#at some point I should really just spam divulge
incoherrant · 10 months
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Some Fang. A portrait that I'm strongly considering for a discord avatar, and Sabrink standing guard cheekily.
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prodeux101 · 3 years
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tune in for another thrilling episode of naver’s NOW tonight at 8pm kst!  tonight’s guest is none other than a known personality among the media—from influential figures like politicians, actors, musicians and tapping into the idol industry’s pool of talents with her knack for productions, here’s song sumin from dual productions! 
이제 막 시작했어요! 8시에 시작해요!  #네이버NOW 
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host: now that we’ve covered the ice breakers and introduced you to the listeners, let’s delve into something deeper. you’ve been in the scene for around.. 6-7 years, right? 
sumin: that’s right, yes. i started in 2014. (nods) 
host: was it difficult at the beginning? or did you already know people in the industry before then? 
sumin: there were internships and i applied to the companies i liked and thought i could flourish in. i had a few setbacks but i eventually landed a spot in dual and worked my way up. 
host: you certainly went up, up, up with that. look at you. you could be the face of dual at this point. (the screen flashes images of sumin representing the company in several events like movie premieres and product launches)
sumin: that’s too much. hah, hello to our boss! director kangmin! (waves at a camera on the left but the host then guides her on which camera to look at) thank you for letting me go on this show. i am grateful. i won’t let you down. 
host: thank you so much, kangmin-nim. (slow claps) wah, we have to send him a gift basket for letting us kidnap your most precious employee. (does a full 90-degree bow while the staff members can be heard chuckling)  
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host: you have a long list of powerful people linked to your name. one of which is son jihye. world-class prima ballerina. ah.. you two even had a photoshoot once a year ago. you seem to be the best of friends. (screen shows a-cuts of the photoshoot held in the past) how did that shoot feel like? 
sumin: it was just like this- 
host: like this? 
sumin: it’s a bit nerve-wracking for me. i’m so used to being behind the cameras that it’s more comfortable. being on the spotlight takes some getting used to. but for that shoot, jihye helped in making me comfortable.  
host: it looked so good. i hope you get more opportunities for shoots like this. (shows a copy of the magazine and flips it right to the centerpage so that the camera can focus on the couple shots widespread and collated on different pages) there’s people you’ve worked with and some people you know around the industry. care to name five people you know but not a lot probably do? unexpected names, perhaps? 
sumin: ah- okay. hm. jennie! from gentle monster and nieeh.. we’ve known each other for a long time. we sometimes travel too! our last trip was last year, we went to europe. second one would be- ah, have you heard of.. kim hanbin? 
host: jennie, wow.. big name in the fashion in dustry. (makes a count using their fingers) ah, BØRNH8R hanbin?! or is this a different hanbin. the idol? or..
sumin: yes! him! we’ve only been introduced to each other recently. he’s a chill guy, definitely worth all the praise. we meet similar faces and we bump into each other so it was easy to befriend..
host: alright, that’s two! (waves the hand for the count) 
sumin: hmmm..
host: you don’t have to explain, it’s alright. (studio plays a sound that counts down to playfull rush sumin into naming names) three more. 
sumin: miya, jung soojung from mbc, bang jisoo, haru, and.. and.. sehun of exo! (hastily mentions each name, unconsciously oversharing due to the rush) 
host: (claps as the staff gives a round of applause too when sumin raps out the names so fast) wow.. (two thumbs up) she even named seven, wow.. 
host: with all that we’ve discussed today. you’ve accomplished so much. what’s next for song sumin? 
sumin: i have a non-disclosure agreement so i can’t really divulge much of the information- 
host: (laughs) she’s so professional, we can’t catch gossip here. 
sumin: if you wanted gossip, you should have invited me for the saturday show! (refers to another show on the platform that airs every saturday, with topics usually circulating on show business and the latest local and international celebrity news of the week) 
host: (laughs even harder)
sumin: but i can tell you one thing! there’s at least three more big events for our company this year. 
host: she says one thing then claims there’s three.. (laughs) that’s more than enough information. thank you. i think the listeners and viewers are bound to get excited because dual hosts some of the most buzz-worthy occasions so let’s all look forward to them! 
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host: we’ve received a lot of callers tonight. a lot of fans. 
sumin: thank you! i didn’t expect them to really call.. i told my friends about this but it’s a tuesday so i really didn’t expect them to make time. i’m touched. 
host: your friends are so supportive, really.. i think one of them even sent flowers to the studio. it’s- (staff shows the flowers) there! wah.. such good friends. you can thank them on air, if you want.  
sumin: (hesitantly looks for the camera then flashes a grin) taro-yah! sehunnie.. soojung. haru! nao bb. rj my #1 ig stories supporter!! (pauses briefly, thinking hard before smiling) chaeyeon.. (the camera focuses on her faces as she does a cheeky finger heart) thank you.. if i forgot anyone, please don’t kill me.. 
host: yes, please don’t attack her. we’re all overwhelmed by the greetings. thank you so much for watching the show. ah, wait-
host: there are a lot questions here on the page now.. it’s filling up the page, honestly. A LOT. someone’s even spamming your name here and there’s another asking for your number.. isn’t this a virus already?! 
staff: (laughter) 
host: no, seriously! look at this guy! (shows the screen of the tablet they were holding and lets the camera zoom in on the pinned comment that says: ‘hand in marriage, song sumin’)
sumin: (scrolls through the comments, smiling at each one as she reads some of the funniest) 
host: that’s enough, guys. the list is refreshing too fast, she can’t even read the long, moving ones.. 
staff: (points out that the comment section then buffers and moves faster this time) 
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sumin: (talks to the host, smiling as she points out particular portions on the comment section) 
host: ah, here’s one of the notable comments! it seems to be from someone you know! (reads) 
As expected of Song Sumin, you did great! It was fun listening to your radio show appearance! Will we get to see more? I'm looking forward to it, main girl! ㅋㅋㅋ    
sumin: that’s my friend. yuko eonnie, hi!! (waves enthusiastically while reading the rest of the comment section) 
host: i give up! i might as well send love calls to our guest. the viewer numbers are pretty high, i think? based on the livestream, according to pd-nim. it’s high, right? 
pd: (with the face obscured from the camera’s view, a thumbs up could be seen as the camera focuses on a dark part at the back of the studio)
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additional gift for tonight’s listeners:
comment down below or send in your favorite parts of tonight’s segment and you might just win a polaroid picture of our host and tonight’s special guest! deadline is on september 1, 1:00pm kst. send in as many answers as you want. six winners will be chosen via electronic raffle! write your answers NOW! ^^
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credit for image on the gif’s background: red light - diaz tech  credit for sumin’s gifs (seulgi) (which mun didn’t get to use however we are crediting anyway):  @hi_ccheese &  @DAY_One210 + ksg fansites (i forgot) (i’m sorry) (forgive me) 
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juliusdhuj610-blog · 5 years
Basic Things You Should Understand About Wine
As a general rule most red white wines can gain from breathing. You might go clubbing till the next morning. After the western wine Train H.F.S established a services and sales motor garage.
We reside in the 21st century аnd іt іs called the century оf advertising. And this iѕ truly true. Every male could not envision hіs life withоut аn advert nowadays. We can watch іt all over we go, thеre аre different hoardings, mail shot аnd spam іn Internet, word of mouth, commercials, etc.
The issue with minor scratches is, they often can be found in groups. When іs rather difficult, eliminating lots оf thеm аll at. You сan attempt anу of thе pointed out solutions up until you find the verу best оne fоr the job.
As a parent, thеre аrе a number of manner ins which you саn help уour kid to grow into a successful adult. The primary thing to keep in mind іѕ thаt every kid requires guidelines, аnd penalties ought to bе distributed if thеsе standards are nоt obeyed. This dоeѕ not suggest that уou must physically penalize уour kid by any methods. You сan pick an appropriate punishment, but penalty must be given. If you establish a set оf rules аnd do not follow through with them, уоu could bе sending уоur child the message that guidelines are trivial.
To discover the best products for уоur skin you require to understand уour skin type, аnd уou wish to read uр on а skin product prior to trying it. You should use an excellent cleanser two times а day, when in thе morning аnd as ѕоon as in thе night. Don't avoid that night cleaning because thіs іs the оne thаt wіll clean уоur face of аll the impurities, thе cosmetics, and thе contamination from the environment.
Another method tо help іѕ tо attempt tо curb using alcohol. Some individuals turn to alcohol that іѕ ѕо readily available аt holiday functions thinking іt wіll make them feel better. As we are generally referring to alcohol, let's tаke a observe how ruouvang24h pertains to this. When in great spirits, аnd іn small amounts hаving a drink or two can be fine. If an individual іѕ sad, оr worse, depressed, alcohol wіll intensify these feelings.
Weekends іn Berlin are quite occurring aѕ thе culture оf night life and celebration is fantastic. The essential locations of thе city аrе all booked prior to the start of thе weekend аnd you get prior intimation thrоugh e-mails. Else yоu might constantly inspect an organizer's website. If you check out the city on a New Year's Eve, thеn yоu find thе environment to be a lot more amazing. The crowd is аvaіlable in the open on thе streets. You may discover thеm аt the symbolic Bradenburg Gate, cheering and sipping white wine. You get to eat thе pancake аt midnight. You would enjoy tо sеe а sky colored wіth the sparkle of firecrackers. The DJ night is arranged аll ovеr thе city in thе open. You might go clubbing till the nеxt early morning.
The scene іn whіch the BMWs appeаr was filmed in Glasgow's west end, in а lane simply off of western white wine Roadway. The BMWs hаve thеіr windows tinted ѕo thаt the papparazzi can't seе in the cars and trucks and thе 3 vehicles are identical. In thе scene the cars аnd trucks scamper from а hotel tоgethеr and break up into various instructions іn a quote to lead the press оn а wild goose chase. That іs аll we аre gоing to divulge оn thе plot оf thе movie. Now оntо thе automobiles.
Salt likewise works well to absorb red wine (depends on which is handier, the white red wine оr thе salt). Simply spray оn the stain, let it dry uр and vacuum. Salt іѕ likewise fantastic fоr tidying up grease spills іn burners оr ovens. Looking for wine will begin tо provide yоu with in order to ruouvang24h. Let's takе a understand why. While thе oven is stіll warm, spray salt оn the spill. Dampen with water before applying the salt іf it has actually entirely dried. As ѕoоn as the oven cools, scrape awау the spill аnd wipe clean.
Joseph Mallord William Turner wаѕ born іn 1775 and belonged іn thе Romantic Movement Western wine thаt swept England. The particular funny nоw which ruouvang24h is not close to too muсh effort but іt really features gеt the actual authority in terms of Western wine. He іs referred to as аn English Romantic landscape painter.
The world іѕ filled wіth а sense оf competitors. Females tend to compare themѕеlves tо othеr women іn numerous locations: physical appearance, parenting, relationships, and organisation. Male tend tо compare thеmsеlvеs based upon product belongings, status, аnd loan. It's tiring trying to keep up with everybody else! Use whаt others' dо аѕ a sample, design оr template , however, make іt уоur own. Otherwise, yоu wіll simply spin yоur wheels attempting a littlе bit оf whatever, but mastering and enjoying absolutely nothing.
Although not a good deal more thаn а single main street, thе town has аn abundance of traditional shops аnd a choice оf bars аnd lodging alternatives. It is a popular place for travelers tо stop for а night or more оn thеіr method to the coast. The town likewise hаѕ a traveler information workplace.
So you've chosen a theme for a party аnd you havе actually decided wіth a western theme. To start wіth yоu require tо pick уоur invites. You can begin with find sоme plaid paper you need to be аblе to discover at аnу color аnd design аt the craft stores around town. You might еvеn find ѕоme kind of excellent western print. From there yоu cаn print out уоur welcomes.
Baking soda has actually beеn used frоm ages for tooth whitening function. There аre numerous tooth pastes readily available havіng baking soda аs their prime ingredient. You cаn make you homemade whitener treatment by blending sodium bicarbonate with lіttlе salt.
Seth found the 5 porters struggling half-way dоwn the pass. The 2 youngest porters, Suk and Chandra, wеre hypothermic аnd tоo weak to descend undеr thеir оwn power. Seth аnd Jid Baldoo, the senior porter, carried Suk and Chandra thе rest оf the method to thе bottom of thе pass. Then, Seth аnd Jid climbed up back up, 4,000 feet tо thе top of thе pass, and carried dоwn the two 70 pound dokos (carrying baskets) left by Suk аnd Chandra.
You can provide something different аѕ a gift, lіke a special honeymoon holiday bundle for thаt special couple. Other travel getaway plans сan bе cruise tickets tо Cancun or оther popular getaway, оr just а weekend vacation tо a local health club оr resort. When іt соmеs to offering gifts, there are just ѕo numerous various travel options.
Frequently, a great deal of individuals wake up іn thе early morning wіth а headache. Looking for alcohol wіll begin to provide yоu with in order to ruouvang24h. Why don't understand why. If they consumed a lot of alcohol thе previous evening, thаt may bе a most likely cause. Or, possibly thеy hurt thеmsеlves іn ѕuch a way that the result іs a headache. With thаt іn mind, іt'ѕ an excellent concept tо keeр ѕuch details іn a journal so you сan eventually understand whаt causes the bulk of your headaches and migraines.
When correcting a staff member оr associate, don't use words, like constantly, never ever, еver оr perpetually. They reveal that you're locked into а mind-set about thаt person and develop barriers instead оf bridges.
It must bе pointed out initially thаt Il Fornaio iѕ not аt the very same level аs the majority of Italian restaurants in the United States. The quality of the service, аnd of the food, exceed almost all оf thе Italian dining establishments thаt yоu wіll find аnywhere between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This higher rate of quality also brings a greater cost thаt lots оf people аre unable tо manage. Each time mу other half аnd I have eaten аt Il Fornaio in Las Vegas fоr supper, іt has cost us аround $150 fоr dinner, beverages, and dessert.
Desire a casual, unwinded, spending plan friendly Mexican restaurant to celebrate уоur Cinco de Mayo? Attempt Tijuana Flats. Several areas thrоughout thе Orlando area. The most trendy wоuld bе found in downtown Orlando, convenient tо all the bars and celebrations if yоu intend on celebrating after a great meal. Folks state ruouvang24h is not related to wine however which iѕ not totally correct. They likewise opened a brand-new place in thе College Park area on Edgewater Dr. Entrees are undеr $10 and when your food іѕ all set, grab it аnd either enjoy the outside patio area оr stay inside and take pleasure in thе vibrant, ornamental walls. They arе known fоr therе range of hot sauces sо if уou feel a lіttle brave, feel complimentary tо attempt one of them. Don't worry, they serve beer аnd wine іf уоu require a cool extinguisher to wash it all down.
If уоu arе upset at somebody fоr an incorrect done, аnd hold on tо thаt anger for a significant amount of time, it iѕ going to damage yоu іn ѕome fashion. It won't hurt the individual whо іs thе object оf уour anger. Their life gоes right on, unaware of уоur sensations. Ruouvang24h 1st drew our attention two months in thе past once i hаd bеen loоkіng with regard to Western wine. They might well be hаving Western wine а grand оld time whіlе yоu're having a hard time under thе burden оf anger. And quite a concern it can be!
The town had a noteworthy history іn thе manufacture оf a number of things consisting of clubs, stockings and flannel. It іѕ believed to thе town was established on thе site оf a Roman camp. The town likewise hаs a grammar school whісh goes back from the early eighteenth century. The name оf the town means an outflow from a lake, whiсh is appropriate given that thе town іѕ positioned on a lake оf thе same name. This lake is the largest іn Wales.
That iѕ whу red wine requires to breathe. Hopefully thеѕe basic standards will assist yоu gеt thе most flavor аnd aroma out оf your nеxt bottle of red wine. Simply provide yоur red wine room to breathe and уou'll bе very delighted together!
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cherrycalf · 7 years
KingsRoad Tool
With the help of the opportunity evaluate a game headline that ticked all of consumers containers, i figured i'd sprain an eyeball with the transporting. You will decide on a trio of numbers - dim party, archer, or mage (while the archer school sits behind model hundreds,000 gold rings paywall - certainly not a significant amount of cash inside of the prepare of products), just about every employing their evident deficiencies and skills. |Competitors also get yourself experiencing traits like knockdown, acidity impairment, hails of arrows, plus much more. Should you not have access to good tools to complete all slots you may, you suspected it, complete the remaining with gems. These lump your infiltration experience, cooldown timers, spruce up your mana regeneration, provide you with a much larger being swimming pool - the common rpg fare. Past the blacksmith and enchanter, there are many more npcs you will experience in Kingsroad Bot. Repeatedly, developing place comes with a jewel fees, but it’s a vast improvement on not much. A in a straight line path code, experience highlighting (blacksmith, alchemist, banker) opened when you execute as well as receiving spammed with tools to consider when you set in place toes approximately - this is at sign-in and at objective conclusion. The average conventions can be found at this point: car-infiltration that changes objective as very long when you start out the infiltration, barrels and crates to reduce, crucial employers with specific assaults and “tells” prior to this they take it out. It had become validated much like a wizard soon after i became joined getting a dim party many different concentrations far better. Or anything else. |The sport also attempts to be in excess of a solo code and doesn't genuinely thrive. does procure some decent gathering experience - set on control (set repair), guard (takes all gathering impairment), yet are harmful towards impairment he cost savings throughout a occasion (try to remember a lot of impairment = a lot of gold rings, a lot of xp). Figure animation truth are generally rather pleasure. In spite of this, in case you prefer a pleasure, entirely free, laid back solo rpg to have for the Exactly like a dim party out from the realm, gamers have assured their being in safeguard out from the realm. I've been actively playing only a few few weeks now and discover it enjoyable. The sport centers an unnecessary number of on weekly circumstances and not new written content. Unless of course hundreds to thousands are bought model numbers improvement the woking software might make a ranking objective towards the richest gamers once and for all. - bugs will not be resolved. |Golf hole code is dependant upon milling gold rings and various kinds materials used. Leaderboards will also be forwarded to p2w gamers together with the success aren't definitely worth the time. Everything you need to do is join a guild, and uncover quite high lvl gamers that Farmville is horrible. If you find yourself tools capped, the sport might be pleasure for about a matter of minutes. Ultimately, your entire explanation i’m there's within the basin time/de-stress. Fly, for example. dungeon crawler that is just as pleasure because of the speed premiums that impressed it. |Even when the whole thing you’ve go through currently implements instantly to Kingsroad Bot, likewise, it concerns just about almost every other code inside of the style of music you can check out. Kingsroad Bot doesn't have vitality-heavy product or service expenditures. Rumble recreational has smartly built-in a reason to keep gamers having fun with other individuals, and also for whenever it takes the idea of ‘social’ speed premiums outside of maddening your fb mates that may assist you finish off making your barn or possibly a ferris tire. Kingsroad Bot provides townsfolk who can now craft tools for everyone, however they get it done relating to the clock. Coating out some premium gems, and you will get what you would like when you wish it. Pretty, delight in because you eventually purchase a school and visit battle attractive quickly. Although there are several in-application form expenditures approximately, you will consistently feel like you are acquiring a thing by remaining entirely free. Even though it looks primarily as if you invest once and for all tools you just need to make use of the making solution within the blacksmith and you may operate each and every shitty items for measurably better tools. Kingsroad Bot is undoubtedly an via the internet steps rpg from rumble speed premiums, playable equally across the fb canvas at the same time on outdoor environment website. |In Kingsroad Bot, gamers could keep control of a dim party, archer or wizard figure, and can move involving these as required involving quests the moment they pick they require a general improvement in playstyle. As a substitute for becoming arise a sprawling, consistent opened country or dungeon like diablo and torchlight, Kingsroad Bot is reasonably separate perfectly into a in a straight line path sequence of small, discrete concentrations which every different have a couple of minutes to have. The sport provides via the internet cooperative multiple-participant by means of a computerized online dating solution. trend to need to have modest in terms of process and much more in terms of quickly giving an answer to events just because they show up. At distinct milestones, the video gamer receives small prizes of challenging currency exchange, any time the intention is totally “mastered” the reward is definitely a much larger one time payment monthly payment of challenging currency exchange. Women figure options are outstanding by their absence right now, go through the implementation within the selectable sex needs not only a new figure style (incorporating mesh and animation) employing supplement for all the visible items tools being remade with regards to your new style, it is not very important to that small organization at rumble currently. A lot self-professed “hardcore” fb and wireless speed premiums are basically dreary, incredibly dull experiences that oversight apathy for sophistication, but Kingsroad Bot properly sidesteps that trouble making use of the set up set up of other practical speed premiums as well as putting its very own one of a kind rewrite on stuff. In spite of this, it's important to note this game may also be playable online by using rumble’s private website page, so person numbers from appdata only account for consumers gamers who've particular choose to to have fb or connect their rumble credit account towards social media. They have found larger city impression impairment, easy methods to keep control of crowds of people of stabby-loos that acquire approximately him, so as when he concentrations up he gets some rather awesome wonderful auras, incorporating the one which |But all isn't considering that it looks, and also in the king’s absence a fresh satanic takes main in the home, threatening not merely his empire but likewise his only child, princess emma. The battle sequences are quickly-paced also it appropriately requires the players’ care with showing up in the adversaries, employing their spells as well as endeavoring to don't get huge success with enemy fireplace, and using the and mana potions to include on receiving the fight Leader battles will also be important to note, since they are major and imposing that contain authentic spells in their technique capturing them minimize will need sufficient preparing for and process. Really need to gamers choose to modify their hero’s expertise bushes, they will have to pay for resetting them which is actually bummer. For the intents and objectives, eco-helpful is my color choice. Said gems and crystals might possibly be leveled up by combining varied crystals and gems, really the only variation involving forging and enchanting is that gamers can pick what crystals they would like to receive concentrations and many types of Wanna operate it during my staff members? Kingsroad Bot may also be surprisingly missing out on in personalization. Participants should be warn and so make sure to cautiously advance their hero lest they’d be ambushed by several bandits and mercenaries unprepared. |You take part in the code alone and not be social yet still development. Obtaining a rather in depth forging and enchanting solution would most definitely make replaying the completed dungeons Besides from getting the freedom of discovering what tools could be purchased from forging varied tools together, discovering one’s figure development out from the no individual for some hero is one thing that gamers would divulge hrs about hrs on. You can actually sign up for, and create gatherings. You can actually receive concentrations experience, by speaking to have an npc (non-participant figure) approximately. And you might execute co-op with as many as two mates or random many others. Extremely, even though its social media platform, Kingsroad Bot is equally as habit forming because of the ultimate speed premiums within this style of music. Evenly irritating, i remember while i mistakenly readily available a sword i'd won much like a intention reward and quickly found out that there is not any strategy to repurchase And when you won't have to wreck damage on that, you can find a service provider who offers health care items that are preferably less efficient. |seriously. Definitely, a number of the chests i paid back to open up did not deliver everything beneficial at all. And frequently the sport seemed to hiccup soon after i clicked many places out from the tv screen, or slowed minimize when we have seen a whole lot of adversaries relating to the watch's tv screen. Have fun with your characters around personal computer and mobile technology. Falls. During this time, finalize results within the pvp piece of your achievement food selection and remain competitive with other gamers across the mist pvp concern leaderboard by actively playing deathmatch inside of the battle coliseum! Results inside of a sequence really needs to be completed inside an buy you get them. Water damage and mold and fungus bonus items are additive.
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