#at this point none of the knights of the round table are actually loyal to Arthur first
girlfrommars28 · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time a person who would later become a Knight of Camelot was injured and unconscious then brought to Merlin's bed, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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cryptid-called-ash · 3 years
stupid incoherent Arthuriana based story ramblings i had to shove somewhere. tbh it’s insane, but funny enough that i thought i’d at least share the ideas.  (brandy bottle knighthood and other classic hijinks, 1/?)
please note this is in no way, shape, or form even trying to pretend to by accurate to the text. this is a crack fic for the sole purpose of good ol’ fashion feel something again entertainment. 
debating on posting/continuing to write this thing based off Arthurian legend. will absolutely be buck wild and only use the most bizarre lore/barest minimum recognisable stuff (half of which is stuff pulled from the Disney vers plot/the one movie i think is just called ‘Arthur’?). like dead-ass pretty much only names and obscure powers. and it is really queer, i mean like pretty much every character is some flavour of LGBTQ+. 
for a general idea of the tone, there are 4 working titles; brandy bottle knighthood and other classic hijinks, the queer antics of the round table rebels, the many tales of the rebel king and his beloved knights, (and finally) a series of increasingly ridiculous happenings centred around the Pen Draig twins roughly coalesced into a maddening but mostly tangible plot. (the last one’s my favourite)
one last point i need to mention, ya’ll cool is we briefly let Kay and Arthur think Ector set them to get fucked (read executed for treason, it’ll make sense later i swear)? absolutely not permanent, i’m a slut redemption arcs, but just for the narrative knife twisting, you know? 76% of this is found family fluff, the angst has to go somewhere. (hurt/comfort drawn out for two chapters. don’t worry, they work it out; ‘Of family and rainstorms’ and ‘The storm breaks, we are safe and warm’. sappy titles, eh? they get worse trust me) stans please don’t hurt me, i’m only doing this bc i love you
(alrighty, with all the crack fic warnings out of the way, last chance to back out, i am just gonna info dump all the insane jot-notes directly from my notebook, of which half i don’t remember writing down.)
all set? good, let’s get this show on the road i guess.
weird random shit it would have include(but is in no way limited too):
[background info/prologue?]
-Uther had wed a woman named Westenra(sounds pretty and i could not be bothered to look up his wife’s actual name. we’ll just say her real name is the one she used in a public setting). 
-first huge change, Wes is fae. (why? bc i said so.) Uther is fully aware of this and is loving it. “pretty lady and she could rip me apart without even lifting a finger?” 0////0 
(don’t get attached to this tho, they both die like 14 years before the story even starts.)
-unimportant fact #1: wes is like a foot and a half taller than Uther. none of this matters but it’s important to me you know this. okay back the mess of bullet point i called ‘plot relevant’
- royal couple with baby! two actually. yes big change two is Arthur and Morgan are twins and no other siblings. i like them the best, the others can be fae encountered later. maybe.  
-oh, and are like half fae too, i guess. (yay for drawing purposes bc pointy ears and tails! no i didn’t think through how Arthur’s gonna hide these traits for like 14 years, i’ll figure it out later)
-babies arrive, but oh no treason! 
-so the king’s dead now, that’s fun. kingdom get uspered (idk, pick a villain or make one up, all the same. will be referred to as King Man Person or KMP until further notice) 
-newborns get shunted off onto the closest loyal attendants for safe keeping, Wes promptly goes wrathful fae queen, wrecks shit, but gets mortally wounded. 
-she jams Uther’s sword (fancy wedding gift from the lady of the lake) in that churchyard rock, binding it to her bloodline so only the twins can wield it, takes husband’s body into a forest, whereupon she dies and the bodies turn into an oak tree bc magic i guess. 
-kids get pawned off to separate them (think the luke & leia, for their protection kinda thing) . the usual Ector adopts Arthur stuff. Morgan gets raised by the witches of Avalon. 
- time skip and we’re ready to actually start taking plot...
...in the next post. this one’s already really long.
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whitecrossgirl · 5 years
The Love of a Hero
AN: So I was watching the original Avengers movie yesterday and I got my latest AU idea. A cheesy Superhero AU with a Braime twist. I messaged @sassbewitchedmyass, knowing she would give the best encouragement and again, I thank her for letting me bounce my dumb AU ideas off her. I hope you like it.
“Have you seen this?” Jaime asked, waving the newspapers around. Each one had a different headline, a different act of heroism that had been performed by the city’s newest protector; their own real life superhero known only as the Blue Knight. For months now, different forms of crime in the city had been taken down by the Blue Knight; from drug runners, muggers and thieves to predators lurking in the night.
Of course, the biggest one was yesterday’s story. Queen Daenerys had been attending the opening of Parliament with the rest of the Large Council when someone in the crowd fired shots at her. Before Jaime or any of the other police, soldiers or bodyguards could even move; the Blue Knight had appeared from nowhere, deflecting the bullets against her own body armour. The would-be assassin, a half-deranged man named Euron Greyjoy, had promptly been arrested and was currently awaiting trial. Meanwhile, the Blue Knight had taken off as quickly as she had appeared, before anyone could speak to her or try to learn her identity.
They knew absolutely nothing about the Blue Knight. They only knew she was female, due to the few witness reports of both the criminals who she had taken down, or from the people she had saved. Aside from that, they knew absolutely nothing. They didn’t know her name, where she was from, whether she wasn’t human or someone who had had a genetic experiment gone wrong. The Blue Knight tended to work more at night and her nickname from the media came from the deep blue body armour she wore that covered her whole body and face. And although the police had to take a stance that vigilantism was legally wrong; they had to appreciate the help the Blue Knight had given to reduce the high crime in the city.
“Yes Jaime, I have seen them, you’ve been waving them in my face for ten minutes.” Brienne replied calmly, sipping as her mug of tea.
“It’s still so surreal. This city has an actual, real life superhero. This is like those movies I watched as a kid.” Jaime explained as he set one of the newspapers on the table. Brienne reached over to take the paper detailing the story about Queen Daenerys, looking at the photo of Blue Knight jumping in front of the queen, taking the bullet right in her body armour.
“Have you got any leads on who she is?” Brienne asked casually, examining the photo on the newsprint.
“Not yet, it’s not easy. Everyone wants to know who she is but at the same time, none of the witnesses can give us anything. Plus if someone does know, they’re not telling us.” Jaime replied, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I get it, a superhero needs to have a secret identity but I hate not knowing things.”
“I suppose that is the point of a secret identity.” Brienne agreed. “Are you working tonight?”
“Unfortunately.” Jaime retorted. He could think of better things that he could rather do on a Saturday night instead of patrolling around the nightclubs and bars of the town, dealing with drunken louts.
“Sounds like fun,” Brienne teased playfully as Jaime wandered off to take a shower before work. Once Jaime walked out of the room, Brienne picked up the newspaper and rolled her eyes skyward. Jaime was her best friend and he was one of the best police officers she knew.
But Gods bless him; he could be so clueless sometimes.
Later that evening, Jaime patrolled down the street with Bronn; trying to block out his colleague’s crass comments about the different clubbers and bar patrons as he kept his eye out for any suspicious behaviour. As Bronn and a few other officers rushed to stop a sudden brawl outside a chip shop, Jaime noticed a young woman with red hair being dragged into an alley. Jaime rushed after her and spotted the young woman being forcefully held against a wall but a trio of men.
“Hey, leave her alone!” Jaime called as the men rounded on him. The ringleader, pulled out a knife and charged at Jaime, who evaded the first attempt on him and managed to disarm the ringleader. However as he grabbed the knife, the second man took a running leap onto his back, raining punches onto Jaime’s back and head. Out of the corner of his eye, Jaime spotted the young woman rushing off to her friends who had found her at the end of the alleyway. The third man jumped into the fray and Jaime did his best to fight off the three men but being outnumbered three to one with his colleagues already dealing with another incident meant that he was taking far more hits than usual.
The men’s sudden yelling and a series of swings and thumps, informed Jaime that someone had come to help him. Wiping blood from his face and managing to subdue and handcuff one of the men; Jaime turned to see the other two chained up by someone in blue. Blue Knight.
“You’re her.” Jaime said as Blue Knight turned her head and leapt up onto a fire escape ladder as Bronn, clearly alerted by the redheaded girl and her friends, came into the alleyway with a pair of other officers. Jaime wanted to call for her to come back, but reminded himself that he needed to do his job first. After quickly relaying what had happened to Bronn and the other officers; Jaime watched them lead the three muggers out before he turned back to the fire escape.
Blue Knight had gone.
“Jumpy, aren’t you?” Blue Knight said in an amused tone, sitting cross-legged in the air behind Jaime, a few metres away from the dim light caused by the streetlights on the main road. Jaime jumped backwards and quickly corrected himself.
“Who are you?” Jaime asked and Blue Knight shook her head. “Everyone wants to know.”
“They can’t know.” Blue Knight replied. “People get hurt if they know.”
“We can protect them.” Jaime said without thinking and Blue Knight tilted her head.
“We?” Blue Knight repeated and Jaime felt his cheeks flush. If he was being honest with himself; he wasn’t just interested in Blue Knight because of her superpowers. Whoever she was, she was brave, strong, clever, loyal and clearly protective towards those who she cared about. Even though he had never seen her face, the sound of her voice gave him the impression of the most beautiful woman in the world to him. He liked that she both aided and frustrated the police; how she seemed to be a paradox of someone he knew and someone he had never met before.
“I can help protect them, protect you. You saved my life, let me help you.” Jaime offered but for the second time, Blue Knight shook her head and a moment of careless recklessness took over Jaime. He wanted to know her identity. There was also something else he wanted too.
“I can’t let you do that.” Blue Knight stated simply as Jaime stepped closer to her, touching her suit; it felt like Kelvar, lightweight, bullet proof, strong, a good choice. At his touch, she stopped floating and set her feet back on the ground. Jaime reached for where the neckline of the suit and mask met but her fingers closed over his.
“Don’t remove it.” Blue Knight requested in a whisper and Jaime felt his throat dry.
“Not all of it.” Jaime confirmed as he eased the mask upwards. In the dim light, he could only make out the edge of her chin and her lips before he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. Her lips were soft and firm and he could feel her hesitate for a moment before she kissed him back. Jaime wrapped his arms around her, feeling the strength of her muscles and the softness of her exposed neck. She was the one who deepened the kiss and Jaime responded to it eagerly. He could have stayed like this forever, nothing else seemed to exist except for the two of them, in this place, in this moment.
“Hey Lannister! Come the fuck on, will ya!”
Bronn’s blunt yell jerked Jaime back to reality and before he could say a word, Blue Knight had fixed her mask and flown up into the night. Jaime turned and wandered back towards Bronn, ignoring the comments his brash partner made; his mind racing with everything that had happened. Yes, he had been beaten and it did hurt but he had met Blue Knight, spoken to her, joked with her and kissed her. He still had no idea who she was but as he got patched up, for some reason Brienne came into his mind but Jaime dismissed that thought.
Brienne was his best friend in the whole world. They knew everything about each other. Plus she was the most honest person Jaime knew; there was no way she could hide anything, especially something as monumental as superpowers from him.
By the time Jaime finished his shift and arrived home, he was still in a minor daze as he walked into the house and found Brienne getting ready to leave for her morning run. She froze at the sight of the cuts and bruises on his face.
“What happened to you?” Brienne asked and Jaime shrugged.
“Just a few drunk idiots. You’ll never guess who helped me.” Jaime said as he went to the fridge and took out some juice.
“Who?” Brienne asked innocently.
“Blue Knight. She took down most of them and helped me out. She is as tough and a good a fighter as the news reports on her claim she is.” Jaime explained and Brienne looked at him curiously.
“Did you find out who she was? Now that you’ve actually seen her and spoke to her.” Brienne asked; she had prepared herself for this moment, how she would handle it when Jaime learnt the truth.
“No, she wouldn’t tell me. But I’m sure I’ll see her again and find out.” Jaime said and shrugged his shoulders. “Anyway, I’m off to bed. Have a good day.”
“You too,” Brienne said as she took her headphones and smiled to herself as she left the house. She had taken a risk last night, hanging around long enough to speak to Jaime. It was an even bigger risk letting him touch her mask; the biggest risk of all was kissing him. Still, it seemed for now, the risk had paid off. He still had no idea about the secrets she kept from him, indeed from the world. It had been the choice she made as she grew older and her powers developed, one she had affirmed when she had taken the mantle of Blue Knight. Nobody knew who she was and for now, it seemed it would seem that way.
Like she said, she loved Jaime to pieces but gods, he was an oblivious idiot.
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snowbellewells · 6 years
Knight in Training
Here comes another little one shot written looking into possibilities for Season 5 as we awaited it (and the trip to Camelot!) the summer before.  There’s some Captain Cobra, some Henry and grandpa Charming, some Captain Charming, and some fun with a Knight of the Round Table (They didn’t turn out quite how I imagined them!).  Emma is not actually in this one either, though she is their focus and certainly on all of their minds…  Next week, I’ll do some fics from seasons five and six (even though the show will technically be over and many of them were posted on Tumblr back when I first began). I’ve had a lot of fun with this reminiscing and didn’t want to stop quite yet.  Hope none of you will mind!
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“Knight in Training”
by: @snowbellewells  (TutorGirlml on ff.net)
           “On guard, Sir Knight,” Henry bows as he speaks, just as he has been taught, his voice steady and bold.  It reminds Killian and his grandpa Charming, who watch from the side of the practice ring, just how much the young man has matured in the past few months since Emma has been gone.  As if Henry hadn’t already been growing like a reed, coming up past both his mothers’ shoulders and his child’s voice gradually deepening, it is now obvious in his very bearing and the hard won wisdom in his youthful gaze.
           They are standing in the shadow of King Arthur’s famed castle in Camelot, and the young prince, son of both the Evil Queen and the Savior, is facing off against Sir Bedivere of the Round Table in a friendly practice bout.  The tall behemoth of a man is considered one of the best with a blade Arthur has at his disposal – after only Lancelot and Gawain – yet he has also proved kindly and welcoming to the newcomers in his ruler’s kingdom seeking Merlin.  Though he would not have had to show such hospitality, nor take of his own time to help them acclimate to this realm and entertain them as they wait for some sign of Emma, Merlin, or the next step on their quest, Bedivere has done so.  It hasn’t taken long for Henry to take a liking to this gentle giant either. Emma’s son, with his love of the classic tales and awe over valiant heroes, has befriended each of Arthur’s knights in turn upon meeting them.  Still, the boy seems especially fond of gallant, soft spoken but wise, Bedivere.
The man’s strength and skill have proven the perfect thing to distract Henry from missing his mother and growing ever more worried the longer they have no course of action or any way to find out how Emma is.  Taking up the lessons David had started with his grandson long ago, Henry blossoms under the tutelage of an actual knight of the Round Table, proving as quick and agile as Killian himself, the pirate thinks ruefully as he watches their scrimmage.  He is also as resourceful, daring, and scrappy as his street smart mother. Killian wonders briefly if Henry will eventually pass the success as a fighter of both his former princely teacher and his current tutor.  The more he sees, the more the Captain feels that – if the situation called for it desperately enough – Henry would be willing to scrap the courtly manners that constrain both his grandfather and the knight and fight dirty if he must – as he himself would, and as Emma would too, for that matter.
           Still, Bedivere proves a worthy adversary – despite his traditional methods and style.  Thrusting forward on the offensive, he pushes Henry back once more, managing the balance between challenging the novice swordsman yet not threatening the young man’s safety, thoroughly impressing Killian as he observes. He is equally thrilled to see the natural aptitude his Swan’s boy possesses, and Henry’s confidence growing. Right before their eyes, bringing the pirate back to the present, Henry swiftly launches his own assault.  Having only retreated a few steps, the youth charges forward, slashing a strong blow across the knight’s blade and countering Bedivere’s attack.
           The much larger man rears back for a moment, truly taken by surprise, and then nods encouragement, clearly pleased with his pupil. He swings his heavy broadsword once more.  This time, however, Henry is clearly ready and not willing to relinquish his advantage. He doesn’t step back, but instead dodges, then dips, still traveling forward, but sliding effortlessly to a knee and striking upwards, under the thrust of the grown knight’s weapon.
           Charming whoops in delight at seeing his grandson score a point so definitively, proceeding to tap the point of his sword on the chest plate of Bedivere’s armor before he stands and resets to start again. Killian simply cannot stop the broad grin he feels splitting his face wide with unrestrained glee.  That move was not only skillful and effective; it bucked traditional form and decorum, and it was more than a bit reckless. Henry had made a true pirate strike if Killian ever saw one, and it gives the Captain a ridiculous amount of reassurance to see Henry willing to do what he must to survive.  He will need that with the danger in his world and the family to which he belongs.
           It is just then that they hear Regina’s voice ring out over the courtyard, calling them in to wash up for the evening meal, her tone brooking no refusal.  Killian knows the former villainess had hesitated to let Henry take up sword fighting practice in the first place, and they also know better than to antagonize her, no matter how much she has reformed herself.  Glancing up the rolling hill to the drawbridge where Regina stands, Roland Hood at her side, clutching to her skirts and gazing up at her adoringly, they wave to let her know they’ve heard and bring Henry’s lesson to a stop.  
           “We’d better not keep everyone in the dining hall waiting, guys,” David says good naturedly, hopping down from his seat on the fence, and beckoning them to follow with the assured grace of the ruler he is.
           Bedivere and Henry bow to each other and sheath their blades. As they turn, however, Killian sees the invigorated glint of exertion and pride in Henry’s eyes.  The lad’s brown gaze sweeps across and connects with Killian’s mischievously, grinning as if he knows what his mother’s True Love is thinking.  Perhaps that bit of piracy his Emma possesses has been passed on to her son.  Henry winks as if he has heard every word Killian thought, nods his head in the Captain’s direction, and dashes ahead of them up to the castle.  
           As he follows, Killian cannot help feeling a bit of a spring in his own step.  That glimmering look of triumph and just a bit of naughty fun on Henry’s face had been all Swan.  The lad reminds him more of Emma with every passing day; the more he gets to know the young prince, the more it holds true.  Emma’s boy is quite the plucky fighter, and that serves to give the pirate hope. Henry carries that spark of fire from his mother, and somewhere out there, Killian has to believe that his love is still fighting as well, still holding on until they can see her again.
***One last author’s note: I wasn’t sure which knight to have befriend Henry and continue his sword training, but when I started researching the different knights of Arthur’s circle, Bedivere stood out as a very interesting choice.  Not only is he often written as the one who eventually threw Excalibur back into the lake as Arthur was taken to Avalon, but he was looked at as one of Arthur’s best fighters and most loyal followers. Though I didn’t know a lot about him, and we certainly don’t hear of him as much as ones like Lancelot, Percival, etc.  He is also often described as being exceptionally tall, strong, handsome, and interestingly enough, one-handed – just like a certain dashing pirate we all know and love.  I was hoping to work that into the story in some way but it just wouldn’t fit smoothly in the one shot I ended up with.  As it turned out, we didn’t get to see Bedivere on the show, but that’s how he got the supporting role in this little piece!
Tagging a few folks who might like this: @whimsicallyenchantedrose @kmomof4 @hollyethecurious @linda8084 @jackieorioncat @jennjenn615 @drowned-dreamer @laschatzi @ilovemesomekillianjones @spartanguard @revanmeetra87 @branlovesouat @searchingwardrobes @celestial-fire-writer @bmbbcs4evr @capswantrue @psymplemind @ohmakemeahercules
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