed a tear or two but San was too busy teasing the elder by cooing at him mockingly.
Yeosang almost protested when Seonghwa's kiss lasted a little too long, but Wooyoung had quickly covered his mouth and pulled him away while he flailed his arms comically.
The wedding reception was a beautiful garden party that oversaw the lake. We were all surrounded by the fragrant petals that amplified the romantic sunset that gave the sky a pretty tinge of pink and purple.
Yunho was a wonderful host despite the initial nervousness he held and there was never a dull moment, especially when Mingi had caught the flower bouquet I had thrown over my shoulder. The gentle giant's reddened face was definitely the highlight of the night.
Jongho's voice filled the entire reception, to which me and Seonghwa encouraged everybody to dance to the rhythm whether Jongho sang a passionate song for us or an upbeat jazzy tune that made all of us dance the night away. Of course in between, me and my now husband would kiss and everyone would hoot.
Just as our wedding and love were elegant and sweet, so was our wedding cake. Everybody dwindled down to eat and drink to their heart's content. My feet were killing me anyway so I chose to sit down at my spot at the front with Seonghwa.
"You really went all out with this, huh?" I teased him.
He laughed, his deep sending delicious shivers up my spine. "Heck yeah," he snorted. "This is a once in a lifetime thing, baby."
As we watched everyone enjoy the night with their friends and family, I saw Wooyoung bowing to this old man, a friend of my father's, with a huge smile on his face after giving him his calling card.
I was happy for him, it looks like he finally followed his heart and scored another deal after being scared of doing another one. I watched him take his phone out and call somebody giddily, and when he dropped the call, I laughed as I saw him punch the air in excitement.
It was as if he knew someone was watching him. Wooyoung looked back and we made eye contact for the last time as old lovers. There were no words between us, but a million things in our eyes as we finally let go of all the hurt.
He smiled at me, nodding once, and I did the same, smiling back at him softly, before he turned around and left the venue.
And just like that, he was gone.
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Deja Vu
hades!seonghwa x persephone!reader / prosecutor!seonghwa x florist!reader
past life/reincarnation au
genre and warnings: a lot of fluff, lots of angst, slow burn, suggestive, swearing, violence warning
word count: 22k
synopsis: you move to the city to open a floral cafe with wooyoung but encounter seonghwa by chance and become involved with him as he investigates the biggest drug scandal in the history of wonderland. however, a number of coincidences follow and you start to question if you were meant to meet him especially when you're plagued by dreams of another life with him. as the events of the past intertwine with the present, you both struggle to keep your feelings in check.
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There were a number of things you had been afraid of ever since you moved into the heart of Sector 1 to live with your friend Siyeon after spending your whole childhood with your overbearing mother at the outskirts of the town.
Some of them included the ‘basic’ fears that you shared with your mom- you’d get into an accident, get kidnapped, get in trouble, etc. The list was never ending and also unlikely to happen if you had to say.
Your own fears were more like your mom paying a surprise visit to check on you, finding Siyeon doing something weird like she was always doing and take you back home. Or, she could be visiting the city and accidentally run across you and Wooyoung while you scrooged the area for a potential place for your cafe, find Wooyoung doing some crazy shit like he was always doing, and lose her blind trust in him and take you back home. You were surrounded by the craziest people but somehow, your mother trusted you with both Siyeon and Wooyoung.
However, as you grabbed the hand of a stranger and ran for your life while gunshots sounded behind you, your first thought was, now that’s one scenario I didn’t prepare myself for. Especially when you didn’t even know why you were running.
You ran from one street into another, his hand gripping yours tightly, until you took the lead and slid into a narrow alley, hiding yourselves behind large boxes. You both waited for the sound of running footsteps to fade when you finally looked at him-
And found a very familiar face staring at you. You frowned in confusion- you had definitely seen him somewhere, but you couldn’t recall where. And he, too, frowned as if he was trying to make sense of you. You scanned his appearance- he was dressed in a suit, his dark hair matted on his forehead, eyes sharp. You licked your dry lips. “I’m sorry- do I know you?”
“If you’re wondering why I dragged you,” he said and you thought his rich deep voice sounded familiar too, “Those men were after me. They wouldn’t have cared if you had gotten in the way- they would have hurt you.”
You rested your head against the wall, trying not to groan. You were out of breath. The man asked you to wait and went to check if the area was clear. He returned looking relieved and offered you his hand which you took to get up. He took out a card. “Prosecutor Park Seonghwa. I’m sorry for involving you- investigation went wrong.”
You gave him a sceptical look as you scanned the card. “Must be a dangerous case you’re working on.”
“You could say that,” he shrugged. “Are you alright? You scraped your feet- let me take a look at that.”
Before you could protest, he was down on one knee examining the long slash across your feet. It wasn’t noticeable when you were running but it ached now. You stepped back. “I’m okay.”
“Are you sure? It looks painful,” he bit his lips as he got up, looking guilty. 
“I didn’t even notice it before-”
“Let me accompany you to the convenience store then,” he insisted. 
“It’s not necessary,” you almost pouted but he didn’t look like he was going to back away. “Okay. I’ll accept that as an apology.”
He scoffed, urging you to follow him, watching you to check if you had a problem walking. Thankfully, you didn’t and you walked with him to the store which was a few minutes away. He made you sit inside and paid for the first aid and while you applied ointment on the wound, he made you some ramen and even got a few side dishes.
“You didn’t have to,” you smiled at the gesture. 
“I also need something in my system right now,” he sighed, sliding you the chopsticks. “I must say that I didn’t expect you to be this calm about it.”
You wondered if you could tell him that there were a number of scenarios you were more scared about, and most of them included your mother. “I’ve seen worse. Not guns,” you corrected when he raised his eyebrows at you. “But… yeah, nevermind. I guess I’m good at keeping my cool.”
“You must be, Miss…”
You told him your name and he nodded along, taking a bite of his ramen. You watched him curiously. “Is this your first time being chased like this?”
“Not really, no,” he replied. “Sadly, I’m kind of used to this now.”
“That’s a shame,” you took a bite, thinking. “I mean… what if something happens to you? Because you could have died- we could have died tonight. So if you die now, won't you have any regrets?”
He gave you a curious look and you memorised his face- he was very handsome, you noticed. You couldn’t stop staring at him and you were wondering if it was because you wanted to recall where you had seen him or because he simply was too handsome to not look at. He took a deep breath. “I would like to finish this case before I die. It’s more complicated than I thought and if I don’t get to the end of it, I’m afraid no one will.”
“That’s a work-related regret,” you pointed out in disappointment. 
“What about you?”
“Well, I also have unfinished business, quite literally,” you laughed. “I’m opening a floral cafe with my friend. I’ve been dreaming about it for like, a decade. I’d like to serve at least one customer before I die.”
“Isn’t that a work-related regret as well?”
“It’s my dream too, but I suppose you’re right,” you grinned and he joined despite himself, waiting for your answer. “I’d like to explore a bit. Live a little.”
Seonghwa could resonate with that. “I think I’d like to live a little too.”
You nodded, finishing the food. “Thank you so much for this- you really didn’t have to.”
“Consider it my apology for involving you,” he said. “Can I have your contact number? I might have to call you for a witness statement, if you’re alright with that.”
“Sure,” you took out his card and texted him on the number. “I don’t think I’ll have much to say though.”
“That’s okay, it’s just for paperwork,” he assured you and you got up, telling him you’d take a cab back home. You watched him leave first and then you slumped down on the chair as you wondered if those familiar sharp eyes were the ones you’ve been dreaming about for almost half your life.
What would that mean for you?
Flowers often wilted under your touch, and though your mother called it ‘wrong’, it somehow felt right.
That didn’t mean you felt excited about it. You were the goddess of spring. You were supposed to give life to flowers, not kill them.
You sat by the stream, digging your fingers under the soil. You laughed to yourself as you scanned the dead flowers around you, and you wondered what Lord Hades would think about this, because it seemed like the flowers were-
“Straight from the Underworld,” a voice sounded and you froze for a moment before you turned towards the dark figure of Hades announcing his arrival. You tried to look at his face- you could almost see it now…
“Interesting that they call you Persephone,” the King of the Underworld slid closer and then was down on one knee before you. “Why did you call me here?”
“I- I didn’t call you,” you managed to say, wanting to scoot away from him but you were captivated. “How?”
He smiled, glancing at your fingers still buried under the soil. Gently, he held your wrists and took them out, dusting your hands carefully. You tried taking your hands away. “I could hurt you.”
“No, you won’t,” he said nonchalantly before looking at you. “Have you ever hurt someone?”
“I think I have,” you found yourself saying. 
“And why would a sweet thing like you hurt someone?” He took one of the wilted flowers and tucked it behind your ear. “They probably deserved it, didn’t they?”
You were about to say something but he got up. “Go back before Demeter comes to find you. I’m not sure she’ll like this.”
“But…” you sighed, an indescribable ache in your heart. “I don’t know what to do. I feel helpless.”
“You’re not alone,” he simply said. “And if you ever feel lost, you can call for me.”
This wasn’t the first time you had that dream, however, this was the first time the voice sounded so familiar. 
As you got ready, pairing accessories with your pastel blue outfit, you wondered if you were closer to discovering the identity of the person you were dreaming about for so long.
Yes, it was probably a fictional story your mind had created for the sole purpose of your entertainment, where you were playing Persephone and your mother was playing Demeter. When you first started having these dreams a few years ago, though not as frequently as nowadays, you let the story play in your head until one day something occurred to you which prompted you to google the story of Persephone and Hades-
And left you gaping in surprise because it really did seem like you were legitimately seeing it from Persephone’s eyes.
You never mentioned it to anyone. You weren’t so sure you needed to- after all, there were various interpretations of the stories of the Greek gods. However, the character of Hades intrigued you a lot, and it was a shame you could never remember just who he was. Also, it didn’t help that your mother had been calling you Kore forever- she had been obsessed with Greek mythologies when you were little and read those to you as your bedtime stories. 
Perhaps these dreams were a result of hearing those dreams as a child, a trauma-
“If you’re done staring at yourself, the breakfast’s getting cold,” Siyeon popped her head in your room, snickering. “It’s only Wooyoung. Who are you getting pretty for?”
You glared at her. “Rich coming from you when we all know how big a crush you harbour-”
“Shut up and be at the table in a minute if you want me to drop you off.”
“Alright, madame,” you made a face and sighed, your mind wandering off to the familiar voice of Hades-
Your phone vibrated and you read the text from Prosecutor Park Seonghwa asking you if you were available to meet at the police station in an hour. You texted that you were and told Wooyoung that you were going to be a bit late before joining Siyeon at the table.
“Wooyoung told me you might have found a place for your cafe?” Siyeon asked and you nodded.
“We’re reviewing our options today and I hope we can finalise something,” you took a sip of coffee, sighing as you slumped back. “It’s about time we actually started running the business instead of just dreaming about it.”
“Right,” Siyeon nodded. “Your mother called me last night. Apparently you weren’t picking up?”
“Oh, I forgot to call her back,” you groaned. “What did she say?”
“Just the usual,” she grinned. “Tell y/n to stay safe, pick up her calls, stop roaming around so late at night- I don’t know how she’s gonna digest the idea of you and Wooyoung working together with actual people around you until midnight.”
“Yeah, I told her to be mentally prepared. I don’t know when she’ll understand I’m not a kid…” you sighed deeply. “Though after last night, I can kind of understand why she’s like this…”
“What happened last night?” Siyeon frowned.
You told her your story on the way to the police station where she was to drop you off. She was surprised but also momentarily got possessed by your mother as she scolded you for roaming around strange places all alone so late at night. When you arrived, the prosecutor was already waiting for you and Siyeon did a double take.
“That’s the Prosecutor that got you in trouble?”
You raised a brow. “You know him?”
Siyeon scoffed, getting out of the car and haughtily walking towards the prosecutor who looked at her and then at you, and then groaned.
“I can’t believe you almost killed my friend, Park Seonghwa.”
You gaped between the two, and he sighed deeply. “That’s an exaggeration, but good to see you too.”
“This is the Prosecutor who made my life at work hell a year ago,” she pointed and you nodded in realisation, stifling your smile- you had only heard bad things about him. 
“But we became friends over a few drinks, didn’t we, Siyeon? Or are you going to forget how I helped you out and saved your sorry ass?”
“I’m sure he was just doing his job,” you patted Siyeon’s arm. “You should go now- stop giving him that look.”
Siyeon glared at Seonghwa before saying bye and you gave the man a sorry look. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long, Prosecutor Park.” 
“Just call me Seonghwa. I’m sorry I had to call you. I would have dealt with it, but…” he sighed. “The police here don’t really like me.”
You looked at him in confusion and he led you inside. The officer in charge of the case made you both wait 10 minutes just because he was going through his phone (judging by the smile on his face, you were pretty sure he was talking to his partner), and though you both had stayed silent while you waited, you decided to break the ice. 
“Looks like you have some beef with him,” you commented.
“I don’t have beef with him,” Seonghwa laughed, caught off-guard by your comment and it made you stifle a grin. “We’ve just not had the chance to meet on good terms.”
“Same difference,” you muttered. 
Before he could retort, the officer finally looked up from his phone and gave you two a tired look, fixing his gaze on Seonghwa. “Prosecutor Park… ever so busy, eh? Still going after the elites just because they seem to be having fun? Still called the Underworld’s Grim Reaper?”
You blinked at the nickname and then it dawned on you why his voice sounded so familiar-
It was the same voice you had been hearing in your dreams.
“Officer Lee… I see you haven’t changed. I thought you got promoted after you rattled on about me to the superiors, but… too bad.”
The officer gruntled at that and you pursed your lips, looking back and forth between the two. Before they could make another jab, you cleared your throat and raised your hand awkwardly. “I’m here.”
Officer Lee passed you a page. “Fill this up and then answer my questions.”
You filled the page with your private information and then the officer asked you to narrate the events. By the end of it, he was tsk-ing at Seonghwa. “Now you’re troubling innocent civilians too. Do you have to go so far? Don’t you remember the last time you got a civilian involved-”
“You don’t have to worry about her inconvenience,” Seonghwa countered. “She’s a… friend.”
You raised a brow at that but decided to play along- it looked like the officer really wanted to get to him and you wondered just what had happened between the two. 
“Well, you’re free to go then,” he said after he asked you to narrate the event and you got up, bowing and waiting for Seonghwa who was still glaring at the man and then he exhaled deeply, getting up and going ahead without waiting for you. You followed him outside, watching him stop and run a hand through his hair, almost in frustration.
“You okay?” You asked cautiously. 
“Yeah. I’m good,” he nodded after a moment, scanning you- you suddenly felt like a child out of place in your pastel outfit. “Do you need me to drop you off?”
“No, it’s okay, I’m meeting a friend at the intersection,” you told him. “I’ll walk.”
“I’m passing by, so get in,” he motioned to the car and went ahead before you could refuse his offer, making you shrug and follow.
“Sorry for today,” Seonghwa said after a minute as he drove. “I won’t bother you again.”
“It’s okay, I didn’t mind,” you told him.
“I’m sorry for that day too,” he continued. “I could have gotten you killed, like Siyeon said.”
“It’s okay, it was just a big coincidence,” you shrugged and he glanced at you. “I’m just glad we’re both unhurt.”
Seonghwa raised a brow at your candidness. “Have you always lived in Sector 1?”
“I lived near the Sector 2 border- the town with the hills,” you told him. “I commuted for college and moved here not too long ago.”
“Is that where you met Siyeon too?”
“No, we’re school friends,” you smiled. “She also lived there back then.”
“Ah, I see.” A ghost of a smile lingered at Seonghwa’s face and you watched him, intrigued. “I don’t think Siyeon ever mentioned you but… we weren’t best friends either.”
“Siyeon never mentioned you either, I think- not directly. She did mention some jerk making it hard at work, but,” you laughed and he joined. “That’s about it.”
You spotted the intersection and told him to drop you off there. He offered to wait with you until your friend arrived, but you insisted that it was fine. Seonghwa did look at you a moment too long before he sighed. “I guess this is goodbye then. We probably won’t be seeing each other again.”
You scanned him, his sharp eyes just as familiar as his voice. You wondered if the ache in your heart meant anything. “Let’s hope if we do meet each other again, it’s when we’re not running for our lives or going to a police station.”
Seonghwa smiled at that and you watched his face transform into pure warmth, his eyes sparkling. “Sounds good.”
You watched him leave, wondering just what his deal was. He seemed to be dealing with a lot and you made a mental note to ask Siyeon just what exactly the officer meant by him being the Underworld’s Grim Reaper. At the sound of a horn, you turned to Wooyoung sticking out his neck and waving at you and you immediately got in the front seat.
“Did I keep you for long?” He patted your arm as a greeting before he drove off.
“Not at all,” you told him. “I hope you’re in full spirits because we’ve had enough of scouring potential buildings for our cafe. We need to decide today, Wooyoung. Don’t be a sloth.”
“Okay, okay,” he nodded his head furiously, his dark hair falling over his forehead. “I have a feeling that today is a lucky day.”
Today was indeed lucky. By the late evening, you went through your top 5 picks and decided on a spot to open your cafe- it wasn’t in the hotspot of the city but quite near it, and you were very satisfied by its architectural design which allowed you to make the most of the ‘floral’ part of the cafe. Wooyoung had no problem with it either, so you signed the deal and shook hands with him.
“I can’t believe we managed to do this today- I thought we were bluffing!”
“When I put my mind to something, I do it, y/n,” he simply stated. “Now let’s go for dinner- I’ll call the boys and you can call Siyeon- I hope some of them can make it. I need to introduce you to my other friends too.”
“Yeah, you know how hard it was for me to come back here when college was over,” you sighed. “And your ‘other friends’ are always too busy.”
“We should plan a proper party, though, what do you say?” Wooyoung asked. “We’ll treat them and then force them to help us.”
“That… sounds pretty good actually,” you grinned at him and he grinned back, bumping his fist with you as you both plotted the demise of your friends and how to exploit their services. 
With that, you and Wooyoung arranged a welcome party at a restaurant near your cafe on the weekend so you could have dinner first and visit the venue later. You invited Siyeon, which you started regretting when she decided she was in charge of dressing you up for the night, and you ended up in all black, with your hair and makeup more edgier than usual- she insisted you needed to look like you had your shit together and could tolerate doing business with Wooyoung which was no small feat. She still couldn’t believe how Wooyoung, who was the loudest and most blunt and outgoing person she knew, could be friends with you who was timid and always fidgeting with her words.
“But you can shut Wooyoung up, so I guess that counts for something.”
“I can shut you up too,” you countered. Siyeon snickered at that but didn’t deny it- you may have grown up sheltered and were just learning about real life and its responsibilities now, but Siyeon knew there was an undeniable fire within you. 
“But I don’t blab as much as him,” Siyeon pouted.
“Gosh, just tell Wooyoung that you like him, you’re so corny,” you threw your makeup sponge at her as she turned to hide her face after making that comment.
“I don’t like him,” she looked baffled. “He’s too much.”
However, as you entered the restaurant, you watched how Siyeon’s eyes darted immediately to Wooyoung and you rolled your eyes, greeting the rest of his friends- Yunho, Mingi and someone you hadn’t seen before. Yunho and Mingi you knew from college and met with them often.
“This is the famous Kim Hongjoong who is very hard to reach,” Wooyoung pointed and Hongjoong laughed in embarrassment. “You two better get along. We’re still missing one, but he’ll be here soon- he said we could start dinner without him.”
“Oh, we could wait?” You asked but Wooyoung told you it was okay, and you sat across Hongjoong, learning that he was a famous composer and Wooyoung told you that he was producing a soundtrack for your cafe as a gift too, which you really appreciated.
“Once I see what the vibe is, I’ll come up with something,” Hongjoong promised.
“No way, aren’t you asking too much from him, Wooyoung?” You looked around in disbelief and everyone laughed.
“It’s the least I can do-”
“It’s the least he can do,” Wooyoung announced and you laughed harder, Hongjoong promising to mess up the track if Wooyoung annoyed him too much and you enjoyed the bickering as you finished dinner and you all decided to walk to the cafe. You fell behind the group, watching them laugh over something and you smiled to yourself, glad you had such good people in your life-
You turned to your right and spotted none other than Seonghwa, dressed in a suit, probably coming straight from work, holding a big wrapped box. You met eyes with him and he stopped in his tracks when he saw you with the rest of his friends.
While you both stood gaping at each other, you suddenly had a flashback of the recent dream you had-
“I wish you weren’t so afraid, Persephone,” Hades crawled behind you, letting his fingers run down your sleeves and catch your trembling fingers- somehow, his touch comforted you more than anything else in this world.
“I just don’t understand what I’m supposed to do,” your voice wasn’t even and you looked down, watching his fingers interlock with yours as he rested his face next to your head. “I’m supposed to be the goddess of spring but all I seem to do these days is destroy.”
“And who said you were only the goddess of spring?” Hades' voice held a hint of playfulness. “You can be more than one thing.”
“Could I?” You smiled, embarrassed, moving away from him. Perhaps, he was trying to make you feel better. “I’m not even good at one thing.”
“You think we’re good at what we do?” Hades went to sit by the tree in front of you. “I can barely handle the Underworld these days.”
You sat near him, gazing at him out of curiosity. “What is the Underworld like?”
“Would you like to see?” Hades leaned in and for a moment, just for the shortest moment, your heart was gripped by the fear of your mother finding out who you’ve been hanging out with lately. 
“I don’t think I should leave the mortal realm,” you pouted. “Mother would instantly know I’m gone.”
“You don’t have to leave to see it,” Hades was smirking. “I can show you- close your eyes.”
You did and you felt his fingers on your forehead- and then you were suddenly shivering with cold, couldn’t see anything except darkness- until you realised you could actually see and it was just incredibly dark.
“This is the Underworld,” Hades said. “Where I live. A city down there. We have rivers too, but I’m not sure you’d like them.”
“How can I see this?”
“This is just my memory,” Hades said, drawing his fingers away and you opened your eyes, blinking a couple of times.
“It’s so cold there,” you tilted your head, grabbing his hand without a second thought. “You’re always cold.”
Hades frowned- could you actually feel the place from his memory alone? “I’ve clearly underestimated your powers, it seems.”
“I know just what that place needs,” you smiled, ignoring his remark- you tended to ignore anyone who talked about your powers. You watched Hades’ brow rise in confusion. 
“It needs a touch of spring.”
Wooyoung all but attacked Seonghwa with a hug that had him grimacing, going on about how he made it just on time but it was a pity that he had to miss dinner. When Wooyoung was about to introduce you two, you looked at Siyeon who muttered, “What a big fucking coincidence.”
You giggled at that, and Wooyoung looked between you and Siyeon. “Why does it look like you already know him?”
“That’s because she does, you idiot,” Siyeon slapped Wooyoung’s arm. “You should have told me he was coming. You know I have beef with him.”
“And that’s exactly why I didn’t,” Wooyoung looked proud and Seonghwa rolled his eyes. “I’m aware Siyeon and Seonghwa know each other from work, but how do you know him?”
“Uh… it’s a long story,” you shrugged, looking at Seonghwa for help.
“She was a witness in a case I’m working,” was Seonghwa’s short explanation and you nodded eagerly, hoping he wouldn’t ask more. Wooyoung didn’t, just dragged Seonghwa to the front and he greeted the rest.
“They’re old friends, huh?” You let out a short laugh, looking at Siyeon who looked both annoyed and curious. “Sure is a small world we live in.”
You reached the cafe and Wooyoung called you to the front, putting an arm around you. “This is us.”
“You sound like a married couple who just bought a house,” Mingi laughed.
“Might as well be,” Wooyoung scoffed. “Come in, let’s show you around.”
Wooyoung did most of the talking while you added in the details, showing them the main sitting area and a few private corners for people who would want to work in peace while having a break. The kitchen was huge and well-equipped as well, and upstairs, there was a terrace that you would be utilising for the customers as well, with two separate rooms that would be your offices. 
“We really won in the luck department with this one,” you finished showing them around, taking a seat with the rest on the terrace where Wooyoung opened the bottle of wine Seonghwa had brought as a gift. “I never thought I’d have a room here as well. I could practically live here.”
“That wouldn’t be very safe,” Seonghwa said.
“I know, but on the days when I’m too tired to go home, I could take a little nap here,” you shrugged. 
“Now that we’re all present and I’m pouring you all wine to commence the beginning,” Wooyoung finally began the speech you were expecting and you stifled your laugh. “I better see each one of your ass working with us.”
Hongjoong stopped in the middle of drinking. “Working how exactly?”
“Help us move!” Wooyoung slumped down. “Help us bring this place to life! With only the two of us, it’s going to take forever, especially with y/n’s clumsy ass-”
“I’m not the one who fell on her face because I was too busy looking upwards when I walked,” you muttered, referring to moments ago when Wooyoung tripped on empty boxes while he was walking, making everyone laugh out loud.
“Not the point!” Wooyoung glared at you and you glared back. “Anyways, all of you better be present here.”
“You’re only going to order us around and do absolutely nothing!” Mingi pointed his finger at him. “I still remember when I thought it was a good idea to move in with you.”
“I could help, but I expect something in return,” Yunho said and Siyeon clapped at that.
“My point exactly.”
“You owe me one in case you forgot, Yunho,” Wooyoung pointed his finger at him and Yunho grinned. “As for Siyeon… she could get a special discount.”
That fueled an argument on why he didn’t offer the ‘special’ discount to anyone else and Siyeon announced she didn’t need anything from Wooyoung, which made you elbow her. 
“We’re all busy and have a life, Wooyoung,” Seonghwa finally said and the boys clapped enthusiastically at that. “But… I’ll come around if I have some free time. And the rest of you should as well- otherwise don’t expect them to treat you any differently from the rest of their customers.”
You both were satisfied to hear that while the rest groaned, making promises to come and help, teasing each other. You opened a bag of chips and offered some to Seonghwa who was sitting near you.
“Funny seeing you here tonight,” he said as he took a few. “I didn’t recognise you for a moment. You look different.”
“That’s all Siyeon,” you touched your hair consciously, tucking behind your ears. “I thought you were just passing by. Seems like we have quite a few people in common.”
“Seems so,” he smiled. “Wooyoung always talks about you, I just never made the connection.”
“Really?” you laughed, looking at him who was still accusing his friends of being lazy. “He does talk a lot in general. He may have mentioned having a busy old friend- two of them. I met Hongjoong for the first time today.”
“He’s my oldest friend,” Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong and you watched his gaze turn soft. “He’s also the busiest, so don’t expect to see him helping around more than once. He uses any free time for a nap.”
“I see,” you turned towards Seonghwa, resting your face on your hand, elbow propped on your leg. “And will I be seeing you more than once?”
Seonghwa’s breath caught at the way you looked, with hair shining brightly under the moonlight, eyes tired but full of life. He mirrored your position, a faint smirk on his face. “Maybe you will.”
That night, Seonghwa woke up feeling like a bucket of cold water had been splashed over him though sweat laced his forehead. He checked the time- it was 03.47 am. He went to the kitchen to drink some water and recalled the dream he had seen-
It was you. He had dreamt about you, but… it wasn’t exactly the person he knew. And he had called you Persephone. You had been sitting by a lake, eyes wide and helpless, and he had touched your face and said-
“If I could… I would make you the Queen of the Underworld.”
Seonghwa sighed deeply- was he thinking too much about you? He had been busy with his work, and recently, he’d seen a lot of you, which was perhaps why he was having recurring dreams about you where he called you Persephone, which made him Hades-
King of the Underworld.
Or maybe he took his nickname way too seriously. Seonghwa shook his head- the dreams were causing him to be restless in his sleep. Maybe he just needed to relax a bit but… his recent case had him spiralling into darker territories, and he wondered if he could even get to sleep anymore.
The last few days were the busiest. You spent most of your time in the cafe and the boys occasionally dropped by to help you out, though you noticed having company meant you also slacked off as you got distracted elsewhere, but things were looking good so far. You and Wooyoung were done setting up your office rooms so you could focus on the rest.
Today, you were back to the last bit of scraping. You arrived late, having slept in since it was Sunday and you found Wooyoung taking a nap on the couch in his office. You didn’t wake him up, deciding to put on some light instrumental music while you scraped and got lost in your thoughts.
These days, your thoughts mostly drifted to the recurring dreams you were having- they were almost like flashbacks of a memory, of a… past life. But you didn’t believe in past lives.
Maybe you should, you wondered to yourself as you shifted to one leg, lazily scraping. But even if you did believe in past lives, did you believe in Hades and Persephone? Even if you did, why would they look exactly like you, Seonghwa and the other people in your life? Why would they be speaking your language?
Maybe they speak your language for you, you found yourself thinking. You recalled having a dream in Japanese a while ago when you barely knew two phrases. Dreams were supposed to be weird, you told yourself. But were they supposed to be playing out like a story of someone’s life?
Your train of thought was broken when you heard someone clear their throat behind you and you realised you hadn’t been scraping at all for a while now. You put on a smile in an attempt to seem normal before turning to greet-
Seonghwa. He had a way of appearing exactly when you were thinking of him.
“Hi,” he waved awkwardly, dressed in something other than black for once. The denim quite suited him.
“H-hi, I wasn’t expecting you- or anyone, for that matter,” you managed to say, recovering from the initial shock. “Uh, please have a seat?”
Seonghwa looked around in amusement at the absence of any seats. “Where’s Wooyoung?”
“He’s taking a nap,” you told him, fumbling to empty the nearest stool. “I just came and decided to let him sleep.”
“Good idea, it would be way too loud with him,” he laughed, asking you to stop. “I’m not here to relax. I’m here to help you out, so tell me what to do.”
“Really?” You smiled, suddenly conscious of the dirty apron you were wearing- it had everything from dust to paint on there. “Well… you could scrape this part and I could start on the next?”
“Sounds good,” he scanned you. “Do I get an apron too?”
“Oh, yes,” you said, laughing. “We have a spare for this purpose.” 
You went to the box near you, digging out the apron and handing it to him. He wore it and got to work immediately and you watched him for a moment before resuming your own. “You didn’t actually need to help out- I’ve heard how busy you are with your recent case, and from what I’ve seen… it’s hectic.”
“Come on, even Hongjoong stopped by,” he laughed a bit, looking at you. “Or is it that you didn’t want to see me?”
“Now why would you think that,” you pouted, surprised at how playful he sounded despite the serious expression on his face. “I just thought you’d be tired- your job is demanding.”
“It wasn’t always like this,” Seonghwa glanced at you as he said, “I got myself into this mess, and now I can’t get out until I win or admit defeat.”
You put a hand on your hip as you scraped. “Admitting defeat sounds dangerous.”
“It is,” he sighed. “I’m not ready to give up yet.”
You turned to him but then paused, resuming your work- it seemed to be easier to talk when you were both busy and not looking at each other. “Just what have you involved yourself in, Seonghwa? I don’t think we’ve addressed the fact that you’re in constant danger.”
Seonghwa sighed deeply and it looked like he was actually considering telling you. “I can’t really talk about it- the less you know, the safer you are.”
“Well, maybe I don’t love being so safe,” you said, surprised at how you voiced that so boldly, making even Seonghwa stop and turn to look at you. You matched his gaze.
“Sometimes I wonder who you are,” he said, and you felt like he meant more by it. “Why were you so calm that day? And why are you willing to involve yourself in something dangerous?”
You shrugged, going back to scraping, ignoring the loud thump of your heart between your ears. You could still feel his gaze on your back. Thankfully, Wooyoung interrupted and you got a call right at that moment, going into another room to talk to your mother who told you she would be paying a visit-
Right now.
You got out of the room, waving your hand wildly at Wooyoung who moved closer to hear your conversation while Seonghwa watched awkwardly.
“But mom… I’m literally scraping- it’s an ugly sight. You should just go to my apartment and I’ll arrive right after you-”
“I’m near the cafe, Kore,” she said and Wooyoung sagged down to the ground. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Okay,” you hung up and kicked Wooyoung’s thigh lightly. “Get up. We’ve got to make this look presentable.”
“Your mother’s coming, what’s the big deal?” Seonghwa finally dared to ask and then regretted it when you two glared at him.
“She’s a monster, for starters-”
“She’s my mother, asshole,” you slapped Wooyoung’s arm. “And what’s your problem? She loves you!”
“She only pretends to!” Wooyoung shouted. “She threatened to hang me upside down on the ceiling if I tried anything funny with you!”
“Let’s just get to work,” you clapped, sliding all the stuff lying in the middle of the room to the corners. Just two minutes later, you heard the sound of the door opening.
“Seonghwa’s still here,” Wooyoung pointed out. “Should I say he is my friend?”
“He is your friend, Wooyoung, please wake up,” you almost cried and Seonghwa snorted. “If you’re going to say something stupid, you better just shut up- hi, mom!” You went to hug her, Wooyoung following with a smile.
“You look well,” she commented. “But there are dark circles under your eyes.”
“Those are proof that I’ve been working hard,” you smiled and she laughed at that, handing you the bouquet of fresh flowers that she brought from home- your favourites. You sniffed them deeply, sighing happily before setting them on the table.
“And this is?” 
“My old friend, Park Seonghwa,” Wooyoung introduced and Seonghwa bowed. “He came to help us out.”
Your mother gave you a look before she sat down. “I won’t be here for long- I came to visit a friend and thought I’d drop by and see what’s up. Would you excuse us, boys? It’s good to see you, Wooyoung.”
Wooyoung saluted, dragging Seonghwa to another room- or at least, pretending to. You just knew he would be loitering right outside the room, and chances were that Seonghwa would be too. You turned your attention to your mother. “You could have told me earlier. I would have arranged for dinner or something-”
“There’s no need,” she shook her head, looking around. “The cafe looks nice. Are you sure you need to stay and work with Wooyoung? You’ll only be dealing with flowers- you could do that from home-”
“Wooyoung is only going to be cooking, I’ll be handling everything else,” you reminded her. “We cannot work without each other.”
“It’s pretty late though- when do you even go back?” She checked her watch. “Here, all alone-”
“I’m going to be alone most days,” you straightened up- somehow, you found it easier to challenge your mother when you met her after some time apart. “Besides, there’s always company.”
She frowned at that. “Do you know that boy?”
“Wooyoung introduced us not long ago. He’s one of his old friends, like Yunho and Mingi.”
“I don’t like this, Kore,” she sighed and you groaned.
“You never like anything I do,” you said. “I’m not little anymore. I’m making my own decisions. Please give me space to breathe.”
“Do I suffocate you?” She raised a brow.
“Honestly? Sometimes, yes. I love you but you do that.”
Your mother didn’t look too hurt to hear that, which didn’t give you much satisfaction either. She got up, taking her purse. “I’ll be back when you finally open the cafe.”
“Sure, you have to make it to the opening. And please arrange for the flowers- I’ll send you a list soon, okay?”
She patted your cheek and left, and you finally felt yourself relax. You heard the sound of footsteps. “Damn. That was intense.”
“Shut up,” you groaned, looking at Seonghwa who told you that you looked pale and before you could protest, he poured you water and slid the glass. 
“Can I ask you something?” He asked and you nodded, glancing at Wooyoung who was peeking out of the window to make sure your mother was actually gone. “Why did she call you Kore?”
“It’s a nickname- she started calling me that when I was little. It’s something to do with Greek mythology-”
“I’ve heard,” Seonghwa nodded, accidentally brushing your hand as he took the glass from you and said, “Persephone.”
A stabbing pain in your head made you wince. “Sorry, what?”
“That’s what Demeter called her daughter, right?” he said and you nodded absently.
“Have you always known that?” 
“That Demeter called Persephone Kore?” You asked, your voice small.
“Does it matter?” He asked and you thought that was a weird answer. Before you could probe, he went to Wooyoung, leaving you wondering why he didn’t simply answer that.
A few days later, Seonghwa found himself standing outside your cafe in the middle of the night.
There were a number of things that brought him here. The illegal drugs case he was investigating had taken a dangerous turn since the past few months, which meant he was being assaulted and blackmailed. His place had been ransacked, evidence stolen, and he found himself growing anxious with every passing day. But then, it involved the top class of Sector 1 notoriously known as the Underworld, and if he exposed the individuals involved, he was positive the citizens of Wonderland would lose trust in their government and officials.
He had told no one yet, and he wasn’t planning to, but now he was wondering if he could go on like this. He was being backed up by Mr. Ahn, the director of a leading pharmaceutical company, but he wasn’t sure he could trust him with the details- at least not fully. But he was powerful, and he had connections, which was how he had gotten so far and earned his nickname- Underworld’s Grim Reaper. 
He didn’t know how long he had been staring at the terrace until you appeared and noticed him, waving at him and motioning him to come inside. He sighed deeply- there was another reason he was here. 
He now knew why you seemed so familiar, why your voice shook him to the core the first time he heard you.
He had seen you in his dreams before he ever saw you.
He was positive about that- it sounded insane even to himself, but he was so sure, and it made absolutely no sense. But then he saw your mother the other day- he recognised her instantly from his dreams since she had a memorable face. And then, to top it off, she called you Kore. 
There was no way, he had thought at that time, but then… he wondered if somehow, you knew as well.
But he couldn’t ask you that, he thought as he went upstairs after looking around for Wooyoung. He couldn’t ask you like this. Not when it made no sense to him. Not when he wasn’t ready for the answer.
“Is Wooyoung not here?” 
“He went home a while ago,” you said, sipping from your coffee cup. “What brings you here at this hour- not for helping around, right?”
Seonghwa pursed his lips, taking a seat. “It’s a long story.”
You smiled, “I have some extra brewed coffee anyway. I think it was meant for you.”
When he had finally gotten a bit of coffee in his system, Seonghwa sighed for what had to be the tenth time. You were fidgeting with nervousness and anticipation now- it looked like he was going to tell you something big. “Come on- you look like you’re about to announce your divorce or something.”
“I don’t know,” he sighed, slumping back. “There’s a lot weighing on my mind, and I can’t really tell anyone.”
“I’m a good listener, and an even good secret keeper,” you told him.
“I don’t doubt that,” he laughed. “It’s just… it might be dangerous to share it with someone.”
“Is it about your case?” You asked and he gave you a look.
“You’re quick. Yes, it’s about my case- the same one that got me here with you right now.”
“Well, then I have a question for you,” you leaned forward, loving the challenge he was giving you. “Do you believe in coincidences?”
“I didn’t,” he thought about it, wondering if every meeting with you was just a plain big series of coincidences. “But now I’m wondering if I was wrong.”
“I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens for a reason. We encountered each other that day, perhaps, because you were meant to sit here right now-”
“Perhaps because we were meant to be-” Seonghwa glanced at you and you raised a brow. “Meant to meet,” he corrected. “That’s what you mean, right?”
“It’s up to you,” you relaxed back. “I don’t want to force you.”
Seonghwa wondered if he could tell you that he found you easy to talk to- in the past few days, he had visited a good few times. He got to learn little things about you and found himself drawn to you. “I’m only hesitating because it’s dangerous to know more than you should. Otherwise, I really like you. I really like talking to you.”
You nodded. “You know that I’ve lived a sheltered life with an overbearing mother, but Seonghwa… I’ve seen my fair share of horrors. I’m not easily rattled, not anymore.”
Seonghwa let that sink in- he always wondered where you got that edge from. He wasn’t sure he could ask. “The case I’m investigating is actually a case involving the top class of Sector 1- politicians, high ranking officials, influencers, you name it. They’re illegally trading drugs among themselves. They buy anyone with power and money.”
“Go on,” you urged.
Seonghwa shifted in his seat. “I’m being backed by Mr. Ahn of KQ Pharmaceuticals. He’s providing me with manpower and connections, but… I’m afraid I’ll have to investigate him at one point too. I’m not sure who’s constantly threatening me- the people I’m investigating or the one who hired me, telling me to stay in my place.”
You whistled. “A double-edged sword?”
“Yeah,” he let out a nervous laugh. “So I’m wondering how I can keep track of my progress, where I can store evidence and important documents. My apartment’s been ransacked twice now. They also stole from me in broad daylight.”
“Hmm… No one would suspect you coming to the cafe to drink some coffee and meet your old friend, right?” You asked and Seonghwa shrugged. “You could use my office.”
“I… When I said that, I didn’t mean that you should give me a space-”
“No, think about it,” you ignored his protests. “Me and Wooyoung are already practically living here. I can give you the spare key to my office- you can come and go as you please and store whatever you need to. I won’t mind.”
“Are you sure?” He asked and you nodded. “Well, I guess that could work.”
“And I know it’s too late to say this, but you should have backed out of this case when you first had the thought,” you said and he laughed in defeat. “It’s dangerous to back out now, isn’t it?”
“Very,” he confirmed. “But I don’t want to back out now either.”
You smirked at that. “Too late. Anyways, I won’t tell anyone. You can trust me.”
“I know I can,” he found himself saying.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “It’s something about your eyes.”
“It’s something about your eyes,” Hades tucked your hair behind. “I feel like I could trust you with my life.”
“But what if someone finds out because of me?” You looked down at your fingers, green with all the flower plucking Demeter had made you do as a punishment for being seen in public with Hades.
“Then I would know that it’s not your fault but mine,” Hades smiled sadly. “Because I got you involved.”
“What if someone finds out because of me?” You found yourself saying, feeling intense deja vu and you tried to gulp the feelings down.
However, Seonghwa had sucked his breath sharply as he heard that too. He watched you for a few moments before he said, “Then I would know that it’s not your fault but mine. Because I’m the one who got you involved.”
You accidentally dropped the pencil you had been fiddling with, leaning down to pick it up and gathering yourself in that moment. You cleared your throat. “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“Yeah…” Seonghwa shook his head, breaking the trance he was in. “I should go now- I’ll come by tomorrow with some stuff. Should I drop you off too?”
“There’s no need, I’ll get a taxi-”
“At this hour? I think not,” he poked your arm, urging you to move and you pouted as you picked your stuff. You told him the location- it was 10 minutes from the cafe. The ride was mostly silent as you both sorted your thoughts out. When you reached your apartment, you unbuckled the belt, halting when Seonghwa cleared his throat. “I don’t know how to thank you for everything. We just met recently, but… I’m glad I can trust you.”
You smiled. “Well then, we can work on that until you’re able to call me a friend.”
“You are,” Seonghwa laughed. “You know what I mean. Thank you, y/n. For everything.”
“It’s okay,” you nodded. “Just… stay safe, Seonghwa. It sounds dangerous and I really don’t like that you’re being chased around. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
It was a simple enough thing to say but it pulled at his heartstrings in the most unexpected way and he found himself tucking your hair behind your ear- he couldn’t help it- he had done that so many times in his dreams. However, he hadn’t expected you to basically stop breathing, and he realised his breath caught at the way you were looking at him too.
How were you so familiar yet so distant?
He patted your shoulder, nodding awkwardly. “I’ll try. Being safe, I mean.”
“Yeah,” you finally breathed. “Goodnight… Seonghwa.”
With that, you went upstairs to your apartment, glad Siyeon was sleeping because all you wanted to do was sink down in your bed and think of the way he had just tucked your hair-
Like he had done so a million times before.
Perhaps he had.
Seonghwa found himself coming to the cafe every other day, but he felt a bit guilty that he had to text you and ask the whereabouts of Wooyoung. He told himself that he was protecting his friend and that made him feel guilty because he might be putting you in danger, but you always assured him that it was okay.
It was an easy routine now- Wooyoung usually went home around 10 at night, which was when Seonghwa would drop by and sit in your office and do his work in silence. On the days when you were present, you would quietly come in and place some coffee and snacks on the desk. He didn’t hide anything from you but you didn’t want to intrude so you’d just leave and do something productive, finding it easier to get busy.
Tonight was one of those nights too. You had asked Wooyoung to take care of the other things while you did the painting, which was why he was out and about during the day, buying whatever you needed- you’d join him when it concerned you but since he was taking care of the kitchen, he was busier. You just needed to get the painting done so you could finally decorate and get the flower business started.
You began to think of the flowers back at home, of home, of your mother, of the house that almost felt like a prison and in several ways was, of the feelings of suffocation that still lingered-
You heard someone clear their throat and you looked up to see Seonghwa lingering in the doorway, passing you a tight-lipped smile and you looked down- you had been picking at your fingers- had he seen that? You got up and brushed your clothes.
“What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you had an extra marker,” Seonghwa said after a moment. “I couldn’t find it where you usually keep your stationery.”
“Ah, we must have run out- there might be one in the kitchen though, let me look for it.”
“It’s okay, I’ll look for it-”
“You’ll never be able to navigate through Wooyoung’s mess there,” you laughed and he grinned, finally relaxing. “I’ll be back.”
You went to the kitchen and after a few minutes, you were able to find a marker in one of the drawers. You went to your office and knocked at the already open door and Seonghwa urged you to come in. You noticed how he had pasted a few pictures and notes on your board, making a mind-map.
“Wow, that’s a lot,” you commented. “I hope it’s not so hard… what’s going on here?”
Seonghwa chuckled, pointing at the picture of a middle-aged man. “That’s Dr. Kwon of Wonderland Hospital Sector 1. That’s where the investigation began- apparently, Mr. Ahn got suspicious when Dr. Kwon stopped his business with KQ Pharmaceuticals, and Mr. Ahn wondered if he’s not buying from the best pharmaceutical company in Wonderland, who’s sponsoring him?”
“Ah, business rivalry at first, huh?” You said and he nodded. “So he started doing some digging?”
“Yeah, and he noticed that there was one specific drug that’s used for anaesthetic purposes that he wasn’t buying from any of the well-known companies. He has his ears everywhere, and he was quick to make a connection- that drug that the top class of Wonderland smokes, they call it ‘Mist’- it’s the same they’re using as anaesthesia in the hospital.”
“Oh,” you wowed, taking a moment to let that sink in. “That’s… intense.”
Seonghwa stifled his smile. “Now he just wants me to take down as many people involved as possible.”
“Why you?” You were curious.
“I’m called the Underworld’s Grim Reaper for a reason,” he smirked. “I won a big case a year ago too- probably caught Mr. Ahn’s attention.”
“It’s suspicious, though,” you went through his notes, looking at the pictures and frowning at a familiar face. “That he isn’t putting himself in the spotlight. Also, how is he involved?”
“You know him?” Seonghwa glanced at the picture you were holding. “That’s Mr. Jang, right?”
“From the Wonderland Art Museum, yes,” you confirmed. “He’s an acquaintance of my mother- we deliver flowers to him regularly. Is he involved in…”
“It seems so, but it’s only a suspicion right now,” Seonghwa sighed. “There’s no evidence of transactions- after all, the drug must cost something. I’m wondering if it’s not in the form of cash- which is why I’ll have to look into Mr. Jang’s paintings and who the real owners of those paintings are.”
You were still going through the pictures as you listened when you found a picture of a flower. “And what has this rare flower got to do with it?”
Seonghwa looked surprised. “You recognise this flower?”
“Of course I do. I’m a florist, Seonghwa,” you rolled your eyes.
“What do you know about this flower?”
“It’s one of the rarest flowers. It’s called the Middlemist Blue- wait,” you looked at the flower and then back at him. “This is the source of the drug?”
“Yes,” Seonghwa took the picture from you. “Where have you seen it?”
In my mother’s greenhouse.
“It’s very rare,” you attempted to sound normal but you were sure Seonghwa caught on. You sighed, taking a seat. “My mother found one a few years ago and since then, she’s been taking care of it and trying to reproduce it.”
“And was she successful?” Seonghwa dared to ask.
“Not that I’m aware of,” you shook your head, looking at him- for once, you felt scared. “Do you think she might be involved?”
“I can’t say- she isn’t the only one with that flower, though. There’s someone in Sector 8 who grows them too,” he said and you found yourself sighing in relief. “But… you understand that I’ll have to investigate her, right?”
You thought for a few moments- was this a big coincidence? Your mother did deliver flowers to Mr. Jang for display in his museum. What if she provided him with the Middlemist Blue as well? What if Mr. Jang really was involved in the Underworld’s drug dealing?
Seonghwa took a seat next to you, taking your hand in his and caressing it. “You don’t have to think of the worst, y/n. I don’t think a mother who loves her daughter so much would do something that could harm her. The world doesn’t know that the Middlemist Blue can be used as a drug- that could mean that your mother is unaware. After all, she’s a florist, not a pharmacist, right?”
“Yeah, that’s true,” you took a deep breath. “But… Can you do me a favour and let me find out? With you?”
“It’s too dangerous-”
“Please,” you put a hand on his. “If it involves my mother… you understand why I have to, right? I could also help you with Mr. Jang’s involvement. We could do this together.”
Seonghwa thought about it. “You’re not doing anything on your own, okay? Don’t pull a move and make everyone around you suspicious.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I also don’t want you to confront your mother until I’m sure she’s the one supplying whoever’s involved. She could simply be keeping a rare flower safe.”
“Yes, sir.”
Seonghwa chuckled, tucking your hair behind your ear, making your smile change into surprise. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You understood what he meant. “I know you’ll keep me safe.”
There it was again- another conversation he was sure he’d had with you. He patted your cheek. “Let’s talk about this later, okay?”
You nodded, finding yourself unable to draw away from him, and perhaps the spirit of Persephone possessed you for a moment as you leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, making his eyes go wide in surprise. “Thank you for believing in me, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa scanned your face, wanting to kiss you back but it took everything in him to simply smile and stand up to leave. He needed to clear his head, but most of all-
He needed to figure out just why he had been dreaming about you, and why the events of his dreams were playing out in the present.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Seonghwa muttered as he pulled his cap further down and you groaned inwardly, taking it off and ruffling his hair, making him stop in his tracks. “What are you doing?”
“You’re looking too suspicious, Seonghwa,” you shook your head. “The mask and glasses are enough. You’re not a celebrity.”
“Might as well be,” he countered, pulling your hand and bringing you to the side when a bike passed by. “You should have disguised yourself too. My plan was better.”
“Mine is better, you’ll see,” you smiled at him and he thought you glowed in the sun. “Just a couple interested in art. What’s suspicious about that?”
It was a very basic plan- you wanted to go and check out the Wonderland Art Museum and see just how much your mother was involved- you were going to introduce yourself to Mr. Jang and you were bringing your ‘boyfriend’ with you. Seonghwa agreed to it because you insisted that you needed to learn just what your mother’s role was before he began investigating her, and for another reason-
Because you wanted to go out with Seonghwa, though you’ll never admit it out loud.
Interestingly, Seonghwa didn’t suggest someone else take his place or you go alone- it wasn’t uncommon to go alone. He had a few things he wanted to learn about you too, and he planned to find out today.
You both paused at the entrance, spotting yourselves in the reflecting glass- your lavender outfit was quite a contrast with his all black. The guards checked your ids, scanned you and allowed you to go inside and when Seonghwa exhaled loudly, you smacked his arm. 
“Not subtle at all, Mr. Park.”
“I’m only teasing you,” he rolled his eyes as he laughed. “You think I haven’t done this? Sneaked in and gotten into trouble? More times than I can count.”
You made an impressed face and made your way to the display section, blown by the magnificent art pieces and the florals surrounding them. “Mother really put her heart and soul into this. No wonder she thought I couldn’t take over this job when I suggested that. My initial plan did fail for a reason.”
“You can go ahead and look at the flowers or whatever,” Seonghwa looked down at your still linked hands. “I’ll hang around and… observe. I need to check who the owners of these paintings are.”
“I think it’s better if we stick together- and you can lead the way. I don’t think I need to take a closer look at the flowers,” you shifted your hands so you were holding his arm now. “Better?”
Seonghwa glanced at you, gulping before he nodded. He wondered why he was so damn nervous around you. This wasn’t his first date-
Was he thinking of this as a date?
He led the way and you went from one art piece to another, observing for a few minutes. One of the guides answered whatever questions Seonghwa had. When you were at the heart of the display, Seonghwa finally asked what he wanted to. “What was your life like back at home?”
He noticed you tense for the smallest moment and he may have dismissed it had he not noticed you do that whenever someone talked about home. “Nothing much. Boring, if I have to say, but I have to credit my mother for all I am today.”
“Even the dark parts?” Seonghwa teased.
“Especially those,” you grinned at him, glad he was keeping it light. “She’s the only family I have- my father was never in the picture. She did what she had to.” He didn’t probe further, nodding slowly and guiding you to the next part, wondering just why your relationship with your mother was rocky. You asked him about his family.
“We’re a small family, but we’re close,” you could see his eyes curve and you bet he was smiling under the mask. “But when I look at you… I think you found a family here. The way you are with Siyeon and Wooyoung… it’s endearing.”
“Old friends are like family,” you smiled, agreeing. Seonghwa motioned towards the guards stationed near the far end- it had to be the office. “Should we take a closer look?”
“No, the guards might recognise me if Mr. Jang is involved,” he said, leading you to the other corner and you continued admiring the art while he looked at the office. “Can I ask why you wanted to open a cafe as a florist?”
“Well,” you thought about it. “I’ve practically lived with flowers. It’s what I’m best at and what I’m most confident about, though I started hating it a little when I felt like I hadn’t explored my options much. But when Wooyoung suggested opening up a cafe because he loved cooking for others… I think that’s when I looked at it differently.”
“What do you mean?”
“How do you think people look when they receive food or flowers? There’s not only happy occasions, but they’re both meaningful. To be a part of someone’s life or routine… I liked the idea of that. So we decided to partner up- Wooyoung gives the food and I give the flowers. It may sound stupid but-”
“No, it doesn’t,” Seonghwa insisted. “I heard somewhere, that even the darkest of places can be brightened by flowers, and even the darkest of humans can be moved.”
You narrowed your eyes at Seonghwa. You had, of course, heard that in your dream. “Where did you hear that- oh, look at that.”
Seonghwa followed your eyes to Mr. Jang going to his office room, followed by who had to be his secretary. He was about to turn away reflexively but you tightened your grip on his arm instead. “We’re going to his office.”
“We are not-”
“My mom sent a wine bottle for him, and I am simply delivering it on her behalf,” you motioned to the bag you were wearing which contained the gift and he rolled his eyes. “You can stay back if you want to-”
“No, I’ll come with you,” he said, looking like he was in pain.
You considered that. “Won’t he recognise you?”
“I think if he’s involved, it might shake him a little, seeing me with you,” Seonghwa was almost smirking. “That is, if your mother is involved too.”
“Ah… so you’re going to use me as bait? Noted,” you said and began to move forward and he laughed, grabbing your hand and stopping you but you pretended to be sour about it and made it to the office, letting him grab your hand when you knocked.
The secretary opened the door. “What business do you have?”
“I’m here from Eden Florals,” you said, “on behalf of the owner. She’s an acquaintance of Mr. Jang- she sent a gift for him.”
The secretary asked you to wait a moment and then let you in. You took out the gift first and then handed it to Mr. Jang with a bow. “I’m y/n from Eden Florals.”
“Of course,” Mr. Jang got up and shook hands with you. “I remember seeing a picture of you at your greenhouse when I went for a visit. You’re all grown up now!”
You smiled shyly. “My mother sends her regards. I’ve actually been wanting to visit your museum for quite a while ever since I moved to the city, but couldn’t get the chance.”
“And it seems like you did,” Mr. Jang glanced at Seonghwa.
“Yep,” you squeezed his hand, urging him to take his mask off. “This is my boyfriend, Seonghwa. He’s a fan of your work.”
“Nice to meet you,” Seonghwa said and you watched as Mr. Jang paused for a moment before shaking his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I’m sure you have,” he commented before sitting down. “You’re quite busy these days, I’ve heard.”
You pretended to be surprised. “Do you know each other?”
“Oh, didn’t he tell you?” Mr. Jang laughed. “He’s a very famous prosecutor around here. We’re all a little wary around him even when we’re clean as a slate.”
“That must mean he’s good at his job,” you passed a warm smile to Seonghwa and took a moment to look around. You found nothing suspicious at the first glance. “Well, I must get going now- sorry for taking so much of your time.”
“Oh, it’s alright. I hope you visit again. Send my regards to your mother too,” he said and you bowed before leaving the office, deciding to just exit the museum as well.
“So?” Seonghwa asked when you finally got out. “What do you think?”
“I’m pretty sure he’s involved- he looked more surprised to see you,” you thought. “I’m not sure about my mother though- what do you think?”
“I’m not so sure either,” Seonghwa inhaled deeply. “But I know for sure that he’s aware of what’s going on in the Underworld, at least.”
“Well then,” you paused, spotting a barbeque restaurant and feeling your stomach growl at the thought of food. “Shall we think about it over some food? My treat for dragging you along.”
“Shouldn’t we just go back?”
“Come on,” you elbowed him. “You said you wanted to live a little, right?”
Seonghwa gave you a look but urged you to lead the way and you stifled your grin as you entered the restaurant and gave your orders.
“You remembered that I said that,” he said after you both relaxed. 
“Of course I did,” you shrugged, “We have that in common.”
“Is there something you want to do then?” Seonghwa rested his face on his hands, elbow propped on the table, looking casually at you. “I can’t figure you out. Sometimes you’re trying to dissolve in the background and then sometimes… you pull a bold move like you just did in Mr. Jang’s office.”
Before you could answer, the food arrived and you took that moment to think. “I could say a few things about you too, Prosecutor Park Seonghwa,” you teased and he groaned in amusement. “You seem miles away sometimes but then… you’re right here.”
Seonghwa raised a brow. “Are you talking about how I space out sometimes? Because I’ve been doing a lot of that ever since I met you. You make me confused.”
“Oh? How?” You asked, taking a bite of the meat. 
“I don’t know how to explain it without sounding like a madman so I’ll let you know some other time,” he promised and you made a face at that. “It’s also probably because you’re quite weird too-”
“I could say the same for you!” You laughed. “You talk to yourself when you’re working! I thought I was hearing things and then I thought you were on a call or something, but you were just arguing with yourself.”
Seonghwa hid his face. “I have to do that when I’m lost while I’m connecting the dots. And you! You stare into the space like you can actually see something! I passed by one time and thought you were possessed!”
You both had a good laugh over that. “We’re all strange in some ways,” you acknowledged. “Speaking of, did you find anything strange about the paintings?”
“Yeah, I’ve got someone on it,” he checked his phone. “I just need to check if Mr. Jang’s really the owner of those paintings that he claims are his, or if most of the owners are involved in this drug business. What are you going to do, though?”
“I think I should visit back home- when my mom is away. Ugh, I don’t know how I’ll work that part out, but I need her to be away if I want to confirm my suspicions.”
“You might be offended to hear this, but…” Seonghwa began and you urged him to continue. “Normally, someone would have refused to believe their mother was involved in something like this. Why are you entertaining the possibility, I’m wondering.”
You took a deep breath. “We’re not on the best terms, as you must have seen when she visited the cafe,” you looked at him and he nodded. “She’s… overprotective. Overbearing. And she wasn’t the best mother- she could have done a lot of things differently about parenting,” you let out a short laugh, sighing. “And anyways, the Middlemist Blue is very rare. I can pull out of this but I shouldn’t stop you from investigating.”
“I understand,” he looked a bit apologetic and you shook your hand in dismissal, pouring him a drink and changing the topic,asking him how he became friends with everyone you knew and how he got to where he was. After you were done eating, he took the bus with you which stopped near your cafe and decided to drop you off.
“You don’t need to, I can find my way,” you teased, the few drinks you had back there making you both more comfortable with each other, especially when you both had talked so much the whole day. 
“You know my car is parked there, right?” He laughed and you pouted. “It was your idea of a ‘date’.”
“You liked it though,” you elbowed him and he grinned. “When should we plan our next date? Do you want to go somewhere else before we go to my town?”
“I didn’t realise I was coming with you there,” Seonghwa casually grabbed your arm and pulled you closer.
“Of course you are coming with me,” you glanced at him. “We have a nice view there. I’d really like to show you.”
“If you insist,” he scoffed, though he was pleased. “Is there anywhere you want to go then?”
“I asked you,” you poked his arm. “Come on. Spill.”
“Well… I think I’d really like to go to the beach. It’s been forever since I went.”
“That’s great. I haven’t gone in forever. We should all go together- I could ask Siyeon and Wooyoung-”
“We could all go together, but…” Seonghwa paused, turning to you. “I’d like it more if it was just the two of us.”
“Oh, really?” You were about to tease him but then it sank in. “Oh.”
Seonghwa smiled, taking your hand and walking the rest of the way to the cafe in silence while your heart thumped wildly. When you arrived, he turned to you once again.
“Thank you for today. It was fun and productive. I never thought it could be both.”
You shook your head. “Always thinking about work first. I still haven’t forgotten how you used me as bait-”
Seonghwa shut you up with a chaste kiss to your cheek, laughing when he noticed how surprised you were. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s- it’s okay, just took me by surprise,” you unconsciously touched where he had kissed you.
“Do you like it then? Should I do it again now that you’re-”
“Ah, you’re drunk,” you laughed, pushing him away when he tried to do it again. “Kiss me when your head is not in the clouds.”
Seonghwa pursed his lips, his gaze changing and you realised what you had said. “I think I might be drunk too. I should go back inside…”
“I’ll remember that for next time,” Seonghwa promised and you waved goodbye, heading inside and unable to stop smiling for a good few moments.
“It’s not how I imagined us to be,” you said, caressing his hair, his head resting on your lap. It looked like he had stars in his hair. “Everyone thinks you’re the villain- that you’ve brought me here by force. It wasn’t my intention to make you misunderstood-”
“It doesn’t matter, Persephone,” Hades sighed in pleasure. “As long as you’re with me and happy… it doesn’t matter what the world thinks of us.”
“But Hades,” you couldn’t shake off the feeling of impending doom. “Mother will do anything to get me back. She won’t settle for 6 months on Earth and 6 months in the Underworld deal. She might get your brothers on her side, and then-”
Hades pulled away, sitting in front of you. “Did you know what would happen if you ate those pomegranate seeds?” You nodded and he continued. “You chose to do this. Will you choose to be by my side when everyone thinks I manipulated you into doing so?”
“Of course I will. I’m doing it now,” you pointed out and Hades smiled. “You’re the first person who saw me for who I truly was, and accepted me. You made me the Queen of Underworld and offered me whatever I wanted. I want to be with you, Hades. I don’t want to go back to Earth.”
Hades tucked his finger under your chin to make you look at him as he said, “You’re also the Goddess of Spring. You brought life to the Underworld- look around,” he glanced at the once dead forest that now bloomed with flowers of all sorts, bloomed with life. “I never thought it could be warm here- warm here too,” he touched his heart. “And you’re also the first one to look past the monster everyone has made me to be.”
With that, he leaned forward and kissed you in such a gentle manner that you wondered how he still managed to stay alive all alone in the cold Underworld. You kissed him back with the promise that he would never have to feel cold again. Hades was surprised when you kissed him back, because for a moment he wondered if he had made a mistake, if he had been too hasty- but when you climbed in his lap to kiss him deeper and his arms wound around your waist, he knew that he had fallen for you ages ago.
You woke up with a groan, your muscles aching and you found that you had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room. You rubbed your eyes, hearing water run- Siyeon must be showering. With a sigh, you got up and decided to make breakfast, cracking eggs and frying them, turning the coffee machine on-
And pausing in the middle of flipping eggs when the memory of the dream came back. You poked your tongue in your cheek, resuming the frying and scoffing at the memory- Hades kissing Persephone.
Seonghwa kissing you.
You cursed under your breath- it felt too real. You could feel butterflies in your stomach- or maybe it was because you already had a thing for Seonghwa. You had to admit that you did, especially with the conversation a few nights ago when he had kissed you on the cheek and you had asked him to kiss you again when he was sober.
You had met Seonghwa after that, but he had been a bit busy so he only said hi or made small talk when he stopped by at your cafe, both of you waiting for the day your mom would leave town which would be the weekend, you found out thanks to Siyeon. You both were pretending that conversation didn’t happen and things were pretty normal, if you had to say-
“Gosh, you scared me. Why are you smiling like a fool?”
You snorted, setting the table and sitting across Siyeon. “Just had a silly dream.”
“I had one too,” Siyeon laughed. “I was running away from a giant chicken. I think I should stop eating too much chicken…”
“Do you believe in coincidences, though?” You wondered out loud. “Like… do you think we can foresee things in our dreams?”
Siyeon raised a brow at the sudden change of tone. “I think I read something about that once. That sometimes we can actually foresee things. It’s pretty rare though, and most of the time it’s our mind making up scenarios.”
“But like, what if you’ve been foreseeing things for a while?” You leaned forward. 
“I don’t know,” Siyeon shrugged. “Are you?”
“Not really,” you shrugged back. “Just wondering.”
You wanted to tell her that you saw Seonghwa in your dreams so many times before you met him, but… would she believe it? Even if she did, she’d think you were crazy. You couldn’t blame her for that- anyone would think you were crazy.
“You look like you have been having trouble sleeping, though,” Siyeon commented.
“Yeah, I haven’t had good sleep in a while,” you rubbed your face. “I’m going to go change.”
Before Siyeon could ask more, you were off to your room. After getting ready, she dropped you at the furniture store where Wooyoung was already waiting for you. He had picked a few options and you both went through the designs, choosing round wooden tables and comfortable cushion chairs in light pink colour for the cafe- you were pleased by how it looked in your mind so far. 
“I think Hongjoong’s idea of a vintage theme really stuck to me. This is going to look perfect,” you pointed at some old frames.
“Get anything you want- I’m ready to spoil you,” Wooyoung nodded. “Just remember the budget. We spared a lot since you’re painting yourself.”
“Yeah, I just need to get some paints now,” you put your hands in your coat pocket as Wooyoung filled the receipt. “Brown and white should be okay, huh?”
“Yeah,” he was done. “Let’s look at the curtains next?”
You spent the good part of the afternoon shopping as much as you both could, getting lunch in between and making a timeline of when you needed to get things done and started. Wooyoung was busy with his cooking classes but you were mostly free so you were going to paint. He said he would ask the boys to give you a hand but you declined, saying it was something you’d prefer to do by yourself and you would be calling them anyway when you would need to decorate and set the furniture.
You got a text from Seonghwa when Wooyoung was about to drop you back at the cafe. 
Hi. Can you meet me at the intersection near the cafe? I’m passing by and need to hand you some documents- I’m meeting someone and I can’t risk taking them along.
If you’re not busy, that is. 
If you’re busy, I’ll just hide them in my office.
You smiled at the texts and Wooyoung glanced at you. “Already have a boyfriend?”
“No, it’s not that,” you groaned. “Can you drop me off at the intersection instead?”
“Meeting someone?” Wooyoung teased after agreeing. “I gotta see who it is.”
“Gosh,” you knew Wooyoung wasn’t going to back out so you gave in. “It’s only Seonghwa. He needs to give me something.”
“Seonghwa?” Wooyoung scoffed. “When did you two become so close?”
You suddenly felt guilty for not telling Wooyoung and Siyeon anything about Seonghwa yet. “We’re not that close. He’s just using my office to hide a few important documents because his house got ransacked twice- the case he’s working on. Don’t tell anyone, okay?”
Wooyoung made an impressed face. “He’s trusting you with that?”
“You know I’m good at hiding things,” you teased and he laughed, recalling that one time you were fourteen and bought a phone and hid it from your mother for about a year until she found out and gave you hell for it. 
He dropped you off with a promise that you’d give him more details and you waved goodbye, spotting Seonghwa at the far end near a shop. You went to him and he apologised for making you come out when you were busy.
“I was just heading back to the cafe- I was out running errands with Wooyoung,” you told him, taking the USB and putting it in the inside pocket of your coat. “I’m interested to hear why you think this could be stolen.”
“It’s crucial information… and I don’t want to be careless,” he looked around, running a hand through his hair and your stomach swooped when your mind decided to flash back that one scene from your dream where you were running a hand through his hair instead- “And I think I have a tail, which is why I didn’t stop by the cafe too much. I need to find out who it is this time.”
“Oh,” you pursed your lips. “I’ll hide it well then.”
“I’m sure you will,” he smiled, checking the time. “I’ve got to go. See you later?”
“See you,” you saluted, going backwards where you came from. You took two turns down the street when you felt eyes on you and you turned around, catching a shadow hide behind a pole- since it was getting dark, you couldn’t see well, but-
If Seonghwa had a tail, it was possible they were following you now.
Which meant there was no way in hell you could go back to the cafe.
You decided to go to the convenience store instead, taking another turn. You took out your phone and used the screen and the lights to see if anyone was actually following you or you were just being anxious-
There was someone. And he was close. 
You unlocked your phone and texted Seonghwa: I have a tail and he’s following me rn. You called him next.
“Wooyoung! Did you see my text? I sent you the receipt of the furniture.”
“Uh, it’s Seonghwa-”
“Yeah, I know,” you sighed. “Can you just take a look and see if it’s the right one?”
“Is anyone following you right now?”
“Yep,” you attempted to sound cheerful because you were pretty sure whoever was behind you could hear you. You decided to stay where it was crowded, though. At least he wouldn’t attempt something in the middle of a crowd, right?
“Oh goodness. Where are you?”
“Dinner? I think I’ll just have ramen at the convenience store.”
“Got it. Stay safe- don’t run. Stay around people, okay? I’m coming.”
“Yeah, we’ll see,” you said. “Aren’t you busy?”
“Stay on call, okay?” Seonghwa said and you could hear his breath sound like he was running. He had to be on foot now- you glanced around casually, noticing the man behind you properly now- he was wearing a face mask and a cap. 
Someone was starting to suspect you, it seemed. They couldn’t see you with Seonghwa.
“I don’t want to be seen with you, Wooyoung,” you almost scolded. “People will have the wrong idea.”
“Now is not the time to play games, y/n,” Seonghwa sighed. “I can see you- cross the street and when it gets busy, go to the backside of the convenience store. He’s a good distance behind you so if we run, we could lose him.”
“Got it. Bye,” you said and put your phone in your pocket, taking a deep breath and waiting for the signal to turn green, an old couple near you. You casually looked around- the man was indeed hanging around a few feet away.
You crossed the road with the couple, and after taking a sharp turn you started running when you spotted Seonghwa. He grabbed your hand and led you to an old building, exiting from the front and then going to another building, following him in the darkness and swallowing your panic until you made a stop at a parking lot.
“I think we’ve lost him,” he looked around. “You definitely had a tail-”
You sighed loudly in relief, your knees going weak and Seonghwa was quick to hold you against him, making you rest your head on his chest- you could hear his wildly thumping heart as well. Seonghwa chuckled in disbelief, patting your back. “I got you.”
“I was so scared for a moment back there,” you said as you finally looked up at him and he scanned your face, looking apologetic.
“I was more scared,” Seonghwa found himself tucking your hair behind. “I could see who's following you. I had to do something- I couldn’t simply wait and watch.”
You leaned into his touch, surprising him but then he brought you into a hug and you didn’t hesitate, wrapping your arms around his waist. He sighed deeply. “I’m sorry. I never should have asked that from you- I shouldn’t have let you do this alone. I don’t even know how they figured out-”
“It’s okay- I would have done it anyway,” you only hugged him tighter. “Besides, I was smooth. I’ve got it,” you broke the hug and patted your pocket that held the USB. “You should hire me. I think I might be a natural at this.”
Seonghwa laughed at that. “I think that’s tempting,” he licked his lips as he looked at you. “Let’s get out of here.”
He drove you home and insisted that you stay there for the rest of the day, just to be on the safe side. He made a call to cancel his meeting as well. When you arrived at the apartment, you offered him to come inside for dinner.
“I’m feeling chicken and beer now,” you said, getting out of the taxi and waiting for him. “A little company would be nice.”
Seonghwa pondered for a moment before following you out. “Isn’t this where Siyeon lives as well?”
“She won’t be home until 11 tonight,” you said, leading the way inside. He took off his shoes, looking around.
“Neat,” he commented. “I thought Siyeon’s place would look more like a dungeon.”
“It did,” you laughed. “Before I moved in. She’s better now.”
Seonghwa laughed at that and you took out the USB. “Should I just hide it here? It’s better to keep important things scattered, right?”
“Maybe, yes,” he thought for a moment. “I’ll just make a few copies of it.”
You sat down with Seonghwa on the couch, putting on whatever drama was airing and watching Seonghwa make copies on his laptop, handing you the original one to hide, which you did in a random jar in the kitchen that you were sure no one else would touch. Seonghwa was impressed. “I should have hid things in the kitchen too.”
“Doesn’t work everytime,” you told him and he shut his laptop and put it aside. The chicken arrived and you found yourselves absorbed in casual discussion, from the case to how he became a prosecutor to your family.
“We’re going this weekend, by the way,” you reminded him, having finished eating about half an hour ago and just relaxing with beer now. “You’re free for the day, right?”
“I am,” he confirmed and you scanned him- head resting on his hand, arm propped on the couch, sitting very comfortably on the floor. You could imagine him as Hades. Was it really a past life you were seeing or were you possessed? There was no way you were the goddess of spring and he the king of the underworld, but…
With your present occupations, you were beginning to doubt if it really made no sense.
“You’re staring, y/n,” he commented, his voice deeper. “What are you thinking?”
You gulped unconsciously. “Sorry. Just got lost for a moment.”
“I want to know what you’re thinking,” he pouted uncharacteristically and you laughed, taking the beer can away from him.
“Don’t tell me you’re drunk again!” You teased.
“I’m pretty sober right now,” he insisted and you narrowed your eyes at him, but he didn’t budge. “I also remember a promise I made for when I was sober-”
“Oh, please,” you looked away, feeling heat creep up your cheeks and he smiled at that.
“Do I make you nervous, y/n?” he asked, taking your hands away when you hid your cheeks and pulling them in his lap. “I’m sorry for today. I really wish you would stop involving yourself anymore.”
“Not this again,” you squeezed his hand. “We’re fine. We’re here. That’s all that matters- you know I can’t back out now anyway.”
He looked at you. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. It could get worse now.”
“Well, I want you to pull out too. I want to keep you safe, but it seems like we can’t get everything that we want…” you shrugged and he felt warmth inside after hearing that. “Now can you stop looking at me like this?”
“Like what?” He teased and pulled you closer, taking you by surprise, your face inches away. “Like this?”
His gaze dropped to your lips and you felt butterflies, unable to look away, your own gaze dropping at his plump lips now parted. He ran his thumb over your lower lip, patting your cheek before drawing away but you took his hand and pulled him back, taking him by surprise.
“You haven’t kept your promise,” you said.
“I don’t think I’m fully sober,” he replied.
“Does it look like I care about that?” 
There it was- your gaze changing, your persona changing. He absolutely loved it when you got playful like this, and he wasn’t going to miss this chance. He smiled, leaning forward and hesitating before he kissed your cheek, lingering there for a moment. However, when he saw you with your eyes still shut, he couldn’t help but take it a step further, brushing his lips across yours as if asking for permission and you took the next step, pecking his lips and then drawing back as if you had been caught doing something.
“Y/n,” he groaned before he cupped your face and kissed you properly, moving his lips along yours, your hands holding his wrists tightening with every second and then he drew back for a breath. You moved closer, propping yourself in his lap and he felt deja vu, his arms going around your waist as you cupped his face and kissed him deeper. 
You weren’t sure if you were supposed to feel this, but you felt like you were doing something absolutely right- you somehow knew where to touch him, where to hold him, how to kiss him- you already knew the planes and curves and edges of his face as you traced it while you kissed him, and you felt like you belonged there. Somehow, that thought made you feel overwhelmed and you broke the kiss, caressing his face as you looked him in his eyes.
“Don’t you feel like we’ve been here before, Seonghwa?”
Seonghwa thought he was hearing things, but he nodded. “I feel like I’ve known you all my life.”
You smiled at that, pecking his lips again. “Then I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
Seonghwa caressed your arms and you buried your face in his neck, wanting to feel closer, hugging him tightly. He hugged you back and held you for a long time before his phone vibrated and he came back to reality.
“I should get going before Siyeon comes. She’ll raise hell,” he laughed and you grinned.
“See you on the weekend then?” You asked. It was only two days away.
“Maybe you’ll see me before that too,” he smiled, taking his stuff and you walked him out. Before you could leave, he kissed you on your forehead.
“Let’s talk about this later, okay?” He said and you nodded, watching him leave, lovestruck.
You barely had the strength to move right now, but even if you did, there wasn’t any other place you would rather be, for you were home in the arms of your husband, the King of the Underworld.
Your king.
“I’m sorry it had to come to this…” he sighed. His voice sounded weary and you glanced up to meet his eyes- he looked beyond tired. “I wish I could take your pain.”
“We saw it coming, my love,” you buried your face in his neck. “One day or another, the mortals are going to forget us- we knew that. We knew we would dissipate into moths or flowers when that time came. And we are so brave to face it together- unlike the others who ended themselves.”
“I don’t like seeing you in pain though,” he insisted. “You could go to Styx. You could end this too-”
“Are you that miserable to be with me?” You teased and he laughed. You marvelled at how young his laugh sounded.
“Of course not. All I’ve ever wanted was to die in your arms.”
Your heart tugged at that- you had spent an indefinite time with Hades but when he said things like that, you felt like you were experiencing something new. 
“Do you want to make a wish, then?” You asked. “Don’t tell me you’ve used the wish we got from Hestia.”
“I don’t think it’s any use now. She’s as weak as us, if not more.”
“But we could try- if we have the same wish.”
Hades tugged your chin up. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking… that this is the end, but I’d like to meet you in another life.”
“I’d like that too,” he nodded.
“Shall we wish to be reincarnated as mortal lovers then?”
“Why mortal lovers? Their lives are short and meaningless.”
“But,” you sighed dreamily. “But they know that, and still love with all their might. I’d like to have that with you once again.”
Hades smiled at that- he couldn’t have thought of something better. “Well then… let’s make that wish.”
“Well…” you got off the bus that stopped at the town where your home was. “This is it.”
Seonghwa put his hands in his pockets as he looked at the cloudy sky over the hills, the air feeling cleaner than usual. “It’s beautiful here.”
“It is,” you smiled and Seonghwa thought there was something sad about your smile. You walked side by side, following the track that led to your house. Seonghwa made small talk but he felt like there was something weighing on you- something else other than the fact that your mother could be involved in the biggest drug scandal in the history of Wonderland, so he let the silence take over until you reached the cottage house. 
“Do you want to have some tea before we investigate?” You asked and he nodded, eager to see this part of your life. You unlocked the door and let him in and he looked around.
“It looks cosy but why is it so cold?” He shivered.
You smiled faintly. “It’s always been like this.”
You asked him to get comfortable and went to the kitchen, smiling at the pictures of your childhood hanging by the fireplace. When you came back, he asked you about the backstory of those pictures and you told him- first day of school, first broken tooth, first day at college and more. You showed him your room and he boasted how he would guess your room anywhere if he saw it- he was very familiar with your vibe now. 
“And that’s my mom’s room, if you’re up for snooping,” you said and went inside.
“Very minimalistic,” he observed. “I don’t know what to look for, actually. You can do the snooping. I’m kind of scared of her.”
You chuckled at that, going through her drawers and the bookshelf, asking Seonghwa to check if there were hidden compartments in the room. However, you found nothing.
“She’s not that simple, my mother,” you said as you made sure everything was in place before exiting the room. “We should check her private greenhouse. She may have something there.”
“Do you have all her keys?” Seonghwa asked and you nodded. “I don’t think she’ll keep something like that where you could access it.”
“I think otherwise,” you glanced at him. “We’ve been playing cat and mouse for years now,” you told him as you unlocked her greenhouse, shivering a little as a few bad memories flashed in your mind. “I think this is where she’ll keep it, and then she’ll test me.”
Seonghwa didn’t say anything, just watched you as you went around and zoned out, staring at the far end corner. He decided to give you some space but after a few minutes, he found you still staring at the same spot. 
He walked to you and gently put his arms around your waist in a back hug and felt you finally relax. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” you cleared your throat. “Just some bad memories here.”
“You wanna talk about it?” He pressed a kiss to your temple and you smiled faintly- you had missed this. You caressed his hands as you looked ahead. 
“She used to lock me up here when I misbehaved, and I wasn’t the most well-behaved kid as a child,” you let out a short laugh. “I learned to love the dark. It worked until she found out I wasn’t scared anymore.”
“Oh, y/n,” he hugged you tighter. “You don’t have to pretend to be okay anymore.”
You pursed your lips, not wanting to cry so you turned around and let him sway you in a hug until you felt better. He sighed. “I wouldn’t have asked you to come here if I knew.”
“I needed to come here one day or another,” you shrugged. “And I’m glad you’re the one with me.”
Seonghwa caressed your cheek, kissing you deeply and hugging you again. “You’re really strong, you know that?”
You smiled, breaking the hug. “Thank you. I’m just pretending to be.”
Seonghwa smiled back, tucking your hair. “We all are, aren’t we?”
You nodded, spotting the familiar flower behind him. “That’s the Middlemist Blue. They’re more than I expected.”
Seonghwa turned around and found a few pots of the very rare flower. “It feels unreal to see it here. Do you think she’s only trying to keep this flower from going extinct, or…”
“I’ll look around- I really can’t say,” you bit your lip, going through the cupboards until you found a locked drawer. “What do you think she keeps here?”
“I don’t want to guess,” he admitted. “No key?”
“Let’s break it?”
“No, we don’t want to leave traces,” he said, glancing at your head. “Bobby pins?”
“Oooh,” you grinned, taking the pins out of your hair. “Don’t tell me you know how to do that.”
“I’ve learned a few tricks in my field- though one would question if I’m really doing something morally right,” he began unlocking the drawer. “I say as long as it’s serving a good purpose, you’re allowed to do something like this.”
“Wow,” you said as it unlocked and he flicked his hair proudly, making you stick out your tongue before you opened the drawer to examine the contents. You found her old pictures, a few of your father, and some receipts that you handed to Seonghwa.
“So she is providing the Middlemist Blue to Mr. Jang,” he went through the receipts. “Question is- is she keeping these because she’s involved directly in the drug dealing, or because she suspects something and is keeping proof?”
“Yeah, because she wouldn’t keep the receipts in this drawer unless they meant something important,” you nodded. 
“But these date only a year ago,” Seonghwa observed. “Did Mr. Jang change his provider or did she only start suspecting foul play?”
“I guess only she could answer that,” you took pictures of all the receipts. “You’ll have to call her as a witness now, right?”
“I suppose, yes. I’ve found some other things too, but it’s better to call her privately and discuss it,” he looked sorry and you told him it was okay. You locked the drawer back and exited the greenhouse, taking a deep breath and turning to Seonghwa. “Do you want to go to my comfort place to get some food? I wanna show you the lake too before we go back.”
Seonghwa agreed- the day had been tense and he wanted to make the atmosphere between you two light again. You took him to the restaurant by the lake where you had some seafood. You walked around, now comfortably joking about stuff and making small talk until you reached the quietest spot around the lake next to the stream.
“I used to come here when I needed to be alone,” you settled down on the grass. “Never thought I’d bring someone here, much less a prosecutor who’s investigating my mother.”
“Please, can you stop joking about that already,” he laughed painfully, settling down next to you. “Tell me what you like about this place.”
“Well,” you looked up at the stars in the sky. “That. The sound of water. The dirt,” you patted the ground. “The peace this place provided. I felt disconnected here, as if I belonged to another world and was simply a visitor here.”
“Interesting,” he looked up as well. “I like the night sky too. Especially the moon. I feel at home here.”
You glanced at him- you’d heard that before, in a dream. You realised you had said the same thing as Persephone too. Seonghwa looked at you cautiously as well, swallowing the questions down but still daring to ask, “Do you dream when you sleep?”
“Don’t we all?” You frowned at how cryptic he sounded.
“I dream of another life sometimes,” Seonghwa decided to play it safe. “I dream that I’m all alone and cold in another world, until someone comes and puts life in me, around me.”
You felt your heart sink- could it be? 
“I dream too,” your voice was quiet. “That I’m misunderstood and confined until someone frees me and takes me to another world where I can make my own choices. Where I can be free and not have to pretend to be someone else.”
Seonghwa and you both stared at each other, each lost as they tried to fit the pieces together. “Have you heard the story of Hades and Persephone, y/n?”
As soon as he said that, you almost lost your balance in disbelief. It couldn’t be a coincidence this time, could it? 
You had one shot. You had to play it right.
“I’ve heard many versions,” you said cautiously and found his puzzled gaze confusing. “But… I believe in the one that I dream of.”
“No way,” Seonghwa breathed, turning to you. “What does the Underworld need?’”
It was impossible, but you found yourself leaning forward and caressing his cheekbone, tangling your fingers in his hair. 
“‘It needs a touch of spring’.”
Seonghwa couldn’t believe his ears. He watched you laugh in disbelief as well. “Don’t tell me you’ve been dreaming about Persephone too, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa scoffed, looking up helplessly. “You’ve been dreaming about Hades?”
“I saw you before I ever met you, can you believe that?” You said and he held your hands, squeezing them. “I thought I was crazy.”
“I thought I was crazy- especially when I knew what your mother looked like before I saw her, and then I heard her call you Kore- I couldn’t believe my ears, I- this is unbelievable,” he sighed, resting his forehead against yours. “Am I dreaming right now?”
“I don’t think so,” you breathed. “If you’re Hades and I’m Persephone… what are we supposed to do, Seonghwa?”
Seonghwa shut his eyes, letting himself relax fully for the first time now that he knew he wasn’t alone. He heard you sniff and opened his eyes, finding your face wet with tears. “What’s wrong, love?”
“I don’t know what to do, Seonghwa,” you let him wipe your tears away. “I missed you. I’ve yearned for you my whole life, and when I saw you that day? I thought I was insane. I don’t know how I managed to hold myself back, but oh, goodness, I feel like I’ve waited an eternity to be with you-”
Seonghwa kissed your lips, taking you by surprise but you kissed back as eagerly as he was, clinging on to each other as if that could wipe the distance of aeons away. He found himself kissing your temple, your forehead, the places he used to kiss the most as Hades, and he let you run your hands through his hair like you always did. You let him get on top of you, not caring if anyone could see- it didn’t matter now. Nothing mattered now, except that you had finally found him.
He broke apart, resting his head at the crook of your neck, kissing your exposed skin lazily and you thought you could dissolve right in the ground. “You need to tell me everything.”
“Well…” you laughed, still finding the whole situation unbelievable. “Shall we find a place to stay the night then? I don’t think we can go back to my house…”
“Let’s go back to Sector 1- you can stay at my place… if you want to.”
“Of course, I don’t mind,” you smiled and decided to waste no more time.
Throughout the bus ride, you shared your stories- the first dream you had, when you had it, how it changed when you met each other. When you got to his place and had a few drinks (and a few kisses), you managed to sketch a timeline.
“So Persephone- or Kore, Demeter’s daughter,” you began, “didn’t know she was a goddess. She thought she was an ordinary flower nymph, but she had something else in her- she could make the flowers… die?”
“Sort of,” Seonghwa agreed. “I think she had anger issues.”
You gave him a look and he grinned. You sighed. “So she might have caused some destruction but Demeter always hid her from the world. That’s an awful lot like my mother. Anyways, one day she was panicking by the lake when Hades found her.”
“He said she called for him,” Seonghwa recalled. “Fitting how we found each other by the lake again, huh?”
You considered that, nodding. “So he offers her his company. Why?”
“He liked that she wasn’t afraid of him,” Seonghwa rubbed his chin. “And he found her powers interesting too.”
“So Persephone calls for him again- or he comes by- did he stalk her? Anyways, they talk a lot and get to know each other. Persephone realises Hades is not the cold monster everyone has made him to be. Hades realises she’s not the good girl she pretends to be.”
“I don’t think he stalked her,” Seonghwa pouted and you laughed. “Even if he did… I didn’t.”
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. “The events are somewhat similar to what’s happening in our lives now, right? You’re still the King slash Grim Reaper of the Underworld. I’m still a floral goddess. So the question is… why are we having these dreams? Are we a part of an experiment? Or is it simply fate playing games with us? Were we really Hades and Persephone in our past lives?”
“Do you remember that dream?” Seonghwa looked at you. “We were powerless and old. When people started forgetting us, we started fading.”
You raised a brow at how he was now referring to the entities as yourselves. “And then we made a promise to stay by each other’s side, and-”
“And made a wish. What was the wish, y/n?”
You felt as if you’d been dumped with cold water. “To be reincarnated as mortal lovers.”
Seonghwa smiled, “I don’t think we have to think too much then. We got what we wished for, it seems.”
You caressed his hand. “Do you think we only met each other because we’re Hades and Persephone?”
“I don’t care about that, but one thing I know for sure,” he looked into your eyes, eager to erase any doubts you had. “I fell for you in this life because of who you are today. I don’t care if we’re Hades and Persephone, if we’re meant to be or whatever. I know for sure that I would have liked you even if we were not.”
“Gosh, you say that but you’re still as cringy as Hades,” you laughed, making him groan. You scooted closer to him on the couch, letting your hand travel to the nape of his neck. “Well … I like you for just you too. I like Prosecutor Park Seonghwa. I wanted to be sure that the old feelings weren’t messing with me, but you’re right. We’re really meant to be if we like each other for who we are today.”
“But you know what I like better?” Seonghwa’s gaze was hot as he traced your lips. “I know you- not the basics, but I know in my heart what you like,” he let his hands travel down the curve of your neck, satisfied when you shivered involuntarily. “And I’ve wanted to do this for a long, long time.”
He took your lips in a kiss, swiping his tongue along them and you immediately opened up for him, letting his tongue explore your mouth, the memories of it tugging at the back of your mind. You positioned yourself on top of him, arms around his neck, his hands on your waist as he kissed you passionately and you let your hips roll once, making him groan into the kiss and break apart.
“You’re not the only one,” you said and Seonghwa sucked in his breath at how dark your gaze was. “I remember it all too well. You were the King of the Underworld, and I was your Queen. This-” you looked down at your bodies. “This was my throne. You were cold and mysterious to the world, but for me, you were vulnerable and warm,” you smiled, curling your hands in his hair and leaning in to whisper in his ear-
“And I liked your hair longer.”
Seonghwa laughed deeply at that, shaking his head and letting you pepper kisses where he liked- along his jaw, on his nose, and then on his lips, which quickly turned heated, extra layers of clothes off and bodies as close as possible. Every brush of the skin and every kiss felt heightened, now that you both remembered what you had found and what you had lost. And there was no hesitation in your actions now. You had never been more sure about anything.
He was the one for you.
“I can’t believe you could suspect me of something like this,” your mother glared at you and you felt heat creep up your cheeks but Seonghwa’s hand on your thigh made you feel better.
“She’s not suspecting you, ma’am. She’s just trying to keep you safe,” Seonghwa’s tone was hard and you felt a bit proud of how he was standing up for you despite panicking earlier because he was very scared of your mother- he had the memories of Demeter to blame. 
Seonghwa had allowed you to call your mother to your cafe for a private discussion first, now that he had conclusive evidence- but he wasn’t telling you right now, insisting he needed to hear your mother’s statement as well. You were thankful for that and he told you it was the least he could do for you. 
“I’m doing this for your sake, whether you believe it or not,” you sighed. “You just need to tell me if you really know what Mr. Jang and the others are doing with the Middlemist Blue.”
“He’s always been interested in flowers,” your mother replied, tucking her hair back in her bun. “So when he showed interest in that rare flower and offered a high price for me to reproduce it, I didn’t suspect anything. I would have done that sooner or later anyway.”
“But did you know that the Middlemist Blue can be used as a hallucinogen?” 
“Not at all,” she shook her head firmly. “I didn’t, until… until a year ago when I heard something suspicious- Mr. Jang was talking to his friend, saying something about a flower that makes him see another world. I overheard him talk about how he needed to find another source for the flower too. That’s when I started to keep the receipts- he found out that I suspected him and threatened me, but I was smarter. I told him if something happened to me… my daughter would expose the details to the world.”
You frowned. “Your plan was good but I had no idea- you never told me anything.”
“I didn’t know how to, and I didn’t want to involve you in something dangerous,” she pursed her lips. “They could have hurt you.”
You bit your lips as you thought. “So that’s it? You’ve been keeping track of his receipts?”
“I was trying to find a way to get out of this mess, but then I saw you,” she looked at Seonghwa and he straightened. “Prosecutor Park Seonghwa. I wondered why he sounded familiar.”
You and Seonghwa looked at each other. Seonghwa asked, “Why?”
“You were investigating the case,” she scoffed in amusement. “And you were by my daughter’s side. I thought you approached her because you were suspecting me. Is that true?”
“Of course not,” Seonghwa said before you could. “We have mutual friends. We met each other by chance.”
“Whatever you say,” she shrugged. “Are you done interrogating me?”
Seonghwa took a deep breath. “I’ll provide witness protection to you- you can stop providing Mr. Jang with the flowers now. I know you weren’t directly involved, I just needed to hear it from you. I do have to ask you, though… how do you know Mr. Ahn?”
Your mother tensed at that. “What’s that got to do with any of this?”
You frowned at the sudden change of her tone and Seonghwa looked at you before saying, “Mr. Ahn of KQ Pharmaceutical frequents your place a lot, doesn’t he?”
“What has my private life got to do with this case?” She practically seethed and you raised a brow in realisation.
“Don’t tell me you’re dating him?” You scoffed. “I knew you were seeing someone, I just didn’t realise who… wait-” you looked at Seonghwa. “Mr. Ahn of KQ Pharmaceuticals?”
“Thank you for cooperating, ma’am,” Seonghwa got up and bowed. “I think you should also stop seeing Mr. Ahn for a while. I’ll be issuing an arrest warrant for him tonight.”
Your mother gasped in realisation and you stood confused, wondering just what was going on. However, she stood up and straightened after a moment. “I should have known. No one’s interested in a mere florist- not a man of his standing.”
“Don’t be too disappointed- not everyone is like that,” Seonghwa had a faint smile as he took your hand and caressed it, making you jump- you hadn’t told your mother anything about Seonghwa yet, and she was quick to notice. She only smiled knowingly. 
“I’ll catch up with her later, but you-” she pointed a finger at Seonghwa, sighing. “You better do a good job at catching those assholes, and my daughter better not get hurt.”
“I’ll make sure of that,” Seonghwa nodded.
“Can I have a moment with you, Kore?” She asked and you nodded, going outside with her. She sighed deeply, looking at you with fondness, which was rare, but perhaps this time, you had earned it. 
“I would have scolded you but… I’m glad he’s smart,” she grinned and you laughed nervously as well. She patted your cheek. “Come visit me soon. I’ll have no company now.”
“I’m sorry about Mr. Ahn…” you hesitated but she rolled her eyes.
“I should have known better-”
“No. You couldn’t have guessed,” you assured her, patting her arm awkwardly. “It’s okay. You should come by more often too. Wooyoung’s mother misses you. You and Siyeon’s mother should all hang out or something.”
“Open this place soon then,” she said. “We’ll gather here.”
You watched her leave until Seonghwa came by your side. “I’m sorry for not telling you earlier, but… I had to respect her privacy too.”
“You did the right thing,” you nodded. “I’m not sure how Mr. Ahn is involved.”
“I don’t know whether he really likes your mother or he used her, but… the company that’s been creating the drug is his too. He set it up to put his rivals behind bars- he purposely disturbed the peace. He pretended to be fazed by the loss when Dr. Kwon of Wonderland Hospital Sector 1 stopped using his products, and he used that to create a drug scandal, tempt the people of power with the drug and then put them behind bars. He must have felt like a god, using everyone like that in his game.”
“Wow… that’s a lot,” you whistled. “How did you find that out?”
“Mr. Jang and I struck a deal,” he smirked and you gasped in realisation. “We decided to help each other out a little. When I told him there was a possibility that Dr. Ahn was behind all of this, he was all ears. I’ll have to cut him some slack though, where I can.”
“Wicked,” you grinned. “So what’s next?”
“I’ll be prosecuting Mr. Ahn… and he better have the best lawyer in Wonderland to defend him,” Seonghwa smiled. “He can’t get out of this now.”
“It’s going to be over soon, huh?” You wrapped your arms around his waist. “I’m glad it’s over, Seonghwa.”
“Me too,” he sighed. “It’ll take a few weeks and I’ll be busy but… when I’m free from all of this, do you want to go to the beach?”
“You have to make it to the cafe opening first,” you laughed. “It’s next Saturday, you haven’t forgotten, right?”
“Of course not,” he kissed your lips. “I’ll be there.”
He was there, as promised, when you opened the cafe officially. You and Wooyoung felt proud when all your friends and family arrived, admiring the floral exterior with flowers for sale as well, Hongjoong’s soundtrack running in the background, the vintage theme going along with the whole vibe. The first day was as busy as it could have gotten, especially when your friends brought their coworkers and colleagues and a famous blogger came as well. Wooyoung was excellent in the kitchen, working well with the team he’d hired, and you stood as a cashier for the day shift, greeting everyone and giving away flowers, making sure everything was okay.
Siyeon came at night again with the mothers, and when your mother gave you an approving wink, you felt like you had finally done something good to please her. Wooyoung noted that, joining the mothers at the table himself and Siyeon pouted because even her mother loved him. You called Siyeon to where you were standing at the counter.
“If you don’t tell him that he looks hot in the apron or whatever, then I will, because I know that’s what you’re thinking,” you poked her stomach and she glared at you. “Come on. Even I’m dating now. I didn’t realise you were such a coward.”
“He doesn’t like me like that-”
“Trust me, he does. He can’t stop glancing at you whenever you’re around. And he even took you to his apartment to make you taste his dishes! He never does that!”
“That’s only because I have superior taste buds-”
“Shut up, and I better see you both together tonight,” you announced and she muttered curses under her breath which you ignored. At that moment, Wooyoung passed by you two, casually patting Siyeon’s back and you wiggled your brows at her. Wooyoung went into the kitchen and while you two were teasing each other, he came out and told you he was almost out of ingredients, so you should close the cafe for the day- it was almost 10 anyway.
“The first day was a success, right?” You asked and he squeezed your hand.
“Huge success. We did it,” he grinned and you grinned back, going to change the sign on the door and watching Siyeon compliment something. You went outside for air.
You inhaled deeply, feeling a sense of achievement having announced the cafe closed, however… Seonghwa was very late. You wondered where he was-
“Are you not going to let me in?” He came in front of you out of nowhere and you blinked. 
“You’re late!” You pouted. 
“I know, just got held back at the court, but… I bought you something to make up for it.” He took out a box and you narrowed your eyes before you opened it.
“Oh goodness, you really are worse than Hades,” you laughed, making him grin. “Couple rings?”
“Aren’t people into this these days?” He took out your ring, taking your hand and looking at you for permission before sliding it in. You admired the silver band.
“Maybe. I love it, Seonghwa. I really do.”
“Come here,” he hugged you, swaying you back and forth and you got lost in it until Seonghwa paused. “We might have… an audience.”
“Oh, fuck,” you muttered and he snorted as you broke the hug and looked back at not only Siyeon and Wooyoung but also their mothers and your mother watching you both with silly grins plastered on their faces. You waved at them awkwardly.
“Let’s get inside,” he laughed. “I need some coffee.”
“I’ll be right in after a minute,” you said and he kissed your temple, nodding and going inside. You watched him bark orders to Wooyoung who put him in a chokehold, making everyone laugh. You smiled to yourself- with your loved ones enjoying together, it really couldn’t get any better.
Being with Seonghwa now that you both realised that this was not your first life together was a whole different experience. 
You had never envisioned yourself to be with someone who cared so much about you, for starters. You never thought you could meet someone who would understand you even when you didn’t explain, or know what you wanted even when you were not vocal about it. You sometimes found yourself wondering if he was real and you weren’t dreaming, but he was very real, and he was nothing like you had imagined- in the best way possible.
You had to come to terms with the fact that you were indeed living a second life. You spent a lot of days wondering what that meant. You wondered why you remembered it. You would have thought it was insane had you not correlated everything with Seonghwa- who also thought he was going crazy before he talked to you about it that day in your hometown. It was absurd, how you both found each other again, but it was starting to make sense. 
Most of all, you thought about the past. You thought about your life as Persephone- you didn’t have all the memories, of course. Only bits and fragments, and sometimes you’d see a dream that would play out similarly in your present life too. You thought about your mother who still had a similar nature as Demeter, though you were now working out on your differences more. You thought about Hestia and wondered who she was- was she a part of your present life too? She had fulfilled your last wish, after all. You would like to see who she was today, if she was still alive in some sense.
You thought about yourself- the flower goddess who was also the Queen of the Underworld, who could bring the dead to life but also suck the life out of anything alive. You read more about the story on Persephone but found a lot of contradictions and decided to not search anymore, instead letting the truth unfold in your dreams.
You also thought a lot about Hades. Of the cold and mysterious King of the Dead, ruler of the Underworld, who somehow turned out to be the warmest person you knew. He was strong and powerful but he needed you. And that made you feel proud, in a sense. He believed in you and he proved to be right when he thought you could bring life to the Underworld. He loved you like no one else and devoted himself to you.
Perhaps, Seonghwa thought about those things too. He probably did- and you two had made a promise to share whatever dream you’d have of that life, though you found out after a few days that whenever you dreamed, it was together. You couldn’t believe the coincidence and thought you really were meant to be. So you promised instead to not let the events of that life interfere in your present life- after all, that was another time, another world, perhaps. 
That didn’t mean Seonghwa and you didn’t use it to your advantage. You knew what his favourite flowers were, what he liked, how he approached things. He knew that about you too- when to give you space, when to hold you, when to tease you-
“You’re smiling like a fool,” Seonghwa’s lips brushed your ears as he whispered, and you leaned into his touch, digging your feet in the sand as the waves brushed them.
“Just thinking,” you muttered, caressing his arms that were slung around you and shifting in his lap.
“Do you wonder where we would be if we didn’t meet each other that day?” You asked, squinting your eyes when the cloud passed by and a ray of sunshine hit the ground.
“Hmm… I do wonder but I get scared at the thought that you could have seriously gotten hurt that day.”
“But I didn’t,” you grinned and he kissed your cheek. 
“We would have met later- it was inevitable if you think about it,” Seonghwa nodded slowly. “We also could have met way before if that fool Wooyoung would have introduced us earlier-”
You laughed. “It’s not his fault. Who would have guessed we could be a thing?”
Seonghwa smiled at that. “Yeah, we have to give him some credit. If we didn’t have a mutual friend, we might not have met after the police station when you came for the witness statement.”
“Well, we might have encountered each other again,” you thought about it. “And we would have texted each other casually or something.”
“True,” Seonghwa nodded. 
“We could have met later, and you could have been dating someone else,” you sighed deeply, making him snicker. “Have you dated before though?”
“It never worked past a few weeks,” he admitted. “I always thought something was missing with the others.”
“But,” you shifted in his lap to face him. “We might have been interested in someone else if it wasn’t for our dreams and coincidences-”
“But that’s not why I was attracted to you now,” he pointed out. “I ignored the dreams- but you look like you’re interested in me because of them,” he narrowed his eyes. “Perhaps you should try dating someone else.”
“Please,” you scoffed. “I thought you were hot the minute I saw you. I would have tried to find you one way or another.”
Seonghwa raised a brow. “Is that what you think?”
You nodded eagerly and he laughed at that, shaking his head in amusement. “You’re too much.”
“Come on,” you poked his chest. “Be candid about this.”
“You want me to be candid about this?” He asked, his gaze changing as he shifted his position, making you lie down on the sand and getting on top of you. He licked his lips as he traced the outline of your face. “I think I would have used any excuse to meet you again- in fact, I knew what I was doing when I got your number the day we met… at least I like to think that I did.”
You laughed at that. “You had no idea back then, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll admit I only got your number because I needed you to come to the station later,” he said. “But… I would have definitely texted you again.”
“So you liked me first, huh?” You teased.
“Well…” he kissed your jaw, letting his lips trail down. “Does it matter?” He kissed your collarbone and you squirmed a bit but he pinned your wrists down and you giggled when the waves crashed and got you wet. “I like where we are now. Do you?”
“Hmm.. kind of, except the sand is getting in my hair,” you sighed loudly and he laughed, kissing your lips. 
“That’s what I like about you,” he shook his head, pecking your lips again. “You’re the most ridiculous and unexpected person in my life.”
“Wow, I’m so flattered,” you pushed him away successfully, kicking his leg before rolling away from him while he grinned. “You’re also the most annoying person in my life. I thought Wooyoung would hold that title forever, but he has some serious competition now.”
“Please,” he scoffed. “You love me.”
You stifled your smile. “I do. What about it?”
He matched your gaze for a few seconds before he hid his face in his hands and you laughed, crawling to him. “What’s the matter?”
You knew what was- he was feeling overwhelmed, just like you did whenever he told you that he loved you. You hugged him tight, kissing his temple and making him look at you.
“I love you, Park Seonghwa. Look me in the eyes when I say it.”
He did and then he captured your lips in a heated kiss, making you arch back, continuing to kiss you and tease you as you lay back down and you thought you couldn’t be anywhere else right now. 
He was there, with you, and it felt like you had another eternity to be with him.
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stayteezdreams · 11 months
And His Name Was Death {Part One}
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Plot: What happens when you accidentally summon death himself, and he decides he doesn't want to leave?
{Part Two}
Pairing: Death!Park Seonghwa x Gn!Reader
Requests: "I thought I saw something" + 'You meet Death himself, and he seems to have a crush on you.' + 'The creaking of an old door' + 'Accidentally summoning a demon while decorating'
Requested by: Anonymous; @tumbleboof and @amalialoved
A/n: yeah...I enjoyed writing these requests so much it turned into a series.
Warnings: Mildly suggestive content. Mentions of death (obviously)
Words: ~5.3k
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Joy radiated through you as you rifled through the various decorations you had picked up on your recent trip into town. You could never resist decorations, especially Halloween decorations.
Between the festive scented candles, candle holders, themed mugs, fake webs, and candy, your counter top was covered in your new purchases.
Your eyes drifted to the last bag as you delicately pulled it open. Lifting out the object wrapped in brown paper, you unwrapped. Smiling softly at the old book, you ran your fingers over it. It had clearly been heavily used and was obviously quite old. The cover was engraved with barely legible markings, in a language you guessed was Latin, or at least similar to it.
Flipping through the pages, your eyes scanned the various blocks of text you couldn't understand, as well as random sketched pictures ranging from plants, to weapons, and what you assume were various monsters.
When you had gone to the antique store, you didn't really intend to buy anything, but when you spotted the old book sitting on a shelf, somewhat hidden behind an old lock box, you felt almost drawn to it. For a moment it felt as though you recognized it, like it was yours, but obviously you had never seen it before.
When you picked it up, you couldn't ignore the desire to buy it that bubbled up, so you did just that. You convinced yourself it would be a good Halloween decoration, though it did cost more than the other decorations you had bought combined. Something you would be convincing yourself was a good idea for a while. Though you feared you would just end up regretting it later.
As you reached the last page of the book as you quickly flipped through it, you stopped as you saw two handwritten passages on the back cover. It was in ink but had obviously been written a long time ago.
You ran your finger over the top passage as you wondered what it was. It was written in another language, but you found yourself muttering the words out loud as best as you could.
When you finished the first passage, you felt a wave of dizziness wash over you and you closed your eyes, shaking your head softly as you opened them again. The dizziness passed, and you hummed to yourself. After a moment's thought, you figured it was because you hadn't eaten yet.
Your eyes drifted to the second passage, but before you could read it, you jolted as you heard a loud fluttering sound similar to wings coming from behind you. Looking back towards the hallway, you furrowed your brow.
'Did a bird get in?' You thought to yourself as you made your way cautiously towards where the noise had originated.
After checking every room and making sure no windows were open, you wandered back to the kitchen, no bird being found. You shook your head, thinking maybe it had just flown past the window and sounded like it was inside.
Your eyes locked on the book and you frowned, pausing in your steps. It was now shut, though you swore you hadn't closed it. As you walked back to the book, you felt goosebumps rise up your arms and neck.
Instead of opening it again, you set it up on the counter beside the cauldron candy bowl. After sparing it one more curious glance, you continued to set out the decorations, only stopping when there was a knock at your door. You grinned to yourself as you quickly padded towards the door, knowing your friends had arrived for an evening hangout.
One Halloween movie later, you all stretched and joked as Yeosang and Wooyoung argued over the next movie to be put it. San made his way to the kitchen to grab some more candy, and you heard him call out to you a moment later.
Looking back at him, you saw him assessing the old book, "What's this?"
You turned around and smiled, "Isn't it cool? I found it at an old antique shop. I thought it would make a cool decoration."
"It's creepy." Yesoang commented as he looked over to see what San had.
"That's the point." Wooyoung said with a scoff, causing Yeosang to glare at him.
Seeing San suddenly look back further into the house, you followed his line of sight. "What?"
He slowly looked back at you and shook his head a bit, "I thought I saw something."
You felt goosebumps rise up your arms again but ignored them. "I thought I heard something earlier, like a bird got in, but I couldn't find anything."
"Want me to look?"
"Sure." You said with a soft nod, watching as he made his way into the back of your house.
As you watched him disappear, you got an odd feeling in your stomach, like a knot starting to form. As you began to rise, feeling as though you should follow him, he came back out with a shrug of his shoulders.
"I didn't see anything."
"Huh." You plopped back down, feeling a bit of relief wash over you, though the knot in your stomach still remained.
"Maybe your house is haunted." Wooyoung teased making you roll your eyes.
Though, when you spared the book another glance, and your mind flashed back to it being closed when you swore you left it open, you almost believed his words.
As Yeosang put another movie in, after winning against Wooyoung in rock, paper, scissors, and San had his fill of candy choices, you tried to distract yourself from your wandering thoughts.
Your thoughts however were only distracted for a short time, as you caught onto an unfamiliar figure in the TV's reflection as the screen went black momentarily. It was only for a second, but you swore someone was standing right behind you.
Not wanting to freak yourself out, you slowly turned your head, finding that the room was empty behind you. You stared down the darkened hallway, as you felt as though you were being watched. Looking back at the book, you took in a deep breath.
"Are you sure there was nothing when you looked San?"
San looked over at you, noticing you peering back at the dark area of your house.
He frowned "Yeah I'm sure, why?"
"I don't know" You hesitated, "I just...got a weird feeling."
Yeosang had now paused the movie and he and Wooyoung looked back down the hallway as well.
San stood up tapping Wooyoung's leg, "Come on."
You looked over at them as they all stood up, "What are you doing?"
"We'll check everything, so you can feel better about it okay?"
You smiled at him as you stood up as well, "That would make me feel better."
He smiled and nodded as you all walked through the house, checking every closet and every room. Yeosang checked every door and window until you were satisfied.
You sat back on the couch with a sigh, "Maybe watching horror movies when I know I live alone isn't such a good idea." You joked, making the others chuckle.
"Or, maybe I was right." Wooyoung wiggled his eyebrows and you smacked his shoulder. "Shut up! I do not want to think about my house being haunted Woo."
He chuckled, "Sorry, sorry. I'm sure it's not, I'm just joking."
"Come on, let's put in a more lighthearted movie. That will be better right?" Yeosang asked looking at you, and you nodded with a smile, grateful he wanted you to feel more comfortable.
Even with the house fully checked, you felt uneasy when the time came for the three to go home. You knew your house was empty, you knew you were safe, but something felt...off.
San gave you a soft smile, "You gonna be okay?"
You nodded your head, "Yeah, I'll be fine." It wasn't a lie, you hoped.
Throwing away candy wrappers and washing your drinking glasses, you started to feel a bit better as your house grew quiet. As you began to sing softly to yourself, your nerves began to settle even more. You really were just riling yourself up with stupid thoughts.
Your voice went silent and your whole body froze as the door at the end of the hallway creaked open.
Looking to your left, you slowly reached over, grabbing the heavy candle holder you had bought earlier in the day. Silently, you walked to the hall and turned the light on, seeing it empty ahead of you. The door was in fact open and you felt your heart thump painfully in your chest.
You let out a shaky breath as you slowly crept down the hall, peering into every room, until you finally checked the last room, yet finding nothing once again.
You cursed to yourself as you walked back into your kitchen. Scoffing as you set the candle holder down, you grabbed the book and stared at it.
"You're not really haunted, are you?"
"Not quite."
Gasping you dropped the book as you quickly grabbed the candle holder, spinning around you saw a man standing a few feet away. Chucking the candle holder at him, he dodged it, though barely, as he was surprised by your quick movements.
You froze for a second as the man looked back at you, surprise fading into a smirk, "Good reflexes."
Quickly reaching behind you, you grabbed a knife from the counter and held it defensively.
His smirked seemed to widen, "A fighter too."
"Who are you?" You asked boldly, though there was a waver in your voice.
He quirked his brow, "Shouldn't you know? You called me here."
He could see the confusion that crossed your face and his interest continued to pique.
"What do you mean?" Your grip tightened around the handle of the knife.
Tilting his head softly, his eyes drifted to the book on the counter behind you, "That little incantation you read earlier."
You quickly glance at the book, and your eyes furrowed more, "What?"
He furrowed his brow before he scoffed, "You have magic in your veins and you aren't even aware of it."
You were as far away from the man as you could get but fully cornered in your kitchen. Eyeing the counter, you knew you were fully prepared to vault over it if needed.
"What does that mean? Who are you?" You asked again, your voice holding more force than before.
"It means you are a child of witches. No matter how far back in your bloodline, only those with magic in their blood can use that book. And you summoned me."
Your heart pounded in your chest as your mind went wild. This guy was crazy, or maybe you were crazy. Whichever one it was, nothing was making sense.
Slowly, the man smiled, showing his bright white teeth. Bowing to you, he peered up, and as his eyes met yours you could see they were now completely black. Your heart jolted with shock as you felt locked in place.
"And to answer your other question. I am Death." Standing straight up again, you watched as his eyes faded back to brown. "But, you can call me Seonghwa. It is the name I go by with humans."
"Yeah, I'm going crazy." You muttered, staring almost blankly at him.
He tilted his head and a soft smile graced his face. "Is that easier to believe?"
"Is it easier to believe I'm going crazy over the fact that I somehow summoned Death into my house? Yeah, a bit."
He grinned at your words before he moved to walk into your living room. You followed him with your eyes, taking the moment to move out of your kitchen and to an area you could easily make a break for it if needed.
Looking around he smiled, "At least I didn't get summoned by someone who wanted to use me, or trap me. Last time that happened- Well, it didn't work out very well for him."
A shiver ran up your spine at his words, and you spoke again, your voice soft, and showing your new fear.
"Are you going to kill me?
Slowly he looked over at you, and for a moment you saw what you could only describe as dejection.
"Do you want to die?" He asked slowly, making your breath catch.
You shook your head, "No."
He smiled again and you almost felt relieved. "Then no, I am not going to kill you."
As he looked back towards your living room, you watched him pick up a piece of chocolate and eat it. You took this moment to fully take in his appearance.
His black hair perfectly matched his fully black outfit, and you couldn't deny he was gorgeous, almost ethereal even. If he wasn't a stranger claiming to be Death as he walked around your house as if he hadn't broken in, you might be flirting with him.
Looking over at you, his eyes scanned you before landing on the knife still in your hand.
"That won't do anything by the way." He commented with a casual tone.
Your eyes fell down to the knife in your hand and you held it tighter. "You say that, but it makes me feel better."
His lip quirked up slightly, "Then keep it."
You glanced over at the book and recalled everything that had happened since you bought it. Noises, shadows in the corner of your eyes, the feeling of being watched, but never finding or seeing anyone. Maybe he really was telling the truth.
"Why- what is an incantation to summon death doing written in the back of an old book?"
He shrugged "Well, it's not just an old book, its a grimoire, a spell book for witches. And it belonged to the last man who summoned me. The one who trapped me." You could hear malice in his voice as he looked back over at the book and your chest tightened.
"The one you killed?"
His eyes fell on you and his brow quirked, "How do you know I killed him?"
"You implied it. Besides, you said you were Death." You quickly answered.
His lips curled into a smile you would normally find charming if he weren't so unnerving.
"Smart too." He hummed as he turned to face you fully, his eyes scanned you up and down, as something you didn't recognize flashed in his eyes.
He started to walk slowly towards you and a shiver crawled up your spine, you backed away, and your felt your heart drop as your back hit the wall. Lifting your hand you reminded him of the knife as you gripped it, ready to fight if needed.
He stopped right in front of you and you felt your breath catch. The tip of the knife was pressed to his chest, but he didn't so much as blink.
Lifting his hand, he reached towards your face, his fingers gently caressing your cheek.
"Brave, strong-willed, smart, and beautiful."
His touch was cold, but it felt nice, and you resisted the urge to let out a sigh. The thought alone jarring you. You should be afraid, you should be yelling, running, fighting, but you weren't.
You met his eyes and you were startled by the softness he held in his gaze.
"What do you want from me?" You asked, voice soft, just above a whisper.
He tilted his head ever so slightly as he admired your face, dropping his hand.
"I was going to ask you that." Stepping away from you, he walked over to your fridge, pulling it open. "You summoned me, though I now know it was an accident. What was it you told your friend? You thought it would make a nice decoration?" You could hear a note of amusement in his tone.
You watched him rummage through your fridge as you thought back on your conversation with San. So he really had been here in the house, unseen, invisible. You recalled the reflection in the TV and you shivered.
Silently you walked back over to the book, the grimoire, as he called it. Quietly flipping through it, you wondered if every passage was a different spell. And you couldn't help but wonder, if you summoned him could you maybe do more?
You glanced back up at him, seeing him investigating your left-overs. Setting the knife down, you continued to flip to the end of the book.
Finding the last passage, the one you had summoned him with, your eyes fell to the second half, the part you had not read aloud. If the first half summoned him, perhaps the second half-
Before you could even finish your thought, you were being pressed up against the counter, hands held down at your sides, as Seonghwa's chest was pressed against your own. His nose brushed yours as his eyes held an intense gaze with yours.
"Don't." His voice was strong, but you thought you heard...panic?
"Don't what?" You asked somewhat breathlessly, still startled by his quick movements. You hadn't even seen him step away from the fridge.
"Read it."
"Why?" You asked, a challenge in your tone. You already knew you had been right, and from his reaction, he knew you knew it too.
"Because I don't want to go."
You felt your gut twist at the sudden vulnerability on his face, the tone of his voice did show fear, and almost desperation.
"Wh-why?" You asked again, your tone softer this time.
You felt his grip on your wrists loosen, but he still held you against him. Seonghwa debated telling you, what if you were secretly cruel? Just waiting for the perfect moment to get your hands back on the book? But as he studied your gaze a bit longer, he saw the genuine curiosity, and kindness peaking through, he also saw concern. For him? He felt his chest clench.
No, you weren't cruel, you were something...else. Something that intrigued him more than he could fully understand just yet.
"It's been so long since I've come here without cause or instruction, I'd like to stay. Unless you demand something of me."
"You summoned me, and because of that, you have some realm of control over me. So tell me, what do you want?"
You stared into his eyes and saw various emotions coursing through them. What had others who summoned him demanded he do? He was Death, so did that mean he was summoned to kill? And who? Innocent people? Evil people? What did the man who owned the grimoire before you do to him when he trapped him?
The more you thought of these possibilities, the more you could make sense of the emotions in his gaze. He was afraid, he was angry, he was tired. He wanted to be free.
You found yourself shaking your head. "I don't want anything."
Seonghwa studied your face for a moment, his eyes grazing over your lips longer than he fully intended. He let go of your hands as he let out a breath.
You would really wish nothing of him? You had a powerful, God-like being at your beckoning, and you wanted nothing?
A smile formed on his face. "Kind too. I'll add that to the list."
You felt a smile tugging at your lips, but you pushed it away. "So can you only come here when you are summoned?"
Seonghwa smiled. So you had finally accepted he was really Death. Now, you were curious. Usually he might ignore your questions and flee, but you were, more or less, setting him free. And, something made him not want to leave, at least not quite yet.
"Or to take souls to the Underworld. But most times, I can only stay for a short time. Until my bidding is done."
"And...are you the only Death? I mean, there can't just be you, right?"
"No, there are many of us. We are demons, a type at least."
Your brow furrowed, "I thought Death was supposed to be an Angel?"
"The original one was, yes. But Angels can only handle so much death before they are tainted by it. Demons are not."
You nodded as if you understood, but you only grew more confused by the second.
"I don't know why I'm telling you this so easily." He mused, his tone holding both curiosity and amusement.
"And I don't know why I'm not freaking out."
He smiled as a soft chuckle left his mouth and as you smiled in return, he felt his heart skip a beat. As he studied you his gaze almost became playful.
You felt your ears and neck growing hot, "What?" You asked, uncertain what to do under his gaze.
A smirk formed on his face, "I like you." He said matter-of-factly.
You could no longer ignore the heat that had risen up your neck, or the way your heart pounded in your chest. How and why did he make you feel like this, when you had been terrified not too long ago?
Before you could respond, you heard a knock on your door, causing you to flinch out of surprise.
Seonghwa glanced towards your door before he looked back at you. He tried to ignore the disappointment that filled his chest as you looked away from him. He hated interruptions.
"Your friend is back."
You looked from the door to him and he motioned his head for you to go. You slowly walked away, leaving the kitchen, and his line of sight, still uneasy due to his previous actions. He wasn't going to do anything to whoever was at the door was he?
Peeping out of the window, you saw San bouncing on his feet outside your door. You rose your brow as you wondered how Seonghwa had known it was one of your friends. And why were you referring to him as Seonghwa like you knew him??
As you disappeared from his sight Seonghwa looked down at the grimoire before picking it up. It really could do you good, if you learned more about your magic. But, as long as that incantation was in the back, he couldn't let you have it. Not if you might change your mind about letting him stay.
He could hear you answer the door, and knew you wouldn't say anything about his presence. If you did, you would just sound crazy, and he wouldn't be here to prove that wrong.
"Hey! I left my phone in the living room." San said as soon as you opened the door, before he rushed inside "I gotta get it before Wooyoung drives off without me."
"Oh, I can get it!"
He chuckled "That's okay, I'll be quick!" He called back as he headed past the kitchen where Seonghwa was.
You followed him, fear spiking through you, what would Seonghwa do? What would San do? As you rounded the corner, you saw San grabbing his phone from the table, while the kitchen was empty, Seonghwa no where in sight. Your eyes landed on the counter and your heart jumped. He had taken the book.
San grinned at you, "Got it! Sorry, I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?!" He called as he jogged out of the house and towards Wooyoung's car as he sat impatiently out front.
You looked around, wondering where Seonghwa had gone. Had he really left? You walked swiftly through your house and didn't find him. He had taken the book and vanished. Of course he would. That was the smart thing to do.
Your thoughts swam for a moment as your eyes stared blankly at where the book had been.
Why wouldn't he leave? I didn't command him to do anything and he just wanted to be free. And he took the book...because I could use it to send him back to...well wherever it was he came from.
You knew he was smart for taking the book, but why did he leave? And why did your chest ache because of it? Was he going to come back? Or was that the first and last time you would meet the black haired demon? Would you see him again years down the road when you die? Were you really descended from witches?
Thoughts plagued you as you sat on the couch. How had your day gone from so normal, to so earth-shatteringly complicated in the span of a few hours?
Slowly, without really noticing, you started to sink lower into the couch as your mind slowed, exhaustion from the adrenaline of your evening. Giving into it, mind foggy, you lied down, accepting sleep as it washed over you.
Maybe this was all a dream, and I've been asleep the whole time.
That was the last coherent thought that crossed your mind. So lost in the fog of sleep, you could barely register the sound of wings fluttering nearby, or the sound of footsteps approaching you. The soft caress of fingertips across your cheek might have shocked you if your mind had been more alert.
As your body became weightless, you stirred for only a moment before you drifted into a deep sleep.
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When you woke the next morning the thoughts of the previous night rushed to your mind. There was no way that actually happened, right?
You sat up and looked down at yourself. You had never changed into your pajamas. In fact, you had fallen asleep on the couch, not in your bed. So, how were you in your bedroom now?
The image of Seonghwa appeared in your mind and your chest tightened.
It wasn't a dream, was it?
Walking out into your living room, your eyes scanned the room, before landing on the kitchen counter. Walking over you found the candle-holder you had thrown now sitting on the edge of the table. And the spot where you had placed the book was empty.
Would he come back? Should you wait?
No. No, I have a life, I can't sit and wait around for Death.
The sudden thought almost made you laugh. The thought would be more profound if it weren't a person you were referring too.
Deciding to get dressed and go to work, you tried not to focus on all of the new thoughts and questions plaguing your mind. But you found very little to distract yourself with. All day you looked around expecting to see Seonghwa watching you. Every time you heard the sound of a bird fly past your eyes darted around.
Was it just your mind that made you so paranoid? When every time you felt like you were being watched, or that someone was behind you even though no one was there. Was it just you? Or was it really him?
You weren't sure why, but you kept yourself so busy with work you stayed late. Then you decided to run errands that didn't even need to be done.
It was all because you were afraid to go home. But why, is what confused you. It wasn't that you were afraid he would show up, it was that you wanted him too.
You should be terrified, but you just wanted to know more. More about what or who he is. More about yourself and magic.
Was it morbid curiosity? Was it attraction to some form of darkness you didn't understand?
You hated that you couldn't sort your thoughts out. And all you felt was exhaustion by the time you finally got home. You ran out of things to keep you away, so you gave in.
As you stepped into your quite house, you looked around, checking each room casually before you let out a sigh and wandered over to the fridge.
He took the book, he is free to do what he wants, he's not coming back. Why would he?
Leaning down to look through the fridge, your whole body froze as the sound of fluttering wings came from behind you. Slowly, you stood up, before turning to peer over your shoulder.
You knew what you were going to see, but your heart still jumped as you set eyes on Seonghwa. He stared at you from across the room, a small smile on his face.
Slowly turning around, you closed the fridge as you stared at him in silence for a moment.
"And here I was beginning to wonder if you were ever real at all." You mumbled, trying to steady your heavy beating heart.
His small smile widened but he stayed silent.
Your eyes wandered to where the book had been and you met his eyes. "Wanted to make sure I couldn't send you back?"
He glanced to the kitchen counter and for a second you thought you saw guilt cross his face before he shrugged his head.
"Yes. Honestly I should have gotten rid of it last time, but I had no idea the incantation was written in the book itself."
"You could have just asked." You mumbled almost under your breath, and he noted the mild offense in your tone.
He looked you up and down and took a step closer before tilting his head. "Are you saying you wouldn't have done it?"
You laced your hands together behind your back as you kept eye contact with him. You walked away from the fridge and around the counter to face him straight on.
"I don't know. I'm still struggling to understand if this is all real or-"
"Or if you're going crazy?"
You nodded slowly as he finished your thought. Suddenly, he began walking towards you, you hesitated, only stepping back as he nearly ran into you. You let out a soft gasp as your back hit the wall.
You met his eyes in mild panic and uncertainty, but he simply stared into your eyes with a soft smile. His forehead nearly brushed yours as he got closer. Slowly, he lifted his hand and brushed his knuckles against the side of your face before cupping your cheek.
"Do you feel that?"
Your voice had vanished, but you nodded.
His other hand rubbed against your own before he laced his fingers through yours and held your hand.
"And that?"
You nodded again, your heart pounding so hard you were sure he could feel it himself.
He smiled before he slowly removed his hand and took a step back, "Then this is real, and you are not crazy"
Opening your mouth, you hesitated for second before you finally found your voice again. "Why did you come back?"
He stared at you for a moment before raising his brow.
"You took the book, I can't send you back, you're free to stay, just like you wanted. So why did you come back here?"
He kept his eyes locked with yours in silence for a moment before he hummed under his breath.
"I wondered that too, and I can come to only one conclusion."
You waited in silence, questioning him with your gaze. Your breath caught as he leaned forward again, closing the distance he had just put between you.
Seonghwa brought his face next to yours, as his breath tickled your ear.
"I want you."
Your eyes widened as you took in his words, but before you could respond a gust of air and the sound of fluttering wings caused you to flinch and blink in surprise. As you opened them again, he was gone, as though he had never been there at all.
You let out a staggered breath as the tension in your body released.
Taking everything in, you felt dizzy from the amount of thoughts passing through your head. But all of it came crashing down as you let out a bewildered breath and the only thing you could truly muster.
"What the fuck."
xx End xx
{Part Two}
Series Taglist Open
General Taglist: @otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669
Ateez Taglist: @soso59love-blog, @thunderous-wolf
387 notes · View notes
daceydeath · 4 months
Club 143
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Pairing: 0T8 x Reader, Felix x Reader Word Count: 27.1K Genre: Work Romance, slow burn, Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, swearing, male escorts, hosting, alcohol, Explicit Activities
This is my offering of thanks for the 2K of you that have followed me and also kept me going over the past 12 months you guys are amazing and I love the absolute shit out of you all xx
It had been a hard 18 months in every single way, your boyfriend has cheated on you, your job was a never ending cycle of not quite making it and all your friends were either getting married or having babies. Something had to go your way, so this new editorial opportunity had to be the start of it all turning around for you.
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You swiped left again, the dating app that your best friend had downloaded for you was full to the brim with fuck boys, dip shits and douche bags none of which interested you long enough to even read the stupid little bio they had written. You had been alone long enough to know you didn't want to waste the little time and effort you could give to someone to be wasted on someone who wouldn't even be able to give you what you wanted let alone what you needed. You had complained to your best friends often enough that one had bought you a vibrator and the other had installed this stupid app telling you to just get back out there and meet people but you were struggling. You didn't want a cheap fuck in an alley behind a club or a guy who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag let alone find your clitoris taking you home. You wanted to feel good, it wasn't neurosurgery it shouldn't be that hard to find. You had tried dating a few times since your break up with your ex but to begin with it was hard to trust a man again and then you realized you perhaps didn't want to fall straight back into a relationship until it was too late and you had given all the better options the flick.
Sighing you got back to work figuring that it would keep you busy you had been in the news media for a while now and although you weren't a fully qualified journalist, you had never bothered with university, you had made your way up the food chain and were currently working in the health, wellness and well being section of your company. You were sent to cover makeup launches, yoga classes, newest beauty surgical day spas and other garbage but this week you had been given a different assignment. As one of the only women in the team who didn't get embarrassed at the sight of anything too 'exciting' you were being sent to the latest host club for professional women. A week's worth of sitting around trying to not get too drunk while you watched professional, lonely and probably far too wealthy women get flirted with by attractive young men. It had made you a little nervous but you had looked into everything you had been given and you were hoping that it would go smoothly. 
Club 143 was in midtown just across the district border from the wealthiest areas of the city. The home of idols, celebrities and the business elite, it was incredibly well located to cater to their every need and whim. The man who you had spoken to over the phone had seemed quite casual, he had introduced himself as Bang Chan and said he was the owner and operator, he also seemed quite happy to have you come for the week to see how the premises operated and ran. You were going for the following day Wednesday to meet him and see what the club had to offer then you would meet with the various hosts and finally if you wished to he would grant you the full host experience free of charge in exchange for the editorial you would write. Your phone ringing broke you out of organizing what you would need to know for preparation.
"Good evening" you answered, slightly distracted as you saved your research on Mr Bang.
"Have I called at a bad time?" Chan's voice sounded slightly concerned.
"No not at all Mr Bang, I was just preparing for tomorrow" you chirped wanting to sound professional and interested despite being nervous.
"Good, good. I was thinking if it isn't too early we could start at about 11? It will just be me and the bar and waiting staff to begin with so don't feel you need to be dressed up. The boys wouldn't arrive until after 7 anyway so if you need to run home or to the office you have plenty of time" He explained to you gently.
"Oh excellent, that will hopefully give me time to interview you about the first half or so of the editorial on the beginnings and such" you nodded your head even though he couldn't see you.
"I'll see you tomorrow then" He said warmly, his voice having an effect of soothing you each time you heard it.
"See you tomorrow Mr Bang" you hung up feeling a little less worried but still unsure of how this assignment would go.
Arriving at 10:55 you stood looking at the fairly standard looking five story glass building, the only thing making it look slightly different from its surroundings was a total lack of signage except for a small black and sign with elegant gold script reading Club 143 next to the large front doors.
"Good morning Miss" a calm professional voice spoke, making you almost jump "You are here to meet with Mr Bang correct?". 
"Um yes, yes I am, I'm from the editorial team at JYP News" you smiled introducing yourself and following her inside.
"I'm just one of the wait staff Miss, Mr Bang asked us to keep an eye out for you and bring you to his office once you arrived" she explained leading you through the opulent looking bar with its high ceiling and huge chandelier to a door reading staff which she opened for you and gestured for you to enter and take a seat "He won't be long Miss" 
Nodding as she left you alone to wait you looked at the waiting area you had been led to, soft wingback armchairs in warm chocolate tones filled the space, gold accented furniture and a wooden floor seemed excessive for a staff area but you assumed you needed to present the lavish luxury everywhere just in case.
"Miss Kim?" His deep velvety voice asked, making your eyes snap to him "I'm Bang Chan, but please call me Chan" . His warm smile and adorable dimples were a stark contrast from his built physique and generally sexy appearance.
"Hello, if I am going to call you by your first name then please call me by mine" you swallowed hard shaking his hand as you greeted him.
"Good, I prefer to keep things as casual as possible, it can get too pretentious otherwise" He explained cheekily taking you into his office which was far more minimalist than the ostentatious club. "This is my office, we have seen the boys waiting room and you walked through the bar, would you like the tour first or to chat?"
"How about the tour first then we can start the start of the interview process" you smiled politely placing your bag on the floor beside his desk.
"Alright then" he clapped as you followed him back out to the bar to begin "This is the main bar this is where anyone can come to have a drink or enjoy themselves without interruptions, this bar isn't limited to women but we do anticipate that most of the clientele will be female due to the other services we provide"
"So this is not host related at all then just a regular bar?" you asked looking at the beautiful furnishings and row upon row of alcohol bottles that lined the mirrored walls behind the bar.
"Yes the first 2 levels are just a speakeasy come cocktail bar level 3 is where that changes although any available host will be down here in hopes of attracting clients" he waggled his eyebrows at you while he guided you to the large staircase which you climbed after he had offered his arm to you looking over the large cut out that had been made to house the gigantic chandelier.
"It does look beautiful" you murmur your fingers sliding against the fabric of the leather couches as you continue to the far end of the room towards the elevator that stood with its glimmering golden doors set against a black marble wall "Although very opulent".
"Opulence is not your taste then?" Chan queried interested in your opinion as the elevator doors opened and you stepped in together.
"Not to this level, I like a little bit of glitz every now and again but I'm more of a homebody" you felt your face heat up as you spoke not wanting to insult his business before you had even had a proper conversation with him.
"That's fair, I'm not into this lifestyle either, it is excessive" he chuckled. "But the women who are will pay for this experience without a second thought".
"Clever Chan, you know your target audience well" you tried not to smirk as you watched him stuff his hands into the pockets of his black chinos as you traveled up to the next floor through the mirrors all around you.
"This is level 3 and the first level of the host experience, women of all ages can come here and be doted on by male hosts who will drink with them, eat with them and basically fawn over them providing all the attention they desire" Chan continued to explain as your eyes roamed the deep red painted booths that could be hidden behind matching deep red velvet curtains. Before returning to the elevator to go up again into another room full of more private booths that were set further apart to elude more privacy.
"Level 4 is the next level of our host services, so the private bookings or most popular hosts will normally be here. They see people one on one for extended periods of time" Chan continued as you took in another over the top room only this time in deep emerald greens with gold accents.
"Ok so most popular? Does that mean the most requested? So the hosts on the lower level are more of a on demand and availability sort of set up?" You asked making a note in your phone to include the differences when you started writing.
"Yes, the ones that are requested the most or have customers wanting to request them on a regular basis. Yes they will be on this floor" he smiled as you took a few notes and asked things you weren't sure of.
"Is this the last level?" You asked, thinking back to when you had looked into the building as part of your research "I thought this was a five story building" you tilted your head to him.
"You are right there is one more level which I'll give you a tour of only one part since it needs to remain an enigma to out clients" he smirked like a cat who had gotten the cream as you stepped into the lift once again the last floor could only be accessed by key card as Chan swiped his allowing for the floor to be selected.
"Oh, is it really a secret then?" you sassed playfully as the lift climbed to the final floor, the lift opened revealing a single hallway that led to a set of 10 doors the entire hallway painted deep navy blue with only the golden door handles and numbers glinting like stars against the dark walls.
"This is level 5, the premium service, and the most expensive and exclusive part of Club 143" Chan grinned, leading you out of the elevator with his hand resting against your lower back "Pick a door any door and that will be the final part of the tour". You walked down the hallway and stopped before door three looking back at Chan with your eyebrow cocked"
"Door 3 please Chan" you smiled.
"Are you sure you won't get to see inside the others, this is the only one you will see?" He teased walking to the door and swiping his card and opening the handle slowly as you nodded up at him.
"Woah" you muttered as you stepped into what could be a million dollar penthouse, with a lounge area, large bedroom and as you wandered a giant bathroom with a several person bathtub and shower that could fit at least four people.
"Level 5 is the full host experience, you are wined and dined in the comfort of a luxury home and there are no rules except for the ones made between the host and the client" he explained further as you turned back to him, your eyes wide at his obvious implications.
"I'm sorry level 5 is a brothel?" you almost squeaked as Chan doubled over in laughter.
"We provide a full service, but it doesn't have to include sex" Chan continued to chuckle "Some of our hosts are escorts some are not, some of the women who come to this floor will only be here to avoid being recognized on the lower floors some will be willing to part with a lot of money for a night with one of my boys".
"Sorry, that came out quite rudely didn't it?" you apologized flustered "I just wasn't expecting hosts and escorts".
"It's fine" he shrugged, still trying to stop his laughter "Come back downstairs and we can chat about it all in my office and grab some lunch, I've told the kitchens that anything on the menu you order is on the house".
"You don't have to put up with me poking around all week and feed me" you retorted knowing how much this was potentially going to put him out of pocket.
"If you are here and you are working then I should feed you, it's the only way for you to have a fully immersive experience after all" he shrugged as you got out of the lift on the ground floor and followed him back to his office.
You had spoken with Chan about everything you could think of, why he started the club, where the idea had come from and how he selected the hosts you had moved into the waiting room that he had called the boys waiting room setting up your laptop and starting with the opening parts of your editorial as well as typing up your notes of all the things you would need for later a tasting plate of pasta that the chef had prepared for you sat mostly eaten beside the coffee you had asked one of the bar staff for. You felt strange being given anything you asked for so you had tried your hardest to only order a relatively inexpensive dish off the overly expensive menu so as not to appear greedy or that you were taking advantage of Chan's generous hospitality.
"Good afternoon beautiful" a soft pleasant voice interrupted your typing as you looked up slightly confused as two handsome men had walked into the waiting room.
"He means you sweetheart" the other smiled, his pretty smile and easy manner distracting from his hulkingly muscular frame.
"Hello" you answered quietly as Chan emerged from his office. 
"Minho, Changbin you're early and you have met our resident reporter I see" he rolled his eyes at them both.
"Resident reporter?" The taller one quirked his head furrowing his brows.
"Remember the editorial that is being written about our first week to help boost the popularity of the place Minho?" Chan sighed slightly exasperated.
"Oh yeah shit that's right" he smirked "Sorry" he turned to you again looking smug rather than sorry as you blinked again and went back to your article taking a sip of coffee.
"Get in the office will you we have stuff to talk about" Chan groaned as the other two plodded into the office after him and you took that as your cue to finish up and go home to change for the evening so that you at least looked the part of someone who should be in attendance at a fancy arsed party. You had borrowed a few dresses from a colleague that you had spoken to about the assignment, she had suggested you stick to darker and more modest dresses that would help you blend into the background so that you didn't draw unwanted attention. Needless to say the black square necked mid length dress made you feel like no one would notice you compared to the socialites that were expected to be in attendance.
When you returned to Club 143 the doorman ushered you straight in and you were met by a well dressed man who welcomed you and took you back to the waiting room you had been in for half of your day.
"Mr Bang, your guest has returned" he knocked and ushered you in leaving you quite surprised at the room now full of preposterously handsome men.
"Um hello, guests aren't meant to be back here sweetheart" One of them smiled his eyes friendly as he moved to take you into the still empty bar.
"There you are! you disappeared I wondered which one of the boys had stolen you away" Chan teased.
"Well I didn't think I would fit in that well in a work suit so sorry about that" you sassed straight back feeling distinctly more comfortable after floating around him for so long during the course of the day.
"Miss reporter you came back" one of the guys from earlier grinned.
"Reporter?" A very young looking man asked, his fine facial features making him look distinctly fox like.
"This is the reporter who will be doing the editorial on the club to, hopefully, increase our business. She's here for the whole week so be nice to her. She isn't a client so don't treat her like one" Chan announced.
"This is Minho and Changbin who you saw earlier today" he gestured to the two guys furthest away, "this is Han, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix". You followed Chan hand as he introduced each one, smiling until you met his eyes. He was so beautiful he almost took your breath away but you tore your eyes back to look at Chan as he introduced you to them.
"I figured tonight you can wander at will observing whatever interests you and then tomorrow you can talk to the guys about whatever you need for the article" he continued.
"Sure that sounds good, give me a chance to see the rest of the staff in action as well" you smiled politely hoping to seem professional.
"We do have more hosts obviously, but they are either getting changed or not here yet" he added, looking at you as you quirked your eyebrow at him.
"How many are there in total?" you tilted your head pulling your phone from your tiny purse to take more notes.
"There are thirty hosts in total and these seven are the ones I expect to be the... most popular ones" Chan smirked.
"Oh the host for upstairs, the hosts that are actually escorts but you're calling them hosts, those hosts? Right" you rolled your eyes sounding sarcastic as you entered a few short notes looking back up at him to see a shit eating grin on his face.
"You catch on quick" he winked.
"You are an impossible flirt Mr Bang" you pursed your lips to cover your chuckle.
"Hey what did I say about the Mr Bang thing?" he almost yelped.
"Not to use it" you met his eyes cheekily "So naturally that will be what I call you". 
Your eyes flicked back across the others, taking in the amused expressions before you put on your best professional face and turned back to the door, opening it and walking though to cut off whatever comeback he was preparing for you.
"If you need me Mr Bang I'll be at the bar, need to review your bar staff too you know" you called as you walked towards the large bar where three barmen were waiting.
Once the music started and the doors opened to the many beautiful and well dressed women who wanted to see what a building full of ridiculously handsome men could offer them. You watched as each of the impeccably dressed hosts were either assigned or accosted by the women filling the bar you watched on seeing socialites you recognized, CEO’'s and directors of well known businesses and politicians wives all ogling the men you had met earlier and the many that you hadn't as they flitted through the crowd with ease. Chan was busy entertaining a group of women who all had glasses of champagne in their hands, Minho seemed to be captivating his audience of four young women who had bee lined for him and an a tall man you hadn't met was keeping another group of women enthralled by some story he was weaving for them.
"All alone tonight Miss R?" A sexily deep voice asked from you left making you jump slightly as you turned to face him as he slipped the stem of a glass of champagne between your fingers.
"Oh no I'm just observing tonight" you answered slightly flustered by how smooth his actions had been until you actually looked at him, tall, blond and handsome in an expensive tailored looking suit.
"I'm Felix" he smiled dazzlingly, taking in what must have been a slightly shocked expression on your face "We met before but there were a lot of names for you to remember".
"Yes, yes we did" you smiled back feeling helpless to do anything else as his golden flecked brown eyes skimmed over your face "How is the night going so far for you?".
"I would say excellent but then I saw you alone and I thought you might want a little company for just a little while" His voice was like honey and you instantly realized that this must be why Chan knew he would be so popular with his clientele.
"That would be lovely Felix, but aren't you meant to be working?" you sipped the champagne to cover the flush that was creeping up your neck as he moved a few strands of your hair behind your eyes.
"I am working" he teased "I am working on giving you a good view of how this works although this is more enjoyable to me than politicians wives or silly socialites".
"I can't tell if you are actually telling me the truth or that you are a professional when it comes to flirting" you admitted almost too quietly to hear over the music and noise.
"Truth not flirting" he smiled crookedly "Flirting is hardly going to work on you since you know what happens here".
"Well thank you for the honesty" you conceded while taking another sip of the wine.
"It's not entirely selfless but it thought I could show you around a bit let you see how upstairs is looking" he suggested offering you his arm like a gentleman "after all showing you around does give me at least something enjoyable to do that also gets me away from some of the women old enough to be my mother" he joked.
"I would really like that, it seems less like spying if I am next to you" you grinned taking the offered arm before Felix escorted you to the elevator, you noticed the looks some of the women threw at you and started to fell a little self conscious of the sheer lack of wealth and importance you looked as you passed them.
"Ignore them" Felix whispered, placing his other hand on top of the one you were holding his arm with. "They are just jealous of how beautiful you look tonight compared to them".
"I agree that they are jealous but it's not for how I look it's because I'm with you Felix" you whispered back making him smile genuinely at you. "So level 3 then?"
"We can start there and see where it takes us" Felix smirked naughtily as though he was intentionally breaking a rule, gently guiding you into the elevator along with another host you hadn't seen before who had a giggly young woman clutching his arm Felix tiled his body to hide you from the other woman his warm chest brushing against your arm.
Stepping from the lift the hosted area looked almost as full as the bar downstairs, each of the booths were either occupied or had velvet ropes preventing the area being used until a host was available to fill it. Felix took your hand from his arm and instead guided you with his arm delicately draped around your waist, your skin heating up where he made contact with your dress. He helped you onto one of the bar stools slipping onto his own beside you and catching the attention of one of the bartenders.
"What is your drink of choice?" he asked casually, still looking toward the bartender.
"Oh I'm working, I shouldn't be drinking" you replied softly.
"Well how about a non alcoholic drink?" he shot you a seductive smirk as you blinked at him.
"Um" you thought for a moment.
"Can I get two specialty martinis please" Felix ordered before turning back to you and winking "if you say specialty at any of these bars they will serve you a non alcoholic drink that looks like one so no one is the wiser".
"Any other tips you can share with me?" you smiled gracefully as the bartender placed the two drinks in front of you making Felix lean into your ear as though he was spilling secrets.
"Don't take Chan as just the owner, he is one of us too" he whispered "and to be honest half the escort boys you met would have knocked me out if they knew I was going to monopolize your attention for so long". His breath grazed your neck as he spoke, making you shiver hoping that he wouldn't notice the effect he was having on you and the struggle to remain as professional as possible that you were currently battling inside your head.
"How often this week do you think you will be on this floor then Felix?" you whispered back hoping to keep the purely professional status between you since your mind was screaming at you that he was too good to be true.
"This is probably going to be the only time to be honest with you" he moved to tuck your hair behind your ear once again, before taking your elbow to guide you back across to the elevator "I have a feeling I will be booked fairly solidly from here on out, shall we see the next floor?"
Stepping into the elevator again Felix draped his arm once again around your waist pulling you closer to his side, completely distracting you from the doors closing or opening again, before leading you from the elevator to a private booth at the far end of the room and sliding you in and following in after you.
"So tell me, why did you take this assignment?" he tilted his head looking only into your eyes as he spoke, capturing you entirely from what you had been planning on observing around the room.
"Truthfully, I was hoping I could make a good impression on my bosses and get more interesting work" you admitted "I'm a little tired of the ten ways to look younger, or how to land a wealthy boyfriend articles I usually get".
"Hmm, I can understand that" he sipped his drink casually. "You don't seem the type to work in the whole lifestyle media world to be honest with you, you seem more serious".
"I wouldn't have taken you for an escort either, a rich boy maybe or even a host but still here we are" you fired back teasingly.
"Well right now I'm not any of those things" he smirked, eyes twinkling in the low mood lighting of the room.
"Oh I'm pretty sure you're still a rich boy, judging by how tailored that designer suit is" you giggled playfully, enjoying how he was making you feel much more comfortable than you had anticipated.
"Fair I am still that, but I'm not treating you like I would if you were one of my guests, I thought you might get a bit sick of me if it was all just smoke and mirrors" The honesty of his words made you feel somewhat pleased that you were seeing a more realistic version of Felix even if it wasn't the same as if you had met him anywhere else on any other day.
"Right this is where you're hiding huh?" Chan's voice floated over you both bursting the bubble that you were currently in.
"I'm just showing Miss R what a host experience would entail Chan" Felix grinned cheekily.
"Well you have a booking so off you trot I'll find someone else to entertain our fly on the wall guest" Chan chuckled as Felix got out of the booth missing the look he shot you before he left to find his guest, he looked almost a little disappointed to be leaving you which made butterflies burst out in your stomach.
"Would you like me to find someone to look after you?" Chan's voice had you turning back to him blinking.
"Oh no, it's opening night, you need them for your guests, I'll just wander and keep to myself if that is easier" you said hurriedly not wanting to cause him any issues.
"That's fine too. I have a keycard for you so you can go to any of the floors you want, except the top, don't want you walking into something you shouldn't" he winked sneakily pressing the card into your hand before heading back to your assumed work.
You slipped from the booth taking the final sip of your drink and heading towards the elevator deciding that you should probably make your way back down to the bar to observe the party and not just spend the rest of the evening hoping to catch a glimpse of Felix again. Stepping into the party atmosphere of the upper bar you walked towards the bar slipping around groups of women and wait staff who looked like they had been training for how busy it was going to be for weeks in advance. Different handsome men caught your attention as you looked about, all were almost unbelievably attractive but no two looked that much alike they all had their own uniqueness which you suppose was how they made their money catering to the exact fantasy of the guest they were entertaining. As you made your way closer to the bar you were intercepted by a man you hadn't met before.
"Good evening, beautiful, what brings you here alone?" His smooth voice washed over you "May I keep you company?".
"Hello and of course you can but you will be wasting your time on me" you apologized quickly.
"I would very much doubt that" you smiled softly, his pretty eyes and angelic face making you feel a little flustered "I'm Yunho" he introduced himself taking your hand to press a chaste kiss to your knuckles.
"Pleasure to meet you Yunho" you stammered as he guided you to a seat at the bar "I'm the reporter that is writing the editorial on the place".
"Oh you're Miss R!" his eyes lit up as he waved down one of the staff at the bar "Some of the others were talking about you, said you were very pretty and had been swept off her feet by Felix. I'll admit I'm pleased that only one of those is true".
"I can tell you're a host but what kind of host are you?" you licked your lips trying to keep your composure at his flirting.
"Ah Chan already mentioned there are differences, no wonder he's hopeless with telling too much to pretty girls" he laughed "But I am just a host, I'm not in the same league as Felix, Chan or Hyunjin".
"Now you know I'm not a paying guest, do you still want to sit here with me?" you questioned not just because you wanted to ask him everything you could think of about his job but also because you didn't want to make him feel obligated if there was money to be made elsewhere.
"I would rather talk with you about whatever you wish to know than pretend to be interested in empty headed socialites" he whispered coyly his lips coming closer to your ear "Although maybe we should move to our own little corner rather than the bar?"
"What did you have in mind, Yunho? you're the one with experience here" you whispered back conspiratorially a small smile tugged on the corners of his lips.
"Follow me Miss R, I'll show you all the ins and outs" you waggled his eyebrows playfully at you before picking up two tall glasses that looked like gin and tonics. Yunho nestled you right into the front corner of the upper level which gave you access to watch the whole floor and a good section of the lower floor placing your glass in front of you he sat closely beside you.
"What drew you to this job?" you quipped as soon as he was seated.
"Well I fell into it actually, I met a few of the other guys Yeosang, Wooyong and Mingi they said I should give it a go. I already knew I had pretty good looks so why not use them to make some money right?" He explained animatedly "So after I worked at a few different host places where I was just part time I met Chan, he had given the others a job and he gave me one too".
"That is such a random set of circumstances" you laughed.
"Well the other three work here with me, we’re here 5 nights a week and make more then we would working a normal job with way less hours" he shrugged easily his smile infectious as he looked at you softly "I meet interesting people, I get paid to flirt and be charming it is the easiest job in the world the only downside is that I haven't told my family and getting a girlfriend is hard" you nodded empathizing with him, you hadn't thought about it but you would probably have to leave all last names out of the article to make sure that a level on anonymity was maintained. You couldn't out people for their jobs to their family after all that was unethical.
"So the hours are good and the job isn't too hard? Sounds like a dream really" you said wistfully thinking of how much over time you were going to need to work to type up the part of the article to do with the opening.
"It's not all roses, some of the people we have to entertain treat us like shit, we are paid to give them attention, flatter them, make them feel special but they treat us like we are nothing more than an object half the time. Or worse we get some who not only eat up every word we say but believe it so they become obsessed and come in all the time." he continued shrugging as though it was normal to have admirers fighting for your attention.
"What happens in the case of them becoming obsessed?" you asked genuinely concerned.
"Well as long as they can afford to pay for our time then we keep seeing them, you do feel bad for them they think we are in love with them and we are actually saying the same to the next woman we see. Once they can't afford our time they can come in the building anymore" his answers were still far too casual for what he was talking about in your opinion.
"They are just barred?" you almost splutter.
"Well not barred permanently they can come back when they can afford to but that is why Chan decided to make a much more elite version of the standard club. The more money you have the more you can spend but the more likely you will draw a scandal if you become too invested in any one host" he clarified not looking at you directly but leaning in to you as he spoke so he could keep his voice quiet. He seemed to be watching the room far closer than you which made you sit back from him and continue to scan the crowd and how smoothly things were coming together.
You couldn't help notice the moment Chan walked back into your eye line speaking to another quite tall and attractive man who he sent toward a man who had been standing at the bottom of the stairs monitoring the room the whole time you had been in a place you could see him. You hadn't been introduced but you assumed he was the majordomo in Chan's stead while they were all working, he seemed to direct just about every host that was on the lower floors and he sent this tall handsome one up the stairs towards you.
"Good evening Miss R" he smiled almost sinfully "I'm San and I deeply apologize but I need to steal Yunho here away".
"Oh of course, I don't want to interrupt your work" your eyes widened slightly thinking you had gotten Yunho in trouble "I didn't mean to take so much of his time".
"Don't worry Miss R" Yunho grinned roguishly "I think someone else wants to monopolize your time" he stood following San across the floor to a group of women who were probably in the later part of their thirties to make a good impression and hopefully some business.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself," Chan noted, offering you his hand so you could stand.
"This is a lovely bar regardless of the other things you have going on here" you conceded watching him look proud from a moment.
"Would you like to have a little more in depth look around?" He offered chuckling at how you seemed to be taking in as many details as possible.  
"How much more in depth?" you tilted your head at him for a moment making him chuckle before he led you to the elevator. 
"Were going up to the level 4 I have a space that I haven't been able to fill that I think you might be perfect for" Chan almost purred as he spoke to you making your body react in a way you hadn't expected, you shivered and your breathing increased at the prospect of what he meant.
"I'm confused Chan" you said slowly as he gently guided you towards a booth that was unoccupied.
"Well the fourth floor has a booth that hasn't been filled and a host that hasn't been assigned so I was hoping you would do me a favor and fill that gap for the time being" he revealed helping you on to the plush velvet couch that made up the majority of the space. Most of the curtains around you were drawn partially or completely, you could see the occasional glimpse of the host that was working but not the guest. The booth to your right hand side Changbin lounging legs half spread as he lent toward whoever he was entertaining to your left you saw a flash of blonde hair and a tailored suit and knew instantly it was Felix.
"I can do that for you, it would be my pleasure" you bit your bottom lip a little to cover the nerves you were feeling but you did feel like you owed Chan to help him if he needed a favor in return for the unlimited access he was giving you.
"Excellent, I will let him know you are here" He grinned walking behind you to the bar. You didn't want to get caught looking around too much but you couldn't help your curiosity, looking at the other booths you could see occasional comings and goings of the wait staff bringing drinks or bottles of wine but nothing too interesting until you sat further into the cushions and looked to your left noticing Felix's looking at you with a almost annoyed expression but his eyes darted away quickly.
"Hello, we met earlier" a slightly husky voice took your attention away from Felix and to yet another handsome man, this one tall and lean with beautiful features and the prettiest lips you thought you had ever seen on anyone ever. "I'm Hyunjin".
"Hello Hyunjin, I do remember" you swallowed feeling shy to be under such an intense gaze, he moved to draw the curtains across both the left and right of you to keep you from any other person's gaze but not before snorting softly as he pulled the left side across. Sitting beside you he pushed a small button on the coffee table in front of you and made himself comfortable.
"I realize this might be slightly strange for you but I will try to make this as genuine as I can without too much theatrics" He chuckled honestly making you feel a little more at ease.
"How is it that a host such as yourself is not fully booked?" you asked tentatively not wanting to start off on the wrong foot.
"Well my guest was unable to choose between myself and another host so she flipped a coin and I was suddenly no longer booked" he smirked as you furrowed your brow at him. "We will see guests in pairs or sometimes even groups but if they want a more one-on-one experience we usually prefer to work solo, unless of course the price is right".
"One on one? you don't, mean down here do you?" you asked, picking up and sipping the glass of wine that had appeared on the table for you brought by a very discrete member of the staff.
"Perceptive of you" he chuckled and smiled fondly at you "Yes one on one upstairs".
"Well you guys have to pay your rent too" you shrugged looking up at him "So what is a night with a host actually like? Is it all flirting and playing a role for you?"
"Its both those things but much more, I won't bother with the smoke and mirrors Felix said you can see through that, but we make conversation, give you our full attention, give you the opportunity to unwind with a man you might not normally get to spend time with" Hyunjin clarified "We are paid to feign interest but I won't need to do that either because you Miss R are quite interesting already".
"Why have all of you started calling me that?" you almost giggle watching his eyes crinkle with amusement.
"Well you are a reporter, and we are not going to call you by your name in case someone recognizes you, you get the anonymity that the rest of us hosts do while you're here. But if you come back after we will all definitely use your name" Hyunjin teasingly laughed making you smile as his eyes turned into perfect little moons making him look younger.
"How did you fall into this life Hyunjin? Was it just that you are incredibly attractive?" you continued to smile as he looked almost surprised at the confidence with which you spoke as you swirled your drink.
"Incredibly attractive huh?" Hyunjin smirked, recovering quickly. "Probably the same way as the others you have spoken to did, I was in art school and pretty broke. I was thinking I could do life modeling for extra money but that isn't the best paid job. I overheard a classmate say she had gone to a host club with her friend and they weren't even as pretty as me and I thought I can do that so I did" he shrugged casually readjusting his position on the couch so he was closer to you.
"That is actually not too different from what Yunho told me" you agreed, finishing the glass of wine.
"Yunho? First you run off with Felix then Yunho, you are popular" Hyunjin joked moving to pour more wine into your glass.
"That's not what happened!" You almost squeaked "Felix showed me around and Yunho just sat with me for a little while at the bar in between his bookings". Hyunjin threw his head back laughing at your defense while you still looked scandalized.
"I was just teasing you Miss Reporter" he admitted smiling wide, his overly sexy demeanor dropping to show you a glimpse of the more everyday version of him as you continued to sip to hide your nerves and keep yourself grounded.
"I think I might have gotten Felix in trouble though" you admitted sheepishly "Chan didn't look too pleased I was taking up his time".
"Oh he wasn't displeased or even annoyed" Hyunjin interrupted you swiftly "Chan was thrilled Felix took an interest in you actually, it gave him the potential of a very favorable editorial and also Felix doesn't really have an interest in anyone who isn't part of our little circle".
"What do you mean by that, the not showing interest part?" you quizzed quickly feeling more forthright as the alcohol buzzed through your system.
"Felix is incredibly professional, he doesn't see women outside of the job, we were worried he was gay for a while and that we had been using him to attract the wrong clients. But he just doesn't take any interest because he doesn't want to get hurt, he knows nearly all women would not want to be with a man who make his money fucking other women" Hyunjin stated bluntly.
"Oh that's awful. Do you all feel like that?" You probed gently feeling sad for Felix and mad at yourself for not noticing that he was perhaps not happy.
"We all love our job, we are well paid, we get to spend time with beautiful women and we can work when we want. But it can be lonely in our world" his smile was wistful as he looked at you moving to tuck you hair behind your ear slowly pulling his hand away from you.
"Still, that sounds like it makes things harder for you" you sighed, meeting his eyes.
"Kind of you to say but we will only have this job for so long, then we will have the rest of our lives to find someone" Hyunjin leaned a little closer again but you didn't mind closer was good for sharing information that otherwise wouldn't be divulged.
"Still you're all so young to just give up on the idea that someone out there won't care for you regardless" you chastised playfully "You only have your youth once Hyunjin".
"Well consider me a changed man then" he giggled, taking your hand in his tracing his fingers in small circles across your wrist. "What about you then? Surely your boyfriend would have hated the idea of you spending a week here, job or not".
"I am very single so that was not an issue" you grinned starting to feel a little more than buzzed from the wine.
"I find it hard to believe someone as gorgeous as you is single" he smirked, his fingers still tracing patterns on your bare wrist and forearm.
"Funny Hyunjin" you rolled your eyes. "I have actually been single for a while, I don't seem to attract the right men".
"Again that seems unlikely but if you say so" he teased, topping your glass up again.
"I understand how you are so popular as a host now though" you smirked while you enjoyed his flirting and gentle touches you knew they weren't real.
"I'll let you in on a little secret then shall I?" Hyunjin whispered in a low voice sliding across the velvet surface until he was touching your thigh with his and his words could be breathed directly into your ear.
"Sure Hyunjin, tell me and see if I believe you" you whispered back sounding more confident than you were.
"Everything I have said has been true and I would very much like to take you upstairs" he whispered again pressing his lips to your earlobe.
"I'm sorry?" you spluttered, completely flustered by his words and the feeling of his lips on your skin.
"I. would. like. to. take. you. upstairs" he repeated slowly enunciating each word.
"I, um, why would you want that?" you stuttered feeling heat burning under your skin
"I think I could show you exactly how you should be treated, I think you would enjoy it and I very much would" he continued slipping his arm around your shoulders to hold you closer against him, the hand on your wrist now cupping your face.
"I don't think you mean that Hyunjin" you whispered breathily, your wide eyes trained on him.
"I think you will find that I do" he smiled sultrily before closing the space between you and softly pressing his lips to yours. It had been so long since you had been kissed you almost melted into him as his plump lips slid against yours but instead you pulled away slightly and Hyunjin dropped his hand from your face as he moved to press his forehead against yours.
"Hyunjin" you breathed your breath no doubt caressing his lips given how close he still was "You can't, we can't, I can't".  
"Because of your editorial or because you don't want to?" he smiled softly, not moving away from you.
"The editorial is most of it" you admitted trying to get your heart rate to calm "but I also don't want to be tipsy if I was to go upstairs with you or anyone else".
"You are very honest Miss R, which is almost fatally attractive" he whispered fondly, moving himself slightly further back from you to give you a little more room.
"I try to be" you blinked, still feeling a little dazed.
"How about we call this a night, I will make sure you get a driver to take you home and make sure you are safe" Hyunjin smiled ruefully.
"I am sorry Hyunjin, I don't mean it harshly I just don't want to be clouded by alcohol" you bit your lip feeling like you had hurt him.
"I'm not hurt by your decision Miss R, I respect that you wish to be sober that is not a flaw" He explained intertwining his fingers with yours "now let me make sure you get home safely"
"Thank you Hyunjin" you agreed following letting his lead you to the elevators but not before looking to see if you could catch another glimpse of Felix, the booth he had been in was empty now curtains pulled back and the table sparkling clean again making you feel something you couldn't identify as you looked around noticing the others were all still occupied and that the elevator was not coming down not up towards your floor.
"If you're looking for him he is on level 5 by now" Hyunjin whispered in your ear making your stomach drop slightly.
"Oh no I am just wondering what happens when the table becomes empty does Chan replace it with just regular hosts?" you tried to cover your obvious want to see Felix again.
"I don't actually know, you see all of the guests in here, beside you, will end up on level 5 with their host so what happens after we go upstairs isn't something I've ever bothered looking at" Hyunjin shrugged mischievously as he stepped into the elevator with you making your way down to the ground floor but instead of leaving through the main entrance he sneakily took you through the the staff door. 
"Hyunjin, where on earth are you taking me?" you chuckled, confusion lacing your voice as you noticed some of the other hosts you hadn't seen before looking at you surprised.
"I told you Miss R, I'm making sure you get home safely, we have drivers, I will send you home with one to make sure that happens" he shook his head at you sitting you in one of the chairs as he ventured through a door that led further into the building.
Hyunjin had put you in a black luxury sedan that drove you home and made sure you had entered your building before leaving to return to Club 143. Your head was full of too many thoughts and the fog of alcohol to actually bother writing anything down for the editorial you simply got into the shower, washed your face and climbed into bed hoping the morning light would bring clarity not just embarrassment for your behavior. Felix had flirted with you and had shown some sort of interest in you, but he looked annoyed at you later on, Hyunjin had kissed you and asked you to go to bed with him and Yunho had divulged some more sinister aspects of the job. The following part of the week was going to be intense, you could feel it but that was fine you would be able to handle it.
You were happily surprised that you had no headache or hangover when you woke up although you didn't think you had drunk enough to get hung over. It was much more of a little too tipsy, not full on drunk. You knew as you got dressed you would have to transfer your notes from the cloud to your laptop so that you could start the editorial about how beautiful a location it was and how fantastic the food, drinks and staff were, you could also start adding the sections that you needed to write about Chan as the owner/operator but you would need to speak to him about what he would and would not like to have added about his on host activities. It had been almost two in the morning by the time you got home so you knew that there was no way you could turn up before lunch, the staff would need time to recover all though surely there were dozens and dozens of them in order to be open everyday.
Concentrating you spent the first few hours of your morning writing and editing your drafts before ordering flowers for your colleague who had lent you the dress for the previous night. You would probably need to shop or at least rent something for the other nights rather than just wear her clothes the whole assignment. Besides, something inside you was telling you that looking a little bit more interesting than you did last night wouldn't be a bad thing, at least for the first weekend they were open. You were expecting to see more interesting things over the Friday to Sunday nights, more normal to the host world and less of a large opening gala type thing. Chan had previously stated that you were welcome to bring clothes with you to change into and anything else you might need for you to change into, to save you time and no doubt also to give him more time to sleep off the night before so shopping before you left for Club 143 should be easy for you.
Stepping into the large department store was something fairly foreign for you, you stuck to smaller and cheaper stores generally since you couldn't afford this level of expense everyday. The sales assistants were all impeccably dressed in black chic uniforms flitting between customers and looking far more put together than you ever did, for the most part they ignored you which gave you time to think about the level of investment these few dresses would be.
"Good morning Miss R" a deep honeyed voice spoke softly to you as you ran your fingers across the fabric of a beautiful dress that was way too expensive for you even to pretend to look at, making you look up slightly startled.
"Good Morning Felix" you smiled shyly looking up at him "I didn't think you would be out and about so early considering how busy you were when I last saw you".
"I needed to pick up my suits for the weekend" he explained his smile warming you "Although from what I was told you spent your time all over the party last night, even Hyunjin was lucky enough to spend time with you".
"True, not my doing though I was asked for a favor from Chris which was to fill the booth Hyunjin was working" you shrugged "He seems nice if not a little forward".
"Forward? Sounds about right" Felix laughed, the deep smooth sound attracting the attention of the attendants in the area "Did you have fun? Is that why you are shopping for new clothes?"
"I am but I have strayed off course I could never wear designers like these" you admitted as his brow crinkled slightly.
"That doesn't mean you shouldn't try them on, these clothes are only beautiful on someone not hanging on a rack" he smiled again dazzling you into nodding slightly.
"Excuse me miss? my girlfriend is looking for a few new outfits, could you assist?" Felix turned to the assistant waiting a few racks away smiling at her politely.
"Oh course sir" she nodded, batting her eyelashes at him as she made her way between the clothes  to you "What size would fit you, Miss?" she smiled.
"Oh I'm not sure" you bit your lip looking at the dress in front of you.
"I would suggest a medium sweetheart" Felix almost purred as the assistant nodded in agreement and found several items in your size ushering you and Felix towards the dressing room area.
"Felix" you quietly hissed, "I shouldn't be wasting her time like this and who said anything about girlfriends" knowing he heard you as he silently shook with laughter.
"It's not wasting her time if she had nothing to do anyway" he whispered back taking a seat on the large lounge suite that sat next to the full length mirrors as you were ushered behind gold colored curtains to change into the dress you had originally been looking at a black lace square necked dress that was lined with a skin toned underlay. You knew you were not going to buy any of these but Felix waiting for you to show him how you looked in it spurred you on. Getting yourself into the dress was easier said than done. The zip was small and awkward and you needed to wiggle yourself around but when you got there clearing your throat you popped your head around the curtain to see Felix smirking waiting for you.
"Well come out sweetheart let me see how it looks" he teased, somehow seeming to know he was flustering you again, taking a deep breath as you stepped out from behind the curtain.
"How does it look?" you asked softly your hands, smoothing the fabric nervously.
"Well you do look beautiful in it, but I think you would look gorgeous in something a little shorter or maybe tighter?" Felix mused tapping his chin as the assistant returned to agree with him as he sent her to find exactly that.
"Felix, didn't you have suits to collect?" you mumble as you were now left alone again.
"Yeah but this is much more fun" his eyes lit up as you looked at yourself wistfully "besides you will spend the whole night watching women who aren't as pretty as you get attention for men who would be rather talking to you as you take notes for an editorial that might change your career, live a little".
"You are a terrible influence on me" you laughed disappearing behind the curtain to get the zipper back down as the girl returned with a rack of things for you to try.
"I have several different styles and a mix of black and color so you can find exactly what you think would be right" she chirped, sliding behind the curtain to show you the rack which was filled with ridiculously expensive and gorgeous dresses. Leaving you to change she left the room allowing you to slip into a black mini dress with hot pink lining, the pink was going to be visible every time you took a step but you liked it, you were just nervous that Felix might not, which logically made no sense to you as you were not buying any of these dresses and you weren't trying to impress Felix, but you still took a deep breath before stepping out.
"Now that one looks amazing" Felix whistled playfully looking you up and down.
"You don't need to pretend she isn't here anymore" you sassed rolling your eyes.
"I'm not lying, you look incredible Miss R" he sighed, his eyes finding yours and looking almost innocent "try the others" he encouraged. After trying on every single dress your favorite was the black and pink satin mini, a black long sleeved mini that was studded with crystals and a one shoulder red and black mini. Felix had said that he liked all of them but those three got the best reactions from him.
"What were your favorites?" He asked sweetly as you reemerged in your own clothes.
"The black and pink and the black with crystals" you smiled as he gestured towards the door.
"They were my favorites too" he whispered temptingly in your ear.
"Shame that is the only time I'll get to wear something like that" you sighed as the assistant returned to the shop floor with the rack.
"Did you want to get a coffee with me Miss R? I have another 45 minutes before my suits will be ready.
"I would like that" you stuttered, heat rushing up your throat and into your cheeks.
Sitting with Felix in the open was very different than sitting with Felix in a Club 143, firstly the looks and stares he attracted were constant and second he was much less of a smooth operator when he wasn't on the clock. Ordering you both coffee, at his insistence, and coming back with cake was somehow unsurprising even though you barely knew him, you still thanked him and took the chocolate cake with a happy smile making him almost grin at your reaction.
"You look like you like sweet things" he spoke softly as he sat opposite you at the little table in the back of the cafe.
"I do like sweet things, guess you busted me" you chuckled taking your first bite and just about moaning at how good it tasted.
"I'll let you in on a secret" he winked exaggeratedly "me too".
"So is this your life when you aren't hosting?" you asked genuinely as your coffee was being brought over to you.
"Sort of, I do all the normal things during the hours most people work and often a bunch of us hang out or work out together" he shrugged while sipping his coffee.
"So just the reverse of everyone else" you nodded "That must make meeting people hard".
"It would be if I actually wanted to, but I don't think a lot of women are that understanding of my job" he replied easily like it wasn't a big deal.
"Yeah I get that I guess a lot of women wouldn't see that it's all just smoke and mirrors, it's an experience that you tailor to your customers needs it isn't real". You conceded sipping your drink and not noticing the look Felix was giving you as you continued eating.
"You said you were single too though, didn't you?" Felix recovered quickly "Is that because of your job or because you aren't looking?".
"Bit of both really, my job means I have to be flexible to go to any event I get sent to regardless of what else I had planned" you smiled "guys often don't like it if they aren't your main priority".
"That's shitty of them then" Felix scoffed, making you laugh, it was so easy talking to him he was much more relaxed even though he still looked like he should be on a runway with his perfectly tousled hair and designer look.
"I think your suits would be ready by now, it's been an hour Felix" you said finishing your coffee "I shouldn't take up anymore of your free time since you don't have that much of it".
"Nah, you can take up as much as you like but you still have dress shopping to finish, so will I see you tonight then?" He agreed, offering you his hand to help you to stand.
"Of course I will be in tonight and each night this week" you smiled as he walked you back towards the place you needed to be "See you tonight Felix" you waved before walking towards the escalator to find clothes you could actually afford to buy.
The rest of the day had been dull you had bought a tighter than normal floor length emerald green dress and a black mini dress in a satin fabric that reminded you of the mini that Felix had said he liked so buy the time you were packed up and ready to head to Club 143 to start your evening you weren't feeling nervous about having to meet so many different hosts to get a feel for how they liked working for Chan or how they became hosts in the first place because it felt like, in Felix, you had at least a friend on your side hoping for you to succeed. You had not bothered to dress in your work suit since you would be changing into more appropriate club attire before the night actually started so when you arrived in jeans and a sweater you were not expecting the almost same response as you had gotten the night before when you were far more dressed up.
"Looking good Miss R" Yunho called as you walked through the staff door with a large bag in tow.
"Hello Yunho, did you have an eventful night?" you called back knocking on Chan's door before wandering in when you got no answer and depositing your things in the corner he had said you could use.
"Yeah the only fun part was talking to you" he told you with a slightly flirtatious tinge in his voice.
"I'm sure" you chuckled as Chan appeared through the staff door from the bar.
"Ah good you're back, I was hoping last night didn't frighten you off" he teased dimples flashing as his own joke.
"Hyunjin tried his hardest but he couldn't chase me off. Sorry" you shrugged.
"Ooh immune to Hyunjin, you will be hard to win over" he scratched his chin in jest "but you met some of my hosts last night and tonight you will probably get to meet a few more but I have found a handful you haven't met yet if you wanted to talk to them about this place".
"That would be brilliant Chan, thank you" You smiled genuinely.
"I figured you can speak to our regular hosts as they float around before they start and if you wanted to join me for dinner I thought you might want to speak to Seungmin and Changbin" Chan continued please with your reactions.
"That sounds perfect. Who are the hosts for me to catch before they start?" you asked, remembering that Chan said he had thirty odd hosts who worked for him.
"I have asked San and Hongjoong to hang out with you on and off while everyone gets ready" he explained "I assume since there are bags in my office you will be getting ready here?"
"Yeah I figured I can get ready after the night has started so I don't take up too much space" you smiled.
"So like yesterday, make yourself at home and use whatever you need. I'm thinking of a slightly early dinner so I will come grab you if you like for that" Chan continued watching you closely.
"Oh that would be great if it isn't too much trouble for you I might get lost in what I'm writing otherwise" you agreed easily.
"Well I will leave you to your work then I'll send whichever of the boys is free and ready first your way" he grinned as you went to sit at one of the tables that littered the room getting out your laptop to start your work and figuring a coffee wouldn't go astray either at that point in the afternoon. You had been sipping your iced latte and going through photographers that you could get in to get the best shots of the club for your article. You hadn't even noticed the two suited up men making their way towards you.
"Miss R" the first one interrupted, breaking your concentration "Is now a good time for us to talk or would you like us to come back later?".
"Oh no, now is good" you blinked up at them as they took seats opposite you.
"I'm Hongjoong, and this is San" he continued smiling at you casually.
"Nice to meet you both" you greeted, remembering that San was the one that had collected Yunho the night before "Thank you for speaking with me" trying to not look like you had been totally floored by their good looks.
"Did you want to talk to us about why we started hosting?" San asked leisurely, leaning back on his chair.
"Yes but also about working for Chan and how you entertain your guests. It's a good way to sell your particular skills since you all seem to do things slightly differently" you explained.
"We can do that for you Miss R" Hongjoong grinned as you opened your notes and started listening to them. Both were very sweet so it was easy for you to get lost in the conversation until Chan reappeared at the table suited up and looking stupidly handsome.
"We are having dinner in a few. Did you still want to join us?" He grinned looking at how your eyes widened and you realized the time.
"Oh yes, yes I will change after if that is alright" you nodded, collecting your belongings together and thanking both the hosts for taking the time to talk to you. You followed Chan towards the elevator which took you both up to the fourth floor which was confusing to you.
"We are going to use this area tonight to give you a bit more time to chat since this area isn't open until after the bar" Chan explained, picking up on your train of thought instantly.
"How is it that you guys do that? Pick up what someone is thinking or feeling?" you narrowed your eyes at him in faux suspicion.
"We make our living on exploiting what women want, we wouldn't be very good at our jobs if we couldn't read you well" Seungmin sniggered as Chan pulled out a seat for you to sit in.
"That's very honest of you" you chuckled looking at him across the table.
"I'm Seungmin in case you haven't heard enough names over the past 24 hours" he smirked.
"Thank you for the reminder Seungmin, it isn't easy to talk to a dozen ridiculously handsome men without the added burden of remembering their names" you smiled dryly making Changbin laugh.
"He's just poking fun because he thinks he can" Chan sighed, giving Seungmin a look that you didn't quite understand.
"You can poke as much fun as you like Seungmin, I am after all just an interloper into your world" you continued smiling but pulled your face into the professional expression you used for work.
"I like you, you're way more fun than we expected" Changbin grinned casually as food started to arrive at the table.
"I took the liberty of ordering things you hadn't tried yet" Chan explained as you curled your brow at the plates in front of you, knowing that somehow he was responsible for it.
"So how does this all come together? Did you know each other before this? How do you make the jump from maybe I'll host to I'll escort on the side to, I'll open/work at an elite level like this?" You mused looking between them for clues to how this all worked because you had an inkling that at least the 8 core of elite hosts were closer and more equal than it first appeared.
"Well I told you how we came to open already but I'm assuming you want how we specifically found ourselves here?" Chan smirked already seeing that you had put more pieces together than he had supplied information for. You nodded as you put the first mouthful of souffle into your mouth before you paused savoring how good it was. 
"Well I met Chan years ago" Changbin started putting his fork down as he watched you eat a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips "We have been friends for years it was him that got me into hosting to begin with we were far younger then but it wasn't all that different except that working for other people meant a smaller cut of what you got paid but it was easy money while we were in uni".
"I met them later when I got a job as bar staff, not as a host at the same club. Jeongin was the same, we both became hosts at a different club later but we kept in touch" Seungmin added before taking another mouthful of pasta.
"So when and why did it jump from hosting to escorting?" you questioned letting Chan carve the large steak that was on the table and serve you a few slices.
"Why is easy, that was because the money was fantastic and being young and horny with easy access to women every night why not" Changbin laughed "The when was, I think just before my 21st birthday I had been hosting since I was 19 so I already learned all the skills I needed to flatter my way into that situation so why not get paid for it".
"Practical" you quipped sipping the wine that had been delivered to you "I mean why not get paid for what you like doing". All three of them laughed then as you didn't pass any judgment on them for their choices.
"This would be why everyone you have talked to so far is so enamored with you" Seungmin smirked, making your eyes widen in confusion.
"Excuse me?" you spluttered completely caught off guard.
"I agree doesn't judge openly and is oblivious to how she is seen by others" Changbin added as though it was an afterthought.
"I would respectfully call bullshit on that observation" you grumbled as your phone began ringing and your boss' name and number flashed across the screen "excuse me, my boss" you smiled. They nodded watching your change in demeanor as you answered the call mouthing thank yous to Chan.
"Good Evening Sir" you chirped, faking your enthusiasm to speak to him as you made your way across the room to the lift so you could slink out the back and get yourself ready.
"Your request for a photographer who can take artful photos is for what reason?" He gruffly demanded without greeting you.
"Well the bar is particularly attractive and last night alone I saw politicians wives, and half a dozen socialites if we can capture how beautiful and opulent it is we might be able to swing some fashion comments from them to boost out fashion pages and the male hosts here are very attractive the readers would very much like to have decent photos of them" you explained quickly trying to spin as much of a positive for him as you could even though you were wanting to move past him and to the editorials boss.
"If you can't take the photo's yourself then you can't expect us not to take the photographer fee from your paycheck" He continued telling you off subtly.
"Of course sir, I will do that instead sir" you swallowed as he hung up on you hoping that he would not be calling back with another complaint once you submitted the first draft of the editorial in a few days time. 
Stepping into Chan's office you locked the door and quickly slipped into the dress you had brought with you, after last night you had decided that you should also put a little more effort into your makeup so you blended in a little more so you weren't surprised by the knock at the door indicating you had taken longer than you should have.
"Sorry Chan" you apologized, unlocking the door and pulling it open coming face to face with Felix and Hyunjin.
"We meet again Miss R" Hyunjin purred playfully, taking your hand and kissing the back of it.
"Hello Hyunjin" you rolled your eyes at his dramatic flare.
"You look beautiful in emerald, it brings out your eyes" Felix smiled as you met his eyes instantly becoming transfixed with how beautiful he looked with his hair slightly tousled in a deep navy suit.
"Flirt" you mumbled shyly as Chan cleared his throat behind them both. 
"Sorry Chan, I didn't mean to take your office for so long" you apologized again as he chuckled.
"It's not a problem Miss R, shall we?" He offered you his arm in a friendly manner which you took before he led you out on the floor, missing the expression on both Felix or Hyunjin's faces but not the loud whoop of laughter that erupted as the door started to close.
Most of the second night was not as intense as the opening night less pomp and ceremony and far more rich women on a mission, you were content to sit on the second level watching the hosts come and go entertaining and the farewelling their guests, occasionally getting winks or nods of recognition before they dived back in for the next guests. You hadn't seen Felix, Hyunjin or Chan again during the course of the night but you had caught glimpses of Seungmin and Minho as their guests arrived and they escorted them upstairs but the more fly on the wall view of them working was making it much easier for you to think up how the start of your editorial would go and how you would sell the speakeasy bar of the enterprise at least. As the night wore on you found yourself more and more comfortable with the idea of being at Club 143 which was, you assumed at least, Chan's entire plan for you. He had welcomed you, fed you, given you access to his employees but you were struggling to actually figure out how you could justify the next few nights of sitting around observing when you really had probably gotten everything you needed. You made a note in your phone to speak with Chan about whether he had already had any professional photos taken of the place or his hosts that you would be able to use for the article.
After several hours had ticked by you made your way back towards Chan's office so you could change again and head home, entering the staff area you noticed there were a few of the boys sitting either having a break or getting ready to head back into the club.
"Miss R, you alright?" San called to you looking slightly concerned.
"I'm fine San, I just should be calling it a night" you smiled warmly back at him, his concern for you making you feel genuinely thankful. Entering Chan's office you collected your bag so you could change out of your dress and into your jeans again.
"Did you want me to grab you a car to take you back home? I'm sure Chan would want to make sure you were safe" he continued appearing at the open office door.
"That's too kind of you San" you chuckled as he made his way towards you to help you with the bag, taking it effortlessly from you and offering you his arm.
"I know I'm not Felix or Hyunjin but I still would like you to get home safely" He joked guiding you to the back entrance to the building to where the cars were and once again you found yourself being helped into a black luxury car "See you tomorrow Miss R" he grinned shutting the door for you to let the driver get you home.
After getting a decent night's sleep you decided it would be better to get as much of the draft done as possible so you could run through any final questions you had with Chan later that night. You were sure you had enough now to be able to write the article without needing to spend a full week taking up Chan or any of the others further time and preventing them making the full amount they should for an opening week, and if Chan had photo's of at least the hosts that you could use the article would be pretty much done and could go off to the editor to go over. Without meaning to, you managed to work all the way to lunch time before getting your things back together to head back to Club 143 for perhaps the last time depending on whether you needed to add any extra information to your editor, or Chan for that matter, request.
Arriving at 12:30 you made your way through the empty bar after being greeted by the doorman and waving to the bar staff who were preparing for the night's service. Making your way into the staff area you were surprised to find Chan meeting with some of his top hosts making you pause as you closed the door behind you.
"Miss R, you return to us again" Hyunjin smiled, waggling his eyebrows at you.
"I promise I will be out of your hair soon Hyunjin" you smirked watching him deflate slightly and the others to laugh.
"Hopefully not to soon" Chan grinned standing to take your bag and place it in his office "Come join us it will give you some more insight" he gestured for you to take a chair somewhere in the room so you did without argument, partly because you were being paid to learn about his business and partly because the closest empty chair happened to be besides Felix totally missing the look Chan gave the others as you sat yourself down and got your phone ready to take notes.
"We have been discussing how the first two nights went" Seungmin added, making you look up at him in case he was going to continue.
"It has been pretty profitable" Felix added easily.
"Have the ladies down stairs been interested in meeting the more exclusive hosts?" Chan asked, turning to you.
"Of course they have, have you not watched them just about drool every time they see any of you?" you chuckled knowing that they knew damn well how they were being received.
"Told you" Changbin smirked looking at Chan "Miss R is a professional, she sees things the same way we do".
"It's a different point of view to ask a woman though" Chan half smiled before looking back at you. "How have you found it though you have spent time in the bar, the third and fourth floors is this place a worthy use for your time if you weren't writing an editorial about us?". 
You paused thinking exactly how you should answer such a loaded question.
"I think you have achieved what you set out to do, the bar is beautiful you feel welcomed and safe there, your hosts are handsome and all slightly different so you can cater to a thousand different women's fantasies without much trouble and from what you have shown me so far the actual host experience is very enjoyable so I think any woman would enjoy it here" you explained watching him as you did you could tell he was very pleased with your answer but you could feel that he wanted just a little bit more from you.
"As much as all of that is exactly what I wanted to hear you missed on little detail" he smiled roguishly, his host persona peeking through "Would you want to spend time here if it wasn't for your job?"  
"Yes, I would come to the bar at least" you replied, careful to keep some of your professional face on so that you didn't need to admit to the fact that you could never afford their services.
"But you wouldn't use the host service?" Seungmin pushed which made you quirk your eyebrow at him.
"I'm not sure the smoke and mirrors are going to be all that believable now that I have seen what's behind it" you shrugged "Plus I'm not sure if you have noticed but you boys are expensive". They laughed loudly at that leaving you hoping that they thought you were joking about their costs.
"Well I guess we will have to set you up some proper host experiences for you over the next few days" Hyunjin smirked at you but his eyes filled with mischief.
"Are you going to tease me about level 5 the whole time I'm here?" you pouted dramatically, rolling your eyes.
"Honestly it might be good if we have you try hosts from each of the tiers so you can write which sort of experience you can get at each level to make it obvious we are only super exclusive at the top end of the scale." Chan agreed, looking at you to gauge your reaction "If that is alright with you I can give you a rough price estimate of each encounter and you can see if it meets the experience you have" he scratched the back of his neck as he continued to watch you.
"That's actually very sensible if you want me to include all the services you have here but if you only want me writing about the first tier or two of the hosts to leave the others more exclusive you wouldn't need to bother setting up more than one or maybe two hosts willing to waste their time with me" you nodded "as long as they will still be paid properly I will feel endlessly guilty stealing their earning time on me".
"Oh they will all be paid, it's for the editorial and therefore good for the overall job we will all be doing so don't worry about them but I think Hyunjin might be right you should sample all the levels so you can experience what each type of guest can expect". Chan mused before getting out his phone to check the booking calendar. "I'll put you with San tonight or perhaps Yunho depending on their bookings, you can be on level 3 then with one of us on level 4 the same and if we get you to agree maybe you could see another room on level 5". You knew your face flushed at his final statement but you couldn't help it. You couldn't escape the connotations that level 5 was going to lead to a full host experience including sex if you agreed and although it was incredibly tempting you didn't know if morally you should. "So you would get the same treatment as our most elite clientele who cannot be seen on the lower floors" Chan finished.
"That is a huge out of pocket cost to you Chan I couldn't possibly accept that" you almost stuttered covering it by clearing your throat.
"I insist, really I should have thought of that sooner" Chan sighed looking back at you with a soft expression "I have San for you tonight so you will get the first tier host experience tonight he has a free opening that you can fill as a favor".
"The last favor I did for you I ended up tipsy" you bit your lips embarrassed.
"That's exactly how the experiences should be though" Hyunjin grinned again, looking like he had won some sort of grand prize.
The rest of the afternoon was spent going over photos with Chan that he had already had taken that you could use for the editorial. Most were only of the establishment that sold how opulent it was so that made your life a little easier to be able to write about each different area and show what was to be expected. The photos of the hosts however were going to be a little more difficult, Chan had given you a hard drive that contained photos of each of the hosts in his employment and not you needed to pick which ones you wanted. You knew you would obviously need to use one of Chan but then should you just use pictures of the hosts you were going to see as part of this experiment or should you pick the most enticing pictures you could find. Unwittingly you stumbled onto some which were virtually softcore porn, some of the escorting hosts had done a series of photos to show off their bodies to entice customers, Hyunjin with his suit jacket off and his shirt open, Chan in just his suit pants his tie undone and hanging loosely around his neck, Changbin flexing his large muscular arms and Felix laying in silk sheets looking sinful. You could feel your face heating up but you couldn't stop staring at him, Felix even in this far more sensual pose was still so painfully beautiful that you didn't want to stop looking even though you knew you shouldn't be seeing him like that.
Shaking your head to clear the lust that was begging to cloud your eyes you walked to Chan's office to see if it was empty so you could get ready, it was now almost opening hours and you couldn't be late to your appointment with San. That would be most rude. You slipped into a royal blue satin dress that was simple yet flattering to emphasized your hips and chest while remaining not too low cut or short so appropriate you figured to be just another guest in a bar and not someone begging for attention, you fixed your makeup adding to what you were already wearing and returned to the waiting room to pack up your laptop and notes. Stepping back into the room you heard a soft whistle.
"Each dress makes you look more enchanting than the last" Felix smiled, taking your hand and twirling you.
"Thank you Felix, I thought I should look a bit more expensive since I'm spending a week here, don't want to make the place look shabby" you grinned feeling thrilled with his compliment.
"You always look beautiful" Felix reassured "and San is a lucky boy tonight getting to spend his time with you, we are all very jealous he whispered leaning in as though he was telling you secret information.
"I doubt I'm that interesting to him Felix" you chuckled, feeling warmth spreading through you at his words and the feeling of his breath on your skin.
"I was wondering if you wanted to get another coffee tomorrow? Before you have to come in to work some more" He asked softly without the host bravado that he showed out on the floors above.
"I would like that very much" you nodded, catching your bottom lip in your teeth as nerves suddenly set into your stomach.
"Can I have your number to text you so we can organize it?" he continued smoothly, seeming more confident at your reaction, handing you his phone you added your details and gave it back to him quickly. "Can I escort you out to find San?" he offered easily, his arm already in position for you to take.
"Thank you Felix" you grinned, taking his arm and allowing him to lead you out into the bar. 
San stood casually by the bar and appeared to be scanning the room for you as his eyes stopped on you the moment you appeared with Felix, smiling at him nervously you made your way over to him only for Felix to lean in and whisper something in his ear before turning his attention back to you.
"Enjoy your evening Miss R" he grinned cheekily allowing San to take his place at your side moving back into the crowd you assumed to tend to his own booked guest.
"You look gorgeous Miss R" San drawled softly his arm slipping behind you to guide you towards the stairs "We will be heading up to level 3 tonight so that I can thoroughly indulge your every whim"
"Thank you San" you almost blushed at the seductive tone his voice had taken on "you look very attractive yourself". With his arm wrapped protectively around your waist he led you to and from the elevator into the booth that had been arranged for you, it seemed to be further back towards the bar which seemed to give off the illusion of even more privacy as he pulled the curtains around you after helping you into the booth. The deep red velvet absorbing the outside noise enough for you to almost feel like you were alone with San.
Reaching just behind you, San pushed a discreet button which summoned a waiter with a bottle of chilled wine and San discreetly thanked him before pouring you a glass.
"So Miss R, tell me about you, tell me about what you have always wanted" San smiled one eyebrow raised
"You know about my job already San" you blinked wondering where he was going with this.
"Not your job, about what you want in life, kitten your future" he chuckled softly, his eyes trained on you with a softness that made you feel safe.
"I want to be a serious journalist, it’s still pretty male dominated in the world of journalism and women don’t seem to get a look in when it comes to crime reporting or heavier news. We are always left with lifestyle and beauty and I want more than that” you answered sincerely letting your guard down a little knowing that San wouldn’t admonish you for having aspirations.
“Aren’t you a serious journalist now? Looking into the seedy underbelly of hosting?” he smiled slyly leaning back into the plush velvet seat back and extending his arm behind you.
“That’s not what this is San, and you know it” you almost sighed knowing that he was only playing his role.
“I know but you are still taking your job seriously and working diligently on this editorial, I know your work will be noticed, how could it not be?” he encouraged, letting his arm drop from the top of the seat to sitting comfortably around your waist. You shivered unintentionally at his touch even through the layers of fabric that separated your skin, it was becoming very clear why Chan’s hosts were as in demand as they were.
“What do you want to do in your life, San?” you tilted your head to look at him through your fluffy eyelashes. 
“Being a host can have a short shelf life depending on how good you are” he explained gesturing around you both “you have more options if you move into a more companion business but it's not guaranteed” he shrugged casually as he finished topping up your glass.
“Companionship?” you knew it was probably a dumb question but you had to ask.
“Escorting” he chuckled watching your face change to one of understanding “guys like Chan or Minho will stay handsome well into their 30s and 40s so they can continue the work for as long as they like. But hosts have to be young to flatter the woman seeing them that's part of the fantasy”.
“So is escorting the plan then?” You questioned breezily hoping it wouldn't come across as an interview.
“Maybe, or I could open my own place” he smirked cheekily “would you visit me if I did?”
“San!” you fake gasped clutching invisible pearls at your throat “how scandalous”. You dissolved into giggles that were helped along by the bubbles you were drinking.
“Well I'll take that as a yes” he laughed heartily, shifting himself closer to your side and another waiter appeared through the curtain to deliver another bottle of wine. “What else do you have planned for your life? It can’t be all work and no play?” 
“I want to travel. I want to see as much of the world as I can. So Paris, Milan, Prague, Rio, Nepal I want to see everything. But mostly I want to find someone who won't push me into a life I don't want" you replied slowly each thought coming out of your mouth without being filtered by your better judgment as the rapport you felt with San felt real even if that was just the alcohol and his excellent acting.
"I would love to travel too" San nodded, "I would love to see the world with you" , his sly smile feeling very flirty as you sipped from your glass.
"With me?" you blinked the wine making its way through your system and removing a little more of your inhibitions.
"Of course a beautiful woman like you should be fed dessert in fancy restaurants, doted on completely while shopping and being bought every single thing that brings you joy, and worshiped nightly in every place you wanted to stay. How could any man not want to be the one giving you that life" San purred, sliding himself closer to you so he was now touching you with the whole side of his body, the warmth from his chest seeping through his suit and into you "I couldn't think of a more enjoyable way to spend my time than making love to you in moonlight in Paris or Prague".
You swallowed hard, your surprise was probably obvious to San but after a moment you remembered this was an act, San was being paid to charm you and say all the right things. Once again he topped up your glass, when he lent closer to speak to you his breath fanned across your skin giving you goosebumps at the thought.
"You are very good at this San" you smiled, turning slightly more towards him.
"But not that good as you can still see what I'm doing" he chuckled, breaking the sexy character slightly and showing the more playful side that you had already met.
"I wouldn't say that I was very swept up" you admitted softly making him grin further "But I should be letting you get back to actual paying guests".
"Stay just a little longer no unnecessary flirting I promise" San faux pouted before breaking into a grin.
"Oh no don't pout like that I can't say no to that face" you giggled the wine now making you feel a little less professional and a little more cheeky.
"Ah I found a weakness" he almost crowed proudly "I will have to make sure the following guys know".
"You wouldn't betray me like that would you San" you pouted in return trying not to laugh as his eyes widened at your reaction.
"You are not meant to get upset" he whined as you melted into giggles.
"Happily tipsy looks very, very good on you" San quipped once again leaning back into the plush fabric of the booth.
"You're being paid to say that" you challenged, raising your eyebrow at him before leaning towards him "It's nice to be flattered though".
"I'm not being paid to tell you the truth I'm paid to make a fantasy and this isn't fantasy" San replied honestly as a new waiter reappeared with a tray containing several dishes that you weren't expecting San instantly picked up on your confusion his pretty laugh filling the booth "Chan wanted you to have a full experience and with our level of host that includes dinner so he ordered for you, I hope that is alright".
"Of course he did" you rolled your eyes making San's laughter continue "that man knows no limits when it comes to flaunting the sense of opulence does he?".
"He does but he wants to make sure you can write a proper review and that is worth every cent to him" San's eyes were still crinkled into attractive little moons.
"I do appreciate where he is coming from but surely he knows I am writing a favorable editorial by now" you continued watching San carefully watching for any sort of tell to show he was being disingenuous.
"I'll be honest I figured you would stop staying after the opening hours if you hated it. Just do your interviews then leave" he shrugged carefully, portioning a fork full of lobster that he then brought to your mouth to try, his other hand hovering under your chin to catch anything that might fall. Strangely enough you found yourself opening your mouth for him to place the lobster against your tongue before grinning at you.
"I forget you are all strangely perceptive about women" you lopsidedly grinned savoring the delicious buttery taste “Is feeding me also part of the experience?”
"It's all part of the deal kitten" San laughed lightly winking at you for dramatic effect. You ate the rest of the meal chatting with San about anything and everything before letting him lead you back downstairs where he told you Chan had arranged a car to get you home, because Chan really did think of everything.
Waking slowly, after having more drinks in the past week than you were used to, you were very happy to write the rest of your editorial, you had everything you were going to need you would just add a few bits and pieces about the experiences that Chan had decided to give you but the rest, including the photographs, was now ready to be fully drafted and read over by one of your editors. You attached the draft to an email saying that there was still one more page that needed to be done but that they could go over the first few and the photos that Chan had graciously provided to make sure that it was what they were looking for before you started getting ready for your day and your potential coffee catch up with Felix. 
Getting together your outfit for the day and choosing your outfit for that night was a very strange experience. You had been dressing yourself with a little more care to spend your days looking as nice as you possibly could but picking your outfit for the evenings had so far been a little daunting, it was a need to look the part of the patron so that everything looked normal to anyone who viewed you in Club 143 but also wanting to look attractive and even a little sexy just because you wanted to see how whoever you were paired with would react. Each outfit had been a little more daring; the emerald dress you had been far more form fitting around your chest, the blue had flattered your figure making you feel more womanly and tonight’s outfit was a form fitting silky burgundy dress with fine straps and a low cut back and a slit up the thigh. 
Arriving at Club 143 after lunch you had still not heard from Felix but it didn’t really surprise you he had been booked out every single night you had been there to observe and he must have been needing to catch up on sleep. You continued through the bar waving to the staff you had already seen several times and making your way to Chan’s office to drop off your things before making yourself comfortable in the normal corner of the waiting room. It was still quiet none of the hosts had arrived yet and you passed the time talking to the bar staff and writing up thoughts that you could flesh out later about the next level of host experience, even though you were yet to find out who you were going to be paired with. Chan arrived two hours later and waved as he passed you talking on the phone to someone before entering his office and closing the door.
“All by yourself again?” a very familiar voice asked from the doorway behind you.
“I guess I am Felix, how was your night?” You smiled to yourself before turning your head towards him.
“It was work-like” he shrugged, plopping himself down in the chair opposite you.
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” you mused furrowing your eyebrows as you took in his appearance, he was still beautiful as ever but his eyes looked a little more downcast than you had seen them before.
“Both I guess” he sighed “It was profitable but it was just going through the motions, some nights are just more routine than others although I rarely have interesting ones” he admitted, his eyes flicking downwards before making contact with yours again.
“I never really thought about how all this must just be a day at the office for you guys, not everyday being enjoyable, some just tedious” you frowned slightly, the few glimpses you had been given of the darker side of the job were very unappealing to you.
“It’s not that any of us hate it” Felix countered “It’s just that it can get monotonous the same vapid women, the same fake interactions, the same facade over and over again but there are always going to have perks most of the time it's very easy to still see the attractive woman underneath who just wants to feel worshiped but sometimes you do come across women who you cannot find a single good quality about”.
“Hmm” you hummed not really knowing what to say. It made you feel a bit awful that there were nights that he had to pretend to feel attracted to someone and then have sex with them even though he had no interest in them.
“Let's talk about something else” he smiled trying to pick the mood back up “maybe we should have that coffee now” 
“Sure” you nodded hoping you would be able to perhaps make him feel a little better. Felix got up and went towards the kitchens to ask them for coffee you assumed and you were back to being alone saving your notes for later you decided to perhaps email Chan a draft copy of what you had written but he was still in his office so you didn’t want to disturb his work. Felix returned and offered his hand to you.
“Come on, follow me” with a mischievous glimmer in his eye you took his hand and allowed him to lead you to the elevator where he quickly swiped his key card before hitting the button to the fifth floor.
“Felix, where are you taking me?” you whispered a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“Do you trust me?” he grinned impishly, not giving you any further explanation.
“Yes” you answered instantly, surprising even yourself by your own admission.
“Then you will see when we get there” he teased stepping closer to you. The door dinged and opened showing you the navy blue hallway that Can had shown you once before. Taking your hand in his again he beckoned you to follow him until he stopped at door 3, the room you had already seen briefly. “I’m not breaking any rules in showing you the room you have already seen” he soothed after noticing the slight trepidation in your eyes.
“You can read everything about me can’t you?” you contemplated following him into the room where there were already two hot coffees and two pieces of cake waiting for you in the lounge area of the large room.
“Not everything which is why you are so interesting” Felix clarified “Your honesty is what masks things from us, we all find it fascinating that you can see through the act without much trouble but also never judge us or behave as though you are better than us”.
“That’s because I am not better than you” you uttered feeling a little confused “I’m just a person like you Felix, like all the guys that work here”. You sat at one end of the lounge opposite him taking your cup and sipping from it.
“That right there is why every host here wants to have their five minutes to talk to you” he grinned toothily “A few sentences and you make us all feel better about a world of different things”.
“You are being too kind” you argued softly.
“You are selling yourself short” he shot back the dazzling smile still on his face “We had several media sources wanting to cover this opening mostly because it aligns them with the powerful women who come here whether they are CEO’s in their own right or the wives and girlfriends of powerful men. All of them spoke with Chan but you were the only one who didn’t speak down to him as though he was just another whore. You treated Chan with respect and with honest interest which is why your publication got the job”. Felix’s explanation hit you like a truck. You had been the one to volunteer for the position to pitch the editorial and also write it when your boss had mentioned it and your coworkers had seemed to have no interest but you hadn’t realized that there were other media companies vying for the same editorial.
“Who else did he speak to?” you asked concerned that maybe the job would have been done better by one of your competitors and Chan had only settled for you.
“SM Media Inc, KQ Publishing, YG Multimedia Co. None of them would have done as good a job as you” he shrugged again eating a mouthful of cake.
“Well I’m pleased he wanted me for the job. I'll send him the article before it’s published so he can go over it” you nodded slowly considering how you would get away with changing the editorial you had already sent in for viewing if he hated it. Felix laughed heartily, he seemed to be taking great pleasure in watching the cogs move around in your head.
“So tell me what else you do in your life Felix? I want to know something you have not told me yet” you smirked, making him stop laughing and turn serious again.
Returning back downstairs you found that half a dozen other hosts had arrived including Hyunjin who blew you a kiss as you walked past him, and also that Chan had emerged from his office. He stood from behind his desk and wandered into the waiting room as he noticed you pass by his office doorway
“So I realized that it might be a better idea to let you choose who you would like for your last host experience” Chan smiled kindly watching you take a seat and log yourself back into your laptop to continue working.
“Oh really? I assumed it would be whoever didn't have a booking” you blinked looking at him with curiosity as he continued over to where you were sitting.
“Well if I asked for volunteers I think Hyunjin would have fallen over himself to put his name down, and I'll admit I wouldn't mind it being me either but it should be your choice so you are totally comfortable” he continued a slight glint in his eye making you unsure if he was teasing you or not while Hyunjin nodded vigorously just behind him
“Well who have you decided I'll be seeing tonight?” you raised your eyebrow at him.
“Tonight you're with yours truly” he grinned smugly, making Hyunjin and Seungmin roll their eyes in unison.
“Let me think about it then” you smiled, laughter coloring your voice as you began typing up a few more notes.
“Booking is at 9 Miss R” he chuckled, heading back towards his office door.
“I won’t be late” you called after him.
You started changing at 8 o’clock sharpe so that you would have enough time to get your hair and makeup sorted as well as changing. Chan was nowhere to be seen so you assumed he was out on one of the floors or entertaining another guest which allowed you to take your time. When you finally emerged it was almost time for you to meet him so you opened his office door and stepped into the waiting room.
“Woah!” Jeongin whistled, looking you up and down slowly.
“Thank you Jeongin” you flushed slightly, your hands moving to smooth invisible wrinkles in the fabric.
“Would you like an escort to find Chan?” he offered a wide smile, his eyes turning into pleasant little moons as he offered his arm to you.
“Actually, yes please” you breathed knowing that he would probably see your nerves if you tried to hide them.
“You don’t need to be nervous Miss R. Chan doesn’t bite unless you ask him to and even then you would need to ask nicely” Jeongin joked trying to alleviate your fears.
I’ll try to remember that for the editorial then” you laughed lightly feeling slightly better.
Stepping onto the level 4 with Jeongin was a little odd. You could still see Changbin and Han entertaining two girls who looked like sisters in one booth and Minho leading his client towards another booth. The curtains of two others were pulled closed already meaning they were full but all the others were only half closed or still empty. 
“Here you go Miss R, step this way” Jeongin pulls aside one of the half pulled curtains to reveal Chan in all his glory leaning against the side of the booth watching the empty portions of the room.
“Not even a second late” Chan chuckled, offering you his hand to take as Jeongin winked at you before leaving. Helping you to get comfortably seating he moved to pull the curtain closed giving you a single glimpse of Felix who was looking straight at you, eyes wide, and distinctly not at the woman beside him who looked every bit the beautiful and rich CEO, his slight frown before the curtain separated you leaving you with an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“So gorgeous, are you ready for me?” Chan’s velvety voice surrounded you like honey as you turned your face towards him. You had obviously spent time with Chan, you had even seen the professional photos that they had all had taken but it hit you like a lightning strike just how easy it would be to be wooed by him in this setting.
“You look devine tonight” he purred, sliding a little closer to you, watching you closely he slowly took your hand to kiss the inside of your wrist “you also don’t need to be nervous”.
“I was told you wouldn’t bite unless I asked you nicely” you tilted your head to gauge his reaction.
“For you I would do anything if you asked me nicely or not” you raised one eyebrow almost challengingly making you swallow hard and your eyes widened slightly.
“Good to know” you breathed a flush creeping across your cheeks.
“I was told by a reputable source that you like sweet things” he continued with a teasing smile gracing his handsome face as a waiter appeared with a tray of cocktails “so I took some liberties and ordered you some dessert”.
Placing down two cocktails you could see quite obviously that Chan had asked the others what you had drank, eaten and spoken about because the chocolate martini that was for you was very close to a favorite drink of yours.
“Thank you Chan” you whispered, picking up your glass to sip at it, your mouth suddenly very dry.
“I also heard you do not want to be placed in a cage” his dark cinnamon eyes made you feel like he could see into your soul.
“San has loose lips it seems” you added the corners of your mouth twitching as his grin increased.
“No, I am just incredibly persuasive when it comes to you” he advised sipping his own drink which to you looked very much the opposite of your drink. Chan seemed very good at keeping you somewhere between flustered and hypnotized but after a few more moments your brain caught up.
“I can see the difference now, from level three to level 4” you admitted coyly relaxing your posture slightly “San was particularly good but you are exceptional at this”. Chan faulted slightly before breaking into a breathtaking grin.
“I have to say you are quite remarkable at seeing through the act, it’s a bit of a rare gift” he hummed approvingly “Had to admit it’s a little bit of a turn on actually”. You coughed as you almost inhaled your drink at his words making him chuckle at you.
“Did you actually say that or did I imagine that?” you sniffed trying to regain your composure.
“No I said it, Hyunjin told me it was a completely different feeling watching you see straight through our usual way of working and I get now why he wanted to take you upstairs” Chan divulged “San let me know that you were the most fun he has had so far and you seem to have bewitched our little Felix”. Your jaw dropped slightly allowing Chan to slide closer to you lifting one finger to shut it again for you his fingers then moving to grasp your chin gently tilting your face towards his. It felt magnetic like you were being drawn closer to him every second but the illusion was shattered when you heard a loud shrill laugh from somewhere outside the curtained bubble you were in.
“I think perhaps I need another drink” you murmured as Chan dropped his hand away from you. He tilted his head slightly and a waiter appeared as if summoned, although you were sure CHan was just more subtle about the button to call the staff than San.
“Can we have another round and bring dessert this time please” Chan instructed smoothly not moving away from you instead slipping out of his jacket, leaving him in only a black shirt with no tie.
“The drink isn’t dessert then?” you mused, thinking he had been mentioning the sweet drink earlier.
“No I have something far more substantial for you, after all I need to leave a sweet taste in your mouth from the experience” he flirted effortlessly knowing that the choice of words would push you just a little.
“Still hoping I’ll come back after this editorial is done then?” you teased back knowingly
“Oh I have no doubt you will come back, I’m hoping to sway you to come back to level 3 or 4” he cheekily retorted, his dimples shining.
“Well Mr Bang that all depends on what you have got for me?” you giggled as the waiter reappeared and stopped Chan’s comeback in its tracks. Placing down another martini for you excused himself to collect the rest of Chan’s request. Moments later he reappeared with a tray full of what looked like chocolate truffles and strawberries dusted with gold flakes.
“As with San last night I like to go all out” Chan grinned like a cat that got the cream “We get these in from France they are made with the finest Swiss chocolate and the best French champagne”. He lifted one off the tray and brought it to your lips which you opened keeping your eyes locked on his. He was right they were the most delicious chocolate you had ever eaten and you were quite alright with the idea of sitting drinking your martini with him feeding you, but you assumed that was due to the rather strong cocktail you had already drunk and the one you were about to start. You continued chatting to Chan a little more casually after he started hand feeding you strawberries and chocolate until you had accidentally had a third martini and your head was actually fuzzy.
“Would you like another drink or would you like something else?” Chan murmured sensually his lips only inches from your ear.
“I think I’m good” you smiled lazily, enjoying the warmth of his breath on your neck.
“I’m sure you are very good gorgeous, but that wasn’t what I meant” he quipped leaning in closer so his lips brushed your earlobe making you involuntarily shudder “I love that you are so eager to please, such a perfect little tease”.
Your brain wasn’t fast enough to react with wit instead opting to just hum and let him get even closer to you, being ever the gentleman Chan gave you time to respond between each gentle touch of his fingers running down you bare back, each brush of his lips against your skin until you were almost embarrassingly pliant.
“Tell me to stop and I will, gorgeous” he whispered huskily in your ear before actually pressing his lips to your neck making you gasp softly turning your head toward him. Following the line of your jaw Chan kissed his way to you lips each one slightly more passionate than the last until his lips pressed against yours. His soft plump lips felt stupidly good against your own especially when he dragged your bottom lip between them using his teeth and making you sigh with pleasure, his tongue traced the seam of your lips teasing you and hoping you would allow entrance which you did too caught up in the moment and the alcohol to be thinking quick enough to stop yourself. 
“Mmm… wait Chan stop” you slurred slightly as he broke away from your lips to kiss his way to your earlobe, your brain finally registering what you were doing. To his immense credit Chan did stop instantly removing not only his lips and hands from you but also sliding away from you so you were no longer touching.
“I apologize” he replied instantly “I didn't mean to overstep”.
“You didn’t, not really, I’m just a little too drunk for this to be a good idea” you admitted trying to shift the alcohol from your brain so you could think better.
“I will get you a car home” Chan smiled genuinely, his eyes shining with something that looked a little like admiration and a little like affection.
“Thank you” you swallowed as Chan moved to help you stand from the booth, steadying you by wrapping his arm around your waist as he walked you to the elevator. Moving past the tables you saw the booth that Felix was in earlier still occupied which gave you a strange sense of relief that he was still on this floor and not the one above but that was shattered we the curtain opened and you saw him, his arms wrapped around his patron feeding her strawberries the same way Chan had fed them to you. You looked away quickly hoping that both Chan and Felix would not notice but you had a feeling that Chan already had as he pulled you slightly tighter against his side as the elevator doors opened stepping inside you turned towards the closing doors to see Felix’s face fall as his eyes landed on you for the brief moment before the door separated you both.
Chan led you to his office to collect your things, easily carrying both your bags on one of his arms making sure you were stable enough to not hurt yourself. He mentioned to the driver that he was to escort you into the building and help you with your bags before taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles.
“We will see you tomorrow Ms R” he beamed, helping you with your seatbelt even though it was unnecessary.
“But we haven’t talked about tomorrow’s host experience” you protested, suddenly aware that you hadn’t even discussed the topic properly yet. You felt yourself flush, hoping that Chan wouldn't notice it over the pink already dusting your cheeks from the alcohol you had been drinking.
“Good thing I had already put him aside for you then” his eyes twinkled as he spoke and his dimples were on full display.
“What?” You stammered “I haven’t told you yet”.
“I know, Felix asked to host you if you requested him and I figured you would. You seem to have already formed an attachment to each other” He continued before chuckling.
“Goodnight Chan'' you mumbled a tad embarrassed that you were so transparent to him.
“Goodnight Miss R” Chan replied teasingly, shutting the door and allowing the driver to take you home.
The following morning was not as pleasant as the previous few mornings, you woke up nursing a headache and a mortifying recollection of embarrassing events where you had almost let yourself take things too far with Chan then practically told him of your little crush on Felix, which you realized the night before was exactly that, a crush, there was no way that you would ever entertain the idea that a grown woman like yourself would end up with a silly little crush on a man you were writing about. It was the least professional thing you had ever done and now you needed to turn up at the same place that he worked and face not only him but his boss who knew about it. You needed to distract yourself. You needed coffee and something sweet for breakfast then perhaps you would feel better.
You washed up and got dressed into a simple shirt and jeans before venturing out for the sustenance you needed to help with your predicament. You knew deep down you hadn’t actually done anything wrong, the host experience is to sell a fantasy of feeling loved or desired or more often than not both and that every single one of Chan’s hosts lived up to that. Each fantasy they created absolutely made you feel that the average woman they saw would have been totally swept off her feet by them. You, once tipsy, were almost swept up in it too so you knew they were good, you knew they were worth the money but still a little part of you was sad it was all just a fantasy and potentially the hosts themselves were not as happy as they seemed.
Your constant thoughts had made you almost miss the door to the cafe you were heading to. It was almost a twenty minute walk from your apartment but the coffee was so good you would happily make the trip. Moving your way through the few filled tables you found yourself an empty seat and sat down looking through your phone as you waited to order. The quiet chatter and the smell of freshly ground coffee gave you some much needed comfort after your order was taken sitting staring into space. You barely registered your phone's message alert, checking it you noticed it was from an unknown number, you frowned but opened it anyway.
 Hey. It’s Felix, are you alright after last night? I saw you leave the floor with Chan so I wanted to check in.
 You read it twice to make sure you had read it correctly then smiled of course the first text he sent you and it’s asking about your welfare, he was too sweet for his own good and that was the problem. He was otherworldly beautiful and far too sweet which of course is what made him so successful as a host, but it also made him too attractive to you. Sighing you thought about how you would reply you didn’t want to sound like it was a flippant thing given he was concerned but you didn’t want him to think the worse either.
Hi Felix, I’m ok just nursing a little bit of a headache but I’ll be fine by the time I head in this afternoon. I hope you had a successful night.
You put your phone down to concentrate on the pancakes that had been delivered to you. The sugar and dough no doubt likely to help with how you felt you would just need to remember to pace yourself a little bit better tonight.
That’s great, I’m glad you’re feeling alright. I know Chan has a tendency to be a little intense sometimes, especially on the 5th floor. I saw on my schedule you're with me tonight so I’ll do my best to keep you entertained :) 
You stopped completely, almost dropping your fork, as you looked over the message coughing when some of the pancake you were eating went down the wrong way. Felix had assumed you had gone upstairs and had sex with Chan. Your stomach dropped, you didn’t want any of them thinking that you had, but especially Felix, because you hadn’t. Sipping some water you blinked the stray moisture from your eyes that the coughing fit had caused and pressed the call button.
“Sorry to call Felix but this is easier to explain than text” you blurted as soon as he answered his phone.
“That’s fine Miss R, you sound stressed, are you sure you feel well?” he asked, his voice sounding concerned against the noise in the background of his surroundings. 
“I really am fine, just a headache, but I had to correct you. I didn't go to level 5 last night. I got a little too tipsy and Chan took me downstairs to put me in a car to get me home. I swear nothing happened with Chan” You explained your tone at a higher pitch than normal making you sip your water again to soothe your throat.
“It’s fine if you did, I wouldn’t judge you for that the way you don’t judge me” Felix reassured you, sounding almost relieved if you were honest with yourself. You let out a large breath making him chuckle slightly.
“I didn’t want you to think the wrong thing that’s all but about tonight Chan told me that I would be able to be in with you since you had an opening which I was surprised about actually” you admitted shyly a flush decorating your neck as you spoke.
“Oh you requested me then” he teased sweetly “Well I’m happy to be your first pick and I’m glad I had an opening”.
“I will see you tonight then Felix” you added not knowing what else to say.
“You will Miss R” he replied, hanging up instantly and leaving you staring at your phone. God, you felt even more embarrassed calling him to assure him you hadn’t had sex with anyone, in public, when he didn’t even seem to mind. You finished your breakfast quickly before returning home so you could overthink every word you had said over the past week while you picked out the final outfit from your closet for your final night at Club 143.
You settled on the outfit that most made you think of Felix a black off the shoulder mini dress with a flippy hem, like the one you had tried on in the department store the morning you had run into him, and simple black pumps. You decided you would just add some winged eyeliner to your everyday look and maybe some bolder lipstick to take it from regular working to host experience working and hoped it would be enough to make a slight impression on Felix so that he would at least potentially remember you after the night was over and you had left his life. Furrowing your brow you looked at yourself in the mirror your bag packed behind you on the bed to change and your simple jeans and a square necked top you were utterly plain compared to every single host you had met, and although they had all been sweet and accommodating during the past week with them you couldn’t help feel a little sad it was over. You did suppose that Chan had a point you could always just attend Club 143 as a patron you didn’t need to buy their time you could always just say hello in passing and pretend that it was enough, pretend it didn’t feel strange that they pretended so well to almost become friends to actually not be at all.
Collecting your bags you made your way back to work taking the slow and scenic way wandering the neighboring streets to see what else was around. Finally making your way into the main entrance you were greeted like you had been before by Chan’s bar and floor staff before entering into the staff area to set up your laptop with the final bits of writing you would need to add. It was later than you normally showed up and Chan was in his office with several of his elite hosts so you just bypassed his office for now. Your editor had sent back a few tweaks for you to make to the editorial but was overall quite supportive and approving of what you had come up with so it was just finishing up the experience with San and writing out Chan’s before finishing it all tomorrow and submitting it. For the final draft stages. You started typing, noting to yourself to add a head shot of both San and Yunho to hopefully further their customer base as a thank you for their time, only to hear a huge roar of laughter from Chan’s office making you jump. 
“Miss R” Seungmin sang as he wandered out of the office towards you. “Could you join us for a moment?”.
“Of course Seungmin” you eyed him warily, making him waggle his eyebrows at you “what are you getting me into?”.
“Nothing bad. We just want to go over last night with you” he grinned his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Well shit” you sighed, standing slowly and following him into Chan’s office. 
“We were just talking about your date with Chan” Seungmin started as you stepped through the door.
“Yeah and how you disappeared with our dear boss” Hyunjin grinned, making you look at the ceiling for help.
“Chan claims he cannot kiss and tell, but we are pretty sure we know where you ended up” Changbin teased, looking from you to Chan.
“Really? And where was that?” you mocked his tone slightly making Chan grin and Minho laugh loudly.
“Upstairs of course” Hyunjin whispered, shouting dramatically as though he was helping you jog your memory, making Changbin snicker.
“Really? Because I’m pretty sure upstairs looks nothing like the inside of a car. Or my apartment block for that matter” you replied dryly, making Chan and Seungmin laugh while Hyunjin’s jaw dropped and Changbin looked confused.
“Felix said he saw you getting in the lift with Chan and that Chan gave a thumbs up” Changbin argued as though you didn’t know where you had been.
“Felix did see me get in the elevator, but you do know that elevators go both up and down” you tried to hold in a laugh at the indignant look on Changbin’s face.
“So you didn’t go upstairs with Chan?” Hyunjin repeated.
“I did not” you laughed “How much money did you have riding on that?”.
“More than they should have” Chan smirked as Hyunjin opened and closed his mouth a few times.
‘Can I finish my editorial now? Or did we need to discuss the sex I didn’t have with Chan further?” you raised your eyebrows waiting for one of them to answer.
“You go back to work Miss R” Chan smiled “I think Hyunjin will be bringing you a coffee in a little while”.
“Aw thank you Hyunjin” you grinned, walking back to your chair and going back to what you needed to get done. Still having the occasional giggle about the conversation you just had.
By the time the other hosts started appearing and it was time for you to start getting ready you were beginning to get nervous. An elite host experience Chan had called it and it was exclusive to only those willing to pay a small fortune to spend time in private with a host of their choice. Felix would probably meet you out in the bar like you had done with San since you were heading straight up to level five and bypassing the other host floors. There would be dinner and you would have Felix all to yourself for the whole night which was a huge amount of time compared to the other experiences Chan had his hosts offer. Closing down your laptop you packed away all of your work items and moved towards Chan’s office to change.
“Am I able to use your office again to get changed or are you still busy?” you enquired sticking your head into his office where he was sitting at his desk already decked out in his deep gray suit. Chan got up and walked over to you taking your work bag from your hands and placing it beside his desk
"Sure and what color are you wearing tonight? just out of interest" Chan smirked stepping out into the staff area.
"Black" Felix answered for you before you could say a word, his voice surrounding you like smoke.
"How did you know I bought a black dress?" you turn towards his voice, your eyes widening the moment you saw him in his satin black suit jacket looking like a model straight off the catwalk.
"Oh I didn't know that I just knew what I bought" he smiled dazzlingly, holding out a large white gift bag tied with a deep red ribbon.
"I don't understand" you mumble, your brow creasing in confusion looking at the bag before he took hold of your hand and placed the handles of the bag in your palm, closing your fingers around it.
"You didn't think you could try on that dress and look that good and I wouldn't insist you wear it?" He smirked, leaning forward and lowering his voice.
"You didn't!" you squealed loudly as he laughed and wandered out into the bar you guessed so he was out of the room before you could argue back.
"What dress are we talking about?" Chan asked, perplexed, his eyes scanning the bag for a label.
"Oh is that the McQueen one? Felix said she looked a million dollars is that one" Hyunjin grinned following Felix's trail through the room and stopping beside you.
“No!...he’s not allowed to do that…fuck where did he go?” you scoffed while still holding the bag.
“He is and he did” Hyunjin winked at you “Now go put the dress on so I can see if he was right”. You gave a resigned sigh you knew this would be a battle you would never win. Too many rich boys with too much money was always going to end in stupid decisions like buying dresses for women they barely knew because they could.
Turning silently you went into Chan’s office and shut the door but not before hearing Hyunjin announce loudly that you were about to knock their socks off so they should all wait around for a bit. You unwrapped the dress carefully, trying to not mess up the ribbon or the tissue paper it was wrapped so beautifully in, your fingers caressing the silk that you had already tried on and secretly loved but had thought you would never in a million years own. Your eyes stung slightly as a stray tear fought to make its way free of your eye, Felix’s gesture proving that his kindness and sweetness knew no bounds and that you and your little crush were doomed to an inevitable heartbreak at the end of the night. Slipping out of your clothes and into the dress you remembered you were going to struggle with the zip again.
“Hyunjin?” you called through the door
“Yes princess” he called back obviously just outside the door.
“Who is waiting out there with you?” you asked as sweetly as you could.
“Oh! There is Chan, Minho, Hongjoon, San, Yunho, Seungmin and of course me” he listed off.
“Excellent” you popped your head out of the door “San can you help me with the zipper please?” you smiled as he grinned and stood up immediately.
“Wait, I can help” Hyunjin protested.
“I know, but I asked San” you quipped as San moved past Hyunjins disappointed face and into the room with you.
“You look exquisite” San whispered appreciatively as you turned around, his fingers easily sliding the zipper up your back.
“Thank you San” you smiled genuinely as you turned back to face him.
“Felix is a lucky, lucky man” he smiled lopsidedly before slipping back out of the room which caused Hyunjin to protest all over again.
You fixed your makeup and took a steadying breath, your nerves were now sky high but you knew there was no turning back now so you stepped out of Chan's office and into a room filled with silence, except for San’s whistle. 
“You look incredible” Chan grinned, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles.
“Thank you Chan” you smiled while worrying your lower lip slightly between your teeth.
“You look far better than just a million dollars” Hyunjin whispered reverently, his eyes wide.
“You are going to make me blush if you keep complimenting me” you shuffled on your feet slightly. 
“Can I escort you out to meet Felix?” Yunho interrupted getting in before any of the others could say anything else.
“That would be amazing, Yunho” you grinned at him as he raced across the room to take your hand and place it in the crook of his arm. You didn’t feel any different stepping out of the staff area into the bar, it was the same as every other evening the difference was going to be when you came face to face with Felix.
“You don’t need to be nervous” Yunho muttered trying to hide he was speaking to you from prying eyes “Felix won’t do anything you don’t want him to, and there is no expectation on you” his hand squeezed yours where it sat in the crease of his elbow “I didn’t even know you could get nervous”.
“Funny Yunho, I’m not immune to everything” you whispered in reply knowing he was right everything that would happen tonight would be the same as all the previous nights you had spent in the club. The ball was entirely in your court. 
Yunho walked you to the entrance where Felix stood waiting for you, several women trying to get his attention but being politely declined until his eyes landed on you.
“Excuse me ladies, my queen awaits” he smiled graciously, walking towards you and Yunho. Yunho for all his imposing presence disappeared effortlessly into the crowd as Felix stepped into your space to take your hand moving it to his lips to kiss the inside of your wrist softly.
“Felix” you smiled coyly, making his perfect face light up as he moved to wrap his arm around your waist to lead you to the elevator.
“You look bewitching” he breathed in your ear making you shiver against him which seemed to only encourage him into pulling you tighter against him. Virtually every woman in the bar watched you with envy at being beside him.
“You look incredibly handsome yourself” you replied feeling more comfortable now that you were with Felix again. He grinned as he stepped into the elevator swiping his card to get you to the exclusive fifth floor starting what you knew would be a once in a lifetime night.
“Chan made sure you had seen one room when he gave you the tour so now I can show you a second” Felix broke the silence between you.
“Did you pick which room you would show me?” you tilted your head to look at his profile.
“Yes, because it's a particular favorite of nearly all of us hosts” he admitted, easily meeting your eyes.
“A favorite as in it makes you guys a lot of money or favorite as you guys actually like being in that room?” you teased gently 
“We like being in this room, it's the easiest to make comfortable for clients who perhaps aren’t interested in certain things” he carefully explained letting you know before you even reached the room that there would be no pressure on you.
“Good to know” you beamed as the elevator door opened to the navy blue hallway. Taking your hand he led you down the hallway passing door number three and leading you to door number 8. Unlocking the door he allowed you to step inside the room first letting you take in your surroundings before wrapping his arms smoothly around you from behind.
The room was the opposite of what you expected it wasn’t some overly ostentatious room styled after a luxury hotel room instead the blue and gold continued only instead of navy blue it was more of a deep teal blue with antique gold light fixtures and dark coloured furniture but the main focal point was the dozen upon dozens of candles flickering on almost every surface in front part of the room stood a black glass table with place settings for two large floor candelabras covering the area in a romantic golden glow. Further into the room dark lounge suites and the further again a bed made up in matching teal sheets all surrounded but flickering light.
“Do you think you prefer this room?” his deep honey voice in your ear.
“Yes this room is beautiful” you replied in awe, feeling his arms squeeze you slightly before unwrapping them from you and leading you towards the table pulling out your chair for you.
“I thought rather than the normal ridiculous menu I would try something new with you” he started taking his own chair as you heard the keycard beep for the door to open revealing a waiter wheeling a food serving cart with large silver cloches covering several dishes. The waiter placed the dishes on the table and then left himself out of the room as quietly and discreetly as possible.
“New in what way?” you tilted your head looking from Felix to the covered dishes.
“I already know that your immune to the normal charm act so I figured instead of playing the part I usually would, I’ll just be me” he shrugged “ I can still give you the full experience without pretending to be something that you will see through anyway so why not have a normal dinner together like we would if this was any other normal date?”. Lifting the cloches and placing them back on the serving cart you were met with two types of pasta, Caprese salad and arancini with aioli. You realized immediately what he meant instead of ridiculous amounts of over the top food he was trying to keep you as comfortable as possible.
“This looks fantastic Felix” you grinned toothily making his shoulders relax a little more. Felix served you a little bit of everything insisting you could eat whatever you liked but you were more interested in just spending the time you had available with him.
“This is the last night you’re going to be here isn't it?” Felix enquired quietly between mouthfuls.
“For this editorial yes” you nodded, taking a sip of the white wine that Felix had chosen to go with your meal. “But I thought I might come back for a drink or two sometimes, the bar is great and it feels really safe as a woman to be in here”.
“But that is only the bar” Felix pressed you slightly “You won’t return to the hosts will you?”.
“I might, I couldn’t obviously be paying for Chan or you to entertain me, you are too pricey for a lowly journalist. But I could see San or Yunho occasionally” you admitted pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as his eyes narrowed for a fraction of a second.
“Are you interested in seeing San or Yunho again?” I know you spent time with Yunho for the editorial and you had the mid level host experience with San” he continued but you could tell he was selecting his words carefully. 
“That was just an example, someone like me could only afford the basic or mid level host experience at a place like this. It doesn't have to be either San or Yunho specifically although they are both a lot of fun” you confessed hoping that he liked that answer better.
“Oh so you would be happy to see anyone then?” he teased.
“Well I’d see you but your price tag is more than I could afford unless you take payment in other ways” you teased back making his eyes widen before he laughed, the rich deep sound sinking into your skin like the sun's warmth. 
“I’m sure we could figure something other than money out if you were interested in only seeing me” he smirked, his eyes darkening as little as he wet his lower lip.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t be playing the part tonight” you raised your eyebrow “yet here you are flirting like Hyunjin would”.
“This isn’t the facade, this is me” he confided, his voice deeper than it had been before as he stood from the table and slowly walked around to your chair pulling it away from the table so you were now facing him. “I’ve never been more serious”.
“Felix” you whispered softly, confused where this was going.
“How about I show you what I mean” he murmured leaning down he cupped your face gently angling your chin higher so you were looking into his whiskey colored eyes, his thumb gently traced along your bottom lip as he leaned in tentatively pressing his lips to yours in a featherlight kiss giving you time to pull away. When you didn’t move he smiled graciously, pressing his lips against yours again this time with a little more force allowing you to kiss him back with your hand moving to wrap around his wrist. Taking your other hand in his he helped you stand his plump lips never leaving yours, pulling you flush against him.
“Do you understand what I mean now or should I explain further?” he whispered against your lips letting you decide how much you wanted from him.
“A little more should make it crystal clear” you sighed softly you words cut off as his soft lips claiming yours tenderly once more, Felix teasing your bottom lip with his teeth until you were gasping breathlessly into the kiss, his tongue dancing with yours sensually he moved one hand around your waist to hold you to him. 
“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted this” he smirked, pulling away from you just enough to slide his hands around you deftly gliding the zip of your dress down and watching it fall from your chest. Licking his lips as your upper body became completely exposed to him “I had never been so jealous of Hyunjin before after he said he had kissed you”. His fingers caressing your cheek while he leaned in to kiss your neck his lips softly tracing your pulse point before continuing down to your chest.
“I wanted to end Chan when he bragged about touching you, kissing you” he continued his hands cupping and lightly squeezing your breasts as he kissed his way back to your face. You couldn’t move, enjoying the feeling of his hands and lips on, your arm wrapped around his neck to keep yourself upright, carding your fingers through the hair on the back of his head..
“Neither meant anything if that helps” you whimper feeling his lips turn up against your lips as you pressed them back against his taking the initiative for the first time since Felix had touched you. 
“It does” he smirked, stepping back from you and leading you towards the bedroom area of the suite, the warmth of his hand anchoring you to him. Sitting on the bed he guided you into his lap, your skirt bunching up around your waist as you straddled his strong thighs. You kissed him again allowing him to slip his tongue between your eager lips to slide against your own in a slow dance for dominance beginning between you which he easily won as you pushed his jacket off of his shoulders to get closer to his skin. Felix let his hands roam your sides and arse encouraged you to grind yourself against him while you buried your hands in his amazingly soft hair tugging slightly as your need for him started to build, making him hum against your lips. Without much effort Felix switched your places you back now pressed against the soft mattress as he discarded his jacket and returned to kissing his way across your body, his lips left a scorching path down your chest until he reached your breasts taking one into his mouth while his hand played with the other.
“Fuck your tits are incedible” he breathed against your nipple circling the now swollen bud with his tongue as you arched against him slightly letting out a string of whiny noises “and you are so sensitive, your going to drive me mad baby”.
Your heart skipped a beat at the term of endearment that fell from his beautifully plump lips as he made his way across to your other breast giving it the same torturously pleasurable treatment. Nipping and sucking at your flesh like he was a man possessed. Moving lower he kissed his way to your belly button before hooking his fingers into the material of your dress that remained bunched around you carefully lowering it down your thighs dropping it beside the bed leaving you is just black lace underwear that he admired slowly dragging his finger along the pattern that covered your core.
“Lix” you whimpered softly your skin one fire beneath his warm touch.
“Fuck call me that again” me purred sexily closing his eyes while his fingers continues to trace across your flesh.
“Lix please” you whined watching his adam's apple bob as he swallowed hard, his head tipping back slightly seemingly turned on further by your words. Smiling wickedly he licked his lips and lowered himself between your thighs kissing the inside of one before placing a chaste kiss on your covered core making you shiver in anticipation. His smirk was covered by your mound as he began to trace the lace patterns on the small piece of fabric separating the two of you making you whimper again you were sure he could probably already feel how wet the fabric had become. His teasing continued as he unbuttoned his dress shirt stopping only for him to toss the garment behind him and pull your underwear aside his tongue gliding through your drenched folds earning you the pleasure of a deep groan falling from him before he swiped his tongue through them again collecting your essence and began eating you out as though it was going to keep him from from dying of thirst. Your whines and soft moans spurred him on as went between kitten lick to your clit and long dragging figure eights that drove you insane reaching down you grab a handful of his hair to ground yourself and making him groan loudly against you the vibrations sending you into an unexpected orgasm with a loud sob of his name.
“You taste delicious baby” he teased, moving away from your sensitive core, his angelic face covered in your arousal making him look like he had fallen from grace and straight into your bed. “Can’t wait to feel you fall apart around me baby”.
Standing from the bed he began to undo his belt, removing it slowly his pants and boxers following abandoned where they fell he leaned in to pull your now very wet underwear down your legs before climbing back over you to kiss you, his rock hard cock pressing against your thigh. He ran his hands up and down your sides making sure you were relaxed again he kissed you softly giving you time to come back down from your high to not push you too fast you could taste yourself on his lips and tongue making the knot in your abdomen begin to tighten again.
“Lix” you whispered cupping his face softly as he pulled himself away from you slightly to look into your eyes “I want to feel you, please” you soft pleading making his eyes widen and genuine look of adoration cross his features.
“God you are everything I could have ever dreamt of” he breathed almost inaudibly allowing his length to slip between your thighs coating himself in your juices “I need you to tell me you want this”.
“Please Felix, I need you” you pleaded again the desperation in your voice showing through making him nod pecking your lips gently as he continued to coat himself in your juices, the head of his cock brushing your clit and making you gasp loudly. Slowly rutting against you he finally lined himself up at your entrance and began leisurely pushing himself inside your still fluttering hole.
“Fuck you feel amazing baby” he groaned bottoming out inside your plush walls before gradually pulling himself out and sinking back into you again. You had never felt so full his dick stretching you to the point you felt like you were being split in half, the pleasure tinged with pain bringing tears to your waterline. 
“Lix…ngh…ah” you moaned uncontrollably each snap of his hips making you feel utter blissful pleasure. Taking his time Felix unhurried pace was leaving you feeling almost drunk as he leant his forehead against yours sweetly humming every time you loudly moaned his name. You met each of his thrusts, your hips rolling against his.
“You’re breathtaking like this” he whispered, increasing the strength of his movements “like you were made just for me” he groaned as you clenched at his words.
“Just for you Lix, only for you” you babbled as white hot sparks spread through your veins making tears fall from your eyes running down your temples into your hair. You were sure Felix could feel your body tightening below you as he moved one hand to wrap your leg around his waist giving him the ability to go even deeper than before, his cock head almost kissing your cervix making you cry out.
“That’s it baby” he purred, burying his face into your neck to kiss and suck on your skin pushing you to the edge again.
“Felix!” you screamed convulsing around his length as your entire body shook and your vision went white, his name tumbling from your lips again and again like a prayer. Felix continued his pace helping to prolong your ecstasy only stopping when you felt him fill you with his thick warm seed. 
Felix peppered your face with sweet kisses as he carefully pulled his softening dick from you, pulling you into his arms as he lay beside you stroking your skin softly until you returned from the fog of pleasure that was currently filling your head. After a few moments he began to massage your thigh easing the muscles that had so tightly squeezed him.
“Is that what it is always like?” you rasped looking up at him with still watering eyes.
“It’s never like, not for clients” he admitted pulling up the blankets to cover your sweat sheen covered bodies. “But for you it would always be like that”.
Felix held you tightly letting your body recover, allowing you to doze off in his arms for a few minutes. When you woke he was wearing a silk robe tied tightly at the waist and was hanging up both your dress and his suit in an empty wardrobe.
“Lix?” you questioned softly sitting up and letting the blankets fall away from your still naked form.
“I didn’t want to wake you baby, you needed to rest” he chuckled quietly, bringing you a glass of water and another glass of wine, climbing into the bed beside you.
“What happens now?” you asked, sipping from the glass of water before allowing Felix to wrap you back up in his arms.
“That is up to you” he conceded, his voice tinged with nervousness.
“Did you want this to be more than tonight?” you continued hoping that you had understood him correctly “Do you want me?”.
“So much, I never expected to meet anyone like you” he confessed “I’ve not been interested in anyone for such a long time that I just thought it wasn’t going to happen ever. But then you appeared and I couldn’t help it, I want to try to make it work with you if you will let me”.
“How would it work though? You here every night and me at work every day we would be like ships passing in the night” you sighed trying to think of what sort of schedule would actually work for the both of you.
“So your first concern isn’t that I make my living like this, it's my hours that are the issue?” he chuckled looking at you with disbelief.
“Well, I mean…. Look Lix I know what you do, and I know you have been doing it for years so it isn’t fair for me to just demand you change your life for me when we don’t even know each other that well” you exhaled looking up at his face.
“The others were right, your honesty is insanely attractive” Felix hummed, placing a soft kiss against your forehead. “But I am willing to go back to just hosting and not escorting if it means I get a shot with you”.
“Have I not been obvious enough?” you giggled your fingers drawing patterns on his beautiful honey skin “I thought you could read women like a book?”.
“Women yes, you no” he groaned, his muscles twitching under your gentle ministrations.
“I like you a lot Felix” you whispered your hand sliding lower brushing his warm skin and eventually wrapping around his half hard cock. “I want to be with you”.
Felix tilted your head with his fingertips connecting his lips to yours in a long kiss that he only broke when the gradual pumping of your hand made him hiss in pleasure.
“I will never stop worshiping you baby, especially now you are mine” His breath fanned across your face and he rolled you back under him grinning devilishly once more.
a/n: Thank you for reading you beautiful people, all your likes reblogs and comments are adored and I hope you enjoyed this one even though it is a bit of an epic. Thank you again to everyone that has followed me and left messages of love and encouragement for me you are amazing xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @armystay89 @damnyouficc @roamingpolar @tara-skyhold @bakedlilgoonie @krishastumblernow @mrsseals16 @fawnpeaks @leeknowinggg @uno7 @tanzen-ist-gold
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n0v4t33z · 1 year
The Syndicate - Chapter 1: Misfortune of a Prodigy
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Pairings: Choi San X Female Reader, Park Seonghwa X Female Reader, Ateez X Female Reader, Bangchan X Female Reader
Summary: Y/N is a Detective with a promising future in the police department until she's kidnapped by the infamous mafia boss Choi San and from him, she learns the dark secrets her superior has been hiding the whole time so she teams up with him in order to put a stop to it.
Genre: Lots of angst, Romance, Crime Fiction, Psychological Drama
Word Count: 2.9k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Language, Graphic Violence, Mentions of Illegal activities (i.e Kidnapping, extortion, assassination etc.), y/n gets roughed up by Wooyoung in the beginning , Slow Burn, Fluff sometimes, Work In Progress, Non-Idol AU, Mafia AU, Very suggestive at times, y/n cries alot, y/n having inner turmoil, Ateez being bad boys, Wooyoung and Yeosang are a little mean in this story tbh, Guns, Gunshot wounds, Assassination attempt(s)
I'll update tags as the story progresses
Spotify Playlist🎵 | Series Masterlist 📝
Author's Note: Hi guys! This is the very first story that I grew courage to post on here, so please be kind! I would also like to just kind of let you know that this is a work in progress so updates may not be as quick and they will be pretty slow as I am quite busy with work although I'm quite a bit ahead in the story writing wise so in the mean time I have enough chapters to be able to post. I really hope you guys enjoy the story! 💜
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After being called into a crime scene, I finally arrive to my destination and notice a couple of bystanders and a few journalists outside the hotel, I show my police shield to the officer guarding the crime scene and I head inside. I look around and notice the beautiful crystal chandelier on the ceiling and the beautiful marble floor of the lobby. I’m assuming it’s another one of Aurora Syndicate’s rival gang member’s death. I head over to the presidential suite of the hotel and there he was, a man who was around his 50’s bludgeoned to death, judging by his clothes he had a lot of money too. While my mind was focused on the crime scene I feel a hand on my shoulder interrupt my thoughts then I turn and realize it’s my partner Detective Christopher Bang “ Hey, I genuinely thought you weren’t going to come since it’s past the time you get off” He gives me a smug smirk judging from the tone of his voice. I shrug keeping my eyes focused on the victim’s position.
“Well, duty calls. Besides it has to do with AS so you know I’m up for this. So, whose this guy? He looks like he’s loaded" Chris takes out his notepad and hands it to me for me to read “Well, the guy’s name is Shiro Ito judging from his bank cards and identification used to get this room. He was allegedly involved in laundering money for The Aurora Syndicate, my guess he might have been stealing or giving out information which is why they probably killed him.” I slowly nod then I hand Chris his notepad back “Makes sense why they would have killed him, were his records clean?” He nods “Yep, clean as a whistle. The receptionist downstairs told me he was the owner of a few clothing stores which makes sense and is probably how he was able to launder money for so long without being questioned.” I get a little closer to the body and I look at the impact wounds. The wounds looked very deep, something very personal was the reason this man was killed. The suspect is definitely not a female, judging by the severity of the wounds it was definitely a male. I shift my gaze over to the man’s hands whom was holding on to something tightly.
With my gloved hands I pry open the victim’s right hand to reveal a cuff link with a beautiful iridescent stone. My face instantly lights up and I put it in an evidence bag. “Chris, this was not a woman who killed him. Look, a cufflink with an Aurora Borealis stone and it doesn't belong to Mr. Ito, he took it off of the attacker while he was trying to fight him off. If we find who this cufflink belongs to we've got our guy.” Chris’ eyebrows slightly raise while crossing his arms in front of him “Narrowing it down won’t be too hard, I’m positive it’s someone in the AS’ inner circle hence the name of the stone.” I turn and hand it over to a crime scene technician “Put this in evidence please this one is very important.” the technician nods and marks the evidence, I look back over to my partner who was engrossed looking at his notebook and I let out a small yawn “I’m heading home now, I’m exhausted. You mind finishing up here? I'm also almost finished with the police report from the last case so I'll turn it in first thing tomorrow cool?” He nods while he puts away his notepad in his back pocket and looks to me with a small smile “Yeah for sure, see you tomorrow.” I wave goodbye and I head back to my car and drive home for the night.
While I driving home I begin to think about that cuff link. Whose is it? And why was Mr. Ito killed? Hopefully we’re able to get the suspect’s print off of the cuff link but I highly doubt that since it’s probably covered in Mr. Ito’s prints.
When I arrive at my apartment complex, the lights to the parking lot are busted so it was kind of dark but not enough to where I couldn’t make things out. While I carefully get out of my car and I start to walk to my apartment. While I look through my purse to find my house keys I hear the cocking of a gun behind me “Take one more step In that direction and I will kill you.” I jump up and I turn around dropping my purse on the ground. I focus on both figures both dressed in black one was average height with jet black hair framing his face, and a tall one with blonde-brown hair. I raise my hands slightly to show I have nothing in my hand then the tall one removes my gun from my holster. The guy with the black hair grumbles “Mingi hurry up, I have a feeling someone saw us.” The dark haired male grabs me and points a gun to my lower back while his hand covers my mouth and nose with a cloth “If you scream things will get much worse from here, you wanted to be the hero so now’s your chance to take the fall.” Mingi the tall one, walks up to me and injects something into my neck, zip ties my hands and slings me over his shoulders like a rag doll. I have to fight to stay awake. I have to at least see the vehicle. I force my eyes open trying to stay awake whilst trying to free myself from Mingi's strong grip but my eyelids become unbearably heavy and I fall unconscious before I’m able to see the vehicle.
A few hours later, I wake up in a lowly lit room and quickly realize I'm tied up to a chair. Slightly groggy, I look around and see no one was in here. This empty room, is practically a near empty room with a crudely made empty bookcase behind me which looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years along with a mix of bunch of random debris on the ground and dried blood. I sigh then I yell out “Hello?! Let me out of here please!?” After yelling for what seemed like a little while I hear footsteps fast approaching, and soon the door clicks open. It was the dark haired guy who abducted me again. “So you finally woke up, it took you long enough.” He stands in front of me and stares me down all while I look up at him trying to show him I wasn’t scared of him which was an obvious lie considering how I was manhandled earlier so easily. “Why am I here? Who are you?” Completely ignoring my question he reaches over and squeezes my cheeks really hard to the point where I jerk my head back in pain unable to escape his grip “You know, I hate cops. I hate how they try to dig up your business.” I glare at him “Well, maybe you shouldn’t be getting rich off of illegal businesses and death. ” He lets out a mocking laugh and lets go of my cheeks slightly throwing my head back with force that was pretty aggressive “Wow, Detective you’re funny. You know not everyone grew up with the same stupid sense of right and wrong as you right? We do what we can to survive.” I shake my head “No, you and your stupid mafia sheep are just a bunch of idiots who will eventually fall victim to natural selection.” He grabs a fistful of my hair “Oh, we’ll see about that.” He leans in close to my face “I need the rest of the names of the cops who are working on the Ito case, you pigs have something that belongs to San.”
Oh god, is he talking about Choi San? So it was his cufflink, I should have known. I shake my head “No, I won’t tell you anything...” He mutters under his breath “You little- I seriously don’t have patience for you...” he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and punches me in the jaw. A sharp pain shoots through my jaw and the taste of blood fills my mouth, for a few seconds I look at him slightly dazed while I mumble “I’m not telling you.” He shakes me violently pulling me from the rope I'm tied to “Talk! I need those names now!” he pushes me back and I fall on my back and on my arms letting out a pained cry “No! I’m not going to tell you anything!” The male walks over to me and kicks me several times in the stomach causing me to let out pained screams and cough up blood. Slowly I start feeling like I was losing my consciousness again but before it happens he grabs me by the rope I was tied up with again and pulls the chair back up “Hey, are you passing out? Come on, tell me names and It’ll all stop. I promise.” He spits out mockingly. I shake my head while I look at the floor trying to dissociate myself from the situation I’m in. Blood profusely drips from my mouth onto my white collared shirt soaking through the shirt and feeling the dull drops of blood fall onto the fabric. One, two, three..
The dark haired man walks over to the corner of the room and grabs a crop whip and hits me so hard I could hear the whip crack. I let out a cry of pain and suddenly a thin, tall, dark haired man dressed all in black wearing a leather jacket comes in and grabs his shoulder “I think she’s had enough. You can stop hitting her now Wooyoung, she’s not going to talk.” Right after he comes in another man enters the room, he wore a wine colored dress shirt and some fitted dress pants with his dark hair slicked back and black rimmed glasses. It’s Choi San, the current leader of Aurora Syndicate. He looks exactly the way people described him to be. Handsome, cat like eyes with a jawline sharp enough to cut diamonds, and a very intimidating prescence. Wooyoung, slighty nervous knowing he messed up looks over at both guys and says “Seonghwa, San, I tried being nice but she was being so rude I didn’t have a choice.” San looks over at Wooyoung quite irritated and says “Can’t you ever follow orders? We need her alive. I never asked you to do this.” Wooyoung raises both of his hands and nods “Alright, alright fine. I’m sorry. I just thought that because you usually-” San turns to Seonghwa and cuts him off “ Seonghwa, please take her to the infirmary and ask Jongho to clean up Wooyoung’s stupid mess” San then makes his way over to me and kneels down, looks at me for a few seconds and lifts my chin up with his finger to meet his gaze all while wiping the blood off my chin with his thumb “I’ll talk to you later Detective, we have some things I wan to discuss.” he gets up and wipes the blood he wiped off of my chin onto Wooyoung's shirt. Slightly annoyed by this action, Wooyoung scrunches up his face in distaste and follows behind him leaving me alone with Seonghwa.
The man quietly walks over to me and uncuffs me from the chair. “That’s a lot of blood, I hope Wooyoung didn’t do too much damage.” His soft voice had some calming effect to where I was slowly coming back from my dissociation and felt a bit more grounded. He kneels next to me and for a few seconds he lets me recollect myself “Let’s go to the infirmary, hopefully you can get rest there.” Slowly tears well up in my eyes making my vision blurry. He lets out a soft sigh and gently pats my back “It’s okay, don’t cry. I can’t guarantee that nothing will happen to you but I suggest you just listen and answer the questions you’re asked.” I shake my head “No, I’d rather die than throw my whole squad under the bus.” He fixes my disheveled hair and says “I know, but trust me the faster you fess up the faster you’ll be able to leave. Just think about it, please.” He slowly helps me up and picks me bridal style in his arms.
While we head over towards the infirmary I break the silence by saying “Why are you being so nice?” For a few seconds he stays quiet until he finally responds “Well, I believe in treating people with kindness despite whether or not I dislike something about them. For instance, I don’t like the feds but that won’t stop me from being a decent human being.” I look up at him in sheer confusion “But you’re a literal criminal. You steal and kill people for a living.” A small smile appears on his face and he says “Criminal or not i’m still human. Remember, we all have reasons as to why we do things even if sometimes those things aren’t good.” He’s right, even the people on the other side of justice have their reasons for being criminals. Not everyone decides to do it because they want to be evil, most of the time it’s the lack of money, or a cry for help. Everyone is different.
When we finally enter the infirmary it smelled exactly like a hospital, intoxicatingly sterile. Jongho was at his desk on the computer but as soon as he sees me in Seonghwa’s arms he quickly gets up and walks over to us. Seonghwa gently sets me down on the examining table. Jongho looks at me for a brief second in horror then looks over at Seonghwa “What the hell happened? Why does she look like this?” Seonghwa looks at Jongho and says “It was Wooyoung, San got pretty upset about it too.” Jongho looks over at me and glances at the police badge around my neck making a very uncomfortable face and huffs under his breath “That bastard..” He uncomfortably smiles “ Seonghwa, I’ll take it from here thank you.” He nods and walks out the door closing the door behind him. Leaving Jongho and I alone.
Jongho puts on some latex gloves and he grabs his stethoscope from a drawer near his desk. He gently places the chest piece on my chest and does a whole routine check up listening to my breathing and what not, shortly after he finishes he puts his stethoscope around his neck and clears his throat “I listened to your organs and everything sounds fine, no broken ribs which is good. I see that your arms are quite red, so you might get bruises but no broken bones which is good news too. I also see that you coughed up blood but you’ll be okay you’ll just be sore for a couple of days the internal bleeding will heal on its own as it's not severe. I'm going to give you some pain killers, they’ll help for a couple of hours.”
After taking the medicine he proceeds to clean my busted lip “Thank you, but I have a question.” His eyebrows slightly raise “Oh, sure what is it?” I give him a pleading look and I say “Why am I here?” his face grows a little serious and he goes back to cleaning my wound “Oh, well you’re here because San Is looking for a family Heirloom he lost... That heirloom is so important to him because it was a gift from his father and to get it back he decided he was going to hold you for ransom until the police hands it over.” I sit there trying to process everything for a few moments then I respond “Isn’t that a little overboard for a cufflink?” Jongho shrugs “It is, but knowing how San is since he really treasures everything his father gave him. I’m sure he really doesn’t want to replace it and it’s understandable.”
San’s father, Junseo “The Phantom” Choi. He was killed in a shootout last winter at a restaurant he frequented. I look down at my police badge then I look over at Jongho “San could have just asked me to give it to him. It's really that simple.” Jongho shakes his head “I wish it was that easy but it’s complicated, let’s just say that your Captain and San’s family aren’t on great terms so in a way this is payback .This is as much as I can tell you because to begin with I wasn’t even supposed to tell you any of this so please just act like it’s the first time you’ve heard about it when San questions you.” I nod “Of course no worries. By the way thank you for not trying to kill me.” Jongho’s small smile comes back and he says “Of course, none of this is your fault to begin with.” Suddenly a guy with light grey hair that almost looks white comes in and says “Hey, I’m taking her from you San wants to talk to her. Is she clear for interrogation?” I give Jongho a worried look and he gives me a small reassuring smile, helps me get off the examining table and walks me over to the guy at the doorway “Yes Hongjoong, she's clear.”
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raylawrites · 2 months
𝓘𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓪 ~khj~
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Hi guys I’m kinda new to posting on tumblr but I really want to show people my story! If you have the time please to give it a read on AO3. It is an ongoing story but I try to update frequently.
Read Here
Relationships: Kim Hongjoong/fem!oc
Genre: enemies to lovers, pirate ateez ensemble, adventures, SLOOOOWWWBURN
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, injury, cursing, general pirate activities
Word count: 9k and counting
"If I was given my wish, you'd be dead before your head hit the ground, filth."
Maeve Bloodborne hates pirates.
They make her skin crawl, make her stomach turn. Filthy Sea Rats she calls them, along with most of the population of Solaris. Aspiring to command a Navy vessel, she trains to harness the power of a ship, trains so that one day she might personally be the demise of an unfortunate pirate ship, blown to pieces by her very own artillery. How exhilarating it would be.
unfortunately, being kidnapped and dragged onto the only pirate ship she is certain she could never take down, was not on her summer itinerary.
(Or: Maeve hates pirates, and Kim Hongjoong captains the most brutal pirate crew seen in generations.)
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flowerbloommms · 8 days
Why is y/n so horny? I love build up smut. She just straight up jumps in. I get it’s a fic but realistically, having sex with someone holds some type of trust right? But I don’t feel that when reading a smut. Sorry.
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 9 months
moonlight sonata | seonghwa
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starting off the new year with some more ateez stuff bc MAN do i love ateez. <3 summary: after a devastating loss, you find yourself on the doorstep of a vampire, begging him to change you. and he does -- just not in the way you were expecting. (vampire!seonghwa x fem!reader) genres: slow burn, modern fantasy, mild horror that will grow in severity in later parts warnings: vampires, death, blood mentioned, murder mentioned, drinking blood is kind of a thing with vampires so definitely is brought up throughout, some gendered terms i believe, mention of reader being a woman, i think that might be all, please lmk if you find anything else!
One might think, as you did, that a vampire’s house might have at least a fence.
You check your phone, trying to make sure your GPS has guided you to the right house. Honestly, it does look sort of spooky -- a shadowy wrap-around porch supports a towering black structure that juts up through the scraggly branches of trees that haven’t quite recovered from winter’s chill, the windows all black and watery-looking in the bright moonlight. But no fence. And from what you can tell in the darkness, no cameras. 
You shrug and make your way up the walk toward the foreboding, ornate door. You hadn’t meant to arrive in the blackness of night, but years of feeling next-to-nothing mean that even though you know that you’re literally arriving on death’s doorstep, you aren’t scared or even worried. The worst thing that could happen? You get eaten. And the best? He gives you what you want. Honestly, from where you sit, that seems like a win-win.
You reach the door and raise your hand to knock, then pause. It seems odd to knock, but it also seems impolite to just barge in, and even debating about it is absolutely ridiculous given the circumstances. You take a deep breath and then knock, figuring it’s better to start out on the right foot with a monster. 
It takes a few minutes for the door handle to turn, which is disconcerting because you hadn’t heard or seen anything through the pane of glass that makes up half of this Victorian-looking door. But as the door slides open, slowly, you reflexively shine your light into the eyes of the person who appears across the threshold.
As you expected, the light bounces off his eyes, making them reflect in the dark like a cat’s. “Ha!” you shout in triumph, pointing at him. “I found you!”
In one swift move, the man pulls you from his porch into the house. It’s at a speed that isn’t quite fast enough to remind you of what he is, but isn’t slow enough to be human, and as he pushes you into the wall, you suddenly feel your heart beat quicker. “What are you doing here?” he hisses, and in the dark entryway his eyes beaming yellow look even more unsettling. 
But this seems an odd thing to say upon first meeting someone. “Uh…I’m sorry to disturb you,” you begin — and you’re suddenly aware of where his hands rest against your upper arms. 
They’re warm.
This takes you aback. The only thing you can really see in the dark is his eyes, but you find yourself squinting to try and make out his face through the gloom. There was something about his voice, too. Something familiar.
He sighs, reaching over and flicking on a light switch. You blink painfully against the sudden light for a few seconds before turning your attention back to the creature in front of you.
In the yellow light of the overhead bulb, the man between whose arms you are currently trapped is not at all how you expected him to look.
Tall, yes. Pale, yes. Dark hair, hollow cheeks, otherworldly beauty? Check. You weren’t even too unsettled at the animal-like eyes that even in this light are an odd shade of golden-brown that’s closer to yellow than you feel comfortable with, but what’s tripping you up now is his expression. You’d expected a literal vampire to be glaring at you, or glowering, or maybe even smirking. Instead, he looks….confused?
He blinks at you. “How did you find me?” he asks in a smooth, deep voice, his pupils wide and his expression bewildered. 
“Um, my family were in the monster-hunting business,” you explain, and suddenly you’re a little nervous as his eyes move up and down your body. 
“I see,” he murmurs. “Well, welcome. My name is Seonghwa. Please do join me in my study.”
“Seonghwa,” you say quietly to yourself as he moves away, gliding up the stairs. You follow him in trepidation, taking in the old oak staircase as it shines in the dim light.
He sweeps behind a big desk at a room on the top of the stairs, flicking on the lamp behind him as he does. With the light behind him, his eyes don’t glow as much, and even though you know what he is, you can almost trick yourself into believing that he’s normal. 
His lips quirk into a half-smile as he watches you, lingering at the grand doorframe. “Please have a seat,” he says, gesturing at the chair across from his own.
So you enter the room, sitting slowly in the comfortable wing-backed chair and looking into Seonghwa’s expectant face. After awhile with no speaking, he laughs -- a charming sound that belies the tension in the room. “Are you going to tell me why you’re here?”
You take a deep breath. “I want you to turn me into a vampire.”
His smile hardens just a tad — almost as though he expected your answer. “And why should I?” he asks. “Or rather, why shouldn’t I just drink you dry?”
You sigh. “Would you believe that I just wanna live forever?”
He gives you a wry chuckle. “No,” he says.
“Dang. I was really hoping that would work.” You shift uncomfortably in your seat. “The real answer is a long story.”
“Well, it’s a story you’ll have to tell me if you want to avoid becoming my next meal,” Seonghwa says lightly.
“Fine,” you agree. “I told you that my family was in the monster-slaying business.”
“Yes,” he says. “Should I be worried?”
“I’m no threat to you,” you say tiredly. “Anyway, my mother recently learned that the organization we worked for had used us to neutralize ‘threats’. We thought that meant monsters — both the human sort and the non-human sort. But then we learned the truth.” You can’t help the bitterness that laces your tone like a poison. 
“How?” Seonghwa is expressionless, but those dark eyes are soft.
“When we killed a whole family in cold blood because they told us they were a cult of werewolves who ate children. We killed all of them, even the kids.” You shake your head, still remembering the smell of blood and slaughter. “When you kill a werewolf, their blood is thicker and a bit more yellow than human blood. We knew immediately we’d done something terrible.
“My mother confronted them about the problem, and was met with denial after denial. So she did her own investigating. And the dam broke. She exposed them. Centuries of corruption, maltreatment, extortion, and murder that would make the mafia look like a Boy Scout troop. And so they killed her. Killed my whole family. And only I escaped.”
“So why do you want to be a vampire?” Seonghwa repeats. 
“Because I want to make them pay,” you answer, your voice soft and deadly. “There was some prophecy…ages ago, it seems. A vampire was meant to be their downfall. It’s why they hunted vampires almost to extinction. You have no idea what I had to do to find you.”
His grin twists a bit, hinting at some internal joke with himself. “You’d be surprised at what I know.” He leans forward, resting his hands on the desk. “So. You want to become a vampire for vengeance.”
You blush. This anger -- this hatred -- that you feel is unlike you, but the pain is much too difficult to bear without the burn of it to protect you. Still, you’re a bit ashamed at how disparate your former self is with your current one. You have often wondered if your compassion might not have died with your family, leaving you completely devoid of human emotion. It’s part of the reason you want to become a monster. It feels fitting, somehow. Almost as though this is the debt you must pay for your rage.
Seonghwa ignores your shame as he stares intently at your face. “I propose a compromise,” he finally says. “If you stay with me for a year, and you still wish to become a vampire, and I haven’t eaten you yet, I will change you.”
A year! A part of you wants to protest, desperate not to wait -- but a stronger, more stoic part of you realizes what this means. He will change you in a year. (As long as he doesn’t eat you first.)
But you’re confused, too. For what reason would he want to keep you near? “Why bother keeping me around if you’re eventually going to eat me?”
“Hm,” Seonghwa says, grinning to himself. “Would you believe it if I said that I got lonely?”
“No,” you shoot back, giving a reluctant smile as you echo his words from earlier.
“What if it’s true?” he challenges.
You level him with a look, studying his face, which is earnest and almost kind in the dim light.
He is either an incredible actor, or he isn’t lying. Either way, it seems the only explanation he’s willing to give right now. So you let out a puff of air. “It’s a deal.” And the two of you shake hands, sealing the promise.
“Did you bring anything with you?” Seonghwa asks, standing up. 
“Only myself,” you reply. “I wasn’t sure if I’d survive. Thought it might be silly to haul around a suitcase only to get eaten.”
He scoffs. “Well, those clothes look ragged. I mean, I know you’ve probably had a tough time of it, but let’s find you some new ones.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Do you want me to borrow your clothes?” you say doubtfully.
“I wear plenty of womens’ clothing,” he says, “but I doubt anything I have would fit you. Your room should have suitable clothing. For guests, I mean.”
You follow him down the hall into a beautiful bedroom with a white four-poster hung with shimmering silver curtains. The moonlight through the big, flower-shaped window makes them look like your bed is cased in pixie dust. You stare around, taking in the high, domed ceiling, the soft white comforter on the bed, the door across the room that opens up to a bathroom and walk-in closet, and turn to Seonghwa in shock. “This is…”
“Do you like it?” he asks. And to your bewilderment, he seems almost…anxious. Like he’s worried about you being disappointed.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever been in a more beautiful room,” you reassure him, shaking your head at this ridiculousness -- because who can deny the irony of a monster-hunter soothing the worries of a vampire? “This is very generous for someone who might be your dinner in a few days’ time,” you point out.
The smile broadens. “I’m a gentleman. I would hope I had the decency to make sure your last days are spent comfortably.” With a small bow, Seonghwa excuses himself, allowing you to make yourself at home.
You expect to feel uneasy. You’re in a vampire’s house, for heaven’s sake. But maybe you’re too tired, or maybe you’ve finally lost all sense of self-preservation, but this place feels strangely familiar -- comforting, even. So you do what makes sense. You strip down to your underwear, discarding your dirty, ragged clothes in a heap on the floor, and tuck yourself into the sheets, falling asleep almost immediately.
“How did he do this?” you murmur to yourself, letting your hands travel over the many items of clothing in your closet. 
Because it’s eerie how the wide walk-in closet is nearly full of clothing items perfectly suited to your taste, that fit you like a glove. You’d thought it odd when you were looking through a drawer in your bedroom armoire and found a soft pink pair of sweatpants in just your size, only to discover upon further inspection that the entire drawer was full of luxurious pajamas and loungewear that you’d have killed to own as a child. A part of you wonders if he did this while you were asleep -- or if he can see the future and knew you were coming. Either option sends a chill down your spine.
It gets weirder when you finally tear yourself away from the closet and go down the stairs. There, Seonghwa stands on alert, his eyes already carefully watching your descent, his hand wrapped around the handle of a pan that is sizzling with some kind of oil. “You’re awake,” he says simply.
“Yes,” you agree, playing with the hem of your shirt. 
“How did you sleep?” he asks, turning back toward the stove and pouring some kind of batter into the pan.
“Are you...making crepes, by any chance?” you ask, ignoring his question, as you see the spread of raspberry compote, thick whipped cream, and the creamy almond vanilla spread your mother used to reserve for your birthday, set out in pretty white-and-blue floral bowls. Your favorite crepe toppings, in the prettiest dishes you’ve ever seen. Coincidentally.
“Oh,” he says, his back stiffening. “Uh, yes. I am.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “Wanna explain how all the clothes in your guest room are my size, and I wake up to you making me my favorite crepes?”
He doesn’t turn around, but he does give a low chuckle. “Well, vampires have magic beyond your current understanding, don’t we?” he says.
“That’s a bit of a BS answer,” you say, “but you’ve been surprisingly lovely, so I’ll let it slide.”
Now he does turn around, his eyes wide. “You think so?” he says, that same anxious tone from the night before in his voice. 
You narrow your eyes at him. “You really eat people?” you ask dubiously.
He shakes his head. “Common misconception.”
“I’ve been wondering about that,” you say, coming to sit at the long black table. “I know a lot about monsters. But not vampires. We were forbidden to study them.”
“So you have questions?” he asks, flipping the crepe in the pan with an expert flick of the wrist.
“Of course,” you say. “Fangs?”
“What about them?”
“Do you have them?”
He gives a big, fake smile, pointing at his canines, which lengthen as you watch. “Retractable,” he says.
“Sunlight?” you ask.
“Myth. Although I do burn easier, and my eyes are more sensitive, so I have to take sunlight in doses.”
“Do you sleep?”
He sighs. “Myth. Every animal sleeps.”
You hesitate before your next question. “Are you...undead?”
He flips the crepe onto a plate full of them, bringing it over to you so you can make up your own. After a minute, he says, “Well, I suppose one could look at it that way.”
“How do you look at it?” you ask.
“I think humanity is more like a larval stage for vampires,” he explains. “The process of changing from a human being to a vampire does require that your heart stops beating, so I believe that technically, medically, you might be considered dead. But, if the process works correctly, it starts back up again, and it’s changed into something new and powerful. I don’t know if it’s all that different from a caterpillar entering a chrysalis and becoming nothing but mush, only to emerge as a butterfly.”
You nod slowly. “I guess that makes sense.”
He looks at you -- at your furrowed brows and tired eyes -- before he asks, “does it worry you? Becoming a vampire, I mean.”
You fiddle with one of your hangnails and avoid his gaze. “I don’t know what there might be to be nervous about. It sounds like I either become a vampire, or I die. I’ve got nothing to lose anymore, so those are pretty much the two best options I have at the moment.”
“I see,” Seonghwa says after awhile.
“So,” you say, determined to carry the conversation away from your sadness. “Uh, does human food taste like dirt to you?”
“Would human food taste like dirt to a bat?” he counters.
“You’re like a bat?” you say, unable to stop a small smile from spreading slowly across your face.
He sniffs. “Vampires are just like people, but weirder. I usually liken us to a person with catlike reflexes and superhuman speed. And,” he continues, coming to sit in the chair beside you, “I quite like human food. The vampire diet is a bit complex, but I can eat anything you can. I just need human blood to survive.”
“How do you get it?” you ask him before you can stop yourself. “Uh, you don’t have to answer that.”
“I’d prefer not to,” he says, avoiding your gaze and adding more batter to the pan for another crepe.
Your heart sinks. As nice as Seonghwa has been, he is still a monster. He is still dangerous. To distract yourself from this rather irrational bout of disappointment, you ask another question. “Can I ask...how old are you?”
“I’m young in terms of other vampires,” he answers right away, seemingly grateful for this change in subject. “I was changed in 1816.”
“So how old were you when you were changed?”
“I was twenty-four,” he replies, sliding the newly made crepe onto the stack.
“So that would make you...”
“231,” he replies. “Actually, my birthday is in a couple of weeks.”
“Happy almost-232nd birthday?” you faltered, and Seonghwa chuckles.
“Do you know any other vampires?” you ask. When he shoots you a suspicious look, you giggle. “I won’t go hunting them down, I promise.”
He nods, apparently appeased. “I have a few vampire friends. I only see one of them very regularly.”
“How often?”
“Once every couple of years,” he says in an offhand tone. “Enough questions. It’s time for breakfast,” he declares, bringing the stack of crepes to you.
This information gives you pause. Years must feel so short to someone who has seen so many of them, you reason. As you serve yourself crepes, you bite your lip to keep the thousands of other questions from spilling out of you, hoping that in the coming days, Seonghwa might open up just a bit more.
“You’re supposed to spend time with me,” a deep voice says from the doorway, making you shriek and drop your book onto the floor. It lands with a heavy thud onto the dark wood slats, and you clutch at your chest where your heart is beating far too fast and shoot a reproachful look at Seonghwa, who is standing there on the threshold of the library, watching you with his strange and unsettling eyes.
“You’re startled,” Seonghwa realizes, his eyes wide, looking a little repentant. “I apologize.”
“A little warning might be nice next time,” you admonish him, sliding off the soft white chaise to pick up the book.
“Edgar Allen Poe?” Seonghwa observes, gesturing at the book. 
You shrug. “I’m living in a vampire’s house. Maybe I’m just in a spooky mood.”
The two of you stare at each other wordlessly for a few seconds before you realize Seonghwa is looking at you expectantly. “Did you -- did you need something?” you stutter.
“Yes,” he states. “I need your company. You’ve been holed up in the library for hours.”
He’s right -- you have. You can’t remember the last time you were free to just read without interruption, and the indulgence was a welcome distraction from the blackness of your thoughts. You realize that you’ve let time slip away from you. “I’m sorry,” you apologize bemusedly, realizing that he might have been telling the truth about being lonely after all. “What would you like to do?”
He perks up instantly. “Would you like to see the garden?”
Twenty minutes later, you’re outside, and Seonghwa is showing you through a still-scraggly hedge maze to what he promises is “the best part of this whole house.” 
“You’re going to love it,” he says, his eyes brimming with excitement under his thick black sunhat. “It’s just starting to bloom, but as it gets warmer, we can tend to it together.” His voice dips in volume toward the end of his phrase, and he ducks his head shyly as you round a corner into what is probably the most spectacular garden you’ve ever seen. 
He’s right -- most of the plants are still green shoots that have newly sprung from the earth. But there are a few crocuses in bloom right at the entrance of the garden, spread between other less-mature plants, and just the sight of them seems to melt a fraction of your icy heart. The rest of the garden is a sweeping array of soil and ivy hanging from stone archways, dotted here and there with a fountain or a statue. You barely realize you’re tearing up until you feel one spill over, hot against your cheek in the cool spring air, and hurry to wipe it away, only to feel a soft finger brush it from your cheekbone before you can.
Seonghwa stares at his hand, looking horrified, before pulling it into his chest in a jerky movement and turning from you to walk down a small path through the flowers. “The rosebushes,” he says, pointing feebly at the thin shrubs backing a small statue of an angel with her wings outspread. “And those are --”
“Daffodils,” you finish, kneeling to inspect the yellow buds with their distinctive, grassy leaves. It looks as though it might bloom in the next few days, but that isn’t what makes you stop here. Something about this place is submerging you in the strongest sensation of deja-vu you’ve ever had, triggered by the sight of the daffodils.
“They’re my favorite,” Seonghwa says quietly, watching you closely. “They always bloom close to my birthday, and as a child it felt like they were for me.”
You look up at him and smile. “Maybe they are.”
He smiles back. “Maybe.”
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
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Now what kind of vibes are Mr. Choi sending?
A. Best friend's little brother?
B. Boyfriend's roommate?
C. Annoying neighbor that doesn't like to be alone?
D. Fellow introverted intern that only speaks to you?
I'm going with A - best friend's little brother. You and your best friend are roommates, and she begs you to let her little brother crash on your couch for a few days weeks while he tries to find a new job and a new place to live after being laid off. You get annoyed by some of his quirks - always whistling or singing, constantly raiding your snacks, leaving hand weights all over the place. But he's really sweet, too, taking care of your cat when you go away, carrying your groceries up several flights when the elevator goes out. Even helps you finally get rid of that creepy guy from the sixth floor when he corners you at the mailboxes again - San just silently walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. Doesn't need to say a word. The guy never bothers you again.
San often wanders into your room at night and lies on your bed, talking away while you sit at your desk, clicking away on your laptop. Eventually it gets late and oh, wouldn't you know it, he's too sleepy to get up. You're not gonna kick him out, are you, Noona? 🥺
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appynonna · 2 months
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Our Universe Chapter 08: Crazy form. Pairing: Poly!OT8xoriginal chararters Rating: 18+ Word Count: 2,134 Words Warning: pet names, angst, fighting, talk of drugs. This is a work of fiction. By no means is meant to be taken seriously and does not reflect on the people used within the story.
Previous Chapter -> Here
Arthur notes: Hello, Deary I am so sorry for the long wait, I hit a block and had a depressive episode. I getting better now. Please enjoy!
180 MPH is the fastest that a Yamaha YZF-R1 Supersport could go. If you need to get some there fast then that was the way to go, and Yechan need to get somewhere fast.
Yechan had been going over her day out with Ari. At the office, then the hair salon, asking questions as they walked around the square on the way to the dress shop. The only thing I could think of was that it had to happen when they were at the dress shop. Ari was perfectly fine before she had come out of the dressing room. She was fine up till the dress shop, and then she left overdosing on fentanyl.
Yechan didn't know what happened, but it happened there. Turning off Skool St. then a left onto Range Rd. Yechan found herself in front of the batting cages. The Batting cages are located on the back side of the school's grounds.
A good-sized Primary school (1st-6th) and a Secondary school (9th-12th) as well as a small Junior college. A lot of the kids when they get done with the Junior college, end up going to the University in Luna City. That is where Jongho and I meet, Being in the same advanced coding class. He was so shy and quiet back then, always sitting in the back of the class.
Pulling up to the main front door, I left my bike running and made my way inside. Jay Park was behind the main desk most likely covering a shift for whoever should have been working today, as his family owns the batting cage. Jay was quick to tell you that he doesn't work here. I walked past him into the employee closet to the wooded bats.
"Should I be concerned? He asked leaning on the counter as I walked out with my bat of choice. "No," I told him shortly and made my way back to the main door.
"The cages are out the other door " Jay Hollard being a smart ass "I know" I replied walking out the door back to my bike.
"Oh shit" I heard him say and the door swung shut behind me. Sitting on the bike I laid the bat across my lap, holding it with my body weight. I took off.
-Yunho's POV -
See as I am the police chief you would think it would be easy for me to find someone! Scoups hasn't seen Yechan in town yet, Neither had Rhea, Jungwon, Matthew, or anyone else I called. Pulling into the station my phone rang, I pulled it out and checked it "Jay Park" You got to be kidding me, I answered anyway "What do you want Jay?"I asked after answering "Oh, Cheif Jeong is that any way to answer your phone" He teased, pissing me off more "I don't have time for you, What do you want" I snapped as I walked into the station DK and Woozi waved as I walked past them heading to my office.
"Well, I thought you would want to know that a little birdie just left the cages with a bot in hand." He said and then dropped the teasing tone "She looked pissed, I don't know what happen but she is about to go fuck someone up" He said, Before I could reply Jay had done hung up.
I sat down in my cushioned leather chair. "What are you planning" I mumbled to myself pulling up the GPS app on my phone and watching Yechan Little Fox move. Giving a little alert of how fast she was going.
It finally slowed as she was now in the town square. Around the corner stopping at the end, it sat for a moment. I looked up at my open door right as Mingyu walked past, "Mingyu" I called out He poked his back in "Ya, Boss?" He asked, "Do you know what stores sit on the west end of the square plaza?" I asked still looking at the screen, Yechan's little fox still not moving.
Mingyu walked in a little and leaned on the door " I think it's the Fresh market, The florist, and the new dress shop" he rubbed the back of his head "Why?" Mingyu asked "No reason, I think I have my answer now." I quickly stood up and rushed out the door. The girls were at the dress shop early.
-Yechan's POV -
Parking next to the sidewalk in front of the dress shop, I looked around still sitting on the bike. the black and red helmet hanging from one had the handles. Looking over at the Fresh market Minhyuk was standing outside sweeping the sidewalk. He wasn't wearing anything special, A white shirt with a button at the top dark blue jeans, and plain shoes. on both of his wrists were fake Leis "Do I Ask?" I said pointing in his general direction, Minhyuk shook his head "Kyungmin and Woo came by early to pick up an order of strawberries, Kyungmin is just so cute I couldn't say no then I didn't have the heart to take them off!" He explained in one breath.
I shook my head laughing at him, then toward the dress shop. there were no other cars in the parking lot but the sign on the door said opened. "Yechan?" Minhyuk called out "Go back inside," I said getting off the bike with the bat in my hand. Heading up to the door I let it drag behind me.
"Welcome in!" A happy voice called out closer to the back of the store. Everything looked the same as it did earlier. The same pink walls, the same white floor. But all I saw was red. "Hey, your back!" I turned to the cat-eyed man in question. "Ya, I'm back," I said looking from him to the low-hanging glass chandelier.
I swang the bat
Hitting my mark, Crystals went flying. "Are you out of your mind?" Sam shouted moving his arms away from his face. I little drop of blood ran from his eyebrow. "Maybe" I started toward him. Letting the bat tap the ground with each step I took.
"I don't know what or how you did it, But I know you did something to hurt someone very dear to the people I care about" As I moved towards him, Sam backed up until his back hit the wall. I raised the bat pushing it into his throat. Sam tried to speak, but I cut him off.
"You better not say a goddamn word" His mouth snapped shut. "If I find out that you did do something to hurt her, They will never find your body" He smirked "You think you scare me little girl" He emphasized the word little, laughing.
Before I could say anything else my name was called from behind me, Yunho. "Yechan, that's enough" He added, I watched as Sam looked at me for a second, and then a switch flipped. "Officer" He started but Yunho cut him off "Yechan," Yunho said again, Slightly more sternly.
I looked up to Sam for a moment before pulling the bat away. Same didn't break eye contact "So scary" he whispered mockingly.
I turned and walked away, Yunho grabbed the bat as I passed. Getting back on the bike I took Off. Yunho is not far behind me.
-3rd Person's POV -
Standing in the dress shop Sam stood for a second breathing before pulling his phone out. Pressing a few bottoms he placed it up to his ear "Channie, It's Hyunjin." he smiled looking at the broken chandler "I found Yechan, Time for stage 2?" He asked
By the time the pair got back to the house, the sun was starting to set. Yechan pulled her motorcycle into its designated spot before walking out of the garage to Yunho's truck.
She fell into his open arms, putting her face into the much taller man's chest. He hugged her tightly back. "I don't want to go back in there" Yechan mumbled "Ok, Come on" Yunho pulled her towards the passenger side door.
Opening the door Yechan climbed in, with Yunho's help without question. Yechan trusted Yunho with her whole being. Knowing that he would never hurt her on purpose without reason, she didn't think twice about closing her eyes and letting Yunho take her where he saw fit too.
When Yunho woke Yechan up the sky was completely black and a soft orange light was coming from behind her.
They were in the field behind the house, with a small bonfire now burning. Walking around the side of the truck Yunho picked Yechan up placing her on top of the tailgate before sitting down next to her, The blanket that he kept in the back seat of his truck under the both of them.
An odd Cement plot sat on the other side of the small fire. Yechan couldn't tell how big it was. "Has that always been there?" Yechan asked pointing towards the plot. "No, Just got put down early today" Yunho was smiling looking at it "It's something I'm having built, but it's a surprise" He winked at Yechan
the air was silent again "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked her, Yechan shook her head "Not really, I don't fully understand what happened" She laid down on the blanket, and Yunho placed a hand on her leg "I mean, I know what happened. She was drugged with fentanyl. But why?" Yechan asked the sky "Ari is so sweet, She wouldn't hurt a soul. So why would anyone want to hurt her?" She stated to no one. "It had to be Sam" She muttered, Yunho watched her as she stared up at the dark sky "That's the only answer" She continued starting to work herself up again.
"What happen at the house?" Yunho asked getting her attention, Yechan sighed "I don't know," she told him "All I saw was red, San was by her side and wasn't moving anytime soon. You and Yeo were trying to help, Hongjoong was all but accusing me of doing something" Yechan started to rant, Yunho stopped her " He was not accusing you of anything, He was just making sure you were ok" Yunho tried to defend his friend
Yechan -
"You know as well as I do that Ari is different to him, He is so overly protective of her it's a little bit obsessive." Yunho laughed I shot up "Is she pregnant?" Yunho laughed harder "Not that any of us know" I threw myself back onto the truck bed. "Then he has no reason to act like an idiot" crossing my arms as Yunho laughed more. "Don't laugh at me" I playfully hit his arm "He was never like that with me, He wasn't protected to this extent" I tried to explain to Yunho "Because he knows he didn't need to be," He told me calmly. I sat back up "Explain"
Yunho pushed his hair out of his eyes just for it to fall right back down "Putting it simple. If I hadn't showed up at the dress shop when I did, you would have killed that guy and Ari can't open a pickle jar" I laughed "You have a point" Yunho laughed with me "In our dark twisted world, She is one side of the light" I turned to look at him, pulling one leg up to my chest. Yunho smiled down at me. "You are the other side of the light" Raising his hand he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
"Ari is our sun, but you are our moon. This family needs both of you to be able to survive" He poked my nose "Now come on we got to get back so I can pack" He jumped down offering me a hand.
"pack?" I questioned "Yep, Hongjoong sprung it on all of us this morning after Ari left. we have to go to Ganji city for a meeting" I nodded" They want all of us there too" Yunho added as he used the shovel to place dirt over the embers "Joong doesn't like the idea of all of us going so far away at once" I leaned back against the tailgate
"I can understand that but we got everyone here to watch the town," I told him "Ya, but he mostly wants someone to stay at the house with Ari. He had planned to ask you to do it but now with everything I don't know what he is planning" Yunho threw the shovel on the back of the truck standing next to me "I'll talk to him when we get home" Yunho kissed the top of my head. "Let's go home," He said.
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imtrashbutcute · 7 days
Chapter 10
Pairing: SeongSangJoong (Hongjoong/Seonghwa/Yeosang)
Genre: Mermaid AU, angst, fluff, eventual smut
Warnings: a bit of swearing, alluding to sexual interactions, Seonghwa has some big feelings and so does Hongjoong
Word Count: 851
Absence might make the heart grow fonder, but how about some anxiety to top it all off? Can they all be mature adults and talk or will it take forever for them to finally all get together?
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multyeverything · 1 year
Paint me naked
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Autor: multyeverything
Tw: Angustia, mención de sexualidad (masturbaci*n), mención de órganos sexuales, uso de insultos, presión, representación equivocada del idol, mención de dr*gas (no uso).
Rating: 18+
Sinopsis: Cuando el perfecto Choi San tiene que someterse al talento de su compañera de materia. Y la pequeña t/n a los encantos y dominación de su ídolo.
Au: Classmates to lovers / Semi slowburn
Emparejando: Choi San X t/n (mujer)
Conteo: 6k palabras
Choi San entró a la universidad y a nuestro curso a mediados de semestre ya que por asuntos personales que nadie conoce tuvo que tomarse un año sabático en sus estudios. Por ende era ligeramente mayor al resto de nosotros. Si bien lo conocía de antes, muuucho antes de elegir bachillerato, jamás había entablado una conversación o había comparitdo más que un 'buenos días' con él. Así que verlo atravesar la puerta del taller fue una enorme sorpresa para mí, no daba crédito de lo que veía hasta pasados unos minutos y varios parpadeos después.
Vaya que me había quedado sin palabras... y es que no es cualquier estudiante que se integra. Es EL Choi San. Aquel estudiante del que todos los profesores alardean y ponen como ejemplo. Se sabe que realizó su examen de admisión a mano alzada gracias a que los mismos se encargaron de propagar esa información como el fuego. Jamás se había visto a alguien con tan alto puntaje en su primera oportunidad.
Como he dicho, antes de tomar su sabático contaba con una gran reputación de talentoso en sus hombros y demostró el porqué desde el día 1. Así que fue una maravillosa sorpresa que pudiera comprobarlo en primera fila cuando comenzamos a trabajar juntos en el taller. Si ya lo consideraba atractivo, verlo en acción hizo que mi interés creciera aún más. Virtud es más bien lo que poseía: convertía una simple hoja en blanco en una réplica exacta de alguna obra, arcilla en esculturas, adoptaría cualquier corriente de arte, tallaría madera con facilidad ...
Poseía unas manos habilidosas y talento innato que se encargó de perfeccionar con la práctica. Ganándose mi respeto y admiración día con día.
Todo esto me cayó de perlas, ya que nuestro grupo originalmente estaba conformado por un número impar de alumnos, así que siempre me quedaba sola en los proyectos y la carga de trabajo era insoportable para mí la mayoría del tiempo. Fue asignado automáticamente como mi compañero y nos acoplamos a la perfección uno con otro ya que amamos nuestro tronco común, somos dedicados, perfeccionistas, con mucha disposición para las tareas y más importante, no juzgamos el arte ni preferencias de ninguno. Él, a pesar de que domina todo lo que se proponga, va más por el tipo abstracto en gran escala y utilizando cualquier elemento a la mano, y yo por el realismo en canvas de tamaño normal.
Diría que comprendo qué es lo que plasma en sus lienzos, pero estaría mintiendo ya que mi inexperto ojo únicamente ve colores y formas sin sentido. Me convierto en una ignorante en cuanto entablo la mínima conversación sobre la materia con él, pero me gusta, siempre es enriquecedora por poco que dure. Es un deleite ser corregida en clase si es de su parte. A cualquier tipo que se atraviese a cuestionar mi desempeño lo mandaría por un tubo directo al infierno, pero no a San. El detalle y respeto que tiene para señalar los errores es tal que el de una madre o padre amoroso que quiere lo mejor para ti. Modula su tono de voz y suaviza sus felinos ojos cuando está apunto de hacerlo. Oh y jamás lo hace en voz alta o frente a nadie para evitar momentos vergonzosos; porque es bien sabido que entre estudiantes de arte las envidias y malos deseos abundan.
Algunos con baja autoestima lo han tachado de insoportable, antisocial o demasiado bueno para nosotros; pero personalmente metería las manos al fuego para descartar esas malas lenguas.
En cuanto se integró al curso dejó muy en claro que no estaba en un grado más avanzado porque no lo había. Por lo que es entendible que irrite a algunos que estamos en el proceso de mejora (me incluyo en el proceso, pero no en los malos sentimientos). Pareciera que tuvo la mala suerte de estancarse con nosotros los amateurs. Más debe ponerse sobre la mesa el hecho que efectivamente no ha hecho "el gran" intento de socializar con el resto. Creo que únicamente nos habla al profesor y otros 10 (¿?) compañeros aparte de mi. Por lo mismo lo han llamado muchas cosas pero yo lo consideraría simplemente serio, hasta tímido me atrevo. Pero con tanta exposición a los cumplidos y tan constantemente, me sorprende que sea así ¡Le llueven los elogios maldita sea! Pero aún así se mantiene estoico ante las palabras.
Tal vez. Eso no quita que tenga un pequeño séquito de seguidoras enamoradas de un par de semestres abajo que asisten a cada una de las exposiciones de la clase, si tienen la oportunidad de verle. Se ha ganado la fama de insoportable por lo mismo; ignorará a sus "fans" como si de la peste se tratara a pesar de que sean bellas o cuanto le adulen. Los demás hombres en la carrera odian eso. Que las chicas saliven en su presencia y él no tenga que hacer el mínimo esfuerzo más que para seguir existiendo. Que el talento le brote de los poros de sus perfectas manos y nosotros hagamos ricos a la farmacéuticas con banditas y pastillas para la migraña.
De vuelta al presente, limpio el sudor de mis empapadas manos contra mi pantalón de algodón. Una mancha de humedad queda perfectamente calcada tras retirarlas, la forma de éstas muy visibles comparadas con el tono deslavado de mi prenda. 
Peso en calificación final...
Lapso de un fin de semana...
Escucho lo que dice pero no comprendo su significado. Jamás me había sentido tan nerviosa, ni cuando presenté mis exámenes de ingreso a la universidad o las múltiples veces en que alguna de mis obras fue presentada al público, ni cuando perdí mi virginidad. Los nervios me atormentan casi al punto de hacerme temblar el cuerpo completo, aprieto la mandíbula para que no castañeen mis dientes.
San está a medio metro junto a mi en esta pequeñísima banca. Y odiaría que piense que soy poco profesional o incapaz de hacer la consigna. Es ahora que deseo nos separaran unos centímetros más. 
Lo que empezó con dibujar rostros, manos o figuras en las sombras; evolucionó en dibujo anatómico de cuerpos completamente desnudos. Y créanme cuando digo que no tendría ningún problema en ver a múltiples personas en cueros múltiples veces; es que... No es lo mismo ser parte de la desnudez de un extraño a serlo de quien has sentido atracción por un rato bastante largo. De alguien que le debas tanto respeto y admiración como le tengo. Casi un ídolo.
Al momento de elegir quién sería el artista y quien sería el modelo (que por cierto cuando fue nuestro momento de comentarlo no pude ni decir una palabra sin tartamudear), casi toda la clase permanecimos enmudecidos por bastante rato hasta que el catedrático hizo presión a nosotros. 
Nos fuimos por la elección más común entre nuestro acuerdo no verbal. Quien domine mejor esa técnica, es el artista; el otro pasa a ser auxiliar o herramienta. San sería quien modelase para mí ya que yo domino un poco mejor la tecnica de grafito (o esa fue la razón mentira que nos llevó a tomar esa decisión), cuando en verdad habría hecho o dicho todo lo posible por no desnudarme yo.
Ni siquiera nos dieron tiempo para planificar en lo absoluto. Según el profesor, es demasiado fácil para otorgarnos más de un fin de semana. 4 días exactamente si contamos la noche de hoy jueves. Para no perder valioso tiempo, acordamos vernos en el aula de dibujo donde usualmente tenemos la clase, a las 8:00 pm cuando ambos concluyeramos nuestras respectivas materias u ocupaciones laborales. Y bueno, siendo honesta, para asegurar que nadie malinterpretara si llevo a un chico a mi complejo de departamentos donde solo admiten chicas, o ser juzgada por sus compañeros de casa si me llevase a mí. Haríamos el trabajo lo más rápido posible y daríamos por acabado esto. No hay que quebrarse la cabeza con esto, ¿Verdad?
Es solo una consigna, no un crimen.
El resto del día no puedo enfocarme en mis demás clases. Pienso en como sostener la barra de grafito sin temblar o que posición adoptará para que lo retrate. No puedo ignorar el pequeño flujo que sale de mi coñ* cada vez que pienso en eso. En su torso tonificado que he espiado bajo sus playeras flojas, o las piernas carnosas a las que se ciñen sus jeans. Tampoco me engañaré diciendo que no he observado su caminar e imaginado el compás de sus caderas torturando las mías. Ha sido el protagonista de mis sueños húmedos demasiadas veces.
¿Donde colocará sus manos?
¿Se inclinará o recargará?
¿Obedecerá toda indicación que le dé?
Carajo, tengo que ir al baño rápido a arreglar este desastre que me causado en mis panties. Debo tocarme porque mi cuerpo lo pide a gritos. Y como perr* en celo, llego al orgasmo en unos vergonzosos 3 minutos solo pensando en su desnuda figura.
Esto me ayuda a sobrevivir hasta que se me llega la hora de volver al taller. Un mensaje llega mientras ya estoy recorriendo el pasillo principal del edificio de artes.
¿De quién podría ser?
Si... De él. Dice que no sería posible encontrarnos a la hora indicada; no le permitieron salir temprano de la academia donde toma clases de Tae Kwon Do. Un extraño dolor en mi corazón pero alivio a la vez hace que frene mis pasos en seco.
"¿Podremos vernos mañana por la tarde? Hoy es prácticamente imposible llegar." 7:45 p.m
“No lo creo, es cumpleaños de mi papá, regresaré a casa para el fin de semana. Mañana por la tarde me habré ido.” respondo contemplando el poco tiempo de anticipación
“¿Tienes planes para más tarde? Tenemos encima la fecha de entrega”
"No, pero dijiste que era imposible llegar. Bueno, dijiste que prácticamente"
"A la hora original. Podría llegar a media noche"
"¡¿Media noche?! No nos darán acceso al aula"
"A tu departamento me refería"
Mis ruidosos pensamientos enmudecieron tras leer su mensaje. Releí varias veces su respuesta antes de darle la mía.
"Puede que sí, no tengo clases temprano. Nos desvelamos trabajando" espero y luzca como que no le doy importancia
"¿Puede que sí?"
"Si, perdón, esta bien para mi. Te veo más tarde"
Comparto la ubicación de mi departamento y me devuelvo para aprovechar que aún no ha oscurecido del todo. Era alguna de las pocas personas que seguían aquí, y si no tenía motivo alguno para quedarme, es claro que no lo haré. Ni siquiera para distraerme de mis obligaciones.
El camino de regreso pasa sin pena ni gloria. La mente tan ocupada que no presta atención a los alrededores hasta recobrar la consciencia cuando el aire acondicionado del edificiome pega en la cara y saca de mi transe. Vine hasta acá sin pensar realmente, únicamente la memoria muscular es lo que me hizo llegar al lugar correcto.
Para entrar en mí misma y bajar los nervios, tomo un baño de agua helada. Evito comer algo porque no me apetece.
“Llegaré antes” 9:22 p.m
Suelta otro balde de agua helada a pesar de ya haberme sumergido en uno por mi cuenta.
"Perfecto, ¿A que hora?" 9:25 p.m
"De unos 20-25 minutos" 9:26 p.m
Ya no es un balde, es una bomba que arrasa con todo a su paso.
"Me avisas al estar afuera, necesitas que te dé acceso al edificio"
"Entendido" 9:30 p.m
Puedo con esto, es lo mío. Repito en voz alta interminable para calmar las ansias unas 100 veces sin respiro hasta que el tono de llamada irrumpe mi forzada paz. No respondo, únicamente aprieto el botón del intercomunicador para darle acceso, tampoco le digo nada ahí.
1...2...3...4...5 segundos le toma llegar con sus largas piernas hasta mi puerta. Tomo un trago de agua para la garganta seca (repentinamente).
- Buenas noches, me disculpo por adelantado por mi "aroma", no pude tomar un baño por las prisas de no hacerte esperar tanto. - recalca AROMA con sus dedos
- No hay problema Choi, pasa. -
Con una pequeña sonrisa hace caso a mi invitación, y pasandome por unos centímetros delante es que su AROMA golpea mis fosas nasales. Carajo que olor a hombre tan intenso. Existe la ligera acidez por el sudor mezclada con las sobras de su colonia que usualmente usa (que también me encanta), y un calor corporal que irradia sus cercanías.
Estoy una vez más empapada de la ropa interior con esa fuerte esencia de masculinidad.
- Tienes un lindo lugar, muy tú. -
- Te agradezco, ¿puedo ofrecerte algo? -
- Agua está perfecto. -
Mientras le doy la espalda, se ocupa en darle un buen vistazo a donde vivo y memorizar pequeños detalles de lo que ve. Trata de sacar algo de platica para aminorar la tensión.
- ¿Estás lista? -
- Claro, ¿y tú? -
- Yo no haré nada más que posar jaja, y aún así, lo haré en la manera que me indiques. Asi que, ¿Estás lista? -
- Cierto... ammm ¿Te apetece algo más? Puedo prepararte algo de comer si tienes hambre, o pedir algo, ¿Quieres más agua? -
- jajaja tranquila, solo es un retrato. Lo harás bien, no te angusties tanto. - ríe suave ante mi notorio nerviosismo
- Si, es que te seré sincera. Me intimida mucho todo esto. -
- ¿Es así? ¿He hecho algo para intimidarte? -
- No me refiero a eso. Es que eres un gran artista y es tu reputación lo que me intimida. No poder crear algo digno o que se asemeje a lo que podrías hacer. -
- No entiendo. - un ruido involuntario de confusión sale de mi pecho sin aviso - Eres una gran artista por igual t/n, me asombra que me digas eso. Y es que yo también me siento intimidado por ti. -
- oh Choi no me mientas para darme confianza. -
- ¡No lo hago! Y dime San por favor, odio que me llames tan formalmente, me hace sentir más viejo de lo que ya soy. -
- Ok San, pero por favor no trates de engañarme para sacar habilidades que no poseo. ¿Cómo es que alguien podría compararse contigo en las artes? -
- Tú podrías responder esa pregunta por ti misma, ¿Acaso no expusimos juntos y solo nosotros dos hace unas semanas en la galería? ¿Acaso no recurro a ti para consejos y opiniones? - asiento a sus preguntas - Eres más talentosa y brillante que muchos de los profesores en la facultad pero no lo ves porque la EDAD tiene más peso a tu percepción que la realidad; pero eres demasiado buena para dudar de ti o tus capacidades. Aprecia un cumplido cuando te lo hacen.-
- Creo que nadie me había hecho sentir tan bien conmigo misma desde hace mucho. -
- ¡Perfecto! Ahora canaliza esa felicidad en papel. -
¿Todo fue un estructurado plan para romper el hielo?
¿Miente para hacerme sentir mejor?
¿Miente porque cree que así tendre un mejor desempeño?
Como sea, utilizo esa adrenalina recién obtenida para comenzar nuestro proceso. Llegamos a la pequeña habitación closet que he destinado para estudio de creación y comenzamos a instalar lo que será el fondo: una cortina blanca para dar enfoque al objeto San y una desván que será su apoyo. Es un trabajo en dueto donde no se comparten muchas palabras ya que es el proceso que siempre seguiríamos para dibujar bodegones por ejemplo; osea, ya conocemos lo que cada uno debemos hacer y cómo hacerlo.
Tal como conseguí ese boost de adrenalina, tal cual lo pierdo. Pareciera que retira sus ropas en cámara lenta para mí deleite. Dándome tiempo de guardarlo en mi memoria para siempre para esas noches de insomnio donde un orgasmo ayuda a relajarme para conciliar el sueño. Tras liberarse de su camisa, su olor varonil se intensifica. No molesta en lo absoluto, al contrario, es un afrodisíaco potente. Cuando sus manos perfectas llegan a la altura de su cintura considero mandar todo al demonio y arrodillarme a m*marsel*, pero la idea sólo se queda en mi cabeza. Tan tentadora como el escenario que estoy presenciando. Tras ese jogger holgado se esconde un culo tonificado donde podemos apreciar cada musculo que lo conforma... glúteo medio, glúteo menor y tensor de la fascia lata... hmmm perfectamente definido.
- Y entonces, ¿Cuál es tu visión? - tengo que fingir que estaba distraída arreglando cualquier estupidez y no viendo el espectáculo de striptease. No irónicamente, trago la saliva que se acumula en mi boca tras 1 segundo y miradas de reojo a su verga bajo mis narices. Es un esfuerzo sobre humano para no darle una buena mirada.
- Pensaba en recostado, con la pierna derecha ligeramente doblada y los brazos bien abiertos a los costados. En cuanto al rostro, en dirección al lado opuesto. -
- ¿No verte? -
- ajam -
- ¿Te importa entonces ayudarme a acomodarme? - asiento y me acerco a él. Su cuerpo permanece en la misma elevada temperatura, puedo percibirlo antes dr tocarlo siquiera. Con algo de timidez tomo su brazo y lo paso sobre su cabeza quedando su mano colgando en el respaldo, ya estando ahí, giro levemente su rostro en la misma dirección del brazo. Para respetar su privacidad, considero que una pierna, en este caso la derecha, estaría bien que quedara ligeramente elevada para cubrir sus bien dotadas partes nobles.
- Tu eres la artista, confío en tu visión. -
- Gracias. -
Y sin muchas palabras de por medio, iniciamos con la sesión de dibujo. Solamente siendo distraídos de vez en cuando por los sonidos fuera del departamento, ajenos a nosotros.
Tras una fuerza sobre humana y morderme los labios, es que "terminé" nuestro trabajo en conjunto. Excelente al ojo de quien no aprecia el arte a profundidad, mediocre ante los nuestros. Y esto bien lo sabía, a cada trazo de la barra de grafito; pero no me detuve con la esperanza de que mejora al final. 'Confía en el proceso' me repetía. Y es que mi dibujo no evoca nada, ni siquiera sensualidad a pesar de que se trate de un desnudo con las características físicas de San.
Estaba... ¿Molesto? Me costó poder descifrar algo. Sus ojos no se arrugaron en señal de ello. Tampoco como decepción. Como dije, algo en él cambió pero no pude identificar qué exactamente. Amable como siempre, solo me dijo.
- Puedes hacer algo mejor. -
- Lo sé. -
- Hazlo. Te ayudaré. -
- ¿Cambiando lugares? -
- No, terminarás lo que empezaste. -
- No puedes hacer el dibujo si estás allá. -
- Tampoco. Solo te daré consejos en el proceso. Además de cambiar de posición, ¿Cómo se supone que transmiras algo si ni siquiera me ves a la cara? Tambien yo tengo que poner un poco más de mi parte, es injusto dejarte todo el trabajo, ser modelo también implica esfuerzo. -
Asiento mientras se aleja de regreso al sofá. Sus redondas nalgas brincan un poco con cada paso. Cuando llega a éste, no se recuesta como esperaría, sino que se recarga en la parte más elevada del respaldo viendo de frente, tensando sus músculos abdominales por la inclinación que adquiere su espalda. Levanta la mirada para clavarla a la mía.
- Comienza, primero céntrate en mi y luego harás el fondo o el sofá, como decidas. Pero concéntrate en el cuerpo. - no respondo al instante y eso lo desespera - Comienza. - eleva su tono para que reaccione
Dibujo una silueta en mi cuaderno, voy definiendo las curvas de sus músculos y líneas de estos hasta llegar al interior. Su brazo yace en su muslo, cerca de su miembro relajado, comienzo a trazar unas líneas para darle forma. No se que es difícil, si dibujar su entrepierna o mantenerle la mirada en el momento en que veo ligeramente hacia arriba.
Apenas y mis ojos siguen otra dirección, ya me encuentro con los suyos que me regañan sin decir nada por no ser capaz de concentrarme.
- Creo que sé qué es lo que te detiene. -
- ¿Para que? -
- Para estar a mi nivel. - enmudesco tras su demostración de ego que pocas veces había visto. Claro que sabía que ha puesto a varios compañeros en su lugar cuando trataban de demeritarlo, y lo había escuchado a lo lejos criticar fuertemente nuestro desempeño. Específicamente cuando llamo la reintepretación del Nacimiento de Venus de alguien "un pedazo de porquería al que con gusto escupiría si no fuera tan repulsivo de ver". Pero nunca jamás había hecho algo para hacerme sentir inferior intencionalmente. Así que aunque no fuera la gran cosa o tan ofensivo como con otros, sacude mi mundo.
- Eres distraída, ¿Cómo se supone que podrás ser mi competencia? -
- No busco serlo. -
- Si no eres tú, ¿Quién? Debes trabajar en ello. Empezando por ahora... no habías notado lo duro que me ha puesto verte así. - como en cámara lenta, me topo con un miembro erecto. Malicia, eso era. Lo que no pude descifrar. - Apuesto que querrás meterlo en tu boca, pero no lo harás. Vas a plasmar ese deseo en el maldito papel. Si fracasas, no te cogeré hasta llorar; como perfectamente sé que te gustaría. Ahora ponte a trabajar. -
Apenas y se calla, mis temblorosas manos ya están en acción. No es lo que esperarían, es una adrenalina inesperada que impulsa a la centésima potencia mi rendimiento. Me convierto en una adicta con la promesa de una dosis más de su droga. Si algo sale mal, mis dedos descubiertos salen a la acción para repararlo. Es todo menos pulcro.
Parpadeo contadas veces, así no perderé detalle de su cuerpo. Sus muslos ligeramente abiertos para exponerse bien, cómo sus test*culos están apretados por la dolorosa erección que mentiene desatendida, sus manos aparentando el acolchado y su pierna respectivamente.
- Levantalo para que pueda verlo. - obedezco - Perfecto, haz terminado mi brazo, ya puedo hacer esto. - Y como leyendo mi mente, levanta el brazo que apenas había terminado y lo lleva a su miembro, escupe en él desde la altura y comienza a frotarlo de arriba a abajo. A este punto mis panties escurren a través de mi ropa, no dudo que mi olor llegue hasta allá. Toma un color más rojizo con cada apretón.
- Regresa, aún no haz terminado. - sin notarlo ya me había acercado un poco, dejando abandonado el cuaderno y demás instrumentos. - Estás tan cerca de terminar y lo has hecho taaaan bien, preciosa. Mi preciosa y talentosa t/n. -
- Por favor... -
- Estamos trabajando. Tienes que dejar de ser tan distraída. -
- Es mucho... por favor... -
- Así tiene que ser. Si lograr hacerlo hoy, será más fácil en un futuro. -
Continuo mi calvario hasta el punto de no retorno. Ignoro el sabor metálico en mi boca por morder mi labio con tanta fuerza y por un prolongado rato. Él no deja de darse placer frente a mi, ahora suelta unos deliciosos gemidos con cada movimiento. Me tiene al borde del colapso y lo sabe, no se calla con su maldito 'plasmalo en el papel' o 'transmite eso que sientes en el papel'. Ningún puto consejo como prometió, solo un tortura.
- No puedo dibujar tu rostro si no dejas de contorsionarlo. Para de fruncir tu ceño. -
- Ven acá. Trae esa cosa contigo. -
Me levanto para acercarme pero mis piernas fallan, un buen chorro de mis jugos se quedan manchados en mi anterior asiento.
- Delicioso mi preciosa t/n. Delicioso como cada cosa que tenga que ver contigo. Arrastrate hasta acá si no puedes caminar, debemos terminar esto. -
Gateo hasta quedar a sus pies, más específicamente a la altura de sus rodillas ya que he quedado rendida física y mentalmente. Con la misma mano con la que se ha dado placer, toma mi rostro y lo levanta.
- Mantente, y no apartes la mirada ni cierres los ojos. Tampoco hables. -
Me suelta y regresa a lo que hacia antes. Su tamaño a todo flujo cubre casi todo mi rostro, apuesto que apenas puede verme bien desde ese ángulo. Saltaría a ayudarlo si no estuviera tan drenada de energía.
- Carajo t/n, si no fueras tan mojigata las cosas serían tan diferentes. Si te hubieras postulado como modelo, te habría hecho venir tantas veces que toda la clase de habría enterado que cogimos al ver nuestro dibujo. Ahora estarías llorando en este mismo lugar rogando que te permitiera venir una vez más. -
- Por favor termina en mi cara. - interrumpo su dirty talk para serle de ayuda por lo menos en esto. - soy una inútil que solo puede estar aquí lista para beberme tu leche. Por favor déjame al menos probarte San. Termina en mi cara y boca. - unas lágrimas de cocodrilo escurren de mis ojos cansados, dando más la impresión de jodida que estoy segura disfruta. Una grata sorpresa para él... casi al instante su *sp*rma escurre por mi rostro. No titubeo ni cierro los ojos mientras alcanza su orgasmo.
- Mi preciosa y juguetona t/n. No eres menos de lo que esperaba. Ve lo que has creado... algo bello y real. - se agacha para levantar el dibujo. Que ahora tiene unas cuantas gotas de s*men y lágrimas que lo manchan. - Es perfecto y lo has hecho tú, estoy tan orgulloso. -
Sus palabras llenan mi corazón. Él es el San que conozco, dulce y preocupado por que dé el 100%
- Vamos a llevarte a la cama que mañana tienes que ir a casa con tu familia. Lastima que no podrán ver la belleza que acabas de crear, sabrán que su preciosa hija es una artista de método. -
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rairecs · 1 year
title: we on fire author: eyela rating: mature wordcount: 71,288 (so far) pairing: jung yunho/song mingi summary:
“Forget everything you think you know about the games. Last year was child’s play. This year, you’re dealing with all experienced killers.”
Mingi thought that once he’d won the Games, he’d be allowed to live his life in peace. But now, with the 75th Hunger Games tributes being reaped from the existing pool of victors, he finds himself preparing to be thrown back into the arena, this time against the likes of Park Seonghwa, Capitol darling and Prince of the Arena, Yeosang and Wooyoung, the tech-savvy duo from District 3, and Kim Hongjoong, the infamous ‘Pirate King’ from District 12.
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n0v4t33z · 1 year
The Syndicate - Chapter 6 : Un-Killable
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Pairings: Choi San X Female Reader, Park Seonghwa X Female Reader, Ateez X Female Reader
Genre: Lots of angst, Romance, Crime Fiction, Psychological Drama
Word Count: 5.8k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Language, Graphic Violence, Mentions of Illegal activities (i.e Kidnapping, extortion, assassination etc.), y/n gets roughed up by Wooyoung like twice , Slow Burn, Fluff sometimes, Work In Progress, Non-Idol AU, Mafia AU, Very suggestive at times, y/n cries alot, y/n having inner turmoil, Ateez being bad boys, Wooyoung and Yeosang are a little mean in this story tbh, Guns, Gunshot wounds, Assassination attempt(s), mentions death and acts of violence
Spotify Playlist🎵 | Series Masterlist📝
Author's Note 💌: Hi, It's been about two weeks since I posted the last chapter so I'm here to keep my promise about posting at least twice every month! Unfortunately I didn't realize how short this chapter actually is. Either way it's a good one though, there are also some parts I may fix and add onto later since I'm posting this close to 2 am and I'm exhausted so I hope you guys still enjoy it either way! ^^
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
A whole 2 months passes by and I notice San has become somewhat distant and has been spending most of the time either in his office by himself or in the conference room with the rest of the guys. Although Seonghwa, Jongho, Yunho and Mingi still interact with me they become very vague anytime I ask them about San. There were a few occasions where I wanted to try and see what exactly they were talking about but because there's always a goon outside the door now keeping a lookout so I could never get close enough to hear. One day I asked Seonghwa why they spent so much time in the conference room and the only thing he told me is "We're sorting things out." As for me, this whole time after I ran the 3 people’s names in the police database and nothing came up I realized these people are basically ghosts with no paper trails on the database meaning I’ve been having to investigate on foot and tailing them. The only thing San left for me as a place of reference and a place to start was a club on the east side of the city which actually turned out to be a club named "Enigma" that they own under a fake identity but another thing San left on the note is that these 3 people are brothers who run an underground black market out of it. So far everything is fine with them, no meetings with any other rival groups. If anything, these brothers definitely know how to treat their allies by providing them with weapons and other resources that are otherwise considered inaccessible to which I'm assuming this is the reason San wants to work with them. Which leads me to where I am right now, heading home after a long couple of days of consecutively tailing and observing these people. What's been really weird is that San called me at least once everyday to check in on me in the beginning but it's been 2 weeks and nothing. I sigh while I look at the dark road ahead of me, taking in the scene of complete emptiness with a beautifully glittery night sky which left me feeling a bit emotional. I slowly begin to tighten my grip on the steering wheel. I’ve had so many chances to leave but why aren’t I taking them? Have I seriously grown attached?
I reach for my phone and very anxiously I glance at the screen while I keep my eyes on the road and look at my recent calls, the last time I called San was two days ago. I stare at his name on my screen for a few seconds and decide to just hit the call button. The ringing starts and by the 4th ring I'm sent to voicemail immediately making my heart sink. He didn't answer, again. My vision begins to blur the bright headlights and the road ahead of me slightly begins to distort until warm tears stream down my cheeks then I let out a small sigh “Why? What did you do to me?” Why do I have to make things more difficult for myself? The original plan was to have San trust me enough to let me leave his headquarters, but now that he's given me that permission I can't seem to leave. Why?
I try to compose myself and wipe my tears away with one hand while I keep my other hand on the steering wheel. In the distance I see the headquarters, and realize that most of the drive home I spent it worrying about him and questioning myself. When I arrive I walk inside headquarters I notice it seems empty, and by empty I mean too quiet. There's almost always someone in the building, whether it's Seonghwa drinking his tea in the lounge, Hongjoong on his computer in the server room, Wooyoung playing cards with Mingi, Yeosang and Yunho in the living room, even Jongho's occasional little breaks after he's been working all afternoon. So when I walk over to the lounge and notice it's completely empty my stomach feels like it flipped upside down. Where is everyone? I walk around the building and no one was there except of course the goons who keep watch on the building 24/7 now so I decide I'm going to just ask one of them as to why it's so empty because this is weird.
There’s a very tall and heavy build goon outside of San's office, he was so scary looking. Although his suit made him look a little less scary. "Um excuse me but where is everyone? Why is it so empty here?" Without flinching the man simply responds with "They're sorting out a few things they'll be back soon Miss y/n." I exhale then I run my fingers through my loosely curled hair "Okay yes, but where are they? What are they doing?" Keeping a straight face without even looking at me he responds "I'm sorry Miss y/n but that's all I know." I narrow my eyes in disbelief. Does he really think I’m that stupid? "That can't be, you have to know where they are. You were given orders by San not to tell me anything weren't you?" The man stands there looking straight ahead pretending he didn't hear me. I look at him for a few seconds more waiting if he'll say anything but he never does then I clench my jaw and say through my teeth "Fine, I'll take that as a yes." I scoff and walk away to my room, when I get there I throw myself onto my bed. I lay there in bed for a few minutes until I fall asleep.
A few hours later I hear commotion downstairs, it was San and the guys. ”I’m exhausted. Now all we need is to kill that old bastard.” Wooyoung comments. ”Well at least we’re done now, I thought it was going to take a lot longer to pull this off.” Hongjoong responds. I look over at the clock and it was around 4 am then I get up and hurriedly head downstairs and notice they’re all dressed in black like they were in a robbery of some sort. All the talking stops and becomes dead silent when everyone notices I’m in the room then Seonghwa walks towards me and nervously smiles “Hey, what are you doing here? Weren’t you on an errand?” I shrug with a straight face “I just got back a few hours ago, what about you guys? Why’s everyone dressed like this? Did I miss something?” San walks up to me and pats my back and smiles “Nothing, we just went to go handle something don’t worry about it.” I furrow my brows and look directly into San’s eyes “Let me guess you still went even after I told you not to…” San shakes his head and reassuringly pats my head “Didn’t we agree to forget about this? I said I wasn’t going to..” Seonghwa, MIngi, and Yunho look over at San with a very odd facial expression then Wooyoung says “You have your jobs and we have ours. San’s allowed to do what he wants it’s not like you’re his girlfriend.” I slowly nod and give Wooyoung and San a fake smile “Of course, you’re right. I was just wondering considering I've barely seen any of you at all I was just a bit worried.” Yeosang stares right at me with a deadpan face “Why do you even care? It’s not like we’re your friends.” Gosh, I know he’s right but wow that hurt. San's expression grows dark and Seonghwa puts his hand on Yeosang’s shoulder causing him to ease up a bit then I let out a frustrated sigh. Here we go again. “Well, maybe you might not be my friend but if you haven’t noticed there are other people I am friends with.” Wooyoung lets out a mocking laugh “Oh really? They’re your friends? If they were your friends they would have told you what was going on but clearly no one trusts you. You’ve only been here like what? 3 or 4 months and you already want to be let in on everything we do? Sounds just about right for an entitled cop.” San pushes Wooyoung and angrily says “Can you ever shut up?!” Yunho and Jongho rush over to separate them, Yunho holding San and Jongho holds Wooyoung respectively. As much as I’d love to be petty with Wooyoung and drop the bomb on San that his best friend thought it was a great idea to nearly kill me, I’ll keep that to myself. All in due time I guess. I don’t want to create anymore issues for these people. I bite the inside of my cheek trying to recover from that verbal jab. This is embarrassing, maybe Wooyoung is right they do have a right for not trusting me. Just because I gave them access to all these things doesn’t mean anything, for all they know I could be leading them to a trap so I don’t blame them for not trusting me. San angrily stares at Wooyoung "Oh come on San, calm down. I was just expressing everything in everyone's mind." Wooyoung fights back a smirk and San tries to reach over to him causing Yunho to tighten his grip on him.
"You don't speak for everyone here." Seonghwa speaks up looking directly at me reassuringly. Jongho speaks from behind Wooyoung "I agree with San and Seonghwa. You really don't speak for everyone here." Hongjoong sighs and nods "She's not so bad Wooyoung. You know this. You're just being hard headed and paranoid over this situation not to mention overtly territorial over San." Wooyoung lets out a laugh "Me paranoid?! Territorrial?! I know what these cops are capable of doing?! Did you guys forget what happened to San's father?! They easily get into your head and mess with it, they're master manipulators just like Lee. She's just like him and I'm only trying to protect him from things repeating themselves." There's a long silence, evreyone awkwardly looking at eachother. That's when I step in between San and Wooyoung causing evreyone's gaze to shift over to me. I slightly part my lips to speak but then a knot grows in my throat and press them shut. Maybe it's a good idea not to say anything right now and keep the peace. All this fighting isn't going to be worth it in the end. I can't change someone's mind whose already been made. Wooyoung can think anything he wants, I just don't want to hear it anymore. I turn my back to them and walk in the direction of my room.
In the distance I hear Yunho say “Come back just give her some time alone.” followed by fast paced footsteps until a few moments later I feel someone grab my wrist then I look back and it was San. He gently tugs my arm closer to him and I look down still slightly embarrassed for running off in a cowardly way. “y/n, wait… I’m sorry some of them haven’t warmed up to you but I promise it’s not your fault. I know you were just worried.” Beginning to feel drained I shake my head “I’m exhausted, we can talk tomorrow. Right now I just want to be alone.” San gently pushes back a few strands of hair “I understand, but please pay no attention to them especially Wooyoung. Nothing he says has an ounce of truth. I need you here with me, remember that.” I let go of San’s hand and walk towards my room leaving him behind me. When I walk into my room I lay there silently for a few moments until warm tears begin to sting my eyes. Once I get rid of Captain Lee I’m going to leave this place despite how deeply in love I am, or at least try to. I can’t keep putting myself through this.
The next morning while laying in bed I hear Wooyoung shouting in a panicked voice from outside in the hallway “San, they took down all security!” I sit up and quickly change clothes while listening closely to the commotion in the hallways, from what it sounds like someone took down the people guarding the HQ gates which is still kind of far considering we’re in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly San barges into my room with a slightly worried expression and says “y/n, the cops are on their way as we speak. Burn everything you can, everything on your computer wipe it and burn it too.” He hands me a gasoline can and some matches and pats my head “Everything will be okay I promise.” He smiles nervously and before he can walk away I pull on the sleeve of his rolled up dress shirt “Why are the cops coming? Is it because of what you guys were doing earlier today?” San’s smile disappears into a straight line and a serious expression then he runs his fingers through his hair “Please don’t get mad, I know you said you didn’t want me to follow through with breaking into the evidence room but I went ahead and did it anyway. I’m sorry. I genuinely thought everything went well I swear I made sure no one followed us but I guess I was wrong.”
I clench my free hand to the point my knuckles turn white. The silence between us lasted as a long instant, and while the anger welled up in my chest. He was looking at me with his gaze of expectation for me to simply forgive him and move on but as of right now I can’t. I won't. Instead it pisses me off because it seems like everything I tell him Is being ignored. Everything that’s happening right now was because of him but what do I expect from a criminal anyway? If anything I shouldn’t even be surprised, I should have known he was going to pull something like this. I raise my hand back and throw my hand forward as hard as I can, whipping it across his face. The crack of skin contacting skin echoed off the metal walls of my room. His face then turns back to me while he slowly runs his hand along his cheek and without another word I walk away. Part of me knows and is well aware I’m running away from my problems but at the moment I was more focused on escaping the police and wiping the computer of any evidence, I can’t get caught now. Nobody can find out I was kept alive.
I run into my work room and over to the computer and begin trying to reimage it to delete all the data on the hard drive then the screen shows a percentage bar and on the bottom of it read “Time Remaining: 35 minutes” I rub my forehead in frustration and grab the tower of the computer, toss it across the room a few times until it eventually splits open then I grab the can of gasoline and pour most of it on the motherboard and the hard drive. I pull out a match from the match box in my pocket and light it then flick it directly inside the computer case immediately igniting a huge fire. After burning a few papers and files I head down the hallway and I notice Yeosang looking out the window and calmly loading his gun while gazing into the distance then I realize he was looking at the various police cars, a helicopter and a few SWAT vehicles getting in position. Someone taps my shoulder and when I turn it was Mingi, he hands me a gun and says “Good luck” I nod taking the gun making sure there was ammo “Same to you.” Out of seemingly nowhere Yeosang begins to shoot causing me to slightly jump. San immediately runs out of his office with a gun in hand then he grabs my hand and leads me downstairs towards the back exit. “We’re going to head outside, there’s a secret escape route I built in the forest so I hope you have your walking shoes on because it’s going to be a long walk.” While he opens the door I say “Where’s everyone else?” He peaks outside and says “Mingi and Yeosang are going to buy us time. Everyone else is already in the forest.” Suddenly Wooyoung runs up behind us and pats San’s shoulder. “Everything is clear, lower associates were sent to distract the feds.” San nods and says “Did you turn on the self destruct device in the server room?” Wooyoung nods and smirks “Yep, everything is in order.” He steps outside in front of San and hides behind a car outside then motions us to follow behind him and just a few seconds after giving us the signal he motions us to stop and stay low. Then I hear a familiar voice.
“Let the girl go Choi San…” My stomach drops and I look up and see that In the helicopter was my partner Detective Chris and Captain Lee looking over his shoulder and right next to them was a sniper. I tightly squeeze his hand and San turns and looks at me “You’ll be okay, worst case is they’ll shoot me and not you.” Captain Lee speaks into the mega phone and says “Give it up son, you lost and it was all because you’re so reckless. You got so sloppy but don’t worry though I’ll clean the mess you left and I’ll start by shooting your little friend over here.” The red laser from the sniper’s gun points right at Wooyoung’s head “And then you.” Wooyoung looks at San and slightly nods and begins to run towards the forest. Almost instantly he gets shot in the chest instead from the sudden movement. His body falls limply on his side while he clutches onto his chest and struggles to breathe. My stomach drops and San lets out a scream calling out Wooyoung’s name with tears welling up in his eyes in anger “I’m going to kill you bastard!!” I clutch onto San's arm holding the gun in my other hand tightly with my eyes blurring with tears. Captain Lee smirks “You know what, I take it back. I won’t shoot you that’s letting you off easy...I want you to suffer by watching all your little mobster trash die.”
Seeing Wooyoung on the ground didn’t bring me satisfaction, instead I begin to cry at the sight of his breathing slowing down. Despite everything he’s done to me I couldn’t let San suffer again, as angry and pissed off as I am with him right now for putting us in this situation he doesn’t deserve to lose his bestfriend. Wooyoung needed help and fast but the only way to get him that help is if I turn myself in and somehow convince them to step back. I hate the idea that I won't have that anonymity anymore but this is a matter of life or death. If I can prevent someone from dying then I'm sure it'll be worth it no matter how painful it is. Suddenly, an idea pops up in my head, it was one I really didn't want to do but my only hope is that it all goes smoothly. I step in front of San with my back facing the helicopter which causes San to pull me closer to him into a hug. i gently press the barrel of the gun I have onto his stomach and he leans in close to my ear and whispers “What are you doing angel eyes? Whatever is going on in that little head of yours just stop, I don’t want you to get hurt. Please.” He sniffles burying his face in my hair trying to hide the fact that he was slightly teary eyed “Sannie, do you trust me?” He talks into my neck “Yes of course I trust you.” Staying still and keeping my voice calm I say “Keep your head down and shoot the sniper.” His voice goes an octave higher while keeping his head down buried into my neck and says “What?! Why?!” Keeping my calm I press the gun a little more onto his stomach “Do it. Shoot the sniper, trust me.” From the corner of my eye I see San’s arm go up and shoot in the sniper’s direction and as soon as he shoots I move just a bit to where the sniper’s bullet hits my right shoulder. I let out a scream in agonizing pain from the impact of the hot metal burning deep in my shoulder causes me to slightly jerk forward and drop the gun in my hand. I push San with the strength from the adrenaline coursing through my veins back into the building and I run towards the helicopter while I clutch onto my shoulder with tears in my eyes. This was all for nothing, so much for getting rid of this man from the shadows.
“There’s a bomb in there! Please Captain Lee, Chris we have to get out of here and remove everyone from the perimeter!” I look back and see San was no longer in the doorway, both Chris and Captain Lee look at me in awe then look at each other a few seconds. Eventually Chris lets down a ladder, helps me climb up and sit down. He sits next to me and looks over at Captain Lee “Captain, we have to take her to the hospital now!” I lay there growing more exhausted by the second due to blood loss until I manage to mutter “Captain, remove everyone from this perimeter now or we’re all going to die.” Chris looks at me and shakes his head while he keeps pressure on my wound “No, we can’t. We have a warrant for San’s arrest we can’t just let him escape” I grab Chris’s forearm and squeeze it from the pain and slight impatience “Trust me, I know he’s going to fuck up again this won’t be the last time. The bomb, please. We have to get out of here we don’t have much time left..” Chris turns to Captain Lee giving him a worried look then Captain Lee looks down at the building for a few moments that felt like an eternity and eventually looks over at me and Chris “Alright, but only because I trust Detective y/ln and know she’ll be able to catch this scum again.” He looks over at the pilot and says “Take us to the nearest hospital please.”
He speaks into his radio “We’ve got a code 4, change of plans, we found Detective y/n y/ln alive and well. Clear the area, over.” Is he really going to act like he didn’t leave me for dead? Is this a favor that later on he’s going to try to use as leverage to somehow blackmail me? A voice answers back on the radio “Disregarding, all units will return back to the station. Over.” I did it, but this was too easy… Luckily the server room self distructing came in handy so technically I wasn’t lying. Chri’s voice interrupts my thoughts and says “So you’re alive? I’m so glad you’re okay but how? I saw your dead body, how is that possible?” I struggle to breathe then I sit there focusing on my breaths until Captain Lee sits next to the seat where Chris and I were sitting and says “Detective Bang stop asking her questions, can’t you see she has a bullet inside her?” Chris’s voice slightly shakes a bit and says “I’m sorry sir, I’m just in shock she’s alive. I saw her charred body, her police badge, everything." I feel my eyes slowly begin to close, my consciousness felt like it was slipping away until everything goes dark.
When I wake up, I scan the room and realize I'm at the hospital. That’s when it all comes back to me, I hope San is okay and he managed to escape along with everyone else. Especially Wooyoung, I really hope he made it as well. I turn and notice Chris is asleep then In a low whisper I say “Chris?” Immediately I see Chris sit up and say “Oh hey y/ln you’re up, how are you feeling?” I nod my head slightly and look down at the IV needle in my hand while he proceeds to talk “I’m so glad it wasn't anything serious, I waited for you to wake up and ask if you wanted to see your family. I’m sure you miss them. I didn’t call them right away since I didn’t want you to be overwhelmed.” I shake my head and I say in a low voice “Don’t tell them I’m alive... Please.” Chris furrows his brows and gives me an odd look “Why not?” I stare off into the distance trying not to make eye contact with him “Promise me you won’t tell anyone especially Captain Lee.”
Chris leans in close to me then I lean in a bit more and whisper “I’m going to run away. I think it’s best for me to disappear considering AS is going after me and I don’t want my family to get killed.” I still can’t believe I’m lying through my teeth, who am I trying to save? San or me? Maybe both. Chris responds in a worried tone “It’s okay we can get you into the Witness Protection Program., you can get your life back.” I sigh and shake my head “No Chris, I’m doing this without the help of the government or the police.” Chris’s jaw tenses up and sits there looking at the ground for a few seconds. “Please, don’t tell anyone Chris. Promise me. You also have to make sure Captain Lee doesn’t release the news of me being alive to the media as this is going to make it even harder for me.” He lifts his gaze and meets my eyes and smiles “Of course I promise, we’re partners after all. We’re under oath to protect one another but promise, you’ll reach out to me occasionally. I just want to make sure you’re alive and well.” I nod then I sit up “Of course as long as you keep my existence a secret, but I do have one more thing to tell you and this one is much more serious because it’s about Captain Lee.” I hope he doesn’t tell him, but who else can I trust? Besides having someone to lean on he might be of help. He scrunches his face in curiosity then looks at the door “What about him? Is it something bad?” I bite the inside of my lip then I take a deep breath and blurt out “Captain Lee works for The Obsidian Dragon, Aurora Syndicate’s rival. I know this because I saw a whole file documenting him being associated with the mafia with pictures and everything.” Chris smirks holding in a small laugh “What? Are you sure that’s not the morphine talking? Why would he even work for the mafia to begin with?” Oh no, he’s asking questions. “He was a close friend of the Choi family, specifically The Phantom. He’s the reason that the whole shootout happened, he sold The Phantom’s location in exchange for money.” Chris’ hand reaches up to his mouth then says “Wait what? So he knew who was behind all of that? No wonder he would always breathe down our necks and constantly check the leads. How much was he given?” I tap my finger on my chin “50 grand if I remember correctly.” He blinks in shock then says “Okay wow that’s quite a bit of money. Yeah, I get why you’re in a hurry to hide. You know too much.” And I know so much more but I can’t tell you the rest.
“Yep..” There was a long silence but Chris clears his throat and says “So uh I have a question and it’s kind of random...Why was San holding you like that?” I raise my eyebrow “How so? What do you mean?” He rests his cheek on his hand “You know like weirdly close, like he had a thing for you. His hand around your waist.” I shrug and look out the window “I don’t know, maybe because he thought of me as an object more than a person. His meat shield.” Hopefully by telling him everything he wants to hear it’ll help me get him off my back, even if those said answers aren’t how I truly feel at all. He can’t find out I’m protecting San. From the corner of my eye I see Chris’s eyes move from looking at the door back to me “Did he ever do anything to you?” While looking out the window I run my finger along the IV tube “I don’t know I was drugged the majority of the time I was there, I can’t remember anything.” Chris puts his head down and rubs his forehead while gently tapping his foot on the floor “I swear to god y/n if he did anything to you…” I shake my head “Nah, despite how scary he is he never put his hands on me.” He raises an eyebrow “How do you know? You were drugged the whole time..” I look down at the dusty pink blanket on my body “Because he was the one who would make the beatings stop, besides I’m sure if he did anything to me my body would remember it. Instead I just remember that evreytime I was being beat he’d scold the person doing it.” That feeling, that pit in my stomach. My eyes well up with tears and Chris reaches for my hand “I’m sorry, I can’t talk about this. Just remembering it brings it all back” Chris nods giving me a reassuring hand squeeze “I’m sorry, we don’t have to talk about it anymore. You should rest, we'll talk about it later when you feel better.” He adjusts my pillow slightly so that I'm able to lay back a little bit again. "Thanks Chris, you should nap too. You look exhausted." He gives me a weak smile "I should be watching you. It's okay." I shake my head "I insist, it's kind of weird knowing you're just watching me sleep. A nap will most definitely not hurt you." He looks into the distance and slowly nods his head almost like he was thinking whether or not he should do it "Alright, if that makes you comfortable y/ln, just know if I hear the door open I will wake up.." I chuckle nervously "Yeah, I know" I hope he falls into a deep sleep otherwise I'm screwed.
A few hours later I wait until Chris is fast asleep in his seat then I begin taking the tubes and IV’s off of me and I put on my pants and shoes making sure I also take the phone San gave me. I look over and glance over at chris to make sure he was still asleep then I carefully open the door wide enough for me to slip out the hospital. Luckily because of the lack of use my phone still had battery so I enter a gas station restroom near the hospital and call San. I anxiously hold the phone to my ear while it rang a few times then on the other line San answers the phone and excitedly I say “San?!” In a surprised tone he answers “y/n?! Where are you? Are you okay?” Relieved to hear his voice again I say in a slight hushed tone “I’m at the gas station bathroom a few blocks from the hospital, I escaped but um what about Wooyoung, is he okay?” I anxiously brush my index finger over the smooth surface of the back of the phone while I wait for him to answer. “He’s fine now angel eyes. He got a pierced lung but he’ll be okay don’t worry.” I let out a sigh of relief and smile “I’m glad he’s okay. I’m glad your best friend is still here with you.” He exhales a bit before he admiringly says “He wouldn’t have been saved if it wasn’t for you and your quick thinking, I don’t know how you did it but I’m so thankful.” There’s a long silence then he continues “ Do you want me to send someone to pick you up?” Immediately I respond “Yes please, I want to get out of here before anyone notices I’m gone” San answers me reassuringly “Don’t worry I’ll send your location to the nearest Associate just hang tight okay? Their code word will be “snow”, I’ll see you in a bit angel eyes I love you.” I gently bite my lip " I love you too. Sannie” I hear San chuckle on the other side of the line and immediately after the line goes dead. I turn and see myself in the mirror and realize I was wearing my ugly hospital gown so I decide to turn it inside out and make a makeshift tie up shirt out of it.. After I finish I sit on the counter of the bathroom and not even 10 minutes later there’s a knock at the door. I stay silent until a deep voice says “Snow.” I jump off the counter and run to open the door and see an average build man with a buzz cut and tattoos and a dark blue track suit “y/n ?” I nod then he motions me to walk behind him and says “Come on, the boss asked me to take you where they’re in hiding.” I nod and follow him into a black average looking car with dark tinted windows, his car reeked of cigarettes and the seats were pretty worn out, a nice way to blend in. Smart.
After 2 hours of driving we arrive at a parking lot at an undisclosed area since I couldn't tell where exactly we were because of how dark it was, all I know it was far away from both Ulwood and Lulens but unlike the HQ last time this location was in a city. I get out of the car and follow the heavily tattooed man into a weird tattoo shop, the buzzing of the tattoo gun was the very first thing I hear when I enter. Everyone in there (which wasn’t alot) seemed to either not notice or not to care kind of like it was a regular occurrence here. So when we make it to the back I notice a black metal door with a key pad, and as soon as he punches in the code the door clicks open and he motions me to walk inside then closes the door behind me. Which reminds me of this tough pill to swallow, I am once again under San's mercy by coming back..
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
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raylawrites · 6 days
𝓘𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓪 ~ New Chapter ~ Gunshot
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A long awaited new chapter! Things get intense in this installment, so make sure to give it a read when you can!
The Harbinger abruptly stands up, shoving the knife back into his belt, and spans the length of the room in seconds, grabbing my collar and walking me backwards until my back hits the wall to the right of the door.
“Why should I believe a single word that leaves your filthy mouth, huh?” He hisses, lips pulled back into a grimace. I feel the familiar fiery burn of hatred bubbling up inside me as the man stares me down, willing me for an answer. “Not only that, but you dare to just step in here unannounced? Unaccompanied? You’re a bloody damn fool if you thought I would just listen to you-“
His grip on my shirt slackens slightly, allowing me to roughly shove him off, keeping his stare all the while. “First of all, fuck you.” I start. ‘Second, that ship you’re moving to attack, your highness, is a stolen warship IIX run by a bunch of marauders, ask Wooyoung if you don’t believe me.”
Read on Wattpad here
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Word count: 4.1k
Content warnings: swearing, graphic depictions of violence.
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