Character Profile: Evie
Full Name:  Micheal Evie Armond Kingdom: Atadell Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi
Evie is the eldest daughter of Fleur and Hadrien. Like her elder brother, Evie did not show signs of Francis’s magical talent. Due to her lack of magical ability, she was sold to the Atadell Kingdom to serve the Bellincioni Clan. As she grew, she realised she had a natural talent for herbalism as well as cooking. Like her two siblings, Evie thrives in the kitchen, serving as a cook. She is also the royal herbalist, cultivating medical herbs for the kingdom. She is known for her ability to talk her way out of anything and her charming personality. She was glad to be sent to serve the Bellincioni Clan due to their close ties to the Morelli and Anderson Clans, which gave her good access to her parents and elder siblings.
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pachad451 · 3 years
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Neqamahel ✠ Hamahel ✠ Mirshaathel ✠ Atadel ✠ Thazazel Liftoach Shaari ha-Nahemoth B’She ha-Na-Ama-Hema!
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sweenyalice · 2 years
“Is this safe?” and "I never said that." for the fictober prompt, if it's alright to ask >:) with Firmino and Gil!!
Lol I see you
Gilbert snickered as he leaned against the stone wall, watching Firmino struggle to crawl through the vines covering the crack in the wall.
"Did you never try sneaking out back in Atadell?"
"Of course not! My father would have killed me and gifted my head to the king for even attempting."
Firmino glared up at the boy, quickly dusting himself off, "Is this even safe? I prefer my head attached to my body."
Gilbert smirked as he shrugged, "So long as we don't get caught."
Firmino paled, "W-wait? Really? You said we wouldn't get in trouble!"
"I never said that. I said I don't plan on getting in trouble."
Firmino lunged at him roughly, "Gilbert! I can't afford to get into trou-... Why the hell are you laughing?!"
Gilbert continued to laugh, looking down at the boy.
"Will you two quiet down?! Sylvester will catch us if you keep making so much noise. Now calm down and hurry up."
Gilbert smirked, whispering, "Can't get in trouble when it's the princess's orders."
Firmino's eyes narrowed up at Gilbert's smug face, "You didn't say she was here."
Gilbert rolled his eye, following behind Alice's lead, it was time Firmino learned to loosen up if he was supposed to be around them all the time.
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alvarezgalloso · 5 years
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La “brigada del amanecer”, Agapito Garcia Artadell, el matarife socialista que pidió confesión como “La Pasionaria”. — Verdades Ofenden “LA BRIGADA DEL AMANECER” Agapito García Atadell (Vivero, Lugo, 28 de mayo de 1902–Sevilla, 15 de julio de 1937) fue un obrero tipógrafo y activista político español, famoso por sus crimenes durante la Guerra Civil Española, al haber dirigido una «checa»en Madrid durante los primeros meses de la contienda y por su participación en la represión.
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Agapito Garcia Atadell – El terror Rojo de las checas del PSOE
Agapito Garcia Atadell – El terror Rojo de las checas del PSOE
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Nació en Vivero (Lugo) el 28/5/1902, muriendo ejecutado en Madrid el 22/8/36. Era un obrero tipógrafo socialista que el 17/1/1922 fue detenido por coacciones y amenazas contra el obrero impresor Benito López García, al que amenazó porque no se quiso afiliar a la asociación de impresores a que Atadell pertenecía.
Cuando estalló la guerra civil organizó en Madrid una organización de terror en…
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enkivzla · 6 years
RT @corralcpedro: @hermanntertsch @fjustinianus Esta es una foto de los integrantes de la cheka de García Atadell, cuyas “hazañas” aireaba la prensa de Madrid cuando en realidad se dedicaban a asesinar y a expoliar a sus víctimas, elegidas solo por su patrimonio. Carmena homenajeará a veinte de sus miembros. https://t.co/078BaPJB0C
RT @corralcpedro: @hermanntertsch @fjustinianus Esta es una foto de los integrantes de la cheka de García Atadell, cuyas “hazañas” aireaba la prensa de Madrid cuando en realidad se dedicaban a asesinar y a expoliar a sus víctimas, elegidas solo por su patrimonio. Carmena homenajeará a veinte de sus miembros. https://t.co/078BaPJB0C
Esta es una foto de los integrantes de la cheka de García…
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FicTober: Day 9
Prompt #9: "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Original Fiction: Broken Mirrors Series Rating: T Warnings: Implied abuse
Characters: Gilbert Lehmann, Alice Sweeney, Firmino Amello Ships: N/A
Gilbert eyed the new boy from across the room, he could tell that he didn’t want to be here. He knew the other kingdoms didn’t have the same tie to their royals as the Sweeney and Lehmann of Ephariel did, but he honestly didn’t understand it until he started following Alice to the other kingdoms on her trips to royal gatherings. He couldn’t believe that some of the other royal families treated their servant clans as expendable toys to be used, abused and tossed away. His fists clenched when he recalled the look on Alice’s face when the boy was ‘gifted’ to her in the cage that still sat in the room with him. The boy hadn’t said much outside of telling Alice and him to stay away from him, and honestly, it was getting on his nerves. He hated watching how upset Alice looked every time she tried to help the boy only to receive an insult thrown at her.
His eyes widened when he watched the boy try to swing at Alice, “Hey, I wouldn’t do that if I were you! She might be nice, but I’m not! You hurt her and I’ll break your arm!”
Gilbert kept his eyes on the boy but crossed his arms when Alice waved him off, “Gil, relax. He’s new and scared. I don’t know what they did to him in Atadell, but he’s entitled to not trust me and see me as a new enemy. If it’ll make him less scared to be able to take a swing, so be it.”
“I’m your guard, I’m not going to le-”
Alice rolled her eyes, walking by him, “Gilbert, I’m not asking. Now, I’m going to see what I can grab from the kitchen, keep him company.”
Before Alice slipped out the door, she quickly shot him a glare, “And be nice, or else we won’t have our weekly sleepover!”
A snort caught his attention as the boy finally glared at him, “What are you, her dog?”
Gilbert returned his glare, puffing out his chest, “No, I’m her best friend! And her personal guard! I’ll be head of the royal guard one day!”
He frowned as the boy rolled his eyes, “So you’re a glorified show pony until she gets bored of you.”
“Don’t talk about her like that! I don’t know what your problem is! She’s done nothing but be nice to you!”
Gilbert felt his anger rise when the boy waved him off, “She’s a royal, no different than any other. She’ll brand me and then I’ll be just another toy until I’m not useful anymore. You’re not special because you’re higher on the pecking order of servants here.”
“I choose to serve her! It’s the highest honour in my family to be the personal guard to the heirs of the Sweeney Clan! Even before they became the rulers of Ephariel!”
The boy scoffed again, “So you’re from a long line of pets.”
That was the last thing Gilbert needed to hear before he lunged at the boy, only to be pulled by the back of his shirt.
“Gilbert! I said be nice! Go stand outside while I get him settled into his room!”
Gilbert gave Alice a pleading look, he hated disappointing her, but turned a quick glare at the new boy, only stopping when Alice gently pushed him out of the room.
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FicTober: Day 1
Prompt #1: "It's not too late, let's go." Original Fiction: Broken Mirrors Series Rating: T Warnings: Mentions of death, war and blood
Characters: Arthur Mitchell, Christa Lund, Enok Lund, Estrid Tikkanen, Frida Elander, Cilla Mertens, Johanna Lund, Kjell Elander, Joel Mertens, Oscar Tikkanen Ships: Implied Arthur/Christa
Arthur sat across from Christa smirking, “I’m not surprised Jason surpassed your record. He’s always had better magic reserves, my dear.”
Christa rolled her grey eyes at him, “You always make me feel so special, Artie.”
“Close it!”
The two jumped, glancing at the staircase leading to the castle's upper levels. Emerald and grey met momentarily before the two were out of their chairs and at the bottom of the staircase. The only time the upper levels of the castle were used was the brief summer season their kingdom had, but they were deep into their winter.
“Just close it damn it!”
Arthur gripped Christa’s upper arm as the two looked up to find Estrid quickly locking the door to the upper levels while Frida held them shut tightly above the small woman. His eyes widened as he noticed blood on their heavy coats.
Before either of them could say anything, Enok moved them to the side, “What’s going on? Where’s Johanna?!”
Arthur’s eyes glanced back toward the door, he hadn’t even noticed the queen’s absence, it hadn’t processed until the king asked.
Estrid fell to her knees, “Dead. Einar and Kjell too.”
He could see the tears falling from her face and felt his anxiety build, he had never seen Estrid cry.
Frida stood behind Estrid, placing her hand on her shoulder as she continued for her, “We were ambushed, Sir. We were making our daily rounds at the wall, we hadn’t seen the dragon until it was too late. Queen Johanna ordered us to fall back to report to you, but Kjell and Einar stayed to defend her.”
Arthur’s hand on Christa tightened as she whispered, “How do you know they’re dead then? Couldn’t they ha-”
Estrid’s mournful purple gaze met Christa’s, “I looked back. They were engulfed in flames… I couldn’t go back.”
Arthur flinched as he caught Enok’s murmuring, “Dragon? Only Bellincioni have dragons…”
“My king! The Ayers sent word of a massacre! The peace meeting was a trap!”
Arthur’s head whipped around to see Cilla rushing into the room, “We need to prepare for war, it seems the Avis and Atadell Kingdoms are-”
He could see King Enok’s eyes begin to faintly glow white, “We are at war. Estrid, you and Frida are with me. We’ll form a front on the upper levels. I can try to blind that damned dragon. As long as it can’t see us, we should be able to force them to retreat. Cilla, you and Joel gather everyone and move them to the lower levels. If things get bad, go to the tunnels.”
Arthur’s chest tightened as Christa pulled away from his hold, “Dad, I ca-”
“You are to keep everyone calm and keep your brother safe, I will not entertain any argument about it.”
“But Dad, I can help!”
Arthur was quick to grab her hand, “Christa, he wants you safe.”
Enok quickly pulled his gloves over his fingers, “It’s not too late, let’s go. It’s time to show those dragon flyers why we’re called the people of ice.”
Arthur watched them leave and tried to push down the feeling that this was the last time he’d see any of them. Quickly shaking his head, he pulled Christa with him deeper into the castle’s underbelly.
“I’m sorry.”
Christa’s grip on his hand finally tightened, “He’ll be ok. The Sweeney will come to our aid. If they Ayers called us, they called them too.”
Arthur could only hope she was right as the walls began to shake.
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Desmemoria de Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (y XII)
Desmemoria de Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (y XII)
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Desmemoria de Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (XI)
Desmemoria de Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (XI)
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (IX)
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (IX)
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (VII)
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (VII)
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (VI)
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (VI)
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (V)
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (V)
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (IV)
Desmemoria de García Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (IV)
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memoriasypalabras · 7 years
Desmemoria de Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (III)
Desmemoria de Atadell, Paracuellos y Amor Nuño (III)
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