#at this point shadow has passed away…and maybe jet eventually gets another dog!!!
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in a perfect world, jetspike happens and they have a skitty.
#doodles#fanart#cowboy bebop#trainer bebop#pokemon#jet black#spike spiegel#post rfb…but years later…….#i like to think theyve retired from bounty hunting at this point but im not sure what else they would do tbh!!!#i have ideas#but anyways. they live on solid ground now and faye gifted them a skitty.#at this point shadow has passed away…and maybe jet eventually gets another dog!!!#but right now he gets a cat.#because spike needs another pink pokemon and how could i not give him a cat.#shes usually sleeping on the windowsill…#shes also the first pokemon jets actually shared#the first he gifted away but eventually effectively took back…the second was ein who followed ed instead.#skitty gets a name that starts with ‘’s’ ive decided but idk what yet.#she likes to feel tall (perches atop spike)#also yes ive decided that jetspike can be canon to the au now. as a treat. for me.#sweet pea
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Stark Spangled Banner
One Shot: Vanilla
Summary: A year on the run following the events in Siberia has changed Steve…but not too much. He’s still a man of simple tastes… Warning: Language, SMUT (NSFW, 18+)
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark.
A/N: This sits alongside SSB Ch 35: Not A Perfect Soldier, But A Good Man. I had it in my head for a while and couldn’t quite fit it in. And those of you who read “Leave No One Behind” might recognise a little of the scenery, so to speak.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist

August 2017
Another day, another under-the-radar mission. This one breaking up a gang that had been terrorising locals, running guns and arms, raiding local refugee camps and kidnapping children to ship out to god knows where, for god knows what.
Frankly, it had knocked Katie sick, so she had been only too glad to get out of there once they’d ‘dispensed’ the ring leader into the care of Fury’s contacts. Well, by that they mean they’d left him hog tied in the middle of the African desert at the co-ordinates they had been given. What happened to him, well, even the world’s sentinel of justice, honour and truth couldn’t find it within him to give a shit. Not after what they’d just seen anyway.
Katie stole a glance at Steve as they drove the ‘borrowed’ jeep back to where Sam had landed their jet. Their time on the run had hardened him. Over a year now spent in shadows, and it was almost as if those shadows had claimed part of him for themselves. His hair was longer, far longer, usually worn pushed back off his face but the exertion of the fight they’d just had, left the front strands flopping over his sweaty forehead. His beard was dark, and thick, speckled with the odd bit of copper and blonde here and there, hiding his jawline entirely and leaving his face almost completely unrecognisable.
To the average man on the street he looked like just another person, maybe worthy of a second glance for bearing a passing resemblance, maybe, to the fugitive Captain. The one thing that remained unchanged were his eyes. Whilst they were tired, carried a heavier burden than before, they were still the same eyes Katie had noticed and fallen in love with, and they still flashed with warmth and a sparkle whenever he looked at her.
And as long as that was there, she knew he was okay.
They reached the jet, Sam hopped down from the back of the jeep and headed in first over to the coms system, swiping at the screen.
“Hey, Steve?” He turned to his head back over his shoulder. Steve walked up the ramp, looking at Sam expectantly. “Fury’s patched us through the co-ordinates of a place to stay. Looks to be a hundred or so miles North. Might be worth holding up there for the night?”
Steve hesitated for a while, they’d been running missions back to back now for almost three weeks. He was desperate to get back…well, home he supposed. To their cottage in Scotland where they’d holed up for the past twelve months, where Wanda was currently waiting. But, as he glanced around, Sam’s face was sporting a nasty gash above his eyebrows, Natasha had taken a few hard digs too and was clutching her side and Katie had taken a heavy blow to the face, the bruise already forming on her cheek.
They were tired, whacked, maybe it was best they got their heads down and headed back in the morning.
“Alright.” Steve nodded. “Bring it up on the map.” Sam pressed a few buttons and then the holo-display sprang to life. Steve and Natasha observed the image, Natasha pointing to something, Steve agreeing before he straightened up and looked at Katie and Sam who were waiting patiently. “We were just staying it looks like a good spot we can land the jet. There’s nothing for miles, and it’s coastal.” “Coastal?” Katie frowned, before her eyes lit up “Like, there’s a beach?”
“Yeah.” Steve smiled, not bothering to point out that their cottage in Scotland basically had its own private one. “There’s a beach, Sweetheart.”
“It looks to be an old Diving Resort on the Red Sea.” Natasha mused, swiping at the screen. “According to Fury, one of his contacts in Mossad said they used it as a front for smuggling Jewish Refugees out of Ethiopia. Operation Brothers. You heard of it?”
Katie, Sam and Steve both exchanged glances before they shrugged.
“Not surprising, I think the information surrounding it was only declassified recently.” Natasha scratched her neck as she straightened up. “Long story short they saved thousands of lives. Smuggled refugees out of camps, and then shipped them out by boat back to Israel.”
“And they used a hotel as a front?” Katie arched an eyebrow.
“Diving resort.” Natasha nodded “Was fully functional too. Pretty damned clever if you ask me.”
“Is it safe?” Steve asked.
“Fury wouldn’t tell us to head there if it wasn’t” Katie replied simply, “We can go, check it out. If we don’t like it we can head home.”
***** Sam landed the jet expertly on the beach which was hidden in a large cove. They stepped off the ramp onto the sugar white sand and Katie looked around at the various huts scattered along the shore. The main body of the hotel itself seemed to be boarded up. The four of them split up into two groups of two under Steve’s instructions, and made their way around, carefully, making sure there was no one else there, checking each out building thoroughly. Eventually they met one another at the front of the sandstone building, all nodding to signal that there was no sign of anyone else.
“The Red Sea Diving Resort.” Sam read the faded red lettering over the top of the boarded up entrance “Imaginative.”
Katie gave a scoff as she shook her head “Well I don’t know about any of you lot but I need to wash up and get changed. I’m disgustingly hot in this.” She pulled at the collar of her combat-top and turned to head back towards the jet. Steve caught her up, sliding an arm round her waist and pressed a gentle kiss to her temple.
“We haven’t forgotten.” Sam called from behind them. They both stopped and Katie glanced at Steve who met her puzzled look with one of his own.
“Forgotten what?” He asked as they turned to look at Sam.
Sam blinked, then turned to Natasha who gave a snort “Clearly they have.”
“Have what?” Steve pressed again, his tone slightly less patient than it had been.
“It’s your wedding anniversary you pair of dumbasses.” Sam snorted “God you two are…”
Clearly he couldn’t decide what it was that Katie and Steve were, instead he trailed off and headed up the ramp into the jet. Natasha followed him as Katie and Steve remained on the sand, simply looking at one another, before they both burst out into laughter.
“Oh my God.” Katie stuttered “We forgot!”
“Well, we have kinda been busy, Doll.” Steve teased, before he shook his head and smiled “I haven’t forgotten that day though. Happiest day of my life.”
Katie smiled, “Mine too.”
He gently raised her hand to his mouth, brushing her knuckles with his mouth before they too headed onto the ramp and grabbed their kit bags.
The four ex-agents walked down the sand, towards the huts they had checked earlier. They selected one each, the fact that Natasha and Sam headed a little further down the beach away from the one Steve had picked for him and Katie didn’t go unnoticed by the super soldier. Something Steve had noticed when he had looked around was how reasonably clean it was. He’d expected things to be covered in a layer of dust but it was fairly habitable. As Katie set about searching the drawers for something to make the bed with, he headed into the small bathroom at the back, turning the taps on. After an initial cough and a splutter, the system kicked in and the water began to run. Orange from sand and rust at first as it splattered the white porcelain bowl. Steve left it going whilst he moved back into the main room and saw Katie was holding what looked like an old polaroid photo.
“Look at this.” She smiled gently. “I found it when I was looking for some bed sheets.”
Steve glanced down at the photo which showed a tall dark haired, bearded man stood with his arm round a shorter, dark haired slim woman, both looking at the camera, smiling . At their feet sat, quite frankly, the ugliest dog Steve had ever seen. It was hairless, but he still couldn’t help but admit it was cute in a strange way.
“They must have been part of the team that ran the Mossad Op.” Katie shrugged. “He kinda looks a bit like you actually.”
“I don’t see it.” Steve wrinkled his face and she shrugged, moving to put the photo back in the drawer. “I found the bathroom, water is still running but not sure if it’s gonna be heated or…”
“I don’t need it heated.” Katie shook her head. “Frankly the colder the better. Now, help me get this bed sorted and then we can wash up and maybe we can spend what’s left of the Anniversary we forgot sat out on the sand?”
Steve chuckled, pulling her closer to him, both hands on her hips. He dropped his face to hers, catching her lips in a soft kiss. “Sounds good to me.”
After a quick shower each they headed back outside, where Sam and Natasha were already sat. And it turns out their friends were indeed far better at remembering their anniversary than they were. Along with their normal supplies, Sam had stashed a crate of beer on the jet, hidden in the cooler and Natasha had also managed a bottle of the same champagne they had served at the wedding, although instead of drinking it out of crystal flutes, it was sipped from mugs Natasha had dug out of the jet, which bore the Avengers symbol, a harsh reminder of the life they had all run from little over twelve months previously.
The four of them sat on the up turned logs, dotted around what, Steve correctly guessed, had been some sort of fire pit, talking quietly, watching the sun set over the ocean. It was peaceful and Steve felt like they could almost have been on vacation.
Steve felt Katie sagging next to him and turned to see that she had her eyes closed, head resting on his shoulder. He placed a soft kiss to her head and then looked at the rest of his team. Sam’s head was drooping a little and Natasha’s eyes were heavy. He issued a soft instruction to go to bed and they both looked at him, giving him a nod and Katie stirred a little. In a graceful movement, Steve had swept her into his arms and he carried her, not unlike the way he had done two years ago that very night, to their accommodation for the evening. She sat on the edge of the bed, removing her shorts leaving her in her panties and tank top as she climbed under the scratchy sheets, Steve settling down besides her.
“Night sweetheart.” He muttered, kissing her neck as he pulled her to him, her back pressing into his chest.
“Night Soldier.” She whispered back, closing her eyes.
**** Steve turned over for what felt like the tenth time in as many minutes. He couldn’t get comfortable, and then there was the simple, yet slight complication to the situation that he’d woken from a particularly graphic dream about their honeymoon, and now he was fucking horny as hell.
He rolled onto his back, his head turning towards Katie and his eyes scanned over her face as she slept. He took in the shape of her nose, soft curve of her lips and his eye-line flickered down to the swell of her breasts which were visible under the cami she was wearing.
Okay, so that wasn’t helping. At all.
She gave a soft sigh, moving a little, her legs kicking down the sheets slightly so they fell around her hips and that was the point Steve’s already fraying self-control snapped. Shuffling closer, he pressed his lips to hers, before he moved his mouth to her jawline, down her neck, leaving soft, hot kisses on her skin as he went. His hand gently curled around her hip, fingers digging into the flesh ever so slightly and she gave a little murmur, her eye lids fluttering as his lips moved back to hers. And this time, she reciprocated slightly. His lips dropped downwards, his tongue dipping into the hollow of her throat before his affections turned to her delicate collar bone. With a gentle shift of his body, he went even lower still, his calloused hands sliding along her ribcage as he slid her cami top upwards, exposing her breasts. His large hands cupped them, thumbs brushing over her nipples and at that he felt her really respond with a soft whimper, her back arching slightly into his touch.
With one hand he traced the curve of her hip down the outside of her thigh, before he trailed his fingers across her belly, and then her soft whimpers became a harsh gasp as his fingers entered her, curling softly against her insides, coaxing more and more wetness from her as he moved, his mouth continuing to lick and sucking at her breasts. She arched her back, writhing, desperately moving her hips as she sought out the friction she needed between her legs and Steve obliged, moving his hand so the heel of his palm brushed against her clit. With a strangled moan, which she stifled slightly by turning her head into his arm, she came, her body shaking on the mattress, sheets now pushed well out of the way.
Steve’s mouth claimed hers once more, in a searing kiss as he let out a groan of his own when he felt Katie dip her hand into his boxers, wrapping her hand around his achingly hard cock. Every inch of him was on fire and he wanted her.
“Need you.” His voice was low with desire as he pressed his lips back to her neck, nipping at the spot beneath her ear. “Want you.”
“You got me.” She whispered. “I’m yours, Stevie.”
At her words he gave a low groan, sitting up slightly so that he could pull her underwear down. He wriggled out of his own, before he settled over her, his mouth finding hers again the pair of them letting out a shaky sigh and a moan each as he entered her.
Her hands gently slid down over his back, feeling the expanse of muscle which twitched under her finger tips as he moved, slowly, deeply. Every roll of his hips sent his pelvis rocking up against her spot. Katie glanced up at him, his lips kiss swollen, eyes blown with desire, hair falling forward over his forehead. She reached up to brush it back, her hands tangling in the long strands and she pulled his face down to hers, locking their lips in a sloppy, filthy kiss.
Fuck, Steve Rogers loved sex with his wife anyway he could get it, but this, well, he was a sucker for simple vanilla and Katie was too. There was something about this position, the boring missionary one that drove both of them wild. The way Steve could cage her in his arms, fuck her into the mattress one day or make love to her the next. The way his large frame engulfed hers completely surrounding her, filling each one of her senses. The way he controlled the pace completely, driving into her again and again until she could no longer think straight. The way he controlled the depth, sometimes using his arms under her knees to hold her open, or slinging her legs over her shoulders.
It was a plain, vanilla flavoured heaven. One that they could visit time and time again, and would never get bored of tasting.
Steve drove as deep into his wife as he could get, rotating his hips slightly whilst he was fully seated, causing her to gasp and emit a frankly sinful moan which he swallowed with his mouth. Her hands dug into the skin of his shoulder blades and he moved, grabbing her wrists and pulling them round so he could lace his fingers between hers. Pinning her hands either side of her head he picked up his pace slightly, carefully watching her face as he felt her tightening around him slightly, a tell-tale sign she was close.
“Come on, pretty girl.” Steve panted, his lips by her ear as he gave a soft nip to her neck. “Give it to me, baby.”
The sensation and heat which was building in her core was impossible to ignore. Her breathy pants of his name became faster, as did Steve’s movements, and with a last, broken cry of his name the fire exploded in her belly and she came, hard, her orgasm rolling over her in wave after wave of white hot pleasure, which left her boneless underneath Steve, her nails digging into the backs of his hands. The sensation of feeling her around him was enough, and Steve gave a single, strangled cry of her name as he too reached his peak, his hips faltering as the ribbons in his belly untangled, the pleasure spreading from the toes to the very hair on his head.
He pressed his face into Katie’s neck, placing another soft kiss to her pulse point which left his lips salty from the slight gleen of sweat which coated them both. He pulled back slightly, releasing Katie’s hands as she flexed her fingers, knowing full well what she wanted. And, sure enough, her fingers threaded through his long hair, scratching softly at the nape of his neck. His eyes closed, and the pair of them lay in silence, completely blissed out and relaxed, hearing only each other’s gradually steadying breaths which mingled with the sounds of the waves lapping against the shore outside.
Katie felt Steve’s lips press to her forehead and she smiled softly, opening her eyes to look straight into his, those baby blues spattered with green.
“Happy Anniversary, Gorgeous.” He muttered, his lips catching hers.
“Its past midnight.” She replied gently
“Not at home.” He replied softly, before he swallowed and hung his head. “I’m sorry it has to be like this.”
“Steve, I am home.” Katie looked at him, her hands moving to cup his face “My home is with you.” She guided his head down so that his lips met hers again, her hands gently tangling in his beard “It always will be, you know this.” She whispered against his mouth before she kissed him, deeply, wriggling a little. Steve gave a short grunt and she felt him starting to twitch inside her again. With an arch of her eyebrow she tipped her pelvis up and in a flash Steve had reached up, pinning her wrists down by her head.
“Keep going and imma be hard again in about five seconds flat.” He whispered, and Katie grinned.
“I’m counting on it, Soldier.” She smirked “Because I’ve got a hankering for some more plain old vanilla.”
**** Chapter 36 Part 1
**Original Posting**
#stark spangled banner#one shot#steve rogers#Katie Stark#steve rogers x ofc#steve rogers x original female character#mcu fanfic#mcu#chris evans#chris evans characters#steve rogers smut#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers fic
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Exploding Head Syndrome: A MCU Post-IW Fanfic | Ch. 1
It takes two years for them to right everything. Two long years — most of it spent in chaotic shades of tears, screaming, silent defeat, and a very unsuccessful five stages of grief for everyone involved. It's a world where billions of people have all had their candle wicks pinched in tandem between ugly purple fingers, their lights gone out in the pits of their mourning loved one's stomachs. There was not enough time in the day for funerals, not enough room or money for smoothed gravestones, and far too many people that will never, ever be identified as dead. Those people, the ones without families and friends, they simply never existed. Perhaps in the backgrounds of neighborhood photos they weren't meant to be a part of, but ultimately? They are vagabonds who just blew away in the wind.
And those who did have people left behind, who mourned and prayed for them?
They were just memories on walls.
Nobody from their team of heroes took their noses out of books or their eyes off screens, carving out new and old information on celestials, on resurrection, on righting the wrongs done by an arrogant bastard who decided to snap his fingers and purge the universe of any happiness; that same purple bastard had vanished without another word, and Thor had paced through the Avengers headquarters those first days with guilt etched into the lines of his weary face. His brown and blue set of eyes looked into Tony's, and his lips had pulled into something of a haunted grimace, and he said with no ounce of doubt, "This could have been over, had I aimed for the head."
The half of the Asgardians that Thanos had spared came to earth just a few months after; they filled in the broken pieces of a fractured glass Wakanda that had been devastated by the loss of their king. It was an intellectual gathering, more than anything, a concoction of mad sciences that would yield more together than apart. Steve Rogers kept in touch with them, eyes and ears waiting to be sated by something fruitful, about Thanos and his whereabouts.
They didn't need flip phones because they lived down the hallway from each other, and sometimes when Tony wasn't pouring through information with Bruce, he was letting the captain talk his ear off about world news that might matter if Tony would let it. With every passing day, the Sokovia Accords became a relic, something from the old world. The fight in Germany almost didn't feel real anymore. But it was, and it had been the catalyst in meeting a young man from Queens who loved Alt-J and Star Wars.
The scroll bar on the missing children's pages Tony's accrued is so tiny, he can barely see it on his screen. He sits there at the kitchen table while Morgan sits on his lap and slams blocks around like a tiny radioactive dinosaur. And he's tired and regretful as every face seems to blur and morph into Peter's (his goofy shirts, his awful Mets hat, the fifth Jansport backpack that month). Pepper makes Tony coffee, rubs his shoulders, makes breakfast for their daughter. He looks at both of them every day and reminds himself he doesn't deserve them.
Rhodey brings updates from Ross, as an exasperated courtesy more than anything.
Tony also cares very fucking little about that, too. Natasha is in full agreement.
Oh, and the raccoon stuck around, too. Two years, and Tony Stark made friends with a kleptomaniac trash panda who lost almost every person he's ever come to love, and the blue chick might as well be counted among the lost, because she hit the atmosphere running and never stopped (but if there's anyone Tony would bet on for killing Thanos through hate alone, Nebula might be able to accomplish it before supper). Rocket heads out from time to time to try and find clues in the deep reaches of space — "Where's Thanos? Have you seen where he ran off to? Where's that ugly son of a b—" And you know, it ends about as successfully as the last time the little garbage bear rolls back in. Truth be told, he likes Rocket a lot. Good eye for tech, familiar snark used to push people away, a raging hate-boner for a certain mass murderer...
Ah, yes. The bastard who sacrificed his daughter, go fucking figure. Tony looks at Morgan's freckled face as he changes the umpteenth diaper that day and can't fathom the concept of being her end. It's horror fiction, the pages ripped out of books conjured to be nothing more than a terrible daydream of a bored writer.
It's the same horror fiction where Peter clings to him sobbing for help, falling when his legs disintegrate underneath him.
Tony looks for that kid everywhere, despite knowing exactly where he is.
He waves the photograph in Pepper's face, inches from her, the sharp juts of his fingernails biting into the Polaroid like dog teeth — (retroware, a camera found in a dumpster, delicately and lovingly re-mantled into a working camera, pictures snapped in quiet labs on lazy Sundays where Tony pretends the kid shouldn't be there) — but Pepper just looks at him like he's a wild man, and maybe he is, with owlish imploring eyes and unkempt hair, but nobody is listening, they just talk about their day and nobody is looking at this kid in this photograph: the kid with the curvy brown hair and pinching, smiling eyes and thin lips, he's only a kid, he's missing, does nobody see that? But Pepper just puts her hands up at the sides of her head and shrugs like he's out of his mind, and she's talking about being behind schedule —
"Tony, honey, there's nothing there — I don't know what you want me to see." And she is getting progressively more furious at him, because there's nothing, but he can clearly see this teenaged boy's face looking back at him when he turns the image back to himself: he's in the lab, Tony took the picture (say cheese, and the kid said provolone, because he's a massive nerd, but Tony would have done it too, so what does that make him), and no, Peter's not in the lab, he's not anywhere. Not in the ground, not in an urn, not standing on his feet, not stuck to his hands.
"No. No no no, look at him, why - why are you not looking at him?" Tony asks, curled fingers pecking over the shirt on his chest, right where his blue heart used to be, and he's so fucking angry that Happy said it Pepper said it Steve said it Everyone says it, the same thing, different voices: "It's a black box, Tony. It's just a black box. The picture's not developed. Something got screwed up, sorry."
He looks at the photo again and wants to see a black box, wants this to just end, but he knows it can't. In the Polaroid, the kid is tied to a chair in sweltering heat in the middle east, under the shadow of cave walls, streaked with mud and blood and wet from torture, and Tony has it on good authority the human body was not made to live in the sea, not made to breathe the deep dark waters in a two-foot basin of murky water. But Pepper looks right through the photo every time and asks him if he's remembered to water the ugly office plant she put on his desk — he shoves it off and it smashes all over, dirt underfoot crunching with the same texture as Titan. The desk is covered in nothing but Polaroids of every waking fear he's had, but they all swear on their lives—
"They're all just black boxes."
He wakes up with a strangled sound of panic, the sheets ripped out from under Pepper's soft pale arms, and she darts awake alongside him with little choice in the matter. He isn't sure how to even begin to explain the nightmare, so he doesn't, which seems adequate enough for her at this point; she instead rakes kind fingernails over his scalp and he lets himself rest in his own sweat, until eventually it dries up with her ability to stay awake with him. But there's no sleeping now. Which is fine, because not an hour later Morgan's crying in a crib that Tony doesn't let leave their room. She's smart — not quite two yet, but she's got an eye for how to get what she wants. She slaps her hands on the bars like she's a chubby convict and says, "Juice!" like she hasn't already had enough juice in the day to turn into a berry.
"... I got her," he says with feigned exasperation, but more than anything, he just wants to hold onto the kid and remind himself she won't crumble into dust. He walks her through the hallways and stares out large windows, places where the memory of Peter Parker ghosts the halls in Tony's mind. He stands where Peter watched in boyish awe as the jets took off — where he'd lead him down a path towards reports and a new suit. Regrets dance like spots in his vision. Run along now, young buck.
He misses the others, too. He thinks about them often, wants to get them back from the jaws of death.
But everyone knows Peter is a special case, for him. A special mission set aside to complete.
There's an aunt across the city that somehow manages to get up and go to work every day. She's all that's left of a family she'd married into — the last Parker, putting unopened Christmas and birthday presents in a room that hasn't been touched in two fucking years. Tony doesn't know how she does it, after the Parkers and her husband's death; perhaps it's not always the abundance of loss that breaks someone; perhaps it's the abundance of loss that helps steel them for the next blow.
Either way, he gives her as many promises as he can muster, and she just nods like she can actually trust him.
"If it isn't the terrible terror," Rocket slurs from the end of the walkway, as he rounds the bend. Tony can't believe his eyes; he's sure there must be some youtube video out there of a raccoon holding a vodka bottle, but seeing it in person is another thing altogether. The short-statured creature adds, "Not the gremlin baby, I mean you."
"Robbet!" Morgan says, gleeful and unaware of just how alike her and Rocket's walking performances would be toe-to-toe.
Tony is less enthused.
"Did you — Did you fly back drunk?" And really, he's not one to talk after some of the stunts he pulled in his suits, but when he looks out the window there's a clearly tipped over spaceship on the front lawn of the headquarters, almost meeting the tarmac where the quinjet resides.
Rocket wags a paw at him like he's nuts. "Seemed like the thing to do. You Terran nimrods are great at it."
"You could've hit the building, you jackass," he hisses, "There are people sleeping here you could've killed."
"Wouldn't be the worst way to go out on this stupid planet."
"You're so lucky I'm holding a toddler, or I'd kick you in the head."
"Bring it, old man." But the longer the squabbling goes, the more Rocket seems to completely lose whatever steam he has. They end up sitting right against the big glass windows, and Tony lets Morgan rub her grubby hands all over the panels, because he's pretty sure the cleaners here prefer her messes over the ones Tony leaves in the labs (you know, the ones that almost start fires). The kid eases something inside him, and he's not one to recommend having a kid as therapy (because it definitely didn't solve his panic over being a shit dad), but it at least keeps him grounded. Gives him perspective. Focus.
"Robbet," she commands, fidgeting with Rocket's ear. The raccoon's gotten used to the attention, so much so that he just lets it be, and Tony watches expectantly for words he knows are gonna come sooner or later. This isn't the first time Rocket's stumbled in like this, though he'd hesitate to say it's common enough for an AA meeting.
"Nothin's out there, Stark," he says tiredly. "Thanos is in the wind after we pinned him in the rice terraces. Nebula's out there givin' her... I was gonna say blood, sweat, and tears, but I dunno how much of her is even left t'do that. But the universe is too damn big." He rubs his eyes tiredly in a way that is obscenely human. "We ain't ever gonna get the bastard, much less reverse the damage. I can't keep putting off..."
Rocket and Tony lock eyes for a moment, the billionaire's face unreadable.
Rocket looks away, and for once, he can't usher up a snarky, assholish retort.
And Tony could understand that much. The world has already been grieving and crying it out, but the Avengers? They haven't allowed themselves to do it. Scott's got his kid, and he's all his kid has now — the cops had found her wandering a park alone, crying for Ant-Man to save them, and Tony's paid for therapy but fuck if that always helps. Clint refuses funerals for the two children he and his wife lost, not until Tony can look him in the eye with complete certainty and say 'there's nothing else we can do'. And Tony is not gonna lie about that shit, not even for a moment. Steve always chases for Bucky, and Tony expects as much (both in a fond way, and in a resentful way that makes him wanna strangle the bastard; what, we can't all be perfect at making up)... He also talks about Wanda and Vision and Sam often, and the room always descends into pained silence by the time they both realize how many people they've lost.
"Sorry I called you a gremlin," Rocket suddenly says, and Tony's confused for a moment before he glances over and finds Morgan sitting between Rocket's legs, cupping his furry face in her hands like she's trying to figure out why his beard is so much more out of control than her father's. Suffice to say, the drunk raccoon eventually passes out against the window, and Natasha makes her cameo in the shaded moonlight long enough to click her tongue and heft the creature up. Usually it'd be a more violent affair, but he's so out cold, he doesn't even so much as twitch.
"I'll get him in the recovery position, I guess," she says with a quirk of her brow.
One time he'd asked her in a moment of admittedly godawful anger how she managed to be a stone-faced robot in the wake of all of this; she had slammed him down onto a table and said it was the hardest thing someone can ever do.
"Could always throw him into a tree," is his reply, and she smirks — but tucks Rocket in, regardless.
They're all he's got now.
Two weeks later, Captain Marvel gives them the location of Thanos.
One week after, Thanos is dead and Bruce and Tony are staring at the melted, twisted remains of a gauntlet adorned with six stones.
It's a full month, when the snap is finally undone.
"W-what the flying fuck just happened?"
Probably not the most eloquent way Peter Jason Quill, Star-Lord and fearless leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, could have reclaimed his life and body, but that's the way it happened. One moment his sinking despair had been blown away in the wind with the rest of his crumbled body; the next, he's gasping for air like a newborn baby with his hands on his chest — unable to breathe, unable to think, unable to do anything but feel helpless and lost. Then his name comes back to him, his age, where he's from, followed by the first of many memories: his mother and him, making cookies with The Rolling Stones blaring on an old radio in the background.
Then all of it follows like a stampede trampling over each other: the ravagers, Ego, celebrations full of booze and old 70's and 80's hits with his team; he groans pitifully and remembers too suddenly that his mother is dead, Yondu is dead, Gamora is dead — and then he cries like he's never cried before in his goddamn life. Like, full-bodied sobbing, harder than he's ever allowed himself in the last thirty years. His fingers curl in rough alien soil and every nerve in his body is alight with something he can't really explain, leaving him shivering. When all is said and done, it's cathartic, but his head is pounding and his eyes are red and wet and — and his legs don't want to work, exactly, so he drags himself into sitting and stares all around him with a helpless, sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Where are the others?
Drax crawls out from behind the rubble with a bit-back curse as if summoned by Peter's sheer will alone, and Strange floats down from god knows where. Both of them wipe their faces and breathe like they'd just run a marathon, one you'd sprint for — to try and escape the returning memories. The questions bubbling under the surface can wait (when, why, how, who, where; where the fuck is Thanos so I can kick his head in and ignore the aching guilt of the stupid shit I've done). Peter's lips curl into a relieved grin despite himself and he staggers to his feet, rushing to meet Drax before the lumbering warrior can collapse on his knees; he steadies the two of them, and between four colt-like legs, they make it work until they can move on their own.
"Drax, holy shit. I'm so happy to see you right now, I saw you and — where's Mantis? And... Stark and the kid?"
He's not gonna pretend the last two weren't cliff notes in his order of priorities, compared to Mantis. That's his sister, his family, and his heart is pounding at the thought of losing anyone else from his team... because Gamora's so fresh in his mind, an abrasion so new and raw and — don't think about it, Quill, don't think about it right now, not until you can make it to a ship and find somewhere to lick the wounds. It's so hard to breathe, so hard to keep his memories in check. Judging from the pinched expression Drax has, he can only imagine the miserable television show going on in that thick skull of his. He had family, he had a life, a home, and now it's all coming back in thunderous waves.
Drax perks. "I hear her. This way!"
And like clockwork, Mantis sobs more loudly from over the hill of debris, and Peter is already leaping over and down it, displacing rubble in his wake. It claws him up as he goes, but what's one more injury if it means getting to his team sooner? Add another wound to the dozens lanced in his heart, whatever, he can take it. What he can't take is finding someone he loves gone again because he wasn't good enough—
("I love you, more than anything.")
"Mantis! Shit, dammit — hang on, we're coming, hang on!" He skids to a stop at the bottom with Drax hot on his heels, and it's only there that he's relieved to find she's unhurt, curled up and sitting on her legs; her back is trembling, hands poised in front of her — no, no, hands pressed to the temples of a crumpled figure with shaggy brown hair and a terribly youthful face. He swallows hard at the sight, guilt coiling in his guts, because he had made this kid a footnote in his concerns all but fifteen seconds ago.The other Peter.
("Peter, huh? Samesies!" the spider kid laughs.)
The kid is on his back, and his eyes are open, face lax under Mantis' shivering fingertips. Quill automatically assumes the worst: that he didn't make it, because even if his skin has a healthy color, he doesn't look alive. Why didn't... he come back, too? What went wrong? Crouching down beside his friend, he examines the boy and his listless gaze that looks right through him, right through everything. A death stare. He's seen so many in his life — from ravagers and enemy alike — that he doesn't question it further than that.
"... Mantis, it's okay," he says softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "He's gone. We gotta move."
"No, no, Peter," she weeps, freezing him with her desperation, "You're wrong. He's still here. I can feel him. But th-there's so much pain — something is wrong, and it hurts."
"She's right," Strange says with a surprisingly soft voice, "He's still breathing."
Quill watches with wide eyes the rise and fall of the kid's chest, and then the surprising drip of tears into the shells of Peter's ears.
"It hurts," Mantis says again, black hair curtaining her pained expression. "He's further and further away. I can't do anything. He is so afraid."
Peter Parker's eyes are open, half-lidded, without any sign of life behind them. But Quill feels like every word Mantis sobs is a memory he can't quite bring into focus... like — like a dream he'd forgotten in the time he'd been nothing but ash. Like a beacon, scrambling all of his senses and blinding him just before he had burst back to life from under the current of death. He remembers a snippet of what it was like on the other side, rolling over and over like he's stuck in a sea — a sea of souls. He remembers it was the kid's voice, calling out from oblivion as they were hoisted back into their bodies.
He remembers hearing his own voice... remembers saying, thinking, screaming: Hang on, kid, I got you!
— it hurts, it hurts, it hurts—
He puts his hand gently on Peter Parker's cheek.
It's warm. His body breathes in steady rhythm.
So why isn't there any life behind those eyes?
The lab is quiet, save for the rambling of an excited high-schooler bragging about their odds at the new decathlon competition. Tony doesn't really mind so much, though he's not about to tell that to the kid sitting there in his old thrift shop sweater; the same kid whose hair is curling out of control now, escaping the prison of hair gel he adds in the early morning. Peter's always so animated with his hands, most of all — always fidgeting, always moving, always so eager to sign and gesture faster than Peter's mouth can move. "And Ned's got a brand new video-game he's dying to try out, but I dunno if he can handle it; it's a horror game, you know? He's kind of a big softy — oh."
Tony glances at Peter with a scoff and a raised eyebrow, though his smirk fades a little at what has drawn the kid's already battered attention span from the conversation. Peter holds an old trophy in front of him that he had taken off the nearest shelf: a replica, actually, but still no less important. It's the arc reactor, etched with those intimate, familiar words that Pepper still whispers to him when they're alone and living in their own little world.
"Aaww, look at that," Peter says with a playful smile, pressing the trophy against his chest, where the reactor would've resided in Tony's. "... Proof that Tony Stark has a heart."
Peter's smile softens painfully, his eyes reflecting a long and sad goodbye before he crumbles away into nothing.
#tony stark#peter parker#mcu#infinity war#mantis (marvel)#drax the destroyer#peter quill#rocket racoon#irondad#spiderson#mcu fanfic#ehsfanfic#sorry guys i was gonna be lazy and not back this story up here#but i changed me mind
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Requested by anon: The Wonwoo fic and Taeyang fic are so freaking cute and they are so well written too omg! Please write more fics for the both of them as they're my favourites (: Wolf!au? Thank you ((((:
Requested by anon: Wolf!au for wonwoo or woozi! Thank you and I love your works!!
so i got the same au request i hope both of these suited your taste! LIKE I SAID I HAVE OVERWHELMING FEELS FOR WONWOO SO THIS IS PROBABLY LIKE THE LONGEST HEADCANON I’VE EVER WRITTEN THIS IS SUPER LONG OMG BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY EVERYONE!!!! BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE WONWOO IMAGINES :)))) if you weren’t satisfied please send me another request!
I was lying in bed and was just like “hm you know wonwoo really resembles a wolf????”
I love jeon wonwoo anyways
You lived near a very dense forest with your grandpa
Since it was a small town, there could only be so many things that could happen before word travels
Ofc nothing ever happens in your small town the most eventful thing was when the local market ran out of your favorite potato chips like honEST TO GOD
But as of late there’s been more signs of wildlife in the forest and everyone is lowkey freaking out like what is this we haven’t even had livestock in 80+ years????
Thanks to the dense forest there’s been showing a steadily increase in deer population yay!!!! But also what!!!!
With deer ofc comes…………
Packs and packs of them
You’re worried for your life what if a wolf is gonna attack you one day since you’re right next to their habitat!!!!!
Your grandpa is just like lmao y/n chill i was a hunter back in the days we’ll be fine
It was a chillier day than usual in the winter and temperatures were dramatically dropping
You were tired of being cooped up in the small little house so you were just roaming around in front of your porch and playing with the fluffy snow
You smol child were too busy cutely hopping around to notice a wolf lurking behind the trees oH SNAP
It wasn’t until it got a little closer that you felt a strange presence and you know that eery feeling in the horror movies where it’s like …..i feel like someone is there…..
You immediately stopped and cautiously looked around you
You would have missed it if you weren’t so keen about your surroundings bc the wolf so easily blended in with the forest and snow
yOU WERE GONNA SCREAM BUT dude they can probably smell fear that’s not your best choice here
your heart leapt in your throat so you couldn’t have screamed even if you wanted to (you did)
Gdi your grandpa was out running errands and he left like half an hour ago so you’re kinda screwed!!!
The wolf looked so,,, ethereal and majestic with its mix of black, gray, and white fur and it was still pretty young
It looked more like a wild husky so beautiful i love dogs
But you obviously didn’t have time to soak in their beauty you were about to get eaten for pete’s sake
You were very very very slowly backing away from it your door was only a few steps away
buT IT KEPT INCHING TOWARDS YOU LIKE PLS LEAVE ME ALONE ALL YOU WANTED WAS TO MAKE A SNOWMAN (it doesn’t have to be a snowman im sorry that joke is old)
You decided that maybe since this winter was harsher than normal it was hard finding food
So once your back hit the wall yOU SLAMMED & LOCKED THAT SHIT
You rummaged through your fridge to see if you could find absolutely anything for the wolf to leave you tf alone
“Aha!” you grabbed a piece of red meat and cut up a fourth of it into smaller chunks
You were pretty damn smart like we’re talking about how a pre teen be doing all of this
You brought your cutting board to your window and sure enough the wolf was still outside your house yiKES
You cautiously opened your window and you could see the little ears perking up
You threw the pieces as far as it could reach the wolf in the hopes of him leaving once he’s gathered his meal
At first the wolf jumped back in surprise like ??? what’s this human doing?????
After a few minutes of inspecting the meat the wolf cautiously approached the makeshift meal and started to gobble all of it in seconds flat
You’re just like,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that could have been me oh my god,,,,,,,,,,
After it finished eating it looks back up to you and even from afar you can see gratitude and hints of,,,, sorrow??? in its eyes
It turns back to the forest and disappears as fast as it came
All your little body can do is slump against the door clutching your beating heart like i WAS GONNA DIE TODAY
You thought that would be the last time you were gonna encounter a wolf but there wouldn’t be a plot then lmao
You managed to prevent any more wolf encounters as you grew up and by the time you hit 20 you have been successful
But all good things must come to an end
You decided to go to a college nearby to still help take care of your aging gramps but the school isn’t all half bad it’s pretty decent so good for you reader!!
It was now winter break aka the longest school holiday your college granted you with so you decided to return home and spend some Quality Time with your grandpa
Your grandpa’s health has been declining more apparently than ever
One time you had to rush him to the hospital because he fell unconscious and you were trying so hard not to tear up and be strong the whole time
You stayed overnight at the hospital despite the nurse insisting you return home but you just camped outside the hospital room and slept there
You woke up to a random blanket on you and you figured it was just a nurse who knew better than to convince you
Your grandpa quickly recovered in a matter of days go gramps
When he was finally discharged and you were approaching the front desk about the bill they were like “oh it’s already been paid for”
“What that’s strange I didn’t even get the bill yet”
“Someone walked in last night and said they’ll take care of it for you miss”
You thank her and walk away in confusion like,,,, ofc you’re grateful that you didn’t have to pay but who on earth would do that?????
One day you wanna explore the forest because i mean you lived next to it for basically almost your entire life and you don’t even know what it looks like!
Ofc your grandpa is like do you wanna get killed child um
“Pls gramps I lived my whole life being terrified of that forest and now that I’m older I kinda want to see what it looks like,,,, I’ll stay close enough to have the house in my view!”
“sigh,,,, well you’re an adult now I trust that you can make decisions for yourself so,,,, fine”
So off you go to your death exploring
You’re amazed by how enchanting the forest looks like from within, nothing like what you see from your house
The snow only adds more of a magical sense
There’s a small pond and some bushes where you guess is the deer’s habitat but they probably left to find a warmer spot
You push yourself to discover more about the forest so you inch just a litttttle farther
You see a bridge and think ????? did someone live here or something why is there a bridge?????
And being the curious cat you are you crossed it only to see aNOTHER HOUSE LIKE UM WHO THE
you hear some muffled talking and you’re just likE OH CRAP I GOTTA SCRAM so you hide behind a fairly big trunk just in time before some faces are in your view
You see a group of men around the same age as you and at first they seem to be normal but what’s normal about living in the middle of the woods????
You carefully eye each of them, and you mentally do a headcount of 13
One of them immediately catches your eye and you can’t help but feel a sense of familiarity
He’s wearing a gray turtleneck and black skinny jeans with a gray winter coAT SLJDKFLJDSFLJFDSLJFDLJDFSJDSF I LOVE WONWOO THE MODEL
He seems to be aware of you and he’s like @ the group
“Guys… do you sense someone here?”
And the guys are like eh wonwoo you’re probably being a little paranoid
“Wonwoo it’s been years just let it GO!!!” (what’s up with all of these frozen puns this is unintentional i sTG!!!!) “the last time you said this it was just a rabbit!”
And you’re like ???? what do they mean by that buT I GOTTA JET
You wait for them to enter the house and wonwoo is the last one
He scans the area one more time and does a little head shake before heading inside
you can’t help but feel a tug in your heart because he just looked so disheartened and dejected
And he sWEARS he could have smelled your scent but maybe it was his brain tricking him like it did all these years :(((
Who hURT MY EMO SON wait you did indirectly lmao
You get tf out of there like “i aint trying to die again bye yall”
You’re scrambling to get out of there and when you reach the house your gramps is like so how did it go
Gramps: but??? it’s ,,,, break,,,,,,
You contemplate about what just happened back there
You: i shouldn’t go back i got lucky and didn’t get eaten alive
Also you: but i need to find out more ok it’s settled I will return
Soon enough you found yourself visiting the same place every day and now wonwoo is rEALLY on edge
“wonwoo…….. We acknowledge your senses are the better ones out of us but…… you need to let her go”
You’re like omg what??? Her??? Who’s her?????
“You know I can’t do that…… she fed me -- hey wait a minute, is that someone over there?”
You’re like oH WELL FUCK MY LIFE
They whirl around to where his finger is pointing and they’re like hmm wait he’s right it looks like someone’s shadow
And you’re scared to literally freaking death bc you are not trying to get yourself killed but i mean you kinda had to see it coming tho
So you do what a reasonable person would
But you just keep running and you eventually get lost in the forest and you’re like oh my god pLS NOT NOW
You’re desperately trying to reroute but you’re pretty sure you passed by that same stump six times
You try to calm down like ok look it’s still probably around noon and the sun is still out you still have time
That is until you hear a crunch of a leaf
And you’re like oH MY GOD NOW WHAT
You turn around to see you’re surrounded by dark black wolves
This is it this is where you die
And you’re trying to find an escape but you’re practically cornered
“Please….. Go find something else to devour……. I swear I am not tasty at all…………… I’m all bones you wouldn’t want that right aHAHA………...”
One of them inches closer to you and you can guess it’s probably the alpha male since it seems to be the biggest
And you’re like welp i lived a good life IM S ORRY GRAMPS YOU WERE RIGHT
You’re in the middle of having a mental breakdown when the alpha suddenly bares his teeth and you know it’s gonna go down
Just as it’s about to leap on you, you see another blurry figure slAMMING INTO THE ALPHA
A full on wolf battle is going on right in front of you
Not only did that wolf come but his entire pack did so it’s pack vs pack
And some black wolves are still trying to get @ you ;))) to devour you ;)))
I gotta go
But obv the other pack is like dON’T TOUCH HER and you’re super confused bc
Well there’s obviously more than one thing to be confused about but your main concern is why am I not getting eaten??????
You can’t help but notice the one who rammed his body in your attacker has very,,,, familiar looking fur,,,,,,
And you’re like oMG NO,,,, NO IT CAN’T BE HOW
Since the wolf brawl has temporarily taken the focus off of you, you’re like ok this is my chance 2 escape
You don’t get too far like probably 15 feet when you’re feeling really lightheaded and nauseous
You stumble upon a tree and try to steady yourself but the events took a huge toll on you and so you collapse
Right before you do you feel someone’s arms holding your waist up and some yelling
“I… finally…. found you….” you hear someone whisper in your ear before you really blackout
By the time you regain consciousness the sun is about to set
You’re stirring around in a foreign bed and you’re like wait,,,, hold on,,,,,
Your eyes slowly adjust to the dim light and the strange room
You’re fully awake now and start panicking like where am i???? Am i gonna die?????
You see someone’s head on the edge of the bed and you’re like WHO THE
“oH GOODNESS” your little outburst woke him up
He groggily yawns and rubs his eyes “oh great you’re awake!!!!!11!!11”
You just stare at him in 34384682 emotions welling inside of you like pls do not hurt me i just want 2 go hOmE!!!
He starts to introduce himself as Wonwoo but who cARES YOU JUST WANNA GO HOME
“Ok Wonwoo i have no idea who you are or where I am but I need to leave before I’m actually gonna get killed by my grandpa I appreciate you letting me stay here for the time being but I gotta go now thanks i guess??? bye”
And you’re trying to keep your cool and escape as fast as you can but he’s right on your heels
He is nOT gonna let you leave so easily after spending the past decade thinking about you
You reach the outside of the house and you realize,,,, hey it’s the house i saw earlier,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
He eventually reaches you and pulls you around by the arm and you almost gasp when you see the intense look he has in his eyes
“I,,, can’t let you leave just yet”
“Please i’m sorry for snooping earlier!!! Please let m eg o I swear to keep my distance!!!!”
You: what
Him: what
“What…. did you say?”
“Don’t you remember me? You fed me”
And you’re like ?????????? ?? ??????? what is this guy on
“Uh… Wonwoo, was it? I think you have the wrong person; I don’t know what you’re--”
And it hits you
That day you thought you were gonna die
You look at him completely baffled like how is that even possible???? That was,,,, a wolf
Your breath is hitching you’re gonna faint again that means he was the same one who saved you from being eaten
“I know it’s hard to believe but that was me!!!!! Food was extremely difficult to find at that time and when I saw you…. Well, i was hoping you would be willing to spare me something”
My heart poor little wonu was gonna starve to death if it weren’t for you
“But…. but how….”
“Ah…. well that’s a story for later but the important thing is I was eternally grateful to you and I was determined to find you again,,,, I wanted to return the favor for saving me. Who do you think paid off your grandpa’s medical bills? I hope that blanket was warm enough for you”
Turns out he’s been watching you from afar as his human form as your little guardian angel (or stalker…. tbh) im crying
“You were thankful just for some pieces of meat I gave out?”
“It wasn’t just some meat. You saved me from dying! I hadn’t had any food in my system for a week. I’ve helped your grandpa plenty of times at the market before. I also purchased those textbooks you needed for that math class”
“Wait but my friend gave those to me?”
“Yeah well that’s what I told her to say to you LOL”
gdi your friend was probably geeking out about how good looking he was
And you’re just trying to process this but it’s overwhelming to say the least
“You… you did all of that for me???”
And he’s like ofc!!! :DDD you deserve everything and more!!!!
“What about that pack from earlier?”
“That’s our rival pack,,,,, I’m so sorry you had to get caught up in our rivalry but good thing I got there in time. I told the others to help protect you”
And you start tearing up because of how gracious and humble and caring he is and he’s like oh nononono and starts to freak out and hugs you
You’re gonna bAWL why is this guy so nice to you he’s even rubbing circles on your back to help calm you down
“I’m not asking much of you…. but can we try getting to properly know each other? You were the only single person to not judge me in my wolf form,,,,, everyone else would throw sticks and stones :(((“ (words do indeed hurt you tho) “and i’m also grateful that you were able to accept me even as a creature that you feared”
you take a moment to breathe and eventually accept bc even tho this is all so sudden and foreign you can just tell he has a heart of gold and doesn’t wanna hurt you
Ofc your gramps throws a fit when you get home and he’s like wHY IS THIS GUY WITH YOU
After a long long talk things are settled and your gramps is like ok fine you can date her or whatever but one wrong move and your head is gonna be hanged here
“I’m just saying i got my eye on you boy”
You spend the rest of your break getting to really know Wonwoo and try to overlook his,,, alter ego thing,,,, as best as you can
You’re outside making snowmen and snow angels and just being so carefree about everything
You somehow end up in a snowball fight with wonwoo and he’s like ur going down!!11!!
You’re hiding behind a tree and peek out to find him but when all of a sudden someone ambushes you from behind
“I GOT YOU” he screams in your ear while you’re laughing and trying to wiggle out of his arms
You guys stumble and fall with him on top of you oHMYGOHDGHLGDS
Your laughter dies down a little and all you can think about is how close your faces are
He softly smiles at you and leans down to give you your firST KISS IM SCREAMING
#my post#seventeen#seventeen wonwoo#wonwoo#seventeen imagines#seventeen scenarios#seventeen headcanons#seventeen au#wonwoo imagines#wonwoo scenarios#wonwoo headcanons#wonwoo au#wolf au#wolf!au#wolf!wonwoo
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