#at prom here we have like boys in fancy cute suits and the girls either wear dresses or sarris so it looks pretty fun
channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
*extends hand*
will you go to prom with me kaikai ;)
prom 0_0
ohmygod i forgot we have prom in 10th and 11th grade-
yes yes, lets <///3
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shoot-the-oneshot · 4 years
Harvard Vs Netflix
Malcolm bright x reader
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You were fussing over your hair for probably the tenth time this block, usually you didn’t care but you were going on a double date with your friend and her new fiance, plus it was the first time she’ll meet Malcolm, so you had to look your best.
“Love, you look fine, calm down.”
Malcolm says, gently pulling your hand away from your hair and onto his lap. It also didn’t help that he always wore a suit, and looked damn good in them. You never saw him an anything else until you moved in with him. Shooting the ex FBI agent an exasperated look.
“Surely you know that wasn’t the best thing to say right now, being a profiler and all?”
Chuckling he lifts your hand to place many soft kisses to the back in apology.
“You’re right, I should’ve told you how beautiful you always look, now being no exception.”
“Plus aren’t you excited?”
Smiling you slide closer, tucking yourself under his arm resting your head on his chest as you sigh. You were excited, but couldn’t get past this weird feeling in your chest.
“I am, it’s just...her fiancé Ty,”
Feeling him move to get a better look at your expression, trying to figure out what you meant so you didn’t have to say it if you didn’t want to. You know if he saw something he didn’t like on your face as you spoke of the other man he would tell the driver to turn around, he always wanted you to be comfortable even around his family, he never seemed to calm down until you both were alone.
“There’s something off, and I can’t ask her about it or she will think it’s payback for what she said about you when we started dating.”
“What did she say about me!”
Luckily before you had to answer the car stopped outside the restaurant.
Some restaurant in Manhattan that had a dark lit romantic theme but was still classy.
After Malcolm held the door open for you, you saw Natalie sitting alone and rushed to hug her.
“You’re here!”
She squeals when she sees you, Malcolm trailing behind, hands stuffed in his expensive suit pants pockets.
“Of course we are, but where’s Ty?”
You asked sitting in the seat Malcolm pulled out for you after you introduced them both.
Reading the sheepish look on her face you could figure out what was up.
“He’s running late, he will be here soon.”
That’s what she always said. You all spend the next thirty minutes catching up and explaining old stories of the trouble you both got into as kids to Malcolm, when Ty walks in. Giving you a quick awkward hug, he knew you didn’t like him you made it clear after the fifth time he stood her up. He shook Malcolms hand and gave Natalie a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Sorry I’m late got caught up at work.”
Malcolm smirked at your eye roll, it was odd for him to see you like this, normally you were the nicest person clearly you didn’t like Ty, he just had to find out why, should be easy enough.
“What do you do?”
It was a simple question, if Malcolm wasn’t the one to ask but you knew he’d be looking for anything Ty would give up. You already had suspicions hopefully He will come to the same conclusion.
“Uh, real-estate, you?”
“I’m a consultant for the NYPD, a profiler to be exact.”
“He used to be FBI isn’t that cool!”
Natalie said squeezing Tys shoulder as she bragged to her fiancé about your boyfriends past career. At least he looked flustered knowing that Malcolm figures out serial killers thoughts for fun.
“Isn’t it a little late for real estate?”
“No Nat, it’s okay. Well Y/n in real estate I have to stage houses in order to sell them. That’s what I was doing.”
Giving an innocent shrug as she yells at you. That smug punk, he was testing you, seeing how far you would go you knew that but if you were going down so was he.
“Oh yeah did you use perfume to stage the house? because you smell absolutely floral.”
Before you could laugh at he wide eyes and the fact he choked on his drink, your boyfriends phone rang. He could feel your glare, one because you asked him to mute it during dinners, two because it ruined the moment you finally had of Ty for once not having some degrading come back.
Quietly speaking over the phone, judging by the annoyance all over his face it was his mother. Rather then third wheeling you followed him outside, when he was just hanging up.
“I’m sorry love,-“
You cut him off before he could finish, any other time you would be irritated but this time, it gave you an escape.
“Yeah yeah it’s fine. What did you think of Ty?”
“You don’t like it when I profile your friends.”
Raising his eyebrows, looking over your face as if it was a trick.
“Ty is not my friend! And I said I don’t like when you profile me! I know the guy is cheating do you agree?”
“He was acting odd and gave clear signals of deception and did smell very floral yes.”
“Well he wasn’t wearing his ring and there’s a pink lipstick mark behind his ear, did you see how nervous he got when he found out what you did!”
He’s only her fiancé but she wanted them both to have engagement rings. And of course he probably lost his ‘staging a house’
“How’d you catch that? I didn’t even see that!”
Malcolm asked, sounding astounded. Sure he went to some fancy school but you learned naturally, which is something he forgets. You could read people almost as well as he could and have made many jokes about it.
“Yeah, guess Netflix taught more than Harvard babe.”
You winked, leading him back to the restaurant.
The following week you were both having a game night with Ainsley and Mitch the new guy she was seeing. You started with monopoly, then charades which you and Malcolm killed at. Now it was 21, the boys either folded or busted, it was down to you and Ainsley,
“I’m all in.”
She says, her lip twitching. An untrained eye wouldn’t have caught it, but you call her bluff and go all in too. And you were right to do so. Yelling in excitement as you flip your cards.
“Dang it, it’s like playing with Malcolm!”
She shouted, a smile on both of your faces. The boys came to see who won, although Malcolm already knew. You were the only person he couldn’t beat at cards.
“She’s not exactly like me, she reads expressions and body language I read behaviors.”
Malcolm over explained. You found it cute but the other couple looked lost.
“Why don’t we make this fun? We all go against Y/n, two truths and a lie see if she can find the lies.”
Mitch suggest, leaning comfortably on the couch next to Ainsley. Malcolm sitting straight up next to you his hand resting on your hip. Looking mildly intrigued and quickly agreed. Mitch practically lunges to the ottoman in front of you.
“Okay! So..when I was sixteen I stole a car,
I secretly dated my best friends sister,
And I had a dog named Shakespeare.”
He quickly rattled off, the other two in the room watching us like hawks. I already knew about the car from when Malcolm made Gil run a background check. the second one looked like a truth but there was a hint of head tilt when he said ‘dated’
“You didn’t date her, you just slept together.”
It was crickets waiting for his response, he stares frozen until his eyes widen and jaw drops.
“Holy crap she’s good!”
“She was right?”
“Shakespeare, really?”
You and Malcolm shouted simultaneously.
He was equally surprised and impressed. He couldn’t figure out which was the lie. And yet you did and then some. He was proud but couldn’t stand you were that good at something you learned from a Netflix series.
“Move over, my turn!”
Ainsley now sat in Mitchs place. You noticed her foot tapping as she thought of what to say.
“I took ballet classes when I was 8, I wore a dress worth over a thousand dollars to prom and spilled punch all over it........and I over heard mom and dad talking about the girl in the box.”
Malcolms hand tightened on your thigh, you could feel his breath catch in his chest. She was trying to throw you off by playing with his emotions, it would’ve worked if she wasn’t so predictable. But it was a low blow that sadly didn’t surprise you.
“You didn’t spill the punch and you don’t know anything about the box.”
He relaxed once she nodded her head, And apologized to her brother. You could see the interest in her eyes as she asked question after question. One of them being what was beneficial with my little ‘gift’.
“Well I always know who’s lying before they open their mouth, plus knowing the signs of deception means you can manipulate them, which is why I can lie to your brother.”
Winking to your boyfriend during your last sentence. It was true you were amazing at lying, you never used it but no one ever knew about surprises you were planing.
“I’ll admit I’m impressed, but you definitely couldn’t lie to me I’d know.”
“Oh yeah? Looks like it my turn this time.”
Now facing Malcolm, you tucking you knee underneath you to appear more relaxed, you’d be more believable that way. He nodded for you to start. You grew up hearing the quote, don’t start a fight but once you’re in one win it. So if you had to pull a play from Ainsleys play book you would. You just won’t use something that traumatic. Keeping your shoulders loose and your breathing even.
“I used to own a classic car, I’ve never felt about anyone the way I do you, I cheated on you when you were in this hospital with the snake bite.”
Since you were telling the truth your expressions matched with the lie. But you knew Malcolm would be looking for forced reactions. Since you know what to look for in other people you could fake those same triggers, or hide them. He appeared calm as you spoke but the longer you stayed silent the more tense he got. While you were telling the lie you added extra detail, giving him more to analyze over the vague truths. Plus no one wants to believe someone they loved cheated on them.
“I don’t know.”
Malcolm sighed heavily, not only in defeat but confusion. He hated to think you did that to him, but he always thought that you deserved better, maybe you did too. Not being able to stand the pain in his eyes you explained.
“The car I had was a mustang, you’re the only man I’ve ever said I love you to, You mean to much to me I’d never cheat on you.”
Sliding closer with every sentence until you were practically in his lap as you finished. You could feel the stress leave his body, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and kissing your head.
Later that night you were curled up together in bed, his fingers lightly trailing up and down your arm staring at the ceiling.
“That was a stupid game.”
Softly laughing at his words, playing with the neckline of his grey shirt he sleeps in as you agreed.
“It was, but at least I got to show you my mad skills, I could take your job one day.”
You joke, successfully making him laugh and loosen up.
“It you, I’m always amazed by you. Showing off or not.
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ravenadottir · 4 years
how do you think the islanders high school prom nights went?
oh nooooo! don’t make me suffer thinking about proms!
ok, um, let’s see.
((edit: it became a bible, as per usual...))
bobby. i can imagine cupcake being nervous to ask a girl to go with him to prom, rehearsing his “promposal” several times in the mirror, and joking about something related to proms that would light up the mood. i picture him with a really cute and shy girl that had her eye on him during chemistry class. and yes, i think he used the chemistry hook to ask her to be his date. he probably did weird worm dances, got the stage for ‘paisley cuddle’ for a three songs, was elected ‘class clown’ and got a good night kiss in front of her house when dropping her off, afterwards.
carl. i don’t want to sound too mean, but if carl went to his prom, he didn’t go with someone. he was too awkward and didn’t pick up the courage to invite the girl of his dreams. he had the corsage bought, but deep down he knew he couldn’t ask her. i must add here, he had a close friend that ended up spending the party with him because they were that connected. carl didn’t have fun, didn’t find the meaning of friendship and danced with his friend. he was too worried about uni applications and his future, and couldn’t wait to run for the hills. his entire high school experience sucked, and his prom wasn’t different. maybe one liberating song that set him free was “gives you hell”, where he didn’t feel like holding back and really let all the weird alien moves out. after that, he left. for good. this is why i think when he tells the story to mc she’ll find a way to throw a prom just for him, with his friends from the villa, where he’ll be picked up in a limo and dance awkwardly, but freely, with true friends. 
chelsea. this girl had fun on her prom, had a really cute guy taking her, the most gorgeous corsage she put together herself and gave it to her date the day before, so he could bring it when picking her up. chelsea had a close group of friends in school and danced the night away. if i know my bra well i think she was in charge of the decor, and you can bet your ass she talked her way into making everything pink-toned. all the blush and millennial pink you can imagine, down to the punch and the tablecloths. she organized everything related to the decor while bonding with a different person in charge of the rest. i can only imagine she had tons of fun at the night of the prom, being taken there in a pink limo. if her date didn’t do it, she would do it for herself, don’t at me!
gary. gary went to this prom, but i don’t reckon he took a girl. at that point of his life he was still “villain” looking, like he said, and i don’t think he had enough confidence to ask someone to go with him. what i do believe is that dicky was there with him, with a six pack and a playlist on his car that would be “infinitely better than whatever those fucking nerds are playing in there, mate!”. they would go in but not stay too long. i don’t think gary was a class clown or a sportist, despite of him playing football early on. he must’ve left that aside while focusing on robotics, so he was pretty much invisible. at least i think he defined himself in those terms. but they would drive somewhere gary adores, like the mountain, to watch the shipyard, have the beers, the music from the car radio and just talk and make fun of the popular kids that listen to ed sheeran. they would stay up all night, making plans for the future, since gary has his forklift license and is more than ready to start working. “cheers, mate.” besides the usual arctic monkeys, i think the song that best illustrates his prom is “mr. brightside” by ‘the killers’. “you know you’re gonna have to come back later for the car right, rennell?” “yeah...” “i’ll come with, you pussy. no need to be so sad.” dicky completed, pouting and draping an arm on gary’s shoulder as they walked home, ties untied, jackets and shirts open.
henrik. this kid couldn’t wait to wear those suspenders, beige pants and white shirt. he definitely had matching boutonniere with the corsage he got for his date, and his hair down. because whenever he hits the dancefloor, he lets his locks down and everyone knows that means the party is about to start. it wasn’t difficult for him to invite the girl he likes and she didn’t even blink before saying ‘yes’. i think he drove there, his friends on the back, singing along to "heroes” a cover by ‘the wallflowers’. i see henrik laughing while spinning a girl in place, catching her, goofing around with his friends while having the time of their lives. he already knew what he wanted to be, and everything was planned out. he drove everyone home and had his first night out with the girl he took to the prom.
kassam. i think kassam did his best to follow the protocol and asked a girl to go with him, got her a cute corsage and planned out the limo bit with his close friends. but i think it truly hit him that everything was going down when he put his jacket on, at the store. he saw himself on the mirror and realized what prom was, to him. it wasn’t just a party he would probably get laid after. i think he partied extremely hard that night, took some stuff, lost control, danced like an absolute asshole and probably ruined the night for a couple of people. it wasn’t smooth or tranquil like he thought it could be, and i really think he regrets lots of things he did that night. except for one. he decided to be the life of the party in different ways.
lottie. her “year 12 formal” was probably the first time lottie had real fun in her high school experience. like priya said before, i think lottie had some control issues and that stops her from seeing the full picture. ending your school experience usually opens your eyes for bigger things, and that’s where i think she really enjoyed herself for a long time. of course she wore a black dress and black and white corsage, if any. probably the first time she dyed her hair, not only a couple of streaks. high heels and black lipstick but just as gorgeous as she is today. maybe not the same level of confidence as today, but she was on the right path, i’m guessing.
lucas. i wanted to say lucas was the prom king, but that didn’t happen. he definitely didn’t know what to do while having a girl linking arms with him. he always felt like an outcast because of his previous experiences in school. always moving away, never staying too long to truly bond with his peers. so prom wasn’t exactly a fun time for him. it was though, the moment he realized he could do anything he wanted, not only conform to what his dad expected from him. the moment he realized that was possible the punch tasted different, the music became more fun, the dance moves weren’t so rehearsed and awkward, and he could truly appreciate what that night represented. i do think lucas wasn’t as smooth as he is today, so you can expect very boring tuxedo+shoes+tie combo, and not a lot of jazz going on with his ride. the whole point of getting a limo is to share it with your friends, but if you’re there for only a few months, then i don’t think there’s a bond strong enough to make you sing along to songs while picking up a girl. truth is, school wasn’t the best time for lucas, and just like carl, i don’t believe his prom was either.
marisol. she had to conform to a dress even though she wanted to rock a suit. at that point marisol already knew damn well who she was, but she couldn’t come out yet. i don’t think she had a very open relationship with her parents, and had to hide it for a while. what i do think though is that she took a girl, and changed into a suit at the dance. her closest friends knew about it and supported her, helping her hide her secret until the time was right. but that didn’t happen that night. she gave her date her corsage, and danced the night away with all of them. i even think her first sexual experience with a girl happened that night. awkwardly but very fully loving experience.
noah. i really think noah had a long term girlfriend by the time he graduated from high school, and she was the lucky girl he took to prom as his date. he asked her in the most traditional way, getting to her by the lockers, after class, possibly proceeding to take her to the library, finding the aisle with his and hers favorite books, then asking her there. the whole shebang of corsage and tuxedo, but no fancy limo bit or big gestures. just what he could afford. his dad took them to the dance and they entered the room being greeted by his closest friends. i do think noah was somewhat popular among the boys, because of his swimming, and the girls because he was so sweet and caring, besides hot! definitely popular enough to get some votes for prom king, but not quite there. i also believe the night of the prom could’ve been the first time he had sex. i could be wrong, but in my head, teen noah would’ve waited for a night as such, knowing what it means to him and to his girlfriend. not a lot of dancing but a lot of talking and watching as his crazier friends would let go and pull off moves no one should.
priya. it wasn’t the most fun she had in her life, that’s for sure. she mentioned a couple of times about her life in school and how hard it was to fit in. i don’t think big things happened for her back then. she tried her best to conform and become friends with people but it wasn’t in her, and eventually, those friendships would crumble. she probably had a date, a boy who asked her, and a couple of close friends, but didn’t feel like that was the fantasy prom she pictured for herself. i can see her wearing something discreet, because the priya we know and love blossomed later in life. besides, it was 2007/2008. emo phases were ending, but the alternative hairstyles were still here. if she had one of those or not, it’s up for debate. but her family doesn’t seem the kind to forbid her from having a haircut of her choice, so… you know what that means for her fashion choices back then! she did have a good time after a while at the dance, but it took her too long to realize it only depended on her. i think she danced, but didn’t really let the beast out. “not the greatest party i’ve been to, and definitely not my hottest look. but i guess no one’s prom is perfect.”
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welcometophu · 5 years
Into the Split: Evolution 2
Twinned Book 3: Into the Split
Evolution 2
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When the doorbell rings during dinner, Nikolai is out of his seat before Pawel can say anything. “I’ve got it,” he calls out. And maybe he should just let Pawel get it; it’s his house, after all. But sitting through meals with Pawel is a little like watching a child fidget, and Nikolai just wants to move. He’s not sure why Pawel is going through the motions of formal meals with Nikolai and Seth when it’s obvious he has other things on his mind.
Nikolai pulls open the door, and Nikita shoves a pile of… bags?… at him. He isn’t quite sure what he’s holding, although he sees hangers poking out of one end.
He steps back to let Nikita, Heather, Mac, and a girl Nikolai doesn’t recognize into the house. Mac’s carrying a large stack of bags herself, and Nikita runs back to the bright orange truck to grab one last stack before hip-checking the door closed.
“Mac,” Pawel says.
“Pawel,” Mac replies. “I warned you.”
“See, there’s a thing,” Nikita says in a rush. She lays the bags on the couch, then grabs Nikolai and Seth by the wrists, pulling them close to her. “We’re in a sorority. Or well. They’re in a sorority, along with Carolyn, and a whole bunch of other people. So I’m dating a girl in a sorority.”
Nikolai follows that so far. Mostly. “You belong to an organization of women in school. Okay. So?”
“Heather does,” Nikita corrects him. “I’m her date. Which is actually a sort of important distinction here because that’s why we cannot possibly be your dates.”
Nikolai looks at Seth; Seth blinks back at him.
“I don’t get it,” Seth says.
“The SigPsiE formal is tomorrow night and it’s a huge thing, and I know it isn’t anything world-healing or earth shattering, but it’s still really cool, and I’m going and it’s not like you’ve got anything else to do, so Heather and I found you dates,” Nikita blurts out.
Nikolai’s still not sure he gets it.
“What?” Seth says.
“Mac and Trish are going to be your dates in name only so you can go enjoy the dance.” Nikita claps her hands, gestures at the bags that Nikolai still carries. “We brought suits and dresses so we can figure out what you’re all wearing and make sure you match!”
Nikolai is pretty sure he should have a response to this other than the complete blankness inside his head.
Pawel presses his fingertips to the bridge of his nose. “Mac. I told you this would be a—”
“It’s like prom for college,” Seth says slowly.
“Yes!” Nikita points both fingers at him. “If you remember what prom was like, it’s exactly like that except for college people in a sorority and there may be more or less drinking depending on what you remember about proms and there are no promposals involved. Inviting a date is pretty low-key. If you’re going out with someone, everyone just assumes you’re going to formal with them. It’s a thing.”
“We’re going,” Seth decides, tone firm enough that Nikolai isn’t going to argue with him. “As long as it’s okay if we dance with each other.” He points between himself and Nikolai.
“You’re trying to turn something awkward into something weirdly romantic, aren’t you,” Nikolai says. It’s not a question, and he’s not surprised when Seth answers it with a kiss instead of words. He feels a little like Nikita’s rolling right over him with this, but Seth’s involvement is kind of cute. He hopes this’ll be good.
“See, I told you they’d do it!” Nikita says cheerfully. “Now we just need to get everyone outfitted. We borrowed clothes from a lot of different people so we can find the best fit, and I’m hoping Nikolai isn’t too skinny for everything we got that’s tall. Nikolai, your date is going to be Trish.” She indicates the girl he doesn’t know, who wiggles her fingers in a small wave at him.
“Hey,” Trish says in a soft drawl. “I’ve been friends with Heather and Mac here since our freshman year when we all pledged together. I promise I don’t bite unless someone asks me to.”
“Don’t scare the boys.” Mac elbows her. “Trish is outgoing but harmless. She’s also a little out of the loop about all the insanity that’s been going on around her, and she claims she’s just happy to do something that lets her see we’re still alive.”
“You say that like I wasn’t worried about you,” Trish counters. When she turns, Nikolai catches a hint of ink on the back of her neck before her hair falls into place over it. “All y’all were just gone.”
Mac sets a hand on her shoulder. “It wasn’t intentional, and if we could’ve warned you, we would’ve. Believe me, gallivanting off to another world wasn’t part of our project plan, either. It’s not like we tried to keep you in the dark.”
“They’ve all got something about saving the world, and me, I just want to make music and fix engines,” Trish says. She pushes her hair back from her face, and it falls in long waves. Her soft drawl sounds low and easy, but Seth tenses. Nikolai guesses from his body language that Trish is hiding a lot of tension of her own. “The formal’s just about having a party, and once we’re there, you can dance with anyone you want. I’m figuring that I’m your date because you’re the tall one, and Mac would need some high heels to be in pictures with you.”
“I’m really glad you switched that to a comment about Mac’s height, not mine,” Seth mutters dryly. “Just because you’re taller than me—”
“And it’s not an actual date, so it doesn’t matter,” Heather says easily. “Come on. We’ve got suits to try on you, and once we’ve got you settled, we’ll figure out the dresses for Mac and Trish.” She glances over her shoulder. “Are you wearing a dress, Trish?”
Trish lifts one shoulder. “I was figuring on it. Usually do, for things like this. I did learn how to be a belle before I learned how to ride a motorcycle.” She flashes a quick grin before that. “Had my arms up to the elbows in truck engines long before either of those things, though.”
“You seem like the folks back home would like you,” Nikolai comments, because he can imagine she’d get along great with Mikhail. Especially if she could help keep the Jeep running. “Everyone does something in Havenhill. We kind of felt a little useless since we never really got the chance to learn skills like fixing engines.”
“It’s never too late to learn.”
Nikolai doesn’t get the chance to respond to Trish as Nikita wraps an arm around his and nudges him toward the stairs. “Heather’s bringing the suits. Come on, let’s get you changed.”
Heather spreads clothes across the bed in Nikolai and Seth’s room. All of it reminds Nikolai of a time when his father sometimes would dress in a suit for work, and when Seth holds a suit up in front of himself, Nikolai sees Seth’s father as well.
Seth turns to look at himself in the mirror. His head tilts, and his brow furrows as he slowly lowers the suit, his fingers crumpling the fabric. “Do you have one that’s lighter?”
“Fabric or color?” Nikita asks. She rifles through the piles and comes up with a suit in soft dove grey out of the ones on Seth’s side of the bed. “Try this one on. It’ll go with just about any dark and bold shirt, too, which gives us loads of options for matching you to Mac.”
“What if I want to match Nikolai?” Seth asks.
Because that was what proms did. Nikolai remembers the movies, with their images of teenagers dancing together in a sea of fanciful gowns and rented tuxedos.
“Then it’s more of a challenge,” Trish says. She leans in the doorway, motions with a hand. “Don’t mind me. I’m here for the suits, not to ogle the boys.”
Nikolai looks to Nikita for help as he points at the door. “Out,” he says. “We aren’t dolls. You don’t need to physically dress us. I’m pretty sure we can figure out how suits work.”
They manage to get the girls out of the room and the door closed, leaving a rumble of voices muffled by the walls between them. Nikolai sifts through the various garment bags and piles of clothing, coming up with a pair of dark grey slacks that seem long enough and while they hang a little loose on his narrow hips, they at least don’t show his ankles and should stay up with a belt. Finding a jacket proves far more difficult; all the ones with arms long enough are also too wide for his shoulders. He finally finds a lightweight jacket that fits through his shoulders even though the sleeves are short; he figures he could roll up the sleeves. Someone might say he’s not dressed right, but at least it’s better than looking like he’s dressing up in a kid’s jacket.
Seth, on the other hand, fits perfectly in the light grey suit. He’s wearing it with just a t-shirt, but even that looks amazing on him. Seth smoothes it down, glancing over at Nikolai worriedly. “I look ridiculous.”
“You look a little like your father,” Nikolai responds. There’s a flash of pain in Seth’s expression, his mouth pressed close and lines tight around his eyes. Nikolai has to step over the few pairs of slacks that have slid off the bed and onto the floor in order to get around to where Seth stands. Nikolai checks the collar, then pulls Seth in for a warm hug, trying to hold him against the painful memories. “And you look great,” he murmurs.
Seth goes lax slowly, releasing tight muscles by inches. When he pulls back, he shifts his grip so that they are standing as if they could be dancing. Seth’s arms are over Nikolai’s shoulders, and Nikolai holds his hands loosely at the small of Seth’s back. Seth hums under his breath and Nikolai starts to sway with him in his arms.
It’s nice.
Voices rise in the hall, and a sharp rap on the door interrupts the moment. “Are you decent?” Nikita calls out.
“It’s safe,” Seth calls back, not bothering to stop swaying to the music in their minds. He touches Nikolai’s cheek and Nikolai bends down so they can stand there, forehead to forehead, almost in their own world.
“Awwww,” Nikita says, and there’s a click in the background. “You guys are so cute. We’re going to have to print out a bunch of pictures for you to take back with you. You should have these memories when you go home.”
It’s the first time she’s referenced them leaving without Nikolai prompting her, and it makes his heart light to hear the words.
“We’ll make a scrapbook, assuming we have enough notice and time,” Heather says. She moves into the room and starts efficiently picking up scattered clothes, folding things neatly and replacing them on hangars. “On the other hand, it’s not like we’ve had a lot of notice before crossing between worlds before, so we’ll have to do our best.”
“Send them to me, and I’ll make sure they get printed,” Trish says. “Sera can send them off to the printer, or I’ll have Soledad take them. Be prepared, right? Just in case y’all get whisked away again.” She steps up close to Nikolai and Seth, and even in her sneakers she’s a bit taller than Seth. She tilts her head at them. “I’d say you both clean up pretty good. I’m guessing no one’s going to let me get away with wearing my favorite orange dress this time, huh?”
“We want to coordinate,” Mac says. “Nikita set the rules. Although I look damned good in yellow, so it’s not entirely out as an option.”
Pawel clears a space on the bed and sits down, distracted by the phone in his hand. He waves at the door. “Mac, Trish, go use my room to get changed and pick out your dresses and find shirts for Nikolai and Seth. I want to talk to Nikolai and Nikita about the Dreamweaver network.”
Heather helps Trish and Mac carry another stack of bags and clothes down the hall to Pawel’s room, closing the door with a click behind them. Pawel’s shoulders drop at the sound, and he gestures at the bed. “Make a space. Sit down and get comfortable.”
“Don’t wrinkle the suits,” Nikita says.
Seth rolls his eyes and neatly piles up the clothes scattered around the room so that he and Nikolai can find a spot to sit on the bed. They lean back against the wall, shoulder to shoulder. Nikita crosses her arms and stays standing by the window.
“Don’t,” Pawel murmurs idly.
“I’m not. I just don’t feel like sitting down, and maybe I’m keeping an eye on the clouds,” Nikita responds. She lifts the curtain, then lets it fall. “I’m under control. Not freaking out at all.”
“Good.” Pawel lowers the phone, pulls his feet up so he can sit cross-legged. “The good news is, I’ve made several contacts around the world who are Dreamwalkers. I’ve been talking to them about what we learned in Nikolai’s world, as well as our theories about creating a network in the Dreamscape between as many Dreamwalkers as we can find.”
“And they all think you’re nuts,” Nikita says, her voice falling soft at the end.
“At first, yes.” Pawel swipes at something on the phone. “The gut instinct reaction was no, which isn’t at all surprising considering the way that Dreamwalkers have interacted in the past in our world. The number of them who have been institutionalized, or who have caused major incidents, is far higher than any other Talent. But as I explained how your Talents have come under control, and how Nikolai’s world handles the Emergence of any Dreamwalker, they began to listen. One noted that she finds that she is less likely to Dream when she is visiting her brother, who married an Empath. Another remembered dating an Empath when he was first learning to deal with his Talent in high school, but they lost track of each other. In fact, every Dreamwalker I have spoken with could recount at least one incident in their life where they were somehow drawn to an Empath, and found that calming.”
“So it isn’t just our world,” Seth says. “This is a truism about our Talents in general.” His fingers link with Nikolai’s, his thumb stroking idly along the side of Nikolai’s hand.
“Exactly. Which means that gathering Dreamwalkers also means gathering Empaths.” Pawel jabs at his phone, then points at Nikolai and Seth, and from Nikita to the door. “And not necessarily any Empaths, but possibly the right Empath. The eleven people to whom I have spoken are all continuing to create the network. Each one is trying to find their Empath—that first instinctive link that they forged—in order to bring them into the conversation. They are also reaching out to the Dreamwalkers they are aware of, which isn’t all that difficult thanks to the meticulous generational records kept by Lineage Dreamwalkers.”
“Just that thought, of Dreamwalkers having a Lineage,” Nikolai muses. He wonders if his life would have been different if he grew up in a family of Dreamers rather than Weather Witches. He can’t imagine life having been any other way, and he wouldn’t trade his brothers for the world.
Pawel goes quiet.
“What?” Nikita asks.
“Did we discuss this before?” Pawel says slowly.
“My parents were Weather Witches,” Nikolai responds just as slowly, not sure where Pawel is going with this line of thought. “You knew that. You’ve met my brothers.”
“And Nikita is from a family of Weather Witches as well,” Pawel points out. “You are mirror images. I thought that was why—”
“No,” Seth says curtly, cutting Pawel off. “You said that here there are Lineage families of Dreamwalkers, but another one is rarely born into the family while one is already there, so it skips a generation or more, right? So that’s how your world adapted to the need to find that anchor. For us, it’s Emergent, but everyone knows about it. Which might be easier, because we have really strong, established networks to help each Dreamwalker find an Empath who will work with them as soon as one is needed. My family moved to help bring me closer to Nikolai after we met and they knew we’d work well together. But we don’t have families of Dreamwalkers, latent or otherwise. They just happen.”
It doesn’t sound all that different to Nikolai, and he suspects that it could just be different ways of looking at the same thing. Either way… “I don’t think it matters how we manifest our Talents,” he says. “What matters is getting everyone stable enough that we don’t have the kinds of problems that your Dreamwalkers are prone to.”
“No surprise ice storms or absorbing the east coast into the Dreamscape,” Nikita says.
Pawel laughs dryly. “Essentially, yes. I’m sending an invitation to all of you to join a chat that I’ve set up for everyone as our network grows. I’d like you to begin to get to know each other, and Nikolai, as you and Del seem to have more experience within the Dreamscape itself, I’d like it if you could start discussing theory with everyone. In the end, we will need to have our network manifest within the Dreamscape, and make a connection to the Dreamwalkers of your world.”
“Who are hopefully creating a network in our absence.” Nikolai can’t be sure that anything’s happening there, not after how Alia felt about the way they had endangered Havenhill. “We have no way of getting through to them right now.”
“Not easily, no,” Pawel admits. “We may need to find a way to make regular forays into the Dreamscape in order to search for them, and hope that they reach out in a similar manner. Much like the Technopaths seeking each other across the networks.”
“More Dreaming,” Nikolai says softly, and Seth squeezes his hand. Nikolai holds on tightly, because he’s going to need his anchor if that’s what’s expected of him.
The door down the hall slams open, footsteps and chatter approaching quickly. Nikita claps her hands as Trish appears in the doorway. Her dress is off one shoulder, the fabric seeming to cross her chest like a bathing suit top first, then another strip that goes over the shoulder. The skirt falls away below, clinging until her hips where it flares out slightly. And it is, indeed, orange, a blend of that and black in an almost tie-dye pattern that shimmers as she moves.
Mac squeezes into the room past Trish, her own dress closer to yellow than orange, but still similar in color to Trish. It’s a less striking dress, just a simple cut with a skirt that swirls around mid-calf when she walks, but it looks good with her build. Mac holds out two ties that are close enough that they match the two dresses. “White shirts,” she says. “Ties will match, and let’s get some pictures now so that our sisters can approve.”
“Your friends have to approve?”
“Not approve. It’s just.” Heather spreads her hands. “Formal tends to be a collective thing. It’s very social.”
Nikolai takes the tie from Trish and stares at it uncertainly. He has never worn one, and barely remembers his father wearing one, and the thought of it sounds uncomfortable.
“Come here.” Pawel gestures, and Nikolai hands him the tie. Pawel frowns, gesturing at the t-shirt, but Nikolai doesn’t have anything else. In the end, Pawel simply puts the tie around his own neck, ties it with quick efficiency, then loosens it in order to hand it to Nikolai. He does the same for Seth.
Nikolai feels a little silly standing there in a t-shirt, suit, and tie, but Seth looks almost the same so it isn’t all bad. Nikita places them in front of the window together, and Mac stands on Seth’s other side, and Trish presses close to Nikolai. As Nikita takes pictures, Trish and Mac get progressively sillier, until Nikolai can’t help but laugh as well.
The last picture has Trish pretending to push him into Seth’s arms, while Mac does the same with Seth, and Nikolai doesn’t want to resist so he gathers Seth close and kisses him again.
“I think we’re all set for formal.” Heather tucks her phone back into her pocket.
“Nikita, catch Heather up on what we discussed,” Pawel says, and just like that, the atmosphere is charged and serious. “Please spend some time looking through the chat and getting to know the people I’ve managed to pull together so far. This is going to require a group effort.”
A faint hint of concern in the air, masked as soon as Seth sidles close again.
“That’s a problem for later,” Mac says, pushing between them. “Heather, Nik, get all this stuff back out to the truck. Seth and Nikolai, you can hold on to your suits, and I’ll make sure someone brings over shirts for you before the formal tomorrow. Trish, let’s get changed and get out of here. Pawel deserves a little peace and quiet.” She gives him a stern look. “He needs a chance to relax since he’s obviously been working hard on world-saving problems all day.”
“I’m not—” Pawel cuts off, his hands in the air. “Fine. We’ll relax.”
“Do I need to come back inside and make you watch movies after you call your son?” Mac asks.
Pawel wavers.
“He’s going to disappear into his room and keep researching,” Seth points out. “We’re interested in the movies, if the offer is open.”
“We’ll all watch movies. Just let us get this out of here first, then you guys can get changed.” Mac shoves a pile of clothes into Nikita’s arms. “That includes you, Pawel. Go downstairs and call Conor, then order some Thai. I’m in the mood for noodles.”
Nikolai’s phone pings, and he glances at the screen reminding him that he has an email from Pawel with a link to go look at. He leaves it lying on the stand, ignoring it.
Most of the time everyone looks to Pawel as a leader, but right now, he likes that Mac is taking charge. The network might mean getting home, or it might mean making everything worse. Maybe one night off will help make it easier when he dives into that chat and starts meeting Dreamwalkers from around the world. Later. That is definitely something for later tonight.
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crowkingwrites · 6 years
The Perfect After Party
Pairing: Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Request:  Could you pleas3 do a part two of perfect prom night? (Anon)
Words: 2214  // [Ao3 Link] 
>> PERFECT PROM NIGHT HERE <<  (Ramsay Bolton Masterlist)
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Night became blurry when the lights started to flash on you and your crown. Nothing could make this night any better. Robb slowly dancing with you in your perfect dress, lights flashing to get a picture of Westeros High’s new prom queen, but the best part of it all was that this moment was every bit of what you worked for. You soaked it all in, letting the fame and popularity wash over you.
Once the music stopped, Robb placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. His crown nudged yours. Both of you giggled at the small, but lovely moment.
Soon, prom would be over, but the night was just beginning. You started to get invites to after parties, house parties, hotel room parties, and anywhere a lucky girl could go on prom night in the big city. With a glowing face and a big smile, you walked over to your friends Jon and Ygritte.
“Everybody has an after party! Where should we go?” you asked them. They sheepishly looked at each other and then to you.
“Well, we—
“We had plans, Y/N,” Ygritte took over. You blinked, but then you remembered what Ygritte told you.
“Oh, that’s right. You guys have a room. Upstairs, yeah?” you nodded. They nodded back to you. “Right. I’m sorry.”
“No! Don’t be!” Ygritte reached out to hug you. “You have so many parties to even go to. I mean, you won’t miss us. You’re Prom Queen!”
“You’re right! I am Prom Queen!” you laughed out loud and adjusted your pretty gold crown on your head. You smiled at both of them. “Have fun tonight, ok?”
“We will,” Jon nodded, looking longingly at Ygritte. Before you left the couple alone, Ygritte reached out to your hand. She put a sealed letter inside of it.
“What’s this?” you asked.
“Open it when you’re ready. That’s all I can say,” Ygritte hugged you once more before you went off. The letter felt heavier than you thought. It didn’t matter. You tucked it inside your clutch as best you could and linked arms with Robb again who was laughing with Theon Greyjoy.
“And that’s all he said?” Robb tried to cover his mouth before he guffawed. “I’m tellin’ you! That was all he could manage to say, the poor fucker! Oh! Hello, Y/N. Or should I say, my queen?” Theon bowed to you dramatically. You played along.
“Thank you, dear subject. In this new kingdom, I dub you, Lord Theon Greyjoy, High Duke of the Seas.”
“Why, thank you, my lady, it would be an honor,” Theon kissed your hand playfully. You always told yourself that you’d give Theon a shot one day, but that day never came with Ramsay as an ex and Robb, Mr. Perfect Boyfriend. Still, his smile was infectious.
“They just invited us to come over to the beach mansion,” Robb casually said. You almost spit out your drink.
“THE Beach mansion? The sixty million dollar one?! But your dad—
“He’s off fucking some Euro whore,” Theon answered.
“Your sister—
“Is having the same fucking party,” Theon smiled big. “Biggest fest you can find. So, are you in or are you out?” The next thing anyone could remember that night is taking a big party bus crammed with horny and ready-to-party teenagers to the Greyjoy Mansion. You couldn’t care less if this place was two hours away from your house. Who gave a fuck? This was a party of a lifetime.
You planned to get trashed.
When you exited the bus with a shit load of other Greyjoy friends, you all stampeded to get inside the insane mansion. You could already hear kickass bass coming from the house. Different colored lights moved to the beat on the first floor. One of Yara’s college friends puked on the lawn. Another one stumbled to you and Robb.
“Ay, you one of those prom kids?” she said, giggling. “You’re so cute in your hat!” You watched her tumble down into the lawn, laughing.
“I want what she’s having,” you mentioned to Robb. You both went inside and saw the complete chaos this party already turned into. People were drinking from multiple jungle juice buckets. You smelled the marijuana in the air along with the cigarettes to cover it up. To the left, you saw Yara and the DJ leading an entire room of people to mosh inside the first living room.
To the right, you watched more people bounce and dance away to music and then a group of college guys holding up a freshman to drink an entire keg. Theon and Robb trotted over to join them. You caught a peek of the freshman’s six pack and another peek at his frat tattoo. You rolled your eyes. Not that impressive.
Robb passed you a cup of the jungle juice. “Here, drink it!” “Isn’t this basically poison?” you pointed at it.
“You said you wanted to get fucked up, right?” Robb winked at you. “You’ll be fine. Come on, drink it!”
You let the juice slide down your throat and you felt the burn along with it. You shook your head around, letting the burn settle. You felt invincible. You joined in on the mosh in the living room immediately. The bass vibrated the walls while you jumped up and down with everyone else. You sang-song the lyrics and felt your purse jumping up and down with you.
You grabbed onto the clutch’s chain. The letter. You check and there it was. Tucked inside and partially folded. Something in your gut said it was important. You dipped out the living room and explored the second level of the mega-mansion. You started to hear moaning from different bedrooms in the house. You could’ve sworn you watched Ros and Theon tumble together before the door closed behind them.
Opening a door slowly, you checked to make sure no one was using the bedroom you entered. It was dark and quiet. Once you flipped the switch, you found no one there. Just another fancy guest bedroom. This one had a glass wall that looked towards the ocean. The sky and water seemed to go on forever. You almost wanted to swim in it.
No, you were still too sober. You reminded yourself to get another drink.
You tucked your whole clutch into an empty drawer and made your way back to the first floor. You found Robb being lifted by the same college boys to drink a part of the keg. His suit jacket was gone, but the crown was miraculously on his head. You took another drink from a Northern friend, Jeyne Poole. Both of you drank it quickly because both of you didn’t want to deal with a slow burn in your throats.
Still, all of the alcohol seemed to hit you at once. It felt like a shot in the dark. Quick, out of nowhere, and now you had the energy and will to do almost anything. Jeyne took your hand to the backyard where you saw Viserys Targaryen playing with his band. He sang punk songs into the mic while people jumped into the pool with or without their clothes. Jeyne took off her prom dress and cannonball into the pool with her underwear on.
It was one night. What could one night do?
So, you made quick work on your own dress and jumped into the pool with her straight afterwards. The cold water shook your skin and body awake, but you’ve never felt more alive in your whole life. You thought you felt Jeyne’s lips on yours, but that may have been a floatie in the pool. As you stumbled out, you jammed along with the rock song Viserys and his guys played.
Your feet jammed and danced until you almost stumbled when someone caught you.
“Ay, now. You alright?” Yara held you. You rubbed your face and smiled. “I’m fiiiiiiiiine,” you giggled. “You’re the best big sister ever, Yara.”
“Oof, you are drunk, sweet girl,” Yara guided you away from the pool and into the house away from people. Another girl followed you into Yara’s bedroom. Yara sat you down on the bed while you fell over laughing.
“She ok?” the other girl asked.
“She’s one of my little brother’s friends. She’s fine. Can she borrow some of your clothes, Mel? I think she threw off her prom dress somewhere,” Yara explained. You faded out for a moment until you felt warm clothes against your skin. Mel gave you a cut off Led Zeppelin shirt that showed more of your belly than the band logo. You had comfy pajamas pants and fuzzy socks. Life felt amazing.
“Oh my gosh! These socks are so cute!” You squealed.
“Oh, she’s drunk,” Mel said. She climbed on the bed and offered you some water. You sucked away at the bottle like a baby. The cold liquid felt good down your throat, but you didn’t want to stop partying.
“I want to go partyyyyy,” you whined. Mel looked at Yara. She shrugged.
“Let her go, she’ll have more. This is Prom Night. Do you remember our prom night?” Yara winked at Mel. Mel smirked and let you leave the room. You stumbled your way back to the first floor again to find everybody filling the house with house music. You let your body dance to the beat and you closed your eyes.
Dancing to the music felt good as if the beat and your heart followed the same rhythm. You didn’t want it to stop. You let your eyes flutter open for a moment, and you wish you hadn’t. In the corner, there was Jeyne and Robb kissing away at each other both slipping their drinks on themselves.
You felt upset at first. You wanted nothing more to go over there and slap him across the face. Your feet carried you two steps forward when you realized. You weren’t that upset at all. You only dated Robb to hurt Ramsay. Robb only dated you to hurt Jeyne. You shrugged it off, maybe it was better this way. After all, Robb was always so kind to you, but he didn’t love you.
Just like you didn’t love Robb. You never loved Robb. You’ve only loved one guy.
An idea struck you like a chord. You carried yourself all the way upstairs and back to the same room you hid your clutch. This time, you heard moaning on the other side. You whispered a quick ‘fuck’ to yourself before you had some major decision-making to do.
Either one, you sit outside the door and wait till whoever was in there was done. Or two, you barged in there, grabbed your clutch, and made a quick leave. Before an angel or a devil found themselves on your shoulder, you remembered your stepmom’s advice. “Whatever you do tonight, just remember, what would make for a better story?” She winked after she told you that. She wasn’t your real mom, but hell she should be. You mustered up any kind of courage you had in your body. Your hand hovered over the doorknob as you heard the moans and grunting get louder. Your hand grabbed the doorknob.
You twisted it and went in. You heard shrieks and several variations of ‘who the fuck are you?’. You pretended to not see the aroused penis as you reached in the drawer and sped out of the room. The door slammed behind you, and all you could do was laugh. Yes, this would make a much better story indeed.
You led yourself upstairs to the 3rd floor where you heard practically no one, but the deck was open for all. You found yourself in a quiet corner of it. The ocean waves went back and forth steadily. The letter was still sealed and bent in some places. When you opened it, you saw familiar handwriting staring back at you.
Hello Sweetling,
By the time you’re reading this, I expect that you had a wonderful evening. You got everything you ever wanted. The perfect dress. The perfect date. The crown. You have it all. And I’m happy for you. It may not look like it, but I am.
I know my behavior recently has been awful. Really, your little plan worked. I can’t stand to see you with anyone else but me. Ever since I set my eyes on you, you were mine even when you weren’t standing by my side. You are still mine.
You can throw this letter away. You can burn it. I don’t care, but the fact still stands. You’ve never felt the same about anyone. I know how you’re feeling. I see it on your face. Come find me.
Always Yours, Ramsay
There it was. The same beating in your heart you always felt was there. You let your smile stretch for miles. You bit your lip down as you turned to find Ramsay, but he was already there, watching you from the other corner of the deck. Smoke left his mouth and a smile remained afterwards.
You jumped into his arms as held you close to him. A firm kiss was placed your lips before you said anything at all. His hold on you was terrifying, but he was right.
You were his.
Ultimate Tag List (People who wished to be tagged in EVERY work I post.)
@angelicshinigami @sugarwastaken @carilov09 @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @i-theredqueen@sleepylunarwolf  @loki-0fasgard
Ramsay Tag List (People who wish to be tagged in everything Ramsay Bolton related)
@boltonblade  @why-so-red
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Reddie at prom headcanon
—They're already a couple and the losers know it and support them. Richie just wants to stick his head out of the window and tell the world that he's in love with Eddie Kaspbrak and Eddie Kaspbrak loves him back, but Eddie isn't that brave.
—Their whole relationship is based on kissing in the back row at the theatre and holding hands under the table, even though, when they're alone, they're the high school cute couple they wish they could always be.
—So, when everyone starts promposing to their crushes/boyfriends/girlfriends, Richie is desperate for doing the same. He knows Eddie won't say yes, because he's too scared of the whole town finding out about them, but he wants to try anyway.
—He makes all kind of amazing plans. Writing a song, giving him a serenade, putting lots of love letters inside Eddie's locker. But he can't seem to do anything of that. Instead of some fancy scheme, he just goes for it and asks directly (stuttering more than Bill at his worst).
—"So, Eds, you don't really have to say yes. I mean, it'd be awesome if you do, but you don't have to. But if you do, what an insane night you'd have. A limousine and drinks and dancing and... You don't really have to say yes. I'm cool, you know? I could find some hot chick in no time and buy her a... you know, that thing. You know, that thing that girls wear around their wrists at prom. I'd buy her that and..."
—And then he saw Eddie's face.
—"I guess what I'm trying to say is... I could be banging anyone in this town, but I choose to bang you, and I think that means something. Well, honestly... there's no other person who I'd rather go to prom with than you. Not even your mother, and you know how crazy she drives me when she..."
—"Beep beep, Richie"
—Then he smiles and kisses his cheek.
—"I wouldn't go with any other person either."
—And now it's a fact: Richie got himself a hot date for prom.
—Since Ben and him are the only losers which have a date (ignoring Eddie and Beverly; the reasons are obvious), they go and rent their suits together. Even when Richie already chose his outfit and is bored as hell, Ben wants to spend all the day at the store because "he can't find one that doesn't makes him look fat".
—He even has a breakdown about it. He starts crying about how beautiful his girl is and how he doesn't deserves her, and Richie tries to joke his way out of it but soon he realizes how upset his friend really is and it breaks his heart.
—"And Bev is going to wear a white and black stripped dress. What tie will match that and look good on me?", he cries. Richie sits there rubbing his back and telling him it's okay.
—Done with his friend's low self-esteem, Richie reminds him that Bev could have fallen in love for any sport team guy at school, and she could get him, but she wanted to be with Ben. It wasn't about muscles or anything like that, it was because Ben is a cool guy with a heart of gold.
—Finally, Ben gets it. Bev loves him, he deserves her. So he picks a black and white stripped suit to match her dress, he doesn't care how stripes make him look fat, and, honestly? He looks fucking amazing.
—On his side, Richie genuinely tries to rent a limousine, and he has a very specific idea of what he wants. But when he finally finds a flamingo pink shiny limousine, with zebra print seats and even a minibar, it's too expensive and not even taking two part-time jobs he can afford it.
—It's so sad! He had the whole picture in his head. The limo would stop outside Eddie's house and Richie would stick his upper half out the sunroof, with cool sunglasses and a champagne bottle on his hand and a 70's PIMP hat on his head, and would "suavely" say something seductive and witty like "where do I take you tonight, cutie?", letting out a casual and manly giggle.
—Now it's all ruined because he couldn't even get a limo, but Eddie deserves something amazing and he's not giving it up. So, when prom night arrives, Eddie gets out of his house and finds Richie, with a fancy suit and his hair perfectly combed and shining for all the gel used, and a dying cigarette hanging from his lips, leaning against a tandem bycicle.
—Eddie stares in shock as Richie nervously tries to explain himself.
—"Heh, I couldn't get you an actual limo", he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, Eds".
—Eddie is almost crying because he loves his boy so much, so he just walks towards him and takes his hand, comforting him.
—"Don't worry, Rich. I didn't expect you to actually do it". And this, Eddie being playfully mean just to make him feel like this situation is normal and it isn't disapointing his expectatives about the most important night of a teenager's life, is all Richie needs to feel so loved he could die right there.
—What he doesn't know is that Eddie's actually kinda glad he got that bike instead of a limo. He wouldn't want to have a driver staring weirdly at them, and he isn't that into limousines, anyway.
—"My lord...", Richie jokes, gesturing him to get on the back seat.
—"Such a gentleman", Eddie laughs, rolling his eyes.
—They ride in a comfortable silence. Suddenly, Eddie says "you look really good" and Richie almost loses control of the vehicle, but he recovers quickly. "And you're a fucking eye feast, Eds", he answers. Eddie is glad Richie can't see him blushing and just mumbles "don't call me that".
—When they arrive to the prom, they hang out with Ben and Beverly. They look stunning, matching in the most fabulous way. Some people make fun of their outfit choice, but they're in their own world and they couldn't care less about anyone's opinion.
—They drink and talk about how sad it is that the rest of the club couldn't be there. Mike has to work early at the farm next morning, Stan also had a plan for tomorrow and Bill couldn't find a date.
—Bev and Ben's prom picture is the prettiest. They're the most elegant/ridiculous couple. Eddie decides he doesn't want a picture, and Richie respects his desires.
—The four of them dance together. When Come on Eileen plays, Richie and Beverly becone the soul of the party.
—When it's time for the slow songs, Benverly takes over and Reddie realize they can't keep pretending they aren't here together. It's always been about them.
—Eternal Flame. Richie puts his hands on each side of Eddie's waist and Eddie wraps his arms around his shoulders. But the troubles start.
—They're not that used to each other after all. They always try to avoid overly cheesy situations (generally failing without noticing) and laugh them off when they happen. So, here on the dancefloor, holding each other and trying to dance without stepping on each other's feet, they can't help feeling a bit dumb.
—Like, REALLY dumb. So dumb Eddie wants to punch his boyfriend because staring at each other's eyes this way is so weird.
—"Stop staring at me like that, trashmouth".
—"What do you mean?"
—"You know what I mean. You're making that stupid face again."
—"What face?"
—"That face! I don't even know what you're trying to do. It's like... you're kinda smiling but you look serious too. Stop it, you look stupid."
—"I thought I looked good."
—"Now you look stupid."
—"Thanks, Spaghetti-poet, I love you too."
—Eddie blushes and tries hiding his face against Richie's shoulder. But the music is so cheesy and the lights are so low and everyone is watching and... he just can't do it.
—He puts his hands on Richie's chest and gently pushes him back. They both sigh and feel bad because, no matter how much effort they put into their relationship, they'll always be the inmature kids which aren't capable of having what Ben and Bev share.
—"I was trying to hide my laugh too", Richie confesses, amused. "You had that weird face too and I... I totally get it, it's ridiculous."
—Eddie playfully punchs him on the arm and whispers "hey, don't make fun of me".
—"I'm sorry we couldn't make it work", Richie apologizes.
—"It's just a dance, Rich. It means nothing."
—But it's unfair. It's so unfair. Everyone is having a heart-felt moment with their beloved ones, why can't they? The song will end and they'll still be miles apart in the same damned room.
—"Eds, I've got an idea", Richie suddenly smiles. "We can still do the slow dance thing. Turn around."
—"Turn around? How we're gonna slow dance if I give you my back?", Eddie asks, but he does it anyway.
—"You'll see, Romeo", he promises doing the same.
—The song continues and they're back to back. When the singer of Bangles says "close your eyes, give me your hand", Richie hesitantly takes Eddie's hand, and Eddie does the same with the other one.
—They just sway to the rhytm, holding hands without turning back, without seeing each other's face. They're in a forgotten, dark zone of the room, away from the curious eyes. They just lose in the moment, because they deserve happiness.
—"I wish I could kiss you this way", Eddie sighs.
—"Maybe we can."
—Not without some technical difficulties, they manage to throw back their heads over each other's shoulder and, with a small uncomfortable change of angle, they find out they do can kiss that way. Of course it can't take long, but it's a beautiful feeling.
—The fact is, this isn't enough and Eddie finds courage in that, so, when the chorus explodes for the last time, he turns around and roughly makes Richie do the same, smashing their lips together and throwing his arms around his neck again.
—Richie kisses him back and hugs him close, starting to sway again. When they break apart, they keep the position and they put their foreheads together and smile. Still awkward as hell, but that's how they work.
—"I love you too, dickhead", Eddie whispers, and Richie has to fight the impulse of crying or making a stupid joke that ruins the scene.
—They keep dancing that way song after song, until it's time to anounce who are the king and queen of prom. Of course our favourite straight fashion icons win.
—Ben tries to give a speech, but he's nervous and, at last, Bev just takes his hand and lets him know that is not neccesary. They just say thanks and have their very own dance at the center of the dancefloor, "I want to know what love is". Richie hugs Eddie from behind and rests his chin on his shoulder, while they look, proudly, at the happy couple.
—After a while, when they're done with the sappy songs and just want to move on to better things, Reddie and Benverly leave the stage, saying goodbye. Richie takes Eddie home and gives him a kiss that he can keep until the next time they see each other (probably in a few hours), Beverly takes Ben to a fine motel with roses and wine to show him how much she really appreciates him.
—Meanwhile, not very far away from the prom, on a viewpoint that not only allows them to see the school but also lets them listen to the music they're playing inside (In the still of the night, by The Five Satins), Stan, Mike and Bill sit on Stan's car's hood. Mike is in the middle and Stan and Bill are resting their heads on his shoulders, and the three of them have their fingers intertwined and stare to the stars above them. They know this is unacceptable, at least for now, but it doesn't matter. They're having their own prom right here, and as long as they're together, there's nothing about Bev and Ben or Richie and Eddie that they need to envy.
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sadspottedpanda · 7 years
Swipe Right for Awkwardness (FFXV FANFIC) - Ch 1
It's been a long day for Noctis Caelum. He's serious about finishing his education and getting a degree, but he just can't deal with all those long, boring lectures given in consistently monotnous tones by disintersted, bespectacled professors. Aside from that, he has to deal with other students constantly trying to "befriend" him even though they're more interested in his status and money rather than actually getting to know him. Well, except one. "Hey, Noct!" A friendly voice belonging to a handsome, blond, freckled boy with an eccentric hairstyle resembling a chocobo's behind calls out to him. The sight of him brings a smile to Noct's lips. "C'mon, let's get out of here! It's time for our date!" Noctis mouths a quick "sorry" to the group of girls surrounding him as he's pulled away by Prompto Argentum, his best friend and the guy fangirls keep pairing him with like some wishful yaoi OTP. It's not like he minds though, since Prompto's been the only person who sees him as him and not as some privileged rich kid. He feels comfortable with Prompto and their friendship has only grown and deepened since they first met in high school. "Thanks for getting me out of there. You're the best, Prom." Noct says with a grateful sigh. "Couldn't just stand and watch you get mobbed. Last time that happened, I think you almost died!" "Yeah...almost." "Anyway, let's go grab something to eat. We're on a date after all!" "Oh, are we now?" Noctis rolls his eyes and laughs. It's not the first time he and Prompto's gone out on a "date" and he thought nothing more of it than his best friend's way of saying "hey, let's hang out." In all honesty, he thought it was endearing. Prompto never had any real friends either growing up, just like him, and when they first met, they clung to each other through thick and thin. Noctis was just hoping they wouldn't end up drunk and shamelessly displaying their questionable singing abilities on the streets of Insomnia like last time. "Wait, where are you taking me, Prom? Please don't tell me it's another one of those seedy bars you found on Moogle or that overpriced cafe by the station." Noctis groans. "Even better!" Prompto seemed to be very excited, worrying Noctis. His friend had a penchant for finding establishments of debatable quality. "We're almost there!" As Noctis began thinking of possible ways to get him and Prompto out fast if they end up being maligned by some punks in some backstreet pub, Prompto stops and practically squeals. "Isn't it beautiful?!" Noct looks around. They're on the promenade with great views of the ocean. The sun has begun to set and the sky's turning a fiery orange. Noctis thinks, "This isn't too bad. Open skies, a nice breeze, great view, and -" "CUP NOODLE TRUCK!" Prompto's excitied exclamation breaks Noctis' train of thought. "Wait, what?" Noctis is helpless as Prompto drags him to the vehicle reeking of the aroma of seafood, beef, and steam. "This is your idea of a date? That's it, I'm breaking up with you." "Aww, c'mon Noct..." Prompto gives him the most adorable pout ever and Noctis caves in. He has a weakness for cute faces, and Prompto makes the cutest ones. It's unfair. They order two steaming cups and take their places on the edge of a pier. It's a quiet day on the shore and they have the whole pier to themselves. Prompto's busily slurping on his noodles while Noctis takes his time picking out the little bits of vegetables on his. "Hey Prom, this is nice for a change." "What do you mean for a change?!" Prompto looks hurt. "I mean, it's nice not to be drunk for once." Noctis chuckles. "It's just you, me, and...cup noodles." Prompto leans on Noctis. "Romantic, isn't it?" Noctis wraps his arm around his best friend's shoulders. "I guess. We do make a pretty good couple." They sit there quietly watching the sunset as Noctis contemplates on what he just said. He can't deny that he and Prompto could get really intimate at times and it felt natural. Hell, it made him feel good and warm inside. He can't quite explain it, but when Prompto's around, he feels complete and happy. If only he had the courage to tell him he might have a small crush on him, but he pushes the idea to the side. After all, Prompto might not even be interested in him that way. "Hey, Noct. Watcha thinking?" "Huh?" Noctis mind returns to reality and sees Prompto looking at him. "Oh, nothing. I'm just enjoying this thing we're doing." "Same, dude. Never thought I'd actually have a friend like you." "That makes two of us." The sun finally takes its leave for the day, leaving the two illuminated by a dim light from an overhead lightpost. Noctis pokes Prompto, who looks like he's just about to give in to the creeping feeling of sleepiness. "Hey, we better get back. The sun's already down." Prompto groans. "Do we have to? You're like the most comfortable pillow ever." "C'mon" Noctis laughs and playfuly punches Prompto. "I'm not sleeping on the pier tonight, but you're welcome to do that." Noctis pulls Prompto up and they start walking back to the apartment they shared. It was a big, fancy loft occupying the top floors of a nice residential building Regis Caelum - Noctis' dad and the ever-busy president of Lucis Industries - got for him for his 18th birthday. The two boys kick their shoes off in the entryway and Noctis immediately heads for the wide, comfy couch in the living room. Most of the time, he ends up sleeping here even though his room was right up the flight of stairs because he was too lazy to drag himself up. Prompto, on the other hand, either slept in his room or on the floor when he got drunk. Noctis whips out his phone and checks his messages. Nothing much to see except some texts from his dad and Ignis that shared the same topics. Cleaning, laundry, and school. He sighs and locks his phone. Moments later, there's a notification "Hey. Looks like ur close. Wanna do something naughty 2night? ;)" Noctis glances at the stairs before opening the message. It's from a guy on a dating app he uses when he gets...lonely. Hands just don't really work anymore after a few days, so hooks up every now and then with a cute dude. Normally, he does the swiping, but this guy beat him to it. Noctis opens the guy's profile and checks the info. The profile pic is headless, but the slim, lean body that greets him makes his cock stir. It's completely smooth, except for a thin line of blond pubes leading to a significsnt bulge hiding behind a towel. "Maybe. What's under the towel?" The guy replies quickly. "Nothing much." Seconds later, it's followed by a pic of a gorgeous, curved cock. It's been way too long since he's had one of those and he bites his lip. "Can't wait to ride it." Noctis sends a pic of his own gorgeous dick and gets a reply almost immediately. "Damn. Tell u what. I'll ride u if u ride me. Deal?" "Deal. Meet up at the old motel at Ulrich and 12th?" "Cool. How much we splitting?" "I got it. Just show up. Txt u the room number when I get in." "Right. Cya. Will wait for ur txt." Noctis sighs happily and heads to his room to change into something a bit more comfortable. He knocks on Prompto's door and lets him know he's going out. "Hey, Prom. I'm heading out for a bit. Don't wait up for me." The door opens slightly and Prompto's face peeks out from behind. He has a wide grin on his face. "You look happy..." "Got a date. Just waiting for hi - erm - her to reply. Yeah!" Noct raises his eyebrow and laughs. "Did you just tell me you're cheating on me? Haha. Fine. Don't get her pregnant, aryt?" "Hey! It's nothing like that!" "Whatever. Enjoy yourself." Noctis waves at Prompto and leaves for the motel. It's not much to look at from outside, effectively masking its true purpose as a pace where trysts of every kind happen. Noctis opts for just a regular, air-conditioned room though he had choices of themed suites. One of them was a chocobo-themed one and he remembered Prompto. The idea of fucking his best friend suddenly infiltrates his mind and he ends up stiff and wanting. He wasn't opposed to the idea and it's not the first time he's imagined him and Prompto naked and fooling around in bed. "Hey. Still there?" "Yeah. U in already?" "Room 702. Just head on up. Lights out and no talking, ok?" "Y, u scared? Lol." "Nah. I just like it dark. Just slip into bed with me when u get here." "Fine. Be there in 10 mins." Noctis throws off his clothes and settles in under the thin blanket. The AC was doing a damn good job of keeping the room cold, but he won't be cold for long. Just like the guy said, he shows up 10 minutes later. Noct could hear the door open and close followed by the sound of clothes being dropped to the floor. The spot next to him gets warmer as the guy slides in next to him. They lie there awkwardly for a good five minutes before Noctis feels the guy squeezing his thigh gently. "Theres no turning back now..." Noctis thinks to himself before turning towards the guy beside him, feeling him up, and engaging the guy's tongue in a wet, noisy battle with his own.
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