#at this point im just excited to Not have my entire room except essentials packed up in boxes. it has been a LONG few months šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
br1ghtestlight Ā· 9 months
i was dumb and misread a tenancy agreement as a rental application when i was signing it (which i would have signed anyway but it speeds the process up a bit lmao) so NOW im almost definitely moving into an apartment with my sister on march 1st which is exciting!! big things to come!!! bob's burgers calenders to hang etc
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kyanmaaaa Ā· 6 years
i told my bro abt this dream and hes just like why are your dreams so dark (so like, tw for this one)
but honestly i didnt really consider this dark it was oddly beautiful if scary. im going to fill in parts with what i think could have happened there but im also not going to include the details for what the room looked like in every scene besides whats neccassary, cause this was so vivid i could try to describe to you what each PERSON looked like and people usually dont even have faces in my dreams!
its still long so heres a read more
beginning of the dream im walking home at dusk and im coming from a direction i almost nvr walk, except for when its halloween. so it may have been halloween in my dream, the sunset is a beautiful BRIGHT orange and its on the side of my house rather than behind like it usually is but thats a minor detail.
cause around the house behind mine theres a very strange cloud formation, much lower than i usually see clouds and its not foggy but its just, theres clouds wrapped around the house except for the front and the wall just goes up and up and up to the top and slightly past the house. paired with the sunset i think thats really beautiful so i take some pics with my phone and go closer just to see how close i can get before the clouds disappear and then iā€™ll go home
i didnt get to go home, the clouds wrapped fully around the house and a strong, something, stopped me from leaving. also there was like an evil to/riel so she mighta been the one doing that
next part of the dream kinda jumps around so ill have to infer some parts but essentially the house changes from the building ive seen there for you know, my entire life, to a small dark wooden mansion. also muffet is there and guess what she ALSO sucks. and then theres this bitch blond haired human pony tail man and hes dumb and i dont like him. im not allowed to leave and im kinda enslaved i guess (my bro called me a prisoner with a job when i told him and it was stupid funny). muffets off on a job after i get settled in there and i dont know what happens to make me so submissive considering the next part of the dream focuses on another servant but whatever they did was REALLY REALLY BAD cause at every point after this im terrified of fucking up and ive pretty much given up on getting out.
this next part was more of a flashback sequance that happened later but for ease of reading im going to add it here instead. first other servant i meet is a beautiful large green shiny beetle man, seriously hes gorgeous and so well spoken and kind. when he was brought into the house he was introduced as just a regular human man, still as beautiful as ever tho, was hired to play piano for a party. as hes fiddling away with the keys though if you looked around you could see bright shiny green and gold strings just, laying flat against the wall, piano, his suit, etc. turns out those were his beetle wings but stretched out and distorted and at this point hes discovered cause to the untrained eye those look like decorations, but its how his kind disguises themselves. cause he can change his entire appearance except for his wings, so they have to try and hide their wings in the environment around them.
they didnt like him lying but it was calm at first. muffet invites him to a small welcoming dinner, just for a chat. they share a platter of food on one plate, partly meat, but most of whats facing him is just a lot of rice packed into a line. he slowly pecks away at that as he carries a polite conversation with muffet, but nvr touches the other side of the food. after hes abt halfway through it she asks ā€œWhy arenā€™t you trying the other food deary?ā€ and he responds ā€œI wasnā€™t sure if I was allowed to Miss.ā€ and has a bite.
after whatevers in that food kicks in he keels over in pain and she makes it very clear how things go in this house. he listens, he does not act without being told to, and if he ever tries to pull a stunt like that again heā€™ll be dead. ā€œAm I clear deary?ā€
since he was there before i was some times passed since that happened. hes currently being punished by mr asshole blond ponytail man and his punishment is all of his meals are very plain. just rice and unseasoned meat. the chef clearly put effort into each platter tho as theyve been shaped into increasingly elaborate shapes the longer the punishment lasts. im not quite sure why this is a punishment? maybe beetle man isnt getting all the nutrients he needs and thats harder for his kind, perhaps he has a taste for good food and this is just the most the ponytail dude can get away with as a punishment since muffets in charge of the house, or maybe its meant to bring up bad memories of when he first came here.
this next parts, really foggy
back to me and muffets talking to someone through a large portal in the room? plans are made abt making humans lose hope and wiping out humanity. the vegan next to me is very excited abt this and comments on it and im just like, bro, that would be super bad for the earth and also immoral? and shes like oh right. at some point i befriend a guy even tho we hated each other at first but heā€™s moved elsewhere after some time
time skip to muffet informing me that due to my most recent mistake my family is going to be killed. at this point im just sick of it iā€™ve been here for months im miserable im lonely, i miss my family im just kinda, unstable
really unstable
im shouting at her if shes going to off my family she has to kill me too cause i cant live knowing theyre dead because of me or live without them, just sobbing, kill me, please just kill me i cant stay here anymore she sends me to my room and i pass by my beetle friend but neither of us says anything, also passed by some buff monster but its irrelevant. i dont go to my room instead im just looking through hallway after hallway, opening a storage closet and just trying to find SOMETHING to work with because yeah im miserable, yeah this is probably going to backfire but you do NOT. FUCK. WITH MY FAMILY! so i have to leave. i dont care if this might kill me i have to get out of there with whatever the hell i can find. what i find is two deflated balloons with little plastic bits inside that when u press a button they light up and im like OKAY maybe i, maybe me and beetle man can use this to signal to each other! thats great i can do this i can. i think i may have been crying and laughing here after my exploring Im hiding behind a sofa in a room in the furthest corner of the house cradling my little weird balloon bundle, just trying to find space to think. im safe because u cant see me from the door and the blinds on the window are drawn already. it feels like i havent seen the outside in a while remember how i said i was really unstable? this felt completely real in the dream so maybe it was real due to dream logic, but it feels like desperation in hindsight. i clicked both of the balloon lights on and realized i could use it as a phone! i need to call mom i miss her so much. so i do and she goes honey where are you? and im just crying and saying i love you, i love you so much im okay mom, its okay, and shes like are you at school??? and i just turn into a mess. at this point i look through the sheer curtains on the window and notice my brother driving a really tall truck moving some construction supplies. it sucks that hes here too but im just so happy to see him even if i know i cant talk to him. maybe if they dont find out weā€™re related heā€™ll be okay and then i leave the mansion, and i run. nothing here is familiar. im somewhere in the woods. i try to run to the front and see all of the construction workers there making something, but besides all the people somehow the dirt is just, this sheer cliff up up and up in front of the place. so i run to the back and try to get through the barrier around the place. i think i do but its not exactly easy. i fought off a possessed wild boar, but it was the size you think a pig would be, so like a medium sized dog, it just tried to bite me and while it hurt i just hit it til it stayed down long enough for me to bolt after im some distance away, further into the forest on a wide path i meet a human whos instantly on guard to fight me. i spray paint in his eyes and then run on i meet a strange human on the same path and he smirks at me and puts paper in front of his eyes to stop my tactic. i go hey fuck it maybe the fumes will disorient him and spray and his magic stops the paint in mid air and im like dude that is SICK, before he flings it back at me
i dont know how but i beat him too but the next part of the dream im finally somewhere residential, houses along the water, its a warm but not too warm day, light breeze, so all in and beautiful. i feel like im seeing and breathing freely and clearly for the first time in, i dont even know how long. its bright and while i know i have to run im just going to keep running, im free for now.
i use my little balloon contraption and call up my mom again now that im somewhere im positive no one will hear me. i tell her im sorry but i cant go home, that this is likely goodbye, and i cant guarantee ill get out of this alive but itā€™s okay. i love you so much. and she has to leave too. i stress this. she has to leave, cut all ties, cut all things that could trace you and get out of there.Ā 
and then my alarm woke me up
its hard to explain why some sections of this dream were so scary, just the feeling of wrongness, isolation, powerlessness, and just some distant pain that i dont know what it was. it felt like the longer i was there the more my world was ending
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avecorviidae Ā· 5 years
Fic: Aubade - Chapter One
Fandom: Mob Psycho 100 Rating: M Relationship(s): Kageyama Ritsu/Suzuki Shou Word Count: 4196
Ao3 Link
Ritsu takes the overnight train from Grain City. His mother had told him to take the day train, given that they both knew he wouldnā€™t sleep on the ride home, and it would be better for him to arrive in the evening and go straight to bed, instead of arriving at dawn and spending all day trying not to fall asleep. She was probably right, but Ritsu was more or less an insomniac anyways, and night trains tended to be far less crowded, so. If he didnā€™t have to sit anywhere near a small, loud child, it would all be worth it.
He leans against a stone pillar on the platform and waits for the train to pull in. Despite the heavy summer air, the stone is cool at his back, seeping into his t-shirt and providing a pleasant contrast to the hot coffee in his hand. It should be cooling down a little soon, he thinks, staring at the sky, painted in soft pinks and oranges that darken into a deep red where the sun has disappeared behind some distant mountains. He cranes his head in the other direction to see where inky blue is starting to appear on the horizon, fading abruptly into the soft light of the sunset in broad strokes. It reminds him of the time he and Mob had found their motherā€™s watercolours when they were little, and decided to ā€˜decorateā€™ Ritsuā€™s bedroom walls. He spots a couple of white pinpricks in the distance, and distracts himself with trying to figure out if theyā€™re stars or planes until the train pulls into the station, stopping at the platform with a shuddering sigh.
The only other people who would take an overnight train all the way to Seasoning City are a small crowd of salarymen making a commute for work, and Ritsu is infinitely thankful that they all seem to be as tired and antisocial as he is, because he finds himself alone in a passenger car aside from one dead-eyed guy in a suit who sits as far away from Ritsu as heā€™s physically able. Ritsu dumps his backpack onto the seats across from him and sits down, careful to hold his coffee steady as the train starts to pull out. Heā€™s found that he can usually pack light when heā€™s going home for breaks, so his backpack just has the essentials. His wallet, phone charger, laptop, toiletries, a couple of books, a jacket, and some clean underwear are all he really needs to grab. While he knows that his brotherā€™s old bedroom has been converted into a sewing room of sorts since he moved out, his mother has been loathe to change Ritsuā€™s room at all, so all of his clothes and such will still be waiting for him at home.
He settles back in his seat and lets himself stare out of the window as the train speeds up, until the station and the outskirts of Grain City fades away and the landscape turns into an indistinct blur. After a while, he remembers to pull out his phone.
TO: SHIGEO Got on the train, I should get into town early tomorrow
His phone buzzes with a response about a minute later.
FROM: SHIGEO Ok, be safe! You should try to get some sleep :0 If you tell me when youre getting close, me and Teru can pick you up at the station
TO: SHIGEO Im going to get here pretty early, youll probably still be asleep But thanks You should sleep too, ill see you tomorrow
FROM: SHIGEO Ok, see you!! <3
Ritsu wrestles with his pride for a few moments before sending back a ā€˜<3ā€™ and shoving his phone back in his pocket.
He lets himself sit for another while, sipping on his drink and grimacing. Eugh. Cheap train station coffee is only tolerable while itā€™s too hot to taste. Still, heā€™s spent money on this, so heā€™s committed now. Nightā€™s fallen quickly, and now when he looks out of his window, all he can see is murky blue, and the vague lights of some buildings in a city off in the distance. Theyā€™re just far enough outside of the city that Ritsu thinks he might be able to see the stars, except that the glare from the thin LED strips above the window is reflecting off of the glass too much to see anything but his own face.
A chill settles over the compartment. Not a bad one, or a particularly ominous one, but without the sunlight, the speed of the train and the air conditioning is enough to make him shiver in his thin shirt, reach over to grab a hoodie from his bag.
He shouldnā€™t leave himself alone with his thoughts, he knows, even as he continues to stare off at nothing. Heā€™s notoriously introspective at this time of night, and he knows heā€™ll work himself into a panic if he just starts thinking, about this past year and himself and what he even wants to doā€¦ He shakes himself out of it. Come on, dumbass. Youā€™ve got ten hours in here, letā€™s make it past the ten minute mark without dealing with this again. He should distract himself. Read, or play on his phone, or something, but as per usual, he canā€™t really bring himself to drag himself out of his daze. Itā€™s an oddly comforting feeling, his mind retreating to the point that he barely feels real, like nothing actually exists in the pitch black beyond the window.
Time passes haphazardly, like itā€™s having trouble squeezing into the stale air of the compartment. His eyes lazily trace patterns on the ugly fabric of the chair across from him for what feels like minutes but could be hours, and despite the caffeine, he finds himself nodding forward, eyes blurring and drifting shut. By the other door, the nondescript businessman has pulled out his laptop and has been typing something for an indeterminate amount of time, and he latches onto the steady tap tap tap tap of the keys, the rapid taptaptaptap when heā€™s hitting the backspace, turns it into white noise in his mind that blocks out his actual thoughts.
He almost, almost jumps when his phone vibrates in his pocket again. FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) yo r u awake
TO: YOUR FAVORITE ;) Yes. what do you want, shou? FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) omg why r u up its like fuck in the morning s l e e p anyways teru says ur on ur way back to seasoning u didnt drop out right
He squints at the text, momentarily confused, until a glance at his phoneā€™s clock informs him that itā€™s almost one in the morning. He mustā€™ve actually fallen asleep for a while. He has a sneaking suspicion that the businessman over there has a very, very close deadline.
TO: YOUR FAVORITE ;) I told you what date i was coming back home a month ago. You know. When i planned this trip. Shockingly, shou, college students get summer break too.
FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) i was busy!!!! i forgot!!!!!! how long r u in town :3
TO: YOUR FAVORITE ;) Two weeks. Im just dropping by to see my family and sleep for a while, really.
FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) and get a haircut
TO: YOUR FAVORITE ;) And get a haircut.
FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) anyways it is like 1 am u should be sleeping
TO: YOUR FAVORITE ;) So should you. Iā€™m on a train, whatā€™s your excuse?
Ritsu snorts quietly. Stunning argumentation as always, Suzuki.
He wonders absently if Shou will be around. Heā€™d stayed a couple of cities over for high school, but heā€™d started travelling as soon as theyā€™d graduated. Apparently, thereā€™d been some overseas business of his fatherā€™s that he had to take care of now that he was eighteen, so Ritsu hasn't seen him at all this last year, even during Christmas break. It hadnā€™t stopped Shou from texting him almost nonstop, however, regardless of different timezones. He wonders if Shouā€™s even in the country right now. Is it really worth it to get his hopes up, though? Heā€™s already excited to see his brother, and Teru and Reigen, and his parents, so thereā€™s no point in being disappointed if Shou has business elsewhere. Theyā€™re not kids anymore, itā€™s stupid of him to expect Shou to drop whatever obligations or responsibilities he might have to show up in Seasoning City, just to see Ritsu.
His phone buzzes with a new message.
FROM: YOUR FAVORITE ;) hey do u know if ur mom still makes those rlly nice weird caramel cookie things i miss them deeply almost as much as i miss ur dumb face ive almost forgotten what ur angry frown looks like
He pauses at the front door, hand resting on the doorknob.
Auras are stillā€¦ interesting, to Ritsu. Even despite six or so years of being able to use his powers, he still doesnā€™t really get the buzzing frequencies of energy that roll off of espers in waves, resonating with something in the back of his mind, like plucking on a violin string pulled too tight. Heā€™d eventually gotten used to peopleā€™s auras, of course. His brotherā€™s, heā€™d grown up with. Teruā€™s was a brainfreeze and a burn all at once, a rush of blood to the head that was strange, but not entirely unpleasant. Shouā€™s was, well. Shou. He hadnā€™t realized that places had auras as well. Standing in front of his house, though, he can feel it enveloping him like a blanket right out of the dryer, can feel it in the strange places that his powers seem to manifest, climbing in pinpricks up his arms and heavy at the roof of his mouth, raising the hairs on the back of his neck. Itā€™s achingly, painfully familiar, and itā€™s only been a year, but he hadnā€™t realized how much heā€™d missed living in a place thatā€™s lived and breathed psychic powers, thatā€™s still imbued with them despite both of its resident espers moving out, and this house feels like home.
Mob is on him almost before heā€™s through the door, arms wrapped tightly enough around his shoulders to knock the breath out of him. Mob is only a few inches taller than him, but Ritsu is still struck with the feeling of being encompassed by his brother, and it feels in a sense similar to the aura of their house, but thereā€™s something different, something uniquely Mob about it.
Ritsu lets himself enjoy it, hooking his chin over Mobā€™s shoulder so that he can return the hug without getting crushed completely. ā€œHey, Nii-san, what are you doing here?ā€ He should be at his own apartment, theoretically. After all, itā€™s not like he has a bed here anymore.
Mob loosens his grip on Ritsu enough to take a step back and look him in the eyes. He beams at him a moment before his smile is dampened a little by sheepishness. ā€œAh, well. We thought weā€™d spend the night so that we could be here when you arrived.ā€ Ritsu has a moment to think ā€˜Weā€™? before Teru appears in the front hallway, weird hair and atrocious green sweater and all. ā€œHey, Little Brother!ā€ he calls out with a wave, before weaving around Mob to give Ritsu a hug of his own. ā€œDonā€™t call me that,ā€ he scolds, whacking him on the back of the head even as heā€™s letting Teru try his damndest to squeeze him to death.
Teru and Mob have set up a fairly impressive pillow nest on the couch, and the TV is still on low volume, the tail end of some competitive cooking show marathon. That was a ā€˜thing,ā€™ with these two, for some reason that Ritsu couldnā€™t understand. They just tended to be stupid competitions with stupid people whoā€™d decided to embarrass themselves on television. Mob had told him it was ā€œkind of stressful, but Teruki likes it, so itā€™s alright,ā€ while Teru called it a ā€œvaluable bonding experienceā€. Ritsu wonders, sometimes, if all people in relationships are this weird, or if itā€™s just these two.
Once Ritsu has sneaked past his parentsā€™ room and dumped his bag in his (as predicted, completely unchanged) room, he collapses onto the sofa with them, infinitely grateful for a chair that wasnā€™t actively trying to murder his back. For the rest of the train ride back, heā€™d had the good sense to shove another hoodie in between his neck and the window, and it had served as a pillow well enough, but God, his neck was killing him. Well, at least heā€™d come out of it better off than the businessman, whoā€™d walked off of the train with an imprint of a keyboard on his forehead. Teru curls the other end of the sofa and Mob sits in the middle between them, pulling a pillow into his lap. Ritsu flops down with his head on it, scooching around until heā€™s mostly comfortable.
The silence that falls over the room is drowsy and comfortable, despite the muffled screaming coming from the television set. He knows that when his parents wake up in a few hours, thereā€™ll be a barrage of hugs and wet kisses and questions about his school and his dorm and his grades and his friends, and a thousand other things that had always seemed so important this last year, when they took up every waking moment of his time, but thinking back now, feel so minuscule and pointless, just part of the drivel of everyday life. So for now, heā€™s content to let his eyes glaze over until the light from the TV fades into a blue haze that fills the room and lulls him into a sense of nothingness. He must fall into that grey area between asleep and awake, because at some point he becomes aware that Mob and Teru are talking, but he only catches snippets, keeps drifting off too much to follow the flow of the conversation. He catches, ā€œ-opening up the office this week? Shishou saidā€¦ā€ from his brother, and something like ā€œUgh, please, no,ā€ from Teru. Mob comments at some point on Ritsu falling asleep, and heā€™s not, not quite, but heā€™s also not nearly awake enough to dispute the fact. The only time he properly wakes up is when he feels Teruā€™s socked toes poking his head, playing with his hair. ā€œ-have got to cut this,ā€ heā€™s saying, and his voice is soft and syrupy-slow, so Ritsu guesses heā€™s not too far off from sleep himself. ā€œI mean, I know heā€™s got college and everything, but would it kill him to buy a pair of scissors?ā€ Ritsu attempts to respond, but he all that comes out of his mouth is a series of jumbled word-sounds that are half-muffled by the cushion in his face, so he has to take a moment to blink himself awake and reorient himself before he can mumble, ā€œI did trim it.ā€ Itā€™s not his fault if his hair is gravityā€™s natural enemy. And sure, he could actually get himself a proper haircut in between breaks, but in his defense, he doesnā€™t have to pay Teru.
ā€œThis is it trimmed? Iā€™m actually scared to imagine you growing it out.ā€
Ritsu makes a noncommittal hmm noise, just for the sake of acknowledging that something was said. He blinks slowly at the wall on the other side of the room, having to take a moment to remember where, exactly, he is. The TV has been turned off at some point, so the only light in the living room is coming from the windows, whatever muted grey light has managed to slip above the horizon and filter through the clouds. Itā€™s not quite dawn yet, Ritsu thinks, but it will be soon. He thinks he could probably get up now, maybe should get up, and weighs the option in his mind. Pros: good coffee and food in the kitchen. Actually being awake at a normal time to talk to everyone today. Cons: this sofa is very comfortable and warm. He manages to make himself turn his head to look up, and sees that above him, his brother is either already asleep, or most of the way there. Listening carefully, he can hear Teruā€™s breathing shift into something thatā€™s just a little too close to snoring to be conscious. The movement, however small, makes something twist in his stomach and crawl up his throat, the weird sort of nausea that screams too early! Waaaaay too early! Well, if nobody else is awakeā€¦
He actually, properly, really wakes up to the sound of his mother talking, and the smell of something sweet filling the house.
ā€œShigeo, close the bedroom doors, or the whole house will smell like cinnamon!ā€ Teru shouts back, ā€œYou say that like itā€™s a bad thing!ā€ and Ritsu hadnā€™t realized that Teru was still on the sofa with him, so it almost scares him out of his skin. He feels toes poking at his head again, sharper jabs than earlier, and he has to take a moment to admire his brotherā€™s willingness to compromise in a relationship, because really, even on a sofa, who sleeps in their socks? Teruā€™s voice is gentle when he speaks, as if he hadnā€™t just bellowed halfway across the house. ā€œHey, Ritsu, you should wake up. Your mom is making breakfast.ā€ Ritsu rolls onto his back, groaning and blinking blearily at the ceiling as he listens to the distant sound of the bedroom doors shutting. Mob has somehow extracted himself from under Ritsu at some point, because his head is a lot lower than he remembers, and he can hear his voice from somewhere else in the house. Not loud enough to catch what heā€™s saying, but gentle and distinct enough to identify it as him. His motherā€™s response is drowned out by the clattering sound of a pan or a pot in the sink, but heā€™s guessing that Mob mustā€™ve been sent to fetch them, because Ritsu hears, orā€¦ wait, no, more senses him approaching. Heā€™s always had a little bit of trouble distinguishing his psychic sense from his physical ones when first waking up. Heā€™s staring, eyes half-lidded, at a little dark speck on the off-white ceiling, so he can only really see a vague idea of Mobā€™s location as he comes up to the back of the sofa, leaning over to speak quietly to Teru. ā€œIs he awake?ā€ ā€œI think so? His eyes are certainly open, but that doesnā€™t mean much with him, does it?ā€ Mob laughs softly, more of a quick exhale than anything. ā€œNot really. Iā€™m setting the table. Iā€™ll come and get you when itā€™s done.ā€ He canā€™t be certain, but heā€™s pretty sure that Mob just leaned down to drop a kiss on Teruā€™s head, so he does his duty as a little brother and makes a face. Itā€™s brattish, sure, and above his maturity level by far. He likes Teru quite a bit, and theyā€™ve had mature, adult conversations in which Ritsu described in precise detail exactly what he would do to Teru if he ever hurt his brother intentionally, but, well. He did just finish his first year of college, so heā€™s reserving the right to be childish and annoying at least once. He leans his head back until he can make eye contact with Teru and stick his tongue out. Teru, smug bastard that he is, just raises an eyebrow and says, ā€œAh, I guess he is awake.ā€
Mob, still leaning over the back of the sofa, beams at him. ā€œRitsu! Morning. Thereā€™s French toast, are you hungry?ā€ He hadnā€™t really noticed until this exact moment, but holy shit, he is starving. Sure enough, as soon as he steps foot near the dining table, his mother and father are all over him. He manages to get through his motherā€™s almost violent physical affection with minimal injuries, just by virtue of being much taller than her. His fatherā€™s bear hug, on the other hand, is a whole other ordeal. Still, he finds himself sat at the dining table with a plate in front of him, with Mob on his left, and Teru sat on the short end to his right. Despite quite a bit of it being about him, most of the conversation seems to pass right over his head, with Teru and his brother fending off most of his parentsā€™ questions. Most of them seem to be just for the sake of chatting during breakfast, seeing as they already know what his roommates are like, how he likes his professors, and how he did on his finals. His mother had made a habit of calling him at least once every week while he was away, ā€œjust to check inā€. It always feels like family dinners with Teru and his parents should be unspeakably awkward. Sure, his parents seemā€¦ okay with Mob and Teru, at least to their faces, although they seem convinced that either Teru and Mob are just really good friends, or that Mob is eventually going to get over this ā€œphase of hisā€ and marry that nice Takane girl heā€™d gone to school with. Bad enough that heā€™s not even going to school, heā€™d overheard his father say once, without this nonsense on top of everything else.
Still, Teru has something of an irresistible personality, a natural charm that has only grown under Reigenā€™s watchful eye. A single sentence and a sweeping gesture could enrapture a whole room, and he could talk you out of your life savings and leave you thanking him for it. Turning up the charm for his boyfriendā€™s parents is hardly any effort at all. Spirits and Such is lucky to have him. Ritsu is certainly grateful for the way Teru sends his parentsā€™ questions flying back at them with a smile, leaving Ritsu to work his way through his toast and gulp down coffee until he feels at least marginally alive.
It also doesnā€™t hurt Teruā€™s case that he insists on helping to clear the table, and offers to do the dishes until Ritsuā€™s mother actually kicks him out of the kitchen.
Ritsuā€™s still feeling a little hazy; Shou has described jetlag to him, and although he knows it has to do with timezones, heā€™s starting to think it might also be a general lethargy that comes with travelling long distances. Still, heā€™s awake enough to thank his mother for breakfast, and walk through to help Teru and Mob to fold up just about every blanket in the house, and put them back in their rightful places. Ritsu ends up with an old fluffy blanket piled in his hands, bright green with little cows printed on it, and heā€™s already halfway through the door to Mobā€™s old room before he remembers that thereā€™s no bedroom in here anymore. He squints at the makeshift studio, trying to recall what it had looked like before Mob had moved out. The bed had been by the closetā€¦ No, theyā€™d moved it so it was by the window eventually, so he could keep it open during the summer. His desk had been replaced by a bigger one, with an old-looking sewing machine plugged in on top of it. He feels like the room had been so much bigger when his brother had been in it, although, admittedly, he hadnā€™t had much stuff to fill it with. Now, between the desk, the piles of fabric heaped around the room, theā€¦ well, he assumes theyā€™re quiltsā€¦ it feels cluttered. Unfamiliar, certainly. Where did this stuff even come from? I donā€™t recognize any of it. ā€œRitsu?ā€ Mobā€™s voice snaps him out of his thoughts, and he makes his way quickly back to the living room, pausing to shove the blanket into a hall closet as he passes. Teru starts speaking to him as soon as heā€™s in the room, even as heā€™s simultaneously typing on his phone at a frankly alarming speed. ā€œOi, Ritsu. Weā€™re not opening the office this week, but we should probably head over there later today. That way, you can see Da- uh, Reigen, and Iā€™ll take care of your hair quickly. Get it over with, you know? We can go out to lunch and stuff afterwards.ā€ That last bit strikes Ritsu has odd, said with a tone thatā€™s just barely on-edge, Ā like Teru thinks he needs some incentive to go out with them. Still, it probably doesnā€™t really matter. Heā€™s probably just trying to think of a way to get Ritsu to agree to eat at one of the bizarre, alleged ā€˜restaurantsā€™that he seems to frequent. So, Ritsu sits down on the sofa beside Teru, saying, ā€œYou just canā€™t stand to look at my bangs falling in my face anymore.ā€ Teru neither confirms nor denies, just keeps typing, which is enough of an admission in itself. ā€œYeah, sure, sounds like a plan. I just need to shower and stuff first.ā€ Teru nods. ā€œYeah, Mobā€™s already getting ready. I was thinking we set off in, oh, forty-five minutes?ā€ ā€œAlright.ā€
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